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Robotic Wheelchair Control Considering user Comfort - Modeling and

Experimental Evaluation.

Conference Paper · January 2008

Source: DBLP


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2 authors:

R. Solea Urbano J. Nunes

Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati University of Coimbra


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in ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics, Funchal, May 2008



Razvan Solea, Urbano Nunes

ISR - Institute of Systems and Robotics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Coimbra, 3030-290, Coimbra, Portugal,

Keywords: Users comfort, sliding-mode control, human head-neck complex model, intelligent wheelchair.

Abstract: This paper analyzes the comfort of wheelchair users when a sliding-mode trajectory-tracking controller is
used. The transmission of the horizontal (fore-and-aft) vibration to the head-neck complex (HNC) in the
seated human body may cause unacceptable discomfort and motion sickness. A double-inverted pendulum
model with two degrees of freedom is considered as a model for the HNC. The user comfort is examined not
only in the time domain (using the fourth power vibration dose value), but also in the frequency domain (using
the cross-spectral density method). For measuring the acceleration of the wheelchair, along the trajectory, an
inertial measurement unit was used.

1 INTRODUCTION parameter models consider the human body as sev-

eral rigid bodies, springs and dampers (Atapourfard
Few studies have been performed addressing how dy- et al., 2002), (Atapourfard et al., 2004), (Gurses et al.,
namic acceleration affects wheelchair’s users. A bar- 2005). Some distributed models treat the spine as a
rier to performing in-depth analysis during the pro- layered structure of rigid elements, representing the
cesses of wheelchair design and ride comfort is a lack vertebral bodies and deformable elements represent-
of wheelchair-acceleration data, measured over time, ing the intervertebral disc by the finite elements (Ki-
that vary with the activity of the wheelchair user. Fur- tazaki and Griffin, 1997).
thermore, little is known about how this dynamic ac- The dynamic response of seated subjects exposed
celeration affects user comfort. Most current litera- to vibration has been widely assessed in terms of the
ture focus on the vibration exposure of a seated oc- driving point impedance, apparent mass and transmis-
cupant. To this end, standards have been developed sibility (transmission of motion through the human
by the International Organization for Standardization body). The transmission of the acceleration to the
(ISO) to quantify how much exposure is allowable for head-neck complex (HNC) in the seated human body
various frequencies of exposure. To standardize the may be the cause of discomfort and motion sickness
methods of data collection for whole-body vibration, in wheelchairs. The seat back, by limiting the hor-
the ISO introduced the ISO-2631 (ISO-2631, 1997). izontal and rotational motion of the trunk, increases
The boundaries in ISO-2631 are based on cumulative the transmission of the trunk horizontal acceleration
root-mean-square (rms) amplitude over a single day, to the HNC. This may has considerable influence on
specified for frequencies between 1 and 80 Hz. discomfort.
The human body is a complex dynamic system, The present study focuses specifically on the in-
the properties of which vary from moment to moment fluence of sliding-mode trajectory-tracking (SM-TT)
and from one individual to another. From the results controller action on user comfort. The user com-
of large amount of experimental data, various biome- fort is examined not only in the time domain (using
chanical models have been developed to describe the the transmissibility parameter), but also in the fre-
human motion. These models can be grouped as quency domain. For measuring accelerations of the
lumped or distributed parameter models. The lumped wheelchair, a three-dimensional inertial sensor was
used. The analysis of user comfort is made in three Table 1: ISO 2631-1 STANDARD.
different situations: i) SM-TT control under odometry
Overall Acceleration Consequence
navigation; ii) when the odometric data is fused with
absolute position data from magnetic markers (using aw < 0.315m/s2 not uncomfortable
an EKF-based fusion in the on-line pose estimation); 0.315 < aw < 0.63m/s2 a little uncomfortable
iii) SM-TT control with purposely-incorrectly-tuned 0.5 < aw < 1m/s2 fairly uncomfortable
