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Reflection Paper on Gender

Often when I am watching a news program and an issue with gender is being discussed, I

ask myself “Why is this even an issue? Just build a gender-neutral restroom!” Since taking this

course and reading and viewing the videos this week, I now take a step back and ask why we

would even have a need to build a separate restroom?

Audrey Mason Hyde stepped on stage and I immediately wondered what this boy had to

say about gender. As soon as Audrey spoke, I knew why. What I perceived to be a boy was

biologically a girl. As she spoke of the challenges she faced, I began focus in on why she was

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feeling the way she did enough to get on stage at TED.

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People assume what gender someone is by the way they look every day. In many places
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across the world if a person is wearing a dress, they are a woman. If they are wearing a pair of

slacks, a button up dress shirt with a tie, they are assumed to be a male. Audrey spoke about the
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challenges she faces with the assumptions people make and the reaction to her going to the
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restroom. She explained the confrontation had with being told she was in the wrong bathroom As
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Audrey concluded her TED talk, she asked revisited a question she asked at the beginning of her
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talk ”Why does it matter to you what gender I am?”. On the surface and in many instances in life

it does not matter what gender you are. When I think about my ideas prior to reading the articles

and viewing the videos, I can clearly see that it honestly did not matter to me much when I heard

stories in the news about gender. I personally do not treat someone different base on the way they

look but as simple as this may sound; this week I learned to be more sensitive to people’s

emotions and their challenges when it comes to gender before I make a my own judgements or

dismiss them altogether. Understanding this will certainly improve the way I interact with people

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at work and in life in general making sure I am respectful of the way they want to be addressed

and treated.

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