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Jl. ……………



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 8 (Delapan))
Hari, tanggal : ………………………………….
Waktu : ………………………………….

The text is for question1.

Ana : Look! What is the chef doing?
Edo : He is preparing ingredient.

1. The underlined sentence above asking that ... .

A. will happen
B. happen everyday
C. happened at the past
D. is happening at present
The text is for question 2.
Aida : Please be quiet. I … (2) to concentrate.
Sinta : Okay, we’ll move to the next room.

A. try
B. tries
C. tried
D. am trying

The text is for questions 3 and 4.

Andi : What’s your brother doing?
Bobi : … (3)
Andi : Really? What school?
Bobi : Mission Campus.
Andi : …? (4)
Bobi : He’s studying computers.

3. …
A. He is going to school.
B. He is studying at home.
C. He is doing his homework.
D. He is going home from school.

4. …
A. Is he studying?
B. What is he doing?
C. What is he studying?
D. Does he like studying?

5. Arrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.

studying – is – become – he – a – to – dentist

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 4 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 7
B. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 7
C. 5 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3
D. 5 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1

The text is for question 6.

Yudi : …? (6)
Raha : Maybe he needs help.

6. ...
A. Is the man waving to us?
B. Why is the man waving to us?
C. How is the man waving to us?
D. When is the man waving to us?

7. Arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence.

her – is – Farah – front – sitting – in – friends – of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 3–5–2–6–4–8–1–7
B. 3–2–5–6–4–8–1–7
C. 3–2–5–4–8–6–1– 7
D. 3–2–6–5–8–4–1– 7

The text is for question 8.

Yadi : Look at the man! What is he doing?
Rahma : He is waving to us, may be he needs some help.

8. The underlined expression is used to ask about an activity that ...

A. is happening
B. is going to happen
C. happened in the past
D. will happen in the future

9. Arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence.

they – why – their – are – me – pointing – to – finger?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 2–1–4–6–3–8–7–5
B. 2–3–8–4–6–5–7–1
C. 2–3–8–1–4–6–7– 5
D. 2–4–1–6–3–8–7– 5

The text is for questions 10.

Miss Erita : Do you know why this classroom is empty?
Alya : All the students are in the school yard, Ma’am.
Miss Erita : What are they doing?
Alya : ..., (10) Ma’am.

10. ...
A. They had Physical Education.
B. They have Physical Education.
C. They are having Physical Education.
D. They were having Physical Education.

11. Arrange the following expressions into a meaningful dialogue.

1) Tom : No, my Mum usually takes him to my grandparents but they are playing golf
2) Tom : OK
3) Tom : I’m looking after my little brother. My Mum got a new job and she works on
4) Ben : Oh, well. I am not doing anything so I’ll come over. We can play football with
your brother.
5) Ben : Hi Tom. I’m bored. I’m sitting in my room and there’s nothing to do. What are
you doing?
6) Ben : Do you look after him every Saturday?

A. 5–3–6–1–4–2
B. 5–2–6–3–4–1
C. 6–3–4–1–5–2
D. 6–2–4–3–5–1

12. Arrange the following expressions into a meaningful dialogue.

Nina is at Ridwan’s home.

1) Nina : Some story books.
2) Nina : No problem.
3) Nina : What is your sister doing?
4) Nina : Ridwan, what are Doni and Alex doing?
5) Ridwan : Wow, that’s very nice. May I borrow two of them.
6) Ridwan : They are playing games.
7) Ridwan : She is reading a novel. What are you bringing, Nina?

A. 4–6–2–5–3–7–1
B. 4–6–3–7–1–5–2
C. 4–7–2–5–1–3– 6
D. 4–7–1–2–5–3– 6

The text for question 13.

Sheila : Heloo, this is Sheila. May I speak to Afif?
Afif : This is Afif speaking.
Sheila : Oh, hi Afif. What are you doing right now? I wonder if you’d like to come to my
house. We’re having a great party.
Afif : I’m doing my homework. My parents won’t let me out before I finish my homework.
Sheila : That’s alright.
Afif : I hope you enjoy your party. Bye.
Sheila : Bye.

