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Mandragora Apocrypha

Produced by Foreward
Messiahcide The Mandragora Apocrypha as a project was begun as an
effort to collect, organize, and ratify the homebrew rules I
Cover Art had used over the years and approved for my personal
Blazbaros campaigns. Having developed the little explored Mandragora
into my stand-alone setting, I came to the conclusion to
combine both a setting primer with this collection of
Version homebrew rules into a campaign series to share with the
Draft 2 - 5/1/2017 gaming community. As I shared this early effort with fellow
enthusiasts, it soon became a catalyst for greater endeavors
Source Materials - leading to countless revisions and many months of work.
Dark Heresy 1st Edition Core and Supplements Within this series there exists materials drawn from the
Burning Wheel by Luke Crane works of others, intertwined with original and official
Civilians in Warhammer 40,000 AD by Kid Kyoto materials updated for second edition. As there is no intention
to claim all works as my own (save for the effort of collecting
and binding them into a singular cohesive whole), when
applicable, source materials used for each volume will be
listed for ease of reference and accreditation. With that in
mind, I certainly hope you enjoy the fruits of this laborious

Mandragora Apocrypha
The Dread Mandragora Sector Falmina's World.............................................24 Determining Starting Disposition...................57
Hepheron.......................................................24 Personality.......................................................57
Types of Planets................................................2
Laslock Run...................................................25 Personalities And Social Skills......................57
Laslock Run Penal Regiment......................25 Example Personalities.....................................58
Hive Worlds.....................................................2
Stendaris Quintus..........................................25 Aggressive.....................................................58
Cemetery Worlds.............................................2
The Twelfth Gate...........................................25 Clever............................................................58
Dead Worlds....................................................2
Dhanabine Borderlands...................................26 Confident.......................................................58
Death Worlds...................................................2
Aegisine.........................................................26 Submissive....................................................58
Developing Worlds..........................................2
Dhanab..........................................................27 Unhinged.......................................................59
Feral Worlds....................................................2
Kharanos.......................................................27 Conversation Structure....................................59
Feudal Worlds.................................................2
Port Junction..................................................27 Social Skill Tests...........................................59
Forge Worlds...................................................2
Cappavocian Sub-Sector.................................28 Npcs And Social Skill Tests...........................59
Frontier Worlds................................................3
Al'Jzarrid........................................................28 Duel of Wits.....................................................60
Mining Worlds..................................................3
Cappavocia....................................................28 Dueling Skills.................................................60
Pleasure Worlds..............................................3
Cappavocian Gnosticators..........................29 Statement of Purpose....................................60
Shrine Worlds..................................................3
Crixus............................................................29 State your Case.............................................60
War Worlds......................................................3
LR-10/14B.....................................................29 Agree to the Terms........................................60
Quarantined Worlds.........................................3
Magna Gargano.............................................29 The Body of Argument...................................61
The Sea of Shadows.........................................4
Mortton..........................................................30 Body of Argument........................................61
The Cathayan Sarcophagus..............................30 Body of Argument Skills..............................61
Cardinale.......................................................30 Unskilled Body of Argument........................61
Halimede.......................................................31 Big Deal.......................................................61
Regicide.........................................................31 Not a Big Deal.............................................61
Trantor Secundus...........................................31 The Duel........................................................61
Sector's End....................................................5
The Apocryphan Ravine....................................32 Verbal Exchange.........................................61
The Hadronian Wall...........................................6
Cezaerus II....................................................32 Volley to Volley............................................61
The Sea of Cinders..........................................32 Exchange to Exchange................................61
Holy Hadronia..................................................6
Otnak..............................................................32 Speaking the Part........................................62
Phaenon Prime................................................7
The Dendray Mires..........................................33 Elements of Elocution....................................62
Mark of the Phaenonites................................7
Galatea..........................................................33 Interactions..................................................62
The Marjories Regency.....................................8
Tryphosa........................................................33 Walking Away................................................62
Vasantasena..................................................33 Take Them Away.........................................62
The Wylds........................................................34 Walking Away from the Group.....................62
Belmaryan Sharrex Regiment.......................9
Serioli.............................................................34 Violence within the 39th Millennium............62
Duel of Wits Actions......................................63
Avoid the Topic............................................63
Graecia..........................................................10 The Powers of Mandragora Dismiss........................................................63
Heraion..........................................................10 The Adeptus Administratum............................35 Feint.............................................................63
Iolcos.............................................................11 The Carta Principary......................................35 Incite............................................................64
Kaitain............................................................11 Departmento Cartigraphicae.........................35 Obfuscate....................................................64
Lhiannan........................................................11 The Departmento Munitorum.........................36 Point............................................................64
Philileos.........................................................12 Hierarchy of the Administratum.....................37 Rebuttal.......................................................64
Salvus Tertius................................................12 The Divisio Agricultae....................................39 Baiting Beliefs..............................................65
Thade............................................................12 The Senatorum Draconem............................39 Resolving the Argument................................59
Trilia...............................................................13 Imperial Decreeist........................................39 Winning a Duel of Wits................................65
Valgus............................................................13 Homeworld: Imperial World.............................40 Compromises................................................65
Yanov............................................................13 Background: Officio Medicae...........................42 Minor Compromise......................................65
Ziegsturhl.......................................................13 Background: Planetary Defense Force............44 Compromise................................................65
The Abbas Sub-Sector....................................14 Role: Emissary................................................46 Major Compromise......................................65
Annazir..........................................................14 Role: Politico....................................................47 Losing............................................................66
Homeworld: Annazir....................................15 Role: Seneschal..............................................48 Shocking Defeat..........................................66
Lhasum..........................................................15 Role: Artisan....................................................49 Tying..............................................................66
Malkavia........................................................15 Crafting Rules..................................................50 Tied Compromise........................................66
Namaah.........................................................15 Using Crafting Skills......................................50 Murder most Foul........................................66
The Sixth Great Maelstrom..........................16 Step One: Define the Task............................50 Honor Besmirched.......................................66
Vasteras........................................................16 Step Two: Assign Factors..............................50 Helping in the Duel of Wits............................66
Vodaccair Sextus...........................................16 Difficulty.......................................................51 Disposition & Personalities in a Duel of Wits.66
The Drift Worlds...............................................17 Duration.......................................................51 Elocution Imperialis.........................................67
Bonisagus......................................................17 Dividing Tasks.............................................51 Skills and Skill Uses......................................67
Ephemera......................................................18 Material Cost...............................................52 Trade (Diplomacy).......................................67
Flambeaux.....................................................18 Step Three: Make Adjustments.....................52 Special Interactions in the Duel of Wits......67
Homeworld: Flambeaux...............................18 Step Four: Tests............................................52 Lore and Trade Skills in a Duel of Wits.......67
Hecuba..........................................................19 Improving Craftsmanship.............................53 Talent Descriptions........................................67
Metallus Quartus...........................................19 Cooperation.................................................53 Air of Authority.............................................67
Shaehol.........................................................19 Setting Things Aside....................................53 Ambassador Imperialis................................67
Sikun Secundus.............................................19 Step Five: Complete the Task.......................53 Clues from the Crowds................................67
Queensland...................................................20 Failure..........................................................53 Contact Network..........................................68
The Iron-Bounds..............................................20 The Auspices of the Officio Medicae...............55 Coordinated Interrogation............................68
Cathedral of Flesh.........................................20 Chem-Use.....................................................55 Enemy (X)....................................................68
Bravitovich Sub-Sector....................................21 Alien Toxins.................................................55 Frenzy..........................................................68
Caern of the Sentinel.....................................21 Concealing Poisons.....................................55 Halo of Command........................................68
Enceladus......................................................22 Detecting Poisons........................................55 Hatred..........................................................68
Makhavius Quintus.................... ...................22 Install Implants and Bionic Components.......55 Inspire Wrath...............................................69
Vrai Sombra...................................................22 Failed Tests.................................................55 Jaded...........................................................69
The Poisoned Shores......................................22
Master Orator..............................................69
Hagon Primus................................................23
Temple of Knowing........................................23 Social Interaction Peer (X).......................................................69
Reputation And Power...................................69
The Catepanates.............................................24 Disposition.........................................................57 Ally of The Departmento Munitorum............69
Ahrimanes.....................................................24 Testing Disposition........................................57

Mandragora Apocrypha
Conciliator.....................................................69 Nail Bomb....................................................87 Predator.......................................................108
Committed Xanthite.....................................70 Melee...............................................................87 Ptera-Beast..................................................108
Crimelord.....................................................70 Magistratum “Punisher” Baton.......................87 Scavenger...................................................108
Denouncer...................................................70 Armor...............................................................88 Shadowed Stalker.......................................109
Hidden Cultist..............................................70 Hardened Body Glove...................................88 Slithering Creature.......................................109
Oath Bonded to the Angels of Death...........70 Low Hiver’s Overcoats...................................88 Verminous Swarm.......................................109
Outspoken Monodominant..........................70 Mirker’s Greaves...........................................88 Venomous Terror.........................................110
Pious Observation.......................................71 Riot Shield.....................................................88 Walking Creature.........................................110
Renowned Warrior.......................................71 Tower Shield..................................................88 Creating Unique Creatures............................110
Revolutionary...............................................71 Volcanis Shroud............................................88 Plantlife..........................................................118
Throne-Agent...............................................71 Clothing and Gear...........................................89 The Kamalinka Genus.................................118
Voice of the Masses....................................71 Axe-Rake.......................................................89 Creating Unique Flora.................................118
Warmonger..................................................71 Bio-Sample Kit...............................................89 Generating Exotic Flora.................................118
Watched from on High.................................71 Chem Lamps.................................................89 Flora and Fauna Toxicity...............................124
Worthy Of the Mandragoran Elite................71 Coded Data-Slate..........................................89 Creating Your Own Xenos Species...............126
Traits..................................................................72 Cognomen.....................................................89 Generate Xenos Equipment........................143
Increasing The Scope....................................72 Court Robes..................................................89 Mutations.......................................................145
Groups versus Groups................................72 Forgery Kit.....................................................89 Servants of the Imperium..............................116
Crowd Control..............................................73 Hand Vox.......................................................90 The Law of the Imperium.............................116
Social Encounters............................................74 Heretic’s Wake Deck.....................................90 Bounty Hunter............................................116
The Role Of Social Encounters In Narrative..75 Holo Wafers...................................................90 Enforcer.....................................................117
Playing Npcs................................................75 Mantle-Shrine................................................90 Kill Squad Trooper.....................................117
Using Personality...........................................75 Mercantile Bodyglove....................................90 Magistrate..................................................118
Using Disposition...........................................75 Mercantile Cognomen...................................90 Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial Ward..............118
Using Duel of Wits.........................................75 Money Pouch.................................................90 The Adeptus Arbites....................................119
Using Social Skills.........................................75 Ocular Catechizer..........................................90 Proctor............................................... .......119
Charm..........................................................76 Pass Tokens..................................................90 Cyber-Mastiff Handler................................120
Command....................................................76 Penthrift Dreadfuls.........................................90 Cyber-Constructs, Beasts, and Servitors..121
Deceive........................................................76 Pheromone Mister.........................................91 Cyber-Construct Use.................................121
Intimidate.....................................................76 Pheromone Nasal Filtration-Plugs.................91 Grapplehawks............................................121
Scrutiny........................................................76 Rag-Robes....................................................91 Adeptus Arbites Cyber-Mastiff...................122
Salvation Auger.............................................91 “Bullpup” Cyber-Mastiff..............................122
Toxin Wands..................................................91 "Bloodhound" Cyber-Mastiff......................123
Life in the Mandragora Sector Vox Caster.....................................................91 Eliminator Mastiff.......................................123
Imperial Culture & Local Worlds......................77 Vox-Phonograph............................................91 Bomb Disposal Servitor.............................124
Technology....................................................77 Vox-Thief.......................................................91 Suppressor Servitor...................................124
Faith...............................................................77 Ward Accessor..............................................92 Servo-Hunter.............................................125
Transportation...............................................78 Drugs and Consumables.................................92 Harrier-Skull...............................................125
Currency and Commerce..............................78 Amorouso Pheromone...................................92 Servants of the Emperor..............................126
Violence and Weapons..................................78 Mors Ira Pheromones....................................92 Administratum Adept.................................126
Clan and Company........................................79 Mors Ventus Pheromones.............................92 Administratum Ordinate.............................127
Media and Information...................................79 Soylens Viridians...........................................92 Astropath Minoris.......................................128
Education.......................................................79 Tremora Pheromones....................................92 Imperial Guardsman..................................128
Sex, Love and Families.................................79 Cybernetics......................................................93 Ministorum Cleric.......................................129
The Law.........................................................80 Adrenal Spike................................................93 Ministorum Preacher.................................129
Government...................................................80 Analgesia Infuser...........................................93 Ministorum Confessor................................130
Decay............................................................81 Hexis-Implants...............................................93 Space Marine............................................130
Classes and Caste..........................................82 Services.........................................................94 Citizenry of Mandragora..............................131
Upper Classes...............................................82 Luminum Tats................................................94 Citizen........................................................131
Imperial..........................................................82 Resusatrix Chamber......................................94 Entertainer.................................................131
Off Worlders and Spacers.............................82 Furnace Worker.........................................131
Nobility...........................................................82 Planetary Commander...............................132
Wealthy..........................................................83 The Mandragoran Bestiary PDF Praetorian Guard...............................132
Honored Servants..........................................83 The Plagues of Dread Mandragora.................95 Planetary Defense Force Trooper.............132
Middle Classes..............................................83 Cryptos..........................................................96 Heavy Repair Servitor...............................133
Tradesmen and Freeholders.........................84 Enslavers.......................................................97 Merchant Magnate.....................................133
Skilled Workers..............................................84 Humines Nocturnae.......................................98 Noblite Scion.............................................134
Lower Classes...............................................84 Mandragoran Reaper....................................99 Scribe........................................................134
Menials, Laborers and Peasants...................84 Reaper Mutate.............................................99 Slaughterman............................................134
Slaves, Helots and Servitors.........................85 Nostrafex.....................................................100 The Lawless of the Imperium........................134
Outcasts...........................................................85 Nostrafex Thrall.........................................101 Outcasts......................................................134
Outlaws and Heretics....................................85 Ptera-Squirrel..............................................102 Dreg...........................................................134
Mutants...........................................................85 Umbra..........................................................102 Heavy........................................................134
Xenos............................................................85 Flora and Fauna of Mandragora....................103 Heretek......................................................134
Creatures.....................................................103 Hive Ganger..............................................134
Armaments of the Masses Grox...........................................................103
Ranged Weapons............................................86 Grox Calf...................................................104 Scrounger..................................................135
Flamers..........................................................86 Saurian Carnosaur....................................104 Skulker.......................................................135
Gas Torch Flamer........................................86 Sharrex......................................................104 Underhive Merchant..................................135
Tox Spray....................................................86 Other Animals & Vermin................................105 Mutants........................................................136
Las Weapons.................................................86 Apex Predator..............................................105 Mutant........................................................136
Civitas Pattern Laspistol..............................86 Avian Beast.................................................105 Mutant Abomination...................................136
Melta Weapons..............................................86 Domesticated Beast....................................105
Melta Cutter.................................................86 Herd Beasts.................................................106
Low-Tech Weapons.......................................87 Harmless Creature......................................106
Drive Nailer..................................................87 Behemoth....................................................106
Impaler.........................................................87 Domesticated Mount....................................107
Scrap Cannon..............................................87 Ferocious Creature......................................107
Grenades.......................................................87 Flying Vermin...............................................107

Mandragora Apocrypha
he bore down, his knee driving into his abdomen and
vonne had been distressed. He was pouring over the expelling the air from his lungs.
vellum-stacks, data-slates and As'patchic communicae logs "Clean getaway!?" Yvonne yelled, spitting a mouthful of
spread haphazardly across his private study. There had blood to the plasteel decks beside them. "You, boy, dare to
been multiple variances and instances of suspected pass judgment on me!?." He had calmed down now. Still
conspiracies, potential leads and a countless multitude of breathing heavy, but no longer raging with indignation. "You
pleas begging for assistance that had emerged in a know nothing of the world you live in."
disturbing pattern throughout the past decade. Yet, despite Silas himself wasn't shocked at suddenly finding himself
all these, his anger grew more with pure ichor as he stared on the deck with an armored knee in his gut. He had
at the latest report he had received when the Pillar of expected far worse for striking one of the most powerful men
Penitence had emerged from the immaterium, allowing the in the sector. For him, it showed what good having morals
vessels venerable Astropath to enter a Nuncio trance and resulted in. The acolyte swallowed something that tasted like
receive the encrypted reports from the Mandragoran blood, and hoped it wasn't as bad as it felt.
Conclave. "I know enough to appreciate life, Imp. I know I look
He was being summoned for censure. young to you, but I've been traveling through this 'verse
That backwater world of Cezaerus II was proving to be an since I was born. I ran the Black for years before you people
ugly thorn that remained embedded in his consciousness. showed up and started preaching the gospel of your own
The taint was clear - the populace allowed a genetic guns. I've seen sights beyond description in human
deviancy beyond the acceptable parameters, and had he not language, and been witness to nightmares only humans
bombed the world the recidivistic nature of the deviant- could dream up. And through it all I learned that only two
blooded abominates would only escape into the grander things matter in this world: Knowledge, and Life. You just
Mandragora, polluting the purity of form the Imperium held threw away more lives than you could count. For what? So
so dear. you could stop some hive-gang riot? You just shot at a vent
He would have to think hard on an adequate response. He wasp with a missile launcher. You call that strength? I say
was not a man of eloquent words like his former mentor, nor it's the worst kind of weakness."
was he a persuasive charmer with a honeyed tongue like so Silas was more than a little light headed now. He wasn't
many priests of the Missionarius Galaxia. He sat, drumming sure if it was the gut-check he'd just taken, or if he was just
the auto-quill impatiently while waiting for the words to coming down off of too much adrenaline. Either way, he'd
formulate in the blankness of his mind - yet all that came said his piece and his conscience was clean. The Inquisitor's
was more emptiness. eye narrowed at him. Fierce, piercing - yet Silas could see a
It was, perhaps, this lack of words that made Yvonne glimmer of recognition. But of what?
appreciative of the sudden intrusion to his quarters by his "You think I'm weak?" Yvonne breathed out. "You speak
acolyte, seconded from the Ordo Bestilius not too long ago. of seeing the wonders of the void and the nightmares only
Silas - a prodigal youth with a technical knack few within the humans can dream of..."
Mechanicus could truly appreciate. His face was scowling, Yvonne lessened his grip on Silas' throat, rising slowly to
but the break from his own agonizing would be welcomed. stand above the man. The arching lights from the overhead
He bade him with a hand, unaware of Silas' own grievances. lumen globes flooded from behind his head, shadowing his
The Inquisitor turned and started to speak. It would have features as he looked down upon his Acolyte.
been something like, 'what is it that you wish to speak with "Then you know what my job is. What my job has always
me about?', if Silas hadn't already buried his elbow into the been, and shall always be. Those nightmares you speak of
man's face. are real, Silas. They await in the dark, waiting for the
"Shut your hole!" It was less a voice then a roaring sound leniency of a single mind," Yvonne paused. A mind like
that Silas didn't even know he could make. "How many?" He silas', " break free into our reality. It is a burden I hold, to
yelled as the one eyed man picked himself up off the floor. pass judgment on entire worlds, but it is a burden I do not
"How many died on that planet so you could have your clean hold lightly or without regard."
getaway?" Silas motioned to speak, but gurgled some unintelligible
Yvonne had been accustomed to being hurt throughout spattering before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
his life. From lasburns, to the icy sting of xenos weapons, he Yvonne frowned. He had not intended to hit him with such
had suffered them all at the hands of the myriad enemies of force. He waited for a moment, before he concluded.
Mankind the Inquisition sought to defend against. Yet the "One day, you'll understand. When it is your time to pass
simplicity of being struck by a belligerent acolyte, rising well judgment on a few, so that a great many can live." He turned
beyond his station to express his anger - was profoundly to move away, but stopped a few short steps away. He
insulting, and on a deeper level, embarrassing. He had let whispered to no one in particular, since Silas had drifted far
his guard down. beyond consciousness and no one else was around to
Yvonne rose slowly to a knee, pausing just before he witness.
sprung out at the acolyte. With anger fueling his movements, "There were 2,432,032,372 who died that day." And with
the Inquisitor grasped Silas by his throat, wrenching the that said, with a trail of his coattails, the Inquisitor
acolyte's hand that moved to defend himself. He spun the disappeared down the corridors.
youth with a well-placed boot behind his legs, tripping him as
The Mandragora Apocrypha Part II: The Powers of Mandragora
Scholars and historian savants believe the fall of
“On salvations wings lay the divide; between intent and desire; for the
Mandragora could have been prevented were it not for the
shadow of the Imperium is cast from the fires held aloft by the
ineffectual and divided lords of the sector. Between millennia
of overly-complex bureaucracy, politically driven planetary
- Inquisitor-Ordinary Yvonne Mengsk defense forces, and ambitious planetary governors, the
sector's strengths were divided piecemeal. The
Administratum of the sector suffered from this internal and
he Mandragora Apocrypha is an irregular series of inflated meritocracy the most, its own esteemed lords and
articles, collected volumes, and optional game rules for the ordinates vying for sub-sectorial dominance amongst each
Dark heresy 2nd Edition Roleplay game. The Apocrypha other. The discordance between those capable of levying the
contains all manner of exciting things such as rules forces of the Imperium would prove Mandragora's folly.
additions, new types of characters and different ways of
constructing groups of Acolytes, as well as idea for running Part III: Social Interaction
particular types of games. Such knowledge however, comes
with a warning - it is anticipated that some Apocrypha will Just as much as with a gun or power blade, the battles of
have substantial implications for your games of Dark Heresy Mandragora were won by wit and words. In this part, the
if you choose to use them. The Apocrypha are subject to social interaction mechanics are revisited. Porting the Duel
change and sit slightly outside of the purity of Dark Heresy’s of Wits ruleset from the Burning Wheel RPG, this section
core rules. For those of you who have steeled your soul and integrates satisfying social conflict mechanics that match the
crave forbidden knowledge, you read at your own risk! complexity of the core rulebook's combat systems, without
Enjoy! unnecessary complications. Intertwining the Disposition and
In the first compendium of the Mandragora Apocrypha, the standard skill tests into the system are intuitive and create
introduction to the previously unexplored sector begins. Set an easy to utilize way to engage in high profile, intense and
in the dawning centuries of the 39th millennium, this volume important dialogues for games set in the Mandragora Sector.
illuminates the state of the sector near its downfall, and
inevitable collapse in the years just crowning the birth of the Part IV: Life in the Imperium
newly founded Calixis Sector. While the infamous Angevin
Crusade comes to its natural conclusion, the great founding
Life in the Imperium is varied, but most often harsh and
and mass exodus of the Mandragora and Gehenna sectors
subject to the uncaring and eternally grinding bureaucracy of
begins - the colonial expeditions tainted by the dark horrors
the Adeptus Terra. The rigid hierarchy and social structures
left behind. By the end of 610.M39, the sector would be
are highly pronounced in Mandragora, in no small part due
known as the Dread and Perished Mandragora region, cut
to its history stretching back far into the early millennia of the
off from the rest of the Imperium by turbulent warp storms
Imperium's existence. Far from the distant core worlds of
that had raged for centuries. The Aegisine Crusades would
Segmentum Solar, and counted amongst the Sectors
be declared in the same century, first lead by the Black
Occularis that border the raging maelstrom of the Eye of
Templars, and later, the Red Scorpions chapters of the
Terror, its ancient and civilized worlds were able to firmly
Adeptus Astartes to reclaim the heart of the sector. It is this
entrench themselves in tradition and dogma without many
tumultuous epoch that the Apocrypha seeks to cover.
external influences.

Part I: The Dread Mandragora Sector Part V: Armaments of the Masses

The Mandragora Sector was home to many diverse and
No strangers to violence, the citizens of the Imperium
populous Imperial worlds before its collapse. In the first part
dredge on in their daily routines, mindful that each Emperor-
of this compendium, many of the most prominent worlds are
given day may be their last. In this section, the simple
examined. Embodying the old blood and nobility of Imperial
armaments and equipment utilized by the masses of the
culture, the courts of Mandragora were undeniably decaying
Mandragora sector are provided in a simple armory.
from within by the early centuries of M39. Millennia of
stagnancy and overpopulation had taken root, and while
resilient from the enemies beyond its borders, it was
Part VI: The Mandragoran Bestiary
threatened from within by internal corruption, rigid society
and ancient and ineffectual dogma. The Mandragora Sector contains many forms of life - from
the useful, the lethal, and the horrifying. Under the protective
eye of the planetary defense watch, the citizens of most
worlds are given some modicum level of protection - but not
all dangers can be warded off so easily!

The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Dread Mandragora Sector Galactic Position

"In the end, you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing
To trailing, the Mandragora Sector is bordered by the
everyone that matters to you. Tired of everything...turn to dust. If you civilized Ixaniad sector and to coreward by the Gehenna and
live long enough, you'll certainly be left alone. That's the price worth Finial Sectors. On its spinward front its nearest neighbor is
paying.." the Scarus Sector, and rimward lay the contested and
unregulated frontiers of the Halo Stars. Because of its
-Auto-Dictation recorded by Inquisitor-Ordinary Yvonne Mengsk position, Mandragora is considered one of the Sectors
Occularis, or one of the Bastion Sectors that border the
he Dread and Perished Mandragora Region was once periphery of the Eye of Terror.

a great and prosperous Imperial Sector. Before the

Phaenonites rose during the twilight of the sector and at the Sub-Sectors
birth of the Calixis sector, the Mandragora Sector stood as
one of the last bastions of Imperial power along the rimward The Mandragora Sector is split into ten official sub-
borders leading into the ill-fated Halo Stars. Yet even at its sectors. They are:
height of power and influence the Mandragora Sector Sub-Sector Abbas: A reclusive sub-sector, it was once
showed signs of its own decay. As multitudes of lesser home to enshrined cemetery worlds before the emergence
heresies threatened to tear down the Adeptus Terra's power of the sixth great maelstrom.
from both within and without. Sub-Sector Bravitovich: Near the heart of the sector, and
sparsely populated due to the presence of heavy ork raids
History of Heresy from the stellar region known as the Ninth Veil.
Sub-Sector Cauvis: Also known as the Marjories Regency,
the Cauvis Sub has more civilized and pleasure worlds, and
The Dread Mandragora Sector has many heavily
supports two forge worlds.
populated and important worlds, but it lies a great distance
Sub-Sector Cappavocia: A prosperous sub-sector,
from the Imperium’s heartland and, like so much of the
Cappavocia is the focus of many mining operations. Were it
Imperium, it must ultimately fend for itself. Like all Imperial
not for the orks of Karkuz, expansion would increase
territories, the Mandragora Sector is at risk from the chronic
dangers facing humanity: war, mutation, xenos activity, the
Sub-Sector Dhanab: The gateway to Mandragora, the
mark of Chaos, and so on.
Dhanabine borderlands are the bridge which connects it to
Yet the sector has always been notorious for its
the Gehenna and Finial sectors from Port Junction.
cankerous, self-aggrandizing and insidious nature. Located
Sub-Sector Hadronia: A secluded sub-sector consisting of
in the Segmentum Obscurus on the northern edge of the
one shrine world, the stellar region is largely unexplored.
known galaxy, Mandragora has enjoyed the blessing and
Sub-Sector Hecuba: Also known as the Drift Worlds, it is
curse of its isolation. Favoring strong reliance on their own
the principle sub-sector and home to the sector's capital.
power has led secessionist ideologies to rise with more
Sub-Sector Hepheron: Bordering coreward, the Hepheron
influence than would be tolerated core ward. Throughout the
sub sector nominally falls under the purview of the Adeptus
annuals of Mandragoran history, countless tales of heretical
movements aimed at tearing the sector apart from within
Sub-Sector Trantor: Known as the Cathayan Sarcophagus,
riddle and mar its past.
this sub-sector is tumultuous and subject to intense warp
Sub-Sector Libellus: Better recognized as the Sea of
Shadows, the Libellus Sub is the heart of commerce and
wealth in Mandragora.

1 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Types of Planets worlds are near-impossible to colonize but must be properly
explored which necessitates the provision of outposts and
other facilities. Some harbor rich mineral, vegetable, animal
Just as the people of the Imperium live in hugely varied or gaseous resources.
environments, so too do their cultures vary immensely.
Developing Worlds
These worlds are split into geographical areas with widely
These farming planets, in their own way, are as vital to the
varying levels of advancement and culture. Depending on
Imperium as its hives. These planets are given over entirely
the prevailing governments, these might be countries, states,
to the production of food, which hive worlds cannot produce
power blocks or tribal homelands. It may be the case that
in sufficient quantities to keep their huge populations from
higher levels of technology and wealth are concentrated
starving. Many a world has whole continents given over to
around original colonization sites. Other planets might exhibit
livestock or fields of crops. Some Agri-worlds are covered in
gross variations in culture due to environment, with areas
oceans teeming with fish and a few are far stranger - worlds
weak in natural resources being similarly weak in terms of
covered in edible fungus, scoured by swarms of nutritious
military power, economic muscle and so on. Some planets
insects or gas giants home to flocks of flying creatures. A
preserve a great divide due to ancient tribal taboos, religious
few planets are used solely to provide clean water to nearby
notions or plain old fashioned habit. A great many worlds of
hive worlds. Agri-worlds are sometimes ruled directly by the
the Imperium fit into this broad category, but no two are alike
Administratum, to help ensure that their produce is grown in the way they realize these divides.
and harvested with maximum efficiency.
Feral Worlds
Hive Worlds
These worlds are populated by tribal peoples largely living
The Imperium’s most populous worlds are its hive worlds.
without the assistance of maintained technology. This may
The populations of these planets are so high that the people
be due to a failed colonization project, religious preferences,
live in huge cities, truly immense many-layered structures
cultural choice, environment or some other reason. They
that reach high into the sky, each housing billions of
may be aware of the Imperium in some fashion but are
individuals. Hive worlds often provide much-needed labor,
unlikely to know much more than something about a large
their manufactoria producing mountains of war material and
group of distant people living in the stars. These planets are
other goods to meet the Imperial tithe demands. Most hive
frequently unsuitable for later colonization, either due to the
worlds started out as relatively hospitable places but have
circumstances which drove the natives feral or because the
become severely polluted, the areas outside the hives
natives themselves actively resist new people settling on
reduced to ash wastes or radioactive desert by the never-
their lands. People of feral worlds can range widely in
ceasing industry of the great cities. Equally dangerous can
culture, from Grox-hunting tribes of ancestor worshippers to
be the hives themselves. The crime-ridden, poverty-stricken
wild-eyed, post-apocalyptic road warriors, fighting endlessly
areas, almost always found in the most polluted and decrepit
amongst the toxic, sand-strewn ruins of their civilization.
lower levels of the underhive, are home to violent gangs,
criminals and assorted scum as well as mutants and
heretical cults who hide there from the authorities.
Feudal Worlds
These planets are populated by folk who have lost access
to all but the most basic of technologies. Farming, simple
Cemetery Worlds
machines such as pulleys, windmills and the like are known,
Somewhat akin to shrine worlds are the cemetery worlds,
but propelled flight, automatic weaponry and even powered
were large areas of the planet are given over to care for the
vehicles are likely to be rare or non-existent. These worlds
dead. Cemetery worlds may mark the site of a huge battle,
are often said to be the most politically harmonious of all the
or they may be covered in gigantic mausoleums each
planets of the Imperium, because their peoples know their
dedicated to a particular Imperial noble. By contrast rare place.
cemetery worlds may be covered in fields of endless modest
plots containing the remains of the inhabitants of a nearby
hive world.
Forge Worlds
Much of a forge world is like an immense factory, with
industrial complexes soaring into the sky and mine workings
Dead Worlds
burrowing deep into the crust. Forge worlds build great
These worlds have minimal, even non-existent, life traces.
numbers of complex machines, like tanks or spacecraft
This results from ecological catastrophe, devastating
parts. They are ruled by the Adeptus Mechanicus, whose
internecine war, Imperial or alien intervention or no
training and research facilities are located there, along with
attributable cause.
the grand cathedrals to their deity, the Omnissiah, in which
the Archmagi of the Tech Priests enact the grandest, most
Death Worlds complex rituals to honor the Machine God. The Adeptus
Planets which are too dangerous to support widespread Mechanicus’ fleets, its tech-guard armies and, most
human settlement. Types vary from world-wide jungles that formidably of all, the Titan Legions, are also all based on
harbor carnivorous plants and animals to barren rockscapes
strewn with volcanoes and wracked by ion storms. These

The Mandragora Apocrypha 2

Shrine Worlds
These worlds are dominated by religion and acts of
Desecrated Worlds devotion. It may be that these places saw the birth of a
There are some worlds that have been famous saint or formed the battleground for a particularly
consumed by the baleful and warping energies of the important war. Often studded with temples and shrines,
Immaterium. These worlds become inundated with the these worlds are frequently controlled by the Ecclesiarchy
raw energies of the Immaterium, becoming hosts for and may form training grounds for members of their Adepta.
warp predators and daemons. These worlds may There are also the dark mirrors to these places of Imperial
become twisted parodies of their former selves, and devotion - fallen worlds where the inhabitants offer up
the laws of physics may be lessened or absent ceaseless prayer to the Dark Gods. These places of
altogether. Where daemons control these worlds, flora obscene sacrifices and bloody rites are not suffered
and fauna become twisted and mutated to fit the continued existence for long.
desires of the world's masters. While not all
desecrated are anathema to human life, all are War Worlds
quarantined by the Imperium. There are a great many worlds in the Imperium that can
be classed as war zones. The Imperium is constantly at war
and in those wars whole planets can burn. Massive
forge worlds. The forge worlds are sovereign ground and the campaigns can envelop dozens of systems and hundreds of
Adeptus Mechanicus is loath to allow anyone on their worlds, many of which are utterly devastated by orbital
surface other than Tech-Priests and the legions of menials bombardments and artillery in planet-spanning battles that
who serve them. last decades. Long-term war zones are hellish places where
death comes quickly. The Imperium can field truly immense
Frontier Worlds armies of millions of men, grinding their way across a
These worlds have only recently been discovered by the devastated planet and reducing cities to rubble. Mercenaries
Imperium and are home to a relatively small number of flock to such places, hoping to leave soon after with their
colonists. The Administratum may not have even had ships loaded with pay. Deserters and escaped prisoners
sufficient time to fully explore the world and set up form bands of pirates, preying on any ships unable to defend
government. Frontier worlds can be a refuge for those who themselves or roam the war-torn planets in feral packs
want to escape from the repressive Imperial regime (for a stealing and killing. The Administratum sends colonists from
time at least), though they can also be a destination for overcrowded worlds to populate war-torn worlds after the
those who want to escape its justice too, and have a fighting has ended but the wheels of the Imperium grind
reputation for lawlessness as a result. slowly and a world can lie devastated for centuries before
any effort is made to resettle it. These places can be some
Mining Worlds of the most ghastly in the Imperium, with ravaged
environments, cracked planetary crusts, burnt-out cities and
These worlds are rich in one or more of the raw materials
plains covered in the bones of the fallen.
required by the Imperium's manufactoria and forge worlds.
The people here are likely to be slaves or penal workers who
live out their lives mining and transporting massive quantities
Quarantined Worlds
of metallic ore, rock, minerals, frozen gases or some other The existence of these planets is rarely made obvious but
useful or precious substance. Mining worlds tend to be there are many of them throughout the Imperium. Travel to
rather inhospitable places, and many do not even possess a these worlds is forbidden except for the most well-informed
breathable atmosphere, though a few may support a greater and heavily armed expeditions, and even then only with a
variety of life and support developed cities and even hives. very good reason. Death worlds, alien empires or planets
where the creatures of the warp have broken through into
Pleasure Worlds realspace are all examples of quarantined worlds, as are
planets wracked with plague. Some worlds are quarantined
Otherwise known as paradise worlds and sometimes as
because no one can fathom the origins of what has been
garden worlds. These holiday worlds are the playground of
found there, be it mysterious artifacts or ancient cities - it is
the Imperial nobility. They tend to be of outstanding natural
thought better to live in ignorance of what lies on such
beauty and the population of such worlds are dedicated to
worlds than risk it becoming a threat. Other worlds are
pampering the important visitors they receive. Pleasure
quarantined because every expeditionary mission there has
worlds are often very cultured places, and many have
failed to return. Planets are often quarantined by the
sections of their populace dedicated solely to producing
pronouncements of Inquisitors, especially if they have
works of art or music. Casino complexes, opulent
uncovered some warp taint or xenos infestation that cannot
restaurants and huge ballrooms are often found on such
be cleansed. Many quarantined worlds possess great
worlds. There is a darker side to pleasure worlds, particularly
resources that would be extremely valuable to the Imperium
those who cater to the tastes of the more depraved guests
if they were properly explored and exploited, but there are
they receive. Some pleasure worlds contain large developing
enough tales of ancient horrors awoken on sinister alien
cities and other major settlements.
worlds that few adepts would try to defy a planetary

3 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Sea of Shadows
This subsector of the Mandragora Sector is home to many
of the sector's most influential worlds, ranging from the hab-
centers of Nar-Sheptha to the studious Grand Octum-
Librarum of Libellus.

The world of Ashirra is constantly
shifting under intense tectonic
movements that cause molten lava to
erupt across the planet. The constant
shifting reveals deposits of ore and
fossil fuels, fueling Ashirra's
While Ashirra's surface is typically victim of earthquakes
and tremors, the populace are generally safe in suspended until a tithe is overdue or a danger to the world presents
installations across the world. Domed and environmentally itself. Often in these cases, those new found planetary
sealed, the life of the typical Ashirran is a mixture of duteous commandeers are executed for their previous incompetence.
attendance to mining the surface of the world and
maintaining the massive hab-cities. There are also +++Planetary Data+++ .
communities that prosper on the tremendously fertile surface Class: Agri-World
of the world; brave citizens choosing to risk the dangers of Contact With Other Worlds: Stable warp routes run from
being caught by a volcanic eruption. These citizens provide Boukephos to Nar-Sheptha, Phaenon Prime, and Generys.
Ashirra with food and other raw materials, securing its own
resourcefulness and preventing the planet from being Generys
dependent on the Astra Navis Commercia fleets.
Cloaked in darkened day light, the
+++Planetary Data+++ extremely thick atmosphere of
Class: Developing World Generys creates a world that seems
Contact With Other Worlds: Stable warp routes run from perpetually stuck between shadowed
Ashirra to Nar-Sheptha, Phaenon Prime, and Yanov. day and night. Generys' climate is
cold and stormy, it's surface obscured
Boukephos by a mist of low hanging clouds.
Despite the climate and perpetual gloom Generys has
Boukephos is the principle exporter become a Pleasure World of the sub sector. Within its
of agricultural products that sustains cavernous cities exists hundreds upon hundreds of
the neighboring systems in the Sea hydroponic gardens and artificially lightened hab-blocks
of Shadows. Despite its vast beneath the surface. Manses built by the planetary lords are
importance, the planet is relegated as exquisite and opulent, sparring little in their construction.
a back water locale, it's few Agri-lords Public transit systems provide a network of transportation
ruling the settlements of farmers and linking cities together, and communal resorts that cater to
herders on the world in the most simplistic of lifestyles. the excesses of humanity have sprouted across the world
The largest settlement on the world is the Androthi Con like plague-weed.
Space Port, maintained and supplied by the Hysode Generys' subterranean paradises are considered one of
Exchange. Dubbed little more than a glorified 'voider's stop' the twelve great wonders of Mandragora. Irrigation ditches
by the commercia fleet is still the most impressive settlement and canals provide purified mineral waters through a
on Boukephos, maintaining the infrastructure to receive and network of fountains and fonts that supply both a mist like
port orbital landers to the shipyards orbiting the world, where haze throughout the tunnel work of Generys. Entire
the true governance of the planet takes place. chambers are filled with exotic flora sampled from the far
The post of Imperial Commander on Boukephos has long corners of the sector, and because of the traders that
been considered a regency born of failure. Those who have frequent the planet, almost any luxury item can be obtained
been dishonored or pushed into the position by the sector with enough influence or wealth.
lords generally do so as a soft banishment or exile, being +++Planetary Data+++
relegated to the role of conciliator between the nearly feudal Galactic Position: 99/NW/cLI/2.
harvest lords of the planet below. When the position cannot Class: Pleasure World
be filled in a timely manner (relatively speaking), the most Contact With Other Worlds: Stable warp routes run from
influential of the harvest lords assumes nominal command of Generys to Salvus Tertius, Trantor Secundus and
the world - although in most cases they are not informed Cappavocia.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 4

Libellus hereditary lineage of the Ushan Court, the planetary
governor has for many centuries largely been a powerless
The Grand Octum-Librarum of figurehead for the Adeptus Terra. The true masters of Nar-
Libellus is one of the most influential Sheptha are the interstellar trade corporations, combines
and important worlds of the sub and syndicates that muster at the shipyards and ports that
dot the planet, each carving a territory all their own and
sector. A spiraling hive city dominates
dividing the world into unofficial vassal realms.
nearly a full quarter of the planet,
manufactured into an array of circular The nobility of the world are officially sponsors of these
rounds and levees. Beyond the massive entities. In exchange for the rights of manufacture and
walls surrounding the city exists sweeping plains and salvageable land, the aristocratic class of the planet are
mountainous regions, polluted by the hive's excess of waste. offered prestige and wealth from their turning a blind eye to
An ocean teeming with hostile xenos life is hunted rigorously the countless infractions and crimes committed by the
for local meats, but due to the high concentrations of poisons organizations. Nar-Sheptha is a world where the Adeptus
(such as mercury and industrial run-off), the local produce is Arbites hold no sway, and the enforcers guild are thoroughly
consumed by the poor and illiterate masses only. pocketed the loyalty of those pay the most.
Libellus is a seat of power to both the Adeptus
Administratum and Adeptus Ministorum. The Administratum +++Planetary Data+++
rules the structured biomes and hierarchy of librariums Galactic Position: 243/32/SWW
Class: Pleasure World
across the world, ceaselessly archiving the annals and
histories of the sector among official censors and permit Contact With Other Worlds: Nar-Sheptha is a trade nexus
offices. Nothing moves on Libellus without the permit of the that sends shipments to many other worlds in the
offices of the Carta Principary, the ruling officio tasked with Mandragora sector. There are relatively stable warp routes
linking Nar-Sheptha, Regicide, Iolcos and Gaustadt.
the overall authority to govern trade acquisitions and land
rights within the Mandragora sector.
In contrast to serving the secular and bureaucratic needs Sector's End
of the sub sector, the synod of Libellus maintains the
spiritual heath and needs of the populace. Incredibly harsh Indexed by the Heraion Explorator
and rigid with the mandates of the Ecclesiarchy, the fleet with the Mark of Intransigence,
interpretation of the Imperial Creed observed on the Libellus Sector's End is the last planet in the
dioceses, and by extension the rest of the sub-sector synod, trailing and rimward axis. Sector's
are both byzantine and strict. To be one of the faithful on End shows the remains of a once
Libellus means to suffer nearly lethal bouts of fasting, populous hive world, overgrown by
archaic rites of atonement when accused of sin and heresy the reclamation of flora.
(such as placing a smoldering hot brand on one's tongue. If When originally discovered in the early 33rd millennium,
burnt, the accused is guilty of heretical impure intentions). Sector's End had had perished centuries ago. Upon closer
Between the drudgery of the Administratum and the observation the Explorator survey teams discovered the
relentless self-persecuting nature of the Ministorum, the world was rampant with both mutated flora bio-forms and
citizens of Libellus are meek and withdrawn, melancholically lambent warp rifts spread across the world. The environment
accepting of their allotted roles in life. proved too hostile even for an Adeptus Mechanicus cohort,
and deemed invaluable to destroy with an exterminatus, was
+++Planetary Data+++ earmarked for a later return visit.
Galactic Position: BR/2/NWE/GM Unfortunately, the dreadspace surrounding the system
Class: Civilized World. became unstable and has largely prevented intended access
Contact With Other Worlds: Stable warp routes run from back into the system. Whatever secrets the planet contains
Libellus to Philileos, Belmayr, and Trilia. beneath the layers of vegetation and thick hive crust are
possibly lost for all of time.
Nar-Sheptha Sector's End is a popular, near mythicized depository of
archeotech that has driven more than one intrepid explorer
An ecumenopolis, the hive world of to seek it out, braving the warp rifts and to never be heard of
Nar-Sheptha is a pit of treachery and again. Despite the cautionary warnings, Sector's End's count
deceit where the flippant vagaries of of lost souls continues to grow throughout the eons.
trade and wealth hold sway over the
official yet nominal powers meant to +++Planetary Data+++
rule the world. Dominated by the Galactic Position: 3/12D/HN
commercia powers of the sector, as well Class: Forbidden World
as the criminal syndicates who are the true masters behind Contact With Other Worlds: There are no stable warp
the scenes, Nar-Sheptha is without a doubt one of the most routes between Sector's End and other planets of the
influential worlds of the sub sector, if not the whole sector Mandragora Sector, though Phaenon Prime is the nearest
proper. major planet.
While the governance of Nar-Sheptha falls to the

5 The Mandragora Apocrypha

who would brave the dreadspace that locks the planet safely
away from the rest of the greater sector. Pirates and corsairs
have brokered short-lived alliances and strongholds in the
system, offering slaves and goods in exchange for the
protection from imperial retribution. Seldom do these
alliances bode well, as the very nature of the system
corrupts any it touches.
Thankfully, the warp squalls rarely calm around
Drakonskyr, preventing armies of beast men or corsair raids
within the Hadronian sub sector or the Sea of Shadows. The
world is still dangerous despite this - the abominable lore of
the witches and tech hereteks that survive on the world is
beyond blasphemous. Were a truly vile and heretical war
master to conquer Drakonskyr, the evils he could unleash
would be too innumerable to fathom.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: Unknown
Class: Desecrated World
Contact With Other Worlds: There are no stable warp
routes between Drakonskyr and other planets of the
Mandragora Sector, though Generys is the nearest major

Holy Hadronia
Known as 'Holy' Hadronia, the world is
the seat of power of a breakaway
synod of the Ecclesiarchy. Due to
differing opinions and dissent caused
by the hard line views of the Libellus
diocese, the diocese of Hadronia
separated from the synod in the late 36th
millennium, and was not officially recognized by the sector
synod of Philileos until the early years of M38.
The planet itself is a sober place, ranging in environments
The Hadronian Sub-Sector from fertile fields to desolate plains and scorching deserts,
not quite unlike ancient Terra. The populace of the world
The Hadronian Sub-Sector is one of the smallest sub- observe a more reflective interpretation of the Imperial
sectors of Mandragora, composing only two habitable and Creed, turning inwards towards propriety and acts of self
recognized worlds of the Imperium. Considered backwater abnegation. The clergy of the diocese advocate deep
worlds by the major worlds and enclaves of the sector, the meditations and purging oneself of selfish desires.
Hadronian Wall became a pivotal locale during the early Most of the world's cities are in various states of
years of the Angevin Crusade that would later become the advancement, ranging from simple farming villages to
Calixis Sector. bustling space ports. Having the honor of maintaining a
shrine to the patron saints of Mandragora as well as a
Drakonskyr Schola Progenium, the adherents of the Hadronian faith
have become exemplars of selfless citizens. Despite their
Locked in dreadspace at the very edge nearly rebellious beginnings Hadronia has been used to
of the Hadronian sub sector, exemplify the tenants and virtues of bearing faith in the
Drakonskyr is a desecrated world rife Emperor across the sector.
with immaterial energy saturating the
atmosphere. The population of the +++Planetary Data+++
world, if it could be called that, are Galactic Position: DN/AM/3/N
craven and bestial - mutated beyond Class: Shrine World
recognition of the human form. The inhabitants of the world Contact With Other Worlds: Hadronia is connected by a
worship a deity daemon that the world is named after, a foul singular stable warp route that extends from Graecia. Its
and bloodthirsty creature that demands constant sacrifices to remote location and difficulty of passage makes it a seldom
appease it's unquenchable thirsts. visited world.
There are few with the knowledge of the world, and fewer

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Phaenon Prime +++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 12/32B/NWW/3
The Vanderveken Trinity cluster is Class: Hive World
situated in an otherwise desolate area Contact With Other Worlds: There are many worlds that
of space at the edge of the are connected to Phaenon Prime, most notably the sector
Capitol of Hecuba and the naval yards of Metallus Quartus.
Mandragora Sector, along the
Spinward edge of Ixaniad and what
several bloody years later would be Mark of the
formerly recognized as the Calixis Sector.
A trio of systems centered around the isolated hive world
of Phaenon Prime suffered from pirate activity, xenos slaver The Phaenonites are one of the darkest and most
raids, and much worse—this region was often cut off from malignant radical factions of the Inquisition, obsessed
aid by warp squalls—its situation only worsened during the with harnessing the powers of the warp and mastering
crusade years as what little Imperial protection it received the daemon though the use of twisted and long
was cut away to aid in Angevin’s wars. Increasingly forbidden technology.
embittered, Phaenon Prime’s Lord Commander declared the Thanks in part to their extreme paranoia, it has
trinity’s secession from the Imperium during the Crusade’s become the faction’s practice to mark their most
weakest ebb. He bargained that the authority’s trusted inner circle of Acolytes as their own. This mark
preoccupation with the bloody toll of the ongoing conquest of takes the shape of a painful series of electoos burned
the Calyx Expanse would protect him from swift retribution. onto the subject’s flesh that—once implanted—are
The renegades soon crushed any resistance from their invisible until triggered by the conscious will of the
neighbors with the aid of ships from their new pirate allies, recipient. The occult geometry, warding sigils, and
and in an orgy of bloodletting, he threw down the blessed malefic warp runes that make up the electoos pattern
icons of the Ministorum and raised the foul idols of Chaos in are unique to each marked Acolyte and serve both as
their place. However, the traitor governor of Phaenon Prime a secure means of identification so that the
had badly miscalculated the Imperium’s response. Already Phaenonites may know each other and as a covert
on the way to reinforce the floundering Crusade effort was means of enforcing an Inquisitor’s control over his
an Inquisitorial taskforce under the command of the followers.
notorious Xanthite and warlord Kobras Aquairre. Along with The mark’s presence also indicates one who has
his own private warfleet and a strike cruiser of the Charnel been inducted into the heart of this sinister faction and
Guard Astartes Chapter, Aquairre was quickly re-diverted to begun to learn its secrets, and who has likely done
quell the rebellion with extreme prejudice. Smashing aside and seen many terrible and fearful things in order to
the raider ships and crippling the planetary defenses, the earn it.
Lord Inquisitor’s judgment on Phaenon Prime was as harsh Restrictions: The character must swear allegiance to
as it was merciless, and he deployed the Life Eater virus the Phaenonite Inquisitor who grants him his mark.
without delay. A hive world of fourteen billion souls was This Elite Advance should only be made available to
slaughtered in punishment for their pride and blasphemy an Acolyte who has become the trusted servant of a
unto the last living thing. In the aftermath, Aquairre deployed Phaenonite Inquisitor.
a force of several Inquisitors from his personal staff and their Advance Cost: 350 xp.
retinues as well as an Adeptus Mechanicus detachment from
his forces to the now-dead planet in order to discern what Effects
could be found from the wreckage. He was particularly The effects of the Phaenonite Mark are as follows:
interested in the daemon-tainted war machines deployed • Gain 1d5+1 Corruption Points and 1d5+1 Insanity
against the crusaders during their assaults. Kobras Aquairre Points.
swiftly moved on to join the war for Calyx, restless as ever • The character reduces all further Corruption Points
for new conquests and fresh horrors with which to do battle. they incur (after the initial penalty for taking this
By his order, Phaenon Prime was given over as a dominion advance) by –1 per incidence.
of the Holy Ordos. After the Crusade once again gathered • +10 to Tests to resist the effects of Fear, psychic
strength Rimward and pushed into the terrors of its Hazeroth probing of the mind, and interrogation.
and Adrantis phases, the planet—emptied of life and • The character may ‘trigger’ the electoo at will,
conveniently isolated— quickly began to be used as displaying its glowing runes dancing across his flesh
repository for captured weapons and prisoners to be studied and augmetics, identifying himself and his ‘patron’ to
by the cabal of Xanthites drawn to the distant, dead world. fellow Phaenonites.
It is this dread world - Phaenon Prime, that would soon • Geas: The character must pass a Difficult (–10)
become home to the swelling Mandragora Sector conclave; Willpower Test to resist a direct command from the
as the Angevin Crusade continued on into the deepest one who gave him the mark. (The GM may alter this
depths of the Calyx Expanse, wresting dark relics and difficulty to provide a bonus to resist the effect of
artifacts from the Yu'vath Ascendancy, the Inquisition commands that are harmful to the character as
authorities within the increasingly dire sector became appropriate.) Should the character ever successfully
detached from their duties. Their preoccupation or resist such a command by a margin of three degrees
negligence allowed a flourishing of heresies in their absence. or more, this effect is permanently broken,
although the mark’s other effects still

7 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Marjories Regency the watchful eyes of ordained tech priests of the lesser
orders, as well as being home to a multitude of research
stations. serves as a watch station for the spinward
The Marjories Regency sub-sector is home to many of the
boundaries of the sub sector, serving as a beacon for lost
sector's most important planets. The ancestral home of the
ships travelling commercia routes.
Val Dynasty of rogue traders, many world's governance draw
their hereditary lines from off shoots of the dynast-family.
+++Planetary Data+++
With the powerful backing of the Heraion-Trilia covenant,
Galactic Position: GS/12-14
and the influence of the Val dynasty, the Marjories Regency
Class: Gas Giant
is considered the wealthiest and most secure of the sector -
Contact With Other Worlds: Advent is connected by stable
much to chagrin and envy of the official sector capitol of
warp routes to Heraion, Trilia, Metallus Quartus and Thade,
Hecuba light years away.
as well as being a focal point for drifting, unstable routes.

Advent Linguistics:
A gaseous giant discovered to contain Vaelic Gothic
vast reservoirs of industrial gasses So influential has the Val Dynasty been in the founding
beneficial to the Mechanicus' forge of the Mandragora sector, and continued wealth of the
worlds, Advent became a focal point sector, that an entire dialect unique to the Marjories
to supply both forge worlds within the Regency is ratified as the official language. Imported
sub sector, as well as the nearby void- long ago from the Segmentum Solar core worlds, this
yards of Metallus Quartus. dialect is archaic yet has been influenced heavily by
The gas giant is orbited by a multitude of vast orbital the decadence of the Vals. In Vaelic gothic, for
stations emplaced by the Mechanicus centuries ago. From example, there are 23 ways to describe
these orbital gas mining operations are undertaken under intoxication, and only two to describe
purity or sobriety.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 8

Belmayr Cauvis
A lush and temperate world, Belmayr's Also known as Kaitain Tertius, Cauvis is
fertile oceans and land are fought the third planet in the system and
over bitterly by roving nomadic consumed largely by deep surface
raiders. Local fauna are fairly large mining. Once radiant and as idyllic as
and aggressive carnosaur Kaitain Quintus, Cauvis was
descendents. The local population sacrificed to preserve its sister planet
have learned how to tame the drillodons while ensuring tithes were met.
and megasharrexes of the world, turning them into deadly Due to the excessive mining the planet suffers heavy
mounts to ride into battle. Other, even fiercer creatures tremors and tectonic activities. It's atmosphere and oceans
remain as the apex predators on the world, though the locals are completely polluted beyond recovery, and those that live
are more than adequate at staving off the worst of their kind. in the twisting halls of the mining tunnels suffer from a host
Belmayr's hardy natives are its main resource to the of bodily conditions. Radiation caused mutation is prolific, as
Imperium; the Belmayran Sharrex regiments, which are well as infertility.
tithed directly into battle with their deadly carnosaurian (Un)fortunately, there are plenty of able bodied prisoners
mounts. The planet has also seen interest from the Adeptus routinely delivered to Cauvis from Kaitain. Any found guilty of
Astartes of the Dragon Knights chapter, who have plucked breakings the laws of Kaitain are sent to work in the mines of
some of the strongest and fiercest of its natives to join their Cauvis in perpetua. While originally this practice began to
ranks. There is even one tribe of raiders who roam the remove the most problematic recidivists and law breakers,
oceans dressed in wood and iron wrought armor forged to the demands of the workface on Cauvis have seen petty
resemble the power armored warriors. offense crimes punished by this life sentence, short as that
The planetary commander is a Departmento Munitorum may be.
provost-officer watchman on assignment. Spending little
more than a few years at the post, each Imperial commander +++Planetary Data+++
does little more than ensure the collection of volunteers for Galactic Position: VD/NA8/G
the yearly tithe to the regiments of the Imperial Guard. When Class: Mining World
the massive Devourer dropships descend from orbit, it is his Contact With Other Worlds: Cauvis is connected with a
task to ensure they are filled and fit for deployment - a task stable warp route to Thade, along with its sister planet
made all too easy by the sheer size of their domesticated Kaitain.
+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: FN/34/WL Gaustadt is a warm and temperate
Class: Feral World
planet, idyllic and luring with sweet
Contact With Other Worlds: The warp is strangely calmed
air. This world has no natural fauna,
surrounding the Belmayr system, and stable routes extend to and is tenderly maintained by the sub
the majority of worlds in the Marjories Regency.
sector lords for the exclusive use of
game hunting. The local population of
Gaustadt serve members of the Adeptus
Terra, delegates and dignitaries of the planetary courts, and
Belmayran Sharrex other important emissaries from their retreat villas.
While strict restrictions on importation are observed,
Regiments exotic and dangerous beasts are regularly brought to
Players can adopt the Belmayran Sharrex regiment as Gaustadt with the express intention to be hunted. It is not
their Background when creating a new Acolyte. unknown, however, for dangerous and illicit xenos beasts to
Characters from a Sharrex regiment follow the Imperial have been brought planet-side, effecting some areas with
Guard rules, but with the following Background Bonus contagion (such as with an unfortunate incident with an
instead of the normal one: orkoid squig). Such contaminated areas are quarantined for
years at a time while expert vermin hunters and Gaustadtian
Background Bonus cultivators cleanse and purify entire swathes of land.
Sharrex Master: Characters from a Belmayran Sharrex Gaustadt is officially governed by the Adeptus
regiment armed with Low-Tech weapons with the Administratum - who act effectively as an administrative staff
Primitive (X) quality gain Proven (X), where X is for the aristocracy of the Marjories Regency. The planetary
equal to the value of the Primitive quality governor's title of office gives credence to this open
when mounted atop his Sharrex. acknowledgement - the Concierge-Proeliator, whose main
priority is to organize the grandest of hunts and other, lesser
Gaustadt is classified as an Aptus Non grade, requiring to
give nothing to the tithes to Terra as it serves a unifying

9 The Mandragora Apocrypha

purpose for the Adeptus Terra of the sector as a whole and Heraion
the noble families of Mandragora. Because of this, Gaustadt
is considered one of the most stable and prosperous worlds Forge world Heraion is a world that
of the sector, its ordained citizenry and menials living a should not have been settled. Sitting
higher quality lives than other worlds' upper classes. far too close to it's celestial star, the
planet would be scorched, barren and
+++Planetary Data+++
lifeless were it not for the defiance of
Galactic Position: LK/21/CN-2 it's original settlers who turned their
Class: Pleasure World generational ships' void shields towards
Contact With Other Worlds: Gaustadt is primarily protecting their new settlements. Why the original colonists
connected to the Vae Duan passage from the Kaitain
chose Heraion, if they had chosen at all, is a mystery
system. Although passage is from other worlds is not secreted to all but the most highest rank of Archmagi.
unknown, the passage is the only stable warp route.
Heraion now stands as the pre-eminent forge world of the
Mandragora Sector. Utilizing powerful void shields, serialized
Graecia in forges across the planet, the surface has been dominated
by the will of the Cult Mechanicus. Beyond the forges where
Dominated by pastoral regions for grox the shields grows weakest the occasional burst of radiation
herds, Graecia is the primary and heat smoulders and blasts the surface, killing any
manufacturer and exporter of meat in unfortunate unlucky enough to be present in the dead lands.
the Mandragora sector. Under the Societal structures on Heraion are similar to other forge
watchful auspices of the Missionaria worlds across the Imperium; strict, ordered and efficiently
Galaxia, the thrice-blessed staple of determined at birth, the castes of the Mechanicus are
the Imperial diet is piously raised and sharply divided. Beyond the control of the cult are
butchered, sent off world quarter annually to commercia subterranean remnants of the original colonials, eking out an
fleets and once annually to the imperial tithe. existence in the abandoned tracks and fallen forges of
Lay pastors and missionaries find the cultural simple grox antiquity. These vestigial traces of Heraion's past are left
herders that live on Graecia to be the most welcoming, yet largely unpersecuted by the Heraion Mechanicus, who
often stubborn minded, citizens to recite oratories and regard them mostly with odd curiosity and as a source of
prayers to. Because of this, the Missionaria Galaxia favors replinishable source for their work forces, as well as potential
training missionaries on this world before sending them out recruitment for those able bodied and possessing sound
to the far less forgiving and harsh worlds lost beyond the minds. The aboriginal communities that still cling to
Emperor's light. existence in Heraion's undersurface are part reclaimators,
As important as Graecia is to the dietary demands of the part raiders, contending with both automated patrol servitors
sector, it is no stranger to violence or danger. Bull Grox are and servo skulls and the shimmering bursts of death from
notoriously ill tempered and dangerous creatures, being the momentary lapses in the planetary's shield defenses.
leading cause of death on the planet. Graecia is also victim While important in and of itself as a forge world of the
to periodical raiding from void born pirates and low time Imperium, Heraion's true prestige comes from the massive
smugglers. If the danger of production disruption was not naval construction yards that orbit the planet. The explorator
bad enough, the populace have grown to romanticize the fleets of Heraion, unrivaled by the fleets of Trilia, Hepheron
free-willed and wild life styles of off worlders, endangering or Sheol, are regarded as the finest of the sector. When
the generally obedient and puritan lifestyles favored by the coupled with unusually high amount of stable warp routes
Ecclesiarchy. from Heraion to the four sectorial vectors, it has become
Port Abbey, located across the equator central to the customary for all explorator fleets to converge in Heraion
planet's southern hemisphere, is a vast sprawling city. It's prior to leaving the sector proper.
innards were constructed over generations from marble and Gifted by their stellar system in such a way, the Heraion
quartz brought from off world, dedicated with chiseled Mechanicus have focused to exploit their natural
hieroglyphic mural paintings depict lectures and proverbs. phenomenan by turning their fields of study towards
These edifices of faith are spread across the city, enforcing immateriology and voidcraft. They are without a doubt
the piety and spiritual composition of Graecia to off worlders experts in gellar field phase technology and astranavigatal
from a glance. components.

+++Planetary Data+++ +++Planetary Data+++

Galactic Position: BM/LK/15 Galactic Position: FW/MS.31b/G
Class: Agri World Class: Forge World
Contact With Other Worlds: Graecia is connected to Contact With Other Worlds: Heraion possesses the most
several prominent worlds, such as Thade, Kaitain, Heraion stable warp routes of all the planets that reside within the
and Hecuba, and is visited quarterly by four separate Mandragora Sector. There are few locations that cannot be
commercia trade fleets. reached from Heraion relatively easily. It is the return trips
that take longer, as the warp seems counter resistant to
incoming void ships.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 10

Iolcos Kaitain itself is sparsely populated due to heavy
exportation of any found of deviant or recidivistic behavior to
Iolcos is an anarchic hiveworld that sits the mining colonies of Cauvis. Coastal communities ply
on the verge of collapsing under it's mega-yachts into the oceans for deep fishing expeditions,
own political turmoil. Spireborn driving the planetary economy. Atop the mountains the
palaces of the Adeptus Terra sit, retreats that pierce the
nobles tenuously control the hives
clouds and allow the honored members of the Terran
with their private armies and
enforcers, while the biker gangs of priesthood to meditate in piety and contemplation. The
Iolcos traffic in weapons, human meat largest of the palaces eclipses all others at the center spire
and violence. The Adeptus Arbites are the only semblance of of the star port, glorified by a central amethyst marble
civility and lawfulness on Iolcos, arbitrating judgment on both colossus of the primogenitor of the Val Dynasty-family.
the Spireborn and gangs of Iolcos with blind discrimination. Beyond politics, Kaitain offers little else to the Imperium. As
Iolcos' current state of chaos can be attributed to the the jewel-world of the Val dynasty, it is nominally exempt
constant famines caused by the lack of shipping regularity to from the typical duties of an Imperial world. If it were not for
the world. While the planet sat in the middle of an important the familial ownership and divine manifest protecting it from
commercia route, due to the constant regularity of raids and true compliance, Kaitain would have been stripped of its
void pirate acitivity surrounding Iolcos, trade has come to a natural resources millennium ago.
slow trickle as the Astra Navis Mercantilis have shifted their
+++Planetary Data+++
routes accordingly, bypassing the world for years at a time.
As a result, Iolcos' economy is stirred mostly from illicit trade Galactic Position: V/JRM/B.8
with cartels and syndicates. Class: Civilized World
Even with the difficulties it suffers, Iolcos is still required to Contact With Other Worlds: Kaitain is directly connected to
support it's tithe. The world has few local worthwhile Cauvis, being part of the same system, and has stable warp
commodities, trading in recruits for the Imperial Guard which routes leading to Graecia, Lhiannan, Yanov, Valgus, Salvus
Tertius, Thade and Advent.
is customary of hive worlds. Most recruits are often press-
ganged unwillingly from the flotsam and jetsom of the lower
hives; the better fighters and soldiers kept to fill the Lhiannan
Spireborn's armies or linemen of the gangs.
Those who do have an insane desire to travel to Iolcos This dangerous planet has high
find themselves in a world that resembles an active war gravity, severe tectonics, and an
zone; explosions, spontaneous and raging street violence, extreme axial tilt resulting in
and the heavy handed responses from the Adeptus Arbites constantly violent weather. Lhiannan's
all create an environment counter-productive to survival. So environment is highly toxic to humans,
far the sector lords have been content to allow the travesties with highly addictive chemicals floating
to continue on Iolcos for some time. The Adeptus Terra in the air. So potent is Lhiannan's
largely neglects the world so long as the tithe is met, and environment that genetic damage causes permanent
many other organizations see it as an acceptable sacrifice addiction in any who breathe in the air, and death often
for the sector - the chaos and isolationism of the world acting results in attempts to depart from the world post exposure.
as a magnet for dangerous entities, keeping them far from Some within the Mandragora Sector favor exiling their
the Emperor's more productive and pious worlds. enemies on Lhiannan, along with packs of beasts and
vermin - all who become drug crazed and psychopathically
+++Planetary Data+++ violent. Because of this tradition, hundreds of non native
Galactic Position: PQ/08/Z.X species can be found growing and competing on this death
Class: Hive World world.
Contact With Other Worlds: Iolcos is difficult to travel and The chemical compounds that naturally blossom on
from, with two stable routes leading to Advent and Laslock Lhiannan are especially prized for narcotics, poisons, and
Run. Since the abandonment of the Astra Navis Mercantilis general Chymistry. The difficulty of obtaining samples keeps
and Civilis Fleets, it is seldom travelled and booking passage all but the most well armed parties from exploiting
to the world can be extra-ordinarily difficult. Lhiannan's untapped resources, while the hazards of
travelling away from the system without a skilled Navigator
Kaitain has virtually ensured all but the rich and influential access to
this world.
Kaitain Primaris is the sister planet of
Cauvis, and ancestral home of the Val +++Planetary Data+++
Dynasty. A singular supercontinent Galactic Position: LH.1NN
breaks the vast ocean of Kaitain, Class: Death World
tropical and hot across the planet's Contact With Other Worlds: Lhiannan has no known stable
equator. A mountainous region at the warp routes departing the system, yet has a few travelled
routes leading to it.
center of the supercontinent sits the
planets singular star port that shares the world's name.

11 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Philileos across the planet. These natural sanctums are domed
edifices that provide relief from the otherwise bland and
Home to the sector synod of the Ecclesiarchy, monotonous network of lifts, tunneled halls and metal walled
Philileos is a cold, bitter and stoic world. veins that pierce into the deep earth.
Sweeping tundras cut by Imperial The populace of Salvus Tertius are remarkably content
with their allotted roles. The population itself has never
edifices adorn the landscapes. The
experienced the problematic explosion of birth booms as the
synod of Philileos embodies the harsh
temperment of their world by mirroring natural life expectancy on the world is measured in a few
the icy detachment. Sobre citizens are decades. While early deaths are the expected norm, the
lectured under freezing winds, to keep resources to sustain a generally comfortable and equitable
them alert and huddled close together, given warmth upon lifestyle among the mining communities has cemented the
the full recitals of the Imperial Cult. planet's society in their loyalty to the Imperium. With plenty
Beyond the temples and prayer houses of Philileos lie the of produce shipped from Philileos, the guild miners of Salvus
spartan training grounds of the Adepta Sororitas convent of Tertius humbly eke out their short lives in gratitude.
the Frozen Chalice. The bitter weather provides excellent
conditioning for both the mind and spirit, and in the highlands +++Planetary Data+++
the sisters of the convent reflect in prayer and train for battle. Galactic Position: VE.3/21
The convent-shrine of Philileos houses both militant and Class: Mining World
Contact With Other Worlds: Salvus Tertius is connected
non-militant sisters of the order, providing its aide and
mainly by a singular, stable warp route to and from Philileos.
psalms across the planet.
Due to the planet's nature, the populace of Philileos are
coldy receptive to others, resistant to pain, and capable of Thade
great feats of endurance. Off-worlders coming to Philileos
can be put off by their seemingly morbid behaviors, The ecumenopolis of Thade is second
mannerisms and general indifference to what many would only to Nar-Sheptha in terms of
consider pain and suffering. Sisters Hospitallers from degradation and decay, serving as
Philileos are indeed considered some of the most proficient, the unofficial capitol of sub-sector
yet disturbingly indifferent healers even on the multitude of politics. Unlike it's contemptuous
battlefields they serve with the Astra Militarum. counterpart, Thade is a complete
Living beyond the dictates of the planetary diocese, police state ruled by fear and tyranny in
Philileos is home to a robust local economy that subsists extremes that few other imperial worlds can compare. The
from deep core ice fishing. Citizens ply the frozen tundras Thadean Red Guard, serving as both the local enforcers and
with massive electrifying rods to harvest as much marine life planetary defense force, enact the will of the planetary
for consumption as possible, turning much of it over to the governor with detached and remorseless obedience.
yearly tithes. Besides this, there are hundreds of Criminals and recidivists on Thade rarely suffer the worst
observatoriums across the planet that scrye stellar from their brutality, having been forced to adapt to the
coordinates and assess astra navis warp charts. Bonded extreme measures employed by the authorities.
together as the Chartist-Covenant of Philileos, these Punishment for misconduct, or simply evoking the ire of
observatorum shrines provide an escape for the scholars of the Red Guard is severe and horrific. There are hundreds of
the otherwise unremarkable and emotionally devoid society. thousands of living flesh-vaults held in public agoras where
the bodies of still-living transgressors are grafted together,
+++Planetary Data+++ sustained to live indefinitely with the assistance of bionics
Galactic Position: EJ/21/B.99 and implants. Pain inducers resonate at denoted hours of
Class: Cardinal World prayers, calling to the faithful of Thade with the amplified
Contact With Other Worlds: Philileos is connected by screams of torment of its damned and forsaken. Truly, on
stable warp routes to Thade, Hecuba, Hadronia, Dhanab Thade, to be simply killed is a luxury most hope for.
and Salvus Tertius. Beyond suppressing its own citizenry, the governance of
Thade actively cajoles and press-gangs the most able
Salvus Tertius bodied. Some will go on to be indoctrinated into the Red
Guard, while most will be divided to serve hundreds of
Mined for centuries upon centuries, the functions, ranging from regimental foundings to be exported
mines of Salvus Tertius threaten to be off world to serving as personal valets and attendants to the
exhausted by the end of the 40th commanders and staff of the aristocracy.
millennium. Rich in composite metals
and raw ore extracts, Salvus Tertius +++Planetary Data+++
has long been a foundation of the sub Galactic Position: TH/4D.3
sector's contribution to the imperial tithes. Class: Hive World
While not much remains of its once thriving ecosystem, the Contact With Other Worlds: Thade is connected to many
miner's guild of Salvus Tertius have preserved samplings of worlds by stable warp routes, but is most known for its direct
route to Aegisine.
the fauna and flora of the planet in isolated life sustainers

The Mandragora Apocrypha 12

Trilia Yanov
Trilia is a gigantic planet covered in Yanov is an ocean world spattered with
sprawling manufactorums and hundreds of thousands of small
blackened terrain typical of the islands. There are many stable
worlds of the Mechanicus. Trilia is islands on the planet, with many
the most industrious of the more temporary ones that emerge
Mandragoran forge worlds, producing and dissappear over the years. Vaults
the armaments, armor and equipment to and pharos of Yanov contain reliquaries
arm legions of the tithed regiments of the Departmento and burial chambers. Sarcopho-cruisers drift across the
Munitorum. Because of Trilia's extreme devotion and focus world, travelling across island chains to honor these sites.
on building and designing technological devices, the Those who live about these gigantic sea vessels are the
orthodoxy of Trilia is heavily biased towards the Divisiones planet's population centers, maintaining the burial chambers
Artisan in numbers and ideology. and private estates of lords and ladies of the Mandragora
The technological wonders of Trilia range from the truly Sector.
mundane to the horrifyingly destructive. From simple las
packs to exterminatus grade warheads, to more esoteric +++Planetary Data+++
devices such as warp phase field manipulators, the Artisans Galactic Position: I12/3x3
of Trilia are experts in their field. The hundreds of thousands Class: Pleasure World
of scarred blast holes and melted glasslands on Trilia's Contact With Other Worlds: Yanov only has a singular,
surface bear the marks of their ceaseless tests. stable warp route to Kaitain.

+++Planetary Data+++ Ziegsturhl

Galactic Position: 943.33/B
Class: Forge World A rather sordid world, Ziegsturhl
Contact With Other Worlds: Trilia is connected by a semi- primarily exports many varieties of tea
stable route to Heraion, Shaehol and Hepheron. Stable that are traded across the sector.
routes exist Covered in shrubbery and small
trees, Ziegsturhl boasts hundreds of
Valgus different and distinct flavors of tea that
are hungrily consumed by the nobility of
Valgus is a disgusting, petulant world. Mandragora (and beyond into the Askellon and Gorian Rift
Covered in dead marshlands, sectors). The society of Ziegsturhl is punctual and polite,
swamps, stretches of silt deserts and built on their economic boons of their products. Farmers and
worse, the planet has a collective agriculturalist make up the greater portion of the population,
'smell' to it that puts off most off with few occupations existing outside of the major trade.
worlders. Helixia Port is the largest star port on Ziegsturhl, and is
Relatively unimportant, Valgus is a considered a major port authority for the Navis Mercantilis
meddling Imperial world of little renown. Cities dot the fleets. Unlike most worlds, the constables of Ziegsturhl
yellowish-greenish planet in the more tolerable to live areas. enforce the by-laws of their planet with courtesy and
Despite the general nausea inducing environments, the punctuality, maintaining order and discipline without the
citizens of Valgus observe several dozen feast days and requirement of excessive violence. The relatively peaceful
holidays. Some are even weeks long, culminating in air of Ziegsturhl is off-putting and has been known to falsely
parades, festivals, or observant fasting. The cities are give senses of paranoia and caution to those accustomed to
colorful places in preparation to these events, bombastic and the typical strife and danger of the greater Imperium.
bold to the eyes, matching the clothes and personalities of
the Valgus population. +++Planetary Data+++
The population of Valgus is noted to have a high Galactic Position: BU/EX/1T
percentage of mutation present. Like most imperial worlds, Class: Developing World
mutations are looked down upon as deformities worthy of Contact With Other Worlds: Ziegsturhl is a major trade
ostracizing and dehumanizing, but due to the sheer amount hub. It has a multitude of trade routes that extend its reach to
of minor mutations only the worst and physically apparent almost all the major ports and worlds of the Mandragora
mutants are forced into slavery or killed. sector. There are stable warp routes from Ziegsturhl to the
Askellon and Gorian Rift Sectors as well, making it a very
+++Planetary Data+++ frequented travelled world.
Galactic Position: IE/2D1
Class: Developing World
Contact With Other Worlds: Valgus has semi-stable warp
routes connecting itself to Flambeaux and Enceladus.

13 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The planet of Annazir was once an industrious and
civilized world of the Mandragora sector at its onset and
foundation. At the dawn of the sectors second millennium,
contact had been lost and only in recent times has it be re-
introduced to the Imperium of Man and, by proxy, the
Imperial Creed. While many planets long lost to contact with
the Imperium devolved into base animism or even complete
Chaos worship, the Creed maintained a planet-wide grasp
on Annazir. The centuries of isolation didn't leave it
completely untouched however, as the primary form of
Emperor-worship on Annazir involve praying and serving
different, often animal-form, aspects of the Holy Emperor,
and the spirit-servants that serve him. This is a far cry from
Ecclesiarchy-approved worship, and the first pilgrims and
missionaries waged a brief but bloody war against these
"heretics", before the denizens of Annazir were decided
redeemable, and a slower induction to the Imperial Creed
was agreed upon. The decision to redeem the natives rather
than exterminate them wholesale was the ferocity displayed
by the warrior-lodges of Annazir who were frightening and
competent opponents to the early missionaries. Many losses
were taken at the hands of the Annazir warriors - who had
been underestimated due to their eschewal of the use of
weaponry. The unarmed forces of Annazir, managing to kill
fully-equipped missionary forces armed with little more than
zeal was quite the accomplishment. A repeated argument for
a slow induction was, indeed, "Imagine the first tithe to the
Imperial Guard!".
The weather on Annazir is fickle, hot and humid with
plenty of plainstorms raging across its vast savannahs which
makes maintenance on basic structures difficult. Annazir is
also subject to a phenomenal amount of electrical magnetic
pulses that render technological devices inert and useless.
The Abbas Sub-Sector Only the most reliable technological, often archeotech of
ages past, are able to function on the majority of the planet.
The population of Annazir have as a result of the lack of
Once a place of piety and contemplation, the Abbas sub technology devolved into a feral, nomadic society banding
sector is now a place of fear and malcontent. Conflicted by together in warrior-tribes who compete for local resources.
the voracious warp storm known as the 6th great maelstrom These feral communities are mostly left to their own
of Mandragora which appeared in 382.M39, the Abbas sub agendas, with the sparse Imperial presence on the world
sector has become a chaotic and dangerous stretch of void confined to aerial spires and gravitic platforms that float
to traverse. Centered upon the cemetery world of Namaah, across the horizon, safe from the technological disturbances
the maelstrom grows slowly but steadily. that plague the surface.
The Missionaria Galaxia has been hard at work for well
Annazir over a millennium to convert the pagan beliefs of the
Annaziri. The savage, honor based tribesman have resisted
"Annazir was once a bustling developing conventional conversion, only slowly adapting the rites and
world that had just escaped it's feudal sacraments of the Ecclesiarchy . While currently sustained in
world classification in a technological a transition phase between the Imperial creed and the tribal
renaissance before it was lost to the ancestral superstitions, the Missionaria Galaxia believe it is
warp storms centuries ago. When the only a matter of time until the impeccable faith of the
storms surrounding the system finally Emperor's cult will enrich and civilize the planet.
cleared, we arrived hoping to find that
level of civility. What we found instead were brutes, far +++Planetary Data+++
divorced from the Imperial culture of their ancestors, unable Galactic Position: MAN/Z/1R
to even recall the function of a laspistol. The absence of the Class: Feral World
Imperium's enriching embrace clearly shows." Contact With Other Worlds: Annazir was possessed a
stable warp route to Malkavia and Lhasum, but since the
- Administratum-Adjutant Plinus the Lesser emergence of the 6th Great Maelstrom has become unstable
and at times impossible to reach.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 14

+++Planetary Data+++
Homeworld: Galactic Position: 11/82.U
Class: Agri World
Annazir Rules Contact With Other Worlds: Lhasum is connected by
A character from Annazir applies the following benefits stable warp routes to Shaehol, Malkavia, and Cardinale.
during character creation:
Characteristic modifiers
+ Strength, + Toughness, – Influence A dead world that barely has an
astmosphere capable of sustaining
Fate Threshold human life, Malkavia is instead home
2 (Emperor’s Blessing 3+) to countless billions of Mandragoran
dead. Over four millennium of
entombing honoured dead on
Home World Bonus Malkavia has left the world a series of
Born Survivor: A character from Annazir may reduce sprawling museoleums and temple shrines of the
the effects of Fear by one degree (reducing Fear 3 to Ecclesiarchy, hallowed and barred.
Fear 2, etc.) Essentially this also means that the Beside a small sect of religious hermits and the venerable
character suffers no effects from creatures or astropathic choir that service the small entombing port
phenomena with a Fear Rating of 1. known as the Voiceless, the world itself is serenely bereft of
life beyond the servitor drones and servo-skulls that maintain
Home World Aptitude and protect ancient structure from would be grave robbers.
Toughness The ancient order of the Voiceless are mythasized as being
oracles of antiquity, having chosen a vow of silence for over
Wounds two thousand years since their last prediction.
An Annazir character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.
+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 8392.D/42.B/2
Recommended Backgrounds Class: Cemetery World
Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Guard, Contact With Other Worlds: Malkavia has a stable warp
Outcast route to Vodaccair Sextus, and an unsteady warp route
connecting it Hecuba.

