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Simon Collin

second edition

A & C Black 앫 London

First edition published in 2003 by
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

This second edition published 2007 by

A&C Black Publishers Ltd
38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB

Copyright © A&C Black 2007

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ISBN: 978 0 7136 8651 7

Text Production and Proofreading

Joel Adams, Sandra Anderson, Heather Bateman, Emma Djonokusumo,
Ruth Hillmore, Daisy Jackson, Irene Lakhani, Sarah Lusznat,
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This dictionary provides a wide range of vocabulary drawn from across
the fields of science and technology, including chemistry, physics and
biology, earth sciences, engineering, astronomy, electronics, medicine
and telecommunications.

This fully up-to-date second edition gives clear and concise definitions
for hundreds of new terms, from fast-moving fields such as
biotechnology, computing and environmental science. It’s an ideal
reference for students, or anyone dealing with scientific or technical

Thanks are due to the following people for their valuable comments and
advice on the first edition of the text: Lesley Brown, Judith Cheney, Clare
Conboy, Rich Cutler, Lynn Davy, Susan Jellis, Geoffrey Priddle and
Charlotte Regan.


AEROSP Aerospace LOGIC Logic
AGRIC Agriculture MANUF Manufacturing
ANAT Anatomy MARINE BIOL Marine biology
ANTHROP Anthropology MATHS Mathematics
ARCHAEOL Archaeology MEASURE Measurements
ASTRON Astronomy MECH ENG Mechanical
AUTOMOT Automotive engineering
AVIAT Aviation MED Medicine
BIOCHEM Biochemistry MEDIA Media
BIOL Biology METALL Metallurgy
BIOTECH Biotechnology METEOROL Meteorology
BIRDS Birds MICROBIOL Microbiology
BOT Botany MINERALS Minerals
CHEM Chemistry NAUT Nautical
CHEM ELEM Chemical elements NAVIG Navigation
COMPUT Computing OCEANOG Oceanography
CONSTR Construction ONLINE Online
CRYSTALS Crystals OPHTHALMOL Ophthalmology
DENT Dentistry OPTICS Optics
EARTH SCI Earth science PALAEONT Palaeontology
ECOL Ecology PHARM Pharmacology
ELEC Electricity PHOTOGRAPHY Photography
ELEC ENG Electrical PHYS Physics
engineering PHYSIOL Physiology
ENG Engineering PRINTING Printing
ENVIRON Environment PSYCHIAT Psychiatry
FISH Fish PSYCHOL Psychology
FISHERIES Fisheries SCI Science
FOOD Food SOC SCI Social sciences
FOOD INDUST Food industry STATS Statistics
FORESTRY Forestry TECH Technology
FUNGI Fungi TELECOM Telecommunications
GEOG Geography TIME Time
GEOL Geology TRANSP Transport
IMMUNOL Immunology VET Veterinary medicine
INDUST Industry ZOOL Zoology
A1 symbol 1. MATHS the hexadecimal abducent nerve noun ANAT the sixth
equivalent of the decimal number 10 2. cranial nerve which controls the muscle
MEASURE, ELEC ampere which makes the eyeball turn
A2 noun ASTRON a class of stars with a sur- abduct verb PHYSIOL to pull away from
face temperature of 7500–10000°C, and the centre line of the body. Opposite
strong spectral lines due to hydrogen. adduct
Examples include Sirius, Deneb, Vega and abductor noun ANAT a muscle that pulls
other bright stars. (NOTE: A stars tend to be the body or a limb away from a midpoint or
white or bluish in colour. Apparent in the midline
spectra of A stars are ionised metals like
magnesium and calcium.)
abend noun COMPUT an unexpected stop-
page of a program that is being run, due to
A: noun COMPUT (in some operating sys- a fault, error or power failure 쑗 An inter-
tems) the first disk drive on the system 쑗 To rupt from a faulty printer caused an abend.
see what is stored on your floppy disk, use Full form abnormal end
the DOS command ‘DIR A’:. aberrant adjective not usual or typical
ab- prefix away from aberration noun 1. something which is
abandon verb COMPUT to clear a docu- not usual or typical 2. a distortion of a tel-
ment, file or work from the computer’s evision picture caused by a corrupt signal
memory without saving it to disk or tape 쑗 or incorrect adjustment 3. ASTRON the dif-
Once you have abandoned your spread- ference between the observed and the cal-
sheet, you cannot retrieve it again. culated position of an astronomical body,
abate verb to become less strong or caused by the time taken for light or other
intense 쑗 The wind has abated. radiation to travel from it to the observer 4.
OPTICS the imperfect formation of an
abatement noun a reduction in strength image by a telescope or other optical
or intensity 쑗 water pollution abatement instrument
abbreviate verb to shorten a word or a COMMENT: Varieties of optical aberration
text include chromatic aberration, the differen-
tial focusing of light of different wave-
abbreviated address noun COMPUT a lengths, and spherical aberration, the
username that has fewer characters than imperfect focusing of light because of the
the full name, making it easier to remem- use of a spherical rather than a parabolic
ber or type in lens or mirror surface.
abbreviation noun the short form of a abiogenesis noun BIOL the theory that
word life can arise from nonliving materials
abdomen noun ANAT 1. (in a vertebrate) abiotic adjective BIOL not relating to a liv-
a space in the body situated below or ing organism 쑗 abiotic factors
behind the diaphragm and above or in front abiotic factor noun something which
of the pelvis, containing the stomach, influences the environment but which is
intestines, liver and other vital organs 2. (in not produced by living organisms, e.g.
an arthropod) the rear section of the body wind, temperature or rainfall. Compare
abdominal aorta noun ANAT the part of biotic factor
the aorta between the diaphragm and the abiotic stress noun stress caused by
point where it divides into the iliac arteries environmental factors such as drought or
abiotic stress resistance 2
extreme heat or cold, not by biological fac- ABO system noun MED a system of clas-
tors sifying blood groups
abiotic stress resistance noun above preposition, adverb higher or more
resistance in organisms to stress arising than 쑗 2000 metres above sea level 쑗 The
from non-biological causes such as temperature was above 40°C for several
drought or salinity weeks. 쑗 The occurrence of matching pairs
ablation noun 1. the removal of the top was 70% or above. 쑗 All the results are
layer of something 2. MED the removal of a above average.
layer of tissue by surgery 3. COMPUT a ABR abbreviation COMPUT available bit
method of writing data to an optical stor- rate
age device, by which a laser burns a hole or abrasion noun 1. MED a condition where
pit representing digital bits of data into the the surface of the skin has been rubbed off
surface of the device 4. GEOL the removal by a rough surface and bleeds 2. EARTH SCI
of snow or ice from the surface of a glacier the wearing away by friction of a material,
by melting or by the action of the wind especially the erosion of rock by the action
ablation zone noun GEOL a section of a of particles suspended in water, ice or wind
glacier from which it loses snow or ice by ABS noun COMPUT a programming
ablation instruction that returns the magnitude of a
abnormal adjective not usual or typical 쑗 number without the number’s sign 쑗 The
abnormal error 쑗 It’s abnormal for two command ABS(-13) will return the answer
consecutive disk drives to break down. 13. Full form absolute function
abnormal end noun COMPUT full form abscess noun MED a painful swollen
of abend area where pus forms
abscisic acid noun BIOCHEM a plant
abnormality noun a form or action hormone which is involved in seed forma-
which is not usual or typical tion and in the closure of leaf pores during
abnormally adverb not as usual 쑗 The drought (NOTE: It was originally thought to
signal is abnormally weak. 쑗 The error promote leaf fall, but its importance in this
rate is abnormally high. is now doubtful.)
abnormal weather conditions plural abscission noun BOT the shedding of a
noun METEOROL unusual or unfavourable leaf or fruit due to the formation of a layer
weather conditions of cells between the leaf or fruit and the
abort verb 1. to stop a process or the rest of the plant (NOTE: It occurs naturally in
development of something before it is fin- autumn, e.g. leaf fall, or at any time of the
ished, or to stop developing 쑗 Weather con- year in response to stress.)
ditions forced them to abort the test flight. absence noun the fact of not being
2. MED to end a pregnancy in a woman or present 왍 in the absence of because some-
animal and prevent the birth of a child or thing is not present 쑗 in the absence of any
young 3. BIOL to give birth before the usual other symptoms
end of a pregnancy (technical) Also called absent adjective not present 쑗 Normal
miscarry 4. COMPUT to end a process when symptoms of malaria are absent in this
a malfunction occurs by switching the form of the disease.
computer off manually or by an internal absolute adjective 1. complete or total 쑗
feature 쑗 The program was aborted by No absolute correlation with climate
pressing the red button. change has yet been established. 2. meas-
abortion noun MED a situation where an ured relative to a standard 쐽 noun an
unborn baby leaves the uterus before the unchanging principle
end of pregnancy, especially during the absolute address noun COMPUT 1. a
first 28 weeks of pregnancy when it is not computer storage address that directly,
likely to survive birth (technical) 왍 to have without any modification, accesses a loca-
an abortion BIOL to have an operation to tion or device 쑗 Program execution is
end a pregnancy in order not to have a child slightly faster if you code only with abso-
abort sequence noun COMPUT a unique lute addresses. Compare indexed
sequence of bits that indicates that the address. Also called actual address,
transmission will be abnormally termi- machine address 2. a computer storage
nated. 쒁 reset address that can only access one location
3 absorption spectrum
absolute alcohol noun CHEM alcohol have managed to cool some materials to
which contains no water very near it.)
absolute assembler noun COMPUT a absorb verb 1. to take something in 쑗 The
type of assembly language program atmosphere absorbs radio waves. 쑗 Warm
designed to produce code which uses only air absorbs moisture more easily than cold
absolute addresses and values air. 쑗 Our bodies absorb oxygen. 쑗 Salt
absolute code noun COMPUT a binary absorbs moisture from the air. 2. 왍 to
code which directly operates the central absorb information to take in and under-
processing unit, using only absolute stand information 쑗 There wasn’t enough
addresses and values. 쒁 object code (NOTE: time to absorb the details of the report
This is the final form of a program after a
before the meeting.
compiler or assembler pass.) absorbance noun PHYS same as
absolute coordinate noun MATHS one
of the coordinates that describe the dis- absorbent adjective able to absorb 쐽

tance of a point from the intersection of noun a substance or part of an organism

axes. Compare relative coordinate such as a root tip which can take up some-
thing such as moisture or nutrients
absolute function noun COMPUT full
form of ABS absorptance noun PHYS a measure of
how completely an object or substance
absolute humidity noun PHYS the mass absorbs radiant energy (NOTE: It equals the
of water vapour in a given quantity of air ratio of the energy absorbed to the total
absolute loader noun COMPUT a pro- energy falling on the object.)
gram that loads a section of code into the absorption noun 1. the process of taking
main memory. Compare bootstrap loader in water, dissolved minerals and other
absolute magnitude noun ASTRON the nutrients across cell membranes 쑗 There is
magnitude of a star or other astronomical absorption of energy by the tyre when the
object, seen from a distance of 10 parsecs aircraft lands. 2. PHYSIOL the taking into
COMMENT: The apparent magnitude of the body of substances such as proteins or
astronomical objects seen from the Earth fats which have been digested from food
depends upon their intrinsic brightness and and enter the bloodstream from the stom-
also upon how far away they are, so that the
Moon can outshine everything else in the ach and intestines 3. CHEM the taking up of
night sky by being the nearest astronomical one type of substance by another, e.g. of a
object. Comparing astronomical objects as liquid by a solid or of a gas by a liquid 4.
they would appear from a uniform distance COMPUT the power loss of a signal when
removes this effect. travelling through a medium, due to its
absolute pressure noun PHYS (of a absorptance
gas) a unit of force per unit of area without absorption filter noun PHYS a filter that
comparison to other pressure 쑗 Aircraft blocks specific colours of light
show absolute pressure in inches of mer- absorption line noun ASTRON a dark
cury on the inlet manifold pressure gauge. line seen in a stellar spectrum, caused by
absolute temperature noun PHYS the radiation passing through a cool medium
temperature derived from the laws of ther- on its journey to the observer (NOTE:
modynamics rather than based on the prop- Absorption lines give information about
erties of substances. Also called cool matter such as interstellar gas clouds,
thermodynamic temperature (NOTE: Its planetary atmospheres and stellar atmos-
unit is the kelvin.) pheres.)
absolute time noun COMPUT the length absorption plant noun INDUST a part of
of time that an audio disc has been playing a petroleum processing plant, where oil is
absolute value noun MATHS a size or extracted from natural gas
value of a number regardless of its sign, absorption rate noun PHYS the rate at
e.g. the absolute value of –64.32 is 64.32 which a liquid is absorbed by a solid
absolute zero noun PHYS the lowest absorption spectrum noun PHYS the
temperature possible, 0K or –273.15°C pattern of dark bands seen when electro-
(NOTE: Absolute zero is the condition of magnetic radiation passes through an
having no thermal energy at all and is the- absorbing medium and is observed with a
oretically impossible, although scientists spectroscope (NOTE: It results from some
absorptive capacity 4
frequencies of the radiation being abyssobenthic adjective MARINE BIOL
absorbed more completely than others. referring to an organism living on the floor
Different substances absorb at different of the deepest part of a sea or lake
frequencies and hence produce character- abyssopelagic adjective MARINE BIOL
istic absorption spectra that can be used to referring to an organism living in the deep-
identify them.) est part of a sea or lake, at depths greater
absorptive capacity noun BIOL the than 3000m
ability of a substance or part of an organ- Ac symbol CHEM ELEM actinium
ism to take up something such as moisture AC1 abbreviation ELEC alternating current
or nutrients
AC2 abbreviation METEOROL altocumulus
absorptivity noun PHYS same as
absorptance acaricide noun BIOL a substance used to
kill mites and ticks
abstract noun a short summary of a doc-
ument 쑗 It’s quicker to search through the acarid noun BIOL a small animal which
abstracts than the full text. 쐽 verb 1. ENVI- feeds on plants or other animals by pierc-
RON to remove water from a river so that it ing the outer skin and sucking juices, e.g. a
can be used by industry, farmers or garden- mite or tick
ers 2. EARTH SCI to take something such as Acarida noun ZOOL the order of animals
gas, oil, mineral resources or gravel from including mites and ticks
the ground acaridicide noun BIOL same as acari-
abstract data type noun COMPUT a cide
general data type that can store any kind of Acarina noun ZOOL same as Acarida
information 쑗 The stack is a structure of ACC noun COMPUT the most important
abstract data types which can store any internal CPU storage register, containing
type of data from an integer to an address. the result of an operation or the data word
abstraction noun 1. ENVIRON the which is to be processed. Full form accu-
removal of water from a river or other mulator
source for use by industry, farmers or gar- accelerate verb to increase in speed 쑗
deners 2. EARTH SCI the removal of some- After start-up, the engine accelerates up to
thing such as gas, oil, mineral resources or idling speed. 쑗 The aircraft accelerated
gravel from the ground down the runway and took off. Opposite
abundance noun 1. a large amount or decelerate
number of something 쑗 The area supports accelerated graphics port noun
an abundance of wildlife. 2. a measure of COMPUT an interface in a computer
quantity applied to plants or animals, often between a graphics controller and the
based on density or frequency 3. ASTRON motherboard that transfers data very
the relative amount of a particular type of quickly, providing high-performance
star, galaxy, atom or other item in an over- three-dimensional graphics and video
all population processing capabilities. Abbr AGP (NOTE:
abundant adjective occurring or availa- This port does not replace a PCI bus but
ble in large quantities 쑗 a region of abun- works with it.)
dant rainfall 쑗 The ocean has an abundant acceleration noun 1. the act of acceler-
supply of krill. ating 쑗 Acceleration can be felt as the air-
abyss noun EARTH SCI a very deep part of craft begins its take-off run. 왍 acceleration
the sea due to gravity acceleration of an object
abyssal adjective EARTH SCI referring to due to the gravitational attraction of the
the deepest part of the sea Earth, with a standard value of
abyssal plain noun EARTH SCI a flat part 9.80665ms-2. Symbol g 2. PHYS the rate of
of the seabed at the deepest level, approxi- change of velocity. Opposite deceleration
mately 4000m below sea level 3. an outward force caused by change in
abyssal zone noun EARTH SCI a deep direction without changing speed 쑗 Accel-
and dark part of the sea below the euphotic eration forces can be felt during aerobatic
zone, at its deepest about 6000m deep, manoeuvres.
COMMENT: The SI units of acceleration are
where light cannot reach and plant and ani- ms-2 metres per second per second. The
mal life is rare (NOTE: The deepest part of formula to calculate acceleration is a = (v –
the sea is the hadal zone) u)/t where a = acceleration, v = final
5 access line
velocity, u = starting velocity and t = time acceptance that safety is the main priority.
taken. 2. a willingness to do or use something 쑗
acceleration time noun COMPUT 1. the acceptance of new technology
time taken for a disk drive to spin a disk at acceptance angle noun OPTICS the
the correct speed, from rest 쑗 Allow for angle of total field of view of a lens or fibre
acceleration time in the access time. 2. the optic
total time between an access instruction
being issued to a peripheral and the data acceptance sampling noun INDUST
being transferred the testing of a small random part of a
accelerator noun 1. ENG a machine batch to see if the whole batch is up to
which changes the velocity of an object standard
and so increases its kinetic energy 2. CHEM access arm noun COMPUT a mechanical
a substance which changes the speed at device in a disk drive, used to position the
which a chemical reaction takes place read/write head over the correct track on a
accelerator board, accelerator card disk 쑗 The access arm moves to the park-
noun COMPUT a circuit board which carries ing region during transport.
a faster or more advanced version of the access code noun COMPUT a series of
same processor that runs a computer, ena- characters or symbols which must be
bling the computer to run faster entered to identify a user before access to a
accelerator key noun COMPUT a combi- computer is permitted. 쒁 password
nation of keys which, when pressed access control noun COMPUT a security
together, carry out a function that would device such as a password which only
otherwise have to be selected from a menu allows selected users to use a computer
using a mouse. For example, instead of system or read files
selecting the File menu then the Save access control list noun COMPUT a
option, using the accelerator keys Alt and S security system which has usernames and
does the same thing. passwords checked by the operating sys-
accentuate verb to make something tem to find out if a specific user is allowed
stronger 쑗 Moving accentuated the pain. access to a resource or feature of a network
accept verb 1. to take or receive some- or shared computer. Abbr ACL
thing which is offered 2. to be able to take access head noun COMPUT a part of a
or receive something 쑗 Some units accept disk drive which moves to the correct part
electrical inputs from the autopilot. 3. 왍 to of the disk’s surface and reads information
accept responsibility to be willing to be stored on the disk
answerable for something 쑗 The depart-
ment accepted responsibility for the inci- accessibility noun the ease with which
dent. 4. COMPUT to establish a session or something can be reached or found 쑗
connection with another device Accessibility of components and equip-
ment during servicing enables work to be
acceptable adjective allowable or done more quickly.
approved of, although it may not be perfect
쑗 The error rate was very low and is
accessible adjective easy to reach or
acceptable. 쑗 There must be a continuous find 쑗 Instruments which need resetting in
flow of clean oil at an acceptable tempera- flight must be accessible to the crew. 쑗
ture. 왍 acceptable limits generally agreed Details of customers are easily accessible
standards or restrictions within a range of from the main computer files.
maximum and minimum figures accession number noun COMPUT a
acceptable daily intake noun BIOL the number in a record that shows in which
quantity of a substance such as a nutrient, order each record was entered
vitamin, additive or pollutant which a per- access level noun COMPUT a predefined
son or animal can safely consume daily access category for users of a computer or
over their lifetime. Abbr ADI system. The lowest access level might
acceptable use policy noun COMPUT allow the user to only view data, while the
a set of rules which describe what a user highest access level allows a user to do
can write or do on the Internet without anything.
offending other users. Abbr AUP access line noun COMPUT a perma-
acceptance noun 1. a willingness to nently connected communications line
believe something 쑗 There is a growing between a terminal and a computer
access log 6
access log noun COMPUT a file on a is around 200nS – we have faster versions
website server computer that contains a if your system clock is running faster. 2. the
record of every visitor to the website, length of time required to find a file or pro-
showing when a person visited and which gram, either in the main memory or a sec-
pages were viewed 쑗 The access log is ondary memory source 3. the time taken to
invaluable – we produce graphs of the find and retrieve a particular piece of data
pages that are most popular using an from memory or a hard disk
access log analyser program. 쑗 He ana- accident noun an unfortunate or harmful
lysed the access log to see if their compet- event 쑗 Accidents must be reported. 쑗 The
itor had visited their website. lab assistant was injured in the accident. 왍
access method noun COMPUT 1. the by accident without being planned
means used for the internal transfer of data accidental adjective 1. not deliberate or
between a computer’s memory and display intentional 쑗 Always keep backup copies in
or peripheral devices (NOTE: Differences in case of accidental damage to the master
the methods used are often the cause of file. 2. referring to an accident 쑗 We were
compatibility problems.) 2. a set of rules told of his accidental death.
that allows a device to send data onto a net- accident prevention noun the estab-
work (NOTE: Token passing and CSMA/CD lishing of procedures to stop accidents
are two methods commonly used in a local happening
area network.) acclimatisation, acclimatization,
access name noun COMPUT a unique acclimation noun BIOL the process of
name that identifies an object in a database adapting to a different environment (NOTE:
accessor noun COMPUT a person who This process is known as acclimatisation
accesses data if the changes occur naturally and accli-
accessory noun a system or piece of mation if they are produced in laboratory
equipment of secondary importance 쑗 a conditions.)
camera with several accessories 쑗 The spe- acclimatise, acclimatize verb BIOL 1. to
cial offer includes a range of accessories make an organism become used to a differ-
including a mouse and modem. 쐽 adjective ent environment, usually a change in cli-
of secondary importance 쑗 There are many mate 2. to become used to a different sort
accessory systems which need engine of environment
power to operate them, e.g. pumps, gener- COMMENT: When an organism such as a
ators and magnetos. plant or animal is acclimatising, it is
adapting physically to different environ-
accessory nerve noun ANAT the elev- mental conditions, such as changes in food
enth cranial nerve, which supplies the mus- supply, temperature or altitude.
cles in the neck and shoulders accommodation noun PHYSIOL the
access path noun COMPUT a description ability of the lens of the eye to focus on
of the location of a stored file within a objects at different distances, using the cil-
directory structure of a disk iary muscle
access period noun COMPUT a period accommodation reflex noun PHYSIOL
of time during which a user can access data a reaction of the pupil when the eye
access permission noun COMPUT a focuses on an object which is close
description of all the access rights for a accomplishment noun PHYS work
particular user done 쑗 Power is measured by units of
access point noun COMPUT a test point accomplishment correlated with time.
on a circuit board or in software, allowing accordance noun 왍 in accordance with
an engineer to check signals or data following something such as rules, instruc-
access provider noun COMPUT 쏡 Inter- tions or laws 쑗 Fuels must be used in
net service provider accordance with instructions.
access rights plural noun COMPUT per- accordingly adverb as needed 쑗 Check
mission for a specific user to access a par- for increasing manifold pressure and
ticular file or data object reduce power accordingly.
access time noun COMPUT 1. the total according to preposition 1. in relation
time which a storage device takes between to 쑗 The force exerted will vary according
the data being requested and returned 쑗 to a number of factors. 2. as written or said
The access time of this dynamic RAM chip by somebody else 쑗 According to the
7 acetic
co-pilot, engine vibration was detected in sary for growing a specific crop (NOTE: In
engine number one. 왍 according to the UK, this is usually taken to be the
instructions exactly as said in the instruc- number of hours above 6°C.)
tions 왍 according to requirements as accumulation noun 1. the process of
required becoming greater in size or quantity over a
account noun 1. a spoken or written period of time 쑗 the risk of accumulation of
report about something 쑗 We gave a brief toxins in the food chain 2. something that
account of our experimental procedures. 2. has accumulated
COMPUT a record of a user’s name, pass- accumulation zone noun GEOL a sec-
word and rights to access a network or tion of a glacier’s movement downstream
online system 쑗 If you are a new user, you during which it increases in mass
will have to ask the supervisor to create an accumulator noun INDUST a device for
account for you. 왍 to take something into storing energy (NOTE: A rechargeable elec-
account COMPUT to consider something tric cell is an accumulator.)
carefully 쑗 When planning a flight, wind accuracy noun 1. the state of being cor-
speed and direction must be taken into rect 왍 to check for accuracy to make cer-
account. tain that information or results are correct
account for verb 1. to constitute some- 2. precision 쑗 The accuracy of modern
thing 쑗 Kevlar and carbon fibre account navigational equipment is much greater
for a large percentage of the materials than older systems. 3. COMPUT the total
used in modern aircraft. 2. to provide the number of bits used to define a number in
main reason for something 쑗 High humid- a computer (NOTE: The more bits that are
ity accounted for the difference between allocated the more accurate the definition
the two results. of the number is.)
account name noun COMPUT the accurate adjective 1. correct 쑗 Skill in
unique name of a user on a network or accurate flying can only be achieved by
online system 쑗 John Smith’s account practice. 쑗 The printed bar code has to be
name is JSMITH. accurate to within a thousandth of a
accrete verb to increase in amount by micron. 쑗 The results of the lab tests should
slow external addition 쑗 Ice accretes on the help the consultant make an accurate diag-
rotor. nosis. 2. precise 쑗 This watch is very accu-
accretion noun 1. EARTH SCI the growth rate.
of inorganic objects by the attachment of accurately adverb with no errors 쑗 The
material to their surface 2. BIOL the growth OCR had difficulty in reading the new font
of a substance around an object 쑗 an accre- accurately. 쑗 The mistake occurred
tion of calcium round the joint 3. EARTH because the data had not been accurately
SCI an accumulation of sediments 4. keyed.
ASTRON the accumulation of a number of acellular adjective referring to an organ-
objects to form a single larger one (NOTE: It ism that is not made up of separate cells
is thought that the planets, including the
Earth, were built up by the accretion of
acentric adjective GENETICS referring to
a chromosome that lacks the structure at
planetesimals which formed a cloud
which the two arms of a chromosome join
around the Sun almost five billion years
accumulate verb 1. to collect and acer noun TREES a maple or sycamore
increase 쑗 Cold air flows downwards and tree. Genus: Acer.
accumulates over low ground. 쑗 Large acetaldehyde noun CHEM a colourless
quantities of fat accumulated in the arter- volatile liquid with an unpleasant smell.
ies. 쑗 Sediment and debris accumulate at Formula: CH3CHO.
the bottom of a lake. 2. to gather several acetamide noun CHEM a white crystal-
things together over a period of time 쑗 We line solid with moisture-absorbing proper-
have gradually accumulated a large col- ties, used in the manufacture of organic
lection of plant specimens. chemicals. Formula: CH3CONH2.
accumulated temperature noun acetate noun CHEM a salt or ester of ace-
AGRIC the number of hours during which tic acid
the temperature is above a particular point, acetic adjective CHEM containing a prod-
taken as the minimum temperature neces- uct of vinegar or acetic acid
acetic acid 8
acetic acid noun CHEM a colourless acid noun CHEM 1. a chemical compound
hygroscopic acid with a sharp smell that is containing hydrogen which dissolves in
the main component of vinegar. Formula: water and forms hydrogen ions, or reacts
CH3COOH. with an alkali to form a salt and water, and
acetone noun CHEM a colourless liquid turns litmus paper red 2. any bitter juice
that has a sweetish smell and is flammable, acid deposition noun ENVIRON same as
used as a solvent and in the manufacture of acid rain
organic chemicals. It is formed in the body acid fallout noun an acid which forms in
after vomiting or as a result of diabetes. the atmosphere and falls as particles, with-
Formula: CH3COCH3. out any water
acetylcholine noun BIOCHEM a sub- acid grassland noun ECOL a type of
stance that is released from the ends of vegetation that typically grows on soils
some nerve fibres to transmit impulses to that drain freely and are low in mineral
other nerve cells or to muscles. Formula: nutrients, and may also occur on
C7H17NO3. post-industrial sites. The range of plant
acetyle chloride noun CHEM a colour- species found is small. 쒁 calcareous
less liquid with a strong unpleasant smell, grassland
used to introduce the organic group CH3- acidic adjective CHEM containing or hav-
into compounds ing the properties of an acid
acetylene noun CHEM a colourless acidic rock noun EARTH SCI a rock
hydrocarbon gas that is highly flammable, which contains a high percentage of silica
used in welding and the manufacture of
organic chemicals. Formula: C2H2. acidic solution noun CHEM a solution
with a pH of less than 7 (NOTE: It is usually
acetylide noun CHEM a potentially explo- a solution which has water as the solvent.)
sive compound of acetylene containing a
metal ion acidic water noun CHEM water which
contains acid
acetylsalicylic acid noun PHARM the
chemical name for the drug aspirin acidification noun CHEM the process of
becoming acid or of making a substance
achene noun BOT a dry single-seeded more acid 쑗 Acidification of the soil leads
fruit that does not split open (NOTE: to the destruction of some living organ-
Achenes are produced by plants such as
dandelions and sunflowers.)
achieve verb to succeed in doing or hav- acidify verb CHEM to make a substance
ing something 쑗 In order to achieve an more acid, or to become more acid 쑗 Acid
acceptable result the experiment must be rain acidifies the soils and waters where it
replicated. falls. 쑗 The sulfur released from wetlands
as sulfate causes lakes to acidify.
achievement noun the successful com-
pletion of something demanding 쑗 For acidifying compound noun a com-
trainee pilots, the first solo flight is a great pound that contributes to acidification, e.g.
achievement. sulfur oxides, sulfates, nitrogen oxides,
nitrates and ammonium compounds
achromatic adjective OPTICS referring
to an optical device that has been corrected acidity noun 1. CHEM the proportion of
for chromatic aberration acid in a substance 쑗 The alkaline solution
may help to reduce acidity. 2. MED a form
achromatic colour noun OPTICS col- of indigestion where the patient has a burn-
our within the range between black and ing feeling in the stomach caused by too
white displayed by a graphics adapter, or a much acid forming there
shade of grey COMMENT: Acidity and alkalinity are meas-
achromatic lens noun OPTICS a lens in ured according to the pH scale. pH7 is
which two or more lenses with different neutral. Numbers above pH7 show alka-
properties are combined to prevent distor- linity, while those below show acidity.
tion acid-neutralising capacity noun
ACIA noun COMPUT a circuit that allows a CHEM the ability of water to neutralise
computer to transmit and receive serial acids, measured by the amount of bicarbo-
data using asynchronous access. Full form nate it contains. Abbr ANC
asynchronous communications inter- acidosis noun MED an unusually high
face adapter proportion of acid waste products such as
9 acrosome
urea in the blood, sometimes caused by a acoustic adjective referring to sound
metabolic dysfunction (NOTE: As acidity acoustic feedback adjective ACOUS-
increases the rumen wall becomes TICS 쏡 feedback
inflamed. The animal dehydrates progres- acoustician noun ACOUSTICS a person
sively, the blood turns more acidic and in who specialises in the study of sound
extreme cases the animal may die.)
acoustic nerve noun ANAT the eighth
acid precipitation noun ENVIRON same cranial nerve, which governs hearing and
as acid rain balance
acid-proof adjective CHEM able to resist acoustics noun ACOUSTICS the study of
the harmful effects of an acid sound, especially noise levels in buildings
acid pulse noun a sudden increase in ACPI noun COMPUT a part of the Micro-
acidity in rainwater or river water soft Windows 98 software system that
acid rain noun ENVIRON precipitation allows the operating system to automati-
such as rain or snow which contains a cally configure compatible hardware. Full
higher level of acid than normal form advanced configuration and power
COMMENT: Acid rain is mainly caused by interface
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other acqua regia noun CHEM a solution that
pollutants being released into the atmos- can dissolve metals, made up of one part
phere when fossil fuels such as oil or coal
containing sulfur are burnt. Carbon nitric acid and three parts hydrochloric
combines with sulfur trioxide from acid
sulfur-rich fuel to form particles of an acid acquired adjective BIOL not inherited but
substance. The effects of acid rain are developed in response to the environment
primarily felt by wildlife. The water in lakes
becomes very clear as fish and microscopic acquired character noun BIOL a char-
animal life are killed. It is believed acid rain acteristic that develops in response to the
kills trees, especially conifers, making them environment
gradually lose their leaves and die. Acid
rain can also damage surfaces such as the acquired immunity noun MED immu-
stone surfaces of buildings when it falls on nity which is not inherited but has devel-
them. oped in response to infection or
acid soot noun ENVIRON acid carbon par- inoculation
ticles which fall from smoke from chim- ACR abbreviation audio cassette recorder
neys acre noun AGRIC, MEASURE a unit of
ACK noun COMPUT a signal that is sent measurement of land area, equal to 4840
from a receiver to indicate that a transmit- square yards or 0.4047 hectares
ted message has been received and that it is ACRE abbreviation Advisory Committee
ready for the next one 쑗 The printer gener- on Releases to the Environment
ates an ACK signal when it has received acreage noun AGRIC, MEASURE the area
data. Full form acknowledge of a piece of land measured in acres
Ackerman’s function noun COMPUT a acrid adjective having a strong bitter
recursive function used to test the ability of smell or taste 쑗 acrid fumes
a compiler to cope with recursion acro- prefix BIOL referring to a point or tip
acknowledge COMPUT noun a signal acrocentric adjective GENETICS refer-
that is sent from a receiver to indicate that ring to a chromosome that has arms of une-
a transmitted message has been received qual length, because the structure at which
and that it is ready for the next one 쐽 verb the two arms join (centromere) is located
1. to tell the person who sent something near one end
that it has been received 2. to send a signal acrolein noun CHEM a poisonous
from a receiver to show that a transmitted strong-smelling liquid used in the produc-
message has been received tion of resins and medicines
acknowledge character noun COM- acronym noun a word which is made up
PUT a special code sent by a receiver to of the initial letters of several words and is
indicate to the transmitter that a message pronounced as a word 쑗 NASA is the acro-
has been correctly received nym for National Aeronautics and Space
ACL abbreviation COMPUT access control Administration.
list acrosome noun BIOL a sac or cap at the
acorn noun BOT the fruit of an oak tree front of a sperm cell that releases enzymes
acrylic acid 10
to digest the egg coats enabling the sperm of rain 쑗 the action of the drug on the nerv-
to penetrate the egg ous system 3. COMPUT something that hap-
acrylic acid noun CHEM a colourless pens when the user does something, e.g.
acid with corrosive properties, used in the presses a special key that moves the cursor
manufacture of acrylate resin. Formula: to the action bar at the top of the screen
CH2CHCO2H. action bar noun COMPUT the top line of
acrylic fibre noun CHEM a synthetic tex- the screen that displays the menu names
tile fibre made from acrylonitrile action code noun COMPUT a single letter
acrylonitrile noun CHEM a colourless associated with a specific menu option to
toxic liquid which is moderately volatile, speed up selection so that when the letter is
used in the manufacture of acrylic fibre, pressed the menu option is selected
resin, rubber and thermoplastics. Formula: action-object noun COMPUT an object to
CH2CHCN. which a user specifies that an action should
ACS noun COMPUT a server that sends be applied
data in one direction, one character at a action plan noun a detailed statement of
time. Full form asynchronous communi- how something that needs to be done will
cation server be carried out 쑗 an action plan for conserv-
act verb 1. to behave in a particular way 쑗 ing species
The crew must act with authority. 2. to take action potential noun PHYSIOL a transi-
on a role 쑗 Mountain ranges act as a bar- tory alteration in electrical potential occur-
rier. 쑗 The governor spill valve also acts as ring between the inside and the outside of
a safety relief valve. 3. to produce an effect a nerve or muscle fibre, caused by trans-
쑗 Gravity acts vertically downwards. mission of a nerve impulse
ACTH noun BIOCHEM a hormone which activate verb 1. to start a process or to
stimulates the adrenal glands to produce make something start working 쑗 Pressing
steroid hormones. Full form adrenocorti- CR activates the printer. 2. COMPUT (in an
cotrophic hormone authoring tool or programming language)
actin noun BIOCHEM a protein which, with to make a button or menu option or field on
myosin, forms the contractile tissue of a screen layout available to a user 쑗 If the
muscle button or field is not activated, it is nor-
actinic radiation noun PHYS a type of mally displayed greyed out and does not
radiation which can cause a chemical reac- respond if a user selects it.
tion activated carbon, activated charcoal
actinide noun CHEM ELEM one of the radi- noun CHEM a form of carbon to which
oactive elements which are in the same cat- gases can stick, used in filters or added to
egory as uranium in the periodic table and water as it is being treated before domestic
have atomic numbers from 89 to 104 consumption
COMMENT: Actinides are waste products activated sludge noun ENVIRON solid
from nuclear fission. They pose problems sewage containing active microorganisms
for disposal as some of them have very long and air, mixed with untreated sewage to
half-lives. They can be reduced to more
disposable forms by burning in fast reac-
speed up the purification process
tors. activation noun the act of making some-
actinium noun CHEM ELEM a natural radi- thing start to work
oactive element, produced by the decay of activation energy noun CHEM the
uranium-235 (NOTE: The chemical symbol amount of energy required to start a chem-
is Ac; the atomic number is 89 and the ical reaction by breaking a chemical bond
atomic weight is 226.) activator noun CHEM a substance which
actinomycete noun MICROBIOL a bacte- activates a process 쑗 a compost activator
rium shaped like a rod or filament. Order: active adjective 1. doing something, usu-
Actinomycetales. (NOTE: Some actinomyc- ally energetically, or being alert 쑗 Kiwis
etes cause diseases while others are are only active after dark. 쑗 Mental exer-
sources of antibiotics.) cises keep the mind active and alert. 2. in
action noun 1. something done or to be action or in use 왍 the system is active the
done 쑗 Appropriate action should be taken system is on and working 3. not passive 왍
to avoid contamination. 2. the effect that in a secondary radar system, the target
something has 쑗 worn away by the action is active in a secondary radar system the
11 activity
target transmits a signal 4. COMPUT busy, active principle noun PHARM the main
working or being used 5. MED (of disease) medicinal ingredient of a drug which
not dormant 쑗 after two years of active makes it have the required effect on a
rheumatoid disease 6. EARTH SCI (of a vol- patient
cano) likely to erupt from time to time Active Server Page noun COMPUT a
active application noun COMPUT an webpage that is created only when
application currently being used by a user accessed by a visitor, allowing the website
active Cb cloud noun METEOROL a to display up-to-date information or infor-
cumulonimbus cloud that is developing mation from a database 쑗 The database
active file noun COMPUT a computer file search results page is implemented as an
which is being worked on Active Server Page. Abbr ASP
active galactic nucleus noun ASTRON active site noun BIOCHEM the region of
a zone in the central region of some galax- an enzyme molecule where a substance
ies where a mass of up to 100 million times (substrate) is bound and acted upon by the
that of the Sun is concentrated, emitting enzyme
large and variable amounts of radiation. active star noun COMPUT a network con-
Abbr AGN sisting of a central point with nodes
active high noun ELECTRONICS an elec- branching out, in which one central com-
tronic signal which is valid when it is high puter controls and routes all messages
or logical one between devices
active immunity noun the production active storage noun COMPUT a
of antibodies by an animal or person as a fast-access RAM whose locations can be
result of experiencing the disease organ- directly and immediately addressed by the
isms that cause the disease in question, or central processing unit, used as main stor-
being vaccinated against it age
active ingredient noun CHEM, PHARM Active Streaming Format noun COM-
the main effective ingredient of something PUT a multimedia delivery format devel-
such as an ointment or agrochemical, as oped by Microsoft for delivery over the
opposed to the base substance. Abbr AI Internet and used in its NetShow product.
active line noun COMPUT a line in a com- Abbr ASF
munications link or port which is being active transport noun BIOCHEM a trans-
used to transfer data or carry control sig- fer of substances across a cell membrane
nals for which energy is required
active link noun COMPUT the link cur- active volcano noun EARTH SCI a vol-
rently being used to transfer information cano which is erupting, or likely to erupt
active low noun ELECTRONICS an elec- active window noun COMPUT 1. an area
tronic signal which is valid when it is low of display screen in which a user is cur-
or logical zero rently working. 쒁 window 2. the window
active margin noun EARTH SCI an area that is currently the focus of cursor move-
at the edge of a continental mass where ments and screen displays
volcanic activity is frequent ActiveX noun COMPUT a programming
active mass noun CHEM a concentration language and program definition used to
of a substance which is part of a chemical create small applications designed to
reaction enhance the functionality of a webpage
COMMENT: ActiveX applications, called
active matrix display noun COMPUT a applets, are often used to add database or
type of colour display used in laptop com- multimedia effects to a website that cannot
puters (NOTE: normally called TFT display) be supported with basic HTML commands.
When a user visits the webpage that uses
active organic matter noun BIOCHEM
the ActiveX applet, the program is automat-
organic matter in the process of being bro- ically downloaded by the user’s browser
ken down by bacteria. Abbr AOM and run on the user’s computer.
active packaging noun ENVIRON food activity noun 1. the actions that humans
packaging that interacts chemically or bio- and other living things undertake 쑗
logically with its contents so that shelf-life research activities 쑗 The hillside showed
is longer or the product is modified during signs of human activity. 쑗 We saw no activ-
storage ity around the nest in several hours. 2. the
activity loading 12
effect that something has 쑗 Biopesticides phone numbers automatically. Full form
are being evaluated for their biological automatic calling unit
activity in a range of environments. 3. an acuity noun 1. PHYSIOL the ability of the
action or movement 쑗 volcanic activity 4. eye to define shades and shapes of an
COMPUT being active or busy object 2. BIOL the ability of the ear to detect
activity loading noun COMPUT a frequency or volume changes
method of organising disk contents so that acute adjective 1. BIOL referring to a dis-
the most frequently accessed files or pro- ease which comes on rapidly and can be
grams can be loaded quickly dangerous 쑗 She had an acute attack of
activity ratio noun COMPUT the number shingles. Compare chronic 2. BIOL refer-
of files currently in use compared to the ring to a pain which is sharp and intense 쑗
total number stored acute chest pains Compare chronic 3.
act on, act upon verb 1. (of force) to pro- MATHS describes an angle that is less than
duce an effect on something 쑗 lBending 90º 4. MATHS describes a triangle that has
and twisting forces act on a propeller. 쑗 three internal angles each of less than 90º
The antibiotic acted quickly on the infec- acute exposure noun exposure to a
tion. 2. act upon to do something as the pollutant or radioactive substance for a
result of something which has been said 쑗 short period
He acted upon your suggestion. acute health effect noun a health prob-
actual adjective real rather than expected lem which lasts a short time, following
or guessed 쑗 What are the actual figures exposure to a pollutant or radioactive sub-
for the number of students this year? stance
actual address noun COMPUT same as acute toxicity noun MED the concentra-
absolute address tion of a toxic substance which is high
actual code noun COMPUT a binary code enough to make people seriously ill or can
which directly operates the central cause death
processing unit, using only absolute acyclic adjective BOT referring to flowers
addresses and values (NOTE: This is the whose parts are arranged in a spiral, not a
final form of a program after a compiler or whorl
assembler pass.) acyl group noun CHEM a group of com-
actual instruction noun COMPUT the pounds with the basic chemical structure
instruction executed as a result of the mod- RCO-
ification of an original instruction A/D abbreviation COMPUT analog to digital
actually adverb in fact 쑗 The design is ADA noun COMPUT a high-level program-
such that, although the aircraft loses alti- ming language that is used mainly in mili-
tude rapidly, it does not actually stall. tary, industrial and scientific fields
actuate verb 1. to switch on or put into adapt verb 1. to change to suit new condi-
operation a system or a piece of equipment tions 쑗 People adapt to the reduced
쑗 A lever actuates the fire deluge system. 쑗 amounts of oxygen available at high alti-
The fore and aft movement of the control tudes. 2. to change or modify something
column actuates the elevators. 2. to put a for special use 쑗 The engine has been
procedure into action 쑗 Receipt of the dis- adapted to use the new fuel. 3. to experi-
tress signal will actuate the emergency ence a heritable change in structure or
procedures. function that makes an organism better
actuation noun the act of causing a able to survive and reproduce, as part of the
device or part to move process of evolution
actuator noun 1. ENG a device which adaptability noun BIOL the ability of an
changes electrical or hydraulic energy into organism to change to fit a new situation
mechanical motion (NOTE: The actuator is adaptation noun 1. the act of changing,
sensitive to engine rpm. Actuators are or of modifying something for special use
classified as either linear or rotary.) 2. COM- 쑗 Doppler VOR is an adaptation of VOR to
PUT a mechanical device which can be con- reduce errors caused by location. 2. the
trolled by an external signal, e.g. the adjustment to new conditions 쑗 Adaptation
read/write head in a disk drive to time changes when travelling west to
ACU noun COMPUT a device which allows east needs time. Also called adaption 3.
a computer to call stations or dial tele- BIOL a heritable change in an organism so
13 add-in
that it is better able to survive and repro- or situations such as line failure (NOTE: The
duce in an environment, as part of the proc- messages are normally sent along the
ess of evolution most cost-effective path unless there is a
adapter, adaptor noun COMPUT a device problem with that route, in which case they
that allows two or more incompatible are automatically rerouted.)
devices to be connected together 쑗 The adaptor noun COMPUT another spelling
cable adapter allows attachment of the of adapter
scanner to the SCSI interface. 쑗 The cable ADC noun COMPUT an electronic device
to connect the scanner to the adapter is that converts an analog input signal to a
included in the package. digital form that can be processed by a
adapter plug noun COMPUT a plug computer. Full form analog to digital
which allows devices with different types converter
of plug to be fitted into the same socket add verb MATHS 1. to make a total from
adaption noun same as adaptation something 쑗 Add the two numbers together
adaptive channel allocation noun to find the sum. 쑗 In the spreadsheet each
COMPUT the provision of communications
column should be added to make a subto-
channels according to demand rather than tal. 2. to put together two or more things to
as a fixed allocation make a larger group or a group with differ-
ent properties 쑗 A substance is added to the
adaptive compression noun COMPUT fuel to clean fuel injectors. 쑗 The software
a data compression system that continu- house has added a new management pack-
ously monitors the data it is compressing age to its range of products. 쑗 Adding or
and adjusts its own algorithm to provide deleting material from the text is easy
the most efficient compression using function keys.
adaptive differential pulse code addend noun MATHS a number added to
modulation noun COMPUT a CCITT the augend in an addition
standard that defines a method of convert-
ing a voice or analog signal into a com-
adder noun COMPUT a device or routine
that provides the sum of two or more dig-
pressed digital signal. Abbr ADPCM
ital or analog inputs 왍 full adder, three
adaptive optics noun ASTRON an opti- input adder a binary addition circuit
cal system capable of adjusting to compen- which can produce the sum of two inputs,
sate for atmospheric distortion (NOTE: and can also accept a carry input, produc-
Adaptive optics was advanced during the ing a carry output if necessary 왍 half
1980s and 1990s because of spending by adder a binary addition circuit which can
the US on the Strategic Defense Initiative, produce the sum of two inputs and a carry
which called for methods of firing laser output if necessary, but will not accept a
beams accurately through the atmos- carry input
phere. The method is now entering wider COMMENT: A parallel adder takes one clock
use with big ground-based telescopes cycle to add two words, while a serial adder
such as the Keck telescope in Hawaii, from takes a time equal to the number of bits in a
which images matching in quality those word to add.
from the Hubble Space Telescope have adder-subtractor noun COMPUT a
been obtained.) device that can either add or subtract
adaptive packet assembly noun add file noun COMPUT a special file in
COMPUT a method used by the MNP which new records are stored prior to
error-correcting protocol to adjust the size updating the main database
of data packets according to the quality of addict noun MED a person who is
the telephone line. The better the line is, addicted to a harmful drug
the bigger the packet size can be. addicted adjective BIOL physiologically
adaptive radiation noun BIOL the or psychologically dependent on a harmful
development of different species from a drug
single ancestor in such a way that the dif- addictive adjective BIOL referring to a
ferent forms have adapted to suit different drug which people can become addicted to
environmental conditions 쑗 Heroin is addictive.
adaptive routing noun COMPUT the add-in COMPUT adjective added to a com-
ability of a system to change its communi- puter program or piece of equipment 쑗 an
cations routes according to various events add-in processor card. 쑗 Processing is
addition 14
much faster with add-in cards. 쐽 noun a add-on will boost the computer’s storage
computer program or piece of equipment capabilities. 쑗 The new add-on board
which is added to another allows colour graphics to be displayed. 쐽
addition noun 1. MATHS a mathematical adjective added to a computer system to
operation which combines numbers 쑗 The improve its performance 왘 opposite (all
addition sign is +. 쑗 Addition is normally senses) built-in
taught before subtraction, multiplication add register noun COMPUT a register
and division. 2. CHEM 쏡 addition reaction which is an adder
쑗 With the addition of methanol, the tur-
address COMPUT noun 1. a number
bine inlet temperature is restored. 3. allowing a central processing unit in a
MATHS 왍 in addition also 왍 in addition to
computer system to reference a physical
as well as location in a storage medium 쑗 Each sepa-
additional adjective COMPUT extra 쑗 Can rate memory word has its own unique
we link three additional workstations to the address. 2. a unique number that identifies
network? a device on a network 쑗 This is the address
addition reaction noun CHEM a chemi- at which the data starts. 쐽 verb to put the
cal reaction in which two substances com- location data onto an address bus to iden-
bine to form a third substance with no tify which word in memory or storage
by-products or other substances being device is to be accessed 쑗 A larger address
formed. Compare substitution reaction word increases the amount of memory a
(NOTE: usually refers to reactions in computer can address.
organic chemistry) addressable adjective COMPUT able to
addition record noun COMPUT a record be addressed 쑗 With the new operating sys-
with changes used to update a master tem, all of the 5MB of installed RAM is
record or file addressable.
addition sign noun MATHS a sign (+) addressable cursor noun COMPUT a
used to show that numbers are added. Also cursor which can be programmed to be
called plus sign placed in a specific position
addition time noun COMPUT the time an addressable point noun COMPUT in a
adder takes to carry out an add operation graphics system, any point or pixel that can
addition without carry noun COMPUT be directly addressed
an addition operation without any carry address base noun COMPUT a part of an
bits or words address that defines the origin to which the
additive noun 1. FOOD INDUST a chemical logical address is added
which is added to food to improve its
appearance or to keep it fresh 쑗 The tin of address book noun COMPUT 1. a list of
beans contains a number of additives. 쑗 node addresses 2. a list of the network
These animal foodstuffs are free from all addresses of other users to which elec-
additives. 2. CHEM a chemical which is tronic mail can be sent
added to something to improve it 쑗 A new address bus noun COMPUT a physical
fuel additive made from plants could help connection that carries the address data in
reduce energy costs. parallel form from the central processing
COMMENT: Colour additives are added to unit to external devices
food to improve its appearance. Some are address code noun COMPUT a special
natural organic substances like saffron,
carrot juice or caramel, but others are code that identifies the part of a document
synthetic. Other substances added to food that is an address
to prevent decay or to keep the food in the address format noun COMPUT a set of
right form are emulsifiers, which bind
different foods together as mixtures, and rules defining the way the operands, data
stabilisers, which can keep a sauce and addresses are arranged in an instruc-
semi-liquid and prevent it from separating tion
into solids and liquids. The European Union
allows some additives to be added to food addressing noun COMPUT the process of
and these are given E numbers. accessing a location in memory
add-on COMPUT noun a piece of software addressing mode noun COMPUT the
or hardware that is added to a computer way in which a location is addressed, e.g.
system to improve its performance 쑗 The sequential, indexed or direct
15 adiabatic heating
address mapping noun COMPUT a vir- adenine noun BIOCHEM one of the four
tual address translated to an absolute basic components of DNA
address adenosine noun BIOCHEM a compound,
address mask noun COMPUT a pattern consisting of the base adenine and the
of binary data bits that is used to block out sugar ribose, found in DNA, RNA and
parts of an address data word. It is usually energy-carrying molecules such as ATP
used to separate the network and subnet adenosine diphosphate noun BIO-
parts of an address within a long Internet or CHEM full form of ADP
IP address. 쑗 The address mask ‘111000’
will block off the last three bits of any adenosine monophosphate noun
address data. BIOCHEM full form of AMP
address modification noun COMPUT adenosine triphosphate1 noun BIO-
the changing of the address field, so that it CHEM full form of ATP
can refer to a different location adenosine triphosphate2 noun BIO-
address register noun COMPUT a regis- CHEM full form of ATP
ter in a computer that is able to store all the adenovirus noun MICROBIOL a virus that
bits that make up an address which can causes infections of the nose and throat in
then be processed as a single unit (NOTE: In humans
small micros, the address register is usu- adequate adjective sufficient 쑗 The com-
ally made up of two data bytes.) pressor must provide an adequate airflow
address resolution noun COMPUT the through the engine. 쑗 The brain must have
conversion of an Internet address into the an adequate supply of blood. 쑗 Does the
correct physical network address that cor- children’s diet provide them with an ade-
responds to the distant computer or quate quantity of iron?
resource ADH abbreviation BIOCHEM antidiuretic
address resolution protocol noun hormone
COMPUT a protocol used within the TCP/IP
adhere verb to attach firmly 쑗 Clear ice
standard that is used to determine whether adheres strongly to airframes.
the source and destination address in a
packet are in the data-link control (DLC) adhesion noun PHYS an intermolecular
or Internet protocol (IP) format. Once the attraction between dissimilar materials that
format of the address is known, the packet are touching each other, causing them to
can be correctly routed over a network. stick together
Abbr ARP adhesive noun a glue 쑗 A ‘superglue’ is
address space noun COMPUT the total an all-purpose adhesive. 쐽 adjective hav-
number of possible locations that can be ing the sticking quality of glue 쑗 adhesive
directly addressed by the program or CPU tape 쑗 Adhesive bonding of aluminium
address track noun COMPUT a track on parts is widely employed.
a magnetic disk containing the addresses ADI abbreviation BIOL acceptable daily
of files, etc., stored on other tracks intake
address word noun COMPUT a compu- adiabatic adjective PHYS referring to a
ter word, usually made up, in a small change in temperature in a mass of air as a
micro, of two data words that contain the result of compression or expansion caused
address data by an increase or decrease in atmospheric
add time noun MATHS a period of time pressure without loss or gain of heat to or
taken to perform one addition operation from its surroundings
either of a central processing unit or adder COMMENT: A parcel of rising air expands,
because the surrounding pressure falls.
adduct verb PHYSIOL to pull towards the Also its temperature falls because no heat
centre line of the body 쐽 noun CHEM a can enter or leave it. If a parcel of air
chemical compound formed in an addition descends, the opposite happens and the air
reaction between at least two different temperature rises.
compounds or elements adiabatically adverb PHYS without los-
adductor noun ANAT a muscle that pulls ing or gaining heat 쑗 The air mass rises
a leg or arm towards the central line of the adiabatically through the atmosphere.
body or a toe or finger towards the axis of adiabatic heating noun PHYS the heat-
a leg or arm ing of descending air caused by an increase
adiabatic lapse rate 16
in atmospheric pressure without heat trans- for looking after a network including
fer, as when a bicycle pump is used installing, configuring and maintaining it
adiabatic lapse rate noun METEOROL admit verb to allow someone or some-
the rate at which air temperature decreases thing to enter 쑗 Cold air can be admitted
as it rises above the Earth’s surface. 쒁 lapse through adjustable louvres or shutters.
rate admittance noun PHYS a measure of
adipic acid noun CHEM a crystalline how easily an electrical current can flow
white solid used in nylon manufacture. through a medium (NOTE: It is the recipro-
Formula: C6H10O4. cal of impedance.)
adipo- prefix BIOCHEM fat adnexa plural noun ANAT structures
adipose adjective BIOCHEM containing or attached to an organ
made of fat adobe noun EARTH SCI 1. a fine clay from
adipose tissue noun ANAT a type of tis- which bricks can be made 2. bricks made
sue where the fibrous parts of cells are from fine clay, dried in the sun
replaced by fat when too much food is adopt verb to choose to use or have some-
eaten thing as standard equipment or as a proce-
aditus noun ANAT an opening or entrance dure 쑗 We need to adopt a new strategy. 쑗
to a passage The organisation has adopted strict
adjacent adjective next to or near to 쑗 energy-saving measures.
They work in adjacent laboratories. adoption noun the act or an instance of
adjacent angle noun MATHS either of using something as standard equipment or
the two angles that are formed by the inter- as a procedure 쑗 In spite of the adoption of
section of two straight lines and lie on the the axial flow type compressor, some
same side of one line engines retain the centrifugal type.
adjunct register noun COMPUT a 32-bit ADP noun 1. COMPUT data processing
register in which the top 16 bits are used done by a computer. Full form automatic
for control information and only the bot- data processing 2. BIOCHEM a compound
tom 16 bits are available for use by a pro- involved in chemical reactions that release
gram large amounts of energy in the tissues of
adjust verb to change something to be living organisms. Full form adenosine
more suitable or so that it works better 쑗 diphosphate
We will have to adjust the next trial to take ADPCM abbreviation COMPUT adaptive
account of recent results. 쑗 This control differential pulse code modulation
adjusts the brightness and contrast of the adrenal adjective ANAT situated near a
screen. kidney
adjustable adjective designed to be adrenal gland noun ANAT one of two
adjusted 쑗 An adjustable stop on the throt- endocrine glands at the top of the kidneys
tle control ensures a positive idling speed. which produce adrenaline and other hor-
adjustment noun 1. a change to improve mones
the setting or position of something 쑗 Max- adrenaline noun BIOCHEM a hormone
imum system pressure is often controlled secreted by the medulla of the adrenal
by adjustment of the main engine-driven glands which has an effect similar to stim-
pump. 쑗 The brightness needs adjustment. ulation of the sympathetic nervous system
쑗 The joystick needs adjustment as it some-
(NOTE: The US term is epinephrine.)
times gets stuck. 2. BIOL a process of phys-
COMMENT: Adrenaline is produced when a
ical change in response to external person experiences surprise, shock, fear or
environmental changes excitement. It speeds up the heartbeat and
adjuvant noun 1. something added to raises blood pressure. It is administered as
improve the effectiveness of something an emergency treatment for acute anaphy-
laxis and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
else, e.g. a substance added to a pesticide
to make it stick to waxy leaves 2. PHARM an adrenergic adjective BIOL referring to
agent added to a drug to improve its effec- neurons or receptors stimulated by adrena-
tiveness line
COMMENT: Three types of adrenergic
administrator noun COMPUT 1. a person receptor act in different ways when stimu-
who manages an organisation, institution lated by adrenaline. Alpha receptors
or business 2. a person who is responsible constrict the bronchi, beta 1 receptors
17 adventitious
speed up the heartbeat and beta 2 recep- lever is advanced the throttle lever is
tors dilate the bronchi. physically moved forwards
adrenoceptor noun ANAT a cell or neu- advanced gas-cooled reactor noun
ron which is stimulated by adrenaline INDUST a type of nuclear reactor, in which
adrenocorticotrophic hormone carbon dioxide is used as the coolant and is
noun BIOCHEM full form of ACTH passed into water tanks to create the steam
adrenoreceptor noun ANAT same as which will drive the turbines. Abbr AGR
adrenoceptor advanced program to program
ADSL noun COMPUT a high-speed trans- communication noun COMPUT a set of
mission standard that uses the same wires protocols developed by IBM that allows
as a normal telephone service, but is much peer-to-peer communication between
faster and provides a user with an workstations connected to an SNA net-
always-on connection to the Internet so work. Abbr APPC
there is no need to dial an access number Advanced Research Projects
and no delay. Full form asymmetric dig- Agency Network noun COMPUT an
ital subscriber line (NOTE: Data is usually original network of interconnected com-
transferred from the Internet to the user’s puters, linked by leased lines, that formed
computer at 2Mbps but transferred from the first prototype for the current Internet
the user’s computer to the Internet at a and was developed by the US Department
slower rate of 256Kbps.) of Defense (Defense Advanced Research
adsorb verb CHEM (of a solid) to bond Projects Agency). Abbr ARPANET
with a gas or vapour which touches its sur- advanced run-length limited noun
face COMPUT a method of storing data onto a
hard disk that is faster and more efficient
adsorbable adjective CHEM referring to than RLL. Abbr ARLL
a gas or vapour which is able to bond with
a solid when it touches its surface advanced technology attachment
packet interface noun COMPUT a stand-
adsorbate noun CHEM a substance that is ard interface that is used for CD-ROMs.
adsorbed Abbr ATAPI
adsorbent CHEM adjective able to adsorb advantage noun a good or beneficial
something such as a gas or vapour 쐽 noun factor 쑗 The multi-wheel combination has
a solid which is able to bond with a gas or the advantage of smaller and lighter
vapour which touches its surface undercarriage structures. 왍 to take advan-
adsorber noun a device which removes tage of to get the most benefit from a situ-
volatile organic compounds from gas by ation. Opposite disadvantage
adsorbing them to a carbon filter advantageous adjective providing an
adsorption noun CHEM the bonding of a advantage
solid with a gas or vapour which touches advect verb METEOROL (of air) to move in
its surface a horizontal direction due to convection 쑗
adult BIOL adjective having reached matu- Dispersal of hill fog takes place when sur-
rity 쑗 takes two years to reach the adult face heating lifts the cloud base or drier air
stage 쐽 noun an organism that has reached is advected.
maturity advection noun METEOROL a movement
advance noun 1. an instance of new of air in a horizontal direction. Compare
development and progress 쑗 advances in convection
gene therapy 2. 왍 in advance of before 쐽 advection fog noun a fog which forms
verb to move or be moved forwards 왍 to when warmer moist air moves over a
advance the ignition to adjust the timing colder surface, either land or sea
of the ignition in an engine so that the advent noun the arrival of something new
spark occurs earlier 쑗 With the advent of satellite navigation
advanced adjective 1. modern and systems, pilots of light aircraft have a more
sophisticated 쑗 advanced techniques 2. accurate means of knowing their position.
more complicated or more difficult to learn adventitious adjective 1. BIOL on the
쑗 advanced mathematics 3. having devel- outside or in an unusual place 2. BOT refer-
oped further 쑗 the advanced stages of a ring to a root which develops from a node
disease 4. moved forwards 왍 the throttle on a plant stem and not from another root
adverse 18
adverse adjective 1. bad or poor 쑗 AEC abbreviation PHYS Atomic Energy
Adverse weather conditions delayed plant- Commission
ing. 2. harmful or unfavourable 쑗 The aeolian deposits plural noun EARTH
treatment had an adverse effect on his der- SCI sediments which are blown by the
matitis. 쑗 She had an adverse reaction to wind. 쒁 loess
penicillin. 3. moving in the opposite direc- aeon noun GEOL 쏡 geological aeon
tion 쑗 adverse winds
aer- prefix CHEM air
adverse health effect noun a harmful aerate verb 1. to put a gas, especially car-
effect on a person’s health as a result of
bon dioxide or air, into a liquid so that bub-
coming into contact with pollutants or
bles are formed 쑗 aerated water 쒁
de-aerate 2. to allow air to enter a sub-
adverse yaw noun AEROSP a sideways stance, especially soil or water 쑗 Worms
turn caused by aileron drag, in the opposite play a useful role in aerating the soil.
direction to the direction of the intended aeration noun CHEM 1. the process of
turn putting a gas, especially carbon dioxide or
advice noun a suggestion about what air, into a liquid 쑗 The purpose of the
should be done 쑗 The doctor’s advice was booster pump is to prevent fuel aeration. 2.
to stay in bed. 쑗 He took my advice and the process of putting air into a substance 쑗
went home. (NOTE: no plural: some advice aeration of the soil
or a piece of advice) COMMENT: The process of aeration of soil is
advisability noun the degree to which a mainly brought about by the movement of
water into and out of the soil. Rainwater
particular action is a good idea or not drives out the air and then, as the water
advisable adjective to be recommended drains away or is used by plants, fresh air is
쑗 Where possible, it is advisable to closely drawn into the soil to fill the spaces. The
check the condition of the tyres. aeration process is also assisted by
changes in temperature, good drainage,
advise verb 1. to inform someone 2. to cultivation and open soil structure. Sandy
recommend something 왍 to advise against soils are usually well aerated. Clay soils are
something to recommend that something poorly aerated.
should not be done aerator noun CHEM a device to put a gas,
advisory adjective giving advice and especially carbon dioxide or air, into a liq-
information uid. 쒁 de-aerator
aerial adjective 1. referring to the air 쑗
advisory board, advisory committee Some orchids have aerial roots. 2. AEROSP
noun a group of specialists who can give
referring to an aircraft in the air 쐽 noun a
advice device to send or receive radio or TV sig-
Advisory Committee on Releases nals (NOTE: The US term for this meaning
to the Environment noun an independ- is antenna.)
ent advisory committee giving statutory aerial perspective noun COMPUT a
advice to UK Government Ministers on the view of a three-dimensional landscape as if
risks to human health and the environment the viewer is above the scene
from the release and marketing of geneti-
cally modified organisms (GMOs). It also aerial photography noun AEROSP pho-
advises on the release of some non-GM tography done from an aircraft in the air
species of plants and animals that are not aerial root noun BOT a root of some
native to Great Britain. Abbr ACRE plants, which hangs above the ground or
clings to other plants so that it can take up
advisory lock noun COMPUT a lock moisture from the air
placed on a region of a file by one process
to prevent any other process accessing the aero- prefix AEROSP 1. air 쑗 aerodynamic
same data 2. aircraft 쑗 aero-engine
advisory system noun COMPUT an aerobe noun MICROBIOL a living thing,
expert system that provides advice to a user particularly a microorganism, that needs
oxygen for metabolism. Compare anaer-
AE abbreviation assimilation efficiency obe
AEA noun PHYS 쏡 UKAEA aerobic adjective BIOCHEM needing oxy-
AEBC abbreviation Agriculture, Environ- gen for its existence or for a biochemical
ment and Biotechnology Commission reaction to occur. Compare anaerobic
19 aestivation
aerobic decomposition noun BIO- aeronautical adjective AEROSP referring
CHEM the breakdown of organic material to aeronautics
by microorganisms without the presence of aeronautical engineering noun AER-
oxygen OSP the science or study of the design of
aerobic digester noun BIOCHEM a aircraft
digester which operates in the presence of aeronautics noun 1. AEROSP the science
oxygen of aircraft design, construction, operation
aerobic digestion noun BIOCHEM the or navigation 2. NAVIG the theory and prac-
processing of waste, especially organic tice of aircraft navigation (NOTE: takes a
waste such as manure, in the presence of singular verb)
oxygen aeroplane noun a power-driven, heav-
aerobic respiration noun BIOCHEM a ier-than-air craft with fixed wings (NOTE:
process where the oxygen which is Many people use the words aeroplane
breathed in is used to conserve energy as and aircraft synonymously. However, aer-
ATP oplanes, hot-air balloons, helicopters, air-
ships and gliders are all aircraft. The US
aerobiosis noun BIOCHEM a biological term is is airplane.)
activity which occurs in the presence of
aeroplane performance noun AER-
OSP a description in figures regarding the
aerodynamic adjective 1. referring to speed of the aircraft, rate of climb, length
the way in which objects are affected when of take-off run, etc.
they move through the atmosphere 2. refer- aeroshell noun AEROSP the outer casing
ring to a smooth rounded shape which of a planetary landing spacecraft, designed
moves easily through the air to protect it from frictional heat generated
aerodynamic braking noun AEROSP when it passes through an atmosphere
the braking effect of drag aerosol noun 1. a quantity of tiny parti-
aerodynamic design noun ENG a cles of liquid suspended in a gas under
design of an aircraft or vehicle which pressure, sprayed from a container 2. a can
moves easily through the air because of its of liquid with a propellant gas under pres-
shape sure, which is used to spray the liquid in
aerodynamic forces plural noun PHYS the form of tiny drops 3. a quantity of tiny
forces of the air which act on aircraft in particles of liquid or powder which stay
flight suspended in the atmosphere
COMMENT: Aerosols in the atmosphere may
aerodynamics noun the science of be formed of liquid, as in the case of mist, or
dynamics and interaction of moving of solid particles, as in the case of dust
objects with the atmosphere (NOTE: takes a storms. Aerosols in the atmosphere are the
singular verb) form in which pollutants such as smoke are
dispersed. Commercial aerosols use CFCs
aero-engine noun AEROSP an engine as propellants, but these are believed to be
used in aircraft 쑗 Most piston aero-engines responsible for the destruction of ozone in
are cooled by air. the upper atmosphere and are gradually
being replaced by less destructive propel-
aerofoil noun AEROSP a surface which is lants.
shaped to produce more lift than drag when aerosol propellant noun a gas used in
moved through the air 쑗 Wings, ailerons, an aerosol can to make the spray of liquid
elevators, fins and propellers are all exam- come out
ples of aerofoils. (NOTE: The US term is
aerospace noun 1. METEOROL the
Earth’s atmosphere and outer space 2. AER-
aerogel noun CHEM a highly porous, OSP relating to the design, manufacture,
extremely lightweight solid formed by and flight of vehicles or missiles that fly in
replacing the particles in a gel with a gas and beyond the Earth’s atmosphere
aerogenerator noun INDUST a windmill aesthetic injury level noun the level at
with fast-moving sails used to generate which the amenity benefits of pest control
mechanical power or electricity become acceptable. Abbr AIL
aerolisation, aerolization noun ENVI- aestivation noun 1. ZOOL dormancy in
RON the transmission of a substance in the some animals such as lungfish during the
form of a vapour or fine particles in the air summer or periods of drought. Compare
aetiological agent 20
hibernation 2. BOT the arrangement of aftercare noun ENVIRON arrangements
sepals and petals in a flower bud for preventing future pollution from an
aetiological agent noun BIOL an agent environmentally sensitive activity that has
which causes a disease ceased
aetiology noun BIOL the causes of a dis- aftereffects plural noun BIOL changes
ease, or the study of those causes which appear only some time after the
affect verb to have an influence on or to cause 쑗 The operation had some unpleas-
change something 쑗 Humidity and air den- ant aftereffects.
sity are factors which affect the output of afterglow COMPUT 쏡 persistence
the engine. 쑗 Wind direction and speed aftershock noun EARTH SCI a weaker
only affect the movement of the aircraft shock which follows the main shock of an
over the ground. Compare effect earthquake. Compare foreshock
afferent adjective BIOL conducting liquid Ag symbol CHEM ELEM silver
or electrical impulses towards the inside agamospermy noun BOT same as
afferent nerve noun ANAT same as sen- apomixis
sory nerve agar, agar agar noun BIOL a culture
affinity noun CHEM an attraction between medium based on an extract of seaweed
two substances used for growing microorganisms in labo-
affirmative acknowledgment noun ratories
TELECOM a signal from a receiver indicat- agbiotech noun BIOTECH biotechnology
ing that it has accepted a message and is applied to agriculture or an agricultural
ready for the next one industry
affluent adjective 1. wealthy 2. EARTH AGC noun ELECTRONICS an electronic cir-
SCI referring to water which is flowing cuit that adjusts the level of an incoming
freely 쐽 noun EARTH SCI a stream which signal so that it is suitable for the next part
flows into a river of the circuit. Full form automatic gain
afforest verb AGRIC to plant an area with control
trees age noun the number of years during
afforestation noun 1. AGRIC the planting which a person or thing has existed 쑗 The
of trees in an area or as a crop 쑗 There is size varies according to age. 쐽 verb to grow
likely to be an increase in afforestation of old
upland areas if the scheme is introduced. 2. age group noun all people of a particular
EARTH SCI the planting of trees on land pre- age
viously used for other purposes agency noun 1. an organisation or com-
aflatoxin noun FOOD INDUST a toxin pro- pany that acts as a representative for a per-
duced by species of the fungus Aspergillus, son or business 2. a government
especially Aspergillus flavus, which grows organisation with a specific role 3. BIOL the
on seeds and nuts and affects stored grain act of causing something to happen 쑗 The
AFLP abbreviation BIOTECH amplified disease develops through the agency of
fragment length polymorphism bacteria present in the bloodstream.
AFM abbreviation PHYS atomic force Agenda 21 noun ENVIRON a global envi-
microscope ronmental programme and statement of
principles concerning sustainable develop-
AFP noun COMPUT a protocol used to ment for the 21st century, agreed in 1992 at
communicate between workstations and the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
servers in a network of Apple Macintosh
computers. Full form Appletalk filing pro- agent noun 1. CHEM a chemical substance
tocol which causes a change 쑗 an anti-icing
agent 2. COMPUT a program or piece of
afrormosia noun TREES a hardwood tree software that runs on a workstation in a
from West Africa, now becoming scarce. network, sending performance and statisti-
Latin name: Pericopisis elata. cal information about the workstation to a
after- prefix coming later central network management console 3.
afterburner noun a device which COMPUT a series of commands or actions
reduces pollution by burning out organic that are carried out automatically on a par-
gases ticular file or data 4. BIOL a substance or
21 agricultural
organism which causes a disease or condi- on a selected field in every record in a
tion 쑗 They identified the disease agent. selected database
Agent Orange noun CHEM an extremely aggregate line speed noun COMPUT
poisonous herbicide used as a defoliant the maximum speed at which data can be
(NOTE: It was used by US forces in the Viet- transmitted through a particular channel
nam War.) aggregate operator noun COMPUT a
age-related macular degeneration command in a database management pro-
noun MED an eye condition associated with gram that starts an aggregate function
ageing in which the yellowish spot (mac- aggregation noun ECOL a dispersal pat-
ula) in the middle of the retina breaks tern of plants or animals, where the indi-
down or becomes damaged as a result of viduals remain quite close together
leaking blood vessels. Symptoms include AGN abbreviation ASTRON active galactic
blurry central vision and diminished colour nucleus
age-specific rate noun MED the number agnathan noun MARINE BIOL a sea verte-
brate that has no jaw nor the two pairs of
of live births per 1000 women of a particu-
fins or legs that are characteristic of verte-
lar age group per year
brates such as lampreys and hagfish. Sub-
agglomerate noun EARTH SCI a rock phylum: Agnatha. (NOTE: Modern
made up of fragments of lava fused examples have eel-shaped bodies and
together by heat slimy scaleless skin, but many extinct
agglutinate verb BIOL to form into agnathans were covered with bony plates
groups or clusters and scales.)
agglutination noun BIOL a process in agonist noun BIOCHEM a substance such
which cells come together to form clumps. as a hormone, neurotransmitter or drug that
For example, agglutination takes place binds to a cell’s receptors to trigger a
when bacterial cells are in the presence of response
serum or affects blood cells when blood of AGP abbreviation COMPUT accelerated
different types is mixed. graphics port (NOTE: This port does not
agglutination test noun 1. MICROBIOL a replace a PCI bus but works with it.)
test used to identify bacteria 2. MED a test
used to identify if a woman is pregnant
AGR abbreviation INDUST advanced
gas-cooled reactor
agglutination tests plural noun tests to
identify bacteria agree verb 1. to have the same idea or
opinion about something 2. to come to an
agglutinin noun BIOCHEM a factor in a understanding
serum which makes cells group together
agreed adjective generally accepted 쑗
agglutinogen noun BIOCHEM a factor in The millibar is an agreed unit of pressure.
red blood cells which reacts with a specific
agglutinin in serum agreement noun the act or fact of having
the same idea or opinion as somebody
aggravate verb to make something
worse 쑗 The effects of acid rain on the soil agri- prefix AGRIC referring to agriculture
have been aggravated by chemical runoff. or to the cultivation or management of
aggregate noun 1. the total obtained by land. 쒁 agro-
adding 쑗 The aggregate of the capacity of agri-biotechnology noun biotechnol-
all the fuel tanks is 50 gallons. 2. COMPUT ogy as applied to agriculture
a collection of data objects 3. INDUST agribusiness noun AGRIC a large-scale
crushed stones used to make concrete or farming business run along the lines of a
road surfaces 4. EARTH SCI a mass of soil conventional company, often involving the
and rock particles stuck together 쐽 verb to processing, packaging and sale of farm
make up a whole or total 쑗 Ice crystals products
aggregate to form snowflakes. 쐽 to come agricultural adjective AGRIC referring to
together to form a mass farming
aggregate bandwidth noun the total Agricultural and Food Research
bandwidth of a channel carrying a multi- Council noun formerly, a council estab-
plexed data stream lished to organise and provide funds for
aggregate function noun COMPUT a agricultural and food research. It was
mathematical database function performed replaced by the Biotechnology and Biolog-
agricultural engineer 22
ical Sciences Research Council in 1993. agronomy noun AGRIC the scientific
Abbr AFRC study of the cultivation of crops
agricultural engineer noun AGRIC a COMMENT: The use of land to raise crops for
person trained in applying the principles of food first started about 10,000 years ago.
All plants grown for food have been devel-
science to farming oped over many centuries from wild plants,
agricultural engineering noun AGRIC which have been progressively bred to give
the applying of the principles of science to the best yields in different types of environ-
farming ment. Wild plants tend to be more hardy
and resistant to disease and are used in
agriculturalist noun AGRIC a person breeding new cultivated varieties.
trained in applying the principles of sci- AH abbreviation MEASURE ampere-hour
ence to farming ahead adverb in front
agricultural waste noun AGRIC waste ahead of preposition 1. in front of 쑗 Air
matter produced on a farm, e.g. plastic con- ahead of a cold front is warmer than air
tainers for pesticides behind a cold front. 2. at an earlier time
agriculture noun AGRIC the cultivation than 쑗 Paris is one hour ahead of London
of land, including horticulture, fruit grow- 쑗 The report was published ahead of
ing, crop and seed growing, dairy farming schedule. 3. before 쑗 We need to have the
and livestock breeding data ahead of next week’s meeting.
Agriculture, Environment and Bio- AI1 noun COMPUT the design and develop-
technology Commission noun the ment of computer programs that attempt to
UK government advisory body on biotech- imitate human intelligence and deci-
nology issues affecting agriculture and the sion-making functions, providing basic
environment reasoning and other human characteristics.
agri-environmental indicator noun Full form artificial intelligence
an indicator designed to provide informa- AI2 abbreviation 1. BIOL active ingredient
tion on the various ways in which agricul- 2. AEROSP attitude indicator 3. AGRIC arti-
ture affects the environment ficial insemination
agro- prefix AGRIC referring to agriculture aid noun 1. help given to someone 2.
or to the cultivation or management of something which helps someone do some-
land. 쒁 agri- thing 쑗 The computer is a great aid to rapid
agrobiodiversity noun the aspects of processing of large amounts of informa-
biodiversity that affect agriculture and tion. 쑗 Crop sprayers are useful aids in
food production, including within-species, combating insect-borne disease. 3. help
species and ecosystem diversity such as food, medicines, equipment or
agrochemical industry noun AGRIC people offered to somewhere that has expe-
the branch of industry which produces pes- rienced difficult conditions or a disaster 쑗
ticides and fertilisers used on farms sent food aid to the famine zone 쑗 The
agrochemicals plural noun AGRIC pesti- country spends 7% of its gross national
cides and fertilisers developed for agricul- product on aid to Third World countries. 4.
tural use a machine, tool or drug which helps some-
one do something 쐽 verb to help or give
agroclimatology noun AGRIC the study support to someone or something 쑗 They
of climate and its effect on agriculture were aided in their research by the detailed
agroecology noun AGRIC, ECOL the records kept by observers. 쑗 Changing to
ecology of a crop-producing area lead-free petrol has aided the fight against
agroecosystem noun AGRIC a commu- air pollution.
nity of organisms in a crop-producing area AIDS noun MED a disease of the immune
agroforestry noun AGRIC the growing of system caused by the HIV virus, character-
farm crops and trees together as a farming ised by increased susceptibility to infec-
unit tions and cancers. Full form Acquired
agroindustry noun AGRIC an industry Immune Deficiency Syndrome (NOTE: It
dealing with the supply, processing and is transmitted through blood or bodily
distribution of farm products secretions such as semen.)
agronomist noun AGRIC a person who AIL abbreviation aesthetic injury level
studies the cultivation of crops and pro- aileron noun AEROSP a horizontal control
vides advice to farmers surface hinged to an aircraft wing which
23 air intake
provides movement such as banking or air conduction noun the con-
turning around the longitudinal axis of the duction of sounds through the channel
aeroplane 쑗 By rotating the yoke the ailer- from the outside to the inner ear
ons are moved and the aircraft rolls into a air-cooled adjective ENG cooled by
turn. (NOTE: The word comes from the means of a flow of air, not water
French ‘aile’, meaning ‘wing’.)
air-cooling noun ENG the cooling of
ailment noun MED an illness, though not something by means of a current of air
generally a very serious one 쑗 Chickenpox aircraft noun AEROSP a vehicle that flies
is one of the common childhood ailments. 쑗 Aeroplanes, gliders, balloons, airships
aim noun a goal or objective 쐽 verb 1. to and helicopters are all aircraft. 쒁 aero-
point something such as a weapon or a plane (NOTE: The plural is aircraft.)
remark at someone or something 2. to air current noun PHYS a flow of air
intend or to try to do something
air density noun PHYS the density of the
aiming symbol, aiming field noun atmosphere
COMPUT a symbol displayed on screen
which defines the area in which a light pen air filter noun a device to remove solid
can be detected particles from the air in engine and ventila-
tion systems
air noun METEOROL a mixture of gases airflow noun 1. AEROSP a movement of
forming the Earth’s atmosphere, which air over an aircraft caused by the move-
cannot be seen ment of the aircraft through the air 2. ENG
COMMENT: The composition of air in the
lower atmosphere is: nitrogen (78%),
a current of air flowing through or past an
oxygen (21%), argon (less than 1%) and object or body 쑗 The compressor must pro-
trace quantities of carbon dioxide, helium, vide an adequate airflow through the
hydrogen, krypton, neon, ozone and xenon. engine.
Air pollution can be caused by human
action such as industrial processes or
airfoil noun US AEROSP US spelling of
smoking tobacco, but also by natural disas- aerofoil
ters such as volcanic eruptions and forest airframe noun AEROSP an aircraft body
fires. without engines, instruments, etc 쑗 The
air bladder noun MARINE BIOL an airframe has to be built to very specific
air-filled sac that helps the fronds of a sea- requirements.
weed to float in the water air frost noun METEOROL the condition
airborne adjective 1. (of aircraft) lifted where the air temperature above ground
and kept in the air by aerodynamic forces 쑗 level is below 0°C
Shortly after the aircraft becomes air- air gap noun COMPUT a narrow gap
borne, the undercarriage is retracted. 2. between a recording or playback head and
METEOROL carried in the air 쑗 airborne the magnetic medium
particles 쑗 airborne spores air gap type spark plug noun AUTO-
airborne combustion product noun MOT a spark plug with a gap between the
INDUST a gas, vapour or solid produced by electrodes across which the spark jumps
burning and transported through the air air gas noun INDUST a mixture of carbon
airborne lead noun ENVIRON particles of monoxide and nitrogen made by passing
lead carried in the air, causing pollution air over hot coke and used as a fuel
airbrush noun COMPUT a painting tool airglow noun ASTRON a faint glow in the
that creates a diffuse pattern of dots 쑗 We night sky caused by fluorescence of air
used the airbrush tool to create the cloud molecules in the upper atmosphere
effects in this image. COMMENT: The airglow can exist at 600 km
or more above the Earth’s surface. The air
air cleaner noun ENG a filter which at this height glows as the result of interac-
removes unwanted substances from the air tion with solar radiation, especially when
air conditioner noun ENG a device ultraviolet radiation from the Sun forms
which controls the temperature, ventilation nitrogen oxides with the emission of visible
light. Although interesting in its own right,
and humidity in a building or vehicle the airglow can hamper other astronomical
air conditioning noun ENG a system observations.
which controls the temperature, ventilation air intake noun AEROSP the front part of
and humidity in a building or vehicle a jet engine where air enters
air mass 24
air mass noun METEOROLa very large airtight adjective ENG not leaking air
mass of air in the atmosphere in which the air-to-ground visibility noun AEROSP
temperature is almost constant, divided the degree to which an object can be seen
from another mass by a weather front easily on the ground from the air 쑗 Glare
air passage noun ANAT a set of tubes, caused by reflection of sunlight from the
formed of the nose, pharynx, larynx, tra- top of a layer of fog or haze can seriously
chea and bronchi, which takes air to the reduce air-to-ground visibility.
lungs airway noun ANAT a passage in the body
airplane noun US AEROSP US spelling of through which air passes, especially the
aeroplane trachea
air pollutant noun ENVIRON a substance Airy disc noun PHYS a small disc of light
such as gas or smoke that contaminates the produced by a lens or mirror forming an
air in a specific place or the Earth’s atmos- image of a point source of light such as a
phere star. It is caused by diffraction spreading
air pollution noun the contamination of the light out.
the air by substances such as gas or smoke akinetic adjective BIOL without move-
air pressure noun METEOROL the nor- ment
mal pressure of the air on the surface of the Al symbol CHEM ELEM aluminium
Earth alabaster noun MINERALS a hard white
air purification noun ENG the removal semitranslucent variety of calcite
of unwanted substances from the air alanine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid in
air quality noun ENVIRON the state of the protein
air in a specific place in terms of the degree albedo noun PHYS, ASTRON a measure-
of pollution measured ment of the ability of a surface to reflect
air quality index noun ENVIRON a light, shown as the proportion of solar
numerical scale that indicates how polluted energy which strikes the Earth and is
the air is in a specific place reflected back by a particular surface
COMMENT: Albedo is highest on light shiny
air quality standards plural noun surfaces such as snow. It is lowest on dark
ENVIRON legal limits on specific pollutants uneven surfaces, e.g. masses of leaves,
in the air which absorb solar energy. Among the
air sac noun ANAT same as alveolus Earth’s near neighbours, albedos range
from Mercury’s 6% to Venus’s 76%, while
airship noun AEROSP a powered, the Earth’s is 36%. Earth and Venus have
gas-filled balloon which can be steered high albedos because of their cloud-filled
airspace noun AEROSP a part of the
atmosphere in which aircraft fly which is albinism noun BIOL an inherited lack of
subject to the laws of a particular country pigmentation in an organism (NOTE: A per-
or controlling authority 쑗 Civilian airspace son or animal with albinism has unusually
over Europe has become very crowded. white skin and hair.)
airspeed noun AEROSP the speed of an albino noun BIOL an organism that is unu-
aircraft relative to the air around it 쑗 Main- sually white, having little or no pigmenta-
tain a constant airspeed on final approach. tion in its skin, hair or eyes because it is
deficient in the colouring pigment melanin
airspeed indicator noun AEROSP the
primary cockpit or flight deck instrument albumen noun BIOL the white of an egg,
which shows the pilot the speed of the air- containing albumin
craft in relation to the air around it 쑗 Air- albumin noun BIOL a common protein,
speed is shown in knots on the airspeed soluble in water and found in plant and ani-
indicator. Abbr ASI mal tissue and digested in the intestine
airstream noun AEROSP a flow of air in a albumose noun BIOL an intermediate
particular direction product in the digestion of protein
COMMENT: Unlike airflow, airstream does alcohol noun 1. FOOD INDUST, CHEM a
not refer to the movement of air around an colourless liquid which is formed by the
airframe and its aerodynamic effect. action of yeast on sugar solutions. It is a
air stripping noun ENVIRON a technique component of drinks such as wine and
for removing pollutants from water in whisky and is also an ingredient of organic
which water is split into minute particles chemicals and medicines. Formula:
25 align
C2H5OH. 2. CHEM an organic compound algal adjective BIOL referring to algae 쑗
containing the -OH group Algal populations increase rapidly when
alcohol dehydrogenase noun BIO- phosphates are present.
CHEM an enzyme found in the liver and algal bloom noun BIOL a mass of algae
stomach that promotes the conversion of which develops rapidly in a lake as a result
alcohols to aldehydes of eutrophication
aldehyde CHEM noun one of the main algal control noun ENVIRON the preven-
groups of organic compound hydrocarbons tion of the growth of algae
with the general formula RCHO, where R algebra noun MATHS the use of letters in
is an alkyl group 쐽 adjective relating to the mathematical operations to represent
chemical group composed of a carbon unknown numbers or a range of possible
atom connected to an oxygen atom by a numbers
double bond and to a hydrogen atom
algebraic language noun COMPUT a
aldol noun CHEM a thick oily liquid used context-free language
in the vulcanisation of rubber, solvent and
perfumes -algia suffix BIOL pain
aldose noun BIOCHEM a sugar (monosac- algicide noun ENVIRON a substance used
charide) containing an aldehyde group to kill algae
aldosterone noun BIOCHEM a hormone algoculture noun BIOTECH the growing
secreted by the adrenal gland which regu- of algae commercially or for scientific pur-
lates the balance of sodium and potassium poses
in the body and the amount of body fluid ALGOL noun COMPUT a high-level pro-
aldrin noun AGRIC an organochlorine gramming language using algorithmic
insecticide that is banned in the European methods for mathematical and technical
Union applications. Full form algorithmic lan-
alert noun COMPUT a warning message
sent from software to warn a person or algorithm noun MATHS a set of rules used
application that an error or problem has to define or perform a specific task or to
occurred solve a specific problem
alert box noun COMPUT a warning panel algorithmic adjective MATHS expressed
displayed on screen to warn a user about using algorithms
something 쑗 The alert box warned me that algorithmic language noun COMPUT a
I was about to delete all my files. computer language designed to process
aleurone noun BOT a protein found in the and express algorithms, e.g. ALGOL
outer skin of seeds alias noun COMPUT a representative name
alfalfa noun PLANTS same as lucerne given to a file, port, device, spreadsheet
Alfven wave noun PHYS a magnetic dis- cell or range of cells 쑗 The operating sys-
turbance that travels along magnetic field tem uses the alias COM1 to represent the
lines in a plasma serial port address 3FCh.
alga noun BIOL a tiny single-celled or mul- alicyclic adjective CHEM referring to
ticellular organism living in water or in organic compounds with carbon atoms
moist conditions, which contains chloro- joined in a string or ring
phyll but has no stems, roots or leaves alien adjective 1. COMPUT different or not
(NOTE: The plural is algae.) fitting the usual system 2. ECOL same as
COMMENT: Algae were formerly regarded exotic 쑗 A fifth of the area of the national
as plants because they contain chlorophyll, park is under alien conifers. 쑗 Alien spe-
but are now classified separately. cies, introduced by settlers as domestic
Seaweeds are forms of algae. Algae grow animals, have brought about the extinction
rapidly in water which is rich in phosphates
and/or nitrates. When these levels
of some endemic species. 쐽 noun ECOL
increases, for example when fertiliser runoff same as exotic
enters the water, the algae multiply to form alight adjective burning 쑗 The forest fire
huge floating mats called blooms, blocking was still alight after two days.
out the light and inhibiting the growth of
other organisms. When the algae die, they align verb 1. to position something along
combine with all the oxygen in the water so an axis or line 2. to add spaces between
that other organisms suffocate. words in a line to make sure that the line of
algaecide noun same as algicide text fills the whole line and that the column
aligner 26
or page has straight sides 3. to set some- ing carbon dioxide levels in the blood,
thing in a correct position in relation to resulting in an increase of blood alkalinity.
something else 쑗 Aligned white marks on COMMENT: Alkalinity and acidity are meas-
the wheel and tyre indicate that there is no ured according to the pH scale. pH7 is
creep. neutral, and pH8 and upwards are alkaline.
Alkaline solutions are used to counteract
aligner noun COMPUT a device used to the effects of acid poisoning and also of bee
make sure that the paper is straight in a stings.
printer alkaloid adjective BIOL similar to an
alignment noun 1. the positioning of alkali 쐽 noun BIOCHEM one of many poi-
something along an axis or line 2. the set- sonous substances found in plants, which
ting of something in a correct position in use them as a defence against herbivores
relation to something else 왍 to check the (NOTE: Many alkaloids such as atropine,
alignment of something to make sure morphine or quinine are also useful as
something is in the correct position 왍 in medicines.)
alignment correctly aligned alkalosis noun MED an unusually high
alignment pin noun ENG a peg that fits alkalinity in the blood or other body fluids
in a hole to ensure that two devices are cor- alkane noun CHEM a hydrocarbon con-
rectly positioned in relation to each other taining carbon-to-carbon or car-
alimentary canal noun ANAT a tube in bon-to-hydrogen single bonds only,
the body going from the mouth to the anus, belonging to a series with the general
including the throat, stomach and intes- chemical formula CnH2n+2
tines, through which food passes and is alkene noun CHEM a hydrocarbon con-
digested taining one carbon-to-carbon double bond,
alimentation noun BIOL feeding belonging to a series with the general
aliphatic adjective CHEM referring to chemical formula CnH2n
organic compounds that have carbon atoms alkyl benzenesulfonate, alkyl ben-
joined in a string (open chain) zenesulphonate noun CHEM a sur-
aliphatic hydrocarbon noun CHEM a face-acting agent used in detergents, which
hydrocarbon compound that does not con- is not biodegradable and creates large
tain benzene. Compare aromatic com- amounts of foam in sewers and rivers
pound alkyl group noun CHEM a group created
alive adjective not dead 쑗 The patient was by removing a hydrogen atom from an
still alive but in a coma. aliphatic hydrocarbon such as an alkane
alkali noun CHEM a substance which alkyl halide noun CHEM an organic com-
reacts with an acid to form a salt and water. pound created by replacing one or more
It may be either a soluble base or a solution hydrogen atoms in an alkane with halogen
of a base that has a pH value of more than atoms
7. (NOTE: The plural is alkalis; an alterna- alkyne noun CHEM an open-chain hydro-
tive US plural is alkalies.) carbon in which there is one carbon-to-car-
alkali metal noun CHEM ELEM an element bon triple bond, belonging to a series
in group 1 of the periodic table, all of whose members all have the same general
which are silver-coloured, soft and react chemical formula. Formula: CnH2n−2.
with water (NOTE: The metals are lithium, allantois noun ANAT a sac found in the
sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium embryos of mammals, birds and reptiles
and francium.) (NOTE: In mammals, it combines with the
alkaline adjective CHEM containing more chorion to form the placenta and umbilical
alkali than acid and having a pH value of cord.)
more than 7 Allee effect noun ECOL an effect of pop-
alkaline-earth metal noun CHEM ELEM ulation density on population growth, by
a metallic element in group 2 of the peri- which there is a fall in reproductive rate at
odic table, with a valency of two (NOTE: very low population densities and a posi-
The metals are beryllium, magnesium, cal- tive relationship between population den-
cium, strontium, barium and radium.) sity and the reproduction and survival of
alkalinity noun CHEM the amount of individuals
alkali in something such as soil, water or a allele noun GENETICS one of two or more
body 쑗 Hyperventilation causes fluctuat- alternative forms of a gene, situated in the
27 allowable
same area (locus) on paired chromosomes out between users 쑗 The operating system
and controlling the inheritance of the same allocated most of main memory to the
characteristic spreadsheet program.
allelomorph noun GENETICS same as allocation noun 1. the provision of
allele something for a particular purpose 쑗 the
allelopathy noun ECOL the release by allocation of assignments to students. 2.
one plant of a chemical substance that COMPUT the dividing of memory, disk
restricts the germination or growth of space, printer use, program or operating
another plant system time or a device in various ways
allergen noun MED a substance which allochthonous adjective relating to
produces a hypersensitive reaction in flora, fauna, material or inhabitants that
someone. Allergens are usually proteins, have moved from elsewhere to the region
and include foods, the hair of animals and in which they are found. Compare autoch-
pollen from flowers, as well as dust. thonous
COMMENT: Allergic reaction is known as allogamy noun BOT fertilisation by pol-
anaphylaxis. Treatment of allergies len from different flowers or from flowers
depends on correctly identifying the of genetically different plants of the same
allergen to which the patient is sensitive.
This is done by patch tests in which drops species
of different allergens are placed on COMMENT: Some fruit trees are self-fertile,
scratches in the skin. Food allergens that is, they fertilise themselves with their
discovered in this way can be avoided, but own pollen. Others need pollinators that are
other allergens such as dust and pollen can usually different cultivars of the same
hardly be avoided and have to be treated by species.
a course of desensitising injections. allogenic succession noun ECOL the
allergenic adjective MED producing an establishment of different communities in
allergy 쑗 the allergenic properties of fun- a particular area as a result of external envi-
gal spores ronmental factors such as climatic change
allergenic agent noun MED a substance allograft noun MED a graft of tissue from
which produces an allergy one individual to another of the same spe-
allergic adjective MED affected by an cies. Also called homograft
allergy 쑗 allergic to penicillin allopatric adjective ECOL referring to
allergic agent noun MED same as aller- plants of the same species which grow in
genic agent different parts of the world and so do not
allergic reaction noun MED an effect cross-breed
such as a skin rash or sneezing produced by allopatric speciation noun the devel-
a substance to which a person has an opment of new species which are geo-
allergy 쑗 He showed an allergic reaction to graphically isolated from each other
chocolate. allophone noun ACOUSTICS the smallest
allergy noun MED a sensitivity to sub- unit of sound from which speech can be
stances such as pollen or dust, which cause formed. 쒁 phoneme
a physical reaction 쑗 She has an allergy to allotrope noun CHEM one of many forms
household dust. 쑗 He has a penicillin in which a chemical element can occur,
allergy. each with differing physical properties
alleviate verb to reduce or lessen the (NOTE: For example, diamonds, graphite
harmful effect of something 쑗 Anti-icing and coal are allotropes of carbon.)
additives are available to alleviate the allotropy noun CHEM the existence of dif-
problem of icing up. ferent structural forms of an element
alleviation noun a reduction or lessening allow verb to enable, permit or authorise
of the harmful effect of something 쑗 Deep something 쑗 An engine should be run at
regular breathing may provide some allevi- low rpm after flight to allow engine com-
ation from stress. ponents to cool. 쑗 We will allow more time
allo- prefix different for the report to be presented. 왍 to allow
allocate verb 1. to provide something for for to make something available or take
a particular purpose 쑗 Research grants are something into consideration 쑗 The sched-
allocated to both large and small projects. ule does not allow for delays.
2. COMPUT to divide a period of time or a allowable adjective permitted 쑗 maxi-
piece of work in various ways and share it mum allowable tyre pressure
allowance 28
allowance noun 1. a consideration for alpha blending noun COMPUT control
possibilities or changing circumstances 왍 over the transparency of a graphical object,
to make allowances for to take something normally used to display complex graphi-
into account 2. something which is allowed cal objects such as glass and water
alloy noun a metal made from a com- alpha cell noun ANAT one of the types of
pound of two or more metallic elements, cells in glands such as the pancreas which
e.g. brass have more than one type of cell
COMMENT: Many metals have practical alpha decay noun PHYS radioactive dis-
disadvantages in the pure state and alloys integration of a substance due to the emis-
have been developed to make the best use
of their advantages.
sion of alpha particles
all-terrain vehicle noun AUTOMOT a
alpha diversity noun ECOL the number
vehicle which can be driven over all types of species occurring in a small area
of land surface. Abbr ATV alphageometric adjective COMPUT
alluvial adjective EARTH SCI referring to referring to a set of codes that instruct a
alluvium teletext terminal to display various graph-
ics patterns or characters
alluvial deposit noun EARTH SCI a
deposit of silt formed on the bed of a river alpha helix noun BIOCHEM a helical pro-
or lake and carried and laid down else- tein structure consisting of amino acids
where, often on flood plains stabilised by hydrogen bonds
alluvial fan noun EARTH SCI a alphameric adjective US COMPUT same
fan-shaped deposit of sediment built up by as alphanumeric
a river where the slope of the bed becomes alphamosaic adjective COMPUT refer-
less steep ring to a character set used in teletext to
provide alphanumeric and graphics charac-
alluvial flat noun EARTH SCI a flat area ters
along a river where silt is deposited when
the river floods alphanumeric adjective COMPUT 1.
using both letters and numbers 2. referring
alluvial mining noun MIN EXTRACT the to data that includes letters and numbers
extraction of minerals from alluvial depos-
its, e.g. panning for gold alpha particle noun PHYS a nucleus of
the same composition as a helium atom
alluvial plain noun EARTH SCI same as with two protons and two neutrons (NOTE:
alluvial flat It is emitted by the nuclei of some radioac-
alluvial silt noun EARTH SCI same as tive elements such as radon, and when
alluvium emitted will pass through gas but not
alluvial soil noun EARTH SCI same as through solids.)
alluvial deposit alpha-particle sensitivity noun COM-
alluvial terrace noun EARTH SCI a flat PUT a problem experienced by some elec-
plain left when a river cuts deeply into the tronic memory devices that will lose data
bottom of a valley stored in them when exposed to alpha radi-
alluvium noun EARTH SCI the silt depos- ation
ited by a river or a lake alpha radiation noun PHYS radiation by
allyl group noun CHEM a group of alpha particles from radioactive nuclei
unsaturated hydrocarbons with the general alpha ray noun PHYS a stream of alpha
formula CH2=CHCH2- particles
aloft adjective up in the air 쑗 A pressure alphasort verb COMPUT to sort informa-
gradient occurs aloft from land to sea. tion into alphabetical order
alpha noun 1. COMPUT the first working alpha waste noun PHYS radioactive
attempt of a computer product 쑗 The new waste emitting alpha particles
software is still in an alpha product stage. Alphonsine Tables plural noun
2. COMPUT data that defines the properties ASTRON a book of tables of astronomical
of a pixel or part of an image 3. the first let- data, mainly planetary positions, published
ter of the Greek alphabet at Toledo, Spain, in 1273 and used
alpha beta technique noun COMPUT a throughout the Middle Ages in Europe
technique used in artificial intelligence for alpine adjective EARTH SCI referring to
solving game and strategy problems the European mountains known as the
29 altocumulus
Alps, or to other high mountains 쐽 noun alternative adjective 1. different 쑗 an
PLANTS a plant that grows on mountains alternative means of achieving the same
between the tree line and the snow line result 2. not traditional or conventional 쑗
alpine pasture noun AGRIC the grass searching for alternative sources of energy
fields in high mountains which are used by alternative denial noun COMPUT a log-
cattle farmers in the summer ical function whose output is false if all
alpine plant noun BOT a plant which inputs are true and true if any input is false
grows on or comes originally from high alternative energy noun INDUST the
mountains 쑗 Alpine vegetation grows energy produced by tidal, wind, or solar
above the tree line. power, or by burning biomass rather than
alt noun COMPUT a type of newsgroup on by fossil fuels or nuclear power
the Internet that contains discussions about alternative fuel noun a fuel which is
alternative subjects promoted as a cleaner alternative to petrol,
COMMENT: Alt newsgroups are not official e.g. methanol
newsgroups and are not supported or moni- alternative medicine noun MED the
tored by any company. Some online service
providers do not allow their subscribers to
treating of diseases and disorders with pro-
view all the newsgroups because they may cedures and remedies, e.g. herbal medi-
contain offensive and pornographic mate- cines or acupuncture, which are not usually
rial. used by traditionally trained doctors
alter verb to modify something and make alternative technology noun the use
it different 쑗 The rudder linkage was of traditional techniques and equipment
altered to comply with certification and materials that are available locally for
requirements. 왍 to alter course to change agriculture, manufacturing and other proc-
to a different route esses
alteration noun 1. a modification 쑗 It alternator noun ELEC a device for pro-
was discovered that alterations had been ducing alternating current electricity that
made to the log book. 쑗 As a result of the can be driven by a motor, or by water or
accident, alterations were made to the wind power
design of the system. 2. the making of a altimeter noun AEROSP a pressure or
modification radio instrument for measuring vertical
alternate verb COMPUT to change from distance or altitude
one state to another and back, over and altimeter display noun AEROSP an ana-
over again 쐽 adjective 1. COMPUT changing logue or digital appearance of altitude
from one to another 2. COMPUT every other information
쑗 A, c, e and g are alternate letters as are
altimeter reading noun AEROSP the
b, d, f and h 3. BOT referring to flowers, altitude indicated by an altimeter
buds, or leaves that are arranged singly at altimeter setting noun AEROSP an
different heights on either side of a stem, adjustment of the sub-scale of an altimeter
rather than being in pairs or groups to adjust the base level of the altimeter to
alternate mode noun COMPUT an appli- seal level or another level
cation for multi-user use, where two oper- altitude noun the height of an object
ators can access and share a single file at above sea-level
the same time
Alt key noun COMPUT a special key on the
alternate route noun COMPUT a backup keyboard of a PC used to activate special
path in a communications system, used in functions in an application 쑗 Press Alt and
case of a fault or breakdown P at the same time to print your document.
alternating current noun ELEC electric COMMENT: The Alt key has become the
current whose value varies with time in a standard method of activating a menu bar in
regular sinusoidal way, changing the direc- any software running on a PC. For
tion of flow each half cycle. Abbr AC example, Alt-F normally displays the File
menu of a program, Alt-X normally exits the
COMMENT: The mains electricity supply
uses alternating current to minimise trans-
mission power loss, with a frequency of alto- prefix moderate or high altitude
50Hz in the UK and 60Hz in the US. altocumulus noun METEOROL a layer of
alternation noun COMPUT a logical func- small white cumulus clouds at moderate
tion that produces a true output if any input altitude above 3000m, usually resulting in
is true fair weather. Compare stratocumulus
altostratus 30
altostratus noun METEOROL a high thin modems and ADSL which link a computer
uniform cloud above 3000m, usually seen to the Internet.)
as a front is approaching Am symbol CHEM ELEM americium
altruism noun ZOOL the behaviour of an AM abbreviation ELEC amplitude modula-
animal that reduces its chances of survival tion
or of producing offspring, but increases amber noun BIOL a yellow translucent
those chances for another closely related substance that is the fossilised resin of con-
individual of the same species ifers. It sometimes contains fossilised
ALU abbreviation COMPUT arithmetic insects.
logic unit ambi- prefix BIOL both
alum noun CHEM a naturally occurring ambient adjective 1. referring to back-
potassium aluminium sulfate used as a ground conditions 2. referring to normal
mordant in dyeing. Formula: surrounding atmospheric conditions
K2SO4.Al2(SO[[SUB]4)3.24H2O. ambient climate noun the atmospheric
alumina noun CHEM a white aluminium conditions surrounding a specific geo-
oxide used in catalysts, abrasives and the graphical point
manufacture of artificial rubies and sap- ambient conditions plural noun the
phires. Formula: Al2O3. (NOTE: It is atmospheric conditions such as humidity,
extracted from corundum and bauxite.) temperature or air pressure in which some-
aluminate noun CHEM a salt of alumin- thing exists 쑗 The ambient conditions are
ium and a metal oxide ideal for the development of fungi.
aluminium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic ambient environment noun the envi-
element extracted from the ore bauxite ronment which surrounds an ecosystem
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Al; the ambient noise noun PHYS normal back-
atomic number is 13 and the atomic weight ground noise that is present all the time,
is 26.98.) normally given a reference pressure level
aluminium chloride noun CHEM a of 0.00002 pascal
white crystalline material used in medi- ambient quality standards plural
cines, cosmetics, pigments and antiperspi- noun ENVIRON the levels of acceptable
rants. Formula: AlCl3 or Al2Cl6. clean air which a regulatory body tries to
aluminium hydroxide noun CHEM a enforce
chemical substance used as an antacid to ambient temperature noun ECOL the
treat indigestion. Formula: Al(OH)3. temperature of the air surrounding some-
aluminium oxide noun CHEM same as thing
alumina ambiguity noun something heard or seen
aluminium sulfate, aluminium sul- which can be understood in more than one
phate noun CHEM a white crystalline mate- way, resulting in possible confusion
rial used in paper manufacture, textiles and ambiguity error noun an error due to
water purification. Formula: Al2(SO4)3. incorrect selection of ambiguous data
aluminous cement noun high-alu- ambiguous adjective referring to ambi-
mina cement, aluminous cement INDUST guity (NOTE: For example, the term ‘current
cement made of bauxite and limestone, flow’ is ambiguous because it can be
used because it resists heat understood in two ways: ‘electrical flow’ or
alveoli plural noun ANAT plural of alveo- ‘flow at the present time’)
lus ambiguous genitalia plural noun MED
alveolus noun ANAT a thin-walled air sac outer genitals that do not have the typical
that occurs in large numbers in each lung appearance of either sex
and allows oxygen to enter and carbon AMD abbreviation MED age-related macu-
dioxide to leave the blood lar degeneration
always on adjective COMPUT referring to ameba noun MICROBIOL another spelling
a feature of high-speed broadband commu- of amoeba
nications devices in which the computer amelioration noun an improvement or
appears to be permanently connected to the the process of improving something 쑗
net and you do not need to dial up a special There has been some amelioration in pol-
number (NOTE: It is characteristic of cable lution levels.
31 amniocentesis
amend verb to update or correct a docu- amitosis noun BIOL multiplication of a
ment or procedure cell by splitting the nucleus
amendment noun a change, updating, ammeter noun ELEC an instrument for
improvement or correction to a document measuring current flowing in a circuit
or procedure, etc. ammonia noun CHEM a gas with an
amendment record noun COMPUT a unpleasant smell that is easily soluble in
record containing new information used to water. Formula: NH3.
update a master record or file ammoniacal adjective referring to
amenity noun ENVIRON something which ammonia
makes surroundings more pleasant, e.g. a ammoniacal nitrogen noun nitrogen
park, swimming pool or sports centre derived from ammonia
amenity society noun ENVIRON a group ammonia-soda process noun CHEM 쏡
of people who are concerned about the pro- Solvay process
tection and improvement of their local sur-
roundings ammonia water noun CHEM a solution
of ammonia in water. Formula: NH4OH.
amensalism noun symbiosis between
two different species that is harmful to one ammonification noun CHEM the treat-
but not the other ment or soaking of something with ammo-
amensualism noun a situation where a
species is adversely affected by another ammonium noun CHEM an ion formed
from ammonia
American National Standards
Institute noun COMPUT an organisation ammonium carbonate noun CHEM a
which specifies computer and software white crystalline material which is a com-
standards including those that define net- ponent of smelling salts and baking pow-
work standards and high-level program- der. Formula: (NH4)2CO3.
ming languages. Abbr ANSI ammonium chloride noun CHEM a
American Standard Code for Infor- white crystalline material used in cough
mation Interchange noun COMPUT a medicines, soldering flux and batteries.
code which represents alphanumeric char- Formula: NH4Cl.
acters as binary codes. Abbr ASCII ammonium fixation noun CHEM the
americium noun CHEM ELEM an artificial absorption of ammonium ions by the soil
radioactive element (NOTE: The chemical ammonium ion noun CHEM a positively
symbol is Am; the atomic number is 95 and charged ion formed from a reaction of
the atomic weight is 243.) ammonia with a hydrogen ion. Formula:
amide group noun CHEM a group of NH4 +.
organic compounds in which one of the ammonium nitrate noun CHEM a popu-
hydrogen atoms of an ammonia structure lar fertiliser used as top dressing (NOTE: It
NH3 is replaced by an acyl group -RCO is available in a special prilled or granular
amine noun CHEM any organic derivative form, and can be used both as a straight
of ammonia in which one or more hydro- fertiliser and in compounds.)
gen atoms is replaced with an alkyl group ammonium phosphate noun AGRIC a
amino acid noun BIOCHEM a chemical fertiliser which can be used straight, but is
compound which is a component of pro- more often used in compounds (NOTE:
teins 쑗 Proteins are first broken down into Applications may increase the acidity of
amino acids. 쒁 essential amino acid the soil.)
COMMENT: Amino acids all contain carbon, ammonium sulfate, ammonium sul-
hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, as well as phate noun CHEM a colourless crystalline
other elements. Some amino acids are solid that is soluble in water, used as a fer-
produced in the body itself, but others have tiliser. Formula: (NH4)2SO4. Also called
to be absorbed from food. The eight essen-
tial amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, sulfate of ammonia
lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threo- amniocentesis noun MED a test to
nine, tryptophan and valine. determine the health, sex, or genetic con-
amino group noun a group of
CHEM stitution of a foetus performed by remov-
compounds with the basic chemical struc- ing a sample of amniotic fluid through a
ture -NH2 needle inserted into the mother’s womb
amnion 32
amnion noun BIOL the inner of two mem- amperage noun EDUC the strength of an
branes that enclose an embryo and sur- electric current expressed in amperes 쑗
rounding fluid of a bird, reptile or mammal Measuring the amperage of a motor can
amniote noun ZOOL a vertebrate that give a rough estimate of the load on the
develops from an embryo that is contained motor.
within an amnion, e.g. a bird, reptile or ampere noun ELEC, MEASURE in the SI
mammal system, the basic unit of electric current
amniotic fluid noun ANAT the fluid that equal to a current between two parallel
surrounds and protects a foetus (NOTE: It conductors in a vacuum that produces a
flows out through the vagina before a baby force equal to 2x10–7 newtons per metre 쑗
is born.) Current flow is measured in amperes.
amoeba noun MICROBIOL a single-celled ampere-hour noun MEASURE a meas-
organism found in water, wet soil, or as a urement of electric current over time. Abbr
parasite of other organisms. Genus: AH
Amoeba. (NOTE: An amoeba consists of a amphetamine noun PHARM a drug that
shapeless protoplasmic mass enclosed by stimulates the central nervous system, for-
a flexible membrane and forms temporary merly used to treat depression and as an
projections (pseudopodia) in order to appetite suppressant
move. The plural is amoebae.) Amphibia plural noun ZOOL a class of
amoebiasis noun MED an infection egg-laying animals which live partly in
caused by an amoeba, which can result in water and partly on land and whose larvae
amoebic dysentery in the large intestine live in water (NOTE: Amphibia include
intestinal amoebiasis and can sometimes frogs, toads and newts.)
infect the lungs pulmonary amoebiasis amphibian noun 1. ZOOL an animal
amoebic adjective MICROBIOL referring which lives both in water and on land, e.g.
to an amoeba or amoebae a frog, toad or newt 2. AUTOMOT a vehicle
amoebic dysentery noun MED a which can travel both on water and on land
mainly tropical form of dysentery caused 쐽 adjective ZOOL referring to an organism
by Entamoeba histolytica which enters the which lives both in water and on land
body through contaminated water or amphibious adjective 1. ZOOL referring
unwashed food to an animal which lives both in water and
amoebicide noun CHEM a substance on land 2. AUTOMOT referring to a vehicle
which kills amoebae which can travel both on water and on land
amoebocyte noun BIOL a cell that amphoteric adjective CHEM able to react
resembles an amoeba, especially in the as an acid in the presence of a strong base
way it moves and engulfs particles or as a base in the presence of a strong acid
amorphous adjective with no regular amp-hour noun ELEC, MEASURE same as
shape ampere-hour
amount noun a quantity of something 쑗 ample adjective plenty of 쑗 During the
What is the largest amount of data which course you will have ample opportunity or
can be processed in one hour? time to demonstrate your skill.
amount to verb 1. to make a total 쑗 The amplicon noun GENETICS a fragment of
total keyboarded characters amount to ten nucleic acid that is the product of artificial
million. 쑗 Rainfall in some areas only large-scale reproduction of genetic mate-
amounts to a few millimetres per annum. 2. rial
to be equivalent to something 쑗 The gov- amplification noun ACOUSTICS the out-
ernment’s attitude amounts to a dismissal put-to-input signal strength ratio 쑗
of the acid rain problem. Increase the amplification of the input sig-
amp noun MEASURE same as ampere nal. 쑗 The amplification is so high, the sig-
(NOTE: usually used with figures: a 13-amp nal is distorting.
fuse) amplified fragment length poly-
AMP noun BIOCHEM a compound involved morphism noun BIOTECH a rapid method
in chemical reactions that release large that uses the polymerase chain reaction
amounts of energy in the tissues of living technique to detect variations in DNA
organisms. Full form adenosine mono- sequences between individuals. Abbr
phosphate AFLP
33 anaesthetic
amplifier noun ELEC an electronic circuit then return to fresh water to spawn. Com-
that increases the power of a signal pare catadromy
amplify verb ELEC to increase the anaemia noun MED a condition where the
strength of an electrical signal 쑗 An elec- level of red blood cells is less than normal
tric current is amplified and then transmit- or where the haemoglobin is reduced, mak-
ted. (NOTE: amplifying – amplifies – ing it more difficult for the blood to carry
amplified) oxygen (NOTE: The US spelling is anemia.)
amplitude noun PHYS a range of varia- anaemic adjective MED affected by anae-
tion of the strength or size of a signal or mia (NOTE: The US spelling is anemic.)
quantity such as the height of a wave, the anaerobe noun MICROBIOL a microor-
magnitude of a variable star, or any other ganism which lives without oxygen, e.g.
measured amount the tetanus bacillus or blue-green algae.
amplitude modulation noun ELEC a Compare aerobe
method of carrying data by varying the size anaerobic adjective BIOCHEM not need-
of a carrier signal, which is of fixed fre- ing oxygen for existence. Compare aero-
quency, according to the data bic
ampoule, ampule noun BIOL a small anaerobically adverb without using
glass container, closed at the neck, used to oxygen 쑗 Slurry is digested anaerobically
contain sterile drugs for use in injections by bacteria.
AMU abbreviation PHYS, MEASURE atomic anaerobic decomposition noun the
mass unit breaking down of organic material by
amygdala noun ANAT an almond-shaped microorganisms without the presence of
body in the brain oxygen
amyl- prefix BIOCHEM starch anaerobic digester noun ENVIRON a
digester that operates without oxygen 쑗
amylase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme Anaerobic digesters can be used to convert
which converts starch into maltose cattle manure into gas.
amyl group noun CHEM a group of COMMENT: Anaerobic digesters for pig,
monovalent alkyls with the general for- cattle and poultry waste feed the waste into
mula C5H11-. Also called pentyl group a tank where it breaks down biologically
without the presence of oxygen to give off
amylopsin noun BIOCHEM an enzyme large amounts of methane. This gas is then
which converts starch into maltose used to generate electricity. The remaining
amylose noun BIOCHEM a carbohydrate slurry can be applied directly to the land.
of starch anaerobic digestion noun BIOCHEM

