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“Doing what must be done: Banning public


In today’s world, it’s easy to walk in public places and find yourself inhaling smoke from
cigarette-smokers. But what if I told you that inhaling smoke is as dangerous as smoking? Can
we do something to prevent its adverse repercussions?

This is why I believe that smoking should be banned in public places. Let me tell you, if we
make public smoking become the norm of society, it will endanger children, friends, and loved
ones. Despite the fact that we don't notice any changes in our body after inhaling it, secondhand
smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic and seventy of which cause
cancer. We can expect our children to develop brain tumors, middle-aged citizens to have
increased heart problems, and even a higher death rate compared to a clean, healthy

I believe that banning smoking in public places will result in a significant shift in modern society.
Death rates will drop, and young people will be able to enjoy public spaces without having to
fear of high risks of health complications. Public spaces are now cleaner and more breathable
compared to a smoke-filled place. Statistics say that banning public smoking tremendously
decreases the risk of cardiac arrests and lung cancer. We can now live longer to see a brighter
future without having to worry about our environment.

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