13. The underlined expression is used to ... .

A. invite Afif to go to Sheila’s party
B. invite Afif to come to Sheila’s house
C. ask about Afif’s activity in progress
D. ask about Afif’s condition at present

14. Arrange the words into a meaningful sentence.

are – to – going – the – they – to – groceries – market – buy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 4–7–5–9–1–3–2–4–8
B. 4–8–5–3–6–1–2–9–7
C. 5–1–2–9–7–3–6–4– 8
D. 5–1–3–6–4–8–2–9– 7

The text is for question 15.

Vita : Hi, Liz! How are you getting in your new job?
Liza : Not bad. It wasn’t so good at first, but things ... (15) better now.

15. ...
A. get
B. got
C. are getting
D. were getting

16. Sinta and her sister are dancing now. They... .for the next week festival.
A. rehearsing
B. do rehearsing
C. are rehearsing
D. are going to rehearse

17. Arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence.

reading – are – any – books – interesting – these – you – days?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 2–7–1–3–5–4–6–8
B. 2–7–5–3–1–4–6–8
C. 7–2–5–6–1–4–3– 4
D. 7–2–1–6–3–5–4– 8

The text is for questions 18 and 19.

Andi : Are you buying clothes?
Beny : No, I’m not. I’m buying groceries.
Andi : ... (18)
Beny : Yes, I am. I’m also buying fruit.
Andi : Is your brother going shopping?
Beny : ... (19) He doesn’t have time.

18. ...
A. You are buying fruit.
B. Are you buying fruit?
C. You are buying vegetables.
D. Are you buying vegetables?

19. ...
A. Yes, he is.
B. Yes, he does.
C. No, he isn’t.
D. No, he doesn’t.

The text is for question 20.

Sinta : How’s your grandmother?
Rani : She’s fine.
Sinta : What is she doing?
Rani : She’s retired.
Sinta : She’s enjoying life.
Rani : Yes, she likes to read a lot.

20. From the text we know that Rani’s grandmother ...

A. is not a retirement
B. doesn’t love reading
C. doesn’t work anymore
D. enjoys her life by working

The text is for questions 21 and 22.

Anita and Maudy are looking for some school bags in Ramai mall.
Anita : Is it the only bagstore around here?
Maudy : No, there’s another one. The name is Canada, if I’m not mistaken it’s in the third
floor. Why don’t we go there?
Anita : OK, let’s go.
Maudy : I think this store just has a few collections, even fewer than the first store we
visited. Look there is another store over there, the name is Italy. Let’s go there.
Anita : Well, I think this store is the biggest one; it has the most collections of all.

21. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. The bag stores.
B. The school bags.
C. The mall named Ramai.
D. The bag store named Canada.

22. The text suggests that ... .

A. Itally has the most collections of all.
B. Canada has more collections than Italy.

C. Itally has less collections than Canada.

D. Canada has more collections than the first store they visited.

The following text is for question 23 and 24.

Rita : Look at that, Jimmy. It’s Emma. She’s jogging, too.
Jimmy : Hi, Emma. Nice to meet you here. Are you jogging?
Emma : Hi, Jimmy, Rita. Nice to meet you, too. Yeah, I always jog here every
Sunday morning.
Rita : That’s great. Are you a fast runner?
Emma : No. I’m not that good. I just run for exercising. How about you, Rita?
Rita : Oh, me too. I’m just accompanying Jimmy exercising here. He will join a
sprint competition. He won the competition last year.
Emma : Oh, really? You are a sprinter, Jimmy. You must be the fastest runner
among the three of us. That’s cool.
Jimmy : Thank you. I’m trying my best to win the competition.

23. The conversation is likely happening in a …

A. park
B. mall
C. school
D. market

24. From the text above we know that …

A. Rita runs faster than Emma.
B. Emma runs faster than Jimmy.
C. Jimmy is the faster runner of all.
D. Emma is the slowest runner of them.

The following text is for question 25 and 26.