an-, ana- prefix without or lacking the breakdown of organic material without
the presence of oxygen, a process which
anabatic wind noun METEOROL a permanently removes the unpleasant smell
stream of wind currents which are caused of many organic wastes so that they can be
by solar heating of the land and rise up used on agricultural land
south-facing mountainsides. Compare anaerobic respiration noun BIOCHEM
katabatic wind
the series of biochemical processes which
anabolic adjective BIOCHEM referring to lead to the formation of ATP without oxy-
a substance which synthesises protein gen
anabolic steroids plural noun hor- anaerobiosis noun BIOCHEM a biologi-
mones which encourage growth and mus- cal activity which occurs without the pres-
cle building ence of oxygen
anabolism noun BIOCHEM the process of anaerobism noun a lack of oxygen such
building up complex chemical substances as is found in gley soils
on the basis of simpler ones anaesthesia noun 1. BIOL the loss of the
anadromous adjective MARINE BIOL feeling of pain 2. MED a process that pre-
referring to a species of fish such as salmon vents a person or animal from feeling pain,
which hatches in fresh water and becomes usually by the use of drugs (NOTE: The US
adult in salt water. Compare catadromous spelling is anesthesia.)
anadromy noun MARINE BIOL a form of anaesthetic adjective BIOL producing a
migration of fish such as salmon which loss of feeling 쐽 noun MED a substance
hatch in fresh water, migrate to the sea and given to a patient to suppress feeling before
anaesthetic induction 34
an operation (NOTE: The US spelling is traditional hands and face display on a
anesthetic.) clock
anaesthetic induction noun MED the analyse verb 1. to examine something in
process of inducing anaesthesia in a patient detail 쑗 We’ll need to analyse the effect of
anaesthetic risk noun MED the risk that the new reporting procedures. 2. to sepa-
an anaesthetic may cause serious unwanted rate a substance into its parts 쑗 The labora-
side effects tory is analysing the soil samples. 쑗 When
the water sample was analysed it was
analgesia noun MED a reduction of the found to contain traces of bacteria.
feeling of pain without loss of conscious-
ness analyser noun a machine which analyses
blood or tissue samples automatically
analgesic adjective BIOL referring to
analgesia 쐽 noun PHARM a painkilling drug analysis noun 1. the process of examin-
which produces analgesia and reduces ing something in detail 2. the process of
pyrexia breaking down a substance into its parts in
COMMENT: There are two types of anal-
order to study them closely 쑗 Samples of
gesic: non-opioid, e.g. paracetamol and material were removed for analysis. 쒁 data
aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), and opioid e.g. analysis
codeine phosphate. Opioid analgesics are analyst noun 1. a person who examines
used for severe pain relief in terminal care,
as cough suppressants and to reduce gut samples of substances to find out what they
motility in cases of diarrhoea. Analgesics are made of 2. a person who carries out a
are commonly used as local anaesthetics, study of a problem 쑗 a health and safety
e.g. in dentistry. analyst
analog noun TECH a representation and analyte noun the chemical for which tests
measurement of numerical data by contin- are made on a sample
uously variable physical quantities such as analyze verb US spelling of analyse
the size of electrical voltages. Compare
analyzer noun US spelling of analyser
analog computer noun COMPUT a com- anamorphic adjective OPTICS referring
to an image that has unequal vertical and
puter which processes data in analog form
horizontal scaling, making it appear
rather than digital form
squashed or taller than the original
analog data noun COMPUT data that is anaphase noun BIOL a stage in cell divi-
represented as a continuously variable sig- sion, after the metaphase and before the
nal (NOTE: Speech is a form of analog telophase
anastomosis noun BIOL a connection
analog display noun COMPUT a screen made between two vessels or two tubes,
that can display an infinite range of colours either naturally or by surgery
or shades of grey (NOTE: VGA monitors are
a form of analog display. Digital displays anatomical adjective ANAT referring to
can only display a finite range of colours.) anatomy 쑗 the anatomical features of a
analog gate noun COMPUT a logic gate
whose output is proportional to an input anatomy noun 1. ANAT the inner struc-
signal ture of the body of an animal or plant 쑗
human anatomy 2. BIOL the scientific study
analog input card noun COMPUT a card of the structure of the body 쑗 a degree in
containing all the circuitry on one PCB anatomy 3. the description of the structure
required for amplifying and converting and shape of a particular part 쑗 the anat-
analog input signals to a digital form omy of a bone or leaf
analogous adjective similar 쑗 Isobars ANC abbreviation CHEM acid-neutralising
are analogous to contour lines. capacity
analog signal noun COMPUT a continu- ancestral file noun COMPUT a hierarchi-
ously varying signal cal system of backing up files as in son to
analog to digital noun COMPUT the father to grandfather file, where the son is
process of changing from an analog form the current working file
to a digitally coded form. Abbr A to D, A/D anchor cell noun COMPUT a cell in a
analogue adjective TECH 1. another spreadsheet program that defines the start
spelling of analog 2. 왍 analogue display a of a range of cells
35 angular measure
ancient woodland noun a ECOL phragm is attached, which moves as the
wooded area which has been covered with atmospheric pressure changes
trees for many hundreds of years aneroid capsule noun METEOROL a thin
ancillary equipment noun COMPUT flexible cylindrical box, usually made of
equipment which is used to make a task metal, which has most of the air removed
easier, but which is not absolutely neces- from it and which expands and contracts
sary with changes in atmospheric pressure 쑗 A
AND circuit, AND element noun MATHS decrease in atmospheric pressure will
쏡 AND gate allow the aneroid capsule to expand.
AND element noun COMPUT same as aneroid switch noun ENG a switch
AND gate operated by an aneroid capsule
AND function noun MATHS a logical anesthesia noun BIOL, MED US spelling
function whose output is true if both its of anaesthesia
inputs are true aneuploid adjective GENETICS referring
COMMENT: If both inputs are 1, results of the to a cell or organism with fewer or more
AND will be 1. If one of the input digits is 0, chromosomes than usual for its type
then AND will produce a 0.
AND gate noun ELECTRONICS an elec- aneurine noun BIOL same as thiamine
tronic gate that performs a logical AND angiosperm noun BOT a plant in which
function on electrical signals. Also called the sex organs are carried within flowers
AND circuit, AND element and seeds are enclosed in a fruit. Compare
androecium noun BOT the male parts of gymnosperm
a flower, consisting of the stamens angiostatin noun BIOCHEM a naturally
androgen noun BIOCHEM a male sex hor- occurring protein in the body that plays a
mone that promotes the development of role in inhibiting the formation of new
male secondary sexual characteristics blood vessels
(NOTE: Testosterone is an androgen.) angle noun MATHS the difference in direc-
anechoic adjective ACOUSTICS not hav- tion between two lines or surfaces meas-
ing or producing echoes ured in degrees
anechoic chamber noun ACOUSTICS a angle of incidence noun PHYS, MATHS
completely quiet room in which sound or the angle that a ray or other beam makes
radio waves do not reflect off the walls with the normal or line perpendicular to a
anemia noun MED US spelling of anae- surface which is strikes
mia angle of reflection noun PHYS, MATHS
anemic adjective MED US spelling of the angle of a reflected ray or other beam
anaemic with the normal line perpendicular to a sur-
anemograph noun an instrument which face from which it is reflected
maintains a continuous recording of wind angle of refraction noun PHYS, MATHS
direction and speed on a graph 쑗 The the angle of a refracted or absorbed ray or
anemograph gives a continuous recording other beam with the normal line perpendic-
of wind velocity which is displayed on a ular to a surface which it has refracted
chart and reveals the pattern of gusts, angstrom noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
squalls and lulls. measurement used especially for wave-
anemometer noun METEOROL an instru- lengths of light and equal to one ten bil-
ment, usually attached to a building, which lionth of a metre (NOTE: The angstrom is
provides wind-speed information not an SI unit and is falling out of official
COMMENT: An anemometer is formed of scientific favour.)
four cups at the ends of the arms of a cross- angular adjective referring to an angle, or
piece, which is mounted horizontally on a
pivot and turns round as the wind blows. It forming an angle 쑗 The angular difference
can be linked to an anemograph, which between the direction of magnetic north
records the wind speed on a roll of paper. and compass north is called variation.
anergy noun 1. BIOL the state of being angular measure noun MATHS the
weak or lacking energy 2. PHYSIOL a lack measurement of angles, commonly by
of immunity dividing a complete circle into 360
aneroid barometer noun METEOROL a degrees, with each degree divided into 60
barometer with a vacuum to which a dia- minutes and each minute into 60 seconds
angular momentum 36
angular momentum noun PHYS a dimensions or refractive indices along each
momentum a body possesses as the result of two or more axes
of circular or other angular motion (NOTE: ankylose verb PHYSIOL (of bones) to fuse
In astronomy it is usually encountered together
when considering objects in orbit.) anneal verb INDUST to heat something
angular velocity noun PHYS the veloc- and allow it to cool slowly in order to
ity of a body in its orbit, or other angular strengthen it 쑗 Sheet and plate magnesium
motion, measured either in distance per are annealed at the rolling mill.
unit time (kilometres per second) or angle annelid noun ZOOL an invertebrate organ-
per unit time (degrees per second) ism with a flat segmented body. Phylum:
anhydride noun CHEM a compound Anelida. (NOTE: Earthworms and leeches
formed by the removal of water from are annelids.)
another compound annihilation noun PHYS the process in
anhydrite noun MINERALS a colourless or which a particle reacts with its antiparticle,
lightly tinted anhydrous calcium sulfate destroying both and releasing energy in the
mineral used in the manufacture of cement form of radiation or other particles
and fertilisers annual adjective 1. happening or done
anhydrous adjective CHEM referring to a once a year 2. over a period of one year 쐽
compound or crystal that contains no water noun a plant whose life cycle of germina-
anhydrous alcohol noun CHEM same tion, flowering and fruiting takes place
as absolute alcohol within the period of a year
aniline noun CHEM a colourless oily liq- annual inspection noun a yearly
uid that is poisonous and is aromatic in inspection
structure. Formula: C6H5NH2. (NOTE: It is annual ring noun BOT a ring of new
used in the manufacture of dyes, resin, wood formed each year in the trunk of a
pharmaceuticals and explosives.) tree which can easily be seen when the tree
animal ZOOL noun an organism which is cut down. Also called growth ring, tree
can feel sensations and move voluntarily 쐽 ring (NOTE: As a tree grows, the wood
adjective referring to organisms which can formed in the spring has more open cells
feel sensations and move voluntarily than that formed in later summer. The dif-
animal ecology noun ECOL the study of ference in texture forms the visible rings. In
the relationship between animals and their tropical countries, trees grow all the year
environment round and so do not form rings.)
animal husbandry noun AGRIC the annular adjective shaped like a ring 쑗
process of breeding and looking after farm Annular inner and outer air casings form a
animals tunnel around the spine of the engine.
animated GIF noun COMPUT a simple annulus noun a ring, or a structure
animation effect created by saving several shaped like a ring
small graphic images within one file so annunciation noun an announcement or
that they can be repeatedly displayed in indication on an annunciator
sequence giving an impression of anima- annunciator, annunciator panel noun
tion (NOTE: It is often used to create ani- ELEC a device which gives off a sound or
mated buttons or other effects on a light as a warning or to indicate if some-
webpage.) thing is active
animation noun COMPUT the creation of anode noun a positive electrical terminal
the illusion of movement by displaying a of a device. Opposite cathode
series of slightly different images on anodise verb CHEM to coat or cover
screen (NOTE: The images are displayed something by using electrolysis 쑗
very rapidly to give the effect of smooth Anti-corrosion treatment includes chromic
movement.) acid anodising of aluminium parts.
anion noun CHEM an ion with a negative anomalistic year noun TIME a year
electric charge measured by the time the Earth takes to
anisotropic adjective CHEM referring to revisit the apses of its orbit, and equal to
something with physical properties which 365.26 days
are different according to direction, e.g. anomalous adjective referring to some-
non-symmetrical crystals with different thing departing from the expected order or
37 anthrax
range 쑗 an anomalous instrument reading ing or alters the amount of acid in the stom-
쑗 an anomalous result ach
anomaly noun something which differs antagonist noun 1. ANAT a muscle which
from the expected order or range 쑗 Any opposes another muscle in a movement 2.
anomalies in the results will be detected PHYSIOL a substance which acts through
during checking. specific receptors to block the action of
anonymous FTP noun COMPUT a another substance, but which has no
method commonly used on the Internet observable physiological effect itself 쑗
that allows a user to connect to a remote Atropine is a cholinergic antagonist and
computer using the FTP protocol and log blocks the effects of acetylcholine.
in as a guest to download publicly accessi- Antarctic noun EARTH SCI the area of
ble files (NOTE: If you are using the FTP land around the South Pole, largely cov-
protocol to connect to a remote computer ered with snow and ice 쐽 adjective GEOG
and you are asked for a log-in name and referring to the Antarctic
password, you can normally gain access to Antarctica noun GEOG the continent at
the remote computer’s public areas by the South Pole
entering ‘anonymous’ as the log-in user Antarctic air noun METEOROL a mass of
name and your full) cold air which is permanently over the Ant-
Anopheles noun BIOL a mosquito, one arctic region
species of which carries the malaria para- Antarctic Circle noun GEOG the parallel
site running round the Earth at latitude
anorthosite noun GEOL a coarse-grained 66°32’S, to the south of which lies the Ant-
igneous rock formed at great depth that is arctic region
widespread in the highlands of the Moon ante- prefix BIOL before
and is also found on Earth antenna noun 1. ZOOL one of a pair of
anoxia noun PHYSIOL a complete lack of long thin sensors on the heads of insects,
oxygen 쑗 The investigation established crustaceans and some other arthropods 2.
that the cause of death was anoxia. TELECOM a radio or television aerial 쑗
anoxic adjective CHEM referring to water Long-range radars require a large
which lacks oxygen antenna. 쑗 Possibly the largest single
anoxybiosis noun BIOL a biological antenna is the huge dish at Arecibo in
activity occurring where there is a lack of Puerto Rico. (NOTE: The plural is anten-
oxygen nas or antennae; aerial is preferred in UK
ANSI abbreviation COMPUT American English.)
National Standards Institute anterior adjective BIOL situated in front 왍
ANSI C noun COMPUT a standard version anterior aspect viewed from the front 쑗
of the C programming language the anterior aspect of part of the body
ANSI driver noun COMPUT a small resi- Opposite posterior
dent software program that interprets anther noun BOT the part of the stamen of
ANSI screen control codes and controls a flower that produces pollen
the screen appropriately antheridium noun BOT the male sex
ANSI escape sequence noun COM-
organ in algae, fungi, ferns and mosses
PUT a sequence of ANSI screen control anthocyanin noun BIOCHEM a water-sol-
characters that controls the colours and uble plant pigment responsible for blue,
attributes of text on screen (NOTE: The violet and red colours
sequence must begin with the ASCII char- anthracene noun CHEM a crystalline
acter Esc (ASCII 27) and the character [ material with an aromatic structure used in
(ASCII 91).) the manufacture of dyes and other organic
answer noun a reply or solution to a chemicals. Formula: C14H10.
question 쐽 verb 1. to reply or provide the anthracite noun INDUST a type of shiny
solution to a question 2. COMPUT to reply to hard black coal which burns well and does
a signal and set up a communications link not produce much smoke
쑗 The first modem originates the call and anthracosis noun MED a disease of the
the second answers it. lungs, caused by inhaling coal dust
antacid noun BIOL a medicine or other anthrax noun a highly infectious, often
substance which stops too much acid form- fatal, bacterial disease of mammals, espe-
anthropic principle 38
cially cattle and sheep, that is transmissible anticlockwise adjective, adverb refer-
to humans and causes skin ulcers (cutane- ring to a circular movement in the direction
ous anthrax) or a form of pneumonia opposite to that in which the hands of a
when inhaled (pulmonary anthrax) clock move 쑗 Turn the nut anticlockwise to
anthropic principle noun ASTRON the loosen it. Opposite clockwise
idea that the universe is in its present form anticoagulant noun PHARM a natural or
to allow life capable of observing it to synthetic agent that prevents the formation
evolve (NOTE: The principle is the opposite of blood clots
of the commonsense view that life arises
anticodon noun GENETICS (in transfer
as a result of the structure of the universe.
RNA) a set of three consecutive nucleotides
It is controversial because it involves a
in transfer RNA involved in the formation
cause, life, coming after the effect, the uni-
of a protein
verse. Some cosmologists claim that it is
wrong, unnecessary or unscientific. Others anticoincidence circuit, anticoinci-
look at the coincidences which are neces- dence function noun COMPUT a logical
sary for intelligent life) function whose output is true if either of
anthropogenic adjective ENVIRON two inputs is true, and false if both inputs
caused by or resulting from human activi- are the same
ties anti-corrosion adjective METALL pro-
anthropomorphic software noun tecting against corrosion, especially rust 쑗
COMPUT software that appears to react to
an anti-corrosion treatment
what a user says anticyclone noun METEOROL an area of
anti- prefix against or opposing high atmospheric pressure, usually associ-
ated with fine dry weather in summer and
anti-aliasing noun COMPUT 1. a method fog in winter (NOTE: Winds circulate round
of reducing the effects of jagged edges in an anticyclone clockwise in the northern
graphics by using shades of grey to blend hemisphere and anticlockwise in the
in along edges 2. the adding of sound sig- southern hemisphere.)
nals between the sound samples to create a
smoother sound anticyclonic adjective 1. METEOROL
referring to anticyclones 2. EARTH SCI
antibacterial adjective BIOL preventing referring to the opposite direction to the
or reducing the growth of bacteria rotation of the Earth
antibacterial activity noun BIOL an anticyclonically adverb METEOROL in
effective action against bacteria the opposite direction to the rotation of the
antibiotic adjective BIOL preventing or Earth
reducing the growth of bacteria and fungi 쐽
noun PHARM a drug such as penicillin
anticyclonic gloom noun METEOROL a
period of grey weather during the daytime,
which was originally developed from fungi
when low stratocumulus clouds form at the
and which stops the spread of bacteria or
approach of an anticyclone
fungi 쑗 He was given a course of antibiot-
ics. antidiuretic hormone noun BIOCHEM
antibody noun BIOCHEM a protein which same as vasopressin. Abbr ADH
is produced in the body in response to for- antidote noun PHARM a substance which
eign substances such as bacteria or viruses controls the effects of a poison 쑗 There is
쑗 Tests showed that he was antibody-posi- no satisfactory antidote to cyanide.
tive. antifoam, anti-foaming agent noun
anticaking additive, anticaking agent INDUST a chemical substance added to a
noun FOOD INDUST an additive added to detergent or to sewage to prevent foam
food to prevent it becoming solid (NOTE: from forming
Anticaking additives have the E numbers antifouling paint noun a pesticide
E530–578.) painted onto the bottom of a ship to prevent
anticipate verb to realise what may hap- organisms growing on the hull. 쒁 TBT
pen and do what is necessary in readiness (NOTE: It may be toxic enough to pollute
anticipation noun the process of realis- sea water.)
ing what may happen and doing what is antifungal adjective INDUST referring to
necessary in readiness a substance which kills or controls fungi
39 antivenin
antigen noun BIOL a substance in the antinociception noun PHYSIOL a reduc-
body which makes the body produce anti- tion in pain sensitivity produced within
bodies to attack it, e.g. a virus or germ neurons when an endorphin or similar
antigenic adjective referring to antigens opium-containing substance (opioid) com-
antigenic stability noun the condition bines with a receptor
of an individual who has been infected by antioncogene noun GENETICS a reces-
a disease, and then remains immune to fur- sive gene which is thought to suppress the
ther infection in later life. This is the case growth of a cancer by limiting cell multi-
in most childhood diseases. plication
antigravity noun PHYS a theoretical antioxidant noun INDUST a substance
gravitational force in which mass repels which prevents oxidation, used to prevent
rather than attracts other mass and radia- materials such as rubber from deteriorating
tion (NOTE: Although never observed, anti- and added to processed food to prevent oil
gravity has a role in modern physics and going bad (NOTE: In the EU, antioxidant
cosmology, where whole ‘antigravity uni- food additives have numbers E300–321.)
verses’ are postulated. On a smaller scale, antiparticle noun PHYS an elementary
some astronomical objects including Kerr particle with the same mass as a corre-
black holes seem able to drive light away sponding particle but with opposite values
from them.) for other properties (NOTE: When an anti-
antihistamine noun PHARM a drug used particle and its particle interact, mutual
to control the effects of an allergy which annihilation occurs.)
releases histamine antipodes plural noun GEOG two points
anti-icing adjective preventing icing 쑗 an on opposite sides of the Earth
anti-icing additive 쑗 anti-icing fluid anti-pollution adjective ENVIRON
antilogarithm noun MATHS a number intended to reduce or stop environmental
whose logarithm is the given number pollution
(NOTE: For logarithmab = c, then antiloga- anti-pollution legislation noun a set
rithmac = b.) of laws designed to control pollution
antimalarial adjective, noun PHARM antiseptic adjective BIOL preventing or
used to treat malaria reducing the growth of harmful microor-
antimatter noun PHYS matter of the ganisms 쑗 She gargled with an antiseptic
opposite charge, magnetic spin or other mouthwash. 쐽 noun PHARM a substance
characteristic to the equivalent particles which prevents germs growing or spread-
making up the bulk of the mass of the ing 쑗 The nurse painted the wound with
present universe (NOTE: Examples of anti- antiseptic.
matter include positrons, identical to elec- antiserum noun MED a serum taken from
trons except for having a positive rather an animal which has developed antibodies
than negative electrical charge, and anti- to bacteria and formerly used to give tem-
protons, which are identical to protons porary immunity to a disease (NOTE: The
except for having a negative rather than plural is antisera.)
positive electrical charge. Little is known antistatic mat noun COMPUT a special
about why there is so little antimatter in the rubberised mat which dissipates static
universe we see around us, but when mat- electricity charge through an electrical
ter and antimatter meet they annihilate earth connection (NOTE: An operator
each other with a release of energy.) touches the mat before handling sensitive
antimicrobial adjective referring to electronic components which could be
something which is capable of killing or damaged by static electricity.)
inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, antitoxic serum noun PHARM same as
especially bacteria, fungi or viruses antiserum
antimony noun CHEM ELEM a crystalline antitoxin noun BIOL an antibody pro-
silvery-white element that is toxic and duced by the body to counteract a poison in
occurs in metallic and nonmetallic forms. the body
It is used in alloys and semiconductors and antivenin, antivenene, antivenom
found in ores, e.g. stibnite. (NOTE: The noun PHARM a serum which is used to
chemical symbol is Sb; the atomic weight counteract the poison from snake or insect
is 51 and the atomic weight is 121.75.) bites
anti-virus software 40
anti-virus software noun COMPUT whereby signals received by more than one
software that looks for and removes known telescope are combined mathematically to
viruses from a computer system give the effect of using a single much
antler noun ZOOL a solid bony branched larger one
horn found in pairs on the head of an ani- aphelion noun ASTRON in the orbit of a
mal, especially a male, of the deer family planet, comet, or other astronomical
antrum noun ANAT a cavity inside the object, the point that is farthest from the
body, especially one in bone Sun
anus noun ANAT the opening in the ali- aphid noun BIOL an insect that sucks sap
mentary canal through which faeces leave from plants and can multiply very rapidly,
the body e.g. a greenfly 쑗 The aphid population
anvil noun a metal block which ends in a showed a 19% increase. (NOTE: Aphids are
point, has a rounded bottom and a flat top, pests of some garden plants such as roses
and on which metal objects such as horse- and may transmit virus diseases in crops
shoes are made 쑗 A cumulonimbus cloud such as potatoes and sugarbeet.)
has a characteristic anvil shape. COMMENT: Cereal aphids are various
species of greenfly. Winged females feed
anvil cloud noun METEOROL a cloud for- on cereal crops in May and June. The grain
mation, in a dark cumulonimbus thunder- aphid causes empty or small grain by punc-
cloud, which has the shape of an anvil turing the grain as it develops, letting the
grain contents seep out.
AOM abbreviation ENVIRON active organic
matter Aphis noun ZOOL the genus of insects
AONB abbreviation ENVIRON Area of Out- which comprises aphids
standing Natural Beauty aphotic zone noun OCEANOG a region in
aorta noun ANAT a large artery which a sea or lake below about 1500m, so deep
takes blood away from the left side of the that sunlight cannot penetrate it. Compare
heart and carries it to other arteries euphotic zone
COMMENT: The aorta is a blood vessel API abbreviation COMPUT application pro-
which carries all arterial blood from the gramming interface 쑗 If I follow the pub-
heart. It is about 45 cm long. It leaves the lished API for this system, my program will
left ventricle, rises, at which point the work properly.
carotid arteries branch off, then goes down-
wards through the abdomen and divides apical meristem noun BOT the actively
into the two iliac arteries. dividing tissue at the tip of a shoot or root
aortic adjective ANAT referring to the that produces the new tissue for growth
aorta API scale noun MEASURE a scale of grav-
aortic valve noun ANAT a valve with ity or density of crude oil on which the
three flaps at the opening into the aorta heaviest oils have the lowest numbers
apart adverb away from one another APL noun COMPUT a high-level program-
apatite noun MINERALS a glassy calcium ming language used in scientific and math-
phosphate mineral used in fertilisers and as ematical work. Full form A programming
a source of phosphorus language
aperture noun 1. PHOTOGRAPHY a lens APM noun COMPUT a specification which
diaphragm that allows the amount of light allows an operating system such as earlier
that reaches film to be regulated 2. PHYS an versions of Windows to control the power
opening in a device that allows a specific management features of a computer (NOTE:
amount of light or a signal to pass through This standard has been replaced by the
it ACPI standard in Windows 98 and Win-
aperture card noun PHOTOGRAPHY a dows NT 5.0.)
method of storing microfilmed information apoenzyme noun BIOCHEM the protein
with a card surround, which can contain part of an enzyme that only becomes cata-
punched information lytically active after it combines with a
aperture mask noun PHYS a mask in nonprotein-supporting molecule (coen-
colour monitors, used to keep separate the zyme)
red, green and blue beams apogee noun ASTRON the point in a satel-
aperture synthesis noun PHYS a proc- lite’s orbit where it is most distant from the
ess used mainly in radio astronomy Earth (NOTE: For orbits around other
41 application layer
objects, the terms aphelion, for the Sun, appendage noun ANAT a body part or
and apluna, for the Moon, are used.) organ that projects from the main body,
apolipoprotein E noun BIOCHEM a e.g. a tail, wing or fin
compound found in three forms which appendicular skeleton noun ANAT the
transports lipids within the cell and across part of the skeleton consisting of the pelvic
cell membranes (NOTE: The genes for two girdle, pectoral girdle and the bones of the
of the forms are linked with an increased arms and legs
risk of Alzheimer’s disease.) appendix noun a section at the back of a
apomict noun BIOL an organism that book, containing additional information 쑗
reproduces asexually For further details see the appendix. 쑗 A
apomictic adjective BIOL reproducing complete list is printed in the appendix.
asexually (NOTE: The plural is appendices.)
apomixis noun BIOL a form of asexual applet noun COMPUT 1. a small utility
reproduction in which embryos are formed used to configure a computer 쑗 There are
from unfertilised ova applets to help format your disk and con-
aponeurosis noun ANAT a band of tissue figure your keyboard. 2. a small application
which attaches muscles to each other designed to enhance the functionality of a
aposematic coloration noun ZOOL the webpage, e.g. adding multimedia effects
natural brightly coloured markings on an (NOTE: Applet originally referred to the
animal warning predators that it is poison- icons in the Control Panel window within
ous Microsoft Windows.)
apparatus noun equipment used in a Appleton layer noun METEOROL same
laboratory or elsewhere for experiments or as F region
scientific study 쑗 a self-contained appara- appliance noun INDUST a device or
tus which provides a efficient and conven- instrument, especially an electrical one
ient method for conducting safety tests 쑗 used in the home, e.g. a vacuum cleaner,
The hospital has installed new apparatus washing machine or iron
in the physiotherapy department. 쑗 The appliance computer noun COMPUT a
blood sample was tested in a special piece ready-to-run computer system that can be
of apparatus. (NOTE: no plural: a piece of bought in a shop, taken home and used
apparatus; some new apparatus) immediately for a particular purpose
apparent adjective 1. clearly understood applicable adjective 1. relevant 쑗 Rule
because of what our understanding or 24 is not applicable in this case 2. suitable,
senses tell us 쑗 It became apparent that necessary or appropriate 쑗 Emergency sys-
carbon monoxide was entering the cabin. tems are checked when applicable.
2. appearing to be 쑗 an apparent failure of application noun 1. a formal request 쑗
the system an application for research funds 2. the act
apparent magnitude noun ASTRON the of putting a substance on a surface 쑗 The
brightness of an object in the sky as seen crop received two applications of fungi-
from the Earth. Compare absolute magni- cide. 3. the act of using something that you
tude already have, such as an ability or knowl-
APPC abbreviation COMPUT advanced edge, in order to do something 쑗 the appli-
program to program communications cation of knowledge and skills 4. a
appear verb 1. to be seen or to come into particular use 쑗 This new technology has
view 쑗 The results will appear on the mon- many applications. 5. COMPUT a piece of
itor. 2. to seem to be 쑗 Although air may computer software that fulfils a particular
appear to be still, it is, in fact, moving. job. Compare operating system
appearance noun 1. an instance of application file noun COMPUT a binary
being seen or coming into view 쑗 the sud- file stored on disk that contains the
den appearance of a new variant of the dis- machine code instructions of a program
ease 2. the way something looks 쑗 had the application icon noun COMPUT a small
appearance of fine hairs graphical symbol that represents an appli-
append verb COMPUT to add a file or data cation program in a graphical user inter-
to an existing file or record 쑗 If you enter face
the DOS command COPY A+B, the file B application layer noun COMPUT the
will be appended to the end of file A. seventh and top layer in an ISO/OSI net-
application program 42
work, which allows a user to request func- cally adjust the route if part of the network
tions such as transfer files, send mail and is damaged.)
use resources (NOTE: The other layers are appreciable adjective 1. possible to
not normally accessed by users.) measure 쑗 Appreciable weakening may be
application-orientated language permitted without risk of failure. 2. signifi-
noun COMPUT a programming language cantly large 쑗 The shortfall is appreciable.
that provides functions which allow the appreciate verb 1. to recognise the
user to solve specific application problems importance or significance of something 쑗
application program noun COMPUT 쏡
The map reader is in a position to appreci-
application software ate the relative values of the features seen
on the ground. 2. to be thankful or grateful
application programming inter- for something 쑗 The students appreciated
face noun COMPUT a set of standard pro- the extra help given by their instructor. 3.
gram functions and commands that allow to increase in value 쑗 The value of the
any programmer to interface a program building has appreciated by 100% in 10
with another application 쑗 If I follow the years.
published API for this system, my program approach noun 1. a path towards some-
will work properly. Abbr API thing 쑗 The approach to the site was
application service provider noun blocked by an overturned lorry. 2. a way of
COMPUT a specialist company that installs, achieving or doing something or dealing
configures and manages software on its with a problem 쑗 a radical approach to the
own server and then allows any business to problem of desertification 왍 to take a dif-
use the software via the Internet or a pri- ferent approach to a situation to deal
vate network (NOTE: The user does not with or manage a situation in a different
realise that the software is located on a dis- way 쐽 verb to move nearer in place or time
tant server, and the business does not to something 쑗 The aircraft is approaching
need to buy or support the software, which a danger area.
is usually rented.) appropriate adjective suitable to a spe-
application software noun COMPUT a cific situation or to achieve a desired effect
program which is used by a user to make 쑗 take appropriate action
the computer do what is required, designed appropriate dose noun the amount of a
to allow a particular task to be performed 쑗 substance required to be effective, e.g. the
The multi-window editor is used to create amount of a fungicide required to control a
and edit applications programs. disease
applicator noun an instrument for apply- appropriately adverb as appropriate or
ing a substance as needed
apply verb 1. to make a formal request for appropriate technology noun ENVI-
something 쑗 You can apply for a research RON a technology that is suited to the local
grant. 2. to put something on a surface 쑗 to environment, usually involving skills or
apply a coat of paint 쑗 Apply a plaster to materials that are available locally 쑗
the skin. 3. to use something that you have, Biomethanation is an appropriate technol-
such as knowledge or skills, in order to do ogy for use in rural areas.
something 쑗 Apply the same method as in approval noun agreement that something
the example. 4. (of rules, regulations, can be done 쑗 The procedure needs official
orders, instructions, etc.) to be relevant 쑗 approval.
The rules which apply to the measurement approve verb to allow or give permission
of wind velocities on isobaric charts apply for something 쑗 The air traffic controller
equally to contour charts. (NOTE: applying approved the emergency landing.
– applies – applied) approve of verb to believe something to
APPN noun COMPUT an extension to the be right or good
IBM SNA protocol which allows worksta- approx abbreviation approximate or
tions to share information on a peer-to-peer approximately
basis without the need for a central main- approximate adjective not exact 왍 an
frame. Full form advanced peer-to-peer approximate distance of 60 nm about 60
networking (NOTE: It is often used to route nautical miles 쐽 verb to be close to 쑗 The
information around a network and dynami- number of people working in the building
43 arbovirus
approximates 2000. (NOTE: can be short- aqui- prefix water. 쒁 aqua-
ened to: approx) aquiclude noun GEOL a body of rock or
approximately adverb not exactly 쑗 soil such as clay through which water
Approximately 2000 people work in the passes very slowly
building. (NOTE: can be shortened to: aquiculture noun FISHERIES same as
approx) fish farming
approximating adjective close by or aquifer noun GEOL a mass of porous rock
similar to 쑗 results approximating to the or soil through which water passes and in
norm which water gathers
approximation noun a calculation Ar symbol CHEM ELEM argon
which is not exact 쑗 Can you give me an
approximation of keyboarding time? 쑗 The
arable adjective AGRIC referring to land
on which crops are grown
final figure is only an approximation.
approximation error noun an error arable farming noun AGRIC the growing
caused by rounding off a real number of crops, as opposed to dairy farming, cat-
tle farming, etc.
appulse noun ASTRON a close approach
of two astronomical objects as seen from arable soil noun AGRIC soil which is able
the Earth (NOTE: Their true distances apart to be used for the cultivation of crops
in space may be very large even when they arachidonic acid noun BIOCHEM an
are almost aligned from the point of view of essential fatty acid
a terrestrial observer.) arachnid noun ZOOL an animal with four
A programming language noun pairs of legs and a body with two segments.
COMPUT full form of APL Class: Arachnida. (NOTE: Spiders, scorpi-
apse noun ASTRON a line joining the two ons and mites are arachnids.)
foci of an ellipse such as the orbit of a arachnoid membrane noun ANAT the
planet or satellite and the nearest and far- middle of the three membranes that sur-
thest points of the ellipse itself round the brain and spinal cord of the ver-
APT noun COMPUT a programming lan- tebrate central nervous system
guage used to control numerically control- aragonite noun MINERALS a colourless,
led machines. Full form automatically blue to violet, or yellow form of calcium
programmed tools carbonate
aqua- prefix EARTH SCI water. 쒁 aqui- arbitrary adjective decided by chance
aquaculture, aquafarming noun FISH- rather than by careful logical thought 쑗 an
ERY the breeding and keeping of fish, shell- arbitrary unit of measurement
fish or plants for food in special ponds arbitration software noun software
aquaplaning noun the act of sliding in that is responsible for allocating resources
an uncontrolled way over a thin layer of to devices, often used to manage the way
water on a road or runway Plug and Play adapters use other resources
in a computer
aquarium noun BIOL a container with
water and a display of fish and other ani- arbor- prefix BOT tree
mals or plants that live in water arboreal adjective BOT referring to trees
aquatic adjective EARTH SCI referring to arboreal animal noun ZOOL an animal
water which lives in trees
aquatic animal noun ZOOL an animal arboretum noun BOT a collection of
that lives in water trees from different parts of the world,
aquatic ecosystem noun ECOL an eco- grown for scientific study (NOTE: The plu-
system that is based on water, e.g. a river, ral is arboreta.)
pond, lake or ocean arboricide noun AGRIC a chemical sub-
aqueous adjective PHYS referring to a stance which kills trees
solution made with water arboriculture noun FORESTRY the study
aqueous humour noun ANAT the clear of the cultivation of trees
watery fluid that circulates between the arborist noun FORESTRY a person who
cornea and the lens of the eye studies the cultivation of trees
aqueous solution noun a solution of a arbovirus noun MICROBIOL a virus trans-
substance in water mitted by blood-sucking insects
arc 44
arc noun MATHS a part of the circumfer- arctic air noun METEOROL a mass of cold
ence of a circle, or the shape of this 쑗 A air which forms over the Arctic region and
nautical mile is the length of an arc on the then moves south
Earth’s surface subtended by an angle of Arctic Circle noun GEOG a parallel run-
one minute at the centre of the Earth. 쐽 ning round the Earth at latitude 66°32N to
verb (of a spark, especially one produced the north of which lies the Arctic region
by an electric current) to jump across a gap Arctogea noun EARTH SCI one of the
쑗 The spark arcs from one electrode to main biogeographical regions of the Earth,
another. 쑗 The condenser prevents spark comprising the Palaearctic, Nearctic, Ori-
plugs from arcing. ental and Ethiopian regions
Archie noun COMPUT a system of servers arcuate artery noun ANAT a curved
on the Internet that catalogues the public artery in the foot or kidney
files that are available area noun 1. the measurement of the
archipelago noun GEOG a group of space taken up by something, calculated by
islands multiplying the length by the width 쑗 The
architecture noun COMPUT the layout area of this office is 3400 square feet. 쑗 We
and interconnection of a computer’s inter- are looking for an area of about 100 square
nal hardware and the logical relationships metres. 2. COMPUT a section of memory or
between CPU, memory and I/O devices code that is reserved for a specific purpose
archival quality noun COMPUT the 3. EARTH SCI a region of land 쑗 The whole
length of time that a copy can be stored area has been contaminated by waste from
before it becomes illegible the power station.
archive COMPUT noun a store of data kept area fill noun an instruction to fill an area
over a long period, usually in compressed of a screen or an enclosed pattern with a
form 쐽 verb to put data in storage colour or pattern
archive attribute, archive bit noun area graph noun MATHS a line graph in
COMPUT a liquid that changes between two which the area below the line is filled with
forms with different optical properties a pattern or colour
such as colour depending on variations in area of low pressure noun an area in
temperature or applied voltage (NOTE: It is which the atmospheric pressure is low and
used in visual display units.) around which the air turns in the same
archive file noun COMPUT a file contain- direction as the Earth
ing data which is out of date but which is Area of Outstanding Natural
kept for future reference Beauty noun ENVIRON in England and
archive flag noun COMPUT same as Wales, a region which is not a National
archive attribute Park but which is considered sufficiently
attractive to be preserved from unsympa-
arc lamp noun ELEC an intensely bright thetic development. Abbr AONB
light produced by passing current through
a gap between two electrodes used, e.g., in area search noun COMPUT a search for
floodlights, spotlights on film sets and spe- specific data within a specific section of
cialised laboratory lamps memory or files
ARCNET, ARCnet noun COMPUT a net- Arecibo noun ASTRON the site on Puerto
work hardware and cable standard devel- Rico of the world’s largest single dish radio
oped by Datapoint Corporation. Full form telescope, 305m in diameter, made by
attached resource computer network excavating an existing crater
(NOTE: It is a token bus network that trans- arête noun EARTH SCI a sharp ridge
mits data at between 2.5 and 4Mbps. New between two valleys
versions of ARCnet transfer data at 20 and arg abbreviation COMPUT argument
100Mbps over fibre-optic cable. ARCNET arginine noun BIOCHEM an essential
uses a single token that moves from one amino acid and a constituent of proteins
workstation to the next carrying data and argon noun CHEM ELEM an inert gas,
uses a star-wired cable topology.) which occurs in air and of which isotopes
Arctic GEOG adjective referring to the form in the cooling systems of reactors. It
area around the North Pole 쐽 noun the area is used in electric light bulbs. (NOTE: The
of the Earth’s surface around the North chemical symbol is Ar; the atomic number
Pole, north of the Arctic Circle is 18 and the atomic weight is 39.95.)
45 arrange
argument noun 1. COMPUT a discussion arithmetic operator noun MATHS a
of something without agreeing 쑗 They got symbol which indicates an arithmetic func-
into an argument over the documents. 2. a tion, e.g. + for addition or x for multiplica-
reason or a set of reasons used to persuade tion
somebody to accept a point of view 쑗 The arithmetic register noun COMPUT a
main argument against the plan is cost. 3. memory location which stores operands
COMPUT a variable acted upon by an oper-
arithmetic shift noun COMPUT a word
ator or function 쑗 If you enter the words or data moved one bit to the left or right
‘MULTIPLY A, B’, the processor will rec- inside a register, losing the bit shifted off
ognise the operator, MULTIPLY, and use it the end
with the two arguments, A and B. Compare
operand -arium suffix a display, usually involving
argument separator noun COMPUT a
ARLL abbreviation COMPUT advanced
punctuation mark or symbol which sepa-
run-length limited
rates several arguments on one line 쑗 The
command ‘MULTIPLY A, B’ uses a comma arm noun 1. COMPUT a lever or projection
as the argument separator. 2. COMPUT a horizontal distance from a ref-
erence point to the centre of gravity 쑗 The
arid adjective EARTH SCI referring to soil principle of the arm is used in weight and
which is very dry, or an area of land which balance calculations for an aircraft. 3.
has very little rain ANAT the part of the body which goes from
aridity noun EARTH SCI the state of being the shoulder to the hand, formed of the
extremely dry upper arm, the elbow and the forearm 쑗
arid zone noun EARTH SCI an area in the She broke her arm skiing 쑗 Lift your arms
tropics between about 15° and 30° north up above your head. 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to
and south which is very dry and covered prepare a device or machine or routine for
with deserts action or inputs 2. to define which interrupt
arise verb to occur or come to notice 쑗 lines are active
New ideas have started to arise. (NOTE: armature noun ELEC an assembly of
arising – arose – arisen) rotating coils in an electric motor or
dynamo (NOTE: Secondary windings are
Aristotle noun SCI a Greek philosopher
wound over the primary windings and the
who lived from 384–322 BC whose whole assembly is known as an armature.)
Earth-centred astronomy dominated the
science for 18 centuries (NOTE: The system armed interrupt noun COMPUT an inter-
he set out allowed only for uniform circular rupt line which has been made active using
motions to preserve the perfection of the an interrupt mask
heavens, calling for more and more com- aromatase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme
plex models of the universe, especially the that converts androgens to oestrogens
orbits of the Sun, Moon and planets about aromatic adjective having a pleasant
the Earth. His work in animal classification smell 쐽 noun CHEM a substance, plant or
was also notable.) chemical which has a pleasant smell
arithmetic adjective MATHS referring to aromatic compound, aromatic
mathematical functions such as addition, hydrocarbon noun CHEM a compound
subtraction, division and multiplication such as benzene, with a ring of carbon
arithmetic instruction noun COMPUT atoms held by single and double bonds
a program instruction in which the opera- ARP abbreviation COMPUT address resolu-
tor defines the arithmetic operation to be tion protocol
carried out ARPANET abbreviation COMPUT
arithmetic logic unit noun COMPUT a Advanced Research Projects Agency Net-
hardware section of a central processing work
unit that performs all the mathematical and ARQ abbreviation COMPUT automatic
logical functions. Abbr ALU repeat request
arithmetic mean noun MATHS a number arrange verb 1. to plan and prepare
calculated by adding together several fig- something 쑗 to arrange a meeting 2. to put
ures and dividing by the number of figures something in a special position 쑗 A series
added. Also called average of dipoles is arranged in a circle.
arrangement 46
arrangement noun 1. a plan to do some- arsenic oxide noun CHEM a toxic col-
thing 2. the position of a number of differ- ourless compound with three solid forms,
ent parts 쑗 The diagram shows a simple obtained by burning arsenic in air or as a
arrangement of pistons, cylinders and by-product of smelting. It is used in
pipes. glass-making. Formula: AS2O3.
array noun 1. TELECOM a set of aerials in arsenide noun CHEM a compound of
a specific arrangement 2. COMPUT an arsenic and a metallic element
ordered structure containing individually arsine noun CHEM a colourless and highly
accessible elements referenced by num- toxic gas that smells of garlic, used in the
bers, used to store tables or sets of related manufacture of organic chemicals, semi-
data conductors and chemical weapons. For-
array dimension noun COMPUT a mula: AsH3.
number of elements in an array, given as artefact, artifact noun ENVIRON a
rows and columns human-made object
array processor noun COMPUT a com- arterio- prefix ANAT referring to arteries
puter that can act upon several arrays of
data simultaneously, for very fast mathe- arteriole noun ANAT a very small artery
matical applications 쑗 The array processor artery noun ANAT a blood vessel taking
allows the array that contains the screen blood from the heart to the tissues of the
image to be rotated with one simple com- body
mand. COMMENT: In most arteries the blood has
been oxygenated in the lungs and is bright
arrest verb to stop something or prevent red. In the pulmonary artery, the blood is
something from happening 왍 to arrest the deoxygenated and so is darker. The arterial
spread of a fire to stop the fire spreading 쐽 system begins with the aorta which leaves
noun a sudden stoppage the heart and from which all the arteries
arrester noun a device or substance
which prevents or stops something from artesian well noun ENG a well which
happening has been bored into a confined aquifer, the
hydrostatic pressure usually being strong
arrow noun a printed sign which points to enough to force the water to the surface
arthropod noun ZOOL an invertebrate
arrow keys noun COMPUT one of a set of with jointed limbs, a segmented body, and
four keys on a keyboard which move the a chitin exoskeleton. Phylum: Arthropoda.
cursor or pointer around the screen, con- (NOTE: Insects, arachnids, centipedes and
trolling movement up, down, left and right crustaceans are arthropods.)
arrow pointer noun COMPUT a small article noun COMPUT a single message in
arrow on-screen which can be moved using a newsgroup
a mouse
articulate adjective ANAT with joints or
arroyo noun EARTH SCI a gully with a jointed segments, as in the bodies of higher
stream at the bottom, found in desert vertebrates and arthropods
regions of the US. Compare wadi
articulation noun ANAT a joint or series
arsenate noun CHEM an arsenic acid salt of joints
arsenic noun CHEM ELEM a grey semime- artifact noun 1. COMPUT a very small
tallic chemical element that forms poison- error in a video signal 2. COMPUT a very
ous compounds such as arsenic trioxide, small error in a digital version of an analog
which was formerly used in some medi- signal 3. ENVIRON another spelling of arte-
cines (NOTE: The chemical symbol is As; fact
the atomic number is 33 and the atomic
weight is 74.92.) artificial adjective made by humans and
not existing naturally
arsenic acid noun CHEM a white poison-
ous crystalline solid containing arsenic, artificial community noun BOT a plant
used in pigment and insecticide manufac- community kept by people, as in a garden
ture. Formula: H3AsO4. artificial fertiliser noun AGRIC a ferti-
arsenical noun CHEM a drug or insecti- liser manufactured from chemicals
cide which is one of the group of poisonous artificial horizon noun AEROSP the
oxides of arsenic horizon line on the attitude indicator
47 asexually
artificial insemination noun a
AGRIC asbestos fibre noun INDUST threads of
method of breeding livestock by injecting asbestos which can be woven into rope or
sperm from specially selected males into tape, etc.
females. Abbr AI asbestosis noun MED a disease of the
artificial intelligence noun COMPUT lungs caused by inhaling asbestos dust
the design of computer programs and sys- ascend verb to move slowly upwards 쑗
tems that attempt to imitate human intelli- Hot air ascends. 왍 in ascending order in
gence and decision-making functions, order of number or rank with the smallest
providing basic reasoning and human char- or less important at the bottom and the
acteristics. Abbr AI largest or more important at the top
artificial light noun a light produced by ascender noun COMPUT a part of a char-
electricity, gas, etc. acter that rises above the main line of
printed characters, as the ‘tail’ of ‘b’ or ‘d’
artificial manure noun AGRIC a manu-
factured chemical substance used to ascending aorta noun ANAT the first
increase the nutrient level of the soil section of the aorta as it leaves the heart
and rises
artificial rain noun rain which is made ascent noun a slow upwards movement 쑗
by scattering crystals of salt and other sub- the forced ascent of air over high ground 쑗
stances into clouds In a stable atmosphere where the ascent of
artificial selection noun AGRIC the air is forced, precipitation is mostly light
selection by people of individual animals and occasionally moderate. Opposite
or plants from which to breed further gen- descent
erations because the animals or plants have ascertain verb to make sure about some-
useful characteristics thing 쑗 Control surfaces should be moved
artiodactyl noun ZOOL a herbivorous by hand to ascertain that they have full and
hoofed animal that walks on its toes of free movement.
which there are an even number on each ASCII abbreviation COMPUT American
foot. Order: Artiodactyla. (NOTE: Cows, Standard Code for Information Inter-
camels, pigs or deer are artiodactyls.) change
artwork noun COMPUT graphical work or ASCII character noun COMPUT a char-
images acter which is in the ASCII list of codes
aryl group noun CHEM a compound ASCIIZ string noun COMPUT a sequence
formed by removing one hydrogen atom of ASCII characters followed by the ASCII
from an aromatic compound code zero which indicates the end of the
As symbol CHEM ELEM arsenic ascorbic acid noun CHEM vitamin C
asbestos noun INDUST a fibrous mineral COMMENT: Ascorbic acid is found in fresh
substance that causes lung disease if fruit, especially oranges and lemons, and in
inhaled. It was formerly used as a shield vegetables. Lack of vitamin C can cause
against fire and as an insulating material in anaemia and scurvy.
many industrial and construction proc- -ase suffix BIOL an enzyme
esses. asepsis noun MED, MICROBIOL a state of
COMMENT: Asbestos was formerly widely having no infection
used in cement and cladding and other aseptic adjective MED, MICROBIOL refer-
types of fireproof construction materials. It ring to asepsis 쑗 It is important that aseptic
is now recognised that asbestos dust can
cause many lung diseases, leading in some techniques should be used in microbiologi-
cases to forms of cancer, with the result that cal experiments.
constructions containing asbestos are aseptic surgery noun MED surgery
being stripped out and rebuilt with alterna- using sterilised equipment, rather than
tive materials. Blue asbestos is extremely
toxic and is banned in many countries; relying on killing germs with antiseptic
white and brown asbestos can be safely drugs
used in some forms. asexual adjective BIOL not involving sex-
asbestos cement noun INDUST a mix- ual reproduction
ture of asbestos and cement, used to make asexually adverb not involving sexual
pipes, tiles and other small items used in intercourse 쑗 By taking cuttings it is possi-
construction ble to reproduce plants asexually.
asexual reproduction 48
asexual reproduction noun BIOL assemble verb 1. to put a number of
reproduction by taking cuttings of plants or parts together to form something 쑗 Parts
by cloning are made in different countries but the aer-
ASF abbreviation COMPUT Active Stream- oplane is assembled in France. 2. COMPUT
ing Format to make a whole from various smaller parts
쑗 The parts for the disk drive are made in
ash noun 1. TREES a hardwood tree.
Genus: Fraxinus. 2. CHEM a grey or black Japan and assembled in France. 3. COM-
PUT to translate assembly code into
powder formed of minerals left after an
organic substance has been burnt machine code 쑗 There is a short wait dur-
ing which the program is assembled into
ASI abbreviation AEROSP airspeed indica- object code. 쑗 Syntax errors were spotted
tor while the source program was being
ASIC abbreviation COMPUT applica- assembled. 4. COMPUT to insert specific
tion-specific integrated circuits library routines, macros or parameters into
ASP abbreviation COMPUT 1. Active a program
Server Page 2. application service provider assembler, assembler program noun
asparagine noun BIOCHEM an amino COMPUT a program which converts a pro-
acid found in protein gram written in assembly language into
aspartic acid noun BIOL an amino acid machine code
found in sugar assembly noun 1. the process of putting
aspect noun 1. a part of a problem or sub- an item together from various parts 쑗 There
ject 쑗 Vertical motion is an important are no assembly instructions to show you
aspect of meteorology. 2. a view of some- how to put the computer together. 2. COM-
thing from a particular position 3. a direc- PUT the process of converting a program
tion in which something faces 쑗 a site with into machine code
a northern aspect assembly code noun COMPUT a set of
aspect ratio noun COMPUT a ratio of the mnemonics which are used to represent
width to the height of pixel shapes machine code instructions in an assembler
aspen noun TREES a hardwood tree with assembly language noun COMPUT a
leaves that tremble in the wind. Genus: programming language used to code infor-
Populus. mation which will then be converted to
machine code
as per preposition according to 왍 as per
sample as shown in the sample 왍 as per assembly language program noun
COMPUT a number of assembly code
specification according to the details given
in the specification instructions which perform a task
aspergillosis noun an infection of the assembly program noun COMPUT
lungs with Aspergillus, a type of fungus same as macro assembler
which affects parts of the respiratory sys- assertion noun 1. COMPUT (in a compu-
tem ter program) a series of instructions that
asphalt noun INDUST a black substance define a fact or rule 2. a fact that is true or
formed from bitumen defined as being true
COMMENT: Asphalt is found naturally in tar assess verb to consider something care-
sands, but is also manufactured as a fully to make a judgment about it
by-product of petroleum distillation. It is assessment noun 1. careful considera-
used, when melted, to paint on roofs to tion of something to make a judgment
make them waterproof or to mix with aggre-
gate to make hard road surfaces. about it 2. a judgment based on evidence
aspirin noun BIOL 1. a common pain-kill- asset noun COMPUT a separate data ele-
ing drug 2. a tablet of this drug ment such as a video, audio or image
which is used in a multimedia application
ASR noun COMPUT a device or terminal
that can transmit and receive information assign verb 1. to set something apart
COMMENT: An ASR terminal can input infor-
beforehand or allocate something for a spe-
mation via a keyboard or via a tape cassette cific purpose 2. to give someone or a
or paper tape. It can receive information machine something to do 쑗 He was
and store it in internal memory or on tape. assigned the job of checking the sales fig-
assay noun CHEM an act of testing of a ures. 쑗 Two PCs have been assigned to out-
substance putting the labels. 3. COMPUT to set a
49 astronomical unit
variable equal to a string of characters or mostly orbit just inside the orbit of Jupiter.
numbers 4. COMPUT to keep part of a com- Asteroids are material from the earliest
days of the solar system, so information
puter system for use while a program is about them is of great astronomical value.
asteroid belt noun ASTRON the region
assimilate verb BIOCHEM to take into the between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
body’s tissues substances which have been where most asteroids are concentrated
absorbed into the blood from digested food
assimilation noun BIOCHEM the action asthenosphere noun EARTH SCI part of
of assimilating food substances the interior of the Earth, formed of molten
matter below the lithosphere
assimilation efficiency noun the per-
centage of food energy which is taken into asthma noun a lung condition character-
the gut of a consumer and assimilated ised by narrowing of the bronchial tubes, in
through the wall of the gut. Abbr AE which the muscles go into spasm and the
person has difficulty breathing
associate verb to be linked to or accom-
panied by something 쑗 Turbulence is often astigmatism noun OPTICS, OPHTHAL-
associated with strong winds. MOL a defect in a lens or mirror that pre-
association noun 1. EARTH SCI a group vents light rays from meeting at a single
of people with similar interests 2. a link point (NOTE: It results in the formation of an
between two things 쑗 They were looking imperfect image. Astigmatism in the eye is
for an association between specific chemi- very common and can be overcome by
cals and the disease. 3. ECOL same as bio- wearing glasses.)
logical association astral adjective ASTRON relating to, char-
associative memory noun COMPUT a acteristic of, or consisting of stars
method of data retrieval which uses part of astrobiology noun BIOL, ASTRON same
the data rather than an address to locate the as exobiology
data astrology noun ASTRON an ancient but
associative processor noun COMPUT still popular system of attempting to pre-
a processor that uses associative memory dict the future from astronomical events
associative storage noun COMPUT (NOTE: It separated from scientific astron-
same as associative memory omy in the 17th century as knowledge of
assumption noun an understanding the solar system grew, weakening the
about something which is not based on argument that the positions of the planets
facts or proof in the sky could affect people’s lives.)
astatine noun CHEM ELEM a natural radi- astrometrical adjective ASTRON refer-
oactive element (NOTE: The chemical sym- ring to astrometry
bol is At; the atomic number is 85 and the astrometry noun ASTRON a branch of
atomic weight is 210.) astronomy involving precise measure-
aster noun BIOL a structure shaped like a ments of the positions of objects in the sky,
star, seen around a centrosome during cell with the use of meridian telescopes, which
division can now record hundreds of observations
Asteraceae plural noun BOT a common per night onto computer disks (NOTE: The
and very large family of plants with flat European Space Agency’s Hipparcos
flowers that consist of many florets telescope was the first to be launched to
arranged around a central structure. perform astrometrical observations above
Former name Compositae the turbulence of the Earth’s atmosphere.)
asterisk noun COMPUT 1. a graphical astronaut noun ASTRON a human travel-
symbol ( * ) used in programming as a sign ler in space
for multiplication 2. a graphical symbol astronomical adjective relating to
used in many operating systems to mean astronomy
‘any character’
astronomical telescope noun
asteroid noun ASTRON a body found in ASTRON a telescope used to view astro-
the solar system, intermediate in size nomical objects
between a planet and a meteorite
COMMENT: The largest asteroids are astronomical unit noun ASTRON a
hundreds of kilometres across and the measure of distance used in solar system
smallest only hundreds of metres. They studies, equal to the average distance of the
astronomy 50
Earth from the Sun, 149.6 million km. an organism after it has been absent for
Abbr AU several generations, usually as a result of
astronomy noun ASTRON the study of an accidental recombination of genes
natural objects in space, including Earth at hazard adverb at risk, in danger
(NOTE: Modern astronomy is related atherosclerosis noun MED a condition
closely to other sciences, especially phys- in which deposits of fats and minerals form
ics, and has many subdivisions, notably on the walls of an artery, especially the
cosmology and astrophysics) aorta or one of the coronary or cerebral
astrophysicist noun ASTRON a scientist arteries, and prevent blood from flowing
who specialises in astrophysics easily
astrophysics noun ASTRON a branch of Atlantic Conveyor Belt noun GEOG
astronomy which examines astronomical same as North Atlantic Conveyor
phenomena in terms of the laws and princi-
ples of physics Atlantic Ocean noun GEOG the ocean to
the north of the Antarctic, south of the Arc-
asulam noun CHEM, AGRIC a herbicide tic, west of Europe and Africa and east of
used around trees and fruit bushes North and South America
asymmetric, asymmetrical adjective
not identical or equal on each side of an atlas noun 1. GEOG a book of maps and
imaginary central dividing line other geographical information 2. a book
of diagrams, charts and other information
asymmetric compression noun about a single subject such as anatomy
COMPUT a method of reducing the space
taken by data which requires a lot of ATM abbreviation COMPUT asynchronous
processing time and power to compress an transfer mode
image or video sequence but is very quick atmosphere noun 1. METEOROL a mass
to decompress (NOTE: It is usually used of gases surrounding the Earth or any
when creating video sequences for distri- astronomical object such as a planet or star
bution.) 2. PHYS, MEASURE a unit of measurement
asymmetric digital subscriber line of pressure, equal to 101325 pascals or
noun COMPUT a high-speed transmission equal to a height of 760mm of mercury
standard that uses the same wires as a nor- COMMENT: Earth’s atmosphere extends to a
mal telephone service, but is much faster height of several thousand kilometres, but
is concentrated in the 20km immediately
and provides a user with an always-on con- above the planet’s surface. Its pressure
nection to the Internet so there is no need to decreases with height. The atmosphere is
dial an access number and no delay (NOTE: divided into the troposphere, stratosphere,
Data is usually transferred from the Inter- mesosphere and thermosphere. Around
net to the user’s computer at 2Mbps but the Earth, the main gases found in the
atmosphere are: nitrogen and oxygen, less
transferred from the user’s computer to the than 1% carbon dioxide and argon, plus
Internet at a slower rate of 256Kbps.) traces of hydrogen, helium, krypton, neon,
async adjective COMPUT same as asyn- ozone and xenon.
chronous (informal) atmospheric adjective METEOROL refer-
asynchronous adjective COMPUT refer- ring to the atmosphere
ring to serial data or equipment which does atmospheric attenuation noun ELEC
not depend on being synchronised with the weakening of a radio signal as it passes
another piece of equipment through the air
asynchronous transfer mode noun atmospheric contamination noun
COMPUT 1. a method of transferring data ENVIRON pollution of the air with harmful
very rapidly, at up to 155Mbps, across a substances
network using fixed-length data cells 53
octets long 2. a CCITT and ANSI standard atmospheric lifetime noun ENVIRON
defining cell relay transmission 왘 abbr same as lifetime
ATM atmospheric nitrogen noun CHEM
At symbol CHEM ELEM astatine nitrogen as found in the atmosphere
ATAPI abbreviation COMPUT advanced atmospheric pollutant noun ENVIRON
technology attachment packet interface same as air pollutant
atavism noun GENETICS the reappear- atmospheric pollution noun ENVIRON
ance of a genetically controlled feature in same as air pollution
51 atomise
atmospheric pressure noun METE- then release energy and neutrons. Also
OROL the normal pressure of the air on the called nuclear fission
surface of the Earth atomic force microscope noun PHYS
atmospheric pressure zones plural a microscope that measures forces at the
noun METEOROL a band of a specific atomic level using a very sensitive crys-
atmospheric pressure around the Earth tal-tipped cantilever to probe a sample sur-
atmospheric refraction noun PHYS a
change in direction of waves as a result of atomic fusion noun PHYS the joining
variations in temperature, pressure and together of several nuclei to form a single
humidity, particularly at lower altitudes large nucleus, creating energy, as in a
A to D abbreviation COMPUT analog to hydrogen bomb
digital atomicity noun CHEM the number of
atoll noun EARTH SCI an island in warm atoms found in a molecule of a chemical
seas, made of coral and shaped like a ring element, e.g. the atomicity of ozone (O3) is
atom noun 1. CHEM a fundamental unit of
a chemical element and the smallest part of atomic mass noun CHEM the mass of an
an element that can exist independently 2. atom measured in atomic mass units
COMPUT a value or string that cannot be atomic mass unit noun PHYS, MEAS-
reduced to a simpler form URE a unit of measurement of mass, used to
COMMENT: An atom of any chemical express the weight of an atom or molecule
element consists of a positively charged and equal to one twelfth of the mass of an
nucleus surrounded by negatively charged atom of carbon-12. Abbr AMU. Symbol u
electrons in a particular orbit, the orbit being atomic number noun CHEM a number
defined by the energy levels. The mass of
an atom is mostly defined by the nucleus, of positive electric charges round the
which is composed of positively charged nucleus of an atom, equal to the number of
protons and neutrally charged neutrons. protons in the atom (NOTE: Atomic number
Hydrogen is the only atom with just a proton is used to give an element a place in the
in its nucleus. periodic table.)
atomic adjective 1. PHYS referring to atomic orbital noun PHYS the space
atoms 2. COMPUT referring to an operation around a nucleus in which there is a high
that returns data to its original state if it is probability of finding an electron orbiting
stopped during processing the nucleus. 쒁 orbital
atomic bomb noun PHYS 쏡 atomic atomic pile noun INDUST a nuclear reac-
weapon tor
atomic energy noun INDUST energy cre- atomic power noun INDUST the power
ated during a nuclear reaction, either fis- generated by a nuclear reactor, or electric-
sion or fusion, which, in a nuclear reactor, ity generated by a nuclear power station
produces heat warming water and forming
steam which runs a turbine to generate atomic-powered adjective INDUST