parameters. 0.8 < aw < 1.6m/s2 uncomfortable
1.25 < aw < 2.5m/s2 very uncomfortable
aw > 2.5m/s2 extremely
2.2 Trajectory tracking model
The application of sliding mode control strategies in
nonlinear systems has received considerable attention Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that
in recent years (Yang and Kim, 1999), (Chwa, 2004), the desired trajectory qd (t) = [xd (t), yd (t), θd (t)]T is
(Chwa et al., 2006), (Solea and Nunes, 2007). A generated by a virtual unicycle mobile robot. The
well-studied example of a non-holonomic system is kinematic relationship between the virtual configura-
a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) that is subject to the tion qd and the corresponding reference velocity in-
rolling without slipping constraint. puts [vd , ωd ]T is similar to (1). From the error vector
In trajectory-tracking, is an objective to control (Solea and Nunes, 2007),
the non-holonomic WMR to follow a desired path, ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
with a given orientation relatively to the path tan- xe cosθd sinθd 0 xr − xd
⎣ ye ⎦ = ⎣ −sinθd cosθd 0 ⎦ · ⎣ yr − yd ⎦
gent, even when disturbances exist. In the case of
trajectory-tracking the path is to be followed under θe 0 0 1 θr − θd
time constraints. The path has an associated velocity (2)
profile, with each point of the trajectory embedding we get the error dynamics:
spatiotemporal information that is to be satisfied by ⎧
⎨ ẋe = −vd + vr · cosθe + ωd · ye
the WMR along the path. By other words, path track- ẏe = vr · sinθe − ωd · xe (3)
ing is formulated as having the WMR following a vir- ⎩
θ̇e = ωr − ωd
tual target WMR which is assumed to move exactly
along the path with specified velocity profile. 2.3 Trajectory planner
2.1 Kinematic model of a unicycle-type A trajectory planner for human-transport robots must
mobile robot generate smooth velocity profiles (linear and angu-
lar) with low associated accelerations. The trajec-
Let the pose of the mobile robot be defined by the tory planning process can be divided into two sepa-
vector qr = [xr , yr , θr ]T , where [xr , yr ]T denotes the rate parts. First, a continuous collision-free path is
robot position on the plane and θr the heading angle generated. In a second step, called trajectory gener-
with respect to the x-axis. In addition, vr denotes the ation, a velocity profile along the path is determined.
translational velocity of the robot, and ωr the angu- A method to generate a velocity profile, respecting
lar velocity around the vertical axis. For a unicycle human body comfort, for any two-dimensional path
WMR rolling on a horizontal plane without slipping, in static environments was proposed in (Solea and
the kinematic model can be expressed by: Nunes, 2007).
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ Figures 1 - 3 show an example of a planned trajec-
ẋr cosθr 0   tory using the method described in (Solea and Nunes,
⎣ ẏr ⎦ = ⎣ sinθr 0 ⎦ · vr (1) 2007) were the goal was to obtain an overall r.m.s.
θ̇r 0 1 acceleration in the range of ”not uncomfortable” (see
Table 1). The overall r.m.s. acceleration is defined as:
which represents a non-linear system.
Controllability of the system (1) is easily checked aw = kx2 · a2wx + ky2 · a2wy + kz2 · a2wz (4)
using the Lie algebra rank condition for nonlinear sys-
tems. However, the Taylor linearization of the system where awx , awy , awz , are the r.m.s. accelerations along
about the origin is not controllable, thus excluding the x, y, z axes respectively, and kx , ky , kz , are multiply-
application of classical linear design approaches. ing factors. For a seated person kx = ky = 1.4, kz = 1.
0.4 Lateral r.m.s. accel. − awy
G(4,4,0) Longitudinal r.m.s. accel. − awx
F(1,4,0) K(4,4,0)
0.3 Overal r.m.s. accel. − aw

3 E(0,3,π/2) 0.2

y [m]

2 J(2,2,π/2) 0.1

1 C(2,1,π/2) 0

0 Figure 3: Acceleration rms values for each path segment

A(0,0,0) B(1,0,0) I(4,0,−π)
N(0,0,−π) M(4,0,−π)
(AB, BC, ..., MN) of path depicted in Fig. 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x [m]
desired input states. However, the SMC is a model-
Figure 1: Path example composed by thirteen path segments
calculated by the trajectory planner, from the fourteen way- based control strategy in which the controller struc-
points A to N. ture and gains are designed based on the system
Linear velocity [m/s]
Angular velocity [rad/s] Uncertainties which exist in real mobile robot ap-
plications degrade the control performance signifi-
cantly, and accordingly, need to be compensated. In

