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Categoría Abrevia
Definición Ejemplo Ejemplos del alumno
Gramatical ción
Verbo Caminar comer escribir leer
verb (v) Words that express action or state of being Walk eat, write read
Sustantivo (s) Casa libro Maria felicidad
Words that are used to name any person,
noun (n) House book Mary happiness
place, animal, plant, idea, event.
Adjetivo Nuevo Viejo hermosa Grande
Any word that is used to describe a noun or
Adjective (adj) New old beautiful large
a pronoun
Adverbio Rápidamente verdaderamente
Any word that modifies a verb, adjective or
Adverb (adv) Quickly really
another adverb
Preposición En entre hasta con
These are words that specify a location or
location in time. They show the relationship
Preposition (prep) On in between until with
of a noun or pronoun with some other
words in a sentence
Pronombre Yo mío nosotros
These are words that we use in place of
Pronoun (pron) I me we
Conjunción Y o pero mientras
That part of speech which joins words,
Conjunction (con) And or but while
phrases or clauses together
Interjección ¡Auch! ¡No! ¿De verdad?
Words that express strong emotions are
Interjection (interj) Ouch! No! Really?
called interjections
Artículo Un/una el/la/los/las
Articles identify a noun as general (a tree) or
Article (art) a/an the
specific (the tree)

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