electricity operated by nuclear power

COMMENT: Atomic energy is produced from atomic power station noun INDUST a
the fission of atoms of uranium-235. One of power station in which nuclear reactions
the problems associated with the produc- are used to provide energy to run turbines
tion of atomic energy is the radioactive that generate electricity
waste produced by nuclear reactors. This
takes various forms: it can be a gas such as atomic waste noun ENVIRON radioactive
krypton or xenon, spent fuel rods or water waste from a nuclear reactor, including
from cooling processes. spent fuel rods and coolant
Atomic Energy Authority noun 쏡 atomic weapon noun ENVIRON a bomb
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Author- or missile whose destructive power is pro-
ity, International Atomic Energy Agency duced by nuclear fission or fusion
Atomic Energy Commission noun atomic weight noun MEASURE 쏡 relative
US an agency responsible for nuclear atomic mass
energy in the US. Abbr AEC atomise, atomize verb to reduce liquids
atomic fission noun PHYS the splitting to a fine spray 쑗 The fuel must be atomised
of the nucleus of an atom such as ura- or vaporised to combine with the air to
nium-235 into several small nuclei which permit combustion.
atomiser 52
atomiser, atomizer noun INDUST an There is an attachment with my last mail
instrument that sprays liquid in the form of message – it contains the sales report.
very small drops like mist. Also called attack noun ACOUSTICS the shape of the
nebuliser start of a sound signal over time. 쒁 sustain,
atopy noun MED a hereditary allergic decay
reaction attain verb to reach or achieve something,
ATP abbreviation BIOCHEM adenosine tri- often with difficulty 쑗 In order to attain a
phosphate fuller understanding of gas turbines, it is
atrazine noun AGRIC a herbicide that kills essential to know something about basic
germinating seedlings, used especially on gas laws.
maize crops attempt noun a try 쑗 Any attempt to
atresia noun MED an unusual closing or increase range by applying more power is
absence of a tube in the body of little or no benefit. 쐽 verb to try to do
atrium noun 1. ANAT one of the two upper something
chambers in the heart. Compare ventricle attend verb to exist or happen in connec-
2. BIOL a cavity in the ear behind the ear- tion with something else (formal) 쑗 Serious
drum (NOTE: The plural is atria) consequences may attend this decision.
COMMENT: The two atria in the heart both attendant adjective accompanying
receive blood from veins. The right atrium something else 쑗 Fuel spillage and attend-
receives venous blood from the superior ant fire risk must be minimised. 쐽 noun a
and inferior vena cavae and the left atrium
receives oxygenated blood from the pulmo- person whose job is to look after a public
nary veins. place, or to look after and help other people
atrophic adjective MED relating to or attend to verb 1. to deal with something
affected by atrophy or someone 쑗 We need to attend to the feed-
atrophic gastritis noun MED inflamma- back first of all. 2. to pay attention to some-
tion of the stomach caused by the inability thing (formal) 쑗 Please attend to this safety
to secrete sufficient acid to kill bacteria advice immediately.
atrophy noun MED the shrinking of a attention noun special care or treatment
쑗 This routine requires the attention of the
body part or organ because of disease,
damage or lack of use processor every minute.
atropine noun PHARM a poisonous plant attenuate verb (of a radio signal) to lose
compound (alkaloid), found in Atropa bel- power or strength 쑗 A wave attenuates or
ladonna, that affects heart rate and is used loses strength as range increases.
medically to relax muscles attenuated strains plural noun patho-
attach verb 1. to join, fix or connect one genic microorganisms, mainly bacteria and
thing to another 2. COMPUT to make a con- viruses, which have lost their virulence
nection or link 쑗 I issued the command to attenuation noun (of radio signal) a
attach to the local server. 3. COMPUT to reduction or loss of signal strength, the dif-
connect a node or login to a server on a net- ference between transmitted and received
work power measured in decibels 쑗 If the cable
attached processor noun COMPUT a is too long, the signal attenuation will start
microprocessor that performs specific to cause data errors. 쑗 Atmospheric atten-
functions under the control of a central uation is negligible until the upper end of
processor the UHF band when it increases rapidly to
attachment noun 1. the joining, fixing limit the highest usable frequency to about
or connecting of one thing to another 쑗 The 10GHz. Opposite gain
attachment of a wing improved the grip attenuative adjective weakening a radio
and handling of the car. 2. an accessory signal 쑗 rain has an attenuative effect
which can be attached 쑗 The video camera attitude noun 1. a way of thinking, feel-
is sold with a number of attachments ing or behaving about something 2. AER-
including a carrying strap and a battery OSP the position of the aircraft in the air in
pack. 3. COMPUT a device which is attached relation to the horizon 쑗 Angle of attack
to a machine for a special purpose 쑗 There will vary with changes in engine speed and
is a special single sheet feed attachment. 4. aircraft attitude.
COMPUT a named file which is transferred attitude indicator noun AEROSP a
together with an electronic mail message 쑗 flight instrument which gives the pilot
53 auricle
pitch and bank information 쑗 In light air- audiogram noun BIOL a graph drawn by
craft, the attitude indicator is situated on an audiometer
the instrument panel, directly in front of the audiometer noun BIOL an instrument for
pilot. Abbr AI testing hearing or for testing the range of
COMMENT: The attitude indicator is some- sounds that the human ear can detect
times referred to as the artificial horizon. In
instrument flight training, the attitude indi- audio range noun ACOUSTICS the fre-
cator is the primary reference instrument. quency range between 50 and 20000Hz
atto- prefix MEASURE one quintillionth, that can be detected by a human ear
10–18. Symbol a audio response unit noun a speech
attract verb to cause something to draw synthesiser that allows a computer to give
near 쑗 If two magnets, with unlike poles are verbal responses to requests
brought together, they will attract each audit noun 1. a check on figures, scien-
other. 쑗 The solid attracts the gas to its sur- tific data or procedures 2. COMPUT an act of
face. noting tasks carried out by a computer 쐽
attractant noun CHEM a chemical that verb COMPUT to examine the state of a sys-
attracts an organism. 쒁 pheromone tem and check that it is still secure or work-
COMMENT: Artificially produced attractants
ing properly
can be used to attract insects, which can auditory adjective BIOL relating to the
then be killed. ears or to the hearing process
attraction noun the act or an instance of auditory acuity noun BIOL the ability to
being drawn near to someone or something hear sounds clearly
쑗 The strength of the magnetic force will auditory nerve noun ANAT a nerve that
depend, amongst other things, on the mag- transmits impulses concerned with hearing
nitude of attraction at the magnetic source. and balance from the inner ear to the brain
attribute noun 1. a characteristic or qual- Aufbau principle noun CHEM a princi-
ity 2. COMPUT a field entry in a file 쑗 This ple that each successive chemical element
attribute controls the colour of the screen. in a sequence can be created by adding a
3. COMPUT a piece of information concern- proton to the nucleus and an electron to an
ing the display or presentation of informa- orbital of the preceding element
tion augend noun MATHS (in an addition) the
attrition noun the wearing away of some- number to which another number is added
thing, as may be caused by friction 쑗 to produce the sum
Examination showed attrition of two exten- Auger effect noun PHYS the emission of
sor tendons. an electron from an excited positive ion to
ATV abbreviation all-terrain vehicle produce an ion with a double charge
Au symbol CHEM ELEM gold augment verb MATHS to increase
AU symbol ASTRON astronomical unit augmented addressing noun MATHS
audibility threshold noun the level of the production of a usable address word
sound which a person can just hear. Also from two shorter words
called hearing threshold augmenter noun MATHS a value added to
audible adjective able to be heard 쑗 The another
fire detection system should contain an AUP abbreviation COMPUT acceptable use
audible warning device. policy
audible indication noun a sound such aural adjective BIOL referring to hearing 쑗
as a warning bleep The aural and visual alerts will continue
audio adjective, noun PHYS referring to until the operator takes action to cancel
sound or to things that can be heard them.
audio-, audi- prefix hearing or sound aureole noun 1. METEOROL a glow visible
round the Sun, when seen through thin mist
audio board noun 쏡 sound card 2. ANAT the dark area around a nipple
audio cassette recorder noun ELEC- auricle noun 1. ANAT the outer ear. Also
TRONICS a machine to transfer audio sig- called pinna 2. ANAT an atrium of the heart
nals onto magnetic tape. Abbr ACR 3. ANAT an ear-shaped part in each upper
audio file noun a digital sound sample chamber of the heart 4. BOT a part of a
stored on disk grass plant found at the base of a leaf
auriferous 54
auriferous adjective METALL referring to sterile males are introduced in order to stop
a deposit which bears gold the population breeding
Aurora Australis noun METEOROL same autoclave noun CHEM a strong steel ves-
as Southern Lights sel in which pressure can be raised artifi-
Aurora Borealis noun METEOROL same cially, used for steam sterilisation and
as Northern Lights chemical reactions at high temperature
Australasian Region noun EARTH SCI autoecology noun ECOL same as
same as Notogea
autogamy noun 1. BOT pollination with
Australia Telescope noun ASTRON the pollen from the same flower 2. ZOOL the
southern hemisphere’s largest radio tele- division of a protozoon’s nucleus into two
scope, with six dishes over a 6km area, sit- parts which reunite
uated in New South Wales
autogenic succession noun 1. BIOL
autecology noun ECOL the study of an succession that follows biological proc-
individual species in its environment. esses, and can include colonisation and
Compare synecology changes to the environment 2. ECOL the
author COMPUT noun a person who wrote establishment of different communities in
a program 쐽 verb to create a multimedia a particular area as a result of biological
application by combining sound, video and changes, including colonisation and
images changes to the environment
authorisation noun 1. the permission or autoimmune adjective BIOL referring to
power to do something 2. the giving of per- an immune reaction to antigens in a per-
mission to access a system son’s own tissue
authorise verb 1. to give permission for autolysis noun BIOL the action of cells
something to be done 쑗 to authorise the destroying themselves with their own
purchase of a new computer system 2. to enzymes
give someone the authority to do some- automate verb to make a device or pro-
thing 쑗 The lab was authorised to conduct cedure automatic
the tests. automated system noun a system that
authorised adjective permitted has been made less dependent on direct
authorised user noun COMPUT a per- human control or management
son who is allowed to access a computer automatic adjective 1. done without
system needing to think 쑗 In the early stages of
authority noun 1. the power to act 2. an training, student pilots have to think about
official body that controls an area or a spe- the use of the flying controls but after a
cific activity 쑗 You will have to apply to the while these actions become automatic. 2.
local planning authority. 3. SCI a person or working by itself without the need of an
body with specialised knowledge of a sub- operator 쑗 The normal activation method
ject of the sprinkler system is automatic.
author level noun COMPUT a mode of an automatic gain control noun ELEC-
authoring software package that is used by TRONICS an electronic circuit that adjusts
the author to design the application the level of an incoming signal so that it is
suitable for the next part of the circuit.
auto adjective working without the user Abbr AGC
needing to act
automatic hyphenation noun COM-
auto- prefix 1. automatic or automated 2. PUT a feature of a software program that
self looks up in an electronic dictionary how to
autocatalysis noun CHEM the catalytic split and hyphenate words correctly
acceleration of a chemical reaction by a automatic power off noun COMPUT the
product of the same reaction process of equipment switching itself off if
autochthonous adjective referring to it has not been used for a time
flora, fauna or other matter which is pro- automatic repeat request noun COM-
duced by the community in which it is PUT an error correction system used in
found. Compare allochthonous some modems that asks for data to be
autocidal control noun a form of pest re-transmitted if there are errors. Abbr
control, especially of insects, by which ARQ
55 avalanche
automation noun 1. an automatic opera- auxiliary adjective referring to a second-
tion or control of a piece of equipment, ary system that is used when necessary
process or system 쑗 Automation of throttle auxiliary equipment noun backup or
control has removed the need for pilots to secondary equipment in case of a break-
monitor airspeed so closely. 2. the use of down
machinery to save manual labour auxiliary gearbox noun ENG a gear-box
autonomic adjective governing itself that allows main engine power to be used
independently for secondary systems
autonomic nervous system noun auxiliary memory noun COMPUT same
ANAT the nervous system formed of ganglia as auxiliary storage
linked to the spinal column, which regu- auxiliary processor noun COMPUT an
lates the automatic functioning of the main extra, specialised processor, such as an
organs of the body such as the heart and array or numerical processor that can work
lungs with a main processor to increase execu-
autoradiography noun BIOL, MED the tion speed
technique of placing a sample or specimen auxiliary storage, auxiliary store
in contact with a photographic plate prior noun COMPUT a data storage medium such
to developing a photograph that reveals the as a magnetic tape or floppy disk that is not
distribution of radioactivity in it the main high-speed computer storage 쑗
Disk drives and magnetic tape provide
auto repeat noun COMPUT a facility auxiliary storage on this machine. Also
where a character is automatically repeated called auxiliary memory
if the key is kept pressed down
auxin noun BOT a plant hormone that
auto save noun COMPUT a feature of encourages or suppresses tissue growth
some application programs such as (NOTE: Some herbicides act as synthetic
word-processor or database software that auxins by upsetting the balance of the
automatically saves the file being used plant’s growth.)
every few minutes in case of a power fail- COMMENT: Some herbicides act as
ure or system crash synthetic auxins by upsetting the balance of
auto scan noun COMPUT the ability of a plant growth.
monitor to maintain the same rectangular availability noun the fact of being avail-
image size when changing from one reso- able
lution to another available adjective able to be had or used
autosome noun GENETICS a chromo- 쑗 available in all branches 쑗 item no
some that does not determine sex longer available 쑗 items available to order
autotroph, autotrophic organism noun available bit rate noun COMPUT a serv-
BIOL an organism which manufactures its ice provided by an ATM network that tries
own organic constituents from inorganic to provide the bandwidth requested by a
materials, e.g. a bacterium or green plant. customer but cannot guarantee to do so.
Compare chemotroph, heterotroph Abbr ABR
autumn noun the season of the year, fol- available list noun COMPUT a list of
lowing summer and before winter, when unallocated memory and resources in a
days become shorter and the weather pro- computer system
gressively colder (NOTE: The US term is available point noun COMPUT the small-
est single unit or point of a display whose
autumnal adjective referring to the colour and brightness can be controlled
autumn available power noun COMPUT, ENG the
autumnal equinox noun ASTRON one maximum electrical or processing power
of the two occasions in the year when the that a system can deliver
Sun crosses the celestial equator and night available time noun the time during
and day are each 12 hours long, occurring which a system may be used
around 22 September avalanche noun 1. EARTH SCI a large
AUX noun COMPUT a serial communica- mass of snow that becomes detached and
tions port under the DOS operating system. falls down the side of a mountain 2. COM-
Full form AUXILIARY PUT a series of actions beginning with one
avalanche wind 56
which starts a number of others 쑗 There aware adjective knowing and conscious
was an avalanche of errors after I pressed of something
the wrong key. awareness noun the state of being
avalanche wind noun EARTH SCI a very aware
strong wind caused by an avalanche axenic adjective MICROBIOL referring to a
avatar noun COMPUT 1. the graphic image culture of an organism that is free from
that is used to represent a real person in a contamination by other organisms
cyberspace or three-dimensional system, axial adjective referring to an axis
e.g. in an adventure game 2. the name for axial-flow turbine noun ENG a turbine
the superuser account on a UNIX system 왘 with blades like those on a ship’s propeller,
also called root rotating horizontally
average adjective 1. typical or usual 쑗 of axial skeleton noun ANAT the main part
average ability 쑗 below average perform- of the skeleton, formed of the spine, skull,
ance 2. MATHS referring to the arithmetic ribs and breastbone
mean 쑗 average cost per unit 쑗 average
price 쑗 average sales per representative 쐽 axil noun BOT the angle between a leaf or
noun MATHS same as arithmetic mean 쑗
branch and the stem from which it grows
the average for the last three months 쑗 axillary artery noun ANAT an artery
sales average 쐽 verb MATHS to produce as leading from the subclavian artery in the
an average figure armpit
avert verb to avoid something 쑗 To avert axis noun 1. an imaginary line around
a collision, he changed direction. which a body rotates 쑗 The Earth rotates
around its own axis. 쑗 An aircraft moves
Aves noun ZOOL the class that comprises around three axes – vertical, longitudinal
birds and lateral. 2. ANAT an imaginary line
avian adjective ZOOL relating to birds through the centre of a plant or animal 3.
avian flu noun a type of influenza that ANAT a central vessel which divides into
affects birds and can infect humans. Also other vessels 4. MATHS the horizontal or
called bird flu vertical scale on a graph 쑗 The plot shows
aviary noun a cage or large enclosure for the effect of airspeed on lift, with airspeed
birds shown on the horizontal axis and lift on the
vertical axis. (NOTE: The plural is axes.)
avicide noun ZOOL a substance that kills
birds axle noun ENG a shaft on which a wheel is
mounted 쑗 Unequal tyre pressures, where
avifauna noun ZOOL all the birds that live two wheels are mounted on the same axle,
naturally in a specific area (NOTE: The plu- will result in one tyre carrying a greater
ral is avifauna or avifaunas.) share of the load than the other.
avionics noun AEROSP the electronic axon noun ANAT a nerve fibre that sends
communication, navigation and flight-con- impulses from one neuron to another, link-
trol equipment of an aircraft ing with the dendrites of the other neuron
Avogadro’s constant noun PHYS same axon covering noun ANAT a myelin
as Avogadro’s number sheath that covers a nerve
Avogadro’s law noun PHYS the physical azeotrope noun CHEM a mixture of liq-
principle that equal volumes of different uids with a different boiling point from that
gases at the same temperature and pressure of any of its components, retaining its com-
contain the same number of molecules position as a vapour
Avogadro’s number noun PHYS the azerty keyboard noun COMPUT a key-
number of atoms or molecules contained in board on which the keys are arranged with
one mole of a substance (NOTE: Its value is the first line beginning AZERTY. Compare
6.022 x 1023) QWERTY keyboard (NOTE: It is used
avoid verb 1. to prevent something from mainly in Europe.)
happening 쑗 He just managed to avoid an azimuth noun 1. the position of an object
accident. 2. to keep away from or not do in the horizontal plane, usually measured
something 쑗 Avoid entering this area when in degrees clockwise from the north 2.
the red light is on. 쑗 Avoid alcohol with this COMPUT the angle of a tape head to a refer-
medication. ence such as a tape plane
57 azygos vein
azine noun CHEM an organic compound azotobacter noun MICROBIOL a nitro-
with a ring containing a total of six carbon gen-fixing bacterium belonging to a group
and nitrogen atoms per molecule found in soil
azo dye noun CHEM an organic dye con- azygos vein noun ANAT a vein that
taining an azo group, usually orange, yel- brings blood back into the vena cava from
low or brown (NOTE: They may be added to the abdomen
food to give it colour.)
b abbreviation COMPUT bit 쐽 symbol MEAS- 쑗 We have linked the servers in each office
URE, PHYS barn using a high-speed backbone. (NOTE:
B abbreviation COMPUT byte 쐽 symbol 1. Smaller workgroups or networks are con-
CHEM ELEM boron 2. COMPUT the hexadec- nected to the backbone as segments or
imal equivalent of the decimal number 11 ribs.)
Ba symbol CHEM ELEM barium backcross GENETICS verb to cross an
organism, especially a hybrid, with one of
babbitt metal noun METALL a soft alloy its parents or an individual genetically
containing a high proportion of tin, along
identical to that parent 쐽 noun a hybrid
with copper and antimony, often contain-
obtained by backcrossing
ing lead, used in the manufacture of anti-
friction bearings backdoor noun COMPUT an unauthorised
route into a computer system that bypasses
babble noun ACOUSTICS crosstalk or the main security or password protection
noise from other sources which interferes scheme
with a signal
back-end processor noun COMPUT a
BAC abbreviation BIOTECH bacterial artifi- special-purpose auxiliary processor
cial chromosome
background noun 1. a person’s past
bacillary adjective BIOL referring to a work or experience 쑗 His background is in
bacillus the computer industry. 쑗 The company is
bacillary dysentery noun MED dysen- looking for someone with a background of
tery caused by the bacillus Shigella in con- success in the electronics industry. 쑗 Do
taminated food you know anything about his background?
bacillus noun BIOL a bacterium shaped 2. COMPUT a part of a picture which is
like a rod (NOTE: The plural is bacilli.) behind the main object of interest 쑗 The
back noun 1. ANAT the part of the body new graphics processor chip can handle
from the neck downwards to the waist, background, foreground and sprite move-
which is made up of the spine and the ment independently. 3. COMPUT a system in
bones attached to it 쑗 She strained her back a computer where low-priority work can be
working in the garden. Also called dor- done in the intervals when very important
sum (NOTE: For other terms referring to the work is not being done 4. a set of condi-
back, see words beginning with dors-.) 2. tions which are always present in the envi-
the opposite side to the front 쑗 There is a ronment, but are less obvious or less
wide range of connectors at the back of the important than others
main unit. 쐽 verb 1. to help a person or background carboxyhaemo-
enterprise 2. METEOROL (of the wind) to globin level noun PHYSIOL the concen-
change direction, anticlockwise in the tration of carboxyhaemoglobin in the
northern hemisphere and clockwise in the blood of a person living a normal existence
southern hemisphere. Opposite veer without exposure to particularly high lev-
backbone noun 1. ANAT in vertebrate els of carbon dioxide
animals, a series of bones (vertebrae) background concentration noun 1.
linked together to form a flexible column ENVIRON same as background pollution
running from the pelvis to the skull 2. COM- 2. PHYS same as background radiation
PUT a high-speed high-capacity connection background level noun PHYS, GEOL the
path that links smaller sub-networks, nor- general level of something such as noise or
mally used to connect servers on a network pollution which is always there
59 backup copy
background noise noun 1. a general back panel noun COMPUT a panel at the
level of noise which is always there in the rear of a computer which normally holds
environment 쑗 The other machines around the connectors to peripherals such as key-
this device will produce a lot of back- board, printer, video display unit and
ground noise. 2. (in an electronic instru- mouse
ment) noise which is present along with the backplane noun COMPUT the part of the
required signal 쑗 The modem is sensitive to body of a computer which holds the circuit
background noise. boards, buses and expansion connectors
background pollution noun the gen- (NOTE: The backplane does not provide
eral level of air pollution in an area, disre- any processing functions.)
garding any specifically local factors, e.g. backscatter EARTH SCI noun the send-
the presence of a coal-fired power station ing back of radiation 쑗 Backscatter con-
background printing noun COMPUT tributes to an increase in albedo. 쐽 verb to
the process of printing from a computer send back radiation 쑗 A proportion of
while it is processing another task 쑗 Back- incoming solar radiation is backscattered
ground printing can be carried out while by air in the atmosphere.
another document is being edited.
backshore noun EARTH SCI the part of a
background radiation noun PHYS,
beach between the foreshore and where
GEOL radiation from natural sources like permanent vegetation grows
rocks, the soil or the atmosphere, and not
from a single artificial source backslash noun COMPUT the printed or
COMMENT: Background radiation can keyboard symbol \ (NOTE: It is ASCII char-
depend on the geological structure of the acter 92, the sign used in MS-DOS to rep-
area. Places above granite are particularly resent the root directory of a disk or to
subject to high levels of radiation. Other separate subdirectories in a path.)
sources of background radiation are:
cosmic rays from outer space, radiation backspace noun COMPUT a movement
from waste products of nuclear power of the cursor to the preceding character, or
plants which has escaped into the environ- a key that effects this
ment and radiation from TV and computer
screens. backspace character noun COMPUT a
background task noun COMPUT a proc- code that causes a backspace action in a
ess executed at any time by a computer sys- display device. Abbr BS
tem, not normally noticed by the user backswamp noun EARTH SCI a marshy
backing store, backing storage, back- area in a flood plain
ing memory noun COMPUT a permanent backtrack verb COMPUT to carry out list
storage medium onto which data can be processing in reverse, starting with the goal
recorded before being processed by the and working towards the proofs
computer or after processing for later back up COMPUT verb 1. to support or
retrieval 쑗 By adding another disk drive, I help something or someone 쑗 He brought
will increase the backing store capabili- along a file of documents to back up his
ties. 쑗 Paper tape is one of the slowest claim. 쑗 The printout backed up his argu-
access backing stores. ment for a new system. 2. to make a copy of
backlight noun COMPUT a light that pro- a file, data or a disk 쑗 The company
vides illumination from behind accounts were backed up on disk as a pro-
backlit display noun COMPUT a liquid tection against fire damage. 쑗 The program
crystal display unit that has a backlight fit- enables users to back up hard disk files
ted to improve the contrast of the display with a single command. 쐽 noun a copy of a
backlog noun COMPUT a quantity of work file or set of data kept for security against
or tasks that have yet to be processed 쑗 The errors in the original or master copy
programmers can’t deal with the backlog backup noun a system, instrument, com-
of programming work. puter disk or other resource to be used if
back mutation noun GENETICS the the first one fails 쑗 The backup failed as
changing back of a mutated gene to its well. 쑗 Backup generators are driven by
original form the engine. 쐽 adjective COMPUT to be used
backout verb COMPUT to restore a file to if the first one fails
its original condition before any changes backup copy noun COMPUT a copy of a
were made computer disk to be kept in case the origi-
Backus-Naur-Form 60
nal disk is damaged 쑗 The most recent bacterial contamination noun
backup copy is kept in the safe. MICROBIOL the pollution of something such
Backus-Naur-Form noun COMPUT a as water or food by bacteria
system of writing and expressing the syn- bacterial decay noun MICROBIOL decay
tax of a programming language. Abbr BNF caused by the action of bacteria
backward adjective directed towards the bacterial digestion noun the process
back 쑗 a backward movement by which bacteria break down organic mat-
backward channel noun TELECOM a ter such as sewage and slurry
channel from the receiver to transmitter bacterial pneumonia noun a form of
allowing the receiver to send control and pneumonia caused by pneumococcus
handshaking signals bacterial strain noun MICROBIOL a dis-
backward error correction noun TEL- tinct type of bacterium
ECOM a correction of errors which are bactericidal adjective MICROBIOL
detected by the receiver and a signal sent to destroying bacteria
the transmitter to request re-transmission bactericide noun MICROBIOL a substance
of the data that destroys bacteria
backwards adverb towards the back 쑗 bacteriological warfare noun ENVI-
move backwards (NOTE: The US term is RON same as germ warfare
backward.) bacteriology noun MICROBIOL the scien-
backwards compatible noun COMPUT tific study of bacteria
1. working with all the old adapter cards bacteriophage noun MICROBIOL a virus
designed for earlier versions of the compu- that affects bacteria
ter 2. providing the same functions as the
previous version and able to read the files bacteriostat noun MICROBIOL a sub-

created in the previous version stance that inhibits the growth and activity
of bacteria but does not kill them
backwash noun EARTH SCI the flow of bacterium noun MICROBIOL 쏡 bacteria
seawater down a beach. Compare swash COMMENT: Bacteria can be shaped like
backwater noun EARTH SCI 1. stagnant rods (bacilli), like balls (cocci) or have a
water connected to a river or stream 2. the spiral form (such as spirochaetes).
water held behind a dam, or kept back by a Bacteria, especially bacilli and spirocha-
etes, can move and reproduce very rapidly.
bad sector noun COMPUT a disk sector
bacteria plural noun very small organ- that has been wrongly formatted or that
isms, invisible except through a micro- contains an error or fault and is unable to
scope, belonging to a large group, some of be correctly written to or read from 쑗 You
which help in the decomposition of organic will probably receive error messages when
matter, some of which are permanently in you copy files that are stored on bad sec-
the intestines of animals and can break tors on a disk.
down food tissue and some of which cause
disease (NOTE: The singular is bacterium.) baffle noun a metal plate for preventing
COMMENT: Bacteria can be shaped like
the free movement of sound or liquids 쑗
rods (bacilli), like balls (cocci) or have a Integral fuel tanks can be strengthened by
spiral form (such as spirochaetes). fitting baffle plates. 쑗 The baffle in the
Bacteria, especially bacilli and spirocha- recording studio works as a sound
etes, can move and reproduce very rapidly. absorber to remove unwanted echoes.
bacteria bed noun INDUST a filter bed of bag noun COMPUT a number of elements
rough stone, forming the last stage in the in no particular order
treatment of sewage Baily’s beads plural noun ASTRON
bacterial adjective MICROBIOL referring bright points of sunlight that briefly appear
to or caused by bacteria 쑗 Children with around the Moon immediately before and
sickle-cell anaemia are susceptible to bac- after a total eclipse of the Sun (NOTE: They
terial infection. are caused by sunlight shining through val-
bacterial artificial chromosome leys on the Moon.)
noun BIOTECH a sequence of DNA taken Bakelite trademark INDUST a synthetic
from an organism and inserted in a bacte- resin, particularly a phenol-formaldehyde
rium resin
61 bandwidth
balance noun 1. a state in which two baleen whale noun MARINE BIOL a whale
sides are equal or in proportion 쑗 The pro- that has two breathing holes and feeds by
pelling nozzle size is extremely important sucking in water and then forcing it out
and must be designed to obtain the correct with the tongue through the baleen, which
balance of pressure, temperature and traps plankton. Suborder: Mysticeti.
thrust. 2. a state in which weights or forces (NOTE: Baleen whales are the larger of the
are evenly distributed 3. a state in which two groups of whales; the others are the
proportions of substances are correct 쑗 to toothed whales or Odontoceti.)
maintain a healthy balance of vitamins in ball noun ANAT 1. the soft part of the hand
the diet 4. a state of staying upright and not below the thumb 2. the soft part of the foot
falling 쑗 He stood on top of the fence and below the big toe
kept his balance. 5. COMPUT the placing of ball and socket joint noun ANAT a joint
text and graphics on a page in an attractive where the round end of a long bone is
way 쑗 The DTP package allows the user to attached to a cup-shaped hollow in another
see whether the overall page balance is bone in such a way that the long bone can
correct. 6. a device for weighing, made move in almost any direction
with springs or weights 쑗 He weighed the
powder in a spring balance. 쐽 verb 1. to ballast noun ENG material such as stones
plan something so that two parts are equal carried in the hull of a ship to make it heav-
or in proportion 2. to provide an opposite ier and so less likely to roll
and equal weight, force or importance to ballistics noun PHYS the study of the
something else 쑗 The pressure exerted by movements and forces involved in the pro-
the weight of the atmosphere above the pulsion of objects through the air
level of the bowl balances a column of mer- balloon noun a large bag inflatable with
cury in the tube. 3. to stay steady, espe- hot air or gas to provide lift, but without
cially when resting on the centre of gravity power 쑗 Meteorologists send balloons into
balanced circuit noun ELECTRONICS an the upper atmosphere to collect useful
electronic circuit that presents a correct information.
load to a communications line (NOTE: The Balmer series noun ASTRON a series of
correct load is usually equal to the imped- spectral lines characterising hydrogen and
ance of a element.) seen in visible light (NOTE: The Balmer
balanced diet noun BIOL a diet which series is easily observable in the spectra of
provides all the nutrients needed in the cor- the Sun and other stars and is caused by
rect proportions the movement of electrons to and from the
balanced error noun STATS the equal energy level possible in hydrogen above
probability that any error could occur out the normal ground state.)
of a number of possible errors balun noun ELEC ENG a transformer that
balanced line noun TELECOM a commu- matches two circuits that have different
nications line that is terminated at each end impedances 쑗 We have used a balun to con-
with a balanced circuit, preventing signal nect the coaxial cable to the twisted-pair
reflections circuit.
balanced routing noun COMPUT a band noun 1. a strip or loop of fabric,
method of using all possible routes through metal or plastic 2. a narrow area that is dif-
a network equally ferent in colour from other areas 3. ELEC a
balance of nature noun ECOL a popular range of numbers or frequencies between
concept that relative numbers of different two limits within a radio system 4. COMPUT
organisms living in the same ecosystem a group of tracks on a magnetic disk 5.
EARTH SCI a layer of rock
may remain more or less constant without
human interference 왍 to disturb the bal- banded adjective 1. GEOL referring to
ance of nature to make a change to the rock arranged in layers 2. BIOL showing
environment which has the effect of bands of colour
putting some organisms at a disadvantage bandpass filter noun ELEC ENG an elec-
compared with others tronic filter that allows a range of frequen-
baleen noun MARINE BIOL a series of cies to pass, but reduces in power all
plates like a comb, which hang down from frequencies outside the specified range
the upper jaw of some whales and act like bandwidth noun 1. ELEC ENG a range of
a sieve frequencies 2. ELEC a measure of the
bandwidth on demand 62
amount of data that can be transmitted METEOROL a unit of atmospheric pressure,
along a cable or channel or other medium equal to 1000 millibars or 105 Pa 3. COM-
쑗 This fibre-optic cable has a greater PUT a thick line or block of colour 4. a long
bandwidth than the old copper cable and bank of sand submerged at high tide at the
so it can carry data at higher speeds. 3. entrance to a harbour, river or bay 쐽 verb to
COMPUT a measure of the range of frequen- stop someone from doing something 왍 to
cies that a monitor or CRT will accept and bar entry to a file to stop someone access-
display (NOTE: High-resolution monitors ing a file
display more pixels per area so need barbiturate noun PHARM a sedative drug
high-speed data input and so a higher bar chart noun MATHS a graph on which
bandwidth.) values are represented as vertical or hori-
bandwidth on demand noun ONLINE a zontal bars of different heights or lengths
system used with a switching service such bar code noun COMPUT data represented
as ISDN in a wide area network that allows as a series of printed stripes of varying
users to send as much information as they widths (NOTE: Bar codes are widely used
want by automatically allocating extra on goods in supermarkets and in auto-
channels to cope with higher bandwidth mated data systems such as those in lend-
requirements (NOTE: The network will ing libraries.)
adjust to transmit the required amount of
bar-code reader noun COMPUT an opti-
cal device that reads data from a bar code
bank noun 1. COMPUT a collection of sim-
ilar devices 쑗 A bank of minicomputers bare board noun COMPUT a circuit board
processes all the raw data. 2. MED a place with no components on it (NOTE: It usually
where blood or organs from donors can be refers to a memory expansion board that
stored until needed 3. EARTH SCI a piece of does not yet have any memory chips
land at the edge of water such as a river or mounted on it.)
lake 4. EARTH SCI a long heap of sand or barium noun CHEM ELEM a chemical ele-
snow, e.g. a sandbank in shallow water or a ment that forms poisonous compounds
snowbank along the side of a road 5. ENVI- (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ba; the
RON a place where something is collected atomic number is 56 and the atomic weight
for a particular use, e.g. a seed bank or a is 137.34.)
bottle bank 6. AVIAT a rotating or rolling barium concrete noun CHEM a concrete
movement of an aircraft around its longitu- with barium added to it, used to absorb
dinal axis to a particular angle 쑗 An atti- radiation
tude indicator gives the pilot pitch and barium meal noun MED a liquid solution
bank information. 쐽 verb AVIAT (of aircraft) containing barium sulfate which a patient
to rotate or roll around its longitudinal axis drinks so that an X-ray can be taken of his
to a particular angle 쑗 Stresses are or her alimentary tract
increased when the aircraft banks, turns or barium sulfate, barium sulphate noun
pulls out of a dive. CHEM a white insoluble odourless powder
COMMENT: Memory banks are used to which is opaque to X-rays and used in
expand the main memory of a computer by X-ray photography. Formula: BaSO4.
having a number of memory chips arranged
into banks. Each bank operates over the bark noun 1. BOT the outer layer of a tree
same address range but is selected inde- trunk or branch 2. ZOOL the cry of an ani-
pendently by a special code. mal of the dog family, e.g. a wolf or fox
bank switching noun COMPUT the barley noun PLANTS a cereal crop used as
selection of a particular memory bank animal feed and for making malt for beer
from a group or whisky. Latin name: Hordeum sativum.
banner ad, banner advertisement COMMENT: Barley is widely grown in
noun COMPUT an image that carries an northern temperate countries, with the
advertising slogan, logo or message and is largest production in Germany and France.
displayed on a webpage It is an important arable crop in the UK. The
grain is mainly used for livestock feeding
BAP abbreviation Biodiversity Action and for malting. It is rarely used for making
Plan flour.
bar noun 1. ENG a long straight solid piece barn noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of area
of material, usually metal 쑗 The part is used to measure nuclear cross-sections,
made from a solid bar of aluminium. 2. equal to 10 m2. Symbol b
63 base
barnacle noun MARINE BIOL a small of the quantity of crude oil produced and
invertebrate animal with a shell that clings equal to 159 litres or 35 imperial gallons
to rocks and ships and draws food to itself barren adjective 1. ECOL unable to sup-
by using slender hairs port plant or animal life 쑗 a sparse and
baro- prefix METEOROL referring to barren landscape at high altitude 2. BIOL
weight or pressure unable to reproduce
barograph noun METEOROL an instru- barrier noun ENG a structure that prevents
ment that records changes in atmospheric something going from one place to
pressure by a pen attached to a barometer another. 쒁 geographical barrier, species
which records fluctuations in pressure on a barrier
roll of paper barrier beach, barrier island noun
EARTH SCI a bank of sand or a strip of land
barometer noun METEOROL an instru- lying along the shore and separated from it
ment which measures changes in atmos-
by a lagoon
pheric pressure and is used to forecast
changes in the weather barrier reef noun a long coral reef lying
along the shore and enclosing a lagoon
barometric adjective METEOROL refer-
ring to a barometer baryon noun PHYS a subatomic particle
belonging to a group that undergoes strong
barometrically adverb METEOROL by interactions, has a mass greater than or
use of a barometer equal to that of the proton, and consists of
barometric corrections plural noun three quarks
METEOROL corrections made to the reading basal adjective 1. being the base or bot-
on a mercury thermometer to allow for alti- tom of something 2. forming the basis of
tude and outside temperature something
barometric pressure noun METEOROL basal area noun BOT the area covered by
atmospheric pressure indicated by a the trunks of trees or stems of plants
barometer basal ganglia plural noun ANAT the
barometric tendency noun METEOROL masses of grey matter at the base of each
the amount of decrease in atmospheric cerebral hemisphere which receive
pressure with increase in altitude impulses from the thalamus and influence
barrage noun ENG a construction to pre- the motor output from the frontal cortex
vent or regulate the flow of tides, used basal metabolic rate noun BIOL the
either to prevent flooding or to harness amount of energy used by a body in
tidal power exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
COMMENT: The advantages of building when at rest. Abbr BMR (NOTE: It is a
barrages to harness tidal power are that measure of the energy needed to keep the
they are economical to run and use no fuel. body functioning and the temperature nor-
They do pose particular environmental mal.)
problems, as do all dams, in that they may
change the ecosystem of the surrounding basal metabolism noun energy used
countryside. A barrage would have an by a body at rest, i.e. energy needed to keep
effect on the estuary marshlands, on the the body functioning and the temperature
river behind it, and possibly on the move- normal. This can be calculated while an
ment of coastal silt by the tides. animal is in a state of complete rest by
Barr body noun GENETICS an inactive X observing the amount of heat given out or
chromosome present in the cells of women the amount of oxygen taken in and
and female animals (NOTE: It is used in a retained.
test to determine sex.) basalt noun GEOL a hard black volcanic
barred spiral galaxy noun ASTRON a rock
galaxy in which the stars appear as a spiral basaltic adjective GEOL referring to or
with a bright bar across the centre containing basalt (NOTE: Most volcanic
barrel noun 1. ELEC ENG a conducting lava is basaltic.)
post in a terminal 2. INDUST a large cylin- base noun 1. the original, lowest or first
drical container for liquids such as beer, position 2. the main ingredient of some-
wine and oil 3. MEASURE, INDUST the thing such as a paint or an ointment 3.
amount of a liquid contained in a standard CHEM a substance that reacts with an acid
barrel of 42 US gallons, used as a measure to form a salt 4. COMPUT a collection of
base 2 64
files used as a reference 5. MATHS a number 4. COMPUT the horizontal line along which
that is taken as the basis of a system of cal- characters are printed or displayed
culation, representing the number of units baseline conditions plural noun ENVI-
in the system 6. COMPUT (in object-oriented RON (in economic analyses) the health,
programming) a class from which other environmental, economic or other condi-
classes can be derived by inheritance 쐽 tions that exist before any accidental or
verb 1. to start to calculate from a position deliberate changes occur 쑗 return the dam-
쑗 We based our calculations on the rate of aged land to baseline conditions
change we observed. 2. to develop some- baseline emission noun ENVIRON the
thing from something else 쑗 The operation level of emission of a gas such as a green-
of the auxiliary power unit is based on the house gas that would occur without a
gas turbine engine. 쑗 The principle of change in policy
vapour cycle cooling is based upon the base memory noun COMPUT the first
ability of a refrigerant to absorb heat. 640kb of random access memory fitted to
base 2 noun MATHS a binary number sys- a PC
tem using the two digits 0 and 1 basement noun GEOL the lowest level of
base 8 noun MATHS an octal number sys- rock, which has been covered by sediment
tem using the eight digits 0 – 7 basement membrane noun ANAT a
base 10 noun MATHS a decimal number membrane at the base of an epithelium
system using the ten digits 0 – 9 base metal noun CHEM a common metal,
base 16 noun MATHS a hexadecimal e.g. copper, lead or tin
number system using the ten digits 0 – 9 base pair noun GENETICS a set of two
and six letters A – F bases such as adenine–thymine or cytosine
base address noun COMPUT an initial –-guanine on separate strands of DNA,
address in a program used as a reference held together by hydrogen bonds. Abbr bp
for others base register noun COMPUT a register in
baseband noun 1. TELECOM the fre- a CPU, but not usually in small computers,
quency range of a signal before it is proc- that contains the address of the start of a
essed or transmitted 2. COMPUT digital program
signals transmitted without modulation 3. base unit noun MEASURE one of the
COMPUT information modulated with a sin-
seven SI units on which other units are
gle carrier frequency based (NOTE: The SI base units are:
baseband modem noun TELECOM a ampere, candela, kelvin, kilogram, metre,
communications circuit that transmits an mole and second.)
unmodulated baseband signal over a short basic adjective 1. from which everything
distance 쑗 Do not use a baseband modem else comes 쑗 This chapter provides a basic
with a normal phone line. understanding from which the study of
baseband signalling noun TELECOM meteorology can develop. 쑗 Everyone
the transmitting of data as varying voltage needs a knowledge of basic maths. 쑗 The
levels across a link basic structure is the same for all models in
base font noun COMPUT the default font this range. 2. CHEM relating to a chemical
and point size used by a word-processing which reacts with an acid to form a salt
program BASIC noun COMPUT a high-level pro-
base hardware noun COMPUT the mini- gramming language for developing pro-
mum hardware that a particular software grams in a conversational way, providing
package needs in order to run an easy introduction to computer program-
base level noun 1. the lowest level of ming. Full form beginner’s all-purpose
something, from which other levels are cal- symbolic instruction code
culated 2. GEOL the depth below which ero- basic encoding rule noun COMPUT a
sion would be unable to occur standard method of encoding data that is
baseline noun 1. ASTRON (In interferom- stored in the ASN language. Abbr BER
etry) the distance between the farthest-sep- (NOTE: It is often used in libraries and other
arated points at which data are collected 2. Internet data sites.)
the point from which change can be meas- basic input/output operating sys-
ured 3. COMPUT a line which defines the tem noun COMPUT a set of system routines
size and layout of a page in an application that interface between high-level program
65 battery charging
instructions and the system peripherals to batch processing noun COMPUT a sys-
control the input and output to various tem of data processing where information
standard devices such as the screen, key- is collected into batches before being proc-
board and disk drives. Abbr BIOS essed by the computer in one machine run.
basic law noun a fundamental rule Compare immediate processing
basic principle noun a central or funda- COMMENT: Batch processing is the opposite
to interactive processing (where the user
mental idea or theory gives instructions and receives an imme-
basic rock noun GEOL a rock such as diate response).
basalt which contains little silica batch total noun COMPUT the sum of a
basic salt noun CHEM a chemical com- number of batches of data, used for error
pound formed when an acid reacts with a checking, validation or to provide useful
base information
basic slag noun AGRIC calcium phos- Batesian mimicry noun ZOOL a form of
phate, produced as waste from blast fur- mimicry where one species mimics
naces and formerly used as a fertiliser another which is poisonous, so as to avoid
because of its phosphate content being eaten
basic solution noun CHEM a water solu- bathy- prefix OCEANOG referring to the
tion with a pH greater than 7 part of the seabed between 200 and 2000m
basilar artery noun ANAT an artery that deep
lies at the base of the brain bathyal zone noun OCEANOG a region of
basilic vein noun ANAT a large vein run- the ocean extending from the edge of the
ning along the inside of the arm continental shelf, which slopes down
sharply into deeper water, to a depth of
basin noun EARTH SCI a large low-lying about 4000m
area of land, drained by a large river system
or surrounding an ocean 쑗 Thousands of bathylimnetic adjective GEOG referring
tributaries drain into the Amazon basin. 쑗 to the deepest part of a lake
A ring of volcanoes lies around the edge of BATNEEC noun ENVIRON a principle
the Pacific basin. applied to the control of emissions into the
basis noun the central and most impor- air, land and water from polluting proc-
tant part of something from which every- esses, in order to minimise pollution with-
thing else is derived 쑗 The basis of air out the use of advanced technology or
navigation is the triangle of velocities. expensive methods. Full form best availa-
(NOTE: The plural is bases.) ble technology not entailing excessive
BASIS noun a scheme for registering dis-
tributors of chemicals used to protect battery noun ELEC a chemical device
crops, so that dangerous chemicals are which produces electrical current
stored and used correctly. Full form Brit- battery-backed adjective COMPUT with
ish Agrochemicals Standards Inspec- a battery backup 쑗 The RAM disk card has
tion Scheme the option to be battery-backed. 쑗 Bat-
bass noun ACOUSTICS the lower end of tery-backed CMOS memory replaces a
the range of audible frequencies that make disk drive in this portable.
up a sound battery backup noun COMPUT the use
bastnaesite, bastnasite noun MINER-
of a battery to provide power to a volatile
ALS a rare mineral containing lanthanum device such as a RAM chip to retain data
and cerium after a computer has been switched off
batch COMPUT noun 1. a group of items battery capacity noun ELEC the amount
which are made at one time 쑗 The last of electrical energy a battery can store and
batch of disk drives is faulty. 2. a group of deliver, expressed in ampere hours
documents which are processed at the battery charger noun ELEC a device for
same time 쑗 today’s batch of orders 3. a charging a battery by converting mains
group of tasks or amount of data to be voltage AC to a DC voltage suitable for the
processed as a single unit 쑗 We deal with battery
the orders in batches of fifty. 쐽 verb 1. to battery charging noun ELEC the replen-
put data or tasks together in groups 2. to ishing of the charge stored in a rechargea-
put items together in groups ble battery
battery discharge 66
battery discharge noun ELEC a loss or beach noun EARTH SCI an area of sand or
release of electrical supply from a battery small stones at the edge of the sea, a lake or
battery meter noun ELEC a device that a river
indicates how much life or working time is beach sediment noun GEOL stone,
left in a battery sand, mud and shells deposited on a beach
battery-operated adjective ELEC pow- by the sea, by a river or by erosion of the
ered or run by an electric battery cliffs
baud noun COMPUT a measure of the beacon noun 1. AEROSP a light or radio
number of signal changes transmitted per signal for navigational purposes 2. COMPUT
second a signal transmitted repeatedly by a device
baud rate noun COMPUT the rate of trans- that is malfunctioning on a network
mission of signal charge, per second 쑗 The beacon frame noun COMPUT a special
baud rate of the binary signal was 300 bits frame within the FDDI protocol that is sent
per second. 쑗 A modem with auto-baud after a network break has occurred. 쒁 FDDI
scanner can automatically sense at which bead noun COMPUT a small section of a
baud rate it should operate. program that is used for a single task
COMMENT: Baud rate is often considered to beak noun hard parts forming the mouth
be the same as bits per second, but in fact of a bird. Also called bill
it depends on the protocol used and the
error checking. 300 baud is roughly equiva- beaker noun a flat-bottomed glass con-
lent to 30 characters per second using tainer used in laboratories
standard error checking. beam noun 1. ENG a long thick solid bar
bauxite noun CHEM a mineral that con- used as a support 쑗 A beam is designed
tains aluminium ore with a breaking load of 12 tons but when a
bay noun 1. EARTH SCI a wide curved three-ton load is applied repeatedly, the
coastline, partly enclosing an area of sea 2. beam may fail. 2. PHYS a narrow shaft of
ENG a space or area in a structure where light or radiation 쑗 A beam of laser light is
equipment can be fitted or located used in this printer to produce high-resolu-
bay bar, bay barrier noun EARTH SCI a tion graphics.
bank of sand or strip of land lying along the beam deflection noun ELEC ENG the
coastline of a bay moving of the electron beam in a CRT
bayonet fitting noun ELEC a type of across the screen
attachment with two side pins, found on beamlet noun PHYS, MED a small amount
some light bulbs of low-level radiation, used in noninvasive
B box noun COMPUT same as base regis- radiation treatments of cancer
ter beam sharpening noun ELEC ENG the
BBSRC noun an organisation which pro- making of a radio or light beam narrower 쑗
vides funding for research into biotechnol- Any system employing beam sharpening is
ogy and areas such as livestock breeding, vulnerable to side lobe generation at the
crop productivity and agricultural sustain- transmitter.
ability. Full form Biotechnology and Bio- bear verb to tolerate something 쑗 I can’t
logical Sciences Research Council bear such a long delay.
bcc abbreviation COMPUT blind carbon bearing noun 1. NAVIG an angle, meas-
copy ured in a clockwise direction, of a distant
BCC abbreviation COMPUT block charac- point relative to a reference 쑗 To plot a
ter check position line from the non-directional
radio beacon, it is first necessary to con-
BCD abbreviation COMPUT binary coded
vert the relative bearing to a true bearing
decimal 쑗 The BCD representation of dec-
and then calculate the reciprocal. 2. ENG a
imal 8 is 1000.
device containing steel balls or needles
BCH code abbreviation COMPUT which allows free rotation of one compo-
Bose-Chandhuri-Hocquenghem code nent around another
BCNF abbreviation COMPUT Boyce-Codd Beaufort scale noun METEOROL a scale
normal form rising from 0 to 12, used to refer to the
BCPL noun COMPUT a high-level pro- strength of wind 쑗 The meteorological
gramming language office has issued a warning of force 12
Be symbol CHEM ELEM beryllium winds.
67 benzene hexachloride
COMMENT: The Beaufort scale was devised behaviourist noun PSYCHIAT a psychol-
in the 18th century by a British admiral. The ogist who follows behaviourism
descriptions of the winds and their speeds
in knots are: 0, calm (0 knots); 1, light air (2 bel noun ACOUSTICS, MEASURE a unit of
knots); 2, light breeze (5 knots); 3, gentle relative loudness equal to 10 decibels
breeze (9 knots); 4, moderate breeze (13 bell character noun COMPUT a control
knots); 5, fresh breeze (19 knots); 6, strong
breeze (24 knots); 7, near gale (30 knots); code that causes a machine to produce an
8, gale (37 knots); 9, strong gale (44 knots); audible signal (NOTE: It is equivalent to
10, storm (52 knots); 11, violent storm (60 ASCII code 7.)
knots); 12, hurricane (above 60 knots).
bell curve noun MATHS a line on a graph
becquerel noun PHYS, MEASURE the SI that is curved in the middle like a bell
unit of measurement of radiation, 1 bec- bell jar noun SCI a bell-shaped glass cover
querel being the amount of radioactivity in used to enclose equipment in experiments
a substance where one nucleus decays per and prevent gases from escaping or enter-
second. Symbol Bq. 쒁 rad (NOTE: now used ing
in place of the curie)
below preposition 1. lower in position
bed noun 1. EARTH SCI the bottom of a than 쑗 below sea level 쑗 the beach below
river, lake or the sea 2. GEOL a layer of sed- the cliffs 2. less in number or quantity than
iment in rock 쑗 The cliffs show clearly sev- 쑗 below freezing point 3. EARTH SCI down-
eral beds of sandstone. stream from 쑗 the Thames below London
bedding noun GEOL sediment in different below freezing point adjective, adverb
layers PHYS less than or lower than freezing point
bedrock noun GEOL the rock which is belt noun 1. a long, narrow area 쑗 a belt of
found under a layer of ore or coal trees 쒁 Green Belt 2. ENG a loop of strong
bee noun INSECTS a flying insect with a material connecting two pulleys or wheels,
hairy body (NOTE: Bees pollinate some one driving the other
types of plant.) belt-driven adjective ENG moved by a
beech noun TREES a common temperate belt linked to another wheel which, in turn,
hardwood tree. Genus: Fagus. is moved by a motor or an engine 쑗 Gener-
beep noun an audible warning noise 쑗 ators are belt-driven or shaft-driven.
The printer will make a beep when it runs benchmark noun 1. a level or standard
out of paper. 쐽 verb to make a beep 쑗 The against which increases or decreases can
computer beeped when the wrong key was be measured 2. COMPUT a program used to
hit. test the performance of software or hard-
beetle noun INSECTS an insect with hard ware or a system 쑗 The magazine gave the
covers on its wings. Order: Coleoptera. new program’s benchmark test results. 쐽
beginning of file noun COMPUT a char- verb to establish a level or standard against
acter or symbol that shows the start of a which increases or decreases can be meas-
valid section of data. Abbr bof ured
behaviour noun BIOL the way in which a bending load noun ENG a load causing
living organism responds to a stimulus bending of a structure
behavioural adjective BIOL referring to benign adjective MED not cancerous and
behaviour unlikely to cause a medical problem
behavioural ecology noun ECOL the benthic adjective EARTH SCI on or living
study of patterns of behaviour in animals on the bottom of the sea or of a lake
behavioural scientist noun BIOL a per- benthic fauna plural noun MARINE BIOL
son who specialises in the study of behav- animals living on the bottom of the sea or a
iour lake
behavioural strategy noun ECOL a benthos noun MARINE BIOL a collection
strategy adopted by an animal as a of organisms living on the bottom of the
response to a predator, e.g. attack, escape sea or a lake
or hiding benzene noun CHEM a simple aromatic
behaviourism noun PSYCHOL a psycho- hydrocarbon produced from coal tar that is
logical theory that only the subject’s very carcinogenic. Formula: C6H6.
behaviour should be studied to discover his benzene hexachloride noun CHEM the
or her motivation or problems active ingredient of the pesticide lindane,
benzene ring 68
which was banned from use in the UK which burns off. Finally, manganese is
from 2001 added to the metal to remove the iron oxide.
benzene ring noun CHEM the molecular best-before date noun FOOD INDUST a
structure of benzene and its derivatives date stamped on foodstuffs sold in super-
with six carbon atoms bonded in a hexagon markets, which is the last date when the
by alternating single and double bonds food is guaranteed to be in good condition.
Compare sell-by date
benzoic acid noun CHEM the simplest
aromatic carboxylic acid, a white crystal- best fit noun 1. the nearest match to a
line solid found in some natural resins. requirement 2. COMPUT a function that
Formula: C6H5COOH. (NOTE: It is used as selects the smallest free space in main
a food preservative and in pharmaceuti- memory for a requested virtual page
cals and cosmetics manufacture.) best practice noun the most effective or
benzpyrene noun CHEM an inflammable efficient method of achieving an objective
substance found in coal tar, produced in or completing a task
exhaust fumes from petrol engines and beta noun 1. COMPUT the second working
coal- and oil-burning appliances, and from attempt of a computer product 2. the sec-
smoking tobacco. It is carcinogenic. ond letter of the Greek alphabet
BER abbreviation COMPUT 1. basic encod- beta amyloid noun BIOCHEM a protein
ing rule 2. bit error rate that accumulates in clumps in the brain as
bergschrund noun EARTH SCI a deep a result of a gene variation, leading to the
wide crevasse found between a cirque gla- memory loss and dementia that are fea-
cier and its back wall tures of Alzheimer’s syndrome
berkelium noun CHEM ELEM a synthetic beta blocker noun PHARM a drug that
controls heart rate, used in the treatment of
radioactive element in the actinide series of
high blood pressure and stress
the periodic table produced by bombard-
ment of americium-241 with helium ions beta cell noun ANAT a cell that produces
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Bk; the insulin
atomic number is 97 and the atomic weight beta decay noun PHYS the radioactive
is 247.) decay of an atomic nucleus during which a
berry noun BOT a small fleshy fruit with beta particle is emitted
several seeds, e.g. a tomato or a grape beta diversity noun ECOL the number of
beryl noun MINERALS a hard crystalline species in a wide region
mineral composed of beryllium aluminium beta particle noun PHYS an electron
silicate and used as a gemstone (NOTE: It given off in radioactive decay or otherwise
occurs in white, yellow, pink, green or blue found outside an atom (NOTE: Beta parti-
forms.) cles are among the commonest compo-
beryllium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic nents of radiation. They will pass through
element. It is used in making various thin substances such as metal and can
alloys. (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Be; harm living tissue.)
the atomic number is 4 and the atomic beta radiation noun CHEM radiation
weight is 9.01.) formed of beta particles
bespoke software noun COMPUT soft- beta test noun COMPUT a second stage of
ware that has been written especially for a tests performed on new software just
customer’s particular requirements before it is due to be released 쑗 The appli-
Bessemer converter noun METALL a cation has passed the alpha tests and is just
type of furnace in which air is blown entering the beta test phase.
through molten metal beta version noun COMPUT a version of
Bessemer process noun INDUST a a software application that is almost ready
method of making steel to be released
COMMENT: The Bessemer process involves Betz limit noun INDUST the maximum
heating molten metal and blowing air into it power that can be produced by a wind tur-
at the same time in a Bessemer converter. bine
The process is used to remove phosphorus
and carbon from pig iron. The air forms iron beware verb to watch out for something
oxide, which removes impurities from the unwanted, unpleasant or dangerous 쑗
molten metal, including carbon monoxide Beware of inferior reproductions.
69 bilirubin
beyond preposition farther away than 쑗 bid verb COMPUT (of a computer) to gain
The radio horizon extends beyond the visi- control of a network in order to transmit
ble horizon. data 쑗 The terminal had to bid three times
bezel noun COMPUT the front cover of a before there was a gap in transmissions on
computer’s casing or disk drive unit the network.
Bézier curve noun COMPUT a geometric biennial BOT adjective happening every
curve whose overall shape is defined by two years 쐽 noun a plant that completes its
two midpoints, called control handles life cycle over a period of two years
COMMENT: Bézier curves are a feature of bifurcation noun BIOL a place where
many high-end design software packages. something divides into two parts
They allow a designer to create smooth
curves by defining a number of points. The big bang noun ASTRON the event which
Postscript page description language uses according to most modern cosmogony
Bézier curves to define the shapes of char- began the universe
acters during printing.
COMMENT: The big bang is assumed to
BGP noun COMPUT a protocol that allows have happened some 18 billion years ago.
routers to share routing information to At that time, it seems, all the matter now
allow each router to calculate the most effi- distributed throughout the universe was in a
cient path for information. Full form bor- single compact mass. Since then it has
formed into galaxies, stars, planets and
der gateway protocol (NOTE: This other objects, expanding constantly.
protocol is most often used between rout-
big crunch noun ASTRON the possible
ers installed at Internet service providers.)
end of the universe, according to the theory
Bh symbol CHEM ELEM bohrium that states that if the universe is dense
BHC abbreviation CHEM benzene hex- enough, it will eventually finish expanding
achloride and contract again under its own mass, col-
BHT abbreviation butylated hydroxytolu- lapsing back into a single small volume in
ene a reverse action replay of the big bang
Bi symbol CHEM ELEM bismuth big game plural noun ZOOL large wild
bi- prefix two or twice animals. e.g. elephants and tigers, hunted
bias noun 1. ELEC an electrical reference and killed for sport, especially formerly.
level 2. MATHS a deviation of statistical bight noun EARTH SCI a wide curve in a
results from a reference level shoreline
biased adjective having a bias bilateral symmetry noun the charac-
biased data plural noun data or records teristic of being able to be divided by an
that point to one conclusion imaginary plane into equivalent right and
biased exponent noun MATHS the left halves
value of the exponent in a floating point bile duct noun ANAT a tube along which
number bile flows from the liver and, when present,
bicarbonate noun CHEM same as hydro- the gall bladder to the small intestine
gen carbonate (NOTE: The common bile duct is formed by
the merging of hepatic and cystic ducts.)
biceps noun ANAT a muscle with two
attachment points at one end, especially a bile salts plural noun BIOCHEM alkaline
large muscle (biceps brachii) in the upper salts in the bile
arm bilharzia noun 1. a flatworm which
biconcave adjective OPTICS referring to enters the bloodstream from infected water
a lens which is concave on both sides and causes schistosomiasis. Genus: Schis-
biconvex adjective OPTICS referring to a tosoma. 2. same as schistosomiasis
lens which is convex on both sides bilharziasis noun MED same as schisto-
bicuspid adjective BIOL with two points somiasis
or cusps 쑗 bicuspid teeth 쐽 noun DENT a bilinear filtering noun COMPUT a
tooth with two cusps or points, especially a method of removing unwanted image
human premolar defects by looking at the four adjacent pix-
bicuspid valve noun ANAT a valve in the els that surround each pixel to check that
heart which allows blood to flow from the there is no sudden change in colour
left atrium to the left ventricle but not in the bilirubin noun PHYSIOL a reddish-yellow
opposite direction bile pigment formed by the breakdown of
billion 70
haemoglobin in the liver (NOTE: Excess binary fission noun BIOL a common
bilirubin in the blood causes jaundice.) method of asexual reproduction by which
billion noun MATHS a number equal to one one cell divides into two similar or identi-
thousand million (NOTE: In the US it has cal cells
always meant one thousand million, but in binary half adder noun COMPUT a
the UK it formerly meant one million mil- binary adder that can produce the sum of
lion, and it is still sometimes used with this two inputs, producing a carry output if nec-
meaning. With figures it is usually written essary, but cannot accept a carry input
bn: 5bn.) binary large object noun COMPUT a
BIM noun COMPUT a character indicating field in a database record that can contain a
the start of a data stream stored on a disk large quantity of binary data, normally a
drive or tape. Full form beginning of bitmap image. Abbr blob
information mark binary number noun COMPUT same as
bimetallic adjective CHEM made of two binary digit
metals binary operation noun COMPUT 1. an
bimetallic strip noun ELEC ENG a strip operation on two operands 2. an operation
of two separate metals with different rates on an operand in binary form
of expansion, joined together side by side binary search noun COMPUT a fast
so that when the strip is heated it bends and search method for use on ordered lists of
makes or breaks electrical contact 쑗 Circuit data (NOTE: The search key is compared
breakers use a bimetallic strip as the sens- with the data in the middle of the list and
ing element. one half is discarded, and this is repeated
binary adjective 1. COMPUT referring to a with the remaining half until only the
number notation system, base 2, which required data item is left.)
uses only the digits 0 and 1 2. made of two binary star noun ASTRON a star system
parts 3. CHEM referring to a compound or with two members (NOTE: Most stars are
alloy containing two different elements 쐽 binary stars. The different types include
noun 1. COMPUT same as binary digit 2. eclipsing, spectroscopic, visual and astro-
ASTRON same as binary star metric binaries according to the methods
binary adder noun COMPUT a device needed to separate them observationally.)
that provides the sum of two or more binary system noun MATHS a system
binary digits that operates with binary digits
binary arithmetic noun MATHS rules binary-to-decimal conversion noun
and functions governing arithmetic opera- MATHS the process of converting a binary
tions in base 2 digit into its equivalent decimal value
binary bit noun COMPUT same as binary binaural adjective BIOL referring to or
digit using both ears
binary cell noun COMPUT a storage ele- binaural sound noun ACOUSTICS a
ment for one bit method of recording sound so that it gives
binary chop noun COMPUT same as the impression of stereophony when
binary search played back
binary code noun COMPUT a pattern of bind verb 1. COMPUT to link and convert
binary digits that represents various sym- one or more object code programs into a
bols or elements form that can be executed 2. MANUF to glue
binary coded decimal noun COMPUT or attach sheets of paper along their spine
full form of BCD to form a book 3. CHEM to form a chemical
binary digit noun COMPUT the smallest bond
single unit in binary notation, either a 0 or binder noun COMPUT a program that con-
a1 verts object code into a form that can be
binary file noun COMPUT a file that con- executed
tains data rather than alphanumeric charac- binding agent noun CHEM a substance
ters 쑗 The program instructions are stored that causes two or more other substances to
in the binary file. 쑗 Your letter is a text file, stick together or combine
not a binary file. (NOTE: A binary file can binding energy noun PHYS the energy
include any character code and cannot required to separate a system into its indi-
always be displayed or edited.) vidual components
71 biocoenosis
binding site noun BIOCHEM a cavity on chemicals in increasing amounts up the
the surface of a protein that contains a pat- food chain
tern of amino acids arranged so that they bioaeration noun INDUST the treatment
can form a chemical bond only with a spe- of sewage by pumping activated sludge
cific molecule into it
binding target noun ENVIRON an envi- bioassay noun BIOCHEM a test of a sub-
ronmental standard that must be met in the stance by examining the effect it has on liv-
future ing organisms
BinHex noun COMPUT a method of bioaugmentation noun ENVIRON the
encoding binary data into ASCII charac- addition of microorganisms to human or
ters (NOTE: Software programs and data industrial waste to reinforce natural bio-
files are stored as binary data using all logical processes
eight bits of information within one byte of bioavailability noun BIOCHEM the
storage space, whereas ASCII characters degree to which a nutrient or other chemi-
can be stored in just the first seven of the cal can be metabolised by an organism
eight bits of storage space within one biocatalysis noun BIOCHEM the process
byte.) of a chemical reaction being aided by a
binocular vision noun BIOL the ability biochemical agent such as an enzyme
to see with both eyes at the same time biocatalyst noun BIOCHEM a biological
(NOTE: It gives a stereoscopic effect and agent such as an enzyme that aids a chem-
allows a person to judge distances.) ical reaction
binomial noun MATHS a mathematical biocatalytic adjective BIOCHEM referring
expression made up of two terms linked by to biocatalysis
a plus or minus sign biocenosis noun BIOL US spelling of
binomial classification noun BIOL the biocoenosis
scientific system of naming organisms biochemical adjective BIOCHEM refer-
devised by the Swedish scientist Carolus ring to biochemistry
Linnaeus (1707–78) biochemical oxygen demand noun
COMMENT: The Linnaean system of bino- ENVIRON same as biological oxygen
mial classification gives each organism a
name made up of two Latin words. The first demand
is a generic name referring to the genus to biochemist noun BIOCHEM a scientist
which the organism belongs, and the who specialises in biochemistry
second is a specific name referring to the
particular species. Organisms are usually biochemistry noun BIOCHEM the chem-
identified by using both their generic and istry of living tissues
specific names, e.g. Homo sapiens biocide noun BIOL a substance that kills
(human), Felis catus (domestic cat) and living organisms 쑗 Biocides used in agri-
Sequoia sempervirens (redwood). A third
name can be added to give a subspecies. culture run off into lakes and rivers. 쑗 The
The generic name is written or printed with biological effect of biocides in surface
a capital letter and the specific name with a waters can be very harmful.
lowercase letter. Both names are usually biocide pollution noun ENVIRON pollu-
given in italics or are underlined if written or
typed. tion of lakes and rivers caused by the run-
off from fields of herbicides and other
binomial nomenclature noun BIOL
biocides used in agriculture
the naming of every type of organism with
a unique two-word Latin or Latinised sci- bioclimatic adjective referring to the
entific name, the first word denoting the relationship between climate and living
genus and the second the species organisms, or to the study of bioclimatol-
bio- prefix referring to living organisms
bioclimatology noun ECOL the study of
bioaccessible adjective BIOCHEM able the effect of climate on living organisms
to be taken up by any organism
biocoenosis noun 1. ECOL a varied
bioaccumulate verb BIOL (of toxic sub- community of organisms living in the same
stances) to accumulate in increasing small area such as the bark of a tree 2. the
amounts up the food chain relationship between the organisms in such
bioaccumulation noun ENVIRON the a community (NOTE: [all senses] The US
accumulation of substances such as toxic spelling is biocenosis.)
biocomposite 72
biocomposite noun INDUST a material tat has been lost because of human activi-
that is made from a plant fibre such as ties. Typically, the diversity of endemic
hemp fixed within a resin made from a fos- vertebrates is also high.
sil fuel. 쒁 ecocomposite biodiversity indicator noun a factor
biocontrol noun AGRIC same as biologi- that allows change in the environment over
cal control time to be assessed. Also called bioindica-
bioconversion noun INDUST the chang- tor
ing of organic waste into a source of biodiversity prospecting noun ENVI-
energy, e.g. the production of methane gas RON the process of searching among wild
from the decomposition of organic matter organisms for new species or genetic char-
biodegradability noun ENVIRON the acteristics that may have potential com-
degree to which material such as packag- mercial value
ing can be decomposed by natural proc- biodome noun ENVIRON a very large
esses greenhouse or similar structure with a con-
biodegradable adjective ENVIRON refer- trolled internal environment in which
ring to something which is easily decom- plants and animals from much warmer or
posed by organisms such as bacteria or by colder regions are kept in conditions simi-
natural processes such as the effect of sun- lar to nature
light or the sea 쑗 Organochlorines are not biodynamics noun BIOL the study of liv-
biodegradable and enter the food chain ing organisms and the production of
easily. energy
biodegradable packaging noun bioecology noun ENVIRON the study of
ENVIRON material such as boxes, cartons or the relationships among organisms and
bottles that can be decomposed by organ- between them and their physical environ-
isms such as bacteria or by natural proc- ment, with particular emphasis on the
esses such as the effect of sunlight or the effect of humans on the environment
biodegradation noun BIOCHEM the bioenergetics noun BIOL same as bio-
breaking down of a substance by natural
processes, e.g. the breakdown of activated bioenergy noun INDUST energy pro-
sludge by bacteria duced from biomass
biodegrade verb ENVIRON to decay as bioengineering noun INDUST the use of
the result of natural processes biochemical processes on an industrial
biodetergent noun INDUST same as bio- scale to produce drugs and foodstuffs or to
logical detergent recycle waste
biodiesel noun INDUST a substitute for bioerosion noun BIOL erosion or decay
diesel fuel made wholly or partly from due to the action of living organisms
organic products, especially oils extracted bioethanol noun CHEM a fuel for inter-
from plants such as oilseed rape nal-combustion engines that is made by
biodigestion noun ENVIRON the use of fermenting biological material to produce
microorganisms to break down food and alcohol (NOTE: Typically 5–10% bioethanol
organic waste is added to petrol.)
biodiverse adjective ECOL containing a biofabric noun MICROBIOL a fabric
large number of species 쑗 a biodiverse impregnated with genetically engineered
area of rainforest bacteria that eat odours, absorb sweat, and
biodiversity noun ECOL the range of continually regenerate dirt and dust repel-
species, subspecies or communities in a lents
specific habitat such as a rainforest or a biofeedback noun MED the control of
meadow the autonomic nervous system by the
Biodiversity Action Plan noun a patient’s conscious thoughts as a response
detailed scheme to maintain the biological to the results of tests or scans
diversity of a specific area. Abbr BAP biofilm noun BIOL a thin layer of cells of
biodiversity hotspot noun ECOL a a microorganism such as a bacterium or
threatened region with a large range of fungus, held to a surface by the material the
endemic plant species (at least 1500) but microorganisms produce. The plaque that
where more than 70% of the original habi- forms on teeth is a biofilm.
73 biological indicator
biofilter noun ENVIRON a filter system biohydrology noun ECOL the study of
that uses microorganisms to convert the the interactions between the water cycle
organic compounds of a pollutant to car- and plants and animals
bon dioxide, water and salts bioindicator noun same as biodiversity
biofuel noun INDUST a fuel produced indicator
from organic domestic waste or other bioinformatics noun BIOL the use of
sources such as plants (NOTE: Coppiced computers to extract and analyse biologi-
willow is sometimes grown for biofuel.) cal data
biogas noun INDUST a mixture of meth- bioinsecticide noun AGRIC an insecti-
ane and carbon dioxide produced from fer- cide developed from natural plant toxins,
menting waste such as animal dung 쑗 Farm e.g. pyrethrum. 쒁 microbial insecticide
biogas systems may be uneconomic unless biolistics noun BIOTECH a method of
there is a constant demand for heat. 쑗 The genetic modification involving the shoot-
use of biogas systems in rural areas of ing of small particles of gold coated with
developing countries is increasing. DNA or messenger RNA directly into cells
biogenesis noun BIOL the theory that or tissues at high velocity
living things can only be produced from biological adjective referring to biology
other living things and cannot be spontane- biological association noun ECOL a
ously generated group of organisms living together in a
biogenic adjective relating to plants and large area, forming a stable community
animals biological clock noun PHYSIOL the cir-
biogenic source noun a plant or animal cadian rhythm of daily activities and bod-
which emits air pollutants ily processes such as eating, defecating and
biogeochemical adjective BIOL relating sleeping, frequently controlled by hor-
to biogeochemistry mones
biogeochemical cycle noun BIOL a biological control noun AGRIC the con-
process in which nutrients from living trol of pests by using predators and natural
organisms are transferred into the physical processes to remove them. Also called bio-
environment and back to the organisms control
(NOTE: This process is essential for organic COMMENT: Biological control of insects
life to continue.) involves using bacteria, viruses, parasites
and predators to destroy the insects. Plants
biogeochemistry noun BIOCHEM the can be controlled by herbivorous animals
study of living organisms and their rela- such as cattle.
tionship to the chemical components of the biological desert noun ENVIRON an
Earth such as its soil, rocks and minerals area where there is no life (NOTE: Heavy
biogeographer noun ECOL a scientist pollution can turn the bottom of a lake into
who studies regions that have their own a biological desert.)
fauna and flora biological detergent noun ENVIRON a
biogeographical region, biogeo- detergent with added enzymes, which
graphical zone noun ECOL a region of the makes the washing process more effective
Earth that has its own special fauna and biological diversity noun BIOL same as
flora, separated from other regions by a biodiversity
natural barrier or change in environmental Biological Diversity Convention
conditions noun ENVIRON one of two binding treaties
biogeography noun ECOL the study of agreed at the Earth Summit, in Rio de
the relationship between organisms and the Janeiro in June 1992, requiring states to
geography of the region where they occur, take steps to preserve ecologically valuable
including how they originally came to that areas and species
region biological half-life noun ENVIRON the
biogeosphere noun EARTH SCI the top time taken for half of an amount of radio-
layer of the Earth’s crust, which contains active material to be eliminated naturally
living organisms from a living organism
biohazard noun a risk to human beings biological indicator noun ENVIRON an
or their environment presented by some- organism that is known to respond to spe-
thing that is toxic or infectious cific changes in the environment
biologically decomposable 74
biologically decomposable adjec- biomagnification noun ENVIRON same
tive BIOL same as biodegradable as bioaccumulation
biological magnification noun ENVI- biomanipulation noun the action or
RON same as bioaccumulation process of changing the environment to
biological mass noun same as bio- improve the survival of wildlife
mass biomarker noun a distinctive indicator
biological monitoring noun ENVIRON of a biological or biochemical process, e.g.
the process of checking the changes that a chemical whose occurrence shows the
take place in a habitat over time presence of a disease
biological oceanography noun biomass noun 1. ECOL the sum of all liv-
MARINE BIOL the study of marine plants and ing organisms in a given area or at a given
animals and the way they interact with trophic level, usually expressed in terms of
marine environments. Compare marine living or dry mass 2. INDUST organic matter
biology used to produce energy (NOTE: Willow and
miscanthus are grown as biomass for fuel.)
biological oxygen demand noun
COMMENT: There are many environmental
ENVIRON a measure of the amount of pollu- benefits from using biomass for energy.
tion in water, shown by the amount of oxy- They include: less climate change, lower
gen needed to oxidise the polluting levels of acid rain, less pressure on landfill
substances. Abbr BOD sites, new wildlife habitats and enhanced
COMMENT: Diluted sewage passed into biodiversity, and improved woodland
rivers contains dissolved oxygen, which is management.
utilised by bacteria as they oxidise the biomass boiler noun TECH a device that
pollutants in the sewage. The oxygen is burns biomass as a fuel to heat water
replaced by oxygen from the air. Diluted
sewage should not absorb more than 20 biomass energy noun INDUST the
ppm of dissolved oxygen. energy produced by burning renewable
biological pesticide noun AGRIC same materials such as wood or waste
as biopesticide biomass fuel noun INDUST same as bio-
biological pump noun the process by fuel
which carbon sinks from the surface to the biomaterial noun ENVIRON a biodegrad-
depths of the oceans, so reducing the levels able material of plant origin
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere biome noun 1. ECOL a large ecological
biological treatment noun INDUST the region characterised by its vegetation and
processing of sewage by using bacteria to climate and the organisms adapted to live
break up the organic matter in it 2. ENVIRON a very large greenhouse or
biological wastewater treatment similar structure with a controlled internal
noun the use of aerobic or anaerobic environment in which plants and animals
microorganisms to produce effluents and from much warmer or colder regions are
separated sludge containing microbial kept in conditions similar to nature
mass together with pollutants, often as well COMMENT: The ten principal biomes are:
mountains, polar regions, tropical rain-
as using mechanical processes forest, grasslands, deserts, temperate
biological weathering noun GEOL the forests, monsoon forests, deciduous
process of change in the state of soil or forests, coniferous forests and evergreen
rock through actions such as burrowing or shrub forests.
root growth undertaken by living organ- biometeorology noun ECOL the scien-
isms tific study of the weather and its effect on
biologist noun BIOL a scientist who spe- organisms
cialises in biology biomethanation noun INDUST a system
biology noun BIOL the study of living of producing biogas for use as fuel
organisms biometrical adjective BIOL referring to
bioluminescence noun PHYSIOL the biometrics
production of light by organisms such as biometrics noun BIOL the use of statisti-
fireflies or sea animals, as a result of an cal techniques on biological data (NOTE:
enzymic reaction (NOTE: Bioluminescence takes a singular verb)
is found in many deep-sea animals, fire- biomineralisation noun PHYSIOL a
flies and some bacteria and fungi.) process in which organisms transform
75 biota
organic matter into mineral matter, e.g. in reproductive cycle. 쒁 biological clock
the formation of bone (NOTE: It is believed by some people that
biomonitoring noun ENVIRON the meas- behaviour, mood and sense of wellbeing
urement and tracking of a chemical sub- are affected by biorhythms.)
stance in an organism or in biological BIOS abbreviation COMPUT basic
material such as blood or urine, in order to input/output operating system
monitor exposure to pollution, chemicals biosecurity noun the management of the
or other hazards risks to animal, plant and human health
bion noun BIOL a single living organism in posed by pests and diseases
an ecosystem biosensor noun BIOTECH an apparatus in
biopesticide noun AGRIC a pesticide which a biological agent such as an
produced from biological sources such as enzyme is used to detect, measure or ana-
plant toxins that occur naturally. 쒁 micro- lyse specific chemicals (NOTE: Biosensors
bial insecticide are increasingly used in tests to diagnose
COMMENT: Biopesticides have the advan- medical conditions such as high blood
tage that they do not harm the environment pressure.)
as they are easily inactivated and broken bioseparation noun BIOL the use of bio-
down by sunlight. This is, however, a prac-
tical disadvantage for a farmer who uses logical agents such as plants, enzymes, or
them, since they may not be as efficient in biological membranes in separating the
controlling pests as artificial chemical pesti- different components of something, e.g. in
cides, which are persistent but difficult to the purification of proteins or water, or in
control. making food and pharmaceutical products
biophysics noun SCI the science that biosignature noun BIOL a substance
applies the laws and methods of physics to such as an element, isotope, or molecule
the study of biological processes present in something such as a meteorite
biophyte noun BOT a plant that obtains that is characteristic of life and is used as
nutrients from the decomposing bodies of evidence of past or present life
insects which it traps and kills, e.g. a sun- biosolids plural noun a nutrient-rich
dew organic material, solid or semi-solid before
biopiracy noun ENVIRON the commercial processing, that is derived from sewage as
development of genetic resources such as a product of wastewater treatment and used
plants with medicinal properties or genes as a fertiliser
for resistance to disease without allowing biosphere noun ECOL same as eco-
the people or government of the area where sphere
they were originally discovered to share in biosphere reserve noun ENVIRON an
financial benefits environmentally sensitive area with pro-
bioprocess noun BIOTECH a method tected status managed primarily to pre-
used to produce commercially useful bio- serve natural ecological conditions (NOTE:
logical material Biosphere reserves may be open to tour-
bioprospecting noun ENVIRON the ists.)
process of looking for plants that contain biospheric cycle noun ENVIRON a natu-
potentially useful pharmaceutical com- ral cyclical process that supports life on
pounds Earth, e.g. the oxygen cycle, carbon cycle,
bioreactor noun BIOTECH a large tank nitrogen cycle or water cycle
used for growing microorganisms in indus- biostimulation noun ENVIRON the addi-
trial production tion of nutrients to polluted waste or
bioregion noun an area defined in envi- ground in order to enhance the remedial
ronmental terms rather than by geopolitics activity of microorganisms
bioremediation noun ENVIRON the use biosurface noun BIOCHEM the region on
of organisms such as bacteria to remove the surface of a protein, enzyme, or recep-
environmental pollutants from soil, water tor that acts as a binding site for molecules
or gases (NOTE: Bioremediation is used to biosynthesis noun BIOCHEM the pro-
clean up contaminated land and oil spills.) duction of chemical compounds by a living
biorhythm noun PHYSIOL a change that organism
takes place within living organisms on a biota noun ECOL the flora and fauna of a
cyclical basis, e.g. sleeping, waking, or the region
biotechnology 76
biotechnology noun the use of biologi- biotroph noun BIOL a parasite which only
cal processes in industrial production, e.g. feeds on living organisms. Compare
the use of yeasts in making beer, bread or necrotroph
yoghurt. 쒁 genetic modification biotype noun ECOL a group of similar
Biotechnology and Biological Sci- individuals within a species
ences Research Council noun full biphenyl noun CHEM a white or colour-
form of BBSRC less crystalline substance, used as a fungi-
biotic adjective ECOL referring to the liv- cide, in the production of dyes and as a
ing constituents of an environment. Com- preservative applied to the skins of citrus
pare abiotic fruit. Formula: C6H5C6H5. (NOTE: The pre-
biotic barrier noun ECOL a set of condi- servative has E number E230.)
tions which prevent members of a species bipolar adjective COMPUT with two levels
moving to other regions bipolar disorder noun PSYCHIAT a psy-
biotic carrier potential noun ECOL an chiatric disorder in which the patient expe-
assessment of the maximum increase in the riences extreme mood swings
number of individuals in a species, not bipolar junction transistor noun
considering the effects of competition and ELEC a transistor constructed of three lay-
natural selection ers of alternating types of doped semicon-
biotic climax noun ECOL a plant com- ductor (p-n-p or n-p-n). Abbr BJT
munity produced by a permanent influence COMMENT: Each layer has a terminal
or combination of influences of organisms, labelled emitter, base and collector. Usually
including people, e.g. woodland the base signal controls the current flow
between the emitter and collector.
biotic community noun ECOL a com-
munity of organisms in a specific area bipolar neuron noun ANAT a neuron
with two processes found in the retina
biotic factor noun ECOL an organism
that has an effect on a specific environ- bipolar signal noun COMPUT the use of
ment. Compare abiotic factor positive and negative voltage levels to rep-
resent the binary digits
biotic index noun ENVIRON a scale for
showing the quality of an environment by bipolar transistor noun COMPUT same
indicating the types of organisms present as bipolar junction transistor
in it biquinary code noun COMPUT a code in
biotic potential noun ECOL same as which decimal digits are represented as
biotic carrier potential two digits added together (NOTE: Decimal
digits less than 5 are represented as 0 +
biotic pyramid noun ECOL a graphical the digit; decimal digits greater than 4 are
representation of the structure of an eco- represented as 5 + the digit minus 5.)
system in terms of which organism eats
which (NOTE: The base is composed of birch noun TREES a common hardwood
producer organisms, usually plants, then tree found in northern temperate zones.
herbivores, then carnivores. It may be Genus: Betula.
measured in terms of number, biomass or bird noun ZOOL a warm-blooded animal
energy.) that has wings, feathers and a beak and lays
biotic succession noun ECOL the eggs
sequence of changes that takes place in the COMMENT: All birds are members of the
class Aves. They have feathers and their
composition of a group of organisms under forelimbs have developed into wings,
the influence of their changing environ- though not all birds are able to fly. Birds are
ment closely related to reptiles, and have scales
biotin noun BIOL a B group vitamin found on their legs. Some birds, for example
rooks, pigeons and pheasants, can cause
in egg yolks, liver and yeast very serious damage to crops: various
biotope noun ECOL a small area with uni- controls can be used such as shooting,
form biological conditions such as climate, scarecrows and destruction of nests. Birds
also destroy many pests, for example wire-
soil or altitude worms, leatherjackets and caterpillars.
biotron noun SCI a facility in which tem- Some birds such as chickens are farmed for
perature and other environmental condi- food.
tions can be controlled bird flu noun same as avian flu
77 bivalent
bird of passage noun ZOOL a bird that colours that can be displayed. 쑗 A bit depth
migrates from one area to another, stop- of four provides 16 colours, a bit depth of
ping for a short time before moving on eight provides 256 colours.
bird of prey noun BIRDS a bird that kills bit error rate noun COMPUT the ratio of
and eats other birds or small animals the number of bits received to the number
bird reserve noun BIRDS same as bird of errors in a transmission. Abbr BER
sanctuary bit handling noun COMPUT the com-
bird sanctuary noun BIRDS a place mands and processes that allow bit manip-
where birds can breed and live in a pro- ulation or changing
tected environment bit-map, bitmap verb COMPUT to define
birth noun BIOL the event of being born events or data by using an array of single
birth control noun HEALTH the restric- bits (NOTE: This can be an image or graph-
tion of the number of children born by ics or a table of devices in use.)
using contraception bit-mapped font noun COMPUT a font
birth defect noun BIOL a malformation whose characters are made up of patterns
that exists in a person’s or animal’s body of pixels. Compare vector font
from birth bit-mapped graphic noun COMPUT an
birthrate noun BIOL the number of births image whose individual pixels can be con-
per year, shown per thousand of the popu- trolled by changing the value of their
lation 쑗 a birthrate of 15 per thousand 쑗 stored bits
There has been a severe decline in the bit position noun COMPUT the place of a
birthrate. bit of data in a computer word
bisect verb MATHS to divide something bit rate noun COMPUT a measure of the
into two exactly equal parts number of bits transmitted per second.
bisexual adjective BIOL with both male Abbr bps
and female characteristics in the same indi-
bit-slice architecture noun COMPUT
the construction of a large word size com-
bismuth noun CHEM ELEM a chemical puter by joining a number of smaller word
element, used to form alloys with a low size blocks 쑗 The bit-slice design uses four
melting point (NOTE: The chemical symbol four-bit word processors to make a six-
is Bi; the atomic number is 83 and the teen-bit processor.
atomic weight is 208.98.)
bits per inch noun COMPUT a number of
bistable adjective ELEC (of a device or bits that can be recorded per inch of record-
circuit) having two possible states, on and ing medium. Abbr BPI
bistable circuit noun ELEC a circuit
bits per pixel noun COMPUT a number of
which can be switched between two states bits assigned to store the colour of each
pixel. Abbr BPP (NOTE: One bit provides
bisulfate, bisulphate noun CHEM same black or white, four bits gives 16 colour
as hydrogen sulfate combinations, eight bits gives 256 colour
bit noun COMPUT 1. the smallest single combinations.)
unit in binary notation, either a 0 or a 1 2. bits per second noun COMPUT a meas-
the smallest unit of data that a system can ure of the number of binary digits transmit-
handle ted every second. Abbr bps
bit addressing noun COMPUT the
selecting of a register and examining one bitumen noun CHEM a solid hydrocarbon
bit within it contained in coal
bit blit, bitblit verb COMPUT to move a bituminous coal noun INDUST coal
block of bits from one memory location to containing a high percentage of tar
another bituminous sand, bituminous shale
bit depth noun COMPUT a number of bits noun GEOL same as oil sand
used to represent the number of colours bivalent adjective 1. GENETICS relating to
that can be displayed on a screen or printer structurally identical chromosomes that
at one time 쑗 The bit depth of each pixel is come together as a pair during the initial
represented by a number of bits associated stage of meiosis 2. CHEM having a valency
with the pixel that describe the number of of two
bivalve 78
bivalve noun ZOOL an invertebrate animal ature is lower than the air temperature, but
with a shell composed of two halves joined no white frost forms
at one place. Bivalves such as oysters or black hole noun ASTRON a zone from
mussels may live in fresh or salt water. which no radiation can normally escape,
biz noun COMPUT a type of newsgroup that formed by the collapse of a star of just over
contains business discussions and opportu- two solar masses or more
nities (NOTE: Only the biz newsgroups are COMMENT: The theoretical description of a
supposed to discuss commercial matters. black hole, where time slows to a halt and
Other related newsgroups are for technical other bizarre physical effects occur, was
drawn up in 1916, and since then further
or academic discussion.) complications such as the addition of rota-
BJT abbreviation ELEC bipolar junction tion and electrical charge have been made,
transistor as well as observational knowledge of
objects like the Crab Nebula which seem to
black adjective PHYS having no colour or contain black holes. The cores of galaxies
appearing very dark owing to the absorp- such as our own seem to contain massive
tion of all or nearly all light 쑗 Thick black black holes of millions of solar masses,
smoke poured out of the factory chimneys. which can be detected by measuring the
orbital motion of stars near the centre of the
black and white noun COMPUT 1. the galaxy. Their velocities betray the presence
use of shades of grey to represent colours of an unusually large mass at the core of the
on a monitor or display 2. an image in galaxy.
which each pixel is either black or white black ice noun METEOROL ice which is
with no shades of grey clear, not white and opaque as frost, and
black bean noun TREES a very hard trop- which forms on the surface of roads
ical wood, resistant to termites blackout noun ELEC a complete loss of
black beetle noun ZOOL a cockroach electrical power
which is a common household pest in Asia. black spot noun BOT a fungal disease
Latin name: Blatta orientalis. that attacks plants, causing black spots to
black body noun ASTRON an object or appear on the leaves
body which follows perfectly the physical bladder noun 1. BOT an inflated modified
laws on how matter should emit and absorb leaf of a plant that traps insects, e.g. blad-
radiation derwort, or an inflated fruit, e.g. senna pod
black carbon noun ENVIRON carbon in 2. MARINE BIOL same as air bladder 3. ANAT
the form of fine particles which rise in the same as urinary bladder
smoke produced by the burning of fossil blade noun 1. a flattened part of a propel-
fuels such as coal, wood or oil ler, rotor or wind turbine 2. BOT a thin flat
Black Death noun MED a serious form of leaf, e.g. a leaf of a grass, iris or daffodil
bubonic plague, which caused a pandemic blade angle noun AVIAT the angle
during the Middle Ages between the axis of a blade and the axis of
black dwarf noun ASTRON the final dark rotation 쑗 With a variable pitch propeller,
form of a white dwarf star, reached when the blade angle may be changed in flight.
all its heat has been radiated away
blade tip noun AVIAT the end of a blade
COMMENT: The black dwarf stage would
take so long to reach that, even if the theory farthest from the centre of rotation
is correct, none may yet exist anywhere in blade twist noun 1. AVIAT the reduction
the universe. But since every star weighing in the blade angle of a propeller from root
less than 1.4 times the Sun’s mass is set to
become one, there are going to be billions to tip 2. the unwanted variation in the pitch
of them at some future point in the of a propeller blade from root to tip caused
universe’s development, unless they are all by aerodynamic loads
swept up by the contraction of an oscillatory
universe. A black dwarf would contain no blank adjective (of paper) with nothing
nuclear or other activity recognisable by written, printed or drawn on it 쑗 a blank
outsiders and would be detectable mainly sheet of paper
by its gravitation.
blanket noun a thick covering 쑗 A blan-
black earth noun GEOL same as cher- ket of snow covered the fields. 쑗 The town
nozem was covered in a blanket of smog. 쐽 verb to
black frost noun METEOROL a condition cover something thickly 쑗 Thick fog blan-
when the air is dry and the ground temper- keted the airport.
79 blockage
blanket bog noun a wide area of
ECOL on calcium hydroxide and from which
marshy ground that may occur in lowland chlorine is liberated by the action of a
or upland areas (NOTE: In the UK, they dilute acid. Formula: CaCl(OCl). (NOTE: It
occur mainly at high altitude in the north is used as a bleaching agent or disinfect-
and west.) ant.)
blank form noun a form without the bleed verb 1. BIOL to exude blood or sap
details filled in from a wound 2. ENG to remove liquid or
blanking interval noun COMPUT a gas from a system 쐽 noun COMPUT 1. a line
period during which a screen displays of printing that runs off the edge of the
nothing, in between two images or during paper 2. a badly adjusted colour monitor in
the picture beam flyback which colours of adjoining pixels blend
blank instruction noun COMPUT a pro- bleed screw noun ENG a small screw in
gram instruction which does nothing the highest point of a hydraulic system to
blank string, empty string noun COM- allow for the removal of air or vapour
PUT same as null string blight noun BOT a disease caused by dif-
blast noun PHYS the impact from an ferent fungi, that rapidly destroys a plant or
explosion 쑗 Thousands of people would be plant part
killed by the blast. 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to blind adjective 1. BIOL unable to see 2.
write data into a programmable ROM COMPUT not responding to specific codes
device 2. to free sections of previously
allocated memory or resources blind carbon copy noun COMPUT a
-blast suffix BIOL a very early stage in the method of sending a message to several
development of a cell users without the knowledge of individual
recipients. Compare carbon copy. Abbr
blast effect noun ENVIRON a result of the BCC
impact from an explosion, e.g. damage
caused blind spot noun 1. ACOUSTICS a part of
blast furnace noun INDUST a heating an auditorium where the performance can-
device for producing iron or copper from not be heard clearly 2. ANAT the area of the
ore (NOTE: The ore, coke and limestone are retina without rods or cones where the
heated together, air is blown through the
optic nerve enters
mixture and the molten metal is drawn off blit verb COMPUT (in computer graphics)
into moulds. The waste matter from this to process or move a block of bits from one
process is known as slag.) memory location to another
blasto- prefix BIOL a germ cell blitter noun COMPUT an electronic com-
blastocyst noun BIOL a mammalian ponent designed to blit 쑗 The new blitter
embryo as it is when it implants in the wall chip speeds up the graphics display.
of the womb blob abbreviation COMPUT binary large
blastula noun BIOL an embryo at an early object
stage of development, comprising a hollow block noun 1. a large mass of something
ball of cells 2. COMPUT a series of items grouped
bleach verb CHEM to make something together 3. COMPUT a number of stored
whiter or lighter in colour, or to become records treated as a single unit 4. a wide
whiter or lighter in colour printed bar 쐽 verb 1. to prevent a fluid or
bleaching noun 1. CHEM the removal of other substance from passing freely
colour by the action of a chemical or sun- through a pipe, channel or filter 쑗 At high
light 2. MARINE BIOL a process in which altitude, any water condensing out of the
coral loses its colour or loses its symbiotic fuel could freeze and block the filters. 2. to
algae 쑗 There have been several incidents prevent a course of action 쑗 The govern-
of coral bleaching on reefs around Easter ment blocked attempts to prevent the build-
Island and northeastern Australia. ing of the new airport.
bleaching agent noun CHEM something blockage noun 1. a collection of some-
that removes colour, e.g. a chemical or the thing blocking a pipe, channel or filter 쑗
action of sunlight Ice crystals may form to cause a blockage
bleaching powder noun CHEM a white of the fuel filter. 2. the state of being
powder prepared by the action of chlorine blocked 쑗 The blockage was caused by ice.
block character check 80
block character check noun COMPUT cles (factors A and B) and by the Rhesus
an error detection method for blocks of factor. Blood can therefore have either
factor (Group A or Group B) or both factors
transmitted data. Abbr BCC (Group AB) or neither (Group O) and each
block code noun COMPUT an error detec- of these groups can be Rhesus negative or
tion and correction code for block data positive.
transmission blood grouping noun the classifying of
block cursor noun COMPUT a cursor in people according to their blood groups
the shape of a solid rectangle that fills a blood pigment noun BIOL same as hae-
character position moglobin
block diagram noun COMPUT a graphi- blood plasma noun BIOL a watery liquid
cal representation of a system or program which forms the greatest part of blood
operation blood platelet noun BIOL a small blood
blocking factor noun COMPUT a cell which releases thromboplastin and
number of records in a block of data which multiplies rapidly after an injury to
block transfer noun COMPUT the proc- cause the blood to clot
ess of moving large numbers of records blood poisoning noun MED a condition
around in memory where bacteria are present in blood and
blood noun BIOL the red liquid that is cause illness
pumped by the heart around an animal’s blood pressure noun BIOL the pressure
body at which the blood is pumped round the
COMMENT: Blood is formed of red and white body by the heart
corpuscles, platelets and plasma. It circu- COMMENT: Blood pressure is measured
lates round the body, going from the heart using a sphygmomanometer, where a
and lungs along arteries and returning to rubber tube is wrapped round the patient’s
the heart through veins. As it moves round arm and inflated. Two readings of blood
the body it takes oxygen to the tissues and pressure are taken: the systolic pressure,
removes waste material from them. Blood when the heart is contracting and so
also carries hormones produced by glands pumping out, and the diastolic pressure
to the various organs that need them. (which is always a lower figure) when the
blood bank noun HEALTH SERV a section heart relaxes. Normal adult values are
of a hospital where blood given by donors considered to be 160/95, unless the patient
is diabetic or has heart disease, when lower
is stored for use in transfusions target values are set.
blood cell noun BIOL a red or white cell blood product noun MED a substance
that is one of the components of blood such as plasma extracted from donated
blood chemistry noun 1. MED a record blood for use in the treatment of various
of the changes that take place in blood dur- medical conditions
ing disease and treatment 2. BIOL sub- blood serum noun BIOL a yellowish
stances that make up blood and can be watery liquid that separates from blood
analysed in blood tests, the results of which when the blood clots
are useful in diagnosing disease bloodstream noun BIOL blood as it
blood corpuscle noun BIOL same as passes round the body
blood cell blood sucker noun an insect or parasite
blood count noun 1. MED a test to count which sucks blood from an animal
the number of different blood cells in a blood sugar level noun BIOL same as
quantity of blood 2. BIOL the number of blood glucose level
blood cells counted
blood test noun BIOL a laboratory test to
blood glucose level noun BIOL the find the chemical composition of a
amount of glucose present in the blood 쑗 patient’s blood
The normal blood glucose level stays at
about 60 to 100mg of glucose per 100ml of blood vessel noun ANAT a tube that car-
blood. ries blood round the body. 쒁 artery, capil-
lary, vein
blood group noun BIOL one of the differ-
ent types of blood by which groups of peo- bloom BOT noun a flower 쑗 The blooms
ple are identified on the orchids have been ruined by frost. 쐽
COMMENT: Blood is classified in various
verb to flower 쑗 The plant blooms at night.
ways. The most common classifications are 쑗 Some cacti only bloom once every seven
by the agglutinogens in red blood corpus- years.
81 body fluid
bloop verb COMPUT to pass a magnet over that is designed to provide a simple way for
a tape to erase signals which are not needed computer, Internet and input devices to
blow noun a sudden movement of air or communicate (NOTE: The technology was
gas 쑗 the blow of air through the furnace 쐽 developed by a group of computer and tel-
verb 1. COMPUT to program a PROM ecoms companies that included Ericsson,
device with data 2. (of air or wind) to move IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba.)
쑗 The sea breeze may blow almost parallel blue vitriol noun CHEM same as copper
to the coast. 3. ELEC (of a fuse) to break, as sulfate
it should, when the circuit is overloaded blur OPTICS noun an image where the
(NOTE: blowing – blew – blown) edges or colours are not clear 쐽 verb to
blow-back noun a sudden movement of make the edges or colours of an image
fluid in the opposite direction to the gen- fuzzy 쑗 The image becomes blurred when
eral flow 쑗 A sudden release of pressure you turn the focus knob.
may cause a blow-back. blurred vision noun BIOL a condition in
blow-by noun AUTOMOT unburnt fuel which a person does not see objects clearly
mixed with air and other gases that escapes BMI abbreviation MED body mass index
past the piston rings in an internal combus- BMP noun COMPUT a three-letter exten-
tion engine sion to a filename that indicates that the file
COMMENT: In many parts of the world emis- contains a bit-mapped graphics image 쑗
sion of gases from pistons is controlled by
law, since these gases contribute signifi-
This paint package lets you import BMP
cantly to atmospheric pollution. files.
blower noun a device for blowing air 쑗 BMR abbreviation BIOL basal metabolic
Air for combustion is obtained from a rate
blower. bn abbreviation COMPUT billion
blubber noun fat lying in a thick layer BNC connector noun COMPUT a cylin-
under the skin of marine animals such as drical metal connector with a copper core
whales that is at the end of coaxial cable and is
blue noun the colour which is that of a used to connect cables together (NOTE: It
clear unclouded sky in the daytime attaches by pushing and twisting the outer
blue-green alga noun BIOL 쏡 cyano- cylinder onto two locking pins.)
bacterium BNF abbreviation COMPUT
blue mud noun OCEANOG a deposit Backus-Naur-Form
found on the seabed in the Pacific Ocean board noun COMPUT a flat insulation
and elsewhere, containing decaying material on which electronic components
organic matter and iron sulfide, the latter are mounted and connected
giving it its blue colour BOD abbreviation ENVIRON 1. biochemi-
blueprint noun a copy of an original set cal oxygen demand 2. biological oxygen
of specifications or a design in graphical demand 쑗 The main aim of sewage treat-
form ment is to reduce the BOD of the liquid.
blue shift noun PHYS a reduction in the body noun 1. ANAT the main part of a per-
wavelength of radiation caused by the son, not including the head or arms and
observer and source approaching each legs 2. the whole physical bulk of a person
other 쑗 The dead man’s body was found several

COMMENT: This manifestation of the days later. 3. a mass or piece of material 4.