(Solea et al., 2006) a SM-TT controller for WMRs is
proposed, where trajectory tracking is achieved even
in the presence of large initial pose errors and distur-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time [s]
Longitudinal accel. Let us define the sliding surface s = [s1 s2 ]T as
Lateral accel.
s1 = ẋe + k1 · xe ,
Acceleration [m/s ]

s2 = ẏe + k2 · ye + k0 · sgn(ye ) · θe .

where k0 , k1 , k2 are positive constant parameters, xe ,
ye and θe are the trajectory-tracking errors defined in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (3). If s1 converges to zero, trivially xe converges to
time [s]
zero. If s2 converges to zero, in steady-state it be-
comes ẏe = −k2 · ye − k0 · sgn(ye ) · θe . For ye < 0 ⇒
Figure 2: Velocity and acceleration profiles for path de-
picted in Fig. 1 y˙e > 0 if only if k0 < k2 · |ye | / |θe |. For ye > 0 ⇒
y˙e < 0 if only if k0 < k2 · |ye | / |θe |. Finally, it can be
For motion on the x-y plane, awz = 0. The local co- known from s2 that convergence of ye and ẏe leads
ordinate system is chosen so that the x-axis is the lon- to convergence of θe to zero. Using the reaching law
gitudinal trajectory direction, and y-axis is the lateral defined in (Gao and Hung, 1993)
trajectory direction.
ṡ = −Q · s − P · sgn(s) (6)
The ISO 2631-1 standard (ISO-2631, 1997) (Ta-
ble 1) relates comfort with the overall r.m.s. accelera- Q = diag [q1 , q2 ] , qi > 0,
tion, acting on the human body. P = diag [p1 , p2 ] , pi > 0, i = 1, 2
Figure 1 shows the generated path, where the sgn(s) = [sgn(s1 ), sgn(s2 )]T
larger circles represent the used fourteen waypoints
(A, B, ..., N). Each waypoint is defined by a position, together with (5), and after some mathematical ma-
in meters, and an orientation, in radians. The gener- nipulation, we get the commands for trajectory-tra-
ated velocity and acceleration profiles are shown in cking controller:
Fig. 2. As can be observed in Fig.3, the r.m.s overall 1
accelerations, in each path segment, are below the im- v̇c = (−q1 s1 − p1 sgn(s1 ) − k1 ẋe −
cosθe (7)
posed acceleration constraint of aw(i,i+1) < 0.31m/s2 . −ye ω̇d − ẏe ωd + vr θ̇e sinθe + v̇d ).

2.4 Sliding-mode controller 1

ωc = (−q2 s2 − p2 sgn(s2 )−
vr cosθe + k0 sgn(ye )
The objective of SMC is the same as for classical −k2 ẏe − v̇r sinθe + xe ω̇d + ẋe ωd ) + ωd .
controllers, i.e., force the output states to follow the (8)
Figure 4: SM-TT control architecture with a robot’s pose
estimator, fusing odometry and absolute position data.

