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Theorist One Pager

Name of the Theorist: Albert Bandura

Name of the Theory: Social Learning Theory

Approximate Date of the Theory: 1970’s

Explanation of the Theory:

 Social learning theory describes human behavior in terms of constant equal

interaction between cognitive, behavioral, an environmental influence.
It highlights the significance of watching and modeling the behaviors, attitudes,
and emotional reactions of others.

Bandura named three basic models of observational learning:

 A live model, which involves an actual individual showing or acting out a
 A representative model, which involves fictional or non-fictional characters
displaying behaviors in books, movies, television shows, or social media.
 A verbal instructional model, which involves images and details of a behavior.

The following steps are involved in the observational learning and modeling
 Attention
 Retention
 Reproduction
 Motivation

Applications to the Classroom:

 Attention - If the subject is interesting or there is a unique feature of the situation,

you are more likely to devote your full attention to learning. For example:
learning about different science experiments to perform in class.
 Retention - The ability to pull up information later and perform is essential to
observational learning. For example: Taking a multiplication and division test
after weeks of learning lessons.
 Reproduction - Once you have paid attention to the template and preserved the
information, it is time to perform the behavior you examined. For example:
visuals and demonstrations on how to properly serve a volleyball over the net in
physical education, now you must perform the movement.
 Motivation - For observational learning to be successful, you must be motivated
to mimic the behavior that has been developed. Reinforcement and punishment
play an important role in motivation. For example: A teacher rewards a student
with extra credit for showing up to class on time, you might be motivated to show
up to class early to receive the reward.

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