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wi‡m›U AvBwU cªkœ e¨vsK-2021

c„ôv bs Uwc·
xi Dc‡ii jvB‡b MAC A¨v‡Wªm: MAC A¨v‡Wª‡mi c~Y©iæc nj: Media Access Control
xix 20 bs cÖ‡kœ 33Q Gi ¯’‡j 33 Ing n‡e
25 bs Gi DËi B(300) n‡e
xxix Wb‡Pi Uzª_ †Uwe‡j A>B Gi ¯’‡j A<B Ges A<B Gi ¯’‡j A>B n‡e|
lv f) Which is the true ? ans: c ( both a and b) n‡e Ges 6 (b)marge evbvb Uv merge n‡e 6 (d) sequiry
evbvb Uv security n‡e |
7 28 bs G w.x.z Gi ¯’‡j w,x,y n‡e |
4 6 4
31 bs G L) (26)*(10 ) Gi ¯’‡j (2 )*(10 ) n‡e|
19 69 . cÖ‡kœ ‡k‡l “level” hy³ n‡e| maximum how many nodes can be placed in a binary tree of N level.
20 77 no question replace n‡e|
77. ------------ is an integration testing that is commonly used when software products are being
developed . it is designed as a pacing mechanism for time –critical project allowing the software team
to access its project on a frequent basis.
a) unit testing b) function testing
c) regression testing d) smoke testing (ans)
25 34 bs †bvRvsLv Gi ¯’‡j †`vRvsLv n‡e|
37 6 bs DËi c) 4,5
41 35 bs cÖkœ elements inserted into an empty linked list
DËi d) 0(n^2)
42 38 bs cÖkœ E1 to entity set 12 Gi ¯’‡j E1 to entity set E2 n‡e|
49 37 bs DËi c) gamma testing
50 40 bs DËi a) 38 note: minimum (12+12+12+2)
62 76 bs DËi: c) -5

75 01 bs : cÖkœ Uv wb‡Pi gZ K‡i wb‡eb:

In a bag there are 4 orange , 3 green and 5 white bulbs, if a bulb is chosen at random from the bag
then what is the probability that the bulb will be either green or white?

5 bs cÖ‡kœ wPÎ n‡e :

7 bs cÖ‡kœ b. 32 n‡e
82 6 bs cÖ‡kœ DËi: b) Quick sort
7 bs cÖ‡kœ DËi: d) Merge sort
8 bs cÖ‡kœ DËi: b)O(n^2)
121 2(a) no of subnet :2^11
And usable host per subnet: 2^5-2=30
142 1 bs cÖ‡kœ iii ) instructor Register Gi ¯’‡j instruction Register n‡e|
170 11 bs cÖ‡kœ ii) 1010 Gi excess-3 code : 101011
190 5 bs cÖ‡kœ int a[]={5,3,4,2,1}; Gi ¯’‡j int a[]={5,2,1,3,4}; n‡e|
217 wb‡Pi w`‡K
In-order traversal: left Root right
Pre-order traversal: Root left Right
Post-order traversal: left right Root
261 k-map add n‡e|
A’B’ 1 1
A’B 1 1 1
AB’ 1 1

F(A,B,C,D)= AB’C’+A’C+A’BD

318 3(b)
403 8 cÖ‡kœ :
int i=0,n=3;
printf("%d ",i);
479 1 bs (b) cÖ‡kœ Wvb w`‡K wj÷ B=ADC Gi ¯’‡j B=ADE n‡e|
571 4 bs cÖ‡kœ Gi ¯’‡j
Ges mve‡bU gv¯‹ n‡e:

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