Bobi : Hey! Look this bag. How cute it is.
Vita : You are right! But I think this one is cuter than that one.
Bobi : How about the price?
Vita : It’s the most expensive bag here. I think so.
Bobi : Let’s buy the cheaper one.
Vita : Will you buy the cheapest one?
Bobi : No, I won’t. I just want to buy the cute bag, but the price is cheaper than the most
expensive one.
Vita : Okay, let’s ask the seller.

25. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. The cute bag.
B. The cheapest bag.
C. The bag sold in a shop.
D. The most expensive bag.

26. Which bag will Bobi buy?

A. The bag which is cheaper and cuter.
B. The bag which is cute and cheaper than others.
C. The bag which is cute and the most expensive.
D. The bag which is the most expensive and cuter than others.

27. Arrange the following expression into a meaningful text.

1) Yes, I agree with you that Spain is the best place but I am not sure if France is better than Italy. In my
view, Italy is more awesome than France.
2) Well, I visited 3 countries in the world. In my own opinion, France is better than Italy but the most perfect
when I visited Spain.
3) Yups, we have a different opinion, but that’s OK, Lucy.
4) Hi, Tina. How was your vacation experience?
5) Hi Lucy. It was cool. I visited some countries.
6) Wow. That was awesome. So what is the best one?
7) That’s alright, Tina. It’s a nice conversation. See you around, Tina.
8) OK. Have a nice day, Lucy.
9) So do you.

A. 4 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 9 – 8
B. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 8 – 9

C. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 9 – 8
D. 4 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 9

The following text is for question 28 to 30.

Mike : Hi, Celia! How was your trip to the United States?
Celia : It was terrific. I really enjoyed it.
Mike : Great. How long were you away?
Celia : I was there for about three weeks.
Mike : That’s a long time! Was the weather OK?
Celia : Yes, most of the time. But it snowed a lot in Chicago.
Mike : So, what was the best thing about your trip?
Celia : Oh, that’s difficult to say. But I guess I like Nashville the best.

28. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. Mike’s trip to the United States.
B. Celia’s trip to the United States.
C. The weather in the United States.
D. The best thing found in the United Staes.

29. From the text we learn that Celia was in Chicago in … .

A. summer
B. autumn
C. spring
D. winter

30. “That’s a long time! Was the weather OK?”The underlined expression is used to ….
A. tell about the condition in the past
B. ask about the condition in the past
C. tell about something done in the past
D. ask about something done in the past

The text is for questions 31.

Dita : Excuse me, Ma’am. Can I have information about the numbers of the library
visitors today?
Librarian : Of course you can. There are 55 students visiting the library in the first break,
but in the second break there are only 35.
Dita : So in the second break there are fewer students visiting the library than in the
first break.

31. The underlined utterance expresses ….

A. situation of place
B. condition of thing
C. opinion of something
D. comparison of quantity

The text is for question 32.

Amri : Excuse me, please. I’m looking for my bag.
Mr Odi : Is this one yours?
Amri : No, mine is bigger than yours.
Mr Odi : What about this one?
Amri : No, that’s it over there, the one with the lock on it.
Mr Odi : Here you are.
Amri : Thanks.

32. The underlined utterance expresses comparison of ….

A. the quality of thing
B. the quantity of thing
C. the quantity of people
D. the quality of people

The text is for question 33.

Dara : How much money do you have, Sis?
Siska : Rp 50.000,00. And you? How much money do you have?
Dara : … (33) I just have Rp 35.000,00

33. ...
A. Mine is the least of all.
B. Yours is the most of all.
C. Yours is more than mine.
D. Mine is as much as yours.

The text is for question 34.

Andi : Do you know that … (34) in our class than in Yunita’s classroom.
Nova : Yeah, I know that, Yunita told me that she has two new friends.

34. ...
A. there are more students
B. there are fewer students
C. there are the most students
D. there are as many students as

The text is for question 35.

Devi : Sin, may I borrow your pencil?
Sinta : Sorry, I only have one, and I’m using it now. Please ask Rina, … (35)

35. ...
A. I and she have many pencils
B. I have more pencils than her
C. she has fewer pencils than me
D. she has more pencils than me

The text is for question 36.

