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What is the meaning of Physical Education?

Physical education
is a school subject which aims to develop physical, mental and
emotional, spiritual and social fitness. It is done through a day to day activity, such as dancing,
exercising and playing sports such as basketball, volleyball, swimming and etc. It is also about
caring and developing the human body including hygiene. Gymnastics, training of athletics
games and improving team relationship are also in the field of Physical Education. On a
personal matter, physical education is an agent that promotes wellness and healthy living and
What are the objectives of Physical Education?
The objectives of Physical Education is to implement social, professional, physical and
recreational activities to the students. It aims to make the students physically, mentally and
emotionally fit to the world especially now that we are facing the pandemic. It also aims to discipline
the students to a better and healthy lifestyle. Physical education’s goal is to promote physical fitness
into fun ways so that student can find that having a physical fitness is enjoyable. Satisfaction through
physical activity and develop social skills that demonstrate the importance of teamwork and
cooperation in group activities are also the objectives of physical education

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