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Francis P.

Bacalangco III August 26, 2021

12- Grace Sir Rubio
1. What are the different perspectives on politics?
= the different perspectives on politics are positivism,
interpretivism, rational choice theory, behaviouralism,
structuralism, post-structuralism, realism,
institutionalism, and pluralism.
2. What are the different types of power and ideologies?
= the different types of power are Decision-Making,
Agenda-Setting, and Preference-Shaping. These are the
three types of power or also called Three Faces of
Power. While, the different types of ideologies are: first,
Left and Right ideologies. Second, liberal and
conservative ideologies where in it has types:
anarchism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, facism
and also the broad political left in the Philippines.
3. What is the difference between government and
governance? State and Nation?
= the difference between government and governance,
Governance is the way which is followed by the elected
representatives for proper functioning. Government
denotes elected people whereas governance denotes
the framework or procedures followed by the
government. While, the difference between State and
Nation, A state is a territory with its own institutions
and populations. A nation is a large group of people
who inhabit a specific territory and are connected by
history, culture, or another commonality.
4. What is globalization?

= Globalization is the word used to describe the growing

interdependence of the world's economies, cultures,
and populations, brought about by cross-border trade
in goods and services, technology, and flows of
investment, people, and information. This increase in
global interactions has caused a growth in
international trade and the exchange of ideas, beliefs,
and culture. Globalization is primarily an economic
process of interaction and integration that is associated
with social and cultural aspects. However, disputes and
diplomacy are also large parts of the history of
globalization, and of modern globalization.
1. Why is politics important?
= Politics is very important because you should know
what is happening around you. In what's going on
around you, too, it is vital to have a say. Many lives will
be affected by political decisions made by people.
Politics is essential because it affects the significance of
2. Who are the powerful in the society? Why?
= the powerful in the society are: the executive branch,
because they was headed by the President who
functions as both the head of state and the head of
government. Second, the legislative branch, because
they can be reelected but they are no longer eligible to
run for a fourth consecutive term. The senators are
elected to a term of six years. They can be reelected but
they are no longer eligible to run for a third consecutive
term. And lastly, The judiciary branch of the
government, because they was headed by the Supreme
Court, which has a Chief Justice as its head and 14
Associate Justices, all appointed by the president on the
recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council. 
3. How do ideologies bring about social change?
= Ideologies may motivate hundreds or thousands into
lasting social actions and they are strong concepts. To
do so, components of the ideology need to be more
appealing than equivalent parts of the existing system;
the appeal may not necessarily be realistic or well-
thought out. Social change is usually beneficial for the
better; we need to take care not to look at "compound
fracture" answers. The ideologically motivated
revolutionary sorts are those who are sure they are
absolutely correct with their beliefs. They therefore
believe that they have achieved moral supremacy and
the right to do whatever it takes to make their cause
4. How does globalization affect nation-states?
= Globalization affect nation-states by affecting its
economic growth. Globalization plays a big role in one's
economy. Globalization accepts no 'state' notion. The
success of globalization, without any authority, rests on
destroying or reducing all governments to an
organization or a management structure for
fundamental services.

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