Doppler effect is seen far less often than the the main part of something 5. (in scientific
red shift in astronomy, since the latter is description) an object 쑗 Acceleration is the
widely caused by the expansion of the rate of change of velocity of a body.
universe. Blue and red shifts are used
together in astronomy for measuring rota- body cavity noun ZOOL same as coelom
tions of planets and stars, since blue shift is body fat noun BIOL tissue where the cells
observed as an object emitting light moves contain fat, which replaces the normal
closer to the observer, defined in the
Doppler effect, and seen as higher fibrous tissue when too much food is eaten
frequency of the light wakes from the body fluid noun PHYSIOL a fluid or secre-
object. tion of the body, e.g. blood, saliva, semen,
Bluetooth trademark COMPUT a vaginal secretions, milk, urine, sweat or
short-range radio communications system tears
body mass index 82
body mass index noun MED a figure boiling tube noun SCI a glass tube simi-
obtained by dividing the weight in kilos of lar to a large test tube, used in scientific
a person by the square of his or her height experiments
in metres. Abbr BMI boiling water reactor noun INDUST a
COMMENT: If a person is 1m 70 (i.e. 5’ 7") nuclear reactor fuelled by uranium, in
and weighs 82kg (i.e. 180 pounds), his or which light water is heated to form steam
her BMI is 28 (i.e. above normal).
which drives the turbines. Abbr BWR
body of air noun METEOROL a large
quantity of air behaving in a characteristic boldface noun a thicker and darker form
way of a typeface
body of sternum noun ANAT the main bole noun BOT the wide base of a tree
central part of the breastbone trunk
body of vertebra noun ANAT the main bolt noun ENG a metal rod, with a head,
part of a vertebra, which supports the which screws into a nut 쑗 Titanium is used
weight of the body for making bolts. 쑗 The two halves of the
body of water noun a separate and dis- wheel are held by bolts. 쐽 verb to attach
tinct mass of water something with a bolt 쑗 Aircraft wheels are
constructed in two halves which are bolted
bof, BOF abbreviation COMPUT beginning together.
of file
bog noun 1. EARTH SCI soft wet land, usu- bolt of lightning noun a single electri-
cal discharge of lightning
ally with moss growing on it, which does
not decompose, but forms a thick layer of Boltzmann constant noun PHYS the
acid peat (NOTE: The mosses that grow on ratio of the universal gas constant to
bogs live on the nutrients that fall in rain.) Avogadro’s number, 1.38 x 10 -23 joules per
2. an area of bog kelvin
boggy adjective EARTH SCI soft and wet Boltzmann distribution noun PHYS a
like a bog law that describes the temperature of a
bogland noun EARTH SCI an area of bog material such as a gas cloud with the
number of molecules within it at different
bohrium noun CHEM ELEM an artificially possible energy levels
produced radioactive chemical element
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Bh; the bomb COMPUT noun a routine in a pro-
atomic number is 107 and the atomic gram designed to crash the system or
weight is 264.) destroy data at a specific time 쐽 verb (of
software) to fail (informal) 쑗 The program
Bohr theory noun PHYS a theory of bombed, and we lost all the data. 쑗 The
atomic structure suggesting that electrons
system can bomb if you set up several desk
move around a nucleus in distinct orbits,
accessories or memory-resident programs
with a jump between orbits accompanied
at the same time.
by the absorption or emission of a photon
(NOTE: It was the earliest important attempt bond CHEM noun same as chemical bond
to apply quantum theory to atomic struc- 쐽 verb 1. (of two substances) to link

