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1 There was a farm located on the outskirts of the city named Tomas's farm, on this farm there

were many animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep, in this farm there was a little pig
named Pipo, who liked to be with the sheep, Pipo was very Playful and he used to play with
the sheeps, but the farm’s dog named Pluto had shout to Pipo because pipo the pig was
bothering the sheep, one day when Pluto was asleep, Pipo had gone to the sheep pen to play
with them, then Pipo saw a wolf approaching and Pipo was very brave, he approached the
sheep pen and warned them to go to Pluto, so that they were protected. When Pluto went out
to attack the wolf the Wolf had left, from that day he is known as Pipo the brave pig.

2 This is the story of Rogelio a little rabbit who, in the company of his best friend Nacho the
little hedgehog. Used to like to go out to explore the forest in search of great adventures, their
parents had forbidden them to go out to explore since in the search there was a fox that
wanted to harm them, one day they when they went out to explore the forest together and
Nacho the hedgehog got lost and he met the fox and when the fox was about to attack the
hedgehog, Rogelio had arrived to saved him from the fox, when Rogelio started to imitate the
roar of a lion the fox had already ran away.

3 In a forest Felipe an old squirrel had lived there for a long time, the squirrel spent all his life
alone and without friends, one day Felipe went out to collect food because winter was
approaching and food was very scarce, when Felipe got into the forest he had found a tree full
of nuts, that would help him survive the In winter, one afternoon Felipe the squirrel was
preparing for winter but he could see that next to him there were some small squirrels that did
not have any food to spend the winter, Felipe was very sad when he saw the little squirrels,
and he shared his nuts saving the life of the little squirrels, finally when Winter ended the little
squirrels had grown into strong big ones, Felipe felt very good.

4 This is the story of Pablo the brave, one day Pablo had gone out to the barn to play with the
other animals in the farm, Pablo was still a very small chick but he liked to defend and fight for
the other animals on the farm, one day while they were playing a wolf approached to the farm,
the wolf wanted to attack the animals, but Pablo confronted him with a trap that he put to
catch the wolf, Pablo was a intelligent chick, when the wold was planning to attack he had
already set the trap, the chick was some steps further, Pablo placed a rock in the door of the
barn where the wolf entered, when the wolf tried to enter through the door the rock fell on
his tail, the wolf ran away screaming in pain, when pablo did this, he had noticed that he could
do a lot more even if he was little.

5 Once upon a time there was a bear named Kenay who, together with his younger brother,
went out to look for some honey for breakfast one day, they had been gone out to look for
honey many times before, so this one would be different, on the way to the place where the
honey was found, Kenay saw another small bear that was being attacked by a cougar. , when
kenay saw the little helpless bear, and the fact that the bear had been hurt a lot by the cougar
he ran to his rescue, Kenay raised his huge arms and scared the cougar away, saving the life of
the little bear who also went out to look for some honey, this is how Kenay saved the life of a
little bear, and from that day he became his best friend.

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