Once, the grand mausoleums of
Lhasum the endless, Lhasum the Namaah were considered the finest of
bountiful. Lhasum is an agri world of the sector and to be interred on the
boundless life that resists world was a great honor. Now it sits
extermination. Unlike other worlds of at the heart of the 6th Great
the Imperium, the flora and fauna Maelstrom, lost to the sector.
reproduce at foracious rates that Before the consumption by the
make the Imperium's taming of the planet maelstrom, Namaah was a popular habitable world by the
extraordinarily difficult. Within hours entire livestock various powers of Mandragora. Because of its exemption
populations can explode into a frenzy of uncontrollable from Imperial taxation and tithing, dynasties of nobles and
swarms. chartist captains used Namaah to hoard their vast wealth
The native life on Lhasum are quite abnormal and without fear of levies from the countless organizations with
strange, with few species that can be naturally deadly to the remit and power to do so.
humans. Rather, their evolutionary path has led to over Now Namaah is gone, and so too are the lost treasures of
breed as a mechanism for survival prior to the planet's a great majority of ancient noble families. Some of which
settlement. The nutrious value of the majority of the Lhasum have become desolate and disposed when Namaah was
ecosystem making it ripe for the Imperium's uses. lost. The wealth of Namaah was not measured simply by
So velocious is the life farms of Lhasum that occasionally foreign currencies, but by deeds of land. and rights, warrants
entire planetary sectors must be let afire with holy of trade and ancient, hereditary artifacts of bygone ages.
promethium to ensure one species does not eradicate Many a noble have gone on expeditions to reclaim their
another, or damage agricultural installations. The Lhasum families forsaken legacies, only to see the end of their
Administratum employing a number of methods, from families line die with them
ordering dictates of destruction to hiring bands of
+++Planetary Data+++
mercenaries to clean sweep smaller outbreaks.
Galactic Position: IE/D1/P-12

15 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Class: Cemetery World Vodaccair Sextus
Contact With Other Worlds: Valgus has semi-stable warp
routes connecting itself to Flambeaux and Enceladus.
One of the first planets colonized and
settled by humanity in Mandragora's
shrouded past, Vodaccair Sextus is a
The Six graying world long past its prime.
Great Maelstroms Once the old capitol of Mandragora, it
has long fallen into decay and ruin
There have been many warp storms that have
when the sector government was moved
plagued Mandragora since it's foundation. The great
to Hecuba during the mid centuries of M37.
maelstroms of Mandragora are called so for their length
Proto-Hive cities dot the continents of Vodaccair Sextus,
of duration. No warp storm that lasts less than four
poisoning it's atmosphere with pollutants and smog that drift
centuries are named a great maelstrom.
heavily over the planet's oceans. Acidic rain poisoning the
The great maelstroms are all considered signs of the
natural wild life that remains after centuries of human
Emperor's displeasure on the inhabitants of the sector.
occupation. In many ways, Vodaccair Sextus is a sterling
When each is declared, it is often later found that the
example of the degradation and entropy of an Imperial world.
weight of laxity or heresy could be found in excess that
The old bloodlines of Vodaccair Sextus are steeped with
effected the sector as a whole. With the declaration of
power and authority. Most major commercia powers can
the Sixth Great Maelstrom by the Navis Nobilite, the
draw their lineages to the great houses of Vodaccairre
sector lords have grown uneasy and more observant in
families. It is these powerful connections that led to the
their faiths, knowing all too well what ill omens the
formation of the Sable Ecumene, the inter-stellar trade cartel
portent brings. During the last, fifth great maelstrom,
that continues to operate for the benefit of the great houses
nearly half of the old aristocracy were put to
while attempting to discredit and disrupt other sector affairs.
the blade and torch by the hands of
While no longer a major influence by standard of the
the dread Inquisition.
Adeptus Terra and the sector affairs, Vodaccair Sextus
remains relevant by merit of the chartist traders that keep the
world an important trade route. While other, more direct
Vasteras routes exist, the Sable Ecumene has effectively ensured
through a combination of intimidation and sabotage that
The orbital ship-yards of Vasteras dock Vodaccair Sextus remains an ideal, safe haven for fleets to
hundreds of naval ships of the traverse. Were it not for the intervention of the Sable
Mandragora Sector fleet reserves. Ecumene and its familial backers, the slow and agonizing
Maintenance or mothballed, the death of the planet's political abandonment would have had
reserve fleets surround the shattered far worse consequences.
half-world of Vasteras. Vodaccair Sextus' cities are irregular, actively irrigating
Once an inhabited xenos world, their proto-hives with oceanic channels. While polluted, the
Vasteras suffered from a cyclonic exterminatus that networks of irrigation ditches, sewer systems and hydro-
destabilized the plasmic core of the planet. It's tectonic power generation to the cities. Travel through many lower
plates shattered and hungrily consumed by the core of the levels of the cities is commenced on boats or rafts, although
world, Vasteras itself now exists as molten land masses ebb only the poorest citizens would risk the health hazards.
and flow from the ball of alien matter that exists at its core. Disease, vermin, and worse are dangers of life across the
The soft blue illumination of Vasteras bathes the naval lowest levels.
fleet-yards with a sense of loss and eerie reflection. Imperial The highborn of Vodaccair Sextus are also known to be
Navy ratings and officers have been known to commit technophiles or Augmenticists, favoring the replacement of
suicide at much higher rates when stationed here. This flesh with bionics. The popularity of cybernetics and bionics
phenomena is so well known to the fleet that it is common with the highborn is so extent that mockeries and imitations
jargon to refer to self-murder as 'earned his Vasteran blues'. have become the stylistic choice of the middle and lower
classes. It is considered ill-fortuned and a sign of poverty to
+++Planetary Data+++ be completely unaltered. Off-worlders unaccustomed to this
Galactic Position: MSF/V-12 social stigma are often treated poorly, mistaken for the
Class: Naval Yards unwashed masses of the planet.
Contact With Other Worlds: Vasteras has a multitude of
stable warp routes that lead to key naval strategic points. +++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 312-MS.I
Class: Developing World
Contact With Other Worlds: Vodaccair Sextus has stable
warp routes to Nar-Sheptha, Generys, Thade and Hecuba.
Semi-stable routes exist leading to many populous worlds,
and is often travelled by both the Astra Navis Mercantilis and
Civilis fleets.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 16

The Drift Worlds predators capable of harming a man, the expansion of
humanity has prospered. Only the internecine conflicts
between differing keep-doms of Bonisagus has kept the
Formally the Hecuban Sub Sector, the stellar region
population from booming out of control.
known as the Drift Worlds are remarkably stable and calm,
The veil between the materium and the immaterium is
suffering very little celestial disturbances. It's mirrored twin in
particularly weak on Bonisagus. There is a higher
the warp however is divergent, the routes coming to and
percentage of the population born as psykers, and has
from the worlds within this region 'drifting' every few decades
earned the planet's primary contribution to the Imperial tithe
with enough regularity and predictability to have earned the
it's bounty of psychically active. Despite the yearly attentions
sub sector it's more familiar name.
of the Black League of the Adeptus Telepathica, there are
many psykers that escape the culls and collections. These
Bonisagus witches and warlocks hide in the worst, darkened corners of
Bonisagus' swamps. Shunned by their own, they are
Bonisagus is a wet and humid world. reclusive individuals who are accompanied by other worldly
While lacking oceans, it's surface is knowledge and powers.
saturated with moisture from The unsanctioned psykers of Bonisagus are rarely
planetary stretching swamp lands, persecuted. There is a pervasive fear that keeps many keep
marshes and submersed bogs. The barons weary of conflict. Unless actively aggressive, the
air on Bonisagus is heavy, sweaty and Bonisagus barons are well content in leaving any psyker
is known to agitate Voidborn more alone and to his own device.
severely than most other planets.
The populace of Bonisagus have regressed from their +++Planetary Data+++
colonial heritage into a feudal society. Living in raised keeps, Galactic Position: VC/E/465
the barons of Bonisagus eke out vassal realms. Competing Class: Feudal World
keep-doms have arisen, each contesting the others borders. Contact With Other Worlds: Bonisagus has unreliable
Because Bonisagus' biodiversity is sparse, lacking few warp routes to Hecuba and Ephemera. A semi-stable warp

17 The Mandragora Apocrypha

route to Vrai Sombra appears in irregular intervals every few warren nests and purge those they discover with
decades. promethium. Darkness and unfamiliarity with the innards of
hives has given the infected the clear advantage, and
Ephemera Flambeaux has become a network of war zones and check
points, with few cleared 'green zones'.
Ephemera is very similar to the ancient Rumors persist of multiple 'blood dens' existing in the
conditions of old Terra, possessing as deepest depths of Flambeaux; horrific places where human
many different environments and livestock are kept alive for the sole purpose of feeding upon
planetary conditions. All natural life on by the eldest Homines Nocturnae. These bio-farms have
Ephemera was imported with the never been discovered, or if they have it has been
original colonists that first settled the suppressed heavily, but urban legends persists on
planet and are descendent from them. Flambeaux of the dark world that exists beneath what's left
Ephemera is divided geo-politically by a mixture of of the planet's civilization. Superstitious, paranoid and
different nations. Ancient feuds and alliances stand to the terrified citizens keep a watchful eye on the shadows at all
present day, convened in council only when dealing with times - the fear of becoming part of these urban legends
matters of the Imperium. Because of the inherent political consuming the vast majority of their lives.
maneuvering and mistrust of each other, the role of
planetary governor is delegated to this council as a whole. +++Planetary Data+++
When matters of great importance occur, a singular leader is Galactic Position: FMS/WZ-921
chosen to rule in supreme matters until the event calling for Class: War World
the nominated is concluded. Contact With Other Worlds: Flambeaux is a strictly
The primary star port of Ephemera is situated in the center quarantined war world, and any stable routes are patrolled
and tightly monitored by the Imperial Navy.
of the largest ocean. Lowered into the atmosphere
millennium ago, the imperial orbital station now serving as a
bastion embassy remains an integral instrument in
maintaining order and conducting both trade and collecting
the tithes due. Flambeaux Rules
A character from Flambeaux applies the following
+++Planetary Data+++
benefits during character creation:
Galactic Position: V/21/R.75
Class: Pleasure World
Contact With Other Worlds: Ephemera has a relatively Characteristic modifiers
stable warp route leading to Hecuba and Flambeaux. It has + Perception, + Intelligence, – Willpower
several 'seasonal' unstable warp routes leading to other
worlds in the Drift Worlds sub sector. Fate Threshold
2 (Emperor’s Blessing 3+)
Home World Bonus
A dark world since antiquity, Guardian of the Dawn: A character from Flambeaux
Flambeaux is a world torn by war may reduce the Degree of Difficulty of any Perception
waged in its shadows. Suffering from based Characteristic or Skill tests by one Degree.
outbreaks of the Homines Nocturnae Additionally, they may re-roll an Awareness or Scrutiny
plague that has long been a scourge Skill Test once per session.
that spreads vigorously, regiments of
the Astra Militarum drawn from across the
Home World Aptitude
sector have been deployed in combating the warren nests of
the Homines Nocturnae with extreme prejudice. Perception
The true threat of the Homines Nocturnae is the insidious
nature of the plague. Once human, the infected become Wounds
hunters of blood and flesh, consumed with an insatiable lust A Flambeaux character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.
for cannibalism. Because the Homines Nocturnae can
physically resemble a normal human, strict quarantine Recommended Backgrounds
procedures limit traffic to and from the planet. With the
Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites,
inherent danger of the plague potentially able to spread like Imperial Guard
wild flower if a single infected were to escape, many
regiments deployed to Flambeaux are done so with no
intentions of ever leaving.
The state of the current war torn world is largely a
stalemate. With most of the world divided into hive cities and
hab-blocks, the Imperial Guard most constantly scour for

The Mandragora Apocrypha 18

Hecuba Shaehol
Hecuba is the sector capitol of Shaehol was once a lush world, but
Mandragora, the planetary governor has since become a barren wasteland
holding the prestigious rank of Sector of pollution, chemical swamps, and
Prefectus. Hecuba itself is a ash-wastes over many millennia of
sprawling ecumenopolis, it's divisions unrestrained industry. The forges and
of hive-cities blurred into non- factoria of Shaehol have carved and
existence millennium ago. A singular, hallowed entire portions of the planet.
poisonous ocean exists in the planet's former polar north. Shaehol's world core is both plasmic and unstable. With
The sector capitol is heavily trafficked by the Adeptus the expansion of the Adeptus Mechanicus' mining and
Terra. As a place of congregation, members of the restructuring of the planet, the volatile core is used efficiently
Administratum, Mechanicus, Ministorum and the as a source of renewable energy. Straw-like cylinders
Departmento Munitorum decide the fate of the Mandragora designed to capture and direct up flows of eruptions convert
Sector from the lofty spires of Hecuba. While the ports and the energy to be used by the countless forges, factoria's, and
spires are of great importance, the masses of Hecuba toil refinery plants.
away their lives in the slums and underhives, a world all in its The Magos Immateria of Shaehol are undisputed masters
own and divorced from the sector-impacting politics of the of warp and energy manipulation. Having nearly
world above. inexhaustible supplies to power their machinations, the
Shaehol Mechanicus has persevered in the studies of the
+++Planetary Data+++ malefic, in its containment and disruption, as well as being
Galactic Position: MS/P/21-3 artisans of plasma derived technologies.
Class: Sector Capitol The philosophies and adherence to traditions of the
Contact With Other Worlds: Hecuba has the most stable Mechanicus are highly divergent on Shaehol, which has
warp routes connecting it to the rest of the Sector. Many are earned the ire and general mistrust between the rest of the
'drifting' routes, but are well calculated by the Navis Nobilite. Mandragora Mechanicus. The plasma drives and weaponry
developed and distributed by the forge world is beyond
Metallus Quartus valuable, and has earned their acceptance by the greater
sector as a whole.
The commercia trade ship-yards of
Metallus Quartus is the central most +++Planetary Data+++
vital point of interest for the fleets Galactic Position: SH/E/01
Mercantilis and Civilis of the Class: Forge World
Mandragora Sector. A multitude of Contact With Other Worlds: Shaehol has a stable warp
orbital stations locked in Lagrange route connecting it to Metallus Quartus, Hecuba and Advent.
points around the gas giants of the system
provide the system with docking stations, trade hubs, and is Sikun Secundus
a vital nexus for trading off cargo among different fleets.
The Metallus Quartus ship yards are bristling with activity, The Industrial World of Sikun
and have a heavy Imperial Navy presence assigned to its Secundus is a hot, dry world shrouded
protection and usage. Sector fleets moving across in the polluted exhaust clouds of
Mandragora will most often use Metallus Quartus as a point industry and baked in the harsh glare
of coordination and interception with its interstellar and warp of its sun. The endless factoria,
coordinates being nearly central to the inhabited worlds of refinery plants, and vast forge
the sector. complexes are well supplied by the rich
The system itself is a series of seven gas giant planetary mineral content of the planet’s crust, tirelessly mined in
bodies. Each possesses different elemental compositions, enormous operations that have permanently scarred the
with many being actively mined and exploited for the various planet. The world constructs a large variety of items, mostly
needs of the Imperium. large-scale military structures such as defense bastions,
command bunkers, and drop-fortresses, as well as small
+++Planetary Data+++ arms including the ubiquitous lasgun and stubber weaponry.
Galactic Position: 4839.3/B/EA Consequently, Sikun Secundus is considered a vital link in
Class: Ship Yards (Gas Giant) the protection of the sector, one that the Imperial Guard in
Contact With Other Worlds: Metallus Quartus has a particular relies upon. It is not surprising that the Tithe-
multitude of stable warp routes that lead to key naval Proctors of the Administratum keep a close watch on the
strategic points and commercia fleet destinations. It's Industrial World’s levels of output, their factotums checking
strategic value is absolute, and it's warp routes are and scrutinizing the manufacture logs and tithe scrolls to
constantly being redefined and evaluated by the Navis ensure that Sikun Secundus does its duty to the Emperor
Nobilite assigned to the Imperial Navy. and does not fall behind on its quotas.
The Forge Masters and Forge Lords are the lofty

19 The Mandragora Apocrypha

individuals charged with the responsibility of running and Contact With Other Worlds: Queensland has a major
ruling the planet. These high ranking members of the stable warp route leading to the Gorian Rift sector. It has a
Adeptus Mechanicus are so heavily augmented with bionic few unstable warp routes connecting it to Hecuba and Nar-
and cybernetic implants that little remains of the human Sheptha.
beings they once were. Now they are almost entirely
machines, driven by cold logic and complex calculation to
determine the optimum course of action in any given
It was this implacable logic that led Forge Masters to
undertake unusual efforts to maintain factory output. The
steadily increasing levels of choking smog in Sikun
Secundus’ atmosphere has resulted in an incremental and
ongoing rise in surface temperatures on the planet as more
and more of the sun’s heat and radiation have become
trapped. This led to an increasing shortage of one vital
resource—water. Although the Forge Lords requested extra
supplies from off-planet through official channels, it is
estimated that this could take decades, assuming the
request is even granted.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 2.UR/B/D The Iron-Bounds
Class: Developing World
Contact With Other Worlds: Sikun Secundus has a key The 'Iron-Bounds' stellar region is bereft of habitable
stable warp route connecting it to Shaehol. systems useful to the Imperium. It is a dark and desolate
region of space that is best avoided.
Cathedral of Flesh
Queensland is a world like no other.
Natural forming crystal formations This world is a truly horrifying penal
and mineral infused bodies of water colony reserved for the worst of
hold narcotic properties. Literally humanity. This is dark penitentiary
filled with performance enhancing where it's inmates are not only
chemicals and sedatives, the stripped of their personal freedoms,
pleasure-lakes of Queensland induce but their minds and bodies as well.
idyllic states of sublime pleasure by simply submerging The prisoners of the Cathedral are marked for truly
oneself in its waters. So rich are these highly addictive heinous crimes, and befitting their sins are not granted the
narcotics and sedatives in the environment, simply mercy of a swift death. Rather, they are subjected to a
consuming local vegetation is enough to obtain an induced multitude of genetic restructuring and flesh shaping from the
high. Genetors of the Mandragoran Mechanicus. Some are used
Unwilling to destroy the cultivation of these natural to prove a theorem, but the vast majority are made into
wonders, the golden spires of Queensland shoot up high into misshapen abominations intentionally. The full weight of their
the sky, maintaining palaces shrouded by heavy crystal forced mutations are enforced by their mental faculties being
domes. Locked away in these palaces are the populace of preserved. While a prisoner's body is reshaped, their minds
Queensland, who may visit upon the earth but not settle it by are removed completely to ensure the punishments inflicted
ancient decree. From up on high the collectors of within the Cathedral are not lost to insanity and trauma born
Queensland supply the Chymistry and Alchemist of the of pain.
spires to produce an assortment of intensified and purified Not even is death a reprieve in the traditional sense.
drugs, for pleasure and combat, to provide their yearly tithes. Owing to the skills of the Mechanicus, prisoners who 'die'
The act of disrupting or damaging the local ecosystem is naturally are further preserved by conjoining the bodily husks
treated with dire severity. Off-worlders of importance may be of many inmates together, and binding their life essence with
asked to leave, permanently banned from returning to the implants and sustaining technology to create fully aware
surface if permitted to return to the planet at all, while those servitors who are unable to voice their eternal torment.
without the backing of a prestigious and astute organization
or master will be dismembered slowly by the Golden ++Planetary Data+++
Collectors of Queensland. Galactic Position: NW/NC/43289.Q
Class: Penal World
+++Planetary Data+++ Contact With Other Worlds: The Cathedral of Flesh has a
Galactic Position: 802/B-15 stable warp route connecting it to Phaenon Prime, Hecuba,
Class: Pleasure World Port Junction and Metallus Quartus.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 20

The Bravitovich Sub Sector post for Navigators traversing the Mandragora sector.
There are old stories passed throughout the Navis Nobilite
families regarding the Caern. Some say that while passing
The Bravitovich Sub-Sector is numbered at three worlds
the Caern, a longing song, soft and melodious, can be
discovered and founded by the explorer trader Kaldross
heard. Others contest saying it is a raging din of noise and
Bravitovich. During the early 33rd millennium, the patriarch
cacophony, daring to disrupt a Navigator's concentration.
of the Bravitovich dynasty attempted to create his own
secular Consillium of worlds. While forging his own domain +++Planetary Data+++
failed, and his house destroyed as a result of his greed and Galactic Position: None
avarice, the sub sector founded by his discoveries remain Class: Phantasmal World
today. Contact With Other Worlds: The Caern of the Sentinel has
no warp routes making it accessible to any ship.
Caern of the Sentinel
The Caern of the Sentinel is a world
locked away in dreadspace, The mining world of Enceladus are rich
inaccessible by stellar arrival. While in metal ores, marble sediments, and
clearly visible to the Navigators of the more. Considered 'nearly
Navis Nobilite, no human vessel has inexhaustible' upon its founding, it has
ever been able to physically make remained constant with its operations
contact with the planet. Many believe it to for millennium. While the planet is
be a warp aberration, but reports of its existence has nearly a third of its size now, it does not
stretched back since the foundation of the sector. appear to slowing down on its tithes or scheduled outputs.
While almost malevolent by its very nature, the Caern has The only threat that actively slows down Enceladus'
never been a source of aggression or warp malice. Because productivity are the constant raids and attacks from the ork
it has remained within the relatively 'same' area of the reavers that launch their attacks against any Imperial ships
immaterium for so many millennium, it serves as a guide that venture too close to the killing rok fields of the Ninth

21 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Veil. Enceladus is left relatively alone due to the massive has never exceeded the planet's capacity to sustain local
planetary defense batteries and defenses, the chartist fleets life. Family ties and legacies are considered highly
that arrive off course are often severely damaged if not sacrosanct on Vrai Sombra, as well as revering ancestors.
destroyed outright. Vrai Sombra is the sub sector capitol, although with few
Enceladus' primary export is marble of differing colors and worlds contained within it largely governs itself. Trade is
composition, as well as rock sediments, raw ores and sparse with the Bravitovich sub sector, and Vrai Sombra
purified composite metal alloys. These are routinely shipped exports works of art, gilded and sculpted decorum, and other
to Vrai Sombra, and tithed directly to the Imperium. forms of artistry.

+++Planetary Data+++ +++Planetary Data+++

Galactic Position: 802/B-15 Galactic Position: 33.PP/32/5
Class: Mining World Class: Pleasure World
Contact With Other Worlds: Queensland has a major Contact With Other Worlds: Vrai Sombra is connected by
a stable warp route to Hecuba, Cappavocia and Metallus
Makhavius Quintus Quartus.

Makhavius Quintus is a forsaken world

of the Mandragora Sector. It's history
is officially sealed by orders of the
Ordos Mandragora. The only clues to
its dark past hinted at by the records
of the Administratum - which show re-
population efforts three times in the
collective records of Hecuba and librariums of Libellus.
The residents of Makhavius Quintus, despite colonial re-
settlements, have always and quickly reverted to feudalism
within a few generations. Due to periodical warp storms, this
phenomena has only recently been realized by scholars and
scribes of the Administratum. A pending investigation by the
Ordos Mandragora has been launched as well, drawing the
interests of many to this quaint world.
Makhavius Quintus itself is a rather unremarkable planet.
A thick atmosphere and fertile soil make it a prime candidate
to be used for agricultural needs of the sub-sector, but it's
potential has so far been underutilized.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: FE/99.B/Q
Class: Feudal World
Contact With Other Worlds: Makhavius Quintus has a
stable warp route connecting it to Vrai Sombra and

Vrai Sombra
The ancient heart of the Bravitovich
Consillium, Vrai Sombra is beautiful
garden world where the architecture The Poisoned Shores
of the cities blends seamlessly into
natural preserves surrounding and The Poisoned Shores is a pseudo sub-sector few are
within them. Artistry is culturally aware of. The stellar region is fraught with danger from
linked with the Vrai Sombra, and the corsairs and pirate activity, as well as turbulent and often
cities of the planet are exquisitely beautiful in comparison to violent warp storms. The region is avoided by the Navis
the typical architecture on other typical worlds of the Nobilite unless absolutely required to travel. Journeys to and
Imperium. from the sub-sector are generally three times as long - most
The population suffer from a genetic defect sometimes chartist fleets not daring to risk the dangers of making
known as 'the curse of Vrai Sombra', inflicting them with prolonged jumps until well beyond the Shores boundaries.
extremely short life expectancies. Most adults on Vrai
Sombra perish in their late second or third decade of life,
and because of this infliction the population of Vrai Sombra

The Mandragora Apocrypha 22

Hagon Primus The Temple of Knowing
Hagon Primus is a remote mining The Temple of Knowing is the sacred
colony. It was founded in the early temple shrine of the Scholastica
second century of M39, it's discovery Psykana. Situated in the isolated
largely given to happenstance and sub-sector, the Temple of Knowing
chance. The planet was discovered to tests the resolve and willpower of its
be rich in underground wells of covens, hardening their bodies just
promethium and mercury. as much as their souls.
The outpost on Hagon Primus is small, settled by off-world Little is known about the remote planet. Once their full
miners contracted by the forge masters of Hepheron. The training is completed, the sanctioned psykers of the
population is consigned to a few hundred miners, assisted psykana covens rarely return - their assignments taking
by a few thousand mining servitors and a contingent of them across the breadth of the entire sector. Few willingly
Enginseers from Hepheron. talk of their experiences, or try to suppress them in the most
Hagon Primus lacks an atmosphere or biosphere. It is an traumatic of cases.
airless, lifeless planet beyond what the Imperium has The coven masters of the Temple of Knowing are
brought. The whirl of machines and buzzing of electricity considered some of the wisest and most powerful psykers in
running through the mining complexes are the only real the sector. Each chosen specifically to inherent the roles of
sounds that exist on Hagon Primus. The miners who toil their former masters. By traditional dictates, each of the
away are droll as a result, eager to converse with the few eleven masters of the temple dedicate their entire lives to the
chartist vessels that arrive to bring supplies to and from continual study and mastery of their disciplines - to instruct
Hepheron. the next generations in the proper rites of obedience and
subservience to the Imperium.
+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 1932/32/WE +++Planetary Data+++
Class: Mining World Galactic Position: 802/B-15
Contact With Other Worlds: Hagon Primus has an Class: Ice World
unstable warp route connecting it to Hepheron and Valgus. Contact With Other Worlds: The Temple of Knowing has
many stable warp routes connecting it to various worlds of
the Imperium, but each is a closely guarded secret limited to
a handful of Navigators oath-sworn to the Adeptus

23 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Catepanates natural reformations. The explorators of Forge World
Hepheron have been keen on leading excavations to
discover ancient technologies lost to time.
A relatively unimportant sub sector, the Catepanates is a
Falmina's world is also notably gender biased; it's
seldom travelled expanse of the Mandragora Sector. There
population having an inequality of women to men born. As a
are a multitude of dangers and hazardous warp conditions
result, the societal roles have formed a strong matriarchy in
that exist in the sub sector, and few worth while destinations.
stark contrast to the rest of the sector and the Imperium as a
whole. The grand materfamilias of Falmina's world are truly
Ahrimanes ancient houses of nobility, the matriarchs of which make
every decision that impact the lives of it's common citizens.
Ahrimanes is composed mostly of liquid
water trapped beneath a veneer of a +++Planetary Data+++
frozen surface. Crystalline formations Galactic Position: FA/1M/WW.2
appear as false landmasses beneath Class: Pleasure World
the icy oceans. Seemingly Contact With Other Worlds: Falmina's World is connected
uninhabited, Ahrimanes is nonetheless by a singular stable warp route to Hepheron.
an extremely hazardous world that has
earned it's quarantine. The water world contains xenos Hepheron
bacteria and pathogens that are extremely lethal to humans,
many of which are resistant to filtering devices of the Hepheron is a minor forge world that dominates the
Imperium. This has rendered Ahrimanes both dangerous Catepanates sub sector as it's central most
and completely useless to the needs of the Imperium. important world. The studious archmagi
Those who make contact with the water of Ahrimanes, of Hepheron are considered
whether consumed or simply exposed, become direly ill anchorites of ancient knowledge,
within a matter of hours. Bacterial life grows and infests their turning inwards for divine inspiration
bodies. After a critical mass is reached the victim perishes, by the Omnessiah.
crystalline formations beginning to grow and portrude from The forges of Hepheron consume
their corpse. After a brief hibernation period, the corpse rises only half the planet, the ash wastes of it's
as the bacterial form has formed a new virusform entity - and northern hemisphere places of quiet reflection and exile for
seeks to reproduce and spread. the most ancient of techno-magi. Driven by an intense desire
Because how dangerous the Ahrimanes strand of for understanding, the tech priests of Hepheron spend
virusform is, the planet was given the mark of Intransigence decades in exile contemplating a singlular focus. The secular
and quarantined. Orbital buoys warn vessels that re-discover needs of their order are dealt with the lower ranked priests,
Ahrimanes, and orbital gun batteries ensure none ignore who maintain a much more active and executive role than on
them. traditional forge worlds.
Hepheron main contribution to the Mandragora sector is
+++Planetary Data+++
it's alliance with the secret Knight World of Tracus IV, it's
Galactic Position: A/HR/1.M
armies of Legio Cybernetica and Legions Skitarri, and it's
Class: Quarantined World
small contigent of Collegia Titanica. Providing it's armies to
Contact With Other Worlds: While there may be stable
the crusades and wars of the Mandragora sector while the
warp routes to Ahrimanes, the planet is quarantined and
most venerated and ancient of their order sit in quiet
information regarding it actively suppressed.
reflection upon the mountains of their world pausing only to
occasionally glimpse the majestic battle drills of the titan
Falmina's World legions below.

Falmina's World is a beautiful, warm +++Planetary Data+++

weathered planet. Naturally heated Galactic Position: FW/21/MSE
oceans and a lack of carnivorous Class: Forge World
lifeforms make Falmina's World a Contact With Other Worlds: Hepheron is connected by a
proverbial paradise. stable warp route to Falmina's World, Laslock Run, Hecuba,
Ancient terraforming engines jutt out Metallus Quartus, and Heraion.
from the surface of Falmina's world,
operating and producing the perfect conditions on the planet.
Uncontrollable to the population that have long forgotten
their purposes, it was only the introduction of the Imperium
and the tech priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus that brought
maintenance back and control of the atmosphere.
There are scores of archeotech vaults and infocrypts on
Falmina's world, buried under millennium of terraforming and

The Mandragora Apocrypha 24

Laslock Run
Laslock Penal
Almost a barren rock, the penal colonies Regiments
of Laslock Run is one of two hellish
Players can adopt the Laslock Penal regiment as their
penal worlds established to contain
Background when creating a new Acolyte. Characters
and punish criminals and recidivists.
from a Laslock Penal regiment follow the Imperial
For various reasons, the unfortunates
Guard rules, but with the following Background Bonus
unlucky enough to warrant
instead of the normal one:
imprisonment rather than a swift exucution
are forced into grueling militaristic pogroms. Supplies are
scarce, and basic needs are seldom met - food and water Background Bonus
rationed out based upon preference, efficiency and the Fleet of Foot: Characters from a Laslock Run Penal
discipline of the inmates. regiment are accustomed to running for their
Laslock Run earned it's name due to the bizarre inaugural lives. They are treated as +1 AB to their
tradition it holds. Prisoners arriving from the Arbites fleet of to their movement values.
Mandragora are given one chance to trek across 4
kilometers under heavy single-bolt lasgun fire from it's
training penal regiments. The old survivors who are able to orbital landers are trapped beneath it's surface or crashed
kill a new prisoner are rewarded by joining the penal upon some unknown surface.
regiment destined to leave the planet with the Arbites fleet,
and those who survive the hazardous journey keep their +++Planetary Data+++
lives. Galactic Position: CA/469/CSB
The penal regiments of Laslock Run are incredibly Class: Celestial Phenomena
viscious and independent sharpshooters. By necessity and Contact With Other Worlds: Stendaris Quintus is
their tour on Laslock Run, they have developed both the connected by a single, stable warp route to Hepheron.
need for swiftness and have proven themselves capable of
killing across vast distances. While summarily pushed into The Twelfth Gate
martyrdom, the prisoners relish in getting of the hellhole that
is Laslock Run.
The Twelfth Gate is a gas giant that can
only be observed celestially from the
+++Planetary Data+++
Temple of Knowing. While it can be
Galactic Position: PW/1/SE-MS
travelled to, it reflects no light into
Class: Penal World
other systems. It's existence was
Contact With Other Worlds: Laslock Run has several
debated and refuted for many
stable warp routes, none of which lead directly to any other
centuries by the techno magi of forge
worlds. Rather they are relay jumps kept secret by the
world Hepheron until its existence was proven by the Navis
Arbites fleets.
Nobilite, who were long aware of its location.
The disciples of the Temple of Knowing see the Twelfth
Stendaris Quintus Gate shining in the night sky. It is a soothing, calming
presence, larger than it should be, and long involved in the
A gas giant unlike any other, Stendaris mythos of the Scholastica Psykana temple as a portent to
Quintus is a celestial oddity that was great events. When the blue cascading light of the Twelfth
discovered in the Mandragora Sector. Gate turns amber, the calamity and downfall of an empire
Composed of unknown elements, the soon follows. In the record annuals of the Scholastica
planet seemingly catches radio and Temple, the last time it turned amber was shortly before the
vox transmissions, replaying each in fall of the Bravitovich Consillium.
an infinite loop for all time. Void ships The planet itself has shown no overt signs of malefic
entering the Stendaris Quintus are bombarded by a influence. Regularly mined by the Adeptus Mechanicus for
cacophony of ancient transmissions simultenously, natural gases, no abnormalities or warp influences have ever
disrupting and scrambling their own systems. been reported beyond the anomalous lack of observation
The Explorators of forge world Hepheron have long held a from nearby systems. Several orbital stations and research
hypothesis that the planet is partially afflicted by a warp rift at centers are stationed in the planet's Lagrange points, with
it's heart, reflecting transmissions from across space-time more than a few cabals of tech priests continuously
itself. However, this is impossible to tell, as only a marginal attempting to rationalize the phenomena in vain.
amount of the data-bursts from Stendaris Quintus have ever
been identified after centuries of study. All attempts at +++Planetary Data+++
probing Stendaris Quintus itself have failed, as some Galactic Position: GG/32-H
unknown element in the planet's atmosphere completely Class: Gas Giant
eradicates electrical systems causing fatal crashes. It is Contact With Other Worlds: The Twelfth Gate has stable
estimated that hundreds of void ships, drone relays, and warp routes connecting it to the Twelfth Gate and Hepheron.

25 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Dhanabine Borderlands receives many goods and imports from beyond the sector's
Aegisine has a unique network interface known as the
The gateway to the Mandragora Sector, the Dhanabine
Data-Spire, a satellite fed neural network that all its citizens
Borderlands is an essential and important sub sector.
are able to utilize for personal usage. These access is
Important trade and warp routes connect the Dhanabine
limited to the locals, who are each implanted with a micro-
Borderlands towards coreward sectors.
M.I.U. device at birth which grants them lifetime access.
Because of this communal network, knowledge is shared
Aegisine freely and ignorance has all but been eradicated across the
planet and marking violence as an incredibly rare event
The oceanic Hiveworld of Aegisine is a caused primarily by off-worlders.
bristling center of culture and This freely shared knowledge however has come at a
civilization. Secondary only to heavy, subtle price. Aegisine is closely monitored by the
Libellus, the hive world of Aegisine Ordos Mandragora who see the Data-Spire as a seed for
serves as the sectorial seat of power potential heresy, and have actively corrupted and censored
for the Adeptus Administratum and any data that may potentially lead to damnation. This has
the Departmento Munitorum. Unlike had the horrific and unintentional effect of 'mind-burning'
traditional hive worlds, the oceanic core of the world is able individuals accessing information, turning them into complete
to cycle pollutants despite the heavy industrial nature of the vegetables.
hives. Every single facet of life on Aegisine is governed by
the Administratum, from business dealings to personal +++Planetary Data+++
relationships. Every situation on Aegisine has an appropriate Galactic Position: AG/MS/EP932-2
response and procedure. Class: Hive World
It's three primary continents are completely covered in the Contact With Other Worlds: Aegisine has a stable warp
hive cities, with active water-front space ports that ferry route connecting it to Dhanab, Port Junction, Hecuba, Nar-
goods to and from the trade stations that orbit the planet. Sheptha, and Metallus Quartus. It has many unstable warp
One of the most important trade ports in the sector, Aegisine routes leading to the Drift Worlds sub sector.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Dhanab debate by xenobiologists and archeovators. There are many
theories pertaining to their ancestry, but little physical proof
Dhanab is an important Shrine World of exists beyond the impressive energized weapons used by
the Mandragora Sector. It is the the planet's defenses. All agree that the species that built the
center of spiritual and religious planet were highly advanced precursors, long gone by the
time of the first human colonizations of the sector.
needs for the sub sector.
Demonstrated by many orders of
+++Planetary Data+++
fanatics and zealots that serve the
Galactic Position: DE./32/QL-49
synod of Dhanab, the faithful of Dhanab
Class: Quarantined World (Artificial World)
have often gone to the greatest of extremes to prove their
Contact With Other Worlds: Kharanos is connected by a
faith, piety or resolve.
semi-stable warp route from Aegisine and Hepheron, as well
Dhanab is most famous for the Ebontine Crusaders, an
as highly unstable routes from Heraion, Vasteras and
ultra-fanatical cult of frateris-militia dedicated to hunting the
witches and mutants of the Imperium. Glorified witch-
hunters, the Ebontine Crusaders make vows of oblation. By
their own hands they poison their bodies with psycho- Port Junction
reactive drugs which gives them insight to the malefic,
allowing them to see the undeniable aura of psychic power. Port Junction is the largest shipyards of
By damning themselves, they resolve only to take as many the sector, docking the greater bulk of
witches and mutants with them in their war against the sector fleet Mandragora, as well as the
corrupted. fleets of the Arbites, commercia fleets,
The planet of Dhanab itself has a varied topography. and Ecclesiarchal vessels. The
Several continents exist, each given purpose to one of the principle orbital stations surrounding
many functions of the Imperial Cult, the orders, and the the gas giant of Memnoth IV house the
agricultural needs of the population itself. grand estates of the Lord Admiral of
Mandragora and his adjutant staff.
+++Planetary Data+++ Port Junction is described as an impenetrable fortress of
Galactic Position: SW.4/E/E/954 the Imperium's might made manifest. Galleys of war ships
Class: Shrine World await orders, idly patrolling the refueling and commerce of
Contact With Other Worlds: Dhanab is connected by a lesser ships. Academies and assignments are all overseen
stable warp route to Aegisine, Libellus, Hadronia and from the lofty offices of Port Junction. Under the auspices of
Cappavocia. the Ecclesiarchy, Schola Progenium cadets are brought to
Port Junction to begin their careers in the Imperial Navy.
Kharanos Port Junction is the principle planetary system for
incoming void ships from beyond the coreward rim. Taxation
Kharanos is a dark world strictly and tariffs are high, and countless port authorities ensure all
forbidden by the combined authority of imported goods are properly accounted for and accessed for
the Ordo Mandragora and the Synods trade. It is common and expected for at least three months of
of the Mechanicus of the sector. The docking upon arrival, as the bureaucracy of Port Junction's
Administratum offices is representative of the worst aspects
'planet' is a gigantic artificial world,
of the Imperium accounting and logistics.
partially disguised with a sediment
surface. While it posseses an environment Port Junction also serves as a semi-permanent garrison
and it's own flourishing ecosystem, the falsehoods of this for the Astra Militarum. Entire watch stations are devoted to
world are clear and evident to detect. provisioning and garrisoning Imperial Guardsmen being
When Kharanos was first detect a short but destructive deployed throughout the sector or beyond. Hundreds of
firefight broke out between the explorator fleets of Hepheron. regiments are accommodated at Port Junction, awaiting
The planet's orbital defenses ignited into life, detecting the their orders to clear and their destinations (and fates) to be
finalized by the machinations of the Departmento Munitorum.
Imperium's ships, and crippling many key vessels before a
full retreat was ordered. Despite repeated attempts by the
+++Planetary Data+++
combined forces of forge world Hepheron, Heraion, Trilia
Galactic Position: GG/230-B.2/MSE
and Shaehol, none have been able to pierce the orbital
Class: Gas Giant
defenses of this machine world.
Contact With Other Worlds: Port Junction has dozens
As a result the planet has been officially quarantined, with
upon dozens of stable warp routes connecting it to the vast
battallions of guardian ships and orbital stations surrounding
majority of the sector. It's principle warp routes connects it
the system. Centuries of study, probing and sanctioned
Vasteras and Metallus Quartus.
attempts at by-passing or destroying the planet have all
failed to produce any tangible results. All that is known is the
world is completely predictable and lifeless, automated long
beyond it's maker's extinction.
The lost masters of Kharanos are a subject of fierce

27 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Cappavocian Sub-Sector has proven a cost-effective solution. An Imperial crusade of
pacification would result in a heavy drain of military assets,
and with a multitude of on-going crusades and wars to
The Cappavocian sub sector is a bedrock of Mandragora,
support, the Departmento Munitorum simply cannot waste
linking the Dhanabine Borderlands to the sector capitol in the
the time and resources on Al'Jzarrid.
Drift Worlds sub sector.
+++Planetary Data+++
Al'Jzarrid Galactic Position: OI/3843.W/MK
Class: Mining World
An early lifespan mining world, Al'Jzarrid Contact With Other Worlds: Al'Jzarrid has a single warp
still maintains its natural atmosphere. route connecting it to Cappavocia.
While toxins and pollutants are
beginning to take its toll on the planet, Cappavocia
it has many centuries before it
becomes a truly horrible place to live. The sub sector capitol, Cappavocia is a
The mining complexes are supplied massive hive world. Natural and
and staffed by off-world interests on Cappavocia. While it's imported fauna are protected under
surface is mined, it's oceans are drained for water. Other domes of crysteel and flakglass
resources, such as the flora and fauna, are captured or observatoriums on the surface of the
cultivated. hives, providing fresh and clean air to
The economerce of Al'Jzarrid depends largely on the it's spireborn.
native population. While the Administratum has tight control The Cappavocians are deeply spiritual and adhere to strict
over the mining operations, the eco-stripping is performed by intepretations of the Imperial Creed. Fundamentalist at their
the locals who are rewarded handsomely every five years in cores, the Cappavocian believe themselves to be atoning for
weapons, armor, vehicles and fuel. Due to the bio-titan life sins of their ancestors. In order to earn the Emperor's
forms of the planet, arming the local populace rather than blessing, the Cappavocians must ensure their deeds are
deploying the Imperial Guard to pacify the native life forms recorded and outweigh the sins of their forefathers. Each

The Mandragora Apocrypha 28

Cappavocian, especially those that inevitably serve in the pageants and parades in the hive cities while the more
Imperial Guard, mark upon each deed committed in the modest and humble observations occur beyond the walls of
name of the Emperor upon an enlarged purity seal worn on the hive.
their bodies.
When the citizenry of Cappavocia are not seeking +++Planetary Data+++
atonement, they keep to their secular and spiritual studies. Galactic Position: CM/782/1904.Q
The Librariums and Academies of Cappavocia are the Class: Cemetery World
second largest in the Mandragora sector, dedicated to the Contact With Other Worlds: Crixus has a stable warp route
pursuit of enlightenment and the tenious connection between connecting it to Cappavocia.
man and the Emperor.
The regiments supplied by Cappavocia retain their LR-10/14B
cultural sense of self-absolution through deed and action,
and are known for their all-to-eager willingness to martyr LR-10/14B is a dead world, long bereft of
themselves in the name of their faith. Imperial commanders life millennium ago. It's records are
deploying Mandragora forces have often requested their sealed by orders of the Adeptus
presence in particularly dangerous campaigns due to their Mechanicus of Shaehol and backed by
compliance in following the most lethal of orders. the mandate of the Ordos Mandragora.
Whatever calamity occurred on LR-
+++Planetary Data+++ 10/14B, it's secret will never be discovered
Galactic Position: HW.3/DA/76 by those outside the meme-vaults of the Inquisition.
Class: Hive World
Contact With Other Worlds: Cappavocia has a stable warp +++Planetary Data+++
route connecting it to Hecuba and Port Junction, as well as Galactic Position: LR-10/14B
an unstable route connecting it to Trantor Secundus. Class: Dead World
Contact With Other Worlds: LR-10/14B has no recorded
stable warp routes.
Cappavocian Gnosticators
Regiments Magna Gargano
Players can adopt the Cappavocian Gnosticators
Nearly depleted, Magna Gargano is on
regiment as their Background when creating a new
it's last centuries of steady production.
Acolyte. Characters from a Cappavocian Gnosticators
Estimated cessation of production is
regiment follow the Imperial Guard rules, but with the
predicted in 500 years. Signs of
following Background Bonus instead of the normal one:
withdrawal and inevitable decay mark
Magna Gargano already.
Background Bonus Supplies and colonial immigration from
In his Name: In addition to the normal uses of Fate Cappavocia has trinkled to a halt in the last decade in
Points, a Cappavocian Gnosticator may spend a Fate anticipation of the planet's abandonment. A few overseers
Point to give his weapon the Vengeful (X) weapon and key personnel on the world are 'in the know', with most
quality, where X is equal to 10 minus his of it's mining communities blissfully unaware and ignorant of
Weapon Skill Bonus or Ballistic Skill the inevitable doom that will afflict their future descendants.
Bonus. As mining complexes are slowly closed off, surveyors of
the Adeptus Mechanicus have begun to open and explore
the most ancient mines to reclaim and repurpose sacred
Crixus machinery and technology. Each complex bears with it it's
own hazards and dangers. Cave-ins and pitfalls, collapsed
Crixus is a partial hive world, given over tunnels and worse must be contended during this period of
to mass graveyards of modest burial transition.
chambers for the dead of Cappavocia.
Reliquaries and enshrined catacombs +++Planetary Data+++
exist in abundance. The hive city of Galactic Position: MW/320/DMS.2
Tion-Res dominates nearly a quarter of Class: Mining World
the planet, where the living of Crixus make Contact With Other Worlds: Magna Gargano has a stable
their livings by repairing and patrolling the burial vaults. warp route connecting it to Cappavocia.
A strange affliction of their roles as crypt wardens, the
Crixus citizens celebrate the honored dead by several week
long festivals throughout their year. By wearing masks,
lighting candles, and offering food and gifts to the entombed,
the people of Crixus show their dedication to their ancestors,
as well as those of Cappavocia. These revalators hold

29 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Mortton is a complete death world that
offers nothing to the Imperium. It is
used primarily as a place of grand
execution for the most villainous of
heretics, who are dropped to the
planet's surface to suffer agonizing
pain before their deaths.
Mortton is less a planet and more a heaving ball of molten
lava, it's surface cooled in kilometer long stretches. Within
hours these pseudo-land masses are consumed back.
Prisoners abandoned on Mortton, if they do not die of
asphyxiation from the toxic gasses, must resort to constant
running to move from one land mass to another. This is all
done in vain, as Mortton has no settlements or any way to
escape the world. It is only a matter of time before either the
heat, the melting tectonics, or the poisonous gasses of
Mortton claim their next victim.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: IU/22-M
Class: Death World
Contact With Other Worlds: Mortton has a stable warp
route connecting it to Cappavocia and Port Junction.

The Cathayan Sarcophagus

Once the prestigious and wealthy Cartia sub sector, the
sub-sector has declined into a shadow of its former self.
Since the vanishing of the sub sector capitol of Cartia, the
relevancy and importance of the sub sector equally vanished
in the turn of a few centuries. As the nexus of warp travel
centered on Cartia, now surrounded by impenetrable and
turbulent warp storms, the dwindling worlds of the sub sector
have become forsaken and desperate destinations.

Cardinale was once known as the
breadbasket of faith and food.
Celebrating both the deep veneration
of the Emperor and devotion of a
Shrine World, Cardinale was equally
bountiful in rich harvests from it's acres
upon acres of agricultural developments.
Since the vanishing of Cartia, Cardinale's former influence
has faded, but has obtained a much more important role in
the sub sector's health. Missionaries are sent to support the
growing hunger demands of Trantor Secundus, braving
unreliable and unpredictable warp travel to deliver food to
the beleagured hive world. By maintaining these
humanatarian missions, the word of the Emperor and his
servants remain strongly desired by the isolation.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: 718/Y/L1
Class: Shrine World
Contact With Other Worlds: Cardinale has a stable warp
route leading connecting it to Lhasum.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 30

Halimede +++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: MS/943.23./V
Halimede is an unimpressive world Class: Frontier World
devoted to the manifestation of human Contact With Other Worlds: Regicide has a stable warp
route to Nar-Sheptha.
misery. Having lost grips on
technological advances, the
civilization of Halimede has regressed Trantor Secundus
into a society of armored knights
wielding primitive firearms. Disparate Trantor Secundus is an industrious
kingdom-states vying for control over fertile land have kept world of the Mandragora Sector.
the planet dead locked on progression. Producing armament parts en masse
The vast majority of Halimede is a barren desert that for the Departmento Munitorum, and
continuously grows. Once a vibrant and fertile planet, it's assembly of finished firearms under
ecosystem was damaged irreparably during an ancient the auspices of the Adeptus
conflict. The great waste of Halimede is expected by Imperial Mechanicus' master artisans, the citizens
measures to stretch from one end of the massive super of Trantor Secundus take pride in their part of the dominance
continent of Halimede to the other in little more than a of Man. Rival manufactorums attempt to outbid each other
millennium. on a bi-yearly process to earn the favor of the tech priests of
The Adeptus Mechanicus of Shaehol had once begun an Shaehol, eager to have praiseful recognition and prestige
experiment to rejuvenate the planet prior to the vanishing of over their peers.
Cartia. Terraforming engines were brought to Halimede in an Yet, Trantor Secundus is slowly dying. Despite the
attempt to reverse the scars of the planet. Signs of planet's strategic and military value, fleet ships have long
restoration were becoming evident and hope for the planet's excluded routes including Trantor Secundus, like many other
future was strong prior to the severing that cut off Halimede worlds in the Cathayan Sarcophagus. Starvation was always
from the rest of the Mandragora Sector. What became of episodic on Trantor Secundus, but has since reached critical
the tech priests and their experiments is unknown, and levels; cannibalism is on the rise even with the haphazard
perhaps, may never be known. Ecclesiarchal missions sent from Cardinale to bring relief.
Not all are content in simply cannibalizing each other;
+++Planetary Data+++ Some manufactorums have sold their loyalties to criminal
Galactic Position: VE/X/12-O cartels and small-time smugglers to ensure their continued
Class: Feudal World operations and survival. The infamous forge felons of
Contact With Other Worlds: Halimede has no stable warp Trantor Secundus are the most influential of these seditious
routes since the vanishing of Cartia. manufactorums, who have sided with several large,
interstellar cartels to export ammunition and innovated
Regicide patterns of firearms in exchange for food and supplies.
Interestingly, the ecumenopolis of Trantor Secundus is
Regicide is a lawless frontier, settled in clearly divided by its eastern and western hemispheres. East
the decades prior to the vanishing of of Trantor Secundus' Prime Meridian the manufacturing of
Cartia. A few atmospheric settlements ammunition and explosives occurs. Westward, weapons and
were emplaced upon the surface of armor are manufactured. Whether this is by design or by
the airless ice world in preparation for strange fluke, the biases and cultural differences are
a preliminary terraforming event that displayed proudly by the Trantor Secundus' population.
never arrived. Eastern citizens wear ammunition like chained-jewelry, and
Now Regicide is a collective domed city of lawless void juves eagerly use grenades and other ad-hoc explosives for
born. Unable to survive without the aid of the Imperium, the a variety of entertainment. The western citizens are almost
colonist turned to the merchant fleets and any who would never seen without some form of simple firearm or flak
lend assistance. By a quirk of chance, the early settlements jackets, heavily stylized to differentiate themselves and
were seized upon by opportunistic smugglers and vagabond stand out.
merchant magnates. As a lost port of junction with very
tenuous imperial ties, Regicide became a central port for +++Planetary Data+++
those wishing to escape the yoke of Imperial law. Galactic Position: WE/12/SQE
As a result, not many remain from the original settlement Class: Hive World
Contact With Other Worlds: Trantor Secundus has a
colonists (many of which were forcefully removed by their
'benefactors'), and the pleasure-domes of Regicide are now stable warp route connecting it to Cappavocia and Nar-
inhabited by entrepreneurs and crime lords. Boasting
popular and illegal games of chance, such as gladiatorial
arenas and electrified (and certainly lethal) regicide
showdowns, Regicide is the place of cheap thrills, soul
sacrificing opportunities, and an escape from the enforced
piety of the Imperium.

31 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Apocryphan Ravine The Sea of Cinders
On the fringes of Mandragora's rimward boundary, the The Sea of Cinders has always been a perilous region of
Apocryphan Ravine was once a sub sector now lost to the stellar space. Hundreds of celestial stars, bursting with solar
antiquities. flares across the void make the region nigh inhospitable to
human life. Gaseous bodies that drift in the region constantly
Cezaerus II setting aflame have caused many wayward ships to have
been destroyed or crippled in the past.
Cezaerus II is the second habitable
planet of the Cezaerus system, with a Otnak
temperate climate and four large
continents separated by a green sea The burning world of Otnak is one of the
with unbearable high sodium content. few stable worlds in the sea of
While the planet does not have a great cinders. The planet's semi-elliptical
amount of natural resource aside from orbit causes it to drift too close to its
salt, it does have a good enough climate and agricultural celestial star ever six to seven
yield to support a great amount of Imperial citizens, making it months. When this occurs, a slow and
a prime choice for a Hive planet. Since its colonization in painful scouring of the planet's surface
M37.716, it has grown to be a prime exporter of salt sector- occurs, driving the local fauna and flora deep underground.
wide, although its considerable reservoirs are showing signs Untold millennium have evolved the flora of the world to
of exhaustion. Current projections show that the reservoirs adapt - hard-shelled seedlings and pods only blossoming
will be utterly exhausted in M40.221 at the current rate of after each of these scouring events, rapidly sprouting and
exploitation. growing shortly afterwards.
Even without its reservoirs of salt, the planet is still While routinely purged of its surface, life on Otnak is itself
marked as an important planet for its high population count, able to reproduce extraordinarily quickly, returning the world
with the latest Administratum census placing its population at to a normal state just in time for the next exterminatus event.
some 9 billion non-mutants. Its tithe to the Imperial Guard Fierce and predatorial, the natural fauna can reach truly
has been consistent, and many a world would have fallen if gigantic proportions in the matter of a few months.
not for the Cezaerus Saltblood auxiliaries. Classed as a death world by merit of the beasts alone,
Some of the Hive cities of the planet have seen a rise in Otnak is truly a damned planet. There are a few orbital
the rate of mutation amongst their populace as of late, and a stations that orbit Otnak, however. As one of the few
planet-wide cull has been considered by the Planetary celestial bodies in the stellar region it makes for a perfect
Governor. research and expedition center.

+++Planetary Data+++ +++Planetary Data+++

Galactic Position: MN/32/5592.FL Galactic Position: VV/7.12/S
Class: Hive World Class: Death World
Contact With Other Worlds: Cezaerus II has a stable warp Contact With Other Worlds: Otnak has an unstable and
route connecting it to Hecuba, Metallus Quartus and Nar- seldom travelled warp routes connecting it to Port Junction
Sheptha. and Metallus Quartus.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 32

Tryphosa felt no need to embrace the Imperium or its war
Rather than work on the populations faith over time, the
missionaries that arrived were in an unique position.
Technologically inferior to the Imperium, the missionaries
were poised to take control by force and did so. Slaying all
that opposed them, the missionaries anointed the children of
the local leaders of the era as ordained nobility, founding the
Apostolic dynasties of Tryphosa.
Now a glimmer surrounded by faithless worlds, Tryphosa's
faith is unwavering. Ruled by its priest-kings, the Tryphosi
revere over 1,000 separate holy days and observations of
the Imperial Cult. Were it not under the providence of the
Ecclesiarchy, Tryphosa's rich aquatic life would have made
into a prosperous Agri world.

The Dendray Mires +++Planetary Data+++

Galactic Position: WW/MSSE/8721.B
Extending beyond the officials borders of the Mandragora Class: Shrine World
Sector, the Dendray Mires an insular and isolated stellar Contact With Other Worlds: Tryphosa has a stable warp
region of little notoriety. It has often in the past escaped the route connecting it to Hecuba.
predations of internal and external threats simply by its
relative unimportance and it's distant location. Vasantasena

Galatea The Datans, a once prestigious

Augmenticist click gone to darker
Galatea is not a true celestial body, but ends, became a cult of Tech-Witches
rather the ancient and dying bio-form sixteen centuries ago. When they
of a truly massive creature. Bacterial were inevitably scattered by the
and parasitic life has created a false Adeptus Arbites and Inquisition, their
ecosystem on the 'planet's' husk, and philosophical descendents reformed on the
for many centuries Galatea was world of Vasantasena. Under the guile and influence of the
classified as a death world. techno-world's inner clicks they have spread their teachings.
It was during a routine Administratum survey to evaluate Recently, strange techno-abominations have appeared on
possible potential resources from Galatea that the truth was Vasantasena, causing havoc on numerous occasions -
determined when the planet-sized creature's mouth opened, enough to catch the attention of the Adeptus Mechanicus of
swallowing a Cobra-Class Destroyer whole. In fearful Hepheron.
retaliation, the contingent of Imperial Navy escorts Vasantasena is vaguely similar to a forge world, it's
performed a series of orbital bombardments that severely landscapes dominated by forges and manufactoria and ruled
injured the world. Since that fateful encounter, the planet has by a technocracy. However, they are not true adherents to
been monitored, and bombarded infrequently, to ensure it the Cult Mechanicus and follow the cogniczars; the
remains dormant until it's inevitable passing. cybernetically and transhumanist aristocracy that rule from
the belching spires of their hive world.
+++Planetary Data+++ Unlike a proper forge world, Vasantasena is consumed by
Galactic Position: XE/214.23/WBS the decadence of the flesh and vanity. The technocracy of
Class: Unclassified Vasantasena improve upon themselves with implants and
Contact With Other Worlds: Galatea has a stable warp genetic modifications as a show of wealth and prestige. The
route connecting it to Port Junction. technology of the planet is used primarily to crass and crude
entertainment. Virtual landscapes available to the citizenry
Tryphosa are linked through mind impulse units, allowing any to
escape the drudgery of bearing with the real world.

An ocean world of exquisite beauty and

+++Planetary Data+++
purity, the world of Tryphosa was to
Galactic Position: DE/21/B/32
become the beacon of Imperial faith
Class: Pleasure World
in the Dendray Mires.
Contact With Other Worlds: Vasantasena has a stable
When the Ecclesiarchy's
warp route connecting it to Nar-Sheptha. A regularly
missionaries discovered the planet's
occurring warp storm season cuts Vasantasena off from
inhabitants, who lived in beatific domed
regular contact for 9 Terran standard months of the year.
cities, they were not received well by the population. Having
spent millennium in peace and prosperity, the natives of

33 The Mandragora Apocrypha

humans is complex, with the Lhoam Nightmares featuring
heavily into the mythos of the tribes histories. The correlation
between the state of the world and the co-habitance of the
two species is unknown.

+++Planetary Data+++
Galactic Position: WE/12/SQE
Class: Feudal World
Contact With Other Worlds: Serioli has a few unstable
warp routes connecting it to Vasteras and Cappavocia.

The Lesser Worlds

Like any other sector in the Imperium,
Mandragora has many worlds that were lost and
The Wylds forgotten, either by warp storm, destroyed or
conquered by hostile xenos. It also has many systems
Filled with stellar dreadspace, the Wylds is a region of and planets yet to be discovered, or host to one of the
Mandragora swirling with warp turmoil. Passage through the many species that plague the sector. Some of these
Wylds is risky at the best of times, and tantamount to suicide worlds are known only to a select few, strictly kept
at its worst. secret for the safety of the Imperium or because of
covetous desires.
Serioli A few of the lesser known worlds are described
briefly here:
A rarely tithed world, Serioli escapes the
Imperium's attention due to the  Tracus IV: An Imperial Knight World, Tracus IV is a
turbelent and violent warp storms that closely guarded secret by forge world Hepheron.
plague the Wylds. A green and lush The alliance between Hepheron and Tracus IV's
world, the Serioli civilization is a Questoris Familia is ironclad.
unique prodigy of an age long passed.  Pelyanar: A rogue planet that drifts within the
The native people of Serioli are divided Cappavocian subsector, it is rich in material
into a few dozen gene-tribes that co-exist and compete resources and is mined heavily by the
among each for the natural resources of their home world. Administratum.
There has not been a single recorded instance of a natural  Aelys-II: A desert world of little worth, Aelys-II was
birth on Serioli in all it's remembered history. Each of the settled because it is a pit-stop between the
tribes protect and hold dear to their lineage embryonic vault Cappavocian sub sector and the Drift Worlds. It's
chambers that produce each successive generation based satellite moon Hysode is the base of operations for
upon highly complex genetic manipulation to produce the Hysode Exchange.
individual 'births'. Despite this sophisticated and ancient  Gion Ocrus: The Gion Ocrus gas giant was home
archeotech, the rest of Serioli has devolved into a feudal to several satellite moons that harbored xenos life.
society. High fortresses walls manned by gene-altered Determined too dangerous to leave alone,
soldiers are the norm, with medieval military tactics exterminatus orders were given and life cleansed
employed in the constantly shifting territories. from the system.
When the Imperium first made contact with Serioli, a fierce  Vallis Nocte: The Black Eden of Mandragora,
debate occured on their fate. Outcrys for their eradication Vallis Nocte is world covered in vivariums and life
were fierce, with some suggesting that the process of sustainers. A preserve established to collect exotic
survival on Serioli had become corrupt and blasphemous to species, it has gathered a platitude of legends and
human nature. The Ecclesiarchy was at the heart of these folklore about it, such as tales of the 'Devil-Dryads
demands, and were it not for the intervention of the of Vallis Nocte', the 'Soul Shrinkers of Black Eden',
Mandragoran Mechanicus' envoys the entire planet would and the 'Black Fruit of Damnation', sometimes even
have been razed by zealots. By the time a decision was to drawing the attention of the Inquisition.
be made under mediation from the Administratum to placate  Karkuz: A colossal ork rok and ad-hoc orbital
both the Ministorum and Mechanicus, access to Serioli had station, Karkuz is a near impenetrable fortress
become once more inattenable. While it has prolonged it's where the ork reavers of the Ninth Veil launch their
eventual determination, the Mandragoran Mechanicus has assaults on the trade routes of the Bravitovich sub
not forgotten the promise of technological re-discoveries on sector. Led by Orglutz Wildskorcha, the Orks of
Serioli. Karkuz are highly feared by the chartist
Besides the internicine warfare of the human tribes, Serioli fleets.
is also the home world of the infamous Lhoam Nightmares.
The relationship between the xenos species and the Serioli

The Mandragora Apocrypha 34

The Powers of Mandragora
The Imperium is a vast machine made up of many
divisions and sub-divisions of authority, power, and
responsibility. In addition to the many layers of organization
within the Imperium, there are countless more that exist
outside the official architecture of power. Within Mandragora,
multitudes of such groups compete for power across the
sector and beyond, into the unexplored reaches of space
surrounding it. Official Imperial representatives, local
agencies and rulers, unofficial cliques, heretical sects, and
even xenos forces vie for power, and often an Acolyte’s
survival lies with who he knows, who he can turn to for
support, and who is actively seeking his death.

The Adeptus Administratum

The Adeptus Administratum is the central bureaucracy of
the Imperium, the structure by which information is gathered,
processed and, in theory at least, disseminated. Each and
every day, the data-mills of the Adeptus Administratum
churn out titanic mountains of information for reasons and
purposes few now remember. Across the length and breadth
of the galaxy, it charts, reticulates, categorizes, and records
every type of measurement imaginable, from the number of
lasgun power packs expended in a war to the exact
nutritional intake required to keep a serf-worker at the
optimal level of productivity for a given length of service. The Carta Principary
The Adeptus Administratum is further sub-divided into
myriads of other departments, many of them largely unaware The Office of the Carta Principary is an arm of the
of their own place within this impossibly vast machine. Some Administration unique to the Mandragora Sector formed with
are responsible for measuring the output of other the sole purpose of granting land ownership and trade
departments, and are themselves measured by others still. ratification. The formation of the officio came at the behest of
Over the millennia, its size and form have expanded and the old aristocracy of Mandragora in its second millennium to
contracted to such an extent that entire divisions have regulate sector trade and recognize claimants to land and
become divorced from the main body, yet they continue to nobility. This near impossible task falls to the Carta
collect and process data and to transmit it onwards with no Principary to examine applicants for purity, establish
regard for its destination. In the most extreme of cases, genealogical records and enroll the names of landowners to
desperate pleas for deliverance from starvation, disease, an officiated sectorial Almanach.
insurrection, or alien invasion have been dispatched to some To be officiated by the Carta Principary is to have the
central authority such as a Segmentum high command or backing of the Adeptus Terra during disputes of regency or
even Terra itself, only to arrive late or horribly garbled due to trade infringement. Claimants are assessed, judged, and if
interference with the astrotelepathic message. Sometimes fitting the criteria of (often) centuries old records are given
such a plea might be received intact, only to vanish into the the assistance and aide of the Adeptus Terra. Throughout
vast reaches of the Adeptus Administratum’s bureaucracy Mandragora's history, the Carta Principary was instrumental
for so long that by the time it is considered, the disaster has in establishing legitimacy to a restored noble line, as well as
long passed and the originator is long dead. To add to these discrediting pretender-scions wishing to usurp derelict
difficulties, most planets have their own languages, units of fortunes. Unfortunately, the organization was also
measurement, and even modes of thought to make each responsible for denouncing rightful heirs to a family's wealth
utterly unique and communication between them all but or placing charlatans at the head of a great house due to the
impossible. Such obstacles the Adeptus Administratum must vagaries of the warp and centuries of archived records.
face each and every day, and few indeed are overcome
except through truly inspired effort. The Departmento Cartigraphicae
Assigned to the thankless but essential task of mapping
the Mandragora Sector, the Departmento Cartigraphicae
compiles and assesses the Astra Navis cartographical charts
that are used by the Imperial Fleets. It's explorer-scribes are
assigned attachments to the various void-faring vessels to

35 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Hierarchy of Bureaucracy of the Adeptus Administratum, Mandragora Sector

the far boundaries of the sector, and sometimes beyond, to organization to respond effectively to threats, regardless of
observe stellar changes and phenomena, as well as correct size and location. The local departments of the organization
and censor data archived from the past. can raise tithes from worlds close to a war zone without
The Astra-Epistolaries of the Departmento Cartigraphicae needing a response from the higher levels of the
are afforded as much as respect and authority as a typical Departmento Munitorum. As the level of a threat increases
adept of their rank would expect. Due to their dependent and more local departments of the Munitorum become
nature however, they are often treated as excessive or involved, the amount tithed, and the amount of planets tithed
unnecessary contingents forced upon void captains to from, increases. At this point higher levels of the
appease the Adeptus Administratum. In protest or disdain, Departmento Munitorum will also become involved, and may
the scribes of the Departmento Cartigraphicae are funnel additional resources from other parts of the Imperium
occasionally accommodated with poor living conditions or in to a war zone. The local Departmento Munitorum
with whatever hovel can be made 'livable' aboard the crew presence in a subsector has the ability to impose instant
quarters of a void ship. tithes, without forewarning, as and when required. Because
of this, central command is not needed, due to the functional
The Departmento Munitorum autonomy of each level of the organization.

The Departmento Munitorum is the department of the The Departmento Conlatio & Auctus
Administratum devoted to the general administration, supply
and command of the Imperial Guard, however despite its The Departmento Conlatio and Auctus is the department
necessity it is often viewed by the Guard as ineffective. The of the Administration tasked with the collection and
Munitorum has ultimate responsibility for the raising of new distribution of tithes. Serving to determine the tithes of the
regiments, training of troops, provision of equipment and various Agri Worlds that litter the Imperium, and making sure
supplies, and transportation of troops and equipment to and that that there is enough food to feed the people of the
from theatres of war. It is primarily a logistical organization, Imperium. Food will still not be distributed equally, however,
like the Administratum, but while the Administratum deals and only the highborn and the Astra Militarum get priority
with civilian logistics, the Munitorum deals with the logistics over food while civilians get whatever scraps are left.
of war. Using military as opposed to civilian ranks, the The Departmento Conlatio and Auctus is financed by
Departmento Munitorum dates back to the Great Crusade. tithes of every Imperial world that provides produce,
The Munitorum is financed by tithes of men, money and livestock, and materials for the Imperium. It is the solemn
material, and all Imperial planets able to support the Imperial duty of the Conlatio and Auctus to determine and dictate the
military forces in a sector are regularly called on to do so. To provisioning needs of a sector's planets, re-distributing
make sure the tithes are provided as and when required, collected tithes to support valued worlds and forfeiting the
representatives of the Departmento Munitorum are present remnants to the core worlds and Terra itself. There are many
on almost every Imperial planet. Representatives of the important, specialized worlds that simply could not exist in a
organization are also present on all Imperial Navy ships, and meaningful manner without the importation provided by the
wherever Imperial Guard forces are stationed. Departmento's vast network.
The Munitorum is organized to allow each level of the

The Mandragora Apocrypha
Hierarchy of the Adeptus Administratum
The Adeptus Administratum of the Mandragora Sector is filled with many
Offices Minoris, each following their own adherence to internal hierarchies
while maintaining semblance and correlation with the greater
Administratum's recognized Strata. While variances in nomenclature, ranks,
and titles are typical within each officio, branch and sub-branch, these are
the generally accepted across the Mandragora Sector and it's periphery

Below the Senior Offices of the Departmento

Munitorum are a vast multitude of lower Offices which
are charged with overseeing different aspects of the
Imperial armed forces' logistics and preparedness.
Many of these offices coordinate their activities with the
Adeptus Mechanicus.

Menial is a title used by lowly, non-specialized but free

workers recruited from the non-Adept population,
essentially the Administratum's janitors and mechanics.
Subordinate is a title used by the hereditary slaves of
the Adeptus Terra who serve as engineers and
craftsmen, as well as in other unskilled occupations.

37 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Officio Assassinorum (Office of Assassins) is
a subdivision of the Administratum responsible for
the recruitment, training, and deployment of elite
assassins. While it is tentatively part of the
Administratum, it stands alone and it’s head, the
Grand Master of Assassins, occupies a seat on
the Senatorum Imperialis

Comprised of innumerable divisions and offices it

is unlikely that any one man, even the Master of
the Administratum himself, has an idea of how
many divisions exist within the monstrous
Administratum. Their work is an end in itself and
the single most important factor in the lives of
Administratum Adepts. It is enough to perform the
task; understanding is neither required, nor

The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Divisio Agricultae are understood while the Compliance Troopers in the
Decreeist’s charge will temporarily take charge of the local
The Divisio Agricultae is a sub-division of the planetary enforcers and defense forces to bring them up to
Departmento Conlatio and Auctus in the Mandragora Sector code.
that is responsible for protecting and promoting public health The words inscribed on their dataslate carry the full weight
of the Sector Governor's might and to ignore a Decreeist is
through the regulation and supervision of agricultural
to invite Mandragora's full wrath. Rare are the cases in which
produce, sanctioned drugs and other consumables. Primarily
empowered to prevent contagion-like outbreaks caused by a Decreeist has been threatened with force great enough to
introducing a species of fauna or flora to a foreign planet, the cause them to leave without their orders being fulfilled. In
Divisio operates predominantly at the space ports and orbital those cases the non-compliant party is known to disappear
or expire under rather extraordinary circumstances.
stations along imperial trade routes.
The duties and responsibilities of the Divisio Agricultae
are near impossible to enforce due to the sheer scope of Imperial Decreeist
policing trade across an entire sector. Pirates, illegal cartels Influence Minimum: 40 Influence Cost: 4
and black markets exist on nearly every world, and canny Peer (Administratum) talent lowers Influence Cost by 2
traders are keen at bypassing imperial tariffs as much as If the ornate bolt pistol carried by all Decreeists isn’t
possible. When outbreaks inevitably occur, the duties to enough to show the force behind their words, they are
contain them falls to the Officio Medicae, and later the always preceded by the Imperial Compliance Officers whose
Adeptus Arbites to identify and punish the transgressors merciless reputation has caused more than one Imperial
involved. Despite their thankless and essentially inefficient Governor to take their own life upon seeing them make
role, the Divisio Agricultae remains adamant of their landfall on their planet.
Imperial Decreeist (Master) 17
The Senatorum Draconem 2

Originally convened to approximate the Mandragora

01-10 6 32 45 34
2 2
Sector's tithe grading and coordinate the founding of the Ar Al T Ag Int

august Divisios of the Administratum during the sector's 11-20 6 21-30 6 35 36 34

infancy, the Senatorum Draconem has grown into a B Per Wp Fel

monolithic organization. Composed of three hundred 31-70 6 35 35 30

Prefectus from across the sector, the Senatorum holds 2 2 Inf
council in supplement to the sector governor on Hecuba.
Lr Ll
71-85 6 86-00 6 82
The Senatorum's roles were originally conceived to
orchestrate the trade and required deliveries between sector HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 6
worlds. When the offices of the Carta Principary were
Bolt Pistol Class Pistol
founded and subsumed the bulk of their responsibilities,
rather than disbanding and fading into historical obscurity the RNG 30M ROF S/2/– DMG 1d10+5 X
Senatorum persevered as an adjunct staff for the sector PEN 4 Clip 8 RLD Full Wt 3.5 Kg AVL Vr
governor. Over the long millennium since its formation, the SPECIAL: TEARING
Senatorum Draconem has become an integral and
established part of the legal authority of the sector governor,
and in truth, handle the monotonous and labyrinthine Skills: Awareness (Per), Command (Int) +30, Common Lore
process of governing the sector's minutiae of laws and (Administratum, Imperium, Mandragora Sector, Imperial
edicts, freeing the sector governor to focus on more urgent Creed) (Int) +30, Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic, High
matters. Gothic) (Int) +20, Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) (Int) +30,
Scrutiny (Per) +20
The Imperial Decreeist of the Estates Draconem Talents: Adamantium Faith, Die Hard, Keen Intuition, Quick
Empowered by both from their status as adepts of the Draw, Resistance (Fear), Inescapable Attack (Ranged)
Adeptus Administratum and by sectorial decree, the Imperio- Gear: Imperial Vestments, armored bodyglove, laud hailer
Decreeist of the Estates Draconem are the emissariats that servo skull, edictus bolt pistol with 2 spare clips, 1 edictus
officiate sectorial interests. Imperial Decreeists are the word round, imperial decree or charter, Data-slate
of the Sector Governor incarnate. As representative of his Edictus Round: An Edictus Round is inscribed with the
will, they travel the Mandragora Sector to deliver edicts on name of its intended target. An Edictus round is a standard
his behalf. Generally these take the form of rather mundane bolt round. The Decreeist must pass a Challenging (+0)
changes to law but they have been known to transport more Willpower test to fire this round on any one else other than
grim messages. the target whose name is inscribed upon it. When in a social
Generally there is little fanfare surrounding the arrival and encounter with whom the name belongs to, the Decreeist
departure of an Imperial Decreeist. They will make a formal, gains a +10 bonus to command and intimidate skill tests.
public announcement of any policy change and work with the
planetary Governor to ensure that the full legal ramifications

39 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Homeworld: Imperial World Imperial World
“You hail from an Imperial world, one of a million planets united by a Rules
belief in the immortal Emperor. Soldier, fanatic, thief, mercenary, An Imperial World character applies the following
noble: these are some of your many possible backgrounds. Whatever
benefits during character creation:
your previous calling, you are now in the employ of the Inquisition,
and your adventure has only just begun…”
Characteristic Modifiers
+Willpower, +Perception, -Intelligence
bewildering variety of worlds are known to the
Imperium. From hyper-technological democratic societies to Fate Threshold
drudging medieval worlds, many planets offer their fealty and 3 (Emperor's Blessing 10+)
devotion to the immortal God-Emperor of Man. The
Imperium covers such an utterly vast area of the galaxy that
it is almost impossible to conjure an image of a “typical”
Home World Bonus
Imperial world. In truth, no such thing exists. Amongst the Blessed Ignorance: Any time an Imperial World
million worlds of man, there is endless variety. Agri-worlds, character would gain Corruption from Moral Threats,
for instance, are little more than vast farms, producing food he reduces it by 1 less (to a minimum of 1).
for the good of the Imperium. Similarly, mining worlds
produce ore and raw mineral for use in the vast factories of Home World Aptitude
the forge worlds. Cardinal worlds are ruled by the Ministorum Willpower
and are given over entirely to the Priesthood of the Imperium
- the mysterious Ecclesiarchy. Stranger still are the garden Wounds
worlds, which serve as havens for Imperial nobles. Paradise,
An Imperial Worlder starts with 8+1d5 wounds.
however, comes at a price, for temptation and heresy may
be rife in these places. Some Imperial worlds are utterly
remote, having had no contact with the rest of humanity for
Recommended Backgrounds
centuries. As a result, cultural and societal diversity is to be Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Astra Telepathica,
expected from planet to planet, sometimes even within the Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Ministorum,
same solar system. Imperial Guard, Outcast

Life on an Imperial World

The closer a world lies to Holy Terra-the home planet of the class structure comprise workers, militia, fanatics, slaves
mankind-the more important, advanced and well governed it and dregs. While many planets are free of the levels of scum
is likely to be. Those far-flung planets on the fringes, on the that infest hive worlds, those closer to the Emperor’s grace
other hand, are likely to be frontier worlds, left to their own harbor countless numbers of crazed individuals— workers
devices for much of the time, and lying under the constant who have lost their place in a zero-tolerance society, or who
threat of attack, both physically and spiritually. Many worlds have realized that the galaxy is not only unimaginably vast,
have a technological base akin to Holy Terra, while many but full of hate and hostility towards mankind. Such
more have devolved into feudal backwaters with little more realization often leads to paranoia or outright insanity, and
than black powder technology. Such worlds make excellent Imperial worlds are rife with broken individuals, prophets of
recruiting grounds for the Imperial Guard, the Space Marines doom, criminals and gutter-trash.
and the Inquisition, as nothing assures obedience quite so The waifs and strays of society, however, also serve their
well as fear. Upon such planets, the Imperial Cult is purpose. The millions of orphans produced by constant
surrounded by an atmosphere of superstition, demanding warfare, within and without, are taken in by the Schola
fealty to the immortal God-Emperor who, for many citizens of Progenium. Many Imperial Worlds are pocked with vast
the Imperium, is so distant as to be little more than a myth. orphanages, where the strict drill-abbots of the Ecclesiarchy
Most major scientific advances in the Imperium come from produce faithful servants of the Emperor. Those of noble
the rediscovery of forgotten secrets from the Dark Age of blood may become officers in the Imperial Navy, or even
Technology. The reliance on these ancient templates commissars, while the rest will undoubtedly find employment
creates a mishmash of tech-use on many worlds. For with the Ministorum, the Adeptus Terra or one of the
example, it is possible for a planet’s industry to rely on Emperor’s armies.
gigantic steam-powered monorails for long-distance With religion, superstition and fear dominating so much of
transport, yet still be unable to produce smaller versions of society within the Imperium, deviancy is rarely tolerated.
these aged devices, resorting instead to horse-drawn carts People place their faith in good, honest hatred to guard them
for commuting. Governmental organization is equally as against the manifold horrors of the universe. Man swarms in
varied. Most Imperial worlds are ruled by a planetary vast numbers working, praying, eating and sleeping in an
governor, who assumes absolute control either by birthright endless cycle, each soul forming a faceless cog in the
or by election. The nobility frequently assume all positions of
power and privilege on a planet, while the lower echelons of

The Mandragora Apocrypha 40

endless grinding machinery of the Imperium. Law and order of the many chartist fleet captains. The dangers in the void
within society is often kept by the Adeptus Arbites. are always demanding a price in blood, and even an
Sometimes, however, more remote worlds employ civil unskilled body can be put to good use aboard a merchant
militias instead. On such planets, mercenaries— sometimes ship. Meanwhile, Imperial Navy colleges exist to train officers
even off-worlders—are hired to bulk out the standing and provide skilled workers for the warships of the Imperium,
garrisons that not only provide domestic security, but also and those who manage to be accepted, do so with the
form part of the Imperial Guard. If a world lies within a war understanding they will spend the rest of their lives travelling
zone, then often these fighters are the only thing that stand across the stars.
in the way of the destruction of an entire world. Lastly, the call to war is a constant across the Imperium,
and the need for bodies an ever increasing demand. Where
Imperial World Characters there is constant conflict, there are opportunities for the
strong willed or the ambitious. Many Imperial World
Imperial World characters, to have broken away from the characters have taken up arms for the Imperium. Some will
dogmatic constraints of Imperial Life, have to be either escape the grinding stagnancy of Imperial society and join
exceptional of spirit or have real potential. Imperial World the local enforcers and advocating his worlds Planetary
characters are a varied lot - some are natural born Commander's will with an iron fist. Some will be part of the
adventurers or soldiers, true believers beginning a long Planetary Defense Forces, serving as one of the planet's
pilgrimage to prove their faith; while others are simply natural principle defenders against stellar dangers or uprisings.
born survivors who have found a productive or self Others may feel a moral call to bear arms in the name of the
sustaining niche within the cracks of Imperial society. Imperial Cult, to protect pilgrimages or answer the call to
Why an Imperial World character may leave his planet is religious crusades. More secular and worldly Imperial
numbered equally as there are stars in the galaxy. Imperial Worlders even become mercenaries, eschewing calls of
culture is harsh and unyielding. Even in the most progressive service to fulfill personal ambitions of wealth and power. Just
of planets, failure at ones station can result in slavery or as every world is as different to each other, the avenues an
death. Fear and paranoia permeate throughout the Imperium Imperial World character can find opportunity in the martial
and few ever find themselves in a position of certainty cultures of the Imperium is limited only by the needs of his
beyond the nobility or highborn of a given world. Because of home world. For the most part, Imperial World characters
this, to escape the rigors of Imperial life is to be freed of the have undoubtedly seen conflict, madness or perhaps even
constant struggle to simply exist without a sense of heresy, and now, for whatever reason are embarking into the
apprehension. unknown in the name of the Emperor.
Education is often limited, and controlled by various
organizations within the Adeptus Terra and on each worlds Sample Imperial World: Libellus
planetary government. A rare breed of Imperial Worlders, Libellus is one of the most influential and important capital
driven by their own curiosities and intellect, will take worlds of the sector. A singular hive city dominates nearly a
opportunities to satisfy their hunger for knowledge, even if quarter of the planet, surrounded by sweepings plains and
this ultimately resigns them to leaving their home forever. mountains choked by the hive's excess pollution and
Academies and institutes of higher learning are rare, and detritus. Beyond the dangers of these terrains lay oceans
often subject to heavy scrutiny by Imperial authorities. A teeming with hostile oceanic life. Coastal cities and smaller
position within the Adeptus Administratum is one of the few settlements exist along the ocean borders just beyond the
legitimate options for those who wish to progress their toxic miasma from the hive. Large barges come and go,
education, although the institute itself has little care for the leading deep see expeditions to feed the hungry masses of
interests or fields of studies desired by its staff. Libellus. Once a beautiful world, Libellus now straddles the
Others may simply be driven to travel or escape the fine line before becoming a truly dedicated hive world, its
brutality of their planet. Compelled by wanderlust or survival, local ecology rapidly diminishing with each generation.
an Imperial Worlder may work his way into the space ports
of his world, where he or she could broker passage with one

41 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Background: The Officio Medicae
Officio Medicae
"...result in 120% dosage increase. Subject bio-psychic distress Rules
levels successfully reduced to within tolerance. Spontaneous
termination likelihood stable at 17%. Excellent... now, let us resume A character with the Officio Medicae background
the process..." applies the following benefits:

- Chirurgeon Siluri Jobril, Officio Medicae during preliminary Starting Skills

trials for elixir classification "Rainbow"
Common Lore (Adeptus Administratum), Linguistics
(High Gothic), Logic, Medicae, Scholastic Lore
he Officio Medicae is the primary arm of the (Bureaucracy or Chymistry).
Administratum that deals with public health and medical-
related issues in the Imperium, operating government-run Starting Talents
medical facilities throughout the galaxy and on many Weapon Training (Low Tech or Las)
Imperial worlds. In addition, they oversee the management
and quarantine of worlds or groups afflicted by plagues and Starting Equipment
contagions. Like much of the Administratum, it is plagued by Laspistol or knife, Imperial robes, autoquill, chrono,
bureaucracy and procedure. While as an organization they dataslate, advanced medi-kit
are equipped and authorized to handle all but the most
severe of outbreaks, the delay in their mobilization and
efforts often results in the deaths of millions until medical
Background Bonus
emergencies are ultimately rectified. Medicae Imperialis: An Officio Medicae character
counts the state of damage a character is considered
as one degree more or less severe (Critically
Role within the Imperium
Damaged count as Heavily Damaged, Heavily
Damaged count as Lightly Damaged, etc.).
When the Imperial Guard goes into combat, they are at
the head of a phenomenally complicated system of support
personnel, armorers, intelligence gatherers, bureaucrats and
Background Aptitude
camp followers. Among the most important of these is the Knowledge or Fieldcraft
Officio Medicae, either doctors who have gone through basic
military training, or troopers trained to treat injuries. These Recommended Roles
combat medics often fight alongside normal Imperial Guard Assassin, Chirurgeon, Sage
troopers, treating casualties as and when they occur, but or Seeker
some drive ambulances (or converted armored personnel
carriers) to ferry wounded soldiers back to the hospitals
behind the lines, where field surgeons deal with the more they might spend their days cataloguing endless new texts,
serious and life-threatening injuries. Additionally, where carefully recording everything so that after they are dead,
there is a crisis, such as a planetary pandemic where local another can catalogue their catalogues, and so on in an
medical resources are overwhelmed, the Officio Medicae will eternal cycle. Some may do the reverse, burning records
often be called in to provide additional support. This is deemed heretical or no longer in compliance with the
particularly true where the emergency is accompanied by Imperial truth. Most Officio Medicae adepts, however, study
civil unrest or war, as was the unsettling case of Flambeaux the multitude of diseases and afflictions that plague mankind
in 399.M39. in the 39th millennium. These chirurgeon-adepts are tasked
The Officio Medicae has become an important facet of with the examination, cataloguing, and curing or combating
Imperial society in the Mandragora sector. Plagued by everything between mundane hygienic disorders to hyper-
contagion and xenos corruption itself, the Officio has evolved retroviral strains or immaterial contagion that
quarantined half a dozen worlds, incited the war of purgation transcends known physics. Endless scores of chirurgeon
on Flambeaux, and have forcefully subsumed authoritarian and lexographers work tirelessly to discover cures to end
roles on entire worlds in order to perform their duties. As the suffering and increase productivity among the Imperial
fourth century of M39 looms on the horizon, the Officio citizenry, while physician-curators and research logisters
Medicae's actions have become more desperate and utilize the data gathered by lesser adepts, compile and
extreme in measure; entire populations quarantined and catalogue research, and propose and enact extreme counter
sterilized on worlds too valuable to outright abandon or measures to the dire emergencies that occur during their
destroy while exterminatus petitions filling the Adeptus tenure. It is a great irony that the constant flux of new data
Administration's queue on Libellus daily. and censure or destruction of older records, coupled with the
As part of the Administratum, the Officio Medicae constantly evolving pathogens and a seemingly never
observes a rigid hierarchy within its ranks to carry out its ending stream of new contagions ensures the Officio
endless tasks. Some adepts are charged with Medicae will never be able to be truly effective in combating
recordkeeping, living out their lives in huge data crypts. Here the unseen threat to the Imperium - a fact not lost to the

The Mandragora Apocrypha 42

most brilliant of their order, who are driven into despair and Example Officio Medicae Background:
sometimes insanity. Yet the Officio Medicae presses on.
Almshouse of Seras-Mons
Officio Medicae Characters The war world of Flambeaux is ravaged by the outbreaks
of the Homines Nocturnae plague. Quarantined by edict of
the Officio Medicae, the Administratum office maintains the
The temples medicae of the Officio Medicae are spread
bastion of Seras-Mons to collect evidence and data, archive
everywhere where the illuminating light of the Administratum
and catalogue the potential strains and evolution of the virus,
is present. A certain degree of intelligence is desired, though
and oversee the quarantine forces drawn from the regiments
a devotion to assigned tasks and an obsession with their
of the Imperial Guard. The Almshouse of Seras-Mons is a
completion is more essential, like the Administratum itself.
secured fortress where refugees are gathered and provided
Advancement is, of course, only as fast the Administratum
for. Unknown to them, the Officio Medicae provides for them
itself; those who start by merely laying out parchment next to
so they can maintain a control group. While guardsmen
autoquills might one day have their descendants carry the
provide survivors and stranglers across the border
completed scrolls away for filing. Even lesser worlds can
perimeters to be experimented on, the population also
have many scores of Administratum officials to oversee
serves as an auxiliary source for trial experimentation when
them, while larger worlds might have entire cities of scribes
and adepts working tirelessly to review its government and
maintain its tithes. Sometimes this might be done locally via
Administratum datavaults maintained within planetary
capitals, while some planets are so remote or uncivilized that
only a scant few scribes labor in small, forgotten sector-level
offices to watch over the far-distant world.
The most common kind of Officio Medicae character is the
adept-churigeon or scribe-medicae who has lived out his life
surrounded by plague and contagion, serving in
Administratum alms houses, medicae spires or temple-
shrines. Unlike traditional Administratum adepts, the Officio
Medicae must constantly examine and scrutinize the living
conditions across entire worlds and spend entire lifetimes
travelling across a single planet to render reports back to his
superiors. They can develop an almost preternatural
relationship with trends in diseases and outbreaks,
correlating causes and long-term effects that may resurface
generations later.
Officio Medicae personnel, unlike their counterparts in the
greater Administratum, are able to progress much quicker
across their office. Due to the nature of their work, death is a
very real and present danger in their field. The requisite
need to examine and supervise quarantine efforts places
even the most senior Adept in the line of danger - particularly
true on warzones where error cannot be afforded. Even
without a war, the citizens of the Imperium often have dim or
outright hostile attitudes towards the Officio Medicae,
ostracizing them for the often severe procedures, curfews,
and quarantines they enact.
Because of these extremities in their field, Officio Medicae
characters are a discontent lot, often jaded to the horrors the
Imperium can offer. They have seen firsthand skin slough off
human bodies, poxes that burned with unnatural warpfire,
and mutations that disgrace and discount humanities
supposed nobility. Their view on life in general is measured
by a lack of compassion or steeled behind their duties being
necessary to the survival of the Imperium. Even those who
have not lost themselves to the grim darkness of their
occupation find it hard to connect with those they treat.
Those who do seem passionate or overly caring often tend
to be those broken or unhinged.

