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Sample Question Papers

(With answers)

Q 1. What is the reason of all diseases?

Ans: (Toxins)
Q 2. What is Naturopathy?
Ans: (Releasing of toxins)
Q 3. What is Life Force?
Ans: (It gives energy to fight diseases)
Q 4. Are cold-cough, fever and loose motions are our enemies?
Ans: (They are friendly enemies)
Q 5. Do diseases end by taking medicines?
Ans: (They are suppressed)
Q 6. What happens on following the rules of Nature?
Ans: (We remain healthy)
Q 7. What should be done for stomach ache?
Ans: (Keep Mitti-patti or a wet cloth on the stomach)
Q 8. What is the best means for bathing?
Ans: (Multani Mitti)
Q 9. How much water should we drink in a day?
Ans: (8-10 glasses)
Q 10. What should be done in loose motions?
Ans: (Cold water patti on the stomach)
Q 11. What happens when one covers the mouth while sleeping?
Ans: (It causes suffocation)
Q 12. How many hours of sleep is necessary for good health?
Ans: (8 hours)
Q 13. Who said this – ‘An idol of Clay can be cured by clay only’
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi
Q 14. Which element increases in the body on fasting?
Ans: (Sky – Ether Element)
Q 15. What should be eaten while fasting once a week?
Ans: (Fruit diet/ Juice diet/ Water diet)
Q 16. After how much time should be Matti- patti kept after eating?
Ans: (After 4-5 hours)
Q 17. What are the benefits of keeping Mitti-patti on the stomach?
Ans: (It provides cooling effect)
Q 18. What is the benefit of hot hand feet bath?
Ans: (It provides relief from headache, cold and respiratory diseases)
Q 19. What is the meaning of Ether Element in Naturopathy?
Ans: (Empty space in the body)
Q 20. What do we get from Air?
Ans: (Oxygen)
Q 21. What is the benefit of Jal-neti?
Ans: (Eyes, nose, ears remain healthy)
Q 22. What is the benefit of Hip Bath?
Ans: (Eliminates stomach diseases)
Q 23. For how much time should Hip Bath be taken?
Ans: (20-30 minutes)
Q 24. What is the benefit of Steam Bath?
Ans: (Dirt or toxins are removed from the body in the form of sweat)
Q 25. Which water is best for Enema?
Ans: (Neem water)
Q 26. What is the benefit of enema?
Ans: (It cleans large intestine)
Q 27. What is the benefit of massage?
Ans: (It energizes all the parts of the body)
Q 28. What is the benefit to speak mildly?
Ans: (It keeps yourself and others happy)
Q 29. How is Exercise important for the body?
Ans: (Just like air and water)
Q 30. What is the benefit of smiling?
Ans: (It enhances the beauty of the face)
Q 31. What is the benefit of walking barefoot on green grass in the morning in open air?
Ans: (It improves eyesight)
Q 32. What is the benefit of cleaning teeth twice?
Ans: (It protects teeth for a longer time)
Q 33. Should teeth be brushed at night before sleeping?
Ans: (Yes)
Q 34. What is the secret of good health?
Ans: (Eat less than hunger)
Q 35. What is the benefit of rubbing the gums with turmeric and mustard oil?
Ans: (Teeth and gums become strong)
Q 36. What is wheat sorghum known as in Naturopathy?
Ans: (Nectar)
Q 37. After how much time should be eaten before/ after drinking juice of
wheat sorghum?
Ans: (Half an hour)
Q 38. What is the benefit of sleeping early and rising early?
Ans: (It is beneficial for health)

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