The SM-TT architecture with a on-line robot’s

pose estimator, fusing odometry with absolute posi-
Figure 5: Human head-neck model
tion data, as described in (Lopes et al., 2007), is de-
picted in Fig. 4.
3.1 Model of head-neck complex
RobChair has a two-level control architecture (see
Fig. 4). High-level control algorithms (including ref- A double-inverted pendulum model with two degrees-
erence motion generation) are written in C and run of-freedom is considered for the HNC model (Fig. 5).
with a sampling time of Ts = 50 ms on a embedded One of the centers of rotation of the model was as-
PC, which also provides a user interface with real- sumed to be at C7-T1 (O1 in Fig. 5), and the other
time visualization and a simulation environment. The at C0-C1 (O2 in Fig. 5) of the cervical spine. Two
PC communicates through a CAN bus with several lumped masses, indicating the mass of the neck and
devices. Wheel velocity commands, the mass of the head, were considered in the model.
The center of mass of the neck was assumed to be
vc + L2 · ωc vc − L2 · ωc
ωR = , ωL = (9) exactly at the mid-point of the two centers of rotation.
R R Moreover, the center of mass of the head was assumed
where R is radius of the drive wheels and L the dis- to be exactly over the center of mass of the neck and
tance between drive wheels, are sent to the PI con- the center of rotation (Fig. 5). The equation of motion
trollers, and encoder measures NR and NL are received using generalized coordinates can be expressed as:
in the robot’s pose estimator for odometric computa-
tions. M(q)q̈ +C(q, q̇)q̇ + Kq + G(q) = Qq (10)
The low-level control layer is in charge of the exe-  
cution of the wheels velocity control. For each wheel, θ1
where: q = , Qq = 0,
a microcontroller implements a digital PI with a cycle θ2
time of Tc = 5 ms. Two power amplifiers drive the M11 M12
motors with PWM voltage. M(q) =
M21 M22
M11 = m1 l12 + m2 L12 + J1
M12 = m2 L1 l2 cos(θ1 − θ2 )
M21 = m2 L1 l2 cos(θ1 − θ2 )
3 HUMAN HEAD-NECK M22 = m2 l22 + J2 
C(q, q̇) =
C12 = m2 L1 l2 sin(θ1 − θ2 )θ̇2 − c2 ,
In general, comfort while riding depends not only on C21 = −m2 L1 l2 sin(θ1 − θ2 )θ̇1 − c2 ,
the amplitude, but also on the frequency of wheelchair k1 + k2 −k2
vibrations and accelerations. Oscillations have influ- −k k2
ence on users comfort and may affect users health. −(m2 L1 + m1 l1 )ẍcos(θ1 )
G(q) =
Moreover, natural frequency of the wheelchair and −m2 l2 ẍcos(θ2 )
human organ is strongly related with the user’s un- In our study, the user characteristic elements,
comfort while riding. shown in Table 2 (from (Atapourfard et al., 2002)),
Table 2: Characteristics of user’s elements 3.3 Frequency-domain calculations
Element Neck Head
Given the input, wheelchair acceleration, and the out-
Length of segment Li [m] 0.080 0.138
put, acceleration obtained from the HNC model, the
Center of gravity li [m] 0.040 0.069
transfer function is usually calculated using the cross-
Mass mi [kg] 1.01 4.22
spectral density (CSD) method defined as:
Moment of Inertia Ji [kgm2 ] 0.0011 0.210
Spring constant ki [Nm/rad] 14.04 10.29 CSDinput−out put ( f )
Damping constant ci [Nms/rad] HCSD ( f ) = (13)
0.347 0.230 PSDinput ( f )
where CSDinput−out put ( f ) is the CSD of the input and
were used to model the dynamic behavior of the hu- output, and PSDinput ( f ) is the power spectral density
man HNC. (PSD) of the input. The advantage of using the CSD
method is that the function generates the phase of the
response and also only includes data at the input and
3.2 Time-domain calculations output that are correlated, thus reducing the effects of
noise in the measurement system.
The fourth power vibration dose value (VDV) is pri-
marily a measurement procedure used to report the
relative severity of complex oscillation exposures, be- 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
ing preferred to other measures due to its use of the
duration and variability of the motion: In order to validate the applicability of the sliding-
mode controller for trajectory-tracking, real experi-
T 4 ments have been performed using RobChair (intelli-
V DV = [aw (t)]4 · dt (11) gent platform developed in ISR-UC (Pires and Nunes,
2002), (Lopes et al., 2007)). RobChair, shown in
in units of ms−1.75 , where the frequency-weighted ac- Fig.6, has two differentially driven rear wheels and
celeration is defined by aw (t), and T is the duration two passive castor front wheels. There is also a fifth
of an experiment. VDV was selected over the differ- rear wheel connected to the back of the wheelchair
ence between the peak accelerations and acceleration with a damper used for stability. It is powered by two
rms parameter. The problem with the peak-to-peak 12-V batteries (60 Ah) and reaches a maximum speed
value is that it only represents one instance in time, of 7 Km/h. It has been equipped, in ISR-UC, with
rather than the entire signal. Furthermore, the peak- several devices such as: two power driver modules,
to-peak parameter does not accurately represent oscil- which provide an independent control of each motor,
latory motion. The problem with the rms value is that optical encoders, laser range finders, an inertial sen-
it is independent of the duration of the signal, and is sor and a magnetic sensing ruler, developed at ISR-
designed to describe oscillatory motions. UC, that is able to perform a robust detection of mag-
According to the EU Directive on mechanical netic markers (Lopes et al., 2007). Figure 7 presents a
vibration (Parliament and the Council of the Euro- block diagram of the actual hardware control architec-
pean Union, 2002) the average limit value of VDV ture. The current implementation of the framework is
is 9.1ms−1.75 and the upper limit is 21ms−1.75 . based on Linux as its underlying real-time operating
The transmissibility (Tr ) is defined as the output system. The component-based software selected for
V DV divided by the input V DV , the proposed software framework is GenoM (Genera-
tor of Modules) (Fleury et al., 1997), which is an en-
V DVout put vironment for description and implementation of soft-
Tr = (12)
V DVinput ware components.
An embedded PC is responsible for giving some
The transmissibility defines the performance of degree of intelligence to the robot. This computer is
the wheelchair in terms of the amplification or at- connected to distributed devices through fieldbuses.
tenuation of the vibration that is transmitted to the The platform is connected to external devices through
occupant. A value less than unity indicates that the a wireless link. This connection allows the implemen-
accelerations were attenuated by the combination of tation of a distributed architecture, which exhibits the
wheelchair and human, whereas a value great than possibility and capability to extend our single robot
unity indicates an amplification of accelerations by to other perspectives, like multi-robot cooperation, its
the wheelchair-human system. integration in intelligent environments, etc.
Path Desired Path
Magnetic Marker