43 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Background: Planetary Defense Forces Planetary
"You are soldiers of the Imperium, protectors of His realm! Whatever Defense Force Rules
rains down from the sky, you will stand your ground! To arms men,
A character with the Planetary Defense Force
we go now to defend our world!"
background applies the following benefits:
- Lieutenant Hendriks Kolar, of the 3rd Tyran Defense Regiment
Starting Skills
Athletics, Command, Common Lore (Planetary
Planetary Defense Force (usually abbreviated to PDF)
Defense Forces), Medicae or Operate (Surface),
is a term referring to the primary military defense forces of Navigate (Surface)
an individual Imperial world. The PDF are under the control
of the local planetary government rather than direct Imperial Starting Talents
control; the raising, training, arming, leadership, etc., of such
Weapon Training (SP, Low-Tech)
units is entirely in the hands of the world's Imperial Planetary
Governor. According to Imperial law, all Imperial planets
must maintain a standing army in order to maintain the
Starting Equipment
planetary government's (and thus Imperial) control over the Autogun (or Autopistol and sword), planetary
world against any possible invasion or insurrection. trappings, flak armor, grapnel and line, 2 doses of
obscura, magnoculars
Role within the Imperium
Background Bonus
The Planetary Defense Force essentially is the local Granted Authority: Once per round, the Planetary
military of an Imperial world, having no standardization and Defense Force character may use his Influence in
can take any form. Some, such as the PDF of hive worlds, place of another characteristic for a single test. If used
may be no more than legitimized gangs supported and in narrative time, the effects of this last for one hour
armed by the local government to keep down the more
anarchic elements. In response to any internal or external Background Aptitude
threat, it is the responsibility of the PDF to engage the Defense or Fieldcraft
enemy until Imperial reinforcements such as the Astra
Militarum or Adeptus Astartes can be mustered by the
Recommended Roles
nearby Sector Command. Thus, although rarely respected
due to their relative lack of experience, the PDF are widely Assassin, Emissary, Desperado,
considered crucial to the Departmento Munitorum as the first Politico, Warrior
line of defense for Imperial worlds against any form of
invasion or rebellion. local defenses. Imperial Inquisitors are particularly known for
Another important part of the PDF is their role as the a lack of trust for the local PDF of a world they are
primary source of recruits for the Imperial Guard. Whenever investigating, and are often quick to have nearby Imperial
required, the best soldiers in a Planetary Defense Force are forces available, particularly elements of the Chambers
transferred into the regiments of the Imperial Guard, Militant of their respective Ordo, should the need arise.
receiving further training as they are shipped to their On the other hand, it is a testament to several notable
destined locations elsewhere in the galaxy along with Planetary Defense Forces that died to a man defending a
supplies, vehicles, and other logistical necessities. Few of world long enough for Imperial forces to arrive. The PDF
these men and women ever return to their homeworld. forces of Amber Veil were notable in the Mandragora Sector
The loyalty of the PDF is not always true, however. Many attempting to evacuate as many civilians on their world when
Planetary Defense Force regiments will betray their the grand cruiser Lord Byzsan crashed into their world's
planetary governor if the opportunity - and the right incentive polar cap. The resulting explosion and melting of the polar
- arises. Although the PDF automatically defaults all caps killed millions as oceans rose and nuclear winter set in.
command to any Imperial forces that arrive in the event of an In the distant Cadia Sector, the infamous Cadian Interior
emergency, there are many possible reasons the PDF or Guard are known as a professional force with a strong and
elements of it may join in rebellion against Imperial authority; proud military tradition. While renown PDF forces are rare,
Chaos or alien infiltration of the planet can cause divided their existence is exemplary to the Imperium's many planets
loyalties as planetary regiments turn traitor or are psychically proving the potential each Imperial world possesses.
enslaved by their alien dominators while the sheer ambition Whether that potential is ever realized is simply a matter of
of corrupt Planetary Governors and other organizations in the conviction of the Planetary Commander, beginning and
control of the planet can mean the PDF under their control ending with his foresight and ambitions.
turns against the off-world Imperial forces. This is a cause of
mistrust for PDF by the Imperium in general, and further
reason for Imperial commanders to prefer to rely on non-

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Planetary Defense Force Characters used by seditious Planetary Governors or overlords to topple
the Adeptus Terra's presence on any given world. This
Planetary Defense Force troopers come from each and emotional weakness is often manipulated by the forces of
every world of the Imperium worthy of being protected. Each Chaos as well, who draw in the disenfranchised and jaded
world is unique and possesses its own culture and society. across Imperial society and sway the Planetary Defense
forces to darker causes, slowly but surely.
The composition, hierarchy, training and expectations of
each PDF is equally unique to their world. A character who
has served within the Planetary Defense Force has served Example Planetary Defense Force: Vodaccair
for most of his life within the confines of his planet - he may Sextan Nobilite Guard
have seen combat on violent hive worlds or predacious
The Vodaccair Sextan Nobilite Guard are composed of
feudal worlds, but localized threats rarely offer the level of
household armsmen drawn from the grand processional
danger, experience or development of combat skills as
armies of Vodaccair Sextus noble houses. Due to the
refined as the Imperial Guard. Most Planetary Defense
intense rivalry between the old bloodlines, the noble houses
Force troopers live their entire lives enforcing the edicts of
connections to the grand commercia powers of Mandragora,
his Planetary Governor or the government that serves him.
and the machiavellian politics plague the planet's
While not quite adept in direct combat or having
government, each Chamber Militaries of the Nobilite Guard
experience in full scale wars (for the most part), PDF
are drawn from the preceding noble house within their area
characters possess unique attributes and talents that can be
of authority. More glorified muscle than a professional force,
put to good use. Conditioned to follow orders from their
the Nobilite Guard are wildly varied in appearance and tone,
superiors, and often from tyrannical dictators recognized by
but all possess highly stylized augmentics and bionics in
the Adeptus Terra, the PDF are well prepared to execute
emulation of the cybernetics-obsessed highborn they serve.
orders without question - or morality. So long as they follow
the commands given, they know they will continue to receive
their Lord Commanders blessings.
Ruthlessness is an often valued and praised trait in the
Imperium. Loyalty is an often dangerous trait, however, and
many are keen to judge just where the Planetary Defense
Forces' lie. Because of their station and connections to their
world, the loyalty can be misguided, misdirected, and
misappropriated easily. Not all Planetary Defense Forces are
mindless drones, and it has been proven time and time
again in the Imperium's past that love and patriotism can be

45 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Role: Emissary
"You've made a wise choice today Lord Helvan, the word of an
Angstrom is unbreakable as the stone of Juno, once given it is an
Special Rules
oath that will outlast the stars themselves. I shall gladly pass your An Emissary character gains the following benefits:
acceptance of our offer to my Liege."

- Emissary-Primus Jorma Peyton of the Angstrom Trade Dynasty

Role Aptitudes
Fellowship, Fieldcraft, Perception, Social, Willpower

ravel is a hazardous business, and foolish is the man Role Talent

or woman who steps unwary of the dangers away from the Contact Network or Keen Intuition
safety of their own, let alone seeks to travel the cold and
merciless darkness between the stars. Such travel in some Role Bonus
ways is an even more dangerous business for the powerful
Master Ambassador: In addition to the normal uses of
and wealthy of the Mandragora Sector’s elites, because,
Fate Points, an Emissary character may spend a Fate
although insulated by their power and their followers from
point to automatically succeed at a Skill Test when
commonplace hardships, they often have many enemies and
determining a Body of Argument (see page 55)
much to lose. The Imperium of man is a grim and deadly
with a number of Degrees of Success equal
place; the great and the powerful must always fear the
to his Influence bonus.
assassin’s hand, as well as the intrigues, plots and
machinations of their rivals. It is unsurprising that many
choose to remain at the centre of their domains and, when
matters of import arise that do not require their personal
concerns and intrigues as they see them hold little interest
presence, they send others out in their stead. The Bonded
for the Magos. The tech-priests themselves, are largely the
Emissary is just such a person. Emissaries are, by their
source of some not unjustified fear, misunderstanding, and
nature, powerful individuals, no mere messenger, trade
apprehension by others, and in order to overcome this
factor or errand-runner. An Emissary speaks with their
difficulty and secure their desired outcomes, the ordered
master’s voice and carries with them their master’s authority
minds of the Mechanicus will engage a specialist to act for
(to a point). Such a trusted and delicate position requires
much from the individual involved, as they must be above all,
clever, socially adept and strong-willed. They must also have
a mastery of the facts at hand and be aware of the subtle
Bonded Emissary Characters
interplay of politics, while being wary always for the
maneuvering and plotting of their master’s rivals. Some Inquisitors have need of skilled individuals other than
Emissaries focus on the skills of the diplomat and the trained killers, mind-bending psykers, and dogged
negotiator, while others act mainly as agents to evaluate and investigators. They often need liars and dissemblers,
acquire objects, opportunities and even people who their individuals whose perception allows them to read the subtle
masters might wish to recruit. Successful Emissaries soon ebb and flow of the interplay of a noble’s court, and men and
become recognized and valued, and win favor and power in women who can detect the subtle taint of madness beneath
their own right. Those that fail their employers abjectly or a genial façade. Emissaries are perfect for such tasks, and
cause them to lose face seldom get a second chance. an Acolyte with these skills can be confidently relied upon to
act as the cornerstone of any covert investigation, often with
the backing of false identities and cover provided by the Holy
The Role of the Bonded Emissary
Ordos. Those that meet them, while in one of their cover
identities, rarely guess their true master unless they decide
In the Mandragora Sector, as in much of the Imperium,
to reveal it.
Emissaries go by numerous names and titles depending on
their task and their master. The Administratum has a
labyrinthine series of titles and designations, from the
Sample Emissary: Karlienne Vascal
Quastor Maximus to the grey ranks of reeves, delagators, Karlienne Vascal, former Emissariat-Intendant of the
potentates and the innumerable sub-consuls, consuls lesser House of Okane, 'voluntarily' parted with her masters when it
and peripatetic that shuttle between its concerns and the was discovered she had been embezzling funds and
other branches of the Adeptus Terra and Commercia. The orchestrating house contacts towards her own ends. Despite
great trade guilds and trans-stellar cartels have their brokers, her preparations, she has been chased for years by her
agents and procurators to represent them. The noble houses former masters. Accustomed to the dangers that pop up
of major worlds have their own heralds and nuncios, and up- every few years, Karlienne has became adept at not only
and- coming scions that provide them with ambassadors and surviving, but also at removing threats to her person - and
who maintain their presence at court. The various powers hiding the bodies forever.
and domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus also largely
depend on emissaries chosen from the ranks of their tech-
priests to interact with the wider Imperium, whose “petty”

The Mandragora Apocrypha 46

Role: Politico Politico
"The nobles and highborn continue to churn their grand Special Rules
games upon the spires of this world, believing themselves A Politico character gains the following benefits:
true masters of the Human collective spirit. They have no
idea how deep this web really goes, and all the luckier for it." Role Aptitudes
- Kermit Thea, Lectures on Etiquette Volume IX
Fellowship, Finesse, Willpower, Social, Intelligence

Role Talent
or those who inhabit the highest echelons of Imperial Archivator or Lexographer
society, playing politics comes as naturally as hymns in
praise of the Emperor come to the lips of a pious priest. Role Bonus
Indeed, such skills are not acquired by choice, but rather as
Scandalous Socialite: In addition to the normal uses of
a necessary means of survival in the treacherous courts of
Fate Points, a Politico character may spend a Fate
system lords and Commercia Trade dynasties. Few things
point to reduce or increase a target's Influence
are beyond the scope of those most adept at playing the
Characteristic or Disposition score by 50 percent.
intricate game of favors, obligations, threats and coercion.
This effect lasts for one Skill Test made by the
With the right connections a powerful politico can command
target. Note this Role Bonus cannot be
entire battlefleets, feed or starve entire systems, and all but
used for Requisition tests.
ensure the condemnation or salvation of any man he wishes.
To face an adversary with such political power is a fearsome
task indeed, for it guarantees more than just a single foe.
Each and every soul who owes his trust to such an Politico Characters
adversary is a potential threat.
Playing several groups against one another, acting
The Role of the Politico through intermediaries and agents, manipulating those
around him to his own ends, these are the trademarks of the
Highborn and nobility themselves are often powerful Politico. Often members of high society, these ambition
political forces in the sectors they attend court, and simply motivated characters have spent years amongst the
participating in Imperial politics is a sure way of earning the backbiting and favoritism of the political elite. Characters of
attentions of a rival. For every friend or ally a Politico makes, this sort know full well that what one can do is not so
an adversary lies in the shadows of the aristocracy waiting important as who one knows or what one can make others
for the chance to lay him low. These political nemeses use do. Subtle and slippery in the extreme, these characters are
their influence where more straightforward men and women masters of long-term planning, and often have several
would employ a Boltgun. They pull the strands of their web contingencies prepared for every possible circumstance.
of allies, debtors, and vassals to accomplish their aims When engaged in the intrigues of Imperial politics, the
without ever taking direct action. Politico rises to the spotlight. This is the arena the Politico
While some would argue that the political leanings of fights in, his words the equivalent of a warriors power blade
nobles and the highborn dilute the strength of a planet, or an assassin's garrote. His armor is the Dictates Imperialis,
others are quick to point out the largesse devoted to a his shield his heritage, rank and station. Few outsiders can
planet's governance could otherwise be used for far darker truly appreciate the grace in which he wages his own wars of
ambitions. The constant vying of the nobility of various personal vendetta and amibition.
worlds to gain the sector's governor attention to gain status
or wealth, or to cause the downfall of others they dislike, Sample Politico: Pollux Okane
actually strengthens the Imperium by weeding out the weak Pollux Okane is a spoiled and vain noble of the grand
and incapable from ever reaching the top. Commercia Trade Noble house of Okane, destined by birth
Nepotism is a firmly entrenched practice across the to command an entire star system. Having come into power
Imperium, with the vast bulk of planetary and even sector long before reaching his prime, he rules his demesne as a
law concerning rites of inheritance of titles and estates bored simpleton, throwing entire planets into starvation or
passing from parents to children. Without the planetary, sub destruction on a whim. Protected by Imperial politics, yet
sector and sector courts, these inheritors would come into savvy to their traps and pitfalls, he manipulates those around
full power of their demesne, unchallenged and worse, him with a practiced hand, enjoying full well his guarded
unprepared to serve the Imperium's interests. Protected by position.
Imperial laws, incompetence and lax attitudes could weaken
the strength of an entire sector. Thankfully, the political
ambitions of the countless contenders across the Imperium
ensure this is exception, and not the rule, and that only the
strongest hold power for long throughout the Imperium.

47 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Role: Seneschal
"With a cold-blooded sureness, he seeks to discern the truth behind
rousing speeches and courteous manners, and lies cloaked in both
Special Rules
piety and vice. Sage counselor, profit-monger, and spy - the A Seneschal character gains the following benefits:
seneschal is all these things and more. "
Role Aptitudes
- Elucidator Eranda Kim
Social or Knowledge, Fellowship, Perception,
Intelligence, Finesse
aster of ceremonies, master of coin and commerce,
master of logistics, master of emissaries, master of whispers Role Talent
and spies: the Seneschal is the quietly spoken individual in Ambassador Imperialis or Contact Network
every great noble or trade house who is looked upon with
trepidation by those who fear they have earned his Role Bonus
suspicion. The mechanisms of trade and house affairs do Master of Ceremonies: In addition to the normal use of
not run themselves, and it is the Seneschal whose hands are Fate Points, a Seneschal character may spend a Fate
upon the gears - ever adjusting, ever careful, and ever point to automatically succeed at a Linguistics,
vigilant. Commerce or any Trade skill test with a number
Very few are as competent as the Seneschal when it of degrees of success equal to his
comes to the minutia of commerce, for most are too Intelligence.
concerned with the overall fate of their endeavors. Most
leave the details of such matters to their Seneschal’s control,
trusting that as the warrior is ever watchful in battle, so the
Seneschal is attentive to every risk implicit in the equally
Seneschal Characters
hazardous conflict of trade. The best Seneschal knows every
detail of trade that transpires within his area of responsibility, Seneschals are found across the entirety of the Imperium.
often better than the scribes and factors employed to Every Trade Guild, noble house minor or grand, every
process the astronomical sums involved in the running of a commercia fleet and even in the employ of Rogue Traders,
noble house, and those that do not, rarely survive long in the the role of the seneschal is paramount to running a
post. Most exude a palpable aura of menacing competency, successful business or dynasty. To be in such a position of
such that few underlings would dare cross them, and those power is to be possessed of both cunning and competency
they deal with - be they harbor master or tyrant - show them in equal measures.
due respect. Their most valuable gift, however, is the Archetypically involved in the great commercia guilds,
unerring ability to gauge the subtlest degree of risk in any Seneschals of other origins often have different functions.
proposed mercantile venture, which they can then take steps High Seneschals of the Adeptus Administratum, acting as
to nullify appropriately. overseers account for the vast and near unfathomable
movements of Imperial Tithes. Managing the entire wealth of
The Role of the Seneschal sub sectors and redirecting fleets by order of trade route and
charters, seneschals of the Administratum possess power
well beyond their station. Even counted among the
Many Seneschals maintain a tightly controlled network of
Departmento Munitorum and the Creed Temporal,
contacts and spies where possible, so that within hours of
Seneschals can be found peddling in troops for war efforts
arriving in a familiar port they have full knowledge of local
just as likely as accounting for the vast wealth of the
trading conditions and can advise their master accordingly.
Every detail that might affect business is of interest to a
Seneschal, from the amount of dowry offered in a noble
marriage to the going rate for a kilo of narco-blitz or to the
Sample Seneschal: Lord-Factotum Caracai
rumored deaths and wars far removed from their current Lord-Factotum Caracai of the Netharzem Combine
sphere. Furthermore, most Seneschals favor a “hands on” supervises and controls the assets of fifteen separate trade
approach to their work, never fully trusting knowledge they fleet conglomerates, operating from the focal point of Port
cannot confirm themselves. As a result, many are masters of Braxten's Sensorium spire. He is at the employ of the
disguise and duplicity, able to blend into the background in Netharzem Trust, reporting to fifteen of the most influential
almost any situation. Donning the guise of the “grey man,” and wealthiest of the chartist captains that control most
the Seneschal lurks in the periphery as the great and the privatized shipping between Nar-Sheptha to Vodaccair
good conduct their affairs, observing all that transpires whilst Sextus. His speaks with their interests - and their power -
remaining unnoticed. and many have grown to both respect and fear him equal

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Role: Artisan Artisan
“There is something deeply satisfying in shaping something with your
Special Rules
hands. Proper artificing is like a song made solid. It is an act of An Artisan character gains the following benefits:

- Fane Mychel Wrothfuss, Hecuban forgemaster

Role Aptitudes
Agility, Perception, Fieldcraft, Tech, Intelligence

rtisans of all types can be found throughout the Role Talent

Imperium, as well as across its intersectors and beyond. Resistance (Pick One) or Technical Knock
These specialized craftsmen create all manner of beautiful
things - pottery, paintings, toys, and other wonderful objects. Role Bonus
Performers also fall under the Artisan’s banner, from
Master of Crafts: In addition to the normal use of Fate
storytellers and singers to jugglers and mummers. Some
Points, an Artisan character may spend a Fate point to
Artisans establish shops or permanent stages in cities and
automatically succeed at a Crafting test, adding
towns, especially near the keeps of powerful lords. Others
a number of Degrees of Success equal to
are paid by noblemen to entertain with jests and song.
his Intelligence Bonus.
Mummers travel across the Mandragora Sector bringing their
shows, handiwork, and often a bit of thievery wherever they
stop. Blacksmiths, carpenters, and other utilitarian craftsmen
are also considered Artisans. Even though the work they do
Artisan Characters
is more vital than that of an artist or mummer, these lay
craftsmen often have less contact with noble lords than do Many craftsmen and Artisans follow in a family tradition,
their more frivolous counterparts. Still, blacksmiths are very trained by their parents in the family’s line of work. Artisans
important during times of war, and may be called upon to who do not learn the trade from their kin are usually
produce mass quantities of simple weapons to equip the apprenticed to masters: their parents hope to give their
armies of their lords or to supply planetary defense forces. children a better life than they could provide. Mummers are
Armourers are considered a cut above the common smiths, also very family-oriented in their own way, although they are
and highly prized by lords. Finally, diplomats, stewards, and far more likely to adopt stray scoundrels and lost souls in
merchants can also be considered Artisans. They may have their journeys than they are to have children of their own to
been raised to a position of prominence from the common teach. These youths are trained to be performers or to work
citizenry, or be from a cadet branch of a noble house, long the crowds that such performances always draw.
fallen low in the world. Whatever their position, Artisans are All of the major and minor noble houses of the
often the bridge between noble and common blood. Mandragora Sector have uses for Artisans of every type.
Jesters and singers entertain the crowds during feasts and
tournaments, smiths and fletchers work day in and day out to
The Role of the Artisan provide weapons and armor for their liege’s armies and the
planetary defense forces, heralds and stewards keep the
Artisans live by the skills they have learned throughout households running, and merchants buy and sell on their
their lives, whether it be the art of crafting a suit of power lord’s behalf. Independent Artisans are often called upon
amour, learning to run a household, or amusing the ladies at
during times of war to provide additional services for the
court with jests, dancing, and foolery. Their combat ability is
troops of a house at war, and some may even be pressed to
limited, but the best know how to defend themselves with
fight if their services are not considered essential. Fools and
words rather than steel. They can talk their way out of many
mummers are scarce in war-torn lands, fearful that
disagreements, calling upon noble defenders in more dire
marauding lords may force them into service, confiscate their
situations. Over the course of a long career, an Artisan goods, or make their lives forfeit.
ideally becomes an established master of his craft, and may
even attract a noble patron for whom the Artisan can work
the rest of his or her days.
Sample Artisan: Fane Mychel Wrothfuss
Craftsmen rarely go looking for danger, although Fane Mychel Wrothfuss, hecuban forgemaster, is a
sometimes it finds them. Most are content to stay at home master of his craft serving under the patronage of sire
with their forges or lathes, making as good a living as can be Katselle of the great noble house of Meandelrik. Personally
had from their trade. Singers, storytellers, and mummers, responsible for the armament of house Meandelrik's guards
however, are often found roaming the Imperium's hive cities and retinues, Fane Mychel's forge earned favor for providing
and space ports in search of adventure. These vagabonds superior local goods to the Imperial tithes in the course of
seek inspiration for their tales and will brave a certain three decades. In recognition of his personal skill, and ability
amount of lethality in order to find it. to ensure care and proper adherence to the lesser armorers
of house Meandelrik, he was awarded a lease of several
armament designs from the Adeptus Mechanicus of

49 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Crafting Rules Medicae: This skill allows a character to create all manner of
drugs and poisons. With the GM’s permission, players can
even create new drugs and poisons based on the venom of
“Your skills are a gift of the Omnissiah. Create nothing with your slain creatures or to mimic the effects of certain
hands and mind that you do not believe to be useful, beautiful, or environments (note that here a character always needs at
lethal.” least a small sample of the original substance).
Survival: This skill allows a character to create any kind of
-Arch-Magos Morrius, Master Artificer
basic device or basic item such as clothing or foodstuffs.
Survival can be used to craft any item with the Primitive
here will come a time in every Acolyte’s career when special quality or any Low-tech Weapon. With the GM’s
permission, players can also create any simple item with this
they will crave something unique, perhaps a compact bolter
skill, provided it can be fashioned from unprocessed
with devotional inlays of gold, or maybe a cloak cut from the
materials and lacks any complex moving parts (i.e., clothing,
hide of a vanquished beast. They might even wish to erect a
a cart, a hovel, etc.).
shrine to honor a comrade fallen in the name of the
Tech-Use: This skill allows a character to create complex or
Emperor. Acolytes with the proper Skills can design and
technical devices such as those commonly created within
create these things, and many more besides, with the
the forges of Imperial worlds. With the GM’s permission, any
appropriate Skills and tools.
weapon, armor, explosive, or piece of tech can be created
Skills with the Crafting descriptor are resolved in a
using this skill. Unlike things made with Survival and
different way than most other Skills. You may not know the
Medicae, however, many items created using this skill are
results of your efforts with only one throw of the dice, and
fiendishly complex, or their designs a closely guarded secret,
possibly not for extended periods of game time. These are
and are only available to characters with the right knowledge
Extended Tests that accumulate results over the course of
and access to advanced workshops.
many Skill Tests, and may take days, weeks or months to
Trade: This skill allows a character to manufacture things,
complete rather than several Rounds.
from inspiring sculpture to mighty starships. What can be
created depends on the specialty. Like items made with
Using Crafting Skills Tech-Use, these often require advanced workshops and
specialized materials. Trade crafting often involves
The creation of new items can be long, exhausting work. fashioning new, unique items of personal design, and thus
An agri-worker or sculptor alike may toil for months before do not always require detailed plans for the item. Major
their efforts come to fruition. Just the design of particularly projects, such as vehicles or huge statuary, should require
complex items may take months, to say nothing of their large amounts of time.
construction. Yet in the end, a patient artisan may be
rewarded with a unique item whose appearance, attributes Step One: Define the Task
or abilities far exceed those of lesser craftsmanship.
Similarly, a character may wish to improve upon an item There is an enormous difference between adding a fire
already in his possession, either by upgrading its selector to an autopistol and creating a custom power sword,
functionality or improving its Craftsmanship. or between cooking a quick meal for a group of hungry
A character begins the Crafting process by defining the Acolytes and preparing a fine banquet worthy of Imperial
item he wishes to create in defined game terms. The GM nobles. A character must clearly define his goals in concrete
uses this information to assign a Difficulty, Duration and game terms so the GM can accurately determine the
Material Cost to the task. Both the player and GM consider a Difficulty of creating the item. The player should think about
variety of choices or circumstances that may adjust these basic elements, such as the base item, additional or
assigned factors. Next, the artisan makes appropriate Skill enhanced attributes and abilities, and even reduced
Tests after completion of a certain duration of work, and performance in some cases. In addition, a character should
make decisions about how to best use his successes. If all specify any statistics different from those of the base item:
goes well, the character’s labor will result in a prized item of weight, special qualities, Armor Points, or anything else
first-rate workmanship. appropriate to the task.
There are four different kinds of crafting skills, each one
covering the creation of different kinds of items.

Table 2-1: Crafting Durations

Duration Time Range Time Interval Examples
Minutes 2d10 x 5 minutes 5 minutes A quick sketch, cooking a meal
Hours 2d10 x 1 hour 1 hour Repairing a security system; repairing minor damage
Shifts 2d10 x 6 hours 6 hours Adding a fire selector to a weapon; designing a jacket
Days 2d10 x 1 day 1 day Creating a custom set of armor; repairing major damage
Weeks 2d10 x 1 week 1 week Complex improvements to a basic item; sculpting a small statue.
Months 2d10 x 1 month 1 month Duplicating an illuminated text; complex item designs
Years 2d10 x 1 year 1 year Erecting a structure; vehicle designs and improvements

The Mandragora Apocrypha 50

It’s the GMs responsibility to ensure that the player has Duration
adequately defined the task or item, including all game
Along with a Difficulty, each task also has an associated
effects. Should either GM or player miss anything in this
Duration. Keep in mind that difficult tasks need not
step, it is assumed to be the same as a basic item of
necessarily have long durations, and easy tasks may very
Common Craftsmanship.
well take a long time. A miner digging a trench to expose an
underlying layer of rock in hard-packed soil is not terribly
Example complex, but without help, it’s likely to take quite some time.
Gyth, a Guardsman with the Trade (Armourer) skill, has Unlike Difficulty, where the GM assigns a flat modifier to
decided that she wants to integrate a Cameleoline coating into the task, Duration represents a range of time, since the
a set of Guard flak armor while her fellow Acolytes do research character can’t anticipate all the difficulties - or lack of
in a nearby Administratum archive. The flak armor uses all the
inspiration - he may encounter along the way. The character
standard statistics from the Dark Heresy core rulebook, and the
should roll 2d10 and consult Table 2-1: Crafting Durations.
coating will have exactly the same game effects as a
cameleoline cloak. The GM agrees that this adequately defines
the task in game terms and proceeds with the next step Dividing Tasks
For tasks with Durations of months or years, dividing them
into logical components may allow a number of tradesmen to
focus on the portions most suited to their Skills. A wright may
work on the control system of a speeder while a smith forges
Step Two: Assign Factors armored plates for the hull. While this technique can save
time for the overall duration of the project, it adds time to
Most citizens of the Imperium regard technology as each portion. Each craftsman may accomplish their
mysterious and beyond the reach of any but the most individual task well, but they may not integrate well into the
devoted of the Cult Mechanicus. Craftsmen, however, bridge final product.
the gap between the mundane and mystical, allowing them The GM and players must work together to divide the job
to create items different or superior to the norm. into reasonable sub-tasks, though the GM has final approval
Even with these skills, there are certain tasks that are for this process. If the characters were looking to improve
simply impossible, such as creating a plasma gun out of the performance of their ground car, they might agree with
primitive components or improving a power sword with crude the GM that this could be divided into work on the engine
tools. While it’s easy for the GM to say “no” to a player’s and work on the frame and suspension. Once, divided, the
request, the Gamemaster may find that this eventually stifles GM assigns a new Duration and Difficulty for each sub-task.
their creativity. A better option might be to assign a very After defining the sub-tasks, add an additional task for
challenging Difficulty, Duration or Cost to the task, allowing combining all the parts together. The Difficulty of this task is
them to try even if the odds of success are low. The equal to that of the most difficult sub-task. For each subtask
Gamemaster should also consider what the item will do to over two, increase the Difficulty by one level. Thus, if a
the balance of his campaign. If the GM doesn't want his Challenging (+0) task has been divided into four sub-tasks,
Acolytes running around brandishing power swords with the Difficulty of combining them would be Hard (–20). If this
plasma pistols built into the hilts, they should make this would increase the Difficulty beyond Hellish (–60), then the
decision now instead of trying to take them away after the craftsman must reduce the number of sub-tasks. The larger
fact. the number of individual contributors, the more difficult it will
At the same time, Gamemaster's should work with the be to combine them in the end.
character to apply the “common sense factor” to the project.
If the goal is to create a lightweight, assault version of a Table 2-2: Crafting Difficulties
basic weapon, it doesn’t really make sense to double the Skill Modifier Effect
range, as carbines typically have shorter range than their Trivial +60 Copying the text of a pamphlet
full-sized counterparts. Increasing the Damage for a weapon Elementary +50 Engraving a name onto a weapon
Simple +40 Fitting armor to a specific individual
would also tend to reduce the number of shots per clip to Easy +30 demolishing an internal wall
make room for the larger rounds. Routine +20 Composing a map from pict-records
The GM should assign an appropriate Difficulty, Duration, Ordinary +10 Preparing a meal from a stocked
and Material Cost to the task or item the Acolyte defined in Challenging 0 Repairing a stone doorway; razing a
the previous step. Make sure to look at factors that differ small structure
from the base item, such as weight, size and performance. Difficult -10 Painting a portrait; repairing an
engine; creating a tailored piece of
clothing from animal hide
Difficulty Hard -20 Repairing a data-slate; Designing a
small vehicle; Adding vision
The Difficulty in creating an object works the same way as enhancement to a helmet visor
the Difficulty in any other Test. Thus, wiring two power cells Very Hard -30 Repairing a cogitator; Designing a
together to make a larger power supply would be much less building
Arduous -40 Repairing a Cogitator network;
difficult than tinkering with the innards of an auspex to Designing a forge complex
extend its range. Table 2-2: Crafting Difficulties and some Punishing -50 Designing a Voidship
of the expanded Trade Skill descriptions give guidelines in Hellish -60 Improving upon an STC design
assigning Difficulties to projects.

The Mandragora Apocrypha
Material Cost Step Three: Make Adjustments
When creating an item, a character must first have access
to the right materials. Whether these materials are on hand A number of factors can affect the Difficulty, Duration, or
is up to the GM, though common sense should play a part Material Cost of a task, some of which may be imposed by
(i.e., a character on a feral world is going to have access to circumstance and some of which are chosen by the
many basic materials good for the Survival skill, but might character. These include adjusting the Duration to make
have trouble finding the parts needed to make an autogun). tasks easier or shorter, the tools or workspace used and the
Once it has been determined whether the materials are on quality of raw materials.
hand, the GM then decides if the character needs to expend A character may voluntarily adjust Duration by one-step
any resources acquiring them. As a general rule, when up or down for a corresponding adjustment to the Difficulty.
creating items using the Tech-Use skill (or the Medicae skill Thus, for each step up in Duration, the GM-assigned
when creating advanced drugs, such as those not occurring Difficulty goes down by one level. However, if the character
naturally), characters must always buy materials. Items decides the task will take more time than he has, he can also
crafted with Survival, on the other hand, can other be made do the opposite, decreasing the Duration by one-step and
from “found” materials, such as fashioning a bow when in a increasing the Difficulty by one level. Any adjustment of
forest, or making a spear from scrap metal in an underhive. Duration below “minutes” has no effect, and any adjustment
When acquiring materials for crafting, determine the item’s above “years” multiplies the Duration roll by 2. Any change in
Availability and then decrease it by one level (i.e., Average Difficulty below Trivial (+60) has no effect, and any shift
items become Common, Common items become Plentiful, beyond Hellish (–60) means that the task is beyond the
etc.). The character then makes a Requisition test to acquire Acolyte’s current abilities.
the materials just as if he were acquiring an item. Once he If the character has access to tools, workspace or
has the materials, he can then try to create the item. materials of Good or Best Craftsmanship, the Difficulty or
The Cost for building things from scratch can require Duration of a project can also be reduced. Items of Good
more creativity, but needn’t be intimidating. The key is to Craftsmanship can reduce Difficulty by one-step. Items of
start from a known point and modify appropriately. Table 2- Best Craftsmanship reduce the Difficulty and Duration by
3: Material Availability is intended to be a starting point and one-step. Use the highest Craftsmanship modifier only in the
guide. case of multiple items that would affect the task. Thus if a
tech-priest had access to a forge world Mechanicus
workshop of Best Craftsmanship and also raw materials of
Example Good Craftsmanship, only the modifier for the workshop
The GM looks at Gyth’s project and reasons that since would apply
cameleoline technology is fairly advanced and few outside the
Adeptus Mechanicus would have any knowledge of its
workings, the Difficulty will be Hard (–20). Since it is a complex
improvement, he assigns a Duration of weeks. Gyth
requisitions the materials and then rolls 2d10 for the Time Gyth is fortunate enough to have access to an Inquisitorial
Range. She gets a 5 and a 3, resulting in eight weeks of workshop with tools of Good Craftsmanship at Phaenon Prime,
estimated work. Fortunately this is about the same amount of which reduces the Difficulty of her task to Difficult (–10). She is
time that her companions will be investigating the archives of also using Good Craftsmanship flak armor, but since she has
Phaenon Prime. already applied a Craftsmanship bonus, it does not produce
another shift. Though she could reduce the Difficulty to
Challenging (+0) by extending the Duration to eight months,
she decides that her fellow Acolytes will be finished with their
investigation long before then.
Table 2-3: Material Availability
Skill Availability Examples
Basic Abundant Rockcrete, granite, common stone
Exotic Plentiful Marble, slate, veined ouslite
Step Four: Tests
Basic Abundant Iron, steel
Average Average Plasteel, basic alloys A character tests the appropriate Crafting Skill at the end
Exotic Scarce Adamantine, complex alloys
Composites Rare Ceramite, crysteel of the Time Interval indicated by Table 2-1: Crafting
Components Durations. This assumes the character spends a full six
Simple Plentiful Gears, simple mechanisms hours per day - or the entire Time Interval for shorter
Average Scarce Weapon parts, vehicle parts
Complex Very Rare Auspex parts, explosive collars durations - working on the project. If the character spends
Woods less than the requisite amount of time per day, that day does
Basic Scarce Barrels, planking not count towards earning a Test. Success on the roll
Exotic Very Rare Nalwood, steelbark
Biological Components
reduces the time to complete the job by one Time Interval,
Simple Scarce Basic tissue, muscle but degrees of success or a failure of three or more has
Complex Very Rare Complex tissues, nerves, brain additional effects.
For each degree of success, the character may either
reduce the time necessary to complete the project by an
additional Time Interval or apply it towards improving the

The Mandragora Apocrypha

final Craftsmanship of the work.
Failures of three or more degrees indicate that a setback Example
has occurred. This both adds one Time Interval to the Gyth spends at least six hours a day for one week in the
remaining Duration and subtracts one from the accumulated Inquisitorial workshop while her fellow Acolytes work in the
degrees of success. Note successive failures can lead to a Administratum archive, earning a Crafting Test at the end of the
negative total for degrees of success. week. She has Strength 42 and the Trade (Armourer) skill.
Gyth rolls a 21, achieving three degrees of success. Since she
knows her time is short, she chooses to apply them to further
Improving Craftsmanship reduce the time necessary to complete the armor, leaving four
Characters can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, nor weeks of work to go!
a Best Craftsmanship target pistol from a Poor
Craftsmanship underhive auto snub. An item’s
Craftsmanship may only ever improve by rebuilding it. The
GM should assign a Difficulty one-step higher than creation
of the existing item, but a Duration of one-step lower, adding
Step Five: Complete the Task
in additional material costs as appropriate. An existing item’s
Craftsmanship can only ever go up by one level, no matter
how good the Test. After rolling the final success, the work is complete.
However, simply completing the task doesn’t tell the
character the quality of the end result. The degrees of
Cooperation success accumulated throughout the task process have the
Craftsman can combine their efforts for particularly capacity to yield a result of superior - or inferior -
complex or long tasks, provided the GM feels such Craftsmanship. Tally the total degrees of success allocated
assistance is realistic. While a large number of miners could to improving Craftsmanship, subtract the number of
very well work together on a new tunnel, only one technomat setbacks, and look up the result on Table 2-4: Determining
could reasonably work at soothing the machine-spirit of a Craftsmanship.
small cogitator.
These rules add to the Assistance rules in Dark Heresy
2nd Edition (see page 25) for purposes of Crafting. Table 2-4: Determining Craftsmanship
When several workers with the appropriate Trade Skill DoS Modifier
-5 or less Failure: The project fails and all materials lost.
combine their efforts, one is designated as the primary -1 to -4 Poor: Though functional, this item will not perform
craftsman and the others as subordinate craftsmen. When reliably
counting the results of a Test, the primary craftsman counts 0 to 4 Common: The finished result is of average quality.
5 to 14 Good
only success or failure, without taking degrees of success 15+ Best
into account. Each subordinate’s success then counts as a
degree of success for purposes of Craftsmanship or
reducing the time for completion. If any individual fails his
Test by three or more degrees, all other rolls for that Time
Interval are considered failures in addition to the normal There may come a time for particularly difficult projects
setbacks! You will quickly find that too many subordinates when it becomes clear that a substandard result, or even
slow progress considerably. failure, is unavoidable. If a character accumulates more than
Note that brute labor, such as workers carrying raw five negative degrees of success, the project has failed and
materials or slag, do not count as Cooperation; only the all materials utilized in it are lost. The character may also
skilled work of another tradesman uses this system. voluntarily abandon a project at any time during the Tests,
yielding the same result.
Setting Things Aside
The Inquisition seldom allows its Acolytes much free time Craftsmen in the
to pursue their own trades, so it’s likely they may have to set
their tasks aside while the needs of the Imperium occupies Mandragora Sector
their time. So long as they don’t set things aside for too long, There are many names across the Mandragora
it won’t result in a setback. However, if you set aside a task Sector that resonate with quality workmanship, quality
for a period of time equal to the next higher Time Interval, or infamy. Names such as Forge Fane Mychel
then you suffer a setback as if you’d failed a Test by three or Wrothfuss, the Clockwork-Dollmaker of Vodaccair
more degrees. The project suffers a second setback if put Sextus Carlo Montek, or Eibon Marcaleb, the synth-
aside for a Time Interval two higher than the original. recordian of Nar-Sheptha. While the works of these
Additional setbacks occur at each higher Time Interval. So a great artisans are beyond priceless beyond their
task with a Duration of weeks would suffer the first setback world, there are many more who ply their trades
after being put aside for one month, and a second setback without hope of recognition or notoriety. Most will
after being ignored for one year. For Time Intervals of content themselves with filling vital, if niche,
greater than one year, simply double the previous one. roles within the Imperium.

53 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Auspices of the Officio Medicae Detecting Poisons
A character may use Medicae when analyzing the
"Wash your hands thoroughly to prevent spread of disease. Failure to remains of a victim to detect toxins and chemicals buried in
do so will incur penalties under section 329/81F" the flesh. Provided he has a toxin wand or a Chymistry lab, a
successful Medicae Skill Test reveals the absence or
- Officio Medicae Announcement presence of such a substance. Each degree of success
reveals one more component of the substance, including
The life of an Imperial citizen is one fraught with peril, with such things as what it is, its method of delivery, and the most
hidden dangers everywhere as enemies of the Imperium do likely places where it can be procured. If the character lacks
their best to survive under the oppressive weight of the proper equipment, he suffers a –20 penalty on his Medicae
Adeptus Terra. Since many foes lack the firepower to mount Skill Test. Other factors can modify the Difficulty, including
significant opposition against the servants of the Imperium, the quality of the remains, attempts to mask the substance
many resort to cowardly tactics in the forms of poisons, chemically, or even the nature of the substance itself.
toxins and other vile substances to confuse, injure or kill their
enemies. Medicae, then, can serve as the first line of Install Implants and Bionic Components
defense against these vile weapons, while also giving the
Officio Medicae the tools to combat the virulent and the
The Medicae skill also allows a character the ability to
install replacement limbs and organs. To do so, he must
In this section, the special rules for the Medicae Skill, as
have the implant or bionic device on hand. The Test
detailed on page 109, Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, are
Difficulty depends on the unit, its quality and the facilities
expanded upon. These rules are optional, but greatly
available. The process of implantation always takes 2d10
enhance the nature of medicinal treatment within the
days minus one day per point of the patient’s Toughness
Imperium. These are some of the special uses of the
Bonus - to a minimum of one day. Table 2-5: Implants &
Medicae skill:
Bionic Components describes the Test Difficulties for this
procedure. All Difficulties are cumulative. If a character also
Chem-Use has the Tech-Use skill, he gains a +10 bonus on Medicae
Tests to install implants and bionic components.
The Medicae skill can be used to cover a character’s
understanding of drugs, poisons, chemicals, and toxins. A Failed Tests
skilled Chymist can create and identify such compounds, as
A failed Medicae Test to install an implant or bionic unit
well as know how best to use them either for medicinal
can have nasty consequences. A simple failure reduces the
effects or in combat against their enemies. Chem-Use is also
quality of the unit by one-step. If the unit was poor to begin
useful in diagnosing those suffering from toxins and poisons,
with, the unit doesn’t work at all and could, in the case of a
or finding antidotes to treat them.
vital system, kill the patient. A failure by three or more
degrees means that the limb breaks and the procedure
Alien Toxins seriously injures the patient, dealing 2d10 points of Rending
From the unholy cocktails imbued with the warp by Chaos Damage to the affected location (ignoring Armor Points). A
cultists to the strange and lethal venom of the xenos, the failure by five or more degrees results in the death of the
galaxy brims with an appalling assortment of venoms and patient, the ruin of the device and 1d10 Insanity Points to all
poisons, all of which are available if one knows the right who witness the appalling mishap.
place to look. Normally, when a character encounters a
toxin, he may make a Challenging (+0) Scholastic Lore
(Chymistry) Skill Test to identify it. Even if a character fails The
to identify the toxin, he may still attempt to apply it as normal
(see page 109, Applying Poisons and Chemicals, Dark
Moribund Incident
Heresy 2nd Edition), but the Difficulty worsens by two On Hecuba, in hive Castrein, a notable incident
degrees of difficulty. occurred in the mid 37th Millennium that resulted in no
less than twenty three confirmed assassinations of
Concealing Poisons minor nobles and socialites. What made these
murders stand out from the plethora of crimes
Whenever a character wants to introduce a toxin into a
committed daily, excluding the victim's highbourne
target’s food, drink or air and want to conceal his activity, he
standing, were the methods employed. A xenos-
may make a Difficult (–10) Medicae Skill Test to administer
originated culture had been employed into the hab-
the chemical in a way the victim may not detect. On a
manses water supplies that produced an insatiable
success, he may apply the poison normally. However, for
thirst in those that consumed it, causing the victims
each degree of success, any Skill Tests performed later to
who drank to drink exceedingly more and more until
identify the toxins in a victim's remains became more difficult
they had succumbed from over intoxication, as if they
by one Degree of Difficulty.
had drowned. The exact dilution required was
precise enough to effect the victims, and quickly
dissipate before house hold servants
could be effected.

55 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Table 2-5: Implants & Bionic Components
Unit Difficulty
Bionic Replacements Difficulty
Bionic Arms Challenging (+0)
Bionic Legs Difficult (–10)
Bionic Respiratory System Hard (–20)
Bionic Heart Very Hard (-30)
Bionic Senses Arduous (-40)

Chem Gland Difficult (-10)

Concealed Weapon Bionic Challenging (+0)
Bionic Augmentations and Implants Difficulty

Hermetic Infusion Very Hard (-30)
Auger Array Challenging (+0)
Autosanguine Arduous (-40)
Baleful Eye Hard (-20)
Calculus Logi Upgrade Hellish (-60)
Cerebral Implants Hellish (-60)
Cranial Armor Arduous (-40)
Cortex Implant Hellish (-60)
Ferric Lure Implants Hard (-20)

Injector Rig Ordinary (+10)
Interface Port Very Hard (-30)
Locator Matrix Challenging (+0)
Luminen Capacitor Challenging (+0)
Maglev Coils Difficult (-10)

Mechadendrite Challenging (+0)
Memorance Implant Punishing (-50)

Mining Helot Augmetics Trivial (+60)
MIU Weapon Interface Challenging (+0)
Respiratory Filter Implant Challenging (+0)

Rite of Setesh Very Hard (–30)
Scribe-tines Simple (+40)
Subskin Armor Arduous (-40)
Synthmuscle Hard (-20)

Vehicle Interface Circuitry Challenging (+0)
Vocal Implant Ordinary (+10)
Volitor Implant Challenging (+0)
Quality Difficulty
Poor Difficult (–10)
Common Challenging (+0)
Good Ordinary (+10)
Best Ordinary (+10)
Facility Difficulty
Hellish (in a war zone, under siege while in a trench infirmary) Hellish (-60)
Dreadful (in the field, trench infirmary, Ministorum hospice) Arduous (-40)
Poor (Imperial guard field medicae tent, Ministorum monasteries) Very Hard (–30)
Decrepit (planetary hospital, failing almshouse, Underhive chopshop) Difficult (–10)
Common (Officio Medicae infirmary, voidship sick bay) Challenging (+0)
Good (Orders Hospitaller Temple-Ward, Hive World clinic) Ordinary (+10)
Great (Officio Medicae facility-primus, noble manse's medicae chambers) Easy (+30)
Excellent (Inquisitor’s personal hospital, Void station facilities) Simple (+40)
Advanced Facility (Adeptus Mechanicus installation, Inquisitorial Facility) Trivial (+60)

† Some cybernetic systems are only provided to tech-adepts of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is possible, though, that skilled hereteks might risk the wrath of the Machine Cult
by implanting crude versions of these systems in anyone willing to pay their price.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 56

Social Interaction character makes the decision against the best interests of
the Acolytes. The decision could be in response to a direct
choice offered by the Acolytes, or may arise out of the
"It wasn't the crusade that broke the dark reaches beyond Ixaniad. It conversation and the NPC’s thoughts. For instance, if the
wasn't the warships that joined it, hailing from far flung sectors like NPC is secretly a member of the Chaos coven the Acolytes
Finial and Scarus. No, it was the words first spoken by Golgenna are investigating, the GM might periodically test Disposition
Angevin in council on Terra, and later here on Hecuba that convinced in response to the Acolytes’ questions, in order to determine
us all to join the fight and lay claim to the Calyx Expanse."
if the NPC continues to feign cooperation or decides to cut
and run before the Acolytes wise up.
- Nirvana Val

Determining Starting Disposition

ierce warriors though the Acolytes may be, Most NPCs are indifferent toward the Acolytes when first
conversation and non-violent interaction is an important part encountered, reflected by a Disposition between 40 and 60,
of Dark Heresy. Asking questions is a big part of most depending on the character’s mood. However, in the case of
investigations, and a group that lets its guns do all the talking some NPCs there are specific factors that can modify
is likely to end up with many corpses but few answers. starting Disposition:
Inevitably, the Acolytes find themselves interacting with  Servants of the Imperium: An NPC affiliated with the
varied and often strange inhabitants of the Imperium, Adeptus Terra or Inquisition begins with a Disposition
whether by choice or necessity. For the GM, the equal to the highest Influence amongst the Acolytes. If the
responsibility of portraying the numerous NPCs with whom Acolytes have taken steps to hide their identities, the
the Acolytes interact may seem daunting. To assist the GM Game Master can first make a Subtlety test to determine
in determining how characters respond to the Acolytes, each whether the NPC knows who the Acolytes are.
NPC has a Disposition and Personality. Disposition and  Hatred of the Inquisition: When the Acolytes encounter
Personality serve as useful guidelines for the GM when an NPC who is hostile towards the Inquisition, the GM
portraying an NPC, but also provide a way to determine his makes a Subtlety test. If the test fails, the NPC’s starting
reaction to the queries, bribes, and threats of the Acolytes. Disposition is reduced by 20, or more at the GM’s
Disposition represents an NPC’s opinion of the Acolytes, discretion.
while Personality affects his behavior during conversation  Awe of the Inquisition: When the Acolytes encounter an
and defines the effects of interaction skills used by the NPC who is friendly toward or respectful of the Inquisition
Acolytes. - as any good Imperial citizen should be - the GM makes
a Subtlety test. On a failed test, the NPC’s starting
Disposition increases by 20, or more at the GM’s
Disposition discretion.
For more guidelines on the uses of Disposition, see page 69.
Disposition is a characteristic possessed only by NPCs.
Like other characteristics, it is measured on a scale from 0– Personality
100. Disposition represents an NPC’s current temperament
and his feelings toward the Acolytes. The higher this value,
the more likely an NPC is to trust or assist the Acolytes. No two people behave in the same way. One person may
Conversely, an NPC with a low Disposition is likely to be be a boisterous conversationalist who responds well to
unhelpful or even hostile toward the Acolytes. At the flattery, while another may be a quiet introvert who is easily
beginning of a conversation, an NPC’s Disposition is based intimidated. An NPC’s response to social interaction is based
more on his general mood and, potentially, his initial reaction on his Personality. Personality is a profile that provides
to the Acolytes. As the conversation progresses, Disposition general guidance to the GM on how a character behaves
is shaped by what the Acolytes say and how they present during conversation, responds to uses of different skills, and
themselves. acts when his Disposition reaches zero. Personality is a tool
Disposition is generally used in two ways by the GM. First to assist the GM in running social encounters, and he should
and more important, Disposition determines an NPC’s not feel restricted by it. GMs should feel free to alter any
behavior toward the Acolytes in conversation, thereby aspect of a character’s Personality based on the situation,
serving to guide the GM in role-playing the character. The his interpretation of that particular character, or the needs of
the story.
GM accounts for Disposition when portraying an NPC,
bringing it through in his words and tone. A low Disposition
means the NPC could be rude, standoffish, or terse, while Personalities And Social Skills
the GM might portray an NPC with a high Disposition as The primary function of Personality is to determine the
friendly, open, and honest. Second, Disposition may be used effectiveness of different Interaction skills on an NPC, and
as the basis for a test, just as with other characteristics. their response to the use of those skills. Each sample
Disposition can be tested for a variety of reasons in order to personality includes a table with entries for Interaction skills.
determine how the NPC reacts to the Acolytes. The GM may The Modifier column shows the modifier applied to all uses
test Disposition to determine what decision the NPC makes of that skill on the NPC, in addition to any other situational
when given a choice by the Acolytes, or to discover whether modifiers. The Effect column shows how use of each skill
he is fed up with the Acolytes and ready to abruptly end a affects the NPC’s Disposition, as the Acolytes attempt to
conversation. elicit information or persuade the NPC into a certain course
of action. The effect, if any, permanently increases or
Testing Disposition decreases the NPC’s Disposition by an amount based on the
Often during the course of a conversation, an NPC makes degrees of success (DoS) or degrees of failure (DoF)
decisions based on his feelings and opinions regarding the resulting from the skill test.
Acolytes. In these situations, the GM can roll a Disposition These sample Personalities also include a description of
test for the character. If this test is successful, the NPC the action taken by the NPC once his Disposition reaches
decides in favor of the Acolytes, but if the test is failed, the zero. This is only a suggestion, and the GM should feel free

57 The Mandragora Apocrypha

to modify it or select a different response entirely if he deems Zero Disposition: When the NPC’s Disposition reaches
it appropriate for the individual NPC or the specific zero, he ends the conversation with a curt remark or
circumstances. misdirection, after which he is dismissive of the Acolytes,
refusing to give up any useful information or even interact at
Example Personalities all. He might even attempt to move to avoid them. He takes
effort to avert future interaction with the Acolytes, going to
great lengths to evade encounters.
The example Personalities included here are fairly general
and represent only a small number of the possible types that
NPCs might evince. If the GM finds himself in need of a Confident
Personality for an NPC in an unexpected social encounter, This NPC is thoroughly certain of the rightness of his
he might use one of these. These also offer a good starting actions, and reflects his conviction in strong and decisive
point for a GM when designing unique Personalities for his speech. Threats and commands usually only strengthen his
own NPCs. GMs are encouraged to modify these opposition, but he is often blind to subtle deception or
Personalities as they see fit, and create new ones as desired manipulation. This Personality is ideal for NPCs with high
in his campaigns.. Willpower or Toughness.

Aggressive Table 3-3: Confident Personality

The character is openly hostile, bluntly fending off Skill Modifier Effect
inquiries and other attempts to obtain resources or Charm +0 +5 x DoS
information from him. This NPC might be very demanding, Command -10 +5 x DoS
and can rapidly escalate from discussion to argument in Deceive +20 -5 x DoF
order to meet his own goals for the conversation, even if that Inquiry +10 +10 x DoS
Intimidate -20 -10 x DoF
is simply to deny whatever the Acolytes want. This
Scrutiny +20 N/A
Personality is well-suited to NPCs with high Strength or
Willpower, but low Fellowship.
Zero Disposition: When the NPC’s Disposition is reduced
to zero, he ends the conversation forcefully, likely directly
Table 3-1: Aggressive Personality telling the Acolytes to leave him alone. In future encounters,
Skill Modifier Effect the NPC flatly refuses to speak with them.
Charm -20 +5 x DoS
Command +0 +5 x DoF
Deceive +10 +10 x DoS Submissive
Inquiry +10 –10 x DoF The NPC speaks softly and uncertainly, always giving the
Intimidate –10 +5 x DoF impression that he expects someone else to interrupt him at
Scrutiny +20 N/A any moment. He is agreeable to almost anything asked of
him, and tries to appease everyone, telling them whatever
Zero Disposition: Once reduced to zero Disposition, this he thinks they want to hear. The NPC is easily pushed
NPC lashes out at the Acolytes. The aim of his attack is around, but it is difficult to obtain useful information or action
probably to scare the Acolytes off, but under some from him. This Personality is appropriate for NPCs with low
conditions it may be to injure or kill them. Willpower or Fellowship.

Clever Table 3-4: Submissive Personality

An NPC with this Personality is evasive and misleading, Skill Modifier Effect
and his speech is often filled with quips and wry asides. Charm -20 -5 x DoS
Even in the midst of a deathly serious conversation, the Command +20 +5 x DoS
character often responds with sarcasm and wit, which he Deceive +0 N/A
uses to avoid answering unwanted questions. Quick-witted Inquiry +10 +5 x DoS
Intimidate +20 -5 x DoF
Acolytes garner a positive response from the NPC, while dull
Scrutiny +0 N/A
conversationalists receive only sharp rebuffs. The Clever
NPC succumbs easily to intimidation and brute force, his
wall of jocularity collapsing. He generally sees right through Zero Disposition: When the NPC’s Disposition reaches
lies and deceit. zero, he attempts to flee from the Acolytes, departing with a
This Personality is appropriate for NPCs with high whimper or other suitably meek behavior. In future
Intelligence or Fellowship, but low Strength. This is not to encounters, the character again flees at the sight of them. If
say that the character might not be a worthy adversary, but cornered, the NPC babbles useless appeals to the Acolytes
this sort of NPC generally views violence as an undesirable for mercy, forgiveness, or whatever seems appropriate.

Table 3-2: Clever Personality

Skill Modifier Effect
Charm +20 +5 x DoS
Command +10 -10 x DoS
Deceive -20 +10 x DoS
Inquiry -10 -10 x DoF
Intimidate +10 -5 x DoF
Scrutiny -10 N/A

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Unhinged dreg that he has no money to spare does not call for a
This NPC is completely unpredictable when in typical Deceive test, unless the GM plans for the insane dreg to
conversation. His answers are often cryptic and confusing, seek revenge on liars.
and he constantly derails and muddles the conversation with Before making a Social skill test, the player describes or
rambling, unrelated tangents that are difficult to follow. This acts out how he intends to perform his appeal, trick, or
Personality is appropriate for NPCs with a high number of threat. If the GM feels that a test is needed to determine the
Insanity points or who are suffering from madness, but it can outcome, he and the player work together to determine a
also work for eccentric geniuses or other “quirky” characters. skill and characteristic most appropriate for the
With some modification, this Personality can be used to circumstances (as always, the GM has the final word). The
represent an inscrutable xenos, whose responses are GM then tells the player the difficulty of the test, factoring in
unpredictable and bizarre in the eyes of humans. both the NPC’s Disposition and any other applicable
modifiers for the situation, just as with any other test.
There are five Interaction skills primarily used in
Table 3-5: Unhinged Personality conversation: Charm, Command, Deceive, Intimidate, and
Skill Modifier Effect Scrutiny. A character uses Charm when he wants to make a
Charm +2d10 +1d5 x DoS good impression or convince an NPC to assist him,
Command +2d10 -1d5 x DoF Command to issue orders, Deceive to lie or cheat, and
Deceive +2d10 +1d5 x DoS Intimidate to frighten or coerce a target. Scrutiny is usually
Inquiry +2d10 +1d5 x DoS used as a response to another character’s actions; for
Intimidate +2d10 -1d5 x DoF
instance, to detect if a character is lying, or to subtly study a
Scrutiny -2d10 -1d5 x DoF
conversation in order to find some detail he can use to his
advantage. The above are just examples of common uses;
Zero Disposition: When the NPC’s Disposition reaches each of these skills has a variety of different uses based on
zero, he can do any number of unexpected things. He could different characteristics, the situation, and the characters
become catatonic, assault the PCs, or adopt another involved. As always, players are encouraged to come up
Personality entirely at his starting Disposition. The GM with new and creative uses for skills, and they are not
should examine the nature of the NPC and decide on an necessarily restricted to those described here. For instance,
original response that thematically fits him. in order to impress a hardened gunslinger, an Acolyte might
make a Ballistic Skill test to strike a coin tossed into the air
Conversation Structure or perform some other feat of trick-shooting, with the
degrees of success or failure influencing the NPC’s
Disposition as the GM feels appropriate. Although Ballistic
Conversation in Dark Heresy is usually very organic, and
Skill is normally used in combat, in this case the Acolyte is
a game session may seamlessly transfer from narrative to
using it in order to influence an NPC during a social
conversation and back again. During a conversation, the GM
encounter, rather than to injure or kill an enemy.
takes on the role of all the NPCs in the scene, acting out
Social skill tests are used during a conversation to
their part of the dialogue (some GMs even use different
represent important turning points and pivotal moments, and
voices to help distinguish different NPCs). Players, of
should only be called for when there are consequences for
course, portray their own characters, responding to NPCs
success or failure that would serve to advance the narrative
and each other, as well as describing any actions they take.
in some way. If an Acolyte’s lie, threat, or trick is not capable
Unlike structured time, there is no Initiative order during
of having a significant effect, the GM can simply act out the
conversation, and the action is not divided into turns. As in
NPC’s response according to his Personality and
any conversation, the participants interject their own
Disposition, as normal.
contributions as appropriate. Some conversations may
become pretty intense, and characters may even talk over
each other. In such cases, the GM may wish to “pause” the Npcs And Social Skill Tests
action and allow each player to restate their contribution, to Normally, NPCs do not make Social skill tests. Many
make sure nothing important gets missed in the excitement. players do not enjoy having their characters’ actions decided
The GM might also sometimes need to briefly pause the by a roll of the dice. If a player has established his Acolyte
conversation in order to resolve events occurring during it, as a tough and no-nonsense Arbitrator, he might not like a
such as a player narrating his Acolyte’s movements and poor roll to result in his character being intimidated by an
body language, the GM describing changes to the obscura-addled underhive scum. In some cases, however, it
environment or the actions of NPCs. A common reason for might be very appropriate and useful. For instance, if a
the conversation to pause is for one of the participants to player suspects that an NPC is lying to his character, the GM
make a Social skill test. This does not mean that the could make a Deceive test for the NPC, opposed by the
characters involved in the conversation are actually pausing Acolyte’s Scrutiny skill. Even if the player does not suspect
(although it might, in certain dramatic moments), but is a the deception (some GMs develop a very good poker face),
concession to the needs of game mechanics. the GM can call for an Opposed test to determine whether or
not the Acolyte suspects. Different groups may have
Social Skill Tests different preferences when it comes to NPCs using Social
skills, and GMs and players should work together to figure
out what works best for them. The success or failure of the
Many things can happen in the course of a conversation.
test determines the change to the NPC’s Disposition based
In such situations, Acolytes rarely take the time to stop and
on his Personality. The NPC’s Personality also provides a
make small talk - there is almost always a goal in mind with
guide for the GM to determine the NPC’s reaction, whether a
any conversation. As the characters speak, they may
snappy comeback for a Clever character, or a subtle threat
attempt to influence, coerce, convince, or trick another for a Confident NPC.
character in a significant way. In these cases, the results are
determined by Social skill tests. As with other activities, a
test is only necessary if there is a chance of failure and the
result has some impact on the story. An Acolyte telling a

59 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Duel of Wits
"Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made. Thought is the
arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given. The
price is paid."

its, acumen and elocution are to the world of

business, politics and religion what power swords, fire and
agility are to the world of war. In high stakes political
negotiations, a character might find himself caught so his
only possible escape is to cut his way free with his tongue!
The Duel of Wits is an extended conflict mechanic used to
resolve debate and argument in the game (and at the table).
Characters use verbal attacks and maneuvers to overpower
and destroy their opponent's arguments and make
themselves appear, to all witnesses, correct.
The purpose in such a duel is not to reveal the truth, but to
put forth your argument in the best light while dismantling
your opponent's position - and to convince the audience that
you have struck on the truth while your opponent is mired in
half-formed thought and naive delusions.

Dueling Skills
Rather than fighting with poweraxes and chainswords, a
Duel of wits is fought with words. Thus, your main battle
skills are: Influence, Command, Deceive, and Charm.
Intimidate and Inquiry are used in support roles.

Statement of Purpose
To begin a Duel of Wits, there must be two sides willing to
defend their disparate positions. Each side clearly and
succinctly states its case. This is called the statement of
You should arrive at this juncture after role-playing and
getting a feel for the situation. If you don't know what you
want from a Duel of Wits, don't start one. Keep role-playing Agree to the Terms
until you want something. Once you do, state your case.
Both sides must then agree to the terms of this debate
State your Case before continuing. This is essentially a meta game condition.
Each player briefly describes his point and why he is "If I win, you'll do X. If you win, I'll do Y.". Each player states
right. State your cases in an orderly fashion. Once you've his terms and agrees to abide by them. Keep the demands
stated your case, write it out. reasonable and achievable. Break larger issues up into
smaller arguments and span them across multiple duels. A
war isn't won in a single clash of arms, nor is a court case
Example won with a single battle of words. The point here is to get the
argument into the mechanics so it can be resolved fairly.
There's nothing worse than two hours of pointless player
Our Planetary Defense Forces has always done right
versus player argument. Bring arguments to the table, set
by itself; there is no need to become embroiled in the
internecine politics of outsiders. the terms, roll the dice and move on.
A player can never be forced to engage in a duel. If he
Unless all stand together, all will fall. This is not a wishes, he may always walk away from a challenge -
problem for one system or army, but all of the disparate refusing to debate the point. Note, though, if a player
lords of the sector. chooses to walk away, he must shut up. No more talking
about it with him! For more details, see page 56.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 60

Big Deal
Example If the GM judges the debate to be very important and
deserving of some lengthy discussion, he may set the bodies
If the Planetary Defense Force Commander wins, the of argument higher. Instead of rolling, add the character's
sector envoy will stay out of the local politics - including Influence Bonus to the body of argument.
this war. It's a rather brutal statement of purpose,
actually. Not a Big Deal
If for some reason two players are debating a minor point
If the sector envoy wins, the local PDF will surrender
and desire quick resolution, use only the base Willpower
operational command to the sector envoy, who is
Bonus as the body of Argument.
secretly marshalling forces on behalf of the Inquisition.

The Duel
The Body of Argument In a Duel of Wits, players plan their strategies a few
moves in advance - they build a hand of actions in order to
Rather than shed blood and break bones, we undermine outwit and overpower their opponent’s feeble arguments.
points and damage egos in the Duel of Wits. The body of
argument represents the strength of your position at the start Verbal Exchange
of the debate.
In a Duel of Wits, we call our "round" the exchange. Each
Body of Argument player plans three verbal actions for the exchange and writes
Once the cases have been made clear, each player tests them down in secret. We call this "scripting." Each action
one of his relevant skill. This base difficulty of this roll is and the opponent's opposing reaction is contained in a
Challenging (+0). Add any Degrees of Success from the smaller time segment called a volley. Players take one
skill test to the character's Willpower Bonus. This total is the action per volley. Their actions are then played against one
body of argument for this duel. Note this total. another.

Body of Argument Skills

Only Charm, Command, Deceive, Diplomacy or
Intimidation (Fel) may be rolled for the body of argument
test. I choose the following: "Volley 1: Point, Volley 2:
Obfuscate, Volley 3: Dismiss. My opponent chooses:
"Volley 1: Rebuttal, Volley 2: Point, Volley 3: Feint." In
Unskilled Body of Argument
volley 1, we'll play my Point against his Rebuttal. In
If a character doesn't have one of these skills, test volley 2, I will try to protect myself from his Point with
unskilled using Willpower. Every two Degrees of Success an Obfuscate. In volley 3, my Dismiss will crush his
adds one point to the body of Argument.

When presenting his argument, a diplomat with the Volley to Volley
Trade (Diplomacy) skill rolls three Degrees of Once the actions for the exchange are scripted, the GM
Successes and adds that to his Willpower Bonus of 4. calls for each volley of actions to be revealed, one at a time.
His body of argument is 7 for this duel. An unprepared "First Volley!" he says. Each action is spoken and resolved
character who doesn't not possess an appropriate skill, before moving on: The actions for volley 1 are resolved
instead tests makes a Challenging (+0) Willpower test. before moving to volley 2; volley 2 is resolved and then
volley 3 is revealed.

Exchange to Exchange
The purpose of the Duel of Wits is to reduce your If one side's body of arguments isn't reduced to zero at
opponent's body of argument to zero through use of clever the conclusion of volley 3, start a new exchange. Both sides
strategy and outright attack. take a moment to choose three new actions. Do not roll for a
new body of argument or otherwise adjust your current total.
Once both sides have scripted new actions, play the
exchange volley to volley as described above.

61 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Speaking the Part Take Them Away
When playing actions, a player must speak their part. With influential or potent antagonists, such as nobles,
Spitting out moves in a robotic fashion is not a viable use of highborn or planetary governors, it is much more appropriate
these mechanics. The arguments must be made. Of course, to their rank and station to have player characters sent
no one expects a player to be eloquent, so just the main away. They can choose to refuse to discuss the matter and
thrust or a simple retort usually suffices. show the characters to the door. It makes a powerful
Points and Dismisses are spoken before a Rebuttal. statement when an influential antagonist refuses to engage
Maneuvers like Feint and Obfuscate are used to literally in a Duel of Wits. If the players challenge the character and
interrupt the opponent's flow. If two players are he refuses, he's essentially ended the scene. Discussion
simultaneously throwing Points, Dismissals or Incitements at screeches to a halt and negotiations falter. They may
each other, either let traits decide who speak first or allow resume later, when the characters are in a more reverent
the elder character to proceed. The order doesn't really frame of mind.
matter. The results of the tests are tallied after both
characters have spoken. Players say what they need to in Walking Away from the Group
order to roll the dice. Players don't write out any speeches, Player characters within a group may feel dissatisfied with
just note their actions; let the oration come organically in what's at stake, choosing to exit the scene while his
play. A multipoint statement should be broken down into companions battle it out. Since he's walked out, he's not
multiple actions across the exchange.
bound to the results of the Duel of Wits and can act
according to his whims.
Elements of Elocution
There are seven actions a speaker can use in a Duel of Violence within the 39th Millennium
Wits: Avoid the Topic, Dismiss, Feint, Incite, Obfuscate,
Point and Rebuttal. When using skills, the tests involved are
It is quite possible that a character may wish to abruptly
Challenging (-0). These actions may be taken by using
and suddenly turn hostile, potentially seeing use in engaging
Fellowship, Influence or Willpower in their stead, but are
in a losing debate. For this reason, it is entirely possibly for
tested as Hard (-20) instead.
characters engaged within a Duel of Wits or attending as the
audience to engage the participants with violence.
Interactions When the intent to attack a character involved in a Duel of
Consult Table 3-6: Duel of Wits Actions below for how Wits is announced, all characters present in the encounter
to resolve the interaction of two Duel of Wits actions - a roll initiative as if they were engaged in combat. As the
standard test, a versus test or no test at all. Each action dialogue that compromises the Duel of Wits is an exchange
interacts with the other actions differently. At the most basic of words, each Exchange is considered a Full Action.
level, the interaction determines whether or not you make a Whether attending as an audience or a character involved
standard test, a versus test or not test at all. When checking directly with the Duel of Wits, all characters intending to
this table, read left to right. Some of the interactions are initiate combat must wait until a progressing Exchange is
asymmetric. finished. Because the hostilities were sudden, the character
who initiates combat gains a round of surprise! As soon as
Walking Away the belligerent character launches his attack, the Duel of
Wits is immediately over. There is no compromise, no more
A Duel of Wits is not mandatory. When challenged to a debate. Combat has begun!
Duel of Wits you have two options: to accept or to walk If a Duel of Wits has concluded before characters act, see
Murder Most Foul on page 60.
away. A character does not have to participate, because if
he does participate, he is bound to the results - good or bad.
Thus, sometimes the situation is such that a player won't
want to be bound. Sometimes someone will want something Example
from another character, but that character doesn't want
anything in return. A character should never engage in a Lord Severan senses tensions rising, and his parties
Duel of Wits out of a sense of obligation. If he doesn't want argument losing. He cannot allow the trade guild to
something out of it, that character should away. dictate the terms of the negotiations, but so far no
If a character does choose to walk away, that character compelling argument can be made to garner favor for
must exit the scene. He literally walk away. The player does his side. Realization sets in, and with determination, he
not roleplay out the argument any further. The matter is no draws his power sword. Despite the screams of outrage
longer open for discussion. Essentially, the player or from the trade consortium's investors, he plunges the
character has ceded the high ground to his interlocutor while sword into the chest of the guild's speaker.
preserving his own opinions. It can be very hard to walk
away, knowing that another has made his point uncontested!

The Mandragora Apocrypha 62

Table 3-6: Duel of Wits Actions
Resolving DoW Actions Avoid Dismiss Feint Incite Obfuscate Point Rebuttal
Avoid - - - VS. Vs Vs -
Dismiss Std Std Std Std Vs Std Vs
Feint - - VS Vs Vs - Std
Incite Vs Std Vs Std Vs Std Std
Obfuscate Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs
Point Vs Std Std Std Vs Std Vs
Rebuttal - Vs - - Vs Vs -
Std: In a standard test, roll the ability listed with the action at the obstacle indicated. Apply successes as instructed.
Vs: In a versus test, roll the ability indicated with the action against the ability indicated with the opposing action. Apply th e winner's margin of success as instructed in the action description.
—: Do not test any ability for this interaction. You’re vulnerable. Consult the action descriptions for additional effects.

Duel of Wits Actions Example

These are the following actions that compromise a Duel of
Preacher-At-Arms Zane Crovan knows he has Lord
Wits Exchange.
Sulfrenblud cornered, he's only got 4 points left in his
body of argument. He decides to gamble and throw a
Avoid the Topic Dismiss into his script. Adding +2 Degrees to the
Tests: Willpower, Trade (Diplomacy) results of his Command Skill gives him a guaranteed
Speaking the Part: The speaking player must veer off topic, shot at knocking him out of the game. However, if he
even to the point of sounding desperate or ridiculous. doesn't get at least four Degrees of Success, then he
Effects: Avoid successes are subtracted from your hesitates for his next action!
opponent’s Point, Obfuscate or Incite successes. This
reduces the effectiveness of an opposed action. If Obfuscate
or incite successes aren't reduced to zero, then the incoming
action Wins and takes effect. Avoid never suffers a penalty Feint
for testing with a Characteristic. It’s special. Tests: Inquiry, Intimidation, Charm, Deceive, Trade
Speaking the Part: Using a Feint, the speaker leads his
Example opponent on into a trap. He lures him to think he is
discussing one point, until the hidden barb is revealed.
Knowing Lord Sulfrenblud is going to come out of the Effects: Feint can he used to bypass Rebuttal and to attack
gate blaring away with a Point, Preacher-At-Arms Zane Feint, Incite and Obfuscate. In a standard test, each success
Crovan scripts his first action as an Avoid. Zane rolls 3 subtracts from your opponents body of argument. In a
Degrees of Success. Lord Sulfrenblud, declaring his versus test, margin of success is subtracted from your
intentions with boisterous commands, has also rolled opponents body of argument.
successfully with 3 Degrees of Success. Zane's results
are subtracted from Lord Sulfrenblud's, resulting in no
progress being made during this volley. Example
The stubborn and intractable Chancellor Sconius has
Dismiss been playing pretty conservatively. Rather than script a
Tests: Command, Intimidation, Trade (Diplomacy) Point, Palanza tries a Feint to blast by his predictable
Speaking the Part: This maneuver is used for the Rebuttal. If she's right and he scripts that Rebuttal, her
cataclysmic and undeniable conclusion of an argument. feint will ignore it and she'll get a free attack against his
Loudly declare that your opponent knows nothing about the body of argument. If not, and he scripts a Point or
topic at hand and, furthermore, lies a fool and a dullard and Dismiss, she'll be in trouble!
shouldn’t be listened to any further!
Special: If a character fails to Win the duel via his Dismiss
action, he must hesitate for his next volley. Either cross off
the next action, or skip the first volley of the next exchange.
Effects: Scripting a Dismiss adds +2 Degrees of Success to
the character’s skill. In a standard test, subtract each
success rolled from your opponents body of argument.
Against Rebuttal, subtract your margin of success over your
opponents defense from the body of argument. If you Win
against Obfuscate, all Dismiss successes are subtracted
from the body of argument—not just your margin of success.

63 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Incite Point
Tests: Command, Intimidation, Trade (Diplomacy) Tests: Charm, Command, Deceive, Trade (Diplomacy)
Speaking the Part: With an acid tongue and biting wit, a Speaking the Part: The Point action is the main attack of
character may attempt to distract or dismay his opponent. the verbal duelist. Hammer away using your statement of
The speaking player must pronounce an outright insult to his purpose and related points!
opponent. Effects: In a standard test, subtract your Degrees of
Effects: In a standard test, the obstacle is equal to the Success from your opponent's body of argument. In a versus
victim’s Willpower Bonus. If the Inciting player passes the test, subtract the margin of success from your opponent's
standard test or wins the versus test, the victim must make a body of argument. This is the way to win debates!
Willpower test. If the victim fails the test and hesitates, he
misses his next action. However, if the Incite fails, the
margin of failure is added as additional Degrees of Success Example
to the opponents next test.
Castellan Malthus exclaims, "I will not have my
progeny remember me as a coward who let off
Example worlders perform his labors for him. I'm coming with
you; for glory and honor!" Testing his Charm, he gets
"Inconceivable!" Scythius screams and spits three successes. These are subtracted from the
vehemently at the cardinal. He tests using his opposition's body of argument.
Intimidation. His obstacle the Cardinals Willpower
bonus of 3. If he succeeds his Incite roll with three
Degrees of Success or more, the Cardinal must pass a
Willpower Test. A very useful maneuver against green
characters, but it's risky. Scythius is vulnerable to
Points and Dismissals while he insults the Cardinal. Rebuttal
Tests: Intimidation, Inquiry, Charm, Trade (Diplomacy
Speaking the Part: The player first lets his opponent make
Obfuscate his attack. He then refutes the arguments made while
making a fresh point himself.
Tests: Deceive, Charm, Trade (Diplomacy)
Effects: Degrees of Success from a Rebuttal are subtracted
Speaking the Part: Obfuscate is a verbal block. The player
from the opponent’s Degrees of Success. To fully defend
attempting to Obfuscate must present some non sequitur or
against an Obfuscate action, you must get more Degrees of
bizarre, unrelated point in an attempt to confuse or distract
Success than your opponents Obfuscate Degrees of
his opponent. Obfuscate is spoken while your opponent is
Success. Each success from the Rebuttal that exceeds the
success of a Point reduces your opponent’s body of
Effects: Obfuscate is tested versus everything, even itself. If
argument by the exceeding margin.
the Obfuscator wins, the victim of this tactic loses his current
action. If the Obfuscator exceeds the opposed test by a
margin of Degrees equal to or exceeding his opponents Example
Willpower Bonus, his opponent also suffers a +10 penalty to
his next action. If the Obfuscator loses the versus test, his
Palanza is making a Point, but the chancellor chose
opponent's current action goes off and his successes are
Rebuttal. He tests his Rebuttal against her Point.
applied as per his action description. Furthermore, he gains
Palanza receives 2 Degrees of Success on her point
+1 Degrees of Success to his next action.
while the Chancellor gets 3 Degrees of Success on his
Rebuttal. Palanza's point is reduced to no successes,
and her body of argument is reduced by -1.
"While Chancellor Sconius is correct on many
particulars, there are areas he's not considering. his
viewpoints are shaky, his position weak. Have you
considered this? Have you considered the
consequences of even considering such a
consideration? Personally, this is something I wouldn't
consider. And I would advise you not to as well. I
hereby warn my opponent to cease considering such a
dangerous course!"