ture.) together 쑗 Adsorption is the bonding of a

boil verb 1. PHYS to heat a liquid until it gas to a solid surface. 2. (of atoms) to form
reaches a temperature at which it changes a chemical bond
into gas 2. to reach boiling point 쑗 Water bond energy noun CHEM the energy
boils at 100°C. contained in a chemical bond between two
boiler noun 1. ENG a container in which atoms in a molecule and therefore required
water is boiled to make steam to drive to break it
something such as a turbine 2. a container bone noun ANAT 1. one of the calcified
in which water is heated for domestic use pieces of connective tissue which make up
boilerplate noun COMPUT a final docu- the skeleton, e.g. a leg bone 쑗 There are
ment that has been put together using several small bones in the human ear. 2. a
standard sections of text held in a word hard substance of which the parts of the
processor skeleton are formed
COMMENT: Bones are formed of a hard
boiling point noun PHYS the tempera- outer layer (compact bone) which is made
ture at which a liquid changes into gas 쑗 up of a series of layers of tissue (Haversian
The boiling point of water is 100° C. systems) and a softer inner part (cancellous
83 boreal
bone or spongy bone) which contains bone booster noun 1. something which gives
marrow. extra help or support 2. a device which
bone conduction noun the
PHYSIOL increases the force or amount of something
conduction of sound waves to the inner ear booster pump noun ENG a centrifugal
through the bones of the skull rather than pump often positioned at the lowest point
through the air of a liquid fuel tank to ensure positive pres-
bone marrow noun ANAT soft tissue sure in the supply lines to the engine 쑗 Fuel
inside bones is fed through a filter and a booster pump.
COMMENT: Two types of bone marrow are 쑗 The purpose of the booster pump is to
found. Red bone marrow and myeloid prevent fuel aeration.
tissue are found in the cavities of vertebrae,
the sternum and other flat bones, and form boot verb COMPUT to execute a set of
red blood cells. As a person gets older, fatty instructions automatically in order to reach
yellow bone marrow develops in the central a required state
cavity of long bones. bootable adjective COMPUT (of a storage
bone marrow transplant noun MED a device) holding the commands to boot up a
transplant of bone marrow from a donor to computer and load the operating system
a recipient (NOTE: For other terms referring (NOTE: The main hard disk is normally a
to bone marrow, see words beginning with bootable device as is the floppy disk drive.)
myel-, myelo-.) boot disk noun COMPUT a special disk
bonemeal noun AGRIC a fertiliser made which contains a bootstrap loader and the
of ground bones or horns, reduced to a fine operating system software 쑗 After you
powder switch on the computer, insert the boot
bone structure noun 1. ANAT a system disk.
of jointed bones forming the body 2. BIOL bootleg noun COMPUT an illegal copy of
the arrangement of the various components recorded material
of a bone boot partition noun COMPUT (on a hard
book noun COMPUT a multimedia title. disk with more than one partition) the par-
The name comes from the fact that most tition that contains the bootstrap loader and
multimedia titles are arranged as a series of operating system
different pages which together form a bootstrap loader noun COMPUT a set of
book. instructions that are executed by the com-
bookmark noun COMPUT 1. a code puter before a program is loaded, usually to
inserted at a particular point in a document load the operating system once the compu-
that allows the user to move straight to that ter is switched on
point at a later date 2. a website address borane noun CHEM a compound contain-
stored in a web browser that allows the user ing boron and hydrogen, used in rocket and
to move straight to the website at a later jet fuels
date without re-typing the address borax noun CHEM a white crystalline salt
Boolean algebra, Boolean logic noun that is an ore of boron, used as a cleaning
MATHS a set rules for defining, simplifying agent, water softener, preservative and in
and manipulating logical functions, based glass and ceramics manufacture. Formula:
on statements that are true or false Na2B4O7.10H[[SUB]2O. (NOTE: It occurs
naturally as tincal.)
Boolean operator noun COMPUT a log-
ical operator such as AND or OR bore noun 1. INDUST a measurement
across the inside of a pipe or hole 쑗 The
Boolean value noun COMPUT one of central heating uses small-bore copper
two values, either true or false piping. 쑗 The well has a 2-metre bore. 2.
boom noun ACOUSTICS a sudden loud EARTH SCI a tidal wave which rushes up the
noise, especially one caused by an aircraft estuary of a river at high tide 쐽 verb INDUST
travelling at speeds greater than the speed to make a round hole in the ground 쑗 They
of sound have bored six test holes to try to find
COMMENT: Shock waves from a boom can water.
cause objects to resonate so violently that boreal adjective METEOROL referring to
they are damaged. Supersonic aircraft
generally fly at speeds greater than the the climate in the northern hemisphere
speed of sound only over the sea, to avoid between 60º and 40° N with short hot sum-
noise nuisance and damage to property. mers and longer cold winters
Borealis 84
Borealis METEOROL 쏡 Northern Lights derived from chrysanthemums, or nicotine,
borehole noun 1. INDUST a hole bored derived from tobacco plants
deep into the ground to survey for the pres- botanical specimen noun BOT a plant
ence of oil, gas or water, or to establish the collected for study
nature of ground structure 쑗 The borehole botanist noun BOT someone who studies
is intended to test the geology of the site to plants as a scientific or leisure activity
see what sort of foundation the building
will need. 2. EARTH SCI a hole bored into botany noun BOT the study of plants as a
the water table for the extraction of water 쑗 scientific or leisure activity
Boreholes supply water of excellent qual- bottled gas noun INDUST a gas produced
ity. from refining crude oil and sold in pressu-
boric acid noun CHEM a soluble weak rised metal containers for use in domestic
acidic white crystalline solid, used as a fire cooking or heating, or as vehicle fuel
retardant and antiseptic and in the manu- bottom noun EARTH SCI 1. the floor of a
facture of heat-resistant glass and ceram- sea, lake or river 2. a flat area along a river
ics. Formula: H3BO3. where silt is deposited when the river
-borne suffix carried by 쑗 wind-borne floods
pollen of grasses bottom feeder noun MARINE BIOL an
boron noun CHEM ELEM a chemical ele- organism such as a fish which collects food
ment. It is essential as a trace element for on the bottom or in the deepest water of the
healthy plant growth. (NOTE: The chemical sea, a lake or river
symbol is B; the atomic number is 5 and bottom-up control noun ECOL the sys-
the atomic weight is 10.81.) tem of regulation of trophic levels by
borrow verb MATHS (in arithmetic proc- which the abundance of individuals in the
esses such as subtraction) to transfer a higher trophic levels is determined by fac-
unit from a higher category to count in a tors in the lower levels. Compare
lower one, compensating for it later (NOTE: top-down control
To take 19 from 21 you have to borrow 1 bottom water noun GEOG water in the
from the tens and take 9 from 11 then com- deepest part of the sea, a lake or a river
pensate and take 2 from 2.)
boulder noun GEOL a large rounded piece
Bose-Chandhuri-Hocquenghem of rock
code noun COMPUT an error correcting
code for data storage and transmission. boulder clay noun GEOL a clay soil
Abbr BCH code mixed with rocks of different sizes, found
in glacial deposits
Bose-Einstein condensation noun
PHYS a process in which the bosons of a bounce noun COMPUT a multiple key
particle system enter the lowest-energy contact caused by a faulty switch
ground state at a specific temperature boundary noun a line that separates one
boson noun PHYS a fundamental particle area from another 쑗 The boundary between
with zero or integral spin and no restriction two air masses is called the frontal surface.
on the number of identical particles that boundary layer noun 1. METEOROL the
may be in the same state (NOTE: Photons altitude at which the flow of air is affected
and alpha particles are bosons.) by the ground 2. PHYS a layer of fluid next
botanic, botanical adjective BOT refer- to the surface over which it is flowing and,
ring to botany because of friction, travelling more slowly
botanical adjective referring to botany than layers farther from the surface
botanical garden, botanic garden boundary protection noun COMPUT
noun BOT a place where plants are grown the preventing of any computer program
for showing to the public and for scientific from writing into a reserved area of mem-
study ory
botanical horticulture noun BOT the boundary register noun COMPUT a
activity of growing different species of computer register in a multi-user system
plants to study and maintain them that contains the addresses for the limits of
botanical insecticide noun BIOCHEM one user’s memory allocation
an insecticide made from a substance bounding box noun COMPUT a rectan-
extracted from plants, e.g. pyrethrum, gle that determines the shape and position
85 brake shoe
of an image that has been placed in a doc- bract noun BOT a small green leaf at the
ument or on screen base of a flower or flowering stem
Bourdon gauge noun ENG a pressure Bragg’s law noun PHYS an equation for
gauge consisting of a flattened curved tube predicting the angle at which X-rays
that straightens under internal pressure reflected from a crystal will be most
Bovidae plural noun ZOOL the largest intense
class of even-toed ungulates, including cat- braided river noun GEOG a river that is
tle, antelopes, gazelles, sheep and goats divided into a pattern of many channels
bovine adjective ZOOL referring to cattle with small areas of dry land between them
bovine somatotrophin noun BIOCHEM braiding noun GEOG the process of a
full form of BST river becoming divided into many channels
with small areas of dry land between them
bovine spongiform encephalopa-
thy noun full form of BSE brain noun ANAT the cranial part of the
central nervous system, situated inside the
Bowman’s capsule noun ANAT a skull
cup-shaped extension of a kidney tubule COMMENT: The main part of the brain is the
into which waste and water are filtered cerebrum, formed of two sections or hemi-
from the blood to produce urine spheres, which relate to thought and to
Boyce-Codd normal form COMPUT 쏡 sensations from either side of the body. At
the back of the head and beneath the cere-
normal form. Abbr BCNF brum is the cerebellum, which coordinates
Boyle’s law noun PHYS the principle that muscle reaction and balance. Also in the
the volume of a confined gas at constant brain are the hypothalamus which governs
temperature is inversely related to its pres- body temperature, hunger, thirst and sexual
urges, and the tiny pituitary gland, which
sure produces hormones that regulate other
BPI, bpi abbreviation COMPUT bits per glands.
inch brain dead adjective MED with the brain
BPP abbreviation COMPUT bits per pixel and central nervous system no longer
bps abbreviation COMPUT bits per second working
쑗 Their transmission rate is 60000bps brain death noun MED the time at which
through a parallel connection. the brain and central nervous system stop
Bq symbol becquerel working (NOTE: It is measured by strict
medical and legal criteria as life support
Br symbol CHEM ELEM bromine may be switched off and organs removed
brace verb MECH ENG to strengthen a con- for transplantation once a person has been
struction using cross-members and/or certified brain dead.)
wires brain stem noun ANAT the part of the
braces plural noun COMPUT curly bracket brain that connects the cerebral hemi-
characters, {}, used in some programming spheres and the spinal cord (NOTE: It is
languages to enclose a routine composed of the midbrain, pons and
brachial artery noun ANAT an artery medulla oblongata.)
running down the arm from the axillary brain wave noun PHYSIOL one of the
artery to the elbow, where it divides into rhythmic waves of voltage arising from
the radial and ulnar arteries electrical activity within brain tissue
bracket noun 1. ENG a triangular or brake noun ENG a device for stopping a
L-shaped metal support 2. PHYS a range of vehicle or a machine 쐽 verb to slow down
frequencies within a band of radio frequen- or to stop by pressing the brakes 쑗 He had
cies 3. a mark, ( or ), used to enclose text or to brake hard after landing in order to turn
numbers, usually in pairs off at the correct taxiway. (NOTE: braking
bracket together verb MATHS to print – braked; do not confuse with break)
brackets round several items to show that brake drum noun MECH ENG the part of
they are treated in the same way and sepa- the brake mechanism attached to the wheel
rated from the rest of the mathematical and against which the brake shoes rub, pre-
equation or text venting the wheel from turning
brackish adjective GEOG referring to brake shoe noun MECH ENG a long
water which contains some salt, though curved block that presses against a brake
less than seawater, and is not good to drink drum to slow or stop a wheel
bran 86
bran noun FOOD INDUST the outside cov- breakdown noun 1. a failure of a system
ering of a cereal grain (NOTE: It is removed or organisation 2. the separation of a sub-
from wheat in making white flour, but is an stance into its component parts
important source of roughage in the breakdown process noun the action
human diet and is used in muesli and other of separating into elements or of decom-
breakfast cereals.) posing
branch noun 1. COMPUT a possible path breaking load noun MECH ENG a load
or jump from one instruction to another 2. capable of being supported before a struc-
a line linking one or more devices to the ture breaks
main network 쑗 The faulty station is on this breakout box noun COMPUT a device
branch. 3. BOT a woody stem growing out that displays the status of lines within an
from the main trunk of a tree 4. a subdivi- interface, cable or connector 쑗 The serial
sion of something larger 5. EARTH SCI a interface doesn’t seem to be working – use
smaller stream separating from but still the breakout box to see which signals are
forming part of a river 쐽 verb COMPUT to present.
jump from one section of a program to breakpoint noun COMPUT a symbol
another, often using a test or decision with inserted into a program which stops its exe-
two or more possible results that lead to cution at that point to allow registers, vari-
two different points in the program ables and memory locations to be
COMMENT: In BASIC, the instruction GOTO examined (NOTE: It is used when debug-
makes the system jump to the line indi- ging a program.)
cated; this is an unconditional branch. The
instruction IF…THEN is a conditional breakup noun COMPUT the loss or distor-
branch, because the jump will only take tion of a signal
place if the condition is met. breakwater noun ENG a stone or wooden
branch cable noun ELEC ENG a cable structure that is built out from the shore
that runs from a main cable to a node into the sea in order to block the force of
waves and so prevent erosion
branched chain noun CHEM a molecu-
lar structure that has side chains or breastbone noun ANAT same as ster-
branches attached to specific atoms of the num
original chain breath noun BIOL the air which goes in
and out of the body when you breathe 쑗 He
brane noun PHYS a spatial dimension in ran so fast he was out of breath. 쑗 Stop for
space–time arising out of string theory a moment to get your breath back. 쑗 She
brass noun METALL an alloy of copper took a deep breath and dived into the
and zinc water.
Brassicaceae noun BOT a family of breathe verb BIOL to take air into the
common plants, including cabbage, whose lungs and blow air out through the nose or
flowers have four petals. Former name mouth 쑗 He could not breathe under water.
Cruciferae 쑗 The patient has begun to breathe nor-
breadboard noun ELEC ENG a device COMMENT: Children breathe about 20 to 30
that allows prototype electronic circuits to times per minute, men 16–18 per minute,
be constructed easily without permanent and women slightly faster than men. The
connections or soldering breathing rate increases if the person is
taking exercise or has a fever. Some babies
break noun 1. COMPUT the action of hold their breath and go blue in the face,
pressing a key to stop a program execution especially when crying or during a temper
2. the key pressed to stop a program execu- tantrum.
tion 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to fail to carry out breathe in verb BIOL to take air into your
the duties of an agreement 쑗 The company lungs 쑗 He breathed in the smoke from the
has broken the agreement. 2. to decipher a fire and it made him cough.
difficult code 쑗 He finally broke the cipher breathe out verb BIOL to let the air out of
system. your lungs 쑗 The doctor told him to take a
breakbone fever noun MED same as deep breath and breathe out slowly.
dengue (NOTE: The patient suffers a high breather noun MECH ENG a pipe connect-
fever, pains in the joints, headache and a ing the crankshaft to the atmosphere to pre-
rash.) vent build-up of crankcase pressure
87 British Standards Institute
breathing noun BIOL the process of tak- breeding season noun BIOL the time of
ing air into the lungs and blowing it out year when organisms produce offspring
again through the mouth or nose 쑗 If breeding stock noun prime animals
breathing is difficult or has stopped, begin kept for breeding purposes to maintain and
artificial ventilation immediately. (NOTE: improve quality of stock
For other terms referring to breathing, see breeze noun 1. METEOROL a light wind 2.
words beginning with pneumo-.) INDUST the solid waste of burnt coal or
breccia noun GEOL a type of rough rock other material produced by a furnace
made of sharp fragments of other rocks breeze block noun INDUST a large build-
fused together ing brick made from breeze and cement
breed noun AGRIC a group of animals of a Bremsstrahlung noun PHYS radiation
specific species which have been devel- given out by fast-moving electrons or other
oped by people over a period of time so particles encountering electromagnetic
that they have desirable characteristics 쑗 a fields, observed especially in radio astron-
hardy breed of sheep 쑗 Two new breeds of omy (NOTE: Bremsstrahlung energy is
rice have been developed. 쐽 verb 1. BIOL (of released because of severe deceleration
organisms) to produce young 쑗 Rabbits of electrons in a magnetic field and is
breed very rapidly. 2. BIOL to encourage observable in cosmic radiation.)
something to develop 쑗 Insanitary condi- bridge COMPUT verb to use bridgeware to
tions help to breed disease. 3. AGRIC to pro- help transfer programs, data files, etc., to
duce an improved animal or plant by another system 쐽 noun 1. a device that con-
crossing two parent animals or plants nects two networks together and allow
showing the desired characteristics 쑗 information to flow between them (NOTE:
Farmers have bred new hardy forms of Bridges function at the data link layer of the
sheep. 왍 to breed true BIOL to reproduce OSI network model.) 2. matching commu-
all the characteristics of the type in the next nications equipment that makes sure that
generation 쑗 F1 hybrids do not breed true. power losses are kept to a minimum 3.
breeder noun AGRIC a person who breeds hardware or software that allows parts of
new forms of animals or plants 쑗 a cat an old system to be used on a new system
breeder 쑗 a cattle breeder 쑗 a rose breeder 쑗 A bridging product is available for com-
쑗 a plant breeder panies with both generations of machines.
breeder reactor noun PHYS a nuclear bridgeware noun COMPUT the hardware
reactor which produces more fissile mate- or software used to make the transfer from
rial than it consumes one computer system to another easier by
COMMENT: Uranium-238 is a natural changing file format, translation etc.
uranium isotope which can be used to brief adjective lasting only for a short time
produce the fissile plutonium-239. In a 쐽 noun a set of general instructions to ena-
breeder reactor, uranium-238 is used as a
blanket round the plutonium fuel, and when
ble somebody to perform his or her duties
the plutonium is fissioned high-speed 쑗 The inspector’s brief is to find out as
neutrons are produced which change on much as possible about the causes of acci-
contact with the uranium-238 and eventu- dents. 쐽 verb to give basic information to
ally produce a slightly greater quantity of somebody
plutonium-239 than that originally used as
fuel. The excess plutonium can be used as brightness noun COMPUT the luminance
a fuel in another breeder reactor or in an of an object which can be seen on a screen
ordinary burner reactor. 쑗 A control knob allows you to adjust
breed in verb to introduce a characteris- brightness and contrast.
tic into an animal breed or plant variety, by brilliant adjective COMPUT (of light or
breeding until it is a permanent character- colour) very bright and shining
istic of the breed bring up verb COMPUT to start a compu-
breeding noun AGRIC the crossing of dif- ter system
ferent plants or animals to produce off- British Agrochemicals Standards
spring with desirable characteristics Inspection Scheme noun full form of
breeding ground noun ECOL an area BASIS
where birds or animals come each year to British Standards Institute noun
breed COMPUT an organisation that monitors
British thermal unit 88
design and safety standards in the UK. broadleaved evergreen noun BOT an
Abbr BSI evergreen tree or shrub with wide leaves,
British thermal unit noun PHYS, MEAS- e.g. rhododendron or laurel
URE the amount of heat needed to raise the broadly adverb 1. widely 2. generally 쑗
temperature of one pound of water by one broadly speaking
degree Fahrenheit. Abbr Btu (NOTE: Its broad-spectrum adjective BIOCHEM
approximate SI equivalent is 1055 joules.) referring to an antibiotic or pesticide which
brittle adjective breaking easily 쑗 kills or controls many types of organism
Absorption of oxygen and nitrogen from broad spectrum antibiotic plural
the air at temperatures above 1000° F noun an antibiotic used to control many
makes titanium brittle. types of bacteria
broad adjective wide 쑗 Broad paths are broad-spectrum antibiotic noun
left through the forest plantations to act as PHARM an antibiotic used to control many
firebreaks. types of bacteria
broadband noun COMPUT, TELECOM a bromide noun 1. CHEM a salt of hydro-
transmission method that combines several bromic acid 2. PHARM potassium bromide,
channels of data onto a carrier signal and formerly used as a sedative
can carry the data over long distances. bromine noun CHEM ELEM a chemical
Compare baseband element. It is used in various industrial
COMMENT: The three most popular broad- processes and in antiknock additives for
band communication devices are ISDN, petrol. (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Br;
cable modems and ADSL (part of the wider
DSL standard). Each country has different the atomic number is 35 and the atomic
prevalent standards and pricing models. weight is 79.90.)
For example, ISDN provides a digital link bromoform noun CHEM same as tribro-
that can transfer data at the rate of 64 kbps. momethane
It dials an access number and provides a
link when required. ADSL, in contrast, bronchiole noun ANAT a narrow tube
provides a direct connection that appears to branching from a main air tube or bronchus
be ‘always on’ using a network adapter to in a lung
link the computer to the Internet provider.
ADSL normally supports a transfer speed of bronchitis noun the inflammation of the
up to 2 Mbps. membranes in the bronchi, often caused by
broadcast noun 1. TELECOM data trans- viruses
mission to many receivers 2. COMPUT a bronchus noun ANAT a tube that conveys
message or data sent to a group of users 쐽 air from the windpipe to a lung
verb ELEC, TELECOM, COMPUT to distribute brood noun BIOL a group of offspring pro-
information over a wide area or audience 쑗 duced at the same time, especially a group
He broadcast the latest news over the of young birds 쑗 The territory provides
WAN. enough food for two adults and a brood of
broadcast message noun TELECOM a six or eight young.
message sent to everyone on a network 쑗 brook noun GEOG a little stream
Five minutes before we shut down the LAN, brouter noun COMPUT a device that com-
we send a broadcast message to all users. bines the functions of a router and bridge to
broadcast network noun TELECOM a connect networks together 쑗 The brouter
network for sending data to a number of provides dynamic routing and can bridge
receivers two local area networks.
broadcast quality noun TELECOM the brown adjective 1. of a colour like the
quality of video image or signal that is used colour of earth or wood 2. ENVIRON not
by professional television stations 쑗 We produced from renewable sources
can use your multimedia presentation as brown algae plural noun MARINE BIOL
the advert on TV if it’s of broadcast quality. brown seaweed. Phylum: Phaeophyta.
broadleaf, broadleaf tree noun BOT a brown bread noun FOOD INDUST bread
deciduous tree that has wide leaves, e.g. made with flour which has not been
beech or oak. Compare conifer bleached or refined (NOTE: Not all brown
broadleaved adjective BOT (of a tree) bread is made with wholemeal flour.)
having wide leaves rather than needles. brown coal noun INDUST a type of soft
Compare coniferous coal which is not as efficient a fuel as
89 Btu
anthracite and produces smoke when it browser noun COMPUT a software pro-
burns. Also called lignite gram that is used to navigate through web-
brown dwarf noun ASTRON an object pages stored on the Internet
intermediate in mass between a star and a COMMENT: A browser program asks the
planet, giving out some radiation but not Internet server (called the HTTP server) to
massive enough to allow full-scale fusion send it a page of information. This page is
stored in the HTML layout language which
COMMENT: Thought to be common in areas is decoded by the browser and displayed on
of star formation, brown dwarfs have screen. The browser displays any hotspots
proved elusive to observe but one, Gliese and will jump to another page if the user
229b, was definitively seen in 1995, 19 light clicks on a hyperlink.
years from Earth in the constellation Lepus.
Other candidates for brown dwarf status browsing noun COMPUT the process of
have since been claimed. moving through a multimedia title or a list
brown earth noun EARTH SCI good fer- of files or through sites on the Internet in
tile soil, slightly acid and containing no particular order (NOTE: The user con-
humus trols which page to move to next and what
brown electricity noun INDUST electric- to view.)
ity produced from coal or gas, and not from Brucella noun BIOL a type of rod-shaped
wind power, tidal power, etc. bacterium
brown fat noun BIOL animal fat which brush noun 1. ELEC a small replaceable
can easily be converted to energy, and is block of carbon which rubs against the sur-
believed to offset the effects of ordinary face of a commutator in a generator or
white fat electric motor 쑗 At high altitude, the air
brown flour noun FOOD INDUST wheat becomes drier and this causes a greatly
flour which contains some bran and has not increased rate of wear on the brushes. 2.
been bleached COMPUT a tool in paint package software
brown fumes plural noun ENVIRON which draws pixels on screen 쑗 The paint
fumes from tarry substances produced by package lets you vary the width of the
coal burning at low temperatures brush in pixels and the colour it produces.
3. BOT same as brushwood
Brownian movement noun PHYS the
random movement of microscopic parti- brush killer noun AGRIC a powerful her-
cles floating in a liquid or gas (NOTE: It bicide which destroys the undergrowth
results from the particles colliding with the brushwood noun BOT undergrowth with
molecules that surround them.) twigs and small branches
brown podzolic soil noun GEOL brown brute force method noun COMPUT a
earth from which humus particles have problem-solving method which depends
been leached by rain on computer power rather than elegant pro-
brown rice noun FOOD INDUST a rice gramming techniques
grain that has had the husk removed, but bryophyte noun BOT a non-flowering
has not been milled and polished to remove plant, frequently growing in damp places,
the bran with separate gamete- and spore-bearing
brown-ring test noun CHEM a test used forms, e.g. moss. Division: Bryophyta.
to detect nitrate in a sample (NOTE: The BS abbreviation COMPUT backspace
sample is mixed with ferrous sulfate, and
sulfuric acid is added. If a brown line is vis- BSE noun VET a fatal brain disease of cat-
ible where the mixture meets the acid, this tle. Also called mad cow disease. Full
indicates that the sample contains a form bovine spongiform encephalopa-
nitrate.) thy
brown smoke noun ENVIRON 쏡 brown BSI abbreviation COMPUT British Stand-
fumes ards Institute
browse verb 1. COMPUT to view data in a BST noun BIOCHEM a growth hormone of
database or online system 2. COMPUT to cattle, formerly added to feed to improve
search through and access database mate- milk production but banned in the EU
rial without permission 3. ECOL to feed on since 2000. Full form bovine soma-
plant material, especially the leaves of totrophin
woody plants, which is not growing close Btu, BTU, BThU abbreviation PHYS,
to the ground. Compare graze MEASURE British thermal unit
bubble chamber 90
bubble chamber noun PHYS a chamber buffet noun AEROSP the shaking of an air-
filled with a liquid in which the trail of a craft caused by the breakdown of the air-
moving particle shows up as a line of bub- flow over the upper surface of the wing 쑗
bles Large aircraft use a stick shaker to supple-
bubble memory noun COMPUT a ment the natural stall warning of buffet. 쐽
method of storing binary data using the verb (of water or wind) to push something
magnetic properties of some materials, around with great force 쑗 The storm buf-
allowing very large amounts of data to be feted the coast. 쑗 The aircraft was buffeted
stored in primary memory by strong crosswinds as it made its final
bubble sort noun COMPUT a sorting approach to land.
method which repeatedly exchanges vari- COMMENT: Buffet is a warning to the pilot
that the smooth airflow over the wing is
ous pairs of data items until they are in breaking down and that corrective action
order should be taken to prevent a stall.
bubonic plague noun MED a fatal dis- buffet speed noun AEROSP the speed at
ease of the lymph system caused by Pas- which buffet is first noticed
teurella pestis transmitted to humans by bug noun 1. COMPUT an error in a compu-
fleas from rats ter program which makes it run incorrectly
bucket noun COMPUT a storage area con- (informal) 2. ZOOL an insect (informal) 3.
taining data for an application ZOOL a winged insect belonging to the
buckle verb PHYS to bend out of shape class Hemiptera
because of heat or force 쑗 Overheating will buggy noun a small computer-controlled
make the battery plates buckle. vehicle
bucky tube noun CHEM same as nano- build noun COMPUT a particular version of
tube a program 쑗 This is the latest build of the
bud noun BOT a young shoot on a plant, new software. 쐽 verb 1. ENG to make a con-
which may later become a leaf or flower struction 쑗 The developer is planning to
budding noun BOT a way of propagating build 2500 new houses on the greenfield
plants in which a bud from one plant is site. 쑗 The female birds build nests of straw
grafted onto another plant in holes in trees. 2. COMPUT to develop
buffer noun 1. COMPUT a circuit that iso- software
lates and protects a system from damaging building noun 1. ENVIRON a construction
inputs from driven circuits or peripherals such as a house, shop or office 쑗 modern
2. COMPUT a temporary storage area for buildings with good insulation 2. EARTH
data waiting to be processed 3. CHEM a sub- SCI the process of constructing something
stance that keeps a constant balance 쑗 permission for building on the site
between acid and alkali 4. CHEM a solution building area noun ENVIRON an area of
in which the pH is not changed by adding land on which building may take place or is
acid or alkali 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to use a taking place. Also called building zone
temporary storage area to hold data until building block noun COMPUT a
the processor or device is ready to deal self-contained unit that can be joined to
with it 2. CHEM to prevent a solution from others to form a system
becoming acid or alkaline 쑗 If a lake is well building-related illness noun an ill-
buffered, it will not have a low pH factor, ness that can be traced to a specific pollut-
even if acid rain falls into it. 쑗 Bicarbonate ant or source within a building (NOTE:
is the main buffering factor in fresh water. Legionnaires’ disease is a building-related
buffer action noun CHEM the process of illness.)
keeping a balance between acid and alkali building zone noun ENVIRON same as
buffer land noun ENVIRON land between building area
a protected area such as a nature reserve build up verb 1. to form by accumulation
and the surrounding countryside or town. 쑗 In these conditions, ice builds up on the
Also called buffer zone wings 쑗 The pesticide gradually built up in
buffer size noun COMPUT the total the food chain. 2. to develop gradually 쑗
number of characters that can be held in a Traffic has built up over the last five years.
buffer build-up noun a gradual accumulation 쑗
buffer zone noun ENVIRON same as a build-up of DDT in the food chain 쑗 a
buffer land build-up of static electricity
91 burst
built environment noun ENVIRON the contains a computer together with a range
buildings, roads and other structures made of software or accessories
by people and in which they live, work or bundled software noun COMPUT soft-
travel. Compare natural environment ware included in the price of a computer
built-in adjective COMPUT referring to a system
feature that is already included in a system Bunsen burner noun SCI a portable
쑗 The built-in adapter card makes it fully
tube-shaped gas burner with an adjustable
IBM compatible. 쑗 The computer has a hole controlling air intake and flame char-
built-in hard disk. 쑗 The printer has sev- acteristics, used in laboratories
eral built-in fonts.
built-up area noun ENVIRON an area buoyancy noun PHYS the ability to float
which has many houses, shops, offices and on a liquid or air
other buildings, with very little open space burette noun MEASURE, CHEM a glass
bulb noun 1. ELEC a glass ball that pro- tube with a scale marked on the side and a
duces light when electricity is supplied 쑗 A stopcock at the bottom, used to release
bulb has an element that heats up and accurately measured quantities of liquid
glows brightly when you switch on the during chemical analysis
electricity. 2. something shaped like a lamp burn noun MED an injury to skin and tis-
bulb 쑗 The most common type of hygrome- sue caused by light, heat, radiation, elec-
ter is the wet and dry bulb thermometer tricity or a chemical 쐽 verb 1. ENVIRON to
arrangement. 3. BOT an underground plant destroy or damage something by fire 쑗 Sev-
organ of fleshy scale leaves and buds. It eral hundred hectares of forest were burnt
can be planted and will produce flowers in the fire. 2. INDUST to use fuel or food to
and seed. produce energy 쑗 Swimming will help you
bulk erase noun COMPUT the erasing of burn calories.
a complete magnetic disk or tape in one burner noun INDUST a device for burning
action something such as fuel or waste
bulkhead noun AEROSP a dividing parti- burner reactor noun INDUST a type of
tion across the structure of the fuselage nuclear reactor in which fuel such as ura-
separating one compartment from another nium-239 is used to generate heat by fis-
for reasons of safety or strength 쑗 A fire- sion
proof bulkhead is provided to separate the
cool area of the engine from the hot area. burn in verb COMPUT 1. to mark a moni-
tor screen after displaying a high bright-
bulking agent noun INDUST an additive ness image for too long 2. to write data into
which causes a substance to stick together a PROM chip
as a mass
bulk storage medium noun COMPUT a burning noun ENVIRON the process of
medium that is able to store large amounts burning something such as fuel or waste
of data in a convenient size and form 쑗 burn out noun COMPUT excess heat or
Magnetic tape is a reliable bulk storage incorrect use that causes an electronic cir-
medium. cuit or device to fail
bullet noun COMPUT a symbol, often a burn-up noun INDUST the amount of fuel
filled circle or square in front of a line of burnt in a nuclear reactor, shown as a pro-
text, used to draw attention to a particular portion of the fuel originally used
line in a list burst noun 1. ELEC a short isolated
bund noun ENG a soil wall built across a sequence of transmitted signals 2. PHYS a
slope to retain water or to hold waste in a minor explosion caused by increased pres-
sloping landfill site sure 쑗 The risk of tyre burst through over-
bundle noun 1. TELECOM a number of heating is increased by hard application of
optic fibres gathered together 2. COMPUT a the brakes. 3. a very short period of activity
package containing a computer together followed by no activity 쑗 a burst of energy
with software or accessories offered at a 쑗 The ground installation transmits a code
special price 쑗 The bundle now includes a in two short bursts. 쐽 verb to explode
PC with spreadsheet and database appli- because of increased pressure or a puncture
cations for just £999. 쐽 verb COMPUT to 쑗 Metal debris on the runway may cause a
market at a special price a package that tyre to burst. (NOTE: bursting – burst)
burst mode 92
burst mode noun ELEC the transfer of a busy adjective COMPUT 1. occupied in
batch of data across a bus with no interrup- doing something or in working 쑗 When the
tions busy line goes low, the printer will accept
bus noun COMPUT 1. a communication more data. 왍 the line is busy the telephone
link consisting of a set of leads or wires line is being used 2. an electrical signal
which connects different parts of a compu- indicating that a device is not ready to
ter hardware system, and over which data receive data
is transmitted and received by various cir- butadiene noun CHEM a colourless and
cuits in the system 2. a central source of flammable gas, used in synthetic rubber
information which supplies several devices and in nylon and latex paint manufacture.
bus arbitration noun COMPUT a proto- Formula: CH2=CHCH=CH2. (NOTE: It is a
col and control of transmission over a bus product of petroleum.)
that ensures fair usage by several users butane noun CHEM a gas produced during
busbar noun ELEC an electrical conduc- petroleum distillation, used domestically
tor used to carry a particular power supply for heating and sold in special containers
to various pieces of equipment 쑗 Complex as bottled gas. Formula: C4H10.
busbars are thick metal strips or rods to butanedioic acid noun CHEM a crystal-
which input and output connections are line carboxylic acid formed during the fer-
made. mentation of sugar, occurring in some
bus clock noun COMPUT the speed at plants and in amber. Formula:
which data is transferred along the main HOOC-(CH2)2COOH. Also called suc-
bus in a computer cinic acid
bus driver noun COMPUT a high power butanol noun CHEM a colourless liquid
transistor or amplifier that can provide with four different molecular structures
enough power to transmit signals to a (isomers), used as a solvent and in organic
number of devices chemical manufacture. Formula: C4H9OH.
bus extender, bus extension card Also called butyl alcohol
noun COMPUT 1. a device that extends an butterfly noun INSECTS a flying insect
8-bit bus to accommodate 16-bit add-in with large, often colourful wings
cards 2. a special board used by repair button noun COMPUT 1. a switch that car-
engineers that moves an add-in board up to ries out an action 쑗 Use the mouse to move
a position that is easier to work on the cursor to the icon and start the applica-
bush noun 1. BOT a plant with many tion by pressing the mouse button. 2. a
woody stems 쑗 a coffee bush 쑗 a rose bush square shape displayed on a screen that
2. GEOG in semi-arid regions, natural land will carry out a particular action if selected
covered with bushes and small trees with a pointer or keyboard 쑗 There are two
bush-fallow noun AGRIC a form of sub- buttons at the bottom of the status window,
sistence agriculture in which land is culti- select the left button to cancel the opera-
vated for a few years until its natural tion or the right to continue.
fertility is exhausted, then allowed to rest button bar noun COMPUT a line of square
for a long period during which the natural shapes displayed on screen each of which
vegetation regrows, after which the land is start an action or program when selected
cleared and cultivated again butyl alcohol noun CHEM same as buta-
bus master noun COMPUT a device that nol
controls the bus while transmitting (NOTE: butylated hydroxytoluene
Bus master status can move between /bjutileitid haidrɒksitɒljuin/ noun a
sending stations.) common antioxidant additive (E321) used
bus structure noun COMPUT the way in in processed foods containing fat. It may
which buses are organised, e.g. whether be carcinogenic. Abbr BHT
serial, parallel or bidirectional Buys Ballot’s law noun METEOROL a
bus topology noun COMPUT a network rule for identifying low pressure areas
topology in which all devices are con- based on the Coriolis effect stating that in
nected to a single cable which has termina- the northern hemisphere, if the wind is
tors at each end 쑗 Ethernet is a network blowing from behind you, then the low
that uses the bus topology. 쑗 Token ring pressure area is to the left, while in the
uses a ring topology. southern hemisphere it is to your right
93 bytecode
buzz ELEC noun a sound like a loud hum by-passed the normal complaints proce-
쐽 verb to make a loud hum dure and went straight to the director of the
buzzer noun ELEC an electrical device chemical company. 쑗 The plans are to
which makes a loud hum build a new main road, by-passing the
by-catch noun FISHERY fish or sea mam- town.
mals caught during fishing but not required by-product noun INDUST something
and thrown back dead into the sea 쑗 additional produced during a process
By-catch is a major environmental prob-
lem as it involves the uncontrolled destruc- byte noun COMPUT a group of bits or
tion of populations. binary digits, usually eight, which a com-
bypass noun an alternative route, pipe, or puter operates on as a single unit
channel 쑗 A turbine bypass in the form of bytecode noun COMPUT a form of Java
an alternative exhaust duct is fitted with a instructions that can be executed in a Java
valve. Virtual Machine (NOTE: When a program-
by-pass noun ENVIRON a road built mer develops a program written in Java,
around a town, to relieve traffic congestion the Java compiler converts the instructions
쑗 Since the by-pass was built, traffic in the in a bytecode form that can then be run on
town has been reduced by half. 쐽 verb to any computer that supports the Virtual
avoid something by going around it 쑗 They Machine software.)
C symbol 1. CHEM ELEM carbon 2. MEAS- cache memory noun COMPUT same as
URE Celsius 3. MEASURE centi- 4. ELEC cache
coulomb 5. COMPUT the hexadecimal CAD abbreviation COMPUT compu-
number equivalent to decimal 12 쐽 noun ter-aided design or computer-assisted
COMPUT a high level programming lan- design
guage developed mainly for writing struc- cadaver noun a dead body, especially
tured systems programs (NOTE: The C one that is to be dissected
language was originally developed for and caddy noun COMPUT a plastic or metal
with the UNIX operating system.) case for a CD-ROM
C++ noun COMPUT a high-level program- cadmium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic
ming language based on its predecessor, C, element naturally present in soil and rock
but providing object oriented program- in association with zinc (NOTE: The chem-
ming functions ical symbol is Cd; the atomic number is 48
Ca symbol CHEM ELEM calcium and the atomic weight is 112.40.)
cable noun 1. a thick metal wire 2. ELEC cadmium sulfide, cadmium sulphide
a flexible conducting electrical or optical noun CHEM an orange or yellow solid used
link 쑗 The cable has the wrong connector as a colouring, e.g. in paints. Formula:
for this printer. CdS.
cable connector noun ELEC the con- caducous adjective BIOL referring to a
nector at each end of a cable part of a plant or animal which becomes
detached during the organism’s life
cable matcher noun ELEC a device that
change the impedance of a cable so that the CAE abbreviation COMPUT compu-
cable can be used with a specific device ter-aided engineering or computer-assisted
cable modem noun COMPUT a device caesium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic
that provides high-speed access to the alkali element which is one of the main
Internet via the coaxial cable, used to dis- radioactive pollutants taken up by fish
tribute cable television signals (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cs; the
cable plant noun ELEC all the cables, atomic number is 55 and the atomic weight
connectors and patch panels within a build- is 132.91.)
ing or office caesium clock noun PHYS a very accu-
cable tester noun ELEC a piece of test rate clock in which caesium atoms are
equipment used to find breaks, faults or stimulated by an alternating magnetic field
cracks in cabling (NOTE: A precise time is determined when
cache COMPUT noun a section of the frequencies of the atoms and the mag-
high-speed memory which stores data that netic field are the same.)
the computer can access quickly 쐽 verb to CAI abbreviation COMPUT computer-aided
store data in a cache 쑗 This central instruction or computer-assisted instruc-
processing unit caches instructions, tion
improving performance by 15 per cent. cal symbol PHYS, MEASURE calorie
cache hit noun COMPUT a retrieval of CAL abbreviation COMPUT 1. compu-
data from cache memory rather than from ter-aided learning 2. computer-assisted
the storage device, indicating that time was learning
saved and the cache was useful calc- prefix calcium
95 calculator
calcareous adjective EARTH SCI (of soil used for acetylene gas generation. For-
or rock) containing calcium mula: CaC2.
calcareous grassland noun ECOL the calcium carbonate noun CHEM a white
type of vegetation such as grasses that is insoluble solid formed from animal organ-
typical on chalk soil. 쒁 acid grassland isms that is naturally abundant and is found
calci- prefix same as calc- in chalk, limestone and marble. It is used in
calcicole, calcicolous plant noun BOT a the production of cement, antacids, paint
plant which grows well on chalky or alka- and toothpaste. Formula: CaCO3.
line soils. Also called calciphile calcium cycle noun BIOL a cycle of
calciferol noun BIOL vitamin D2 events by which calcium in the soil is taken
calcification noun CHEM the process of up into plants, passed to animals which eat
hardening by forming deposits of calcium the plants and then passed back to the soil
salts again when the animals die and decompose
calcified adjective BIOL made hard 쑗 calcium deficiency noun BIOL a lack of
Bone is calcified connective tissue. calcium in an animal’s bloodstream
calcifuge noun BOT a plant which prefers calcium hydrogencarbonate noun
CHEM a solid formed when calcium carbon-
acid soils and does not grow on chalky or
alkaline soils. Also called calciphobe ate is dissolved in water containing carbon
dioxide. Formula: CaCO3 + H2O –
calcimorphic soil noun GEOL soil Ca(HCO3)2. Also called calcium bicarbo-
which is rich in lime nate
calcin verb CHEM to heat something at calcium hydroxide noun CHEM a white
high temperature alkaline powder used in acid soil treat-
calcination noun CHEM the heating of ment, cement, plaster, and glass manufac-
something such as a gas at high tempera- ture. Formula: Ca(OH)2. Also called
ture in the production of metal oxides slaked lime
calciphile noun BOT same as calcicole calcium oxide noun CHEM a chemical
calciphobe noun BOT same as calcifuge used in many industrial processes and also
calcite noun MINERALS a colourless or spread on soil to reduce acidity. Formula:
white crystalline form of calcium carbon- CaO. Also called quicklime
ate, used in cement, plaster, glass and calcium phosphate noun the main
paints. Formula: CaCO3. (NOTE: It is the constituent of bones and bone ash fertiliser.
main constituent of limestone, marble and Formula: (Ca3(Po4)2.
chalk.) calcium sulfate, calcium sulphate
calcitonin noun BIOCHEM a hormone, noun CHEM a white odourless powder used
produced chiefly by the thyroid gland in as a drying agent, a building material and
mammals, that promotes the deposition of in plaster of Paris. Formula: CaSO4.
calcium in bones calcium supplement noun HEALTH an
calcium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic addition of calcium to the diet, or as injec-
chemical element naturally present in tions, to improve the level of calcium in the
limestone and chalk. It is essential for bio- bloodstream
logical processes. (NOTE: The chemical calculate verb 1. MATHS to find the
symbol is Ca; the atomic number is 20 and answer to a problem using numbers 쑗 The
atomic weight is 40.08.) DP manager calculated the rate for key-
COMMENT: Calcium is essential for various boarding. 쑗 You need to calculate the
bodily processes such as blood clotting and
is a major component of bones and teeth. It remaining disk space. 2. to estimate some-
is an important element in a balanced diet. thing 쑗 I calculate that we have six months’
Milk, cheese, eggs and certain vegetables stock left.
are its main sources. In birds, calcium is calculated field noun COMPUT a field
responsible for the formation of strong
eggshells. Water which passes through within a database record that contains the
limestone contains a high level of calcium results of calculations performed on other
and is called ‘hard’. fields
calcium bicarbonate noun CHEM calculation noun MATHS the answer to a
same as calcium hydrogencarbonate mathematical problem
calcium carbide noun CHEM a grey- calculator noun an electronic machine
ish-black solid that is white when pure, which works out the answers to numerical
calculus 96
problems 쑗 My pocket calculator needs a the routine has finished (NOTE: Before the
new battery. 쑗 He worked out the discount call, the program counter contents are
on his calculator. saved to show where to return to in the
calculus noun MATHS a branch of mathe- main program.)
matics that deals with the behaviour of calm noun METEOROL a period when there
functions with continuous variables is no wind at all
calibrate verb 1. to make a scale on a calomel half cell noun CHEM an elec-
measuring instrument 2. to check or trode formed of mercury, mercury (I) chlo-
change the scale or graduations on a meas- ride and potassium, providing a known
uring instrument to make it accurate 쑗 The potential and used as a reference point
international standard atmosphere is used
to calibrate pressure altimeters. 3. to
caloric adjective PHYS referring to calo-
measure the inside diameter of a tube or
passage caloric energy noun PHYS the amount
calibrated airspeed noun AEROSP
of energy shown as a number of calories
indicated airspeed corrected for instrumen- caloric requirement noun BIOL the
tation and installation errors. Abbr CAS amount of energy, shown in calories, which
calibration noun 1. the establishment or an animal or a human being needs each day
adjustment of a scale on a measuring calorie noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
instrument 2. ELEC the comparison of a sig- measurement of heat or energy. Symbol
nal from an input with a known scale to cal (NOTE: The joule, an SI measure, is
provide a standardised reading now more usual: 1 calorie = 4.186 joules.)
calibre noun an interior diameter of a COMMENT: One calorie is the amount of
tube, blood vessel, etc. heat needed to raise the temperature of one
gram of water by one degree Celsius. The
californium noun CHEM ELEM a synthetic kilocalorie (shortened to ‘Calorie’) is also
radioactive metallic element in the actinide used as a measurement of the energy
series of the periodic table (NOTE: The content of food and to show the caloric
chemical symbol is Cf; the atomic number requirement or amount of energy needed
by an average person. The average adult in
is 98 and the atomic weight is 251. It is pro- an office job requires about 2,500 calories
duced by bombardment of curium or amer- per day, supplied by carbohydrates and fats
icium with neutrons, and is used as a to give energy and proteins to replace
neutron source.) tissue. More strenuous physical work needs
more calories. If a person eats more than
call verb COMPUT to transfer control to a the number of calories needed by his
separate program or routine from a main energy output or for his growth, the extra
program 쑗 After an input is received, the calories are stored in the body as fat.
first function is called. Calorie noun PHYS same as kilocalorie.
callback noun COMPUT a security system Symbol Cal, kcal
designed to reduce the risk of an unauthor- calorific adjective PHYS, PHYSIOL refer-
ised user connecting to a computer ring to calories, especially in food
installed with dial-in networking (NOTE:
Communications software and a modem calorific value noun PHYSIOL same as
are used to dial the remote computer and energy value
enter a name and password. The remote calorimeter noun PHYS a piece of equip-
computer then hangs up the telephone line ment that measures the amount of heat
and calls back on a preset telephone given out or taken in during a process such
number.) as combustion or a change of state
calling noun COMPUT a signal to request calyx noun BOT the part of a flower made
attention, sent from a terminal or device to up of green sepals which cover the flower
the main computer when it is in bud (NOTE: The plural is caly-
calling sequence noun COMPUT a ces.)
series of program commands required to cam noun MECH ENG an oval or
direct execution to or back from a subrou- egg-shaped wheel which, when rotating,
tine converts circular motion into reciprocating
call instruction noun COMPUT a pro- motion 쑗 In a piston engine, the shape of
gramming instruction that directs control each cam is designed to give the correct
to a routine with control passed back once amount of opening to the valve.
97 CAP
CAM abbreviation COMPUT 1. compu- caused by tobacco, radiation and many
ter-aided manufacture 2. compu- other factors. There is evidence that
constant exposure to the Sun can cause
ter-assisted manufacture 3. cancer (melanoma) of fair skin and deple-
content-addressable memory tion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere
cambium noun BOT in plant roots and may increase the incidence of skin cancer.
stems, a cylindrical layer of cells that pro- Many cancers are curable by surgery, by
chemotherapy or by radiation, especially if
duces new sap-conducting tissues and they are detected early.
increases girth
cancerous adjective MED referring to
Cambridge ring noun COMPUT a local cancer 쑗 a cancerous growth
area networking standard used for connect-
ing several devices and computers together candela noun PHYS, MEASURE an SI unit
in a ring with simple cable links measuring the brightness of a light 쑗 The
red and green wing tip navigation lights
camouflage ZOOL noun the natural con- must be at least 5 candela. Symbol cd
cealment of an animal’s shape by colours
or patterns 쑗 The stripes on the zebra are a candle power noun a former unit of
form of camouflage which makes the ani- brightness, replaced by the candela 쑗 Esti-
mal difficult to see in long grass. 쐽 verb to mation of visibility is achieved by noting
hide the shape of an animal or object by the distances at which lights of a known
using colours or patterns on the skin or candle power can be observed.
exterior canine adjective ZOOL referring to dogs 쐽
camphor noun CHEM a white solid with a noun DENT same as canine tooth
characteristic odour, used medicinally and canine tooth noun DENT a pointed tooth,
in the manufacture of celluloid plastics and between the incisors and bicuspids of a
explosives mammal
camplate noun MECH ENG a rotating or cankered adjective BIOL (of skin or plant
non-rotating plate with cams on it 쑗 The tissue) having areas of damage caused by
fuel pump consists of a rotor assembly fit- canker
ted with several plungers, the ends of cannabinoid noun CHEM an organic
which bear onto a non-rotating camplate. chemical substance belonging to a group
camshaft noun MECH ENG a rotating that comprises the active constituents of
shaft-carrying cam, which opens and cannabis
closes valves in a piston engine 쑗 As the Cannizzaro reaction noun CHEM an
camshaft rotates, the cam will transmit a alkaline chemical reaction in which alde-
lifting force. hydes are broken down into alcohols and
Canadian deuterium-uranium acid salts
reactor noun INDUST a nuclear reactor
canonical schema noun COMPUT a
using uranium oxide as a fuel and heavy
model of a database that is independent of
water containing deuterium as a moderator
the hardware or software available
and coolant. Abbr CANDU (NOTE: There is
a reactor of this type at Pickering, Ontario canopy noun BOT a layer of branches and
in Canada.) leaves of trees which shade the ground
canal noun ENG 1. a waterway made by underneath. 쒁 green area index
people for boats to travel along 2. a water- canopy cover noun BOT the percentage
way made by people to take water to irri- of the surface of the ground which is
gate land shaded by the leaves and branches of trees
cancel verb COMPUT to stop a process or cantilever noun MECH ENG a beam fixed
instruction before it has been fully exe- and supported at one end only 쑗 The wings
cuted are of cantilever design.
cancer noun MED a malignant growth or canyon noun GEOG a deep valley with
tumour which develops in tissue and steep sides
destroys it, which can spread by metastasis cap noun 1. a top or lid 쑗 the exhaust valve
to other parts of the body and cannot be cap 2. FUNGI a part of the dome-shaped
controlled by the body itself structure of some fungi which bears spores
COMMENT: Cancers can be divided into on its lower surface
cancers of the skin (carcinomas) and
cancers of connective tissue such as bone CAP abbreviation Common Agricultural
or muscle (sarcomas). Cancer can be Policy
capability 98
capability noun the fact of being able to caprylic acid noun CHEM same as octa-
do something 쑗 This scanner has the capa- noic acid
bility of working at 2400dpi. capstan noun COMPUT a spindle of a tape
capability list noun COMPUT a list of player or tape backup unit that keeps the
operations that can be carried out tape pressed against the magnetic
capable adjective able to do something 쑗 read/write head or pinch roller
That is the highest speed that this printer is capsule noun 1. a small closed container
capable of. 쑗 The software is capable of far 2. BOT a dry structure which bursts open
more complex functions. 쑗 The machine is with force releasing the seeds of flowering
capable of carrying out hundreds of tests plants or spores of mosses 3. ANAT a mem-
an hour. brane round an organ
capacitance noun ELEC the ability of a captive breeding noun the breeding of
component to store electrical charge 쑗 threatened species in zoos, usually with the
Capacitance is measured in farads and can intention of later releasing them into the
either be a fixed amount or a variable wild
amount. 쑗 If the supply frequency is low, capture verb COMPUT 1. to take data into
the voltage has more time to build up a a computer system 쑗 The software allows
larger charge, or capacitance. captured images to be edited. 쑗 Scanners
capacitative, capacititive adjective usually capture images at a resolution of
ELEC having capacitance 300 dots per inch (dpi). 왍 to capture a
capacitor noun ELEC an electronic com- printer port to redirect data intended for a
ponent which can store charge local printer port over a network to a
shared printer 왍 to capture a screen to
capacitor storage noun ELEC a device store the image that is currently displayed
using the capacitative properties of a mate-
on the screen in a file 2. (in a Token-Ring
rial to store data
network) to remove a token from the net-
capacity noun 1. the ability to do some- work in order to transmit data across the
thing easily 쑗 Energy is the capacity for network
performing work. 2. the amount of some- carapace noun ZOOL a thick hard case or
thing which a container can hold 쑗 Each shell of bone or chitin covering part of the
cylinder has a capacity of 0.5 litres. 3. body, especially the back, of an animal
INDUST the amount which can be produced
such as a crab or turtle
or the amount of work which can be done
쑗 industrial or manufacturing or produc-
carbamate noun CHEM a pesticide
tion capacity 왍 to work at full capacity belonging to a large group used as insecti-
COMPUT to do as much work as possible 왍 cides, herbicides and fungicides. It is no
to use up spare or excess capacity COM- longer approved for use in the UK.
PUT to make use of time or space which is carbamide noun CHEM same as urea
not fully used carbanion noun CHEM a negatively
capillarity noun PHYS same as capillary charged organic ion in which carbon has
action three covalent bonds
capillary noun 1. ANAT a tiny blood ves- carbene noun CHEM a highly reactive,
sel between the arterioles and the venules, transient molecule in which a carbon atom
which carries blood and nutrients into the has only three bonds
tissues 2. BIOL a narrow tube carrying a liq- carbide noun CHEM a compound of car-
uid bon and another element, generally a metal
capillary action, capillary flow noun carbohydrate noun BIOL an organic
PHYS the movement of a liquid upwards compound composed of carbon, hydrogen
inside a narrow tube or upwards through and oxygen, e.g. sugars, cellulose and
the soil starch
COMMENT: Capillary flow has an important COMMENT: Carbohydrates are compounds
effect on water in soil, as it does not drain of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are
away. Water moves through the soil by found in particular in sugar and starch from
capillary action, i.e. by the surface tension plants, and provide the body with energy.
between the water and the walls of the fine Plants build up valuable organic
tubes or capillaries. It is a very slow move- substances from simple materials. The
ment, and may not be fast enough to supply most important part of this process, which is
plant roots in a soil which is drying out. called photosynthesis, is the production of
99 carbon disulfide
carbohydrates such as sugars, starches carbon dioxide noun CHEM a colourless
and cellulose by green plants which convert
carbon dioxide and water using sunlight as
odourless non-flammable atmospheric gas.
energy. Carbohydrates form the largest part It is used in photosynthesis and given off in
of the food of animals. aerobic respiration. Formula: CO2.
carbolic acid noun CHEM same as phe- COMMENT: Carbon dioxide exists naturally
nol in air and is produced by burning or by
decaying organic matter. In animals, the
carbon noun CHEM ELEM a common body’s metabolism utilises carbon, which is
non-metallic element that is an essential then breathed out by the lungs as waste
component of living matter and organic carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is removed
from the atmosphere by plants when it is
chemical compounds (NOTE: The chemical split by chlorophyll in photosynthesis to
symbol is C; the atomic number is 6 and form carbon and oxygen. It is also dissolved
the atomic weight is 12.01.) from the atmosphere in water. The
carbon-14 dating noun TECH same as increasing release of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere, especially from burning
carbon dating fossil fuels, contributes to the greenhouse
carbonaceous adjective CHEM refer- effect. Carbon dioxide is used in solid form
ring to rock which is rich in hydrocarbons, as a means of keeping food cold. It is also
used in fizzy drinks and has the E number
e.g. coal 290. It is used as a coolant in some nuclear
carbonate noun CHEM a compound reactors. Carbon dioxide is found in the
formed from a base and carbonic acid 쐽 atmospheres of the Earth, Venus and Mars.
verb INDUST to add carbon dioxide to a On Earth it is produced mainly by volcanoes
and was the atmosphere’s dominant active
drink to make it fizzy component (nitrogen, the main component,
carbonation noun FOOD INDUST the is chemically inert) until photosynthesis
addition of carbon dioxide to a drink to began and oxygen was produced.
make it fizzy carbon dioxide equivalent noun
carbon black noun CHEM a fine carbon MEASURE, ENVIRON a metric measure used
powder derived from petroleum or natural in comparing emissions from different
gas and used as a pigment and in making greenhouse gases to assess their global
rubber warming potential. Also called CO2 equiv-
carbon brush noun ELEC a small,
replaceable, carbon block in an electric carbon dioxide tax noun CHEM same
motor, generator or alternator which allows as carbon tax
the passage of electric current COMMENT: Carbon dioxide exists naturally
in air and is produced by burning or rotting
carbon copy noun COMPUT a feature of organic matter. In animals, the body’s
electronic mail software that allows you to metabolism makes the tissues burn carbon,
send a copy of a message to another user. 쒁 which is then breathed out by the lungs as
blind carbon copy. Abbr cc waste carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is
removed from the atmosphere by plants
carbon cycle noun BIOCHEM the circula- when it is split by chlorophyll in photosyn-
tion of carbon, by which carbon atoms thesis to form carbon and oxygen. It is also
from carbon dioxide are incorporated into dissolved from the atmosphere in sea
organic compounds in plants during photo- water. The increasing release of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere, especially
synthesis. They are then oxidised into car- from burning fossil fuels, contributes to the
bon dioxide during respiration by plants or greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide is used
herbivores which eat them and by carni- in solid form as a means of keeping food
vores which eat the herbivores, thus releas- cold. It is also used in fizzy drinks and has
ing carbon to go round the cycle again. the E number 290. It is used as a coolant in
some nuclear reactors. Carbon dioxide is
carbon dating noun TECH the process of found in the atmospheres of the Earth,
finding out how old something is by ana- Venus and Mars. On Earth it is produced
lysing the amount of carbon, especially the mainly by volcanoes and was the atmos-
radioactive isotope carbon-14, in it that has phere’s dominant active component
(nitrogen, the main component of the
decayed atmosphere, is very inert chemically) until
carbon deposit noun a residue of burnt photosynthesis began and oxygen was
oil deposited in a combustion chamber in produced
the course of the combustion process 쑗 carbon disulfide, carbon disulphide
Carbon deposits on a spark-plug electrode noun CHEM a colourless toxic flammable
may cause misfiring. liquid containing impurities giving it a
carbon emissions 100
characteristic smell of rotten eggs. For- carbon sequestration noun ECOL the
mula: CS2. (NOTE: It is used as a solvent for uptake and storage of carbon by trees and
rubber vulcanisation, as a pesticide and in other plants absorbing carbon dioxide and
Cellophane and rayon manufacture.) releasing oxygen
carbon emissions plural noun ENVI- carbon sink noun ECOL a part of the
RON the carbon dioxide and carbon mon- ecosphere such as a tropical forest which
oxide produced by motor vehicles and absorbs carbon
industrial processes and regarded as carbon source noun ECOL a part of the
atmospheric pollutants ecosphere such as animals or an industrial
carbon fibre noun 1. INDUST a thin or domestic process that releases carbon
strong strand of pure carbon which can be into the atmosphere in the form of carbon
combined with other materials to make dioxide
them stronger 2. EARTH SCI a light and carbon tax noun an amount of money
strong composite material containing added by a government to the price of fuel
strands of pure carbon according to its carbon content, to encour-
carbonic acid noun CHEM a weak acid age the use of fuels that contain less carbon
formed in small quantities when carbon and so reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.
dioxide is dissolved in water. Formula: Also called carbon dioxide tax
H2CO3. carbon tetrachloride noun CHEM a
carboniferous adjective GEOL contain- dense non-flammable toxic liquid that is
ing coal or carbon 쑗 carboniferous lime- colourless with a sweetish smell, used as a
stone solvent, refrigerant and dry-cleaning agent
Carboniferous period noun GEOL the and in fire extinguishers. Formula: CCl4.
period of geological time when reptiles carbon trading noun ENVIRON the sys-
first appeared and much of the Earth’s sur- tem of one country using some of another
face was covered by forests country’s permitted carbon dioxide output
carbonisation noun BIOCHEM the proc- as well as its own. 쒁 emissions trading
ess by which fossil plants have become Carbon Trust noun ENVIRON a UK
carbon organisation supported by government
grants that encourages and promotes the
carbonise verb CHEM to cover or coat a development of low-carbon technologies,
surface with carbon both energy-efficient technologies and
carbonium ion noun CHEM an organic low-carbon energy supplies
ion containing a carbon atom bearing a carbonyl chloride noun CHEM same as
positive charge phosgene
carbon monoxide noun CHEM a col- carbonyl group noun CHEM a chemical
ourless, odourless and poisonous gas group formed with a double-bond between
found in fumes from car engines, burning carbon and oxygen atoms, C=O, occurring
gas and cigarette smoke. Formula: CO. in aldehydes, carboxylic acids and ketones
COMMENT: Carbon monoxide exists in
tobacco smoke and in car exhaust fumes carborundum noun CHEM a dark crys-
and is dangerous because it is easily talline abrasive material composed of sili-
absorbed into the blood and takes the place con carbide
of the oxygen in the blood, combining with carboxyhaemoglobin noun BIOCHEM
haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin,
which has the effect of starving the tissues a compound of carbon monoxide and the
of oxygen. Carbon monoxide has no smell blood pigment haemoglobin formed when
and people do not realise that they are a person breathes in carbon monoxide
being poisoned by it until they become from car fumes or from ordinary cigarette
unconscious, with a characteristic red smoke
colouring to the skin.
carbon neutral adjective INDUST pro-
carboxyl group noun CHEM the acid
ducing and using the same amount of car- group -COOH:
bon (NOTE: Renewable plant fuels are carboxylic acid noun CHEM an organic
carbon neutral. If the same numbers of acid that contains the carboxyl group
plants are replanted as are harvested, the carburation noun MECH ENG the process
CO2 levels in the air will remain about the of mixing fuel with air in a carburettor 쑗
same.) Carburation must ensure that rapid and
101 carrier
complete burning will take place within the cardiovascular system noun ANAT a
cylinder. system of organs and blood vessels, includ-
carburettor noun AUTOMOT a device for ing the heart, arteries and veins, in which
mixing air with fuel in the right quantities the blood circulates round the body
before combustion 쑗 Most carburettors are caret noun COMPUT a symbol ( ^ ) that is
installed so that they are in a warm posi- often used to represent the Control key
tion. carnallite noun MINERALS a white or pale
carcin- prefix MED cancer mineral containing hydrated magnesium
carcinogen noun MED a substance and potassium chlorides, used as a source
which causes cancer of potassium and in fertilisers
COMMENT: Carcinogens are found in pesti- carnassial noun DENT one of the sharp
cides such as DDT, in asbestos, aromatic molar and premolar teeth of a carnivore
compounds such as benzene, and radioac-
tive substances. that are adapted for cutting flesh
carcinogenesis noun MED the forma- carnivore noun ZOOL an animal that eats
tion of cancerous cells in tissue meat. 쒁 detritivore, frugivore, herbivore,
carcinogenic adjective MED causing omnivore
cancer carnivorous adjective 1. BIOL referring
carcinogenic agent noun MED a sub- to animals that eat meat 쑗 a carnivorous
stance which causes cancer animal 2. EARTH SCI referring to plants
which trap and digest insects 쑗 Sundews
card noun COMPUT 1. a small piece of stiff are carnivorous plants.
paper or plastic 2. a sheet of insulating
material on which electronic components carnivorous plant noun BOT a plant
can be mounted which attracts insects, traps them and then
card edge connector noun COMPUT a digests their bodies
series of metal tracks ending at the edge Carnot cycle noun MECH ENG a theoret-
and on the surface of a card, allowing it to ical heat-engine cycle that is reversible and
be plugged into an edge connector to pro- gives maximum efficiency
vide electrical contact for data transmis- carotene noun BIOCHEM an orange or red
sion plant pigment
cardi-, cardio- prefix ANAT the heart carotenoid noun BIOCHEM an orange or
cardiac adjective ANAT referring to the red plant pigment belonging to a group that
heart includes carotenes
cardiac muscle noun ANAT the muscle carotid artery noun ANAT one of two
of the heart wall main arteries that carry blood to the head
cardinal adjective MATHS referring to a and neck
positive integer 쑗 13, 19 and 27 are cardi- carotid body noun ANAT a mass of cells
nal numbers, –2.3 and 7.45 are not. and nerve fibres in each carotid artery in
cardinal number noun MATHS a the neck that detects acidity and oxygen
number used to denote quantity but not levels in the blood so that they can be reg-
order, e.g. 4 or 42 ulated by the body
cardinal points plural noun GEOG the carotid pulse noun ANAT a pulse in the
four points on the horizon, north, south, carotid artery at the side of the neck
east and west, which are used to show carpal adjective ANAT relating to the
direction bones of the wrist
cardiogram noun MED a recording of carpel noun BIOL a female part of a
heart movements flower, formed of an ovary, style and
cardioid microphone noun ACOUS- stigma
TICS a highly sensitive microphone which carpus noun ANAT a bone belonging to
is used to pick up sound in a specific area the set of eight that make up the wrist
cardioid response noun ACOUSTICS a (NOTE: The plural is carpi.)
heart-shaped response curve of an antenna carr noun GEOG an area of wetland which
or microphone when a signal source is supports some trees 쑗 fen carr 쑗 willow
moved around it carr
cardiomyocyte noun BIOL, ANAT a cell carrier noun 1. COMPUT a device which
of muscular tissue in the heart holds a section of microfilm 2. PHYS same
carrier detect 102
as carrier signal 3. MED an organism that cartesian coordinates plural noun
carries disease and infects other organisms, COMPUT a positional system that uses two
e.g. an insect that transmits the parasite axes at right angles to represent a point
causing malaria 4. MED someone who has which is located with two numbers, giving
an infectious disease without showing a position on each
symptoms, who may then infect other peo- cartesian structure noun COMPUT a
ple 5. MED a healthy person who carries a data structure whose size is fixed and the
genetic variation that causes a hereditary elements are in a linear order
disease, e.g. haemophilia 6. CHEM a neutral cartilage noun ANAT thick connective tis-
substance to which an active ingredient is sue which lines the joints and acts as a
added cushion and which forms part of the struc-
carrier detect noun COMPUT a signal ture of an organ
generated by a modem to inform the local cartilaginous fish noun ZOOL a fish
computer that it has detected a carrier sig- with a cartilage skeleton. Class: Chon-
nal from a remote modem. Abbr CD drichthyes. (NOTE: Sharks, rays and catfish
carrier frequency noun COMPUT the are cartilaginous fish.)
frequency of a carrier signal before it is cartridge noun COMPUT a removable
modulated cassette, containing a disk, tape, program
carrier gas, carrier solvent noun or data, usually stored in ROM
INDUST a gas used in an aerosol can to CAS abbreviation AEROSP calibrated air-
make the spray come out speed
carrier sense multiple access-col- cascade noun 1. EARTH SCI a small
lision detection noun COMPUT a net- waterfall 2. CHEM a system for purifying
work communications protocol used on an substances, in which the substance passes
Ethernet network that prevents two sources through a series of identical processes,
transmitting at the same time by waiting each stage increasing the purity 쐽 verb
for a quiet moment, then attempting to EARTH SCI (of liquid) to fall down like a
transmit. Abbr CSMA-CD waterfall
carrier signal noun COMPUT a continu- cascade carry noun COMPUT a carry
ous high frequency waveform that can be generated in an adder from an input carry
modulated by a signal 쑗 He’s not using a signal
modem – there’s no carrier signal on the cascading menu noun COMPUT a sec-
line. Also called carrier ondary menu that is displayed to the side of
carrier wave noun TELECOM the contin- the main pull-down menu
uous transmission of a wave of constant cascading style sheet noun COMPUT
amplitude and frequency a method of describing the font, spacing
carry verb COMPUT to move something and colour of text within a webpage and
from one place to another 쑗 The fibre optic storing this information in a style sheet that
link carried all the data. 쑗 The informa- can be applied to any text within the page.
tion-carrying abilities of this link are very Abbr CSS
good. 쐽 noun MATHS an extra digit due to case noun 1. an outer covering 쑗 Cooling
an addition the result being greater than the air is directed through passages in the
number base used 쑗 When 5 and 7 are engine case to control engine case temper-
added, there is an answer of 2 and a carry ature. 2. an example, situation or circum-
which is put in the next column, giving 12. stance 쑗 Wind directions are measured
carry bit, carry flag noun COMPUT a sin- from magnetic north in the case of landing
gle data bit that is used to indicate that a and take-off. 3. MED a single occurrence of
carry has occurred during an add operation a disease 쑗 There were two hundred cases
carrying capacity noun ECOL the max- of cholera in the recent outbreak. 4. MED a
imum number of individuals of a species person who has a disease or who is under-
that can be supported in a given area going treatment 5. COMPUT a programming
carry look ahead noun COMPUT a high command that jumps to various points in a
speed electronic device that can predict if a program depending on the result of a test
carry will be generated by a sum operation case-hardened adjective METALL refer-
and add it in. Compare ripple-through ring to a metal which has been given a hard
carry outside layer by heating with carbon
103 catastrophe theory
case history noun an account of
MED CAT abbreviation 1. AEROSP clear air tur-
what has happened to a patient undergoing bulence 2. COMPUT computer-aided testing
treatment or computer-assisted testing 3. COMPUT
case sensitive adjective (of a command computer-aided training or compu-
or operation) only working when the char- ter-assisted training 4. COMPUT computer-
acters are entered in either uppercase or ised tomography 5. Centre for Alternative
lowercase letters 쑗 The password is case Technology
sensitive. catabolic adjective CHEM referring to
case sensitive search noun a search catabolism
function that succeeds only if the search catabolism noun CHEM the breaking
word and the characters in the search word down of complex chemicals into simple
are both uppercase or lowercase in the chemicals
same sequence catadromous, katadromous adjective
cash crop noun AGRIC a crop grown to MARINE BIOL referring to fish that live in
be sold rather than eaten by the person who fresh water and go to the sea to spawn.
grows it, e.g. oil palm Compare anadromous
Casimir force noun PHYS a small elec- catadromy, katadromy noun MARINE
trostatic force between a pair of conductors BIOL the migration of fish such as eels from
in a vacuum fresh water to the sea for spawning. Com-
cassette noun COMPUT a sealed plastic pare anadromy
container used to store and protect mag- catalyse verb CHEM to act as a catalyst in
netic tape helping to make a chemical process take
COMMENT: Using cassette tape allows place (NOTE: The US spelling is catalyze.)
computer data to be stored for future catalysis noun CHEM a process in which
retrieval. It is used instead of a disk system a chemical reaction is helped by a sub-
on small computers or as a slow, serial
access, high-capacity back-up medium for stance, the catalyst, which does not change
large systems. during the process
cast noun COMPUT 1. an instruction in a catalyst noun CHEM a substance which
programming language that converts data produces or helps a chemical reaction
from one type to another 쑗 To convert the without itself changing 쑗 an enzyme which
variable from an integer to a character acts as a catalyst in the digestive process.
type, use the cast command. 2. each indi- catalytic adjective CHEM referring to
vidual part of a multimedia presentation or catalysis
animation (NOTE: The members of a cast catalytic converter, catalytic muffler
can be individual images, sound clips or noun INDUST a box filled with a catalyst
text.) such as platinum attached to the exhaust
cast-based animation noun COMPUT pipe of a motor vehicle burning unleaded
a type of animation in which everything is petrol in order to reduce the emission of
an object with defined movement, colour, carbon monoxide
shape, etc. (NOTE: A script controls the catalytic cracker noun INDUST an
actions of each object.) oil-refinery device in which heat and a cat-
caste noun a group with a particular func- alyst are used to break down large mole-
tion in a hierarchical society of social cules in crude oil into smaller ones that are
insects such as termites useful as fuel
caste system noun ZOOL a system catalytic reaction noun CHEM a chemi-
where animals have different roles in a cal reaction which is caused by a catalyst
society (NOTE: In the case of bees, there which does not change during the reaction
are three different groups: the queen, the catastrophe noun COMPUT a serious
workers (sterile females) and the drones fault, error or breakdown of equipment,
(males).) usually leading to serious damage and
cast iron noun CHEM a very hard alloy of shutdown of a system
iron, silicon and 1.7% to 4.5% carbon, catastrophe theory noun ASTRON a
which is smelted and poured into moulds theory of planetary formation involving
to shape it collision or near-collision between the Sun
castrate verb to remove the testicles of a and another passing star (NOTE: Such
male animal catastrophe theories now have few adher-
catchment 104
ents. They should not be confused with a transmitted at up to 100MHz and is suita-
different catastrophe theory, related to con- ble for FDDI over copper wire, 100BaseT
cepts of chaos and non-linearity, which or other high-speed networks
explains sudden events in geometrical category wiring noun COMPUT (in the
terms.) EIA/TIA 568 specification) one of five lev-
catchment, catchment area noun 1. els of standards that define the type of
EARTH SCI an area of land, sometimes cable or wire used in a network
extremely large, that collects and drains the catena noun 1. COMPUT a number of
rainwater that falls on it, e.g. the area round items in a chained list 2. COMPUT a series of
a lake or the basin of a river. Also called characters in a word 3. EARTH SCI a dia-
drainage area, drainage basin 2. ENVI- gram showing the differences in soil
RON an area around a school, hospital, caused by drainage
shopping centre, or other service from catenate verb 1. COMPUT to join together
which its pupils, patients or customers two or more sets of data 2. CHEM to form a
come chain of atoms of the same element
catchment basin noun EARTH SCI same caterpillar noun a soft-bodied larva of
as catchment 1 many species of butterflies and moths. Cat-
catecholamine noun BIOCHEM a com- erpillars feed mainly on foliage, but can
pound belonging to a class that act as neu- also attack roots, seeds and bark of crops.
rotransmitters or hormones (NOTE: cathode noun ELEC a negative electrical
Adrenaline is a catecholamine.) terminal of a device or battery. Compare
categorise verb to put items into groups, anode
classes or categories 쑗 Figure 2 categorises cathode ray oscilloscope noun PHYS
the types of wave by frequency band. an electrical instrument with a cathode ray
category noun an official class or group tube that displays the shape or size of an
Category 1 noun COMPUT a standard that electrical signal on the screen
defines an older-style unshielded cathode ray tube noun 1. a device used
twisted-pair cable that is formed by loosely for displaying characters, figures or graph-
twisting two insulated wires together to ical information, similar to a TV set. Abbr
reduce noise and interference (NOTE: This CRT 2. PHYS a sealed glass tube with one
type of cable is not suitable for data trans- flat end coated on the inside with a lumi-
mission.) nescent compound and an electron gun at
Category 2 noun COMPUT (in the the other end (NOTE: The gun fires a stream
EIA/TIA 568 specification) a standard that of electrons that are visible as a dot on the
defines a type of unshielded twisted-pair screen. The dot can be moved around the
cable that can be used to transmit data at screen by applying an electrical charge to
rates up to 4MHz two metal plates next to the electron gun
that deflect the stream of electrons.)
Category 3 noun COMPUT (in the
COMMENT: Cathode ray tubes are used in
EIA/TIA 568 specification) a standard that television sets, computer monitors and
defines a type of unshielded twisted-pair VDUs. A CRT consists of a vacuum tube,
cable that can be used to transmit data at one end of which is flat and coated with
rates of up to 10MHz (NOTE: This type of phosphor, the other end containing an elec-
tron beam source. Characters or graphics
cable is the minimum standard of cable are visible when the controllable electron
required for a 10BaseT network. The beam strikes the phosphor causing it to
standard suggests that the cable should glow.
have three twists per foot of cable.) cathode ray tube storage noun a
Category 4 noun COMPUT (in the cathode ray tube with a long persistence
EIA/TIA 568 specification) a standard that phosphor screen coating that retains an
defines a type of unshielded twisted-pair image for a long time
cable that is the minimum standard of cation noun CHEM an ion with a positive
cable required for data transmission rates electric charge
up to 16Mbit/second on a Token Ring net- cation exchange noun CHEM an
work exchange which takes place when the ions
Category 5 noun COMPUT (in the of calcium, magnesium and other metals
EIA/TIA 568 specification) a standard that found in soil replace the hydrogen ions in
defines a type of cable that can carry data acid
105 CD-ROM
cation exchange capacity noun a pump inlet and thus prevent cavitation and
measure of the fertility of soil which the formation of bubbles.
describes its ability to hold and supply cavity noun a hole inside a solid sub-
nutrients. Abbr CEC stance
catkin noun BOT a long hanging structure cavity wall noun CONSTR a wall made of
consisting of many single-sex flowers on a two ranges of bricks, with a space in
thin stem, found on temperate trees such as between them, giving greater insulation
hazel, birch and oak. They are pollinated CB abbreviation METEOROL cumulonim-
by the wind. bus
CAT scan noun MED same as CT scan CBD abbreviation Convention on Biolog-
cattle plural noun ZOOL domestic farm ical Diversity
animals raised for their milk, meat and CBR abbreviation COMPUT constant bit
hide. Class: Bovidae. 쑗 herds of cattle 쑗 rate
dairy cattle cc abbreviation 1. COMPUT carbon copy 2.
caudal anaesthetic noun BIOL an BIOL cubic centimetre
anaesthetic often used in childbirth, where CCD abbreviation COMPUT charge-cou-
the drug is injected into the base of the pled device
spine to remove feeling in the lower part of CCD memory noun COMPUT capacitors
the trunk used with MOS transistors to store data,
caudal vertebrae plural noun ANAT the allowing either serial or random access
vertebrae nearest the base of the spinal col- CCITT noun COMPUT an international
umn committee that defines communications
cause noun the reason for something protocols and standards. Full form Comité
happening 쑗 If the ammeter shows a high Consultatif International Téléphonique
state of charge after start up, it is quite nor- et Télégraphique
mal and no cause for alarm. 쐽 verb to make cd abbreviation PHYS, MEASURE candela
something happen 쑗 Air in the fuel line can
cause an engine to flame-out or stop. 왍 to Cd symbol CHEM ELEM cadmium
cause damage to harm something 쑗 The CD abbreviation carrier detect
breakdown of the electricity supply caused CD-audio, CD-DA noun COMPUT a stand-
damage estimated at £100000. ard that defines how music can be stored in
caustic adjective CHEM acid digital form as a series of numbers on a
caustic lime noun CHEM calcium oxide. compact disc. Full form compact
disc-digital audio
Formula: CaO. Also called quicklime
caustic potash noun CHEM same as CD-I, CD-i noun COMPUT hardware and
software standards that combine sound,
potassium hydroxide
data, video and text onto a compact disc
caustic soda noun CHEM same as and allow a user to interact with the soft-
sodium hydroxide ware stored on a CD-ROM. Full form
caution noun 1. careful consideration 쑗 compact disc-interactive (NOTE: The
We advise caution in accepting the recom- standard defines encoding, compression
mendation. 2. care in doing something 쑗 and display functions.)
exercise extreme caution 쑗 proceed with CDM abbreviation ENVIRON Clean Devel-
caution opment Mechanism
CAV abbreviation COMPUT constant angu- cDNA abbreviation GENETICS comple-
lar velocity mentary DNA
cave noun EARTH SCI a large hole under CD-R noun COMPUT the technology that
the ground, usually in rock allows a user to write data to and read from
cavern noun EARTH SCI a very large cave, a compact disc 쑗 A CD-R disc can be
formed by water which has dissolved lime- played in any standard CD-ROM drive but
stone or other calcareous rock needs a special CD-R drive to write data to
cavitation noun the formation of the disc. Full form recordable compact
vapour-filled cavities or holes in liquids disc
and gases, caused by low pressure and high CD-ROM noun COMPUT a small plastic
speed 쑗 Most reservoirs are pressurised to disc which is used as a high capacity ROM
provide a positive fluid pressure at the device. Full form compact disc-ROM
CD-ROM drive 106
(NOTE: Data is stored in binary form as celestial navigation noun NAVIG navi-
holes etched on the surface which are then gation by using the stars in the sky to estab-
read by a laser.) lish location
CD-ROM drive noun COMPUT a mechan- celestial sphere noun ASTRON the
ical device that spins a compact disc and region of space that seems to surround the
reads data stored on the surface of the disc Earth and in which astronomical objects
using a tiny laser beam are seen
CD-ROM Extended Architecture celi- prefix BIOL a hollow, usually the
noun COMPUT an extended CD-ROM for- abdomen
mat that defines how audio, images and cell noun 1. BIOL the basic independently
data are stored on a CD-ROM disc. Abbr functioning unit of all plant and animal tis-
CD-ROM/XA sue 2. a separate unit or section of some-
CD-ROM Extensions plural noun thing larger 3. ELEC a system of positive
COMPUT software required to allow an and negative plates for storage of electric-
operating system, typically DOS, to access ity that form a battery 쑗 A battery is a
a CD-ROM drive device which converts chemical energy
CD-ROM mode 1 noun COMPUT a into electrical energy and is made up of a
standard original method of storing data in number of cells. 4. COMPUT a single func-
the High Sierra file format tion or number in a spreadsheet program 5.
CD-ROM mode 2 noun COMPUT a COMPUT a single memory location, capable
higher capacity storage format that stores of storing a data word, accessed by an indi-
data in the space used in mode 1 for error vidual address 6. COMPUT a fixed-length
correction. Neither mode 1 nor mode 2 can packet of data, e.g. one in the ATM system
play audio and simultaneously read data, containing 53-octets of data 7. METEOROL
hence the XA extension. the central part of a thunder cloud 쑗 The
life cycle of the thunderstorm cell ends
CD-ROM re-writable noun COMPUT a when the downdraughts have spread
disc technology that can read a standard
throughout the cloud.
CD-ROM, write to a CD-R or write data
COMMENT: A biological cell is a unit which
many times to the same CD-R can reproduce itself. It is made up of a
CD-ROM/XA abbreviation COMPUT jelly-like substance (cytoplasm) which
CD-ROM Extended Architecture surrounds a nucleus and contains many
other small organelles which are different
CE abbreviation consumption efficiency according to the type of cell. Cells repro-
CEC abbreviation cation exchange capac- duce by division (mitosis) and the chemical
ity reactions that occur with them are the basis
of metabolism. The process of division and
cedar noun TREES a large coniferous tree reproduction of cells is how the human body
belonging to several genera, including is formed.
Thuya and Cedrus cell body noun BIOL a part of a nerve cell
CEFAS abbreviation Centre for Environ- which surrounds the nucleus and from
mental, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science which the axon and dendrites begin
CEH abbreviation Centre for Ecology and cell division noun BIOL the way in which
Hydrology a cell reproduces itself by dividing into
ceiling noun an upper limit or point that new cells
cannot be passed 쑗 a ceiling on imports COMMENT: There are two types of cell divi-
sion. Mitosis leads to two new cells, each
cel noun COMPUT a single frame in an ani- with a nucleus containing the same number
mation sequence of chromosomes as the original cell.
-cele, -coele suffix BIOL referring to a hol- Meiosis leads to four new cells, each with a
nucleus containing half the number of chro-
low mosomes of the original cell, and is the
celestial adjective referring to the sky means of producing gametes.
celestial body noun ASTRON an astro- cell membrane noun BIOL a membrane
nomical object that is a permanent feature enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell. Also
in the sky, e.g. a star or a planet called plasma membrane
celestial equator noun ASTRON an cellular adjective 1. BIOL referring to the
imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s cells of organisms 2. made of many similar
equator parts connected together
107 centre
cellular plant noun BOT a plant with no has been largely replaced by the SI sys-
distinct stem, leaves, etc. tem.)
cellular tissue noun BIOL a form of con- centimorgan noun MEASURE, GENETICS
nective tissue with large spaces within cells a unit of measurement that indicates how
cellulose noun 1. BIOCHEM a carbohy- close genes are to each other on the same
drate which makes up a large percentage of chromosome
plant matter, especially cell walls 2. INDUST centipede noun ZOOL a small fast-mov-
a chemical substance processed from ing invertebrate with a long slender body
wood, used for making paper, film and arti- divided into many segments, most of
ficial fibres which bear one pair of legs
COMMENT: Cellulose is not digestible by central adjective in the middle
humans, and is passed through the diges-
tive system as roughage. central heating noun UTIL a system for
cell wall noun BIOL the outermost layer of heating a building where hot water or hot
a cell in plants and some fungi, algae and air is circulated round from a single source
bacteria, which provides protection and of heat, usually a boiler
support centralise, centralize verb to put some-
Celsius noun MEASURE a scale of tem- thing into the centre or into the middle
perature where the freezing point of water position 쑗 The operating jack centralises
is 0° and the boiling point is 100°. Symbol the control surface after the turn.
C. Former name centigrade (NOTE: It is centralised computer network
used in many countries, but not in the USA, noun COMPUT a network with processing
where the Fahrenheit system is still com- power provided by a central computer
monly used.) centralised data processing noun
COMMENT: To convert Celsius tempera- COMPUT data processing facilities located
tures to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 and add in a centralised place that can be accessed
32. So 20°C is equal to 68°F. by other users
cement noun 1. EARTH SCI material central memory noun COMPUT an area
which binds things together, such as that of memory whose locations can be directly
which binds minerals together to form sed- and immediately addressed by the CPU.
imentary rocks 2. INDUST a powder which, Abbr CM
if mixed with water and then dried, sets
hard like stone central nervous system noun ANAT
COMMENT: Various types of cement are
the brain and spinal cord which link
used in construction. The commonest is together all the nerves. Abbr CNS
made of burnt lime with clay and other central processing unit noun COM-
mineral compounds. High-alumina cement PUT a group of circuits which perform the
is used in stressed concrete and is made
from ground bauxite. basic functions of a computer, made up of
cement kiln noun INDUST a furnace
three main parts: the control unit, the arith-
where lime is burnt to make cement metic and logic unit and the input/output
unit. Abbr CPU
center noun US spelling of centre
centre noun 1. a point in the middle of
centi- prefix MEASURE one hundredth, something 쑗 a park in the centre of the
10-2. Symbol c town 쑗 The centre of the hurricane passed
centigrade noun PHYS same as Celsius over the city. 2. a focus for activity or atten-
centilitre noun a unit of measurement of tion, or where activities are coordinated 쑗
liquid equivalent to one hundredth of a a resource centre (NOTE: The US spelling is
litre. Symbol cl center.) 쐽 verb to move something to a
centimetre noun a unit of measurement central position 쑗 Centre the control col-
of length, equivalent to one hundredth of a umn. (NOTE: The US spelling is center.)
metre. Symbol cm Centre for Alternative Technology
centimetre-gram-second adjective noun an association that advises on sus-
relating to or using a measurement system tainable and environmentally sound meth-
that has the centimetre as the basic unit for ods in technological development. Abbr
length, the gram for mass, and the second CAT
for time. Abbr cgs (NOTE: In scientific con- Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
texts the centimeter-gram-second system noun a UK organisation that does research
centreline 108
on and monitors terrestrial and freshwater Centronics interface noun COMPUT a
environments. Abbr CEH parallel printer interface devised by Cen-
Centre for Environmental, Fisher- tronics Inc
ies and Aquaculture Science noun centrosome noun BIOL a region of cyto-
a research and advisory agency run by plasm in a cell, near the nucleus and con-
Defra, which investigates aquatic science taining the centrioles
and contamination cephal- prefix referring to the head
centreline noun AEROSP a painted or cephalic adjective referring to the head
imaginary line running along the centre of cephalopod noun MARINE BIOL a marine
a runway (NOTE: The US spelling is cen- invertebrate animal with a well-developed
head and tentacles, e.g. an octopus, squid
centre of curvature noun MATHS the or cuttlefish. Class: Cephalopoda.
central point of a circle whose radius is at
right angles to a line tangent to any point
cephalothorax noun ZOOL the fused
head and thorax found in arachnids such as
on the concave side of a smooth curve
spiders and in many crustaceans
centre of gravity noun 1. PHYS the
point at which a body can be balanced 쑗 cereal noun BOT a type of grass which is
Distribution of the tanks and the fuel in the cultivated for its grains. Cereals are used
tanks is vital in maintaining the aircraft especially to make flour for breadmaking,
centre of gravity and trim. Abbr CG 2. the for animal feed or for producing alcohol.
(NOTE: The main cereals are wheat, rice,
point through which the resultant force of
barley, maize and oats.)
gravity acts
COMMENT: Cereals are all members of the
centre of origin, centre of origin and Graminales family. Oats, wheat, barley,
diversity noun BIOL a region where a spe- maize and rye are commonly grown in
cies is thought to have originated and colder temperate areas, and rice, sorghum
spread from and millet in warmer regions. Cereal
production has considerably expanded and
centrifugal adjective going away from improved with the introduction of better
the centre methods of sowing, combine harvesters,
centrifugal force noun PHYS the force grain driers, bulk handling and chemical
of acceleration away from the axis around aids such as herbicides, fungicides, insecti-
cides and growth regulators.
which a body rotates
cerebellum noun ANAT the part of the
centrifugal switch noun ELEC a switch brain, located beneath and behind the front
operated by centrifugal force part (cerebrum), which controls and coor-
centrifugation noun the separation of dinates muscular activity and maintains
the components of a liquid in a centrifuge. balance (NOTE: It typically consists of two
Also called centrifuging interconnected hemispheres.)
centrifuge noun a device which uses cerebral artery noun ANAT one of the
centrifugal force to separate or remove liq- main arteries which take blood into the
uids 쐽 verb to separate liquids by using brain
centrifugal force 쑗 The rotating vanes of
the breather centrifuge the oil from the cerebral cortex noun ANAT the
mist. much-folded outer layer of the front part of
the brain (NOTE: Among its functions are
centrifuging noun same as centrifuga- the perception of sensations, learning,
tion thought and memory.)
centriole noun BIOL a small structure cerebral hemisphere noun ANAT one
found in the cytoplasm of a cell, which of the two halves of the front part of the
forms asters during cell division brain (cerebrum)
centripetal adjective going towards the cerebrospinal fluid noun ANAT the col-
centre ourless fluid that fills the spaces around
centripetal force noun PHYS, MATHS and within the brain and spinal cord to
the force of acceleration towards the axis cushion against injury
around which a body rotates
cerebrum noun ANAT the main part of the
centromere noun GENETICS the point at brain
which two strands (chromatids) of a chro- COMMENT: The cerebrum is the largest part
mosome join and at which the spindle of the brain, formed of two sections (the
fibres are attached during cell division cerebral hemispheres) which run along the
109 chaining search
length of the head. The cerebrum controls of obtaining a certificate to prove that
the main mental processes, including the something is what it claims to be
certify verb to give official approval to
Cerenkov counter noun PHYS a device something, or to say officially that some-
for measuring Cerenkov radiation emitted thing is what it claims to be
by a particle
cervical vertebra noun ANAT a vertebra
Cerenkov radiation noun PHYS the of the set found in the neck
light emitted by an electrically charged
particle as it travels through a transparent cervix noun ANAT 1. the narrow passage
medium at a speed greater than that of light between the womb and the vagina 2. a
in the same medium neck, or a narrow part like a neck
Cetacea noun ZOOL an order of mam-
cerium noun CHEM ELEM a soft grey mals which live in the sea, e.g. dolphins,
metallic element, the most abundant of the porpoises or whales
rare-earth group, used in glassmaking,
ceramics, cigarette-lighter flints (NOTE: CF abbreviation COMPUT compact Flash
The chemical symbol is Ce; the atomic CFC abbreviation CHEM chlorofluorocar-
number is 58 and the atomic weight is bon
140.12.) CFM abbreviation CHEM chlorofluor-
CERN noun SCI an EU organisation that omethane
carries out research into high-energy parti- CFP abbreviation Common Fisheries Pol-
cle physics, now called the European Lab- icy
oratory for Particle Physics CG abbreviation PHYS centre of gravity
certain adjective 1. specific 쑗 in certain CGI abbreviation COMPUT common gate-
areas 쑗 at certain times 쑗 under certain way interface
circumstances 쑗 with certain exceptions 2. cgs abbreviation centimetre-gram-second
sure 쑗 There are certain to be horizontal
differences in the mean temperature of a chain noun 1. COMPUT a series of files or
layer. data items linked sequentially 2. COMPUT a
series of instructions to be executed
certificate noun COMPUT a unique set of sequentially 3. a number of metal rings
numbers that identifies a person or com- attached together to make a line 4. a
pany and is used to prove the person’s iden- number of components linked together, or
tity over the Internet a number of connected events 쐽 verb COM-
COMMENT: A certificate is normally used to PUT to link files or data items in series by
provide security over the Internet (for
secure email or secure website transac-
storing a pointer to the next file or item at
tions). A trusted company issues the certifi- each entry 쑗 More than 1000 articles or
cate once it is satisfied that the person or chapters can be chained together when
company is legitimate, authentic and who printing.
they claim to be. The company can then
use this certificate to prove its identity, chained file noun COMPUT a file in
create secure messages or set up a secure which an entry will contain data and an
website to accept payments online. address to the next entry that has the same
certificate authority noun COMPUT an data content, allowing rapid retrieval of all
independent server or company on the identical data records. Also called
Internet which supplies or validates a spe- threaded file
cial digital certificate to prove that another chained list noun COMPUT a list in
company is genuine (NOTE: A certificate which each element contains data and an
authority issues a special encrypted address to the next element in the list
number that complies with the X.509 chained record noun COMPUT a data
standard and is encrypted with a pub- record in a chained file
lic-key encryption system.) chaining noun COMPUT the execution of
certificate of approval noun a docu- a very large program by executing small
ment showing that an item has been segments of it at a time, allowing programs
approved officially larger than memory capacity to be run
certification noun the process of obtain- chaining search noun COMPUT the
ing or giving approval for something such searching of a file of elements arranged as
as carrying out a particular type of test, or a chained list
chain reaction 110
chain reaction noun 1. PHYS a nuclear behaviour of that system may be unpredict-
reaction in which a neutron hits a nucleus, able
makes it split and so releases further neu- chaperonin noun BIOCHEM a protein
trons 2. CHEM a chemical reaction where belonging to a large group of protein fami-
each stage is started by a chemical sub- lies involved in the stabilisation, transloca-
stance which reacts with another, produc- tion, and unfolding of developing proteins
ing further substances which can continue chapter noun COMPUT a section of a main
to react program that can be executed in its own
chalk noun EARTH SCI a fine white lime- right, without the rest of the main program
stone rock formed of calcium carbonate being required
COMMENT: Chalk is found widely in many char noun COMPUT a data type which
parts of northern Europe. Formed from
animal organisms it is also used as an addi- defines a variable as containing data that
tive (E170) in white flour. represents a character using the ASCII
chalky adjective EARTH SCI referring to code
soil which is contains a lot of chalk character noun 1. PSYCHIAT the way in
chamber noun a small enclosed com- which a person thinks and behaves 2. ZOOL
partment the way in which an animal or plant is dif-
ferent from others 3. COMPUT a graphical
change verb 1. COMPUT to make some- symbol which appears as a printed or dis-
thing different 2. to use one thing instead played mark, e.g. one of the letters of the
of another 쐽 noun COMPUT same as alphabet, a number or a punctuation mark
change record
character-based adjective COMPUT (of
change record noun COMPUT a record a screen design) drawn using ASCII char-
containing new data which is to be used to acters rather than graphical windows
update a master record
characterise verb 1. to be a characteris-
channel noun 1. ELEC a frequency range tic of something or someone 쑗 Deserts are
used for the transmission of radio signals 쑗 characterised by little rainfall, arid soil
The system operates on VHF communica- and very little vegetation. 2. to describe the
tions between 118 and 135.95MHz giving typical features of something
360 channels at 50kHz spacing. 2. COMPUT
a physical connection between two points characteristic noun 1. a property or fea-
that allows data to be transmitted, e.g. a ture of something 쑗 inherited characteris-
link between a central processing unit and tics 쑗 One of the characteristics of an
a peripheral 3. ENG a deep part of a harbour octopus is that it can send out a cloud of
or sea passage where ships can pass, or a ink when attacked. 2. COMPUT the value of
stretch of water between two seas 4. GEOG an exponent in a floating point number 쑗
a bed of a river or stream 쐽 verb 1. to send The floating point number 1.345 x 103 has
signals or data via a particular path 2. to a characteristic of 3. 쐽 adjective COMPUT
send water in a particular direction (NOTE: typical 쑗 This fault is characteristic of this
British English is channelled – channel-
make and model of personal computer.
ling, but the US spelling is channeled – characteristic species noun ECOL a
channeling.) species typical of and only occurring in a
channelise, channelize verb ENG to particular region
straighten a stream which has many bends, character key noun COMPUT a word
in order to make the water flow faster processor control used to process text one
character at a time
chaos noun PHYS 1. the unbounded space
and formless matter supposed to have character matrix noun COMPUT a pat-
existed before the creation of the universe tern of dots that makes up a displayed char-
2. the unpredictability inherent in a system acter
such as the weather, in which apparently character mode noun COMPUT a mode
random changes occur as a result of the that can only display the characters defined
system’s extreme sensitivity to small dif- in the built-in character set
ferences in initial conditions character printer noun COMPUT a
chaos theory noun PHYS a theory stat- device that prints characters one at a time 쑗
ing that when a system is sensitive to small A daisy wheel printer is a character
differences in initial values, the future printer.
111 chemical
character recognition noun COMPUT charm noun PHYS a quantum characteris-
a system that optically reads written or tic of some elementary particles such as
printed characters into a computer, using quarks
various algorithms to ensure that charac- chart noun a diagram showing informa-
ters are correctly recognised tion as a series of lines or blocks 쐽 verb to
character rounding noun COMPUT the make a chart of something
process of making a displayed character chassis noun COMPUT a metal frame that
more pleasant to look at, within the limits houses the circuit boards together with the
of pixel size, by making sharp corners and wiring and sockets required in a computer
edges smooth system or other equipment
character set noun COMPUT a list of all check noun US a tick used to mark or
the characters which can be displayed or approve an item 쐽 verb to examine some-
printed thing to make sure it is in good working
characters per inch plural noun COM- order 쑗 The separate parts of the system
PUT a number of printed characters which were all checked for faults before being
fit within the space of one inch 쑗 You can packaged.
select 10 or 12 characters per inch with the check bit noun COMPUT one bit of a
green button. Abbr cpi binary word that is used to provide a parity
characters per second plural noun check
COMPUT the number of characters which check box noun COMPUT a small box
are transmitted or printed per second. Abbr displayed with a cross or tick inside it if the
cps option has been selected, or empty if the
option is not selected 쑗 Select the option by
character string noun COMPUT an
moving the cursor to the check box and
amount of storage allocated for a series of
pressing the mouse button.
alphanumeric characters
check digit, check number noun COM-
character stuffing noun COMPUT an PUT an additional digit inserted into trans-
addition of blank characters to a file to mitted text to monitor and correct errors
increase its length to a preset size
check point noun COMPUT a point in a
charcoal noun INDUST an impure form of program where data and program status
carbon, formed when wood is burnt in the can be recorded or displayed
absence of oxygen check register noun COMPUT tempo-
charge noun 1. ELEC a quantity of elec- rary storage for received data before it is
tricity measured in coulombs 2. PHYS the checked against the same data received via
number of or excess of or lack of electrons another path or method
in a material or component (NOTE: An elec- checksum, check total noun COMPUT a
tron possesses the smallest unit of nega- program which checks that data is correct,
tive charge (e) equal to 1.602102 x 10-19. A summing it and comparing the sum with a
proton possesses the equivalent positive stored value 쑗 The data must be corrupted
charge.) 쐽 verb ELEC to supply a device if the checksum is different.
with an electric charge
chela noun ZOOL a grasping claw, e.g. one
chargeable adjective ELEC referring to a of the front claws of a crab or lobster
battery which can be charged (NOTE: The plural is chelae.)
charge-coupled device noun ELEC an chelate noun CHEM a chemical com-
electronic device operated by charge, espe- pound containing metallic and nonmetallic
cially one which converts photons of light atoms 쐽 adjective ZOOL having or being
into a digital signal, converting an optical shaped like the grasping claws (chelae) of
image into a digital image. Abbr CCD crabs and lobsters
charge-coupled device memory chelates plural noun compounds of trace
noun ELEC a set of capacitors used, with elements and organic substances which are
MOS transistors, to store data, allowing water-soluble and may be safely applied as
serial and random access foliar sprays or to the soil
Charles’ law noun CHEM a law describ- chemical noun CHEM a substance formed
ing the relationship between the volume of of chemical elements or produced by a
a gas and its temperature at constant pres- chemical process 쑗 the widespread use of
sure chemicals in agriculture 쑗 The machine
chemical agent 112
analyses the chemicals found in the col- senting the chemical and chemistry-using
lected samples. 쐽 adjective 1. CHEM refer- industries. Abbr CIA
ring to chemistry or chemicals 2. made by chemical mutagen noun CHEM a
humans from a combination of substances chemical substance which causes mutation
or chemical elements and not produced chemical name noun the technical
naturally (informal) 쑗 an unpleasant chem- name for a substance 쑗 Sodium hydroxide
ical taste is the chemical name for caustic soda.
chemical agent noun a substance chemical oxygen demand noun
which makes another substance react ECOL the amount of oxygen taken up by
chemical bond noun CHEM the force organic matter in water used as a measure-
which links atoms to form molecules. Also ment of the amount of organic matter in
called bond sewage. Abbr COD
chemical change noun CHEM a change chemical plant noun INDUST a factory
in which a chemical reaction is produced where chemicals are produced
and a new substance created chemical process noun CHEM a reac-
chemical combination noun CHEM tion which happens when two or more
the process by which chemicals combine to chemicals come into contact
form compounds, governed by general chemical reaction noun CHEM a proc-
principles including the laws of conserva- ess in which atoms or groups of atoms are
tion of mass, constant proportions and redistributed, changing the molecular com-
multiple proportions position of the original substances
chemical composition noun the chemical residue noun CHEM waste
chemicals which make up a substance
left after a chemical process has taken
chemical compound noun a sub- place
stance formed from two or more chemical
elements, in which the proportions of the chemical symbol noun CHEM a letter or
elements are always the same letters used to indicate an element, used
especially in formulae, etc. (NOTE: Exam-
chemical control noun the control of ples are C for carbon and Co for cobalt.)
pests using chemicals
chemical toilet noun a toilet containing
chemical dating noun ARCHAEOL the chemicals to neutralise the body’s waste
determining of the age of something by products. Also called chemical closet
chemical analysis
chemical toxicity noun the poisonous
chemical element noun a substance nature of chemicals used in pest control
which exists independently and cannot be
broken down into simpler substances chemical treatment noun INDUST the
processing of sewage by adding chemical
chemical engineering noun INDUST a substances to it
branch of engineering which deals with the
design, construction and operation of proc- chemical warfare noun MIL war using
esses and equipment used in the produc- chemical weapons
tion of industrial chemicals chemical warhead noun MIL the front
chemical equation noun CHEM a repre- part of a missile containing a poisonous
sentation, using chemical symbols, of the chemical
process involved in a chemical reaction chemical weapon noun MIL a missile
chemical equilibrium noun CHEM a or other weapon containing a poisonous
chemical reaction which is in a balanced chemical, e.g. a nerve gas or defoliant
state, the reactants and products staying in chemist noun CHEM a scientist who spe-
the same ratio cialises in the study of chemistry
chemical fertiliser noun AGRIC same as chemistry noun CHEM 1. the study of
artificial fertiliser substances, elements and compounds and
chemical food poisoning noun poi- their reactions with each other 2. chemical
soning by chemical substances in food, e.g. substances existing together 쑗 Human
by toxic substances naturally present in action has radically altered the chemistry
some plants or insecticides in processed of the atmosphere.
food chemistry of the blood noun same as
Chemical Industries Association blood chemistry
noun a trade association in the UK repre- chemo- prefix CHEM chemistry
113 chip count
chemoautotrophic adjective BIOL chemotropism noun BIOL the move-
referring to the oxidation of nitrogen or ment or growth of an organism in response
other chemical elements to create a source to a chemical stimulus
of food. Compare photoautotrophic chernozem noun EARTH SCI a dark fer-
chemokine noun BIOCHEM a protein tile soil, rich in organic matter, found in the
secreted by lymph cells (cytokines) that temperate grass-covered plains of Russia
activates white blood cells during the and North and South America. Also called
development of inflammation black earth
chemolithotrophic adjective BIOL chiasma noun GENETICS the point at
referring to organisms such as bacteria which two chromatids cross over each
which obtain energy from inorganic sub- other, join and exchange genetic material