y [m]


−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x [m]

Figure 8: Experimental sliding-mode trajectory-tracking

Figure 6: RobChair platform. control using an EKF-based fusion in the on-line pose es-

Linear Velocity [m/s]


vd, vc, vr
time [s] vc
Angular Velocity [rad/s]



Figure 7: RobChair hardware architecture. 0
wd, wc, wr
time [s] 40
All the distributed devices, connected through
CAN, use a base printed circuit board, containing Figure 9: Desired (vd , ωd ), command (vc , ωc ) and real
a microchip micro-controller (µC), as described in (vr , ωr ) linear/angular velocities for SM-TT control under
magnetic-markers navigation (case B).
(Maia, 2004). A custom communication protocol,
based on the time-triggered protocol paradigm, was
designed and implemented. All events are synchro- The inertial sensor RGA300CA-100 (Crossbow)
nized by a message, sent from a Synchronization was used for measuring the wheelchair accelerations
Micro-Controller Unit (Trigger Node, in Fig. 7), that in three orthogonal directions.
synchronizes the other Micro-Controller Units, and Experimental results of the SM-TT controller us-
defines the control loop time reference. ing the planned path presented in Fig 1, are shown
The odometric data provided by the wheel en- in Figs. 8- 10. Figure 9 shows desired, command
coders is fused with the data from magnetic mark- and real linear and angular velocities for SM-TT con-
ers. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) was chosen for trol under magnetic-markers navigation. Corrections
the fusion process (Bento et al., 2005). This naviga- in the pose after each magnetic marker detection pro-
tion technology, based on sensing magnetic markers, vokes an error signal that is efficiently dealt by the
is well suited when high precision navigation and ro- SM-TT controller, and rapidly the tracking errors con-
bustness is required, and it can be used to complement verge to zero (see Fig. 10).
other navigation systems, such as GPS. The analysis of user comfort is made in three dif-
Case No V DVx V DVx Tr RMS accel. Max. accel RMS accel. Max. accel
RobChair Head RobChair RobChair Head Head
I 2.9219 1.3826 0.4732 0.3287 1.5686 0.1656 0.7286
A II 2.7634 1.3429 0.4859 0.3191 1.4988 0.1589 0.7307
III 2.7177 1.2802 0.4710 0.3187 1.5590 0.1510 0.8210
average 2.8010 1.3352 0.4767 0.3222 1.5421 0.1585 0.7601
I 2.9481 1.4408 0.4887 0.3538 1.2853 0.1797 0.7100
B II 3.2946 1.5707 0.4767 0.3663 1.7635 0.1856 0.7988
III 3.0318 1.4860 0.4901 0.3629 1.4136 0.1828 0.7755
average 3.0915 1.4992 0.4852 0.3610 1.4875 0.1827 0.7614
C - 11.4623 5.4607 0.4764 1.5185 4.1708 0.7039 2.2210