The Mandragora Apocrypha 64

Baiting Beliefs Example
Players are encouraged to play on their opponent’s
beliefs, instincts and traits during the exchange. Using these
A highborn petitions the planetary governor to grant
facets of personality against their opponents, they can lead
him his sister's hand in marriage. The noble wins, but
them on and predict their moves. Simply baiting an opponent
owes him a minor compromise. The governor asks only
to Dismiss prematurely can cause the fatal error one needs
that the noble remain loyal to him. A small thing for a
to pull off a coup!
Planetary Governor, no?

Resolving the Argument

The following are measures on how to resolve the

Winning a Duel of Wits Compromise

Reducing an opponent’s argument to zero while If your argument is reduced to half (or thereabouts), you
maintaining your own body of argument indicates you've won owe your opponent a solid compromise. You must grant a
the Duel of Wits. The terms the winning character set forth at significant concession regarding your own goal or agree to
the outset of the duel must now be abided by and acted on an additional, related condition.
by all parties involved. The winning character has won this
test, and like any other test, his intent is made manifest. (But
remember, it's not mind control; it's an agreement between
two people.)
Lord Severan and his kinsmen are debating the
These mechanics often refer to audience reaction. This is
ownership of Kolèmère, a legendary blade from their
the true benefit of winning. Rarely is the opponent convinced
homeworld of Trackus IV. Lord Severan wins, but owes
of the merits of the argument, but all those around him now
his kinsmen a compromise. He agrees to his kinsmen
see the advantages clearly displayed against the fallacy of
the losers assumptions. to show it to his estranged father before they return to
the field of battle.

The sector envoy wins his argument against the
commander of the Planetary Defense Forces. The
Major Compromise
commander is still against surrendering control of the
PDF. However, now the Planetary Governor has heard If you lost all but a few of your body of argument points,
both sides, he sees merit in the ambassador's plans. you owe your adversary a major compromise. You must
The Planetary Governor, as the audience, agrees to either grant him a major concession regarding your own
the winning proposal - in fact, he must. goal, or agree to an additional related condition of
considerable weight. Granting a major compromise should
feel like losing.

Compromises Example

It is a very rare circumstance in an argument when some Scythius and Silas are arguing with their companions
concessions aren't made by the winning party to the loser. over the fate of an evil heretic. Should the Arch Heretek
Sometimes it is ceding or validating a point, other times it’s Archemax Ventilix be executed or should they join him?
agreeing to disagree and still other times an actual Silas wins, and the party will join forces with him. But
compromise is reached. Silas owes Scythius a major compromise They'll only
join forces with him until he ends this chaos plague.
When your body of argument is reduced by any amount,
After that, Scythius will bring him to the Astra Cardinal
compromises must be made. Victory is unconditional only if
your body of argument is untouched. to account for his past evil deeds and be sentenced
under the laws of the God-Emperor.

Minor Compromise
If your body of argument is reduced by a few points, you
owe your interlocutor a minor compromise. You must grant
him a small concession regarding your goal or agree to an
additional, minor condition that he puts forth.

65 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Losing Murder most Foul
If a compromise cannot be reached in a Duel of Wits,
A Duel of Wits is over when one party’s body of argument either side may attempt to murder the other. And murdered
is reduced to zero. The loser must abide by the results of the they must be. You must kill the other side in order to erase
argument: He's lost and he's agreed to go along with this travesty. This does not win the duel. You abdicate any
whatever it was his opponent proposed at the outset of the form of compromise. But it feels good. If you fail to kill the
duel - for the time being, of course. Remember that these other characters, you have failed utterly. They win.
rules don't dictate reality or true feelings. They only dictate
public performance and acknowledgment of the "truth". Honor Besmirched: I demand Satisfaction
If a player is particularly open-minded, he can, of course,
A character who has lost a Duel of Wits, but believes he
have his character change his mind when and as he
has been slighted or defamed, may call upon his honor and
chooses. Being convinced of the merit of an argument is an
demand satisfaction in a duel to the death or for blood. In
acceptable result of these mechanics, but it is not a hard and
this case, the Winning character is free to choose to accept
fast rule.
the duel or not - or perhaps appoint a champion. If the
winner of the Duel of Wits refuses, he loses no standing in
Shocking Defeat the eyes of his peers. He was clearly in the right the entire
A character who has lost a Duel of Wits must make a time and his opponent is behaving in an unseemly manner! If
Willpower test. If his argument was reduced below zero, he he accepts, perhaps he can put this matter to bed
becomes helpless for one round per point below zero. While permanently.
the loser hesitates, the victor is free to gloat, run him
through, exit stage left or offer a verbal coup de grace. Helping in the Duel of Wits

Example For group duels, its best to adhere to the rules for
providing Assistance (see page 27, Dark Heresy 2nd
Edition). One character - the speaker - acts as the primary
Scythius and Silas, long embittered by each other's
for his side. He scripts the moves he'll use. As he goes, his
personal philosophies, have finally decided to engage
allies may make comments or points to each volley, and
in a prolonged verbal showdown. After a verbose and
throw in a helping bonus of +10 when they raise their voices.
eloquent dictation by Scythius, Silas' body of argument
The only limitations in addition to the normal rules is that no
is reduced to 0. Scythius' points were all made with no
character may render assistance more than once per
reduction to his body of argument. After failing a
Willpower Test, Silas is left at a loss of words - a
Once everyone has made their comments on a particular
moment of hesitation that Scythius uses to run a sword
Volley, the primary speaker rolls for his actions. It's the same
through Silas' chest!
as a regular volley within a Duel of Wits, but with helping
bonuses. In order to grant a helping bonus, a player must
Tying roleplay his character's participation. Failure to speak up or
If both arguments are reduced to zero in the same volley, act means those bonuses may not be used on that
the duel is a tie. Neither party is in a position to leverage a particular roll.
victory. Two options are available: The characters can part Additionally, there's no rule that says a character has to
Ways and agree to take up the argument at another time, or help his own side or group. Supporting players may have
they can agree to a compromise. their character help the opposing side through disparaging
remarks, bad arguments or just plain treachery! Whatever
Tied Compromise they choose to do, they still must abide by the guidelines and
The first rule of a compromise resulting from a tie is intent of the particular verbal action they are supporting.
neither party can achieve the terms he sought at the outset
of the duel. Both parties must agree to a point that sits Disposition and Personalities in a Duel of Wits
squarely in the middle. It is best for each side to set forth a
new offer - one more generous to their opponent than the Disposition and Personalities of an important NPC may
original - and, if possible, have a neutral party offer a third, also be utilized to create truly memorable experiences. With
middle ground offer. The players then choose the most each passing volley in an Exchange, the Disposition of an
appropriate one and move on. NPC may be altered. This can have potentially long lasting
Ties are a difficult and tenuous matter. Hard and fast effects on a character - or result in the NPC reaching zero
mechanics are too rigid to govern the myriad of situations disposition, acting as described by the details of his
that will arise in play using these mechanics. But it is Personality. By incorporating the Personality of an NPC into
important to remember that neither side has won. If a solid the actions and results of an NPC in a Duel of Wits, a
compromise can be reached, great. If not, perhaps it's time Gamemaster can easily determine the reactions that
to escalate. See the Murder most Foul and Honor character may have, and even when to judge it appropriate
Besmirched sections below. to resort to violence or even attempted murder!

The Mandragora Apocrypha 66

Elocution Imperialis gain a +10 bonus to Duel of Wits actions unless stated

“Pride is not a sin. Hubris is not a failing. The Stars are yours if you
have but the strength to grasp them." Lore and Trade Skills in a Duel of Wits
Relevant Lore and Trade skills may be used to substitute
–Anon for Feint, Point and Rebuttal Duel of Wits actions, provided
the skill is relevant to the spoken volley. While the
Gamemaster is the final arbitrator in permitting the skill to be
he ways of the Politico are many, and even the most
used, it is a relatively easy way to apply the knowledge a
proficient of diplomats knows that there can be no perfection character possesses.
to their arts so long as the minds and hearts of men hold to Of special note, however, are Forbidden Lore skills. Any
their beliefs. Steadfast in their convictions, it takes a talented characters who evoke forbidden lore risk corrupting the
orator and a master weaver to convince lords and ladies to untrained and unprepared for unpleasant truths. Those
the wills of others. involved with the Duel of Wits who themselves do not
This following section includes one additional skills to the possess the Forbidden Lore Skill receive one point of
Dark Heresy 2nd Edition system, intended to be used Corruption Degree of Success or Failure on the Skill Test for
primarily with the Duel of Wits mechanics, as well as a listing hearing Blasphemous Lore (see page 289, Dark Heresy
of talents that can influence and affect the Duel of Wits 2nd Edition). Additionally, Forbidden Lore may be used as
mechanics further. part of an Incite Duel of Wits action, with an bonus of +20 to
the Skill Test roll.
Skills and Skill Uses
Talent Descriptions
The following presents the Trade (Diplomacy) skill,
including its effects, prerequisites, and aptitudes, as well as The following presents each talent, including its effects,
a description of how other skills may affect the Duel of Wits prerequisites, and aptitudes as amended by the Duel of Wits
system. sub system.

Trade (Diplomacy) (Influence) Air of Authority

Aptitudes: Influence, Leadership Tier: 1
Skill Use: Full Action Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
Diplomacy is the art of conducting negotiations between Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
two or more factions. This allows the character opportunities Effects: In a Duel of Wits, the Air of Authority talent grants
to handle business, social, or state affairs without arousing any successful Command Skill uses an additional Degree of
hostility. Success.
A character with the Diplomacy Skill can represent lords
and masters above his station under intense social situations Ambassador Imperialis
and high stake political arenas. It can be used to directly Tier: 2
replace Disposition tests into a more favorable outcome, as Prerequisites: Fellowship 35, Intelligence 35
well as being integral to the Duel of Wits system. Aptitudes: Perception, Social
Outside of the political arenas of the noble elite, Effects: Characters with this talent who begins a Duel of
Diplomacy can be used for a myriad of other functions. It is Wits with a non-hostile Xenos gain +2 to his body of
both a test of acumen in social protocols as much as Argument. The character may also re-roll a single Point
verbiage and elocution, and knowledge of the factions and made during each exchange.
powers in at least a rudimentary sense is required.
The GM can call on a player to use the Diplomacy skill
Clues from the Crowds
 He wants to know the proper titles to address sectorial Tier: 1
lords at a high banquet. Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
 He wants to know the proper customs of greetings for the Aptitudes: General, Social
more esoteric factions of the Adeptus Terra, such as the Effects: In a Duel of Wits, a character with the Clue from the
Navis Nobilite. Crowds talent may attempt a Hard (-20) Awareness Test
 He is trying to initiate negotiations for trade with a new between Exchanges. If he succeeds, he may ascertain signs
vendor, who has previously never been contacted before. of distress or cues that may assist him in the following
Exchange. This results in a +10 bonus to any singular volley
actions in the following Exchange.
Special Interactions in the Duel of Wits
If a character is praying, manifesting a psychic power,
hesitating or doing anything else aside from using a Duel of
Wits action in the Duel of Wits exchanges, his opponents

67 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Table 3-7: Duel of Wits Talents
Resolving DoW Actions Prerequisite Benefit in a Duel of Wits
Air of Authority Fellowship 30 +1 DoS to Command tests
Ambassador Imperialis Fellowship 35, Intelligence 35 +2 to a body of argument with Xenos
Clues from the Crowds Fellowship 30 +10 bonus to a volley per Exchange
Contact Network Cover-Up, Intelligence 35 May use Commerce in place of Intimidation
or Command tests
Coordinated Interrogation Clues from the Crowds, Strength 40 or Willpower 40 Gain +20 instead of the normal +10 for being
given Assistance by another character
Enemy (X) - Character receives a -10 penalty to all
Fellowship or Influence based Interaction
tests; the enemies body of argument gains +2
per degree of the talent.
Frenzy - May engage in a Frenzy as a Half Action after
losing a Duel of Wits; May enter free Frenzy
as a Free Action if lost to an Incite!
Halo of Command Fellowship 40, Willpower 40 +10 to Command Test based Incites for every
level of Fear the character possesses.
Hatred - +10 bonus to Dismiss, Avoid the Topic, and
Rebuttal Actions against hated opponents;
-10 penalty on all Points, Obfuscate, and
Feints against hated opponents.
Inspire Wrath Air of Authority Make target subject to the effects of Hatred.
Jaded Willpower 40 +10 bonus to resist Incite actions and any
Willpower tests incurred during a Duel of
Master Orator Inspire Wrath Forms his body of argument using FB as a
base, instead of his WPB
Peer (X) Fellowship 30 +10 bonus to Fellowship and Influence based
Skill Tests; the character gains a +1 bonus to
his body of argument per degree of the talent

Contact Network Enemy (2) would grant the character's body of argument an
additional +4).
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Cover-Up, Intelligence 35
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Frenzy
Effects: Characters with this talent can leverage their Tier: 1
extensive network of resources to intimidate and threaten Prerequisite: None
their adversary. The character can make Commerce Skill Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Tests in place of Intimidation or Command tests. Effects: At the conclusion of a Duel of Wits, if a character
with the Frenzy talent loses a Duel of Wits and wishes to
Coordinated Interrogation attack (see Murder most Foul, page 60), he may engage a
state of Frenzy as a half action in the immediate round
Tier: 2
following the Duel of W its. If the Duel of Wits was won per an
Prerequisites: Clues from the Crowds, Strength 40 or
Incite action, the character may instead enter a state of
Willpower 40
Frenzy as a Free Action.
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social
Effects: The character is skilled at working with his
comrades at plying information and manipulating outcomes Halo of Command
to his favor. With this talent, a character alongside another Tier: 3
character with this talent may gain a bonus of +20 instead of Prerequisites: Fellowship 40, Willpower 40
the normal +10 when given Assistance by another character Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
with this talent in a Duel of Wits. Effects: During a Duel of Wits, a character with the Halo of
Command talent gains a +10 bonus to Command test based
Enemy (X) Incites for every level of Fear he possesses.
Tier: 1
Prerequisite: None Hatred
Specializations: Any listed for the setting, and others at Tier: 2
GM’s discretion Prerequisite: None
Aptitudes: General, Social Specializations: Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Mutants,
Effects: A character attempting a Duel of Wits with a sworn Psykers, Xenos (specific), others
enemy suffers a -10 penalty to any Fellowship or Influence Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Social
based tests during the Duel of Wits. Additionally, the Effects: Against the hated, the character with this talent
adversary of the character gains +2 to his body of argument gains a +10 bonus to Dismiss, Avoid the Topic, and Rebuttal
against the character per degree of the Enemy talent. (i.e.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 68

Duel of Wit Actions, but a -10 on all Points, Obfuscate, and Reputation And Power
Feints. Incites are treated as normal.
The Reputations in this section represent how a
Inspire Wrath character’s achievements and honors can affect his
Tier: 2 influence within the Imperium, and are intended to give
Prerequisite: Air of Authority characters a richly flavored ways of being recognized by his
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Influence. Using them, a character can build up a particular
Effects: Characters may attempt to Inspire Wrath, per the type of reputation and way of operating that both opens
normal use of the talent before or during the Duel of Wits. possibilities for using influence and closes others. For
The character’s adversary suffers the same penalties for example, having a reputation as a warmonger may make
Hatred as described earlier if he fails the Inspire Wrath those of like mind more easily swayed by the application of
opposed test, so long as Duel of Wits actions continue on influence, but may have the reverse effect on those who
subject matter that directly is influenced by the topic of the have a more subtle and nuanced approach to the threats
newly acquired Hatred. that face the Imperium.
The Reputations in this section cannot be gained by
Jaded simply purchases them with experience. Rather, Game
Masters are encouraged to award this type of boon as
Tier: 1
rewards for role-play and for the players taking particular
Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defense actions. If, for example, a character spends a great deal of
Effects: Characters with this talent are able to snap back time in acts of obvious piety, awarding them the Pious
much quicker from the predations of a Duel of Wits, being Observation reputation is both a reward for committed role-
accustomed to far harsher realities. They reduce the amount play and reinforces that part of the character’s behavior in
of rounds the character is considered helpless after a the future. Game Masters and players are also encouraged
Shocking Defeat by half, to a minimum of one round. to modify and invent reputations that effect influence to meet
Additionally, Jaded characters receive a +10 bonus to resist the circumstances of their campaign or character. These can
Incite actions and any Willpower tests incurred during a Duel also be used as rewards for particularly well crafted
of Wits. arguments won through a high-stakes Duel of Wits!

Master Orator Ally of The Departmento Munitorum

Tier: 3 The character is a close associate of the Departmento
Prerequisite: Inspire Wrath Munitorum, the military arm of the Adeptus Administratum
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership that is responsible for the gathering and distribution of every
Effects: Characters with the Master Orator talent may, aspect of the resources consumed by the Imperium’s armed
instead of forming their bodies of argument with their forces. The character may be closely involved in the supply
Willpower Bonus, exchange their Willpower Bonus for of men or material to the Munitorum, or indeed have held a
Fellowship Bonus. Thus, a Master Orator would roll an position of importance within the Departmento, and so has
appropriate skill to initiate the Duel of Wits and add the close ties with senior figures within its ranks. Such
Degrees of Success to his Fellowship Bonus to form his connections are of great use in securing the supply of
Body of Argument instead. weaponry, equipment and military aide.
Effect: Departmento Munitorum and Imperial Guard NPCs
initial Disposition increases by 5 when dealing with this
Peer (X) character.
Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
Specializations: Any listed in the setting, others at GM’s
discretion The character has a reputation for working towards the
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social conciliation of, and unity amongst, the various factions,
Effects: Characters who begin a Duel of Wits with a Peer divisions, and organizations that exist within the Imperium.
gain the +10 bonus to Fellowship and Influence based Skill This reputation allows the character to access equipment
Tests as they normally would. Additionally, character and aid from within those organizations that are the central
benefits from a +1 bonus to his body of argument at the pillars of Imperial order.
beginning of the Duel of Wits equal to each time this talent Effect: Adeptus Terra NPCs initial Disposition increases by
5 when dealing with this character.
has been rewarded upon him (i.e. Peer (2) would increase
the body of argument by +2).

69 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Committed Xanthite when attempting to manipulate the cult, if the character fails
any Interaction Skill Tests by four degrees or more, his
Within the Inquisition, the character is viewed as a radical
identity and role have been discovered by the cult or by
who embraces the Xanthite doctrine of using the enemies’
others outside of it. The Game Master should decide which,
weapons against them. This view may have been formed
and any appropriate consequences of this revealing of the
through deeds, rumor, or open declaration. To be viewed as
hidden cultist.
a Xanthite is highly dangerous as, perhaps of all radicals
factions, Xanthites are prone to the censure of their peers.
Effect: Other Committed Xanthites, heretics, and followers Oath Bonded to the Angels of Death
of Chaos increase their initial Disposition by 5 when dealing The character has an honor bond with one of the chapters
with this character. of Adeptus Astartes; a bond that is formed from debts of
respect and blood and sealed with solemn oaths. Such a
Crimelord bond is a very rare thing even within the ranks of the
Inquisition and is one of the greatest expressions of military
The character is a respected and feared figure amongst
power an individual can possess. Though an oath bond
criminal organizations within the Mandragora sector. His
carries with it no deference nor submission to the direct
Inquisitorial associations are either not known by his criminal
command of others, it affects the heart and soul of a Space
associates, or rumors of his power within the governing
Marine: his pride and honor. Invoking a bond of oaths, an
powers of the sector only help to enhance his mystique. The
character can call on the might of the Space Marines with a
character’s association with an Inquisitor and his Cadre may
familial request, and receive their aid with greater swiftness
be extremely useful in acquiring information and less than
and surety than the most renowned Inquisitors who petition a
savory help, but also makes dealings with keepers of
Chapter Master citing only the authority of the Holy Ordos.
Imperial or sector laws extremely difficult.
Such a bond may, however, inhibit him in his dealings with
Effect: NPCs from underworld and recidivists organizations,
other Chapters of Space Marines who may see the
and low-life scum such as hive gangs, assassin guilds and
character’s oath bond as precluding their involvement with
smugglers increase their initial Disposition by 10 when
one so closely connected to a single Chapter.
dealing with this character. Likewise, Adeptus Arbites or
Effect: Adeptus Astartes NPCS of the specific chapter initial
Enforces initial Disposition is decreased by 10 when dealing
Disposition increases by 20 when dealing with this character.
with this character.
All other Adeptus Astartes aware of this Oath Bond initial
Disposition decreases by 20.
The character has denounced the actions of one or more Outspoken Monodominant
of his peers, calling them unclean in the sight of the Emperor
The character is a fanatical puritan of the Monodominant
and citing evidence of their crimes. Such a denunciation can
creed who announces loudly his beliefs with impassioned
make others across the sector see the character as an
rhetoric and a history of deeds soaked in blood and fire.
unflinching servant of justice, while to others it may make
Such firebrand puritans are seen by many of their peers as,
him seem a traitor to the realities of the Imperium. Not all
at best, lacking subtlety, and at worst as crude, short-
denunciations result in the denounced being condemned; if
sighted, and dangerous. To others who share the character’s
he is not, then by making an unsupported denunciation, an
bombastic and intolerant beliefs, he is a shining example of
character casts his own judgment into doubt and makes at
what a true servant of the God-Emperor should be, and
least one enemy who never forgives him.
many can use their reputation to great effect when dealing
Effect: NPCs who agreed with the Denunciation initial
with those of a like mind. The Monodominants intolerance of
Disposition increases by 10 when dealing with the character.
psykers and mutants of all kinds also puts them into conflict
NPCs who disagreed with the Denunciation initial Disposition
with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, the Navis Nobilite, and
decreases by 10.
indeed other members of the Inquisition.
Effect: Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Navis Nobilite, and other
Hidden Cultist psyker NPCs decrease their initial Disposition by 20.
The character is secretly a member of the inner circle of a Similarly-minded Monodominant NPCs increase their Initial
cult. His identity concealed, the character can manipulate the Disposition by 20.
workings and activities of the cult from within, using them as
weapons against other enemies or as part of a wider and
more subtle conspiracy. The cult in question may be a sect
of the Imperial Creed, or a more sinister organization that
follows heretical beliefs, or even one that is engaged in the
worship of daemons and the Dark Gods of Chaos. In these
later cases, the character treads a dangerous path of
radicalism, on one side of which is the wrath of the heretics
they manipulate, and on the other discovery by and
condemnation of their peers.
Effect: Members of the Cult NPCs initial Disposition
increases by 5 when dealing with this character. However,

The Mandragora Apocrypha 70

Pious Observation weaker local faction against the might of the great
organizations of the Imperium. No matter what its source,
The character makes a great show of his devotion to the
such a reputation carries great weight amongst those who
Imperial Creed, and his intense faith in the Emperor is well
stand outside or beneath the iron pillars of Imperial authority.
known throughout his peers and those of consequence. The
Effect: Non-Adeptus Terra organizations or individual NPCs
character carries with him an air of gravity and holy purpose,
initial Disposition increases by 5 when dealing with this
often quoting from sacred works to illustrate his points, and
is arrayed in clothes woven in holy writ and is ever seeking
guidance through prayer. Such a reputation for devotion
makes him the natural ally of the Ecclesiarchy and those of Warmonger
most closely bound to the Imperial Creed. The character is a notorious warmonger who ferments
Effect: Adeptus Ministorum NPCs increase their initial violence and is unceasing in his advocacy of breaking any
Disposition by 5. threat with iron and fire. Such a reputation can win the
character many allies amongst the agencies of war within
Renowned Warrior the Imperium. It may also, however, turn others who hold a
more subtle and conciliatory philosophy away from aiding
The character is a warrior famed for his skill and bravery
and whose deeds are spoken of with respect by fellow
Effect: Military forces and NPCs initial Disposition increases
soldiers. Such a hero can use his renown as a tool to
by 5 when dealing with this character.
manipulate those who idolize him or are awed by his
reputation. From persuading Imperial Guard officers to
change their plans, to getting access into the restricted Watched from on High
records of Battle Fleet Mandragora, the renown of a warrior The character has been marked for greatness by the
earned in blood can open many doors far away from the powers that be who watch the progress of his career with a
battlefield. keen interest. When the character succeeds, the attention of
Effect: NPCs from the Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, or his superiors is confirmed, and his power and prestige is
PDF increase their initial Disposition by 5. enhanced by that of those whose eye he is beneath. Those
who watch over the character may be secret watchers whom
Revolutionary the character is completely unaware of, or they may be
powerful mentors amongst the most senior ranks of the
The character believes in dangerous philosophies that
organization in which they serve.
countenance change in the body Imperium. These views,
Effect: Whenever Influence is awarded for completing an
even if not loudly voiced, make him distrusted by the
adventure successfully, the character gains a bonus of +1
conservative forces that pervade the Imperium. Such
individuals, however, often cultivate contacts and
relationships with the most brilliant minds in the Imperium
and their allies may be found in unexpected places both high Worthy Of the Mandragoran Elite
and low. The character moves amongst the most refined social
Effect: NPCs from organizations in which NPCs have a circles of the sector, and is welcomed in the company of the
similar progressive spirit increases their initial Disposition by most wealthy and powerful as an equal. Such associations
5 when dealing with this character. give the character unrivalled influence over, and knowledge
of, the nobility. However, as is true for any who move
Throne-Agent amongst the high born, the character has acquired enemies
and vendettas like a flame gathers insects.
Also known as a Trusted Acolyte, the term “Throne Agent”
Effect: Nobles and Highborn NPCs increase their initial
or "Agent of the Throne" is used throughout the Imperium to
Disposition by 20 when dealing with this character. However,
indicate an Acolyte who has ascended to the higher ranks of
the character has a number of enemies who have sworn a
the Inquisition. Throne Agents have much greater degrees of
vendetta against him for some real or imagined insult or
freedom, power, and responsibility than an Acolyte, and
slight. The character has a number of enemies equal to the
therefore have earned their title.
to his Influence bonus. As his influence increases, the
Effects: When applying the effects of Hatred of the
character acquires new enemies amongst the nobility. Each
Inquisition or Awe of the Inquisition, increase or decrease
enemy actively works against the character to undermine
the effects by an additional 5.
him, thwart his activities, or assassinate him. Each enemy
must be individually identified by the Game Master, though
Voice of the Masses their identities may be unknown to the character. Each
The character has cultivated a wide and popular enemy has an influence equal to the character's influence at
reputation as someone who empathizes with those outside the time that the enemy is made, –10. This means that as
of the spheres of direct Imperial power. Such a reputation the character's influence grows, the character makes
may have been acquired from sermons on the importance of progressively more and more powerful enemies amongst the
all faithful subjects of the God-Emperor, or it may be that he sector’s elite.
has acquired a reputation as one who has backed the

71 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Traits described as normal, with a few additional exceptions. At the
start of every Exchange, each group nominates a single
Traits usually represent an innate or physical aspect of a speaker; it is this character who performs the volleys. The
character, and the majority of Traits have a limited impact in group can choose a new speaker at the start of every
a Duel of Wits. However, some Traits undeniably influence a Exchange, or the same speaker can stay in the role. The
process from there remains the same.
social encounter, especially if that Trait describes a
character’s unusual physical aspect or countenance. Bestial,
Daemonic, Fear, From Beyond, Incorporeal, Multiple Arms, Table 3-8: Crowd Disposition
Size, Stuff of Nightmares, and Swarm are all Traits that Descriptor Personality
could have an impact. This is not an exhaustive list though; if Accepting Submissive
Ambivalent Clever
the GM thinks another Trait can affect a social encounter, Antagonistic Confident
then it should also qualify for the following rule. Hostile Aggressive
A character with such Traits can have a positive, neutral,
or negative effect in the forthcoming encounter at the GM’s
discretion. This depends on the context; a character who
causes Fear is a boon when attempting to cow or intimidate Optional Rule:
an opponent, for example, but can be a hindrance when
trying to charm or assuage a target. The GM should Overawe
summarize if a character’s Traits give the character an Influence is more than just connections and
overall positive, negative, or neutral contribution. A modifier resources, it is reputation. It is a powerful metaphorical
is then awarded: +10 for a positive effect, –10 for a negative force that cannot easily be ignored. If Warmaster
connotation, and +0 for neutral. This is used along with any Golgenna Angevin, leader of the Angevin Crusade,
other modifiers associated with the social encounter. strode into a chamber flanked by his most astute
A character’s Traits can affect a Duel of Wits even if he is advisors and body guards, it is almost inconceivable
not the primary contributor. A character who is providing that a lowly emissary would call him out, or flat out
Assistance or is part of a group or crowd involved in a Duel insult him. That is the power of a high Influence score.
of Wits can have his Traits taken into account as described Attacking such a being in a social context should feel
above. as intimidating, and an uphill struggle. Game Masters
can replicate this type of situation at the start of a Duel
Increasing The Scope of Wits using Overawe. Under this rule, the character
with the lower Influence score must immediately make
The rules as detailed so far have assumed Duel of Wits a Willpower Test to enter into a Duel of Wits with his
and interactions happen on a one-to-one basis, but this is far opponent. The test is modified with a penalty equal to
from always the case. There are many occasions when ten times the difference of the influence Bonus
characters must engage with more than a single foe. In the between the two Characters.
course of trying to achieve their objectives, they are If the character passes the test, he has overcome
sometimes called upon to turn crowds to their cause, the raw presence of his adversary and can engage in
convince entire organizations, or even bind a Sector Lord the Duel of Wits as normal. However, if the character
and his retinue to their collective will through persuasion, fails the test, then his own body of argument is
petitions, intimidation, or threats. immediately reduced by half, and he suffers a -10
The following allows for building on the previous rules to penalty to all Willpower related tests throughout the
increase the scope of Duel of Wits. The rules below are process.
more ideal for players and GMs looking for a more in-depth Should a character find himself in this position, then
and lengthy experience for dealing with larger groups, rather he may voluntarily withdraw from the Duel of Wits
than the normal Interaction rules for simple encounters. before it begins. His would-be opponent is simply too
formidable for the character, and he rethinks verbal
Groups versus Groups conflict before entering into something he would
A Duel of Wits that is dealing with multiple participants on struggle to recover from, let alone
triumph over.
both sides is a distinct possibility. There are several ways for
a Game Master to run this situation. Firstly, he can pair up
opponents, and then run them as a series of Duel of Wits. It
is rare to get an even match-up so one participant may have
to deal with two or more opponents; this is covered as
normal with individuals providing Assistance to each side, or
with only one side gaining some form of advantage. The
other method is to establish a Greater Duel of Wits. In this
situation, the encounter is divided into the two opposing
groups. Both sides add their entire Willpower and Influence
together and divides by ten. This creates each groups’ body
of argument. A Greater Duel of Wits then continues as

The Mandragora Apocrypha 72

Crowd Control Table 3-9: Size of Crowd
Characters can find themselves encountering large Crowd Number Collective Willpower
groups, and not just armies or enemy factions intent on 0-10 10
11-50 20
killing them. Hab-slaves on their way to the pits, galley-dregs 51-100 30
laboring in the depths of a cruiser, lost colonists who have 101-300 40
forgotten the Imperium, even a xenos race staring in wonder 301-1000 50
1001-200 60
at the alien players - all can be useful tools to a character’s
2001-5000 70
cause. Riots, rebellions, and regicides have happened 5001-10,000 80
throughout history and often it has been a few charismatic 10,001+ 90
and opportunistic individuals that have sparked the flames of
such “liberty.” Learning to control and manipulate the mob is
a useful ability to have, for a crowd that is hostile to the
player characters is clearly more difficult to influence than an
Optional Rule:
ambivalent one. The larger the crowd, however, the more Hecklers and Supporters
intransigent it is. An optional rule when swaying crowds is to allow for
The Game Master can use a variant of the Duel of Wits hecklers and supporters. To do this, note the Degrees
rules to indicate how successful the players are in swaying a of Success or Failure a character makes when making
crowd, but note that a crowd is a different entity in itself. A a Duel of Wits action. Every Degree of Failure
crowd is a more passive entity, although if angered, a mob represents a heckler in the crowd, jeering the speaker,
can quickly turn violent against the characters. and counts as a -10 penalty in the following test in the
Before the characters can tackle the crowd, the Game next volley only. Every Degree of Success represents
Master must define it through two questions: a supporter, a member of the crowd that embraces the
 How large is the crowd? characters' cause. Every supporter gives the
 What is the crowd’s Disposition and Personality? speaker a +10 modifier in the following
The size of the crowd determines its collective Willpower. volley only.
The crowd’s Disposition decides the Disposition modifier.
See Table 3-8: Size of Crowd and 3-9: Crowd Disposition
to determine these levels.
Once a crowd has been defined, the characters can try
and sway it to their cause. This is performed similarly to a
Duel of Wits, with some key differences. First, the group
must select a speaker. The speaker can receive Assistance
from his fellow player characters as normal. He can attempt
to Overawe the audience (see sidebar on the previous
page); to do this the GM assumes the crowd has an
Influence equal to its Collective Willpower. A crowd
successfully Overawed loses half of their body of argument
instead of the usual d5. The Duel of Wits progresses as
If the character wins, then the crowd can be swayed. It is
now willing to do a single simple task under the character’s
direction, such as begin rioting, march upon their sovereign’s
palace, or disperse from rioting, but is unable to take more
complex direction such as executing an elaborate battle
plan, as the characters are dealing with a fragile group
mentality. If the character loses, then the crowd ridicules,
heckles the character or turns hostile; in the later, the group
needs an exit strategy or must resort to more brutal methods
to get what they want. If at any point the speaker rolls a
natural 100 when using an Incite action during an Exchange,
then the crowd immediately turns aggressive and sets about
the character and his comrades. Hopefully, the characters
have prepared for such a contingency.

73 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Social Encounters holy relic for luck and protection, while a greedy merchant-
prince is likely to dress in opulent fabrics and care little for
anything that does not ensure a profit. Keeping these details
Any scene in which the primary focus is on interaction
consistent with each other makes an NPC feel alive and real,
between the PCs and one or more NPCs can be termed a
just as a carefully-used out of place element can be a useful
social encounter. These encounters can range widely in tone clue to perceptive players about a hidden agenda.
and style, from the interrogation of a captured heretic to
subtle political games at a ball hosted by Imperial nobles.
They are generally simpler mechanically than combat
Using Personality
encounters or other overtly hazardous situations, but the
need to maintain an interesting and consistent portrayal of The personality rules on page 51 can serve several
the NPCs involved makes the GM’s careful attention just as different functions, depending on the NPC in question and
crucial. the inclinations of the GM. Perhaps the simplest use can be
to take the example personalities to flesh out interactions
with minor NPCs. This can serve as a variation on the purely
The Role Of Social Encounters In The Narrative
narrative details used to differentiate such characters, or it
As with any kind of scene in the game, the plot of a social can be used as an additional level of nuance in depicting
encounter should hinge on someone wanting something. them. If the GM makes a habit of doing this, he may find it
However, while it can be quite obvious what the opposition useful to create additional personality profiles to cover more
wants in a combat encounter (usually the Acolytes’ heads on archetypes or situations. For example, switching up some of
a platter), social encounters are not always as direct. The the modifiers in the Submissive personality could create a
more important and lengthy the Game Master wants a social Nervous profile for fearful witnesses or cowardly captives.
encounter to be, the more he should control such information Alternately, the GM could simply apply the Submissive
and its delivery. profile and some judicious situational modifiers for such an
For an encounter of little narrative significance, the Game NPC.
Master should be fine keeping things simple. Buying a Personalities can also serve to add mechanical depth to a
lasgun rarely involves complex negotiations or ulterior more detailed NPC. After spending extensive time preparing
motives. However, the central conflict of a social encounter a major figure, the last thing the GM wants is to stumble over
can often involve a degree of manipulation or deception if the presentation of the NPC during the session. Some NPCs
some of the parties involved have opposing desires. If the might be natural fits for the existing personalities, while more
goals of the Player Characters are in accord with the NPCs unusual characters, such as aliens or maddened cultists,
with whom they interact, the scene can instead serve to might merit building new ones from the ground up. Most
further their solidarity and mutual trust, or to setup a different major NPCs fall somewhere in between, using an existing
conflict down the road. However, it is generally not worth set of modifiers alongside additional custom tools to
giving a great amount of time or attention to a scene where represent their particular predilections. Possibilities for
everyone involved spends all their time agreeing on a course further details include modifiers for the social standing of the
of action when they could be pursuing it actively. speaker or even a tie-in to Subtlety with different responses
to subtle or overt approaches.
Playing Npcs The GM should always strive to keep the mechanical
A given social encounter is usually only as interesting as results from an NPC’s personality aligned with their narrative
the characters involved in it. While the Player Characters portrayal. If the GM has previously established that an
can and should hold up some of this load, the Game Master Aggressive NPC is susceptible to flattery, he should not
must be able to keep each encounter fresh and engaging apply penalties to Charm tests made for that purpose simply
with his portrayal of new or recurring characters. Those because of the guidelines in that profile. Developing custom
NPCs with temporary or minor roles can usually be personalities or modifier sets can help with this, but the
portrayed with only a bit of additional color or detail to foremost thing that should be remembered is that the
distinguish them, such as an unusual mannerism or personalities are a tool used to assist in an NPC’s portrayal,
distinctive appearance. For such characters, something as rather than ironclad laws governing their reactions. They
minor as a memorable catchphrase or article of clothing can work best when the mechanics are woven in with the
serve to make them unique enough to serve their purpose. narrative. When an Acolyte successfully interrogates a
However, NPCs who are intended for extended or repeated Clever NPC, the GM can represent the bonus gained
interaction with the Acolytes deserve more consideration in through having the NPC’s response colored with a
their design. fascination with his own genius, or present it as an outright
One of the most important things to consider when monologue of admission to the obvious simpletons who dare
designing a major NPC is his goal, both in general and with to question such wisdom. Simply applying modifiers without
regards to the Acolytes. Knowing an NPC’s agenda in a accounting for them in the narrative can lead to players
given encounter makes a convincing and realistic portrayal feeling as though their actions are irrelevant or even
considerably easier, and can lend itself to defining other nonsensical, and can severely diminish their engagement
details. Knowing the goals and values of an NPC can be an with the game.
excellent leaping-off point for developing more obvious and
colorful details. A devout follower of the Emperor might
invoke the names of saints at every opportunity or bear a

The Mandragora Apocrypha 74

Using Disposition
An NPC’s disposition allows the GM to measure the
degree to which an NPC might be favorably or unfavorably and Groups
disposed towards the Acolytes. In this respect, the initial Often, an Acolyte finds himself in situations where
Disposition of the NPC can set the opening tone of any he needs to convince, mislead, or command multiple
social interaction, and any changes in Disposition caused by NPCs simultaneously. When using a Social skill to
the use of social skills by the arguments are having an affect a group, a player resolves the test as normal,
effect. If the GM has set the NPC’s initial disposition at an with the following changes:
indifferent 50, then raising it to 75 over the course of a scene  The test is only modified once for Personality. It is
is very clearly a significant change in the NPC’s judgment of rare for an entire group to possess the same
the Acolytes, while lowering it to 40 could represent setting a Personality, so the GM should choose which to use.
minor but noticeably poor impression. As with Personalities, This is usually the most vocal or commanding
these reactions should be integrated into the narrative of the person in the group, but it might also be a quiet but
social encounter, so that a particularly successful test might respected elder, or a character holding a position of
mean something was said that struck a chord with the NPC, authority within the group.
while a disastrous failure should have a good explanation for  The test affects a number of NPCs equal to the
his suddenly fouled mood. Acolyte’s Fellowship bonus. Regardless of which
Disposition can be tested like any other characteristic in Personality was used to modify the test difficulty,
order to determine an NPC’s reaction to a particular each NPC reacts according to his
suggestion, request, or other prompt. Using it in this way can individual Personality.
give value to the Acolytes’ use of social skills, as they ply the
NPC’s favor until their chances are better. However,
sometimes a direct approach to the decision can be more Game Master wishes to remain impartial or desires the
appropriate. Asking an NPC to do something absurd or outcome of a major event to be left in the hands of fate.
dangerous at no benefit to him should usually be rejected
out of hand, regardless of his Disposition (and could even Using Social Skills
merit lowering it), while suggesting that the NPC do
something he is already inclined to do is unlikely to fail. In While it is possible to carry out a social encounter without
such situations, the GM might find that using the NPC’s resorting to tests, it is usually useful to rely on certain skills
judgment - his current Disposition - to deliver a definite “yes” to help direct the flow of the encounter. In particular, the
or “no” response is more reasonable than rolling a Charm, Command, Deceive, Intimidate, and Scrutiny skills
Disposition test. Such a result could also be used as a are useful interaction skills. Testing these skills serves
reward for particularly clever arguments that have an effect several purposes. First, it allows a player who is not
not easily measurable with a simple change in Disposition. In inherently eloquent or persuasive to play a character who
less certain cases, a Disposition test can be used to finalize possesses those qualities, just as a small player can have a
the results of the Acolytes’ persuasive efforts. large PC, or a clever player can choose to play a foolish PC.
Second, it can help ease the GM’s burden of decision, if he
Using Duel of Wits is unsure of how to portray a particular NPC’s reaction. And
finally, the impartiality of the dice can make sure the players
When dealing with very important NPCs, utilizing the Duel feel their arguments are being judged fairly, if there are
of Wits mechanics allows the Game Master to both narrate concerns that the GM might be biased or unresponsive.
the encounter while remaining largely impartial, allowing the Although all of these factors make skill tests a useful part
multitude of rolls involved to adjudicate the results of the of the framework for social encounters, they should not be
players and characters actions. It is a useful and used as the sole method of resolution. It is not very engaging
recommended system for encounters that should feel more to simply roll dice and move on from an encounter without
in-depth and not dependent on a singular lucky roll. any narrative structure. Therefore, the GM should restrain
Duel of Wits can also be used in connected form to deliver from calling for tests of social skills, except where it changes
intense negotiations between the players and the an element of the conversation. If an Acolyte is simply trying
representatives of large factions or organizations. Where to be friendly in a conversation, this does not require a
using social skills is perfectly acceptable and reasonable Charm test, and can be represented by role-playing the
when dealing with a singular merchant or PDF trooper, conversation normally. However, an Acolyte who is hoping
finessing favor with the watch-commander of the Planetary that his charming manner distracts attention from a matter
Defense Force or Trade Guild they belong to is a matter jeopardizing negotiations might be called upon to make such
altogether larger and more important affair! a test. The difference is in both the goal and the potential
By incorporating Dispositions and Personalities as results. In the first case, success is simple to assume and
described above and within the Duel of Wits guidelines, this does not significantly impact the overall narrative. The
system takes the approach of creating strong and unique second case is instead one where success or failure could
encounters with lasting effects on the players and the lead to very different outcomes.
campaign, or provide a framework to work with then the The GM should generally not allow the use of social skills

75 The Mandragora Apocrypha

to bypass an NPC’s Disposition - modeling the charming Deceive
distraction above with simply a Charm test without taking
Deceive can misdirect or confuse the attention or
into account the NPC’s current Disposition of 30, for
understanding of others. Deceive works best when the target
example. It is usually more appropriate for a persuasive
lacks a means of challenging the misleading message. It is
effort to be tested as an attempt to modify Disposition,
not typically possible to use this skill to make someone
followed by a Disposition test using the new score being the
believe something while they are being presented with direct
attempt to bring about the desired result. This allows
evidence to the contrary, or for the effects of a Deceive test
decisions to be affected by an in-depth discussion or debate
to survive such a presentation after the fact. For this reason,
over multiple skill tests, and can give more of the Acolytes
it is extremely difficult to use Deceive to change someone’s
an opportunity to have an impact on the results. Simply
mind on topics with significant opposing evidence, or on
cutting through to the final outcome can save time for minor
which they have considerable experience. In such situations,
issues, but decisive topics should be treated with the
Deceive tests should be made at severe penalties, if they
appropriate weight.
are possible at all.
While social skills can be used to change certain elements
of a conversation, there are certain things a given skill
cannot do, or that cannot be achieved with persuasion alone.
As a general rule, social skills cannot do anything an This skill serves to gain information from others through
extremely perceptive and persuasive individual could not duress or threats (whereas Interrogation relies on
accomplish with the same methods in the real world. Some psychology, specialized tools, serums, and other means).
more detailed guidelines on what is and is not possible for Using Intimidate is dependent on the target being vulnerable
each of the social skills can be found below. to coercion through fear or pain, and cannot function against
those who disregard such concerns. It also should not be
Charm used when the testing character lacks the ability to cause
such an effect, such as if they are in an obviously weaker
Charm can make NPCs view a character more favorably,
position than the NPC whom they are attempting to alarm. In
but it generally cannot influence an NPC without at least
such situations, Intimidate tests should be made at severe
some foundation of regard to build upon. While it can defuse
penalties, if they are possible at all.
a hostile situation, it cannot typically change the minds of
It should also be noted that Intimidate cannot provide
those already set on a character’s destruction. Charm is of
information a target does not know, although it can yield
little to no use against a character’s sworn enemies, the
false leads from someone without any better information to
insane, or the inhuman. In such situations, Charm tests
provide. In such cases, a successful Intimidate test simply
should be made at severe penalties, if they are possible at
frightens the individual into providing whatever information
he believes might placate the testing character.

Command Scrutiny
As a skill, Command can inspire or direct those with a
Scrutiny allows a character to discern the subtleties of an
cause to view the speaker’s words as authoritative. This
exchange that are not directly spoken. It can note
authority does not need to be formalized in an official chain
conspicuously avoided topics, unease, mistrust, fear, and
of command, but it must be one that exists prior to the
similar cues. However, no Scrutiny test can determine what
attempted use of this skill. Furthermore, its effective use
another character is thinking, only how they seem to think or
requires that the NPCs being commanded consider the
feel based on available evidence.
orders or speaker to be worth obeying. It is of little to no use
These tests cannot provide proof that someone is or is not
when used on those with no respect, regard, or fear for the
lying, or definitively pin down the reason behind a given
testing character, or when used on NPCs who lack a reason
argument or behavior. Such a test can only provide actual
to consider him an authority. In such situations, Command
evidence for things than can be perceived with the senses,
tests should be made at severe penalties, if they are
although the GM may offer conjecture as to possible causes
possible at all.
at his discretion.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 76

likely from self flagellation. Zane could not help to notice the
he peak tapered to a cliff edge where a statue stood heavily reinforced bionics around his neck and interface port.
erect. A woman garbed in flowing robes of the Ecclesiarchy - "They say," Somix Sulfrenblud's voice was deep and thick,
no doubt a depiction of one of Mandragora's many saints. piercing through the current easily. "You would deny me
Beneath it, Lord Somix Sulfrenblud knelt, his back exposed entry into Sulfrengard."
as his voice echoed a prayer against the howling winds. Zane chose his words carefully. He had gathered some
Zane Crovan recognized the prayer as one preceding form of audience with the sacristans and the bannermen, not
martyrdom, prompting him to halt. including his own comrades. "I seek to deny you nothing,
"This is a very serious matter. The utmost respect is Lord Sulfrenblud. Only for you to see greater glories in the
required here," Zane said to his comrades. "It seems, Lord times to come."
Sulfrenblud is atoning martyrdom. This may complicate Miron-596 briefly examined the contents of the historio-
affairs, or make them easier." vault he had accessed early, plucking extracts of the
"Martyrdom? For what reason?" Miron-596 inquired in his Sulfrenblud's long and storied history. He would need to be
dry, methodic pitch. prepared.
"I'm not sure," Zane admitted. "We'll have to find out, "Glory means nothing to me," Somix chastised, seeking to
before we continue further." dismiss the priest. "for I am haunted day and night by the
They would not have to wait long. A sacristan approached screams of my child, my first born heir, ripped from my wife's
them, raising his hand in greeting as he approached. "The arms by the green angel the emperor sent to punish my
priest has arrived at last!" The sacristan decreed loudly, the kind."
relief in his metallic voice apparent. Zane approached, stopping when he reached within arms
For whatever reason, they were expecting a priest of the length of the patriarch.
Ecclesiarchy, and this suited the acolytes' needs. Without "It is not just glory for yourself, friend," He began with a
missing a beat, Zane nodded his head in recognition. soft timbre to his voice. Zane wasn't exactly sure where he
"The contingency from house Lemant has come through. was going to go with this, but he had to start somewhere.
We appreciate your assistance, priest-ecclesiarch," The "Glory for oneself serves many purposes, but glories for
unnamed sacristan continued. house, glories for cause, glories for your lord..."
Zane turned to Severan, and Severan turned to Zane. Miron-596 interjected once again, and this time Zane was
With a quick raise of his shoulders, the scion of house grateful for the dry and meticulous voice cutting in.
Lemant turned to face the sacristan. "Priest Zane is correct," Miron's words were overlapped
"My services are yours," Zane continued. briefly as a secondary enunciation declared ' accessing
"The Lord Sulfrenblud seeks repentance in death. He is archives' as he continued. "was it not your great grandfather,
the last of his line, and we hoped that a man of the cloth Amex sulfrenblud, who even as both of his comrades fell in
could convince him - sway him - from this biological error in battle, marched alone against the greenskin menace,
reasoning." carving a bloody path to their warlord. In his death throes,
The Skitari Miron-596 interjected. "If he is incapable of even as his knight collapsed, dealt a killing blow to the
procreation, the Divisio Biologis offers alternatives." waaagh that threatened Vrai Sombra."
"Oh my, it seems.." Zane seemed flustered as Miron's "Such great epics of my house are long gone, burnt to
droned on. He raised a brow. "Error you say?" ashes long ago. It is for this reason the Emperor demands
"The death of the last scion is not a wanted outcome," The my death. I see it now, he sent the angel to kill me, and in
sacristan clarified, before dismissing the skitari's suggestion. my own heretical way I struck his three serpent-eyed angel
"and reproduction via vat-cloning is a falsehood that would down. This is my punishment, this is my atonement. You will
dishonor the lineage of House Sulfrenblud." not convince me with your empty words, priest, skitarri."
"Then I must have words with him!" Zane declared with Miron-596 only murmured in a low binharic, ""Hmmm"
new found urgency. Zane turned towards Somix again. "Well, Lord
"Lord Priest of the Ecclesiarchy, convince our lord, I beg Sulfrenblud, I can tell you this. The Emperor would not
of you. Convince him of the Omnissiah's wisdom to continue demand your death, he would demand your service for your
serving - in life." repentance. Come now, will you not see reason?"
Zane would have snickered were it not for the importance "My wife, my child, they're dead - beyond grasp," Somix
of forging this alliance. Instead, he admonished simply. "If it said. "I long to join them in Sulfrengard where we can wage
is the Omnissiah's wisdom he seeks, he may find it on his war eternal."
own. However, there is still a light that he can serve in this Completely ignoring his points, Zane pressed on, "Your
world. " He turned to the others. " Come, we shall wait for his house, they still wish to serve. And you, your here, begging
acknowledgement." for martyrdom, begging for your punishment," He was
The bannermen of house Sulfrenblud stood watching dismissive, angry now. "You will see reason!"
some distance away. His most devoted retainers waited in The priest pointed at Somix.
silence, their loyalty surpassing the fatigue and exhaustion "Death is no fit punishment for one of such lineage as
that threatened them. Beyond them, at the plinth Somix' yours! You can be part of something greater than your own
prayer had come to an end. He at last rose, grasping the hilt honor, greater than even your own house, holding together
of an unadorned, but sturdy and vicious looking chain blade the very bonds of knighthood. Do this, and that will be your
that he balanced himself up with. His back had been punishment. Service!"
bleeding from a multitude of self-inflicted wounds - most "This is correct," Miron added. "The death of your house,
by such inglorious means - how will that reflect on your "We do not get to choose our own fates. We just fight for
houses actions during the purging of Turjhien IV. Was it not what we believe in, the light of the Emperor choosing were
your ancestor that lead the charge against the renegade we fall," Zane admonished him. "It would be arrogance to
forces and broke the back of their vile assault? How does assume otherwise!"
this compare to those actions?" Miron appraised Zane's expression, and then Somix'.
For the first time, the assassin Lazarus Tybalt broke his "Your family Sulfrenblud was granted their Questoris knights
silence. "How can you take the easy way out, when your in recognition of their steadfast devotion, their strength of
body is still able to serve? Ending your service now, that will will, and their martial spirit. Destruction on some far away
be the real dishonor." and pointless battlefield is no way to honor the service the
Somix gripped his bloodied hand on his chain blade hilt. Omnissiah demands of you, and of your knight."
Clenching tightly and with the ache of the many self-inflicted Somix breathed in heavily, taking a step back. And then
wounds fueling his anger, he rebuked. "No! The Emperor is another step back, and another, until he pressed himself
a god of death, and he demands our death. I shall answer against the plinth of Saint Praenta. Collapsing down against
the call that he brought up our house!" the ash covered ground, he began to cry into his own
Lord Sulfrenblud turned then, facing the acolytes for the shoulder.
first time. His visage was almost frightening; his jaw With a nod of self approval, Zane approached slowly and
mechanized, his brows lacking hair and scars adorning his knelt down in front of him. With a soft hiss, he unclasped his
shaven scalp. mask. "Being able to endure the tests tried against us is the
"Saint Praenta did not hesitate the call to martyrdom. sign of true strength. It is not weakness, it is not shame. It is
Saint Elnar did not hesitate when the call was given, and no mere glory, it is something greater than anyone of us
now my time has come. The Emperor's light shines upon me could comprehend," he ended in a whisper, offering his
and you say I must walk away from this glorious ascension?" hand.
"He sounds delusional..." Lazarus Tybalt muttered With a tilt of his head, Somix stared up. "What would you
beneath his breath through a sub-vocalization. have me do? How would you have me serve?"
"So, you say your ancestors did not hesitate the call of the Before the priest could answer, Miron-596 turned to the
Emperor? Well, let me tell you this, the Emperor would not sacristan who had been silent witness. He grabbed the pelt
demand so little of you. What would he demand of someone cloak the Sacristan now offered. "It appears Lord Sulfrenblud
of such grand lineage as you, as someone," Zane Crovan is without the panoply of his station."
was red with a strange sensation stuck between indignation "Indeed," Zane decreed, and with great care, took Somix'
and righteous fury. "Someone so sturdy! Someone so hand and helped him rise. Taking the cloak from Miron, he
durable! Someone whose...Stonehearted, to stand against placed it upon Sulfrenblud's shoulders, and calmly
the tide? What would he demand? Should you know!" continued. "Dark times ahead of us. Petty squabbles in the
Somix glared at him, his amber eyes piercing in the cold court divide us, leave us weak. In pursuit of arrogant goals,
night. "You, you idiot!" He almost spat threateningly, but personal glory, forgetting what a knight truly is. What I ask of
somehow weakly. "Do not stand between me and my you," He turned to Severan. "Is that you aid us, in keeping
destiny! I will split asunder any that stand in my path!" the security of House Lemant together. Divided we shall fall,
Zane cast his eyes downwards at that moment, trying to but together, together we can accomplish grand things."
calm his shaking hands, before he looked up and past him. Severan had come closer, leaning forward with an
"Such fervor, such intensity," He said. "Wasted." extended arm. "Help us survive, and through us,
"My home is gone. My family is gone. All that I have left is Sulfrenblud's blood will run eternal."
to fight," Somix echoed, his own convictions faltering. "I am a It was then that Somix grabbed Severan's arm, embracing
Questoris knight. This is my destiny. This is my fate!" him in an oathbond shared between two Questoris knights.
Clasping his hands over the interlocked arms, Zane spoke a
quick prayer, officiating the bond with words of faith and
fidelity. Some short distance behind them, the closest
bannermen of House Sulfrenblud began to take
knee, followed by those behind them, and those
behind them. The wind picked up, bellowing
Somix' pelt cloak.
"My strength is your strength, my men are
your men. And unto my dying days, I shall
see House Lemant rise to greatness once
more. For this is what the priest of my God-
Emperor demands of me," Somix turned to
his own retainers. "Solidarity..."

- Excerpts of the infamous Duel of Wits

between Confessor Zane Crovan and Lord-
Preceptor Somix Sulfrenblud of Trackus IV,
as witnessed at the Basilica Trackus,
Embassy of Forge World Hepheron.
Life in the Mandragora Sector several degrees stronger than the Terran 'standard'. The
plant life might be poisonous or the air may corrode most
fabrics. Despite these differences, humans have adapted
"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is and their culture have evolved to deal with them.
to live the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. This is the That being said, there is still a common Imperial culture to
tale of these times. It is a universe you can live today if you dare – for be found. On some uncivilized worlds only a few places may
this is a dark and terrible era where you will find little comfort or hope.
exhibit Imperial culture, perhaps only the capital, or a space
If you want to take part in the adventure then prepare yourself now.
Forget the power of technology, science and common humanity. station orbiting the planet or on a few ships paying a port of
Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for this no peace call. On other worlds Imperial culture is predominant,
amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the integrated at every strata of the planets society.
laughter of thirsting gods. But the universe is a big place and, For the interstellar traveler the culture of local worlds is at
whatever happens, you will not be missed…." best a curiosity, but far more often is usually an annoyance.
An interstellar traveler expects that on any world he lands
- Anonymous
on, he will get in the same STC armored limo, be taken to
the same sort of fortified villa and meet with people wearing
he Imperium of Man is vast and diverse, held tenuously robes and icons much like his. Whatever madness is going
on outside of that familiar bubble is of no concern to him.
together by a thin commonality that stretches across all the
known worlds that fly the Aquila. For the vast majority of the
human species, the Imperium is all they know. Their
education, their religion, their daily life all revolve around Technology follows the same sort of split; there is
Imperial society and its teachings. They take for granted that standard Imperial technology which is rugged, reliable and
the Emperor is their god and that he is a demanding and works almost anywhere. Then there are local products which
vengeful god who will punish transgressors. But he is also may be less advanced or more advanced than Imperial
their shield and protection against the myriad of horrors that technology but usually rely on materials, fuels or expertise
plague the galaxy. that can only be found on that world. A planet may have
The Imperium itself is under siege across its borders, and skimmers and other high tech vehicles in common use, but
on all sides, by the barbaric and ravenous xenos species because they require a certain rare mineral or because they
that infest the galaxy, all who seek to claim human lives or only work in that planet's intense magnetic field they are not
dominate their worlds beneath alien banners. For an Imperial seen anywhere else. Institutions that function on many
subject, evil and sin are not abstract threats - they are real, worlds, including trading houses and Imperial institutions will
tangible threats. The existence of these very real monsters shun local workmanship for tested and reliable STC designs.
gives them strength in their commitment and faith. The Adeptus Mechanicus usually has the most advanced
The Imperium is the thin line between trillions of people technology on any planet. No world, no matter how
and certain doom. But the Imperium is also an incredibly advanced, no matter how hard it tries, can match the tech
repressive regime. The only true 'right' a citizen of the priests' level of ability. Even blinded by superstition and
Imperium has is the right to serve the Emperor. Everything misinformation they have billions of people working on
else exists in states of various flux, depending on influence thousands of worlds for millennia to develop their
and servitude to those more powerful, and the protection of technology. But on certain rare occasions a 'local'
patronage. An Imperial citizen might by summarily executed manufacturer might create a new variant that is so useful
to be made an example to others. They may be imprisoned and so reliable the Adeptus Mechanicus will sanctify it for
or tortured for crimes committed by members of their Imperial use. While this might seem a great honor for the
families, even distant ancestors. Or they may be above the manufacturer, the fact is the Machine Priests will also
law thanks to powerful connections. All citizens will live - and proclaim the invention was rediscovered from a prior age.
die - under the tireless and relentless churning of the Thus new tools and weapons are brought into the Imperium
Imperium of Man, their roles in life entirely inconsequential to while preserving the myth that all technology is a product of
the annuals of Imperial history. the wisdom of the ancients inspired by the Machine God.

Imperial Culture & Local Worlds Faith

The Imperial faith has proven incredibly flexible and
resilient, finding ways to adapt to countless worlds by
The Imperium of Man comprises over a million inhabited
integrating elements of existing local faiths. Quick-thinking
worlds. On some worlds the Imperium's power can be found
missionaries might teach that the local sun god is just
on every street corner and household, in others the
another name for the Emperor, or that the local earth
Imperium might be nothing more than a distant myth, the
goddess wed a Primarch during liberation. Over time the
only sign of its reality is a once in a century sighting of a
central Ecclesiarchy will attempt to bring the faith in line with
warship on patrol or a transport coming to collect tithes.
more orthodox beliefs. Usually with varying results.
Worlds are islands separated by vast reaches of
Most worlds will have a few temples and cathedrals
potentially hostile space and months of travel. Each has its
staffed by off-world priests and teaching in accordance with
own unique history stretching back millennia. Each world
the rest of the Imperium. But there will also be countless
also has basic differences from the norm - perhaps the day
shrines and cults with more divergent beliefs. Imperial cities
on one world is just 17 hours, or maybe the gravity is a

77 The Mandragora Apocrypha

are infested with rival sects and differing doctrines whose with barter, oath sworn obligations and local scrip, but they
self-appointed preachers jockey for converts and influence. will keep a small pile of real currency for the times they must
The Imperium will usually suffer their continuation as long do business outside their local region.
they do not stray too far from the orthodoxy. Witch hunters
and Inquisitors are kept busy inspecting their sacred texts Violence and Weapons
and sermons to ensure they have not crossed the line into
The Imperium is a violent place. The God-Emperor is a
god of war, his empire founded in blood. Peace is not even
an aspiration, it leads to complacency and corruption.
Transportation Bombings, assassinations, riots, and even full street battles
Like their appearance, transportation available to the are common. Cities and continents on the same Imperial
citizens of the Imperium depends on their class and social world may go to war over resources, land or pride. Sects,
standing. The upper classes have chauffeured, armored gangs and noble houses settle their differences with raids
limos, fliers and even rolling palaces to deliver them to their and massacres. As long as things don't get too out of hand
meetings, balls and summer villas. The lower classes are the Imperium won't object. The Adeptus Terra may even
generally housed near their places of work and walk to the encourage it to help identify promising military leaders and
few places they need to get to. When they have need to build valuable combat experience. Even on a currently
travel, it is usually on overloaded trains, buses and other peaceful world, there are likely to be bombed out areas,
forms of public transit. Their goods are moved by crude abandoned towns and ruined buildings from wars already
motor carts, flat beds, and freight haulers. forgotten.
Imperial subjects are typically denied the luxury of owning Looming beyond the immediate, the threat of invasion
a private automobile. Personal autocarriages give the owner hangs over the citizenry of the Imperium. At any moment the
privacy, mobility and freedom after all, and why would the skies might grow dark with a xenos invasion. Or reality itself
Imperium want anyone to have those things? If they can't will rip open and daemons and warp born horrors will pour
afford an armored limo they should rely on hired out. Finally, although the Emperor protects, he is a jealous
autocarriages and public transport. However, merchants and god and his wrath is terrible. For a typical Imperial subject a
craftsmen will usually be allowed vehicles for their business. castigation by the Ecclesiarchy is little different from an
Most civilian vehicles are local designs, though there are invasion.
some STC vehicles found throughout the Imperium. As a result, Imperial worlds are awash in weapons.
Standardization is less important for civilian vehicles than Subjects are inevitably armed and even the poorest will carry
they are for the military, with most customers preferring a knife or homemade firearm. Workers will have regular
something that's designed and suited for their own world training in militia units so that a city can raise literally millions
rather than an STC that's 'good enough'. Of course, off- of conscripts in just a few weeks. The wealthy will have any
worlders and Imperial officials prefer familiar designs and do number of sophisticated weapons and defenses, even in
not trust local craftsmanship. social settings. They will also be surrounded by bodyguards
Even if a citizen has a vehicle, mobility is strictly limited. and their homes defended with military-grade weapons.
Many parts of a city and country side are off limits, and open Large standing armies are typical on every world. Some
areas frequently have check points set up by any number of answering to the planetary governor, others working for
dozens of armed factions to search vehicles and other local authorities. In addition, there will be the off-world
passengers. Or in my cases, to just solicit bribes. forces that serve the Adeptus Terra itself - the Imperial
Guard, the Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii or other chamber
Currency and Commerce militants. The clergy of the Ecclesiarchy are as much
Currency on an average Imperial world will be a warriors as they are priests. Most civilians will belong to a
militia and have some level of military training. Even in
complicated affair. Each sector of the Imperium (containing
between a few dozen to hundreds of worlds) issues a 'peace' time an Imperial world will be heavily militarized.
standard currency used by the interstellar travelers and the Pistols, rifles and knives will be widely available for sale
upper echelons on most worlds. Most planetary on most worlds, and heavier stuff - whether smuggled in
governments also issue their own currency, as do some from off-world, lifted from an armory or built in a back-alley
hives, cities, towns and settlements. Factories and farms workshop - can be found with some effort.
may pay their workers (if they pay them at all) in scrip which Even in civilized areas, light weapons like pistols and
can only be used in company stores and facilities. knives are commonly carried, sometimes discretely under a
To compound matters, different arms of each government coat or robe or openly as a show of force. Among social
might issue their own coins and bills, which are not always elites weapons are still expected but will either be gilded and
compatible. An Imperial subject might be walking around ceremonial (though functional) or completely discrete such
with a pocket filled with golden Eagles issued by the as rings concealing digital weapons, canes concealing
power swords, or broaches that generate conversion fields.
planetary governor, the Priesthood, the Adeptus Mechanicus
But this does not mean the Imperium is lawless. Heavy
and even an off-world trade house. However merchants
know that the Governor's coins are debased and contain far weapons - including the more powerful small arms like
less gold than the Adeptus Mechanicus'. Discerning plasma and flamers - are rarely seen outside of a battlefield,
merchants won't touch them, or will charge a premium. Many an un-policed wild zone or in the hands of the local
commoners will rarely lay their hands on cash and will get by authorities. They might be around but will be locked away in
a militia armory or hidden far from sight until needed.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Anyone openly carrying weapons of war (a vague concept Education
that varies from world to world and even neighborhood to
The Imperium appreciates the importance of a solid
neighborhood) will quickly be noticed and challenged by
education. Even laborers need to read instruction manuals
whichever faction is in power before they can become a
and perform basic math. Farmers need some awareness of
threat. Unless of course the newcomers are so well armed
agriculture, soldiers must be able to read their uplifting
and in such numbers the local rulers decide they are better
primers and so on. Most Imperial subjects can expect at
off letting them be.
least a basic rudimentary education from their parent’s work
Sometimes the bearers of heavy weapons will wear the
unit, a local shrine or even a widow who supports herself
livery of powerful interests who are above the law such as
giving lessons.
off-world trading houses, the nobility or the Imperium itself.
Imperial technology is generally crude and easy to use
But even they will be expected to take care of their business
and does not require much in the way of training to operate
quickly and efficiently. If they linger or cause too much
or maintain it. People who need some advanced knowledge
damage the local powers will have to step in or lose all
(such as technomat electricians and repairmen or linguists)
can have it implanted or burned into their brains. These
implants tend to decay over time leading to insanity or death
Clan and Company but are regarded as more efficient than years of training and
The Imperium is not fair. It's not just. It does not care study.
about its people. And even when it does care, it is not all A traditional education is reserved for the wealthy, the
powerful. Safety and freedom depend on who the citizen is very fortunate or the very talented. The largest school
and, more importantly, who is protecting him. The most system in the Imperium is the vast network of the Schola
important thing for any Imperial subject is making it clear to Progenium – orphanages that raise the children of fallen
everyone who or what they belong to. Family, a guild, a Adeptus Terra. From this pool of children who have no family
church, a gang, a company or best of all some arm of the or ties other than the Imperium itself come Commissars,
Imperium is essential to enjoy any sense of security or Priests, Adepts and even Inquisitors. The Adeptus
safety. Day-to-day most Imperial subjects take pains to Mechanicus, noble houses and trading clans also operate
make sure others know who they are and where they stand. their own institutes to find the most talented and committed
They wear uniforms, rings, seals, tattoos and other signs of students.
belonging. With that membership comes the constant fear
that someday a citizen may be cast out or, even worse, his Sex, Love and Families
group itself may be destroyed by a more powerful faction.
The Imperium, by all accounts, is a conservative and
prudish society. Due to the Imperium's embrace of suffering
Media and Information and struggle, the Adeptus Terra doubtlessly condemns
Information in the Imperium is precious, and correct luxury and pleasure as soft and sinful. So, officially at least,
information even more so. Although the forms of getting most worlds expect a chaste morality from Imperial subjects.
messages exist in many differing methods. At the bottom are The highest ranks of society are above such concerns, and
the ubiquitous posters with their simple messages and the lowest levels are below anyone's notice, but for the vast
strong images that can communicate even to the illiterate. bulk of Imperial subjects sex is a dirty taboo and even the
Black and white daily news sheets provide a bit more detail most minor displays of affection are scandalous.
while audio messages (whether delivered by public address When men and women work or study together they are
gargoyles, radio signals or a man with a loud hailer) hammer expected to ignore the obvious differences and treat each
the point home. Laborers cluster in their dorms around the other as equal servants of the Emperor. Courtship is
black and green glow of a communal pict-display, while their regulated, schools and workplaces have mixers, superiors
bosses enjoy the luxury of a personnel pict-display, maybe recommend suitable matches and, officially at least,
even in full color. Those with sufficient wealth or importance marriages are arranged in an orderly way among suitable
will have access to the planetary data-nets either through a partners.
work cogitator, a personal cogitator for the rich, or even a Despite these official standings, people remain people.
rare and precious wireless device. There are romances, relationships, marriages, illicit affairs
The authenticity and accuracy of the messages and and all sorts of unorthodox arrangements. The poor are
information varies depending on how trusted and important rarely policed and carry on however they choose. The rich
the individual citizen is. For most, regardless of wealth, the supplement their artfully-arranged marriages with
media outlets that exist reports a steady stream of patriotic mistresses, lovers, trysts and affairs. And the rest muddle
news about Imperial triumphs and the dire fate that awaits through as best they can under the disapproving eyes of
any who cross the Imperium. In these stories criminals are their peers, superiors and the law.
always caught, harvest is always growing and the enemy is Most families are large, life in the Imperium is violent and
on the run. Officials have access to some uncensored news, hard, medical care is uneven to say the least, and no one
otherwise they could not do their jobs. But this information is has ever heard of a pension. A large brood of children may
carefully controlled, distributed on numbered printouts and be the only security parents have in their later years,
destroyed at the end of the day. especially since many will not live to adulthood. Upper class
families may have fewer children as it reduces the potential
number of rivals and heirs and upper class women have a

79 The Mandragora Apocrypha

strong interest in controlling when and whom they become will suddenly decide to enforce some obscure edict and
pregnant with. execute an entire army because its soldiers were exposed to
One exception worth noting is that the Imperium's ten Chaos. At least these laws are generally limited to things the
millennia of war, wars primarily fought by men, have created Imperium cares about such as taxes, respect for the
acute shortages on some worlds. On those worlds polygamy Emperor and the Imperium, the safety of Imperial facilities,
or at least polygamous relationships are common, and may culling psykers, and exterminating Xenos, heretics and
even be sanctioned. witches. Petty matters among commoners like drug abuse,
robberies or murder are left to local authorities.
Below Imperial law is planetary law laid down by the
Misogyny and Prejudices governor, followed closely by governmental local laws.
Finally there is the authority of whomever controls a given
within the Mandragora Sector district, whether it’s a mining company, a factory boss, the
The Adeptus Terra, the priesthood of the Imperium, local gang or certain well-meaning citizens. Unfortunately for
demands service to the Emperor above all else. Rights most Imperial subjects this arbitrary and personal system is
and privileges are inconsequential in the eyes of the the one that has the most effect on their lives.
Imperium. All other factors are immaterial in the God- Crimes against the lowest castes, the outcasts and
Emperor's divine plans. Throughout the Imperium of homeless will get no interest outside of their immediate
Man this adage holds true, but Individual worlds can friends and clan.
have vastly different and localized traditions. Patriarchal Crimes against lower class citizens, street vendors,
or matriarchal rulership, leaders and rulers chosen by workers and shop keepers will be dealt with by their hired
obscure horoscope charts, and so on. guards or possibly the local authorities. Sufficiently
In the Mandragora Sector, the prevalence of ancient spectacular crimes or crimes directed at powerful interests
discriminations display the decaying nature of its will certainly draw the wrath of the local authorities or even
aristocracy and societies. The primary worlds of the Planetary Defense Force.
Hecuba and Vodaccair Sextus tend to be explicitly Crimes against Imperial interests or Imperial servants will
patriarchal societies where, all things being equal, either draw the attention of local and planetary authorities or,
leaders are expected to be male, quoting the nature of if needed, Imperial assets such as the Adeptus Arbites,
the Emperor and his divine sons as manifest destiny of Imperial Guard, or other more exotic arms of the Imperium.
these views. Similarly, the synods of the Ecclesiarchy of Certain things, such as the use of mutants and psykers or
Mandragora maintain subtle prejudices against the heretical teachings, will draw the interest of the Inquisition or
common citizenry to which it preaches, preferring to Witch Hunters.
induct the favored sons and daughters of the sectorial Not all legal matters are a simple question of crime and
nobility and the Adeptus Terra itself from its schola punishment. Property disputes, lawsuits, major divorces,
progeniums. The ancient synods believe the noble claims of official corruption, differences in religious doctrine
blood of the lords of Mandragora and the proven and a million other issues require careful debate and
loyalties of Imperial bloodlines are a cut far above the research by armies of clerks and judges and sometimes
common dredges, and are the only ones worthy of prolonged off-world consultations. Alas the law moves
bearing the cloth of the Imperial Creed. There are many slowly. Even those who manage access to planetary or
more examples of these local idiosyncrasies that have Imperial justice will need years or decades to get a decision.
caught more than one interstellar traveler off guard. Courts are surrounded by mobs of petitioners, some living
However, with constant war draining manpower, the for years in shanty towns so that they may press their cases
luxury of maintaining these ancient practices is being daily. The Imperium tolerates this state of affairs knowing the
threatened with each successive generation. Because justice system, no matter how slow or poor, is a valuable
of this, the opportunity to rise above ones station outlet to prevent unrest.
exists, and those who do are truly forces to
be reckoned with across the sector. Government
Most planetary offices in the Imperium are hereditary, as
the Imperium needs to plan long term and finds a certain
stability in letting one family run things over generations. But
The Law on some worlds a form of democracy is practiced. The
There is no single system of law in the Imperium, just Imperium recognizes that things run more smoothly if the
varying levels of authority which are not always working subjects approve of their rulers and if their rulers make at
together. Imperial law is the highest, trumping any local least token efforts to appease the masses. But the results
authority and at times practicality or sanity. Ancient laws, bear little resemblance to orderly practices. Voters make
written by long-dead hands, can decide the fate of entire their choices on clan or company lines, with every member
worlds. To make things even more byzantine, Imperial law told who to vote for if they value their positions. Sometimes
includes not only those rules enforced by the Administratum, angry mobs take to the streets to ensure the opposition
Inquisition and Arbites, but also church law laid down and never has a chance to get near a voting booth. And in any
enforced by the Ecclesiarchy, their Witch Hunters and the case the nomination process is tightly controlled to ensure
Sisters of Battle. Some of those laws are brutal and the voters never have too many choices anyway. After a
inflexible, yet are often disregarded in practice until someone while the same families begin to appear again and again,

The Mandragora Apocrypha 80

with fathers handing power to sons, husbands handing
power to wives. In the Imperium, democracy soon becomes Hab Life
a de facto hereditary system, though sometimes surprises For most hive citizens who spend their lives
do happen. trudging from their hab-stacks and mid-hive
In contrast most Imperial offices are appointed and tenement blocks to dreary and repetitive jobs in the
promotions are earned. The Imperium itself demands total manufactorum, the service-corps and work crews, life
devotion, total loyalty and tries to draw on officials who have represents a somewhat bleak monotony against which
no outside ties. Many are orphans, others are posted far they struggle to make something of their sparse
from their home worlds to sectors where they know no one. conditions, raise families and hope never to suffer the
Once in place their promotions are based on results. Is attentions of the nameless horrors that they fear are
production up? Is disorder down? Are Imperial laws obeyed? lurking in the dark universe beyond. On most Imperial
They are closely monitored and their every move is hive worlds (and those of Mandragora are no
scrutinized for signs of disloyalty, heresy or incompetence. A different), what little mass media exists is rigidly
humble clerk might labor in obscurity for years only to be controlled by the Ecclesiarchy and state for reasons of
suddenly made responsible for an entire sub-sector based security and moral instruction. Rampant materialism,
on his years of impeccable work. Or at least that's what outside of the rarefied classes of the highborn and
they're told. wealthy, is all but unknown. But even the most
In truth the Imperial system has become corrupt. A unimaginative hab-dweller needs some kind of
wealthy family can buy a Director's rod, a Cardinal's staff or diversion and entertainment to take their minds off
even an Admiral's throne if they have the money and their hardships and fears. While the Imperial Creed
connections. Of course if they buy a position and the and the Ecclesiarchy provide great solace for many,
incumbent proves a failure the whole family will be held the average hive-worlder likes their pleasures simple,
accountable. direct and visceral - taverns, refectories, music halls
and cook-shops offer the most commonplace daily
Decay escapes, while visits to holo-lantern shows, the
One thing that hangs over every Imperial subject is a carnivora or circus, or the greenery of a sealed arbour
feeling of decay. Cities are littered with devices that once dome, are costly and rare excursions.
worked, but can no longer be repaired, factories deprived of There are, of course, some for whom these
raw materials slowly being stripped for their machinery and diversions are not enough; they plunge past the bright
even their copper wires, and rail lines that have not seen a lights of the entertainment ’bergs into the shadows that
train in a generation. Every subject has grown up with tales stretch all the way down to the dangerous sinks and
of the better days before the rationing, or at least before the stews of underhive. There they find darker forms of
rations were cut. They have heard of festivals that are no quasi-legal and outright forbidden escapes, including
longer celebrated, foods no longer available and days when the blood sport pits, wager-halls and fighting arenas,
the rain was cool and refreshing rather than acidic and pound bars and dust dens, and all manner of other
scaring. Prophets of doom can be found on every corner, vices offered by a seething criminal underclass -
proclaiming the end times are here. Centuries ago they watched over by enforcers often either corrupt
would have been rounded up for their heresy. But these themselves, or more interested in maintaining order
days who can argue the truth of their claims? than the law. Worst still for those who seek such
escapes, weakness, ill-fortune or fatal curiosity
lead to far more forbidden fruit, whose cost
is greater than mere life.

