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1 Prāna-apāna-vyāna-udāna-samānā me sudhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā-vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my five vital forces of life, Prāna, Apāna, Vyāna, Udāna

and Samāna become purified! May I (Ātman or Self) of the
nature of self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoguna
(ego) and tamoguna (ignorance) and become sinless—
Swāha, so chanting I offer the oblation.
2 Vāng-manas-chakṣuḥ srotra-jihvā-ghranar-eto-
budhyākootih sankalpā |
Me sudhyantām jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā
bhooyāsa(g)am swāhā ||

May my speech, mind, eyes, ears, tongue, nose, generating

organ, intellect and thought get purified! May I (Ātman) of the
nature of self–illuminating knowledge be divested of Rajoguna
and Tamoguna, and, become free from sin—Swāhā, so
chanting I offer the oblation.
3 Tvak-charma-māmsa-rudhira-meda-asthi-majjā me
suddhyantām |
Jyotiraham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my sense organ of touch, skin, flesh, blood, medas, bone

and marrow be get purified. May I (Self) of the nature of self-
illuminating knowledge, be divested of Rajaoeguna and
Tamoegunānd be freed from sin—Swāhā—so chanting I offer

Virajahoma Mantras  edited: 03JAN2014  1 | P a g e  

4 Sirah pāni-pāda-pārsva-prishtha-udara-jangha-sisnja-
upastha-pāyavo |
Me sudhyantām jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā
bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my head, hands, feet, sides, back, belly, thighs, penis,

generating organ and secreting organ (pāyu) become purified!
May I (Ātman) of the nature of self-illuminating knowledge be
divested of Rajoeguna and Tamoeguna and be freed from
sin—Swāha, so chanting I offer the oblation.
5 Utthishtha purusha Hare (ri) lohitapingala-akshi |
Dehi dehi dad-āpayitā me suddhyantām jyotir-aham |
Virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

Oh Purasha Hari! Arise! You have red tawny eyes like the red
lotus. Please take special interest in our protection! Please
grant us all knowledge and ability pertaining to you! May all
these that result in such a sanction by the Lord, become
completed and purified! May I (Ātman) of the nature of self-
luminous knowledge become divested of Rajoeguna and
Tamoeguna and become pure. Swāhā-I offer oblation with this
6 Prithivy-ap-tejo-vāyav-akasā may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā viopāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May the five elements--earth, water, fire, air and ether related
to me be purified! May I (Ātman) of the nature of self-luminous
knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna and Tamoeguna to be
freed from sins committed—Swāhā, so chanting I offer
Virajahoma Mantras  edited: 03JAN2014  2 | P a g e  
7 Sabda-sparsa-roopa-rasa-gandhā may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May the qualities of the elements of sound, touch, form, taste

and odor etc., related to me be purified! May I (Ātman) of the
nature of self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna
and Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha, so chanting I
offer oblation.
8 Mano vak kāy karmani may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my mind, speech,body and actions be purified! May I

(Ātman) of the nature of self-luminous knowledge be divested
of Rajoeguna and Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha,
so chanting I offer oblation.
9 Avyakta bavehe ahankarehe may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my fomless ego purified! May I (Ātman) of the nature of

self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna and
Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha, so chanting I offer
10 Atma may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my formless ego purified! May I (Ātman) of the nature of

self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna and
Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha, so chanting I offer

Virajahoma Mantras  edited: 03JAN2014  3 | P a g e  

11 Antaratma may suddhyantām |Jyotir-aham virajā
vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my conscience purified! May I (Ātman) of the nature of

self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna and
Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha, so chanting I offer
12 Parmatma may suddhyantām |
Jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May my supreme self be purified (be illuminated to me)! May I

(Ātman) of the nature of self-luminous knowledge be divested
of Rajoeguna and Tamoeguna to be freed from sin—Swāha,
so chanting I offer p oblation.
13 Annamaya-prānamaya-manomaya-jnānamaya-
ānandamaya |
May suddhyantām jyotir-aham virajā vipāpmā
bhooyāsa(ga)m swāhā ||

May the Anna (food) maya, Prāna (life) maya, Mano (mind)
maya, Vijnāna (intellect) maya and Ānanda (bliss) maya
sheaths related to me be purified. May I (Ātman) of the nature
of self-luminous knowledge be divested of Rajoeguna and
Tamoeguna and get freed of committed sins—Swāhā, so
chanting I offer oblation.

Virajahoma Mantras  edited: 03JAN2014  4 | P a g e  


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