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Theorist One Pager

Name of the Theorist: Jerome Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016) 1, 1915 –
June 5, 2016
Name of the Theory: The Spiral Curriculum, Discovery Learning, and Scaffolding

Approximate Date of the Theory: 1960-1961

Explanation of the Theory:

Spiral Curriculum - Bruner’s spiral curriculum is an approach to education that involves

regularly re-visiting the same educational topics over the course of a student’s education.
Each time the content is re-visited, the student gains deeper knowledge of the topic.

Discovery Learning - Bruner proposes that learners construct their own knowledge and
do this by organizing and categorizing information using a coding system. Bruner
believed that the most effective way to develop a coding system is to discover it rather
than being told by the teacher.

Scaffolding - an instructional method in which teachers demonstrate the process of

problem solving for their students and explain the steps as they go along. After a few
initial explanations, the teacher will remove themselves from the students and only offer
help when needed. This theory is based on the idea that when students receive instruction
and support during a new concept, they are more likely to successfully grasp and use the
concept independently.

Applications to the Classroom:

Provide study materials, activities, and tools for all students

 Lesson on a sport for example soccer. Look up key information on how the sport
is played. Hold the soccer ball, see what the field looks like set up, goals, cones,
 Watch a few videos first with how to kick the ball and then watch a game.
 Students each have a soccer ball and kick it around through cones and get a feel
for the sport.

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