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PHU LUC SO 12 APPENDIX 12 BAO CAO KET QUA GIAO DICH CO PHIEU/CHUNG CHi QUY CUA NGUOI NOI BO VA NGUOI CO LIEN QUAN REPORT ON RESULTS OF TRANSACTION IN SHARES/FUND CERTIFICATES OF INTERNAL PERSON AND AFFILIATED PERSONS (Ban hénh kém theo Théng tu s6 155/2015/IT-BIC ngay 06 thang 10 nam 2015 ctia BS Tai chinh huémg dan céng bé théng tin trén thj trieéng ching khodn) (Promulgated with the Circular No 155/2015/TT-BTC on October 06, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the Information disclosure on securities markets) ‘ONG HOA XA HQI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM ‘SO GIAO DICH CHUNG KHOAN Doc lap - Ty do - Hanh phic ‘TPO CHi MINH a i. THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM DEN yay. 5/2 Independence - Freedom - Happiness Chay Gt ~ ~ Por - if Ca Mau, ngay 03 théng 03 nim 2020 Lah 90 865 nt per iabe ay BAO CAO KET QUA GIAO DICH CO PHIEU/CHUNG CHi QUY CUA NGUOI NOIBQ CUA CONG TY DAL CHUNG, NGUOI NOI BO CUA QUY DAI CHUNG VA NGUOI CO LIEN QUAN CUA NGUOI NOI BO REPORT ON RESULTS OF TRANSACTION IN SHARES/FUND CERTIFICATES OF INTERNAL PERSON OF PUBLIC COMPANY, INTERNAL PERSON OF PUBLIC FUND AND RELATED PERSONS OF INTERNAL PERSON Kinh gir: - Uy ban Chimg khoan Nha nude - $6 Giao dich chimg khodn ~ Céng ty dai chiing/ Cong ty quan ly quy To: - The State Securities Commission ~ The Stock Exchange - The public company/ The fund management company 1, Thong tin vé ca nhan/td chite thy hién giao dich/ Information on individual/ organization: - Ho va tén cd nhan/Tén 16 chite/ Name of individual/organization: NGUYEN HOANG NAM -Quée tich/ Nationality: VIETNAM -Sé CMND, Hé chiéu, Thé cin cude (46i voi cd nhan) hoae Sé Gidy chimg nhan dang ky doanh nghigp, Gidy phép host dng hod gidy tt phap ly tuong duong (46i vai té chic), ngiy cip, noi cdp/ ID card/Passport No. (in case of individual) or Certificate of business registration No. (in case of organization), date of issue, place of issue. - Dja chi lién h@/Bja chi try sé chinh/ Address: ~ ign thoai/ Telephone : = Chitc vu hién nay tai céng ty dai chiing, céng ty quan ly quy (néu c6) hoae méi quan hé voi cong ty dai chung, céng ty quan ly quy/ Current position in the public company, the fund ‘management company (if any) or relationship with the public company, the fund management company: Thanh vién HDQT ~Chite vu tai céng ty dai chiing, cong ty quan ly quy tai ngdy dang ky giao dich (néu c6)/ Posittion in the public company, the fund management company at registration date (if any): Thanh vién HDOT va ngay khong cdn la ngudi noi b6 hoe ngubi cé lién quan cla ngudi noi 9 ca céng ty dai ching, céng ty quan IY QU: .........+++++(néu 18 ly do) */ and date on which is no longer internal person or related person of internal person of the public company, the fund management company: *: Muc nay chi danh cho truéng hop chica hét thai han déing ky giao dich, d6i twong dang ky khong cin la nguai noi bG hode nguedi cé lién quan ciia nguéi ndi bp ciia cong ty dai ching, ‘cng ty quén 1) quy/ This item is only for cases not yet registration deadline of transaction, the registrant is no longer the internal person or related person of internal person of the public company, the fund management company. 2. Théng tin vé ngudi ndi bé eta e6ng ty dai chiing/quy dai ching lé ngudi é lién quan cia ca nhan/t8 chite thyc hign giao dich (déi véi trudng hgp nguedi thee hién giao dich la nguéi €6 lién quan cia ngudi ngi bp ca céng ty dai chting/quy dai ching)! Information about internal person of the public companylpublic fund is related person of trading individual/organization (in case trader is related person of internal person of the public company/public fund) - Ho va tén ngudi ndi b9/ Name of internal person: NGUYEN AN NINH - Quée tich/ Nationality: VIETNAM - S6 CMND, H6 chiéu, Thé c&n cude/ ID card/Passport No. - ja chi thutng tri/ Permanent address: ign thoai lign hé/ Address: Fax: Email: - Chire vu tai cong ty dai ching, cOng ty quan ly quy tai ngay cd nhan/té chite néu tai mye 1 dang ky giao dich/ Posittion in the public company, the fund management company at date on which individual / organization referred to in paragraph 1 to register the transaction: - Chhite vy hign nay tai cong ty dai chung, céng ty quan ly quj/ Currently posittion in the public company, the fund management company: TONG GIAM DOC - Méi quan hé gitra c4 nhan/t8 chite thye hign giao dich véi ngudi ndi b6/ Relationship of individual/organization executing transaction with internal person: CHA - $6 lung, ty 1é cd phiéu/chimg chi quy ma ngudi ndi b6 dang nim git (néu c6)/ Number, ownership proportion of shares held by the internal (if any): 3. Ma chimg khodn giao dich/ Securities code: CMX 4. Céc tai khoan giao dich cé c6 phiéu/chimg chi quy néu tai muc 3/Trading account number with sharesifund certificates mentioned above: tai cong ty chim g khoén/ Jn 5. Sé lugng, ty 1¢ cé phiéu/chimg chi quy nim gitt truéc khi thye hign giao dich/ Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held before transaction:12,137 6. Sé lugng cé phiéu/chimg chi quy ding ky mua/ban/cho/duge cho/ting/duge tang/thira ké/chuyén nhugng/nhén chuyén nhugng/ Number of shares/fund certificates registered to purchase/ sale/ give/ be given’ donate/ be donated /inherit/ transfer/ transferred: 12,137 cp 7, $6 lugng cé phiéwehimg chi quy 4a giao dich (mua/ban/cho/duge cho/tang/duge tang/thira ké/chuyén nhugng/nhan chuyén nhugng/hodn déi) **/ Number of shares/fund certificates traded (purchase/ sale/ give/ be given’ donate/ be donated /inherit/ transfer/ transferred/swap).: 12,130 ep 8. Sé lugng, ty 18 cd phiéu/chimg chi quy nim gitt sau khi thc hién giao dich/ Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held after executing transaction: 7

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