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Alvaro Osvaldo Amador Camacho 2pm-3pm

level 6 13/11/2020

Vocabulary unit 5: Breaking the rules.

1. Speeding
It is when you are driving excessively without caring about the speed limits and
passing anyone who gets in front of you.
2. Littering
It is when you cannot find a trash can and instead of taking the stored trash you
prefer to throw it anywhere because you are a pig
3. spraying graffiti
It is when you have nothing to do but go buy a can of paint and make artistic works
on the walls of the houses of your neighbors and damage the facade
4. vandalizing public property
It is when you go alone or with your friends to believe you are the bravest person
in the world and you start throwing disorder on the public road without caring
about others
5. shoplifting
It's when you don't like to work and you just want to get things for free, so you go
and take what you want stolen from other people without caring if they occupy
them or the damage you do to them
6. fare evading
It is when you do not have money in your pocket and you do not have to pay the
ticket, so you fly away without anyone seeing you
7. illegal downloading
it's when you can't pay on a reliable platform to download something so you look
for tutorials on YouTube on how to download it for free
8. illegal parking
It is when you can no longer find a parking space and there are only parking spaces
for disabled people, so you pretend to be disabled to park there

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