stances during meiosis (NOTE: The plural is chias-
chemo-organotrophic adjective BIOL mata.)
referring to an organism such as an animal child process, child program noun
which obtains its energy from organic COMPUT a routine or program called by
sources another program which remains active
chemoprotective adjective MED pro- while the second program runs (NOTE: The
tecting the body from the effects of chemi- smaller window cannot be moved outside
cals and diseases such as cancer through the boundary of the main window and is
the antioxidant or immunity-boosting closed when the main window is closed.)
properties of a specific diet or supplement child window noun COMPUT a window
chemoreceptor noun BIOL a cell which within a main window
responds to the presence of a chemical Chile saltpetre noun CHEM an impure
compound by activating a sensory nerve. 쒁 form of sodium nitrate occurring naturally
exteroceptor, interoceptor, receptor in large deposits in Chile and Peru. For-
chemosphere noun EARTH SCI the zone mula: NaNO3.
in the Earth’s atmosphere, above the upper chill noun METEOROL coldness
part of the troposphere and within the strat-
osphere, where chemical changes take
chimera, chimaera noun GENETICS an
organism, especially a plant, with two
place under the influence of the Sun’s radi-
genetically varying types of tissue due to
grafting or mutation
chemosterilant noun CHEM a chemical
substance which sterilises by microorgan- chimeric adjective GENETICS composed
isms of genetically different tissues, either natu-
rally or as a result of a laboratory proce-
chemosynthesis noun CHEM the pro- dure
duction by bacteria of organic material
using chemical reactions chimney stack noun INDUST a tall chim-
ney, especially on an industrial building
chemotaxis noun BIOL a movement of a
cell which is attracted to or repelled by a china clay noun INDUST same as kaolin
chemical substance chinook noun METEOROL a warm wind
chemotherapeutic adjective using that blows from the Rocky mountains
chemicals that have been either synthe- down onto the Canadian plains in winter
sised or produced by the action of living chip noun COMPUT a device consisting of
organisms to treat diseases a small piece of a crystal of a semiconduc-
chemotroph noun BIOL an organism tor onto which are etched or manufactured
which converts the energy found in organic a number of components such as transis-
chemical compounds into more complex tors, resistors and capacitors, which
energy, without using sunlight. Compare together perform a function
phototroph chip architecture noun COMPUT the
chemotrophic adjective BIOL referring design and layout of components on a chip
to something which obtains energy from chip count noun COMPUT the number of
sources such as organic matter. Compare chips on a printed circuit board or in a
phototrophic (NOTE: Most animals are device 쑗 It’s no good, the chip count is still
chemotrophic.) too high.
chip select 114
chip select noun COMPUT a single line symbol is Cl; the atomic number is 17 and
on a chip that will enable it to function the atomic weight is 35.45.)
when a signal is present. Abbr CS chlorine demand noun CHEM the
chip set noun COMPUT a group of chips amount of chlorine needed to kill bacteria
which together will carry out a function in a given quantity of sewage
chirality noun CHEM the characteristic of chlorine monoxide noun CHEM a sub-
existing in left-hand and right-hand forms, stance which forms in the stratosphere and
usually referring to optical compounds and destroys ozone
optics chlorite noun MINERALS a soft black or
chi-square noun MATHS a statistical cal- green mineral found in metamorphic rocks
culation used to test how well the distribu- chloro- prefix 1. CHEM chlorine 2. EARTH
tion of a set of observed data matches a SCI green
theoretical probability distribution chlorofluorocarbon noun CHEM a
chitin noun CHEM a tough waterproof sub- compound of fluorine and chlorine. It is
stance that forms part of the outer skeleton used as a propellant in aerosol cans, in the
of insects and the cell walls of fungi manufacture of plastic foam boxes, as a
chitosan noun CHEM a substance derived refrigerant in refrigerators and air condi-
from the chitin of crab, lobster, and other tioners and as a cleaner of circuit boards
crustaceans. It is used to stop bleeding and for computers. Abbr CFC
encourage healing, and as a moisturiser COMMENT: Chlorofluorocarbons are classi-
and dietary supplement. fied by numbers: CFC-10 is used in aero-
sols; CFC-11 is used to make plastic foam;
chlor- prefix same as chloro- CFC-12 is a coolant for refrigerators; and
chloral noun CHEM a colourless oily liq- CFC-13 is a cleaning substance used in the
electronics industry. When CFCs are
uid with a strong and unpleasant smell. released into the atmosphere, they rise
Formula: CCl3CHO. slowly, taking about seven years to reach
chloral hydrate noun PHARM a white the stratosphere. But once they are there,
under the influence of the Sun’s ultraviolet
water-soluble crystalline solid, used as a light they break down into chlorine atoms
sedative. Formula: C2H3Cl3O2. which destroy the ozone layer. This allows
chloride noun CHEM a salt of hydrochlo- harmful solar UV radiation to pass through
ric acid to the Earth’s surface. Because it takes so
long for the CFCs to reach the stratosphere,
chlorinate verb ENVIRON to treat some- any reduction in their use on Earth does not
thing with chlorine, especially to sterilise have an immediate effect on the concentra-
drinking water or water in a swimming tions in the stratosphere. Replacements for
CFCs are being developed.
pool by adding chlorine
chlorofluoromethane noun CHEM a
chlorinated adjective CHEM treated with gas that is a volatile organic compound,
chlorine generated from landfill sites, petrol engine
chlorinated hydrocarbon noun CHEM exhausts and other industrial processes. In
a compound containing chlorine, carbon the chemical industry, it is often manufac-
and hydrogen that remains in the environ- tured from carbon tetrachloride. Formula:
ment after use and may accumulate in the CH2CHO. Abbr CFM
food chain, e.g. an organochlorine pesti- chloroform noun CHEM a colourless
cide such as lindane or DDT, an industrial sweet-smelling toxic liquid with a low
chemical such as a polychlorinated biphe- boiling temperature, which rapidly
nyl (PCB), or a chlorine waste product changes to a vapour, and causes drowsiness
such as a dioxin or furan or unconsciousness if inhaled. Formula:
chlorination noun CHEM sterilisation by CHCl3. (NOTE: It is known to have dam-
adding chlorine aged the ozone layer.)
COMMENT: Chlorination is used to kill chloromethane noun BIOCHEM a gas
bacteria in drinking water, in swimming
pools and sewage farms, and has many which is a compound of carbon and chlo-
industrial applications such as sterilisation rine, formed by fungi as they rot wood
in food processing. (NOTE: It acts in a similar way to CFCs in
chlorine noun CHEM ELEM a greenish depleting the ozone layer.)
chemical element, used to sterilise water chlorophyll noun BOT a green pigment
and for bleaching (NOTE: The chemical in plants and some algae
115 chromatography
COMMENT: Chlorophyll absorbs light energy chord noun MATHS a straight line con-
from the Sun and supplies plants with the
energy to enable them to carry out photo-
necting two points on an arc or circle
synthesis. It is also used as a colouring chordate noun ZOOL an animal that has a
(E140) in processed food. main dorsal nerve cord, a skeletal rod
Chlorophyta noun BOT a large group of (notocord) and gill slits at some stage dur-
algae that possess chlorophyll ing its development. Phylum: Chordata.
chloroplast noun BIOL a tiny sac within (NOTE: All vertebrates are chordates, as
the cells of plants and some algae which well as some primitive marine invertebrate
contains chlorophyll and other pigments animals.)
and is the place where photosynthesis chord keying noun COMPUT the action
occurs (NOTE: The number of chloroplasts of pressing two or more keys at the same
in a cell varies, but each consists of inter- time to perform a function
connected stacks of disc-shaped mem- COMMENT: To access a second window,
branes in fluid, surrounded by a double chord keying of Control and F2 may be
membrane.) necessary. Chord keying a shift and char-
acter delete keys at the same time will
chloroplatinic acid noun CHEM a com- delete a line of text.
pound formed by dissolving platinum in chorion noun ANAT the outer membrane
aqua regia. Formula: H2PtCl6. Also called surrounding the embryo of mammals, rep-
platinic chloride, hexahydrate acid tiles and birds (NOTE: In mammals it com-
chloroprene noun CHEM a colourless bines with the allantois to form the
organic liquid used in neoprene manufac- placenta.)
ture. Formula: CH2CHCClCH2. chorionic gonadotrophin noun BIO-
chlorosis noun BOT a reduction of chlo- CHEM a hormone produced by the placenta
rophyll in plants, making the leaves turn in mammals that helps maintain a preg-
yellow nancy
chlorpyrifos noun CHEM an organophos- choroid noun ANAT (in vertebrates) a
phate insecticide used on a wide range of brownish membrane between the retina
crops and the white of the eye that contains many
choke noun 1. AUTOMOT a valve in a car- blood vessels
burettor which controls the amount of air CHP plant abbreviation PHYS combined
combining with fuel 2. ELEC same as heat and power plant
inductor 쐽 verb 1. to become, or cause Christmas disease noun MED a type of
somebody to become, unable to breathe 2. haemophilia
to block a tube, channel or opening, mak-
ing a liquid unable to move 쑗 The reser- Christmas factor noun MED a sub-
voirs became choked with rapidly growing stance in plasma, the lack of which causes
weeds. Christmas disease
choke tube noun AUTOMOT same as ven- chrom- prefix same as chromo-
turi tube 쑗 Increase in rpm increases the chroma noun COMPUT a measure of col-
speed of air passing through the choke tube our hue and saturation
or venturi. chromatic adjective referring to colours
cholesterol noun BIOCHEM a fatty sub- chromatic aberration noun PHYS a
stance found in fats and oils. It is produced defect in a lens that causes light of different
by the liver and forms an essential part of colours to be refracted differently
chromatid noun GENETICS either of the
COMMENT: Cholesterol is found in brain
cells, the adrenal glands, liver and bile two strands into which a chromosome
acids. Cholesterol is formed by the body, divides in the process of duplicating itself
and high blood cholesterol levels are asso- in cell division
ciated with diets rich in animal fat such as
butter and fat meat. Excess cholesterol can chromatin noun GENETICS the substance
be deposited in the walls of arteries, that forms chromosomes and contains
causing atherosclerosis. DNA, RNA and various proteins
cholinergic adjective PHARM producing, chromatography noun CHEM a scien-
activated by, or having effects similar to tific method for separating and analysing
those of acetylcholine chemicals through a porous medium
chromatolysis 116
chromatolysis noun GENETICS the chromosphere noun ASTRON 1. the
breakdown of chromatin within a damaged lower region of the Sun’s atmosphere,
cell nucleus between the photosphere and the corona 2.
chromatophore noun 1. BIOL a plant or the lower region of the atmosphere of any
animal cell which contains pigment, e.g. a star
cell in the eyes, hair and skin, or a similar chronic adjective MED referring to a dis-
cell in an alga (NOTE: Chromatophores ease or condition which lasts for a long
enable chameleons to change colour.) 2. time 쑗 The forest was suffering from
BOT a cell in plants or algae which contains chronic soil acidification. Compare acute
chlorophyll chronic daily headaches plural noun
chrominance signal noun COMPUT a MED a condition in which the patient is
section of a colour monitor signal contain- affected by a series of extremely painful
ing colour hue and saturation information recurring migraine and tension headaches
chromium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic that are present for 15 or more days a
trace element. It is used to make alloys. month
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cr; the chronic exposure noun exposure to a
atomic number is 24 and the atomic weight pollutant or radioactive substance for a
is 52.00.) long period, even for a whole lifetime
chromo- prefix 1. colour 2. chromium chronic toxicity noun BIOL high expo-
chromomere noun GENETICS a small sure to harmful levels of a toxic substance
dense granule of chromatin found at inter- over a period of time
vals along a chromosome during cell divi- chronological order noun an arrange-
sion ment of records or files according to their
chromonema noun GENETICS the coiled dates
central filament that forms the core of each chrysalis noun ZOOL 1. a stage in the
strand (chromatid) of a chromosome development of a butterfly or moth when
chromophore noun CHEM a structure the pupa is protected in a hard case 2. the
that is part of a molecule and gives colour hard case in which a pupa is protected
in dyes and other compounds chunk noun COMPUT a basic part of a
chromosomal adjective GENETICS RIFF file that consists of an identifier and
referring to chromosomes data
chromosome noun GENETICS a thin chute noun 1. ENG a sloping channel
structure in the nucleus of a cell, formed of along which something such as water or
DNA which carries the genes (NOTE: Differ- rubbish may pass 2. EARTH SCI a waterfall
ent types of organism have different num- chyle noun PHYSIOL a fluid with a milky
bers of chromosomes.) consistency containing lymph and emulsi-
chromosome aberration noun fied fat that is formed in the small intestine
GENETICS an abnormality in the number, during the digestion process
arrangement or other characteristic of chyme noun PHYSIOL a thick fluid con-
chromosomes taining partially digested food and gastric
chromosome band noun GENETICS a secretions that is passed from the stomach
pattern produced in a chromosome by a to the small intestine
stain, which makes it identifiable from Ci abbreviation PHYS, MEASURE curie
other chromosomes CIA abbreviation Chemical Industries
chromosome map noun GENETICS an Association
illustration that shows the relative extent -cide suffix killing
and position of each gene on a chromo-
some CIF abbreviation COMPUT common inter-
mediate format
chromosome number noun GENETICS
the number of chromosomes present in cilia plural of cilium
each cell nucleus of a specific animal or ciliary adjective BIOL referring to cilia
plant (NOTE: Each species has its own ciliary body noun ANAT a ring-shaped
characteristic chromosome number, e.g. thickening at the front of the eye that con-
humans have 46 chromosomes, receiving nects the pigmented layer (choroid) to the
23 from each parent.) iris diaphragm (NOTE: It contains the ciliary
117 circular shift
muscle, which changes the shape of the circuit board noun ELEC an insulating
lens in focusing the eye.) board used to hold components which are
ciliary feeder noun ZOOL a mollusc then connected together electrically to
which feeds by sucking water and the form a circuit. Also called circuit card
organisms it contains through cilia circuit breaker noun ELEC an electrical
ciliary ganglion noun ANAT a parasym- device used to interrupt an electrical sup-
pathetic ganglion in the orbit of the eye, ply when there is too much current flow
supplying the intrinsic eye muscles circuit capacity noun ELEC the infor-
ciliate, ciliated adjective BIOL having mation-carrying capacity of a particular
cilia circuit
ciliated epithelium noun BIOL a simple circuit card noun COMPUT same as cir-
epithelium where the cells have tiny hairs cuit board
or cilia circuit design noun COMPUT a layout of
cilium noun BIOL one of many tiny projec- components and interconnections in a cir-
tions resembling hairs which move back- cuit
wards and forwards and drive particles or circuit diagram noun ELEC a graphical
fluid along (NOTE: The plural is cilia.) description of a circuit 쑗 The CAD pro-
CIM abbreviation COMPUT 1. computer gram will plot the circuit diagram rapidly.
input microfilm 2. computer-integrated circuitry noun ELEC a system of electrical
manufacturing circuits 쑗 In an anti-skid braking system,
cinders plural noun 1. CHEM hard pieces circuitry is employed which can detect
of material left when the flames from a individual wheel deceleration. 쑗 The cir-
burning substance have gone out 2. EARTH cuitry is still too complex.
SCI the small pieces of lava and rock
circuit switching noun ELEC a design
thrown up in a volcanic eruption of communication system in which a path
cinematics another spelling of kinemat- from sender to receiver is created when
ics required rather than using a permanent,
cinnamic acid noun CHEM a white fixed line (NOTE: The normal telephone
odourless substance that is insoluble in system is an example of a circuit switching
water, used in perfumes. Formula: network.)
C6H5CHCHCOOH. circular adjective shaped like a circle 쑗
cipher noun COMPUT a system of trans- Anodes are circular plates with centre
forming a message into an unreadable holes.
form with a secret code 쑗 Always use a circular buffer noun a computer-based
secure cipher when sending data over a queue that uses two markers, for the top
telephone line. and bottom of the line of stored items
ciphertext noun COMPUT the data output (NOTE: The markers move as items are
from a cipher. Compare plaintext read from or written to the stack.)
CIR abbreviation COMPUT current instruc- circular file noun COMPUT a data file that
tion register has no visible beginning or end and each
circadian adjective BIOL describes a pat- item points to the location of the next item
tern repeated approximately every 24 with the last item pointing back to the first
hours circular list noun COMPUT a list in which
circadian rhythm noun BIOL a rhythm each element contains data and an address
of daily activities in plants and animals, to the next element in the list with the last
repeating every twenty-four hours item pointing back to the first
circle noun MATHS a line forming a round circular reference noun COMPUT an
shape error condition that occurs when two equa-
circuit noun ELEC a connection between tions in two cells reference each other
electronic components that perform a func- circular saw noun INDUST a saw with a
tion circular action which moves in a circle
circuit analyser noun ELEC a device circular shift noun COMPUT a rotation of
that measures voltage, current, impedance bits in a word with the previous last bit
or signal in a circuit inserted in the first bit position
circulate 118
circulate verb to move round in such a circumpolar adjective GEOG around the
way as to arrive at the point of departure 쑗 North or South Pole
Water circulates via the radiator and pump circumpolar vortex noun METEOROL a
through to the engine block itself. circular movement of air around the North
circulation noun 1. the act of moving or South Pole. Also called polar vortex
round in such a way as to arrive at the point cirque noun EARTH SCI a hollow formed
of departure 쑗 the circulation of the blood in mountains or high plateaux by small,
쑗 The general circulation is indicated by separate glaciers. Also called corrie, cwm
the arrows. 왍 circulation of carbon the cirrocumulus noun METEOROL a form
process by which carbon atoms from car- of high cloud, occurring above 5000m, like
bon dioxide are incorporated into organic altocumulus with little clouds
compounds in plants during photosynthe- cirrostratus noun METEOROL a high thin
sis 2. PHYSIOL same as circulation of the layer of cloud
cirrus noun METEOROL a high cloud,
circulation of carbon noun BOT the occurring above 5000m, forming a mass of
process by which carbon atoms from car- separate clouds which look as if they are
bon dioxide are incorporated into organic made of fibres, but which are formed of ice
compounds in plants during photosynthe- crystals
sis (NOTE: The carbon atoms are then oxi- CIS abbreviation COMPUT contact image
dised into carbon dioxide again during
respiration by the plants or by herbivores
which eat them and by carnivores which CISC abbreviation COMPUT complex
eat the herbivores, so releasing carbon to instruction set computer
go round the cycle again.) cistron noun GENETICS a section of DNA
circulation of the blood noun PHYS- that contains the genetic code for a short
IOL the movement of blood around the
chain of amino acids (polypeptide) and is
body from the heart through the arteries to the smallest functional unit carrying
the capillaries and back to the heart genetic information
through the veins CITES abbreviation Convention on Inter-
national Trade in Endangered Species of
circulatory adjective ANAT referring to Wild Fauna and Flora
citric acid noun CHEM an acid found in
circulatory system noun ANAT the sys- fruit such as oranges, lemons and grape-
tem of arteries and veins which, together fruit
with the heart, make the blood circulate
around the body citric acid cycle noun BIOCHEM same as
Krebs cycle
COMMENT: Blood circulates around the
body, carrying oxygen from the lungs and civil engineering noun ENG the appli-
nutrients from the liver through the arteries cation of the principles of science to the
and capillaries to the tissues. The capil- design, construction and use of roads,
laries exchange the oxygen for waste bridges, dams, etc.
matter such as carbon dioxide which is
taken back to the lungs to be expelled. At cl abbreviation MEASURE centilitre
the same time the blood obtains more Cl symbol CHEM ELEM chlorine
oxygen in the lungs to be taken to the
tissues. The circulation pattern is as clad verb to protect something by cover-
follows: blood returns through the veins to ing it 쑗 Alloys can be protected from corro-
the right atrium of the heart; from there it is sion by cladding the exposed surface with
pumped through the right ventricle into the a thin layer of aluminium.
pulmonary artery, and then into the lungs;
from the lungs it returns through the pulmo- cladding noun a protective material sur-
nary veins to the left atrium of the heart and rounding something
is pumped from there through the left cladistics noun BIOL a system of classi-
ventricle into the aorta and from the aorta fying organisms in groups according to
into the other arteries.
characteristics that they have inherited
circum- prefix around from a common ancestor
circumference noun MATHS the dis- clamper noun ELEC a circuit which limits
tance around the edge of a circle the level of a signal from a scanning head
circumflex nerve noun ANAT a sensory or other input device to a maximum before
and motor nerve in the upper arm this is converted to a digital value
119 clear
clarification noun INDUST the process of clean air noun ENVIRON air which does
removing solid waste matter from sewage not contain impurities
clarification basin noun INDUST a tank clean copy noun COMPUT a copy which
in which solid waste matter is removed is ready for keyboarding and does not have
from sewage many changes on it
class noun 1. COMPUT the definition of Clean Development Mechanism
what a particular software routine will do noun ENVIRON a scheme by which an
or what sort of data a variable can hold 2. industrialised country can receive credit
BIOL one of the categories into which for emission reductions in a developing
organisms are divided 쑗 Groups of plant country which result from projects
and animal families are classified into financed by the industrialised country.
orders and groups of orders into classes. Abbr CDM
classification noun a system by which clean power station noun INDUST a
objects or organisms are put into order so power station which gives off little pollu-
as to be able to refer to them again and tion or radiation
identify them 쑗 the classification of plants
and animals 쑗 the ABO classification of clean room noun COMPUT an area where
blood hard disks, wafers and chips are manufac-
tured in a dust free environment
classify verb 1. to allocate something to
a category 쑗 The area has been classified cleanse verb to make clean
as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. cleanser noun a powder or liquid used
쑗 The pollution records are classified for cleaning
under the name of the site which has been clean technology noun INDUST an
polluted. 2. to put things into order so as to industrial process which causes little or no
be able to refer to them again and identify pollution
them easily 쑗 Blood groups are classified
according to the ABO system. 3. to restrict
clean up verb ENVIRON to remove refuse,
waste substances or pollutants from a place
the publication of 쑗 The reports on the
쑗 They are working to clean up the beaches
accident are classified and may not be con-
after the oil spill.
sulted by the public.
class interval noun COMPUT a range of clean-up, cleaning-up noun ENVIRON an
values that can be contained in a class act of removing refuse, waste substances
or pollutants 쑗 The local authorities have
clathrate noun CHEM a solid compound organised a large-scale clean-up of pol-
containing molecules of one component luted beaches.
enclosed within the crystal structure of the
other component 쐽 adjective BOT appear- clean-up costs plural noun ENVIRON the
ing or built like a lattice amount of money which has to be spent to
clavicle noun 1. ANAT a human collar remove pollutants, e.g. after an industrial
bone 2. ZOOL a bone or structure that is process or an environmental disaster such
similar in function to the human clavicle or as an oil spill
collar bone (NOTE: It can be reduced or clear adjective 1. easily understood 쑗
absent in many mammals.) There’s no clear way of explaining the
clay noun EARTH SCI a type of heavy problem. 2. easily seen through 쑗 Acid rain
non-porous soil made of fine particles of turns lakes crystal clear. 왍 clear of EARTH
silicate SCI free from something undesirable 쑗 The
area is now clear of pollution. 쐽 noun
clayey adjective EARTH SCI containing METEOROL a clear sky 쐽 verb 1. to remove
clay 쑗 These plants do best in clayey soils.
something which is in the way 쑗 They
clay land noun EARTH SCI land where the cleared hectares of jungle to make a new
soil has a lot of clay in it road to the capital. 2. COMPUT to wipe out,
claypan noun EARTH SCI a hollow on the erase or set to zero a computer file, variable
surface of clay land where rain collects or section of memory 쑗 to clear an area of
clean adjective 1. not dirty 2. COMPUT memory 쑗 to clear the data register 쑗 Type
with no errors or with no programs 쑗 I’ll CLS to clear the screen. 쑗 All arrays are
have to start again – I just erased the only cleared each time the program is run. 3.
clean copy. 쐽 verb to make something COMPUT to release a communications link
clean when transmissions have finished
clear air 120
clear air noun METEOROL an atmosphere accounts, printing and file sharing, while
with no mist or smoke clients, i.e. the terminals or workstations
clear air turbulence noun AEROSP tur- connected to the server, run standard appli-
bulence encountered in the atmosphere cations. Compare peer-to-peer network
where no cloud is present 쑗 Clear air tur- client side adjective COMPUT referring to
bulence can be particularly dangerous data or a program that runs on the client’s
because it is often unexpected due to lack computer rather than on a server (NOTE: A
of visual warning. Abbr CAT JavaScript program runs on the user’s web
clearance noun the act of removing browser and is a client side application,
something which is in the way in order to while a cookie is data stored on the user’s
make space for something else hard disk.)
clearcut FORESTRY noun the cutting cliff noun EARTH SCI the steep side of an
down of all the trees in an area 쐽 verb to area of high ground, often by the sea, usu-
clear an area of forest by cutting down all ally rocky
the trees climate noun METEOROL the general
clear to send noun COMPUT an RS232C weather patterns that a place has
signal that a line or device is ready for data COMMENT: Climate is influenced by many
transmission. Abbr CTS factors, in particular the latitude of the
region, whether it is near the sea or far
cleavage noun MINERALS the splitting of inland and the altitude.
rocks or minerals along natural planes of climate change noun ENVIRON a
weakness determined by their internal long-term alteration in global weather pat-
crystal structure (NOTE: The angle of cleav- terns, occurring naturally, as in a glacial or
age is one of the features used to identify
post-glacial period, or as a result of atmos-
pheric pollution (NOTE: Sometimes climate
click COMPUT noun 1. a sound of short change is used interchangeably with ‘glo-
duration, often used to indicate that a key bal warming’, but scientists tend to use the
has been pressed 2. an act of pressing a key term in the wider sense to include natural
or button on a keyboard 쑗 You move changes in the climate.)
through text and graphics with a click of
the button. 쐽 verb to press and release a key climate feedback noun METEOROL a
or button on a keyboard or the mouse 쑗 Use process that is activated by the direct cli-
the mouse to enlarge a frame by clicking mate change caused by variations in the
inside its border. balance between incoming solar radiation
and outgoing infrared radiation (NOTE: Cli-
click through rate noun COMPUT the mate feedbacks may increase (positive
number of times that visitors click on a dis- feedback) or diminish (negative feedback)
played banner advertisement on a website, the magnitude of direct climate change.)
used as a method of charging the adver-
tiser. Abbr CTR climate lag noun METEOROL a delay
which occurs in climate change as a result
client noun COMPUT a workstation, PC or of a factor that changes very slowly
terminal connected to a network that can
send instructions to a server and display climate model noun METEOROL a quan-
results titative representation on a computer of the
characteristics of the atmosphere, oceans,
client application noun COMPUT an land surface and ice and the ways in which
application that can accept linked or they interact
embedded objects from a server applica-
tion or application that is used in a cli- climate modelling noun METEOROL a
ent-server system simulation of the climate using compu-
ter-based models
client-server architecture noun COM-
PUT a distribution of processing power in climatic adjective METEOROL referring to
which a central server computer carries out climate
the main tasks in response to instructions climatic climax noun METEOROL a sta-
from terminals or workstations ble state (climax) which is controlled by
client-server network noun COMPUT a climatic factors
method of organising a network in which climatic factor noun ECOL a condition
one central dedicated computer, the server, of climate which affects the organisms liv-
looks after tasks such as security, user ing in a specific area
121 clog
climatic zone noun ECOLone of the clinker noun INDUST the lumps of ash and
eight areas of the Earth which have differ- hard residue from furnaces, used to make
ent climates road surfaces or breeze blocks
COMMENT: The climatic zones are: the two clinostat noun BOT a slowly rotating
polar regions (the Arctic and Antarctic); the platform on which a plant is placed so that
boreal in the northern hemisphere, south of it is exposed to a stimulus such as light
the Arctic; two temperate zones, one in the equally on all sides
northern hemisphere and one in the
southern hemisphere; two subtropical clip verb COMPUT to select an area of an
zones, including the deserts; and the equa- image that is smaller than the original
torial zone which has a damp tropical clip-art noun COMPUT a set of pre-drawn
images or drawings that a user can incor-
climatological adjective METEOROL porate into a presentation or graphic 쑗 We
referring to climatology 쑗 Scientists have have used some clip-art to enhance our
gathered climatological statistics from presentation.
weather stations all round the world. clipboard noun COMPUT a software util-
climatological data plural noun METE- ity that temporarily stores any type of data,
OROL information and statistics about cli- e.g. a word or image 쑗 Copy the text to the
mate clipboard, then paste it back into a new
climatological station noun METE-
OROL a scientific research centre where the clisere noun ECOL the succession of com-
climate is studied munities influenced by the climate of an
climatologist noun METEOROL a scien- clitoris noun ANAT a sensitive erectile
tist who specialises in the study of the cli-
female organ found at the front of the vulva
in mammals, and also in some reptiles and
climatology noun METEOROL the scien- birds (NOTE: In humans it lies immediately
tific study of climate behind the junction of the labia minora.)
climax noun ECOL the final stage in the CLNP abbreviation COMPUT connection-
development of plant colonisation of a spe- less network protocol
cific site, when changes occur within a cloaca noun ZOOL the terminal region of
mature and relatively stable community. the gut with the intestinal, urinary and gen-
Compare disclimax ital canals opening into it (NOTE: It is
climax community noun BOT a plant present in reptiles, amphibians, birds,
community which has been stable for many fishes, and in some invertebrates.)
many years and which changes only as the clock COMPUT noun 1. a device which
environment or climate changes or there is shows the time 2. a circuit which generates
human interference pulses used to synchronise equipment 쐽
verb to synchronise signals or circuits with
climb noun (of aircraft) the action of a clock pulse
increasing altitude by use of power 쑗 Fine
pitch enables full engine speed to be used clock cycle noun COMPUT the period of
during take-off and climb. 쐽 verb (of air- time between two consecutive clock pulses
craft) to increase altitude by use of power 쑗 clock frequency noun the frequency of
After take-off, the aircraft climbed to the main clock that synchronises a compu-
5000ft. ter system 쑗 The main clock frequency is
cline noun BIOL the set of gradual changes clock pulse noun COMPUT a regular
which take place in a species according to pulse used for timing or synchronising pur-
geographical and climatic differences poses
across the environment in which it lives
clockwise adjective, adverb describing a
clinical medicine noun MED the study circular movement in the same direction as
and treatment of patients in a hospital ward the hands of a clock, from left to right 쑗 in
or in the doctor’s surgery as opposed to the a clockwise direction Opposite anticlock-
operating theatre or laboratory wise
clinical pathology noun MED the study clog verb 1. to become blocked 쑗 The
of disease as applied to the treatment of drain clogs easily. 2. to prevent movement
patients of fluid through a pipe, channel or filter
clone 122
because of a build-up of solid matter 쑗 The poured out of the factory chimney. 쑗 The
stream was clogged with waterweed. eruption sent a cloud of ash high into the
clone noun 1. BIOL a group of cells atmosphere. 쑗 Dust clouds swept across
derived from a single cell by asexual repro- the plains. (NOTE: As a plural, clouds
duction and therefore identical to the first means several separate clouds; otherwise
cell 2. BIOL an organism produced asexu- the singular cloud can be used to refer to
ally, either naturally or by means such as a large continuous mass: There is a mass
taking cuttings from a plant 3. BIOL a group of cloud over the southern part of the coun-
of organisms all of which have been try.)
derived from a single individual by asexual COMMENT: Clouds are formed as humid air
means 4. COMPUT a computer or circuit that rises and then cools, causing the water in it
to condense. They are classified by meteor-
behaves in the same way as the original it ologists into ten categories: cirrus, cirrocu-
was copied from 쑗 They have copied our mulus and cirrostratus (high-level clouds);
new personal computer and brought out a altocumulus and altostratus (middle-level
cheaper clone. 쑗 Higher performance clouds); and stratocumulus, nimbostratus,
clones are available for all the models in cumulus, cumulonimbus and stratus
(low-level clouds).
our range. 쐽 verb BIOTECH to reproduce an
individual organism by asexual means cloudbank noun METEOROL a mass of
low clouds
cloning noun BIOL the reproduction of an
individual organism by asexual means cloudbase noun METEOROL the bottom
part of a layer of cloud
close verb COMPUT to shut down access to
a file or disk drive cloudburst noun METEOROL a sudden
closed bus system noun COMPUT a rainstorm
computer with no expansion bus that cloud ceiling noun METEOROL the
makes it very difficult for a user to upgrade height of cloud cover
closed chain noun CHEM a number of cloud chamber noun PHYS a piece of
molecules arranged in a ring laboratory equipment in which clouds can
closed fracture noun MED a broken be formed for the study of ionisation
bone that does not protrude through the cloud cover noun METEOROL the
skin amount of sky which is covered by clouds.
closed loop noun COMPUT a computer 쒁 okta
control operation in which data is fed back cloud formation noun METEOROL 1. the
from the output of the controlled device to natural production and development of
the controlling loop clouds 2. a pattern of clouds in the sky
closed subroutine noun COMPUT a cloudlayer noun METEOROL a mass of
number of computer instructions in a pro- clouds at a specific height above the land
gram that can be called at any time, with cloudless adjective METEOROL without
control being returned on completion to clouds
the next instruction in the main program cloudy adjective 1. METEOROL covered
Clostridium noun BIOL a type of bacte- with clouds 쑗 a cloudy sky 2. not clear or
rium (NOTE: Species of Clostridium cause transparent 쑗 a cloudy liquid
botulism, tetanus and gas gangrene, but clump noun 1. BOT a group of trees or
also increase the nitrogen content of soil.) plants growing together 쑗 a clump of
clot PHYSIOL verb (of blood) to become bushes 쑗 a clump of grass 2. a group of
thick and stop flowing, forming a scab if items brought close together in a mass 쑗 to
exposed to the air 쐽 noun a mass of thick- form a clump 3. a small mass of a sub-
ened blood that forms over a wound or in a stance 쐽 verb PHYS to collect or stick
blood vessel together
clotting factor noun MED one of a group clumping noun the gathering together of
of substances in the blood that are essential a large number of things in a mass
for normal clotting and scab formation cluster noun 1. a group of similar things
over a wound that are close together 쑗 a flower cluster 2.
cloud noun METEOROL 1. a mass of water STATS a number of similar events happen-
vapour or ice particles in the sky which can ing at a similar time or in a similar place 쑗
produce rain or snow 2. a mass of particles a cluster of leukaemia patients in the area
suspended in the air 쑗 Clouds of smoke of the nuclear power station 3. COMPUT
123 coal mine
one or more sectors on a hard disk that are most parts of the world, burnt to provide
used to store a file or part of a file 4. COM- heat or power
PUT a number of terminals, stations, COMMENT: Coal was formed many millions
devices or memory locations grouped of years ago from organic refuse deposited
together in one place in swamps. Decaying plants formed peat,
which was pressed by other layers of
CLUT noun COMPUT a table of numbers deposits to form first lignite, or brown coal,
used in Windows and graphics programs to and then coal itself. Coal is composed
store the range of colours used in an image. mainly of carbon and can be classified into
Full form colour look-up table various grades. Lignite is soft and not a very
efficient fuel. Bituminous coals are harder
CLV abbreviation COMPUT constant linear and contain more carbon. Anthracite is the
velocity hardest coal, being almost pure carbon,
and is the most efficient producer of heat.
cm abbreviation MEASURE centimetre Coal is used commercially to fuel power
CM abbreviation COMPUT central memory stations, to burn to produce gas and to
make coke, which burns at a higher temper-
CMI abbreviation COMPUT computer-man- ature and is used in metal refining. It is also
aged instruction processed to make various forms of smoke-
CMIP abbreviation COMPUT common less fuels used in domestic heating appli-
ances. Coal affects the environment in two
management information protocol ways: (a) in the mining process, waste
CMIS noun COMPUT a powerful network matter can create ugly slag heaps and can
management system. Full form common contaminate rivers, and old mines create
management information specification subsidence as they fill in; (b) burning coal
emits toxic smoke, especially sulphur
CML abbreviation COMPUT compu- oxides and fly ash, together with carcino-
ter-managed learning genic substances such as benzopyrene.
These emissions cause smog at low levels
CMOS abbreviation COMPUT complemen- and can rise into the atmosphere and
tary metal oxide semiconductor contribute to the greenhouse effect.
COMMENT: The final package uses very low coal basin noun EARTH SCI a part of the
power but is relatively slow and sensitive to
static electricity as compared to TTL inte-
Earth’s surface containing layers of coal
grated circuits. The main use is in portable coal deposit noun EARTH SCI a layer of
computers where battery power is being coal in the rocks beneath the Earth’s sur-
used. face
CMYK noun COMPUT (in graphics and coalesce verb to join together to form a
DTP) a method of describing a colour by its large mass or number 쑗 The moisture in the
four component colours. Full form air coalesces into large water droplets.
cyan-magenta-yellow-black coalescence noun the process of join-
cnidarian noun ZOOL a marine inverte- ing together to form a larger mass or
brate with tentacles surrounding its mouth, number 쑗 Coalescence of water vapour in
e.g. a sea anemone, coral and jellyfish. the atmosphere forms larger droplets of
Phylum: Cnidaria. water.
CNS abbreviation ANAT central nervous coal-fired power station noun INDUST
system a power station which burns coal to pro-
Co symbol CHEM ELEM cobalt duce electricity
CO symbol CHEM carbon monoxide coal gas noun INDUST a gas produced by
co- prefix together processing coal, leaving coke as a residue
coal gasification noun INDUST the
CO2, CO2 symbol CHEM carbon dioxide process of converting coal into gas to be
coagulant noun BIOCHEM a substance used as fuel in gas-fired power stations
which can make blood coagulate coal grinding noun INDUST the reduc-
coagulate verb BIOCHEM (of a liquid) to tion of coal to fine particles in a crushing
become semi-solid as suspended particles machine
clump together 쑗 Blood coagulates in con- coal measure noun GEOL a layer of rock
tact with air. containing coal that erodes very quickly
coagulation noun BIOCHEM (of a liquid) and soon becomes covered in vegetation,
the process of becoming semi-solid therefore rarely seen exposed
coal noun INDUST a solid black organic coal mine noun INDUST a hole dug in the
substance found in layers underground in ground to extract coal
coal seam 124
coal seam noun GEOL a layer in the cobalt noun CHEM ELEM a metallic ele-
rocks beneath the Earth’s surface from ment. It is used to make alloys. (NOTE: The
which coal can be extracted chemical symbol is Co; the atomic number
coal tar noun INDUST one of several liq- is 27 and the atomic weight is 58.93.)
uids with a strong distinctive smell formed cobalt-60 noun CHEM, MED a radioactive
by distillation of coal (NOTE: It is used in isotope used in radiotherapy to treat cancer
the pharmaceutical industry and as a wood COBOL abbreviation COMPUT common
preservative.) business-oriented language
coarse adjective 1. referring to a particle coccus noun MICROBIOL a bacterium
or feature which is larger than others 쑗 shaped like a ball (NOTE: The plural is
Coarse sand fell to the bottom of the liquid cocci.)
as sediment, while the fine grains remained COMMENT: Cocci grow together in groups,
suspended. 2. rough either in clumps (staphylococci) or in long
coast noun EARTH SCI the zone where the chains (streptococci).
land meets the sea coccyx noun ANAT a bone at the base of
coastal adjective EARTH SCI near the the spinal column in apes and humans
coast 쑗 a plant found in coastal waters cochlea noun ANAT a part of the inner ear
coastal erosion noun EARTH SCI the in mammals, birds and some reptiles which
loss of land from a coast as a result of the detects sounds of different pitch (NOTE: In
force of waves and currents mammals it is spirally coiled and contains
numerous tiny hair cells which move in
coastal fog noun METEOROL a type of
response to sound waves, causing nerve
advection fog which forms along the coast
impulses to travel to the brain, which inter-
coastal protection, coast protection prets them as sound.)
work noun ENVIRON action to protect the
coast from being eroded by the action of cochlear nerve noun ANAT a division of
the sea such as building sea walls and pro- the auditory nerve
jecting structures to break the force of the cock noun ENG a manually controlled
waves valve or tap to control the flow of a liquid
쑗 It is necessary to have a master cock for
coastal refraction noun TELECOM a
change in direction of sound waves when a each engine.
signal crosses a coastline from sea to land coconut palm noun TREES a palm tree
coastal retreat noun EARTH SCI serious with large hard-shelled edible nuts. Latin
erosion of a coastline name: Cocos nucifera.
coastline noun EARTH SCI the outline of cocoon noun ZOOL a hollow silky struc-
a coast as seen on a map or a high place, or ture made by many invertebrates to protect
the land as seen from the sea their eggs or developing pupae
coat noun a thin covering of a substance COD abbreviation BIOCHEM chemical oxy-
such as paint 쑗 The coats of paint on a gen demand
large aircraft significantly increase its code noun 1. a system of numbers, letters
weight. 쐽 verb to cover something with a or symbols used to represent language or
thin layer of a substance such as paint 쑗 other information 2. GENETICS same as
Metals are coated for protection against genetic code 3. COMPUT rules used to con-
corrosion. vert instructions or data from one form to
coating noun 1. a thin layer of a sub- another 4. COMPUT a sequence of computer
stance 쑗 There are two coatings on the instructions 쐽 verb 1. to convert instruc-
inside of CRT screens. 2. the act of cover- tions, information or data into another
ing something with a thin layer of a sub- form 2. COMPUT to write a program in a
stance programming language 3. GENETICS (of a
codon or gene) to provide the genetic
co-axial cable, coax noun ELEC a cable information which causes a specific amino
made up of a central core surrounded by an acid to be produced 쑗 Genes are sections of
insulating layer then a second shielding DNA that code for a specific protein
conductor. Compare twisted-pair cable sequence.
COMMENT: Co-axial cable is used for
high-frequency, low-loss applications CODEC noun COMPUT a device which
including thin Ethernet network cabling. encodes a signal being sent or decodes a
125 coke
signal received, used in many advanced coelom noun ANAT the body cavity in
PABX systems. Full form coder/decoder most many-celled animals including
code element noun COMPUT the voltage humans
or signal used to represent binary digits coenocyte noun BOT a mass of cyto-
code group noun COMPUT a special plasm containing many nuclei within a
sequence of five code bits that represent an common cell wall
FDDI symbol coenocytic adjective BOT referring to a
codepage noun COMPUT the definition coenocyte (NOTE: The threads (hyphae) of
of the character produced by each key on many fungi and the bodies of some algae
the keyboard are coenocytic.)
coder noun COMPUT a device which coenzyme noun BIOCHEM a non-protein
encodes a signal compound that combines with the protein
coding noun COMPUT the act of putting a part of an enzyme (apoenzyme) to make it
code on something active
codistillation noun ENVIRON the process coevolution noun the evolution of two
by which molecules of toxic substances species together such as parasite and host
can be evaporated into clouds over land coffee noun 1. BOT a bush or small tree
and then fall back into the sea as rain widely grown in the tropics for its seeds,
cod liver oil noun PHARM an oil from the which are used to make a drink. Latin
liver of codfish (NOTE: It is rich in calories name: Coffea arabica. 2. the drink pre-
and in vitamins A and D and is often used pared from the seeds of coffee bushes
as a diet supplement.) coffee plantation noun AGRIC a planta-
codominant adjective 1. ECOL (of a spe- tion of coffee bushes
cies) (said of two or more species) being cogeneration noun INDUST the produc-
roughly equally abundant in an area and tion of heat and power, as in a combined
more abundant than any other species 쑗 heat and power installation
There are three codominant tree species in cohesion noun PHYS the force of attrac-
this forest. 2. GENETICS referring to alleles tion between the molecules of a solid or
of a gene that are not fully dominant over liquid that holds them together
other alleles in a heterozygous individual cohort noun SCI a group of individuals
codon noun GENETICS a unit consisting sharing a common factor such as age or a
of a set of three consecutive nucleotides in set of circumstances
messenger RNA that specify a particular cohort study noun an investigation in
amino acid in protein synthesis which a group of people without a disease
coefficient noun MATHS a mathematical are classified according to their exposure
quantity placed before and multiplying to a risk and are studied over a period of
another (NOTE: In 4xy, 4 is the coefficient of time to see if they develop the disease, in
x.) order to study links between risk and dis-
-coele suffix BIOL another spelling of ease
-cele coil noun ELEC a device consisting of
coelenterate noun ZOOL an organism coiled wire for converting low voltage to
which has a soft bag-like body and a gut high voltage 쑗 A voltage coil is connected
with only one opening. Phylum: Coe- across the generator.
lenterata. (NOTE: Sea anemones, corals coincide verb to happen at the same time
and jellyfish are all coelenterates.) and/or in the same place
coeliac adjective ANAT referring to the coincidence function, coincidence
abdomen operation MATHS same as AND function
coeliac disease noun MED a disease of coincidence gate, coincidence cir-
the small intestine resulting from an inabil- cuit, coincidence element noun ELEC-
ity to digest wheat protein (NOTE: The pro- TRONICS same as AND gate
tein gluten causes the body’s own immune
system to attack and damage the gut lin-
coke noun INDUST a fuel manufactured by
heating coal to high temperatures without
the presence of air
coeliac ganglion noun ANAT a ganglion COMMENT: Coke is produced in coking
on each side of the origins of the dia- ovens, where coal is heated to white heat
phragm, connected with the coeliac plexus without air. This removes most of the tar
coke burner 126
and the resulting fuel burns at a much collagen noun BIOL a fibrous protein
higher temperature than coal and produces
very little smoke or ash. It is used in blast
forming connective bundles of connective
furnaces. tissue, bone and cartilage
coke burner noun INDUST a device in collagen disease noun MED a disease
which coal is heated to produce coke that affects the connective tissue (NOTE:
col noun 1. EARTH SCI a high pass between Collagen diseases include rheumatic fever
two mountains 2. METEOROL a low pres- and rheumatoid arthritis.)
sure area between two anticyclones collagenous adjective 1. BIOL contain-
cold noun 1. low temperature 쑗 Sheep can ing collagen 2. MED referring to collagen
withstand the cold. 2. MED a common disease
infection in the nose collapse noun a sudden and complete
cold-blooded adjective ZOOL referring fall 쐽 verb to fall suddenly and completely
to an animal such as a reptile or fish whose 쑗 The magnetic field will reach a maximum
body temperature is dependent on the tem- in one direction, collapse to zero and reach
perature of its surroundings. Also called a maximum in the opposite direction.
ectotherm, poikilotherm collate verb to compare and put items in
COMMENT: The body temperature of order
cold-blooded animals changes with the
outside temperature. collateral circulation noun MED the
cold boot noun COMPUT same as cold enlargement of some secondary blood ves-
sels, as a response when the main vessels
become slowly blocked
cold desert noun EARTH SCI an area with
little vegetation because of the cold tem- collator noun COMPUT a piece of soft-
peratures ware that collates data
cold front noun METEOROL the edge of collect verb to gather or gather something
an advancing mass of cold air, associated over a period of time 쑗 Water collects in the
with an area of low pressure, bringing hollows. 쑗 Any given object will usually
clouds and rain as it meets the warmer air collect ice more quickly at high speed.
which it displaces collection noun 1. the process of gather-
cold fusion noun PHYS a hypothetical ing something together 쑗 the regular col-
form of nuclear fusion held to take place at lection of samples for analysis 2. BIOL a
room temperature group of objects or organisms brought
cold hardening noun BOT the process together 쑗 a labelled collection of insects 쑗
by which a conifer prepares for the winter a living collection of plants
by reducing the amount of water contained collector panel noun INDUST same as
in its needles solar panel
cold setting materials noun INDUST collide verb to hit or to crash into some-
materials which do not need heat to harden thing 쑗 Some particles will collide with
cold start noun COMPUT the switching each other.
on of a computer or running of a program collimator noun OPTICS a lens or mirror
from its original start point used in an optical system to produce light
cold trough noun METEOROL a long area in a parallel beam for further processing,
of low pressure with cold air in it, leading e.g. in a spectrograph
away from the centre of a depression collision noun 1. a crash between two
coleopteran noun INSECTS an insect objects such as vehicles or molecules 2.
such as a beetle with modified tough COMPUT an event that occurs when two
forewings that act as covers for the mem- electrical signals meet and interfere with
branous hindwings. Order: Coleoptera. each other over a network, normally caus-
coleoptile noun BOT a sheath which pro- ing an error
tects the stem tip (plumule) of a germinat- colloid noun PHYS a substance with very
ing grass seed as it grows to the surface small particles that do not settle but remain
coliform adjective BIOL referring to bac- in suspension in a liquid
teria which are similar in shape to colloidal adjective PHYS referring to a
Escherichia coli colloid
127 colour key
colloidally dispersed particles plu- colour balance noun OPTICS an adjust-
ral noun PHYS particles which remain in ment of the red, green and blue primary
suspension in a liquid colours to produce a pure white colour
co-located adjective having the same (NOTE: When configuring a colour monitor,
location a colour sensor is placed on the screen
co-location noun COMPUT the putting of and the red, green and blue electron gun
several computers used as Internet servers settings are adjusted to produce a pure
at a specialist site designed to support and white colour.)
maintain servers on behalf of their custom- colour bit noun COMPUT a data bit
ers assigned to a pixel to describe its colour
(NOTE: One bit provides two colours, two
colon noun 1. PRINTING a printing sign, (
bits give four colours and eight bits allow
: ), which shows a break in a string of
256 colour combinations.)
words or introduces an explanation 2. the
large intestine, running from the caecum to colour cell noun COMPUT the smallest
the rectum area on a screen that can display colour
colonial adjective ECOL referring to a information
colony colour cycling noun COMPUT the
changing of the colours in a palette over a
colonial animal noun ZOOL an animal period of time, normally used to create a
which usually lives in colonies, e.g. an ant
special effect or animation
colonisation, colonization noun ECOL
colour depth noun COMPUT the number
the act of colonising a place 쑗 Islands are of different colours that can be displayed
particularly subject to colonisation by spe- by any single pixel in a display (NOTE: It is
cies of plants or animals introduced by determined by the number of colour bits in
people. each pixel.)
colonise, colonize verb ECOL (of plants colour display noun COMPUT a display
and animals) to become established in a
device able to represent characters or
new ecosystem 쑗 Derelict city sites rapidly graphics in colour
become colonised by plants. 쑗 Rats have
colonised the sewers. colour index noun ASTRON a quantita-
tive measure of the colour of astronomical
coloniser, colonist noun an organism objects
that moves into and establishes itself in a COMMENT: Colour indices compare the
new ecosystem, e.g. a plant such as a weed brightness of an object through two or more
colony noun ECOL a group of animals, filters at different wavelengths. B-V (blue
plants or microorganisms living together in minus visual, the straw colour which marks
the peak acuity of the human eye) is the
a place 쑗 a colony of ants most commonly used colour index. The
color noun US spelling of colour smaller the value of B-V, the bluer a star
coloration noun ZOOL the colours or pat- appears and the hotter it is.
terns of an animal 쑗 protective coloration colouring noun 1. the appearance of
colorimeter noun OPTICS a device for something in terms of its colour 2. FOOD
measuring the concentration of a solution INDUST same as food colouring
COMMENT: Colouring additives have E
of a coloured substance by reference to numbers 100 to 180. Some are natural
standard solutions or standard colour slides pigments, for example riboflavine (E101),
colostrum noun PHYSIOL a yellowish carrot juice (E160) or chlorophyll (E140)
fluid that is rich in antibodies and minerals and are safe. Others such as tartrazine
(E102) and other azo dyes are suspected of
produced by a mother’s breasts after giving being carcinogenic. Also suspect is caramel
birth and prior to the production of true (E150), which is the most widely used
milk (NOTE: It provides newborns with colouring substance.
immunity to infections.) colour key noun OPTICS an image
colour noun the set of differing wave- manipulation technique used to superim-
lengths of light that are reflected from pose one image on another (NOTE: It is
objects and sensed by the eyes 쑗 Flower often used with two video sources to create
colour attracts insects. 쐽 verb to give col- special effects: one image is photographed
our to something 쑗 The chemical coloured against a coloured background and then
the water blue. (NOTE: [all senses] The US superimposed with another image to pro-
spelling is color.) duce a combined picture.)
colourless 128
colourless adjective with no colour 쑗 combe, coombe noun GEOG a small val-
Water is a colourless liquid. ley with steep sides and usually no water
colour palette noun COMPUT the selec- flowing through it
tion of colours that are currently being comb filter noun ELEC an electronic
used in an image device used to separate the luma (Y) and
colour saturation noun PHYS the purity chroma (C) signals from a composite video
of a colour signal signal
colour separation noun PRINTING the combination noun 1. two or more
separating of a colour image into its con- things together 쑗 Lichens are a combina-
stituent colours to produce printing plates tion of a fungus and an alga. 2. the act of
(NOTE: Full colour printing needs four-col- bringing two or more things together 쑗 the
our separation to produce four printing successful combination of our ideas with
plates for the cyan, magenta, yellow and their resources
black (CMYK) inks that together create a combinational adjective combining a
colour image.) number of separate elements
colour standard noun ELEC ENG one of combinational circuit noun ELEC-
three international standards used to TRONICS an electronic circuit consisting of
describe how colour TV and video images a number of connected components
are displayed and transmitted (NOTE: The
three standards are NTSC, PAL and combinational logic noun COMPUT a
SECAM.) logic function made up of a number of sep-
colour temperature noun PHYS a arate logic gates
shade of the colour white that would be combine verb to bring two or more
seen if pure carbon were heated to a partic- things together to make one, or to come
ular temperature in Kelvin (NOTE: The together to make one
standard for many TV and video systems is combined head noun COMPUT a trans-
a colour temperature of 6500K, known as ducer that can read and write data from the
Illuminant D65.) surface of a magnetic storage medium, e.g.
column noun 1. a solid with a tall narrow a floppy disk
shape 쑗 Basalt rocks form columns in some combined heat and power plant
parts of the world. 2. a body of fluid with a noun INDUST a power station that produces
tall, narrow shape 쑗 Torricelli first demon- both electricity and hot water. Abbr CHP
strated that the atmosphere has weight by plant (NOTE: Such a plant may operate on
showing that it can support a column of almost any fuel, including refuse.)
liquid. 3. a vertical section of a table in a combined station noun COMPUT a
document 쑗 Column four of the table high-level data link control station that
shows the totals of the other three. processes commands and responses
columnar adjective in the form of a col- combined symbol matching noun
umn 쑗 Igneous rocks may have a columnar
an efficient optical character recognition
system. Abbr CSM
columnar graph noun MATHS a graph
on which values are shown as vertical or combust verb CHEM to burn, or to burn
horizontal bars something 쑗 The region combusts 75% of
its refuse for heat reclamation.
column chromatography noun CHEM
chromatography using a column of powder combustible adjective burning easily 쑗
as the porous medium made of combustible materials 쑗 Wood and
COM abbreviation COMPUT 1. Component paper are easily combustible.
Object Model 2. computer output on combustion noun PHYS the burning of a
microfilm substance with oxygen
COMAL noun COMPUT a structured pro- combustion chamber noun MECH
gramming language similar to BASIC. Full ENG the part of the cylinder in a piston
form common algorithmic language engine where the ignition of the fuel/air
combat verb to fight against something 쑗 mixture takes place
The medical team is combating an out- combustion residue noun PHYS the
break of diphtheria. 쑗 What can we do to material left after combustion has taken
combat the spread of the disease? place
129 common gateway interface
comet noun ASTRON an astronomical 쒁 parasite, symbiont 쐽 adjective referring
object that is a mass of ice and dust and has to a commensal
a long luminous tail produced by vaporisa- commensalism noun BIOL the state of
tion when its orbit passes close to the Sun organisms existing together as commen-
comma noun a symbol (,) that is often sals
used to separate data, variables or argu- comment noun 1. an opinion expressed
ments in speech or writing 쑗 critical comments 쑗
comma-delimited adjective COMPUT Thank you for your helpful comments on
(of a file) in which each item or field of data my paper. 2. COMPUT a helpful note in a
is separated by a comma program to guide other programmers who
command noun COMPUT 1. an electrical might read it 쑗 The lack of comments is
signal that will start or stop a process 2. a annoying. 쑗 BASIC allows comments to be
word or phrase that is recognised by a com- written after a REM instruction.
puter system and starts or terminates an comminution noun INDUST the crushing
action 쑗 an interrupt command 쑗 The com- or grinding of rock, ore or sewage into
mand to execute the program is RUN. small particles
command-and-control regula- comminutor noun INDUST a crushing
tions plural noun ENVIRON rules that machine that makes particles smaller
require polluters to meet specific emis- committee noun a group of people deal-
sion-reduction targets, often using specific ing with a particular subject or problem
types of equipment common adjective 1. occurring fre-
command-driven program noun quently 쑗 a common spelling error 2. used
COMPUT a program which requires the user or done by several people 쑗 a common eth-
to enter instructions at every stage ical stance 3. ordinary 쑗 common house-
command interpreter noun COMPUT a hold chemicals
program within an operating system which COMMENT: About 80% of common land is
recognises a set of system commands and privately owned and, subject to the interests
controls the processor, screen and storage of any commoners, owners enjoy essen-
tially the same rights as the owners of other
devices accordingly 쑗 When you type in the land. Commoners have different types of
command ‘DIR’, the command interpreter ‘rights of common’, e.g. to graze animals, or
asks the disk drive for a list of files and to extract sand, gravel or peat.
instructs the monitor to display the list. Common Agricultural Policy noun a
command language noun COMPUT a set of regulations and mechanisms agreed
programming language made up of proce- between members of the European Union
dures for various tasks, which can be called to control the supply, marketing and pric-
up by a series of commands ing of farm produce. Abbr CAP
command line noun COMPUT 1. a pro- Common Birds Census noun an
gram line that contains a command instruc- ongoing survey of commonly occurring
tion 2. a command prompt and system birds, run by the British Trust for Ornithol-
command ogy
command line operating system common business-oriented lan-
noun COMPUT a type of computer system guage noun COMPUT full form of COBOL
software which is controlled by a user typ- common carotid artery noun ANAT a
ing in commands (NOTE: These systems main artery running up each side of the
are now largely replaced by systems which lower part of the neck
allow a user to control the system through
Common Fisheries Policy noun the
legal framework which covers all fishing in
command register noun COMPUT a the European Union. It aims to conserve
register which stores the instruction to be fish stocks by regulating fish catches. Abbr
carried out CFP
commence verb to start doing some- common gateway interface noun
thing COMPUT a standard that defines how a web-
commensal BIOL noun an organism page can call special scripts stored on an
which lives on another plant or animal but Internet server to carry out enhancing func-
does not harm it or influence it in any way. tions. Abbr CGI
common iliac artery 130
common iliac artery noun ANAT one of projects or adapting old buildings, in
two arteries which branch from the aorta in which the people living in the area as well
the abdomen (NOTE: In turn they divide into as specialists are involved in the planning
the internal iliac artery, leading to the pel- community ecology noun ECOL the
vis, and the external iliac artery, leading to study of the processes that determine the
the leg.) composition and structure of the mixture
common intermediate format noun of species found in a particular area
COMPUT a standard for video images that community heating noun ENG the
displays an image 352 pixels wide and 288 heating of houses and shops in an area
pixels high. Abbr CIF from a central source
common management informa- community medicine noun MED the
tion protocol noun COMPUT a protocol study of medical practice which examines
officially adopted by the International groups of people and the health of the com-
Standards Organisation and used to carry munity, including housing, pollution and
network management information across a other environmental factors
network. Abbr CMIP community physician noun MED a
common object request broker doctor who specialises in community med-
architecture noun COMPUT a standard icine
defined by the Object Management Group community services plural noun MED
to standardise the way an application can services which are available to the commu-
access an object. Abbr CORBA (NOTE: nity
This is a rival standard to COM.) community transport noun ENVIRON a
common salt noun CHEM a white pow- bus or rail service which is available to the
der used to make food, especially meat, community
fish and vegetables, taste better. Also commutator noun ELEC a device con-
called sodium chloride taining metal bars connected to the coils of
communicate verb to pass information a generator to produce electrical current 쑗
communicating artery noun ANAT As the power output required is DC not AC,
one of two arteries which connect the a commutator is fixed at one end of the
blood supply from each side of the brain, armature.
forming part of the circle of Willis comp noun COMPUT a type of newsgroup
communication noun COMPUT the that provides discussion about computers
passing of information and computer programming
communications channel noun compact adjective referring to some-
COMPUT a physical link over which data thing which does not take up much space 쐽
can be transmitted verb to reduce the space taken by some-
communications port noun COMPUT a thing
socket or physical connection allowing one compact code noun COMPUT a mini-
device to communicate with another mum number of program instructions
communications protocol noun required for a task
COMPUT a set of parameters that define compact disc noun COMPUT a small
how the transfer of information will be plastic disc that contains audio signals in
controlled 쑗 The communications protocol digital form etched onto the surface. Abbr
for most dial-up online services is eight-bit CD
words, no stop bit and even parity. compact Flash noun COMPUT a tiny
communications software noun memory expansion device that uses
COMPUT software that allows a user to con- Flash-ROM to store up to 512Mb of data,
trol a modem and use an online service often used in MP3 music players and dig-
community noun 1. a group of people ital cameras. Abbr CF
who live and work in a district 쑗 The health compacting noun ENG same as com-
services serve the local community. 2. paction
ECOL a group of different organisms which compacting algorithm noun COMPUT
live together in an area 쑗 the plant commu- a formula for reducing the amount of space
nity on the sand dunes required by text
community architecture noun ENVI- compaction noun ENG the compression
RON a way of designing new housing of ground and making it hard, e.g. by driv-
131 competitive release
ing over it with heavy machinery or as the compass quadrant noun NAVIG a quar-
result of a lot of people walking on it ter part of a circle centred on a navigational
companding noun COMPUT a combina- aid
tion of two processes that reduce or com- compatibility noun COMPUT the ability
pact data before transmission or storage of two hardware or software devices to
then restore packed data to its original function together
form. Full form compressing and COMMENT: By conforming to the standards
expanding of another manufacturer or organisation,
companion animal noun an animal compatibility of hardware and software
allows programs and hardware to be inter-
that is kept for company and enjoyable changed without modification.
interaction, rather than for work or food
compatible COMPUT adjective referring
companion plant noun BOT a plant to two hardware or software devices that
which improves the growth of nearby function correctly together 왍 is the hard-
plants or reduces pest infestation (NOTE: ware IBM-compatible? will it work if
Companion plants are often used by horti- used with an IBM computer? 쐽 noun a
culturists and gardeners because they hardware or software device that functions
encourage growth or reduce pest infesta-
correctly with other equipment 쑗 This com-
tion in an adjacent plant.)
puter is much cheaper than the other com-
companion planting noun BOT the use patibles.
of plants that encourage the growth of oth-
ers nearby
compensate verb to make up for the
loss of something 쑗 The fall in air temper-
comparable adjective able to be com- ature increases the air density and so com-
pared equally with something else 쑗 Tita- pensates to some extent for the loss of the
nium is non-magnetic and has an electrical thrust due to atmospheric pressure.
resistance comparable to that of stainless
steel. compensation depth noun ECOL the
point in a lake or sea at which the rate of
comparative risk analysis noun a formation of organic matter by photosyn-
comparison of two types of risk thesis is the same as the rate of loss of mat-
comparator noun COMPUT a logical ter by respiration
device whose output is true if there is a dif- compensation point noun ECOL the
ference between two inputs point at which the rate of photosynthesis is
compare verb to find the similarities and the same as the rate of respiration (NOTE: It
dissimilarities between two or more things can be measured as the point at which the
쑗 When the chart is properly oriented, it is amount of carbon dioxide used by plants
easier to compare the distance between equals the amount of oxygen they
landmarks on the ground to their corre- release.)
sponding distances on the chart. 쑗 An competition noun ECOL the struggle for
aneroid barometer is small compared with limited resources such as food, light or a
a mercury barometer. (NOTE: compare mate, occurring between organisms of the
with is usually used to express difference
same or different species
compare to to express similarity)
comparison noun the bringing out of competitive exclusion principle
noun ECOL the concept that two or more
differences and similarities between two or
more things 쑗 A table showing a compari- species with identical requirements will
son of fixed points on various temperature not be able to live on the same limited
scales is given on page three. resources because one species will com-
pete more successfully than the other
compartment noun FORESTRY a section (NOTE: The loser has to adapt its feeding
of a managed plantation of trees habits or behaviour or migrate to another
compass noun NAVIG an instrument with area, otherwise it will experience a
a needle which always points to the mag- decrease in population or even become
netic north extinct.)
compass bearing noun NAVIG the competitive release noun ECOL the
direction or position relative to a fixed process by which a species may expand its
point measured in degrees on a compass niche if it has no competitors
compilation 132
compilation noun COMPUT the transla- tion, returns the results and operands to
tion of an encoded source program into memory and reads the next instruction to
machine-readable code be processed
compilation error noun COMPUT a syn- completion noun the finishing of a task
tax error found during program compila- complex noun CHEM a compound in
tion, resulting in the job being aborted which molecules or ions form coordinate
compile verb COMPUT to convert a bonds with a central metal atom
high-level language program into a complex instruction set computer
machine code program that can be exe- noun COMPUT a computer whose instruc-
cuted by itself tion set contains a number of long compli-
compiler, compiler program noun COM- cated instructions. Compare reduced
PUT a piece of software that converts an instruction set computer. Abbr CISC
encoded program into a machine code pro- (NOTE: These instructions make program-
gram 쑗 The new compiler has an in-built ming easier, but reduce execution speed.)
editor. complexity noun the state of being com-
complement MATHS noun 1. the inver- plicated or difficult to understand 쑗
sion of a binary digit 쑗 The complement is Up-to-date design does not necessarily
found by changing the 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s. mean structural complexity.
2. the result obtained after subtracting a complex number noun MATHS a
number from one less than the radix 쐽 verb number written as a + ib, where i is the
to invert a binary digit square root of minus one (NOTE: Complex
complementary adjective 1. MATHS numbers may be either real or imaginary.)
describes either of two angles that together compliance noun the act of obeying a
make a right angle 2. MATHS describes the regulation or conforming to a set of stand-
elements of a mathematical set that are not ards
included in a particular subset of that set 3. compliant adjective conforming to a par-
fitting in with and improving the perform- ticular set of standards 쑗 If you want to
ance of something read PhotoCD compact discs in your com-
complementary DNA noun GENETICS puter you must be sure that the CD-ROM
single-stranded DNA made in a laboratory drive is PhotoCD or CD-ROM XA compli-
using the enzyme reverse transcriptase so ant.
that its base sequence is complementary to complicate verb to make something
a messenger RNA template (NOTE: It may more difficult 쑗 Map reading is often com-
be used in gene cloning or as a gene plicated by seasonal variations.
probe.) complicated adjective not easy to
complementary gene noun GENETICS understand or solve
a gene that produces an observable effect complications plural noun MED second-
in an organism only in association with ary medical problems developing as part of
another gene an existing medical condition 쑗 The patient
complementary metal oxide semi- may develop complications after surgery.
conductor noun COMPUT an integrated comply verb to be or do what is required
circuit design and construction method by an instruction or law 쑗 Equipment and
using a pair of complementary transistors. furnishings of modern jet transports must
Abbr CMOS comply with safety regulations. (NOTE:
complementary operation noun complying – complied)
MATHS a logical operation that results in the component noun 1. ENG a part of an
logical NOT of a function object, system or piece of equipment 쑗 The
complementation noun MATHS a undercarriage is made up of a number of
number system used to represent positive different components. 2. PHYS one part of a
and negative numbers force which consists of a number of differ-
complemented adjective MATHS refer- ent parts, e.g. wind 3. CHEM a substance
ring to a binary digit that has had a comple- which forms part of a compound
ment performed on it component density noun ELEC the
complete operation noun COMPUT an number of electronic components per unit
operation that retrieves the necessary oper- area on a printed circuit board 쑗 Compo-
ands from memory, performs the opera- nent density is so high on this mother-
133 compressibility
board, that no expansion connectors could up the decomposition of decaying plant
be fitted. matter
component error noun COMPUT an compost heap noun AGRIC a pile of
error introduced by a malfunctioning organic, especially plant, waste, usually
device or component rather than incorrect kept in a container and left to decay gradu-
programming ally, being turned over occasionally. It is
Component Object Model noun used as a fertiliser and soil improver.
COMPUT a set of rules that define the way in composting noun AGRIC the controlled
which objects within the Windows OLE decomposition of organic waste, especially
system interact with other documents, used for the disposal for plant waste in gar-
objects and applications. Abbr COM dens or domestic green waste such as veg-
component video noun a method of etable peelings
transmitting video information with sepa- composting drum noun AGRIC a cylin-
rate signals for the luminance and two drical container in which organic waste is
chrominance channels to avoid interfer- rotted down to make compost
ence. Compare composite video compound adjective made up of two or
compose verb to be made from a more parts or substances 쐽 noun CHEM a
number of parts 쑗 Air is composed of a substance made up of two or more compo-
mixture of gases: 75% nitrogen, 23% oxy- nents
gen, 1% argon and very small quantities of COMMENT: Chemical compounds are stable
several other gases. (i.e. the proportions of the elements in them
are always the same) but they can be split
Compositae plural noun BOT former into their basic elements by chemical reac-
name for Asteraceae tions.
composite adjective made up of a compound document noun COMPUT a
number of different parts 쑗 a composite document that contains information cre-
material 쐽 noun a lightweight but very ated by several other applications
strong synthetic material used in aircraft compound eye noun ZOOL an eye made
manufacturing 쑗 To make a composite it is up of a group of identical light-sensitive
necessary to combine the reinforcing glass components (NOTE: This type of eye is
fibres with special glue or resin. found in insects and some crustaceans.)
composite circuit noun ELEC an elec- compound fertiliser noun AGRIC a fer-
tronic circuit made up of a number of tiliser that supplies two or more nutrients.
smaller circuits and components Also called mixed fertiliser. Compare
composite display noun COMPUT a straight fertiliser
video display unit that accepts a single compound file noun COMPUT a file that
composite video signal and can display an consists of individual files grouped
infinite number of colours or shades of together
grey compound lens noun OPTICS a lens
composite video noun COMPUT a video which contains more than one glass ele-
signal that combines the colour signals and ment (NOTE: A compound lens is more
the monochrome signal into one single sig- accurate than a single-element one.)
nal 쑗 Most TV sets and video players compound statement noun COMPUT a
expect a composite video feed. Compare number of program instructions in one line
component video of program 쑗 The debugger cannot handle
composition noun the make-up or compound statements.
structure of something 쑗 the composition compress verb to squeeze or put pres-
of the atmosphere sure on something so that it takes up less
compost AGRIC noun 1. rotted vegetation space or volume 쑗 Use the archiving pro-
or organic waster, which resembles humus gram to compress the file.
and is used as fertiliser or mulch 2. a pre- compressed video noun a video sig-
pared soil or peat mixture in which plants nal that has been compressed to reduce the
are grown in horticulture 쐽 verb to allow data rate required to transmit the informa-
organic material to rot and turn into com- tion
post compressibility noun the natural abil-
compost activator noun AGRIC a ity of a substance to change volume when
chemical added to a compost heap to speed under varying pressures 쑗 In systems using
compressible 134
very high pressure, the compressibility of length of a photon after it interacts with an
the liquid becomes important. electron
compressible adjective able to be com- compulsory adjective forced or ordered
pressed 쑗 Air is compressible but water is by an authority 쑗 the compulsory slaughter
not. of infected animals
compression noun 1. the act or instance computable adjective MATHS able to be
of putting pressure on something 2. COM- calculated
PUT a reduction in the size of a file by computation noun MATHS a calculation
encoding the data in a more efficient form computational error noun MATHS a
compression chamber noun MECH mistake made in calculating
ENG a chamber in an internal-combustion compute verb MATHS to calculate some-
engine in which a combination of fuel and thing 쑗 Connection charges were com-
air is compressed in a cylinder before puted on an hourly rate.
being ignited
computer noun COMPUT 1. a machine
compression ratio noun COMPUT the that receives, stores or processes data
ratio of the size of an original uncom- according to a stored program 2. a pro-
pressed file to the size of its compressed gramming language that consists of com-
version mands in binary code which can be directly
compression stroke noun ENG the understood by a central processing unit,
stage of an internal combustion cycle when without the need for translation
the fuel–air mixture comes under pressure computer-aided, computer-assisted
from the upwards-moving piston adjective COMPUT using a computer to
compression wave noun PHYS a wave make the work easier
which travels through a body in the form of computer-aided design, compu-
a compression of matter (NOTE: Compres- ter-assisted design noun COMPUT the use
sion waves are known from earthquakes of computers and graphics terminals to
and seem to form the spiral arms of galax- help a designer in his or her work. Abbr
ies.) CAD
compressive adjective PHYS referring computer-aided engineering, com-
to forces caused by pressure on a surface puter-assisted engineering noun COM-
compressive load noun PHYS a load PUT the use of a computer to help an
caused by forces acting in opposite direc- engineer solve problems or to calculate
tions towards each other 쑗 A strut is design or product specifications. Abbr
designed to withstand compressive loads. CAE
compressive stress noun PHYS the computer-aided instruction, com-
resistance of something to crushing by two puter-assisted instruction noun COMPUT
forces acting towards each other along the the use of a computer to assist in teaching
same straight line a subject. Abbr CAI
compressor noun MECH ENG a device computer-aided learning, compu-
such as a pump that compresses air in order ter-assisted learning noun COMPUT the
to increase its pressure 쑗 A shaft connects use of a computer to assist people to learn
the turbine to the compressor. a subject. Abbr CAL
comprise verb to be made up of different computer-aided manufacture,
parts 쑗 A simple fuel system comprises a computer-assisted manufacture noun
tank, pipes, a filter, a pump and a carburet- COMPUT the use of a computer to control
tor. (NOTE: The preferred use of comprise machinery or to assist in a manufacturing
is as a synonym for the verb consist of. process. Abbr CAM
However it is sometimes used in an oppo- computer-aided testing, compu-
site sense: tank, pipes, a filter, a pump and ter-assisted testing noun COMPUT the use
a carburettor comprise the fuel system and of a computer to test equipment or pro-
in a passive form: the fuel system is com- grams to find any faults. Abbr CAT
prised of a tank, pipes, a pump and a car- computer-aided training, compu-
burettor) ter-assisted training noun COMPUT the
Compton effect noun PHYS the use of a computer to demonstrate to and
decrease in energy and increase in wave- assist pupils in learning a skill. Abbr CAT
135 concatenated data set
computer animation noun COMPUT at slightly different angles as the scanner
same as animation rotates
computer architecture noun COMPUT computer language noun COMPUT a
1. the layout and interconnection of a com- language formed of figures or characters
puter’s internal hardware 2. the way in which is used to communicate with a com-
which the central processing unit, termi- puter
nals, printers and network connections of a computer literate adjective COMPUT
computer system are arranged able to understand the basic principles of
computer-assisted adjective COMPUT computers, related expressions and con-
same as computer-aided cepts, and to use computers for program-
computer conferencing noun COM- ming or applications
PUT the connecting of a number of comput- computer logic noun COMPUT the way
ers together to allow a group of users to in which the various sections of a compu-
communicate 쑗 The multi-user BBS has a ter’s hardware are arranged
computer conferencing facility. computer-managed instruction
computer crime noun COMPUT theft, noun COMPUT the use of a computer to
fraud or other crimes involving computers assist people in learning a subject. Abbr
computer engineer noun COMPUT a CMI
person who maintains, programs or computer-managed learning noun
designs computer equipment COMPUT the use of a computer to teach
computer fraud noun COMPUT the theft people and assess their progress. Abbr
of data, dishonest use, or other crimes CML
involving computers computer network noun COMPUT a
computer-generated adjective COM- number of computers, terminals and
PUT produced using a computer 쑗 a compu- peripherals connected together to allow
ter-generated image communications between each
computer generation noun COMPUT a computer output on microfilm
stage in the advances in the field of com- noun COMPUT information output from a
puting computer, stored directly onto microfilm.
COMMENT: The development of computers
Abbr COM
has been divided into a series of ‘genera- computer program noun COMPUT a
tions’. First generation computers were series of instructions to a computer, telling
constructed using valves and had limited it to do a particular piece of work 쑗 to write
storage. Second generation computers had
transistors. Third generation computers had a computer program
integrated circuits. Fourth generation computer programmer noun COMPUT
computers have low-cost memory and use a person who writes computer programs
integrated circuit (IC) electronics. Fifth computer science noun COMPUT the
generation computers of the future will have
very fast processors and large memories scientific study of computers, the organisa-
and allow human input/output. tion of hardware and the development of
computer illiterate adjective COMPUT software
not able to understand the basic principles computer-telephony integration
of computers, related expressions and con- noun COMPUT a system that allows normal
cepts, and to use computers for program- audio telephone conversations to be trans-
ming or applications. 쒁 computer literate mitted over a computer data network and
computer input microfilm noun controlled by a computer. Abbr CTI
COMPUT microfilm used for computer data computing noun COMPUT the work done
storage. Abbr CIM on computers
computer-integrated manufactur- computing power noun COMPUT a
ing noun COMPUT the coordinated use of measure of the speed and ability of a com-
computers in every aspect of design and puter to perform calculations
manufacturing. Abbr CIM concatenate verb COMPUT to join
computerised tomography noun together two or more things in a linked sys-
MED a system for building up a tem
three-dimensional image of the organs concatenated data set noun COMPUT
inside the body, using a scanning device more than one file or set of data joined
that takes a number of X-ray photographs together to produce one set
concave 136
concave adjective MATHS 1. curved very seriously 쐽 verb to be about some-
inwards like the inner surface of a sphere 2. thing 쑗 If there is serious vibration, the
referring to a polygon with an interior operator should shut down the machine
angle greater than 180° concerned. 쑗 The report concerns existing
concentrate noun a strong solution safety regulations and makes recommen-
which is to be diluted 쑗 orange juice made dations for upgrading.
from concentrate 쐽 verb 1. to collect in a concrete noun INDUST a hard stone-like
particular place rather than spread around substance made by mixing cement, sand,
쑗 Most of the mass of air is concentrated at aggregate and water and letting it dry
the lowest levels of the atmosphere. 2. to concrete shield noun INDUST a protec-
give attention and thought to something in tive cover made of concrete, e.g. around a
particular 쑗 This chapter concentrates on nuclear reactor
charts. 3. to reduce the volume of a solu- concretion noun GEOL the formation of
tion and increase its strength by evapora- a solid mass of rock from pieces of stones
tion. Opposite dilute and other sedimentary materials
concentration noun 1. a collection in a concurrency noun COMPUT a resource
particular place rather than spread around that is accessed by more than one user or
쑗 The maximum concentration of ozone is
application at a time
between 20 and 25km above the Earth’s
surface. 2. CHEM the amount of a substance concurrent adjective almost simultane-
in a given volume or mass of a solution ous 쑗 Each concurrent process has its own
concentration peak noun the largest
amount of a substance in a solution or in a concurrently adverb at almost the same
given volume time
concentrator noun COMPUT 1. a device concurrent operating system noun
at the centre of a Token-Ring network COMPUT an operating system that allows
which provides a logical star topology in several programs or activities to be proc-
which nodes are connected to the concen- essed at the same time
trator. Inside the device is a physical ring condensate noun PHYS 1. a substance
circuit that connects all the nodes together. formed by condensation, e.g. a liquid
2. a node which provides access for one or formed from a vapour 2. a substance that is
more stations to the network 3. the device a gas when occurring naturally under-
at the centre of a star-topology 10Base-T ground but becomes liquid when brought
Ethernet network which receives signals to the surface
from one port and regenerates them before condensation noun 1. PHYS the action
sending them out to the other ports 4. a of making vapour into liquid 2. the water
device where all the cables from nodes are that forms when warm damp air meets a
interconnected cold surface such as a wall or window
concentric adjective having the same condensation aerosol noun METE-
centre OROL the droplets of moisture that form in
concentric circles plural noun circles warm damp air as it cools, producing mist
of different diameters but with the same condensation nucleus noun METE-
centre point OROL a particle on which moisture con-
concept noun an idea or abstract princi- denses, forming a raindrop 쑗 Moisture
ple readily condenses on an existing surface
conception noun BIOL the joining of egg and sulfate particles are ideal condensa-
and sperm to form an embryo tion nuclei. (NOTE: The plural is conden-
sation nuclei.)
conceptual model noun COMPUT a
description of a database or program in condensation pump noun PHYS same
terms of the data it contains and its rela- as diffusion pump
tionships condensation reaction noun CHEM a
concern noun 1. serious interest 쑗 They reaction between two molecules that cre-
showed concern for her training and devel- ates a by-product of a third molecule, nor-
opment. 2. a worry or problem 쑗 safety mally water
concerns 쑗 health concerns 왍 a matter for condensation theory noun ASTRON
concern something which must be taken the theory that the Moon and the Earth both
137 cone
formed at about the same time, by aggrega- central processing unit after the execution
tion of small particles into larger bodies of the last instruction
condensation trail noun AEROSP a conditioned reflex noun BIOL an auto-
white streak in the sky left by an aircraft matic reaction by an animal to a stimulus,
flying at high altitude and caused by con- learned from past experience
densation and freezing of components of conditioning noun the act of improving
its exhaust gases, mainly water the quality of something
condense verb 1. to make something conditions plural noun variable environ-
compact or more dense 2. PHYS to make a mental factors such as temperature and
vapour become liquid 3. PHYS (of a pressure 쑗 The behaviour of the gas was
vapour) to become liquid observed under standard conditions. 쑗 The
condenser noun a device that cools conditions in this environment are ideal for
steam or other vapour and turns it back into rapid plant growth.
liquid conducive adjective allowing something
COMMENT: Condensers are used in power to happen more easily 쑗 Atmospheric con-
stations to turn steam back into water, ditions conducive to the formation of ice
which goes back to the boilers for are detected and these operate a warning
re-heating. On a smaller scale, they are
used in domestic appliances such as system.
clothes driers and refrigerators. They are conduct verb 1. PHYS to carry out some-
also important in the distillation of thing such as an experiment, survey or
substances such as alcohol. review 2. ELEC to allow an electrical cur-
condition noun 1. the present state of rent to flow through a material 쑗 to conduct
something 2. ECOL the physical state of a electricity 쑗 Copper conducts well.
site of special scientific interest, according conductance noun PHYS a measure of
to whether or not conservation objectives the ability of an object to carry electricity
are being achieved 쑗 favourable condition (NOTE: This is the reciprocal of resistance.)
쑗 unfavourable condition 3. something on
conduction noun PHYS the process by
which another thing depends 왍 on condi- which heat or electricity passes through a
tion that only if 쐽 verb COMPUT to modify substance 쑗 Heat is transferred to the layer
data that is to be transmitted so as to meet of air next to the Earth’s surface by con-
set parameters 쑗 Condition the raw data to duction.
a standard format.
conduction band noun PHYS a range of
conditional adjective COMPUT 1. pro- electron energy levels within a semicon-
vided that particular things take place 2. ductor that allows electrons to flow when
referring to a process which is dependent an electric field is applied
on the result of another
conductive adjective PHYS having the
conditional branch noun COMPUT
ability to allow heat or electricity to pass
same as conditional jump through 쑗 Steel is a conductive material. 쑗
conditional breakpoint noun COMPUT Land masses are less conductive than
a breakpoint after which the programmer water.
can jump to one of a number of sections, conductivity noun PHYS the ability of a
depending on data or program status material to conduct heat or electricity 쑗
conditional jump noun COMPUT a pro- Because of the poor conductivity of air,
gramming instruction that provides a jump heat is transferred from the Earth’s surface
to a section of a program if a specific con- upwards by convection.
dition is met 쑗 The conditional jump will conductor noun PHYS a substance
select routine one if the response is yes and through which heat or electricity can pass
routine two if no. 쑗 Water and steel are good conductors.
conditional statement noun COMPUT conduit noun 1. a channel along which a
a program instruction that will redirect fluid flows 2. ELEC a pipe or elongated box
program control according to the outcome used to protect electrical cables
of an event cone noun 1. MATHS a solid body with a
conditional transfer noun COMPUT base in the shape of a circle, and with sides
same as conditional jump that narrow to a point 2. any object shaped
condition code register noun COM- like a cone 3. ANAT a cell in the retina of the
PUT a register that contains the state of the eye which is sensitive to light. 쒁 rod (NOTE:
Conference of the Parties 138
Cones are sensitive to bright light and col- develop in the foetus because of factors
ours and do not function in bad light.) 4. such as a disease which the mother has, as
in the case of German measles, or a drug
BOT a hard scaly structure containing seeds
that she has taken.
on such plants as conifers
congenital defect noun MED a defect
Conference of the Parties noun the which exists in a baby from birth
group of nations which have ratified the
Framework Convention on Climate congested adjective blocked
Change. Abbr COP congestion noun 1. the blocking of a
configuration noun 1. a pattern or way tube or a passage 2. COMPUT a state that
in which things are arranged 2. COMPUT the occurs when communication or processing
way in which the hardware and software of demands are greater than the capacity of a
a computer system are planned and set up system
configure verb COMPUT to select hard- conglomerate noun GEOL a sedimen-
ware, software and interconnections to tary layer formed of small round stones
make up a special system 쑗 This terminal congruent adjective MATHS 1. referring
has been configured to display graphics. to two numbers whose difference is exactly
confine verb to restrict something to a divisible by a third number 2. having iden-
particular area 쑗 Cooling is confined to the tical geometric shapes
air in contact with the ground. conic adjective based on the shape of a
confined adjective restricted or con- cone
tained conical adjective shaped like a cone
confined aquifer noun GEOL an aquifer conic projection noun GEOG the stand-
that has a layer of rock or soil above it ard two-dimensional representation of the
confined space noun a small space that Earth
does not allow free movement conic section noun MATHS a shape pro-
confirm verb 1. to agree that something is duced by slicing through a cone at varying
correct 2. to repeat something to remove angles (NOTE: Conic sections include cir-
any uncertainty 쑗 The increasing airspeed cles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas.)
confirms that the aircraft is not in level conifer noun BOT a tree with long thin
flight. 쑗 Please confirm your last instruc- needle-shaped leaves and bearing seed in
tion. scaly cones. Most are evergreen.
COMMENT: Conifers are members of the
confluence noun 1. EARTH SCI a place order Coniferales and include pines, firs
where two rivers or streams of air join 2. and spruce. They are natives of the cooler
METEOROL a place where two streams of air temperate regions, are softwoods and often
join grow very fast. Their tough leaves are
conform verb 1. to correspond to called needles and are resistant to cold and
drought. They are frequently used in timber
required standards 쑗 Fuels must conform to plantations.
strict requirements. 2. to do what is conifer monoculture noun FORESTRY
required by rules and regulations a system of afforestation where only one
conformation noun CHEM a structural type of conifer is grown
arrangement of the atoms of a molecule, coniferous adjective BOT referring to
two or more of which may be possible by conifers
rotation around a single bond
coning noun PHYS the widening out of a
congener noun 1. a species which column of smoke as it leaves a chimney
belongs to the same genus as another 2.
CHEM a chemical element which belongs to
conjoined twin noun MED either of
the same group as another twins born physically joined together
congenic adjective GENETICS referring conjugated adjective CHEM containing
to animal cells that are genetically identi- at least two double or triple chemical
cal except for the arrangement of genes in bonds alternating with single bonds
a single region (locus) of a chromosome conjugation noun 1. ZOOL a simple form
congenital adjective BIOL existing at or of reproduction in single-celled organisms
before birth in which they join together, exchange
COMMENT: A congenital condition is not
genetic information and then separate 2.
always inherited from a parent through the BIOL in algae and fungi, the fusion of male
genes. It may be due to abnormalities that and female nuclei 3. CHEM the alternation
139 conserve
in a molecule of two or more double or tri- consecutive adjective following one
ple bonds with single bonds 4. GENETICS another without a break 쑗 4, 5 and 6 are
the distribution of pairs of chromosomes three consecutive numbers.
into the four nuclei produced when a par- conservancy noun ENVIRON an official
ent nucleus divides body which protects a part of the environ-
conjunct noun COMPUT one of the varia- ment
bles in a logical AND function conservation noun ENVIRON 1. the
conjunction noun 1. COMPUT a logical process of protecting something from
function whose output is true if all inputs undesirable change 2. the maintenance of
are true 2. ASTRON the close apparent environmental quality and resources by the
approach of two objects in the sky as seen use of ecological knowledge and principles
from Earth (NOTE: It normally refers to the conservation area noun ENVIRON an
Sun and another planet.) area of special environmental or historical
connect verb 1. to join or associate two importance that is protected by law from
or more objects, processes or ideas changes that have not received official per-
together 쑗 Batteries are sometimes con- mission
nected in series. 2. COMPUT to link together conservation biology noun the study
two points in a circuit or communications of how species and ecosystems can be
network maintained
connection noun 1. a point at which conservationist noun ENVIRON a per-
things are joined or associated 쑗 There is son who promotes, carries out or works for
an electrical connection to the battery. 2. a conservation
link or feature which makes things interde- conservation laws plural noun PHYS a
pendent 쑗 There is a connection between set of laws of physics which state that
temperature change and altitude. energy, mass, angular momentum and
other physical properties of systems are
connectionless network protocol unvarying
noun COMPUT an OSI transport protocol COMMENT: The conservation laws mean
that provides an efficient way of routing that energy is not destroyed by use but
information around a local area network merely degraded, and a car that wears out
using a datagram to carry the information. weighs as much as a new one until pieces
Abbr CLNP start to fall off. In systems such as a star or
a nuclear power station, matter can be
connection-oriented network changed into energy, but even then the total
services plural noun COMPUT an OSI amount of both resources is conserved.
transport protocol that provides an efficient conservation measure noun ENVIRON
way of routing information around a wide a way in which environmental quality can
area network. Abbr CONS be maintained
connective noun COMPUT a symbol conservation of energy noun ENVI-
between two operands that describes the RON the process of making consumption of
operation to be performed energy more efficient, preventing loss or
connective tissue noun ANAT the tis- waste of energy, e.g. by the loss of heat
sue that forms the main part of bones and from buildings
cartilage, ligaments and tendons, in which conservation of resources noun
a large amount of fibrous material sur- ENVIRON the process of managing
rounds the tissue cells resources such as fossil fuels and other nat-
ural materials so as not to waste them,
connectivity noun COMPUT the ability damage them or use them too quickly
of a device to connect with others and
transfer information conservation status noun ECOL the
condition of a site of special scientific
connector noun COMPUT a physical interest, according to whether or not con-
device with a number of metal contacts that servation objectives are being achieved
allow devices to be easily linked together 쑗 conserve verb ENVIRON 1. to keep and
The connector at the end of the cable will not waste something 쑗 The sloth sleeps
fit any standard serial port. during the day to conserve energy. 2. to
CONS abbreviation COMPUT connec- look after and keep something in the same
tion-oriented network services state 쑗 to conserve tigers’ habitat
consider 140
consider verb to think carefully about constant length field noun COMPUT a
something 쑗 We need to consider the data field that always contains the same
effects on the countryside. number of characters
consideration noun something impor- constant linear velocity noun COM-
tant to remember and to think carefully PUT a disk technology in which the disk
about 왍 to take something into consider- spins at different speeds according to the
ation to remember to include something track that is being accessed. Abbr CLV
when thinking about something, solving a constant pressure noun PHYS pres-
problem or making a calculation sure which stays the same
consistency check noun COMPUT a constellation noun ASTRON 1. a group
check to make sure that objects, data or of stars that forms a distinct shape and has
items conform to their expected formats a name 2. an area of the sky accepted by
consistent adjective always reacting or astronomers as a unit of the celestial sphere
COMMENT: Many constellations are still
behaving in the same way 쑗 Human hair called after the familiar objects or mytholog-
responds in a consistent manner to ical figures picked out by ancient astrono-
changes in the relative humidity. mers in the patterns made by their promi-
consist of verb to be made up of some- nent stars, an exception being the constel-
lations of the extreme southern
thing hemisphere, which were named in the last
consociation, consocies noun an eco- few hundred years. The International Astro-
logical community that has one main spe- nomical Union now recognises 88 constel-
cies, e.g. a wood consisting mostly of lations.
beech trees constituent noun a substance or compo-
nent which forms part of a whole 쐽 adjec-
console noun COMPUT a unit which tive forming part of a whole 쑗 the
allows an operator to communicate with a
constituent elements of air
computer system consisting of an input
device such as a keyboard and an output constitute verb to make up or form
device such as a printer or screen something 쑗 Oxygen and nitrogen together
constitute most of the atmosphere.
consolidate verb to make something
more solid or strong constrain verb 1. to restrict someone or
something 2. PHYS to set limits that define
consolidation noun the process by the maximum movement of an object 3.
which something is made more solid or MATHS to limit the value of a variable 4.
strong MATHS to define the maximum or mini-
conspecific BIOL adjective referring to mum limits of a variable
an organism belonging to the same species constraint noun something that restricts
as another organism 쐽 noun an organism something else
belonging to the same species as another constrict verb 1. to make something nar-
organism rower 2. to make the flow of gas or liquid
constant noun MATHS an item of data more difficult by narrowing the passage
whose value does not change. Opposite through which it flows 쑗 In the carburettor
variable 쐽 adjective COMPUT not changing venturi, the flow of air is constricted.
쑗 The disk drive motor spins at a constant constriction noun a narrowing 쑗 A ther-
velocity. 왍 to remain constant to stay the mometer has a constriction in the base of
same 쑗 The temperature of the gas remains the tube between the bulb and the begin-
constant. ning of the scale.
constant angular velocity noun construct verb 1. to put elements or fac-
COMPUT a constant speed of spinning of a tors together to make something 쑗 The
CD-ROM. Abbr CAV (NOTE: The size of table on page 4 can be used to construct
each data frame on the disc varies so as to the estimated time required for this experi-
maintain a regular data throughput of one ment. 2. to build or develop something 쑗 to
frame per second.) construct a model
constant bit rate noun COMPUT a type construction noun 1. a way of putting
of data transfer service that is used to guar- things together 쑗 The basic construction of
antee a specific data transmission rate over the lead-acid cell consists of a positive
a network even if there is a lot of traffic. electrode and negative electrode. 2. the
Abbr CBR building of something 쑗 The construction
141 containment
of the prototype took two years. 3. some- water. 왍 in contact with touching 쑗 The air
thing built 쑗 an elegant construction of in contact with the surface cools. 2. 왍 to be
steel in contact with someone to be in a posi-
construction industry noun ENVIRON tion to communicate with someone 3. a
the business or trade of constructing build- person who can be contacted in order to get
ings something done 4. ELEC a section of a
consult verb to ask an expert for advice 쑗 switch or connector that provides an elec-
He consulted the maintenance manager trical path when it touches another conduc-
about the disk fault. tor 쑗 The circuit is not working because the
contact is dirty. 쐽 verb to communicate
consultant noun a specialist who gives with someone
advice 쑗 They called in a computer con-
sultant to advise them on the system contact bounce noun COMPUT same as
design. bounce
consumable goods plural noun contact breaker noun ELEC a mechani-
INDUST products that are used quickly and cally operated switch which is timed to
have to be bought often, e.g. food or sta- break the primary circuit when maximum
tionery current is flowing
consumables plural noun COMPUT contact herbicide noun AGRIC a sub-
small cheap extra items required in the stance which kills a plant whose leaves it
day-to-day running of a computer system, touches, e.g. paraquat
e.g. paper and printer ribbons 쑗 Put all the contact image sensor noun COMPUT
printer leads and paper with the other con- a scanner in which the detectors touch the
sumables. original, without any lens that might distort
consume verb 1. to use up or burn fuel 쑗 the image. Abbr CIS
The new pump consumes only half the fuel contact insecticide noun AGRIC a sub-
which the other pump would use. 2. to eat stance such as DDT that kills insects which
foodstuffs 쑗 The population consumes ten touch it (NOTE: DDT is now banned in
tonnes of foodstuffs per week. many countries because of its toxicity and
consumer noun 1. a person or company ability to accumulate in the environment.)
which buys and uses goods and services 쑗 contact weedkiller noun AGRIC same
Gas consumers are protesting at the as contact herbicide
increase in prices. 쑗 The factory is a heavy
consumer of water. 2. ZOOL an organism contagion noun MED the spreading of a
that eats other organisms. Compare pro- disease by touching an infected person, or
ducer objects which an infected person has
touched. Compare infection
consumption noun 1. the fact or proc-
ess of using something 쑗 a car with low contagious adjective MED referring to a
petrol consumption 쑗 The country’s con- disease which can be transmitted by touch-
sumption of wood has fallen by a quarter. ing an infected person, or objects which an
2. BIOL the taking of food or liquid into the infected person has touched. Compare
body 쑗 Nearly 3% of all food samples were infectious
found to be unfit for human consumption contain verb to hold or have something
through contamination by lead. inside 쑗 Most clouds contain some
consumption efficiency noun the super-cooled water droplets.
percentage of the total available matter at container noun 1. a box, case or bottle
one trophic level which is consumed by that holds something else 2. TRANSP a large
animals at the next trophic level, e.g. the case, with internationally agreed measure-
percentage of plants eaten by herbivores. ments, that can be transported by truck and
Abbr CE then easily loaded on a ship 3. COMPUT
consumption residues plural noun something that can be set to a value 쑗 The
MANUF waste matter left after manufac- programmer uses this variable as a con-
tured goods are used tainer, storing the object’s colour.
contact noun 1. a physical connection containment noun 1. PHYS the prevent-
between two or more things, especially the ing of the nuclei and electrons generated in
fact of one touching the other 쑗 Don’t nuclear fusion from reaching the walls of
allow the part to come into contact with the reaction chamber 2. MED, ENVIRON the
contaminant 142
actions taken to stop the spread of some- news stories, images, video or software for
thing such as disease or contamination a publication or for use on a website
contaminant noun ENVIRON a substance content-rich adjective COMPUT contain-
which causes contamination ing a lot of useful information
contaminate verb ENVIRON to make contents plural noun 1. what is inside
something impure by touching it or by add- something 쑗 The contents of the bottle
ing something, especially something harm- poured out onto floor. 쑗 The officials
ful, to it 쑗 Supplies of drinking water were inspected the contents of the box. 왍 the
contaminated by uncontrolled discharges contents of the letter COMPUT the words
from the factory. 쑗 A whole group of tour- written in the letter 2. COMPUT a list of
ists fell ill after eating contaminated food. items in a file or document
contaminated fuel noun INDUST a fuel context-sensitive adjective COMPUT
which contains an unwanted substance, depending on a particular situation
e.g. water context-sensitive help noun COMPUT
a help message that gives useful informa-
contaminated land, contaminated tion about the particular function or part of
site noun AGRIC an area which has been
the program you are in rather than general
polluted as a result of human activities
information about the whole program
such as industrial processes, presenting a
hazard to human health, and which needs contig noun GENETICS a continuous
cleaning before it can be used for other series of overlapping cloned DNA seg-
purposes ments used to map the physical order of
COMMENT: Contaminated land is a feature
bases along the chromosome from which
of most industrialised countries. Careless they were derived
past management of waste, lack of pollution contiguous file noun COMPUT a file
controls and many leaks and spills have left stored in a series of adjacent disk sectors
a legacy of land contaminated by a wide
variety of substances. In some cases this contiguous graphics plural noun
presents unacceptable risks to human COMPUT graphic cells or characters which
beings, ecosystems, water resources or touch each other 쑗 Most display units do
property and has to be dealt with by formal not provide contiguous graphics; their
remedial measures.
characters have a small space on each side
contamination noun 1. ENVIRON the to improve legibility.
action of making something impure 쑗 the continent noun EARTH SCI one of the
contamination of the water supply by run- seven large landmasses on the Earth’s sur-
off from the fields 왍 contamination of air face (NOTE: The continents are Asia,
pollution in the atmosphere 2. ENVIRON the Africa, North America, South America,
state of something such as water or food Australia, Europe and Antarctica.)
which has been contaminated and so is
harmful to living organisms 쑗 The level of
continental adjective EARTH SCI refer-
ring to a continent
contamination is dropping.
continental climate noun METEOROL a
content noun 1. whatever is contained type of climate found in the centre of a
within something (NOTE: This is often large continent away from the sea, with
expressed as a percentage.) 왍 the mois- long dry summers, very cold winters and
ture content of the atmosphere the not much rainfall
amount of water vapour in the air 2. COM-
PUT information, ideas, text, images or data
continental crust noun EARTH SCI the
that form a letter, document, webpage, part of the Earth’s crust under the conti-
database or book nents and continental shelves, lying above
the oceanic crust
content-addressable memory, con- continental drift noun EARTH SCI a geo-
tent-addressable storage noun COMPUT logical theory that the present continents
same as associative memory. Abbr CAM were once part of a single landmass and
contention noun COMPUT a situation have gradually drifted away from each
that occurs when two or more devices are other over a period of millions of years
trying to communicate with the same piece continental shelf noun EARTH SCI the
of equipment sloping land surface of the seabed from the
content provider noun COMPUT a com- shore out to sea for an average distance of
pany that supplies information such as text, 70 km
143 contrast enhancement filter
continental slope noun EARTH SCI an washed away and the furrows retain the
area of the seabed which slopes down rainwater.
sharply from the edge of the continental contouring noun COMPUT a process that
shelf into deeper water converts a wire-frame drawing into a
continental terrace noun EARTH SCI a solid-looking object by adding shadows
level part of the Earth’s crust including the and texture
continental shelf and the lower-lying areas contour interval noun GEOG the space
of the continents themselves between two contour lines on a map
contingency noun something which contour line noun GEOG a line drawn on
might happen in the future and therefore a map to show ground of the same height
must be planned for above sea level
contingency plan noun a plan which contour map noun GEOG a map show-
will be put into action if something unex- ing the contours of a geographical area
pected happens contour ploughing, contour ridging
contingent valuation method noun noun AGRIC the practice of ploughing
ENVIRON a survey-based economic method across the side of a hill so as to create
which is used to determine the monetary ridges along the contours of the land which
value of the benefits or costs of an environ- will hold water and prevent erosion
mental policy or feature contour strip cropping noun AGRIC

