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Plague Station

Led by Inquisitor M’Weru and her tracker, M’Kuna, the Acolytes successfully assaulted the so-
called Plague Station. Inside, they found a large number of cultists belonging to The Callers of
Sorrow, and their leader - a Plague Marine of Nurgle. Possibly one of the original Traitor
Marines, alive for millenia, the Marine proved nigh unstoppable, killing M’Kuna and nearly
killing Darryl with its accurate and deadly Bolter Fire. However, M’Weru was able to draw deep
on her Psychic power and used her telekinesis to hold the Marine in a vise-like grip, allowing
the party time to attack it while it remained defenseless. Gaius charged in and, hammering
blows at the foul creatures head, first knocked off it helmet (revealing the decaying horrible
visage beneath) then decapitating it with his chainsword.

Unfortunately, M’Weru’s psychic efforts also weakened the walls between the Immaterium and
Reality, and a number of portals into the Warp began to open around the area. A small group of
Nurglings entered the base through them, assaulting the party before they even had a chance
to celebrate their victory over the Chaos Marine. M’Weru herself had been injured and
temporarily stunned by her efforts with the Marine, but the party was able to take down the
remaining cultists and the Nurglings. After that they proceeded to search the base.

In its command centre, the Acolytes found a wiped cogitator (computer) and some half burnt
documents. These documents indicated several things. They implied that the writer (likely the
elusive Tormus Fayne, leader of the Callers of Sorrow) had managed to manipulate the
Acolytes into attacking and killing his brother and rival, Ferrue Fayne. The documents also
suggested that the Callers of Sorrow were actively buying Xenos artifacts from the Faceless
Trade, looking for something they labelled “The Source”. They had not yet found it (at least as
of the note dated 2 weeks prior), and had run into trouble with 2 other groups in their efforts.
The first group was apparently the Red Walk Gang, lead by the Party’s old ally from Gantry -
Vornas Crimson. The second was an unknown, unnamed group, which was somehow able to
find and attack groups of Callers, stealing the Xenos artifacts for themselves.

Also in the Base, the Acolytes found a room used by the Space Marine. It had a small shrine to
Nurgle, and a small lectern. Upon the lectern was a hide bound book, upon which Gothic
letters spelled out “The Book of Lorgar”. M’Weru immediately appropriated the book and the
party destroyed the shrine.

Together with the remaining Imperial Guard, the Acolytes set demolition charges, and before
leaving the area demolished the Base. They then returned uneventfully to the nearby Hive, and
from there returned to their own quarters in Desoleum.

After the party returned to Hive Desoleum, Xixo revealed some troubling news to his fellow
Acolytes. While with Inquisitor M’Weru, he observed something disturbing. Her sword, when
drawn, would periodically appear to him to be a rune-covered Chaos or Daemon Sword, with
glowing purple flames coming off it. To the rest of the party however, and to Xixo most of the
time, the Sword appeared to be simply an old antique sword. It appeared to be incredibly
effective at dispatching the Nurglings, which M’Weru seemed able to take down with single
hammering blows.

The party agreed to mull this over, and ended up talking to their own Inquisitor about this.

When approached with this information, Manx looked very concerned. He told the PCs that
Inquisitors as individuals can be very very different. Although they belong to the different
Ordos, and follow the commands of their Order’s head, they have about as much liberalness in
how they prosecute those orders as can be imagined. Further, aside from the Ordos, there are
divisions within the Inquisition, based on philosophy or politics. Some Inquisitors would be
considered Puritans, in fact most Ordo Hereticus (M’Weru’s order) are such. On the other hand
many Malleus Inquisitors end up being considered Radicals - as they are often using the very
power of the Warp against Chaos. There are also rumours over the years of other forces that
are somehow not of the Warp - such as the rumours regarding a power called “Enuncia” (see
Ravenor). Inquisitors as a group tend to use whatever tools they have at hand. The problem or
trick can be knowing where the line is, and not crossing it. Over the centuries, some Inquisitors
cross that line and end up serving the Archenemy instead. Those Inquisitors are declared
Extremis Diabolis and hunted down. It is possible that M’Weru is a Radical, and so may be
wielding some form of Chaotic or Warp Weapon. The Book of Lorgar was another matter. This
may have been a copy of a tome originally penned by the Primarch of the Word Bearers Space
Marine Legion, Lorgar. Lorgar and the Word Bearers were the first Traitor Marines to turn to the
Dark Gods. It is a proscribed text containing philosophies and knowledge about Chaos and the
Warp. In Manx’s eyes would be best destroyed lest its knowledge corrupt the unwary. However
Manx acknowledges many Inquisitors, particularly those in the Ordo Malleus, would argue the
book might aid in the fight against Chaos. Manx feels that if M’Weru did not destroy it, then it
should be taken to the Ordos HQ on Juno and placed in a secure Vault.

Manx: “I am troubled, and I will discuss this matter with our Superiors on Juno in person when
next I return there. In the meantime, be careful around her as I mentioned and I would not
reveal your insights to anyone else. Continue to hide your unique nature, Xixo, even more so

Each PC earns 400xp and 2 Influence (I’ll amend your sheets online). Some suggestions on this

In the weeks following the raid on the Plague Station, the party was kept busy. Reports on the
encounter, and in particular the Plague Marine and the Book of Lorgar were requested by the
Ordos HQ on Juno. M’Weru, when questioned regarding the Book, stated she had destroyed it
after verifying it was merely a copy, not an original, and had no utility for the Inquisition. She
remained on Desoleum, still actively hunting Cultists, showing her particular hatred of the
followers of Nurgle.