81 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Classes and Caste Those who do make a family usually do so for political
reasons to further their ambitions. There's little need to marry
commoners, not when they can be taken as concubines who
The Imperium does not believe in equality, it believes in
have no rights. Children from those unions can be adopted
rank. The law and justice depend more on who a person is or disowned as the official desires.
rather than what they have done. Most people are born into
a class and remain in it all their lives, though it is possible for
the ambitious, talented and fortunate to rise and for the
Off Worlders and Spacers
complacent, foolhardy and unlucky to fall. Just behind the Imperial class are those who represent
powerful off-world interests, whether other Imperial planets,
Upper Classes Navigator Houses or Rogue Traders. They have the power
to cut off trade, withhold necessary commodities or even
launch military action. Fortunately they rarely care about
At the very top are the rich and powerful, people who are
local concerns, as long as they can do business the locals
not only above the law, but literally make it. But even among
will have little trouble.
them there is a hierarchy, no amount of wealth would let
Unlike Imperial officials, off-worlders dress to impress,
someone stand against the might of the Imperium.
wearing garish and outlandish outfits to accentuate their
wealth and exotic origins. They are usually heavily armed,
Imperials openly displaying ornate weapons with more hidden in the
On any world the top caste will always be those who can folds of their robes and cloaks. Their homes and offices are
claim authority from the Emperor himself. These would found in certain districts, often close to the Imperial sector so
include Inquisitors, priests of the Ecclesiarchy, tech priests, they have a safe haven to flee to in times of unrest. Like their
officials, and even some of their mid-ranked servants. outfits, their homes and workplaces are opulent and
Everyone, including the Governor himself, thinks twice impressive.
before crossing an Imperial servant lest they incur the wrath For them family is of primary importance - it determines
of the Astra Militarum, Legio Titanicus, Adeptus Sororitas, their power, influence and protection. They proudly wear
Adeptus Arbites or even the Adeptus Astartes. family crests and plan marriages and alliances across
But while they may be above local law, the Imperium generations. As with Imperial officials they are generally
keeps a close watch on its own. Arbites patrol the streets above the law and have little fear or regard for local
and monitor the Adepts' activities, Inquisitors lurk in the authority. These off-worlders command or represent more
shadows looking for any sign of heresy and each Adept wealth than most locals. They would not be there if they
watches his colleagues for a chance to implicate or didn't.
blackmail them and open the way for advancement. And
wise Adepts know not to push too hard on the local Nobility
authorities, after all even Imperial servants have been known
The true power of each world lies within its nobility. While
to have 'unfortunate accidents'.
Imperial and Off-Worlders might have a veto, it is the locals
Imperial servants are not rich. The Imperium (officially at
who make the decisions. At the very top are the Governors
least) encourages humility among its servants. They will be
who rules in the Emperor's name. They may be selected by
dressed in simple but fine clothing with prominent Aquilas
heredity, elections, contests or even randomly depending on
and other symbols to show their authority. The Third
the laws and traditions of the world. From time to time they'll
Secretary in the Imperial Sub-Sector Ministry of Agriculture,
be assassinated or overthrown, so long as their
Bureau of Animal Husbandry, Office of Grox Semen
replacements abide by Imperial rule they'll generally be
Assessment might not sound like much, but the local
allowed to take office. After all what use does the Imperium
watchman only has to see the Aquila and hear the word
have for a ruler who cannot keep his throne? Failed rebels
Imperial to know not to give him a hard time.
can only look forward to a slow death by torture, but
Imperial servants are found in special sections of the city
successful ones, well obviously they wouldn't have
reserved for Imperial offices. These sectors not only include
succeeded if it wasn't the Emperor's will.
the facilities of the various militant groups associated with
Below the Governor are layers of local government who
the Adeptus Terra, but also all the mundane arms of
have authority over anything from a moon, to a continent, to
government the Imperium needs. Tax assessors, health
a hive city down to a village or neighborhood. Titles and the
officials, census takers and thousands of other branches of
means of selection vary, but their role is generally the same.
the bureaucracy will be found on most worlds. The streets
On most worlds they will be hereditary offices, with
are watched by the Astra Militarum and Adeptus Arbites, and
generations of politics and grudges behind every official.
their homes and offices follow a standard design familiar to
They dress opulently but not outlandishly, projecting their
Adepts from one end of the galaxy to the other.
power and office to anyone they meet. They never travel
Most Imperial officials have no family. The Imperium
alone, preferring the company of bodyguards and
discourages outside attachments and officially encourages
sycophants. Many will remain on world for most of their lives,
(though does not require) celibacy among its servants. Many
enjoying their lives as big fish in a small pond. Others,
are recruited from the orphanages of the Schola Progenium
perhaps blocked from advancing on their world, will raise
because they have no ties or divided loyalties. Others are
armies to join Imperial crusades or buy commissions in the
sent from distant sectors far from any friends or relatives
Navy or Imperial Guard.
who might influence their decisions.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 82

On some worlds the nobility will be decadent and lazy, but violence. They pay their taxes and bribes for protection but
others will be the product of millennia of selective breeding know they're a secondary priority at best. Still, they're almost
and genetic modifications. They are stronger, smarter and among the most free; they're not in bondage to anyone and
far more charismatic than the populace they rule. Improved control their own destiny. And with luck, determination and
mental pathways, photographic memories, expertly crafted skill they just might make it into the ranks of the wealthy.
features, enhanced pheromones, voices with ultrasonic
rhythms to create a 'gut reaction', and then on top of that Skilled Workers
they may have the best bionic enhancements wealth and To the Imperium, the vast masses of humanity seem like
influence can buy. Even stripped of their wealth and power chattel, but all but the most dense rulers realize there are
they would soon rise to the top of whatever group they found skilled workers who have value. They are the medical care,
themselves with. the engineers, the salesmen, the clerks, the craftsmen, the
Nobles have absolute power over their own domain but artisans, and the foremen. They are bound in the service of
must be cautious about overstepping their bounds.
others, but valued and at least have the potential to rise.
They wear their uniforms and badges with pride to remind
Wealthy everyone they are part of a larger whole and that a powerful
Below the nobility are the rich. They have money and organization stands behind them. Most of them live in
influence but have not yet fought their way into the circles of modest but comfortable dorms on the compounds where
political power. The ranks of the wealthy are always in they work. As valued servants they have some freedom and
transition. Most have only enjoyed their wealth for a few education and enjoy security the freeholders will never have.
generations, and a few are entirely self-made. They long to It can take years to teach some skills and the Imperium is
advance through marriage or payoffs into the nobility but risk not known for its patience. So, many are given implants or
having their wealth expropriated by more connected rivals. even have skills burnt into their brains. Invariably as these
Others will simply lose their wealth to carelessness or quick fixes decay they suffer neurological damage and
misfortune and fall back into the ranks of the commoners. eventually insanity and death. But even that fate is better
Their homes and clothing are expensive but cannot be too than life as a mere laborer.
flashy lest they be accused of rising above their station.
Honored Servants Few Imperial subjects get or need an education once
Allegiance counts for everything in the Imperium so even they've learned basic literacy, job skills and enough of the
the servants and slaves of the upper class have higher Imperial creed to be strong in their faith. If they need
status than the middle class or workers. Butlers, secretaries advanced skills, those can be implanted or burned into their
and courtesans might not be in charge, but the patronage of brains. But those lucky and talented enough to go on to
their masters and their access to the highest ranks gives traditional universities have a chance to learn history,
them power above their station. This would include literature, science and even secrets most of the Imperium
Astropaths, who are little better than blind, half-insane will never know. They proudly wear the robes and uniforms
slaves, but whose essential role in Imperial society of their schools and most people know to give them space.
guarantees them a gilded cage for the duration of their short They may not have money or power now, but they are the
lives. future leaders of the Imperium.
While students might seem to have a pleasant life it is
Middle Classes also one of constant fear and stress. They must constantly
study and succeed in exams lest they be deemed unworthy
The Imperium is a society of extremes, divided between and returned to the masses. They have a rare chance to
rich and poor, powerful and powerless. But a small sliver of satisfy their curiosity and learn more about the galaxy, but
society manages to hold on in the middle, forever striving to must take care never to ask the wrong questions. They have
rise to the top, forever fearful they will fall to the bottom. all seen classmates disappear after pursuing unwise courses
of inquiry.
The greatest students may be chosen for a variety of
Tradesmen and Freeholders neurological and cybernetic enhancements becoming
The tradesmen and freeholders are those who have built savants, essentially ‘living computers’. It’s a hard life of
businesses and homes. They run the stores, the small constant data inputs and calculation, but no one of any
workshops and farms found in the cracks between the importance would ever try to run a business without one
holdings of the nobility and the wealthy. They are not
wealthy, but they aspire to rise. They have enough money
for some luxuries and frivolities, but their first priority is
making sure their children and grandchildren have every
opportunity they can buy, even selling their second and third
children into bondage with powerful houses to give them a
new chance.
They're among the most vulnerable people in the
Imperium. They can easily lose everything in a single day of

83 The Mandragora Apocrypha

authorities. But as dire and dark as their lives sound it could
be worse…

Fit for Purpose:

The Unlikely Opportunities
Of all the organizations that compromise the
Imperium of Man, the Adeptus Mechanicus offers the
most hope to the lower classes, ironically. Despite its
rigid and well-defined hierarchy, insular and secretive
nature, and internally serving policies that have kept
technological progress under their purview for the last
nine millennium, the Adeptus Mechanicus itself recruits
from the vast bodies of menials that compose the bulk
of a forge world's populace. More so than any other
organization, the capabilities and natural talents and
proclivity for understanding are all attributes that are
Lower Classes sought, regardless of origination.
For the menials and peasants of a forge world, or
In the lower classes rests the bulk of the uncountable any world that has a strong Adeptus Mechanicus
trillions of Imperial subjects. They're common, expendable presence, the vigorous and often invasive testing
and have no more rights than what their masters grant them conducted by the tech priests offers opportunity. Some
and no more value than what it would cost their masters to can hope to be apprenticed into the techno-
replace them. brotherhood, but those lacking intellectual capacities
but present other strengths can be inducted into the
chamber militants of the Skitarii legiones. The strong
Menials, Laborers and Peasants minded can even be gathered for testing to one day join
The Imperium is ultimately built on the blood and toil of the teams of princeps and moderati that pilot the
trillions of unskilled workers. They mine the ore, they harvest colossal god engines of war - the Titans. Through the
the crops, the build the machines and they process the data meritocracy of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the limitations
that keeps 39th millennium life moving. They wear simple, of birth, rank or station are mostly ignored - only
functional uniforms and robes marking them as bondsmen in efficiency and purpose are sought by the
the service of various organizations and noble houses. They priests of the Machine God.
have little money and little opportunity to spend it. The
Imperium has no patience for labor unions or safety
regulations and has never heard of weekends. Most laborers Slaves, Helots and Servitors
are fortunate to have a few hours after their shift and the
Laborers, at least on paper, are still free subjects of the
occasional feast day for leisure.
Emperor, however limited those freedoms might be. But
Laborer's lives center around the compound they work for,
slaves and servitors are actual property. Many are mind-
whether it’s a mine, a farm, a factory, or a data core. They're
wiped or lobotomized to keep them docile and modified with
born in the compound clinic, play in its alleyways, study in its
bionics and implants to make them better able to do their
schools (for a few years at least), meet at its festivals, work
job. Some are grown in vats for this purpose, others
for decades and are eventually incinerated in its furnace. For
condemned as criminals or rounded up from among the
some the idea of leaving the compound is frightening and
unwanted. Some poor souls even sell themselves or their
intimidating idea.
children into bondage for a handful of currency.
Ambitious laborers might seek a career in the defense
As bad as they have it, at least they're fed and have value
forces, hope to be promoted to a foreman or supervisor, or
as property. In some ways there are worse fates…
even show the intelligence to become a skilled worker. They
live in fear of being cast out or even worse being reduced to
a servitor or slave. They have no lineage worth speaking of
and favor large families. Most children follow the parents into In an Imperium of a million worlds and countless trillions of
the factory, signing work contracts at the age of fifteen, people it's easy to fall through the cracks. Some outcasts
committing themselves to work for housing and medical care once had homes, jobs and clans but through some
for the next five decades of their life. In theory they can leave transgression lost it all. Maybe they were cast out as
once their contracts are over, if anyone is interesting in hiring punishment or maybe they fled before a worse fate could be
a sixty five year old unskilled worker. planned. Dressed in foul rags they haunt the dark corners of
For these lower-caste workers the law is an abstract every Imperial settlement. They may in theory be free
concept, all that matters is the will of their superiors and the subjects of the Emperor, but in practice no one is looking to
customs of their compound. Most crimes, even murder are protect them. They form gangs and tribes to watch out for
dealt with within the compound, nothing short of a full- each other but know that at any time the local authorities
fledged rebellion would attract the attention of outside might come in and smash them.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 84

Imperium is willing to ignore them, few are actually looking to
The Imperial Cult kill them unlike some others…

and its Implications Outlaws and Heretics

The tenets of the Imperial Cult, known as the While outcasts are unloved and forgotten, and have
Imperial Creed, are actually highly flexible and are probably broken more than a few laws, outlaws and heretics
tailored by the Adeptus Ministorum's Missionaries to fit have actually managed to attract the unwelcome attention of
the native culture, existing religion, and cultural the authorities. They prey on the weak and hope they never
practices of whatever world it exists upon. As such, cause enough trouble for the local authorities to make a
Imperial Cult practices adhered to on one world within serious effort against them. They're constantly looking over
the Imperium may be held as abhorrent on another. their shoulders, not only for bounty hunters or enforcers, but
The Adeptus Ministorum tolerates this vast range of also at their fellow criminals. After all there is no honor
practices and beliefs as it would be impossible to among thieves.
maintain the faith by a rigid adherence to a For a time they might succeed but eventually even the
standardized orthodoxy. However, the Ecclesiarchy best criminal gangs will fall to the authorities or, more likely,
does enforce several basic tenets of the Imperial a new rival. But it could be worse, even outlaws can harbor
Creed, deviation from which is considered heresy. dreams of one day re-entering society. There are many who
These tenets include the following beliefs: cannot…
 That the God-Emperor of Mankind once walked
among men in their form and that He is and always Mutants
has been the one, true God of humanity.
And then there's the mutants, the gene-jokes, the twists,
 That the God-Emperor of Mankind is the one true
near the bottom of Imperial society. There are many causes
God of Mankind, regardless of the previous beliefs
of mutation, generations of radiation and pollution, unstable
held by any man or woman.
genetic tampering and the twisting presence of the warp. But
 It is the duty of the faithful to purge the Heretic,
every loyal Imperial subject is taught from birth that the mark
beware the psyker and mutant, and abhor the alien.
of the mutant is the mark of the Emperor's condemnation
 Every human being has a place within the God-
and it is their duty to stamp them out where ever they may
Emperor's divine order.
 It is the duty of the faithful to unquestionably obey
So they flee to tunnels deep below hive cities, to dark
the authority of the Imperial government and their
forests and caves outside of civilization or into abandoned
superiors, who speak in the Emperor's name.
ruins where they can fight or flee any normal humans who
Because of these tenants, and particularly its
intrude. Most norms believe mutants are cannibalistic
warnings, paranoia and mistrust are encouraged virtues
savages who attack on sight and, given how they are
when judging others who stray from accepted social
treated, who can blame them?
conventions, are marked by mutation or exhibit weird
Sometimes parents try to hide mutant children, or cast
and almost unnatural behaviors that may indicate some
them out into the shadows hoping they will be found by their
latent psychic potential. To accept mutation or naively
own kind. Perhaps a few mutants might have a chance to
trust a known psyker are considered brazen
prove themselves useful, perhaps they have some mutation
blasphemies, and few are powerful enough or influential
that makes them stronger, faster or otherwise beneficial.
enough to be free of condemnation. Of all the citizens
They might be sanctioned and earn the patronage of some
of the Imperium, the mutant and the psyker are the
powerful benefactor, but that leaves them as slaves,
most discriminated against, and on most
property of their masters. But even that is a step up from
Imperial worlds this is seen as a
their miserable status.
right of the dutiful.

Outcasts survive on the rubbish of Imperial civilization and For most Imperial subject aliens are hated and feared and
by doing the jobs that no one else is willing to. They operate have about the same status as mutants. But still, Imperial
the grey and black market businesses people want to edicts and Ecclesiastical commandments must sometimes
unwind. They might take on some extra-legal work for the bow to necessity. On some worlds trade with the Xenos is
powerful, knowing that if they fail their connection will be permitted or at least tolerated. Ork or Kroot mercenaries
denied. might be recognized as part of the planet's military. Less
For many, their fate is to be rounded up sooner or later. intelligent or belligerent Xenos might even be kept as
Perhaps by press gangs that sell them to a mine or factory, servants, slaves or pets.
or by some off-world ship looking for crew or maybe a tech- And of course there are always the heretical worlds where
priest in need of raw materials for more servitors. Some Xenos are tolerated and even embraced.
might survive and prosper long enough to establish a
legitimate business and rise to rank of tradesmen or even
higher. For most life as an outcast is nasty, brutal and short.
But it could worse, while their life is hard most of the

85 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Armaments of the Masses Tox Spray
The tox spray is a terrifying weapon found in the hands of
the worst kind of gang scum in the most polluted hive
"You see the masses, dutifully working in their Manufactorums. I see
sumps. The weapon uses an unholy mixture of highly
a danger in their eyes - and an army soon to rise up."
corrosive industrial residue and toxic waste contained under
- The Shepherd, Heretic Agitator of Anom Hive high pressure, unleashed through a jury-rigged spray gun.
The effects of the mixture on flesh are truly horrific and all
but the best armor is little protection from the burning poison.
he Imperium is a universally militarized culture, beset Notoriously, the tox spray is used by some hive gangers to
from without and within. Throughout its history, weapons and execute traitors and informants in the most gruesome
warfare, or at least the fear of conflict, is omnipresent for manner possible - and without doubt there are few worse
most. On many worlds the carrying of arms is an accepted ways to die.
part of life and, despite the efforts of some paranoid If the tox spray suffers a Jam (on a roll of 94–00), the
planetary governors, there are often too many weapons in weapon ruptures explosively, inflicting the weapon’s damage
circulation to enforce control. This is particularly the case on as a two meter blast with double the Damage rolled inflicted
hive worlds as many are centers not only for arms on the user.
production but also for the mass storage of weapons; a hive
that cannot arm at least a core of its massive population in a Las Weapons
crisis or invasion would be found wanting in the eyes of the
High Lords of Terra, and its rulers soon replaced. In order to Las weaponry are common on even the most back water
retain some measure of control, however, in most hives the of Imperial worlds. An interstellar traveler would be hard-
powers-that-be impose heavy taxes on the legitimate sale of pressed to find somewhere within the Imperium were at least
weapons and other arms among the public. This tends to one las weapon wasn't present.
have a polarizing effect - placing arms in the hands of the
wealthy and a hard core of professionals (be they Civitas Pattern Laspistol
bodyguards, duelists, mercenaries and the like), and of
A simple utility weapon, the Civitas is another model
course criminals and underhivers who resort to the thriving
whose origins date back far into Imperial history. The Civitas
black market trade in weaponry simply to survive.
is both somewhat bulky and inefficient (owing to lower
quality components than a military-grade laspistol), but
Ranged Weapons remains popular due to its ease of manufacture, longevity
and simplicity of maintenance. These pistols are made on
The ranged weapons of the common citizenry of the almost every major hive world for planetary defense
Imperium are varied and often repurposed tools of the armories and civilian hands.
trades. The industrial nature of most Imperial worlds ensures
there are many dangerous, but necessary, tools that can be Melta Weapons
used to inflict harm in a moment's notice.
Few true melta weapons are found in the hands in the
Flamers common citizenry of the Imperium - but many equivalents
can be.
There are many variants of flamer or flamer-like tools that
can be weaponized throughout the Imperium. Melta Cutter
Used to cut and weld sheet metal in macro construction
Gas Torch Flamer facilities, the melta cutter is extremely large and
The “torch” or “gas-lighter”, as most call it, is not strictly a cumbersome and not designed as a weapon, but it takes
weapon but an industrial tool that uses incandescent vapor little imagination to turn this piece of industrial equipment
to burn debris and clear the fungal growths that plague many into an unwieldy but highly effective killer. The melta beam
hive duct-systems. The “gas-lighter” also serves well enough produced by the cutter is of a very short range but can
as a flamer for many low-rent hive gangs who can’t afford quickly breach most sealed bulkheads and reduce a fully
the real thing and is frequently found in the hands of armored Arbitrator to hot gas and ash with ease.
insurrectionists. The “torch” is nowhere near as effective (or The melta cutter has a maximum range of 10 meters. It
stable) as a true flamer, but it is easy to procure and the ash also receives no bonus to hit for firing at closer ranges than
of burning gas can still crisp flesh to cinders. this. Melta cutters require a Strength Bonus of 4 or more to
Gas torches use bulky, ill-protected canisters to carry their be used effectively as a weapon. Weaker characters suffer a
fuel. If an individual carrying a gas torch flamer suffers a –10 BS penalty for each point of Strength Bonus below 4.
Wounding hit to the body from the rear, there is a 50%
chance that the canisters explode - treat this as a four meter
blast, causing 2d10 E Damage, with the wearer suffering
double the Damage rolled and catching fire.

Mandragora Apocrypha 86
Table 4-1: Ranged and Melee Weapons
Name Class Range Rof Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Availability
Gas Torch Basic 5m S/-/- 1d10+1 E 2 5 2 Full Flame 20kg Very Rare
Tox Spray Basic 10m S/-/- 1d10 E 0 3 3 Full Flame, Toxic 8 kg Rare
Civitas Pistol 25m S/2/- 1d10+1 E 0 25 Full Reliable 2kg Common
Drive Nailer Basic 5m -/3/- 1d10+1 R 4 15 3 Full Primitive (7) 7kg Common
Impaler Heavy 30m S/-/- 1d10+5 I 2 1 2 Full Primitive (7), Unreliable 22kg Scarce
Punisher Baton Melee - - 1d10 I 0 - - - 3kg Average
Scrap Cannon Heavy 15m S/-/- 1d10+3 R 0 1 3 Full Scatter, Unreliable 40k Very Rare

Melta-Cutter Basic 10m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 10 5 3 Full - 30kg Scarce
Nail Bomb Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 1d10+1 X 0 1 - Blast (2), Unreliable 1kg Average

The melta-cutter has an absolute maximum range of 10m and gains no bonus for firing at short range.

Low-Tech Weapons for Pinning. Scrap cannon are Very Rare items outside of the
Underhive, and have Average availability in their depths.
There are many low-tech tools that can quickly be turned
lethal with the right application of force. Grenades

Drive Nailer Creating improvised explosives is remarkably easy with

the right materials.
One of the first weapons to appear in the hands of
heretics in a hive uprising, the drive nailer is simply a high-
power nail or rivet driving gun of the type common to the Nail Bomb
millions who toil in hive construction and reclamation crews The confines and dense crowds of a hive make weapons
across the Imperium. With its power setting turned up to such as frag grenades perfectly suited to sowing terror and
maximum and its safety features disabled, the drive nailer destruction there. For this reason anti-personnel devices are
can make a messy but effective weapon. usually heavily proscribed, but that doesn’t stop the more
inventive criminal scum from fashioning their own. The nail
Impaler bomb presented here is an explosive charge packed around
with rusted nails, metal spoil, crushed glass and other
Carried by the most slab-muscled of gang heavies and
assorted nastiness, all packed into a convenient length of
other degenerate scum, Impalers (also known as the
pipe or an old food canister and fitted with a home-made
“harpoon cannon”), as primitive as they are, can still launch
fuse that hopefully is reliable enough not to kill the user.
a spear of metal capable of punching straight through a
human body with ease. Usually made by desperate and ill-
equipped hive or mutant gangs from discarded industrial Melee
springs and high tensile cable, the harpoons used are often
little more than a length of metal piping with its tip ground to The many and varied ranged weapons employed on hive
a wicked point. Up-hive gunslingers and enforcers may scoff worlds are matched by the hand weapons used by their
at the crudity of these weapons but sometimes find that it is populations.
much harder to laugh when pinned to a wall by a meter-long
spear. A Strength Bonus of at least 4 is required to operate
Magistratum Chastisement “Punisher” Baton
the mechanism to reload an Impaler.
A byword for brutality, this heavy baton is not intended to
incapacitate or capture but rather to smash limbs, crack
Scrap Cannon skulls and wantonly crush any resistance with overwhelming
For underhive gangs who cannot steal or buy more force. The baton is a polymer sheathed, meter-long rod of
effective heavy armament, the best they can bring to a turf strengthened plasteel with a hollow core part-filled with a
war is a scrap cannon. Made from a crudely reinforced dense liquid metal alloy to augment the force of blows struck
length of pipe packed with black powder and rammed with with it. These weapons are widely carried by many enforcer
nails, bolts and anything else nasty scraped from the cadres as a cheap and effective alternative to shock
underhive floor. Scrap cannons are hugely unwieldy and not weapons, and many also find their way into “private” hands
actually very lethal. However, they look scary and make an where they command equal fear.
impressively enormous bang and pyrotechnic blast when
fired, added to which the ammo is more or less free!
Individuals successfully hit with a scrap cannon must Test

87 Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 4-2: Armor
Name Locations Covered AP Max Ag Weight Availability
Basic Armor
Hardened Body Glove Arms, Body, Legs 3 50 5kg Rare
Low Hiver's Overcoats Arms, Body, Legs 1 - 3kg Plentiful
Mirker's Greaves Legs 4 - 8kg Average
Riot Shield Body, 1 Arm (Bearing) 6 40 5kg Scarce
Tower Shield Body, Arms, Legs 8 20 7kg Rare
Volcanis Shroud Head, Arms, Body, Legs 3 (6) 38 20kg Average

Armor Riot Shield

A typical riot shield is made up of a plate
Most forms of armor, from primitive hides and scraps of of hardened armaplas or a similar composite
metal to carapace armor worn by the PDF and military material, and incorporates a firing port
forces, can be found on nearly any Imperial world. designed to accommodate many weapons
used by the Arbites or planetary enforcers.
Hardened Body Glove Both use them to advance under fire.
In addition to the armor protection granted
Intended as a covert form of personal armor, the
by a Riot Shield, a character with the Hip
hardened body glove comprises a form-fitting suit made up
Shooting talent may utilize the Tactical Advance action and
of a flexible mesh fiber material that tenses when struck to
make a single attack with a ranged weapon, instead of a
disperse the impact. Additionally, the suit is also reinforced
normal Full Move. While doing so, the Riot Shield armor
with a micro-scale insert of hardened ceramic lamellar
counts as cover. Additionally, Riot Shields grant a +15 bonus
plating over vital areas. Wearable under other loose or
to Parry Skill Tests.
specially tailored clothing, hardened body gloves are a
common choice for elite troops engaged in covert
operations, bodyguards and anyone who wishes to protect
Tower Shield
themselves without an overt show of doing so. A tower shield is an immense shield of armaplas or
As an Extremely Rare availability, hardened body gloves plasteel used to provide a mobile barrier more than an active
can also be purchased with a sealable hood (covering the defense. When faced with oncoming hostile aggressors,
head) and inherent stealth features, making the wearer enforcer and arbites suppression teams are trained to adopt
harder to detect with auspexes, IR vision and the like a special defensive formation using these shields. Locking
(imposing a –20 penalty on relevant Tests to notice the their shields together in an impressive wall they are able to
wearer). strike at advancing enemies with impunity, while their
compatriots shelter behind them and offer suppressive
covering fire.
Low Hiver’s Overcoats Tower Shields are bulky and very unwieldy items and
These voluminous and somewhat tattered patchwork impose a penalty of –2 to the Agility Bonus of their users for
leather and canvas high collared overcoats are common low purposes of Movement.
hiver garb and will easily fit over anything a character is
wearing. They are also quite tough and will provide some
Volcanis Shroud
degree of protection.
The shroud is the common name for an integrated suit of
heavy protective gear including a temperature-insulating
Mirker’s Greaves under-suit and a heavy, hooded blast coat of polymer and
These rather unusual forms of leg wear and boots are ceramite-alloy weave. The shroud takes its name from the
common in one form or another to the ill-fortuned (but often vast magma-fed forges of Volcanis deep beneath the
well-paid) men and women who are sent to hunt vermin and surface of Mars, and has long been a staple of heavy
clear debris in the thousands upon thousands of kilometers industrial hives and forge world gear, not least in Hive world
of sewer and drainage systems that riddle a hive city. The forges where it is the universal garb of the foundry guilders,
blind, rancid things encountered in these sumps are usually though it finds equal use in industrial vaults.
more than capable of biting (or even burning) though most The protection provided by the shroud is doubled against
fabrics, and mirker’s greaves are usually reinforced with fire, acids and corrosives. Unfortunately, because of its
polyflex and metal plate, and often razored or studded for substantial bulk, the shroud also imposes a –10 penalty on
good measure. The wearer can also kick with the same Agility Tests while worn. The suit also has a built-in
effect as if they were using an improvised weapon. rebreather and photo-visor.

Mandragora Apocrypha 88
Clothing and Gear Table 4-3: Clothing and Gear
Name Weight Availability
"A man is only as strong as his faith, and as useful as the tools at his Axe-Rake 4kg Abundant
disposal." Bio-Sample Kit 4kg Rare
Chem Lamps 2kg Ubiquitous
Coded Data-Slate 0.5kg Average
-Crew-Boss Radim Loight Cognomen - Plentiful
Court Robes - Scarce
In addition to arms and armor, the following items are Forgery Kit 1kg Extremely Rare
Hand Vox 0.5kg Plentiful
particular to imperial worlds, being used by indigenous
Heretic's Wake Deck - Scarce
populations to survive in the often harsh environment of the Holo Wafers - Scarce
sprawling hives and developing cities. Mantle Shrine 1kg Abundant
Mercantile Bodyglove 1kg Scarce
Mercantile Cognomen - Scarce
Axe-Rake Money Pouch - Ubiquitous
Ocular Catechizer - Scarce
A heavy multi-purpose tool, common to hive smelteries,
Pass Tokens - Plentiful
foundries and imperial work crews. The axe-rake is taken Penthrift Dreadfuls - Average
almost universally to symbolize labor and the manual Pheromone Mister 0.5kg Very Rare
Rag-Robes - Ubiquitous
workforce of the hive in the Mandragora Sector. The axe-
Salvation Auger
rake is frequently rendered as an icon both in industrial Basic - Common
architecture and guild livery on most hive worlds. The Superior - Average
genuine article can also make for a handy weapon in skilled Toxin Wands 0.2kg Scarce
Vox Caster 0.6kg Common
hands. Vox-Thief
The axe-rake grants a +10 bonus to Athletics Tests Short-Range 0.5kg Rare
involved with climbing, as well as on Tests made to force Long-Range 15kg Rare
Ward Accessor 0 Average
doors or locks open. It can also be used as a melee weapon,
dealing 1d10+2 I or R Damage with the Primitive and
Unbalanced qualities.
cogitator systems. The only feature on the face of a
Cognomen is the symbol of the issuing hive, guild or Adepta
Bio-Sample Kit whom the citizen serves. In some ways, ownership of a
This commonly carried satchel of the Officio Medicae cognomen is frighteningly important: it represents the only
carries three small bio-storage tubes and a small bio-auspex legal proof of identity, a right to work and even to be fed and
with a range of about a meter or so. Set for human tissue, housed for the average mid-hiver. Its loss might genuinely
the indicator on the auspex will flash red and whine with mean starvation, abandonment, arrest or even being cast
increasing volume in the proximity of anomalous tissue. The down into the underhive in the blind face of Imperial
kit also comes with a long bladed, razor edge mono scalpel bureaucracy. There is, of course, a thriving trade in the theft
(this counts as a knife with the mono weapon modification). and falsification of cognomen, the price for a “face” varies on
the identity fabricated or stolen, and can range from a few
Chem Lamps gelt to thousands.
These small portable lamps use a chemical reaction to
provide light and operate continuously while their shutters Court Robes
are open. Such lamps will illuminate an area of about a three Heavy and encrusted with layers of stitching, these robes
meter radius around it or provide a six meter directed beam are common within the many courts and other judicial
of whitish light. offices, from lowly offence-barkers to sentencing lords.

Coded Data-Slate Forgery Kit

This worn-looking brass cased dataslate carries a series This represents a catch-all category of tools and
of maps and data about a particular hab section with materials, from special parchment inks to task-dedicated
addresses provided by the local Administratum register. The codifiers intended to help the user forge or duplicate official
slate also has basic short range audio and visual recording documents, cognomen, passes and permits. Using this kit in
and playback functions. These slates feature a five key input conjunction with the relevant Skill (Deceive or Tech-Use)
code. If it is accessed without this, its core memory will be grants a bonus to copy, forge or fabricate such items,
locked. depending on the quality of the materials involved and the
difficulty of the task.
Cognomen The price shown is for a common quality kit that provides
“Cognomen” is the official Administratum designation in a +10 bonus. A Good Quality kit gives a +20 bonus, while a
the Mandragora Sector for a citizen’s identity card. In a hive, Best Quality kit provides a +30.
it is one of the only viable means of tracking, taxing and
identifying the citizenry. Cognomen are usually blank iron-
grey, punched-metal squares (about the size and shape of a
playing card) and designed to be read by data-slates and

89 Mandragora Apocrypha
Hand Vox Mercantile Bodyglove
These are cheap and battered looking personal Many rising merchants in the Imperium have adopted
communication devices that use a private encrypted these comfortable sheaths of form-fitting, flexible material, a
channel, and are good for a range of a few kilometers. variant of the rougher ones many workers on that planet
Thanks to signal interference in the areas of the a hive, vox wear. While bodygloves are more common for those with
traffic is almost impossible over any real distance or between physical or hazardous duties, they have become a fashion
levels, except by wire station, but these hand vox will let choice, with elaborate glyphs denoting house affiliation.
them keep in touch within a localized region when in a hive.
Mercantile Cognomen
Heretic’s Wake Deck These encrypted metal punch cards are identity markers
In the centuries since the sector’s founding, the which include a permit code tag allowing mercantile
Ministorum has been unstinting in their efforts to stamp-out personnel to carry arms for self defense. They signify that
the game of “Heretic’s Wake”, but with little success. The the bearer are "bonded agents" of the organization of issue.
game is played with a deck of cards made from a twisted Most mercantile operations are of considerable power, some
and debased version of the Emperor’s Tarot and to possess specializing in tech salvage or 'manpower services'.
a set is a crime punishable by “having one’s fingers dipped
in molten gold” - for the blasphemy of holding such lies and Money Pouch
creations of wickedness. The images on each card are Currencies across the Imperium are disparate and wildly
rumored to have been designed by the heretic illuminator, varied. On some worlds, oaths and titles are traded like
Cassilda, and it is said that if the cards are drawn in a certain currency, while on most developing or civilized worlds some
pattern, the player will find themselves granted a vision of a form of credits, coins or script are used. Where physical
far greater game, or perhaps simply go mad. The potential coins or tokens are used, it is common for citizens to
consequences have not prevented Heretics’ Wake from possess small pouches to contain their loose coin. These
spreading throughout the sector to the point where a game are useful for sundries and bribes, regardless if they actually
can be found in almost every dark recess. contain anything of real value.

Holo Wafers Ocular Catechizer

Intended as fealty-badges, bargaining chips or signal - A device favored by ranking adepts, sages and
markers, holo wafers are small ceramic discs, each about as Administratum officials, these arcane and intricate-looking
thick as a coin and no wider than a palm. Each is keyed to eyepieces are designed to magnify objects and help identify
show a particular small holographic image when triggered. and analyze visual patterns and data. They are somewhat
The devices have another, more sinister, use as so-called temperamental instruments, requiring stillness and
“death markers” or “kill claimers”. Holo wafers displaying concentration to use; their machine-spirits are notoriously
images such as a winking skull, a weeping mother or a easily vexed, much to the pain of the operator.
burning tower are de rigueur items in the underworld, serving Using these devices gains a character a +10 bonus on
as “calling cards” for many assassins, gunsells and Linguistics, Lore and Scrutiny Tests where the close
contracted blades who leave them on the corpses of their examination of objects, symbols and deciphering written text
victims to enhance their mystique and their reputation. is involved. Other Actions cannot be attempted while using
an ocular, and if a failure by four or more degrees is rolled
Mantle-Shrine on a Test involving the device, feedback through the
Common devotional items in the Mandragora Sector, eyepiece inflicts 1 level of Fatigue on the user. The eyepiece
these small portable shrines take the form of a triptych can also record its impressions to an attached data-slate for
wooden or flakboard box that can be closed into a case for later study.
carrying. Traditionally, mantle-shrines feature three hand-
painted icons, the central being one of the aspects of the Pass Tokens
God-Emperor and at his right and left hand sides, an image These coded devices, each about the size of a small thick
or saints determined by the painter. The base unfolds to hold coin, will allow them legal clearance for a particular hive
candles, an incense burner or a tack for votive papers. One division and free passage on local transit rails around the
can find mantle-shrines even in the homes of the very poor midhive area.
on many worlds - indeed families often club together to buy
them as wedding gifts. Many hive scummers, intent on Penthrift Dreadfuls
robbery, also know that a locked mantle shrine is a favored
The “penthrift dreadful” is a Mandragoran slang name for
hiding place for many a poor stack-family’s few coins, if they
a small, cheaply printed pamphlet containing lurid stories of
dare desecrate it.
sordid murders, gang violence, fanciful tales of xenos
atrocities and other strange occurrences, all couched in the
form of morality tales or scaremongering religious tracts in
order to evade censorship by the authorities. A popular,
slightly licentious pleasure in the mid-hives, these
publications are generally allowed to continue by the

Mandragora Apocrypha 90
powers-that-be as they serve to reinforce the justly held more than signal danger, while the better models can be
fears and hatreds of the population, although, the Holy read with a Ordinary (+10) Tech-Use Test to determine the
Ordos often keep a weather eye on their contents, just to exact nature of the hazard.
ensure that no dangerous “truths” slip through amid the
purple prose. Toxin Wands
Easy to use by untrained personnel, toxin wands work to
Pheromone Mister detect poisons and recommend counter-agents and
Often mistaken for perfume canister, these devices immunizers. A character can use a toxin wand to determine
frequently expel a hugely concentrated cloud of mind- whether or not someone has been poisoned or not by
altering substances, wreathing their owner in an succeeding at a Challenging (+0) Perception Test or a
undetectable cloud of powerful pheromones and Routine (+20) Medicae Test. Success by two or more
psychoactive drugs. These will often cause nearby people to degrees also grants enough information to identify an
react in a certain way to a person’s presence. Coming in antidote (if one exists).
several varieties, the effects can vary. However, the mister’s
cloud is designed for use on humans, and so has a lesser Vox Caster
effect on aliens. The misters are often supplied with a set of A common piece of tech used by crew chiefs, work labor
nasal-plugs to prevent their users from falling under their
teams and rabble-rousers the galaxy over, a vox Caster
effects. These are most commonly used by nobles,
amplifies the volume of a person’s voice allowing them to be
particularly on Vodaccair Sextus, to influence those around heard further away than normal. Vox casters may be
them to act in much more favorable ways than they normally implanted in a person’s larynx, simply carried by hand,
would. mounted on servo skulls or other familiar, or more exotically
Pheromone Misters make use of a variety of misters as be a form of implant allowing telepathic communication. In
listed in Drugs and Consumables. Characters with game terms, a vox caster allows shouting to be heard and
equipment that gives them bonuses to resisting airborne understood at 3 times their normal range.
toxins get their usual bonus when taking any tests forced by In addition vox casters can be used to produce eardrum
a pheromone mister. However, bonuses from bionic lungs shattering bursts of feedback, which in close proximity to
will not apply, as the pheromones and drugs affect nerve another character can be a useful way of disorientating
centers inside the nostrils and sinuses. Non-humans (not them. As a Half Action, a character utilizing a vox caster can
including abhumans and mutants) gain a +20 bonus against create a burst of feedback. Any character within 3 meters of
all tests caused by a pheromone mister.
the vox caster must pass a Routine (+10) Willpower Test or
be stunned for a single turn. The character activating the
Pheromone Nasal Filtration-Plugs voice thrower is considered immune from the effects of the
These simple devices are inserted into the nasal cavities, feedback as they were expecting the horrific noise!
innocuously hidden from casual view. These nasal plugs
give a +10 bonus to resisting airborne toxins and allow a Vox-Phonograph
character to ignore the effects of a pheromone mister. Nasal A domestic toy of the wealthy, phonographs are bulky
plugs give a +10 bonus to resisting airborne toxins and allow table-piece devices of clockwork-cogs, switches, vox-grills,
a character to ignore the effects of a pheromone mister. Due sounding horns and lens-projectors, built to play music or
to their easily concealable nature, it requires a Difficult (-10) provide flickering holo-lantern shows. The usual fare for a
Scrutiny Test to perceive their use.
vox-phonograph is orchestral symphonies, inspirational
Ecclesiarchy sermons, issued guild reports and pict-slides,
Rag-Robes each recorded on a micro-etched metal cylinder which plugs
Common with the outcasts and downtrodden, these are into the machine’s loom to be played. Better models may
made from assorted cast-off lengths of clothing scavenged record cylinders of their own and play media from other
from corpses or washed up on effluent tides, and then bound sources such as data-slates. Sadly such entertainment is
together into formless coverings. Some of the tatters might well beyond the price of the masses in most hives.
have once been gossamer silks or xenos leathers, but few
notice such details in the feeble lighting and muck encasing Vox-Thief
the material.
This complex device of the Omnissiah’s arts is designed
to pick up, store and analyze both vox and data
Salvation Auger transmissions in the surrounding area. They can either be
About the size of a pocket chrono, the salvation auger is used by an operator or can be covertly hidden to record in a
designed to detect the presence of harmful radiation, particular area. Using a vox-thief ’s basic functions requires
airborne toxins and pollutants. These devices are common a successful Difficult (–10) Tech-Use Test and may be
on most hive worlds, particularly for up-hivers venturing into made considerably harder by the nature of the task.
the depths. Augers alert the wearer when danger is Additionally, heavily encrypted signals need further analysis
encountered, coming in a variety of patterns and makes, to break their code. Short-range vox-thieves are the size of a
varying from ornate hololithic dials to utilitarian lapel-boxes data-slate and have a range of about two to three kilometers,
that shriek alarms when triggered. Basic models do nothing while long-range models are larger units, containing a

91 Mandragora Apocrypha
powerful in-built cogitator and are comparable to military
vox-casters in size (a large backpack), with a range of up to Table 4-4: Drugs and Consumables
50 kilometers. In both cases, this range can be reduced Name Weight Availability
dramatically by local conditions. Amorouso - Scarce
Mors Ira - Very Rare
Mors Ventus - Near Unique
Ward Accessor Tremora - Very Rare
Although often ritualized and little understood by most Soylens Viridians 1kg Average
who use them, ward accessors are electronic passes that
allow access to certain areas that are otherwise restricted. the range of the Mors Ira Pheromones, the effects persist for
Such security measures are commonplace in the Imperium 1d10 rounds.
where individual citizens and workers usually find certain
places off-limits. Individual accessors vary widely in Mors Ventus Pheromones
appearance, from simple cards to holo-coins, badges of
The user is shrouded in pheromones that provoke an
office or even great seals, depending on just where the
instinctive reaction. Most people will instantly begin to back
security is located and what is being guarded. The
away, their subconscious screaming out that the user is
availability listed here is for a “blank” accessor (a potentially
deadly. The pheromones and drugs used activate fear
dubious but not illegal item) ready to be programmed with a
centers in the brain, and often trigger an adrenal surge in
those nearby, regardless of whether or not they can
overcome the fear that grips them. However, the
Drugs and Consumables concentration of the mist is so great that it often has a mild
effect on the user too.
Millennia of experimentation and degradation have led to Characters within 2 meters of a character using Mors
thousands of drugs commonly available to humanity, from Ventus Pheromones must pass a Fear (4) test. If failed, the
simple stimulants to arcane potions that can imbue unholy subsequent Shock roll receives double the normal penalties.
effects. These, along with more usual foodstuffs and drinks, They only make this test once per encounter, when they are
are frequently part of any Acolyte’s travel kit when preparing within 2 meters of the character for the first time. The
for action. character using the pheromone mister is not immune to the
effects of Mors Ventus Pheromones, and must make a Fear
Amorouso Pheromone (2) Test each time a mister is first activated.
This pheromone mist is a sweet-smelling cloud that gives
unsuspecting victims nearby a sudden and overwhelming Soylens Viridians
sense of trust and affection towards those in the immediate A bland but otherwise filling and somewhat nutritious vat-
area. Characters within 2 meters of a character using a grown foodstuff. It is also known as "Corpse-Starch" as it is
pheromone mister loaded with a Amorouso Pheromone said to be made from human corpses, mixed with random
cannot perform hostile actions against that character without dead animals, plants, and other sources of dead biomatter
first passing a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test. If this test typically disposed of in Hive cities to be recycled into food to
is failed, they become Stunned for one round per Degree of lessen waste. Soylens Viridians is a common staple among
Failure. The character using the mister gains a +30 bonus underhives, military rations, and other places where high
with all Interaction Skill Tests against characters affected by demand for food meets low standards for taste. Several
Love Pheromones. Mechanicus worlds favor it, considering it a far more efficient
means of ingesting nutrients than plain animal tissue.
Mors Ira Pheromones
The user of these pheromones is shrouded by toxins that Tremora Pheromones
blocks higher cerebral functions, leaving those under its The pheromones emitted by this canister cause a
effect as little more than beasts with an irresistible urge to powerful and sudden mental reaction in anyone nearby. The
kill. Unlike other pheromones, Mors Ira are rarely used user appears to be shrouded in an aura of dread and
intentionally or willingly, as the effects of these pheromones despair, making them difficult to face. This feeling often
puts the user at a high risk of danger - often ending in a lingers even if the mister ceases to function.
brutally and violent fashion. Characters within 2 meters of a character using Tremora
Characters within 2 meters of a character using Mors Ira Pheromones must pass a Fear (2) Test. They only make this
Pheromones must pass a Hard (-20) Willpower Test. If test once per encounter, when they are within 2 meters of
failed, the target gains the Frenzy talent and immediately the character for the first time.
becomes Frenzied, counting the closest person he is aware
of as an enemy. These effects last as long as the victim
remains within 2 meters of the character. The effects of this
pheromone persist until the victim passes a test to snap out
of the state. If the victim renders the closest person to him
unconscious or kill him, the victim will seek out the next
nearest character and launch a new attack. Once outside of

Mandragora Apocrypha
Cybernetics Table 4-5: Cybernetics
Name Availability
Outside the purview of the Adeptus Terra and the Adrenal Spike Rare
Analgesia Infuser Very Rare
highborn, few counted among the common citizenry are Hexis-Implant Scarce
given in the way of cybernetics or implants. However, there
are a few common examples to the found through the
his head, there is a 15% chance the memory coils are
irrevocably damaged, resulting in the loss of the benefits of
these cybernetic implants as well as an additional -1d5
Adrenal Spike permanent Intelligence loss.
This invasive implant floods a person’s system with
adrenaline, increasing their reflexes and boosting their
strength. However, such sudden and sustained exertion The
rapidly exhausts, and as such, Adrenal Spikes are not often
implanted in willing subjects.
Adrenal spikes boost a character’s Strength and Agility by Augmetic implants are ubiquitous throughout the
+20, but the character must pass a Hard (-20) Toughness Imperium. From the prosthetic limbs of Imperial Guard
test every turn while the Spike is active or suffer 1d5 veterans, to the life-extending sanguinary actuators of
wounds that ignore armor and toughness. Spikes are treated ancient savants, to the multi-jointed mechadendrites of
like injectors, and carry a dose that can be administered with the Adeptus Mechanicus, one is hard pressed to find a
a Half Action and can be activated remotely by another resident of a civilized world who does not sport some
character, via a trigger word, telepathic trigger or simple form of bionic implant. Within the upper classes of
radio control. Imperial society, where money is freely spent in
service to status and fashion, the scions of nobility
strut like peacocks displaying a plumage of coiling wire
Analgesia Infuser
and ribbed augmetic tubing. But for some, bionic
An analgesia infuser is a medical implant that pumps modification is more than a mark of status, age, or
painkillers and system stabilizing agents into a person’s devotion to the Omnissiah. For some, it is an
system in response to trauma. Analgesia Infusers are obsession. For these few, known as Augmenticists,
activated after a character suffers an injury caused by a there is no greater goal than physical and aesthetic
Critical injury. When activated, the character ignores the perfection. It is through repeated bionic surgery that
Stunned condition for 1d5+2 rounds, ignoring the effects of Augmenticists believe such a goal can be attained.
Stunned if this roll equal or exceeds the amount of rounds There are as many reasons for becoming an
indicated by the Critical Injury. However, the drugs affect Augmenticist as there are Augmenticists themselves.
reaction time somewhat and will reduce a character’s An ageing servant, driven by fervent devotion,
Initiative by -4, to a minimum of 1 for up to 1d5+2-TB hours replaces his failing organs one by one lest he die
(minimum of 1). leaving some task incomplete. A warrior of exceptional
skill nevertheless becomes frustrated with the limits of
Hexis-Implants the human body, undertaking repeated muscle grafts
Also known as burnjobs or neurojacks, these invasive and the implantation of evermore-lethal weapons in a
implants are a commonly used to instantaneously instill quest to become death incarnate. The foppish
relevant trade skills and knowledge. Less capable than a merchant prince, a slave to youth and beauty, puts
standard memorance implant, these implants invariably himself under the surgeon’s knife time and again until
cause severe neurological damage and eventually insanity he has attained statuesque allure and an inhuman
and death. However, for those given the opportunity, this tolerance to even the most exotic intoxicants. It is not
even that fate is better than life as a mere unskilled laborer. long before such burgeoning Augmenticists pass the
Characters with Hexis-Implants receive up to two Lore or point of no return, reasoning in their various ways that
Trade Skills at the Experienced Skill Rank. However, the they are better off as beings of mechanical perfection
knowledge instilled into the character is not true than creatures of crude and ugly flesh. As they pursue
understanding of his craft and can damage cerebral their physical ideal, many Augmenticists declare their
functions over prolonged times. Every time one of the contempt for the flesh proudly, displaying each new
chosen skills is used, the character gains 3 Insanity Point, implant with gleeful abandon, every graft moving them
regardless if he passes the test or not. one more step above the ruck and run or humanity.
Good: Good-Quality Hexis-Implants allow a character to Others hide their increasingly artificial bodies behind
gain up to three Lore or Trade Skills, and reduces the knowing smiles and tailored robes, content in the
Insanity Point consequences to 2 each time the related skills knowledge of their own physical superiority. However,
are used. an Augmenticist’s obsession rarely ends in the realm
Best: Best-Quality Hexis-Implants have improved neuro- of the physical. What is the mind, they reason, but
patterns, reducing the Insanity Point consequence to 1 each another organ to be improved upon
time the related skills are used. or replaced?
Drawback: Whenever the character receives a critical hit to

93 Mandragora Apocrypha
Services Table 4-6: Services
Name Weight Availability
Services represent the many mundane requirements that Luminum Tats - Average
Resusatrix Chamber 200kg Rare
Acolytes need to not only exist from day to day, but also to
travel across the sector to prosecute their holy charge.
Necessities such as a base of operations, food and
provisions, and modes of transportation: all these and more
are perhaps less thrilling than combat, but just as essential
to a successful investigation.
These are near limitless in scope, and can vary wildly
from world to world. As such, Game Masters should create
appropriate services and their levels of availability to match
the adventure. The examples in Table 4-6: Services can be
used as guidelines for this process, to give Acolytes a rough
idea of what they may face. Note that some can, at the GM’s
discretion, increase or decrease the group’s Subtlety level.

Luminum Tats
Lumimum tats (or “shine-jobs” as they are also known),
are subdermal circuit and chemical tattoos that are
essentially the “poor cousin” of the electoos crafted by the
Cult Mechanicus. Displaying luminous and sometimes
animate images, markings, slogans and gang-glyphs, they
mark membership to one of the many underhive gangs, ward
the superstitious from evil and brag about the deeds of the
wearer. The more elaborate luminum tats are often the work
of hereteks and some of the more radical tech-priests are
known to favor their forcible removal from offending flesh,
whether the wearer wishes it or not.

Resusatrix Chamber
A medicae device intended to speed and aid the healing
process. The Resusatrix takes the shape of an upright tube-
chamber in which the subject is placed and hooked up to
sedation, drug-regulation and life-support systems,
suspended in a thick curative solution of fluids, antinecrotics
and proteins. Thanks to the level of sophisticated
technoarcana required in their construction and
maintenance, these chambers are often confined to the
medicae facilities found on hive worlds, Officio Medicae
facilities and other tech-advanced locales, although some
noble houses, ship’s captains and guilds are resourced
enough to have their own.
The chamber halves the length of time normally taken to
heal Wounds naturally. It also prevents infection and adds a
+10 bonus to Toughness Tests to overcome the effects of
most poisons and diseases. In the case of serious injuries,
surgery and other attention may still be needed as
appropriate. While in the chamber, the character may do
nothing but float in a drugged sleep. The various bio-
auguries fitted to the chamber also count as a medical
auspex and grant +20 bonus to Medicae Tests to diagnose
the patient. The chamber may only be operated successfully
by a character possessing both the Medicae and Tech-Use

Mandragora Apocrypha 94
The Mandragoran Bestiary race whose desires and thoughts remain hidden from others
and possess an implacable and patient intelligence. Masked
in human flesh, they walk amongst mankind and secretly
There are countless variations of beasts and vermin, flora infest communities, twisting them until they are completely
and indigenous 'things' that inhabit the Mandragora Sector. under their dominion. They treat humans with utter disdain
and a callous disregard, for these seemly immortal creatures
The Plagues of Dread Mandragora carry themselves as fallen gods fleeing something greater
and more terrible yet, and mankind is to them no more than
cattle to be used and disposed of at will. The Cryptos are a
Of all the strange, strange creatures found in the
rare and utterly insidious threat, and though no cities have
Mandragora Sector, there are some that are considered
burned in their name nor have they raised armies against the
nightmares made manifest. The worst and epidemic of these
dominion of the God-Emperor, they are the manifestation of
deadly and dangerous creatures are known collectively as
the 'Plagues of Dread Mandragora" by void travelers. why the alien is loathed and mistrusted in all of its forms.
The Cryptos are encountered in two forms. Their natural
form is a strange green-tinted cloud of energized gas, and
their parasitic form is an apparently ordinary human who is
The strange and sinister xenos race known to the
possessed and controlled. The rules that follow cover the
Inquisition as the Cryptos comes from the cold darkness of Cryptos in its incorporeal form and also give an example of a
the interstellar void where it can scarcely be conceived that possessed human.
anything could live. Without solid physical form, they appear
as strange gaseous clouds tinted with an eerie greenish
glow and filled with maddening, half-formed shapes. They
are able to pass through solid matter and even through the
hulls of star vessels, and far more dangerously, they have
the power to take living human bodies as hosts in order to
fulfill their inscrutable aims. They are a cold and mysterious

95 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Cryptos Possession
Cryptos Natural Form (Elite) The Cryptos have the ability to possess physical bodies.
While this is very similar to the possessing attack of warp
H -
WS BS S entities, the Cryptos ability has a number of important
01-10 2 15 15 — differences resulting from the uniqueness of their physiology
- - and their ability to bond their beings completely with their
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 2 21-30 2 25 30 60 subjects. The mechanism by which possession occurs in the
- game is detailed as follows:
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 2 35 50 10
The Possession Attack
- - Inf
Lr Ll The Cryptos must be in contact with its intended victim

71-85 2 86-00 2 and use a Full Action. The creature and target make
Opposed Willpower Tests each Round until either the entity
HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 9 or the victim achieves a total of five degrees of success over
Bioluminen Shock Class Melee the other—this is cumulative over several Rounds. If the
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (E) Cryptos wins, it successfully possesses its victim. If the
victim wins, he has repelled the Cryptos, who may not
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
attempt to possess him again for 24 hours. The repelled
Cryptos is also Stunned for 1d10 Rounds.

The Effects of Possession

Skills: Deceive (Fel) +10, Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (Int) +10,
The Cryptos takes complete control, binding itself to its
Psyniscience (Per) +10, additionally all (Int) based Skills are
victim’s mind and nervous system. It has full access to its
Basic Skills for the Cryptos.
victim’s memories and is capable of commanding the body
Talents: Resistance (Psychic)
† † to function regardless of pain and injury. Make the following
Traits: Energy Sensitivity , Flyer (6) , From Beyond,
† modifications to the possessed character’s profile.
Incorporeal†, Cryptos Possession , Pseudo-gaseous Form,
† • Add +10 to the victim’s Toughness Characteristic.
Psy Rating (2), Strange Physiology , Unnatural Senses
• Exchange the possessing entity’s Intelligence, Perception,
† and Willpower scores for those of the victims.
These Traits only apply when a Cryptos is in its Incorporeal form and
• The Cryptos' Psy Rating and powers also replace any that
do not apply to a creature it possesses
the victim possesses.
Energy Sensitivity: Although a Cryptos in its natural form is
• Add the Skills and Talents of the Cryptos to that of the
permanently incorporeal, strong energy fields will block it,
possessed victim.
and it is vulnerable to shock weaponry (taking half Damage),
• The Cryptos also has complete access to the victim’s
psychic energy, and powerful electrical discharges.
memories and knowledge, able to flawlessly pass as the
Pseudo-gaseous Form: A Cryptos is visible to normal sight
person. It gains a +20 to any Deceive Test to imitate its
as a flickering and dense green-tinted cloud; however, this
victim with prior acquaintances, etc. Behind this pretence
cloud is composed more of esoteric energy patterns than
lurks a cold and uncaring alien intelligence, and the “real”
solid matter. In this gaseous form, a Cryptos cannot be
mind and soul within is crushed into an utterly oblivious
detected by devices that register warp disturbance or
biological life, but may be detected by a Hard (–20)
Awareness Test using an auspex or energy scanner,
Casting Off a Body
appearing as a strange electromagnetic fluctuation.
The Cryptos is cast out of a victim as soon as it suffers
Compel: A Cryptos can use the Dominate power
Critical Damage or if the victim is subject to a powerful
automatically on members of a community that it has
electrical shock. A Cryptos cast out in this manner is left with
infiltrated for more than a year. Should Dominate be used
only 1 Wound remaining. The Cryptos can also leave its
against an individual who has not had prolonged exposure to
victim at any time and return to its incorporeal state,
the Cryptos, an Opposed Willpower Test is required as
although leaving a body inflicts 1d5 Wounds on the Cryptos.
normal for the power.
A Cryptos cannot be driven out using methods that
Telepathy: A Cryptos can communicate with other Cryptos
specifically effect daemons and other unclean spirits, as they
within 20 km without needing a Focus Power roll, and can
are not warp entities.
potentially reach interstellar ranges with the right conditions.
Psychic Powers (Psy Rating 2): Telepathic Link,
Surviving Cryptos Possession
Dominate, Erasure, Hallucination, Terrify, Puppet Master
Should the Cryptos leave its victim, the ordeal has a 25%
chance of killing the host. A victim that dies in this way
appears to have suffered multiple organ failure with
indeterminate cause. If the victim does not die as a result of
the Cryptos’ departure, he takes 1d10 points of permanent
Damage to his Toughness and Willpower Characteristics. In
addition, the victim gains 1d10 Insanity Points and has no
memory of his time under possession whatsoever.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 96

Enslaver (Master)
Also known as Psyrens, Krell, Dominators, or Puppeteers, 25
the mysterious Enslavers are possibly one of the greatest -
threats for not only the Imperium but all living beings. While
they live at least part of their lives in the Warp, they have
01-10 2 21 — 26
- -
material bodies and can also exist naturally in the material Ar Al T Ag Int

realm. Their very existence is a closely guarded secret, with 11-20 3 21-30 3 39 20 51
only a select few knowing what these beings truly represent, B Per Wp Fel

and the hideous fate that could befall the Imperium should 31-70 3 49 67 03
they overpower mankind. - - Inf
Lr Ll
Descriptions of Enslavers are rare and fragmentary, but —
most detail a grotesque, sickly pink–brown bulbous body.
71-85 3 86-00 3
Tentacles writhe underneath them, assisting in movement as HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 24
they hover through the air, while grasping mandibles are
used to grip their prey.
Psychic Tendril Class Melee
Inquisitorial Scholars are divided as to whether Enslavers RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (E)
are sentient. While they seem to act in an intelligent manner, PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
they make no attempts to communicate or use tools of any SPECIAL: WARP WEAPON
kind. Instead they use psychically controlled slaves to
conduct any physical work, and it is this power which gives
them their name. Enslaver victims become complete Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Psyniscience (Per) +20
puppets to the alien’s will, performing even the most self– Talents: Favored by the Warp
destructive or heretical acts without hesitation. While the Traits: Psy Rating (6), Fear (2), From Beyond, Hoverer (3),
Enslavers themselves can be felled by regular weapons fire Multiple Arms, Size (Hulking), Strange Physiology, Unnatural
due to their corporeal forms, it is their dominated thralls that Senses (15m)
often pose a greater threat, for few can bear to kill their Psychic Powers (Psy Rating 6): All Telepathy Psychic
comrades even when clearly under alien control. †
Powers plus Enslavement
Enslavers travel on the currents of the Immaterium and Creature of the Warp: Enslavers never invoke Psychic
are drawn to the psychic emanations of living creatures, Phenomena.
especially from unprotected psykers, who they can detect Warp Gate: Enslavers need a warp-gate to enter the
from many light years away. Once a psyker is found, three material universe from the Warp. First, an Enslaver must
Enslavers form a dominating mental bond with the target and succeed at a Very Hard (-30) Psyniscience Test in order to
bring about a sickening transformation. The host is distorted locate a suitable Psyker upon a single planet. Next, three
and twisted over a period of days, falling into lethargy and Enslavers focus their efforts upon this Psyker. One Enslaver
finally becoming a living warp portal, a pulsating arch of makes a single Hard (-20) Willpower Test, assisted by the
ruptured flesh which permits the trio of Enslavers ingress other two Enslavers. For every degree of success, the target
into the material plane. Psyker gains 1 level of Fatigue which cannot be removed.
Once Enslavers have appeared on a world, they seek out Once the target lapses into permanent unconsciousness, its
and transform more psykers so that more and more flesh begins to transform into an Enslaver Gate, mutating
enslavers appear, thus often heralding the end of that world. over 1d10 rounds until finally forming a stable entryway for
Enslavers can bind living creatures, including non–psykers, three Enslavers to enter the material realm (note that only
to their will, using them to defend their new masters and those three Enslavers can use that Gate, in the case of
attack any who have not been enslaved yet. While some few multiple Gates in play). The Gate has Toughness 40, 20
have resisted or thrown off this awful shackle, most victims Wounds, and no Armor for purposes of destruction. Only by
are dominated for the remainder of their pitiful lives total destruction can its use be stopped.
Enslaved subjects usually bear no outward appearance of †
Enslavement: This psychic power works in the same
their domination, but after time the lack of proper care and manner as Dominate, but if successful, the target can only
nourishment leave them sick and desiccated, though this break free with another Opposed Willpower Test at a -20
could be a side effect of their alien oppression. penalty. Once a target is Enslaved, the Enslaver can then
Once an Enslaver infestation has begun, it is very hard to target another living creature at the beginning of each Round
stop; soon thousands of the horrific creatures are breaching (the GM should keep track of which Enslavers are controlling
the Warp, binding millions to their will and dooming the which Acolytes or NPCs). Issuing orders to those Enslaved
planet. While their presence is still a very rare occurrence in is a Half Action for the Enslaver, no matter how many are
this sector, those worlds which have seen Enslavers appear currently under its control.
are now often Exterminatus, as the Holy Ordos have had no
other recourse but to unleash unrelenting death on the
planet. Only by catching the initial enslavement is there
much hope for stopping an Enslaver Plague from claiming a

97 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Humines Nocturnae Powers), Thunder Charge, Two-Weapon Master, Warp
Humines Nocturnae are all infected with a virus that is Sense, Whirlwind of Death
carried in their saliva and is transmitted when a Humines Traits: Brutal Charge (5), Dark-Sight, Deadly Natural

Nocturnae feeds on a human victim. The virus amplifies Weapons, Infection , Fear (1), Natural Armor (4),
within a victim within a span of 72 days, however humans Regeneration (2), Sonar Sense, Undying, Unnatural
injected with pure strains of the virus will turn in a Strength (3), Unnatural Toughness (3), Unnatural Agility (4)

significantly shorter amount of time. When the mutation Infection: When a victim of the Humines Nocturnae suffers
occurs, new organs are produced and several of the original damage from a wound caused by the Toxic trait of its natural
organs become redundant; the new creature's strength and weapons, there is a cumulative 1% chance per wound
reflexes are increased tenfold, making them extremely inflicted of contracting the Humines Nocturnae virus, to a
deadly. Once the transformation is complete, the once maximum of 10%. This is tested at the end of the encounter,
humans look more like wild animals. They become all and can be resisted with a Hard (-20) Toughness Test. If
covered in fur, wear no clothing, stand in a perpetual crouch the character fails the test, he will begin to under the painful
and have great jaws filled with sharp teeth. Their arms are metamorphosis into one of the Humines Nocturnae.
armed with a set of long, sharp claws in place of fingers.
Humines Nocturnae possess a number of advantages Infected Nocturnae
over humans: enhanced strength, agility and stamina, When infected by the viral strain that transforms a human
heightened senses, accelerated healing and a greatly into one of the Humines Nocturnae, it is not visibly known in
slowed aging process that makes them virtually immortal. the beginning weeks. The process is slow, painful, and
However, they also possess several weaknesses, most disorienting as the character undergoes the transfiguration.
There are four distinct phases of the transformation.
notably their constant thirst and need to consume human
blood, since their own blood cannot sustain hemoglobin.
Phase 1
Homines Nocturnae are also extremely allergic to
During the first week, the infected displays no symptoms
adamantium which burns their flesh to the touch. They also
other than a growing aversion to natural sunlight.
cannot stand ultraviolet rays and so they are unable to
survive in sunlight; ultraviolet light will quickly burn through
Phase 2
their tissue. Finally, while Humines Nocturnae can
During the following two weeks, the victim begins to
regenerate most wounds and even lost limbs, injuries to the
develop new internal organs and begins to notice differences
heart or brain are always fatal. Upon death, a Humines
in his body.
Nocturnae will disintegrate into hot ash.
• The character gains the Unnatural Strength (1), Unnatural
Toughness (1), and Unnatural Agility (1) traits.
• Gain immunity to Stun.
Humines Nocturnae (Elite) 18
H 4
WS S 3
Phase 3
01-10 12 During the next three weeks, the victim begins to grow
45 — 52
4 4
course fur across his body. His fingernails begin to grow
Ar Al T 3 Ag 4 Int
longer, and he finds himself unable to stand sunlight any
11-20 12 21-30 12 59 60 35 longer. During the third phase an unquenchable thirst for
B Per Wp Fel human blood begins to manifest, driving the character into
31-70 12 45 32 03 fits of bestial rage between increasingly distant lucid periods.
4 4 Inf • The character gains the Unnatural Strength (2), Unnatural
Lr Ll
— Toughness (2), and Unnatural Agility (2) traits.
71-85 12 86-00 12
• The character gains Natural Armor (2), Dark-Sight and the
HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 24 Deadly Natural Weapons (Claws) traits.
Serrated Tongue Class Melee • The character gains the Frenzy talent.

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 (R) Phase 3

PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — During the last few weeks the victim enters a hibernation
SPECIAL: TOXIC (2) period. Around his 72nd day, he emerges completely
changed, his former sentience buried beneath bestial and
Claws Class Melee
predatory instincts. He is no longer able to hide himself from
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 (R) humanity, nor does he desire to - he seeks only to feed and
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — infect others.
Curing the Virus
To date, there is no known cure for the Humines
Skills: Acrobatics (Ag) +30, Athletics (S) +30, Awareness Nocturnae virus. However, this may be curable at GM
(Per) +30, Psyniscience (Per) +10, Survival (Per) +30 discretion. It should be progressively harder to cure the
Talents: Blind Fighting, Catfall, Disarm, Frenzy, Hard further along the virus is and the side effects of curing a
Target, Keen Intuition, Lightning Attack, Resistance (Psychic character should be increasingly severe .

The Mandragora Apocrypha 98

Mandragoran Reaper
Reaper Mutate (Troops)
A warp predator that is 'local' to the Mechabella cluster, 10
the Mandragoran Reapers appear as large, man-sized -
spiders with four long limbs, small body, no visible eyes and
jaws surrounded by tentacles. With those jaws, they swallow
01-10 2 30 30 36
- -
people whole, holding them inside their stretchy stomachs Ar Al T Ag Int

(which makes them visibly bigger) and regurgitating their 11-20 2 21-30 2 25 30 22
remains after digesting them. Their long legs are capable of B Per Wp Fel

regenerating. Mandragoran Reapers are 'natural' enemies of 31-70 2 32 62 —

Psychneuein, who share similar Immaterial-biology - - Inf
Lr Ll
reproductive and hunting cycles. —
71-85 2 86-00 2
Mandragoran Reaper (Elite) 25 Infected Appendage Class Melee
H WS BS S 4 RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 (I)
01-10 7 34 — 82 PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
- -
Ar Al T 4 Ag Int SPECIAL: TOXIC (2)
11-20 7 21-30 7 32 48 58
B - Bilious Vomit Class Ranged
Per Wp Fel
31-70 7 68 62 — RNG 5m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+12 (R)
- - Inf PEN 1 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Lr Ll
71-85 7 86-00 7
Skills: Awareness
Tentacle Jaws Class Melee Talents: None
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+12 (R) Traits: Fear (1), Natural Weapons, Toxic (1)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — Mutate: Those infected by the Mandragoran Reapers slowly
SPECIAL: WARP WEAPON , SNARE (4) descend into madness and corruption, fighting the traumas
of the mind as much as the mutations of their bodies. Early
Elongated Claw Class Melee stage infected display 1d3 malignancies and 1d3 random
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+12 (R) mutations rolled from the Mutations table. Later stage
RLD — Wt . — AVL — infected will have 1d5 malignances and 1d10 mutations.
PEN 2 Clip —

Skills: Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag), Psyniscience (Per)

Talents: None The Reaping of
Traits: Bestial, Dark Sight, Fear (4), Immune to the Perils of
the Warp, Deadly Natural Weapons (Jaws, Claws), Phase, Quintus Makhavius
The Stuff of Nightmares, Undying, Unnatural Strength (4), The Speculum Historis Makhavius, an ancient holo-
Unnatural Toughness (4) device recording the first lost population of Quintus Makhavius
Sense Minds: A Warp predator is always aware of any and tells a tale of an unprecedented outbreak of Mandragoran
all sentient minds within 30 meters and can pinpoint their Reapers in the year of 957.M34. The account predates the first
location without regard for lighting, cover or any other form of recorded recognition of the reapers as distinct warp creatures
obscurement. within the archives and data-combs of Hecuba by a measure
of eleven centuries. The Speculum Historis Makhavius was
Reaper Mutates recovered in an ancient archeocache after an extensive
Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the Mandragoran examination of the world was conducted at the behest of the
Reaper is not simply the deaths of its victims, but it's Inquisition in 029.M36 after discovering the population had
incidental infection of a warp pathogen to those that are once more been claimed. Before Quintus Makhavius had been
wounded by the creature that causes fatal mutations in settled by Imperial colonists some centuries prior, the historical
humans. This infection acts by causing decay of the records indicated the planet had achieved some level of
epidermis and dermis, leaving huge abrasions and exposing technological renaissance that would have put the civilization
the muscles, which eventually knits and reforms into tentacle leagues ahead of their imperial counterparts.
appendages not quite unlike the maw of the reapers What caused the outbreaks was never discovered, despite
themselves. Inevitably, the infected begin to mutate in extensive technoarcheological excavations conducted by the
horrendous ways, lacking uniformity and consistency as Adeptus Mechanicus. The planet's checkered history indicated
expected of a warp contagion. some form of STC influence in their past, but few treasures
were ever unearthed. Instead, the Adeptus Mechanicus have
inadvertently awakened warrens of Mandragoran Reapers,
who seem particularly drawn to the planet above all others
within the sector. Each time the degrading civilizations of
Quintus Makhavius have recovered, re-seeded and re-
99 The Mandragora Apocrypha
populated, only to be forced into technological and societal
regression once more.
Nostrafex territory, they will almost always be a mated pair.
The galaxy is home to innumerable horrors, things ancient Nostrafex typically assume positions of authority within the
and undying lurking in the cosmic darkness. Hideous aliens, societies they infiltrate, either by killing existing leaders and
warp-tainted creatures and daemonic entities all exist on the assuming their identities, or by using their considerable
edges of humanity’s limited perception. The Nostrafex are psychic abilities to quickly advance within the societal
one of these: warp-channeling abominations which feed on structure. Being perceived as a member of a society’s ruling
life energy itself. elite makes it easier for the Nostrafex to conceal their true
Known by a variety of names: nosferatu, strigoi, vampyr, nature since they can then dictate the conditions with which
what information the Inquisition has on the parasitic species they interact with the local populace. In addition to the
dubbed the Nostrafex is fragmentary at best, with a handful practical advantages of being in leadership positions, it is
of anecdotal accounts interspersed among a multitude of assumed that this practice also satisfies the Nostrafex’
rumors and wild speculation. Where this haemovoric species personal egos, as they see themselves as inherently ‘above’
originated is a mystery. They are an incredibly ancient race other races, and thus dislike assuming identities that put
which spread throughout the known galaxy long before the them on the same social level as a world’s general populace.
ascent of Man. They are endowed with powerful psychic Extremely cunning, with the equivalent of many human
abilities that allow them to manipulate members of other lifetimes’ worth of experience to call upon, a Nostrafex can
species into becoming their servants, their protectors… and usually keep its activities concealed from any who could
their prey. pose a potential threat. However, centuries without a
According to the few credible accounts the Inquisition has challenge can lead to a Nostrafex growing complacent, even
on file, Nostrafex’ natural forms are truly horrible to behold: reckless. A growing number of walking dead plaguing a
they are bat-like humanoids, roughly man-sized, with large backwater community could be the handiwork of warp-
membranous wings stretched along their arms. This form is dabblers, a blasphemous cult, daemonic infestation, or
almost never seen by those who encounter a Nostrafex, possibly- just possibly- a hungry Nostrafex…
however, for they are able to project a completely convincing
psychic illusion into the minds of those around them. This
illusion can be of nearly anything the Nostrafex has Nostrafex (Master) 40
personally seen in the course of its millennia-spanning -
Nostrafex feed on the life-force of other beings, drawing it
01-10 10 65 35 55
- -
out with their innate psychic abilities. A cautious Nostrafex Ar Al T 5 Ag Int

will use its considerable psychic abilities to wipe all memory 11-20 10 21-30 10 50 45 76
of this attack from the minds of victims. While maintaining a B Per Wp Fel

cover identity, a Nostrafex will normally spread its attacks 31-70 10 45 80 45

among a number of individuals, to avoid draining any one - - Inf
Lr Ll
victim to death- for not only does a strange death risk
71-85 10 86-00 10 85
drawing unwanted attention, but the warp-taint of a
Nostrafex’ energy-draining attack causes the body of a HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 30
victim to subsequently reanimate as a warp zombie, a
Claws Class Melee
walking corpse which is driven to attack the living.
A Nostrafex needs to drain the life-force of other beings in RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 (R)
order to survive. If it does not regularly consume this energy, PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
it will weaken until it falls into a deep stupor. The Nostrafex SPECIAL: TEARING
retains a degree of consciousness and a dim perception of
its surroundings, but it cannot take any physical actions, Bite Class Melee
appearing for all intents and purposes to be dead. A RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 (R)
successful Psyniscience Test can reveal that a dormant PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Nostrafex body is still psychically active, albeit at a much- SPECIAL: CRIPPLING (2)
reduced level. It can be brought out of its ‘dead’ state via a
sorcerous ritual that involves a blood sacrifice; usually this is
performed by an unwitting lackey under the Nostrafex’ Skills: Athletics (S) +20, Acrobatics (Ag) +10, Awareness
psychic influence. A newly-revived Nostrafex will be (Per) +20, Charm (Fel) +20, Climb (S) +20, Common Lore
ravenous- this is when these horrors are at their most (Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel) +20, Dodge (Ag) +20,
dangerous. Forbidden Lore (Arcana, Warp, Xenos) (Int), Linguistics (Low
These aliens seemingly have no technology of their own, Gothic, High Gothic, Xeno Markings, 1d5 other species
relying entirely on the devices of other races to accomplish languages) (Int), Psyniscience (Per) +20, Scholastic Lore
anything beyond their own abilities. Indeed, one of their (Any two) (Int), Scrutiny (Per) +10, Stealth (Ag) +20.
goals in infiltrating the societies of other races is to gain Talents: Adamantium Faith, Favored By The Warp, Furious
access to space travel, for the Nostrafex seek to avoid their Assault, Hatred (Untouchables), Leap Up, Psy Rating (4),
own kind, whom they instinctively regard as rivals- a drive Step Aside, Sure Strike, Takedown
that has led to them spreading across the galaxy. On the
rare occasions when two Nostrafex occupy the same

The Mandragora Apocrypha 100

Traits: Fear (2) , Flyer (4), Deadly Natural Weapons (Teeth
and Claws), Sonar Sense, The Stuff of Nightmares,
The Nostrafex is capable of projecting a
Unnatural Toughness (5), Vampiric***.

Fear (2) only applies if the Nostrafex is encountered in it's completely convincing illusion of another form. This
true form. phantom persona can mimic almost anyone the
The Emperor Protects: If presented by an Aquila held forth creature has previously encountered, or someone
by one bearing true faith, the Nostrafex must succeed in a completely fabricated. However, the myriad artificial
recording devices and simple mirrors are not fooled -
Very Hard (-30) Willpower test to advance or attack that
revealing the true form of the monstrous Nostrafex. It
person. Unbelievers, or those whose faith is only surface
is for this reason such material objects are never
strong, do not evoke this penalty on the Nostrafex.
encountered in the lairs of a Nostrafex.
Unhallowed: Weapons with the Sanctified quality ignore the
Action: Full Action
creature's Unnatural toughness.
Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Willpower test
Vampiric: A Nostrafex must drain at least 10 points of
Range: Self
Willpower from a sentient being every 24 hours via its Drain
Sustained: Yes; Special
Life psychic power (see below), or gain 1 level of Fatigue
Subtype: Concentration
that cannot be removed by any means other than
Effect: While maintaining the glamour, a Nostrafex is
successfully feeding on a victim. These levels of Fatigue are
cumulative; if they equal or exceed the Nostrafex’ virtually undetectable from its desired persona. Those
Toughness Bonus, it falls into a deathlike state of suspended with the Psyniscience skill may attempt to detect it's
presence, but requires two Degrees of Success or
animation. It can take no physical action, but is still semi-
more to perceive the Nostrafex's real form.
conscious, with its Intelligence, Willpower, and Psi Rating
Unlike other psychic powers, the Nostrafex' glamour
reduced by half. It gains the Unnatural Senses (10) Trait,
can be sustained indefinitely without requiring
and will attempt to use its limited psychic abilities to
additional Focus Power tests.
influence any individual that comes within this range to
perform the blood ritual necessary to revive it- either through
outright domination or with promised of wealth and power. A
Nostrafex can remain dormant almost indefinitely.
Psychic Powers (Psy Rating 4): A Nostrafex has access to Nostrafex Thrall
all Telepathy Discipline Powers, and two powers specific to
Sentient beings with a warp resonance, or ‘soul’, which
their kind: Glamour and Drain Life-Force.
are killed by a Nostrafex’ Drain Life psychic power will
reanimate 1d10 hours later as a Nostrafex Thrall. Apply the
Drain Life following changes to the victim’s original profile:
Nostrafex feed by draining the Spiritus Vitae • The victim's original profile gains +10 to its Strength
from sentient beings. This ability is innately Characteristic, -10 to its Agility Characteristic, -10 to its
psychic in nature, classifying the Nostrafex as a warp Willpower Characteristic, replaces it's Intelligence score with
predator rather than a simple xenos species. 10, Removes Ballistic Skill and Fellowship, and gains +5
Action: Full Action Wounds.
Focus Power: Opposed Willpower test • A Nostrafex Thrall loses access to all Skills and Talents it
Range: Touch once possessed in life. Instead, it gains the following Traits:
Sustained: Yes; Special Dark Sight, Fear (1), From Beyond, Natural Weapons,
Subtype: Attack, Concentration Unnatural Toughness (3), Undying
Effect: The Nostrafex and the intended target make • Consumer of Life: For every sentient, living creature the
opposed Willpower Tests; if the target wins, there is no Nostrafex Thrall kills, it immediately recovers 1d5 lost
effect. If the Nostrafex wins, the victim suffers 1d10 Wounds (This cannot take it above its starting total.
temporary Willpower Characteristic Damage, plus one • Unhallowed: Weapons with the Sanctified weapon quality
point per Degree of Failure. A Nostrafex which 'feeds' ignore the Nostrafex Thrall's Unnatural Toughness trait.
in this way may remove one level of Fatigue or heal • Walking Dead: The body of a Nostrafex Thrall will
wound (or combinations thereof) per point of Willpower decompose over time, depending on climatic conditions.
drained . Constant feeding slows the rate of decomposition. Lastly,
Any victim who has lost Willpower to this attack only Critical Wounds suffered to the Head or Body can
treats subsequent Willpower Tests to resist this power destroy them- any damage suffered to the Arm or Leg simply
as one degree more difficult. Any victim which has its renders that limb useless.
Willpower reduced to zero by this power immediately
dies. Worse, the drained corpse, tainted with warp
energy by this unholy power will reanimate as a
Nostrafex Thrall if not subjected to proper
exorcism rituals to remove the lingering corruption.
Victims of this power reanimate in the span
of 1d10 hours from death.

101 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Ptera-Squirrel Umbra have been reported to turn murderous, stalking ship’s
The Ptera-Squirrel was once thought to be a peaceful and crews and colonists.
harmless animal - it's cute furry appearance making it a So little is known of the Umbra that wild speculation far
popular pet throughout the Imperium. Then the truth outweighs solid fact. It is thought by many a Magos that the
emerged... the Ptera-squirrel is merely one stage in the life- Umbra are projections into our universe of greater, warp-
cycle of the creature. Ptera-squirrels live for generations as based entities. They may be manifestations of a single warp-
soft-furred bundles of fun, and then for another cycle of creature. It is unknown if they are intelligent, how they
generations as dangerous blood-drinking carnivores. What reproduce or if they are aware of their surroundings in any
prompts the change between the two forms is not known, as but the most rudimentary fashion. What is known is
a result of which Ptera-Squirrels have become a common frightening.
pest throughout the Imperium. They resemble a fluffy The Umbra are attracted to warp technology for reasons
squirrel, but have thin membranes between their extremely unknown, and often swarm about a ship’s engines, normally
long fore-limbs and their rear-limbs enabling them to fly. causing annoyance to crews. When they do become
Ptera-Squirrels are favored by anarchists as a weapon of aggressive, they attack by manifesting tentacles, claws,
mass terror, preferring the release of a flock of Ptera- gaping jaws and bludgeoning pseudopodia from any source
Squirrels at a crowded spaceport or hive bloc rather than of shadow from their surroundings..
utilizing more conventional and lethal methods. In the
ensuing confusion caused by a released flock of Ptera-
Lesser Umbra (Elite)
Squirrels, anarchists can mount a daring attack on a 15
refueling station, escape into the thick of a crowd, and leave 3
little damage and relatively few casualties in the wake of
their actions.
01-10 8 40 15 35
3 3
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 8 21-30 8 50 40 35
Ptera-Squirrel (Minion) B
3 31-70 8
Per Wp Fel

35 35 03
H -
3 3 Inf
01-10 2 Lr Ll
38 — 22 —
- -
71-85 8 86-00 8
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 2 21-30 2 22 42 19 HALF 1 FULL 2 CHARGE 3 RUN 6 THREAT 1
B Per Wp Fel Nictomantic Pseudopod Class Melee
31-70 2 23 22 15
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 (R)
- - Inf
Lr Ll PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —

71-85 2 86-00 2 SPECIAL: TEARING
HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 1 Deathshriek Class Ranged
Razor Sharp Claws Class Melee RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (R)
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (R) PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
PEN 1 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (6)

Bite Class Melee Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Dodge (Ag), Stealth (Ag) +30
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (R) Talents: Ambidextrous, Iron Jaw
Traits: Dark Sight, From Beyond, Hoverer (5), Size (1)
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Miniscule, Natural Armor (3), Phase, Strange Physiology,
Nictomancy: Umbra can manifest greater forms formed of
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Dodge (Ag) +30, Stealth (Ag) shadows. They can increase their size trait at will as a Full
+30 Action per degree of difference. Additionally, this grants
Talents: Swift Attack them a number of attacks equal to their size trait.
Traits: Bestial, Flyer (4), Size (2) Puny, Natural Weapons, Photo-vulnerability: Very bright lights and Las-weapons
Quadruped are harmful to Umbra. Las, Melta and Plasma weapons are
considered Armor Piercing (+3) to Umbra. A complete
Umbra absence of shadow is fatal to Umbra, for they not only
manipulate darkness, they are maintained by it. By contrast,
An Umbra appears to be a black sphere to the naked eye,
all other weapons are considered Primitive (3).
but it possesses the capacity to manipulate shadows as
Deathshriek: When an Umbra dies, it releases a psionic
weapons. The Umbra are known to be related in some way
pulse. Anyone within 30 meters must pass a Willpower test
to the Warp and are often sighted near starships' Warp-
or suffer 1d10 X damage, with the Warp Weapon Trait.
Drives. When provoked (the various stimuli are varied)

The Mandragora Apocrypha 102

Flora and Fauna of Mandragora
Skills: Awareness (Per)
Talents: Swift Attack
"Do I look like an Emperor damned Magos Biologis?"
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Size (4) (Average),
- Sergeant Marlon Hayle, 732nd Caridean Cavern Crawlers, to the
Quadruped, Stampede
rest of his squad during training on local hazards
Grox are found across the Imperium, raised for food and
andragora hosts a wide range of flora and fauna,
leather. In addition to being quite palatable, they are able to
most of them valued resources on many worlds, but there derive nutrients from nearly anything, and can even live for
are also many inimical to Mankind. Some are so deadly that weeks on nothing save rocks and soil. Consequently, grox
any evidence of their presence is enough to incite a full- are raised on many agri-worlds as a major food source, and
scale purge, lest an infestation develop. Even civilized are a prized part of many meals. They would perhaps be the
worlds can contain native species still unnoticed or untamed. perfect Imperial beast, were it not for their overly aggressive
Hive depths can host strange and unnatural vermin in the nature. To overcome this problem, many in the Imperium are
dank, unlit reaches amongst the toxic effluent and rad-waste. lobotomized, or kept subdued with chems or shock-units
In the dark, untouched worlds of the sector, even stranger wired directly to their primitive brains. Despite these
creatures and plants—the distinction sometimes difficult to precautions, and their natural mental slowness, herding is
detect—await discovery. still a dangerous occupation. An enraged grox is easily able
to toss a man high into the air, or quickly trample him to
Creatures death. When encountered outside of their enclosures or in
the wild, they are best approached with extreme caution.
A variety of native animals, indigenes, and beasts can be Thanks to their preponderance, “grox” has become a byword
found across the sector, alongside many species introduced for both stupidity and strength across the galaxy.
by humanity during Mandragora’s millennia of existence.
Some are even thought to be the result of forbidden gene- Grox (Troop)
sculpting from the Dark Age of Technology.
H -

Demi-Pach 01-10 7 34 — 46
- -
A common livestock in Mandragora, the Demi-Pach are Ar Al T 3 Ag Int

a docile herbivorous creature. While diminutive in

11-20 7 21-30 7 49 37 04
comparison the more populous Grox, Demi-Pach herds are B Per Wp Fel

preferred for their ease of raising and would be a perfect

31-70 7 40 21 —
species of cattle if it weren't for their slow reproduction and - - Inf
Lr Ll
mildly poisonous meat. Demi-Patch meat must be treated —
71-85 7 86-00 7
before consumption, a process that is vastly time consuming
for mass production and requires advanced husbandry HALF 5 FULL 10 CHARGE 15 RUN 30 THREAT 5
Horns and Claws Class Melee

Demi-Patch (Troop) RNG — R OF — DMG 2d10+5 (I)

16 PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
H -
01-10 4 20 — 40
- -
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 4 21-30 4 45 28 25 Talents: Thunder Charge
- Traits: Deadly Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Size (6)
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 4 28 32 18 Enormous, Unnatural Strength (1), Unnatural Toughness (3)
Surprisingly Palatable: A dead Grox still has its uses, and
- - Inf
Lr Ll the simplest is to turn it into a highly nutritious and

71-85 4 86-00 4 unexpectedly palatable foodstuff. Grox meat is preferable to
standard issue rations, and thus a dead Grox that is
reasonably intact (and was not killed by poisonous or Warp-
Aggressive Ram Class Melee based weaponry) can be harvested for food. A fully-grown
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+4 (I) Grox usually has enough meat to feed an entire group of 10
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — for 3 days.

