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Product specification
1.Product specification number (filled in by CU office):
2.Name client: UD LOOR 3. Client number: 870726
4a. X New application □ Change of product specification with number:
4b. Application for certification in the category products as meant in:
EU organic NOP organic JAS organic
X 95-100% org X “100 percent org” 95-100% org
□ % org □ “Organic” (min 95% org)

□ “Made with organic” (min 70% org)

□ Products with less than 70% org

5a. Name of the 5b. Packing unit(s) or bulk 5c. Article codes/no.
- ORGANIC Bulk 25 Kgs/20 kgs/ 50 Lbs/ 55 Lb /10 KG,/ 50
5d product categories concerned (EU IMPORT): D

6a.Name of Quantities of ingredients 6e. Quantities 6f. 6m.

of processing Quantitie Quantities
ingredients and aids (excl. s of NOP of food
processing aids NOP organic) organic additives
6c. Agricultural processi marked
6b. Agricultural 6d. NON-
NON-ORGANIC ng aids with * in
ORGANIC agricultural
(for NOP: Annex
(for NOP:
§205.606) Attach VIII.A. of
evidence of EU
unavailability of 889/2008
NOP organic
EU NOP JAS ingredient!

ORGANIC RAW 100 100 0 0 0 0 0


add more row if necessary

6g1 6g2 6g3 6h. 6i. 6j. 6k. 6l.

TOTAL 100 100 0 0 0 0 0

Kg Kg
7.1Percentage of agricultural organic ingredients:(6g1 / ( 6g.1+ 6h )) x 100 %= 100% EU

7.2Percentage of agricultural organic ingredients:( 6g2+ 6k / ( 6g.2 + 6h + 6i + 6j + 6k)) x 100 % = 100% NOP
7.3Percentage of agricultural organic ingredients: (6g3 / (6g.3 + 6h )) x 100 % = - % JAS
8.Quantity final product (kg/ltr/pieces) obtained from recipe mentioned above: 18 kg
9a.Processing steps 9b. Name/place of processing unit 9c. Process-certificate no .
Fermenting, Curing , Drying, UD LOOR/ LO’OR ,Jaga3, Desa D-1
Sorting, Packing, Storage, Tombatu 2, Kec. Tombatu Utara,
weighing, sealing Export , Kab.Minahasa Tenggara,
Prop.Sulawesi Utara

10. Truthfully filled in by (name and signature client):

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Amelius Manopo
Date: February 4 2020
This Product specification cannot be used as a transaction certificate!

Clarification of product specification

The product specification indicates the exact composition of a product. After approval of the product specification by Control
Union Certifications the product may be a part of your renewed scope certificate. In order to change the scope certificate,
always return your original scope certificate! Incomplete, not readable or not signed product specifications cannot be
considered and will be returned to you. Each product requires a product specification.
Explanation per box:
1. Do not fill in.
2. Name of client.
3. CU client number.
4a. Cross one option to indicate if the product specification concerns a totally new product or if it concerns
a change of an already existing product specification. If it concerns a change please indicate the
number of the concerning product specification.
4b. Cross one option to indicate the product category to which the product specification applies. For exact
regulations please read the concerning articles in:
EU Council Regulation 889/2008: Annex VIII and IX; EU Council Regulation 834/2007: Article 27
NOP 205.301, 205.605 and 205.606
JAS Notification nr. 1606
5a. Name(s) of the product under which it is sold (sales description).
5b. Used packing unit(s) (in e.g. kg, g, cc, l) of products or otherwise variable or bulk.
5c. Article number(s) in your administration.
5d. product categories concerned (EU IMPORT)
A: Unprocessed plant products
B: Live animals or unprocessed animal products
C: Aquaculture products and seaweeds
D: Processed agricultural products for use as food
E: Processed agricultural products for use as feed
F: Vegetative propagating material and seeds for cultivation

Additional information for 5d:

Definition of ‘food’ (Article 2 of 178/2002 EU reg) :‘food’ (or ‘foodstuff’) means any substance or product,
whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be
ingested by humans.
‘(m) ‘processing’ (Article 2 of 852/2004 EU reg) means any action that substantially alters the initial product,
including heating, smoking, curing, maturing, drying, marinating, extraction, extrusion or a combination of
those processes;
(n) ‘unprocessed products’ means foodstuffs that have not undergone processing, and includes products
that have been divided, parted, severed, sliced, boned, minced, skinned, ground, cut, cleaned, trimmed,
husked, milled, chilled, frozen, deep-frozen or thawed;
(o) ‘processed products’ means foodstuffs resulting from the processing of unprocessed products. These
products may contain ingredients that are necessary for their manufacture or to give them specific
6a. Product composition/recipe. Indicate all ingredients and processing aids which are used during the
production process.
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6b. Quantities (kg) of agricultural ingredients from organic production-methods.
6c. Quantities (kg) of agricultural ingredients from non-organic production-methods including products in
conversion for EU organic. Indicate ingredients from production-methods in conversion to organic
production with "ic" for EU.
For NOP: Only those nonorganically produced agricultural products may be used as ingredients in or
on processed products labeled as “organic,” only in accordance with any restrictions specified in the §
205.606 of NOP regulation and only when the product is not commercially available in organic form.
The unavailability must be recorded and presented when submitting the product specification to the
6d. Quantities (kg) of non-agricultural ingredients (such as water, salt, additives, aromas, etc.).
For NOP: please see updated list of § 205.605 Nonagricultural (nonorganic) substances allowed.
6e. Quantities of used processing aid. Exclude processing aids, which are NOP organic.
6f Quantities of NOP organic processing aids used.
6m Quantities of food additives marked with * (asterisk) in Annex VIII.A. of 889/2008
6g. Total (kg) of column 6b.
6h. Total (kg) of column 6c.
6i. Total (kg) of column 6d.
6j. Total (kg) of column 6e.
6k. Total (kg) of column 6f.
6l. Total (kg) of column 6m.
7. Percentage of weight of organic ingredients (for JAS under certain conditions it is possible to calculate
with 6f.1 and/or 6f.2). Note, that according the calculation (7.2) a product can not be labelled as ‘100%
organic’ (NOP) if a non-agricultural ingredient or a non-organic processing aid is included in the recipe.
Exclude the amount of water and salt form the calculation!! In case of liquid or mix of liquid and solid
products see additionally the NOP regulations 205.302.
8. Output of final product (in kg/l/pieces) obtained from used recipe. Example: 100 pieces each of 250
9a. Short summary of processing steps of the production process.
9b. Indicate address of place of production in case of subcontractors.
9c. Indicate for the separate processing steps number of process certificate or number of registration of
concerned inspection body of subcontractor.
10. Date, name and signature to state that all information has been truthfully filled in.

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