Longitudinal and lateral errors [m] Cross PSD Estimate via Welch
0.25 10
xe C
ye 0

Power/frequency (dB/Hz)
x , y [m]

0 −20


−40 A, B

−0.25 −50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] Frequency (Hz)

Figure 10: Longitudinal and lateral errors for SM-TT con- Figure 11: Cross-spectal density functions for all experi-
trol under magnetic-markers navigation (case B). ments.

ferent situations: (see Table 1 and equation (4)).

• case A: SM-TT control under odometry naviga- Each experiment was made for the same trajec-
tion; tory (see Fig. 1). The time domain V DV values ob-
tained in cases A and B are below the limit value of
• case B: SM-TT control under magnetic-markers 9.1ms−1.75 , only in case C, V DV values are above that
navigation (odomeric data is fused, using an EKF- limit. As can be observed from Table 3, the transmis-
based fusion, with absolute position data from sibility tends to be under unity, suggesting that the
magnetic markers detection); vibrations are attenuated.
• case C: SM-TT control with purposely- Figure 11 shows cross-spectral density values for
incorrectly-tuned parameters. all experiments. The maximum of HCSD magnitude
occurs in case C, and the corresponding frequencies
The experimental data of all three cases are summa-
are between 0.8 − 1.8Hz. When the magnitude of
rized in Table 3. Three experimental trials were ex-
HCSD increases, the user comfort decreases.
ecuted in cases A and B. The table shows the vi-
bration dose value (V DV ), transmissibility (Tr ), root
mean square accelerations (RMS) and maximum val-
ues (Max). The results of columns ”RMS accel. 5 CONCLUSION
Robchair” and ”Max. accel. RobChair” concerns the
acceleration results obtained by the inertial sensor; Wheelchair is exposed to vibration coming not only
and the ”RMS accel. Head” and ”Max. accel. Head” from a variety of different road surface but also
were obtained from the model of head-neck complex from the command of the wheelchair (manually -
(10). The overall rms acceleration of head (along the using Joystick or automated - using different type
x axes) in case A and B are in range of ”not uncom- of controllers). The paper analyzes the comfort of
fortable”, but in case C is in range of ”uncomfortable” wheelchair users when a SM-TT controller is used.
The user comfort is examined not only in time domain In IEEE of the International Conference on Intelligent
(using the fourth power VDV), but also in frequency Robots and Systems, pages 842–848, Grenoble.
domain (using the cross-spectral density method). Gao, W. and Hung, J. (1993). Variable structure control of
Outdoor experiments, using RobChair with SM-TT nonlinear systems: A new approach. IEEE Transac-
controller were performed. The experimental tests tions on Industrial Electronics, 40(1):45–55.
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erage performance of the controllers. We had sum- Perturbation parameters associated with nonlinear re-
marized our acquired experience in general observa- sponses of the head at small amplitudes. CHAOS,
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS whole-body vertical vibration using a finite element
model of the human body. Journal of Sound and Vi-
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This work was supported in part by ISR-
Coimbra and Portuguese Technology and Sci- Lopes, A. C., Moita, F., Nunes, U., and Solea, R. (2007). An
outdoor guidepath navigation system for AMRs based
ence Foundation (FCT), under contract NCT04: on robust detection of magnetic markers. In 12th IEEE
POSC/EEA/SRI/58016/2004. R.Solea acknowledges International Conference on Emerging Technologies
a PhD research fellowship from FCT. and Factory Automation, pages 989–996, Patras.
Maia, R. (2004). Movimento de robots moveis com rodas
de tracao diferencial: modelacao e controlo do sistema
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