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1. Title of the Module

Module 2, Chapter 2 Determinants, Gaussian Matrix, Gauss Jordan Matrix

2. Overview / Introduction

The analysis of indeterminate structures is the major field in structural engineering. There are
several methods of analysis, the best among these being the “Kani’s” method. But this method
will not be convenient for analysis of present day multi-storey buildings. The need for analysis of
high degree of indeterminate structures and development of computers have given rise to the
Matrix Method. Basically, there are two methods of the Matrix Method: Flexibility Matrix Method
and Stiffness Matrix Method.

3. Learning Outcome / Objective

The following are the learning outcome:

1. Identify appropriate numerical/ mathematical tool or concepts
suitable for the solution of the CE problem;
2. Use a computer software developing a solution to the problem.
3. Solve civil engineering problems numerically when their analytical
4. solution is either not available or difficult to obtain.

4. Discussion Proper

a11 a12 a 13 ... a1n
a 21 a 22 a 23 ... a 2 n
A = a31 a32 a33 ... a3n
... ... ... ... ...
a m1 am2 a m3 ... a mn

Properties of Determinants
1. For every matrix A of order n, for each
1 ≤ i ≤ n , det A = ∑ aik Aik
k =1
1 ≤ j ≤ n , det A = ∑ a kj Akj
k =1

where Aik or Akj = cofactor of element aik or akj respectively

Aij = (−1) i + j M ij
Mij = submatrix formed by deleting the ith row and jth column
The property shows that if the elements of any row, not just the first, or of any
column of a determinant are multiplied by their respective cofactors and then
added, the sum is the same for all rows and for all columns.
2. For every square matrix A, det AT = det A
3. If A is triangular matrix of order n, then det A =a11a22…ann, that is to say, the determinant
of a triangular matrix is equal to the product of its diagonal elements
4. If a square matrix A has either a zero row or zero column, then det A = 0
5. If each element in one row (column) of a determinant is multiplied by a number c, the
value of the determinant is multiplied by c
6. If
A = v1 ... f j + g j ...v n ]
is a square matrix, then
[ ] [ ]
det A = det v1 ... f j ...v n + det v1 ...g j ...v n
7. If B matrix is a matrix obtained by interchanging any two rows (columns) of a square
matrix A, then B =-det A
8. If one row (column) vector of a square matrix A is equal to a number c times some other
row (column) vector, then det A = 0
9. If a matrix B is obtained from a square matrix A by adding to one row (column) vector of
A a number c times a different row (column) vector, then det B = det A
10. Let any m rows (columns) be selected from a determinant ,det A. Then det A is equal to
the sum of the products of all the mth-order minors contained in the chosen rows
(columns) each multiplied by its algebraic complement
11. If A and B are matrices of the same order, then
(det A)(det B ) = det( AB)


Algebraic System of m equations and n unknowns
a11 x1 + a12 x 2 + a13 x3 ...a1n x n = b1
a 21 x1 + a 22 x 2 + a 23 x3 ...a 2 n x n = b2
a31 x1 + a32 x 2 + a33 x3 ...a3n x n = b3
a m 1 x1 + a m 2 x 2 + a m 3 x3 ...a mn x n = bm

Solution of Linear Algebraic Equation by Gaussian Reduction

Augmented Matrix
a11 a12 a13 ... a1n b1
a 21 a 22 a 23 ... a2n b2
a31 a32 a33 ... a3n b3
... ... ... ... ... ...
a m1 am2 a m3 ... a mn bm

Row Echelon Form (Gaussian Elimination)
1 q12 q13 ... q1n c1
0 1 q 23 ... q 2 n b2
0 0 1 ... q3n b3
... ... ... ... ... ...
0 0 0 ... q mn cm
Row-Reduced Echelon Form (Gauss-Jordan Elimination)
1 0 0 ... 0 c1
0 1 0 ... 0 b2
0 0 1 ... 0 b3
... ... ... ... ... ...
0 0 0 ... q mn cm

Elementary Row Operations

1. An interchange of rows
2. Multiplication of a row by a non zero number
3. Addition of a number times the elements of one row to the corresponding elements of
another row

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