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Basic Self Defense



 Taekwondo is a Korean martial art with a heavy emphasis on kicks

 Taekwondo is developed during 1940s and 1959s by various

 Influence from foreign martial arts such as Chinese Martial Arts

 Taekwondo is now Global Modern Olympic sport and Traditional Martial Art. It

has been contributing significantly to the health and fitness of millions of

taekwondo practitioners for many years.

 Taekwondo literally means the art of kicking and punching –

Tae – means combination of leg and foot techniques

Kwon – means combination of hand and arm techniques

Do – means the internal essence of martial arts

 Taekwondo practitioners develop strong physical fitness and mental strength

through the knowledge and practice of the basic techniques, forms (poomsae),

breaking (kyukpa) and sparring (kyorugi). The result of this combination of

physical and mental training is the cultivation of character, health & fitness and
the discovery of the ideal path of one’s life. Taekwondo is the unity of the body,

mind and spirit.


 Gen. Choi Hong HI, widely acknowledge as the founder of taekwondo, martial art

that began in Korea and spread rapidly to community centers and storefronts

around the United States, died on June 15 in Pyongyang, North Korea.

 1918 – 2002 DIED

Benefits of Martial Arts

1. Fitness – As you progress in Taekwondo, you will learn to coordinate this speed and


2. Self Defense - Taekwondo is used in a self-defense situation against the vulnerable

parts of an attacker’s body, the results can be incredible.

3. Self-confidence – Taekwondo instills a sense of discipline and self-confidence that

can carry over to all aspects of your life.

Here are some additional benefits of Taekwondo:

 Self-Discipline

 Self-control

 Goal Setting

 Family time

 Stress Relief
 After school transportation,

 And make new friends.

Fundamentals of Martial Arts

Learn to throw a proper punch – If you’re going to punch a Nazi, make sure you use

proper form. Aim for the throat to avoid injury to your hand, or just elbow in fucking face.

Punch – punches are designated as being middle or high depending on where are


1. Middle Punch - aimed at the opponent’s solar plexus.

2. High Punch – this is aimed at the opponent’s face.

What are the basic block in Taekwondo?

1. Low blocks

2. High block

3. Middle block

Low block – to do a proper low block

Stand in the Left Fighting Stance

1. Move your left fist to your right ear (fingers towards your ear)

2. Your right fist also goes to the same place but this one has fingers outward.
3. Pretend you have a wristwatch on both your wrist and the watch faces ae touching

each other (chambered position).

4. Now block you slide your left fist from your right ear to just above your left knee.

5. Simultaneously your right hand falls to your waist and rest their fingers up.

High Block – Stand in the Left Fighting Stance

1. Move your left fist to your right hip (fingers up)

2. Your right fist also goes to the same place but this one has fingers downward.

3. Pretend you have a wristwatch on both your wrist and the watch faces are touching

each other (Chambered Position).

4. Now to block you slide your left fist from you right hip past your torso and face. The

first stops above your head with arm at a sloping angle like a roof on the house.

5. Simultaneously your right hand falls to your wrist and rest their fingers up.

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