103 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Grox Calf Skills: Awareness (Per)
Traits: Natural Armor (2), Natural Weapons, Quadruped,
While dozens of other (and far more palatable) species
Unnatural Strength (4), Unnatural Toughness (4), Size (6)
such as spiralhorns, demi-pach and tusk bison are common,
(Enormous), Unnatural Senses (20)
it is the Grox calf that has become the Imperium’s widest
Huge Jaws: A carnosaur’s bite is a devastating experience
used staple and most eagerly consumed luxury meat.
to survive, and due to its large jaws its bite attacks cannot be
Grox Calf (Troop)
H -
WS BS S 1 Sharrex
01-10 6 25 — 42 The local predators of Belmayr are particularly large and
Ar -
Al - T 2 Ag Int aggressive descendents of the typical saurian carnosaurs
11-20 6 21-30 6 45 11 12 found across the Imperium. The natives of Belmayr have
B -
learned how to tame the drillodons and megasharrex' of their
Per Fel
31-70 6 41 38 —
world, turning them into deadly mounts to ride into battle. It is
through their heavy use of the smaller breeds as mounts by
- - Inf
Lr Ll tithed guardsmen drawn from their world that the greater

71-85 6 86-00 6 Mandragora sector have come to associate the various
breeds of carnosaur utilized by the Belmayran regiments as
Clawed Hooves Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 (I) Sharrex Carnosaur (Elite) 32
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — 2
SPECIAL: TEARING 01-10 8 42 — 42
2 2
Ar Al T 2 Ag Int

Skills: Awareness (Per)

11-20 8 21-30 8 46 63 22
Traits: Brutal Charge, Size (5) (Hulking), Deadly Natural
B Per Wp Fel

Weapons, Quadruped, Stampede, Unnatural Strength (1),

31-70 8 42 38 —
Unnatural Toughness (2), Surprisingly Palatable 2 2 Inf
Lr Ll

71-85 8 86-00 8
Saurian Carnosaur
Giant reptiles and similar creatures, often classified under HALF 6 FULL 12 CHARGE 18 RUN 36 THREAT 12
the name “saurian” by the Magos Biologis, are a relatively Bite Class Melee
common form of life throughout the galaxy, often comprising RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+10 (R)
the primary predatory species on many worlds. Sometimes RLD — Wt . — AVL —
PEN 0 Clip —
farmed for meat, but more often aggressively hunted on
colony worlds, large saurians remain a favorite of the
Imperial fighting pits that operate on many worlds. Horned Attack Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 (R)
Saurian Carnosaur (Master) 40 PEN 4 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
01-10 11 42 — 65
2 2
Ar Al T 4 Ag Int
Skills: Awareness (Per) +20, Dodge (Ag) +10
11-20 11 21-30 11 58 31 18 Traits: Natural Armor (2), Natural Weapons, Quadruped,
B Per Wp Fel Unnatural Strength (2), Unnatural Toughness (2), Size (5)
31-70 11 42 38 — (Hulking), Unnatural Senses (10)
2 2 Inf Carnosaurian Variety: The Belmayran regiments typically
Lr Ll
— use two types of carnosaurs; drillodons and megasharrex.
71-85 11 86-00 11
Megasharrex are capable of using the bite attack listed
HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 12 above, while Drillodons are capable of using the Horned
Bite Class Melee Attack listed above instead.
Huge Jaws: A Sharrex carnosaur’s bite is a devastating
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+14 (R) experience to survive, and due to its gaping maw it's
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — incredibly difficult to defend against. Parry attempts against a
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (8),TEARING Sharrex carnosaur's bites suffer a -20 penalty.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Other Animals & Vermin Avian Beast
This generic profile can represent birds and airborne
The following entries in this category can be used for creatures of all types. It can also serve for flying mammals
various ordinary creatures the Acolytes might encounter. such as bats and ptera-squirrels, or even winged reptiles
and insects.
Apex Predator
Avian Beast (Troop)
A powerful or vicious species can rise to the peak of the 9
local food chain, dominating its entire habitat, or even -
spreading across the planet. The qualities required to rise in
this manner usually vary from world to world. On less
01-10 3 36 — 30
- -
sparser planets, a predator unchallenged across the whole Ar Al T Ag Int

of a continent might barely rate the notice of desperate beast 11-20 3 21-30 3 30 45 16
traders, while the more competitive Death worlds might have B Per Wp Fel

countless different, hyper-evolved killing machines for even 31-70 3 44 30 05

the smallest changes in climate and terrain. - - Inf
Lr Ll

Apex Predator (Troop)
71-85 3 86-00 3
01-10 6 Beak or Talon Class Melee
58 — 48
Ar 2
Al 2
T Ag Int RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 R
11-20 6 21-30 6 45 48 19 PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
31-70 6 49 41 09
2 2 Inf
Lr Ll Skills: Awareness (Per)

71-85 6 86-00 6 Traits: Bestial, Flyer (Ab x 2), Natural Weapons, Size (3)
Deadly Adaptation (Claws, etc) Class Melee
Domesticated Beast
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+4 (R or I)
A domesticated beast is one that is relatively safe for
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — humanity to deal with, and which can be trained or utilized in
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (7) a way that serves the Imperium of Man. These are generally
herbivorous, though some may be omnivores. Native herd
beasts with palatable flesh are a primary staple of new
Skills: Awareness (Per), Survival (Int) +10 colonies, and many xenos species can be harnessed as
Talents: Crushing Blow or Frenzy or Swift Attack steeds or beasts of burden if the need is sufficient.
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge or Fear (1) or Toxic, Natural
Armour (2), Natural Weapons, Size (4) Average Domesticated Beast (Troop) 14
H -

Other Livestock 01-10 4 24 — 40

- -
In the Mandragora Sector, there is a vast Ar Al T Ag Int

variety of local species and domesticated livestock. 11-20 4 21-30 4 45 25 16

A few examples include: spiralhorn, tusk-bisons, buck B Per Wp Fel

capraegor, zeb-tauri, gallus-fowl, mechacaballus, 31-70 4 30 40 08

cevaratrops, equust graecus, javanicus-cattle, - - Inf
Lr Ll
canariadons, water bubalin, dromideks, caemelox, —
abbas-horse, choerats, ptera-fowl, oviscissor, felislac,
71-85 4 86-00 4
crunefas, feathered dromedaries, crassquila, and HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 6
belmayran dragodiles. There are many more, some
Hooves, horns, or Paws Class Melee
known only to the inhabitants of a singular planetary
body or regional province, and an unknown number of RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+4 I
yet to be discovered species. The amount of PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
biodiversity in any given sector is nigh limitless - until, SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (7)
of course, the Imperial demesne eradicates
and homogenizes an Imperial world.

105 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Skills: Awareness (Per) Behemoth
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Sturdy, Size
Some worlds support populations of vast, lumbering
(4) Average
creatures, capable of rivaling or even dwarfing battle tanks
and shuttles with their bulk. These beasts are typically placid
Herd Beasts and unaggressive, but supremely confident against smaller
Usually grazers, these creatures are often physically large threats. The incredible demands of supporting life at this
and have developed to suit a nomadic lifestyle. Their main scale rarely allow for such species to be particularly
defense is often their physical bulk and strength in numbers, numerous or social, so they often roam alone across vast
and many stampede when threatened. expanses.

Heard Beasts (Troop) Behemoth (Elite)

15 55
H - 5
01-10 4 25 — 50 01-10 11 40 — 70
- - 5 5
Ar Al T Ag Int Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 4 21-30 4 40 30 10 11-20 11 21-30 11 65 28 14
- 5
B Per Wp Fel B Per Wp Fel
31-70 4 33 10 10 31-70 11 26 37 12
- - Inf 5 5 Inf
Lr Ll Lr Ll
— —
71-85 4 86-00 4 71-85 11 86-00 11
Bite or Hoof Class Melee Oversized Natural Weapons Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 (R or I) RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+7 (R or I)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —

Trample Class Melee

Skills: Awareness (Per) RNG — R OF — DMG 2d10+1 I
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapon, Quadruped, Size (5) PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
Hulking, Sturdy, Stampede or Brutal Charge (3) SPECIAL: OVERBEARING

Harmless Creature
Skills: Awareness (Per)
Either through generations of careful breeding, or by some
Talents: Combat Master or Fearless or Hardy or Iron Jaw
quirk of natural evolution, this creature is generally harmless.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Armour (5), Natural Weapons, Size
These creatures often make perfect pets, as they lack any
(7) (Massive), Unnatural Strength (3)
real means causing harm.
Overbearing: This attack can only be used on enemies
smaller than the Behemoth, as it represents the creature
Harmless Creature (Troop) 2 attempting to squash its opponent underfoot. For each size
H -
WS BS S category by which the Behemoth exceeds its target, this
01-10 - 10 — 05
attack increases its Damage and Penetration by 1 (typically
- - providing a bonus of +3 to Damage and Penetration against
Ar Al T Ag Int
characters and other Average sized creatures). This Size-
11-20 - 21-30 - 05 15 25
- based bonus is doubled when the Behemoth attempts to
B Per Wp Fel
Trample a foe as part of a Charge attack. It should be noted
31-70 - 25 35 35 that this attack never counts as having the Primitive quality,
Lr - Ll - as even the most advanced armours do very little to protect
71-85 - 86-00 - — their wearer from being crushed inside of them.


Skills: Awareness (Per)

Trait: Bestial, Size (2) (Puny)

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Domesticated Mount Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) +10, Stealth (Ag) +10,
Survival (Int) +10
There is a strong affection amongst Mankind for horses,
Talents: Sprint
based on their long association that encourages their
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Size (4) Average,
weaknesses to be overlooked. However, the demands of
constant war have led some to consider whether there are
xeno species that could do the job better.
Flying Vermin
Domesticated Mount (Minion) Flying creatures include any miniscule birds, flying insects
and so on. These creatures rely on flight and dominate the
H -
WS BS S skies.
01-10 3 20 — 30
Ar -
Al - Flying Vermin (Troop)
T Ag Int 4
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 10 -
31-70 3
Per Fel
01-10 1 35 — 10
25 20 10 - -
Ar Al T Ag Int
- -
Lr Ll

11-20 1 21-30 1 10 40 10
71-85 3 86-00 3 B -
Per Wp Fel


31-70 1 35 20 10
- - Inf
Bite or Hoof Class Melee Lr Ll

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 I
71-85 1 86-00 1
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 1
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (7), Talon or Claws Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+1 I
Skills: Awareness (Per), Survival (Int) PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Talents: Hard Target, Hardy SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (6),
Traits: Bestial, Size (Hulking)
Mount Traits: Because of the high variability of
domesticated mounts, they may have additional Mount Traits Skills: Awareness (Per) +20, Stealth (Ag) +10
(see page 114) after the base profile is modified. Talents: Swift Attack
Traits: Bestial, Flyer (8), Natural Weapons, Size (2) (Puny)
Ferocious Creature
This is a generic term, allowing GMs to invent creatures
specific to a particular environment. Ferocious creature
includes the common sorts of dangerous animals such as
felids, reptilians, warhounds and wolves.

Ferocious Creature (Troop) 12

H -
01-10 3 30 — 30
- -
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 15
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 3 38 40 10
- - Inf
Lr Ll

71-85 3 86-00 3
Bite Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 R
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —

107 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Ptera-Beast (Troop)
Although typical of creatures that hunt and kill other 10
fauna for sustenance, this Base Profile can represent any -
creature evolved to fight. Many herd-dwelling herbivores 01-10 3 45 — 40
on Death Worlds might use this Base Profile to represent
- -
their aggressive defenses evolved to protect against such Ar Al T Ag Int

11-20 3 21-30 3 35 35 16
B Per Wp Fel

Predator (Troop)
31-70 3 48 35 10
- - Inf
H - Lr Ll
01-10 4 71-85 3 86-00 3
48 — 45
- -
11-20 4 21-30 4 40 40 16 Cruel Talons, Barbed Tail, or Vicious Class Melee
B Per Wp Fel Beak
31-70 4 RNG — R O F — D MG 1d10+4 R
40 45 08 RLD — Wt . — AVL —
PEN 0 Clip —
- - Inf

71-85 4 86-00 4
Skills: Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag)
Claws or Fangs Class Melee Talents: Double Team or Lightning Reflexes or Step Aside
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+4 R Traits: Bestial, Flyer (6), Natural Weapons, Size (6)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — Enormous
This Base Profile could represent a weaker predatory
Skills: Awareness (Per), Survival (Int) beast, as well as a carrion eater capable of holding its own
Talents: Swift Attack against its peers once the true hunters have abandoned their
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Natural Weapons, Size (4) kill, or even a foraging omnivore. It could also represent any
Average fierce or dangerous creature less mighty than the Predator
Base Profile.
Scavenger (Troop) 12
Flying creatures of significant size are extremely rare, and
most exceptions to this rule rely on exploiting conditions -
specific to the home world of their species. The requirements 01-10 3 40 — 36
for flight become increasingly harsh for creatures of great
- -
size, and most species cannot harness the necessary power Ar Al T Ag Int

for them. This tends to mean that those larger life forms
11-20 3 21-30 3 36 40 16
which do achieve flight are particularly memorable and B Per Wp Fel

impressive sights. Many such species draw on resources

31-70 3 40 35 05
beyond mere muscle power and wingspan, including lighter- - - Inf
Lr Ll
than-air gas sacs, a feverish metabolism, able to generate —
71-85 3 86-00 3
thermal updrafts from body heat, and even stranger tools.
Claws or Fangs Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 R
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —

Skills: Awareness (Per), Survival (Int)

Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Size (4) Average

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Shadowed Stalker Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per)
Traits: Bestial, Crawler, Natural Weapons, Amorphous or
The most dangerous xenos beasts are not always the
Burrower (3) or Blind and Unnatural Senses (100), Size (4)
largest or most physically imposing. Some worlds seem to
have an entire secondary ecosystem hidden in the shadows
of the first, where secret predators and lurking scavengers
can make entire herds of prey animals simply vanish. Verminous Swarm
Travelers throughout the Imperium's wild spaces have Many small creatures that would be individually
learned (at great cost) not only to heed every shadow and inconsequential to face have a tendency to band together in
every rustle in the foliage, but also to expect surprise and a roiling tide of bodies that forms a threat to even a well-
ambush, despite their vigilance. armed group of characters. This Base Profile represents
such an aggregated threat, as appropriate for a hive or
Shadowed Stalker (Troop) colony of insects as a squirming carpet of rodents or a
darting school of fish.
H -
01-10 3 53 — 41 Verminous Swarm (Elite) 10+
- -
Ar Al T Ag Int
3 3 H WS BS S
11-20 21-30 37 48 17
B -
Per Wp Fel
01-10 3 30 — 05
31-70 3 43 36 10 Ar -
Al - T Ag Int

- - Inf
11-20 3 21-30 3 10 35 05
Lr Ll B -
— Per Wp Fel
71-85 3 86-00 3 31-70 3 40 10 01
Ll - Inf

Deadly Adaptation Class Melee 71-85 3 86-00 3
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+4 R or I HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 3
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Abundance of Fangs, Claws, or Stingers Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10 R
PEN 1d5 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Skills: Acrobatics (Ag), Stealth (Ag), Survival (Int) +20 SPECIAL: TEARING
Talents: Assassin Strike, Crushing Blow or Furious Assault
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge or Toxic or Sonar Sense,
Natural Weapons, Size (4) Average Skills: Awareness (Per)
Traits: Bestial, Fear (1), Natural Weapons, Overwhelming†,
Slithering Creature Size (Swarm), 30% chance of Flyer (6)
Overwhelming: A Verminous Swarm is made up of many
This entry describes any creature that crawls, oozes or
hundreds of creatures at least, and is capable of attacking
slithers. Examples include serpents, massive centipedes,
many things at once. For every 10 Wounds the Swarm has
roaches and other disgusting critters.
remaining, it may make one additional melee attack as part
of a Standard Attack Action. These attacks may never be
Slithering Creature (Troop)
8 against the same target.
H -
Swarm: By definition, a Verminous Swarm is made up of the
01-10 3 35 — 10
smallest of lifeforms, creatures too tiny to fit on the scale
- -
typically used. However, when gathered into a Verminous
Ar Al T Ag Int
Swarm, such creatures gain an effective Size Trait similar to
11-20 3 21-30 3 35 50 10 other Fauna. This profile represents a typical size of a fully
B Per Wp Fel
active swarm, hive, colony, or other group of the species. A
31-70 4 35 40 09 Swarm receives 20 additional Wounds for every Size
Lr -
Ll - Inf category past Average (so a Hulking Swarm would have 30
— Wounds). This also works in reverse, meaning as a swarm
71-85 3 86-00 3
takes Wounds, it shrinks in Size, representing the
HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 2 component creatures dying or fleeing.
Bite or Hoof Class Melee In addition, swarms may fill rooms, cover fields, and
generally take up large amounts of space at the GM’s
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+1 I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — Swarm Creature: Any attack that does not have the Blast,
SPECIAL: TOXIC (1) Flame, or Scatter Quality only inflicts half damage on a
Swarm Creature. In most circumstances, a Swarm cannot be
Knocked Down, Grappled, or Pinned; the Swarm may “pour”

109 The Mandragora Apocrypha

through suitable small openings such as ducts, vents and Walking Creature
the like, but cannot Jump. The Swarm counts as destroyed
This entry describes basic walking creatures such as
once all its Wounds are lost. Its attacks have a variable
dogs, giant rats, feral cats and so on.
penetration value (roll each time an attack lands),
representing its ability to engulf its victims and attack
Walking Creature (Troop)
vulnerable areas. 6
H -
Venomous Terror 01-10 4 25 — 20
Some species manage to carve a secure place in their Ar -
Al - T Ag Int
home world’s ecosystem not through cunning or power, but 11-20 4 21-30 4 20 30 15
through adaptations that can trivialize any amount of greater B -
Per Fel
strength. While a survey of various death worlds turns up a 31-70 4 35 15 —
succession of predators perfectly adapted to killing each
- - Inf
other, each more deadly than the last, many life forms Lr Ll

survive harsh environments by remaining inedible, and 71-85 4 86-00 4
therefore uninvolved in such struggles. The poisons that
serve to deter predators are often harnessed towards
hunting some other sort of prey, but there are also many Bite Class Melee
creatures that would seem utterly inoffensive were it not for RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 R
the horrible deaths of any creature provoking them. PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Venomous Terror (Troop) 6
H -
01-10 2 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) +10, Stealth (Ag) +10
38 — 32
- -
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Size (3)
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 2 21-30 2 29 38 13
31-70 2
Per Wp Fel
Creating Unique Creatures
28 30 09
- - Inf
Lr Ll There’s an almost limitless variety of alien creatures in the

71-85 2 86-00 2 universe, ranging from typical quadrupeds to those who defy
any classification of form. Below are a series of tables to
HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 3 provide randomized variants of various profiles listed above.
Deadly Adaptation Class Melee Game Masters, of course, can simply choose options that fit
R OF — an idea, or use these tables as a reference.
RNG — DMG 1d10+3 R or I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Creature Locomotion
Use Table 6-1: Creature Locomotion to change the form
of species' method of locomotion. While some xenos
Skills: Awareness (Per) creatures follow conventional expectations, there are a many
Talents: Inescapable Attack (Melee) more that do not.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Size 3 (Scrawny), Toxic (1)
Table 6-1: Creature Locomotion
D10 Method of Locomotion
1 No Legs: Some particularly strange xenos creatures
exhibit no physical means of locomotion. Guided by non-
stop flittering of wings or riding aetheric winds, these
creatures gain the Hoverer (3-5) trait, removing the
Quadruped or Crawler traits if the profile possessed them.
2 No Legs: The creature has no legs, slithering, digging or
crawling across terra firma. The creature gains either the
Crawler or Burrower (3-5) Trait, and loses the Quadruped,
Hoverer or Flyer traits if it possessed them.
3-4 Biped: Even if the creature has multiple appendages, the
alien creature walks on two legs. Remove the Quadruped
or crawler trait.
5-6 Quadruped. The creature walks on four legs. It gains the
Quadruped trait if it did not have it before, and loses the
Crawler if the base profile possesses the trait.
8-9 Multi-legged: The alien has a whole bundle of limbs.
Because creatures with multiple legs generally move with
a scuttling gait, the creature gains the Crawler and
Autostabilized traits if it did not possess them before.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 110

Aerial Impossibility
Table 6-2: Number of limbs While a flyer approaching the size of a grown man is
D10 Number of Limbs
1-2 The creature has no arms or equivalents. impressive and even awe-inspiring, this species sits on the
3-6 The creature has two arms. boundary between ludicrous and terrifying. Although it
7-8 The creature has four arms, gaining the Multiple Arms (4) clearly flies, the vast size and clearly evident mass lifted in
9 The creature has six arms, gaining the Multiple Arms (6)
10 The alien creature has a great plethora of arms or arm- the process indicates, to rational observers, that it should not
like appendages, gaining the Multiple Arms (6+1d10) be able to do so. Increase the creature’s Size to Enormous
or Massive, and increase its Strength and Toughness by
Once you know how the alien gets about, it’s safe to between 15 and 25 each. The creature also gains between 8
assume that it has a body attached to its legs and some and 14 Wounds. Species particularly inclined towards
limbs for shooting guns, wielding close combat weapons and defying the laws of aerodynamics sometimes have the
dragging their prey back for the reward. Again you need to Natural Armor trait, gaining up to 5 APs on all locations.
roll to find out how many it has.
Beyond Challenge
The threats of lesser life forms mean almost nothing to
Physiologies and Adaptations this species. They receive five talents from the following and
A xenos species is shaped by its environment, it's role add to the base profile: Crushing Blow, Frenzy, Swift Attack,
within the alien ecology and can fit a wide variety of Double Team, Lightning Reflexes, Step Aside, Combat
classifications, as well as exhibiting strange behaviors and Master, Fearless, Hardy, Iron Jaw, True Grit
abilities. By rolling twice, once on each column of Table 6-3:
Physiologies and Adaptations, Game masters can quickly Brute
customize a species with a wide ranging variance. Raw physical power and might are the primary weapons
of this species. Increase the creature’s Size to Hulking or
Table 6-3: Physiologies and Adaptations Enormous. Increase Strength and Toughness by up to 10
D100 Physiologies Adaptations each. The creature gains between 3 and 6 additional
01-06 Aquatic Terror Amphibious Adaptation Wounds. At the GM’s discretion, he can reduce the Agility of
07-10 Aerial Impossibility Acidic Blood such creatures by –15.
11-13 Beyond Challenge Barbed Tail
14-17 Brute Bestial Face
18-22 Chameleonic Beweaponed Extremities Chameleonic
23-26 Cunning Stalker Breath Weapon A highly-evolved camouflage technique hides the
27-28 Deadly Ambusher Chitinous hide
29 Deadly Touch Dimensional Shifting
creature, even in full view. The creature never receives
30 Delirium Bringer Domesticated environmental penalties to Stealth Tests, even if it would not
31-34 Doom Diver Elastic Limbs be normally possible to hide in its current surroundings. In
35-37 Earn-Scorning Electric blood
extreme cases, a species might have the capability to
38 Hidden Death Enhanced senses
39-41 Impossible Grace Envenomed body attempt a Stealth Test while actively observed, with only a
42 Killing Machine Gestalt Intelligence Half Action, or under other unusual circumstances.
43-45 Leviathan Ground Sense
46-48 Living Arsenal Horns
49 Megapredator Insidious Sentience Cunning Stalker
50-51 Mimic Lure Iron hard skin Members of this species use every possible advantage in
52 Natural Prowess Paralytic Venom their hunts. The creature gains training in the Stealth Skill.
53 Poisonous Presence Razor sharp claws
54-55 Potent Toxins Regenerative
56-64 Shadow-Walking Secondary Jaws Deadly Ambusher
65-67 Skyless Flight Strange Physiology It is rare for a hunter of this species to need more than a
68-71 Swift Flyer Swarm Creatures
single, hidden strike to bring down its prey. The creature
72-73 Titanborn Tentacles
74-75 Toxic Hunter Warp Predator automatically hits Surprised targets with attacks, and can
76-95 Unstoppable Web Spinner choose the Location that it hits. Such victims only receive
96-97 Vanisher Wings
half the benefit of any relevant armor (rounding down). The
98+ Wyrdwing Mutation
most deadly creatures of this sort also treat their attacks
against Surprised targets as having the Tearing quality.

Physiologies Deadly Touch

Listed here are the various physiologies that can change a The merest brush against the skin of this creature is
bestial profile: enough to deliver its venom. Attacks with the creature’s
Natural Weapons do not need to do Damage past a victim’s
Aquatic Terror Toughness Bonus to deliver their poison, although they must
The creature is native to the oceans and seas, and can still penetrate Armor. A character who exposes his bare skin
breathe indefinitely underwater - but do not possess the to the creature must make a Toughness Test as if struck
ability to survive outside of it. These creatures increase their from the creature’s Toxic Natural Weapons. This effect
Agility and Perception by 15 and 25 each. The creature also cannot be combined with the modifications from Poisonous
gains 6 wounds, the Unnatural Agility (2) trait, or the Presence.
Amorphous Trait.

111 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Delirium Bringer aquatic nature means that it automatically passes Swim
Those who survive the creature’s poison are often afflicted Tests and it moves as if its Agility Bonus was 1 higher while
with madness from its lingering touch. Targets exposed to in the water (this is in addition to their increased Movement
the creature’s Toxic effects must make a further from Size). However, such creatures must pass an Arduous
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to resist the poison’s (–40) Strength Test to move on land, and can only take a
secondary effects. Failure affects the target as if he had Half Action each Turn under such circumstances. Some of
succumbed to a Hallucinogen Grenade, and inflicts 1 these species breathe water and suffocate in air, while
Insanity Point for every two Degrees of Failure. At the GM’s others have the ability to hold their breath for a number of
discretion, a creature with Potent Toxins applies that hours equal to half their Toughness Bonus.
modifier to the difficulty of the Test to resist this effect, as
well. Living Arsenal
Some physiological quirk provides this species with
Doom Diver capabilities rivaling the finest weapons and armors from
The hunting tactics of this species revolve around rapid Imperial creation. The creature gains the Deadly Natural
assault from incredible heights. The creature can attempt to Weapon trait, and they increase their Penetration by +2. In
Charge an enemy that is up to 50 meters x Agility Bonus, as addition, increase the Natural Armor Trait of this creature to
long as it is at least half that distance above the target. 8 if it is not already higher.
When making such a diving Charge, the creature gains the
Berserk Charge Talent and the Brutal Charge Trait. If it dives Megapredator
more than 100 meters, the bonuses from the Berserk The power and bulk of the creature allow this species to
Charge Talent and Brutal Charge Trait are doubled, view all others as appropriate prey, an often necessary
providing a total of +30 Weapon Skill and +6 Damage for the consideration to meet the needs of its voracious appetite.
Charge attack. Increase the creature’s Weapon Skill by up to 20 and it gains
the Deadly Natural Weapons trait.
This species lacks the capacity to land or effectively Mimic Lure
maneuver on the ground. The creature gains the Flyer (24) While perfectly capable of stalking and hunting its prey,
trait. The creature can stay aloft indefinitely, and only ceases the creature prefers to have its meals come of their own
flying if it loses the physical capacity to do so, instead of accord. This species can mimic the voices and sounds of
falling whenever it cannot maintain the effort to sustain flight. others accurately, even capturing the subtle complexities of
If forced to the ground, it is treated as having half its agility most alien languages. Most such creatures can typically
characteristic, and can only take Half Actions until it lifts off imitate a number of calls and cries from any species from the
again. surrounding area with ease. Creatures capable of mimicking
language can reproduce the sounds as if they came from a
Hidden Death native speaker (even a specific individual), but the exact
The threat posed by the creature’s venom is magnified by message must be one the creature has heard before. While
its unobtrusive presence. This species is incredibly small, a simple beast is incapable of learning to truly speak a
changing its Size to Miniscule. Reduce the creature’s language, no matter how much it hears, this level of
Strength and Toughness to 11, and reduce its Wounds to 3. understanding is not required for it to recognize the tones of
This effect cannot be combined with the modifications from a cry for help or other likely ploy, or to perfectly replicate
Envenomed Hunter. what it has heard. Listeners must succeed on a Difficult (–
10) Scrutiny Test to penetrate the deception.
Impossible Grace
The speed and agility of this species is far beyond what Natural Prowess
could reasonably be expected of such creatures. Increase The natural capabilities of this species are particularly
the creature’s Agility Characteristic by 20. impressive. Increase the creature’s Strength, Toughness
and/or Agility by up to 15 each.
Killing Machine
The threat posed by this species exceeds even the Poisonous Presence
fearsome capabilities of normal predators. The creature can It is not the attacks of this creature that are deadly, but its
have one or more of the following Traits: Unnatural Speed mere presence. Deadly fumes or vapors are emitted into the
(3), Unnatural Strength (3), Unnatural Toughness (3). The air around the creature whenever it feels threatened, or, in
dominance of such creatures grants them the Resistance the case of some species, at all times. The creature gains
(Fear) Talent, as well. the Toxic (1) Trait, which is delivered by inhaling the air
within 10 meters of it while it is emitting these fumes.
Leviathan Protection against inhaled toxins applies normally, and the
Even the most incredible and ponderously large creature creature’s Natural Weapons no longer possess the Toxic
of the land can be dwarfed by the lurking hulks in the aquatic Quality. This effect cannot be combined with the
depths of some worlds. This creature increases its Size to modifications from Deadly Touch.
Massive and the Amphibious Trait. Additionally, increase its
Strength and Toughness by 10, and it's Wounds by 4d10. Its

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Potent Toxins Toughness Bonus in a single attack, activating their escape
The venom inherent to this species is an especially deadly mechanism in such circumstances, instead. This is typically
one. The creature gains the Toxic (2) Trait and any character a Free Action that can only be taken on the creature’s Turn,
who fails such a Toughness Test suffers an additional 1 although some might be usable as Reactions if the GM sees
Damage (added to the usual 1d10 for the Toxic Quality or fit. The exact mechanics of the escape are up to the GM,
Trait) per Degree of Failure. At the GM’s discretion, some although a common form is to blind or become invisible to all
creatures with this ability might deal Damage to targets within a certain distance who fail to resist the effect.
Characteristics such as Agility, Strength, or Toughness Certain rare creatures can escape by teleporting short
instead of to Wounds. distances, although this is often as dangerous to the
creature attempting it as it would be to remain in a fight with
Shadow-Walking a superior foe.
The affinity of this species for stealthy hunting has
developed to a degree that is, quite literally, unnatural. The Wyrdwing
creature gains the Phase Trait. It is no natural capability, however exotic, that grants this
creature flight. Instead, the species has a stable mutation, or
Skyless Flight natural Warp affinity that provides this capability. The
Among the rarest of the rare, this species is capable of creature the Flyer trait equal to twice its Agility Bonus. This
living in the void, and does not need an atmosphere to fly. does not change the game mechanics for its flight, although
Planets are little more than hunting grounds and nesting such creatures are often Aerial Impossibilities or Earth-
sites for such creatures. The creature is immune to the scorning as well. At the GM’s discretion, the creature can be
effects of vacuum exposure and suffocation, and gains its affected by attacks, devices, psychic powers, or other effects
Agility Bonus as it's Flyer trait, which is doubled when as if it were a mutant or had the Psyker Trait. In some cases,
outside an atmosphere. effects that nullify Psychic Powers might be able to inhibit
the creature’s flight.
Swift Flyer
An impressive grace lends speed to the creature’s every Adaptations
moment of flight. The creature gains the Flyer (12) trait and
Xenos species often have strange and exotic adaptations.
increases it's Agility by +20.
Listed here are the various xeno abilities that can be added
to change a bestial profile:
The raw, muscular power of this species is unrivalled. It
Acidic Blood
gains Unnatural Strength (4) and Unnatural Toughness (4)
If this creature is wounded, any characters within 3 meters
and its Size increases to Massive
must pass a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or be sprayed with
corrosive blood. This damage D10 E damage, plus an
Toxic Hunter
amount equal to the creature’s Toughness Bonus. In
The deadly poisons of this species are simply one of its
addition, any armor location hit by the acid loses half the
many deadly capabilities. The creature increases its size to
damage inflicted from its Armor value. Field armor or psychic
Average if it is smaller and It gains the Toxic (3) trait. This
saves will reduce the damage a character suffers, but will
effect cannot be combined with the modifications from
obviously not be damaged themselves.
Hidden Death.
Melee weapons used to inflict damage on an alien species
with acid blood will start to dissolve. Every turn after the
weapon first caused a wound on the creature, it will lose 1d5
Trying to impede the passage of one of these creatures is
points from the maximum damage it can inflict. If this takes it
as futile as it is suicidal. The creature gains +30 on any
to 0 or below, then it is destroyed and can no longer be
Weapon Skill Tests made to use its trample attack, and can
used. Note that this ‘dissolving’ effect does not actually affect
make such an attack at the beginning of a Charge Action
how much damage the weapon deals out, rather it is just an
(instead of at the end) if it begins its Turn in melee. In such
indication of how badly it is melting.
cases, the attack is applied to all enemies engaging it in
melee, rolling to hit and Damage separately for each foe.
Amphibious Adaptation
Enemies hit by this attack are not granted the normal
The creature is specially adapted to breath underwater
Standard Attack for their opponent attempting to leave melee
indefinitely, or similar (i.e., ammonia, carbon-dioxide, etc.). It
without using the Disengage Action (enemies missed by the
gains the Amphibious trait.
attack can make their Standard Attack as normal).

Barbed Tail
A barbed tail allows the creature to make an extra attack
This creature has some method of escaping a fight that
in close combat in addition to those it would normally be
turns out to be unfavorable. It might spray blinding musk,
allowed to. This counts as a melee weapon with a reach of 4
have an adaptive camouflage triggered by pain and stress,
meters, inflicts D10+3 damage (modified by Strength as
or possess some other, even more bizarre capability. Such
normal) and cannot be used to parry.
creatures rarely continue to fight when reduced below half
their health, or when they take Damage greater than their

113 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Bestial Face armor, the test is Difficult (-10) instead. This inflicts 1D10
The alien’s face is that of a monstrous, slavering beast points of damage, plus an amount equal to the creature’s
with dripping fangs. The alien may make an additional bite Toughness Bonus. In addition, if the affected character is
attack in close combat in addition to those it would normally wearing metal armor he will suffer an extra D5 points of
make as Free Action. This attack inflicts 1d10+Strength damage. Field armor or psychic evasions will negate the
bonus damage, and cannot be used to parry. In addition the damage a character suffers as normal. Close combat
creature now counts as having the Fear (1) trait if it did not weapons (with the exception of non-metal weapons, power
already possess it, or gains an additional level of Fear. weapons, shock weapons, electro-flails and daemon
weapons) used to inflict damage on an alien with electric
Beweaponed Extremities blood will conduct a powerful charge and injure the wielder.
One or more of the creature's limbs end in a bladed, For every full 5 points of damage caused, the attacker
barbed or clubbing growth made up of solid, calcified bone, suffers 1level of Fatigue. In addition, he must pass a
chitinous blades, or some other form of alien physiology. Strength test or drop his weapon when this occurs.
These limbs have a reach of 3 meters, inflict D10+ Strength
bonus damage and can be used to parry. Enhanced senses
The creature has preternaturally sensitive sensory organs;
Breath Weapon eyes that can sense heat or radiation, ears that are tuned to
The creature can breathe toxic, corrosive, burning or hypersonic vibrations or olfactory senses that can discern
otherwise painful fumes over its prey. This attack can only the prey’s scent from leagues away. It can track its prey by
be used in close combat and requires a Half action to the most minute traces in the wind or on the ground. The
perform. Roll to hit as normal, but use the creature’s Ballistic creature gains the Unnatural Senses (Perception Bonus x
Skill with no modifiers to establish whether or not this attack 50) and gains a +30 bonus to Awareness Skill tests.
hits. This attack can be dodged, but not parried. If the breath
hits, it will do 1D10 points of damage. Regardless of what Envenomed Appendages
damage this inflicts, the character must pass a Difficult (-10) The alien can metabolize a virulent poison within its
Toughness Test or they will be stunned for one turn. bloodstream which it can secrete through its claws, beaks,
talons or similar appendages. The creature can choose to
Chitinous Hide add the Toxic (1) to its melee attacks once per encounter. If
The creature’s body is covered in thick plates of the creature already possesses the Toxic Trait, it's
interlocking chitin, providing a hard carapace of natural body envenomed appendages gain an additional level of the trait.
armor. Creatures such as this must regularly shed their skin
as they grow and thus the thickness of their carapace will Exothermic Body
wax and wane throughout their lives. To represent this, roll Unlike mammals, the creature absorbs its heat from the
D3+1 for each location, head, abdomen, etc, and add this to surrounding environment, basking in the sun’s heat to store
the armor total on that location. This can be combined with energy within its body before using that energy to act. This
any other sort of armor as normal. makes the creature’s strength and endurance vary
depending on how much energy it has had a chance to
Dimensional Shifting absorb recently. To represent this, increase or decrease the
The creature can alter the molecular structure of its body creature's Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness
to become more fluid and insubstantial at will. It cannot and Agility by 10 during its dormant and active states, and
become completely ghostly and therefore cannot pass the normal profile otherwise in the interim.
through solid objects, but it can use a Half Action to become
thin and insubstantial. If the alien passes a Challenging (+0) Gestalt Intelligence
Willpower Test, other characters trying to spot or hear it Individually, the creature is animalistic and crude, but
suffer a -50 penalty on Awareness or Scrutiny Skill tests when encountered in numbers they are terrifyingly efficient.
against it. The creature must pass a Willpower Test every Whether in packs, swarms, or collectives, this species
turn to maintain it. While insubstantial, the alien counts as moves with preternatural coordination when working
having a Refractor field which does protect it in close together. When encountered in groups, this creature gains
combat, though attacks it makes itself will only inflict half +20 Intelligence, becomes immune to the effects of Fear,
damage what they would normally. This is applied after the and does not suffer the effects of the Bestial Trait. Typically,
damage dice have been rolled. these creatures tend to have a singular apex variant of their
species - which, if killed, breaks the effects of this
Elastic Limb adaptation. However, this is not always the case.
The alien can stretch all of its limbs to outlandish
proportions and thus all its melee attacks count as having a Ground Sense
range of 4 meters, regardless of weapon type. This creature has no eyes; instead, it hunts by detecting
vibrations through the surface of the planet. The creature
Electric Blood gains the Blind and Unnatural Senses (Perception Bonus)
If this alien is wounded, any characters within 3 meters traits. It can easily detect nearly anything upon the ground
must pass a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or be lashed with within range of its unnatural senses, and receives a +10
arcs of flaring lightning. If the character is wearing metal bonus to Survival Tests involving tracking prey in constant

The Mandragora Apocrypha

motion. Large vehicles and the like can give greater allowed to make. This attack inflicts 1d10, modified by
bonuses. Anything that is not directly in contact with the Strength Bonus as normal. This attack can be dodged or
ground or which remains perfectly still beyond its Unnatural parried. However, if it is successfully parried, the secondary
Senses Trait cannot be sensed by the creature. jaw is severed from the creature's mouth and the beast itself
suffers 1d5 wounds to the head which armor will have no
Horns effect against.
Bony protuberances curl outwards from the creature’s
head allowing it to make a head-butt attack. The creature Strange Physiology
may attempt to smash it's head into its opponent’s face. This This creature has an unusual, alien, or altogether bizarre
attack inflicts 1d10 points of damage, modified by the anatomy. All hits count as Body hits and death results when
creature's strength as normal. Characters struck by the head damage equals or exceeds the creature’s Wounds. This
butt must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or means that Critical wounds have no effect on this creature.
become stunned for 1 round. In addition, the victim must
pass a Ordinary (+10) Strength test to avoid dropping Swarm Creature
whatever he’s carrying as his hands fly to his mashed face. This creature's profile isn't indicative of a singular type, by
the collective strength of an entire swarm. Any attack that
Insidious Sentience does not have the Blast, Spray, or Scatter quality only inflicts
Beneath the facade of a beast lurks an insidious half Damage on the creature. In most circumstances, a
sentience. While many creatures are incredibly intelligent swarm creature cannot be Grappled, Knocked Down, or
and are quick to adapt to their environment, this creature Pinned, and the swarm may “pour” through suitable small
instead is truly self aware and capable of more than simple openings such as ducts, vents, and the like, but it may not
understanding. It increases it's Intelligence by +20, and Jump. The swarm is counted as being destroyed once all its
gains the Unnatural Intelligence (2) trait. It also gains the Wounds are lost. The swarm’s natural weapon attacks have
ability to learn languages (even if it cannot itself speak a variable Penetration value (roll 1d5 each time an attack
them), and can manipulate rudimentary technology (such as lands), representing its ability to engulf its victims and attack
opening doors, unlocking clasps, etc). vulnerable areas.

Iron-Hard Skin Tentacles

The creature’s skin is a hard, impervious surface, The creature's limbs are comprised of waving tentacles.
inflexible and pitted with age. This allows the beast to add 5 These are capable of gripping objects, and can also be used
armor points to all hit locations, but has the effect of reducing to entangle, choke and restrain its prey. The creature gains a
its Agility characteristic by -25. +30 bonus to all grappling sub-actions, as well as Skill Tests
involving physical manipulation.
Paralytic Venom
There are many poisonous creatures, not all immediately Warp Predator
poisonous. This creature’s attacks gain the Toxic (2) Quality. The creature lives partially within the materium, more
However, rather than suffering a penalty to the test, for every native in the chaotic realm of the immaterium. It's very nature
two Degrees of Failure on the Test to resist the Toxic defies conventional understanding or anatomy. The creature
Quality, the victim gains one Level of Fatigue. gains the Undying, From Beyond, Phase and Warp
Weapons Traits.
Razor-Sharp Claws
Harder than diamonds, the alien’s claws are capable of Web Spinner
ripping through the toughest armor with ease. The creature The creature can shoot gouts of sticky web-like goo from
gains the Deadly Natural Weapons trait, if it did not already its limbs. This counts as an implanted web pistol though it
possess it with a Penetration value of 5, and gains the Razor does not need to reload. The limbs designated as the web
Sharp quality. spinners cannot be used to grip anything else.

Regenerative Wings
No matter how badly injured the creature is, it seems The creature is equipped with wings that unfurl from its
capable of rapid recovery. These adaptations may be back allowing it to swoop gracefully over battlefields. The
necessary to live on the harshest of death worlds, but quickly creature gains the Flyer (15) trait.
allow such creatures to expand rapidly when introduced into
docile environments. The creature gains the Regenerate (3-
5) and Undying Traits

Secondary Jaws
The creature’s jaws are able to open much wider than a
human’s, and a secondary jaw linked to powerful intercostal
muscle fibers can shoot out and take a bite from the alien’s
opponent. When in close combat, the beast may use this
attack as a Free Action in addition to those it is normally

115 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Free Action. This does not count as the creature's normal
Table 6-4: Creature Mutations attack action, and counts as an attack with an improvised
D100 Mutations
01-09 Asymmetrical Physiology weapon.
10-20 Atrophied Limbs
21-30 Bony Crest Hideous Scales
31-36 Club hand
37-50 Cyclopean
In places, the creature's skin has formed into hard, bony
51-60 Elongated Fangs and often hideous scales which act as a form of natural
61-70 Hideous Scales armor. The creature gains Natural Armor (1), or increases it
71-77 Rotting Flesh
if it already possessed the trait.
78-82 Terrain Monster
83-87 Psychic Predator
88-92 Psychic Invulnerability Rotting Flesh
93-96 Psychic Disruption This horrid mutation means that the creature’s skin is
97-99 Psychic Abomination
00 Warp Abomination constantly dying and sloughing off, exposing fat and muscle.
This disfigurement gives off a disgusting stench and leaves
them susceptible to injury as even glancing hits can rip off
Creature Mutations hunks of flesh. The creature reduces their wounds value by
Whether by radiation, exposure to the immaterium, or half and they can be smelt by other characters on a
other genetic malformations, even the strange xenos successful Awareness test up to 10 meters away and will be
creatures that inhabit the galaxy are prone to mutations. smelt automatically within 5 meters. Additionally, the
creature gains the Regeneration Trait equal to its Toughness
Asymmetrical Physiology Bonus.
Twisted and warped, this creature bears little
resemblance to most of its kind. Its misshapen body is Terrain Master
jagged and broken, but somehow still functional. The This creature has large padded feet, widely splayed toes,
creature gains the Strange Physiology trait. double jointed legs or even a preternatural ability to sense
uneven ground. It suffers no penalties for moving over
Atrophied Limbs difficult terrain.
One or more of the creature’s limbs is withered and
feeble, with little or no muscle and power. Each atrophied leg Psychic Predator
reduces the creature's Agility Bonus by -1 for purposes of Through unnatural connection with the warp, the creature
movement, unless the creature possesses the Crawler trait. is able to hunt its prey beyond the normal scope of senses. It
Additionally, the beast cannot Run if two or more primary has the Unnatural Senses (70) and Psyker traits, as well as
limbs are atrophied. An atrophied arm is reduced to half its Psy Rating between 1-3. The creature should have one or
Strength characteristic. two psychic powers that support its method of hunting.

Bony Crest Psychic Invulnerability

The creature’s skull has abnormal growths across it, thick The creature is completely immune to Psychic Powers
protrusions of bone that just through the skin like a crest or and Psychic energy and effects directed against them (as
horns. This bone gives the creature additional protection to well as special abilities used by creatures with the Daemonic
its brain. The beast may re-roll any Toughness tests to see if Trait, the Warp Weapon Quality, possession, sorcery, and so
it is stunned from a head injury. forth). These creatures cannot be detected by means of
Psyniscience and similar abilities. Powers of this type
Club Hand directed at these beasts, even if successfully manifested,
One or more of the creature's limbs has had fused simply fail. If the creature is caught in the effect of a Psychic
together into a single knobbly lump, giving it a powerful Power, Psychic Phenomena, or Perils of the Warp over a
punch but rendering it unable to use the appendage for wide area, it simply fails to affect it, although it may affect
anything else. The creature may not hold anything in the others normally.
club hand, but it may be used in close combat. The club
counts as an unarmed attack that inflicts 1d10 + double Psychic Disruption
Strength Bonus in damage. All Psychic Powers manifested within a radius equal to the
creature’s Willpower Bonus in meters reduce their effective
Cyclopean Psy Rating by -1 per the creature's Willpower Bonus.
The creature only has a single eye, destroying its depth Additionally, creatures subject to Warp Instability suffer
perception. The creature doubles any penalties to hit due to double Damage from its effects while in this area.
range modifiers (bonuses for range modifiers are
unaffected). Psychic Abomination
The creature is a hole in the skein of reality and disrupts
Elongated Fangs the immaterium into a calmed and dormant state. The
Abnormally long and sharp teeth line the creature’s creature gains the benefits of Psychic Invulnerability above.
mouth, giving it a fearsome bite. The creature may make a Additionally, all psychic powers manifested within a radius
an additional bite attack against an opponent in melee as a equal to the creature's Willpower Bonus in meters are

The Mandragora Apocrypha

completely nullified instead weakened. This includes Psychic Placid
powers, psychic energy and similar effects. Not every riding beast is a natural fighter - not even after
years of selective breeding, expert training or genetic
Warp Abomination manipulation - and some even lack the basic drive to fight,
This creature, while once living and native to the seemingly oblivious to threats unless directly under attack.
materium, has transcended into a nightmarish parody of its Mounts with this Trait grant their rider a +10 bonus to
former self. It gains the From Beyond, Undying, Regenerate Survival Tests to control them outside of combat, but
(2), Daemonic (3), Stuff of Nightmares, Baleful Presence (3- impose a –10 penalty on Survival Tests to control them
6) and Warp Weapons Traits. Additionally it may have during combat encounters. A Mount with this Trait cannot be
coterie of lesser beasts soul-bound to it, or it may be soul- given the Irritable Trait.
bound to a far greater (and far viler) creature or daemonic
entity. Skittish
The Mount is nervous and takes flight easily when faced
Mount Traits with unfamiliar or high-stress situations. A Mount with the
Many beasts can be domesticated with some degree of Skittish Trait grants its rider a +20 bonus to Survival Tests
reliability. These creatures can exhibit many traits unique to to use the Evasive Riding and Sidestep Mounted Special
the more docile beasts affable to mankind. Actions. However, it inflicts a –20 penalty to its rider’s
Survival Tests to use the Crushing Charge and Soaring
Bred for War Leap Mounted Special Actions. A Mount with this Trait
The Imperium has been in a state of constant war for cannot be given the Irritable Trait.
thousands of years. Over such a vast span of time the
methods of breeding and training riding beasts have Wiry
improved significantly, allowing riders to turn instinctual Thin-limbed and nimble, the steed is mostly made up of
creatures into living weapons of war. This Mount is used to tightly bound muscle groups and cartilage. This usually
the rigors of combat and the din of battle, and thus makes such creatures strong combatants and fast runners,
automatically passes all Willpower Tests to avoid fleeing but limits their endurance and ability to carry large amounts
due to the Bestial Trait. of equipment. This Mount can only carry its rider plus the
rider’s basic equipment and weapons. It cannot carry
Enduring passengers or any additional equipment, but it counts its
Some beasts of burden can tolerate extreme amounts of Agility Bonus as being two higher for the purposes of
punishment, and can subsist for long periods of time without movement. A Mount with this Trait cannot be given the
food or water, all whilst carrying their rider and his Enduring Trait.
equipment. This Mount gains a +30 bonus to any
Toughness Tests it makes due to dehydration or starvation
and can carry one additional passenger or comparably
heavy item without the associated penalties. A Mount with
this Trait cannot be given the Wiry Trait.

This creature is not terribly friendly at the best of times,
and once its ire is ignited, it is all that a rider can do to stay
on and survive. Of course, the rider will likely fare much
better than anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in its
path. This Mount grants its rider a +20 bonus to Survival
Tests to use the Crushing Charge and Rearing Strike
Mounted Special Actions. However, whenever the rider of a
Mount with this Trait fails a Survival Test to control it, he
adds 1 additional Degree of Failure to his failed Test. A
Mount with this Trait cannot be given the Placid or Skittish

Over time, some creatures develop a sense of loyalty to
their riders, expressing this in both a willingness to perform
dangerous actions and in the way they will stay with their
masters to the bitter end, often waiting with the body of a
fallen rider, unaware that their companion is seriously injured
or even dead. Loyal Mounts do not leave their riders when
they are Thrown from the saddle. Further, Riders gain a +10
bonus to Survival Tests when attempting to control a Mount
with this Trait.

117 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Plantlife Traits: Size (Scrawny for immature, Average for mature,
Hulking for ancient), Plant Physiology, Rooted
Across the sector, native plant life both ordinary and Variable Age: The profile above indicates an average
exotic covers most worlds. As with the animal life of Kamalinka Genus Flora. Reduce the toughness by -10 for an
Mandragora, the plants can be deadly - some deceptively immature specimen, and decrease its wounds by 20. For an
so. ancient specimen, add +20 wounds and add +30 toughness.
Limited Actions: The only Actions a Kamalinka Genus
Flora may perform is either an attempt to latch on to a victim
The Kamalinka Genus within half a meter of one of its leaves, or to expel it's sap.
The sap itself is flammable and when used aggressively, the
In the synerge cluster, there exists a small planetoid Kamalinka plant combines it with a xenos element that
known as Kamalinka that orbits a gas giant . A particularly quickly sets a victim ablaze, eagerly consuming the remains
dangerous death world, Kamalinka would be completely of the creature soon afterwards.
ignored were it not for it being the principle source of several
ingredients for Trisdekan culinary arts and the primary
source of bludka, a powerful intoxicant favored by the sub-
Creating Unique Flora
sector. Such is the demand for Bludka that harvesting teams
regularly risk their lives to collect the sap and stamens from There are many types and variations of flora throughout
the native Kamalinka flora to procure the sap that is turned the galaxy, and even in some of the most desolate rad-
into the refined intoxicant. wastes or underhives of the Imperium life persists and
The purple hued flora of Kamalinka are carnivorous, adapts. The following are guidelines in creating variant
profiles for flora that can be found.
attracting prey by producing a series of noises that produce
an almost musical choir of clicks, rattles, and ambient noises
when winds blow through their branches. Known by the Generating Exotic Flora
expedition teams who frequent Kamalinka, the strange When creating a new kind of flora, use the Flora Profile
melodic tunes have been used by the Trisdekan masses as below as the baseline, or use one of the base profiles
part of their cultural arts - and many unfamiliar with the provided. When using the Flora Profile, the GM creating the
melodies origins often confuse the flora as playing their flora can then divide 100 additional points amongst its
sectorial anthems. Characteristics. No more than 40 points can be put into a
The Kamalinka Genus typically feast upon the remains of single Characteristic, and except in rare cases at the Game
the planet's vermin analogs, keeping the burgeoning Master’s discretion, most flora growth do not possess
population of rodents and amphibians low. Ancient Fellowship or Influence characteristics.
specimens that grow to reach truly massive sizes, however,
have been known to lure and capture even the largest of Flora Profile (Troop) 10
apex predators on Kamalinka. Such is the popularity of
H -
Bludka that a driving demand exists in the Mandragora WS BS S

sector for imports from the Trisdekan sub-sector.

01-10 - 00 00 05
Ar - Al - Ag Int

Kamalinka Genus Flora (Troop) 30 11-20 - 21-30 - 05 00 05

B -
Per Wp Fel
H -
WS BS S 31-70 - 05 05 —
01-10 3 10 10 — Inf
- Lr - Ll -
Ar Al T Ag Int

11-20 3 3 —
71-85 - 86-00 -
21-30 30 18
B Per Wp Fel
36 60 —
- - Inf
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 — Rooted: Flora are typically immobile, firmly rooted in the
ground or otherwise growing across a surface in the case of
HALF - FULL - CHARGE - RUN - THREAT 5 biota and other fungi. Unless specified otherwise, the
creature does not have the capability to move, regardless of
Flammable Sap Class Thrown
its Agility characteristic, and cannot dodge.
RNG 5m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+3 E Plant Physiology: Flora does not have Hit Locations and
PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD 3 Full Wt — AVL — does not suffer from Critical effects. Each meter length of a
SPECIAL: BLAST (2), FLAME Flora is treated as a separate target with 5 wounds (although
once severed from the root, it dies in a matter of hours).
Adhesive Grasp Class Melee Most growths are from 2 to 5 meters, although longer is
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R possible. A flora’s roots descend from 1 to 3 meters
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL — underground, and unless removed, the plant begins to
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (5), TOXIC(3) regrow in days. When needed, treat a flora's growth as
having a Threat Level of 8. Additionally, flora are immune to

The Mandragora Apocrypha 118

Fear, Pinning, Insanity points, and psychic powers used to Small Flora
cloud, control, or delude its mind.
This Base Profile represents shrubs, bushes, and large
mushrooms or fungi. It could also represent a young
Diffuse Flora example of a larger strain of xenos flora.
This Base Profile represents a large field of tiny plants,
grasses, or fungal aggregations, covering an area of at least Small Flora (Minion) 8
twenty meters by twenty meters. GMs should feel free to
H -
adjust the Size and Wounds of a field of Diffuse Flora to WS BS S

match a different arrangement. 01-10 3 40 — 35

- -
Ar Al T Ag Int
Diffuse Flora (Troop)
24 11-20 3 21-30 3 35 35 —
B Per Wp Fel
H WS BS S 31-70 3 25 — —
01-10 2 30 — 10
- - Inf
Ar -
Al - Ag Lr Ll
T Int

11-20 2 21-30 2 20 25 —
71-85 3 86-00 3
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 2 15 — —
Thorns, Barbs, or Tendrils Class Melee
- - Inf
Lr Ll RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 R or I

71-85 2 86-00 2 PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
Thorns, Barbs, or Tendrils Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+1 R or I
Traits: Natural Weapons, Size (3) (Scrawny)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —
This Base Profile represents most trees, or particularly
impressive aggregations of vines or fungal mounds. It could
Traits: Natural Weapons, Size (7) (Massive)
also stand in for a partially mature specimen of a strain of
Diffuse: Any attack that does not have the Blast, Flame, or
Massive Flora.
Scatter Quality only inflict half damage on a Diffuse target. A
Diffuse target cannot be Knocked Down, Grappled or
Large Flora (Elite) 20
Pinned, and counts as destroyed once all its Wounds are
lost. H 2
01-10 7 50 — 50
2 2
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 7 21-30 7 50 20 —
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 7 35 — —
2 2 Inf
Lr Ll

71-85 7 86-00 7
Oversized Thorns, Barbs, or Tendrils Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 R or I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL —

Traits: Natural Weapons, Natural Armor (2) (Bark or Rind)

Size (6) (Enormous)

119 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Massive Flora Adaptations and Defenses
This Base Profile represents the largest and most ancient Like normal creatures, Flora are well adapted to their
of plants, from trees that predate Imperial entry into the environments, displaying a number of quirks and attributes
Expanse to huge mushrooms whose caps block out sunlight that have allowed them to survive and flourish.
across a vast area. Many flora specimens reaching this size
become riddled with parasites, but their tremendous vitality
remains undiminished.
Table 6-6: Flora Adaptations and Defenses
D100 Adaptations Defenses
01-09 No Adaptation Acidic Pollination
Massive Flora (Master) 10-20 Bioluminescent Adhesive Grip
40 21-30 Bladder Trap Blinding Spores
4 31-36 Carrion Vector Choking Mist
37-50 Dispersed Growth Deterrent
01-10 11 45 — 65 51-60 Edible Entangle
4 4 61-70 Flypaper Trap Flammable Combustion
Ar Al T Ag Int
71-72 Mimicry Frictionless
11-20 11 21-30 11 75 15 — 73-77 Neural Network Foul Aura
B Per Wp Fel
78-82 Parasitic Control Hallucinogenic Cloud
31-70 11 20 — —
Pitfall Trap
Mind Control
4 4 Inf 93-96 Snap Trap Rapid Growth
Lr Ll 97-98 Sticky Spore Cloud

71-85 11 86-00 11 99 Volative Vegetation Spine Burster
100 Uprooted Movement Warp Twisted
Fearsome Thorns, Barbs, or Tendrils Class Melee Flora Adaptations
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+9 R or I The flora growth has a number of adaptations that allow it
PEN 1 Clip — RLD — Wt . — AVL — to thrive in the wild.
No Adaptations
Sometimes, a plant is just a plant. This specimen, while it
Traits: Deadly Natural Weapons, Natural Armor (4) (Thick may look strange, have a weird or wild form, has no special
Bark or Rind), Size (7) (Massive), Sturdy, Swift Attack adaptation to its environment, although it may still be
Flora Size Bioluminescent
Due to the variable nature of the vegetation, the first step The flora growth is bioluminescent, producing a chemical
in creating a new flora using the Flora Profile is to bioluminescent light either in the dark or all the time. Some
determine its size by rolling on Table 6-5: Flora Size. Note, plants produce this light as a means of defense, as warning,
this table may also be used with the other profiles provided if or in the case of sentient plants - communication! When
desired. illuminated, the growth lights an area equal to 10 times the
growths Toughness characteristic. Additionally, these plants
Table 6-5: Flora Size can be harvested to create ad-hoc lighting sources with a
D10 Size Challenging (+0) Survival Skill Test.
1 Miniscule (1)
2 Puny (2) Bladder Trap
3 Scrawny (3)
4 Average (4) The plant posses a bladder-like vesicula that it utilizes to
5 Hulking (5) entrap prey. The bladder has a small opening, sealed by a
6 Enormous (6) hinged door. When a prey creature enters the doors, or in
7 Massive (7)
8 Immense (8) some specimens triggers sensitive hairs, the victim is sucked
9 Monumental (9) into the bladder where it is slowly digested. Creatures
0 Titanic (10) entering the bladder trigger the trap, which can be avoided
by passing a Challenging (+0) Agility Test. This test is
further modified by a penalty of -10 for every degree of
difference between the size of the flora versus the prey
creature. Once within the bladder, the target prey
immediately begins to suffer from Suffocation (see page
243, Dark Heresy 2nd Edition). The entrapped creature or
character may attempt to break free, by causing enough
damage equal to half the flora's wounds.

The Mandragora Apocrypha
Carrion Vector Mimicry
This flora can only reproduce from flesh, sprouting from This flora can mimic the voices and sounds of others
the dead or dying. Whether it caused the death or not is accurately, even capturing the subtle complexities of most
irrelevant. These plants will always be found growing from alien languages. Most such flora can typically imitate a
the remains of dead fauna. Mechanically, if a creature that is number of calls and cries from any species from the
exposed to the spores of such a growth dies within 24-48 surrounding area with ease. Listeners must succeed on a
hours, it will sprout a new podling of this flora. Difficult (–10) Scrutiny Test to penetrate the deception. In
In some, simply growing from the dead isn't sufficient. In many flora, this is an effective way to attract prey.
some carrion vector flora, the growing plants hijack the
nervous system of the deceased, re-animating the creature. Neural Network
The deceased creature loses all Skills, Talents and Psychic This flora is a specimen that is firmly connected through
Powers after its reanimation. All reanimated corpses also synaptic neural exchanges throughout its ecology. The
become immune to the effects of Fear and reduces all of its impulses of bio-electric exchanges allows it to transfer
characteristics by -10. They react sluggishly, but information and react to threats. When one specimen is
aggressively, seeking to either kill others to continue its threatened, these creatures may react on a larger scale - as
reproductive cycle or to move to a location more suited to nearby growths release defensive spores, move, or
the flora's growth patterns. otherwise react with eerie grace. Once a threat is perceived
by the growth, all attempts at Stealth and Navigation suffer a
Dispersed Growth -60 penalty when dealing with such a flora. Hopefully, the
The flora possesses a dispersed growth pattern, it's roots, growth is not capable of attacking!
stems or stems stretching out far and wide. For these plants,
it is difficult to ascertain their 'main' body. These flora occupy Parasitic Control
a 10 times Size Trait radius, with their roots descending This plant can take control or hijack a creatures nervous
beneath the ground deeply entrenched by a measure of 3 system or biology by attaching itself, or part of itself or it's
times Size trait in meters. spores, to the victim. The victim is nearly always unaware of
the danger he is in and has a single chance to feel the prick
Edible of this plants barbs, or inhaled spores, before it is too late. At
Either the plant itself is edible, or it produces fruit or the moment the plant's method of control makes contact, the
vegetation. Typically this is part of the growths reproductive target must succeed on a Challenging (+0) Agility or
cycle, with buds, seeds, or similar being capable of growing Toughness Test or the plant latches on (or the victim
into a new specimen of the flora. Mechanically, this means inhales the spores) and rapidly begins to subvert the victim’s
the growth can provide sustenance if it is properly treated or nervous system, causing the victim to fall prone and twitch. It
prepared. Mechanically, a character can attempt a takes 1d10 minutes to infiltrate the victim’s nervous system
Challenging (+0) Trade (Cook) Skill Test to prepare the fully and, if the plant or spore is removed during this time,
vegetation for consumption, while a Challenging (+0) the victim recovers consciousness but loses 1d10 points
Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) Skill Test can determine any permanently from Toughness and gains 1d10 Insanity
applicable boons the growth may have; some of these Points. Unless the process is stopped, after the required
include medicinal purposes for treating infection, wounds, or time has passed, the victim becomes a parasitic thrall. The
can be turned into poisons. thrall loses all Skills, Talents and Psychic Powers whilst
enthralled. All thralls also become immune to the effects of
Flypaper Trap Fear and reduces all of his characteristics by -10. They react
The flypaper trap utilizes sticky mucilage, or glue. The sluggishly; their only evident behavior is to stand sentry over
leaves of such plants are studded with mucilage-secreting their parent plant, hurling themselves spasmodically against
glands, which may be short or long and mobile. When a anything threatening it.
creature makes contact with these leaves, the sticky Should the plant or spore be ripped from a thrall, the thrall
substance can keep them trapped - with the plant itself immediately lets out a horrific scream of agony and
twisting slowly to entrap its meal for digestion. Mechanically, collapses unconscious, as the severing of the plant’s control
when a creature or character makes contact with the leaves causes a massive trauma to the victim’s nervous system.
of this plant, it is treated as if being struck with a Snaring Once the threat is removed, a thrall must pass a Toughness
weapon. The flora has the Snaring (X) Trait, where X is Test or die. If he survives he recovers but retains the
equal to half of its Size Trait. reduction of Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Toughness, Agility
While entrapped within this plant, the victim will suffer a and Perception as permanent Characteristic Damage. The
number of wounds equal to the growths Strength Bonus, released thrall also gains 3d10 Insanity Points.
every few rounds equal to the growths Size Trait (a Size 4 Note: In most cases, a resilient, sealed covering over the
flypaper trap with a Strength Bonus of 3 would cause 3 victim's head and neck can protect against a physical
wounds every 4 rounds). This damage ignores armor, as latching, while a respirator will protect against sporic
these wounds are caused by constriction, suffocation, or indoctrination. A resilient, sealed covering over the victim’s
similar non-direct methods. head and neck (sufficient to provide 2 AP) can protect
against an attack.

121 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Pitfall flora suffers an additional such Wound at the end of every
This plant attracts prey with secreted nectar bribes and round it spends uprooted. A plant may become rooted again
bright flower-like patterning within its pitcher. The linings of in any appropriate soil as a Half Action.
many of these flora are covered in a loose coating of waxy
flakes which are slippery for its intended prey, causing them Volative Vegetation
to fall into the pitcher. Once within the pitcher structure, The flora is capable of rapid movement, able to
digestive enzymes or a symbiotic species break down the temporarily uproot itself or displace itself in other manners.
prey into an absorbable form for the plant. These creatures In effect, this allows the growth to move with a Crawler,
increase their Weapon Skill and Strength characteristics by Burrower, Hoverer or Flyer Trait. Some variations may be
10, and gains a +20 bonus to grapple sub actions. These more exotic, such as with psycho-reactive plants that
creatures can only initiate a grapple if a creature smaller adapted to worlds saturated with raw warp energies. In
than itself enters its pitcher. either case, the value of the listed traits above is generally
equal to the growth's Agility Bonus.
Not all flora have roots or stem-like attachments tethering Flora Natural Defenses
to the ground. Some are rootless, floating or otherwise The flora growth may be adapted to defend itself in more
immobile - especially in aquatic environments where the direct ways. Some may have spikes that burst out from pod
natural currents move the plant. These plants have long like growths, or spray mists of pollen or spores in self
root-like growths that stretch 3 times their Size modifier in defense.
meters. Creatures making contact with this plant's roots have
a 70% chance of triggering any natural weapon attacks the Acidic Pollination
flora may possess. This flora spreads pollen that is acidic and corrosive to
most creatures. Whether by anemophilous or entomophilous
Snap Trap methods, the moment this pollen makes contact with a
Trigger hairs inside the trap plants lobes are sensitive to creature not adapted to the local environment suffers
touch. When a trigger hair is bent, the trap which was held horrendous pain and corrosive burns across their flesh.
under tension snaps shut and interring the prey. This whole This form of natural weapon is often used without intent of
process takes less than a second. When a creature or self-defense, as it forms the flora's natural reproductive
character triggers the trap, he must make a Very Hard (-30)
cycle. Some specimens may be adapted to purposefully
Agility Skill Test or becomes interred in the trap. Each
produce it's pollination when agitated or threatened,
round the victim remains within the trap, the flora inflicts an however. The flora gains a Ballistic Skill of 10 if it did not
automatic hit that cannot be dodged or parried. This inflicts have it before, as well as a new ranged attack with the
1d10 R damage, with the Corrosive quality. In order for a following profile:
creature or character to escape this trap, he must pass a
Challenging (+0) Strength Skill Test, modified with a -10 Acidic Cloud Class Basic
Penalty for every degree of size difference between the plant
RNG — ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+2 I
and the victim (thus, a Size 4 target trapped by a Size 5
plant would suffer a -10 penalty). Beyond attempting to PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD 3 Full Wt . — AVL —
escape, the victim is otherwise treated as Helpless. SPECIAL: CORROSIVE, BLAST (10)

Sticky Note: This attack is centered on the flora. However, in an

The flora exudes a layer of adhesive sap on leaves or environment where this flora is detected, it's pollination may
tendrils, which can quickly bind prey as they find themselves come into contact with a creature completely accidentally,
stuck to the creature. It is most often found on varieties of especially if it's typically carried on the wind. Thus, within a
carnivorous flora, which feed on the entrapped victim once it half kilometer radius of where this flora is found, there is a
eventually perishes. The species itself is immune to these 25% of making contact with this pollen, and suffering the
adhesives, but anyone else touching such a creature must damage listed above (minus the blast quality).
pass a Challenging (+0) Strength Test to free themselves.
Depending on how much of their body is trapped, they might Adhesive Grip
be helpless until they succeed or merely unable to use one The only action this flora may perform is either an attempt
limb. to latch on to a victim within half a meter of one of its leaves,
branches or roots. This attack has the following profile:
Uprooted Movement
Flora that have this adaptation are not limited to passively Adhesive Grasp Class Melee
waiting for prey to come by, but can actively hunt to feed
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R
themselves, or pursue an escaped victim. Such flora strains
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
may uproot themselves as a Half Action, which grants a
movement rate appropriate to their Agility Bonus and Size, SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (5), SNARING(2)
as well as the ability to use the Dodge Skill (although they do
not gain training in it). However, the uprooting process
causes 1 Wound, ignoring Toughness and armor, and the

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Blinding Spores increases the radius of the aura by ten meters and imposes
Through biochemical reactions or other means, the flora is a –10 penalty to the Toughness Test to avoid the effects. If a
able to produce a searing, blinding light when threatened or plant has more than one instance of this Trait, only a full
provoked. Exploding when agitated, any creatures within 10 environmental seal provides protection - simply avoiding
times the Flora's Toughness radius must make a Ordinary breathing in the air is not sufficient.
(+10) Agility Test each turn; Any character within the radius
of the spores who fails this test is blinded for a number of Frictionless
rounds equal to his degrees of failure. The flora coats its leaves with an oily residue, or uses
some other means to reduce any traction against that
Choking Mist surface to almost nothing. Characters might find themselves
This flora produces a mist of granular pollen that seeps helplessly sliding into a digestion maw once they step onto
into the lungs of creatures around. Exploding when agitated, innocuous appearing vegetation, or unable to effectively fight
any characters within 10 times the Flora's Toughness radius against an attacking predator as they cannot find purchase
must make a Toughness Test each turn; failure inflicts one to hurl it away. Any Tests to Grapple with such a creature
level of Fatigue. Four or more degrees of failure indicates suffer a –20 Penalty, and any Damage inflicted on the
serious harm, and the victim suffers 1d10 Toughness creature in Melee Combat is reduced by 1d5 as the
damage. The mist lasts for 2d5 rounds, or less in adverse weapon’s impact slips off the surface. Characters operating
weather conditions. on a Frictionless surface must make a Difficult (–10) Agility
Note: Respirators or vacuum-sealed suits protect against Test or they Fall to the ground.
this mist.
Hallucinogenic Cloud
Deterrent This flora is capable of producing a highly hallucinogenic
A foul stench, chemical haze, unconscious psychic field, cloud of pollen or spores. As a Half Action, this flora can
or similar defense imposes penalties to attacks against any produce a cloud with a radius of 10 times its Toughness
creature with this natural defense. Blows are sapped of Bonus in meters. A creature or character that is caught in
striking power and shots are thrown astray. Attacks against this area must pass an Ordinary (+10) Toughness test to
creatures with this defense suffer -20 to the attack roll. withstand it's hallucinogenic effects. Whenever a victims fails
this test, he suffers 10 points of Toughness damage and 5
Entanglement points of Intelligence damage, and must roll on Table 5–3:
This flora utilizes low hanging vines, wide-spread stems or Hallucinogenic Effects on page 146, Dark Heresy 2nd
low-laying roots or prehensile-like leaves to entangle Edition. The victim continues to test as above every 1d5
potential prey or ward off herbivores. This plant may only hours, but once his Toughness reaches 0, his head
perform a Grapple Action in an attempt to latch on to a victim detonates, killing him instantly. This scatters another spore
that strays within half a meter of one of its vines, leaves, or cloud over a 5 meter radius.
Mind Control
Flammable Combustion This flora growth is sentient and is capable of mind-
This specimen possesses the ability to produce flammable sap or controlling and utilizing telepathic abilities through a massive
combust spontaneously. As strange as this quirk of evolution may be,
sensory network. It releases spores into the air that allow the
the flora is well-adjusted to survive by utilizing these methods of
creature to control those who inhale them, using pain to
defense or reproduction. The flora gains a Ballistic Skill of 10 if
control their behavior. These 'thralls' then tend to the
it did not have it before, as well as a new ranged attack with
creature and obey its will. The victim is nearly always
the following profile:
unaware of the danger he is in and has a single chance to
avoid inhaling the spores before it is too late. At the moment
Flammable Sap Class Thrown
the spores make contact, the target must succeed on a
RNG 5m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+3 E Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or victim inhales the
PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD 3 Full Wt — AVL — spores. Once inhaled, the spores hijack the victim’s nervous
SPECIAL: BLAST (2) or SPRAY, FLAME system, causing the victim to fall prone and twitch. It takes
1d10 minutes to infiltrate the victim’s nervous system fully
and, if the spore is removed during this time, the victim
Foul Aura (Soporific or Toxic) recovers consciousness but loses 1d10 points permanently
The very air surrounding this plant is filled to choking with from Toughness and gains 1d10 Insanity Points. Unless the
pollen, spores, or chemical fumes. Breathing the air within process is stopped, after the required time has passed, the
five meters of a plant with this Trait requires a Challenging victim becomes unable to remove the spores.
(+0) Toughness Test to avoid suffering the effects of its Once these spores take hold of the victim's nervous
Foul Aura. Toxic plants cause 1d10 Wounds (ignoring system, the flora growth can exert its will to command the
Armor), per round of inhalation, while Soporific plants inflict a creature. Unlike parasitic control, the victims retain their free
level of Fatigue per two Degrees of Failure. Fatigue caused will - yet will be punished for disobedience with extreme pain
in excess of what is required to render the target caused by internal eviscerations. When given a command
unconscious is converted to Wounds that ignore Toughness and the victim refuses, the target must pass a Very Hard (-
Bonus and Armor. Each additional instance of this Trait 30) Opposed Willpower Skill Test. For every Degree of

123 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Failure, the victim will suffer 1d5 wounds that ignores Armor of the materium any longer! These flora gain the Phase or
and Toughness and has the Corrosive quality. If the victim Incorporeal and Unnatural Toughness (2) traits.
passes, he gains 1 level of fatigue. The range of influence in
which the plant can exert it's influence a radius equal to 100 Flora and Fauna Toxicity
meters times its Size Trait.
Many flora and fauna produce poisons and toxins, which
Psychoactive can cause harm to a body's natural systems. There are
This flora is psychically active, capable of manipulating endless varieties of poisonous substances within nature, and
the immaterium in some form or fashion. It gains the Psyker even the most benign vegetation or creature can be
Trait, as well as a Psy Rating of 1 or 2. It may have a incredibly lethal if consumed or exposed to. To determine
number of psychic powers equal to its Willpower Bonus.
the toxicity of a creature, roll below on Table 6-7: Flora and
Fauna Toxicity, and then roll once on each column of Table
Rapid Growth
6-8: Speed and Effects.
Rather than defend itself with barbed or thorned stems,
In order for the toxin to take effect, the victim must fail a
spore clouds, or other physical means, the flora has evolved
Toughness Test after consuming a portion of the creature, or
to grow exceedingly fast. This rapid rate of reproduction can
being exposed to one of its natural weapons with the Toxic
be a beneficial boon if it holds an intrinsic value, such as
trait. The strength of the poison is the modifier to this Test.
edible fruit, or it can be blighted curse as it consumes
Some relatively weak poisons will provide a bonus rather
farmland, cattle or otherwise becomes a nuisance to clear!
than a penalty to the Test.
Mechanically, this flora gains the Regenerate (Toughness
Bonus) Trait. Even if reduced to 0 wounds, this flora can
regenerate unless a weapon with the Flame or Spray quality Table 6-7: Flora and Fauna Toxicity
was used to deliver its final wound - although canny D10 Toxicity Strength
1-3 Non-Toxic 0
characters may wish to purge an entire area where this kind
4-5 Nauseating Toxin +10
of flora is found. 6-7 Mild Toxin +20 or +30
8-9 Potent Toxin -10 to -40
Spore Cloud 10 Deadly Toxin -50 to -60
When threatened, this flora emits a cloud of spores that
are incredibly toxic to the native creatures in the surrounding
area - and potentially others! The flora gains a Ballistic Skill Speed and Effects
of 10 if it did not have it before, as well as a new ranged Speed defines how quickly the poison will enter the
attack with the following profile: victim’s system, while each toxin is grouped into four types
of effect; however, numerous “more unique” effects are also
Spore Cloud Class Basic possible. Roll twice on Table 6-8: Speed and Effects to
RNG 10m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+9 I determine both qualities.
PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD 5 Full Wt . — AVL —
SPECIAL: TOXIC (2) OR HALLUCINOGENIC (3) Table 6-8: Speed and Effects
D10 Speed Effect
1-2 Instant Lethal
3-4 Swift Paralytic
Spine Burster 5-7 Slow Sedative
This flora can rapidly and violently project hooked barbs, 8-10 Chronic Necrotic
spined thorns, or similar painful extrusions. The flora gains a
Ballistic Skill of 10 if it did not have it before, as well as a
new ranged attack with the following profile:
Listed below are the various speeds and how quickly they
set in.
Spine Shot Class Basic
RNG 10m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+4 I Chronic
PEN 4 Clip — RLD 2 Full Wt . — AVL — The effects of the poison will occur only after prolonged
SPECIAL: RAZOR SHARP OR TEARING exposure or consumption. The effects of this toxin occurs
after the victim is exposed to the toxin a number of times
equal to the victim's Toughness Bonus in a period of 1d5
Warp Twisted days.
This flora has adapted to survive in even the most hellish
of environments - those saturated by the unreality of the Instant
warp. These flora may be completely intangible, stuck The poisons effects occur as soon as the victim is
between two differing planes of existence, or may seem to exposed. Most natural venoms and poisoned-attacks
randomly disappear and reappear elsewhere. Whatever operate at this speed.
strange behavior they possess, they are no longer fully part
The effects of the poison will occur 1d5 hours after

The Mandragora Apocrypha

exposure; includes subtle poisons such as those favored by
assassins to taint food. Extracting Poisons,
Slow Venoms and other Toxins
The effects of this toxin will occur 1d5 days after Any character with sufficient knowledge can extract
exposure; includes environmental poisons and taints. and prepare usable samples of a flora or fauna's
natural toxins. Typically, Trade (Agri) or Survival can
Effects be used to identify the properties of these toxins (each
Listed below are the various effects poisons, venoms and Degree of Success on either test will offer up a toxins
other toxins may have: toxicity, strength, or effect). By using Medicae for
crafting, the character may create one usable sample
Lethal per Degree of Success. Additionally, a Trade
These poisons cause harm by directly attacking the (Chymistry) Skill test can be used to purify the results
body’s functions; damaging the nervous system, causing into more potent forms, increasing the strength of a
cardiac arrest, etc. The victim suffers 1d10 temporary toxin for every Two Degrees of Success on
Toughness Damage plus a further 1d10 per degree of the test. Of course, proper tools or
failure. If reduced to “0” Toughness, they will die unless they facilities are required!
receive immediate medical help (or burn a Fate Point to
avoid such a demise). Additionally, if more than half of the
victim’s Toughness is lost they will also become comatose
for 1d5 hours.

These poisons paralyze the musculature, rendering the
victim immobile or helpless without rendering them
unconscious. The victim suffers 1d10 temporary Strength
Damage plus a further 1d10 per degree of failure. If reduced
to “0” Strength, they are completely paralyzed and unable to
act. This paralysis and Strength Damage wears off in 2D5
minus the victim’s Toughness Bonus in hours.

These poisons incapacitate and render the victim
unconscious. Those failing the Toughness Test are Stunned
for 1d10 minutes, however, if the Test is failed by 3 or more
degrees the victim falls unconscious for 1d5 hours.

These poisons cause localized damage to the body by
corroding or otherwise damaging tissue and cells. Many
acids and industrial pollutants cause damage this way, as do
many natural types of venom intended to liquefy and digest
flesh. Victim’s failing a Toughness Tests against this form of
poison suffer a variable amount of extra Damage to their
Wounds (usually 1d10) with no reduction for armor or
Toughness Bonus.

125 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Creating Your Own Xenos Species Step Six: Technology and Quirks
Once finished creating a xenos profile, a few additional
Use the following guidelines to create a sentient creature, tables are provided to flesh out the background quirks of the
with their own civilization and culture for use in games. xenos species. These include societal, technological, and
Obviously, there is no limit in the variety or type of such home world quirks that add both key archetypes and
personality to the profile.
creatures, and the options you can find on the following
tables are by no means exhaustive. Instead, they are
Step Seven: Finishing Touches
intended to provide a springboard for the creation of a
It’s now up to the Gamemaster to flesh out his xenos
unique xenos species. Some will notice from even a casual
species and fill in any missing details, such as deciding on
inspection of this generator that what is likely to come up
any additional relevant Skills, Talents, Traits and gear the
with will be hostile, monstrous or just plain strange at best.
GM thinks it should have, and of course giving it a name.
This is quite intentional. In Dark Heresy, the universe does
The rest of this chapter has many examples that can help
not love you, and alien creatures wish to kill, eat, lay their
you with this. In the case of an alien bounty hunter, for
eggs in, subvert or enslave you - remember Acolytes: suffer
example, its Skills would not be too different from the human
not the alien to live!
ones presented later on.