Mirna : I have to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. How
can I get there?
Abim : You can go there by an economy class.
Mirna : How about the executive class?
Abim : It’s … (36) the economy class, but it’s more expensive.

36. ...
A. the best
B. the worst
C. worse than
D. better than

The text is for question 37.

Ardy : Do you think that Linda is a friendly girl?
Dodi : I think so, she is also a smart girl.
Ardy : How about her sister, Nola?
Dodi : I think … (37)That’s why she has more friends than her sister.

37. ...
A. Nola is not a friendly girl.
B. Nola is as friendly as Linda.
C. Nola is friendlier than Linda.
D. Nola is the friendliest girl of all.

The text is for question 38.

Anin : Do you like diamond, gold or pearl?
Nadin : I like diamond because it’s … (38) of all.

38. ...
A. expensive
B. as expensive as
C. the most expensive

D. more expensive than

The text is for question 39.

Widia : I don’t know the way to your house. Should I go through Sisingamaraja or Adam
Malik street?
Eka : You should go through Sisingamaraja. Going through Adam Malik will be … (39)
than going through Sisingamaraja.

39. ...
A. far
B. farther
C. farthest
D. as far as

40. Arrange the following jumbled words into a good sentence.

new – has – my – more – classrooms – old – than – the – school – one

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A. 3 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 10
B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 10 – 9
C. 8 – 9 – 10 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 6
D. 8 – 9 – 10 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 6

The text is for questions 41 and 42.

Sisca Adi Tomi Anita

10 years old 12 years old 15 years old 16 years old
150 cm tall 160 cm tall 166 cm tall 167 cm tall

41. Tomi is ... .

A. the oldest of all
B. older than Sisca
C. younger than Adi
D. as young as Sisca

42. Anita is ... .

A. as tall as Sisca
B. the tallest of all
C. shorter than Adi
D. the shortest of all

43. Arrange the following expressions into a meanngful text.

1. Andy : Why should the blue canteen?
2. Andy : But, is it healthy?
3. Andy : Which canteen? The blue one or the yellow one?
4. Billy : It sells more foods than the yellow canteen does.
5. Billy : Let’s go to the canteen, Andy. I’m starving.
6. Billy : Of course. It’s healthier and cheaper as well.
7. Billy : I like the blue canteen.

A. 5 – 3 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6
B. 5 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 4
C. 5 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 5
D. 5 – 6 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

The text is for question 44.

Della : ... you finish the novel?
Roni : No, it ... boring.

44. ...
A. Did – did
B. Was – did
C. Did – was
D. Was – was

The text is for question 45.

Judika : ... you in Lombok last year?
Tineke : No, I......I was in Kupang.

45. ...
A. Was – was
B. Was –wasn’t
C. Were – wasn’t
D. Was – weren’t
The text is for question 46.
Rick : How did you break your arm?
Tom : I ... on the banana skin while I ... the street

46. ...
A. slipped – crossed
B. was slipping – crossed
C. slipped – was crossing
D. was slipping – was crossing

The text is for question 47.

Lucy : What’s wrong with your foot?
Sarah : I stepped on a snake while I was running barefoot through
the grass. It ... me

47. ...
A. bit
B. bite
C. bites
D. bitten.

48. Arrange the following expressions into a meaningful text.

1) I watch TV ’till mid night. There was a football match.
2) That’s alright. Why did you go to bed late?
3) I’m sorry, I’m late, Sir. I went to bed late.
4) Yes, Sir. I promise. Thank you.
5) OK, but don’t be late again next time.

A. 3–1–5–4–2
B. 3–2–1–5–4
C. 3–4–5–1–2
D. 3–5–4–2–1

49. Arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence.

the prince – was – hunting – when – he – a beautiful girl – saw – the forest – in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 6
B. 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 5
C. 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 9
D. 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 9

The text is for question 50.

Firman : What happened to your leg?
Andi : I had an accident yesterday.
Firman : Did you? How did it happen?
Andi : …. (50) when suddenly a motorcycle hit me.

