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When I’m in a crowded space and people are walking too slow- this happens when a lot of
people don’t have space to move around.
2. Traffic on I-35 in the mornings when I’m going to work- this happens because a lot of people
are going to work at the same time.
3. smacking on their food at dinner- when people don’t have manners.
4. Working in groups with people who don't do their part- when you have inconsiderate peers.
5.being interrupted when talking- when people don’t have manners.
6. Slow drivers in the fast lane- when drivers don’t follow rules of the road.
7. Leaving empty containers in the fridge- when house members don’t consider others.
8. People who bite their fingernails- this is a bad habit
9. Leaving lights on in an empty room- this happens when people go from room to room.
10. Leaving the toilet seat up- when men forget to put the seat down for women.
11. Leaving a movie theater before the credits are played- this happens when people think
movies are over.
12. People who liter because of pure laziness- when people are used to breaking laws.
13. Non-stop tapping in quiet places- this happens when people have anxiety.
14. When people Stand up at the exact moment the airplane gets to the gate- this happens
when people want to be first.
15. People who can't seem to help themselves when it comes to suggesting where to go, what
to do, and how to live your life.-this happens when people feel entitled.
16. People who think that they know it all when telling them something - this happens when you
communicate with arrogant people.
17. People who use words the wrong way, mixing up “their, there, and they’re” -this happens
when you don’t pay attention in school.
18. When I’m in McDonalds drive thru and the People in front of me don’t know their order when
in a rush.- This happens because they are in a rush too.
19. When I’m in public and people make eye contact with me but continue to Stare when I look
away. -this happens because people have no manners and are curious.
20. At work, when it’s very busy Being micromanaged is never the way to get things done. - this
happens when a lot of things have to get done.

This assignment was extremely harder than I thought, especially without the example video.
What I found hard was first coming up with 20 bugs of mine. I also found trying to be more
specific about each one harder than coming up with the bugs because some of them were self
explanatory to me. The “whys” were the hardest part because it’s easier to explain why I don’t
like the issue, not why the issue is an issue. Nonetheless, I completed it to the best of my ability.

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