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In general, what is the most important lesson you've learned recently?

One of the hardest and important lessons I’m dealing recently: Accepting what I cannot change.

Some days, I’m becoming hard on myself because of the frustration and disappointment in my heart.
There’s are lot of what if’s and why’s that really bothered me. It’s hard for me to move forward for the
reason that things in front of me are happening the way I never wanted. My goals and plans doesn’t meet
my expectation at all. My mindset suddenly changed, I feel losing battles, I’m getting tired of running
over and over again. All I ever wanted is that all things will fall into its proper place.

But then one day, I just realized that everything has a purpose, everything happens for a reason. In a
world where there are many uncertain, there is one thing that I can be sure of, I am not alone. I know that
God is always at my back and he let those things happened because he has a better plan for me. Maybe, I
don’t deserve those things, I deserve something that is much better. And from this, I learned to accept the
things that I cannot change, I see the beauty of letting things and people go, I got the courage to move
forward because I believe that I’m a pot being molded by the Potter’s great hands.

All of us have been hurt by someone or something in our lives. These wounds often hurt years after they
were inflicted and many people carry heavy grudges as a result. We cannot change what has happened.
Even if we get revenge (which never heals our wounds), it is impossible to reverse the clock and undo the
situation. Hate and the need for retribution only weigh us down and impede on our happiness. We should
accept what has transpired, learn from our past, and move forward, our brighter future prepared by God is
waiting for us.

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