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8 травня 2020 рік | Одеса, Україна | Молодіжна наукова ліга

Polina Shevtsova, Higher Education Applicant of the Law Department
Dnipropetrovs’k State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine
Scientific Adviser: Inna Kozubai, senior Lecturer of Social and Humanities Chair
Dnipropetrovs’k State University of Internal Affairs,Ukraine



The relevance of the research topic is because the current situation shows the ambiguous
situation regarding the organization of education during the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus
disease. Particular attention needs to be paid to the analysis of foreign language distance learning.
Learning a foreign language is becoming a necessary part of the life of every modern person who
is focused on improving their value in the labour market, improving their communication skills
and expanding their outlook. The phenomenon of long-term isolation has a particular impact on
the psychological aspects of people's lives and the results of their educational process.
Insufficient scientific elaboration of a certain topic is reflected in the current legislation,
organization of conducting distance learning and inconsistency of existing tools with the real
needs of students. Another problem is the low level of self-discipline and self-organization among
the students which leads to bad results in the field of distance learning.
Reviewing these issues, we should study the organization of the educational process during
emergencies. Among domestic and foreign scientists and other educational figures, whose
attention is focused on a particular topic, we should mention A. Duce, F. Lapiy, O. Severenchuk,
M. Popadyuk, T. Tkachenko, O. Pasichnyk, S. Gorbachev, H. Ferguson, E. Voychytsky,
I. Primachenko, K. Timmers, F. Tuscany and others.
The beginning of 2020 was marked by the global pandemic of a coronavirus disease which
impact should not be underestimated. The existence of a pandemic makes its adjustments to the
ordinary life of citizens. It is influenced by both the global economy and other equally important
areas. The issue of organization of the educational process needs not the least attention among
others because the quality of its implementation depends on the direct implementation of modern
tools and current methods of functioning of educational needs in emergency conditions.
For a comprehensive consideration of the problem of organizing a distance learning process
in a foreign language, we should consider the situation with distance education in general.
One of the leading experts in the field of education A. Douce notes that distance learning in
crisis conditions is difficult at all stages of its implementation. It is important to avoid identifying
the concept of “homeschooling” with what is happening in Ukraine now. According to A. Douce,
it is impossible to achieve a complete and high-quality transfer of educational programs to the
online space. The problem is unequal opportunities for teachers and students alike. The gaps in
access to education, problems with the lack of gadgets, the difficulties that arise with the social
and media services are obstacles to the quality of distance education. If we consider these issues
in the context of crisis conditions, everything is complicated three times. The closure of the
quarantine educational institutions has the greatest impact on vulnerable sections of the

Розвиток суспільства та науки в умовах цифрової трансформації | Том 4

population. Reproducing the social structure of educational institutions in distance learning is

challenging for every educator. Another problem is called "burnout phenomenon" among
educators. A large number of tutors do not have sufficient skills at working with online distance
education tools and must study appropriately in the context of an emergency. Psychological
pressure and imperfection of teaching conditions have a significant impact on teachers, whose
responsibility in times of emergency increases several times [1].
Another problem is the issue of self-discipline during the quarantine. A well-known
journalist and teacher E. Voychytsky, who is the speaker of the National Anti-crisis Online-
EdCamp with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, notes that self-
discipline, organization of workspace, availability of psychological support for each other and
responsible approach to the organization of training are effective tools that guarantee qualitative
knowledge and skills during distance education. Only without losing optimism and adapting to
the challenges of today can one survive the pandemic without losing knowledge and psychological
stability. Isolation is a difficult test for every person, but it is important to understand the
responsibility to oneself and the desire to spend time productively [2].
Organizing distance learning is a challenge for the education system in general. The expert
on the integration of IT-technologies into the educational process O. Pasichnyk notes that distance
education is a system of experimental techniques with imperfect results. These techniques need
improvement and refinement every time. Adaptation of modern methods of distance education to
the general needs is a difficult step for every element of the education system [3].
Given the opinions of experts outlined above, it can be concluded that distance education is
a crisis in their nature. It needs constant adaptation to the changing realities of the present. The
learning conditions of a pandemic coronavirus disease is a real challenge for educators and
students. Distance foreign language learning needs much more attention because it is on the
distance that students need not only the full assistance of the teacher but also a high level of self-
The organization of foreign language learning is becoming a challenge for students who
need special attention from teachers and a separate approach to learning in general. The use of
modern communication tools is intended to solve the accompanying problems and ensure a
constant connection between the teacher and the class.
The positive aspect of distance education, particularly in a foreign language, is the real
opportunity to take advantage of the sheer amount of online resources that will improve the
student's overall communication skills. Currently, many useful services will help you make the
learning process both qualitative and technological. Among such services are Zoom, Classtime,
Google Classroom, Learningapps, Moodle and many others. It is worth mentioning a large number
of lectures and useful webinars in the open access, among them «EdEra», «Prometheus»,
«Wisecow», «ВУМonline», «ДІЯ. Цифрова Освіта» and so on. It is impossible to ignore the
existence of useful blogs on the Internet, through which you can master any skill on a free basis.
Learning a foreign language during quarantine should become a mass phenomenon for everyone
interested in self-development and the rational time using during isolation.
In conclusion, we need to pay attention to solving problems of the educational process, in
particular, foreign language issues. In the time of a global pandemic, the world faces the need for
distance. Modern tools designed to solve practical problems of distance learning realizes the
possibility of high quality and interesting interactive educational process in isolation. Foreign
language is one of the most important parts of studying in the time of globalization and integration
of Ukraine into the European space. The self-discipline of students and the competent approach
of teachers should work in symbiosis to ensure the acquisition of quality knowledge and skills

8 травня 2020 рік | Одеса, Україна | Молодіжна наукова ліга

during the quarantine. Consideration should be given to a large number of online resources that
will be useful for distance learning in a foreign language.

1. Thinking about Pedagogy in an Unfolding Pandemic. (2020). Retrieved from
2. Що чекає на освіту після пандемії коронавірусу і як підтримати вчительство у цей період:
антикризовий Національний онлайн-EdCamp. (2020). Retrieved from
3. Як технічно організувати дистанційне навчання – покрокова інструкція Нової Української
Школи. (2020). Retrieved from


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