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Bruce Cruikshank©
9 September 2018

Established as a pueblo independent from La Graja on 7 January 1875; became an independent

parish in 1894-95.1 An 1879 report observed that the new pueblo was created out of visitas
previously subordinate to La Granja, namely Pinonayan, Barobaybay, and Soyan.2 The request
had been initiated by Pinonayan’s cabezas de barangay citing distance from La Granja and
requisite size to be a pueblo. The petition noted that the Visita of Pinonayan posee hermozos
terrenos de plantios de Palay y abaca y otros sembradas que con abundancia se producen en su
termino. Tiene ya concluida una espaciosa casa Real de tabla, y casa parroquial é Yglesia de
nipa.3 Pinonayan signatories were Feliciano Adriatino, Alfonso Ebran, Vicente Albañes, Julian
Domagtay, Eulogio Martires, Raymundo Tarraya, and Gregorio Esplana. Three signed from
Barobaybay (Feleciano Martires, Domingo Erino, and Gregorio Vidal), one from Locjan
(Mariano Policarpio), and two from Mamban (Estanislao Espela and Eustaquio Periores). The
Spanish governor noted (20 May 1875) that the tributarios for the new pueblo of Lavezares were
up to 455 tributos; and he expected it to go up by at least another 100 “since many others want to
live in that pueblo.”

AFIO, 96/28. Informe sobre la Vicaria del Norte de Samar, relación de Catarman, Catubig,
Lavang [sic], La Granja, Pambujan, Lavezares, Mondragon, Bobon, Palapag y Capul. Manila,
27 octubre 1898. Statements of to whom churches turned over to when Franciscans had to flee
due to the Philippine Revolution.
Lavezares, left á cargo del Capitan Municipal.

“Segun extracto del informe y declaracion del Municipio y principales de este pueblo, la
Iglesia y Convento, con todos sus enseres y alhajas, fueron incendiadas en tiempo de la guerra,
ascendiendo el importe total á … $20,383.”4
Cruikshank, Samar: 1768-1898, 268. Also see Pastrana Ntbk, p. 39v, no notes, AFIO, 95/45. Decreto del Obispo
al Provincial creando la parroquia de Lavezares. Cebu, 25 octubre 1894.
AHN, Ultramar, Legajo, 5238, 1879 f#107. Maniban was initially requested for the new pueblo but was deemed to
be too distant from the new población.
Cruikshank, Spanish Franciscans in the Colonial Philippines, 1578-1898, vol. 1, 339: Fiesta for the Titular Saint,
16 or 22 August, depending on source; titular saint is Our Lady’s Assumption.
Catálogo de las Reclamaciones que por Daños y Perjuicios inferidos a la Iglesia Católica de Filipinas presenta al
Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América el Arzobispado de Manila y los Obispados Sufragáneos (Manila: Imp.


Gobernadorcillos, Lavezares

1899 Señor Lucio Flores, 3 January 1899

1898 Guía Don Lucio Flores

1897 Guía Don Lucio Flores

1896 Guía Don Eulogio Mártires

1895 Guía Don Eulogio Mártires

1894: Don Feliciano Adriatico5

1894 Guía Don Feliciano Adriático

1883: Don Alfonso Ebron [sic]6

1893 Guía Don Feliciano Adriático

1886: Don Alfonso Tabron or Don Alfonzo Lebron

1884: Don Alfonso Ebron7

1855: n/a

1844: n/a

1842: n/a

Population and Tribute Figures for Lavezares

Please see the Introduction for sources and a guide to discussions of caveats and limitations of
these data.

de “El Mercantil,” 1903), 190 pp.; here, p. 95. The values are in pesos even though the book uses the dollar sign.
PNA, Elecciones de Gobernadorcillo, Samar. Unnumbered Legajo, 1892-97. 1894.
PNA, Provincia de Samar, Unnumbered Legajo, 1841-1893. 1872-1884.
PNA, Provincia de Samar, Unnumbered Legajo, 1841-1893. 1883-1884.



1866 not listed not listed
1867-68 not listed not listed
1869 not listed not listed
1876 (Censo) 494 2,543
1879 (1879 Guía) 494 [sic] 2,543 [sic]
1884-85 not listed not listed
1885A n/a data combined with that of La Granja
1885B n/a 2,960
1886 (1886 Guía) no entry given no entry given
1886 (AFIO, 78/1) n/a 2,960 [sic]
1886 (Estado … Diócesis de Cebú)) n/a no entry
1887A n/a 2,960 [sic]
1887B n/a 3,347
1887C n/a 3,347
1889 (AFIO, 78/1) n/a 3,268
1890 (1890 Guía) n/a 2,886
1891 (1891 Guía) n/a 3,272
1892 (AFIO, 78/1) n/a 3,502
1892 (1892 Guía) n/a 3,394
18938 n/a 3,268 [sic]
1894 n/a 4,032
1895 n/a 3,071 [sic]
1896 (Estado General) n/a 3,380
1896 (Report) n/a 3,316


Population and Tribute Figures for Lavezares

PNA. “Memoria,” Samar. 1893.


Parish Priest Listing, Lavezares, 1897-1898

Please see the Introduction for more information on sources and caveats regarding this data.

5 June 1897: P. Fr. Severino Páramo

[1898]: ditto

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