Xenos Species Generator

Some Notes on Modifiers, Use and Chance
By following the steps below, a unique xenos species can
When applying modifiers, the best thing to do is keep a
be created:
running tally of the modifiers you acquire and work the final
Step One: Roll Characteristics numbers out at the end. No characteristic should ever be
Roll characteristics for your xenos species using Table 6- reduced to less than 5 or raised higher than 80 by modifiers,
9: Xenos Characteristics. unless in very exceptional circumstances, and if modifiers
would take them past these thresholds, just ignore the
Step Two: Choose Form and Size excess. It’s always best to use Traits to reflect extraordinary
Choose or roll randomly for which form your Xenos will abilities, so if you want your critter to be able to punch
take. The “default” option for a xenos race is bipedal, through rockcrete, give it Unnatural Strength instead of
although it can conceivably be of any type. Regardless of giving it a ludicrously high Strength Characteristic - that’s
their form, xenos races are assumed to have the capacity for what the Trait’s for! Also, when using this generator, treat it
delicate physical manipulation (for example: hands with as a set of useful guidelines rather than iron-clad rules to be
opposable thumbs, pliant tentacles or some such) and draconically adhered to. It’s your game, and you as GM
communication with others of their own kind. It is always know best what you’re after, so be sensible as to what you
better to choose the xenos’ form, after all it’s no good pick and what you leave up to random chance. Simply
randomly rolling a raving giant beast that won’t fit down the discard or re-roll anything that doesn’t fit your plan.
corridors of the base where your adventure is going to be
set! Xenos Characteristics
In terms of size, xenos races should be on the whole no For each xenos species, roll for characteristics using the
greater that one “step” away from Average for the sake of guidelines described on Table 6-9: Xenos Characteristics.
usefulness and believability. Depending on your creature’s In addition, xenos gain the following Skills and Traits.
form and size, various modifiers will be applied to the Starting Skills: Xenos races all begin with Linguistics
characteristics that are randomly rolled up. Also, if a form (native) (Int).
other than humanoid is chosen, a number of Traits and
penalties may also be gained.
Table 6-9: Xenos Characteristics
Characteristic Modifier
Step Three: Roll Xeno Classification Weapon Skill (WS) 15+2d10
Roll for or choose an entry on Table 6-12: Xenos Ballistic Skill (BS) 15+2d10
Classification. This features a number of Characteristic Strength (S) 15+2d10
Toughness (T) 15+2d10
modifiers and Traits. Your creature’s Xenos-Classification Agility (Ag) 15+2d10
broadly describes its fundamental nature taken as a whole. Intelligence (Int) 20+2d10
On the Xenos Race table, rolls of 01–90 indicate largely Perception (Per) 20+2d10
Willpower (Wp) 20+2d10
“natural” xenos no matter how otherworldly, while results of
Fellowship (Fel) 15+2d10
91+ are a different matter…. Influences (Inf) 10+1d10
Wounds (W) 5+1d10
Step Four: Roll Distinctive Features
Roll for or choose one or more distinctive features for your
xenos species. These add a little character and help define
species. Most results here can “stack” in the manner of
Skills; simply re-roll duplicates that cannot stack. Around 1-3
features are recommended for most xenos being created.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 126

Physical Form and Size Xenos Classification
Most xenos have one of the forms detailed below. Choose Classification determines the xenos’ type and its role in its
or roll for the form on Table 6–10: Form and Size. Then roll environment. Roll or select one from Table 6-12: Xeno
for or pick a size from the second column. In addition to the Classification.
normal benefits of the Size Trait, consult Table 6-11: Xenos
Size Modifiers for additional changes to the new Xenos'
base profile.
Table 6-12: Xenos Classification
1d100 Classification
01-06 Apex
07-10 Arboreal
Table 6-10: Form and Size 11-13 Armored
1d100 Form Size 14-17 Atavistic
1-25 Bipedal Miniscule 18-22 Avaricious
26-65 Animalistic Puny 23-26 Aquatic
66-77 Crawler Weedy 27-30 Bioconstruct
76-95 Avian Average 31-34 Carrion Eater
96-00 Amorphous Hulking 35-41 Covert
42-45 Darkling
46-49 Exotic
50-55 Feral
Table 6-11: Xenos Size Modifiers 56-62 Gestalt
Size Trait Modifiers 63-65 Herd Mentality
Miniscule -30 WS, 1 Wound Only, 1/4 S, -10 T 66-67 Malleable
Puny -20 WS, -6 Wounds, 1/2 Strength 68-71 Mechanistic
Weedy -10 WS, -3 Wounds, -5 Strength 72-81 Predatory
Average - 82-83 Psyker
Hulking +10 WS, +1d10 Wounds, +10 S, +10 T 84-85 Silicate
85-89 Synthetic Life
90-91 Transient Being
92-93 Voidborn
Bipedal 94-95 Warlike
This is the default form for most xenos races. There are 96-97 Warped
98-99 Warp Construct
no additional benefits or drawbacks for this form. 00 Warp Abomination

These xenos species remain closer to their evolutionary
These creatures are at the top of their planet’s ecology,
roots than most other sentient species'.
and are often highly developed and adaptable with few or
Talents: Animalistic xenos have a 25% chance of gaining
any natural predators, some may even be on the verge of
the Sprint talent.
sentiency. Increase their Intelligence and Fellowship each by
Traits: The xenos gains the Quadruped trait and has a 50%
1d10, and their perception by +5. They gain 1d10 additional
chance of gaining the Sturdy trait.
Wounds, and acquire and any two Talents.
These creatures are worm-like or insectoid. These xenos
Some creatures adapt to live above ground in trees, or
race crawlers will have manipulative limbs of some sort.
even in vast forests of massive fungi or razor-sharp
Skills: Crawlers have a 25% chance of gaining the Athletics
stalactites. These arboreal creatures are renowned for their
agility and speed. They add +10 to Agility, and gain
Traits: These xenos gain the Crawler trait and have a 25%
Acrobatics +20, Climb +20, Dodge and the Catfall and
chance of gaining the Burrower trait.
Lightning Reflexes talents.
These xenos have wings or some other ability to fly.
Tough, resilient protection encases this xenos. Whether
Characteristics: Reduce the xenos’ Toughness by 10.
this armor is simply a rough hide, a layer of bark, scales,
Traits: The xenos has either the Hoverer (Agility Bonus x 2)
bony plates, or even the result of sub dermal metal deposits,
trait (01–50) or Flier (Agility Bonus x 2) trait (51–00).
the effect is the same. The xenos gains the Natural Armor
(1d5) Trait.
Amorphous xenos have formless, ooze-like bodies with no
limbs or separate body parts. Xeno races with this form can
Although evolved to sentiency, these creatures remain
generate manipulative pseudo-pods from their body mass as
closely linked to their biological forbears in physical form.
needed, and may need technology to communicate vocally.
Choose either Table 6-3: Physiologies and Abilities (see
Characteristics: Increase Toughness by 10.
page109) or Table 6-6: Flora Adaptations and Defenses
Skills: The xenos has a 25% chance of having the Climb
(see page 117), rolling once on each column.
Traits: Amorphous creatures gain the Amorphous, Fear (2),
and Unnatural Senses (1d10+5 meters) traits, and have a
25% chance of gaining Regeneration (TB) Trait.

127 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Avaricious Feral
This race cares only for the acquisition of resources and This xenos race has a very primitive understanding and
wealth. They trade (grudgingly) with those that they perceive use of technology, either because the race is relatively
as strong, and raid and enslave those they see as weak. young, or perhaps because it has suffered a catastrophic
These creatures increase Ballistic Skill and Intelligence by decline. Modify Characteristics as follows: +1d10 to Weapon
+1d10 each. They gain the Awareness, Commerce and Skill, Strength, Toughness and Perception, and –1d10 to
Deceive skills. Most are likely to carry plentiful weapons and Intelligence. They gain +1d10 Wounds and the Athletics,
armor as well as trade goods and illicit items, and frequently Awareness, Survival skills.
employ more warlike species as mercenaries.
Aquatic A gestalt is not a single living being, but a united colony of
Aquatic species dwell exclusively in the water (or smaller interdependent creatures formed and operating as a
whatever liquid the native oceans and rivers of the species single whole. Gestalts increase their Toughness and
are made from), and cannot survive for any significant length Willpower by 2d10, reduce their Intelligence by 1d10 and
of time outside of it. Use the rules for Suffocation if an their Fellowship by 2d10. Gestalt creatures cannot be
Aquatic species leaves the water. Most Aquatic species are stunned and may always roll twice (taking the better result)
also unable to move when removed from the water, suffering when testing to resist mind controlling or mind influencing
–20 to Agility Tests and treating their Agility Bonus as 1. effects. When rolling for Distinctive Features for these
While immersed, they automatically pass all Swim Tests and freakish creatures, roll twice and pick the highest result.
may move as if their Agility bonus was 1 higher than normal.
Aquatic species can breathe water indefinitely. Herd Mentality
Developing from a herd stock, these creatures are often
Bioconstruct physically large and have developed to suit a nomadic
This race did not arise from natural evolution, but was lifestyle. Their main defense is often their physical bulk and
shaped from advanced biological manipulation or psychic strength in numbers, and many aggressively charge when
biomancy. They increase all their characteristics by +10, threatened. Increase Toughness by 1d10 and they gain an
including their Wounds. additional 1d10 Wounds. These creatures also gain the
Stampede trait, and have a 50% chance of gaining the
Carrion Eater Sturdy trait, 25% chance of gaining the Natural Weapons
These creatures feast upon the dead and the dying. trait, and a 20% chance of gaining the Natural Armor (1d5
Natural survivors, they are often very tough and resilient. points) trait.
They increase their Weapon Skill and Toughness by 1d10
each, gain the Resistance (Poison) talent, Dark Sight trait, Malleable
and have a 20% chance of gaining the Toxic trait. The bone structure of this xenos is unusually malleable, or
perhaps it does not even possess a skeleton. Such a xenos
Covert gains the Flexible Quality on their Natural Weapons and +10
These creatures’ culture, or perhaps their biology, focuses to Dodge. They may also wrap their flowing limbs around
on deceit, secrecy and stealth. Increase the creature’s their prey in a stranglehold, granting the Snare Quality to
Intelligence and Perception by +10. It gains the Awareness, their Natural Weapons as a Full Action Attack.
Deceive and Stealth skills.
Darkling Members of this race have given themselves over to the
Darklings are xenos species that are native to lightless pursuit of technology and integrated it into their forms.
worlds or dwell in lightless environments. Increase their Increase Intelligence by 10 and decrease their Fellowship by
Strength and Toughness each by +1d10. They gain the 10. These xenos always have at least one implant and have
Athletics, Awareness and Stealth skills. They also gain the the Machine (1d5-2) Trait.
Blind and Unnatural Sense (30m) traits.
Exotic That nature is “red in tooth and claw” is a universal truth,
These creatures are strange and bizarre beyond and savage and powerful predatory species abound on
understanding, with unknowable motivations and many worlds. Increase these creatures’ Weapon Skill and
blasphemous “otherness”. Increase any two Characteristics Strength by 1d10+10, and add 1d10 to their Toughness,
by +10. They gain the Fear (1) talent, and take a –20 penalty Agility and Intelligence. These creatures gain the Stealth
to Fellowship Tests made to deal with humans. Finally, when skill, and has a 50% chance of gaining the Sprint talent.
rolling for Distinctive Features, roll twice and pick the highest Predatory xenos also gain Dark Sight and Natural Weapons
result. (claws or fangs) traits. These creatures also have a 25%
chance of gaining the Natural Armor (1d5) trait, and a 20%
chance of gaining the Toxic trait.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 128

Psyker Warlike
This entire race has evolved great powers of the mind at This xenos race is highly aggressive, striving to conquer,
the expense of their bodies. Modify these creatures’ plunder and destroy. Increase the creature’s Weapon Skill,
Characteristics as follows: Reduce Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill, Strength and Agility each by +1d10. It gains
Strength by -10 and increase Willpower by +10. In addition, the Awareness skill and has a 25% chance of gaining the
these xenos count as having a Psy Rating of 2 and have Swift Attack talent. Furthermore, it gains two combat
three Minor Psychic Powers and two Powers from a single oriented talents or the Natural Weapons Trait. Warlike xenos
Psychic Discipline (most commonly Telepathy). Finally, races will be habitually well armed and protected.
these creatures gain the Psyniscience skill.
Silicate The foul touch of Chaos has warped this species, undoing
While much of the life in the known universe has evolved natural evolution and infusing it with the essence of the
(or sometimes engineered) from broadly the same basic warp. While some unifying Traits can be found in such
building blocks (carbon, iron, amino acids, etc.), occasionally species, the power of such unbridled change defies easy
life forms are encountered with radically different structures. classification. Roll once for a major mutation on Table 6-24:
Silicate species are one example of this, bizarre creatures Mutations (see page XX) to generate a mutation possessed
seemingly evolved from “living” crystal or minerals. Silicates by all members of the species, and again for each individual
reduce their Agility by 10 and cannot swim. They gain the of that species encountered. Some thought should be used
Natural Armor (1d5+1), Unnatural Strength (2) and Unnatural when applying Mutations - for example, an Enormous
Toughness (2) traits. They do not suffer Blood Loss, and all creature gaining the “Hulking” Mutation should not lose Size,
Impact and Explosive Critical Damage they take always but might become Massive instead.
counts as 5 points higher.
Warp Construct
Synthetic Life Brought to life by the foul powers of chaos and the
Humanity has long held a ban against the creation of immaterium itself, this species is a parody of life and bane to
Abominable Intelligence, or false sentience. They see these existence itself. These species have the From Beyond trait.
creatures as foul abominates against nature - however, this Additionally, If destroyed, these constructs melt away to
species was created by another that did not share this fear. bubbling necrotic ooze and stinking gas within a few
Completely autonomous and self-aware, these creatures seconds, leaving nothing behind.
embody the worst fears of humanity. These creatures have
the Machine (1d5+1), From Beyond and the Undying Traits Warp Abomination
When living worlds are exposed to the raw power of the
Transient Being warp, either through being engulfed in a warp storm or by
Also known as fade-kind, these ghostly species exist at the intervention of the Ruinous Powers, the usual outcome is
least partly out of phase with reality, although this simply the annihilation of life. Sometimes, however, terrible
classification may also be used to create a creature obscenities that should not be able to live in a rational
composed of coherent energy. These creatures have the universe are given form. Warped creatures gain 1d5
Incorporeal or Phase traits (50% chance of either). At the Mutations, increase their Strength and Toughness by 2d10
Game Master's discretion, their passage may be blocked by each, and gain 1d10 extra Wounds. Reduce their
certain materials or phenomena (such as lead, energy fields Intelligence by 2d10. They do not have Fellowship scores.
etc.) and may have one or more conditions placed on its These creatures gain the Frenzy talent and the Fear (1d5)
use. Given the unnatural and possibly warp-touched nature trait.
of such abilities, there is a 25% chance for a creature with
this Trait to possess a Fear Rating of 1.

Some species possess the ability to tunnel through the
earth, whether through secreting corrosive slime or tearing at
the soil with huge fore-claws. Tunneller creatures gain the
Burrower Trait at a value equal to their Strength Bonus.

This classification of xenos is common to lifeforms on
worlds with weak atmospheres, or ones that lack air
altogether. Xenos with this trait do not need to breathe and
are thus immune to Suffocation and inhaled toxins. Some
xenos species have adapted to the void itself, able to live
without air or gravity; while in an airless environment, these
creatures gain the Flyer Trait at a value equal to their Agility

129 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Distinctive Features can elect to roll multiple times on this table. It is suggested
no more than 3 Distinctive Features be rolled on this table.
The last step is to generate distinctive features. Roll for or
pick one of the features described on Table 6-13:
Distinctive Features. For more variation, Game Masters

Table 6-13: Distinctive Features

1D100 Feature Effects
01 Augmented Gain Machine (1), or increase Machine by 1. An additional instance of this result adds the Mind-Lock trait
02-03 Bio-Shock Can manifest bio-lightning, as in the Smite Psychic Power (see page 202, Dark Heresy 2nd Edition). Instead
of PR, the power is adjusted by Toughness Bonus. Although treated as a psychic power, it is not, and never
causes psychic phenomena or perils of the warp.
04-05 Breath Weapon The xenos can spew acid, fire or sludge (5m; S/-/-; 1d10+TB I or E; 2 Full; Unlimited shots).
06-07 Death Frenzy The xenos gains the Frenzy and Iron Jaw talents and +10 Strength when it takes Damage equal to half or
more of its Wounds
08-09 Disgusting Stench The smell of this xenos is so pungent as to make Smell and Taste Tests impossible within a radius of 10
meters from it. In addition, Sight Tests are at –20 due to eyes watering. A successful Challenging (+0)
Toughness Test when wearing a respirator will remove the penalty to Sight Tests. However, the smell is
such that respirators do not allow failed Toughness Tests to be re-rolled against it.
10-12 Disturbing Gain Fear (1) or increase Fear by 1
13-15 Durable Gain 1d10 Wounds
16-18 Evasive Reproduction Once a target has been bitten or suffered damage from this xenos' natural weapons, he must succeed at a
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or become a host for the xenos' DNA. Once a victim has become a host,
the victim begins to metamorph, be consumed, or otherwise give rise to a newborn xenos in a matter of
months. A Very Hard (–30) Medicae Test can remove the xenos’ taint, but doing so requires a week of care
in an advanced medicae facility.
17-19 Extra Limbs Gains an extra manipulative limb (arm, prehensile tail, tendril), the Ambidextrous and Swift Attack talents, and
+10 to all climbing related tests
20-21 Fast Increase Agility by 1d10
22-23 Fearsome Gain Fear 2, or increase Fear by 2 (to a maximum of Fear 5)
24-25 Flexible Gains +10 to Grappling action, as well as Acrobatics and Athletics Skill Tests
26-27 Frictionless This xenos' skin is almost totally frictionless. Any attempts they make to break free from a Grapple action gain
a +20 bonus, and opponents Grappling them test to see if they cause injury at a -20 penalty.
28-30 Heightened Senses Gain a +10 bonus to Awareness tests based on one of the five senses.
31-33 Innate Psyker Gain a Psy Rating of 1, the Psyker Trait, and one psychic power. If the xenos already possesses a Psy
Rating, increase it by 1 and add two more psychic powers.
34-35 Lethal Defenses When this xenos species takes Damage past its Toughness Bonus and Armor, its attacker must pass a
Challenging (+0) Dodge Test or suffer 1d10+3 I Damage. There is a 25% chance this damage possesses
either the Toxic or Shocking Qualities (GM’s discretion).
36-39 Living Ghost This xenos scores two extra degrees of success on successful Stealth tests.
40-42 Natural Armor Gain the Natural Armor (1d5) trait or increase Natural Armor by 2
43-46 Natural Weapons Gain the Natural Weapon (Claws, teeth, horns, etc) trait. If the creature already has this talent, they become
Deadly Natural Weapons instead.
47-50 Night Adaptation Gain the Dark Sight Trait.
50-51 Nimble Gain the Dodge Skill or the Catfall Talent
52-53 Paragon Gain the Touched by the Fates trait. Roll 1d5-1, to a minimum of one, to determine the amount of Fate Points.
They also gain additional benefits from certain xenos quirks.
54-55 Paralytic This xenos has the ability to paralyze its victims. Targets damaged by the xenos' natural weapons must
make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or be Stunned for one round plus a number of rounds equal to
the degrees of failure.
56-57 Projectile Attack This xenos gains a ranged attack dealing 1d10+3 Impact, Rending, or Energy damage (determined at the
GM’s discretion) with a penetration of 0. The attack has a Range of 15 meters and may only fire in single
shots. It never needs to reload, as the xenos’ own metabolic processes provide the necessary fuel or
58-59 Psychic Blank Gains the Psychic Null and Warp Anathema talents.
60-61 Regeneration Gain the Regenerate (1) trait, or increase Regenerate by 1
62-63 Resistant Gain the Resistance (Any One) talent
64-65 Slow Decrease the xenos Agility Bonus by -1 for the purposes of Movement only.
66-67 Strong Increase Strength by 1d10
68-69 Tough Increase Toughness by 1d10
70-71 Unnatural Charisma Gain the Unnatural Fellowship (2) trait, or increase Unnatural Fellowship by 1
72-73 Unnatural Intelligence Gain the Unnatural Intelligence (2) trait, or increase Unnatural Intelligence by 1
74-75 Unnaturally Agile Gain the Unnatural Agility (2) trait, or increase Unnatural Agility by 1
76-77 Unnaturally Slow This xenos can only move 1 meter a turn regardless of its Agility Bonus
78-79 Unnaturally Strong Gain the Unnatural Strength (2) trait, or increase Unnatural Strength by 1
80-81 Unnatural Speed Increase the xenos Agility Bonus by +1 for the purposes of Movement only.
82-83 Unnatural Toughness Gain the Unnatural Toughness (2) trait, or increase Unnatural Toughness by 1
84-85 Venomous Gains the Toxic trait, or increase Toxic by 1
86-90 Void Predator This xenos is immune to the effects of vacuum and can, for all practical purposes, survive indefinitely without
91-00 Warp-Touched Gains one major mutation from Table 6-24: Mutations (see page XX)

The Mandragora Apocrypha 130

Technological and Cultural Development dangers of early societies. These xenos gain a +10 bonus to
any Toughness Tests related to resisting the effects of
disease or fatigue.
Classifying the technological and cultural progress of a
xenos species can be a difficult and thankless task.
Primitive Society
However, provided below are a few broad categorizations
Civilizations in this stage of development are commonly
that can provide a basis for the xenos species technological
newly emergent xenos races. It is defined by a limited
accomplishments. By rolling on Table 6-14: Technology
adoption or even complete lack of agricultural techniques or
Level, the xenos technological basis can be determined.
permanent settlements. Large-scale industry is all but
Each result also grants both a special bonus as well as two
unknown at this level of technological understanding, and
skills to be added to the xenos species' profile.
many basic crafts, common to more advanced societies,
should likewise be absent.
Table 6-14: Technology Level A Xenos species from a Primitive society tend to only use
1d10 Technological Level Additional Skills low-tech gear, and these weapons lose the Primitive quality
1-3 Primitive Society Survival, Trade (Agri)
and gain Proven (3) when used by this species.
4 Pre-Industrial Trade (Any two)
5 Basic Industry Medicae, Trade (Armorer)
6 Advanced Industry Tech-Use, Trade (Armorer) Techno-Asceticism
7 Voidfarers Linguistics (Any one) , Trade For whatever reason, be it philosophical, political or moral,
8 Techno-Ascetics Tech-Use, Survival these xenos developed to a high level of technological
9 World Builders Medicae, Trade (Explorator) development before abandoning the heights of their
10 Warp Transcendent Forbidden Lore (Warp) civilizations. Their descendents now live in self-enforced
simplicity, operating their ancient machines only when
Advanced Industry needed. The civilizations that willingly abandon their own
The defining limitation of a civilization with Advanced previous greatness in favor of simpler existences are rare
Industry is a lack of capacity for serious void travel. oddities.
Elements of this capacity are evident, including possession A xenos from a techno-ascetic society may choose to gain
of advanced life support or power generation technologies. the benefits of Primitive Society, Voidfarers, or World
The upper limits of this level of technology include Builders.
civilizations in possession of all the technologies necessary
to manufacture system ships, but that have never attempted Voidfarers
to combine them appropriately. There is no limit to the technologies a civilization of
A Xenos from an society with an advanced industry will Voidfarers can produce. Such civilizations are frequently
have time to develop their own crafts and trades, mostly involved in efforts to expand beyond their home world, and
uplifted from the pitfalls of industry and natural dangers. A are rarely found without at least a handful of system ships
xenos from this species may upgrade two skills from Known devoted to such efforts. If the local government has found
to Trained, or one skill from Trained to Experienced. evidence of life beyond their world, they might have even
built defenses or voidships as a precautionary measure. The
Basic Industry GM should apply common sense in developing the
The upper limits of this technology level are distinguished capabilities of such civilizations, especially with potentially
from those of an advanced industry largely by matters of significant technologies, such as Warp drives.
focus. A civilization has transcended basic industry when its Voidfaring xenos have to adapt to a vast and wide galaxy.
manufacturing and production capabilities are theoretically Many adapt far easier than humanity, learning the languages
able to provide for the essential needs of the whole of its and ways of other aliens - either for trade or for war. The
populace. Of course, few civilizations actually meet the xenos has an innate ability to derive meaning from unknown
needs of all, instead allowing power and resources to languages and make himself understood using this intuitive
congregate around a few individuals. grasp. He treats all languages as trained skills. This is not
A Xenos species at this level of technological the same as true knowledge of the language, and tests using
development may choose the benefit of Advanced this ability suffer a –10 penalty due to the simplistic nature of
Technology or Pre-Industrial. translation.

Pre-Industrial World Builders

The limits of pre-industrial technology are shaped by the These civilizations are capable of not only travelling the
absence of significant manufacturing or mass production void, but capable of terra firming entire planets. Their ability
efforts. Technologies that rely on this level of infrastructure to create life sets them apart from other voidfaring cultures,
are almost unheard of in such civilizations. A lack of as their dominant expansion is all but certain. Humanity,
standardization frequently limits the proliferation or Orks, and Eldar exist at this technological tier.
acceptance of higher-end technologies at large. Few species capable of bending a world to their wills
Xenos with pre-industrial technologies tend to be resilient escape the notice of the Imperium; They automatically gain
- they have just escaped the immediate needs for constant the Enemy (Imperium of Man) talent. Additionally, they gain
foraging and survival, but have replaced those natural the Hatred (Humanity) talent, as they have invariably drawn
dangers with poor living conditions, diseases, and other

131 The Mandragora Apocrypha

the attention of the Imperium and may have one or more of
its colonies destroyed.
Table 6-15: Xenos Quirks
d100 Quality Quality
01 Ascetics Mutated Species
Warp Transcendent 02-03 Ancient Confinement Obsessed
This blasphemous tier is reserved for the xenos species 04-05 Arc of Survival Oceanic World
06-07 Artistic Parasitic
who have collectively given themselves over to service with 08-09 Chasers of the Light Pacifistic
ruinous powers. Their bodies and minds are forever altered 10-12 Civil War Pilgrimage Site
and changed by the ordeal, becoming little better than slaves 13-15 Colonized Population Police State
16-18 Crusaders Preceptor Archive
to the dark gods of chaos. These civilizations may have
17-19 Dark Gods Precursor Archive
demonstrated capacities of any true technological level, but 20-21 Deceptive Precursor Xenostech
have descended into madness, utilizing a blasphemous 22-23 Decentralized Primitive Aliens
union of true science and warp rituals and techniques to bind 24-25 Desert World Progressive
26-27 Doomed Psycho-Craft
daemons and extend their own dark arts. 28-30 Ecologists Psyker Worship
A xenos from such a twisted civilization will have an 31-33 Ecumenopolis Quarantined World
infinitely greater understanding of the warp. Psychic species 34-35 Eugenic Cults Rad-Wastes
36-39 Enthralled Recovering
(or psychic variants of this species) increase their Psy Rating 40-42 Fashion Regional Hegemony
by 2. There is of course, a 25% chance of each individual 43-46 Fear of Psykers Rigid Culture
being warp tainted and possessing one major Mutation from 47-50 Feral World Scavengers
50-51 Flying Cities Seagoing Cities
Table 6-24: Mutations. 52-53 Forbidden Tech Sealed Menace
54-55 Forerunner Colony Secret Masters
Xenos Quirks 56-57
Friendly Foe
Freak Geology
Seismic Instability
The nature of a xenos' home world or civilization will 60-61 Freak Weather Slavers
shape the species just as much as any other factor. Harsh 62-63 Fusion Star-Crossed Species
64-65 Genome Warriors Soul-Bound
worlds breeds a tough species, while vibrant and lush worlds 66-67 Hatred Subterranean
devoid of strife can allow intelligence to flourish. 68-69 Heavy Industry Taboo
By rolling twice on Table 6-15: Xenos Quirks and 70-71 Heavy Mining Technocracy
72-73 Honorable Theocracy
selecting from either column, the xenos species is given 74-75 Hostile Biosphere Tourist Attraction
some identity. The goal of these quirks is not to 76-77 Hostile Space Trade Consulate
automatically combine into some intricately sophisticated 78-79 Ice World Trade Hub
80-81 Immaterial Apotheosis Thralls of Chaos
background model, but to provide some clear, bright 82-83 Imperial Ambitions Tyranny
elements to form a cohesive whole with the species and its 84-85 Liberal Unbound A.I.
technological level. 86-87 Local Specialty Unique Ecosystem
88-89 Local Tech Violent
90-91 Mass Insanity Volcanic
Ascetics 92-93 Major Voidyard Warlords
This xenos species' culture praises monastic isolation, 94-95 Migratory Xenophiles
ancient ritual, and denial of worldly pleasures. This species 96-97 Migrant Fleet Xenophobes
98-99 Minimal Contact Xenos Machine Spirits
is loath to accept rewards or treasures, and may even reject 100 Misandry/Misogyny Zombies
using anything they have not made themselves.
Characteristic Modifiers: -5 Intelligence, +5 Willpower, +5
Art and culture are highly prized by this xenos species.
Ancient Confinement
Aesthetic design is important in all items produced on this
This xenos' home world is a home to a daemon. While the
world and even mundane items are decorated and artistically
culture may propagate a story that it was banished or
embellished. Other species who do not appreciate the
destroyed, a few know the truth of its containment. Whether
artistry and aesthetic designs can be shunned or ostracized.
in an object, place or person, this daemon is tied deeply with
Characteristic Modifiers: –5 Willpower, +5 Fellowship
a local legend of the xenos species, and it's dark legacy may
one day threaten the entire species.
Chasers of the Light
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Forbidden
This xenos species is capable of seeing the
Lore (Heresy) Skill
Astronomicon, but do not fully understand what it is. They
have either developed aetheric technologies to utilize it for
Arc of Survival
warp travel, or have developed psykers similar to, but not as
The xenos species is truly the last of its kind, surviving on
effective, as Astropaths and Navigators. This xenos species
a great capitol ship of their species. Whatever cataclysm that
may believe the light to be divinity itself or may view is a
has resulted in this fate may be unknown or a well told
natural phenomena. Regardless, they are well versed in
history passed through the species' traditions. Their only
utilizing it for their means.
hope of survival is finding a new home world one day - if
Additional Skills: This species gains the Psyniscience and
they can survive long enough!
Forbidden Lore (Warp) skills. Paragons of this species gain
Characteristic Modifiers: -5 Toughness, +5 Willpower
Mastery (Psyniscience) as well.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Civil war Deceptive
This xenos species is currently engaged in a civilization Trickery and equivocation are considered acceptable.
threatening civil war. The reasons may simple and relatable - Honesty is a sign of weakness by this xenos species.
such as a war of resources or faith, or it may be for Naturally, this promotes bad relations with other species that
completely alien reasons beyond the scope of understanding may have to deal with them - and thus little to assuage
for other aliens. Roll twice for background quirks, once for humanities fear and loathing of all aliens.
each side. Reroll any quirks that don't make any sense. Additional Skills: This species gains the Deceive Skill.
Paragons of this species can Mastery (Deceive) as well.
Cold War
This xenos species' home world is riven by a deep, Desert World
irresolvable factional dispute. For as long they can The home world of this xenos species may have a
remember, their society has teetered on the edge of breathable atmosphere and a tolerable temperature range,
destruction as the belligerence of each faction is tempered but it is an arid, stony waste outside of a few places made
by the knowledge of absolute annihilation if either were to habitable by effort. The deep wastes are largely unexplored
act first. and inhabited by outcasts and worse.
Additional Skills: This species gains the Common Lore Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Toughness, +3 Perception
(War) and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Xenos) Skills. Under the Scorching Suns: This xenos species gains the
Resistance (Heat) Talent, and benefits from a +10 to
Colonized Population Survival Skill Tests when in similar desert environments.
A neighboring world has successfully colonized this less-
advanced or less-organized planet, and the natives aren’t Doomed
happy about it. A puppet government may exist, but all real Despite this xenos species greatest efforts, this race is
decisions are made by the local viceroy. doomed and it knows it. Whether this is from promising
Wary: These xenos are constantly alert for the first hint of colonies being destroyed by the wrathful Imperium of Man or
trouble, and gain a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls. ravaging Orks, tumultuous warp storms, or the damned
attentions of a powerful daemonic entity, this species'
Crusaders existence is only a lingering presence that fights against its
This xenos species is defined by their zealotry, giving sealed fate.
themselves in the pursuit of their own holy crusades. They Slaves of Fate: This species suffers horrendously bad luck
may be engaged in an interstellar war against another that seems to linger in the very air. Any characters that
species, or perhaps seek to locate some ancient relic of their attempt to use Fate Points while in the presence of these
ancestors. No matter the case, this species regards all xenos must roll 1d10 after using a Fate Point; on a 6+, their
others as merely obstacles to be dealt with. Fate Point is lost without any effects.
Characteristic Modifiers: -5 Intelligence, +5 Willpower
Dark Gods Worship of the natural world, be it secular or religious,
The xenos species worships one or all of the chaos gods, dominates this xenos species culture, and they will do
although they are known under a panoply of different names. everything in their power to maintain the balance of their
Those well versed in the heretical lore of chaos will easily be ecologies or perceptions of their natural world orders.
able to find the similarities. Unlike humanity, this species has Additional Skills: This species gains the Common Lore
seen only favor and increased acumen of power from their (Xenos Species) and Scholastic Lore (Xenos Law) skills.
loyalties to chaos, and have benefited greatly for their
beliefs. Ecumenopolis
Additional Skills: This species gains the Scholastic Lore The home world of this xenos species is covered in
(Occult), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) and Forbidden Lore planet-wide cities and industrial centers that leave little of the
(The Warp) Skills. original surface usable or even visible. Some xenos
Additional Talents: This species gains the Resistance ecumenopolis worlds are similar to human hive worlds, smog
(Warp) talent. covered and choked with toxins and acid rain, while others
may maintain the idyllic atmosphere of the original planet
Decentralized with lush forests and natural environments maintained in
This species is decentralized, either across their home massive bio-domes.
world or across several planets. They may have once held Accustomed to Crowds: These xenos grow up surrounded
an expanding empire of their own, or have conducted failed by crowds. They are used to weaving through even the
colonization attempts. For whatever reason, this species can densest mobs with ease. Crowds do not count as Difficult
be found in several pocket civilizations, each with their own Terrain for these xenos, and when Running or Charging
varying levels of technological and societal developments. through a dense crowd, they take no penalty to their Agility
Additional Skills: This species gains either the Navigate Test to keep their feet.
(Surface), Navigate (Stellar) or Navigate (Warp) Skill. Citybound: These xenos seldom endure the horrors of the
open sky or the indignity of the great outdoors. They suffer a
–10 penalty to all Survival (Int) Tests, and whilst out of a
proper civilized environment (e.g., places without

133 The Mandragora Apocrypha

manufactured goods, solid ceilings, and electrical power) the Hardened: Feral world xenos are accustomed to violence.
xenos suffers a –5 penalty to all Intelligence Tests. They gain either the Jaded or Resistance (Poisons) talents.

Eugenic Cults Fit for Purpose

This species has experimented with improvements to their This xenos species has deliberately subdivided their
own genetic code, although some unforeseen and societal population into carefully maintained social roles.
unacceptable side-effects occurred. These xenos are These may take the form of strict caste systems that
splintered into derisive factions, some perpetuating these regulate interbreeding, with interchange between the castes
improvements regardless of the cost, with entire planets being strictly prohibited, or it may be a more fluid hierarchy
having been taken over entirely by these cults. based on pre-conceived genetic potential.
Eugenics: This xenos may be the result of a eugenics cult, A role decided: These xenos are tested, indoctrinated, and
and may add +3 to any one Characteristic, but also suffers a trained from birth for his chosen station and role in life.
-3 reduction in another. Because of this, this xenos increases a single Characteristic
by +3.
This species is enthralled or enslaved to the will of Flying Cities
another, stronger species. This may another local sentient Perhaps the world is a gas giant, or plagued with
species of xenos, but it is far more common for an external unendurable storms at lower levels of the atmosphere. For
alien race to take advantage of the local populace. The form whatever reason, the cities of this world fly above the
of enslavement may range from chaotic warp and psychic surface of the planet. Perhaps they remain stationary, or
domination, belligerent enslavement from a war like species perhaps they move from point to point in search of
like the orks or enterprising human rogue traders, or by the resources.
dark machinations of the dark eldar. Skybound: These xenos seldom endure the horrors of the
Hated Enemy: This species gains the Enemy and Hatred true gravity or the indignity of the great outdoors. They suffer
talents, based on a single species, group or faction. a –10 penalty to all Survival (Int) Tests, and whilst out of
Accustomed to Labor: This xenos species, by merit of sealed station (such as their cities, orbital stations, etc) the
surviving brutal enslavement, are inured to the rigors of labor xenos suffers a –5 penalty to all Intelligence Tests.
camps. They increase their total Fatigue Threshold by +2.
Forbidden Tech
Fashion Some group of this species fabricates or uses dark
Fine clothing and decoration are considered vitally sciences. Abominable Intelligence doomed to metastasize
important in the culture of this xenos species. A significant into insanity, corruptive gene enhancements, genetically
portion of this species' efforts is spent on acquiring clothing engineered slaves, or something worse still. The xenos
and accessories. The underdressed have no standing here home world’s larger population may or may not be aware of
when dealing with a xenos from this culture. the danger in their midst.
Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Fellowship Additional Skills: This species gains the Tech-Use,
Additional Skills: This species gains the Commerce Skill. Common Lore (Xenostech), and Forbidden Lore (Xenostech)
Fear of Psykers
The xenos species is justly terrified of psykers. Perhaps Forerunner Colony
their history is studded with feral psykers who went on These worlds are planets that were once inhabited by
murderous rampages, or perhaps they simply nurse an humans before the Age of Strife. The sudden collapse of the
unreasoning terror of their genetic aberrations. Psykers of proto-human empire and the emergent warp storms of that
this species demonstrate their powers at risk of their lives. era resulted in starvation, warfare, and death for the
Hatred of the Wyrd: This species gains Hatred (Psykers), populace. From the ashes of these colonial settlements the
as well as Resistance (Psychic Powers) xenos species rose up, deriving their technologies from the
Recessive Powers: Due to the countless pogroms against archeotech left behind in their wake.
their kind, this species' psykers suffer from generations of Archeotech Designed: This species' technology is based
persecution. Any psykers form this species reduce their psy on the same sacred STC designs of the Imperium. As a
rating by 1. result, they gain a +10 bonus when attempting to repair or
modify Imperial technology, and only suffer a -10 penalty
Feral World when utilizing Imperial weapons without the proper training.
The xenos species has experienced total moral and Paragons of this species gain the Technical Knock Talent.
cultural collapse. Whatever remains has been twisted
beyond recognition into assorted death cults, xenophobic
fanaticism, horrific cultural practices, or other behavior
unacceptable by the species on other worlds (if they exist at
all on other worlds).
Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Strength, +5 Toughness, –5
Willpower, –5 Fellowship

The Mandragora Apocrypha 134

Friendly Foe Hatred
Some hostile alien race or malevolent cabal has a branch For whatever reason, this xenos species home world’s
or sect on this world that is actually quite friendly toward populace has a burning hatred for the inhabitants of a
outsiders. For whatever internal reason, they are willing to neighboring system. Perhaps this world was colonized by
negotiate and deal honestly with strangers, and appear to exiles, or there was a recent interstellar war, or ideas of
lack the worst impulses of their fellows. racial or religious superiority have fanned the hatred.
Additional Talents: This species has Peer (2) (Any One). Regardless of the cause, the locals view their neighbor and
This peer is normally a faction or organization, instead of an any sympathizers with loathing.
entire species. Hated Enemy: This species gains the Enemy and Hatred
talents, based on a single species, group or faction.
Freak Geology
The geology or geography of this world is simply freakish. Heavy Industry
Perhaps it’s composed entirely of enormous mountain Some worlds are more sufficient than others, and this
ranges, or regular bands of land and sea, or the mineral planet has a thriving manufacturing sector capable of
structures all fragment into perfect cubes. The locals have producing large amounts of goods appropriate to its tech
learned to deal with it and their culture will be shaped by its level. The locals may enjoy a correspondingly higher
requirements. lifestyle, or the products might be devoted towards vast
Inured Minds: This xenos species is naturally inured to projects for the aggrandizement of the rulers.
mundane impossibilities, as their home worlds are often Additional Skills: This species gains the Common Lore
considered insane by other races. These xenos gain a +10 (Tech) and Tech-Use Skills.
bonus against Fear tests from environmental sources of fear
(such as warped structures). Heavy Mining
This world has large stocks of valuable minerals, usually
Freak Weather necessary for local industry, life support, or refinement into
The planet is plagued with some sort of bizarre or loads small enough to export off world. Major mining efforts
hazardous weather pattern. Perhaps city-flattening storms are necessary to extract the minerals, and many natives
regularly scourge the surface, or the world’s sun never work in the industry.
pierces its thick banks of clouds. Accustomed to Labor: Due to the mining efforts being
Survivor: Simply reaching adulthood is an achievement for exhausting and demanding, the xenos species' from this
this species. Having overcome myriad dangers to achieve culture have inured themselves to fatigue. Their total Fatigue
this goal means this species is less likely to succumb in the Threshold increases by +1
face of new threats. This species gains a +10 bonus to any
test to resist Pinning and Shock. Honorable
For this species, one’s word is one’s bond. Lying is both
Fusion rare and despised. Written contracts are rare and people of
The culture is a merger of two distinct cultures. Roll again this species abide by the spirit of the law, not just the letter of
twice to determine the xenos quirks inherited from these the law.
cultures. If the quirks are incompatible, the culture is likely to Deception is Anathema: This xenos species suffers a -20
be divided. penalty when attempting to utilize the Deceive Skill, even if it
is trained. Even if the xenos itself can overcome its cultural
Genome Warriors taboo on deception, few from this culture will ever truly
The xenos species is heavily reliant on augmenting its master it.
own species' genetic helix, resulting in various improved and Honor bound: This xenos species is particularly diligent in
superior warriors of their kind. In the most extreme cases, maintaining any oaths given. Many rarely offer such an oath,
the species is fragmented into genetically altered castes or but if they do it becomes nearly iron-clad. This xenos
sub-species, each fulfilling a singular purpose for the species suffers a -30 penalty to commit an action that would
collective whole. Every aspect of this xenos species' lives force it to break an honor bound agreement.
are devoted to genetic improvements or superiority in their
own 'divine' bloodlines. Hostile Biosphere
Xenos of Death: This species may divide an additional 30 The world is teeming with life, and it hates sentient life.
points among it's characteristics. It may spend no more than Perhaps the life is xeno-allergenic, forcing filter masks for
15 points in a single characteristic. survival. It could be the native predators are huge and
fearless, or the toxic flora ruthlessly outcompetes domestic
Genophaged crops.
The xenos species has been victimized by a biological Resilient: Hardy beyond all but the most rugged of life
weapon that has resulted in high levels of mutations causing forms, this creature is incredibly resistant to damage and
stillbirths. These xenos struggle with survival as their species illness. It can survive poisons and gunshots with equal
is blighted by low birth rates and non-viable off spring. tenacity. The creature gains +10 Toughness; a second
Weakened: This species suffers a loss of -3 wounds. instance of this quirk grants Unnatural Toughness (2).
However, they gain a +10 to all Willpower Tests.

135 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Hostile Space Liberal
The system in which the world exists is dangerous. The xenos culture welcomes change and off-world
Something about the system is perilous to inhabitants, either influence. Those that bring new and strange ideas will be
through meteor swarms, stellar radiation, hostile aliens in the welcomed. Depending on the speed of the changes brought
asteroid belt, or periodic comet clouds. Perhaps something to the planet, significant cultural upheaval could be taking
even feeds on the system's very star... place.
Constant Vigilance: This xenos species is naturally Curious: This xenos species is more than curious, almost
cautious, always on edge or fearful of inevitable dangers naively welcoming of foreign ideas and aliens. This species
appearing at the worst possible times. They gain +2 to their treats all Fear tests from non-daemonic or warp related
Initiative rolls. sources as one degree less in severity; if this brings the level
of Fear less than Challenging (+0), the creature or event is
Ice World simply not fearful to the xenos species!
The xenos species' home world is an ice covered frozen
wasteland. It may have always been that way, or it may be a Local Specialty
more recent development after some historical cataclysm. The world may be sophisticated or barely capable of
Either way, the species is adapted to survive on this world, steam engines, but either way it produces something rare
whether naturally or by utilizing thermal spikes, heat sinks, or and precious to the wider galaxy. It might be some
from massive habitation domes built into the landscapes. pharmaceutical extract produced by a secret recipe, a
Thermal Adaptation: This xenos species is well adapted to remarkably popular cultural product, or even gene-
the extreme temperatures of its environment. This species engineered xenos uniquely suited for certain work. Of
gains +5 Toughness and the Resistance (Cold) Talent as course, this world's specialty is a widely known secret, kept
appropriate, but suffer -20 to Tests to resist the heat hushed by merchantmen who fear the Imperium's inevitable
extremes. A second instance of this quirk grants immunity to condemnation of such a trade with xenos.
environmental cold, but doubles the damage dealt past Cold Trade: This xenos species is well known by the Cold
Toughness and Armor by heat-based weapons (i.e., Flame, Trade, and it's local specialty gives them some clout when
Melta, and Plasma weapons). dealing with the like. This xenos species gains a +10 bonus
to all Commerce tests.
Immaterial Apotheosis
This xenos species has, by accident or by purpose, Local Tech
created an ascendant god-like warp entity. This species may This xenos species can create a particular example of
have created several such entities, creating their own extremely high tech, possibly even something that exceeds
localized pantheon of warp gods. While some may be human archeotech standards. They may use unique local
benevolent, others are malicious, and even hungrily resources to do so, or have stumbled on a narrow scientific
consume their creators. If a species with no psychic powers breakthrough, or have a functional experimental
managed this feat in the past, it is most likely they lack the manufactory.
ability to safely manipulate the warp in modern days Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Intelligence
because of this entity. Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Common
Ascendant Species: This xenos species is, or was, a Lore (Tech) and Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) skills.
psychically ascendant species. If they are psychic, they gain Additional Traits: This xenos species gains the Unnatural
+1 to Psy Rating. If they are not, they gain +10 to Willpower. Intelligence (1) Trait. If it already possesses Unnatural
Intelligence, it increases by 1.
Imperial Ambitions
The xenos species possesses a rudimentary interstellar Major Voidyard
empire, and it is keen on integrating, enslaving, or absorbing This world is graced with a major voidyard facility. It's
other species under their protective (or oppressive) umbra. orbital facilities are capable of building warp drive engines
Some xenos empires may treat their vassal races as equals and voidships. It can build even capital-class hulls. Some
in their empire, or they may be little more than glorified civilizations suffering from technological egress may have
slaves. These Imperial-minded xenos see the glory of either inherited these from before a local cataclysm or
conquest, not merely destruction, and may even admire the painstakingly constructed in more recent decades in an effort
viciousness of the Imperium of Man - going so far as to to reclaim a lost legacy. For truly primitive or emergent
emulate it's rigid dogma and hierarchy. species, the voidyard may be from an alien species - such
Additional Skills: This species gains the Common Lore as an abandoned human facility!
(War), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Xenos), Scholastic Lore Additional Skills: This species gains the Trade (Astronomy)
(Bureaucracy), and Intimidate Skills. Skill, as well as increasing Tech-Use to trained if it
possesses the skill already.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Mass Insanity Misandry/Misogyny
Whether by disease, misrule, genetic engineering or The culture on this world holds a particular gender in
simple incompetence, the society of this xenos home world contempt. Members of that gender are not permitted
that once existed is now utterly mad. This might take the positions of formal power, and may be restricted in their
form of an endless, labyrinthine bureaucracy, or brutal movements and activities. For some xenos species, where
meritocracy, or simple anarchy, but whatever culture they the delineation of genders is quite varied and the nuances
had is now deeply broken. are hard to tell by outsiders, this can be quite a dilemma to
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains either the understand. Some worlds may go so far as to scorn all
Common Lore (War), Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy), traditional genders of their species, using genetic alteration
Scholastic Lore (Occult) or Forbidden Lore (Heresy) skill. techniques to hybridize or alter their conventional biology.
Characteristic Modifiers: -3 Intelligence, +3 Perception
This xenos species survives by constant migration. Some Mutated Species
migrate across a single planet, living a nomadic lifestyle, Whether by radiation, exposure to warp energies, or
while others must push their species constantly from world to genetic tampering gone awry, this species has been
world as they rapidly consume a planet's natural resources irrevocably damaged on a cellular level. The species is
or outgrow their bio domes. Genestealers, Hrudd and Orks inflicted with boils, pox, protrusions or other blemishes atop
are all examples of migratory species. more horrendous mutations and afflictions. Many of these
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Survival species lack symmetry, their once natural forms twisted
Skill. beyond acceptance. This species may embrace their current
Nomadic: This xenos species is naturally nomadic, and existence, but few ever do - preferring to mask or conceal
suffers little by moving from one area to another. This their blighted bodies.
species never suffers a negative modifier to Survival tests Wildly Mutated: Each individual of this xenos has some
greater than -10. Paragons of this species gain Mastery form of mutation. Roll 1d5+1 for the number of minor
(Survival) mutations this xenos has, and roll that number of times on
Table 6-24: Mutations.
Migrant Fleet
This xenos species survives in great migratory fleets. Normalized Suicide
Some exist in this fashion out of necessity - barely surviving For whatever reason, suicide is a perfectly well-accepted
as the last remnants of their species after some great and often encouraged act in this Xenos' culture, and self-
catastrophe. This is often the case after an Imperial crusade inflicted death may be a punishment for even the most minor
has completed a planetary exterminatus or genocide. Other of crimes.
xenos species may have willingly abandoned their territorial Martyrdom: This xenos species is prone to acts of
homeworlds, or may even represent a species first attempts martyrdom. They may sacrifice their remaining wounds in a
at emerging into the wider galaxy in great generational arcs. round of combat, adding that number to their next melee
Birthed in the depths of a voidfaring craft, this species have attack.
a natural affinity for such vehicles.
Additional Skills: This species gains the Navigation Obsessed
(Stellar) (Int) and Operate (Voidcraft) (Ag) Skills. Paragons Everyone in this xenos species is obsessed with or
of this species gain either Mastery (Navigate: Stellar) or addicted to a substance, personality, act or item. This
Mastery (Operate: Voidcraft) talent. monomania pervades every aspect of their culture.
Void Accustomed: Due to their strange and unnatural Mental Trauma: This xenos species shares one definining
childhood, this species is used to the vagaries of changing and all consuming obsession. They have one mental
gravity. They are immune to space travel sickness. In disorder as described on page 288, Dark Heresy 2nd
addition, zero- or low-gravity environments are not Edition. This disorder is shared universally by every
considered Difficult Terrain for this species. member of this species.

Minimal Contact Oceanic World

The locals refuse most contact with off worlders. Only a The world is entirely or almost entirely covered with liquid
small, quarantined treaty port is provided for off world trade, water. Habitations might be floating cities, underwater cities,
and ships can expect an exhaustive search for contraband. or are planted as bubbles on promontories deep beneath the
Local governments may be trying to keep the very existence stormy surface.
of interstellar trade a secret from their populations, or they Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +3 Perception
may simply consider off worlders too dangerous or Seafarers: This xenos species gains the Resistance (Cold
repugnant to be allowed among the population. or Heat) Talent, and benefits from a +10 to Survival Skill
Naturally Suspicious: This xenos species is constantly on Tests when in similar oceanic environments.
guard by the deceptions of others, and naturally find even
the most well-meaning alien as naturally corruptive. This
species gains a +10 bonus on all Scrutiny Skill Tests.

137 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Parasitic Preceptor Archive
This xenos species is completely parasitic to another alien The xenos species is devoted to ensuring the
species or multiple alien species. It may require hosts for dissemination of their culture, history, and basic technology
reproduction, or live in the under bellies and shadows of a to their frontier colonial worlds. With the Imperium of Man an
greater civilization, feeding on the scraps of that society. ever present threat to their existence, the risk of losing this
Parasitic civilizations can be symbiotic - the xenos species information during their expansion is great. Most frontier
living off the wastes off another race or mutually providing planets from this civilization have an archive where natives
beneficial effects. Regardless, this species would quickly die can learn useful technical skills in addition to their species'
off were it not for a stronger species. history and art. Those archives that manage to survive
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Agility or +3 Intelligence Imperial genocides are often collected as strange xenostech,
Symbiotic familiarity: This xenos species gains a +10 and may very well represent the last of its kind.
bonus to Survival or Stealth skill tests when in a particular Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Common
environment that is common to their host species. A good Lore (Species), Common Lore (Xenostech), and Forbidden
example of this is underhives from human hive cities. Lore (Xenostech) Skills.

Pacifistic Precursor Xenostech

As improbable as it may seem, physical conflict is almost The capacities of the ancients vastly outmatch the
unheard-of for this xenos species. This species produces technology available to the xenos species. The Eldar warp
few soldiers and diplomacy reigns supreme. Forceful gates alone are capable of crossing hundreds of light years
characters will be ostracized. Few civilizations of these type in a moment, and they were just one example of the results
survive long upon emerging into the interstellar scene, as the won by blending psychic artifice with science. Some worlds
danger the galaxy seemingly punishes those who seek outright worship these artifacts of the xenos species
peaceful means. 'ancestors', seeing in them the work of more enlightened and
Characteristic Modifiers: -10 Weapon Skill, -5 Ballistic perfect precursors. These cultists may or may not
Skill, +5 Fellowship understand the operation or replication of these devices, but
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Charm, they seek and guard them jealously.
Command, and Deceive Skills. Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Forbidden
Lore (Xenos) and Forbidden Lore (Xenostech) Skills, with
Pilgrimage Site the xenos specifically those whose technology is present on
The world is noted for an important spiritual or historical their home world.
location, and might be the headquarters for a widespread,
multi-species religion or political movement. The site attracts Primitive Aliens
wealthy pilgrims from throughout nearby space. The locals The world is populated by a large number of sapient aliens
tend to be fiercely protective of the place and its reputation, that have yet to develop advanced technology alongside the
and some places may forbid the entrance of those not native xenos species. The xenos may have a friendly or
suitably pious or devout. hostile relationship with these aliens, but a certain intrinsic
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Weapon Skill, +5 Intelligence, tension is likely. These small colonies might have been
+5 Willpower enslaved or otherwise subjugated. These primitive aliens
Additional Talents: This xenos species gains the can even be pockets of humans, orks or exodite eldar!
Adamantium Faith talent. Xenos Relations: This xenos species has either the Peer or
Blessed Protectors: This xenos species benefits from its Enemy talent for the primitive aliens that live on their home
home world's importance. This species either gains 15 world. Additionally, even if the xenos encounters more
Influence, or increases their current Influence by 10. advanced and cultured societies of these aliens, he will
suffer a -10 penalty to all social tests as the xenos cannot
Police State look past his own prejudices.
The world is a totalitarian police state. Any sign of
disloyalty to the planet’s rulers is punished severely, and Progressive
suspicion riddles society. Some worlds might operate by This xenos culture is expanding and vibrant. Fortunes are
informers and indoctrination, while more technically being made in trade and science is forging bravely ahead.
sophisticated worlds might rely on omnipresent cameras or This species is quick to adapt, and quicker to learn from its
sentinel abominable intelligences. mistakes than most of its contemporizes.
Extremely Paranoid: This xenos species is naturally Characteristic Modifiers: +10 Intelligence, +5 Fellowship,
inclined towards paranoia, and benefit from their constant +3 Willpower
suspicions. This species gains a +10 bonus to Awareness Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Linguistics
and Scrutiny Tests to detect hidden adversaries or dangers. (Any One), Common Lore (Any Two) or Trade (Any One)
Paragons of this species never count as Helpless when
caught in a Surprise round of combat.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Psycho-Craft Recovering
This xenos species utilizes a form of technology that is A recent trauma, such as a plague, war, disaster or
completely reliant on psychic powers, either to power their despotic regime has left scars on this xenos culture. The
technology directly or to form non-natural materials that can culture of the world is changing quickly and there are several
be bent to their wills. Eldar wraithbone is a prime example of possibly conflicting changes occurring at the same time as
such psycho-craft. the society figures out how to deal with the after effects of
Characteristic Modifiers: +10 Willpower, +5 Intelligence, the trauma.
+3 Perception Persevered: This species has clung on, suffered the worst
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Forbidden the galaxy has had to offer so far, and somehow are
Lore (Warp) and Forbidden Lore (Psykers) Skills. managing to recover from it all. This xenos species either
gains +2 wounds, +1 to their initiative, or gain the Survival
Psyker Worship Skill.
The xenos species view psychic powers as a visible gift of
their gods or sign of superiority. If the world has a functional Regional Hegemony
psychic training academy, psykers occupy almost all major This world has the technological sophistication, natural
positions of power and are considered the natural and resources, and determined polity necessary to be a regional
proper rulers of the world. If the world lacks training facilities, hegemony for the stellar region. Nearby worlds are likely
it is likely a hodgepodge of demented cults, with each one either directly subservient to it or tack carefully to avoid its
dedicated to a marginally-coherent feral prophet and their anger. It may even be the capital of a small stellar empire.
psychopathic ravings. Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Fellowship, +5 Intelligence
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Forbidden Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Command
Lore (Warp) and Forbidden Lore (Psykers) Skills. and Commerce Skills.
Psychic Dominance: This xenos species' psykers are
ascendant masters, and gain +2 Psy Rating. Paragons of Rigid Culture
this species gain +3 instead. The xenos culture is extremely rigid. Certain forms of
behavior and belief are absolutely mandated, and any
Quarantined World deviation from these principles is punished, or else society
The world is under a quarantine, and space travel to and may be strongly stratified by birth with limited prospects for
from it is strictly forbidden. This may be enforced by massive change. Anything which threatens the existing social order is
ground batteries that burn any interlopers from the planet’s feared and shunned.
sky, or it may be that a neighboring world runs a persistent Adherence above all: This xenos species suffers from an
blockade. The quarantine may even be placed by the inability to think beyond their cultural expectations, and are
Imperium of Man. resistant to change or adapting their tactics. They have the
Disturbing: Something about this xenos species feels Mind-Lock Trait, even if they're not machines, which only
unnatural and innately wrong to human senses. Whether its triggers when the xenos is confronted with a situation that
body aligns with unnatural geometries or its hunting cry his culture has no clear cut answer to deal with.
pierces through sound-filters to chill the heart of listeners,
merely being in its presence is a nerve-wracking experience. Scavengers
The creature gains a Fear Rating of 1. Paragons of this This xenos species does not develop its own technology,
species gain Fear Rating 2 instead. utilizing either poor imitations and adaptations of another
species' developments or collecting as much xenostech as
Rad-Wastes they can. This species produces little to nothing of their own,
Whether due to a legacy of atomic warfare or a simple simply repairing or acquiring what they have and need by
profusion of radioactive elements, this world glows in the taking or trading it from other races.
dark. Even heavy void suits can filter only so much of the Additional Talents: This xenos species gains Exotic
radiation, and most natives suffer a wide variety of cancers, Weapon Training (Any Three) and Technical Knock talents.
mutations and other illnesses without the protection of Expert Salvagers: This xeno species has a natural affinity
advanced medical treatments. for repairing or maintaining technology from other races.
Deathdweller: Not all worlds are well suited to life’s They gain a +30 bonus when making any relevant Crafting
development, but life frequently finds expression on these tests to repair technology objects. Note, this bonus does not
worlds nonetheless. The species that survive the ravages of apply when attempting to create items.
this hostile environment are immune to Toxic attacks not
native to their homeworld or not specifically tailored to their Seagoing Cities
biology, and gain the Resistance (Radiation) Talent. They Either the world is entirely water or else the land is simply
also receive +3 Wounds. Additional instances of this quirk too dangerous for the xenos species. Xenos habitation on
grant +5 Toughness and an additional +2 Wounds. their own world consists of a number of floating cities that
follow the currents and the fish.
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, -3
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Athletics (S)

139 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Sealed Menace Social Skill Tests, and a +20 bonus to tests involving
Something on this planet has the potential to create Seduction attempts.
enormous havoc for the inhabitants if it is not kept safely
contained by its keepers. Whether a massive seismic fault Slavers
line suppressed by ancient terraforming technology, a This species sees themselves better than all others, and
disease that has to be quarantined within hours of discovery, have no qualms to enslave "lesser" races. Some xenos
or an ancient alien relic that requires regular upkeep in order species take part of thriving slave trades in isolated stellar
to prevent planetary catastrophe, the menace is a constant regions, while others believe themselves truly above all
shadow on the populace. others. In the most extreme examples, some xenos species
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Forbidden enslave others by merit of a self proclaimed manifest
Lore (Daemonology), Forbidden Lore (Warp), or Forbidden destiny.
Lore (Xenostech) Skill. Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Perception, +5 Agility
Additional Talents: This xenos species gains the Disarm
Secret Masters and Takedown talents.
The world is actually run by a hidden cabal, acting through
their catspaws in the visible government. For one reason or Soul-Bound
another, this group finds it imperative that they not be This xenos species is collectively soul-bound to a greater
identified by outsiders, and in some cases even the planet’s entity. This may be a daemonic master, or some form of
own government may not realize that they’re actually being natural warp entity or even a psychic creature or gestalt
manipulated by hidden masters. entity formed by species itself. In any case, this species
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Scrutiny shares an undeniable link to their patron spirit.
skill. Soul-bound: This species is soul-bound to a greater entity.
This entity can be warp creature, a lesser or greater
Sectarians daemon, or some powerful avatar-gestalt of their species.
The world is torn by violent disagreement between
sectarians of a particular faith. Each views the other as a Subterranean
damnable heresy in need of extirpation. Local government The xenos hails from a world where they have developed
may be able to keep open war from breaking out, but the beneath the crust of the planet. Either the xenos have
poisonous hatred divides communities. The nature of the evolved naturally to burrow or survive in dark depths, or
faith may be religious, or it may be based on some secular have been forced into the living conditions by some
ideology. planetary cataclysm. This species may even be actively
Deviant Philosophy: The xenos gain +3 Willpower and the avoiding the attentions of greater aliens whose intentions are
Enemy (Species faction) Talent. less than noble.
Additional Traits: This xenos species gains the Dark Sight
Seismic Instability or the Blind and Burrower (3) trait.
The xenos species' home world's land masses are
remarkably unstable, and regular earthquakes rack the Taboo
surface. Their construction is either advanced enough to A particular topic is forbidden and cannot be discussed by
sway and move with the vibrations or primitive enough that it the xenos' culture. Those who unwittingly mention this topic
is easily rebuilt. Severe volcanic activity may be part of the will be ostracized by the xenos.
instability. Prohibited Thought: This xenos species will allow no
Ground Sense: This xenos species is naturally gifted at serious inquiries into a specific topic. If this topic is ever
anticipating earthquakes, collapsing tunnels, and similar brought up, the xenos must take a Willpower Test to avert
dangerous effects. When called to take a test based on being provoked. If it fails this test, the xenos succumbs to his
similar environmental hazards, this xenos species gains a rage and anger and consequences follow as set by the GM.
+20 bonus to any relevant tests.
Star-crossed Species The xenos species' home world is ruled by those who
This xenos species is considered highly attractive by a maintain a monopoly on the species' technology. The rest of
completely separate alien race, or they themselves find the population may be subjected by the technologically
another species attractive. Their home world may be raided superior lords of their species, or may be divided into various
constantly for slaves, or they may entertain auctions or competing factions. Some xenos technocracies venerate
cross-species liaisons. Despite this attraction, the two technology and knowledge itself, turning their whole culture
species cannot conceive of a hybrid as their biological towards the mysticisms of their sciences.
evolution is completely incompatible. Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Intelligence
Deceptively Attractive: This xenos species is considered Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Common
attractive to another species, or they find another species Lore (Xenostech), Forbidden Lore (Xenostech), Security and
attractive. Decide who this other species is and whether the Tech-Use Skills.
attraction is one-sided or mutual. When dealing with the
alien species, the attractive species gains a +10 bonus to all

The Mandragora Apocrypha 140

Theocracy species suffers a -20 penalty when resisting mind altering
The xenos species' home world is ruled by the priesthood effects from psychic powers or similar chaos powers.
of the predominant religion or ideology. The rest of the locals
may or may not be terribly pious, but the religious order have Tyranny
the necessary military strength, popular support or control of This xenos' local xenos government is brutal and
resources to maintain their rule. Alternative faiths or indifferent to the will of its people. Laws may or may not
incompatible ideologies are likely to be both illegal and exist, but the only one that matters is the whim of the rulers
socially unacceptable by the xenos species. on any given day. Their minions swagger through the streets
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Common while the common folk live in terror of their appetites. The
Lore (Xenos ideology) and Forbidden Lore (Heresy) Skills. only people who stay wealthy are friends and servants of the
Righteous Zeal: This xenos species may, dependent on ruling class.
their own faith, be possessed of either a benevolent nature Might Makes Right: This xenos species is accustomed to
or an aggressive zealotry. This xenos species may gain the age old adage might makes right. They are accustomed
either the Hatred (Any One) talent or gain +5 to Willpower to the predations of the strong and powerful, while likewise
Characteristic. being capable of bolstering their own advantages. This
xenos species gains an additional Degree of Success when
Tourist Attraction passing Command or Intimidate Tests, but likewise suffer an
Some aspect of the xenos culture or the planet draws additional Degree of Failure when failing those tests.
visitors from all over the stellar region. Much of the business
on the world has developed to cater to the visitors. There Unbound Abominable Intelligence
may be an underside of society that resents all of the off- Most Abominable Intelligence, even xenos derived, have
world influence. containment checks and protocols. These prevent runaway
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Common cognition metastasis, wherein an Abominable Intelligence
Lore (Underworld), Common Lore (Pirates), and Linguistics begins to rapidly contemplate certain subjects in increasingly
(Any One) skills. baroque fashion, until they become completely crazed by the
xenos species' rational standards. This world has one such
Trade Consulates "Unbound AI” on it, probably with a witting or unwitting corps
The xenos species are almost always found as traders and of servants. These Abominable Intelligence are quite insane,
merchantmen wherever they are found. Their presence in but they learn and reason with a speed impossible for
archeomarkets and trade stations is well known in local biological sentients, and can demonstrate a truly distressing
circuits. If this species has a home world, they rarely speak subtlety at times.
of it, if at all. Many of this species will survive as voidfarers, Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Intelligence
congregating in small consulate clusters or caravans. Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Security
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Fellowship, +5 Intelligence and Common Lore (Xenostech) Skills.
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Commerce
and Linguistics (Any One) Skills. Unique Ecosystem
The home world of this xenos species possesses a very
Trade Hub unique blend of natural gasses or liquids that are extremely
This xenos world is a major crossroads for local rare throughout the galaxy. Few planets are similar to this
interstellar trade. It is well-positioned at the nexus of several species' home world, making colonization an arduous task.
warp routes, and has facilities for easy transfer of valuable When encountered beyond their world, this species must
cargoes and the fueling and repairing of xenos voidships. rely on specially tailored environmentally sealed void suits or
The natives are accustomed to outsiders, and a polyglot specially designed chambers and accommodations.
mass of races from every nearby world can be found trading
here. Such a place would be anathema to the Imperium if it Violent
were discovered. Within this xenos culture physical conflict is common,
Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Fellowship, +3 Intelligence taking the form of duels, brawls and other contests. Trial by
Additional Skills: This xenos species gains the Charm and combat is a valid part of their judicial system. Personal
Linguistics (Any One) Skills. affronts are typically dealt with quickly and personally. A
xenos of this species will see bureaucracy and officiated
Thralls of Chaos governance as a waste of time, energy, and efficiency.
This species has been subjugated by the forces of chaos - Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3
either tyrannical despots from within their own kind, or by Toughness, -3 Intelligence
warbands of the lost and the damned. Their species is
becoming more twisted by exposure to the warp with each
generation, and those who still maintain free will deeply and
utterly despise the ruinous powers.
Mutant Abominates: This xenos species has 1d5 minor
mutations from Table 6-24: Mutations.
Slaves to Darkness: This xenos species is easily
manipulated by the servants of the ruinous powers. This

141 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Volcanic World Xenophobes
This xenos species hails from a highly volcanic world. The native xenos are intensely averse to dealings with off-
Their world heaves and splinters under intense seismic worlders. Whether through cultural revulsion, fear of tech
activity, and there may even be entire oceans of boiling contamination, or a genuine immunodeficiency, the locals
water or lava. To rise to dominance on such a world shun foreigners from off world and refuse to have anything to
demands incredible resilience and strength, and few do with them beyond the bare necessities of contact. Trade
civilizations that arise on these worlds are peaceful by any may or may not exist on this world, but if it does, it is almost
measure. certainly conducted by a caste of untouchables and
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +5 Toughness, -3 outcasts.
Intelligence, -5 Fellowship Abhor the Alien: Whether because of their strange looks,
Heat Adaptation: This xenos species has adapted to isolated ways, or unwholesome air, this xenos species is
survive in scorching heat. This species gains +5 Toughness shunned and mistrusted by most others. Because of this,
and the Resistance (Heat) talent as appropriate, but suffer – these xenos suffer a -10 penalty on all Fellowship Tests
20 to Tests to resist extreme cold. A second instance of this made to interact with other alien races.
quirk grants immunity to environmental heat and doubles the
creature’s Toughness Bonus against heat-based weapons, Xenos Machine Spirits
such as Flame, Melta, and Plasma weapons. However, such The xenos species has developed and integrated entities
a creature suffers one Fatigue for every minute it does not within their technology not quite unlike the holy machine
spend in an appropriate environment (as determined by the spirits of the Imperium. These xenos spirits are found in
GM). every aspect of this species' technology, and are considered
a blasphemous affront to the adepts of the Adeptus
Warlords Mechanicus.
The world is plagued by warlords. Numerous powerful An Affront to the Omnissiah: This xenos species'
xenos control private armies sufficiently strong to cow technology, from the smallest hand held device to the most
whatever local government may exist. On the lands they impressive weapon batteries possess strange alien
claim, their word is law. Most spend their time oppressing intelligences quite similar to the holy machine spirits of man.
their own subjects and murderously pillaging those of their Untethered by dogma or tradition, these intelligible spirits aid
neighbors. Most like to wrap themselves in the mantle of the xenos' operations. When using any form of technology,
ideology, religious fervor, or an ostensibly legitimate right to be it a weapon or armor, they gain a +5 bonus to their
rule. operations.
Only the Strong Survive: This xenos species does not
understand the concept of allowing the weak to survive or Zombies
prosper. They suffer a -10 penalty to Social Skills, except for This menace may not take the form of shambling corpses,
when they are attempting to Command, Intimidate or but some disease, alien artifact, or chaos born contagion
Interrogate others. produces xenos with habits similar to those of murderous
Overbearing: These xenos tend to be slow to put their faith cannibal undead. These outbreaks may be regular elements
in anyone other than themselves and chafe against the petty in local society, either provoked by some malevolent
strictures of a more complex society. They suffer a –10 creators or the consequence of some local condition.
penalty to all Interaction Skill Tests made in formal Unkillable: This xenos just won’t die. Whether they draw on
surroundings. the unnatural vitality of the warp or bounce back from
grievous wounds due to a hyper-advanced metabolism, any
Xenophiles who tries to put such a xenos down is likely to be frustrated
The natives of this world are fast friends with a particular in his efforts. This quirk grants +5 Wounds and the
alien race. The aliens may have saved the planet at some Regeneration (1) Trait. Additional instances of this quirk
point in the past, or awed the locals with superior tech or grant +2 additional Wounds and increase the Regeneration
impressive cultural qualities. The aliens might even be the trait by 1. Paragons of this species gain an additional +2
ruling class on the planet. Wounds and +1 to Regeneration.
Additional Talents: This xenos species gains the Peer (Any
One) talent. This peer is a particular species. Xenos Communications
Xenophiliac: This xenos species benefits from a good
relationship with another species, and thus has benefited When contact is made with a new race, there is usually a
greatly from their understanding and possibly mutual significant barrier to trade and exchange in the form of the
relationship. This species gains the ability to use any gear or xenos’ language. While most non-Imperial human
weapons normally suited for the alien race without penalty, civilizations share enough of a common origin to make use
and may have developed modifications or adaptations of of Low Gothic as a common medium, the same cannot be
said technology. said of alien races. Typically, a xenos race has its own
language, which must be learned as it's own Linguistics Skill
to facilitate proper communication. Qualifying for this skill
typically takes at least two weeks of interaction, although at
the GM’s discretion characters may acquire it after a few
days of interaction.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 142

Until one or more characters can communicate with the
xenos, all Interaction Skills are treated as untrained Basic
Table 6-17: Xenos Equipment
d100 Equipment Type
Skills, regardless of training level, and the difficulty of 01-10

Melee Weapon (Impact or Rending )

Interaction Tests is increased by one step. There is a 25% 11-20 Pistol (Impact, Explosive or Energy)

chance that a given race encountered by the characters may 21-50 Basic Weapon (Impact or Rending)

51-55 Heavy Weapon (Explosive or Energy)
vary from these guidelines, whether through an unusual 56-60

Grenade (Impact, Explosive, Energy or Rending)
language structure or medium of communication. In such 61-65 Special Ammunition
cases, roll on Table 6-16: Unusual Xenos 66-75 Armor
76-80 Cybernetics
Communication. 81-85 Combat Stimms
86-90 Weapon Modifications
91-95 Cyber creatures
Table 6-16: Unusual Xenos Communications 96-00 Miscellaneous

1d5 Equipment Type These weapons determine their special traits by rolling on Table 6-19:
1 Intuitive Communicators: The xenos race possesses Xenos Weapon Qualities.
the ability to understand and communicate with the Special Ammunition and weapon modifications may be chosen from the
Explorers without prior contact, whether through low- normal selections in the core rule book. Reroll if no weapons are available.
level telepathy, an uncanny ability to intuit body
language, or other unusual means. Interaction Skills
suffer no penalty, unless the Explorers take issue with Quality and Modifiers
this clearly unnatural power. The equipment used by this new xenos species has the
2 Previous Contact: Certain members of the xenos
culture have adequate fluency in Low Gothic to allow same variance in quality as any other's products of
use of Interaction Skills without penalties. The question manufacture, and rolls on Table 6-18: Quality and
of where they learned the language is likely to be an modifiers to determine the quality of each piece of gear the
3 Relic Civilization: The entire race speaks a debased xenos receives. For each weapon, roll again on the second
form of Low Gothic, not unlike what a long-separated column for weapon modifiers.
fragment of pre-Imperial civilization might use.
Mastering the idiosyncrasies of their variant might take
a week or two, but unraveling the mystery of their Table 6-18: Quality and Modifiers
language’s origin could be much more challenging...
1d10 Quality Weapon Modifiers
4 Simplistic: The language of the xenos is simplicity itself
01 Poor Half the range or clip size
- largely because their civilization has little use for
02-07 Common Double the range or clip size
advanced concepts, and their communication has
08-09 Good Increase damage or pen by 1d5
barely progressed beyond grunting. The language is
10 Best Increase RoF by +2 to Semi or Full.
learned for free after a week of interaction.
Communication without fluency in the language treats
Interaction Skills as Basic, but does not penalize them.
However, even a trained speaker must pass a Xenos Weapon Qualities
Linguistics test to get across advanced concepts and Each weapon obtained by a xenos species begins with a
5 Exotic: The xenos communicate via elaborate basic profile of 1d10 and 0 penetration. Ranged weapons
mechanisms impossible to fully duplicate without their have a range of 30 meters, have a single shot and a clip of
unique biology. Pheromones, pigmentation shifts, or 15 to begin with. The range for grenades is determined by
body language beyond human physiology to replicate
may play a part. Interaction Skills suffer an additional –
SB x 3. Roll once on Table 6-19: Xenos Weapon Qualities
10 penalty, whether the user is trained in the language for each weapon. Weapon results from Table 6-18: Xenos
or not. Equipment may be exchanged for additional weapon
qualities or weapon modifiers instead.

Generate Xenos Equipment Table 6-19: Xenos Weapon Qualities

1d10 Qualities Qualities
Unlike fauna or flora, a xenos species is capable of 01-05 Accurate Power Field

06-10 Balanced Primitive (7)
utilizing equipment (for the most part), and they posses their 11-15 Blast (2)

Proven (1)

own technologies and equipment. Each xenos species gets 16-20 Concussive (1) Razorsharp
1D5+1 rolls on Table 6-17: Xenos Equipment. Due to the 21-25 Corrosive Recharge

26-30 Crippling (1) Reliable
alien construct and nature of their weapons, they are all 31-35 Defensive Sanctified
considered Exotic when obtained by members of other †
36-40 Felling (1) Scatter
species'. Weapons generated by this table may be modified 41-45 Flame Shocking

by using Table 6-18: Quality and Weapon Modifiers. 46-50 Flexible Smoke (2)

51-55 Force Snare (1)
56-60 Graviton Spray

61-65 Hallucinogenic (1) Storm

66-70 Haywire (1) Tearing

71-75 Inaccurate Toxic (1)

76-80 Indirect (1) Twin-linked
81-85 Lance Unbalanced
86-90 Maximal Unreliable
91-95 Melta Unwieldy
96-00 Overheats Vengeful (9)

This weapon quality increases by 1 each time it is rolled on this table.
This weapon quality decreases by 1 each time it rolled on this table.

143 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Xenos Armor Xenos Wargear
Roll for armor type on Table 6-20: Xenos Armor. Power Miscellaneous gear and cyber creatures a xenos may
armour covers all locations except Head. For other armour possess. Note that cyber creatures are equivelant to
types, roll D5 random locations, re-roll duplicate results and Monotask Servo-Skulls, but have highly differing physical
Head results. To see if the xenos has a helmet, roll a D5. On appearances.
a 1 or 2 they have no helmet, on a 3 or 4 they have an open
helm, on a 6 they have a closed helm. An open helm has a
25% chance of containing d3 autosenses, while a closed
Table 6-23: Xenos Wargear
1d100 Equipment Cyber Creature
helm has a 40% chance instead. Autosenses count as 01-14 Medi-kit or Diagnostor Auger
Bionic Senses, and each one must effect a different sense. 15-20 Signal Jammer or Auspex Illumination
21-30 Psy Focus or Synskin Laud Hailer
31-45 Pict Recorder Medicae
Table 6-20: Xenos Armor 46-74
Micro-bead or Photo- Visors
Filtration Plugs

1d100 Trait AP Max Ag Weight †
† 83-89 Respirator or Gas Mask Targeter
01-10 Padded Clothing 2 - 1kg 90-00 Survival Suit or Diagnostor

11-25 Flak 3 55 2kg
† Chameleoline Cloak
26-30 Mesh 4 60 2kg †
These cyber creatures grant the benefits of a Vox-caster (communication),

39-44 Carapace 5 45 3kg Hand-Held Targeter (Targeter) and Diagnostor (Diagnostor).
45-50 Light Power Armor 7 42 40kg
51-63 Power Armor 10 35 48kg
Refractor Field
Conversion Field
An Example: The A'Arocka
83-90 Displacer Field - - 2kg Branching out into the stellar region surrounding their
91-00 Power Field - - 50kg home world, this diminutive avian species were promising.

The weights listed here are per individual location of protection (each leg,
each arm, body, head). Due to their miniscule size, they favored colonizing smaller
celestial bodies - typically the celestial moons that orbited
larger bodies. For many centuries they experienced
prosperity until colonization envoys from the Imperium of
Xenos Cybernetics Man expelled them from their own colonies, driving their
Bionics and Implants are generated by choosing one progression backwards. This species would have fared ok
column and rolling once on Table 6-21: Bionics and were it not for encountering the savage and warlike orks.
Implants. Bitter, the A'Arocka plot and scheme vengeance on
humanity, even as they nurse their hatred of both their sworn
Table 6-21: Xenos Bionics and Implants enemies.
1d5 Bionic Type Implant Type
1 Bionic Arm Mind Impulse Unit A'Arockaa (Troop)
2 Bionic Leg Maglev Implants 1
3 Bionic Heart Cerebral Implant -
4 Bionic Respiratory System Ferric Lure Implants

5 Bionic Senses Mechadendrite 01-10 - 03 28 07

- -
Ar Al T Ag Int

Xenos Combat Stimms 11-20 - 21-30 - 06 43 28

Combat Stimms are determined by rolling twice (once per
B Per Wp Fel

column) on Table 6-22: Xenos Combat Stimms.

31-70 - 45 33 27
- - Inf
Lr Ll
- - 19
Table 6-22: Xenos Combat Stimms 71-85 86-00

1d5 Dispenser Type Stimm Type

1 Inhaler Slaught HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 1
2 Injector Detox A'arocka Scatter-Caster Class Basic
3 Gland Stimm
4 Gas Flask Frenzon RNG 30 ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10 R
PEN 0 Clip 30 RLD 1 Full Wt . 2.5kg AVL —

Skills: Linguistics (A'arockaa) (Int), Common Lore

(A'Arockaa) (Int), Scholastic Lore (A'arockaa), Medicae (Int),
Trade (Explorator) (Int)
Talents: Enemy (Humanity), Hatred (Humanity, Orks)
Traits: Flier (8), Size (1) Miniscule
Enmity: The A'arocka harbor a deep hatred for Humanity is
more pervasive than others. They suffer a -20 penalty to
Fellowship Tests made to deal with humans.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

One of the most pervasive signs of corruption within and
Mutants and
without the Imperium is the manifestation of mutations. the Xeno
These subtle, or not-so-subtle, changes in the flesh can
Humanity abhors mutation, by a matter of creed or
result from exposure to toxic pollutants, alien biospheres,
discrimination. The same can be said of many xenos
genetic engineering, radiation and other hazards, while
species, but not all. While the Imperium of Man may
others might result from exposure to the warp, Daemonic
preach openly on the sins of the mutant, many xenos
possession and other perils of the universe. The level of
species may accept or even venerate mutation. The
tolerance for mutants varies planet to planet. Subtle or
later is particularly true of those species enthralled by
cosmetic changes are accepted, and such beings are
the forces of chaos or ruinous powers themselves.
regarded as abhumans or subs, who in some worlds form an
Regardless, whether a xenos species suffers from a
oppressed and exploited underclass. Truly horrific mutants
are purged on sight wherever they are found. mutation or not, few humans would care to know
the difference - finding them repulsive
by merit of the Imperial Creed.

