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Based on our topic, the use of RT-PCR is very essential especially this pandemic. We
must be knowledgeable enough not just as a medical practitioner but also as an
individual sharing the same atmosphere to our fellow individuals. We should keep on
educating people the proper way of protecting themselves from the virus and build their
trust to the people who are finding solutions to end this pandemic.

I also learned the accuracy and efficiency of different testing procedures done to detect
COVID-19. Just like the difference between the rapid antigen test and RT-PCR. Rapid
antigen test has less sensitivity to the virus than the RT-PCR. It is best use when a
community has a huge possibility of spreading the virus or the community is crowded.
However, if it is use in a community wherein there’s a little to none chance of having the
infection then the result might cause a false positive or false negative reaction.


ESR can be used to detect inflammation combined CBC and CRP. It is through the rate
at which red blood cells descend in a standardized tube over an hour.

In the history, it is quite misleading to the readers due to the fact that the scientists had
different interpretation of ESR, and they have different principles of using it.

Also, the factors of ESR is depending either it is increased or decreased. If it is

increased there can be inflammation, infections, anemia, macrocytosis etc. While if it is
decreased there can be polycythemia, hyperviscosity syndrome, microcytosis, and
some hemoglobinopathies.

ESR can be differentiated either by manual methods or advanced methods. But in

reality, wintrobe is the most common used in laboratories and it is belonged to manual

In conclusion, ESR can be used to help care workers to diagnose conditions that
causes the inflammation (can be seen as rouleaux formation). It is also used in some
types of arthritis.


Due to striking pandemic the Philippine government way of coping up and rebuilding its
economy is through the new normal. Wherein the ins and outs of every individual in
different establishments is limited.

In hospital and laboratory, the new normal changed the way they work drastically. Just
like public establishments like malls, they also put restrictions in hospitals and
laboratories by performing social distancing, putting signages, providing disinfectants
from the entry of the establishment and exit, and the higher level of using personal
protective equipment.

The health care facilities also adjusted by the numbers of their employees. They are
now hiring more and more medical technologist to comply with the number of patients
having the same infection of COVID-19.

In line with this, they also drastically learned different tests that can be used to detect
the virus rapidly and accurately. One of these is the use of convalescent plasma
collection and transfusion and is believed to be one of the best tests to use.

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