Manx says:

“There likely is concern at HQ re how a Chaos Space Marine made it to Desoleum and concern
regarding the extent of the Cultist’s influence and their reach. I will be travelling to Port Aquila,
a Deep Space Void Station a week away. My own recent investigations suggest it is a
waypoint for the Smugglers. I may be there some time, as it is a world unto itself. Marcus and
my other acolytes will be coming with me. Interrogator Sand has left for Juno and will be
continuing his work on Juno. Our superiors have offered him a job as Head of Xenobiologica
there and so he is leaving my service. So Pontius, you now act with my full authority here and
are in fact the ranking Ordo Xenos member on this planet. I want you to remain on Desoleum,
to deal with anything that might come up and to help Inquisitor M’Weru if asked. What formal
or informal spies and allies I have on this world will contact you if they find anything. I’ve left a
file with their names and function on your tablet.

If you do get any leads on the Xenos artifacts, follow them to the fullest extent, no matter what
or where it takes you. That remains your primary mission, not the Callers or Tormus. You can
keep me updated via Astropathic means - here are the codes and permissions for access here
in Desoleum. If you get a lead on the Plague Marine’s origins or on the Callers contact
Inquisitor M’Weru with that information. Those will be her focus and problem. In future, if you
encounter Traitor Marines, I suggest you retreat if able, as you will likely not be so lucky next

I would think it to your advantage continue to conceal your identity in any investigations you
take, if you can. M’Weru has been less than secretive, and so she will both help conceal your
identities as well as, I hope, act as a lodestone should there be any reprisals from the Cultists
on this World. Tormus Fayne is still at large and is not to be underestimated, and I fear the roots
of Chaos run deep on this world. We’ve seen how the ranks of the nobility, merchants and
government have been infiltrated by Chaos or the Trade Sable. Finally, on my urging, Ordos HQ
on Juno has authorized the local Guard to replace any used ammunition. I wish you well!”

The party has any munitions used at the Plague Station replaced (grenades, exterminators,
bolter, shotgun and rifle rounds). As well, you receive an extra standard magazine for all your
weapons (regular ammunition), as well as a box containing 4 more Exterminators, with a note
stating “You seem to use these with regular frequency” and a second box containing a further
4 Frag Grenades and 2 Krak Grenades. Darryl asks if he can have one of the Exterminators!
Assuming you agree, the remaining 3 can be used in future. Note that doing a ‘field
replacement’ would require a Tech Use roll (which none of you have at present). If doing while
not in combat, a Tech Priest in Desoleum would be able to do without effort.

Finally you have access to the Inquisitor’s discretionary funds, several thousand thrones, to use
for any unexpected expenses.

XP suggestions (and can always save all or part). The next adventure has a mixture of
investigation and combat.

has 200xp left from previous so 600xp total now to spend

Some options:

Stat increase: one of Agility w+5, Perception to +15, or Fellowship to +15 - any one of these for

Skills: Dodge could go to +20 for 600xp

Could consider taking Tech Use (since no Marcus now) 200xp, or take it to +10 for 600xp total

Talents: Clues from the Crowd 200xp (reroll tests made to gather information from a group/area
- eg while fishing for info in bars etc)

Keen Intuition - reroll a failed Awareness test with a -10 modifier 200xp (although you do have
the Arbites ability to spend a Fate point to auto succeed on a failed Awareness test)

Nowhere to Hide - use DoS on an attack to reduce armour value of cover 300xp

Technical Knock - unjam gun automatically, as a half action 300xp

Inescapable Attack (ranged) - penalty on opponents Evasion test DoS (Dodge) equal to your
DoS on attack (ie less likely to dodge all your shots) 450xp

Deathdealer (ranged) - add your Per Bonus (4 in your case!) to your ranged damage (so your
Shotgun becomes 1d10+8, or +11 at point blank) - 600xp

Gaius - 400xp

Some options:

Awareness +10 for 400xp

Parry +20 for 300xp

Weapon Training - Power weapons - 200xp (in hopes of a power sword sometime in future)

Sound Constitution - extra wounds - 200xp per extra wound taken

Combat Master - opponents get no bonus for outnumbering you - 300xp

Counter Attack - free melee attack after successful parry 300xp

Hip Shooting - can move full (2 half actions) and still get a single shot off while moving - 300xp

Inescapable Attack (pick ranged or melee) - penalty on opponents Evasion test DoS (Dodge)
equal to your DoS on attack (ie less likely to dodge all your attacks) 300xp

Whirlwind of Death (aka Cleave) - can make one attack on each melee opponent - 300xp

Blademaster - once per round, can reroll a missed melee attack - 400xp

Step Aside - can take a 2nd evasion test each round (ie dodge x 2 or parry x 2 or dodge and a
parry) although not vs same attack - 400xp

Xixo - 400xp

Some options:

Toughness +5 and +10 for 350xp (reduces damage taken)

Dodge to +20 for 300xp

Psyniscience to +10 for 200xp

Stealth to +20 for 300xp

Survival to +10 for 200xp

Nowhere to Hide - use DoS on an attack to reduce armour value of cover 300xp

Step Aside - 2nd evasion test (Dodge) (not against same attack) - 400xp

Bane of the Daemon - penalty to creatures with Warp Instability - 300xp

Soulless Aura - enemies have -10 to Charm and Deceive - 200xp

Warp Bane - Warp Disruption now has a range of 2x WP bonus in metres - 400xp (note this
would be affected by Limiter if turned on though)

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