continual adjective happening again and the planting of different crops in bands
again 쑗 The continual system breakdowns along the contours of sloping land so as to
have slowed down the processing. prevent soil erosion
contraception noun HEALTH the inten-
continue verb to go on doing something tional prevention of pregnancy by the use
or to do something which you were doing of devices, drugs, sexual practices or surgi-
earlier cal procedures
continuity noun 1. the situation of not contract noun an agreement 쐽 verb to
stopping or being interrupted 2. COMPUT a become smaller in volume or length 쑗 Liq-
clear conduction path between two points uids contract as the temperature drops.
continuous adjective going on without Opposite expand
stopping contractile vacuole noun BIOL a mem-
continuous spectrum noun ASTRON a brane-surrounded cavity within a cell that
band of light of differing wavelengths fills with water from the cell and then con-
against which dark absorption lines are tracts, expelling the water to the exterior
seen contraction noun 1. the decrease in vol-
COMMENT: Stars exhibiting a continuous ume of a substance brought about by cool-
spectrum are those, like the Sun, where the
surface of the star is seen rather than its ing 쑗 Due to contraction, the length of a
atmosphere, the absorption lines providing mercury column shortens. Opposite
information about the atoms in the atmos- expansion 2. PHYSIOL a shortening 쑗 a
phere rather than the surface. muscle contraction
continuous wave noun PHYS an elec- contrail noun AEROSP same as conden-
tromagnetic wave that has constant fre- sation trail
quency and amplitude and is not produced contrast noun 1. the degree of difference
in pulses between light and dark tones 쑗 Contrast
continuum noun MATHS a set of real and colour enable a pilot to identify
numbers in which there are no gaps (NOTE: ground features. 2. the difference between
There is always an intermediate number two things 쑗 There is an enormous contrast
between any two numbers in the set.) between the performance of the two air-
contour noun 1. the shape of something craft. 왍 in contrast to when compared
2. EARTH SCI same as contour line with 쐽 verb to examine the differences
contour farming noun AGRIC a method between two sets of information 쑗 The old
of cultivating sloping land in which the data were contrasted with the latest infor-
land is ploughed along a terrace rather than mation.
down the slope, so reducing soil erosion contrast enhancement filter noun
COMMENT: In contour farming, the ridges of COMPUT a special filter put over a monitor
earth act as barriers to prevent soil being to increase contrast and prevent eye-strain
contribute 144
contribute verb to give or provide some- control cycle noun COMPUT the events
thing as part of the whole 쑗 Exhaust gases required to retrieve, decode and execute an
contribute to engine power. 쑗 I contributed instruction stored in memory
a paper to a special issue of the journal. control data plural noun data that con-
contribution noun something given or trol the actions of a device
provided as part of a whole 쑗 The differ- control driven adjective COMPUT refer-
ences in the effect of solar radiation on ring to instructions that are executed once
land and sea make the biggest contribution a control sequence has been received by a
to weather and climate. computer
contributor noun a person or thing that control field noun COMPUT the storage
contributes to something 쑗 She was a con- area for control instructions
tributor to the seminar. 쑗 The ozone effect control gene noun GENETICS a gene that
is a major contributor to the division of the regulates the development and specialisa-
lower atmosphere into two layers. tion of cells
control noun 1. the action of directing or control group noun a group of organ-
working in a specific way 2. the process of isms or substances that are not being
restraining something or keeping some- tested, but whose test data are used as a
thing in order 왍 to bring or keep some- comparison
thing under control to make sure that control instruction noun COMPUT a
something is well regulated 쑗 The authori- program instruction that controls the
ties brought the epidemic under control. 왍 actions of a device 쑗 The next control
out of control unregulated 쑗 The epidemic instruction will switch to italics.
appears to be out of control. 3. (in experi- control language noun COMPUT a sys-
ments) a sample used as a comparison with tem of commands that identify and
the one being tested 4. COMPUT a section of describe the resources required by a job
a computer or device which carries out that a computer has to perform
instructions and processes signals 5. a key controlled experiment noun an exper-
on a computer keyboard which sends a iment designed to test the effects of inde-
control character 쐽 verb to make a pendent variables on a dependent variable
machine, system or procedure work in a by changing one independent variable at a
specific way 쑗 The purpose of the centrifu- time
gal switch is to control the starting and controlled tipping noun ENVIRON the
ignition circuits. disposal of waste in special landfill sites
control area noun an area where con- controller noun 1. a device which
trols are operating to prevent the spread of ensures that something operates in the cor-
a disease within the area, usually a larger rect way 쑗 the propeller speed controller 2.
area than the infected area a person who manages systems to ensure
control block noun COMPUT a reserved the smooth operation of procedures 3.
area of computer memory that contains COMPUT a hardware or software device that
control data controls a peripheral such as a printer or
monitors and directs data transmission
control bus noun COMPUT a set of con- over a local area network
nections to a microcomputer that carry the
control signals between CPU, memory and control memory noun COMPUT a mem-
input/output devices ory that decodes control instructions into
microinstructions that operate a computer
control cable noun AVIAT a metal wire or microcontroller
linking a pilot’s cockpit controls to control control mode noun COMPUT the state of
surfaces such as the elevators and ailerons a device in which control signals can be
control character noun COMPUT a spe- received to select options or functions
cial character that provides a control Control of Substances Hazardous
sequence rather than an alphanumeric to Health (UK Regulations) noun full
character form of COSHH
control computer noun COMPUT a ded- control panel noun COMPUT 1. the con-
icated computer used to control a process trol switches and status indicators of a
or piece of equipment main computer system 2. a utility that dis-
145 conventional RAM
plays user-definable options such as key- convective clouds plural noun METE-
board, country code and type of mouse OROL clouds formed as a result of warm
control register noun COMPUT the stor- moist air rising and condensing at altitude
age location only used for control data convenience noun 1. ease or comfort in
control rod noun INDUST a rod or cylin- doing something 쑗 Reading lights are pro-
der made of or containing a material such vided for passengers’ convenience. 2. ease
as graphite that absorbs neutrons and is of understanding 쑗 For convenience we
used to control the rate of fission in a will assume that the Earth is round.
nuclear reactor convenient adjective useful or easy to
controls plural noun the manual or auto- use 쑗 The circular slide rule has a conven-
matic devices used to control a machine or ient scale for converting weights and vol-
system to make it work in a correct way umes.
control sequence noun COMPUT the convention noun 1. an idea or mode of
codes containing a control character and behaviour which, because of long usage,
various arguments, used to carry out a has become normal and accepted 쑗 By con-
process or change mode in a device vention, wind direction is given as the
control signal noun ELECTRONICS an direction from which the wind blows. 2. a
electrical signal transmitted to control the meeting of large numbers of people 쑗 a
actions of a circuit convention of environmentalists 3. a formal
control statement noun COMPUT 1. a agreement 쑗 Convention on Biological
program instruction which directs a pro- Diversity 왍 by convention by general
gram somewhere, e.g. to another branch 2. agreement or custom
a program instruction which directs an conventional adjective usual, accepted
electronic central processing unit to pro- and familiar to most people 쑗 the conven-
vide controlling actions or controls the tional symbols used on weather charts
actions of a central processing unit conventional fuel noun ENVIRON a tra-
control structure noun COMPUT a set of ditional means of providing energy, e.g.
instructions that are run in a particular cir- coal, wood or gas, as opposed to alternative
cumstance (NOTE: An IF.THEN statement energy sources such as solar power, tidal
selects a particular control structure power or wind power
depending on the value of a variable.) conventional medicine noun MED the
control system noun COMPUT a system generally accepted medical practice taught
used to check that a computer system is in hospitals and medical schools. Compare
working correctly alternative medicine
control token noun COMPUT a special conventional memory noun COMPUT
sequence of bits transmitted over a LAN to the random access memory region
provide control actions installed in a PC from 0 up to 640Kb
control total noun COMPUT a result of (NOTE: This area of memory can be directly
summing specific fields in a computer file controlled by MS-DOS and it is where most
to provide error detection programs are loaded when they are exe-
control transfer noun COMPUT the redi- cuted.)
rection of the central processing unit when conventional power station noun
a jump or call instruction is encountered INDUST a non-nuclear power station
control unit noun COMPUT a section of conventional RAM noun COMPUT
the central processing unit which selects same as conventional memory
and executes instructions. Abbr CU Convention on Biological Diver-
control word noun a word which sity noun ENVIRON an international agree-
defines in a particular process the actions ment made at the Earth Summit in Rio de
that are to be followed Janeiro in 1992 to conserve biological
convection noun PHYS the process by diversity, encourage sustainable use of nat-
which hot air rises and cool air descends 쑗 ural resources and ensure that benefits
Heat is transferred from the Earth’s sur- from the use of genetic resources are
face upwards largely by convection. shared in a fair way. Abbr CBD
convective adjective PHYS referring to Convention on International Trade
something which is affected by the vertical in Endangered Species of Wild
circulation of air Fauna and Flora noun an international
converge 146
agreement between 123 countries to from one form to another 쑗 The converter
reduce or prevent the trade in endangered allowed the old data to be used on the new
species of wild animals and plants. Abbr system.
CITES convertibility noun the ability to be
converge verb to move towards, come changed
together or meet at a point 쑗 Meridians convertible adjective easily changed to
converge towards the poles. Opposite fit in with a new system or set of standards
diverge 쑗 The statute mile, unlike the nautical mile,
convergence noun 1. the movement is not readily convertible into terms of
towards or the act of coming together or angular measurement.
meeting at a point 쑗 There is convergence convex adjective curved outwards like
of meridians of longitude at the North and the outer surface of a sphere or ellipsoid
South Poles. 2. COMPUT the combination of convey verb to pass, carry or move some-
two or more technologies to produce a new thing from one place to another 쑗 A large
technology (NOTE: Fax machines are the number of tubes convey the cooling
product of convergence of telephone, medium through the matrix.
scanning and printing technologies.) 3.
COMPUT the accuracy with which the pic-
cookie noun COMPUT a tiny file stored on
ture beam strikes the three colour dots that a computer when connected to a remote
form each colour pixel 4. METEOROL a phe- Internet site using a browser (NOTE: A
nomenon that occurs whenever there is a cookie is used by the remote site to store
net inflow of air into a region of the atmos- information about options which can be
phere, resulting in the accumulation of air read when the site is next visited.)
and an increase in density. Compare diver- cool adjective rather cold 쐽 verb to make
gence 5. EARTH SCI the process that occurs or become less hot 쑗 The airflow is used to
in an ocean when warm surface water cool the oil.
meets cold polar surface water and starts to coolant noun 1. CHEM, MECH ENG a sub-
cool and sink stance used to cool something such as an
convergence zone noun EARTH SCI the engine 2. INDUST a substance used to take
area of an ocean in which convergence the heat generated from a nuclear power
occurs station to the boilers 쑗 Ordinary water is
conversational mode noun COMPUT a used as coolant in some types of nuclear
computer system that provides immediate reactor.
responses to a user’s input cooler noun a device for cooling some-
converse noun the opposite 왍 warm air thing 쑗 A self-contained system, consisting
rises – the converse is also true in other of an oil tank, pump, filter, cooler, and oil
words, cool air descends 쐽 verb to have a jets, lubricates the auxiliary power unit.
conversation cooling noun the action of making some-
conversion noun COMPUT a change thing cool 쑗 the cooling of the oil by the
from one system to another airflow 쐽 adjective making cool
conversion factor noun a formula or cooling medium noun CHEM a sub-
figure used for conversion of units, e.g. of stance which reduces the temperature of
temperatures or distances, from one sys- another substance or material
tem to another 쑗 The conversion factor for cooling pond noun INDUST 1. a part of a
converting UK gallons to litres is: x 4.546. nuclear reactor where irradiated elements
convert verb to change something to a are cooled 2. a part of an industrial process
different system, set of rules or state 쑗 How where water is allowed to cool in the open
do you convert degrees C into degrees F? 쑗 air
Photochemical reactions convert oxygen to cooling tower noun INDUST a tall tower
ozone. 쑗 She has converted her car to take for cooling the water used in industrial
LPG. processes such as at power stations
converter noun 1. a device which alters cooling water noun the water used to
the form of something 쑗 A backup con- make something less hot, e.g. the irradiated
verter converts the alternating current elements from a nuclear reactor or the
power into direct current. 2. COMPUT a engine of a machine
device or program which translates data coombe noun another spelling of combe
147 copy
cooperation noun the act of working copper noun CHEM ELEM a metallic trace
together in harmony to achieve a common element. It is essential to biological life and
goal used in making alloys and in electric wir-
cooperative processing noun COM- ing. (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cu; the
PUT a system in which two or more com- atomic number is 29 and the atomic weight
puters in a distributed network can each is 63.55.)
execute a part of a program or work on a copper chloride noun CHEM a chloride
particular set of data containing copper
coordinate verb to organise complex copper ore noun CHEM a mineral con-
tasks so that they fit together efficiently 쑗 taining copper
She has to coordinate the keyboarding of copper oxide noun CHEM a red or black
several parts of a file in six different loca- powder, insoluble in water. Formula:
tions. 쐽 noun MATHS, NAVIG one of the val- Cu2O.
ues used to locate a point on a graph or map copper sulfate, copper sulphate noun
coordinate bond noun CHEM a chemi- CHEM a naturally occurring poisonous blue
cal bond in which a pair of electrons is compound that is white when dehydrated.
shared by two atoms, both of which are Formula: CuSO4. (NOTE: It is used in textile
supplied by one atom (NOTE: A coordinate dyeing, electroplating, fungicides and
bond is a type of covalent bond.) wood preservatives.)
Coordinated Universal Time noun coppice FORESTRY noun an area of trees
the time based on the 24-hour clock sys- which have been cut down to near the
tem. Abbr UTC (NOTE: 7 p.m. is 1900 ground to allow shoots to grow which are
hours, spoken as: ‘nineteen hundred then harvested. The shoots may be used as
hours’) fuel or for making products such as baskets
coordinate graph noun MATHS a means or fencing. 쐽 verb to cut trees down to near
of displaying one point on a graph, using the ground to produce strong straight
two values referring to axes which are usu- shoots 쑗 Coppiced wood can be dried for
ally at right angles to each other use in wood-burning stoves. Compare pol-
coordinate time noun ASTRON time as lard
measured by an observer far from a source coppicing noun FORESTRY the practice
of strong gravitation such as a black hole, of regularly cutting down trees near to the
providing a framework against which the ground to produce strong straight shoots
effects of relativity can be measured for fuel or other uses 쑗 Coppicing, a tradi-
coordination noun 1. the bringing tional method of woodland management, is
together of the various parts of a procedure now of interest for producing biofuel.
or plan to ensure that the operation works COMMENT: The best trees for coppicing are
those which naturally send up several tall
correctly 쑗 A rescue coordination centre straight stems from a bole, such as willow,
was set up to control the emergency. 2. alder or poplar. In coppice management,
PHYSIOL the ability to use different parts of the normal cycle is about five to ten years of
the body together well 쑗 A pilot must have growth, after which the stems are cut back.
good hand/eye coordination. coprocessor noun COMPUT an extra,
COP abbreviation Conference of the Par- specialised processor such as an array or
ties numerical processor that can work with a
cope verb to manage to do something, main processor to increase execution speed
often with some difficulty 쑗 In heavy rain- coprolite noun GEOL fossilized dung of
storms, the windscreen wipers may not be ancient animals, formerly mined and used
able to cope. 쑗 The structure must be able as fertilizer
to cope with increased loads caused by coprophilous adjective growing on
turning movement. dung 쑗 coprophilous fungi
Copernican system noun ASTRON the copy noun 1. COMPUT a document or
theory of Nicolaus Copernicus (1479– object that looks the same as another 2. a
1543) that the Earth and other planets duplicate of an original 쑗 Make copies of
revolve around the Sun (NOTE: This theory the report for everyone. 3. COMPUT a docu-
challenged the Ptolemaic system of ment 쐽 verb COMPUT to make a second doc-
astronomy that had prevailed since the ument or object that is like the first 쑗 He
second century.) copied all the files and took them home.
copy protect 148
copy protect verb COMPUT to move a coresident adjective COMPUT referring
switch to prevent copies being made 쑗 The to two or more programs stored in main
program is not copy protected. 쑗 All the memory at the same time
disks are copy protected. 쐽 noun a switch core store noun COMPUT same as core
used to prevent copies of a disk being made memory
copy protection noun the preventing of Corine noun ECOL a collection of infor-
the making of copies 쑗 A hard disk may mation on important issues such as land
crash because of faulty copy protection. 쑗 cover, coastal erosion and biotopes for the
The new product will come without copy major natural sites in Europe. Full form
protection. Coordination of information on the envi-
copyright noun a legal right which writ- ronment
ers or programmers have allowing them Coriolis effect noun PHYS the sideways
not to have their own work copied without movement of particles as explained by the
the payment of royalties. 쒁 patent Coriolis force
Copyright Act noun an act of Parlia- Coriolis force noun PHYS a force which
ment making copyright legal and control- accelerates movement of a rotating mass
ling the copying of copyright material perpendicular to its motion and towards the
copyrighted adjective legally protected axis of rotation
COMMENT: The Coriolis force acts at a right
from copying angle to wind direction and is directly
coral noun MARINE BIOL a rock-like sub- proportional to wind speed. It explains why
stance composed of the skeletons of dead wind patterns are clockwise in the northern
polyps hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the
southern hemisphere. It is named after G.
CORAL noun COMPUT a computer pro- G. Coriolis, a French engineer who died in
gramming language used in a real-time 1843.
system. Full form common real-time cork noun BOT a protective outer layer
applications language that forms part of the bark in woody plants,
coral reef noun MARINE BIOL a reef taking many years to regrow once stripped
formed of coral (NOTE: It is used, among other things, for
bottle corks, fishing net floats and flooring,
coral sand noun MARINE BIOL fine white but cork oaks are now attracting conserva-
particles which form tropical beaches, not tion interest.)
sand at all but tiny pieces of dead coral
cork cambium noun BOT the tissue near
CORBA noun COMPUT full form of com- the outer surface of a woody plant stem
mon object request broker architecture that produces cork
cord noun ELEC a wire used to connect a corm noun BOT a swollen underground
device to a socket plant stem with a terminal bud, e.g. on a
cordite noun CHEM an explosive made of crocus
cellulose nitrate and nitroglycerine corn noun 1. wheat or barley (informal) 2.
core noun 1. the central part of something US maize
왍 the core of a problem the most funda- cornification noun BIOL the filling of
mental part of a problem 2. COMPUT the skin cells with keratin to form horny tissue
central conducting section of a cable 쑗 The such as nails or scales
primary windings consist of heavy-gauge corn oil noun FOOD INDUST a vegetable
wire mounted on a soft iron core. 3. EARTH oil obtained from maize grains, used for
SCI the central part of something 쑗 The cooking and as a salad oil
Earth’s core is believed to be formed of corolla noun BOT a set of petals in a
nickel and iron. 4. INDUST the central part flower
of a nuclear reactor, where the fuel rods are
sited corona noun 1. ELEC an electric dis-
charge used to charge the toner within a
core memory noun COMPUT 1. the cen- laser printer 2. BOT a trumpet-shaped,
tral memory of a computer 2. a non-vola- petal-like outgrowth in flowers such as nar-
tile magnetic storage method used in old cissi 3. ASTRON the outermost portion of
computers the Sun’s atmosphere, extending more than
core program noun COMPUT a computer 10 solar radii and maintaining a tempera-
program stored in core memory ture of 1000000°C or more
149 cortisone
coronary artery noun ANAT a blood there is a correlation between time and dis-
vessel carrying blood away from the heart tance.
coronavirus noun MICROBIOL, MED a correspond verb 1. to have a direct rela-
single-stranded RNA virus that causes tionship with or fit with something 쑗
major illnesses in animals and humans and Movements of the control surfaces corre-
is a cause of the common cold. Family: spond to movements of the pilots’ flying
Coronaviridae. controls. 2. to be similar to something 쑗
corona wire noun COMPUT a thin wire The ideal conditions to maintain would be
that charges the powdered toner particles those corresponding to sea level. 3. to
in a laser printer as they pass across it 쑗 If write to someone 쑗 She corresponded with
your printouts are smudged, you may have several Russian scientists.
to clean the corona wire. corrie noun EARTH SCI same as cirque
coroutine noun COMPUT a section of a corrode verb CHEM 1. to destroy some-
program or procedure that can pass data thing by a slow chemical process 쑗 Turbine
and control to another coroutine, then halt fuels tend to corrode the components of the
itself fuel and combustion systems mainly as a
corpus callosum noun ZOOL the broad result of the sulfur and water content of the
bundle of nerve fibres that connects the fuel. 2. to suffer corrosion 쑗 Aluminium
two hemispheres of the brain in higher will not corrode easily.
mammals allowing communication corrosion noun 1. CHEM a process in
between the hemispheres which the surface of a material, generally a
corpuscle noun PHYSIOL a cell in the metal, is changed by the action of mois-
blood ture, air or a chemical 2. erosion of rocks
corpus luteum noun ANAT a yellowish by the action of chemicals or the weather
mass of tissue that forms after ovulation in corrosion protection noun CHEM
the Graafian follicle of the ovary and action taken to prevent corrosion such as
secretes progesterone rust
corrasion noun EARTH SCI the wearing corrosive adjective CHEM causing corro-
away of rock by material carried by ice, sion 쑗 Sulfuric acid is very corrosive.
water or wind corrupt COMPUT adjective a program or
correct adjective without error 쐽 verb 1. data that contain errors 쐽 verb to introduce
to adjust something to a particular standard errors into data or a program 쑗 Power loss
쑗 corrected to three decimal places 쑗 A during disk access can corrupt the data.
servo-motor fitted in the elevator trim sys- cortex noun 1. BOT the tissue in plants
tem will automatically correct for loads. 2. between the outer layer (epidermis) and
to remove mistakes from something the central core (stele) of the stem or root
correction noun 1. the adjustment or 2. ANAT an outer layer of tissue in the brain,
changing of something to make it correct 2. glands or cells
an adjustment or change to something to corticosteroid noun 1. BIOCHEM a ster-
make it correct 3. the use of a mathematical oid hormone formed in the adrenal cortex
formula for adjusting a known inaccuracy 2. PHARM a synthetic drug similar to a nat-
of calculation 쑗 In applying this correction ural corticosteroid, used to reduce inflam-
the reading is converted to that which mation and allergic reactions
would occur at mean sea level. corticotrophin noun BIOCHEM 쏡 ACTH
corrective adjective designed to correct cortisol noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro-
something duced in the adrenal glands that helps to
corrective action noun action taken to control the synthesis of glucose, reduces or
improve something prevents inflammation and helps to regu-
correlate verb to compare two measure- late the way fat is deposited in the body.
ments in order to form a relationship Also called hydrocortisone (NOTE: When
between the two 쑗 Power is measured not used as a medical treatment, it helps con-
by the amount of work done, but by units of trol allergies, skin conditions and adrenal
accomplishment correlated with time. failure.)
correlation noun a measurable and pre- cortisone noun BIOCHEM a biologically
dictable relationship 쑗 At a given speed, inactive steroid compound that is con-
corundum 150
verted in the adrenal glands and other tis- cosmology noun ASTRON the study of
sues to the active hormone cortisol the universe as a whole, including its struc-
corundum noun MINERALS a hard crys- ture and long-term development as well as
talline form of aluminium oxide which has its origins
a range of colour forms cosmos noun ASTRON the whole uni-
cos abbreviation MATHS cosine verse
COSHH noun UK regulations controlling cotangent noun MATHS a trigonometric
substances with known health risks. Full function equal to the length of the side
form Control of Substances Hazardous adjacent to the angle divided by that of the
to Health (UK Regulations) side opposite, for a given angle in a
cosine noun MATHS a trigonometric func- right-angled triangle
tion defined as the length of the side adja- cotyledon noun BOT the green plant
cent to an angle in a right-angled triangle structure resembling a leaf that appears as
divided by the length of the hypotenuse a seed germinates and before the true
cosmic adjective ASTRON referring to the leaves appear, developing from the embryo
cosmos of the seed
cosmic dust noun ASTRON the small COMMENT: Cotyledons are thicker than
particles of solid matter found in outer normal leaves, and contain food for the
space, often grouped in clouds growing plant. Plants are divided into two
groups, those producing a single cotyledon
cosmic radiation noun ASTRON 쏡 cos- (monocotyledons) and those producing two
mic ray cotyledons (dicotyledons).
cosmic ray noun ASTRON a stream of coulomb noun ELEC the SI unit of elec-
high-energy particles entering Earth’s tric charge equal to the amount of electrical
atmosphere from space charge transported by a current of one
COMMENT: Primary cosmic rays are of solar ampere in one second. Symbol C
origin and their composition reflects the
Sun’s own, consisting mainly of neutrons count verb MATHS to make a total of a
and alpha particles, since the Sun consists number of items 쐽 noun the process of
mainly of hydrogen and helium. Other totalling a number of items
cosmic rays appear to come from deep
space, especially from supernovae, which counter noun 1. a device which counts
accounts for the appearance of heavier automatically 쑗 The loop will repeat itself
nuclei. until the counter reaches 100. 2. COMPUT a
cosmic string noun ASTRON an register or variable whose contents are
extremely long thin defect in spacetime, increased or decreased by a set amount
supposedly formed in the instant following every time an action occurs 쑗 The number
the birth of the universe of items changed are recorded with the
cosmogony noun ASTRON the study of counter. 쐽 verb to work against something
the origin of the universe and the to remove the effect of it 쑗 Some people
larger-scale objects within it, a subdivision find that swallowing hard counters the
of cosmology effects of changes in pressure.
cosmological principle noun ASTRON counter- prefix against
the theory that, on a very large scale, all the counter-rotating ring noun TELECOM
matter in the universe is distributed evenly, the two signal paths transmitted in opposite
so that hypothetical astronomers a long directions around a ring network
way from the Earth would see the same
universe, on the biggest scale, as we do. counterstain SCI noun an additional
Observational tests of the principle are dif- stain applied to a specimen to be examined
ficult to carry out and are complicated by under a microscope, in order to bring out
the fact that looking into the universe over features not revealed by the primary stain 쐽
different distances also involves looking verb to use a counterstain on a microscope
back over different time periods. (NOTE: specimen
Observational tests of the principle are dif- couple noun two of something 왍 a cou-
ficult to carry out and are complicated by ple of two or three, or a small number of 쐽
the fact that looking into the universe over verb to link 쑗 Pilot error, coupled with
different distances also involves looking poor weather conditions, resulted in an
back over different time periods.) accident.
151 craft
coupler noun COMPUT a mechanical which are able to enrich the soil are often
device used to connect three or more con- used as cover crops.) 2. a crop grown to
ductors give protection to another crop that is sown
coupling noun a joining or connecting with it 쑗 In the tropics, bananas can be
component 쑗 When not in use, the coupling used as a cover crop for cocoa. 3. a crop
is sealed by a dust cap. grown to give cover to game birds
course noun 1. a formal period of study Cowper’s gland noun ANAT one of a
쑗 a meteorology course 2. NAVIG an imagi-
pair of small glands that lie beneath the
nary line across the surface of the Earth prostate in mammals and secrete an alka-
which must be followed in order to arrive line fluid into the urethra just before ejacu-
at a destination 3. a set of actions taken in lation of semen
a particular situation 쑗 The best course is to cpi abbreviation COMPUT characters per
wait until we have done the tests. 쑗 What inch
course of action do you recommend? 4. the CPM abbreviation COMPUT critical path
development of events over a period of method
time 쑗 the usual course of the disease 왍 in cps abbreviation COMPUT characters per
the course of during 왍 in the normal second
course of events usually 5. a sequence of CPU abbreviation COMPUT central
medical treatment given over a period of processing unit
time 쑗 a course of antibiotics COMMENT: In a file-handling program, CPU
courseware noun COMPUT software, time might be minimal, since data retrieval
manuals and videos that make up a training from disk would account for a large part of
the program run. In a mathematical
package or CAL product program, the CPU time could be much
covalency noun CHEM the chemical higher in proportion to the total run time.
combining power of an atom in which elec- CPU bound adjective COMPUT the per-
trons will be shared formance of a computer which is limited
covalent bond noun CHEM a chemical by the number of instructions the central
bond between two atoms in which a pair of processing unit can carry out (NOTE: Effec-
electrons is shared tively, the memory and I/O devices can
covalent radius noun PHYS the radius transfer data faster than the CPU can pro-
of an atom that has a covalent bond duce them.)
covariance noun ASTRON the principle CPU clock noun COMPUT a clock inside
that the laws of the universe are every- a processor device which generates a regu-
where the same lar signal millions of times every second to
control operations and data transfer within
cover verb 1. to include the complete the processor
extent of a period or a whole area 쑗 The
restriction covers the period from the 4th to CPU cycle noun COMPUT a period of
the 8th of July. 왍 the area covered by the time taken to fetch and execute an instruc-
forecast the area that the forecast deals tion, used as a measure of computer speed
with 2. to deal with a subject 쑗 The subject CPU element noun COMPUT one of the
of central warning systems is covered in main sections that make up a CPU, includ-
the systems book. 3. to be completely over ing ALU, control unit, I/O bus, memory
something so as to hide what is underneath and various registers
쑗 The area is covered in snow. 쐽 noun CPU time noun COMPUT the total period
something that goes over something else of time that a central processing unit is
completely used to process instructions
coverage noun the amount of space or Cr symbol CHEM ELEM chromium
time given to a subject or an event 쑗 More CR abbreviation ENVIRON critically endan-
complete coverage of the one-in-sixty rule gered
is given in the plotting section of these cracking noun INDUST the process by
notes. which crude oil is broken down into light
cover crop noun AGRIC 1. a crop sown to oil
cover the soil and prevent it from drying craft noun 1. TRANSP a boat for carrying
out and being eroded (NOTE: When the people or goods on water 2. AEROSP an air-
cover crop has served its purpose, it is craft or spacecraft for carrying people or
usually ploughed in, so leguminous plants goods in the air or in space 쑗 An airship is
cramp 152
classified as a lighter-than-air craft. 3. a creatine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid
practical skill 쑗 a revival of country crafts that occurs chiefly as phosphocreatine, an
such as basket-making energy storage compound in muscles
cramp noun a spasm of the muscles creatinine noun BIOCHEM a substance
where the muscle may remain contracted derived from the breakdown of creatine
for some time and found in urine. Formula: C4H7ON3.
cranial nerve noun ANAT one of the creep noun 1. gradual change 2. weaken-
paired nerves that emerge directly from the ing and slow damage to something 쑗 Creep
brain to supply muscles and sense organs is a particular feature of components
in the head, neck and viscera (NOTE: There which are subjected to operation at high
are 12 pairs in mammals, birds and rep- temperatures. 3. a slight movement of a
tiles, and usually 10 pairs in fish and tyre on a wheel caused by landing 쑗
amphibians.) Aligned white marks on the wheel and tyre
cranium noun ANAT the part of the skull indicate that there is no creep. 4. EARTH
of a vertebrate that covers and protects the SCI a slow movement of soil down a slope
쐽 verb to move slowly or without being
crankcase noun MECH ENG the part of an
engine that houses the crankshaft and usu- creeper noun 1. BOT a plant that spread
ally the oil pump 쑗 oil passages that allow or climbs by clinging to a surface, forming
lubricating oil to pass through roots at each node of long shoots 2. BIRDS
a small insectivorous bird of the northern
crankshaft noun MECH ENG the part of a hemisphere that climbs in trees. Family:
piston engine connecting the pistons, via Certhidae.
the connecting rods, to the flywheel and
creosote noun CHEM a yellowish brown
oily substance with a characteristic smell,
crash noun 1. a collision 2. COMPUT a derived from wood tar and formerly used
failure of a component or a bug in a pro- as a wood preservative (NOTE: It is now
gram during a run, which halts and pre- banned in the European Union.)
vents further use of the system 쐽 verb 1. to crepuscular ray noun METEOROL a sep-
collide 2. COMPUT to come to a sudden stop arate vertical ray of sunlight which passes
쑗 The disk head has crashed and the data
through a gap in clouds
may have been lost.
crest noun 1. EARTH SCI the highest point
crash-protected adjective COMPUT on the top of an object 2. the highest point
referring to a computer disk which has a of a hill or mountain ridge 3. a growth on
head protection or data corruption protec- the head of a bird or other animal 4. the
tion system 쑗 If the disk is crash-protected, white top of a wave
you will never lose your data.
COMMENT: It is sometimes possible to
crested adjective referring to a bird or
recover data from a crashed hard disk other animal with a crest 쑗 a crested newt
before reformatting, if the crash was caused crevasse noun EARTH SCI a large crack
by a bad sector on the disk rather than in a glacier
contact between the access head and disk
surface. crevice noun EARTH SCI a crack or little
crater noun EARTH SCI a round depression hole in rock
at the top of a volcano crippled leapfrog test noun COMPUT a
standard leapfrog test that uses a single
crater lake noun EARTH SCI a round lake memory location rather than a changing
that forms in a crater location
CRC abbreviation COMPUT cyclic redun- crisis noun 1. a time when things are in a
dancy check very bad state 쑗 a crisis caused by drought
cream of tartar noun FOOD same as (NOTE: The plural is crises) 2. MED a turn-
potassium bitartrate ing point in a disease after which the
create verb to make or produce some- patient may start to become better or very
thing 쑗 The velocity and pressure of the much worse (NOTE: The plural is crises.)
exhaust gas create the thrust in the turbojet criterion noun a standard by which
engine. 쑗 A new file was created on disk to something is defined, decided or judged
store the document. (NOTE: The plural is criteria.)
153 cross
critical adjective 1. extremely important critical temperature noun PHYS the
쑗 Temperature and oil pressure are critical temperature below which a gas will nor-
to any type of system. 2. causing an impor- mally become liquid
tant change 쑗 As the angle of attack is critical threshold noun 1. the point
increased, it reaches the critical point below which something will no longer take
when the airflow over the upper surface of place 쑗 The population will rapidly reach a
the wing begins to break down. 3. referring critical threshold if steps are not taken to
to a crisis 쑗 critical conditions 4. making protect if from extinction. 2. ENVIRON the
criticisms 쑗 The report was critical of the point at which a species is likely to become
steps taken to cut down pollution. extinct
critical angle noun OPTICS the angle at criticise verb to say what is wrong with
which a ray of light hits a surface and is something 쑗 The report criticised the
completely reflected safety procedures.
critical care noun MED the highest level CRO abbreviation PHYS cathode-ray oscil-
of monitoring and intensive care in hospi- loscope
tal of patients with life-threatening failure Cromagnon noun ANTHROP the earliest
of several organs or body systems known form of modern human being found
critical error noun COMPUT an error in Europe during the last Ice Age and dat-
which stops processing or causes a compu- ing from around 50000 to 30000 years ago
ter to crash crop noun 1. AGRIC a plant grown for food
critical factor noun 1. an extremely 2. AGRIC a yield of produce from plants 쑗
important factor which causes a change to The tree has produced a heavy crop of
occur 2. ENVIRON something in the envi- apples. 쑗 The first crop was a failure. 쑗 The
ronment which causes a sudden change to rice crop has failed. 3. ZOOL the
occur, e.g. the introduction of a pollutant or bag-shaped part of a bird’s throat where
a drop in temperature food is stored before digestion 쐽 verb 1. (of
critical link noun BIOL an organism in a plants) to produce fruit 쑗 a new strain of
food chain which is responsible for taking rice which crops heavily 2. PRINTING to
up and storing nutrients which are then reduce the size or margins of an image or
passed on down the chain to cut out a rectangular section of an image
critical list noun MED the list of those crop breeder noun AGRIC a person who
patients in a hospital who are in a medi- specialises in developing new varieties of
cally life-threatening condition crops 쑗 Crop breeders depend on wild
plants to develop new and stronger strains.
critical load noun ENVIRON the highest crop breeding noun AGRIC the develop-
level of pollution which will not cause per- ment of new varieties of crops
manent harm to the environment
crop dusting noun AGRIC the practice of
critically adverb 1. in a way that criti- applying insecticide, herbicide or fungi-
cises 2. extremely 쑗 critically ill cide to crops in the form of a fine dust or
critically endangered adjective ENVI- spray
RON referring to a species facing a high risk cropland noun AGRIC agricultural land
of becoming extinct, usually taken to be which is used for growing crops
when there are fewer than 50 mature indi- crop rotation noun AGRIC a system of
viduals. Abbr CR cultivation where crops such as cereals and
critical mass noun PHYS the minimum oilseed rape that need different nutrients
amount of fissile matter that can produce a and/or management are grown one after
chain reaction the other
critical path method noun COMPUT the crop sprayer noun AGRIC a machine or
use of analysis and projection of each crit- aircraft which sprays insecticide, herbicide
ical step in a large project to help a man- or fungicide onto crops, or a company that
agement team. Abbr CPM performs this service
critical pH noun CHEM the level of acid- crop spraying noun AGRIC same as
ity at which a sudden change will occur crop dusting
critical point, critical state noun PHYS a cross verb 1. to get from one side of an
moment at which a substance undergoes a area to another 2. (of lines, roads, etc.) to
change in temperature, volume or pressure go across something or each other at an
cross-assembler 154
angle 쑗 Meridians intersect at the poles sis), resulting in new combinations of
and cross the equator at right angles. 3. genes and therefore variability in inherited
AGRIC to produce a new form of plant or characteristics
animal from two different breeds, varieties cross-linked files plural noun COMPUT
or species 쑗 They crossed two strains of two files which claim to be using the same
rice to produce a new strain which is cluster on a disk, an error in MS-DOS
highly resistant to disease. 쐽 noun 1. an act
of crossing two plants or animals 쑗 made a crossover noun COMPUT a change from
cross between two strains of cattle 2. AGRIC one system to another 쑗 The crossover to
a new form of plant or animal bred from computerised file indexing was difficult.
two different breeds, varieties or species cross-pollination noun BOT the polli-
cross-assembler noun COMPUT an nation of a flower with pollen from another
assembler that produces machine-code plant of the same species. Compare
code for one computer while running on self-pollination (NOTE: The pollen goes
another from the anther of one plant to the stigma
of another.)
crossbred adjective AGRIC having been COMMENT: Cross-pollination, like
bred from two parents with different char- cross-fertilisation and cross-breeding,
acteristics 쑗 a herd of crossbred sheep avoids inbreeding, which may weaken the
crossbreed AGRIC noun an animal bred species. Some plants are self-fertile (i.e.
they are able to fertilise themselves) and do
from two different pure breeds 쐽 verb to not need pollinators, but most benefit from
produce new breeds of animals by mating cross-fertilisation and cross-pollination.
animals of different pure breeds cross-section noun 1. a typical repre-
crossbreeding noun AGRIC mating or sentative range 쑗 The group included a
artificial insemination of animals of differ- cross-section of backgrounds and age
ent breeds in order to combine the best groups. 2. a view of an object seen as if cut
characteristics of the two breeds through 쑗 The diagram is a cross-section of
cross-check verb to verify that some- a turbojet engine. 3. PHYS a measure of the
thing is correct effective area or size of an atom or nucleus
cross-compiler noun COMPUT an that represents a target for interaction with
assembler or compiler that compiles pro- another particle or radiation prior to fission
grams for one computer while running on or ionisation
another crosstalk noun COMPUT interference
COMMENT: Cross-compilers and assem- between two communication cables or
blers are used to compile programs for channels
micros, but are run on larger computers to
make the operation faster. crosswind component noun AVIAT
cross-compliance noun ENVIRONthe the part of the wind force that acts at an
setting of environmental conditions that angle to the direction of flight
must be met when developing agricultural crown noun 1. BOT the top part of a plant
support policies, especially in the Euro- where the main growing point is 쑗 protect-
pean Union. Also called environmental ing the crowns from frost 쑗 The disease
conditionality first affects the lower branches, leaving the
cross-fertilisation noun BOT the ferti- crowns still growing. 2. DENT a covering
lising of one individual plant by another of for a tooth that is damaged
the same species crown-of-thorns noun 1. MARINE BIOL a
cross-flow turbine noun ENG a turbine large starfish which lives on coral and
in which water flows at right angles to the destroys reefs 2. BOT one of various thorny
turbine’s axis of rotation plants
crosshair noun COMPUT a shape of a cur- CRT abbreviation COMPUT cathode ray
sor that looks like a cross tube
crossing noun AGRIC the breeding of crucible noun CHEM a heat-resistant con-
plants or animals from two different breeds tainer in which substances are melted or
or varieties calcined
crossing-over noun GENETICS the inter- crucifer noun BOT a plant such as cab-
change of segments between homologous bage whose flowers have four petals. Fam-
chromosomes during cell division (meio- ily: Cruciferae.
155 CSS
crude adjective 1. in a natural or original cryptic coloration noun ZOOL a pattern
state and not treated or improved in any of colouring which makes an animal less
way 쑗 crude results 쑗 crude products 2. easy to see, e.g. stripes on a zebra
simple and unsophisticated 쑗 a crude tim- crypto- prefix hidden
ing mechanism cryptogam noun BOT an organism that
crude birth rate noun MED the annual reproduces by means of spores, e.g.
number of live births per 1000 population mosses or fungi
crude death rate noun MED the annual cryptogamic adjective BOT referring to
number of deaths per 1000 population cryptogams
crude growth rate noun MED the differ- cryptographic algorithm noun COM-
ence between the crude birth rate and the PUT a set of rules used to encipher and
crude death rate decipher data
crude oil noun CHEM oil before it is cryptographic key noun COMPUT a
refined and processed into petrol and other number or code that is used with a cipher
products algorithm to personalise the encryption
crush verb to compress something with and decryption of data
force 쑗 Excessive load on the beam may cryptography noun the study of the
crush the core. methods and techniques of encryption and
crusher noun INDUST a machine for decryption
breaking down material such as rock, ore cryptosporidium noun a single-celled
or seed into smaller pieces organism that can infect humans, usually
crust noun 1. a hard top layer 2. GEOL the found in contaminated water
top layer of the surface of the Earth, which crystal noun 1. CHEM a regular geometric
is formed of rock and lies above the asthe- shape formed by minerals, or as water
nosphere freezes 2. ELECTRONICS a small slice of
crustacean noun ZOOL an invertebrate quartz crystal which vibrates at a specific
animal with a hard chalky outer shell, sev- frequency, used as a very accurate clock
eral pairs of jointed legs and eyes on stalks. signal for computer or other high-precision
Subphylum: Crustacea. (NOTE: Crabs, lob- timing applications
sters, barnacles and woodlice are all crus- crystal lattice noun CHEM the regular
taceans.) array of positions in space that are occu-
cryogenic adjective PHYS referring to pied by the atoms, ions or molecules mak-
very low temperatures ing up a crystal
cryogenic memory noun COMPUT a crystalline adjective CHEM formed of
storage medium operating at very low tem- crystals
peratures (4 °K) to use the superconductive crystalloid adjective CHEM having a
properties of a material structure, properties or an appearance like
cryolite noun MINERALS an uncommon a crystal
white crystalline fluoride of sodium and crystal shutter printer noun COMPUT
aluminium a page printer that uses a powerful light
cryophilous adjective BOT referring to a controlled by a liquid crystal display to
plant that needs a period of cold weather to produce an image on a photosensitive
grow properly drum
COMMENT: Cryophilous crops need a period Cs symbol CHEM ELEM caesium
of cold weather in order to produce flowers
later in the growing period. If such crops do CS abbreviation ELECTRONICS chip select
not undergo this cold period, their growth CS gas noun CHEM a gas that causes
remains vegetative, or they only form abor- tears, salivation and painful breathing. For-
tive flowers with no seeds. Wheat, barley, mula: C9H5ClN2.
oats, peas, sugar beet and potatoes are all
cryophilous. CSM abbreviation combined symbol
cryopreservation noun BIOL the stor- matching
age of biological material at very low tem- CSMA-CD abbreviation COMPUT carrier
peratures sense multiple access-collision detection
cryosphere noun EARTH SCI the frozen CSS abbreviation COMPUT cascading style
part of the Earth’s surface sheet
CT 156
CT abbreviation MED computerised tom- cultivar noun AGRIC a variety of a plant
ography that has been developed under cultivation
CTI abbreviation COMPUT compu- and that does not occur naturally in the
ter-telephony integration wild
CTR abbreviation COMPUT click through cultivate verb AGRIC 1. to grow crops 쑗
rate Potatoes are cultivated as the main crop. 2.
CTS abbreviation COMPUT clear to send to dig and manure the soil ready for grow-
ing crops 쑗 The fields are cultivated in the
CT scan noun MED a scan where a narrow autumn, ready for sowing wheat.
X-ray beam, guided by a computer, photo-
graphs a thin section of the body or an cultivated land noun AGRIC land that
organ from different angles; the results are has been dug or prepared for growing crops
fed into the computer which analyses them cultivation noun AGRIC the action of cul-
and produces a picture of a slice of the tivating land or plants 왍 to take land out of
body or organ. Also called CAT scan cultivation to stop cultivating land or
Cu symbol CHEM ELEM copper growing crops on it and allow it to lie fal-
CU abbreviation COMPUT control unit
cultivator noun AGRIC 1. a person who
cube MATHS noun 1. a three-dimensional cultivates land 2. an instrument or small
geometric figure formed of six equal machine for cultivating small areas of land
square plane faces, each set at right angles
to the four sides adjacent to it 2. the prod- cultural control noun the control of
uct of three equal numbers or quantities pests using various agricultural techniques
multiplied together, usually written in such as crop rotation
mathematical notation as a raised 3, e.g. 43 culture BIOL noun a microorganism or tis-
means 4 × 4 × 4 쐽 verb to multiply a sues grown in a culture medium 쐽 verb to
number or quantity by itself twice, e.g. 6 grow a microorganism or tissue in a culture
cubed is 6 x 6 x 6 medium
cube root noun MATHS a number or cultured adjective BIOL grown in a nutri-
quantity that, when multiplied by itself ent substance (culture medium)
twice, equals a given number or quantity
culture medium noun BIOL an agar, liq-
cubic centimetre, cubic foot, cubic uid or gel on which a microorganism or tis-
inch, cubic metre, cubic yard noun sue can be grown
MEASURE the volume of a cube whose edge
measures one centimetre, foot, inch, metre culvert noun ENG a covered drain for
or yard, respectively water
cuesta noun EARTH SCI a ridge that has cumulative adjective produced by being
both scarp and dip slopes added in small, regular amounts 쑗 The
cumulative effect of these chemicals is con-
CUG noun COMPUT restricted access to a siderable over time.
database or bulletin board system on a spe-
cific topic or subject to known and regis- cumuliform adjective METEOROL (of
tered users, usually by means of a clouds) developing vertically 쑗 cumuliform
password. Full form closed user group clouds such as cumulonimbus
cull verb 1. to reduce the numbers of wild cumulonimbus noun METEOROL a dark
animals by killing them in a controlled way low cumulus cloud associated with thun-
쑗 Deer may have to be culled each year to derstorms 쑗 A cumulonimbus has a charac-
control the numbers on the hills. 2. COM- teristic anvil shape. Abbr CB
PUT to remove hidden or distant objects cumulus noun METEOROL a quantity of
from a three-dimensional scene or storage big, fluffy, white or grey clouds heaped or
space, reducing processing time piled up, which develop at low altitude 쑗
culm noun 1. BOT the stem of a grass Grey cumulus often develop into cumulo-
which bears flowers 2. INDUST a type of nimbus. 쑗 Cumulus clouds may develop
waste from an anthracite processing plant because of thermal activity resulting from
cultivable acreage noun AGRIC the the warming of the surface.
number of acres on which crops can be cuprite noun MINERALS a reddish-brown
grown or black copper oxide ore
157 cybernetics
curie noun MEASURE a former unit of curve noun a smoothly bending line, as
measurement of radioactivity, now on a graph
replaced by the becquerel. Symbol Ci cusp noun 1. DENT a ridge or projection
Curie point noun PHYS the temperature on the grinding surface of a molar tooth 2.
at which there is a change in the magnetic ANAT a flap or fold of tissue that forms part
properties of a substance such as iron of a valve in the heart, veins or lymph ves-
Curie’s law noun PHYS the physical law sels 3. MATHS the point where two arcs of a
that the effect of a magnetic field on a par- curve meet
amagnetic material is inversely propor- cuspate foreland noun EARTH SCI a
tional to its absolute temperature large triangular area of deposits made by
curium noun CHEM ELEM a silvery-white the sea on a coast
metallic radioactive element in the actinide cut noun 1. COMPUT the removal of a piece
group artificially produced from plutonium from a file 2. a piece removed from a file 쐽
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cm; the verb COMPUT to remove sections of text
atomic number is 96 and the atomic weight from a file to make it shorter
is 247.) cut and paste noun COMPUT the action
curly brackets noun COMPUT a pair of of taking a section of text or data from one
symbols, {}, used in some programming point and inserting it at another, often used
languages to enclose a routine in word-processors and DTP packages for
current noun 1. ELEC a movement of easy page editing
charge-carrying particles in a conductor 2. cuticle noun 1. BOT a thin continuous
PHYS a flow of water, air or electricity 쑗 waxy layer that covers the aerial parts of a
Dangerous currents make fishing difficult plant to prevent excessive water loss 2.
near the coast. 쑗 A warm westerly current ZOOL the outer layer of skin in animals
of air is blowing across the country. cutin noun BIOCHEM a network of
COMMENT: Mains electricity provides a 240
v AC supply at 50 Hz in the UK and 120 v at fatty-acid polymers that forms the main
60 Hz in the USA. component of the cuticle of plants
current directory noun COMPUT a cut sheet feeder noun COMPUT a mech-
directory within the directory tree which is anism that automatically feeds single
currently being used sheets of paper into a printer
current instruction register noun cutting noun BOT a small piece of a plant
COMPUT a register of a central processing from which a new plant will grow
unit that stores the instruction that is cur- COMMENT: Taking cuttings is a frequently
rently being executed. Abbr CIR used method of propagation which ensures
that the new plant is an exact clone of the
cursor noun COMPUT a marker on a dis- one from which the cutting was taken.
play device which shows where the next cwm noun EARTH SCI 쏡 cirque
character will appear
cursor control key noun COMPUT one cyan noun a primary blue colour
of the keys on a keyboard which allow the cyanamide noun CHEM a white crystal-
cursor to be moved in different directions line unstable compound. Formula:
curvature noun a degree of curving or NH2CN.
roundness cyanide noun CHEM a salt of hydrocyanic
curvature of space noun a property of acid
space whereby, over large distances, it cyan-magenta-yellow-black noun
appears to obey the laws of spherical rather COMPUT full form of CMYK
than plane geometry in terms of gravita- cyano- prefix blue
tion, the transmission of radiation and cyanobacterium noun MICROBIOL a
other effects bacterium of a large group that carry out
COMMENT: The curvature of space is photosynthesis. Family: Cyanophyta.
predicted by the general theory of relativity, Former name blue-green alga
and it implies, e.g., that two lines cannot be
parallel over cosmically large distances – or cyanocobalamin noun BIOCHEM vita-
precisely parallel over shorter ones. min B12
Space-time curves so gradually that exper-
iments to discover the size and direction of cybernetics noun COMPUT the study of
the curvature are almost impossible to the mechanics of human or electronic
devise. machine movements and the way in which
cyberspace 158
electronic devices can be made to work and cyclo- prefix cyclic
imitate human actions
cyclone noun 1. METEOROL an area of
cyberspace noun COMPUT the world in low pressure around which the air turns in
which computers and people interact, nor- the same direction as the Earth. 쒁 anticy-
mally via the Internet clone 2. INDUST a device which removes
cybersquatting noun COMPUT an act by solid particles from waste gases produced
which someone registers a website during industrial processes
address, normally a trademark or brand
name, then tries to sell the name to the
cyclothymia noun PSYCHIAT a mild
form of bipolar disorder in which the
rightful owner (NOTE: Although this is not
patient suffers from alternating depression
yet illegal in most countries, court cases
and excitement
almost always find in favour of the com-
pany trying to recover its name.) cyclotron noun PHYS a circular particle
cycad noun BOT a tropical plant that has accelerator in which charged particles are
an unbranched trunk with large divided confined inside a vertical magnetic field
leaves growing from the top and cones and speeded up by an alternating high-fre-
cycle noun 1. a series of actions which quency current
end at the same point as they begin 쑗 With cylinder noun 1. MATHS a solid tube
the piston engine, the cycle is intermittent, shape formed by joining corresponding
whereas in the gas turbine, each process is points on two parallel circles with straight
continuous. 2. a period of time when some- lines 2. MECH ENG a device shaped like a
thing leaves its original position and then tube, in which a piston moves 쑗 a static
returns to it 3. one completed operation in hydraulic system with a master cylinder
a repeated process 4. a series of events and individual brake cylinders at each
which recur regularly 쑗 Industrial waste wheel 3. COMPUT the tracks in a multi-disk
upsets the natural nutrient cycle. 쐽 verb to device that can be accessed without mov-
repeat an operation or series of instructions ing the read/write head
until instructed to stop cylinder block noun MECH ENG a casing
cycle availability noun COMPUT a containing the cylinders in an inter-
period of time in a cycle during which data nal-combustion engine
can be accessed or transmitted cylinder capacity noun MECH ENG the
cycle stealing noun COMPUT a memory total volume of a reciprocating engine’s
access operation by a peripheral that halts cylinders, expressed in litres, cubic centi-
a central processing unit for one or more metres or cubic inches
clock cycles while data are being trans-
ferred from memory to the device cylinder head noun MECH ENG a remov-
able top part of a piston engine cylinder
cyclic access noun COMPUT access to containing plugs, inlet and exhaust connec-
stored information that can only occur at a tions and valves
specific point in a cycle
cyclical adjective occurring in cycles 쑗 cylindrical adjective with the shape of a
Off-shore and on-shore wind patterns are cylinder
cyclical. cypher noun COMPUT another spelling of
cyclic check noun COMPUT an error cipher
detection method that uses or examines a cyto- prefix BIOL cell
bit of data every n bits (NOTE: One bit cytochemistry noun BIOCHEM the study
examined then n bits transmitted, then
of the chemical activity of living cells
another bit is examined.)
cyclic code noun MATHS a coding sys- cytochrome noun BIOCHEM an iron-con-
tem in which the binary representation of taining protein, several types of which are
decimal numbers changes by only one bit crucial to cell respiration
at a time from one number to the next cytogenetics noun BIOL a branch of
cyclic decimal code noun MATHS a genetics which studies the structure and
cyclic code that refers to decimal digits function of cells, especially chromosomes
cyclic redundancy check noun COM- cytokine noun BIOCHEM any protein
PUT an error detection code for transmitted secreted by lymph cells that affects cellular
data. Abbr CRC activity and controls inflammation
159 cytotoxin
cytokinesis noun BIOL the changes in cytoplasmic inheritance noun
the cytoplasm of a cell that occur during GENETICS the inheritance from a female
cell division parent of genes that are found in organelles
cytokinin noun BOT a plant growth fac- such as mitochondria and chloroplasts in
tor, of a group derived from adenine, that the cell cytoplasm (NOTE: This type of
stimulates cell division and delays senes- inheritance is not controlled by Mendel’s
cence laws.)
cytology noun BIOL the study of the cytosine noun BIOCHEM one of the four
structure and function of cells
basic components of DNA
cytolysis noun BIOL the breaking down
of cells cytotoxic adjective IMMUNOL harmful or
cytoplasm noun BIOL a jelly-like sub- fatal to living cells (NOTE: Cells that kill
stance inside the cell membrane which sur- other cells as part of the immune response
rounds the nucleus of a cell are described as cytotoxic.)
cytoplasmic adjective BIOL referring to cytotoxin noun BIOL a substance which
the cytoplasm of a cell has a toxic effect on living cells
D symbol 1. MATHS the hexadecimal figure bonded and machined structure is not
equivalent to decimal number 13 2. CHEM achieved at the expense of damage toler-
ELEM deuterium ance.
DAC abbreviation COMPUT digital to ana- dampen verb 1. to make something
log converter 쑗 Speech is output from the slightly wet 2. to decrease or reduce some-
computer via a DAC. thing 쑗 An accumulator is fitted to store
COMMENT: A DAC allows the computer to hydraulic fluid under pressure and dampen
work outside the computer’s environment, pressure fluctuations.
controlling machines, producing sound or
speech, etc. An ADC allows real-world damper noun a device to decrease or
signals to be processed by a computer. reduce something 쑗 A yaw damper is used
D/A converter noun COMPUT same as for rudder control.
digital to analog converter damping noun INDUST the closing down
daemon noun COMPUT a utility program of a blast furnace by cutting off the air sup-
that performs its job automatically without ply
the knowledge of the user damp off verb BOT to die from a fungus
daidzein noun BIOCHEM an isoflavone infection which spreads in warm damp
found in soya products that is a possible conditions and attacks the roots and lower
natural cancer preventative stems of seedlings
daisy chain noun COMPUT a method of COMMENT: Damping off is a common cause
connecting equipment with a single cable of loss of seedlings in greenhouses.
passing from one machine or device to the dangerous substance noun a sub-
next rather than having separate cables to stance which is particularly hazardous
each device because of any of 14 features such as tox-
Dalton’s law noun PHYS the principle icity, flammability, bioaccumulation
that the total pressure exerted by two or potential or persistence
more mixed gases in a given volume is dark adaptation noun PHYSIOL the
equal to the sum of the pressures that each changes that occur in the eye in response to
would exert if it was occupying the same reduction in light conditions. Compare
volume alone light adaptation
dam noun ENG a construction built to dark energy noun ASTRON a hypotheti-
block a river in order to channel the flow of cal force that opposes gravity throughout
water into a hydroelectric power station or the universe and accelerates the expansion
to regulate the water supply to an irrigation of the universe
scheme dark fibre noun COMPUT an optical fibre
DAMA abbreviation COMPUT demand that is not carrying a signal, especially a
assigned multiple access fibre-optic cable that has just been installed
damage noun the harm done to some- but has not yet been used
thing 쑗 environmental damage dark matter noun ASTRON material in
damaged adjective having suffered dam- the universe which cannot be observed
age 쑗 Is it possible to repair the damaged directly
files? COMMENT: The rotational velocity of stars
around the centres of galaxies reveals that
damage tolerance noun the ability of a they contain more material than can be
material or structure to withstand or resist observed directly. Many types of material,
damage 쑗 The structural efficiency of including small planet-sized objects of
161 data carrier detect
normal matter as well as concentrations of data acquisition noun COMPUT the
material unknown on Earth, have been gathering of data about a subject
proposed as possible solutions to the
missing mass problem, whose solution is data analysis noun the extraction of
vital to such large problems as working out information and results from data
whether the universe will continue to
expand indefinitely. databank noun COMPUT 1. a large
amount of data stored in a structured form
dark star noun ASTRON a star that is
2. a set of personal records stored in a com-
detectable only by its radio or infrared puter
emissions or by its gravitational effect on
other astronomical objects (NOTE: It is database noun COMPUT an integrated
often a component of a binary star and can collection of files of data stored in a struc-
cause the brightness of its visible partner tured form in a large memory, which can be
to vary periodically.) accessed by one or more users at different
darmstadtium noun CHEM ELEM an arti-
ficially produced chemical element (NOTE: database administrator noun COM-
The chemical symbol is Ds; the atomic PUT a person in charge of running and
number is 110 and the atomic weight is maintaining a database system. Abbr DBA
269.) database engine noun COMPUT a pro-
Darrius Rotator noun ENG a type of gram that provides an interface between a
vertical-axis wind turbine that has thin program written to access the functions of
blades a database management system and the
system itself
Darwin, Charles (1809–92) a scien-
tist known for the theory of evolution pro- database language noun COMPUT a
posed in his book On the Origin of Species set of languages such as data description
that described how species gradually language that make up a database manage-
change and evolve to succeed in their envi- ment system
ronment database management system
Darwinian fitness noun BIOL a measure noun COMPUT a series of programs that
of the success of organisms at passing on allow the user to create and modify data-
their genes to subsequent generations bases easily. Abbr DBMS
Darwinism, Darwinian theory noun database schema noun COMPUT the
BIOL the theory of evolution, formulated by way in which a database is organised and
Charles Darwin, which states that species structured
of organisms arose by natural selection. 쒁 database server noun COMPUT a piece
neo-Darwinism of database management software that runs
DASD abbreviation COMPUT direct access on a server computer on a network and is
storage device used in a client-server system (NOTE: The
user works with client software that formats
DAT abbreviation COMPUT digital audio and displays data that are retrieved by the
tape server software.)
data plural noun 1. COMPUT numbers, data block noun COMPUT all the data
characters and symbols stored on a compu- required for or from a process
ter in such a way that they can be processed
by the computer 쑗 Data are input at one of data buffer noun COMPUT a temporary
several workstations. 쑗 The company storage location for data received by a
stores data on customers in its main com- device that is not yet ready to process it
puter file. 쑗 Programs act upon data files. data bus noun COMPUT a bus carrying
2. factual information 쑗 The data show that data between a central processing unit and
a chemical change takes place. 쑗 The data memory and peripheral devices
show that the number of plants in the pop- data capture noun COMPUT the act of
ulation has increased. (NOTE: The singular obtaining data by keyboarding, scanning or
is datum) automatic means from a recording device
COMMENT: Data are different from informa- or peripheral
tion in that they are facts stored in data carrier detect noun COMPUT a
machine-readable form. When the facts are
processed by the computer into a form that signal from a modem to a computer, indi-
can be understood by people, the data cating that a carrier wave is being received
become information. 쑗 The call is stopped if the software does
data channel 162
not receive a data carrier detect from the keyboard but also direct from disks after
modem. Abbr DCD data preparation
data channel noun COMPUT a communi- data flowchart noun COMPUT a diagram
cations link able to carry data signals used to describe a computer or data
data check noun COMPUT an error in processing system 쑗 The data flowchart
reading data due to a fault in the magnetic allowed us to improve throughput, by using
medium a better structure.
data communications plural noun datagram noun COMPUT a packet of
TELECOM the transmission and reception of information in a packet switching system
data rather than speech or images that contains its destination address and
data communications equipment route
noun TELECOM equipment such as a data hierarchy noun COMPUT a data
modem which receives or transmits data. structure organised hierarchically
Abbr DCE data input bus noun COMPUT a bus used
data compacting noun COMPUT the when transferring data from one section of
reduction of the space taken by data by a computer to another, e.g. between mem-
coding them in a more efficient way 쑗 All ory and CPU. Abbr DIB
the files were stored on one disk with this data integrity noun COMPUT the state of
new data compacting routine. data which has not been corrupted by dam-
data compression noun COMPUT the age or errors
means of reducing the size of blocks of data interchange format noun COM-
data by removing spaces, empty sections PUT a standard method of storing spread-
and unused material sheet formulae and data in a file. Abbr DIF
data concentrator noun COMPUT a data item noun COMPUT one unit of data,
means of combining intermittent data from e.g. the quantity of items in stock, a per-
various lines and sending them along a sin- son’s name, age or occupation
gle line in one go data link noun COMPUT a connection
data corruption noun COMPUT the between two devices to allow the transmis-
introduction of errors into data, due to sion of data
noise or faulty equipment 쑗 Acoustic cou- data link layer noun COMPUT a second
plers suffer from data corruption more layer in the ISO/OSI defined network that
than the direct connect form of modem. 쑗 sends packets of data to the next link and
Data corruption on the disk has made one deals with error correction (NOTE: This
file unreadable. layer is normally split into two further
data delimiter noun COMPUT a special sub-layers: medium access control and
symbol or character that marks the end of a logical link control.)
file or data item data manipulation language noun
data description language noun COMPUT a form of database software that
COMPUT a part of database system software allows the user to access, store and change
that describes the structure of the system data. Abbr DML
and data. Abbr DDL dataplex noun COMPUT a method of mul-
data dictionary noun COMPUT a file or tiplexing a combination of data signals
piece of software that lists the structure and data processing noun COMPUT the
types of data used in a database selection and operation of data to produce
data dictionary/directory noun COM- useful information. Abbr DP
PUT full form of DD/D data protection noun the act of making
data-driven adjective COMPUT referring sure that data are not copied by an unau-
to instructions that are executed once the thorised user
relevant data have been received by a com- Data Protection Act noun COMPUT a
puter piece of legislation passed in 1984 in the
data encryption standard noun COM- UK that means any owner of a database
PUT a standard developed by the US gov- that contains personal details must register
ernment for a high-security block data with the government agency and cannot
cipher system. Abbr DES use the data for purposes other than its
data entry noun COMPUT a method of original use without the permission of the
entering data into a system usually using a people on the list. It also allows an individ-
163 DDT
ual to request a copy of the information daughter board noun COMPUT an
stored about them in the list. add-on board that connects to a system
data record noun COMPUT a record con- motherboard
taining data for use with a program daughter cell noun BIOL one of the cells
data register noun COMPUT an area that develop by mitosis from a single par-
within a central processing unit used to ent cell
store data temporarily before it is proc- Dawes’ limit noun ASTRON the theoreti-
essed 쑗 In this small micro, the data regis- cal limit to the resolving power of a tele-
ter is eight bits wide, an address register is scope, equal to 2/1000 times the
sixteen bits wide. wavelength of light in angstrom divided by
the telescope aperture in centimetres, for a
data set ready noun COMPUT a signal result in arc seconds
from a device that is ready to accept data,
occurring after a DTR signal is received. daylight noun TIME the light of the sun
Abbr DSR during the day
dB abbreviation MEASURE, ACOUSTICS
data sink noun COMPUT a device in a decibel
data terminal that receives data
Db symbol CHEM ELEM dubnium
data source noun COMPUT a device in a DBA abbreviation COMPUT database
data terminal that sends data administrator
data structure noun COMPUT a number DBMS abbreviation COMPUT database
of related items that are treated as one by management system
the computer (NOTE: In an address book DC abbreviation ELEC direct current
record, the name, address and telephone
number form separate entries which would DCA abbreviation COMPUT document con-
be processed as one by the computer.) tent architecture
DCD abbreviation COMPUT data carrier
data terminal noun COMPUT a device detect
that is able to display and transmit or
receive data 쑗 A printer is a data terminal DCE abbreviation COMPUT data communi-
for computer output. cations equipment
DCOM noun COMPUT an enhanced ver-
data terminal equipment noun COM- sion of the COM specification that allows
PUT a device at which a communications applications to access objects over a net-
path starts or finishes. Abbr DTE work or over the Internet. Full form dis-
data terminal ready noun COMPUT a tributed component object model
signal from a device that indicates that it is DCT abbreviation COMPUT discrete cosine
ready to send data. Abbr DTR transform
data word noun COMPUT a piece of data DD abbreviation COMPUT double density
stored as a single word DDC abbreviation COMPUT direct digital
data word length noun COMPUT a control
number of bits that make up a word in a DD/D noun COMPUT the software that
computer gives a list of types and forms of data con-
date noun a day, month and year 쑗 I have tained in a database. Full form data dic-
received your message of yesterday’s date. tionary/directory
쑗 The date of creation for the file was the DDE abbreviation COMPUT 1. direct data
10th June 1994. 왍 to bring something up entry 2. dynamic data exchange
to date COMPUT to add the latest informa- DDL abbreviation COMPUT data descrip-
tion to something 왍 to keep something up tion language
to date COMPUT to keep adding informa- DDP abbreviation COMPUT distributed
tion to something so that it is always up to data processing
date 쑗 We spend a lot of time keeping our DDR memory noun COMPUT the set of
files up to date. 쐽 verb COMPUT to put a date electronic memory components that are
on a document used for RAM storage in computers and
dative bond noun CHEM same as coordi- peripherals. Full form double data rate
nate bond memory
datum noun a reference or base point of a DDT noun CHEM an insecticide that was
scale or measurement formerly used especially against
DE 164
malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is now death rate noun BIOL the number of
banned in many countries because of its deaths per year, shown per 1000 of a popu-
toxicity and ability to accumulate in the lation 쑗 a death rate of 15 per 1000 쑗 an
environment. Formula: C14H9Cl5. Full increase in the death rate
form dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane debacle noun EARTH SCI the breaking up
DE abbreviation diatomaceous earth of ice on a large river as it melts in spring
de- prefix to undo, remove or stop debit noun COMPUT a bit transmission rate
deactivate verb to turn off a system or a that is twice the baud rate
piece of equipment, stopping it from being de-bounce noun COMPUT the prevention
ready to operate 쑗 On some aircraft, nose of a single touch on a key giving multiple
wheel steering must be deactivated before key contact
retraction. debris noun rubbish or waste matter 쑗
dead adjective 1. BIOL not alive 2. COM- volcanic debris from the eruption 쑗 Check
PUT not functioning at all that the area is free of stones and other
deaden verb to make a sound or colour debris.
less sharp 쑗 Acoustic hoods are used to debris flow noun a landslide or mud-
deaden the noise of printers. slide of waste matter, as on a spoil heap
dead halt noun COMPUT a program de Broglie wavelength noun PHYS the
instruction from the user or an error that wavelength associated with the motion of
causes the program to stop without allow- an atomic or subatomic particle, given by
ing recovery Planck’s constant divided by the mass and
dead key noun COMPUT one of the keys velocity of the particle (NOTE: The de Bro-
on a keyboard that cause a function rather glie wave can give rise to diffraction.)
than a character to occur debug verb COMPUT to test a program and
deadlock noun COMPUT a situation that locate and correct any faults or errors 쑗
occurs when two users want to access two They spent weeks debugging the system.
resources at the same time, in which one Debye-Huckel theory noun CHEM the
resource is assigned to each user but nei- theory that defines the behaviour of elec-
ther can use the other trolytes
dead time noun ELECT a period between decay noun 1. BIOL a process by which
two events, in which nothing happens, to tissues become rotten and decompose,
ensure that they do not interfere with each caused by the action of microorganisms
other 쑗 Efficient job management mini- and oxygen 2. BIOL the formation of dental
mises dead time. caries in teeth 3. ACOUSTICS the process of
de-aerate verb CHEM to remove gas, a sound signal fading away 쑗 With a short
especially carbon dioxide or air, from a liq- decay, it sounds very sharp. 쐽 verb 1. BIOL
uid such as fuel 쑗 The pump helps to (of organic matter) to rot or decompose 쑗
de-aerate the fuel before it enters the The soft leaves will gradually decay on the
engine. compost heap. 2. CHEM (of radioactive
de-aerator noun CHEM a device to matter) to disintegrate
remove gas from a liquid decelerate verb to slow down. Opposite
de-aerator tray noun INDUST a device in accelerate
a lubrication system to remove air bubbles deceleration noun the process of slow-
from oil ing down 쑗 Anti-skid braking systems units
deal verb to handle or manage something are designed to prevent the brakes locking
쑗 A computer can deal with the constant the wheels during landing, thus reducing
inputs required to control an unstable air- the possibility of wheel skid caused by the
craft. sudden deceleration of the wheel.
deallocate verb COMPUT to free deceleration parameter noun
resources previously allocated to a job, ASTRON a theory of the slowing down of
process or peripheral 쑗 When a reset button the expansion of the universe, which may
is pressed all resources are deallocated. lead to a reversal of the expansion at some
deamination noun PHYSIOL the removal future time
of unwanted amino acids by the liver deceleration time noun COMPUT the
death noun PHYSIOL the act of dying time taken for an access arm to come to a
165 decision tree
stop after it has moved to the correct loca- tries a comma (,) is used to show the
tion over the surface of a hard disk decimal point, so 4.75% is written 4,75% in
decentralised computer network
noun COMPUT a network where the control decimal fraction noun MATHS a fraction
is shared between several computers as expressed in the decimal system 쑗 0.50
is a decimal fraction that is equal to 1/2.
dechlorination noun CHEM removal of
chlorine and its replacement with hydro- decimal notation noun MATHS a
gen or with hydroxide ions to detoxify a number representation in base 10, using
substance the digits 0–9
deci- prefix MEASURE one tenth, 10-1. decimal place noun MATHS the position
Symbol d of a number to the right of the decimal
decibel noun ACOUSTICS 1. a unit for point
measuring the power of a sound or the decimal point noun MATHS the dot (.)
strength of a signal. The decibel scale is used to separate a whole number from a
logarithmic. Abbr dB 2. a unit for compar- decimal fraction
ing two power levels, especially the rela- decimal system noun MATHS a system
tive loudness of different sounds or relative of counting based on the number 10 and
strength of electrical signals. Symbol dB using the digits 0 – 9
(NOTE: The difference in decibels is equal decimate verb 1. to reduce something
to ten times the common logarithm of the severely 쑗 Overfishing has decimated the
ratio of two levels.) herring population in the North Sea. 2. to
deciding factor noun the most impor- reduce by one in ten
tant factor which influences someone’s decimetre noun MEASURE a unit of
decision 쑗 The deciding factor was the measurement of length equal to one tenth
superb graphics. of a metre. Symbol dm (NOTE: The US
deciduous adjective BOT referring to spelling is decimeter.)
trees that shed all their leaves in one season decipher verb COMPUT to convert an
쑗 beech, oak and other deciduous trees 쑗
encrypted or encoded message (cipher-
deciduous woodlands text) into the original message (plaintext)
deciduous dentition noun ANAT the
first set of teeth of an animal which are decision box noun a graphical symbol
gradually replaced by permanent teeth. used in a flowchart to indicate that a deci-
Also called deciduous teeth (NOTE: In sion is to be made and a branch or path or
humans they are called milk teeth.) action carried out according to the result
deciduous forest noun BOT a forest decision circuit, decision element
containing only deciduous trees noun COMPUT a logical circuit that operates
on binary inputs, producing an output
deciduous teeth noun ANAT same as according to the function set in hardware
deciduous dentition
decile noun STATS one of a series of nine decision framework noun LOGIC a
figures below which one tenth or several method of organising and evaluating infor-
tenths of the total fall mation, leading eventually to the making
of a decision
deciliter noun US spelling of decilitre
decision instruction noun COMPUT a
decilitre noun MEASURE a unit of meas- conditional program instruction that
urement of liquid equal to one tenth of a directs control by providing the location of
litre. Symbol dl (NOTE: The US spelling is the next instruction to be executed if a con-
dition is met. Also called discrimination
decimal noun MATHS an arithmetic and instruction
number representation using the decimal
system 쐽 adjective referring to the decimal decision table noun COMPUT a list of all
system 왍 correct to three places of deci- possible events or states that could happen
mal or to three decimal places correct to and the actions taken. It may sometimes be
three figures after the decimal point 쑗 used instead of a flowchart.
2.754 is correct to three decimal places, decision tree noun LOGIC a graphical
2.7 is correct to one decimal place. representation of a decision table showing
COMMENT: The decimal point is used in the possible paths and actions if different con-
USA and the UK. In most European coun- ditions are met
declaration 166
declaration noun COMPUT a statement decompression noun COMPUT the
within a program that informs the compiler expansion of a compressed image or data
or interpreter of the form, type and size of file so that it can be viewed
a particular element, constant or variable. decontaminate verb ENVIRON to
Also called declarative statement remove a harmful substance such as poison
declarative language noun COMPUT a or radioactive material from a building, a
programming language, normally in a watercourse, a person’s clothes or some
database application, in which you enter other place
what you want to achieve, rather than decontamination noun ENVIRON the
instructions removal of a harmful substance such as
poison or radioactive material from a
declarative statement noun COMPUT
building, a watercourse, a person’s clothes
same as declaration
or some other place
declare verb COMPUT to define a compu- decrease noun a lessening or reduction
ter program variable or to set a variable 쑗 a decrease in power 왍 on the decrease
equal to a number 쑗 He declared at the becoming less 쐽 verb to become less 쑗 Air
start of the program that X was equal to density and pressure decrease with an
nine. increase in altitude. Opposite increase
decline noun a process of becoming less decrement verb COMPUT to subtract a set
쑗 The decline in the number of cases of pol- number from a variable 쑗 The register con-
lution is due to better policing of factory tents were decremented until they reached
emissions. 쑗 The population of these birds zero.
now seems to be on the decline. 쑗 Ecolo- decrypt verb COMPUT to convert
gists are working to diagnose forest encrypted data back into its original form
decline in its early stages. 왍 decline in decryption noun COMPUT the conver-
population EARTH SCI reduction in the sion of encrypted data back into its original
number of organisms living in one place 쐽 form 쑗 Decryption is done using hardware
verb to become less 쑗 The fish population to increase speed.
declined sharply as the water became more
acid. dedicated adjective COMPUT reserved
for a particular use 쑗 There’s only one ded-
decode verb to change coded informa- icated graphics workstation in this net-
tion into readable form work.
decode unit noun COMPUT a part of a dedicated channel noun TELECOM a
microprocessor that translates a complex communications channel reserved for a
instruction into a simple form that the special purpose
arithmetic logic unit can understand and dedicated computer noun COMPUT a
process computer which is only used for a single
decompilation noun COMPUT a conver- special purpose
sion of a compiled program in object code dedicated logic noun COMPUT a logical
into a source language 쑗 fast incremental function implemented in hardware design
compilation and decompilation usually for only one task or circuit 쑗 The
decomposable adjective CHEM refer- person appointed should have a knowledge
ring to a substance which can be broken of micro-based hardware and dedicated
down into simple chemical compounds logic. 쑗 The dedicated logic cuts down the
chip count.
decompose verb CHEM (of organic deduce verb to reach a conclusion using
material) to break down into simple chem- information provided 쑗 Sometimes, it is
ical compounds by the action of sunlight, possible to estimate the depth of the layer
water or bacteria and fungi of mist or fog from the ground observations
decomposer noun BIOL an organism and hence to deduce the ground range from
which feeds on dead organic matter and any height.
breaks it down into simple chemicals, e.g. deduct verb to remove something from a
a fungus or bacterium total
decomposition noun CHEM the process deductive reasoning noun LOGIC the
of breaking down into simple chemical process of drawing conclusions from
compounds observations of the natural world by using
167 definition
logical reasoning. Compare inductive rea- defecate verb 1. to expel faeces from the
soning bowel through the rectum 2. CHEM to
deep adjective EARTH SCI referring to remove impurities from a solution, espe-
something which goes down a long way, cially a solution that contains sugar
e.g. a well or mine defect noun a fault or error 쑗 a computer
deep depository noun INDUST a place defect or a defect in the computer 쑗 Low oil
where nuclear waste is stored in very deep pressure or excessive temperature indicate
holes in the ground the development of a possible defect.
deep ecology noun ECOL an extreme defective adjective referring to some-
form of ecological thinking in which thing that is faulty or that is not operating
humans are considered as only one species correctly 쑗 Loss of supply pressure is
among many in the environment and large caused by either a defective booster pump
numbers of humans are seen as harmful to or lack of fuel.
the environment in which they live defective sector noun COMPUT a fault
with a hard disk in which data cannot be
deep-sea adjective OCEANOG referring correctly read from a particular sector
to the deepest part of the sea a long way (NOTE: It could be caused by a damaged
from land disk surface or faulty head alignment.)
deep-sea fauna plural noun MARINE defensive computing noun COMPUT a
BIOL fauna which live in the deepest part of method of programming that takes into
the sea account any problems or errors that might
deep-sea plain noun OCEANOG same as occur
abyssal plain defensive mutualism noun a relation-
deep-sea trench noun OCEANOG same ship between two species in which one
as oceanic trench protects the other from a predator
deep-sea zone noun OCEANOG same as deferred addressing noun COMPUT
abyssal zone indirect addressing, in which the location
accessed contains the address of the oper-
deep vein noun ANAT a vein which is and to be processed
deep in tissue, near the bones
deferred printing noun COMPUT a
deep vein thrombosis noun MED a delay in the printing of a document until a
potentially fatal condition in which a blood later time
clot forms in a vein or artery and may par-
tially or completely block blood flow. It is
deficiency noun a lack of something
often the result of long periods of immobil- deficiency disease noun MED a dis-
ity. ease caused by the lack of an essential ele-
ment in the diet, e.g. vitamins or essential
de facto standard noun a design, amino acids and fatty acids
method or system which is so widely used
that it has become a standard although not
deficient adjective lacking something
essential 쑗 The soil is deficient in impor-
officially recognised by any committee
tant nutrients. 쑗 Scrub plants are well
default noun COMPUT a predefined adapted to this moisture-deficient habitat.
course of action or value that is assumed 쑗 She has a calcium-deficient diet.
unless a conscious decision is taken to alter deficit noun a situation in which the
it amount going out is larger than the amount
default option noun COMPUT a preset coming in
value or option that is to be used if no other define verb 1. to give an exact explana-
value has been specified tion of something, as in a dictionary 2. to
default palette noun COMPUT a range of set the limits of something 쑗 Cloud tops
colours available on a system that a user or are very difficult to define.
application can change to create an indi- definite adjective referring to something
vidualised range of colours. Also called which is not in doubt 쑗 Using a time scale
system colours on the track, the pilot should be prepared
default value noun COMPUT a value that to look for a definite feature at a definite
is automatically used by the computer if no time. Opposite indefinite
other value has been specified 쑗 Screen definition noun an exact explanation of
width has a default value of 80. what a word or expression means 쑗 The
definitive host 168
definition of a year is the time taken for a cide or as the result of disease or other
planet to describe one orbit around the stress
Sun. 왍 by definition understood by the use defoliation noun AGRIC the loss of leaves
of the word itself 쑗 A sphere is, by defini- from a plant, especially as the result of
tion, round. using a herbicide or because of disease or
definitive host noun BIOL a host on other stress
which a parasite settles permanently deforest verb AGRIC to cut down forest
deflate verb to allow air to escape from trees from an area for commercial purposes
something such as a tyre or balloon so that or to make arable land 쑗 Timber companies
it becomes smaller or collapses 쑗 To have helped to deforest the tropical
deflate a tyre, remove or depress the valve regions. 쑗 About 40000 square miles are
and allow the air to escape. Opposite deforested each year.
inflate deforestation noun AGRIC the cutting
deflation noun the act or an instance of down of forest trees for commercial pur-
allowing air to escape from something poses or to make arable or pasture land
such as a tyre or balloon so that it becomes
smaller or collapses 쑗 Deflation of a tyre is
deformation noun a change of shape
caused by stress 쑗 Deformation of wing
done by depressing the valve.
panels may be an indication of serious
deflect verb 1. to move something away structural damage.
from a neutral or central position 쑗 During
an out-of-balance turn, the indicator will defragmentation noun COMPUT the
be deflected to the left or right. 2. to move reorganisation of files scattered across
a ray or moving object, gas or liquid away non-contiguous sectors on a hard disk
COMMENT: When a file is saved to disk, it is
from its intended path 쑗 The windshield not always saved in adjacent sectors thus
deflects the airflow over the driver’s head. increasing retrieval time. Defragmentation
deflection noun 1. a movement away moves files back into adjacent sectors so
from a central or neutral position 쑗 Full that the read head does not have to move
deflection of the ailerons is sometimes far across the disk, so increasing perform-
needed on take-off to counteract a cross-
wind. 2. a movement of a beam or moving deg abbreviation MATHS degree
object, gas or liquid away from its intended degas verb PHYS to remove gas from
path 쑗 In the southern hemisphere the something such as a borehole
deflection of wind at the equator is to the degassing noun PHYS the removal of
left. gas from something such as a borehole
deflection of light noun PHYS the degauss verb PHYS to remove unwanted
movement of light away from a straight magnetic fields and effects from magnetic
path as the effect of a mass (NOTE: The tape, disks or read/write heads 쑗 The
effect can only be observed for very large read/write heads have to be degaussed
objects such as stars.) each week to ensure optimum perform-
COMMENT: The deflection is strong ance.
evidence of the special theory of relativity. It
was first observed in 1919 by recording the deglutition noun PHYSIOL the physical
positions of stars during a total solar action or process of swallowing
eclipse, revealing that the Sun’s mass drew degradable adjective CHEM, BIOL refer-
passing starlight towards it.
ring to a substance which can be broken
deflection yoke noun ELEC the mag- down into its separate elements. 쒁 biode-
netic coils around a television tube used to gradable
control the position of the picture beam
deflocculant noun CHEM a substance degradation noun 1. PHYS loss of pic-
ture or signal quality 2. COMPUT a loss of
added to break up lumps which have
processing capacity because of a malfunc-
formed in a liquid
tion 3. a reduction in the quality of some-
deflocculation noun CHEM the breaking thing 쑗 Chemical degradation of the land
up of lumps which have formed in a liquid can be caused by overuse of fertilisers and
defoliant noun AGRIC a type of herbicide by pollutants from industrial processes. 왍
which makes the leaves fall off plants degradation of air the pollution of the air
defoliate verb AGRIC to make the leaves 4. CHEM the decomposition of a chemical
fall off a plant, especially by using a herbi- compound into its elements
169 deliver
degradative succession noun BIOL 1. open to allow the seeds or spores to scatter.
the colonisation and subsequent decompo- Compare indehiscent
sition of dead organic matter by fungi and dehumidifier noun ENG a machine
microorganisms 2. a type of autogenic suc- which removes the moisture from air, often
cession involving colonisation and subse- part of an air-conditioning system
quent decomposition of dead organic
matter by fungi and other microbes
dehydrate verb 1. CHEM to lose water, or
to make something lose water 쑗 dehy-
degrade verb 1. to reduce the quality of drated foods 2. BIOL to lose water from the
something 쑗 The land has been degraded body 쑗 After two days without food or
through overgrazing. 쑗 Ozone may worsen drink, he became severely dehydrated.
nutrient leaching by degrading the
water-resistant coating on pine needles. 2. dehydration noun 1. CHEM loss of water,
CHEM to make a chemical compound
or the removal of water from something 쑗
decompose into its elements preservation of food by dehydration 2. BIOL
loss of water from the body
degree noun 1. a level, amount or quan-
tity 쑗 The degree of compression is insuffi- dehydrogenase noun BIOCHEM an
cient. 쑗 Manufacturers aim for a high enzyme that accelerates the transfer of
degree of safety. 왍 to a greater degree hydrogen between two compounds
more 왍 to a lesser degree less 2. MEASURE dejagging noun COMPUT same as
a unit of temperature 쑗 twenty degrees anti-aliasing
Centigrade (20°C) Symbol ° 3. MEASURE a delay noun a situation when something
unit of measurement of an angle equal to happens later than planned 쑗 There was a
1/360th of a circle. Symbol ° (NOTE: Each delay of thirty seconds before the printer
degree is divided into 60 minutes and each started printing. 쑗 We are sorry for the
minute into 60 seconds.) 왍 an angle of 90° delay in supplying your order, but the com-
a right angle 4. NAVIG a unit of direction as puter was not working. 쐽 verb to cause
measured on a compass. Symbol ° (NOTE: something to have a delay
East = 90° and west = 270°.)
delay line noun TELECOM a device that
degree Celsius noun MEASURE a unit of causes a signal to take a certain time in
measurement on a scale of temperature crossing it
where the freezing and boiling points of delay vector noun TELECOM the time
water are 0 and 100 respectively that a message will take to pass from one
degree Fahrenheit noun MEASURE a packet switching network node to another
unit of measurement on a scale of temper-
ature where the freezing and boiling points
delete verb COMPUT 1. to cut out words in
a document 2. to remove text, data or a file
of water are 32 and 212 respectively
from a storage device 쑗 The word-proces-
degree of adaptability noun BIOL the sor allows us to delete the whole file by
extent to which an organism can change to pressing this key.
fit a new situation
delimit verb COMPUT to set up the size of
degree of freedom noun PHYS one of data using delimiters
the variables such as temperature and pres-
sure that are needed to specify the state of delimited-field file noun COMPUT a
a system according to the phase rule data file in which each field is separated by
a special character such as a tab character
degree of saturation noun CHEM the or comma and each record is separated by
amount of a substance which can be a return or a second special character
delimiter noun COMPUT 1. a character or
dehisce verb BOT (of a ripe seed pod, symbol used to indicate to a language or
fruit or capsule) to burst open to allow program the start or end of data, a record or
seeds or spores to scatter information 2. the boundary between an
dehiscence noun BOT the sudden burst- instruction and its argument
ing of a seed pod, fruit or capsule when it deliver verb to provide something 쑗 The
is ripe, allowing the seeds or spores to scat- motor will continue to run but will deliver
ter only one-third of the rated power. 쑗 The
dehiscent adjective BOT referring to pump can deliver fuel at the rate of
seed pods, fruit or capsules which burst 2000gph.
delivery 170
delivery noun the provision of something demographic adjective ENVIRON refer-
쑗 On some pumps, a depressurising valve ring to demography
is used to block delivery to the system. demographic transition noun ENVI-
delta noun 1. EARTH SCI a triangular piece RON the pattern of change of population
of land at the mouth of a large river formed growth from high birth and death rates to
of silt carried by the river 쑗 the Nile Delta low birth and death rates
쑗 the Mississippi Delta 2. the fourth letter demography noun ENVIRON the study of
of the Greek alphabet human populations and their development
deltaic deposit noun EARTH SCI a demonstrate verb to show how some-
deposit of silt in a river delta thing works 쑗 He demonstrated the file
delta ray noun PHYS an electron forced management program.
from an atom by the effect of ionising radi- demonstration noun an act of showing
ation how something works
demagnetise verb PHYS to remove stray demonstration model noun a piece of
or unwanted magnetic fields from a disk, equipment used to show potential custom-
tape or recording head ers how the equipment works and then
demagnetiser noun PHYS a device often sold cheaply
which demagnetises something 쑗 He used demonstration software noun COM-
the demagnetiser to degauss the tape PUT software that shows what an applica-
heads. tion is like to use and what it can do,
demand noun 1. a strong request for without implementing all the functions 쑗
something to be done 2. a need for some- The company gave away demonstration
thing 쑗 They are building more power sta- software that lets you do everything except
tions to satisfy the increasing demand for save your data.
electricity. 쑗 They calculate that demand denary notation noun MATHS a number
will exceed supply within ten years. system in base ten, using the digits 0 to 9
demand assigned multiple access denaturation noun 1. making some-
noun COMPUT a means of switching in cir- thing change its nature 2. CHEM converting
cuits as and when they are required. Abbr a protein into an amino acid
DAMA denature verb 1. CHEM to add a poison-
demand processing noun COMPUT the ous substance to alcohol to make it unsuit-
processing of data as soon as it appears able for humans to drink 2. BIOCHEM to
demand protocol architecture noun change the natural structure of a protein or
COMPUT a technique of loading protocol
nucleic acid by high temperature, chemi-
stacks in memory only if they are required cals or extremes of pH 3. PHYS to add an
for a particular session. Abbr DPA isotope to fissile material to make it unsuit-
able for use in nuclear weapons
deme noun ECOL a population of organ- denatured alcohol noun CHEM ethyl
isms in a small area
alcohol with an additive, usually methyl
-deme suffix ECOL a section of a popula- alcohol, to make it unfit for people to drink
tion which has distinctive characteristics dendrimer noun CHEM a copolymer with
demersal adjective MARINE BIOL refer- a regular branching structure attached to a
ring to fish which live on or near the sea- central chain of carbon atoms
bed. Compare pelagic dendrite noun 1. ANAT a branch of a
demineralisation, demineralization nerve cell, which receives impulses from
noun CHEM the removal of salts which are axons of other nerve cells at synapses 2.
dissolved in water CHEM a crystal that has branched in two as
demineralise, demineralize verb CHEM it grows
to remove dissolved salts from water dendritic adjective with branched parts
democratic network noun COMPUT a dendritic drainage noun ENG a system
synchronised network where each station of drainage where smaller channels branch
has equal priority out from larger ones
demodulation noun TELECOM the dendrochronology noun BOT a scien-
recovery of an original signal from a tific method of finding the age of wood by
received modulated carrier wave the study of tree rings
171 deoxyribonucleotide
dendroclimatology noun the
BOT density altitude noun METEOROL pres-
study of climate over many centuries, as sure altitude corrected for non-ISA tem-
shown in tree rings perature
COMMENT: Because tree rings vary in width density dependence noun ECOL a sit-
depending on the weather during a specific uation in which an aspect or feature of a
year, it has been possible to show a pattern population varies with population density
of yearly growth which applies to all wood
from the same region. This method allows density-dependent adjective ECOL
old structures to be dated even more accu- referring to a situation where an aspect or
rately than with carbon-dating systems. It is feature of a population varies with popula-
also possible to chart past changes in tion density 쑗 density-dependent popula-
climate in the same way, as rings vary in
thickness according to climatic conditions, tion regulation
allowing scientists to compare the climatic density-independent adjective ECOL
changes in various parts of the world over a referring to a situation where an aspect or
very long period of time. feature of a population does not vary with
dendrological adjective BOT referring population density 쑗 density-independent
to dendrology mortality
dendrology noun BOT the study of trees density wave theory noun ASTRON a
dengue noun MED a tropical disease theory that the arms of spiral galaxies are
caused by an arbovirus, transmitted by caused by compression waves moving in a
mosquitoes, where the patient suffers a circular plane about the galaxy’s centre
high fever, pains in the joints, headache through the disc containing most of its
and a rash. Also called breakbone fever mass
dental adjective referring to teeth
denitrification noun BIOCHEM the
releasing of nitrogen from nitrates in the dental caries noun DENT the formation
soil by the action of bacteria of cavities in teeth due to the action of
acid-forming bacteria and improper dental
denominator noun MATHS the number care causing decay
below the line in a simple fraction, which dental formula noun DENT a system that
indicates the number of parts making up identifies the number and type of each kind
the whole of tooth in a mammal, normally written in
dense adjective 1. referring to a sub- order of incisors, canines, premolars, and
stance which is closely pressed together 2. molars for the upper and lower jaw on the
PHYS referring to the amount of mass of a left or right of the jaw
substance for a given unit of volume 쑗 Air dentate adjective BOT same as toothed
which contains water vapour is less dense dentine noun DENT the hard part of a
than air which does not. 3. composed of tooth lying underneath the enamel and sur-
closely associated items 쑗 The animals live rounding the pulp and root canals
in dense tropical rainforest.
denudation noun ENVIRON the process
dense index noun COMPUT a database of making land or rock bare by cutting
index containing an address for every item down trees or by erosion
or entry in the database denude verb ENVIRON to make land or
density noun 1. PHYS the quantity of rock bare by cutting down trees and other
mass per unit of volume 쑗 air density 2. plants or by erosion 쑗 The timber compa-
COMPUT the amount of data that can be nies have denuded the mountains.
packed into a space on a disk or tape (NOTE: deoxygenate verb CHEM to remove oxy-
Scanner software produces various gen from water or air
shades of grey by using different densities
or arrangements of black and white dots
deoxygenation noun CHEM the removal
of oxygen from water or air
and/or different size dots.) 3. ECOL the
number of individuals in a specific area deoxyribonuclease noun BIOCHEM an
COMMENT: Density is usually measured in
enzyme which breaks down DNA
grams per millilitre, or cubic centimetre, a deoxyribonucleic acid noun GENET-
scale on which water has a density of one. ICS full form of DNA
On this scale the Earth’s average density is
5.52 gm/cc and that of the Moon is 3.34, deoxyribonucleotide noun GENETICS
while the Sun is at 1.41 and a white dwarf a nucleotide containing deoxyribose that is
star in the region of 100 000 gm/cc. a structural component of DNA
deoxyribose 172
deoxyribose noun GENETICS a simple deposits of red dust 쑗 fatty deposits in the
sugar with five carbon atoms per molecule arteries 4. a fee that is added to the price of
that is a structural component of DNA a product and refunded when the used
departmental LAN noun COMPUT a product is returned for recycling 쐽 verb 1.
small local network used to connect a to coat a surface with a thin layer of a sub-
group of people who are working in the stance 2. COMPUT to write data into a regis-
same department or office and allowing the ter or storage location
users to share files, printers and other deposited matter noun GEOL frag-
resources ments of rock, sand, shells, mud and other
depend verb 1. to be controlled or material left by the action of rivers, the sea,
affected entirely by something 쑗 The final a glacier or the wind
colour depends on how long you leave it in deposition noun 1. ELEC a process by
the solution. 2. to rely on somebody or which a surface of a semiconductor is
something 쑗 Pilots depend on air traffic coated with a thin layer of a substance 2.
controllers to help them conduct a safe the process by which material is added to
flight. the surface of the Earth, including material
dependable adjective reliable or trust- moved from one place to another by natu-
worthy 쑗 Mercury barometers have largely ral agents such as wind and water 쑗 the
been replaced by precision aneroid barom- deposition of sediment at the bottom of a
eters which are smaller, simpler to use, and lake
more dependable. depository noun INDUST a place where
dependent adjective affected by or var- something is stored, e.g. refuse or nuclear
ying with something else 쑗 The height waste 쑗 They carried out tests to establish
indicated by an altimeter is dependent on the suitability of the rock formation as a
the pressure which is set on the sub-scale. waste depository.
쑗 A process which is dependent on the
result of another process. 쑗 The output is depress verb to push down on something
dependent on the physical state of the link. such as a button or switch 쑗 Switches on
the control columns instantly disengage
dependent variable noun MATHS a the autopilot when depressed.
condition that may change when an inde-
pendent variable is manipulated by an depression noun 1. METEOROL an area
experimenter of low atmospheric pressure. Also called
low 2. a lower area on a surface that is
deplete verb ENVIRON to remove a
resource from something often difficult to see 쑗 A depression on the
wing surface must be investigated in case it
depletion noun ENVIRON the removal of a is an indication of more serious structural
resource from something 쑗 a study of damage.
atmospheric ozone depletion 쑗 Production
of ice crystals from methane can deplete depression of freezing point noun
ozone still further. PHYS the lowering of the freezing point of
deploy verb 1. to use something 쑗 They a liquid by dissolving a solid in the liquid
needed to deploy more resources to com- depth noun the distance from the top sur-
plete the review on time. 2. to work as face of something to the bottom 쑗 The trop-
expected 쑗 The parachute failed to deploy. osphere’s depth is variable in temperate
depolarize verb PHYS to reduce or pre- latitudes.
vent electric polarisation of a cell derelict adjective 1. ENVIRON referring to
depollution noun ENVIRON the removal land which has been damaged and made
of pollution from a contaminated area ugly by mining or other industrial proc-
deposit noun 1. GEOL a layer of metal, esses, or which has been neglected and is
coal or other substance that occurs in the not used for anything 쑗 a plan to reclaim
ground 쑗 Deposits of coal have been found derelict inner city sites 2. referring to a
in the north of the country. 2. GEOL a quan- building which is neglected and in ruins 쑗
tity of material moved from one place on derelict factories
the Earth’s surface to another by natural dereliction noun 1. ENVIRON a state of
agents such as wind or water 쑗 deposits of being damaged or neglected 2. a failure to
silt 쑗 glacial deposits 3. a thin layer or do what you ought to do 쑗 dereliction of
coating on an inner or outer surface 쑗 duty
173 desertification
derivation graph noun COMPUT a struc- in a planned manoeuvre. Opposite climb,
ture within a global database that provides ascend
information on the rules and paths used to descender noun PRINTING a part of a
reach any element or item of data printed letter that is below the line
derivative noun CHEM a substance or descending aorta noun ANAT the sec-
product which is formed from something ond section of the aorta as it turns down-
else wards
derive verb to get or obtain something 쑗 descent noun 1. the act of moving down
Performance data is derived from flight to a lower place 2. a planned loss of alti-
tests. 쑗 Kepler derived the laws which tude in an aircraft 쑗 The descent from
relate to the motion of planets in their cruise altitude took 40 minutes.
orbits. de-scramble verb COMPUT to reassem-
dermal adjective referring to the skin ble an original message or signal from its
dermapteran noun INSECTS an insect scrambled form
that has appendages like forceps projecting describe verb 1. to give the particular
from its abdomen, e.g. an earwig features of something 2. MATHS to draw or
dermis noun MED the thick sensitive layer to make a geometric figure 쑗 The definition
of skin beneath the epidermis containing of a year is the time taken for a planet to
blood and lymph vessels, sweat glands and describe one orbit around the sun. 쑗 Its
nerve endings movement described an arc.
derris noun AGRIC a powdered insecticide description noun 1. a statement of the
extracted from the root of a tropical plant, particular features of something 쑗 a
used against fleas, lice and aphids. 쒁 roten- detailed description of world climate 2.
one MATHS the act of drawing or making a geo-
metric figure
DES abbreviation COMPUT data encryp-
tion standard description list noun COMPUT a list of
data items and their attributes
desalinate verb CHEM to remove salt
from a substance such as sea water or soil descriptor noun COMPUT a code used to
identify a filename, or a program name or
desalination noun CHEM the removal of pass code with a file
salt from a substance such as sea water or
soil desert noun EARTH SCI an area of land
COMMENT: Desalination may be used to
with very little rainfall, arid soil and little
mean removing salt from sea water to make or no vegetation
it drinkable. Desalination plants work by COMMENT: A desert will be formed in areas
distillation, dialysis or by freeze drying. The where rainfall is less than 25 cm per annum
process is only cost-effective where the whether the region is hot or cold. About
supplies of fresh water are very 30% of all the land surface of the Earth is
small.Desalination plants work by distilla- desert or in the process of becoming desert.
tion, dialysis or by freeze drying. The The spread of desert conditions in arid and
process is very expensive, and is only semi-arid regions is caused not only by
cost-effective in desert countries where the climatic conditions, but also by human pres-
supply of fresh water is minimal. sures. So overgrazing of pasture and the
desalination plant noun INDUST a fac- clearing of forest for fuel and for cultivation
both lead to the loss of organic material, a
tory which removes the salt from sea water reduction in rainfall by evaporation and soil
to produce fresh drinking water erosion.
Descartes, René (1596–1650) desert formation noun ENVIRON same
ASTRON a French scientist and philosopher as desertification
who developed theories of the origin of the desertification noun ENVIRON the proc-
planets. His view that planets are expired ess by which an area of land becomes a
stars was proven wrong but his view of an desert because of a change of climate or
infinite universe capable of logical expla- because of the action of humans, e.g.
nation was original and far-sighted. He through intensive farming 쑗 Changes in the
also worked on optics, including improved amount of sunlight reflected by different
telescope manufacture, and the nature of vegetation may contribute to desertifica-
light. tion. 쑗 Increased tilling of the soil, together
descend verb 1. to go down 2. to become with long periods of drought, have brought
lower 3. (of aircraft) to lose altitude, usually about the desertification of the area.
desertify 174
desertify verb ENVIRON to make land into such as a telephone, diary, calculator, and
a desert 쑗 It is predicted that half the coun- filing cabinet
try will be desertified by the end of the cen- desktop publishing noun COMPUT the
tury. design, layout and printing of documents
desert soil noun EARTH SCI the typical using special software, a small computer
soil of a desert, normally sandy with little and a printer. Abbr DTP
organic matter despool verb COMPUT to print out
desiccant noun 1. CHEM a substance spooled files
which dries something 2. AGRIC a type of despotic network noun COMPUT a net-
herbicide which makes leaves wither and work synchronised and controlled by one
die single clock
desiccate verb 1. FOOD INDUST to pre- destination address noun COMPUT the
serve food by removing moisture from it 2. address of the node to which data is being
EARTH SCI to dry out transferred or sent
desiccation noun 1. the act or process of destination object noun COMPUT the
removing water 2. EARTH SCI the act of object or icon onto which a computer user
drying out the soil 쑗 The greenhouse effect drops an object
may lead to climatic changes such as the
desiccation of large areas. 왍 desiccation
destroy verb to damage something so
severely that it cannot recover 쑗 At this
damage EARTH SCI harm done by the dry-
rate, all virgin rainforests will have been
ing out of the soil
destroyed by the year 2020. 쑗 The building
design noun 1. COMPUT the planning or of the motorway will destroy several areas
drawing of something before it is con- of scientific importance.
structed or manufactured 쑗 product design
and development 쑗 a creative garden destruction noun the act of severely
design 쑗 She works in design. 2. a plan or damaging something 쑗 The destruction of
drawing of a product before it is built or the habitat has led to the almost complete
manufactured 쑗 He showed them several extinction of the species.
designs to choose from. 쐽 verb COMPUT to destructive adjective causing severe
plan or draw something before it is built or damage 쑗 the destructive power of a
manufactured 쑗 He designed a new chip nuclear reaction
factory. 쑗 She designs typefaces. destructive addition noun COMPUT an
designate verb to name something offi- addition operation in which the result is
cially or appoint someone to a position stored in the location of one of the oper-
officially 쑗 The city centre has been desig- ands used in the sum, so overwriting it
nated a traffic-free zone. destructive cursor noun COMPUT a
designator noun a group of letters cursor that erases the text as it moves over
and/or numbers which identify something it 쑗 Reading the screen becomes difficult
designer noun a person who has the idea without a destructive cursor.
for, and makes plans to produce something destructive distillation noun CHEM
쑗 She is the designer of the new computer. the heating of solid substances in the
designer gene noun GENETICS a gene absence of air causing decomposition and
popularly considered as capable of being obtaining useful products from the vapour
introduced into an organism to control the and residues
presence or absence of a desired character- destructive read noun COMPUT a read
istic (informal) operation in which the stored data is erased
desirable adjective having qualities that as it is retrieved
are attractive or wanted 쑗 This variety has destructive readout noun a display
the desirable characteristics of high yield device that erases previous characters
and disease resistance. when displaying new ones
desk study noun an investigation of rel- desulfurisation, desulphurisation
evant available facts and figures, often noun CHEM the process of removing sulfur
before starting practical study of a problem from a substance such as oil, iron ore or
desktop noun COMPUT a workspace on a coal
computer screen that is a graphical repre- detach verb 1. to unfix and remove some-
sentation of a desktop, with icons for items thing 쑗 They detached a fuselage panel
175 detritivore
which needed replacing. 2. to become deterioration noun the process of
unfixed 쑗 The fuselage panel detached. becoming worse 쑗 The rapid deterioration
detachable adjective referring to some- of the peri-urban environment gives cause
thing which can be unfixed and removed for concern.
detail noun a small part of a description 왍 determination noun the process of find-
in detail giving many facts 쑗 The cata- ing something out by calculation or exper-
logue lists all the products in detail. 쐽 verb iment 쑗 determination of the maximum
to list all the items or aspects possible 쑗 safe dose
The catalogue details the shipping determine verb 1. to discover something
arrangements for customers. 쑗 The terms by observation, calculation or experiment
of the licence are detailed in the contract. 쑗 To determine the average age, divide the