Table 6-24: Mutations

1d100 Effect
01–20 Grotesque: The mutant is either badly deformed, scarred or bestial, marking it as accursed and impure, Fellowship Tests with ‘normals’
are made at –20, but the mutant has a +10 bonus to Intimidate Tests.
21-30 Tough Hide: The mutant has 1 AP worth of Natural Armor thanks to dense skin and scar tissue.
31-40 Misshapen: The mutant’s spine and/or limbs are horribly twisted, giving it a penalty of –1d10 to its Agility.
41-50 Feels No Pain: The mutant cares little for injury or harm and gains +1 Wound.
51-60 Brute: The mutant is physically powerful with deformed masses of muscle. Apply +10 Strength, +10 Toughness and –10 Agility.
61-70 Nightsider: The mutant gains the Dark Sight trait, but suffers a –10 penalty to all Actions in bright light or daylight conditions unless its
eyes are shielded.
71-80 Big Eyes: The mutant’s eyes are virtually lidless and watery. Apply +10 Perception and –10 Fellowship.
81-85 Malformed hands: Apply –10 to WS and BS and the mutant suffers a –20 penalty to all tasks involving fine physical manipulation.
86-89 Tox Blood: The mutant’s system is saturated with toxic pollutants and poisonous chemicals. As a result it has a +10 resistance to
toxins and poisons, however it suffers a –1d10 penalty to its Intelligence and Fellowship.
90-100 Wyrdling: The mutant has Minor Psychic Powers that it has so far been able to conceal. The mutant has a Psy Rating of 1.
101-104 Vile Deformity: The mutant is marked by some terrible deformity that shows the touch of the warp and should not exist in a rational
universe. There is no end to the dire forms this might take such as writhing tentacles in place of arms, skinless glistening flesh, re-
arranged facial features or thousands of restless eyes studding the body, to name but a few. The mutant gains Fear (1).
105 Aberration: The mutant has become a weird hybrid of man and animal (or reptile, insect, etc.) Apply +10 Strength, +10 Agility, –1d10
Intelligence, -10 Fellowship and the Sprint talent.
106 Degenerate Mind: The mutant’s mind is warped and inhuman. Apply –1d10 Intelligence, +10 Fellowship, roll 1d10 and apply the
following Talents or Trait: 1–3: Frenzy, 4–7: Adamantium Faith, 8–0: From Beyond.
107 Ravaged Body: The mutant’s body has been entirely re-made by the warp. Roll 1d5 times on this table, re-rolling duplicate rolls. Such
mutations, regardless of their nature, still show the obvious taint of Chaos.
108 Clawed/Fanged: The mutant gains razor claws, a fanged maw, barbed flesh or some other form of Natural Weapon that inflicts 1d10 R
or I Primitive (7) damage in close combat.
109 Necrophage: The mutant gains +10 Toughness and the Regeneration (TB) trait, but must sustain itself on copious quantities of raw
meat or starve.
110 Corrupted Flesh: Beneath the mutants’ skin a blasphemous transformation has taken place, exchanging living organs for writhing
creatures and blood for ichorous, maggot-ridden filth. If the mutant suffers Critical Damage, those witnessing it must take a Fear Test
(2) test.
111 Vile Alacrity: The mutant is constantly juddering and shaking unnaturally and can move almost faster than sight. It gains the Unnatural
Agility (3) trait and the Sprint talent, with a penalty of –10 to Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill.
112 Hideous Strength: The mutant gains the Unnatural Strength (3) trait.
113 Multiple Appendages: The mutant has sprouted additional functioning limbs in the shape of arms, tentacles or a prehensile tail (or
tails). Gain the Ambidextrous and Two-Weapon Wielder talents and +10 bonus on Athletics Tests and Grapple attacks.
114 Worm: The mutant’s lower limbs have fused together to form a worm or snake-like tail. They gain the Crawler trait, +5 Wounds and
Fear (1) trait.
115 Nightmarish: So warped and horrific is the mutant’s appearance, it can cause enemies to flee in fear. It gains the Fear (2) trait.
116 Malleable: The mutant possesses a sickeningly liquid flexibility and is able to distend and flatten its body. Apply +10 Agility, and +20 to
Athletics Tests and Grappling attacks. They may also fit through spaces only one-quarter its usual body dimensions.
117 Winged: The mutant’s body has warped to accommodate a pair of leathery wings or the like. They gain the Flyer trait (1d10+5).
118 Corpulent: The mutant’s huge and bloated frame gives them +5 Wounds and the Unnatural Toughness (3) trait. This mutation means
that the mutant may not run.
119 Corrosive Bile: The mutant may vomit burning bile, flesh-eating grubs or some other horrific substance instead of attacking normally in
close combat. The attack uses the mutant’s BS, is a Full Action and can be Dodged but not Parried. This attack inflicts 1d10+5 R (or E)
Tearing Damage.
120 Hellspawn: Saturated with the energies of the warp, the mutant is imbued with Daemonic energies and gains the From Beyond, Fear
(3), Baleful Aura, Daemonic traits and a Psy Rating of 2.

145 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Most adversaries that Acolytes face are of the mundane Bounty Hunter
sorts, being hardened thugs, twisted mutants, soldiers and
The kind of killer skilled enough to hunt down warranted
political rivals. The following entries describe some common
criminals and renegades within an underhive, or even
foes that the Player Characters are likely to encounter as
between worlds, is a dangerous individual. Bounty hunters
they tear back the grim facade and stare deep into the abyss
are lethal beyond any mere ganger or scum - often even
of corruption. Do note that weapons, armor and gear are
more so than their quarry.
typical for these characters, but are not necessarily
consistent for all such characters. Modify an entry’s gear to
Bounty Hunter (Elite)
suit your needs. Also note that in the instance of melee 15
weapon Damage, SB has already been factored in. H 5
01-10 8 43 43 35
Servants of the Imperium Ar 5
Al 5 T Ag Int
11-20 8 21-30 8 35 45 30
“Every man is a spark in the darkness. By the time he is noticed, he B 5
Per Wp Fel
is gone forever. A retinal after-image that fades and is obscured by 31-70 8 33 35 25
newer, brighter lights.”
–Anon Lr 5
Ll 5 Inf

71-85 8 86-00 8
he Imperium is home to billions upon billions of souls.
Each Imperial citizen has a duty to fulfill in service to the HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 8
Imperium, yet not all are content with their lot in life. In order Hand Cannon Class Pistol
to prosecute their investigations and missions, Acolytes must RNG 35M ROF S/–/– DMG 1d10+4 I
interact with a wide range of Imperial society, from the PEN 2 RLD 2 Full Wt . 6 Kg AVL Av
Clip 5
maddled dregs to mighty Rogue Traders. Some of these
individuals gladly offer assistance, while others oppose the
Acolytes through machinations, obstruction, and direct Chainsword Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 (R)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 6 Kg AVL Av
The Law of the Imperium
“They live there in that great plascrete tower surrounded by walls and
razor wire, only emerging to seize some unfortunate who has
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),
transgressed against the Imperial Laws or to patrol the city to prove
that it belongs to them. There are crystal lenses and sound wave
Dodge (Ag), Inquiry (Fel), Interrogation (WP), Intimidate (S)
detectors on that tower that can watch citizens and listen to their +10, Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Medicae (Int), Operate
conversations 100 leagues away, Imperial spy satellites watch what (Surface) (Ag), Security (Ag), Stealth (Ag), Survival (Per).
they can’t see directly and even the Governor fears them. They aren’t Talents: Constant Vigilance, Disarm, Hip Shooting, Nerves
from here and have nothing to do with us, no more than Orks or of Steel, Rapid Reload, Weapon Training (Las, SP, Chain,
Eldar, if they have families or children we don’t know about them and Shock, Low-Tech, Launcher, Heavy)
we don’t care. They wouldn’t so much as buy a glowbulb from us and
Gear: Enforcer light carapace armor, Slick clothing, 3 hand
we would not sell it to them. It’s ironic that they have the rather
benevolent title of Arbitrators.”
cannon clips, photo-visor, respirator, manacles, Shock Maul
- Vorkas Zolowski prior to his arrest for pernicious sedition or Chainsword
against the Emperor of Mankind. Take Them Alive: The Bounty Hunter is well versed in
laying his enemies low without killing them, able to
ach of the Imperium's worlds have their own incapacitate his targets and limit the damage he inflicts to
government, laws, and their own local police forces to them. When the Bounty Hunter makes a Called Shot attack
enforce those laws. The role of everyday control and policing against an enemy, he may choose to reduce the damage he
usually falls to local security forces, working under the orders inflicts after reduction by the target’s Armor or Toughness
of the Imperial Commander and his staff. Their exact Bonus by a number equal to his Perception Bonus, and
function and powers will vary from world to world depending inflict a level of Fatigue for each point of damage reduced in
upon the nature of the Governor. Worlds ruled by an this way. In addition, the Bounty Hunter’s familiarity with
authoritarian or paranoid regime will have many military nonlethal weaponry means that enemies do not gain the
police secret service enforcers watchmen and patrols, while usual bonuses from armor to resist the stunning effect of
more liberal commanders may only have a private Shocking weapons, and suffer a –10 penalty to avoid or
bodyguard and a standing force to repel out-and-out escape any attack with the Snare quality.
insurrection and rebellion. The Arbites concern themselves
only with the enforcement of the broader laws to which the
entire Imperium is subject. Their organization represents the
soldiers and police of the Adeptus Terra.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Enforcer Kill Squad Trooper
While the Adeptus Arbites are the vigilant guardians of Used to enforce execution warrants or when extreme
Imperial law, everyday policing and enforcement of local prejudice is required, the kill squads are some of the most
laws falls to a planet’s own security forces. Variously called dangerous formations that can exist within an enforcer
chasteners, prefects, watchmen or any other number of local organization. On some worlds, where the rule of the
titles on different worlds, such security forces are most planetary governor is dictatorial and harsh, kill squads are
commonly referred to as enforcers. the hated embodiments of their power.

Planetary Enforcer (Troop) 10 Kill Squad Trooper (Troop) 10

H 2 H -
01-10 5 35 35 35 01-10 3 35 35 35
2 2 5 5
Ar Al T Ag Int Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 5 21-30 5 35 30 30 11-20 8 21-30 8 35 30 30
2 5
B Per Wp Fel B Per Wp Fel
31-70 5 35 30 30 31-70 8 35 30 30
2 2 Inf 5 5 Inf
Lr Ll Lr Ll
— —
71-85 5 86-00 5 71-85 8 86-00 8
Stub Automatic Class Pistol Stub Automatic Class Pistol
RNG 30M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+3 I RNG 30M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+5 I
PEN 0 Clip 9 RLD Full Wt .1.5 Kg AVL Pl PEN 0 Clip 9 RLD Full Wt .1.5 Kg AVL Pl

Club Class Melee Autogun Class Basic

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 (I) RNG 100M ROF S/3/10 DMG 1d10+3 (I)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 2 Kg AVL Ab PEN 3 Clip 30 RLD Full Wt 5 Kg AVL Av

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Skills: Awareness (Per), Athletics (S), Common Lore
Interrogation (WP), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), (Imperium) (Int), Interrogation (WP), Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Talents: Double Team, Disarm, Takedown Weapon, (Int).
Training (Low-Tech, SP). Talents: Disarm, Marksman, Nowhere to Hide, Takedown,
Gear: Club, Uniform, Enforcer Riot Shield, Stub Automatic, Weapon Training (SP, Low-Tech)
Stub Automatic with 2 spare clips, light flak coat, micro-bead. Gear: Autogun with Man-stopper rounds, motion predictor
Enforcer Riot Shield: These transparent circular shields and 2 spare clips, enforcer light carapace, Uniform, micro-
have a diameter of about 2 feet, and are constructed of bead, respirator, photovisor, stub automatic with dumdums
lightweight polycarbonate that offers protection against and 2 spare clips.
impact attacks and limited protection against many other Killer’s Eye: The Kill Squad Trooper can find the
types of assault. Because the shield is attached at the wrist, weaknesses of his prey with only a few moments of
an Enforcer may prefer this shield over other protection, as it observation. When he makes a Called Shot attack and
keeps his hand free to operate other equipment (such as a scores a number of Degrees of Success on the attack roll
vox) or a pistol. These shields offer +3 AP against attacks equal to or greater than the target’s Agility Bonus, he
made against the body and one arm from weapons with the immediately inflicts a 1d5 critical damage result on the target
Primitive quality, and +1 AP to attacks of all other kinds in addition to any normal damage. Roll on the appropriate
made against the same areas. An Enforcer using an Critical Hit table for the damage type and location struck.
Enforcer riot shield may still carry and manipulate objects in Any modifiers to critical damage from Talents or other
his shield hand, up to pistol-sized weapons. sources apply as normal. However, the Critical Damage
Granted Authority: Enforcers are charged with authority by inflicted from this ability does not stack with actual Critical
their planetary commander or governor. All Enforcers may Hits.
re-roll one Disposition or Fellowship Test per game session
when invoking a higher authority for whom they work.

146 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Magistrate Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial Ward
Working for the Enforcers or powerful Nobles during the Both local forces and the Arbites can be requisitioned by
all too-rare trials, the legal experts, known to the citizens of an Inquisitor, but what if he cannot rely on these
the Imperium as Magistrates, make up a group of rare legal organizations as allies? What if he is investigating a Judge of
minds. These steadfast scholars spend decades poring over the Arbites, or the Imperial Commander of a world? In these
the Lex Imperialis, learning its every nuance and circumstances he can call upon the Enforcers of the
interpretation. Magistrates of each local sub-sector are Inquisition, often known as Wards or Protectors. These are
tasked with mastering not only the greater Lex Imperialis, but recruited and armed by the Inquisition itself from amongst
also their own planet's specific laws as well. As such, the the most faithful and resolute peoples of the Imperium. The
Magistrates stationed on their Sector’s central world may aid Wards can be brought in to enforce an Inquisitor's rulings,
Nobles and Governors across the Sector. They are the replacing local security forces or the Arbites, providing kill-
undisputed experts of Sector law. teams and execution squads, and lending their firepower to
purges and witch hunts.
Magistrate (Troop) 10
Inquisitorial Ward (Elite) 13
H -
01-10 2 25 30 30 H 6

Ar -
Al -
T Ag Int
01-10 9 37 35 34
11-20 2 21-30 2 28 33 42 Ar 6
Al 6
T Ag Int

B -
Per Wp Fel
11-20 9 21-30 9 34 32 40
31-70 2 35 34 38 B 6
Per Wp Fel

- - Inf
31-70 9 32 33 33
Lr Ll
71-85 2 86-00 2 43 Lr 6
Ll 6 Inf

71-85 9 86-00 9 —
Las Pistol Class Pistol HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 1

RNG 30M ROF S/2/– DMG 1d10+2 I Inquisitorial Hellgun Class Pistol
PEN 0 Clip 30 RLD Half Wt .1.5 Kg AVL Co RNG 110M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+4 E
Ceremonial Sword Class Melee
R OF —
Inquisitorial Hellpistol Class Pistol
RNG — DMG 1d10-1 (R)
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 3 Kg AVL Co RNG 35M ROF S/2/– DMG 1d10+4 (E)

Skills: Charm (Fel), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),

Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) (Int) +30, Common Lore Skills: Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag), Command (Fel),
(Administratum) (Int) +20, Deceive (Fel) +10, Linguistics Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Ordo
(High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Scholastic Lore Hereticus) (Int), Interrogation (WP), Linguistics (Low Gothic)
(Bureaucracy, Philosophy, Heraldry) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Int), Security (Int) +10, Scrutiny (Per) +10, Survival (Per)
(Judgment) (Int) +20, Scrutiny (Per) Talents: Adamantium Faith, Constant Vigilance
Talents: Peer (Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Nobles) (Intelligence), Double Team, Disarm, Halo of Command,
Gear: Legate Formal Dress and Trappings, Ceremonial Inescapable Attack (Pick One), Iron Jaw, Jaded, Takedown,
Sword or Laspistol, books of sector law and extracts of the Weapon Training (Low-Tech, Las)
Lex Imperialis Gear: Auspex, hellgun with 2 spare magazines and hellpistol
Legalese: The Magistrate is adept at flooding a target with or shock maul and suppression shield, storm trooper
legal jargon and facts to befuddle and scare them. The carapace, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 1 smoke or
Magistrate may use Scholastic Lore (Judgment) as if it were stun grenade, advanced bionic eye with laser sight
Deceive or Intimidate. This ability only works on targets for Feared and Loathed: Inquisitorial Wards gain a +10 bonus
whom the laws of the Imperium hold at least a modicum of on Inquiry and Intimidate Tests when used against Imperial
fear. A ganger or Imperial citizen is very wary of the law, a servants. This Trait depends as much on the uniform,
Chaos Legionnaire, however, is probably not. At the GM's manner and bearing as anything else, and if the Ward is
discretion, some targets (usually those not a part of the otherwise dressed, unrecognized or disguised its effects do
Imperium of Mankind) may not be affected by this ability. not apply.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Adeptus Arbites Proctor
Senior Arbitrators are often awarded the rank of Proctor
The men and women of the Adeptus Arbites are recruited and placed in command of the different types of Arbitrator
from Schola Progenium facilities all over the Imperium. It squad.
takes a very special individual to be selected, and it is often
those who have risen to dominate their fellow progenia Adeptus Arbites Proctor (Elite) 15
through force of will or brute strength who prove ideal for the
H 6
role. The Arbites must be harsh in the execution of their WS BS S

duty, and mercy is a weakness unbecoming of an officer of 01-10 9 38 38 38

the Emperor’s Law. Ar 7
Al 7
T Ag Int
Unlike the individuals in the service of the Holy Orders of 11-20 10 21-30 10 38 35 32
the Emperor’s Inquisition, the Proctors, Arbitrators and B 7
Per Fel
Judges are not free to administer judgment as and how they 31-70 10 34 33 30
see fit. They are instead bound by the Dictates Imperialis.
6 6 Inf
This is a prodigious body of laws, rulings, precedents and Lr Ll

more compiled over ten millennia, and ranging from the 71-85 9 86-00 9
words of the Emperor Himself from the days he walked
amongst men, to the most recent proclamations of the High
Lords of Terra. By its very nature, this body of law is vast, Arbites Shotgun Class Basic
and many servants of the Arbites spend their entire lifetime RNG 30M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+4 I
researching a particular point of law so that a criminal may PEN 0 Clip 18 RLD Full Wt 5 Kg AVL Av
be brought to justice.
The Arbites administer the galaxy-wide laws of the
Dictates Imperialis with ruthless efficiency. Though there are Shock Maul Class Melee
many other local law enforcement bodies on every world, it 3+SB
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 (I)
is the Adeptus Arbites that enact the definitive word of the
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 2.5 Kg AVL SC
law, above all others.
Arbites Precincts are present in most every major city SPECIAL: SHOCKING
ruled by the Imperium. They are huge, threatening buildings
that dominate and inspire fear and paranoia for many miles
Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) +10, Common Lore
around. The officers of the Arbites are utterly incorruptible,
(Underworld) (Int) +20, Dodge (Ag), Inquiry (Fel) +10,
and never serve on or near their homeworld: the law is their
Interrogation (WP) +10, Intimidate (S) +10, Linguistics (Low
life and they are utterly and ruthlessly dedicated to it.
Gothic) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Judgment) (Int) +10, Scrutiny
Arbites Precincts are often the first line of defense against
the corruption of an Imperial world. The Arbites owe no
Talents: Combat Master, Weapon Training (Bolt, SP,
direct allegiance to the world’s Imperial Commander, and so
Shock), Disarm, Double-Team, Resistance (Fear),
are free to react to the slightest hint of treachery. Many
Takedown, True Grit
governors resent this autonomy, but are later thankful for it
Gear: Arbites Shotgun, Adeptus Arbites carapace armor,
when rebels attack their palaces and the Arbites are the only
Ballistic Cloth Surcoat, Helmet with integral photo visor and
force able to stand against them.
micro-bead, respirator, 2 combat shotgun magazines,
On many occasions, the Arbites Fortress Precincts have
Arbites Shotgun magazine of man-stopper shells, manacles,
held out against full-scale invasion for many weeks, acting
respirator, 2 Stun Grenades
as a rallying point for the defenders when all else seems
Pursuit of Justice: The Arbitrator counts his Agility bonus
lost. Often, it is the Arbites’ Astropaths who get out the
as 2 higher (giving Movement values of 5/10/15/30) for the
crucial plea for aid, to which surrounding systems respond.
purpose of determining movement distance when he is
By the time a response is mustered the Fortress Precinct will
chasing or moving towards a character whom he views as a
most likely have fallen, but the Arbites will have sold their
lives dearly, and will have ultimately succeeded in bringing
The Book of Law: The book of law contains but a small
down retribution upon the heads of those who would defile
portion of the Dictates Imperialis, from which an officer of the
the Emperor’s Domains.
Adeptus Arbites may read passages that strike fear into the
On occasion, an officer of the Adeptus Arbites may find
heart of all wrong-doers. The Proctor may spend a sustained
that his line of enquiry leads his path to cross with that of an
Half Action for 1d5+1 Rounds reciting from the Book of Law,
Inquisitor. What appears a criminal enterprise may manifest
gaining the Fear (1) Trait against criminals, heretics and
itself as a heretical cult; traffic in illicit goods may turn up an
recidivists who understand the severity of the charges
exclusive trade in highly illegal xeno-tech. When the
brought against the accused.
particular skills of the Arbites are matched to the limitless
Mandate of the Inquisition, the enemies of Mankind will find
nowhere to hide from the blinding light of justice.

148 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Cyber-Mastiff Handler requiring years of tinkering by the Cyber-Mastiff Handler to
prefect. These patterns are modified to make use of a
The heavy scraping of metallic claws, the static of heavy
constructs own idiosyncrasies. A Grapple-Hawk who weighs
breathing transmitted through rough vox-casters, the roar of
half a kilogram less than his counterparts might require
data barks coordinating a hunt, these are the sounds of
special wing angles and grav responses to high wind
doom for criminals throughout the Precincts of the Imperium.
scenarios, this combined with the common terrain and
The Bloodhound-pattern Cyber-mastiffs are a well-known
ambient atmosphere makes for dozens of different
sight on those worlds which have a strong Arbites presence.
programs, just for operation within a single hive. When
When not needed for a man-hunt, they remain within the
tasked with travel, the user must make dozens of
walls of the Arbites Precinct Fortresses or in the training
calculations in the moment.
yards, running coordinated attack and subdual patterns with
All Constructer Interfaces are of at least Good Quality and
their master and a specially trained Tech-adept.
allow a user to make Command Tests to a Cyber-Mastiff or
Grapple-Hawk silently, using Tech-Use in place of the
Cyber Mastiff Handler (Handler) 12 Command skill. The device can interface with up to five
H 3
constructs, but can only actively issue commands to 2, the
01-10 3 others may report data back to the user, but may not be
25 25 30
3 3
commanded. Only Cyber-Mastiff ’s and Grapple-Hawks may
Ar Al T Ag Int
be issued commands, other constructs may only report data.
11-20 6 21-30 6 30 30 40 A Best Quality Constructor Interface allows for 3 constructs
B Per Wp Fel
to be commanded, but is still limited to 5 total uplinks.
31-70 6 35 35 20 A Handler may make a Full Action to upload a pattern into
Lr 3
Ll 3 Inf a Cyber-Mastiff or Grapple-Hawks cogitator, granting one of

71-85 6 86-00 6 the following abilities:
• Defense: +10 Weapon Skill
HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 5 • Restrain: +20 Weapon Skill when attempting to Grapple
Laspistol Class Pistol • Harass: +10 Dodge, Dodge Training
• “Vanes Out” Alpha: +10 Perception, Awareness Training
RNG 30M ROF S/2/– DMG 1d10+2 E
• “Vanes Out” Beta: +10 Perception, Track Training
PEN 0 Clip 30 RLD Half Wt 1.5 Kg AVL Co • Pursuit: +1 Agility Bonus, Crowds do not count as Difficult
SPECIAL: RELIABLE Terrain, and when Running or Charging through a dense
crowd, cyber-mastiffs take no penalty to the Agility Test to
Chain Axe Class Melee
keep their feet.
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+7 (R) Pack Hunter: By relaying sensory data from multiple
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 13 Kg AVL Vr cybermastiffs to one another, the Handler is able to combine
SPECIAL: TEARING their efforts into a single hunting party far more capable than
any individual within the group. For every cybermastiff
controlled by the Handler participating in the hunt, the
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Tech) (Int), Operate Handler receives a +10 bonus to Tracking Tests. In addition,
(any one) (Ag), Logic (Int) +10, Scholastic Lore (any one) he may gain bonuses from Heightened Senses talents or
(Int), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Linguistics applicable gear possessed by one of his controlled hounds.
(Technalingua) (Int) +10, Tech-Use (Int) +10, Trade Wolf Pack Tactics: Some Cyber-mastiff Handlers are
(Technomat) adept at working alongside their charges, even in the thick of
Talents: Armor-Monger, Luminen Blast, Peer (Adeptus battle. These front-line Handlers often fight beside their
Arbites), Weapon-Tech, Weapon Training (Plasma, Las, hounds as trusted and familiar allies. When ganging up on
Bolt, SP) an opponent with his cyber-mastiff, a Cybermastiff Handler
Gear: Mechanicus Implants, Adeptus Mechanicus Robes imposes a -20 penalty to all Dodge or Parry Skill Tests made
and flak cloak, Constructer Interface Augmetic, luminen by his target.
capacitors, utility mechadendrite, mind impulse interface and
1d5 other implants, tools, respirator, dataslate, personal
cogitator, Laspistol and 2 clips
Constructer Interface: Every Cyber-Mastiff Handler
requires one of these custom engineered devices if he
wishes to interface with the Bloodhound pattern constructs
deployed by the Adeptus Arbites. It makes use of a quad-
redundant epsilon-cypher voxpulsers to issue quick bursts
commands and to receive data, vox, and pict information
from a variety of constructs. So powerful is the device, that
servitors and servo-skulls can also be patched into it,
although they are not designed to be issued commands
directly from the device. The Constructor Interface holds
hundreds of attack, tackle and evasion patterns. Each one

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Cyber-Constructs, Beasts, and Servitors cannot benefit from the Constructor-Interface until the
process has been repeated (this includes uploaded
Ancient pacts agreed in ages past with the Adeptus patterns). The following vocal (or vox) commands may be
Mechanicus generally forbid most Imperial agencies from given by users without a Constructor Interface:
utilizing machine-spirits beyond a certain level of  Attack: The user spends a Half-Action designating a
target that both he and the construct can see. The
sophistication, and in any event most humans typically
Construct will then attack the target until it is dead (or
regard such devices as inherently blasphemous. Culturally,
the Imperium is far more acclimatized to the idea of heavily sometimes after). Constructs are decidedly ferocious
cyberized systems that incorporate organic parts, with the creatures that will not stop until their target is dead or they
trepanned crania of criminals and animals emptied for use have been called to heel.
as the control systems of heavy machinery, weapons, and  Tackle: Similar to the Attack order, the Cyber-Construct
vessels. Servitors - lobotomized, cyberized, and repurposed will employ any non-lethal weapons it has to subdue a
criminals or cultured organic organisms are ubiquitous target. If it lacks non-lethal weapon, it will attack until the
across the entirety of human space, and most citizens of the target is unconscious (and usually bleeding to death).
Imperium hardly spare them a second glance. Much of the  Find: Given pertinent data (such as a spoor sample or a
Imperium’s heavy industry is dependent to a degree upon pict image) the construct will do it’s best to track a target.
these sad, brain-dead creatures, who shuffle mindlessly from It will search an area of up to 50m in an attempt to find the
target, but will not leave line of sight to the user.
task to task, lifting, cleaning, or carrying out other tedious or
hazardous duties by means of equipment attached to their
bodies or welded to their surgically modified limbs. Grapplehawks
The Arbites will, on occasion, make use of servitors, but Rarely used outside the Arbites, these exotic cyber-
generally not to the same extent as other branches of the familiars take the form of elegant shining steel hawks. Their
glittering crania contain the transplanted instincts of avians
Adeptus Terra. The Arbites pride themselves on being a
trained to seize moving targets without damaging them.
disciplined and self-reliant force, and there is an unspoken These instincts, transferred to mechanical constructs fitted
belief in many Precinct Fortresses that excessive reliance with powerful suspensors and talons capable of tearing
upon servitors fosters a spirit of dependence far removed through cast-iron, enable Arbites handlers to arrest suspects
from the proper, spartan ethic of the organization. Despite quickly (if brutally) on the streets of hive cities. Designed to
this, some servitors do serve to the best of their limited be carried on the hip, or to perch elsewhere on the handler’s
abilities within the Arbites, typically performing duties which armor, the Grapplehawk can be deployed quickly.
can free Arbitrators to carry out their law enforcement roles.
Grapplehawk (Minion) 6
For example, emplaced gun servitors are used extensively
within Precincts for sentry duty, and a handful of other H 6
heavily modified designs are used for other more specialist 01-10 8 40 — 35
roles. The Arbites have in their service cyber-constructs, 6 6
devices that incorporate the instincts of animals. Canids and Ar Al T Ag Int

avians are all employed for this purpose. Such animals are
11-20 8 21-30 8 20 50 15
usually crafted in special Adeptus Mechanicus facilities B Per Wp Fel

which provides the vast majority of such constructs for the

31-70 8 40 25 —
Adeptus Arbites. 6 6 Inf
Lr Ll

71-85 8 86-00 8
Cyber-Construct Use
It is not unheard of for individuals who are not Cyber- Shock Pulse Claws Class Melee
Mastiff handlers, or who are not equipped with a Constructer R OF —
RNG — DMG 1d10+1 E
Interface to make use of Cyber-Constructs. While a trained
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
Adeptus Mechanicus agent, with the proper augmetics is
vastly more capable of repairing, controlling, and training SPECIAL: RELIABLE
these creatures, they are not alone in their use. Rending Claws Class Melee
Anyone equipped with a Constructer Array can program
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 (R)
his Cyber-Construct to obey the vocal (or vox) commands of
another agent. This is limited, and cogitation patterns that PEN 3 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
would normally process evasion and attack movements must SPECIAL: TEARING
instead decipher human speech and intent. To avoid
confusion, many users give the beast a designation,
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Dodge (Ag) +10
commands may be easily addressed, so that it does not Talents: Fearless, Swift Attack, Inescapable Attack (Melee)
interpret random words in other discussion as an order. It Traits: Dark Sight, Flier (15), Machine (6), Size (3)
requires an Ordinary (+10) Tech-Use Test to order a (Scrawny)
Cyber-Construct to obey the commands of another. This test Gear: Inbuilt vox, cogitator, and auspex. The cogitator
requires that the user be able to physically adjust the Cyber- may be used to store a vast array of pre-programmed attack
Construct, and takes 1 hour. Once so ordered, the creature patterns, which may provide either a +10 bonus to Dodge or
a +10 bonus to WS, chosen by the handler as a free action.

150 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Adeptus Arbites Cyber-Mastiff
Cyber-mastiffs are usually deployed under the control of “Bullpup” Cyber-Mastiff (Minion) 18
Adeptus Arbites or enforcer units to bring down recidivists 8
and heretics. Shaped in the form of a hound made of metal 01-10 12 40 — 50
and guided by the brain and nervous system of a hunting
8 8
creature, they are a fearsome extension of the Emperor’s Ar Al T Ag Int

law, and a truly terrible sight to see unleashed.

11-20 12 21-30 12 40 20 18
B Per Wp Fel

Adeptus Arbites Cyber-Mastiff (Minion)

31-70 12 35 30 —
8 8 Inf
H 6 Lr Ll
01-10 9 71-85 12 86-00 12
35 — 40
6 6
11-20 9 21-30 9 35 20 17 Bite Class Melee
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 9 RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 R
35 30 —
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
6 6 Inf

71-85 9 86-00 9
Shockbite Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 I
Bite Class Melee PEN — Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
SPECIAL: NONE Chainbite Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+2 (R)
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) +10, , Stealth (Ag) SPECIAL: TEARING
+10, Survival (Per) +20
Talents: Double Team, Fearless
Traits: Brutal Charge, Unnatural Senses (100m), Machine Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) +10, Survival (Per)
(6), Quadruped, Size (3) (Scrawny) +20
Gear: (Implanted) Infrared vision implant, filter plugs Talents: Fearless
Traits: Dark Sight, Unnatural Senses (100m), Fear (2),
“Bullpup” Cyber-Mastiff Machine (8), Quadruped, Size 4 (Hulking), Sturdy
Gear: (Implanted) Infrared Vision Implant, filter plugs
The beast is carefully crafted as a true terror weapon, a
Magnetic Jaw: The Cyber-mastiff may magnetically attach
massively built and heavily-armored steel construct of
itself to any metal surface and lock its jaws around an
considerable bulk. Equipped with sub-sonic voxhailers that
opponent. If the Bullpup Cyber-mastiff successfully hits with
continually emit a selection of low frequency vocalizations
a bite attack, it may lock itself in position instead of dealing
designed to trigger fear in the local population where they
damage. Freeing oneself from a Bullpup’s magnetic jaws
are deployed, this model finds frequent use during intense
requires a Hard (-20) Strength Test. If ordered to, the
riots. Capable of shrugging off most small arms fire, and of
Bullpup may activate its chainbite, dealing chainbite damage
bringing down even large groups of well-armed opponents,
to the target, and releasing it.
the Bullpups tend to be used as a final weapon to launch at
their foes preventing a civil uprising from turning into a civil
war. Bullpups are equipped with shock jaws which can also
double as chainblade weapons. The construct also has
magnetic locking feet and jaws which enable the creature to
lock on to a target and hold it in place.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 151

"Bloodhound" Cyber-Mastiff reciprocating chainblades. However, some models have
been modified to carry even more powerful weaponry.
Used to translate airborne particles into quantifiable data,
the chemical ‘sniffers’ make the Bloodhound optimized for
scent-based tracking roles. While many Cybermastiffs have Eliminator Mastiff (Minion) 12
some tracking ability, the programming and routines 7
implanted within the Bloodhounds are trained by some of the 01-10 10 30 — 40
finest handlers available in the sector. Once implanted in a
7 7
light Cyber-mastiff chassis, the animal instinct and repetitive Ar Al T Ag Int

training is linked to some of the most sophisticated olfactory

11-20 10 21-30 10 30 30 20
sensors available in the Imperium. This formidable B Per Wp Fel

equipment suite is combined with an insidiously effective

31-70 10 45 25 —
training regimen, which electrically stimulates the cogitator’s 7 7 Inf
Lr Ll
cortical centers upon completion of a successful ‘find.’ This —
71-85 10 86-00 10
practice causes the Bloodhound to become obsessive and
tireless in its duties; the creatures have been rumored to HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2
track targets for hundreds of miles without sleep or rest,
Shoulder-Mounted Las-Carbines Class Basic
although this may be a tall tale used to intimidate criminals
into submission. RNG 60m ROF S/2/- DMG 1d10+4 E
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
Bloodhound Cyber-Mastiff (Minion) SPECIAL: RELIABLE
H 6
WS BS S Chainmaw Class Melee
01-10 9 30 — 40 RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+5 (R)
Ar 6
Al 6 T Ag Int PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
11-20 9 21-30 9 30 30 20 SPECIAL: TEARING
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 9 45 25 —
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Survival (Per) +30
6 6 Inf
Lr Ll Talents: Double Team, Fearless

71-85 9 86-00 9 Traits: Dark Sight, Unnatural Senses (100m), Machine (7),
Quadruped, Size (3) (Scrawny)
Gear: In-built Auspex, Integral Power Source
Bite Class Melee Linked Targeting: The Eliminator-Mastiff may fire both of its
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 R shoulder mounted weapons as part of a Full Attack Action as
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL — per the Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) Talent, suffering no
off-hand penalties or negative modifiers for wielding two
Replacement Weapons: The weapons
on the Eliminator Mastiff may be
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Survival (Per) +30
replaced with any Basic ranged
Talents: Double Team, Fearless
weapons with a Difficult (–10)
Traits: Dark Sight, Unnatural Senses (100m), Machine (6),
Tech-Use Test, subject to
Quadruped, Size 3 (Scrawny)
the GM’s discretion.
Gear: In-built Auspex, Olfactory Auger Array (allows a re-roll
However, only Las
of any failed Perception Tests based on smell).
weapons may benefit
from the integral
Eliminator Mastiff power source, all others must
Though some enforcers are known for being generally as use their listed clip size.
corrupt and amoral as the rest of the planet, certain precincts
have a particularly dark reputation. These enforcers are
known to eliminate anyone in the name of “justice,” so long
as they receive sufficient quantities of Thrones in return.
Through their actions, the Eliminator–Mastiff has come to
represent their twisted perversion of justice. A heavily
modified Cyber-Mastiff, the Eliminator–Mastiff has no
protocols or programming for bringing down its targets alive.
It simply tracks, hunts, and kills any target loaded into its
sophisticated spoor-identifying protocols. Most are equipped
with a pair of overcharged lasweapons in pods mounted on
the shoulders, leaving the head free to mount a mouthful of

152 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Bomb Disposal Servitor Suppressor Servitor
The Bomb Disposal servitor is optimized for the analysis When the Magistratum needs to disperse crowds of
and defusing of suspect explosive devices. The underhives rioters or belligerent hive residents, they employ
are notoriously unstable, and explosive devices can cripple Suppression Servitors to aid their enforcers. Designed for
production for months or years. The Adeptus Mechanicus intimidation and maximum semi-lethal force, these hulking
within the manufactorums originally crafted this servitor to brutes stand two and a half meters tall with a hunched, ape-
dispose of volatile substances (which are common in like posture. Their faces have been replaced with the gilded
firearms manufacturing). These designs are regarded as seal of the Lord Sector, and one hand has been replaced
relatively disposable, and are usually based around the with a massive pneumatic piston launcher capable of
lobotomized bodies of former arsonists and bomb makers. scattering rioters like leaves or tossing a single malefactor
An up-armored general purpose servitor chassis is fitted with through the air with a crushed chest. The other arm has
a small limb-mounted shotgun pistol (for destroying been removed entirely, replaced with a complicated dual
explosive devices at close range), a combi-tool, and a pict- weapon attachment. The Magistratum knows that a squad of
recorder. The local Precinct Fortresses have re-purposed these can scatter a rampaging crowd of thousands, and they
the servitor for explosive disposal. When fitted for this make a point of turning the instigators of these riots into the
purpose the servitor is issued a demolition charge for next batch of Suppression Servitors.
controlled explosions.
Suppressor Servitor (Minion) 10
Bomb Disposal Servitor (Minion) 10 H 6

H 6
WS BS S 01-10 12 40 20 60
01-10 10 15 — 30 Ar 6
Al 4
T Ag Int

Ar 6
Al 6 T Ag Int 11-20 12 21-30 12 60 10 05
11-20 10 21-30 10 40 10 15 B 6
Per Wp Fel
B 6
Per Wp Fel
31-70 12 20 10 —
31-70 10 30 40 — 6 6 Inf
Lr Ll

Lr 6
Ll 6 Inf
71-85 12 86-00 12

71-85 10 86-00 10
HALF 1 FULL 2 CHARGE 3 RUN 6 THREAT 1 Auto-Grenade Launcher Class Launcher
Shotgun Pistol Class Pistol RNG 60m ROF S/2/- DMG Special
RNG 10m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+4 I PEN 0 Clip 40 RLD 4 Full Wt 3.5 Kg AVL —
Webber Class Exotic
Demolition Charge Class Grenade
RNG 50m ROF S/-/- DMG —
RNG — R OF — DMG 3d10 (X) PEN 0 Clip 40 RLD 4 Full Wt 8 kg AVL Ra
Pneumatic Piston Launcher Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 (I)
Skills: Awareness (Per), Tech-Use (Int)
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL Ra
Talents: None
Traits: Dark Sight, Machine (6) SPECIAL: DUAL ATTACK MODE, UNWIELDY
Gear: Combi-tool, pict-recorder, data-slate-controlled
Data-Slate-Controlled Demolition Charge: The servitor is
equipped with a demolition charge that can be activated by Skills: Awareness (Per), Tech-Use (Int)
someone nearby with the correct authorization codes via a Talents: None
data-slate and a short range vox-relay. The charge has a Traits: Machine (6), Size (5) Hulking
range of 200m, requires an Ordinary (+10) Tech-Use Test Dual Attack Mode: Instead of attacking normally with its
to activate and has a radius of 10m. Pneumatic Piston Launcher, the Suppression Servitor may
make choose to make one of the following attacks.
Area Burst: The servitor raises his launcher and fi res a
tremendous burst into the ground, knocking its opponents
away with a powerful blast. The servitor does not roll to hit
with this attack. Anyone within one meter must make a
Challenging (+0) Agility Test or take 1d5+3 Impact damage
with 0 Pen. Average sized targets and smaller are also
knocked directly away 1d5 meters then fall prone.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 153

Focused Strike: The servitor aims his launcher at a single Harrier-Skull
opponent, and discharges the entire pneumatic charge into
The modified servo-skulls actually have nothing to do with
their chest. The servitor makes a normal melee attack. If it
mice, but earned the nickname because of their unique
hits, it deals 1d10+12 Impact damage with 4 Pen. Hulking
purpose - serving as Grapple-hawk decoys. Certain
sized targets and smaller are knocked directly away 2d10
reclaimators can spend a great deal of wealth to learn how
meters and fall prone.
to re-program a salvaged servo-skull’s primitive cogitator
engine with a very specific series of evasion patterns.
Servo-Hunter Something about the evasion patterns triggers a
Not all Enforcer cadres have access to the meticulously Grapplehawk’s threat and targeting routines, sending the
engineered Cyber-mastiffs or grapplehawks of the Arbites. servitors diving after the nimble Harrier-Skulls instead of
Less well-funded law enforcement agencies will often utilize their actual targets. As their popularity increases,
more shoddily constructed cyber-familiars to carry out similar increasingly frustrated Arbitrators make a point of targeting
duties. Servo-hunter’s are classic examples: these small, any Harrier-Skulls first in a suppression raid.
comparatively simplistic familiars are an inferior local variant
upon a servo-skull, tasked with the exploration of a fixed Harrier-Skull (Minion) 2
location, and the identification of any potential targets within.
H 1
Servo-hunters are traditionally encased within the skulls of WS BS S

faithful hunting hounds, as the deceased animal’s spirit is 01-10 3 — — 06

said to ensure that the drone’s rudimentary logic engine Ar 1
Al 1 T Ag Int
remains loyal and fierce. A servo-hunter, when activated and 11-20 3 21-30 3 26 50 10
released, will float silently on tiny lift-motor suspensors and 1
B Per Wp Fel
begin to search a nominated area for any targets which 31-70 3 35 15 —
match preset parameters (usually human-sized heat
1 1 Inf
sources). When these are located, it will usually provide its Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 —
handler with some audible alarm, and will remain alongside
the target, sounding the alarm, until deactivated. The servo-
hunter can also be used to patrol an area for intruders, or HALF 10 FULL 20 CHARGE 30 RUN 60 THREAT 1
simply alert the controller if anyone approaches.
A servo-hunter is a primitive servo-skull used by
Skills: Awareness (Per) +20, Survival (Per) +10, Dodge (Ag)
enforcers and bounty hunters. It only has a single function,
and that is to search a given location until it finds a target; at
Talents: Fearless
this point it will signal its master. It will continue to hover
Traits: Dark Sight, Flier 10, Machine (1), Prey for the
alongside the located target, signaling, until ordered to stop.
Hunters, Size (2) (Puny)
Prey for the Hunters: If the Harrier-Skull moves at least 10
Servo-Hunter (Minion) 2 meters in a Round, any Grapple-Hawks (or similar servitors)
H 1
within 100 meters and line of sight must pass a Difficult (–10)
01-10 3 — — 06
Willpower Test at the beginning of their next Turn. If they
1 1
pass they may act normally. If they fail, however, they must
Ar Al T Ag Int
immediately move directly towards the Harrier-Skull and
11-20 3 21-30 3 26 50 10 attempt to grapple it. A Grapple-Hawk that passes its
B Per Wp Fel
Willpower Test may ignore this Harrier- Skull in subsequent
31-70 3 35 15 — Rounds (though it may be affected by others). A Grapple-
Lr 1 1 Inf Hawk pursuing a Harrier-Skull ignores other Harrier-Skulls
71-85 3 86-00 3 — until it has caught its first target. If the Grapple-Hawk has a
controller, the controller may attempt to override the
HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 1 Grapple-Hawk with a Difficult (–10) Tech-Use Test during his
turn. If he succeeds, the Grapple-Hawk counts as passing
the original Willpower Test.
Skills: Awareness (Per) +20, Survival (Per) +10, Dodge (Ag)
+10, Stealth (Ag) +10
Talents: Fearless
Traits: Dark Sight, Flier (4), Machine (1), Programmed
instinct, Size (2) (Puny)

154 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Servants of the Emperor Administratum Ordinate
Senior adepta of each office of the many branches of the
Above the common citizenry are the esteemed adepts of Administratum, Ordinates wields considerable power and
the Adeptus Terra. The Adeptus Terra, also known as the influence in accordance with their title and position within the
Priesthood of Earth, is the central organization of the Adeptus Administratum. Only the Masters and Prefectus of
Imperium, to which most of the Imperium's other official their branch, who oversee entire sectors and Segmentums,
departments and organizations belong. can overturn their decrees. It is under the auspices of an
Ordinate that that toiling of thousands of scribes,
Administratum Adept lexographers, and sub-ordinates toil, and it is under his care
A galactic empire as vast as the Imperium of Man is not a that appointed duties of his office are attended.
simple thing to manage. The Administratum exists on nearly
all of the billions of planets under Imperial control, collecting Ordinate (Troop) 9
taxes, managing resources, and conducting near-infinite -
number of other administrative duties each world requires for
support and inclusion in the Imperial whole. For these tasks,
01-10 2 28 30 26
- -
there are hundreds of thousands of adepts in the employ of Ar Al T Ag Int

the Administratum on each planet. These adepts are largely 11-20 2 21-30 2 23 22 58
collectors and counters and certainly not warriors. When B Per Wp Fel

confronted with violence, flight and panic are the most 31-70 2 53 46 28
common response. - - Inf
Lr Ll
71-85 2 86-00 2 50
Administratum Adept (Troop) 5
01-10 3 Compact Laspistol Class Pistol
22 23 24
Ar -
Al -
T Ag Int
RNG 15m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+1 E
11-20 3 21-30 3 34 26 29 PEN 0 Clip 15 RLD Full Wt 0.6 Kg AVL Co
31-70 3
25 22 23
- - Inf
Lr Ll Skills: Command (Fel), Commerce (Fel) +10, Common Lore
71-85 3 86-00 3 32
(Adeptus Arbites) (Int) +10, Common Lore (Administratum,
Imperium, Navis Nobilite, Rogue Traders) (Int) +20,
Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int) +20, Logic (Int),
Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) (Int) +30, Scrutiny (Per) +20,
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Tech-Use (Int)
Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic) (Int)+10, Trade (any Talents: Air of Authority, Constant Vigilance (Intelligence),
one) Contact Network, Peer (5) (Administratum), Prosanguine,
Gear: Robes, data-slate, auto-quill, parchment Gear: Chrono, Ordinate’s robes, auto-quill, several
Master of Paperwork: An Administratum Adept can dataslates, transcription servo-skull, bionic respiratory
increase or reduce the Availability of a particular kind of system, bionic hips, bionic shoulder, scribe-tines,
equipment (such as tools or drugs), ranged weapons, melee Autosanguine
weapons or armor. Frozen Assets: An Ordinate has the ability to freeze assets
and limit a target’s purchasing power. Once per week, An
Ordinate may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed
The Song of Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) Test versus a target’s
Scribes and Slates Influence. If he succeeds, he temporarily reduces the
target’s Influence by 1 per Degree of Success. These assets
The Offices of the Administratum of Libellus,
are not lost, and the target may recover Influence if the
Hecuba and Philileos vie for dominance across the
Ordinate (or another Administratum official) gives the order
sector. Through the long ages, the importance of each
to lift the freeze. Otherwise, the target recovers Influence lost
of the Administratum's core worlds have waxed and
this way automatically, at a rate of 1 per month (as he slowly
waned. Strangely enough, the deciding factor of which
regains access to his assets).
world is deemed the most prestigious at any given
time is the amount of data processed, rather than
actual, tangible executive powers within the sector.
This has lead to the rise of massive archives,
cryptographic-monasteries, data-combs, and
censorum librariums being built and commissioned.
This has inadvertently served as a
cornerstone of industry for

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Astropath Minoris Imperial Guardsman
Without the astropaths of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica The Imperial Guard, also known as the Astra Militarum, is
there would be no Imperium. Every message transmitted the largest and most diverse military organization that the
between the stars must be passed telepathically between galaxy has ever known. Numbering in the billions and
thousands of psykers known as astropaths. Without this equipped with innumerable tanks and super-heavy war
living web of communication, mankind’s galactic civilization machines, the Imperial Guard serves as both the hammer
would be impossible. Facilitating communications between and the anvil of the Imperium of Man. Common throughout
great trade houses, grand houses of the sector's elite, and the Imperium, most are simply trying to do their duty to the
all facets of the Adeptus Terra itself, Astropaths are a valued God-Emperor.
asset - even if they are treated as little more than gilded pets
by their masters. Imperial Guardsman (Troop) 10
H 4
Astropath Minoris (Troop) 8 01-10 7 28 38 32
H - 4
WS S 4
Ar Al T Ag Int
01-10 2 10 15 20 11-20 7 21-30 7 31 25 28
- - 4
Ar Al T Ag Int B Per Wp Fel
11-20 2 21-30 2 20 20 40 31-70 7 33 22 27
B Per Wp Fel
4 Inf
31-70 2 35 30 25 Lr Ll

71-85 7 86-00 7
- - Inf
Lr Ll
71-85 2 86-00 2
M36 Lasgun Class Basic
RNG 100m ROF S/3/- DMG 1d10+3 E
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Staff Class Melee
PEN 0 RLD Full Wt 4 Kg AVL Co
Clip 60
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 3 Kg AVL Pl
Combat Knife Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+3 I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Pl
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), SPECIAL: NONE
Forbidden Lore (Warp) (Int) +10, Linguistics (High Gothic,
Low Gothic) (Int), Logic (Int), Psyniscience (Per) +20 Frag Grenade Class Thrown
Talents: Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica), Resistance
RNG SBx3 ROF S/-/- DMG 2d10 X
(Psychic Powers), Warp Sense
PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD — Wt 0.5 Kg AVL Co
Traits: Psyker (PR 3), Soul-Bound,
Unnatural Senses (50) SPECIAL: BLAST (3)
Psychic Powers: Erasure, Psychic
Shriek, Telepathic Link, Astral
Telepathy, Telepathic Bond Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per), Common Lore
Gear: Psy focus, hooded robes, (Imperium, War) (Int), Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic),
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Staff Operate (Ground) (Ag), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis),
The Constant Threat: When the Stealth (Ag)
Astropath or an ally within 10 Talents: Jaded, Rapid Reload, Takedown
meters triggers a roll on Table 6– Gear: Imperial Guard Uniform, Guard Flak Armor, micro-
2: Psychic Phenomenon (see bead, respirator, 4 clips for Lasgun, Imperial Infantryman’s
page 196, Dark Heresy 2nd Uplifting Primer
Edition), the Astropath can Hammer of the Emperor: When attacking a target that an
increase or decrease the result by ally attacked since the end of the Guardsman’s last turn, the
amount equal to his Willpower Guardsman can re-roll any results of 1 or 2 on damage rolls.
bonus. Raised from a Million Worlds: The Imperial Guard are as
varied and unique as the worlds of the Imperium; each
representing different cultures and societies. The profile
provided here is a base that can be amended with an
appropriate home world bonus, or other traits and talents to
represent the varying regiments and their differences.

156 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Ministorum Cleric Ministorum Preacher
With their oratory, Ministorum clerics affirm the faith and To countless billions, the Emperor is nothing less than a
resolve of the masses. Even in the midst of battle they god. Over the millennia this faith has created a vast and
preach the righteousness of the Emperor to the troops, powerful organization devoted to His worship; the
instilling in them a ferocious resolve to destroy the enemy in Ministorum. It is made up of countless ranks and divisions
close combat. Their fiery speeches can stir a populace to from the deacons, cardinals and high ecclesiarchs that
rebelling against a heretic lord or persuade an army to lay govern the faith to the numberless priests, preachers,
down its arms and submit to the mercy of the Emperor mendicants, rectors, psalters, scribes and choristers that
(which is inevitably quick and bloody). Priests favor close make up the body of the priesthood.
combat over shooting, and through their inspiring
exhortations, instill this ideal into the Guardsmen following Ministorum Preacher (Troop) 10
them. Such is their fury that priest-led squads will always
H -
charge any enemy within reach, making priests as ferocious WS BS S

as Commissars when it comes to motivating men, although 01-10 3 20 20 30

they use inspiration rather than fear. - -
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 35
Ministorum Cleric (Elite) 14 B Per Wp Fel

31-70 3 30 35 35
01-10 4 38 24 30 Lr -
Ll - Inf

Ar 3
Al 3 T Ag Int
71-85 3 86-00 3
11-20 7 21-30 7 41 29 29 HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 1
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 7 Shotgun Class Basic
25 22 40
RNG 30m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+4 I
3 3
Lr Ll
— PEN 0 Clip 8 RLD 2 Full Wt 5 Kg AVL Av
71-85 7 86-00 7
Shotgun Class Basic
Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Common Lore
RNG 30m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+4 I (Imperial Creed) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int)
PEN 0 Clip 8 RLD 2 Full Wt 5 Kg AVL Av +10, Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int)
SPECIAL: SCATTER Talents: Air of Authority, Face in a Crowd
Gear: Ecclesiastical robes, prayer book, numerous small
Chainsword Class Melee
devotional items.
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 R Sway the Masses: A Ministorum preacher can. as a Full
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 6 Kg AVL Av Action, make an Ordinary (+10) Charm, Command or
SPECIAL: BALANCED, TEARING Intimidate. If he succeeds on the test, a number of
characters in line of sight and earshot (up to his Fellowship
bonus in meters) gain a +10 bonus to their next Skill Test.
Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Common Lore This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his
(Imperial Creed) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Parry (WS) +10, Fellowship bonus and does not stack with multiple uses.
Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) +10, Speak Language When used in narrative time, this action can be taken as part
(High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int). of conversation.
Talents: Air of Authority, Demagogue, Hatred (Chaos Space
Marines, Daemons, Heretics, Mutants, Psykers, Renegades,
Xenos [All]), Adamantium Faith The
Gear: Ecclesiastical robes, shotgun, chainsword, chain
reinforced robes, prayer book
Hadronian Wall
Sway the Masses: A Ministorum cleric can. as a Full Action, In 439.M38 Aeban Van'daoro, a prominent Cardinal
make an Ordinary (+10) Charm, Command or Intimidate. of the Hadronian Synod came into the height of his
If he succeeds on the test, a number of characters in line of power. Having spent most of his early life as a
sight and earshot (up to his Fellowship bonus in meters) gain reclusive anchorite, Van'daoro believed whole heartily
a +10 bonus to their next Skill Test. This effect lasts for a that isolation and contemplation were the pillars of true
number of rounds equal to his Fellowship bonus and does faith, and began to vigorously preach of the merits of
not stack with multiple uses. When used in narrative time, seclusion and limitation of the chartist fleets. In the
this action can be taken as part of conversation. course of a century, Aeban's increasing tariffs and
uncalled for persecutions strained the relationships
with the mercantile fleets, who inevitably
began to avoid the planet altogether.

The Mandragora Apocrypha 157

Ministorum Confessor Space Marine
On the field of battle, the soldiers of the Imperium are The most impressive fighting force of the Imperium of
faced with horrors which can drive a jaded mind mad, twist a Man, these Angels of Death are the most feared warriors in
courageous heart to cowardice and wrench a faithful man to human controlled space. The Space Marines themselves are
heresy. To guard against such terrors, the servants of the genetically modified super-soldiers whose genes have been
god-emperor employ men and women whose devotion to the enhanced by those of the Primarchs. As a result, Space
Ecclesiarchy is fanatical in the extreme. Though they are Marines possess incredible strength, vigour, and reflexes. In
also clerics of the Adeptus Ministorum, these champions of addition, they have endured rigorous psycho-conditioning to
the faith inspire their charges to acts of incredible daring and make them fearless shock troops, merciless and
fervor, their righteousness acting as a beacon of hope to unquestioningly loyal to their Imperial masters.
those around them. Their prayers gird their followers against
physical harm from the creatures of the warp and the Space Marine (Elite) 20
psychic lashing of errant witches.
H 8

Ministorum Confessor (Elite) 14

01-10 16 45 45 65
8 8
Ar Al T 4 Ag Int
H -
WS BS S 11-20 16 21-30 16 45 40 40
01-10 4 48 24 40 B 8
Per Wp Fel
Ar 3
Al 3
T Ag Int 31-70 16 42 44 40
11-20 7 21-30 7 41 29 29 8 8 Inf
B 3 Lr Ll
31-70 7
Per Wp Fel
71-85 16 86-00 16 45
25 22 40
Lr 3 3 Inf HALF 5 FULL 10 CHARGE 15 RUN 30 THREAT 28

71-85 7 86-00 7 Astartes Bolt Pistol Class Pistol
RNG 100m ROF S/2/- DMG 1d10+9 X
PEN 4 Clip 8 RLD Full Wt 4 Kg AVL Er
Shotgun Class Basic
RNG 30m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+4 I
PEN 0 Clip 8 RLD 2 Full Wt 5 Kg AVL Av Astartes Bolter Class Basic
PEN 4 Clip 24 RLD Full Wt 7 Kg AVL Er
Chain Greatsword Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 2d10+8 R
PEN 3 Clip — RLD — Wt 12 Kg AVL Ra Astartes Combat Knife Class Melee
RNG — DMG 1d10+8 R
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 2.5 Kg AVL Er
Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Common Lore SPECIAL: NONE
(Imperial Creed) (Int), Dodge (Ag) +20, Linguistics (Int),
Parry (WS) +10, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) +10,
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int). Skills: Athletics (S) +10, Awareness (Per) +10, Common
Talents: Adamantium Faith, Air of Authority, Blademaster, Lore (War) (Int), Dodge (Ag) +10, Forbidden Lore (Adeptus
Crushing Blow, Iron Jaw, Demagogue, Hatred (Chaos Space Astartes, War) (Int) +10, Intimidate (S) +10, Linguistics
Marines, Daemons, Heretics, Mutants, Psykers, Renegades, (Chapter Runes, High Gothic) (Int), Navigate (Surface) (Int),
Xenos [All]), Resistance (Psychic Powers) Operate (Surface) (Ag), Parry (WS)
Gear: Ecclesiastical robes, shotgun, chain greatsword, chain Talents: Adamantium Faith, Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps,
reinforced robes, prayer book Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Peer (Adeptus
Sway the Masses: A Ministorum cleric can. as a Full Action, Astartes), Quick Draw, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons),
make an Ordinary (+10) Charm, Command or Intimidate. True Grit, Unarmed Specialist, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee,
If he succeeds on the test, a number of characters in line of Ranged), Weapon Training (Bolter, Chain)

sight and earshot (up to his Fellowship bonus in meters) gain Traits: Amphibious, Size (5) , Unnatural Strength (4),
a +10 bonus to their next Skill Test. This effect lasts for a Unnatural Toughness (4), Touched by the Fates (3)
number of rounds equal to his Fellowship bonus and does Gear: Astartes Power Armor , Astartes Bolter, Astartes Bolt
not stack with multiple uses. When used in narrative time, Pistol, Four Bolt Clips, Astartes Combat Knife,
this action can be taken as part of conversation. †Due to the Black Carapace linked to his armor, enemies do
Litany of Hate: The Confessor’s loud condemnation of all not gain any bonus to hit due to his Size trait.
things Anti-Imperial allow him to share his Hatred with those ††All characteristic modifiers from power armor included in
around him. So long as he is able to speak, all allies within profile.
earshot count as possessing all of his Hatred Talents.

158 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Citizenry of Mandragora
Entertainer (Troop) 10
The population of the Imperium is unimaginably vast. The -
Imperium's roughly one million worlds are inhabited by
humans or human-descended abhumans. Although they are
01-10 3 20 20 30
- -
all citizens of the Imperium, citizenship confers no rights, Ar Al T Ag Int

only responsibilities. 11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 20

The following profiles in this section offer variants and new B Per Wp Fel

additions to the entries provided in Dark Heresy 2nd 31-70 3 30 30 40

Edition. - - Inf
Lr Ll

71-85 3 86-00 3
The Imperium contains countless billions of men and HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 5
women, from the hab-workers trudging to and from the Improvised Weapon Class Melee
manufactora day after day, to the ratings that bloody their
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+1 I
feet treading the wheels of magazine hoists on the
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
Emperor’s warships, to the ore miners whose short lives
feed the Imperium’s iron heat. SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (6), UNRELIABLE

Citizen (Troop) 10 Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Common Lore

H - (Imperium) (Int), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (any
01-10 3 20 20 30 one), Acrobatics (Ag) or Logic (Int)
- - Gear: Any tools of the trade such as outlandish or revealing
Ar Al T Ag Int

3 clothes, gewgaws, decks of cards, or musical instruments

11-20 21-30 3 30 30 30
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 3 20 30 30
Furnace Worker
Across the Imperium, in smelteries and forge factories,
- -
Lr Ll huge crucibles pour rivers of white-hot metal into moulds and

71-85 3 86-00 3 the air is filled with sparks. Amidst the glow, figures lumber
under the weight of vulcanized rubber suits, their eyes
hidden behind smoked-glass goggles.
Improvised Weapon Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+1 I Furnace Worker (Troop) 10
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
H 4
01-10 3 20 20 40
4 4
Ar Al T Ag Int

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), 11-20 3 21-30 3 30 20 20

Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (any one) B Per Wp Fel

Gear: Drab citizens’ garb 31-70 3 30 30 30

4 4 Inf
Lr Ll
Entertainer —
71-85 3 86-00 3
Given the often crushing misery of life, it is no surprise
that a little escape is often desirable for the masses, and HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 5
entertainment in the Imperium has a tendency towards the Heavy Improvised Weapon Class Melee
simple, direct and visceral. R OF —
RNG — DMG 1d10+4 I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),

Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (any one)
Gear: Protective gear, improvised weapon, Respirator

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Planetary Commander PDF Praetorian Guard
The leader of an Imperial world is known as a Planetary The most loyal, ruthless and skilled of the Planetary
Governor or sometimes as an Imperial Governor, and is Defense Forces are often assembled into elite formations,
considered an Imperial Commander in military matters. tasked with the protection of the Planetary Governor or
Regardless of his or her title, a Planetary Governor is an eliminate the most dangerous of local recidivists. They are
individual with the (often hereditary) authority to rule a world armed with the best equipment available to their world,
or even an entire star system in the Emperor's name. operating similarly to commandos or kill-squads.

Planetary Governor (Master) 25

PDF Praetorian Trooper (Elite) 14
H -
01-10 3 47 36 33 H 6

Ar 5
Al 5 T Ag Int
01-10 9 45 45 40
11-20 8 21-30 8 36 41 46 Ar 6
Al 6
T Ag Int

B 5
Per Wp Fel
11-20 9 21-30 9 35 30 30
31-70 8 32 53 60 B 6
Per Wp Fel

31-70 9 35 35 30
5 5
Lr Ll
71-85 8 86-00 8 53 Lr 6
Ll 6 Inf

71-85 9 86-00 9
Ryza-Pattern Plasma Pistol Class Pistol HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 6

RNG 30m ROF S/2/- DMG 1d10+6 E

Hellgun Class Basic
PEN 6 Clip 10 RLD 3 Full Wt 4.5 Kg AVL Vr RNG 50M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+4 E
Power Sword Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 E Mono Knife Class Melee
PEN 6 Clip — RLD — Wt 3 Kg AVL Vr RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+4 R

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium, Imperial Frag Grenade Class Thrown
Guard, Imperial Navy, Administratum, Adeptus Arbites,
RNG SBx3 ROF S/-/- DMG 2d10 X
Trade, War) +10 (Int), Operate (Surface) (Ag), Inquiry (Fel)
PEN 0 Clip 1 RLD — Wt 0.5 Kg AVL Co
+10, Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int) +10, Logic
+10 (Int), Navigation (Surface) (Int), Scholastic Lore SPECIAL: BLAST (3)
(Bureaucracy, Judgment, Tactica Imperialis) +10 (Int),
Scrutiny (Per), Tech Use (Int).
Talents: Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Peer (Adeptus Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium, War)
Arbites, Administratum, Enforcers, Government, Hivers, (Int), Dodge (Ag), Interrogation (WP), Linguistics (Low
Middle Class, Nobility, PDF, Planet (Pick One), Workers), Gothic) (Int), Scrutiny (Per) +10
Touched By the Fates (3 Fate Points) Talents: Double Team, Disarm, Jaded, Takedown, Quick
Gear: Dress uniform (Best quality clothing), personal Draw
microvox, best-quality bionic eye, best quality refractor field, Gear: Club, Uniform, Storm Trooper Carapace Armor,
power sword, enforcer light carapace, ryza-pattern plasma Hellgun with backpack ammo pack, combat knife with mono
pistol modification, micro-bead, lamp pack, respirator, 2 frag
Pax Imperialis: At the beginning of his turn, a Planetary grenades
Governor may spend a Fate Point to grant all of his allies Granted Authority: Planetary Defense Force Praetorian
participating in the Combat the ability to inflict Righteous Guard are charged with authority by their planetary
Fury until the end of his next turn. commander or governor. All PDF may re-roll one Disposition
or Fellowship Test per game session when invoking a higher
authority for whom they work.
Tactical Mind: A commander of the Praetorian Guard has a
sound grasp of unit tactics. As a half action, he may make a
Challenging (+0) Command Test. For every degree of
success, one of his allies may immediately make a Move
Half Action. They still take a full action on their next turn.

160 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Planetary Defense Force Trooper Heavy Repair Servitor
According to Imperial law, all Imperial planets must These servitors have been modified with rigs to lift loads,
maintain a standing army in order to maintain the planetary drill rocks or smash ore in one of the Imperium’s countless
government's (and thus Imperial) control over the world industrial complexes, or are fused with specialized repair
against any possible invasion or insurrection. gear.

PDF Trooper (Troop) 10 Heavy Repair Servitor (Troop) 10

H 4 H 4
01-10 7 35 35 35 01-10 8 15 15 50
4 4 4 4
Ar Al T Ag Int Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 7 21-30 7 35 30 30 11-20 8 21-30 8 40 15 10
4 4
B Per Wp Fel B Per Wp Fel
31-70 7 35 30 30 31-70 8 20 30 05
4 4 Inf 4 4 Inf
Lr Ll Lr Ll
— —
71-85 7 86-00 7 71-85 8 86-00 8
Lasgun Class Basic Implanted Repair Manipulator Class Melee
RNG 100M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+3 E RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+15 R
PEN 0 Clip 60 RLD Full Wt .4 Kg AVL Co PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt .15 Kg AVL Ra

Combat Knife Class Melee Implanted Servo-Fist Class Melee

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+3 I RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Pl PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 10 Kg AVL Ra

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium, War) Skills: Tech-Use (Int)
(Int), Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Traits: Machine (4), Deadly Natural Weapon, Unnatural
Talents: Double Team, Disarm, Takedown Weapon, Strength (3)
Training (Low-Tech, SP). Gear: Cybernetic physiology, Integral micro-bead, multi-tool
Gear: Club, Uniform, Guard Flak Armor, lasgun with 3 spare
clips, combat knife, micro-bead, lamp pack, respirator Merchant Magnate
Granted Authority: Planetary Defense Force troopers are Merchants owe their station to their ability to survive in a
charged with authority by their planetary commander or world of profit and loss as they turn fortune’s wheel.
governor. All PDF may re-roll one Disposition or Fellowship Charming yet often utterly ruthless, they are best not
Test per game session when invoking a higher authority for crossed.
whom they work.

Merchant Magnate (Troop) 10

Queensland H -
01-10 3 25 25 30
Dowager Widowtithed - -
Ar Al T Ag Int
An ancient tradition of Queensland involves the 3
11-20 21-30 3 30 30 35
donation of a child to the Planetary Defense Forces, 3
B Per Wp Fel
known as the Golden Collectors. The practice has its 31-70 6
origins in the distinct Imperial Creed interpretations 30 35 35
- - Inf
that demonized adultery above all other social failings. Lr Ll
In order to avoid punishment from children born of 71-85 3 86-00 3 35
scandal, it became an accepted form of practice to
appease the Ecclesiarchy of Queensland, who saw HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2
service to the Imperium as all redeeming. From this, it Compact Laspistol Class Melee
became customary for parents to offer a child, whether
RNG 15m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+1 E
from poverty or out of sense of duty, to the PDF,
PEN 0 Clip 15 RLD Full Wt 0.6 Kg AVL Co
and in this way they do not break

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Skills: Awareness (Per), Commerce (Int) +10, Command Scribe
(Fel), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel),
Their fingers stained in ink, their backs hunched over
Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Logic (Int), Trade
parchment-strewn desks, scribes can be found in every dark
(any one)
niche of the Imperium.
Gear: High-fashion clothes, mesh vest, compact laspistol,
personal encrypted mercantile bodyglove, micro-bead, seal
Scribe (Troop) 10
of guild/trade cartel, data-slate, jewellery
H -
Noblite Scion 01-10 3 20 20 30
When the most privileged go bad, they go very bad - -
Ar Al T Ag Int
indeed. With money and influence, a noble can fall into all 11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 20
manner of depravities that are to them no more than mere -
B Per Wp Fel
pastimes to alleviate the boredom of excess. 31-70 3 30 30 30
- - Inf
Noblite Scion (Troop) Lr Ll
10 71-85 3 86-00 3 —
H -
01-10 3 HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2
25 25 30
Ar 4
Al 4
T Ag Int
Improvised Weapon Class Melee
11-20 7 21-30 7 30 30 35 RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 I
B Per Wp Fel PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
31-70 7 30 35 35 SPECIAL: UNWIELDY
- - Inf
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 35
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),
HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2 Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int) +10, Trade (any
Compact Stub Automatic Class Pistol one)
Gear: Robes, ink stains, auto-quills, ink bottles, parchment,
RNG 15M ROF S/3/– DMG 1d10+2 I dataslate
PEN 0 Clip 4 RLD Full Wt 0.6 Kg AVL Co
Fashionable Knife Class Melee Clad in leather aprons, stinking of raw meat and wielding
saw-toothed cutters, slaughtermen kill and butcher the
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+2 I
billions of tons of meat consumed by the populace.
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Pl
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (7) Slaughterman (Troop) 10
Power Sword Class Melee H - WS BS S

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+8 E 01-10 3 25 20 35

- -
PEN 6 Clip — RLD — Wt 3 Kg AVL Vr Ar Al T Ag Int

SPECIAL: BALANCED, POWER FIELD 11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 20

B Per Wp Fel
31-70 3 30 30 30
Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Command (Fel), - - Inf
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel) +10,
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 —
Forbidden Lore (any one) (Int), Interrogation (WP), Sleight of
Hand (Ag), Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Trade HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2
(any one)
Chain Axe Class Melee
Talents: Quick Draw, Face in a Crowd
Gear: High-fashion clothes, mesh combat cloak, ornate RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+7 R
power sword, fashionable knife, compact stub automatic, PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),

Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (Butcher)
Gear: Drab citizens’ garb, stained apron, butchers tools

162 The Mandragora Apocrypha

The Lawless of the Imperium
Heavy (Troop) 10
In an Imperium of a million worlds and countless trillions of H -
people it's easy to fall through the cracks of Imperial society. 01-10 4 28 28 45
The Imperium can be a brutal regime, and those cast out by - -
Ar Al T Ag Int
the rigid society eke out an existence either in hiding or on
the fringes of civilization, preying on the weak or on each
11-20 4 21-30 4 40 30 20
B Per Wp Fel
31-70 4 25 25 20
Outcasts Lr -
Ll - Inf

71-85 4 86-00 4 —
Driven out of society, or never being born into, the
outcasts of the Imperium are a wide and varied lot; Few HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2
meek out a pitiful existence, while others thrive by asserting Brass Knuckles Class Melee
their strength over the weak and pitiful. RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+3 I
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL —
The lowest of the low, dregs, sometimes known as
scavvies or wasters, are addicts, degenerates, outcasts, Chainsword Class Melee
madmen and worse. Utterly desperate, and often ruined in RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+6 R
body and mind, some of them can be far more dangerous PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 6 Kg AVL Av
than any sane man, and willing to do anything for very little
payment at all…

Dreg (Troop) 10 Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),

Deceive (Fel), Intimidate (S), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int)
H -
WS BS S Talents: Iron Jaw
01-10 3 18 18 25 Gear: Threadbare clothing, brass knuckles, chainsword, 2
- -
Ar Al T Ag Int doses of slaught
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 16
B -
Per Wp Fel Heretek
31-70 3 25 20 10 Technology is little understood and rightly feared.
- - Inf Hereteks are criminals who specialize in the dark arts of
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 — tech-reclamation, science and salvage outside the rightful
purview of the Cult Mechanicus, and risk “recycling” into a
HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 1 more productive life as a servitor if the Priesthood of Mars
Improvised Weapon gets hold of them. Some hereteks are
Class Melee
little more than scavengers,
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 I others are dangerous
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt — AVL — renegades that supply the
SPECIAL: UNWIELDY underworld with proscribed
drugs or arms, and the worst
delve into matters best
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Underworld) (Int), left alone.
Deceive (Fel), Intimidate (S), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int),
Survival (Int), Stealth (Ag)
Gear: Rags, 2 doses of obscura.

Dumb muscle always has a market for hire,
and many thugs, cut-throats and brawlers
augment their own prowess with crude vat-
grown muscle implants, dangerous chemical
treatments and brain-damaging combat drugs.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Heretek (Troop) 10 Hive Ganger (Troop) 10
H - H 3
01-10 3 28 28 35 01-10 6 32 33 32
- - 3 3
Ar Al T Ag Int Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 40 11-20 6 21-30 6 34 36 28
- 3
B Per Wp Fel B Per Wp Fel
31-70 3 35 30 30 31-70 6 33 35 40
- - Inf 3 3 Inf
Lr Ll Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 — 71-85 6 86-00 6 —

Compact Laspistol Class Pistol Autogun Class Basic
RNG 15m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+1 E RNG 100m ROF S/3/6 DMG 1d10+3 I
PEN 0 Clip 15 RLD Full Wt 0.6 kg AVL Av PEN 0 Clip 30 RLD Full Wt 5 kg AVL Av

Mono-Knife Class Melee

RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Underworld) (Int),
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Av Deceive (Fel) +10, Dodge (Ag), Intimidate (S), Stealth (Ag)
SPECIAL: MONO or Tech-Use (Int), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int)
Gear: Stylish or vulgar clothing, autogun with 1 spare clip,
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Tech) (Int), Deceive
(Fel), Evaluate (Int), Intimidate (S), Medicae (Int), Scholastic Recidivist
Lore (any one) (Int), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Tech-Use
Scum they say rises to the surface - and it’s true that there
(Int) +10
are always those skilled, amoral or clever enough to rise to
Talents: Superior Chirurgeon
prominence in the underworld. these crime lords, slavers,
Gear: Re-breather, clothing, compact laspistol, mono-knife,
fencers and fixers can fulfill many different roles, but the
data-slate, laspistol clip
Arbites give them a single damning title, recidivists, and they
live like parasites on the soft underbelly of the Imperium.
Hive Ganger
The dark, claustrophobic, underhives of the Imperium are Recidivist (Troop)
dangerous, and near lawless, places. Where the Enforcers
H 3
or Arbitrators rarely venture, the gangs are the only law WS BS S

operating in loose groups. These gang members protect 01-10 6 28 28 35

their territory and collect their own taxes from the local Ar 3
Al 3 T Ag Int
population. Sometimes they are respected protectors, other 11-20 6 21-30 6 30 30 30
times they are tiny tyrants, lording over their fellow underhive B 3
Per Wp Fel
citizens. 31-70 6 33 35 40
The Lr 3
Ll 3

71-85 6 86-00 6
Margirite Uprising
In 978.M37, Commodore Benthius Greyfeathers of
Battlegroup Merindus was tasked with the pacification Compact Autopistol Class Pistol
of the oceanic world of Margirite. The planet fell just RNG 15m ROF -/-/6 DMG 1d10+1 I
beyond the periphery borders of the Mandragora PEN 3 Clip 9 RLD Full Wt 0.6 kg AVL Av
Sector, beyond the sea of embers, and had declared SPECIAL: MANSTOPPER ROUNDS
itself a sovereign world divorced of the Imperium. The
commodore, leading a group of consisting of Lunar-
class cruiser and three sword-class frigates, arrived at
Skills: Awareness (Per), Commerce (Fel), Common Lore
the Margirite system to intense hostilities that were
(Underworld) (Int), Deceive (Fel) +10, Intimidate (S), Security
highly organized and prepared to ward of the Imperial
(Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int)
Navy. Despite some early losses, the inevitable
Gear: Stylish clothing, flak jacket, compact autopistol, mono-
destruction of the recidivists marked the first major
knife, 2 autopistol man-stopper clips
victory for the commodore, who would inevitably
Do You Know Who I Am?: The recidivist imposes a -10
become Lord-Admiral of the
penalty to any Intimidate Tests that include him as a target.
Mandragora sector.

164 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Scum Scrounger
Life in the Imperium is harsh and unforgiving, and breeds A Scrounger is part opportunist, part thief, and always on
a variety of scum that prefer to prey on the weak and make a the lookout for the next chance to get something he needs.
living by victimizing those even worse off than themselves. He operates throughout a hive city, finding what others cast
This entry is appropriate for any number of low-rent thugs, off and acquiring it. This could be as easy as rummaging
robbers, racketeers, bagmen and malcontents. through the refuse, or as difficult as fishing through molten
slag with enormous poles.
Scum (Troop) 10
Scrounger (Troop) 10
H -
01-10 3 28 28 35 H -

Ar -
Al - T Ag Int
01-10 3 28 28 35
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 20 Ar -
Al - T Ag Int

B -
Per Wp Fel
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 28
31-70 3 27 25 30 B -
Per Wp Fel

- - Inf
31-70 3 38 29 37
Lr Ll
3 3 — - - Inf
71-85 86-00 Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 —
Stub Automatic Class Pistol HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 2

RNG 30m ROF S/3/- DMG 1d10+3 I Stub Automatic Class Pistol
PEN 0 Clip 9 RLD Full Wt 1.5 kg AVL Av RNG 30m ROF S/3/- DMG 1d10+3 I
SPECIAL: NONE PEN 0 Clip 9 RLD Full Wt 1.5 kg AVL Av
Knife Class Melee
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R Knife Class Melee
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Av RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R

Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),

Deceive (Fel), Intimidate (S), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int) Skills: Awareness (Per), Commerce (Int), Common Lore
Gear: Threadbare clothing, stub automatic with 2 spare (Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel), Intimidate (S), Linguistics
clips, knife (Low Gothic) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Trade (Prospector) (Int)
Gear: Ragtag clothing, stub automatic with 2 spare clips,
knife, backpack filled with assorted components
Hive Operator: In the Underhive, the scrounger treats items
with Availability of Average or less as one step lower, to a
minimum of Abundant.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

Some scum prefer thievery, guile and lies to get what they Underhive Merchant (Troop) 10
want rather than risk open violence (a bullet in the back is a -
different matter however). Skulkers often consider 01-10 3 25 25 30
themselves a cut above the rest of the underworld, with an
- -
arrogant disdain for “dog work”. Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 30 35
Skulker (Troop) B Per Wp Fel
10 31-70 6 34 35 35
H -
- -
01-10 3 Lr Ll
23 28 30 71-85 3 86-00 3 5
- -
Ar Al T Ag Int
11-20 3 21-30 3 30 40 30 HALF 3 FULL 6 CHARGE 9 RUN 18 THREAT 3
B Per Wp Fel Compact Silenced Laspistol Class Pistol
31-70 3 27 25 30 RNG 15m ROF S/2/- DMG 1d10+1 E
- - Inf
Lr Ll PEN 0 Clip 15 RLD Full Wt 0.6 kg AVL Co
71-85 3 86-00 3 —

HALF 4 FULL 8 CHARGE 12 RUN 24 THREAT 3 Mono-Knife Class Melee

Compact Silenced Stub Automatic Class Pistol RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R
RNG 15m ROF S/3/- DMG 1d10+2 I PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Av
PEN 0 Clip 4 RLD Full Wt 1.5 kg AVL Av SPECIAL: MONO

Mono-Knife Class Melee Skills: Awareness (Per), Commerce (Int) +10, Command
(Fel), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel),
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d5+1 R
Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Logic (Int), Trade
PEN 2 Clip — RLD — Wt 1 Kg AVL Av (armorer or merchant)
SPECIAL: MONO Gear: Mid-fashion clothes, mesh vest, compact laspistol,
personal encrypted mercantile bodyglove, micro-bead,
mono-knife, seal of guild/trade cartel, data-slate, jewellery
Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per), Common Lore
Make Do: When the underhive merchant succeeds on a
(Imperium) (Int), Deceive (Fel) +10, Dodge (Ag) +10, Inquiry
Ballistic Skill Test to clear a jammed weapon, it does not
(Fel), Intimidate (S), Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int), Logic
waste the ammunition in the weapon, and the weapon does
(Int), Security (Ag), Stealth (Ag) +20
not need to be reloaded.
Talents: Rapid Reload, Sprint
Gear: Cool clothing, mono-knife, compact silenced stub
automatic with 2 spare clips, multikeys

Underhive Merchant
There is always a strong demand for weapons, armor, and
other such necessities of underhive life, and merchants are
the people who fill that need. Some work as part of
organized gangs, some operate independently and rely on
their own bodyguard force for defense, but all fill an essential
role in the violence. Most merchants have long established
deals with suppliers, who live higher in the hive, to smuggle
in low grade wargear and supplies. Some hive lords even
condone this, knowing weapons and equipment will always
exist and preferring the dregs below their feet to fight
amongst themselves over scraps that the Hive Enforcers can
easily ignore, should the need arise. Few underhive factions
are content with such castoffs though, and the Merchant who
can find better goods to sell will prosper, but often attract
unwanted attention from local authorities.

166 The Mandragora Apocrypha

Mutants Mutant Abomination
Worse by far than any tragic unfortunate, born twisted
Mutants are the millions of people across the Imperium of from the effects of pollutants and radiation, is the mutant
Man who have been deformed from the baseline human struck down and remade by the influence of the warp. These
phenotypic state by genetic mutation. This mutation can be are the lost and damned; their bodies have become the clay
caused by environmental factors or by exposure to the raw of an insane and macabre sculptor, and their minds and
psychic power of Chaos. These people are destined to souls tainted beyond salvation.
become the outcasts and lower classes of Imperial society.
They are shunned and are often hunted down and killed as Mutant Abomination (Elite) 17
the Imperium has little tolerance for any who deviate from
H -
the perfection of the baseline human form in mind or body. WS BS S
01-10 3 27 22 41
Mutant Ar -
Al - T Ag Int

Mutation is a sad fact of human existence in the Imperium, 11-20 3 21-30 3 36 22 18

and on many worlds the human gene pool has become B Per Wp Fel

irrevocably damaged by generations of exposure to 31-70 3 30 25 15

pollutants and alien biospheres. Mutants tolerated - - Inf
by the Imperium are generally referred to as abhumans
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 —
(sometimes even being classified by the Administratum) and
often allowed to toil in slave-like conditions in factories and HALF 2 FULL 4 CHARGE 6 RUN 12 THREAT 3
Axe Class Melee

Mutant (Troop) RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+5 R

PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 2 kg AVL Pl
H -
01-10 3 22 22 36
Ar -
Al - T Ag Int
Stub Revolver Class Pistol
11-20 3 21-30 3 36 22 18 RNG 30m ROF S/-/- DMG 1d10+3 I
B Per Wp Fel PEN 0 Clip 6 RLD 2 Full Wt 1.5 Kg AVL Pl
31-70 3 30 25 20 SPECIAL: RELIABLE
- - Inf
Lr Ll
71-85 3 86-00 3 —
Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per), Common Lore
(Underworld) (Int), Intimidate (S), Linguistics (Low Gothic)
(Int), Stealth (Ag), Survival (Int)
Club Class Melee Mutant: Mutants are by definition those suffering any
RNG — R OF — DMG 1d10+3 I number of mutations. Each mutant abomination must select
PEN 0 Clip — RLD — Wt 2 kg AVL Pl one mutation from Table 6-24: Mutations table, and has a
SPECIAL: PRIMITIVE (7) 75% chance in having an additional 1d5 mutations. When
rolling for mutations, the Mutant Abomination adds +20 to his
Gear: Rags, axe, stub revolver, random bits of rubbish.
Skills: Athletics (S), Common Lore (Local) (Int), Linguistics
(Low Gothic) (Int), Survival (Int)
Gear: Tattered clothing, club, combi-tool
Mutant: Mutants are by definition those suffering any
number of mutations. Each mutant must select one mutation
from Table 6-24: Mutations table, and has a 50% chance in
having an additional 1d5-1 mutations. When rolling for
mutations, the Mutant adds +5 to his rolls.

The Mandragora Apocrypha

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