50. ... .
A. I wait for the bus
B. I waited for the bus
C. I am waiting for the bus
D. I was waiting for the bus

The text is for question 51 and 53.

Ninda : Hi, Ifa! How was your vacation?
Ifa : … (51)
Ninda : Where did you go?
Ifa : I went to Yogyakarta.
Ninda : Wow! What did you see?
Ifa : … (52)
Ninda : I loved them, especially Prambanan Temple. It was fantastic.
Ifa : … (53)
Ninda : I bought this for you in the market.
Ifa : Gee! Thanks. It’s cute.

51. …
A. It was great.
B. It is wonderful.
C. They are amazing.
D. They were interesting.

52. …
A. I saw some temples.
B. I see some temples.
C. I am seeing some temples.
D. I was seeing some temples.
53. …
A. What you buy?
B. What do you buy?
C. What did you buy?
D. What were you buying?

54. The best arrangement of the following jumble words is ….

the schoolyard – happened – when – exercising – the students – in – were – the accident
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 5–7–1–6–3–4–8–2
B. 5–7–4–6–1–3–8–2
C. 5–7–4–1–3–6–8– 2
D. 5–7–1–4–3–6–8– 2

55. Arrange the following expression into a maningful text.

1) I went to the beach with my parents.
2) Really? I remember the weather wasn’t nice. Did you enjoy it?
3) I studied Math in the morning and in the afternoon I visited grandma.
4) Hi, Rose. Where were you last Sturday morning? I called you but you weren’t at home.
5) Yes, it was great. We played volleyball and walked alng the seaside. What about you? What did you do?

A. 4–1–2–5–3
B. 4–1–2–3–5
C. 4–2–1–5–3
D. 4–3–2–1–5

The text is for question 56 and 57.

Lia and Farah are talking about their yesterday activities in the break time at school.
Lia : Hi Farah, the weather is so nice, isn’t it?
Farah : Yeah … but I feel unwell and tired because of my yesterday activity.
Lia : What did you do yesterday?
Farah : My mom asked me to visit my grandma. We didn’t see her for a couple of days.
Lia : I see, she was longing for her pretty granddaughter. Did she live alone?
Farah : No, she didn’t. My grandma lived with my uncle. How about you? Where did you go?
Lia : I stayed at home. I cleaned my room.
Farah : It’s a good activity. I’m sorry, Lia, the next lesson is English and I forget to bring a
dictionary, so I have to borrow it from the library. See you.
Lia : Okay. See you later.

56. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. Their feeling.
B. Their friendship.
C. The nice weather.
D. Their past activities.

57. What did Lia do yesterday?

A. She accompanied her mother to see her grandmother
B. She was longing for her pretty granddaughter
C. She stayed at home and cleaned her room
D. She visited her grandmother.

58. Based on the text, we can infer that ….

A. Farah and Lia were schoolmate
B. Lia was very tired with her last activity
C. Farah’s grandmother lived near Farah’s house
D. Lia’s English teacher asked her students to bring dictionary

59. Arrange the words into a good order

up – it – when – woke – was – I – morning – raining – this

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 3 – 2 – 5 – 8 - 1– 6 – 4 – 9 – 7
B. 3 – 2 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 7 –6 – 4
C. 3–6–5–4–1–2–8–9– 7
D. 3–6–4–1–9–7–2–5– 8

60. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful dialogue.

It’s the first day of the second semester. Vino and Bagas are talking about their
1) Burhan : I saw the handicraft show and drama. It was an interesting show.
Come and look it, Vino.
2) Burhan : Really good, and you?
3) Burhan : I went to see an art show in the art centre with my cousin Dio
4) Vino : Very well too. Where did you go last holiday?
5) Vino : Hi Bagas, how are things with you?
6) Vino : Okay, I’ll visit it soon.
7) Vino : What did you see there?

A. 5–2–6–3–7–1–4
B. 5–2–4–1–7–3–6
C. 5–2–4–3–7–1–6
D. 5–2–4–3–6–1–7

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