detail file noun COMPUT a file containing total number of years by the number of
records that are to be used to update a mas- people. 2. to set or fix something precisely
쑗 Have they determined the cause of
ter file
death? 쑗 The experimental procedures
detail paper noun ENG thin transparent have not yet been determined. 3. to control
paper used for layouts and tracing or have an effect on something 쑗 These
detect verb 1. to notice something that is characteristics are genetically determined.
not obvious 쑗 The equipment can detect 쑗 Health is significantly determined by
faint signals from the transducer. 쑗 She diet.
detected a slight smell of gas. 2. to discover deterministic adjective COMPUT refer-
the existence of something using scientific ring to a result of a process that depends on
methods and equipment 쑗 The equipment the initial state and inputs
can detect very faint signals.
detinning noun CHEM the removal of a
detectable adjective which can be coating of tin from something
detected 쑗 The increase in the amount of detonation noun 1. CHEM the extremely
carbon dioxide, together with trace gases rapid combustion that occurs as part of an
such as methane and nitrogen oxide, is explosion 2. AUTOMOT a sudden, explosive
likely to cause a detectable global warm- burning of the air/fuel mixture in the cylin-
ing. ders of a piston engine, possibly causing
detected error noun COMPUT an error engine damage and resulting in engine fail-
noticed during a program run, but not cor- ure 쑗 Prior to the accident, engine detona-
rected tion could be heard by people on the
detection noun the discovery of the pres- ground.
ence of something detoxication, detoxification noun ENVI-
detector noun a device for discovering RON the removal of harmful or poisonous
the existence of something substances
detergent noun INDUST a cleaning sub- detoxify verb ENVIRON to remove harm-
stance which removes grease and bacteria ful or poisonous substances from some-
from the surface of something (NOTE: The thing
first detergents contained alkyl benze- detrimental adjective harmful 쑗 Conser-
nesulfonate which does not degrade on vation groups have criticised the introduc-
contact with bacteria and so passed into tion of red deer, a species which is highly
sewage, creating large amounts of foam in detrimental to local flora.
sewers and rivers.) detrital adjective 1. BIOL formed from
detergent foam noun ENVIRON a large detritus 2. EARTH SCI referring to a crystal
mass of froth on the surface of rivers, which has been uncovered from weathered
canals and sewers, caused by detergent in rock
effluent detrital food chain noun BIOL the link
deteriorate verb to become worse 쑗 The between green plants and the decomposer
quality of the water in the river has deteri- organisms which feed on them
orated since the construction of factories detritivore noun BIOL an organism which
on its banks. 쑗 The electrolyte in the cells feeds on dead organic matter and breaks it
of a nickel-cadmium battery does not down into simple chemicals, e.g. a fungus
chemically react with the plates and so the or bacterium. Also called detrivore, scav-
plates do not deteriorate. enger
detritivorous 176
detritivorous adjective BIOL referring to write, edit, compile and debug new soft-
an organism which feeds on dead organic ware
matter and breaks it down into simple deviate verb 1. to be different from the
chemicals usual or expected pattern or to do some-
detritus noun BIOL, INDUST waste matter thing that is different from the usual or
which may be either organic or mineral expected pattern 2. to move away from the
detrivore /ditraitivɔ/ noun ECOL same normal position or path 쑗 If the aircraft
as detritivore deviates beyond the normal ILS glide
slope, the flight crew are alerted.
deuterated compound noun CHEM a
substance in which the hydrogen has been deviation noun 1. a difference from what
replaced by deuterium is usual or expected 2. the act of moving
away from the usual position or path 쑗 On
deuterium noun CHEM an isotope of final approach, any deviation from the
hydrogen with a neutron as well as a proton extended centreline of the runway should
in its nucleus. Symbol D (NOTE: It was dis- be corrected immediately. 3. AEROSP a
covered by Harold Urey (1893–1981) and magnetic compass error caused by mag-
is of importance to both nuclear technology netic influences in the structure and equip-
and astrophysics.) ment of the aircraft in which it is formed 쑗
deuterium oxide noun CHEM water Deviation is not a constant value but varies
containing deuterium instead of the hydro- from one aircraft to another. 4. STATS the
gen atom, used as a coolant or moderator in difference between one value in a series
some types of nuclear reactor. Formula: and the average of all the values
D2O. device noun a machine or piece of equip-
deuteron noun CHEM the nucleus of a ment 쑗 a device for controlling humidity 쑗
deuterium atom, consisting of a neutron a labour-saving device
and a proton device address noun COMPUT the loca-
develop verb 1. to come into being, or tion within the memory area that is used by
cause something to come into being 쑗 a particular device (NOTE: The CPU can
Icing may develop in any type of carburet- control the device by placing instructions at
tor in relatively warm air temperatures. 쑗 this address.)
Vertical motion and therefore turbulence device code noun COMPUT a unique
suggest that thunderstorms may develop. identification and selection code for a
2. to grow and change 쑗 During the day, peripheral
light breezes may develop into strong
winds. 쑗 The plants develop quickly in the device dependent noun COMPUT a
right conditions. 3. to plan and produce software program that will only work on a
something 쑗 The company is trying to specific type of computer or with a specific
develop a new pesticide to deal with the type of device
problem. device driver noun COMPUT a program
developer noun ENVIRON a person or or routine used to interface and manage an
company that plans and builds structures input/output device or peripheral
such as roads, airports, houses, factories or device-independent adjective COM-
office buildings 쑗 The land has been PUT referring to a programming technique
acquired by developers for an industrial that results in a program that is able to run
park. with any peripheral hardware
development noun 1. growth and device name noun COMPUT an abbrevi-
change 쑗 To study weather and its develop- ation that denotes a port or input/output
ment, the meteorologist has to be aware of device, e.g. COM for serial port, PRN for
the horizontal changes in atmospheric printer port and CON for keyboard and
pressure both in space and time. 2. some- monitor
thing new, made as an improvement on device priority noun COMPUT the
something older 쑗 Satellite navigation aids importance of a peripheral device assigned
are a useful development. 3. an area which by the user or central computer which dic-
has buildings on it tates the order in which the central process-
development software noun COMPUT ing unit will serve an interrupt signal from
a set of programs that help a programmer it 쑗 The master console has a higher device
177 dial
priority than the printers and other termi- process of assigning addresses and a cli-
nals. ent computer can then ask this server for
device queue noun COMPUT a list of the address of another node on the net-
requests from users or programs to use a work.)
device Dhrystone benchmark noun COMPUT
device status word noun COMPUT a a benchmarking system developed to
data word transmitted from the device that measure and compare the performance of
contains information about its current sta- computers
tus 쑗 This routine checks the device status DIA abbreviation COMPUT document inter-
word and will not transmit data if the busy change architecture
bit is set. Abbr DSW diagnose verb 1. MED to identify a dis-
dew noun METEOROL drops of condensed ease from symptoms 2. COMPUT to find the
moisture left on surfaces overnight in cool cause and effect of a fault in hardware or an
places error in software 3. SCI to use scientific
Dewar flask noun CHEM a double-walled methods to discover the cause of a problem
flask with a vacuum between the walls to or fault
give thermal insulation, generally made of diagnosis noun 1. MED the identification
silvered glass or metal (NOTE: It is fre- of a disease or problem 2. COMPUT the dis-
quently used to store liquefied gases.) covery of a fault or the cause of a fault 3.
dewater verb ENVIRON to remove or COMPUT the result of diagnosing faulty
reduce the water content of something such hardware or software
as sludge diagnostics noun SCI the use of scien-
dew point noun METEOROL the tempera- tific methods to discover the cause of a
ture at which air is saturated with water problem, fault or medical condition
vapour and condensation begins diagonal adjective 1. referring to a line
COMMENT: Weather reports may include that joins two opposite corners of a rectan-
the air temperature and dew point tempera- gle 2. referring to a line, plane or structure
ture. When the difference between temper-
ature and dew point is small, there is a that slopes halfway between the vertical
strong possibility of fog, clouds or precipita- and horizontal 쑗 a diagonal strut 쐽 noun 1.
tion. a line joining two opposite corners of a rec-
dew pond noun EARTH SCI a small pond tangle 2. a line sloping halfway between
of rainwater which forms on high ground the vertical and horizontal
in chalky soil diagram noun an often simplified draw-
dextrorotatory adjective CHEM deviat- ing showing the structure or workings of
ing the plane of polarisation of oncoming something 쑗 The diagram shows a simple
light to the right or in a clockwise direc- open-circuit system.
tion. 쒁 laevorotatory diagrammatic adjective referring to
dextrose noun 1. BIOCHEM the most something which is shown as a drawing of
common form of glucose (NOTE: It occurs a system or structure 왍 in diagrammatic
widely in nature, especially in many fruits, form in the form of a diagram 쑗 The chart
and in honey.) 2. a simple sugar found in showed the sales pattern in diagrammatic
fruit and also extracted from corn starch form.
DFD noun COMPUT a diagram used to diagrammatic format noun a repre-
describe the movement of data through a sentation of something as a diagram
system. Full form data flow diagram diakinesis noun GENETICS the final
DHA noun BIOCHEM a polyunsaturated stage of meiosis, during which the paired
essential fatty acid found in cold-water fish chromosomes begin to shorten, thicken
and some algae that has been linked to the and separate
reduction of cardiovascular disease and dial noun the face of an instrument show-
other health benefits ing a scale 쑗 A cup anemometer is con-
DHCP noun COMPUT TCP/IP a protocol nected to an instrument with a dial
that is used to assign an Internet address to showing wind speed in knots. 쐽 verb TELE-
nodes, workstations or servers in a net- COM to call a telephone number on a tele-
work. Full form dynamic host configura- phone or modem (NOTE: British English is
tion protocol (NOTE: A special server dialling – dialled, but the US spelling is
running DHCP software manages the dialing – dialed.)
dialect 178
dialect noun COMPUT a slight variation of Some switches are operated by a dia-
a standard language 쑗 This manufacturer’s phragm which flexes under fluid or air
dialect of BASIC is a little different to the pressure. 2. ELEC a thin flexible sheet
one I’m used to. which vibrates in response to sound waves
dial modifier noun COMPUT a set of extra to create an electrical signal as in a micro-
commands sent to a modem that instructs phone, or in response to electrical signals
the modem to use a particular system when to create sound waves as in a speaker 3.
dialling a telephone number (NOTE: For ANAT a thin layer of tissue stretched across
example, the command ‘ATDT123’ tells the an opening, especially the flexible sheet of
modem to use tone-dialling to dial the muscle and fibre which separates the chest
number ‘123’.) from the abdomen, and moves to pull air
into the lungs in respiration
dialog box noun COMPUT an on-screen
message from a program to the user diaspore noun MINERALS a white, grey,
or pink form of aluminium oxide used in
dialup noun COMPUT an online informa-
abrasives and heat-resistant materials
tion service that is accessed by dialling into
(NOTE: It is extracted from bauxite.)
the central computer. Also called dial-up
service diastase noun BIOCHEM the beta-amy-
lase component of malt
dial-up access noun COMPUT a means
of connection to the Internet that is not per- diastema noun DENT an unusually large
manent and uses a modem or ISDN adapter gap between two adjacent teeth
to dial a telephone access number diastole noun PHYSIOL the rhythmic
dial-up service noun COMPUT same as expansion of the chambers of the heart at
dialup each heartbeat, allowing them to fill with
blood. 쒁 systole
dialysing membrane noun CHEM a
membrane used in dialysis diatom noun MARINE BIOL a type of sin-
gle-celled alga found in fresh and sea water
dialysis noun 1. CHEM the use of a
that has a cell wall containing silica which
semi-permeable membrane as a filter to forms two overlapping halves
separate soluble waste substances from a
COMMENT: Most of the producers in sea
liquid 2. MED the process of filtering waste water food chains are diatoms. Bodies of
products from the blood of a patient with diatoms have contributed to the formation
kidney malfunction of oil reserves.
COMMENT: In dialysis, larger dispersed diatomaceous earth noun GEOL a
particles are not allowed through the mineral deposit formed from the bodies of
membrane but small dissolved particles will
pass through. diatoms, used in filters and in the manufac-
ture of polishes. Also called kieselguhr.
diamagnetism noun PHYS a tendency of Abbr DE
some materials to be repelled by a mag-
netic field and align themselves at right diatomic adjective CHEM containing two
angles to it atoms per molecule
diameter noun MEASURE the distance diatomist noun MARINE BIOL a scientist
across the widest part of a circle or a tube who studies diatoms
(NOTE: The diameter passes through the diatom ooze noun GEOL a deposit
centre.) 왍 less than 0.5mm in diameter formed from the fossil remains of diatoms
measuring less than 0.5 mm across the diazine noun CHEM an organic compound
widest part containing a ring of four carbon and two
diamond noun MINERALS a very hard nitrogen atoms per molecule, which exists
transparent crystalline form of carbon, in three isomers
used as a gemstone, in abrasives and in cut- diazo compound noun CHEM an
ting tools organic compound that has a basic struc-
diapause noun ZOOL a period of reduced ture of two nitrogen atoms, one attached to
metabolic rate in some animals or insects a carbon atom (NOTE: Diazo compounds
during which growth and development are form the basis of many drugs.)
temporarily suspended, often linked to sea- diazotisation, diazotization noun
sonal or environmental changes CHEM the production of a diazo compound
diaphragm noun 1. a thin sheet of mate- from an amine by the action of nitrous acid
rial used to separate parts or chambers 쑗 DIB abbreviation COMPUT data input bus
179 diesel-engined
dibasic adjective CHEM referring to an die verb BIOL to stop living 쑗 The fish in
acid with two replaceable hydrogen atoms the lake died, poisoned by chemical dis-
dibit noun COMPUT a digit made up of two charge from the factory. 쑗 Scientists are
binary bits trying to find out what is making the trees
dicarboxylic acid noun CHEM an acid die. 쑗 Several people died after eating the
containing two carboxyl groups contaminated shellfish.
dichlorine oxide noun CHEM a dark yel- die back verb BIOL (of plants) to be
low gas which can be dissolved in water to affected by the death of a branch or shoot 쑗
form hypochlorous acid, and explodes Roses may die back after pruning in frosty
when heated. Formula: Cl2O. weather.
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane dieback noun BOT 1. a fungal disease of
noun AGRIC full form of DDT some plants which kills shoots or branches
2. a gradual dying of trees starting at the
dichotomizing search noun COMPUT ends of branches 쑗 Half the trees in the for-
a fast search method for use on ordered est are showing signs of dieback.
lists of data (NOTE: The key word is com-
COMMENT: There are many theories
pared with the data in the middle of the list explaining the environmental cause of
and one half is discarded, this process dieback. Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides
being repeated until only one data item and ozone have all been suggested as
remains.) causes, as well as acidification of the soil or
acid rain on leaves.
dichotomous adjective BOT, ASTRON
divided into two die down verb to become less strong 쑗
The strong winds eventually died down. 쑗
dichotomous branching noun BOT a The food safety controversy shows no sign
pattern of plant growth that develops when of dying down.
a growing point forks into two points that
later divide into two diel adjective TIME referring to a period of
dichroic adjective OPTICS referring to a 24 hours 쑗 The diel cycle was due to the
chemical coating on the surface of a lens interaction of damage and repair proc-
that selectively reflects different colours of esses.
light dieldrin noun AGRIC an organochlorine
dichroic filter noun OPTICS a filter that insecticide which kills on contact (NOTE: It
allows specific wavelengths of light to pass is very persistent and can kill fish, birds
and reflects back those which are not trans- and small mammals when it enters the
mitted food chain. It is banned in the European
dichroic head noun OPTICS a coloured
light source that is based on adjustable dielectric adjective unable to conduct
dichroic filters (NOTE: They are generally direct electric current 쐽 noun ELEC a die-
used with rostrum cameras and enlargers.) lectric substance or non-conductor of elec-
dichromate noun CHEM a salt containing
the Cr2O7 2– ion, which is generally dielectric constant noun PHYS same as
orange-red in colour relative permittivity
dicot noun BOT same as dicotyledon. diesel noun INDUST same as diesel oil
Compare monocot (informal) diesel engine noun ENG an engine in
dicotyledenous adjective BOT referring which air is compressed in a cylinder caus-
to dicotyledons ing a rise in temperature before the intro-
dicotyledon noun BOT a plant with duction of oil which ignites on contact with
seeds that have a cotyledon with two parts the hot air
쑗 Dicotyledons form the largest group of COMMENT: In a diesel engine, a quantity of
plants. Compare monocotyledon oil is pumped to each cylinder in turn.
Diesel-engined cars are usually more
dictionary noun 1. a book which lists economical to run, but cause more pollu-
words and meanings 2. COMPUT a data tion, especially particulates, than
management structure which allows files petrol-engined cars.
to be referenced and sorted 3. COMPUT a diesel-engined adjective ENG using a
list of words against which a spellchecking diesel engine to provide power. Also called
program checks a text diesel-powered
diesel oil 180
diesel oil, diesel fuel noun INDUST oil tion of maximum and minimum points and
used as fuel in a diesel engine. Also called rates of change
diesel differential equation noun MATHS a
diesel-powered adjective ENG same as mathematical equation relating functions
diesel-engined to their derivatives
diet noun 1. BIOL the amount and type of differential expansion switch noun
food eaten 왍 to live on a diet of to eat 쑗 It ENG a switch which operates on the princi-
lives on a diet of insects and roots. 2. ple that the coefficients of expansion of
HEALTH a measured amount of food eaten dissimilar metals are different
to maintain, gain or lose weight 왍 to be or differential heating noun METEOROL
go on a diet MED Same as diet 쐽 verb differences in the amount of heat received
HEALTH to reduce the quantity or change when different surfaces are heated by the
the type of food eaten in order to maintain Sun (NOTE: White surfaces such as snow
a sensible weight and become healthier heat less than dark ones such as soil.) 왍
dietary adjective BIOL, HEALTH referring differential heating of the atmosphere
to diet the heating of the atmosphere to varying
temperatures depending on the relative
dietary fibre noun BIOL same as rough- warmth of the land at the equator and the
age poles
COMMENT: Dietary fibre is found in cereals,
nuts, fruit and some green vegetables. It is
differential pulse coded modula-
believed to be necessary to help digestion tion noun COMPUT a method of encoding
and to avoid developing constipation, an analog signal into a digital form in
obesity and appendicitis. which the value recorded is equal to the
dietary reference values plural noun difference between the current and previ-
HEALTH the nutrients that are essential for ous samples. Abbr DPCM
health, published as a list by the UK gov- differential reproduction noun BIOL
ernment the ability to produce more offspring with
dietetic adjective BIOL, HEALTH referring the same adaptations as the parents, allow-
to diet ing the species to survive under changed
environmental conditions
dietetics noun BIOL, HEALTH the study of
food, nutrition and health, especially when differentiate verb to recognise the dif-
applied to food intake ference between two or more things or to
show two or more things to be different 쑗
dietitian noun HEALTH a specialist in die- found it hard to differentiate different
tetics shades of green
DIF abbreviation COMPUT data interchange differentiation noun BIOL the develop-
format mental process from unspecified cells into
differ verb to be unlike 쑗 The two prod- complex tissues, organs or body parts
ucts differ considerably – one has an exter- diffraction noun PHYS the breaking
nal hard disk, the other has internal hard down of a beam of radiation 쑗 Diffraction
disk and external magnetic tape drive. produces a surface wave which follows the
difference noun 1. the way in which two curvature of the earth. (NOTE: The longer
things are not the same 쑗 Describe the the wave, the greater the diffraction pro-
major differences between plants and ani- duced.)
mals. 2. MATHS the amount by which one COMMENT: The different rates of diffraction
number is bigger than another number 쑗 of light of different wavelengths is the prin-
ciple behind the diffraction grating.
The difference between 19 and 24 is five.
diffraction grating noun OPTICS a glass
different adjective not the same 쑗 Living plate or metal mirror engraved with a large
in the country is very different from living number of parallel lines or grooves, which
in town. 쑗 The landscape looks quite differ- produces a spectrum when light passes
ent since the mine was opened. through it
differential adjective referring to things COMMENT: The diffraction grating has
which react differently when measured replaced the glass prism for most spec-
against a norm or standard trum-gathering. A diffraction grating
consists of an array of fine lines ruled
differential calculus noun MATHS the parallel to each other on a flat surface which
application of calculus to the determina- can either reflect or transmit the light falling
181 digital display
on it, to give a transmission or reflection digestible adjective able to be
grating. The diffraction of light around the digested 쑗 Glucose is an easily digestible
edges of the lines on the grating produces
the spectrum. form of sugar.
digestible organic matter noun
diffuse adjective 1. spread out in every INDUST an organic substance which can be
direction 쑗 Glare caused by diffuse reflec- processed to produce biogas, e.g. manure.
tion of sunlight from the top of a layer of Abbr DOM
fog or haze can seriously reduce
air-to-ground visibility. 2. widespread in digestion noun 1. PHYSIOL the process
effect and without a single identifiable by which food is broken down and con-
source 쑗 diffuse pollution 쒁 non-point verted into elements which can be
source 쐽 verb 1. to spread out in every absorbed by the body 2. BIOCHEM the con-
direction 쑗 Light diffuses as it passes version of organic matter into simpler
through fog. 2. to spread through tissue or chemical compounds, as in the production
other matter 쑗 Some substances easily dif- of biogas from manure. 쒁 bacterial diges-
fuse through the walls of capillaries.
digestive adjective PHYSIOL referring to
diffuse water pollution noun water digestion
pollution which is caused by several small digestive enzyme noun BIOCHEM an
sources such as runoff from farms enzyme which speeds up the process of
diffusion noun 1. the process of spread- digestion
ing out 쑗 Gas from the turbine enters the digestive system noun ANAT the set of
exhaust system at high velocities but, organs in the body associated with the
because of high friction losses, the speed of digestion of food
flow is decreased by diffusion. 2. CHEM a digestive tract noun ANAT same as ali-
means of transferring doping materials into mentary canal
an integrated circuit substrate 3. PHYS the
digit noun 1. MATHS a symbol or character
spreading of gas or light 4. CHEM the mix- which represents an integer that is smaller
ing of a liquid with another liquid, or of a than the radix of the number base used 쑗 a
gas with another gas 5. CHEM the passing of phone number with eight digits or an
a liquid or gas through a membrane eight-digit phone number 쑗 the decimal
diffusion pump noun PHYS a vacuum digit 8 쑗 The decimal number system uses
pump that achieves low pressures by con- the digits 0123456789. 2. ZOOL a finger or
densing gas molecules carried in diffused toe, or a similar body part
vapour on its cool surfaces. Also called digital adjective MATHS, COMPUT repre-
condensation pump senting data or physical quantities in
digest verb 1. PHYSIOL to break down numerical form, especially using a binary
food and convert it into elements which system in computer-related devices
can be absorbed by the body 2. ENVIRON to digital audio tape noun COMPUT a
use bacteria to process waste, especially compact cassette, smaller than an audio
organic waste such as manure, in order to cassette, that provides a system of record-
produce biogas 쑗 55% of UK sewage ing sound as digital information onto mag-
sludge is digested. 쑗 Wastes from food netic tape with very high-quality
processing plants can be anaerobically reproduction. Abbr DAT (NOTE: It is also
digested. used as a high-capacity tape backup sys-
tem that can store 1.33Gb of data.)
digester noun INDUST a device that pro-
duces gas such as methane from refuse digital circuit noun COMPUT an elec-
tronic circuit that operates on digital infor-
digester gas noun INDUST gas such as mation providing logical functions or
methane produced by a digester switching
digestibility noun the proportion of food digital computer noun COMPUT a com-
which is digested and is therefore of value puter which processes data in digital form
to the animal which eats it digital data noun COMPUT data repre-
digestibility coefficient noun the pro- sented in numerical form, usually binary
portion of food digested and not excreted, digital display noun COMPUT a video
shown as a percentage of the total food display that can only show a fixed number
eaten of colours or shades of grey
digital logic 182
digital logic noun COMPUT the applica- analog signal to a digital one which can be
tion of Boolean algebra to hardware cir- understood by a computer
cuits digit place, digit position noun MATHS
digital read-out noun COMPUT data dis- the position of a digit within a number
played in numerical form, e.g. a display of dihybrid noun GENETICS an organism
numbers on an LCD in a calculator that is heterozygous for two genes, each
digital resolution noun COMPUT the gene being represented by two variant
smallest number that can be represented forms (alleles)
with one digit, the value assigned to the dihydrate noun CHEM a chemical that
least significant bit of a word or number contains two molecules of water of crystal-
digital signal noun ELEC an electric sig- lisation
nal that has only a number of possible
states, as opposed to an analog signal DIL noun ELEC a standard layout for inte-
which is continuously variable grated circuit packages using two parallel
rows of connecting pins along each side.
digital signalling noun ELEC ENG con- Full form dual-in-line package
trol and dialling codes sent down a tele-
phone line in digital form dilatation noun MED same as dilation
digital signal processing noun ELEC dilate verb to increase in volume
ENG a special integrated circuit used to dilation noun 1. an increase in volume 2.
manipulate digital signals. Abbr DSP MED the process of widening, enlarging or
digital signature noun COMPUT a stretching a hollow organ or body passage
unique identification code sent by a termi- diluent noun CHEM a substance which is
nal or device in digital form used to dilute a liquid
digital subscriber line noun TELECOM dilute CHEM verb to add water or solvent
a system of transmitting data at high speed to a liquid to make it weaker. Opposite
over standard telephone wire. Abbr DSL concentrate 쐽 adjective with water or sol-
(NOTE: One of the most popular DSLs is vent added
the asymmetric digital subscriber line
dilute and disperse noun ENVIRON a
scheme that provides a permanent,
method of using landfill sites in which the
high-speed connection to the Internet over
waste is allowed to leak gradually into the
standard telephone lines.)
surrounding soil
digital switching noun ELEC ENG the
operation of communications connections diluted adjective CHEM referring to a
and switches by digital signals decreased strength or concentration of a
liquid as a result of adding another liquid 쑗
digital to analog converter noun Spillage from a lead acid battery may be
ELEC ENG a circuit that outputs an analog
neutralised by washing with a diluted solu-
signal that is proportional to the input dig- tion of sodium bicarbonate.
ital number, and so converts a digital input
to an analog form. Abbr DAC diluter noun CHEM a device for decreas-
digital versatile disc, digital video- ing the strength or concentration of a liquid
disc noun COMPUT full form of DVD
or gas
digital video interactive noun COM- dilution noun 1. CHEM the action of dilut-
PUT a system that defines how video and ing a liquid 2. a liquid which has been
audio signals should be compressed and diluted
displayed on a computer. Abbr DV-I DIM abbreviation COMPUT document
digitate adjective 1. ZOOL having fingers image management
or toes, or body parts like fingers or toes 2. dimension noun 1. a measurable dis-
BOT same as palmate tance such as height or length 쑗 Variations
digitise, digitize verb ELEC ENG to of atmospheric pressure produce changes
change analog movement or signals into a in the dimensions of the capsule chamber.
digital form which can be processed, e.g. 2. MATHS the power to which something is
by computers 쑗 We can digitise your signa- raised
ture to allow it to be printed with any laser dimensional analysis noun PHYS the
printer. use of knowledge about the physical
digitiser, digitizer noun ELEC ENG an dimensions of a system to infer informa-
analog to digital device which converts an tion that is too complex to calculate
183 DIP switch
dimensioning noun COMPUT a defini- dioptre noun a unit of measure-
tion of the size of something such as an ment of refraction of a lens. US spelling
array or matrix 쑗 Array dimensioning diopter
occurs at this line. COMMENT: A one dioptre lens has a focal
length of one metre; the greater the dioptre,
dimer noun CHEM a molecule made up of the shorter the focal length.
two simpler identical molecules or mono- dioxide noun CHEM an oxide containing
mers two atoms of oxygen
dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl sulphide dioxin noun CHEM an extremely poison-
noun CHEM a gas given off by water which ous gas. It is formed as a product of waste
is rich in sewage pollution incineration and some other combustion
diminish verb to decrease or to reduce processes and is also a by-product of the
something 쑗 Friction is greatest near the manufacture of the herbicide 2,4,5-T.
ground and diminishes with height. 쑗 (NOTE: It is the gas that escaped in the dis-
Hammering diminishes the metal rod’s aster at Seveso in 1976.)
strength. dip noun GEOG the angle between a mag-
diminished adjective reduced 쑗 At netic needle and the horizontal plane
higher altitudes, ground objects are less DIP1 noun ELECTRONICS a standard layout
easily seen because of diminished size. for an integrated circuit package using two
diminished radix complement noun parallel rows of connecting pins along each
MATHS a number representation in which side. Full form dual-in-line package
each digit of the number is subtracted from DIP2 abbreviation document image
one less than the radix processing
DIMM abbreviation COMPUT dual in-line dipl-, diplo- prefix BIOL double
memory module 쑗 DIMM cards are used to diploblastic adjective ZOOL referring to
expand the memory in high-performance an invertebrate animal in which the body is
computers. made up of two cellular layers only,
derived from the embryonic endoderm and
dimorphism noun BIOL the existence of ectoderm. Cnidarians are diploblastic.
two different forms within a species, as in
sexual dimorphism in which there are dis- diploid adjective GENETICS referring to
tinct males and females or in the occur- an organism that has two matched sets of
rence of sexual and asexual forms in some chromosomes in a cell nucleus, one set
lower plants from each parent (NOTE: Each species has
a characteristic diploid number of chromo-
DIN noun ELEC a German industry stand- somes.)
ards organisation; often referred to in the diplont noun GENETICS an organism
specification for plugs and sockets. Full whose cell nuclei have a diploid number of
form Deutsche Industrienorm chromosomes, apart from in reproductive
dinitrogen oxide noun CHEM same as cells
nitrous oxide diplotene noun GENETICS a stage in the
dinosaur noun PALAEONT an extinct car- first part of meiosis in which paired chro-
nivorous or herbivorous reptile that lived in mosomes start to move apart from each
the Mesozoic Era. Order: Ornisthischia another but remain connected at points
and Saurischia. (chiasmata) (NOTE: At these connecting
points, genetic information is exchanged.)
diode noun ELECTRONICS an electronic
component that allows an electrical current dipole noun PHYS two equal and opposite
to pass in one direction and not the other magnetic poles or electrical charges that
are only a short distance apart
dioecious adjective BOT referring to a
plant species in which male and female dipole moment noun PHYS the product
flowers occur on different individuals. 쒁 of two equal and opposite magnetic poles
or electric charges that are a short distance
diol noun CHEM an alcohol containing two DIP switch noun ELEC a small bank of
hydroxyl groups in each molecule switches that are used to configure a
diopter noun OPTICS US spelling of device. Full form dual-inline-package
dioptre switch
dipterous 184
dipterous adjective referring to an insect directory noun COMPUT a unit of organi-
such as a fly with two wings sation of files stored on a disk, containing
direct verb to manage or organise some- a group of files or further sub-directories
thing 쐽 adjective COMPUT straight or with directory services noun COMPUT all
no processing or going in a straight way 쐽 the users and resources linked to a network
adverb COMPUT straight or with no third recorded in a simple and easy-to-access
party involved 쐽 noun COMPUT a binary way so that a user can locate another user
code which directly operates the central by name rather than by a complex network
processing unit, using only absolute address 쑗 With directory services installed,
addresses and values (NOTE: This is the it’s much easier for our users to find and
final form of a program after a compiler or connect to the shared printers.
assembler pass.) directory website noun COMPUT a
website that contains a list of other web-
direct access noun COMPUT storage and sites, normally organised into sections and
retrieval of data without the need to read
often with a search feature
other data first
direct page register noun COMPUT a
direct access storage device noun register that provides memory page access
COMPUT a storage medium whose memory data to allow access to any part of memory
locations can be directly read or written to. when a central processing unit is carrying
Abbr DASD out a direct memory access
direct addressing noun COMPUT a direct reference address noun COM-
method of addressing where the storage PUT a virtual address that can only be
location address given in the instruction is altered by indexing
the location to be used direct transfer noun COMPUT a bit for
direct current noun ELEC an electric bit copy of the contents of one register into
current of constant value that flows in one another register, including any status bits
direction. Abbr DC dirty bit noun COMPUT a flag bit set by
direct data entry noun COMPUT the memory-resident programs to indicate that
process of keying in data directly onto a they have already been loaded into main
magnetic disk or tape. Abbr DDE memory
direct digital control noun COMPUT a disable verb COMPUT to prevent a device
or function from operating 쑗 He disabled
machine operated automatically by com-
the keyboard to prevent anyone changing
puter. Abbr DDC
the data.
direct dye noun CHEM a dye that can be disadvantage noun a factor which
applied directly to a fabric without needing makes someone or something less likely to
an additional chemical (mordant) to fix succeed 쑗 The disadvantage of a booster
the colour pump is that the output is constant so that
direction noun the course taken by when engine demand is high, fuel pressure
someone or something 쑗 The Earth rotates tends to be low and vice versa.
about its own axis in an anticlockwise disappear verb 1. to cease to exist 쑗 If
direction. air blew at right angles to isobars, the hor-
directive noun COMPUT a programming izontal pressure differences would eventu-
instruction used to control something such ally disappear. 2. to pass out of sight
as a language translator or compiler 쐽 disarm verb COMPUT to prevent an inter-
adjective ELEC referring to the ability of a rupt having any effect
device to send or receive signals in straight disassemble verb COMPUT to translate
lines 쑗 The antenna is highly directive in machine code instructions back into
transmission and reception. assembly language mnemonics
direct memory access noun COMPUT disaster management noun the poli-
a direct, rapid link between a peripheral cies developed and the actions undertaken
and a computer’s main memory which to deal with a disaster
avoids the use of accessing routines for disc noun 1. a circular flat plate 쑗 A tur-
each item of data required 쑗 direct memory bine consists of a disc on which is mounted
access transfer between the main memory a number of blades. 2. a CD 3. COMPUT
and the second processor Abbr DMA another spelling of disk
185 disease
discard verb to throw out something requested full disclosure of experimental
which is not needed procedures
disc floret noun BOT a small tubular part discoloration, discolouration noun a
among those on the central rounded part of change of colour, especially one caused by
the flower head of a plant belonging to the deterioration
Compositae, such as a daisy or sunflower. discolour verb to change the colour of
Compare ray floret something, especially through deteriora-
discharge noun 1. ELEC a release of tion, usually making it paler (NOTE: The
power from a source such as a battery 쑗 A US spelling is discolor.)
lightning flash is a large-scale example of discoloured adjective with a changed
an electrical spark, or discharge. 2. ENVI- colour, especially through deterioration
RON the action of releasing waste material
disconnect verb to separate two things
into the environment 3. ENVIRON waste attached to one another 쑗 The electrical
material, such as that from an industrial supply can be disconnected by pulling out
process or in the form of sewage, that is the plug.
passed into the environment 4. PHYS the
rate of flow of a liquid in a channel 쐽 verb discontinuity noun 1. GEOL a break in a
1. ELEC to release electrical supply from a layer of rock, caused by a fault or erosion
source such as a battery 쑗 The battery dis- 2. EARTH SCI a band in the interior of the
charged overnight. 2. GEOG (of a river) to Earth which separates two layers and
flow into a lake or the sea 쑗 The river Rhine through which seismic shocks do not pass
discharges into the North Sea. 3. ENVIRON discovery noun 1. BIOL an act of finding
to pass waste material into the environment something which was not known before 쑗
쑗 The factory discharges ten tonnes of The discovery of penicillin completely
toxic effluent per day into the river. changed hospital treatment. 2. something
discharge area noun GEOG an area of which was not known before 쑗 New medi-
land where there is a net annual transfer of cal discoveries are reported each week.
water from the ground water to surface discrete adjective referring to values,
water events, energy or data which occur in small
discharge pipe noun INDUST a pipe individual units 쑗 The data word is made
which carries waste material from an up of discrete bits.
industrial process or in the form of sewage discrete cosine transform noun
and deposits it somewhere else, e.g. in a COMPUT an algorithm used to encode and
tank or in the sea 쑗 Discharge pipes used to compress images. Abbr DCT
take the liquid waste into the sea. discretionary adjective able to be used
discharge tube noun ELEC ENG a tube if wanted or not used if not wanted 쑗 dis-
filled with gas at low pressure that glows cretionary powers
on conduction of electricity when a voltage discrimination noun the ability to know
is applied (NOTE: It is used in neon and flu- or see the difference between two similar
orescent lights.) things 쑗 Discrimination between the col-
disclimax noun ENVIRON a stable ecolog- our tones is difficult.
ical state which has been caused by human discrimination instruction noun
intervention, e.g. a desert caused by defor- COMPUT a conditional program instruction
estation. Compare climax that directs control by providing the loca-
disclimax community noun ENVIRON tion of the next instruction to be executed
a stable plant community which is caused if a condition is met. Also called decision
by human action, e.g. felling a rainforest instruction
for timber discussion group noun COMPUT a fea-
disclose verb to reveal details of some- ture of a website that lets visitors discuss a
thing which were supposed to be secret particular subject by posting messages
disclosing agent noun a dye that is disease noun MED, BOT an illness of peo-
used to colour something that cannot oth- ple, animals or plants 쑗 He caught a dis-
erwise be seen, e.g. plaque on teeth ease in the tropics. 쑗 She is suffering from
disclosure noun the act of telling details a serious disease of the kidneys or from a
about something, especially something serious kidney disease. 쑗 He is a specialist
that has been secret or confidential 쑗 in occupational diseases.
disease control 186
disease control noun the systems put Magnetic tapes cannot be accessed in this
in place by a farm or a government to pre- way.
vent diseases from spreading within the disk cache noun COMPUT a high speed
area under their supervision section of memory that is used to tempo-
diseased adjective MED, BOT affected by rarily store frequently used data that has
a disease and so not functioning as usual or been read from the disk (NOTE: The com-
not whole 쑗 a diseased kidney 쑗 To treat puter checks the cache to see if the data is
dieback, diseased branches should be cut there before it accesses the disk. This sys-
back to healthy wood. tem can dramatically improve apparent
disease dynamics noun the study of disk performance.)
the change, growth or activity of a disease disk compression noun COMPUT a
disengage verb to switch off a system or method of increasing the apparent capacity
device 쑗 Switches on the control columns of a disk to store data, carried out by a spe-
instantly disengage the autopilot when cial piece of software that compresses the
depressed. data as it is being saved to disk and then
dish noun a shallow container decompresses the data when it is read back
dish antenna noun TELECOM a circular disk controller noun COMPUT an inte-
aerial with a shape like a shallow bowl grated circuit or circuits used to translate a
disinfect verb MED to make something or request for data by the central processing
somewhere free from microorganisms unit into control signals for the disk drive,
such as bacteria 쑗 All utensils must be thor- including motor control and access arm
oughly disinfected. (NOTE: Disinfect, dis- movement
infection and disinfectant are used for disk crash noun COMPUT a fault caused
substances which destroy germs on instru- by the read/write head touching the surface
ments, objects or the skin.) of the disk
disinfectant noun MED a substance used disk directory noun COMPUT a list of
to kill microorganisms such as bacteria names and information about files in a
disinfection noun MED the process of backing storage device 쑗 The disk direc-
making something or somewhere free from tory shows file name, date and time of cre-
microorganisms such as bacteria ation.
disinfest verb to remove insect or animal disk drive noun COMPUT a device which
pests from a place spins a magnetic disk and controls the
disintegrate verb to break into pieces 쑗 position of the read/write head
In holocrine glands the cells disintegrate diskette noun COMPUT a light, flexible
as they secrete. disk that can store data in a magnetic form,
disintegration noun the process of used in most personal computers
breaking into pieces 쑗 Electromagnetic disk file noun COMPUT a number of
radiations resulting from the disintegration related records or data items stored under
of radioactive materials are known as one name on disk
gamma rays. disk formatting noun COMPUT the ini-
disintegration constant noun PHYS tial setting up of a blank disk with track
the probability that a radioactive nucleus and sector markers and other control infor-
will decay inside a standard unit of time mation
disjunction noun MATHS a logical func- disk head noun COMPUT a head which
tion that produces a true output if any input reads or writes on a floppy disk
is true
diskless adjective COMPUT not having
disjunctive search noun COMPUT a any disk drives for data storage 쑗 a diskless
search for data items that match at least one system 쑗 They want to create a diskless
of a number of keys workstation.
disk noun COMPUT a flat circular plate
coated with a substance that is capable of disk mirroring noun COMPUT a data
being magnetised (NOTE: Data is stored on protection system in which all or part of a
the disk by magnetising selective sections
hard disk is duplicated onto another, sepa-
to represent binary digits.)
rate, disk drive. Also called duplexing
COMMENT: The disk surface is divided into disk operating system noun COMPUT
tracks which can be accessed individually. a section of the operating system software
187 display resolution
that controls disk and file management. dispersion noun 1. ECOL the pattern in
Abbr DOS which animals or plants are found over a
disk partition noun COMPUT 쏡 partition wide area 2. PHYS the splitting of electro-
disk sector noun COMPUT the smallest magnetic radiation such as light into its
area on a magnetic disk that can be component wavelengths as it passes
addressed by a computer through a medium 3. COMPUT a logical
function whose output is false if all inputs
disk storage noun COMPUT the use of are true, and true if any input is false
disks as a backing store
dispersion aerosol noun droplets of
disk track noun COMPUT one of a series moisture which are blown into the air as
of thin concentric rings on a magnetic disk, spray
which the read/write head accesses and
along which data is stored in separate sec- dispersion model noun ENVIRON a
tors mathematical prediction of how pollutants
from a source will be distributed in the sur-
dislocation noun 1. CHEM an irregularity rounding area under specific conditions of
in the fine structure arrangement (lattice) wind, temperature, humidity and other
of an otherwise normal crystal 2. MED the environmental factors
displacement of a bone from its usual posi-
tion in a joint 쑗 a hip dislocation displace verb to move something out of
the normal position 쑗 The atmosphere is
dismantle verb 1. to take something said to be stable if, when a parcel of air is
apart into single components 쑗 to disman- displaced vertically, it tends to return to its
tle an engine (NOTE: There is no verb to original level.
‘mantle’.) 2. to come apart into single com-
ponents 쑗 The supporting structure dis- displacement noun 1. a movement
mantles easily. away from a normal position 2. COMPUT an
offset used in an indexed address
disomic adjective GENETICS having an
extra chromosome in the haploid state displacement reaction noun CHEM
same as substitution reaction
disorder noun 1. a disruption of a system
or balanced state 2. MED an illness 쑗 a display COMPUT noun a device on which
stomach disorder information or images can be presented
visually 쑗 Our names came up on the dis-
dispenser noun 1. INDUST a device or play. 쐽 verb to show information 쑗 The cus-
machine which gives out a particular thing tomer’s details were displayed on the
쑗 a detergent dispenser 2. a person or an
screen. 쑗 By keying HELP, the screen will
official group that provides something 쑗 a display the options available to the user.
major dispenser of research funds
display adapter noun COMPUT a device
dispersal noun ECOL the moving of indi- which allows information in a computer to
vidual plants or animals into or from an be displayed on a CRT (NOTE: The adapter
area 쑗 seed dispersal by wind 쑗 Aphids interfaces with both the computer and
breed in large numbers and spread by dis- CRT.)
persal in wind currents.
disperse verb 1. (of organisms) to sepa- display attribute noun COMPUT a varia-
ble which defines the shape, size or colour
rate and move away over a wide area 2. to
of text or graphics displayed
send something out over a wide area 쑗
Some seeds are dispersed by birds. 쑗 display character noun COMPUT a
Power stations have tall chimneys to dis- graphical symbol such as one of the letters
perse the emissions of pollutants. of the alphabet or a number that appears in
printed form
dispersed particles plural noun PHYS
particles which are not dissolved in a liquid display processor noun COMPUT a
but remain in suspension processor which changes data to a format
dispersing agent noun 1. CHEM a suitable for a display controller
chemical substance sprayed onto an oil display register noun COMPUT a regis-
slick to break up the oil into smaller parti- ter which contains character, control or
cles 2. INDUST a chemical added to a fungi- graphical data that is to be displayed
cide/bactericide formulation to allow display resolution noun COMPUT a
particles of the active agent to be distrib- number of pixels per unit area which a dis-
uted effectively play can clearly show
disposable 188
disposable adjective INDUST thrown dissipation noun the process of spread-
away after use 쑗 disposable syringes ing out with loss of power or strength 쑗 The
disposal noun the process of getting rid rubber covering forms a good electrical
of something 쑗 The disposal of raw sewage conductor for the safe dissipation of static
into the sea contaminates shellfish. 쒁 final electricity.
disposal dissolvable, dissoluable adjective
disposal facility noun INDUST a land- CHEM able to be dissolved
fill, incinerator or other facility that dissolve verb CHEM 1. to become part of
receives waste for disposal a liquid and form a solution 쑗 Sugar dis-
dispose of verb to get rid of something solves in water. 쑗 There is a possibility that
쑗 The problem with nuclear reactors is
gas may be dissolved into the fluid and thus
how to dispose of the radioactive waste. introduced into the system. 2. to cause
something to dissolve 쐽 noun COMPUT a
disrupt verb ENVIRON to upset a system or special effect that is used in presentation
balanced state 쑗 The storm disrupted the graphics software or multimedia to fade
electricity supply. out one image and fade in the next
disruption noun ENVIRON the process of dissolved adjective CHEM having
upsetting a system or balanced state become part of a liquid and forming a solu-
dissect verb BIOL to cut and separate tis- tion
sues in a body to examine them dissolved oxygen noun CHEM the
dissecting aneurysm noun MED an amount of gaseous oxygen present in
aneurysm which occurs when the inside water, expressed as either its presence in a
wall of the aorta is torn, and blood enters volume of water (in milligrams per litre) or
the membrane its percentage in saturated water. Abbr DO
dissection noun BIOL the cutting and distal adjective BIOL away from the centre
separating of parts of a body or an organ as or point of attachment. Compare proximal
part of a surgical operation, autopsy or distance noun a measurement of the
course of study space between two points 쑗 The distance
disseminate verb 1. to make informa- from A to B on the diagram is 2cm.
tion or knowledge available 쑗 The informa- distance vector protocols plural
tion was disseminated widely throughout noun COMPUT information about the differ-
the organisation. 2. to spread throughout ent routes over a wide area network that
something can be used by a router to find the shortest
disseminated adjective BIOL occurring and fastest route to send information
in every part of an organ or in the whole distil verb 1. CHEM to produce a pure liq-
body 쑗 disseminated cancer uid by heating a liquid and condensing the
dissemination noun the process of vapour, as in the production of alcohol or
making information about something essential oils 2. INDUST to produce
available 쑗 the dissemination of new tech- by-products from coal
nology distillate noun CHEM a substance pro-
dissimilar adjective referring to some- duced by distillation
thing which is not the same as or is unlike distillation noun CHEM the process of
something else 쑗 Differential expansion producing a pure liquid by heating a liquid
switches operate on the principle that the and condensing the vapour, as in the pro-
coefficients of expansion of dissimilar met- duction of alcohol or essential oils
als are different. distilled water noun CHEM pure water,
dissimilatory adjective CHEM describes used in some industrial processes and in
a chemical process involving the produc- electric batteries
tion of an inorganic compound or element distinct adjective clearly separate 쑗
from an organic one, or a product resulting When a lead-acid battery is fully charged,
from this process each cell displays three distinct indica-
dissipate verb to spread out or cause tions.
something to spread out and lose power or distinction noun a point of difference 쑗
strength 쑗 Tropical storms often dissipate A clear distinction is made between show-
as they pass from sea to land. ers and general precipitation.
189 dithered colour
distinctive adjective easily recognised different workstations instead of one cen-
because of particular features or character- tral computer
istics distribution noun 1. the process of giv-
distinguish verb to know or to see the ing or sending something out 쑗 power dis-
difference between things 쑗 The OCR has tribution systems 2. the act or an instance
difficulty in distinguishing certain charac- of spreading over a wide area 쑗 There is a
ters. high distribution of used and disused air-
distinguishable adjective easily recog- fields in the south of England. 3. ECOL the
nised as different from other things 쑗 dis- pattern in which something is found in var-
tinguishable from their surroundings ious areas, depending on factors such as
distort verb 1. to go or put something out climate or altitude 쑗 The distribution of
of shape 쑗 Stress could cause the body to crops in various regions of the world is a
distort or change its shape. 2. PHYS to result of thousands of years of breeding
introduce unwanted differences between a and testing.
signal input and output from a device distribution area noun ECOL a number
distortion noun 1. the act of going out of of places in which a species is found
shape or of putting something out of shape distribution network noun 쏡 local
쑗 distortion of the airframe 2. PHYS area network, wide area network
unwanted differences in a signal before distributor noun ELEC ENG a device
and after it has passed through a piece of which sends an electrical charge to each
equipment 쑗 Distortion of the signal made spark plug in turn 쑗 The distributor directs
it difficult for the controller to understand the high voltage impulses to the cylinders
what the pilot said. in turn as they reach their ignition point.
distributary noun EARTH SCI a stream or district noun a part of an area, especially
river flowing out from a larger river, as in a for administrative purposes
delta district heating noun INDUST a system
distribute verb 1. to give something or of heating all houses in a district from a
send something out 쑗 distribute electrical central source, as from hot springs in Ice-
power 2. to spread something over a wide land or by cooling water from a power sta-
area 쑗 Multiple wheel undercarriage units tion
distribute the weight of the aircraft. 3. disturb verb to alter the usual condition
COMPUT to send out data or information to of something 쑗 Small hills can disturb the
users in a network or system flow of air. 쑗 The building of the road has
distributed adaptive routing noun disturbed the balance of the ecosystem.
COMPUT the directing of messages in a disturbance noun 1. an alteration in the
packet network switching system by an usual condition of something 쑗 In general,
exchange of information between nodes the higher the mountain and the faster the
distributed database system noun air flow the greater is the resulting distur-
COMPUT a database system in which the bance. 2. ENVIRON a change in an ecosys-
data is stored on several different comput- tem caused by an alteration of the
ers but can be searched as if it is one single environmental conditions, by a process
location such as drought, pollution or felling of
distributed data processing noun woodland
COMPUT operations to derive information disturbance threshold noun ECOL the
from data which is kept in different places. point at which an alteration of the environ-
Abbr DDP mental conditions causes change in an eco-
distributed file system noun COMPUT system
a system that uses files stored in more than ditch noun AGRIC, ENG a channel to take
one location or backing store but processed away rainwater
at a central point dither verb COMPUT to create a curve or
distributed network noun COMPUT a line that looks smoother by adding shaded
network in which each node can operate as pixels beside the pixels that make up the
a server storing files or working as a print image
server dithered colour noun COMPUT a colour
distributed processor noun COMPUT that is made up of a pattern of different col-
a system with many small computers at oured pixels
dithionic acid 190
dithionic acid noun CHEM an acid that is divide verb 1. to separate something into
unstable and only found in solution. For- parts, or become separated into parts 쑗 Air
mula: HSO. masses are divided into two types accord-
diuresis noun MED an increase in the pro- ing to source region and these are known
duction of urine as polar and tropical air masses. 2. MATHS
diuretic adjective, noun MED referring to to calculate how many times a number is
a substance which makes the kidneys pro- contained in another number 쑗 Eight
duce more urine divided by four equals two (8 ÷ 4 = 2).
diurnal adjective 1. referring to the dividend noun MATHS an operand that is
24-hour cycle of day and night 쑗 Diurnal divided by a divisor in a division operation
changes in surface temperature over the (NOTE: The dividend is divided by the divi-
sea are small. 2. happening every day 3. sor to form the quotient and a remainder.)
happening in the daytime divisible adjective MATHS able to be
diurnal cycle noun a pattern that recurs divided, especially without leaving a
over a 24-hour period 쑗 Air pollution remainder
shows a diurnal cycle. division noun 1. a separation into parts 2.
MATHS a calculation of how may times a
diurnal rhythm noun BIOL regularly
recurring activities such as feeding and number is contained in another number 쑗
sleeping which take place every day learning multiplication and division 3.
BIOL a traditional category in the scientific
divalent adjective CHEM with a valency classification of plants, now replaced by
of 2 phylum
diverge verb to move further apart from division sign noun MATHS a printed or
something else 쑗 Air diverges at low levels written sign (÷) used to show that numbers
and converges at high levels, causing a are to be divided
sinking or subsiding effect in the atmos-
phere. Opposite converge divisor noun MATHS an operand used to
divide a dividend in a division operation
divergence noun 1. a difference 쑗 a
divergence of opinion on the cloning issue dizygotic twins plural noun BIOL two
쑗 a divergence between the preliminary
offspring who are not identical and not
report and the final results 2. METEOROL a always of the same sex because they come
phenomenon which occurs whenever there from two different ova fertilised at the
is a net outflow of air from a region of the same time. Compare monozygotic twins.
atmosphere, resulting in the depletion of Also called fraternal twins
air and a reduction in density. Compare D-lines plural noun PHYS a pair of lines
convergence that are visible in the spectrum of sodium,
divergent adjective 1. different 2. mov- used as a reference point
ing apart from something else DLL abbreviation COMPUT dynamic link
divergent duct noun a duct which has library 쑗 The word-processor calls a
an inlet area which is smaller than the out- spell-check program that is stored as a
let area DLL.
divergent evolution BIOL same as dm symbol MEASURE decimetre
adaptive radiation DM abbreviation BIOL dry matter
diverging lens noun OPTICS a lens, usu- DMA abbreviation COMPUT direct memory
ally concave, that makes a parallel beam of access
light spread out DML abbreviation COMPUT data manipula-
diversify verb 1. to develop something in tion language
different ways 쑗 Farmers are encouraged DMT noun COMPUT technology that uses
to diversify land use by, for example, plant- digital signal processors to create sound
ing woodlands or creating recreational signals that carry digital video, sound,
facilities. 2. to start doing several different image and data over cable at high speed.
things 쑗 Farmers are being encouraged to Full form discrete multi-tone
diversify into other areas of business, such DNA noun GENETICS a nucleic acid chain
as rural tourism. carrying genetic information that is a
diversity noun ECOL the richness of the major constituent of chromosomes. Full
number of species form deoxyribonucleic acid
191 domain name
DNA chip noun GENETICS same as gene document image processing noun
chip COMPUT the process of scanning paper doc-
DNA fingerprinting noun GENETICS uments, performing OCR on the contents
the analysis of DNA patterns from body and storing this on disk so that it can be
tissues such as blood, saliva or semen in searched for. Abbr DIP
order to establish somebody’s identity. document interchange architec-
Also called DNA profiling ture noun COMPUT a standard method for
DNA polymerase noun GENETICS an the transmission and storage of documents,
enzyme that carries out repair and repro- text and video over networks, which is part
duction of DNA using single-stranded of the IBM SNA range of standards. Abbr
DNA DIA. Also called document content
DNA profiling noun GENETICS same as architecture
DNA fingerprinting document reader noun COMPUT a
DNA sequencing noun GENETICSthe device which converts written or typed
process of determining the exact order of information to a form that a computer can
the bases that make up a section of DNA understand and process
DNA virus noun MICROBIOL a virus with dodecanoic acid noun CHEM same as
a genome that contains DNA lauric acid
DNR abbreviation MED do not resuscitate doldrums plural noun METEOROL an area
of low pressure over the ocean near the
DNS abbreviation COMPUT 1. domain equator where there is little wind
name server 2. domain name system
doline, dolina noun EARTH SCI a round or
DO abbreviation dissolved oxygen oval depression in the ground, found in
limestone regions
dock verb COMPUT to connect a laptop
dolomite noun EARTH SCI an alkaline
computer to a special docking station on a carbonate of magnesium or calcium rock
desk to give it the same resources as a nor-
mal desktop dolphin noun MARINE BIOL a marine
mammal belonging to the family which
docking station noun a hardware also includes killer whales and pilot
device into which a portable computer is whales. Family: Delphinidae.
inserted for recharging or downloading
data DOM1 noun COMPUT a scheme that
describes how the different parts of a web-
docosahexaenoic acid noun BIO-
page are represented, in which each item is
CHEM full form of DHA an object and has a set of attributes that
document noun 1. a piece of paper or set defines how it is displayed and managed by
of papers containing text 2. COMPUT a com- a web browser. Full form document
puter file containing text created with a object model (NOTE: Dynamic HTML
word-processor 쐽 verb to make a record of (DHTML) uses DOM to change how a web-
a process page is displayed by a user’s web
documentation noun 1. all the docu- browser.)
ments referring to something 쑗 Please send DOM2 abbreviation 1. ECOL digestible
all documentation concerning the product. organic matter 2. ENVIRON dry organic mat-
2. COMPUT the information, notes and dia- ter
grams that describe the function, use and domain noun 1. a particular area of activ-
operation of a piece of hardware or soft- ity 쑗 The subject is controversial outside
ware the scientific domain. 2. COMPUT an area or
document content architecture group of nodes in a network 왍 in the pub-
noun COMPUT same as document inter- lic domain COMPUT available to the public
change architecture. Abbr DCA and not copyright 쑗 All these programs are
document image management in the public domain and can be down-
noun COMPUT the software that allows a loaded free of charge.
user to capture, store and index printed text domain name noun COMPUT a unique
in a digital form. Abbr DIM (NOTE: It nor- name that identifies the location of an
mally works in conjunction with a scanner Internet server or computer on the Internet
and a high-capacity storage medium such COMMENT: A domain name is in a conven-
as a recordable CD-ROM.) ient text format but refers to a physical
domain name server 192
address that locates the computer that dominance hierarchy noun ZOOL the
stores the website for the domain name. system of priority given to specific individ-
This physical address is called the IP
address. The domain name is made up of uals in terms of access to food and repro-
two or three parts, each separated by a ductive mates 쑗 In many species a male is
‘dot’. Domain types include ‘com’ for a at the top of the dominance hierarchy.
company (originally those based in the
USA, but now worldwide), ‘co’ for company, dominant adjective 1. important or pow-
‘edu’ for an educational establishment, ‘net’ erful 2. GENETICS (of an allele) having the
for a network or Internet supplier, ‘gov’ for a characteristic that leads to the trait which it
US government domain and ‘mil’ for a mili- controls being shown in any individual car-
tary site. The last two characters refer to the rying it. Compare recessive 3. ECOL (of a
country of origin, e.g. ‘au’ for Australia, ‘cn’
for China, ‘de’ for Germany and ‘uk’ for the species) being more abundant than others
UK. in a community
domain name server noun COMPUT a COMMENT: For physical characteristics
controlled by two alleles, if one allele is
computer on the Internet that stores part or dominant and the other recessive, the
all of the domain name system database. resulting trait will be that of the dominant
Abbr DNS allele. Traits governed by recessive alleles
domain name system noun COMPUT a appear only if alleles from both parents are
distributed database used in an Internet
system to map names to addresses. Abbr dominate verb to have the most effect or
DNS (NOTE: For example, you can use the influence on something
name ‘’ to locate the A & dongle noun COMPUT a coded circuit or
C Black website rather than a complex IP chip that has to be present in a system
address.) before a piece of copyright software will
domestic adjective referring to the home run
or used in the home donor noun CHEM an atom, molecule, or
domesticated adjective BIOL referring group providing a pair of electrons in order
to a species which was formerly wild but to form a chemical bond
has been selectively bred to fill human do-nothing instruction noun COMPUT
needs a programming instruction that does not
domestic green waste noun ENVIRON carry out any action except increasing the
the waste produced by a household that is program counter to the next instruction
from plants or other materials that can be address
composted dopa noun BIOCHEM a substance from
domestic heating oil noun INDUST which the body makes dopamine, and
petroleum oil used as fuel in a central heat- hence adrenaline and dopamine (NOTE: In a
ing boiler synthetic form it is used to treat Parkin-
son’s disease.)
domestic livestock noun AGRIC pigs,
goats, sheep, cows and other animals dopamine noun BIOCHEM a neurotrans-
which are kept by human beings mitter that is also used by the body to make
domestic refuse noun ENVIRON waste
material from houses. Also called domes- dopant noun INDUST a chemical sub-
tic waste, household refuse stance that is diffused or implanted onto
the substrate of a chip during manufacture,
domestic sewage noun ENVIRON the to provide it with n- or p-type properties
sewage from houses
domestic waste noun ENVIRON same as dope verb INDUST to introduce a dopant
into a substance
domestic refuse
dominance noun 1. ECOL a state where doped adjective ELEC referring to a chip
one species in a community is more abun- which has had a dopant added
dant than others 2. ZOOL the priority for doping noun INDUST the process or act of
food and reproductive mates that one ani- adding dopant to a chip
mal has over another in a group 3. GENET- Doppler effect noun PHYS a perceived
ICS the characteristic of a gene form change in the frequency of a wave as its
(allele) that leads to the trait which it con- source moves relative to an observer
trols being shown in any individual carry- (NOTE: For example, the sound of a siren
ing it. Compare recessiveness on a moving vehicle appears to change as
193 down draught
it approaches and passes, the size of the double bond noun CHEM a set of two
effect being related to its speed.) covalent bonds between two atoms in
Doppler radar noun TECH radar which which two pairs of electrons are shared
can distinguish between fixed and moving double buffering noun COMPUT the use
targets or provide ground speed and track of two buffers working together so that one
information from an airborne installation can be read while the other is accepting
dormancy noun BIOL an inactive period data
쑗 seed dormancy double-click COMPUT noun the use of
dormant adjective 1. BIOL not active or two rapid press-release actions on a mouse
developing 쑗 Some seeds lie dormant in the button, normally to start a program or
soil for many years. 2. EARTH SCI referring select an option 쑗 Move the pointer to the
to a volcano which is not erupting but is icon then start the program with a dou-
still able to erupt. Compare extinct ble-click. 쐽 verb to click twice rapidly on a
mouse button
dorsal adjective ANAT referring to the
back of a structure such as the body of a double cross noun 1. GENETICS the pro-
leaf. Opposite ventral duction of a new hybrid from parents each
of which is a first-generation hybrid of
dorsal vertebra noun ANAT one of the pure strains 2. a new hybrid produced by a
twelve vertebrae in the back, between the double cross
cervical vertebrae and the lumbar verte- double decomposition noun CHEM a
brae chemical reaction in which two com-
dorsum noun ANAT same as back pounds are decomposed by the exchange
DOS abbreviation COMPUT disk operating of at least one of their components, with
system 쑗 Boot up the DOS after you switch the formation of two new compounds
on the PC. double density noun COMPUT a system
dose noun MED the amount of a drug or of to double the storage capacity of a disk
ionising radiation received by an organism drive by doubling the number of bits which
쑗 The patients received more than the per- can be put on the disk surface
mitted dose of radiation. double helix noun GENETICS the molec-
dosemeter noun PHYS same as dosime- ular structure of DNA, consisting of a pair
ter of polynucleotide strands connected by a
dose response noun MED a response of series of hydrogen bonds and twisted in
an organism to a toxic substance, which opposing spirals
alters as its overall exposure to the sub- double precision noun COMPUT the use
stance changes of two data words to store a number, pro-
viding greater precision
dosimeter, dosemeter noun PHYS an
instrument for measuring the amount of double refraction noun OPTICS the
radiation splitting of one ray of light into two by
some crystals
dot noun PRINTING a small round spot double word noun COMPUT two bytes of
dot pitch noun COMPUT the spacing data handled as one word, often used for
between two adjacent pixels displayed on a address data
monitor 쑗 The smaller the dot pitch, the Douglas fir noun TREES a North Ameri-
sharper the image displayed. 쑗 Typically can softwood tree widely planted through-
the dot pitch is between .20 to .40mm. out the world, and producing strong timber.
dotted-decimal-notation noun COM- Latin name: Pseudotsuga menziesii.
PUT a method of writing a domain name, down adverb COMPUT (of computers or
email address or other IP network address programs) not working 쑗 The computer
using a dot to separate the numeric parts of system went down twice during the after-
the address noon. 쐽 noun GEOG a grass-covered chalky
double adjective involving two or twice hill with low bushes and few trees 쐽 plural
double blind noun a form of experimen- noun downs GEOG an area of grass-cov-
tal control, in which neither the experi- ered chalky hills with low bushes and few
menter nor the subject knows which trees
variables are being controlled, in order to down draught noun 1. METEOROL the
reduce error and bias cool air which flows downwards as a rain-
downland 194
storm approaches 2. EARTH SCI the air draft noun an early rough version of a
which flows rapidly down the lee side of a document or drawing 쐽 verb to make an
building or mountain 3. the air which early rough version of a document or draw-
blows down a chimney ing 쑗 He drafted out the details of the pro-
downland noun GEOG an area of grassy gram on a piece of paper.
treeless hills draft printing noun COMPUT low quality,
download verb COMPUT 1. to load a pro- high speed printing
gram or section of data from a remote com- drag noun AEROSP the resistance of the
puter via a telephone line 쑗 There is no air created by moving an aircraft through
charge for downloading public domain the air 쑗 To reduce the effect of drag on an
software from the BBS. 2. to load data from aircraft by the fixed undercarriage a
a central processing unit to a small compu- retractable type was introduced. 쑗 If an
ter 3. to send printer font data stored on a engine failure occurs, the windmilling pro-
disk to a printer where it will be stored in peller may cause considerable drag.
temporary memory or RAM COMMENT: There are two basic types of
downpipe noun ENG a pipe carrying drag, called parasite drag and induced
rainwater from a roof into a drain or soak- drag. Parasite drag is caused by friction
away between the air and the aircraft surface or
aerials, landing gear, and other parts.
downstream adverb, adjective EARTH Induced drag is produced by lift.
SCI towards the mouth of a river 쑗 The silt drag and click verb COMPUT to hold
is carried downstream and deposited in the down a mouse button while moving the
delta. 쑗 Pollution is spreading downstream mouse, so moving the object selected
from the factory. 쑗 Downstream communi-
ties have not yet been affected. Compare drag and drop verb to drag a section of
upstream text, icon or object onto another program
down-the-drain chemical noun CHEM icon which starts this program and inserts
a household chemical such as a product the data 쑗 Drag and drop the document
used for cleaning that is disposed of icon onto the word-processor icon and the
through the public drains system will start the program and load the
downtime noun COMPUT a period of time
during which a computer system is not drain noun 1. ENG an underground pipe
working or usable. Opposite uptime which takes waste water from buildings or
from farmland 2. EARTH SCI, AGRIC an
downward adjective moving to a lower open channel for taking away waste water
level 쑗 When flying in turbulent air condi- 3. a device to allow fluid to escape from its
tions, an aircraft is subjected to upward container 쐽 verb 1. to allow fluid to escape
and downward gust loads. (NOTE: In US by providing a hole or tube or other means
English, downward is used as an adverb through which it can pass 2. to remove liq-
as well as an adjective.) uid from somewhere 3. (of liquid) to flow
downward compatibility noun COM- into something 쑗 The stream drains into
PUT the ability of a complex computer sys- the main river.
tem to work with a simple computer 쑗 The
mainframe is downward compatible with
drainage noun the removal of liquid
from somewhere
the micro.
downwards adverb to a lower level or drainage area, drainage basin noun
towards the bottom 쑗 Pull the toggles EARTH SCI same as catchment 1
downwards to inflate the lifejacket. drainage basin, drainage area noun
downwash noun INDUST the action same as catchment 1
which brings smoke from a chimney down drainage channel noun EARTH SCI,
to the ground as it is caught in a downward AGRIC a small ditch made to remove rain-
moving current of air water from the soil surface
DP abbreviation COMPUT data processing drainage ditch noun EARTH SCI, AGRIC
DPA abbreviation COMPUT demand proto- a channel to take away rainwater
col architecture drainage trench noun ENG a long hole
DPCM abbreviation COMPUT differential cut in the ground to allow water to run
pulse coded modulation away
195 drosophila
drainpipe noun ENG a pipe carrying rain- driven by a motor. (NOTE: driving – drove
water, sewage or other liquid into a drain or – driven)
soakaway drive array noun COMPUT a set of multi-
DRAM abbreviation COMPUT dynamic ple hard disk drives linked together with an
RAM intelligent controller that uses the drives to
draught noun a local current of air. US store multiple copies of the data on each
spelling draft drive for reliability or parts of each data on
draught animal noun AGRIC an animal each drive for speed
used to pull vehicles or carry heavy loads drive letter noun COMPUT a letter that
draw verb 1. to make a picture with lines denotes the disk drive currently being used.
쑗 Because there is a temperature gradient Also called designator (NOTE: A and B are
across each front it is possible to draw iso- normally floppy disks, C is normally the
therms which reduce in value from warm to hard disk in a personal computer.)
cold air. 2. to move something by pulling 쑗 driver noun COMPUT a program or routine
Fluid is drawn into the pump body. (NOTE: used to interface and manage an input/out-
drawing – drew – drawn) put device or other peripheral. Also called
drawing program noun COMPUT a device driver
piece of software that allows the user to drizzle noun METEOROL a light persistent
draw and design on screen rain with drops of less than 0.5mm in
drift noun EARTH SCI a slow movement or diameter
drizzly adjective METEOROL referring to
drift current noun METEOROL a current weather with a lot of drizzle
in the sea caused by the wind
drop noun 1. a small amount of liquid that
drift ice noun EARTH SCI a large piece of falls 쑗 a drop of water 쑗 a few drops of rain
ice floating in the sea 2. a lowering or reduction 쑗 The passage of
drill noun 1. ENG a tool, often electrically a cold front is usually followed by a drop in
powered, for making holes in metal, wood temperature. 쑗 A sudden drop in oil pres-
or other hard material 2. a short series of sure is usually an indication of serious
actions carried out in a particular sequence engine trouble. 3. BOT a fall of immature
drilling noun INDUST the process of bor- fruit 쐽 verb 1. to become lower 쑗 The tem-
ing a hole or an oil well perature dropped by several degrees. 2. to
drilling mud noun INDUST a mixture of fall or let something fall
clay, water and minerals, used as a lubri- drop cable noun COMPUT a section of
cant and coolant when drilling into rock cable that links an adapter fitted in a work-
drilling rig, drilling platform noun station to the main network cable or some-
INDUST a large metal construction contain- times to a transceiver or T-connector in the
ing the drilling and pumping equipment for main network cable
extracting oil or gas drop-down menu noun COMPUT a
drilling ship noun INDUST a ship which menu that appears below a menu title when
can bore an oil well it is selected on a computer screen
drinkable adjective ENVIRON referring to drop in noun COMPUT a small piece of
water or another liquid that is safe to drink dirt that is on a disk or tape surface, which
drinking water noun ENVIRON water for does not allow data to be recorded on that
drinking, especially water that is safe to section
droplet noun a small drop of liquid 쑗
drive noun 1. a device that transmits Experiments show that smaller droplets of
power to wheels or propellers 쑗 Rotation of rain can remain supercooled to much
the engine for starting is done by an elec- lower temperatures than large droplets.
tric starter motor connected to a drive
shaft in the accessories gearbox. 2. COM- droppings plural noun ZOOL excreta
PUT a part of a computer which operates a from animals 쑗 The grass was covered with
tape or disk 쐽 verb 1. to make something rabbit and sheep droppings.
move or turn 2. to control and guide a vehi- drosophila noun ZOOL, GENETICS a
cle 쑗 He’s learning to drive. 3. COMPUT to small two-winged fruit fly that is fre-
make a tape or disk work 쑗 The disk is quently used in genetic research
drought 196
drought noun METEOROLa long period dry contact noun ELEC a faulty electrical
without rain at a time when rain usually connection, often causing an intermittent
falls fault
drought stress noun ECOL a lack of dry deposition noun ENVIRON the fall of
growth caused by drought dry particles from polluted air forming a
drove verb 쏡 drive harmful deposit on surfaces such as build-
drowned valley noun EARTH SCI a val- ings or the leaves of trees
ley which has been submerged by the dry farming noun AGRIC a system of
advance of the sea or a lake extensive agriculture, producing crops in
drug noun 1. PHARM a chemical sub- areas of limited rainfall, without using irri-
stance, either natural or synthetic, which is gation
used in medicine and affects the way in dry ice noun INDUST solid carbon diox-
which organs or tissues function 쑗 The ide, used as a refrigerant
doctors are trying to cure him with a new drying bed noun INDUST an area where
drug. 쑗 She was prescribed a course of sewage sludge is spread out to dry
pain-killing drugs. 쑗 The drug is being drying out noun ENVIRON a process
monitored for possible side-effects. 2. whereby water is drained away from wet-
HEALTH a habit-forming, often illegal, sub- lands
dry land GEOG noun dryland an area that
drug addiction noun HEALTH the condi- often has no rain for long periods (often
tion of being mentally and physically plural) 쐽 adjective referring to areas where
dependent on taking a drug regularly. Also there is little rain
called drug dependence
dry matter noun BIOL the matter remain-
drug allergy noun MED a reaction to a ing in a biological sample or in animal feed
specific drug after the water content has been removed.
drug dependence noun HEALTH same Abbr DM
as drug addiction dryness noun a state of not being wet 쑗
drug tolerance noun PHYSIOL a condi- the dryness of the atmosphere on very high
tion where a drug has been given to a mountains
patient for so long that it is no longer effec- dry organic matter noun AGRIC
tive and the dosage has to be increased organic matter such as sewage sludge or
drum noun 1. a cylindrical container used manure which has been dried out and may
for storage, especially of liquids 쑗 an oil be used as a fertiliser. Abbr DOM
drum 2. COMPUT an early type of magnetic dry rot noun BOT a fungal disease causing
computer storage rot in wood, potatoes or fruit
drumlin noun EARTH SCI a small oval hill dry run noun COMPUT an act of running a
formed by the movement of a glacier, with program with test data to check everything
one end steep and the other sloping works
drupe noun BOT a fruit with a single seed dry season noun METEOROL the time of
and a fleshy body (NOTE: Stone fruits such year in some countries when very little rain
as cherries or plums are drupes.)
falls. Compare rainy season
DRV abbreviation MED dietary reference dry steam noun PHYS steam that does
not contain droplets of water
dry adjective with very little moisture 쐽
verb to remove moisture from something
dry up verb (of a river or lake) to become
dry 쑗 The river dries up completely in sum-
dry adiabatic lapse rate noun METE- mer.
OROL the rate of temperature change in ris-
ing dry air Ds symbol CHEM ELEM darmstadtium
dry cell noun ELEC a current-generating DSL abbreviation COMPUT digital sub-
electric device that contains an electrolyte scriber line
in the form of a paste or within a porous DSP abbreviation COMPUT digital signal
material processing
dry cell battery noun ELEC a battery DSR abbreviation COMPUT data set ready
that cannot be recharged. Compare DSW abbreviation COMPUT device status
rechargeable battery word
197 duodecimal number system
DTE abbreviation COMPUT data terminal ductless gland noun ANAT same as
equipment endocrine gland
DTMF abbreviation COMPUT dual tone dumb terminal noun COMPUT a periph-
multi-frequency eral that can only transmit and receive data
D to A converter noun COMPUT same as from a computer, but is not capable of
digital to analog converter processing data
DTP abbreviation COMPUT desktop pub- dummy noun COMPUT an imitation prod-
lishing uct to test the reaction of potential custom-
DTR abbreviation COMPUT data terminal ers to its design
ready dummy instruction noun COMPUT an
dual adjective using two or a pair instruction in a program that is only there
dual bus system noun COMPUT a way to satisfy language syntax or to make up a
of linking different parts of a system which block length
keeps the memory bus separate from the dump noun 1. COMPUT data which has
input/output bus been copied from one device to another for
dual in-line memory module noun storage 2. COMPUT the transferring of data
COMPUT a system of arranging RAM mem- to a disk for storage 3. COMPUT a printout
ory chips on two sides of a tiny expansion of the contents of all or selected data in
card that can be inserted into a slot on the memory 4. ENVIRON a place where waste,
computer’s motherboard to upgrade the especially solid waste, is thrown away 쑗
main memory. Abbr DIMM The mine is surrounded by dumps of exca-
dual-in-line package noun COMPUT vated waste. 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to move
full form of DIP, DIL data from one device or storage area to
dual port memory noun COMPUT a another 쑗 The account results were
memory with two sets of data and memory dumped to the backup disk. 2. ENVIRON to
lines to allow communications between throw away waste, especially without
central processing units being subject to environmental controls
dual processor noun COMPUT a com- dumping noun ENVIRON the disposal of
puter system with two processors for faster waste 쑗 the dumping of nuclear waste into
program execution the sea 쑗 illegal dumping
dual tone multi-frequency noun dumping ground noun ENVIRON a
COMPUT a method of dialling in a tele- place where waste is thrown away, espe-
phone system in which each number on the cially casually
telephone handset generates two tones. dumpsite noun ENVIRON a place on land
Abbr DTMF or at sea where waste is dumped 쑗 Sludge
dub verb to add sound effects to an anima- bacteria can survive in seawater for long
tion, multimedia presentation, film or periods and are widely dispersed from
video dumpsites.
dubnium noun CHEM ELEM an extremely dunes plural noun EARTH SCI an area of
rare and unstable element produced by sand blown by the wind into small hills and
bombarding californium with carbon ridges which may have plants growing on
nuclei (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Db; them 쑗 The village was threatened by
the atomic number is 105 and the atomic encroaching dunes. 쑗 The dunes were col-
weight is 262.) onised by marram grass.
duct noun 1. a channel or tube through dung noun AGRIC solid waste excreta
which things such as fluids or cables can from animals, especially cattle, often used
pass 쑗 The modern jet engine is basically a as fertiliser
duct into which the necessary parts are fit-
COMMENT: In some areas of the world dried
ted. 쑗 Air-conditioning ducts need regular dung is used as a cooking fuel, which has
cleaning. 2. ANAT a narrow passageway in the effect of preventing the dung from being
a gland or bladder through which fluid returned to the soil and leads to depletion of
leaves soil nutrients.
ductile adjective PHYS (of metals) able to duodecimal number system noun
retain strength when bent and to be made MATHS a number system with a base of
into thin sheets or wires twelve
duodenum 198
duodenum noun ANAT the first short sec- dust storm noun METEOROL a storm of
tion of the small intestine, into which food wind which blows dust and sand with it,
passes from the stomach common in North Africa
duplex noun COMPUT the simultaneous dust veil noun ENVIRON a mass of dust in
transmission of two signals on one line the atmosphere created by volcanic erup-
duplex computer noun COMPUT a pair tions, storms and burning fossil fuels,
of two identical computer systems used in which cuts off solar radiation and so
an on-line application, with one being used reduces the temperature of the Earth’s sur-
as a backup in case of the failure of the face
other Dutch elm disease noun BOT a fungal
duplexing noun COMPUT same as disk disease that kills elm trees, caused by Cer-
mirroring atocystis ulmi and spread by a bark beetle
duplication noun 1. the process of copy- duty-rated adjective COMPUT referring
ing or repeating something 2. a situation to the maximum number of operations
where two or more things have the same which a device can perform in a set time to
purpose 쑗 Control surfaces are divided a given specification
into sections operated by a separate con- DVD noun COMPUT a means of storing
trol unit, thus providing duplication to over 17Gb of data onto a CD-ROM type
guard against failure of a unit. disc. Full form digital versatile disc, dig-
ital videodisc
durability noun the ability of a substance
or device to last a long time in good condi- DVD-R noun COMPUT a DVD disc drive
tion 쑗 High quality components have good that allows a user to write data once on to a
durability. DVD disc. Full form DVD-Recordable
dura mater noun ANAT the tough outer DVD-RAM noun COMPUT a DVD disc
membrane of the three membranes that drive that allows a user to write, erase and
surround the brain and spinal cord of the rewrite data on to a DVD disc
vertebrate central nervous system DVD-ROM noun COMPUT a DVD disc
duramen noun BOT same as heartwood drive that can read a DVD disc and pro-
vides data transfer rates equal to a standard
duration noun the length of time for nine-times CD-ROM
which something continues 쑗 The duration
of the examination is two hours. DVD+RW noun COMPUT a type of rewri-
table DVD disc that allows a user to store
durum noun AGRIC a type of wheat grown data on a disc with a capacity of 3Gb per
in southern Europe and the USA and used side
in making semolina for processing into
pasta. Latin name: Triticum durum. DVD-video noun COMPUT a standard that
defines how full-length films can be com-
dust noun a fine powder made of parti- pressed and stored on a DVD disc and
cles, e.g. dry dirt or sand played back on a dedicated player attached
dust bowl noun EARTH SCI a large area of to a television set or viewed on a computer
land where strong winds blow away the dry fitted with a DVD drive
topsoil DV-I abbreviation COMPUT digital video
dust burden noun PHYS the amount of interactive
dust which is found suspended in a gas DVI connector noun COMPUT a connec-
dust cloud noun METEOROL a mass of tor on a monitor or graphics equipment for
particles of dry dirt or sand suspended in analogue and digital signals
the air dwarf noun ASTRON same as dwarf star
dust devil noun METEOROL a rapidly dwarf galaxy noun ASTRON a small gal-
turning column of air which picks up sand axy that contains no more than a few mil-
over a desert or beach, and things such as lion stars and does not shine brightly
dust, leaves and litter elsewhere dwarfing rootstock noun AGRIC a plant
dust discharge noun ENVIRON a release which is normally low-growing so causing
of dust into the atmosphere, especially the plant grafted on to it to grow smaller
from an industrial process than it would otherwise
dust extractor noun INDUST a machine dwarfism noun the condition of having
which removes dust from a place an unusually short growth habit
199 dysentery
dwarf planet noun ASTRON an astro- programs that can be called from a main
nomical object that orbits a star and does program 쑗 The word-processor calls a
not shine with its own light, but that does spell-check program that is stored as a
not meet all of the conditions necessary to dynamic link library. Abbr DLL
be classified as a planet dynamic memory noun COMPUT same
dwarf star noun ASTRON a star with rela- as dynamic RAM
tively low mass, size and luminosity. Also dynamic pressure noun AEROSP the
called dwarf (NOTE: The Sun is a dwarf pressure created by the forward movement
star.) of an aircraft 쑗 If the dynamic pressure
dyadic Boolean operation noun increases due to an increase in forward
MATHS a logical operation producing a speed, the force required to move the con-
result from two words, e.g. AND trol column will increase.
dye noun a substance used to change the dynamic RAM noun COMPUT random
colour of something 쑗 Minute surface access memory that requires its contents to
cracks which are difficult to detect by vis- be updated regularly. Also called dynamic
ual means may be highlighted by using memory
penetrant dyes. dynamic routing noun COMPUT a proc-
dye-polymer recording noun COMPUT ess of selecting the shortest or most relia-
a recording method which creates minute ble path for data through exchanges at the
changes in a thin layer of dye imbedded in time of the connection
a plastic optical disk (NOTE: Dye-polymer dynamics noun PHYS the study of
recording has the advantage that the data motion and the way in which forces pro-
stored can be erased.) duce it
dye-sublimation printer noun COM- dynamic seal noun ENG a seal which is
PUT a high-quality colour printer that pro- part of a moving component, e.g. in a
duces images by squirting tiny drops of hydraulic system 쑗 Dynamic seals require
coloured ink onto paper 쑗 The new lubrication to remain effective.
dye-sublimation printer can produce col- dynamic storage allocation noun
our images at a resolution of 300dpi. COMPUT the allocation of memory to a pro-
dyke ENG noun 1. a long wall of earth gram when it needs it rather than reserving
built to keep water out 2. a ditch for drain- a block in advance
age 쐽 verb to build walls of earth to help dynamite noun CHEM a powerful explo-
prevent water from flooding land sive consisting of an inert porous material
dynamic adjective 1. referring to some- such as wood pulp or sawdust and nitro-
thing in motion or occurring as part of a glycerine
process 2. COMPUT referring to data which dynamo noun PHYS a device that con-
can change with time verts mechanical energy into electrical
dynamic allocation noun COMPUT a energy, usually producing direct current
system where resources are allocated dur- dynamometer noun ENVIRON a machine
ing a program run, rather than being deter- that measures the output of an engine
mined in advance dyne noun MEASURE the cgs unit of force,
dynamic data exchange noun COM- equivalent to 10–5 newtons
PUT a method by which two active pro- dysenteric adjective MED referring to
grams can exchange data. Abbr DDE dysentery
dynamic data structure noun COM- dysentery noun MED an infection and
PUT the structure of a data management inflammation of the colon causing bleed-
system which can be changed or adapted ing and diarrhoea
dynamic electricity noun ELEC elec- COMMENT: Dysentery occurs mainly in trop-
tricity which is flowing in a current ical countries. The symptoms include diar-
rhoea, discharge of blood and pain in the
dynamic equilibrium noun a situation intestines. There are two main types of
which is fluctuating around an apparent dysentery: bacillary dysentery, caused by
average state, where that average state is the bacterium Shigella in contaminated
also changing through time food; and amoebic dysentery or amoebi-
asis, caused by a parasitic amoeba Enta-
dynamic link library noun COMPUT in moeba histolytica spread through contami-
some operating systems, a library of utility nated drinking water.
dysgenic 200
dysgenic adjective GENETICS affecting and twisting of the limbs
later generations detrimentally as a result dystrophic adjective ENVIRON referring
of transmitting undesirable characteristics to a pond or lake that contains very acidic
dysgenics noun GENETICS the study of brown water, lacks oxygen, and is unable
factors associated with a decrease in the to support much plant or animal life
survival of the genetically well-adapted because of excessive humus content
members of a line of descent
dysphotic adjective EARTH SCI referring dystrophy noun 1. MED the wasting of an
to the area of water in a lake or the sea organ, muscle or tissue due to lack of nutri-
between the aphotic zone at the bottom of ents in that part of the body 2. a condition
the water and the euphotic zone which sun- in which pond or lake water is unable to
light can reach support much plant or animal life because
dysprosium noun CHEM ELEM a soft sil- of excessive humus content. The dead veg-
very element of the lanthanide group that is etation does not decompose but settles at
paramagnetic and highly reactive (NOTE: It the bottom forming a peat bog.
is extracted from monazite and bastnasite DYUV noun COMPUT a digital video
and used for laser materials, and in nuclear encoding technique in which luminance of
research. The chemical symbol is Dy; the a pixel is calculated by the RGB (Red,
atomic number is 66 and the atomic weight Green, Blue) input signal. Full form delta
is 162.50.) YUV (NOTE: Y0.6G + 0.3R + O.1B. From
dystonia noun MED a neurological disor- the value of Y it is possible to calculate the
der that causes involuntary muscle spasms values of U and V as UR – Y; VB – Y.)
e abbreviation MATHS exponential constant Earth noun ASTRON, EARTH SCI the planet
2.71828… which is defined by the equa- on which human beings developed and live
tion e = exp (I) 쐽 symbol PHYS the charge COMMENT: Earth is the third planet of the
on an electron equal to 1.60219 x 10-19 solar system and the only one known to
coulombs support life. Earth is also remarkable for its
E symbol MEASURE exa- 쐽 noun MATHS the seas of liquid water, for its
oxygen-containing atmosphere and for
hexadecimal number equivalent to decimal being geologically very active. Earth’s
number 14 equatorial radius is 6378km, about a third of
EA abbreviation Environment Agency a per cent more than its polar radius
because of Earth’s rotation. About 4500
ear noun 1. ANAT an organ which is used million years old, like the other planets,
for hearing (NOTE: For terms referring to Earth rotates on its axis in a day, orbits the
the ear, see words beginning with auric-, Sun in a year and has a satellite, the Moon,
ot- or oto-.) 2. BOT the flower head of a which orbits it once per lunar month. Earth
cereal plant such as wheat or maize where can be divided into various zones: the litho-
the grains develop sphere (solid rock and molten interior), the
hydrosphere (the water covering the
COMMENT: The outer ear is shaped in such surface), the atmosphere (the gaseous
a way that it collects sound and channels it zone rising above Earth’s surface) and the
to the eardrum. Behind the eardrum, the biosphere (those parts of the other zones in
three ossicles in the middle ear vibrate with which living organisms exist). The interior of
sound and transmit the vibrations to the the Earth is formed by a central core made
cochlea in the inner ear. From the cochlea, of nickel and iron, part of which is solid.
the vibrations are passed by the auditory Above the core is the mantle, a layer about
nerve to the brain. 2700km thick of molten minerals. On top of
ear canal noun ANAT one of several pas- the mantle is the crust, formed of solid rock
sages in or connected to the ear, especially between 6 and 70km thick.
the external auditory meatus, the passage Earth Liberation Front noun ENVIRON
from the outer ear to the eardrum an environmental movement that stages
eardrum noun ANAT the membrane at the demonstrations and takes direct action to
end of the external auditory meatus leading defend forests and land from logging com-
from the outer ear, which vibrates with panies and developers
sound and passes the vibrations on to the
ossicles in the middle ear (NOTE: For terms earthquake noun EARTH SCI a phenom-
referring to the eardrum, see words begin- enon in which the Earth’s crust or the man-
ning with auric- or tympan-.) tle beneath it shakes and the surface of the
ground moves because of movement inside
EAROM abbreviation COMPUT electri- the crust along fault lines, often causing
cally alterable read-only memory damage to buildings
ear ossicle noun ANAT one of three small
bones, the malleus, the incus and the earth science noun any science con-
stapes, in the middle ear cerned with the physical aspects of the
earth noun 1. soil 2. the ground or land planet Earth, e.g. geochemistry, geodesy,
surface 3. ELEC a connection in a circuit geography, geology, geomorphology, geo-
representing zero potential 쑗 All loose physics or meteorology,
wires should be tied to earth. 쐽 verb ELEC Earth Summit noun ENVIRON the United
to connect an electrical device to the Nations Conference on Environment and
ground 쑗 All appliances must be earthed. Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Bra-
(NOTE: The US term is ground.) zil, in June 1992
earth tremor 202
COMMENT: The principal outcomes of the ebb EARTH SCI verb (of the sea or water
‘Earth Summit’ were a declaration, conven- affected by tides) to move away from a
tions on controlling climate change and
preserving biological diversity, and a shore, as the tide falls 쐽 noun the move-
lengthy agenda outlining the extent of ment of the sea or water affected by tides
global environmental problems and the away from a shore as the tide falls. Com-
measures needed to tackle them in order to pare flow
achieve the agreed goal of ‘sustainable
development’. Opinion was divided as to ebb tide noun EARTH SCI a tide which is
how far the conference could be termed a going down or which is at its lowest 쑗 The
success. Many environmentalists stressed plan is to build a barrage to generate elec-
its failure to set binding targets for resolving tricity on the ebb tide. Compare flood tide
environmental problems, and to address
adequately the links between poverty in EBCDIC abbreviation COMPUT extended
developing countries and environmental binary coded decimal interchange code
degradation. Others stressed that it should e-beam noun PHYS a stream of
be seen as a first step towards sustainable
development and an important acknowl- high-energy electrons, used in food irradi-
edgement of the seriousness of the ation, sterilisation, welding and imaging
problem and of the fact that global co-oper- EBNF abbreviation COMPUT extended
ation is needed to overcome it. BNF
earth tremor noun EARTH SCI a slight ebony noun TREES a black tropical hard-
earthquake wood tree, now becoming scarce. Genus:
earth wire noun ELEC a wire connecting Diospyros.
an electrical device to the ground, repre- ebook noun COMPUT same as electronic
senting zero potential book
earthworks plural noun ENG construc- EBR abbreviation COMPUT electron beam
tions such as walls or banks made from soil recording
earthworm noun ZOOL an invertebrate eccentric adjective ASTRON referring to
animal with a long thin body divided into an orbit which is elliptical rather than cir-
many segments, living in large numbers in cular
the soil eccentricity noun ASTRON the amount
COMMENT: Earthworms aerate the soil as by which an ellipse such as an orbit differs
they tunnel. They also eat organic matter
and help increase the soil’s fertility. They from an exact circle (NOTE: Eccentricity is
help stabilise the soil structure by measured as the difference between the
compressing material and mixing it with large and small radii (the semi-major and
organic matter and calcium. It is believed semi-minor axes) divided by the
that they also secrete a hormone which semi-major axis.)
encourages rooting by plants.
east adjective, adverb, noun NAVIG 1. a ecdysis noun ZOOL the regular shedding
of the hard outer layer (cuticle) of arthro-
compass point 90° clockwise from due
pods or the skin of reptiles
north and directly opposite west 쑗 London
is east of New York. 쑗 The wind is blowing ecesis noun the successful establishment
from the east. 쑗 The river flows east into of a plant or animal species in a new envi-
the ocean. 2. the direction in which Earth ronment
rotates and the direction of the rising sun echinoderm noun ZOOL a marine inver-
easterly adjective NAVIG to or from the tebrate animal with a radially symmetrical
east 쑗 The hurricane was moving in an body, tube feet, and an internal skeleton of
easterly direction. 쐽 noun METEOROL a calcareous plates, e.g. a starfish, sea
wind which blows from the east urchin, sea lily or sea cucumber. Phylum:
eastern adjective NAVIG referring to or in
the east 쑗 The main rain forests lie in the echo PHYS noun 1. the repetition of a
eastern half of the country. sound by reflection of sound waves from a
surface 2. the return of a signal back to the
east wind noun METEOROL a wind which source from which it was transmitted 쑗 The
blows from the east strength of the returning echo from a radar
easy-to-use adjective COMPUT simple to transmission depends on a number of fac-
understand and operate tors. 쐽 verb to return a received signal
eat verb BIOL to chew and swallow food along the same transmission path
(NOTE: eating – ate – eaten) echo- prefix PHYS referring to sound
203 ecological corridor
echo cancellation noun a
TELECOM ECMA symbol noun COMPUT one of a
technique used to remove echo signals standard set of symbols used to draw flow-
from a communications line charts
echolocation noun PHYS the technique ECN abbreviation Environmental Change
of finding the location of something by Network
sending out a sound signal and listening to eco- prefix ECOL, ENVIRON ecology, eco-
the reflection of the sound (NOTE: Bats and logical
whales navigate and find their food by ecoagriculture noun ENVIRON the prac-
using echolocation.) tice of productive agriculture using meth-
echosounder noun PHYS a device used ods designed to maintain natural resources,
to find the depth of water by sending a biodiversity and the landscape
sound signal down to the bottom and calcu- eco-architect noun ARCHIT, ENVIRON,
lating the distance from the time taken for INDUST an architect who specializes in
the reflected sound to reach the surface building environmentally friendly
again energy-efficient buildings
echosounding noun PHYS the process eco-audit noun ENVIRON same as envi-
of finding the depth of water using an ronmental audit
ecocatastrophe noun ENVIRON an
ECL abbreviation COMPUT emitter-cou- event that results in very severe damage to
pled logic the environment, especially one caused by
eclampsia noun MED a serious condition human action
of pregnant women at the end of preg- ecoclimate noun ECOL the climate of a
nancy, where the patient has convulsions specific habitat, regarded as an ecological
and high blood pressure and may go into a factor
coma, caused by toxaemia of pregnancy
ecocline noun ECOL the changes which
eclipse noun ASTRON a situation when take place in a species as individuals live in
the Moon passes between the Sun and the different habitats
Earth or when the Earth passes between the
Sun and the Moon, in both cases cutting off ecocomposite noun ENVIRON a mate-
the light visible from Earth. 쒁 solar rial made from a plant fibre such as hemp
eclipse, lunar eclipse
fixed in a resin based on a plant extract
such as cashew-nut shell liquor
COMMENT: In an eclipse of the Moon, Earth
comes between the Moon and Sun, so that eco-efficiency noun ENVIRON the effi-
its shadow crosses the Moon’s surface. The cient manufacture of goods at competitive
term is also used universally but in fact prices without harm to the environment
wrongly for occasions when the Sun’s disc
is blotted out by the Moon from the point of eco-engineering noun ENG the use of
view of observers on Earth. These events trees and traditional materials to protect
are in fact occultations of the Moon, or areas of land likely to suffer erosion or
eclipses of the Earth. The Moon and the landslips, keeping hard construction to a
Sun are almost exactly the same size – minimum
about half a degree – in the Earth’s sky,
making it possible, by coincidence, to ecolabelling noun ENVIRON the identifi-
observe the eclipsed Sun. This provides a cation and labelling of products and serv-
powerful experimental tool for examining ices that are considered less harmful to the
the Sun’s atmosphere. The Moon’s shadow environment than other similar products or
on Earth is so narrow that any given solar
eclipse is visible only from a narrow line on services
the Earth’s surface. If the Moon is too far E. coli abbreviation MICROBIOL
away in its orbit the full eclipse effect is not Escherichia coli
seen, but an annular eclipse is observed
instead. ecological adjective referring to ecology
ecliptic noun ASTRON the apparent path ecological balance noun ECOL the the-
of the Sun’s annual motion relative to the oretical concept of stability occurring
stars, shown as a circle passing through the when relative numbers of different organ-
centre of the imaginary sphere (celestial isms living in the same ecosystem remain
sphere) containing all the planets and stars more or less constant, although in practice
(NOTE: Eclipses of the Sun or Moon can there is always fluctuation
occur only when the Moon crosses the ecological corridor noun ECOL a strip
ecliptic.) of vegetation allowing the movement of
ecological damage 204
wildlife or other organisms between two species in an ecosystem (NOTE: This is also
areas referred to as the ‘role’ or ‘profession’ of an
ecological damage noun ENVIRON the organism, which may be described in
harm done to an ecosystem terms of its environment and type, e.g. as
ecological disaster noun ENVIRON an an aquatic predator or a terrestrial herbiv-
event which seriously disturbs the balance ore.)
of the environment ecological pyramid noun ECOL same
ecological diversity noun ECOL a vari- as biotic pyramid
ety of biological communities that interact ecological recovery noun ECOL the
with one another and with their physical return of an ecosystem to its former favour-
and chemical environments able condition
ecological efficiency noun ECOL a ecological restoration noun ECOL the
measurement of how much energy is used process of renewing and maintaining the
at different stages in the food chain or at health of an ecosystem
different trophic levels ecological structure noun ECOL the
ecological engineering noun ENVI- spatial and other arrangements of species
RON a design process that aims to integrate in an ecosystem
human activities with the natural environ- ecological succession noun ECOL
ment for the benefit of both, taking ecolog- the series of stages by which a group of
ical impact into account in the construction organisms living in a community reaches
of roads or harbours, the introduction of its final stable state or climax
new plants or animals, or other actions
ecologist noun 1. ECOL a scientist who
ecological factor noun ECOL a factor studies ecology 2. ENVIRON a person who is
which influences the growth and distribu- in favour of maintaining a balance between
tion of a plant species in a habitat living things and the environment in which
ecological fitness noun the number of they live in order to improve the life of all
offspring that survive to maturity and organisms
themselves reproduce ecology noun ECOL the study of the rela-
ecological footprint noun an area of tionships among organisms as well as the
the Earth that supplies the ecosystem relationships between them and their phys-
resources for an organism to exist 쑗 Eco- ical environment
logical footprints enable people to visual- Eco-Management and Audit
ise the impact of their consumption Scheme noun full form of EMAS
patterns and activities on ecosystems. 쑗
You can alter the size of your ecological ecomovement noun ENVIRON a group-
footprint by modifying your actions. ing of people and organisations dedicated
ecological indicator noun ECOL a spe- to the protection of the environment
cies that has particular nutritional or cli- economic conservation noun the
matic requirements and whose presence in management of the natural environment to
an area indicates that those requirements maintain a regular yield of natural
are satisfied resources
ecological justification noun ENVI- economic geology noun EARTH SCI
RON the reasoning for nature conservation the study of rock or soil formation for the
based on the idea that the environment pro- purpose of commercial mineral extraction
vides specific functions necessary for economic injury level noun the level
human life of an activity such as pest control at which
ecologically adverb in an ecological it is not longer profitable to continue. Abbr
way EIL
ecologically sustainable develop- economizer noun INDUST a device
ment noun development which limits the which saves waste heat in a boiler, by
size of the human population and the use of transferring heat from waste gases to the
resources, so as to protect the existing nat- water being heated or where water is
ural resources for future generations pre-heated before it passes to the main
ecological niche noun ECOL the chem- boiler
ical, physical or biological characters that ecoparasite noun BIOL a parasite which
determine the position of an organism or is adapted to a specific host
205 Eden Project
ecophysiology noun ECOL the study of ecowarrior noun ECOL an activist who is
organisms and their functions and how prepared to take direct, sometimes illegal,
they exist in their environment action on environmental issues rather than
ecosphere noun EARTH SCI the part of just campaign
the Earth and its atmosphere where living ECT abbreviation MED electroconvulsive
organisms exist, including parts of the therapy
lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the ecto- prefix outside. Compare endo-
atmosphere. Also called biosphere
ectoderm noun BIOL the outermost of
ecosystem noun ECOL a complex of three layers of cells of an embryo, which
plant, animal and microorganism commu- form the epidermis, nervous tissue and
nities and their interactions with the envi- sense organs
ronment in which they live 쑗 European
wetlands are classic examples of ecosys- ectoparasite noun BIOL a parasite which
tems that have been shaped by humans. lives on the skin or outer surface of its host
COMMENT: An ecosystem can be any size, but feeds by piercing the skin
from a pinhead to the whole ecosphere. ectopic adjective MED not in the usual
The term was first used in the 1930s to position
describe the interdependence of organisms
among themselves and their relationships ectoplasm noun BIOL the outer and dens-
with the living and non-living environment. est layer of the cytoplasm in cells
ecosystem approach noun ECOL a set ectotherm noun ZOOL an organism
of internationally agreed principles guid- which is largely reliant on external sources
ing the way in which the natural environ- of heat to raise its body temperature 쑗
ment and wildlife should be managed Plants and reptiles are ectotherms. Com-
ecosystem diversity noun the variety pare endotherm. Also called poikilo-
of habitats that exist in the biosphere therm
ecosystem services plural noun serv- eczema noun MED a non-contagious
ices provided naturally by the ecosystem, inflammation of the skin, with itchy rash
which help humans to exist, e.g. reduction and blisters
in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, sta- EDAC abbreviation COMPUT error detec-
bilising the climate and maintenance of the tion and correction
ozone layer
edaphic adjective EARTH SCI referring to
ecotax noun ENVIRON a tax that is used to soil
encourage people to change from an activ-
ity that damages the environment or to edaphic climax noun EARTH SCI a cli-
encourage activities with beneficial envi- max community caused by the type of soil
ronmental effects. Also called environ- in an area
mental tax edaphic factors plural noun ECOL the
ecotone noun ECOL an area between two soil conditions that affect the organisms
different types of vegetation which may living in a specific area
share the characteristics of both, e.g. the edaphon noun ECOL an organism living
border between forest and moorland in soil
ecotoxic adjective ENVIRON likely to eddy noun PHYS a whirlpool of air or of
cause severe damage to organisms and water in a current
their environment eddy current noun ELEC an electric cur-
ecotoxicity noun ECOL the degree to rent induced in the iron core of an electro-
which a chemical released into an environ- magnet by an alternating magnetic field,
ment by human activities affects the organ- frequently a source of wasted energy
isms that live or grow there
Eden Project noun ENVIRON a develop-
ecotoxicology noun ENVIRON the study ment by a conservation charity in a large
of how chemicals associated with human disused clay pit in Cornwall that explores
activities affect organisms and their envi- human dependence on plants in a global
ronment context, illustrating economic, social and
ecotype noun ECOL a form within a spe- environmental impacts. Plants from tropi-
cies that has special characteristics which cal and other climates are housed in
allow it to live in a specific habitat extremely large, domed glasshouses.
edge 206
edge noun the furthest point of something EFA abbreviation BIOCHEM essential fatty
such as a flat object, a signal or a clock acid
pulse effect noun 1. something which happens
edge connector noun COMPUT a long as the result of an action 쑗 Ultra-violet
connector with a slot containing metal con- radiation has the effect of warming the
tacts to allow it to make electrical contact atmosphere. 쑗 Pressure patterns have an
with an edge card effect on weather. Compare affect 2. the
edge detection noun COMPUT the proc- condition of being in full force 왍 in effect
ess of using an algorithm and routines for in operation 왍 to take effect, to come into
image recognition to define the edges of an effect to start to operate 쑗 A new regulation
object comes into effect tomorrow. 쐽 verb to carry
out or bring about something 쑗 Several
edge-triggered adjective ELEC refer- modifications to the design were effected. 쑗
ring to a process or circuit which is clocked The accident effected a change in proce-
or synchronised by the changing level dures.
(edge) of a clock signal rather than the
level itself effective adjective 1. having an expected
and satisfactory result 쑗 effective control
EDI abbreviation COMPUT electronic data measures 2. starting to work 쑗 The regula-
interchange tion is effective immediately.
edible adjective BIOL referring to some- effective address noun COMPUT an
thing that can be eaten address resulting from the modification of
edible fungus noun FUNGI a fungus that an address
is not poisonous to humans if eaten effective instruction noun COMPUT
edit verb COMPUT to change, correct and the instruction executed after the modifica-
modify text or programs tion of an original instruction
editor program noun COMPUT a piece effectiveness noun an assessment of
of software that allows the user to select how effective an action is 쑗 Ice covering
sections of a file and alter, delete or add to reduces the effectiveness of an aerial.
them effector noun 1. ANAT a muscle, gland or
EDO memory noun COMPUT memory organ capable of responding to a nerve
technology that provides better perform- impulse 2. ANAT a nerve that conducts an
ance by being able to find and read data impulse 3. BIOCHEM a substance that con-
from a memory location in one operation. trols protein synthesis by binding to an
Full form extended data output memory enzyme and increasing or decreasing its
(NOTE: It can also store the last piece of activity
data that was saved to memory in a cache efferent adjective PHYSIOL referring to
ready to be read back from memory.) nerves that conduct impulses away from
EDP abbreviation COMPUT electronic data the brain or spinal cord, or blood vessels
processing (NOTE: EDP is more commonly that remove blood from an organ
used in US English) efferent nerve noun ANAT same as
EDP capability noun COMPUT a motor nerve
word-processor able to carry out certain effervescence noun CHEM the escape of
data processing functions small bubbles of gas from a liquid
edutainment noun COMPUT software efficiency noun 1. the ability to act or
that is a cross between entertainment and produce something with a minimum of
educational products waste, expense or unnecessary effort 2. a
EEA abbreviation European Environment comparison of the effective or useful out-
Agency put to the total input in any system 쑗 Effi-
ciency is a key component of a successful
EEG abbreviation electroencephalogram business. 3. MECH ENG a ratio of the energy
EEPROM abbreviation ELEC electrically delivered by a machine to the energy sup-
erasable programmable read-only memory plied for its operation 쑗 mechanical effi-
EER abbreviation MEASURE energy effi- ciency
ciency ratio efficiency ratio noun MECH ENG a
EEROM abbreviation COMPUT electri- number which shows the proportion of
cally erasable read-only memory work done or energy produced by a
207 ejaculate
machine or engine, to the energy supplied, cant drop from the 87% of 1993), 27% were
usually expressed as a percentage from free range (11% in 1993) and 7%
came from other sources. The value of
efficient adjective referring to the ability retail sales of eggs in 2004 was £568
to act or produce something with a mini- million, with each bird producing an
mum of waste, expense or unnecessary average yield of 292 eggs per year.
effort 쑗 At some speeds and altitudes the egg cell noun BIOL an immature ovum or
pure jet engine is less efficient than a pis- female cell
ton engine. EHO abbreviation ENVIRON Environmen-
efficient combustion noun PHYS com- tal Health Officer
bustion in which fuel energy is used to its EIA abbreviation ENVIRON environmental
maximum capability with minimum waste impact assessment
efflorescence noun CHEM the loss of EIA interface noun COMPUT a standard
some of the water of crystallisation from a defining interface signals, transmission
crystalline salt rate and power, usually used to connect ter-
effluent noun INDUST liquid, semisolid or minals to modems
gas waste from industrial processes or eicosapentaenoic acid noun BIO-
material such as slurry or silage effluent CHEM full form of EPA2
from a farm EIDE noun COMPUT an enhanced IDE
effluent charge noun INDUST a fee paid specification that improves the perform-
by a company to be allowed to discharge ance and data transfer rates to and from a
waste into the sea or a river hard disk drive. Full form extended inte-
effluent monitor noun INDUST a device grated drive electronics
which monitors the radioactivity in liquid eigenvalue noun PHYS (in quantum
waste from nuclear power stations mechanics) the energy of a wave function
effluent purification process noun of a system
INDUST any method of purifying sewage 8-bit byte noun COMPUT a byte made up
of eight binary digits. Also called octet
effluent standard noun ENVIRON the
amount of sewage allowed to be dis- 8-bit sample noun COMPUT a single
charged into a river or the sea sample of an analog signal which is stored
as an 8-bit digital number, meaning that
effort noun 1. the use of physical or men- there are 256 possible levels. 쒁 16-bit sam-
tal energy to do something 쑗 In order to ple
qualify for a licence, it is necessary to put
some effort into the training course. 2. EIL abbreviation economic injury level
PHYS the force applied against inertia Einstein, Albert (1879–1955) a phys-
icist of Swiss birth who lived most of his
effusion noun PHYS the flow of a gas life in the USA. His work on relativity
through a very small aperture under pres-
altered the face of modern physics.
einsteinium noun CHEM ELEM a syn-
egestion noun PHYSIOL the process by thetic radioactive element in the actinide
which a cell or organism excretes group, produced by irradiation of pluto-
egg noun 1. BIOL a reproductive cell pro- nium and other elements. Symbol Es
duced in a female mammal by the ovary (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Es; the
which, if fertilised by male sperm, atomic number is 99 and the atomic weight
becomes an embryo 2. ZOOL a fertilised is 254.)
ovum of an animal such as a bird, fish, rep- EIS abbreviation 1. ENVIRON environmen-
tile, amphibian or insect, protected by a tal impact statement 2. COMPUT executive
membrane layer in which the embryo con- information system 쑗 With this EIS soft-
tinues developing outside the mother’s ware, we can see how every part of the
body until it hatches company performs.
COMMENT: The average hen’s egg weighs
about 60g, of which about 20g is yolk, 35g either-or operation noun COMPUT a
white and the rest shell and membranes. logical function that produces a true output
Eggs contain protein, fat, iron and vitamins if any input is true
A, B, D and E. In 2004, total egg consump- ejaculate PHYSIOL verb to eject semen
tion in the UK was 8.961 million, and the
annual egg consumption per capita was from the penis during orgasm 쐽 noun
174. The percentage of egg production semen that has been ejected from the penis
from intensive systems was 66% (a signifi- during orgasm
ejecta 208
ejecta plural noun EARTH SCI the ash and electrical equipment noun devices,
lava thrown up by an erupting volcano components or systems that use electricity
elapse verb (of time) to pass electrically adverb ELEC by electricity 쑗
elapsed time noun COMPUT the time an electrically-powered motor
taken by the user to carry out a task on a electrically alterable read-only
computer memory noun COMPUT a read-only mem-
elasmobranch noun FISH a fish with a ory chip whose contents can be pro-
cartilaginous skeleton and no true bone, grammed by applying a specific voltage to
e.g. a shark, ray or skate. Subclass: Elas- a write pin and can be erased by light or a
mobranchii. reverse voltage. Abbr EAROM
elastance noun ELECTRONICS the recip- electrically erasable programma-
rocal of the capacitance of a device, meas- ble read-only memory noun COMPUT
ured in farad-1 a ROM storage chip which can be pro-
grammed and erased using an electrical
elastic adjective 1. PHYS easily returning signal. Abbr EEPROM
to original shape after being stretched or
expanded 쑗 At low values of stress, if the electrically erasable read-only
plot of stress and strain is a straight line, memory noun COMPUT an EAROM
the indication is that the material is elastic memory chip whose contents can be pro-
within this range. 2. flexible grammed by applying a specific voltage to
a write pin and can be erased by light or a
elastic banding noun COMPUT a reverse voltage. Abbr EEROM
method of defining the limits of an image
on a computer screen by stretching a electrical polarity noun ELEC a defini-
boundary around it tion of whether an electrical signal is posi-
tive or negative, indicating whether a point
elastic buffer noun COMPUT a buffer is a source or collector of electrical current
size that changes according to demand (NOTE: Positive polarity terminals are usu-
elasticity noun PHYS the property of ally marked red, negative are black.)
returning to an original form or state fol- electrical power generation noun
lowing deformation 쑗 Titanium falls ELEC the production of electricity
between aluminium and stainless steel in
terms of elasticity, density and elevated electrical storm noun METEOROL a
temperature strength. storm with thunder and lightning
elastic limit noun PHYS the maximum electric battery noun ELEC a small
stress that can be applied to a material device for storing and releasing electric
without causing permanent change of form energy
or state electric car noun a car that is propelled
elastic modulus noun PHYS the ratio of by an electric battery so that it produces no
stress applied to a body compared to the harmful emissions
strain produced inside the body electric charge noun PHYS a number of
elastomer noun CHEM a material with atoms that are charged because of an
elastic properties (NOTE: It may be a natu- excess or deficiency of electrons
ral material such as rubber or a synthetic electric current noun ELEC the mass
one such as neoprene.) movement of electric charge in a conductor
electric adjective ELEC worked by, electric displacement noun PHYS the
charged with or producing electricity charge per unit area in a dielectric material.
electrical adjective ELEC 1. referring to Symbol D. Also called electric flux den-
electricity 쑗 an electrical fault 2. powered sity
or worked by electricity 쑗 Activation may electric field noun PHYS the region or
be mechanical or electrical. space around a charged body in which
electrical actuation noun ELEC a another charged particle will be affected by
movement caused by an electric motor a force
electrical appliance noun ELEC a electric flux density noun PHYS same
device or machine worked by electricity, as electric displacement
e.g. a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, electricity noun ELEC an electric current
iron or toaster used to provide light, heat or power 쑗 The
209 electrolyte
electricity was cut off and the computers electrochemistry noun CHEM the study
crashed. of chemical behaviour relating to electrol-
COMMENT: Electricity, though clean and ysis and electric cells
relatively cheap to use, is an inefficient form electroconvulsive therapy noun MED
of energy since more than 50% of the heat
needed to make it is wasted. On the other the treatment of severe depression and
hand, electricity is used to drive machines some mental disorders by giving the
which could not be operated by other patient small electric shocks in the brain to
means. make him or her have convulsions. Abbr
electricity grid noun ELEC a system for ECT
carrying electricity round a country, using electrode noun ELEC a solid electrical
power lines from power stations. Also conductor through which an electric cur-
called national grid (NOTE: The electricity rent enters or leaves an electrolytic cell 쑗 A
is at a high voltage, which is reduced by battery has a positive and a negative elec-
transformers to low voltage by the time the trode.
electricity is brought into use.) electrodeposit noun PHYS a substance
electricity supply noun ELEC the elec- deposited by electrolysis
tric power provided for domestic and electrode potential noun CHEM the
industrial use 쑗 The electricity supply is potential difference generated between an
often cut. electrode and the solution in which it is
electric motor noun ELEC a device for immersed
turning electrical energy into mechanical electrodialysis noun INDUST the proc-
energy ess by which ions dissolved in sea water
electric polarisation noun PHYS polar- are removed, making the water fit to drink
isation of an electric signal or electromag- electroencephalogram noun MED a
netic field graphic record of the electrical activity of
the brain produced by an electroencephalo-
electric potential noun PHYS the work graph
required to transfer a unit of positive elec-
tric charge from an infinite distance to a electroencephalograph noun MED a
given point. Symbol V device that produces a graphic record of
the electrical activity of the brain via elec-
electrify verb to charge something with trodes placed on the patient’s scalp
electricity or pass an electric current electroforming noun INDUST the proc-
through something ess of manufacturing an object, often a
electro- prefix electricity very small or fragile one, by electrodeposi-
electrocardiogram noun MED a visual tion of a metal onto a pre-formed pattern or
record of the changes in electrical potential mould
that occur with each heart beat, produced electroluminescence noun PHYS light
by an electrocardiograph emitted from a phosphor dot when it is
electrocardiograph noun MED a struck by an electron or charged particle
device that produces a visual record of the electroluminescent adjective PHYS
heart’s electrical activity via electrodes capable of emitting light due to electrolu-
placed on the patient’s chest minescence 쑗 The screen coating is elec-
electrochemical adjective CHEM of or
relating to electrochemistry electroluminescent display noun
COMPUT a flat, lightweight display screen
electrochemical cell noun ELEC, CHEM made up of two pieces of glass covered
a device that generates an electromagnetic with a grid of conductors, separated by a
force as a result of a chemical reaction. 쒁 thin layer of gas which luminesces when a
battery, cell point of the grid is selected by two electric
electrochemical equivalent noun signals
PHYS in electrolysis, the mass of an ele- electrolysis noun CHEM a chemical
ment separated from a solution by applying reaction caused by the passage of electric-
one coulomb of charge. Symbol z. 쒁 Fara- ity from one electrode to another
day’s laws electrolyte noun CHEM a chemical solu-
electrochemical series noun CHEM tion of a substance which can conduct elec-
same as electromotive series tricity
electrolytic cell 210
electrolytic cell noun CHEM a cell con- nm. After this come the gamma rays up to
sisting of electrodes in an electrolyte solu- about a thousand trillionth of a metre wave-
length. X-rays overlap the boundary
tion between ultraviolet and gamma rays.
electrolytic rectifier noun PHYS a Objects at different temperatures emit radi-
device made of two electrodes and an elec- ation preferentially at different wavelengths,
trolyte that allows electric current to flow getting shorter as the object gets hotter.
in only one direction electromagnetic wave noun PHYS a
electrolytic separation noun PHYS the wave of electromagnetic energy generated
separation of isotopes using electrolysis in an electromagnetic field
electromagnet noun PHYS a magnet electromagnetism noun PHYS a force
consisting of a coil of insulated wire exerted by a magnetic field found around
wrapped around a soft iron core that is any conductor carrying current, the
magnetised only when electric current strength of which will depend on the
flows through the wire amount of current flow
COMMENT: In a practical electromagnet the electrometallurgy noun METALL the
magnetic field produced by the coil carrying range of metallurgical processes such as
the electric current is concentrated by the electroplating in which electricity is
insertion of a ferrous core into the coil. involved
electromagnetic adjective PHYS 1. hav- electromotive force noun PHYS a
ing magnetic properties caused by a flow source of electrical energy, from the move-
of electricity 2. containing or worked by an ment of electrons, required to produce an
electromagnet electric current, produced by devices such
electromagnetic force noun PHYS the as batteries or generators and measured in
force which acts between charged particles volts. Abbr emf
in chemical reactions and elsewhere electromotive series noun CHEM an
electromagnetic interaction noun arrangement of chemical elements in the
PHYS the interaction between elementary order of their electrode potentials, taking
particles arising from their electric and hydrogen as having zero electrode poten-
magnetic fields, with a strength between tial
that of the strong and weak interactions electron noun PHYS a negatively charged
electromagnetic interference noun subatomic particle within an atom 쑗 Elec-
COMPUT the corruption of data due to trons in the outer orbits of an atom may not
nearby electrically generated magnetic be strongly attracted to the nucleus and
fields. Abbr EMI may be lost.
electromagnetic radiation noun electron affinity noun PHYS the amount
PHYS a wave-like form of energy that can of energy required to remove an electron
travel in a vacuum and consists of a mag- from a negatively charged ion, giving a
netic and an electric field at right angles to measure of the tendency of the molecule or
each other and to the direction in which the atom to form a negative ion
wave travels (NOTE: It includes many famil- electron beam noun PHYS a narrow,
iar forms of energy such as visible light, focused stream of electrons moving at high
X-rays, microwaves and radio waves, speed in the same direction, often in a vac-
whose properties vary according to their uum 쑗 The electron beam draws the image
wavelengths or frequencies.) on the inside of a CRT screen.
electromagnetic spectrum noun electron beam recording noun COM-
PHYS a range of energy capable of being PUT the recording of the output from a
transmitted through the universe by the computer directly onto microfilm using an
propagation of electrical and magnetic electron beam. Abbr EBR
fields, of which the visible spectrum expe-
rienced as light is only a minute fraction electron capture noun PHYS 1. the
COMMENT: The full electromagnetic spec-
process in the nucleus of an atom in which
trum starts with radio waves from very low a proton is transformed into a neutron,
frequency to extra high frequency. Below reducing the atomic number by one 2. the
this come infrared wavelengths until the formation of a negative ion when an extra
longest visible light, red, with a wavelength electron is acquired
of some 780 nm. The visible runs from here
to the end of the violet at 380 nm, after electronegative adjective PHYS (of
which the ultraviolet runs up to about 0.01 atoms) having negative electric charge and
211 electrophotographic
therefore tending to move towards a posi- interface signals, transmission rate and
tive electric pole power, usually used to connect terminals to
electron gun noun PHYS a part of a cath- modems. Abbr EIA
ode ray tube that produces a beam of elec- electronic smog noun COMPUT exces-
trons sive stray electromagnetic fields and static
electronic adjective ELECTRONICS refer- electricity generated by a lot of pieces of
ring to, based on, operated by or involving electronic equipment (NOTE: This can
the controlled conduction of electrons, damage equipment or a person’s health.)
especially in a vacuum, gas or semi-con- electronic traffic noun COMPUT data
ducting material 쑗 Lightning does not often transmitted in the form of electronic pulses
seriously damage aircraft but it may affect electron lens noun PHYS a machine that
sensitive electronic equipment. creates an electric or magnetic field that
electronically adverb ELECTRONICS by focuses an electron beam
electronic methods 쑗 The text is electroni- electron microscope noun SCI a
cally transmitted to an outside typesetter. microscope that uses a beam of electrons
electronic book noun COMPUT a book instead of light. Abbr EM
published in electronic form electron optics noun PHYS the study of
electronic data interchange noun the properties and use of an electron beam
COMPUT a system of sending orders, pay- in optical devices such as a cathode ray
ing invoices or transferring company infor- tube or electron microscope
mation over a network or telephone line electron-spin resonance noun PHYS
using an electronic mail system. Abbr EDI a type of spectroscopy in which microwave
electronic data processing noun radiation is used
COMPUT data processing using computers electronvolt noun PHYS a measure of
and electronic devices. Abbr EDP energy used in physics, equal to the energy
electronic digital computer noun accumulated by an electron passing
COMPUT a digital computer constructed through a one-volt electric potential. Sym-
with electronic components (NOTE: The bol eV
basic form uses a central processing unit, electrophile noun CHEM an elec-
main memory, backing storage and tron-attracting or electron-accepting atom,
input/output devices. These are all imple- molecule or chemical group
mented with electronic components and electrophilic addition noun CHEM a
integrated circuits.) chemical reaction caused by adding a mol-
electronic engineer noun ELECTRON- ecule to the double or triple bond of an
ICS a person who specialises in work on unsaturated organic compound
electronic devices electrophilic substitution noun
electronic mail noun COMPUT full form CHEM a chemical reaction that substitutes
of email an atom in an organic compound
electronic nose noun a device devel- electrophoresis noun PHYS the move-
oped as an alternative to human assessment ment of charged particles in a colloid or
of the aroma characteristics of a material suspension when an electric field is applied
electronic publishing noun COMPUT (NOTE: It forms the basis of a common
1. the use of desktop publishing packages technique for analysing chemicals.)
and laser printers to produce printed matter electrophorus noun PHYS a machine
2. the use of computers to write and display for generating electrical charge from the
information such as viewdata friction between a spinning disc and a
electronic pulse noun COMPUT a short metal plate
voltage pulse electrophotographic adjective PRINT-
electronics noun ELECTRONICS the sci- ING referring to a printing technique used
ence of applying the study of electrons and in many laser printers in which a laser
their properties to manufactured products beam creates an image on a charged drum
such as components, computers, calcula- (NOTE: The drum then attracts particles of
tors or telephones 쑗 the electronics indus- fine black toner to the charged areas and
try 쑗 an electronics specialist transfers the image to paper which is then
Electronics Industry Association passed near a heater to melt the toner onto
Interface noun ELEC a standard defining the paper.)
electroplate 212
electroplate verb PHYS to use electroly- electrum noun METALL a pale-coloured
sis to coat the surface of one metal with alloy of silver and gold often used for jew-
another ellery and ornaments
electroporation noun BIOTECH a elegant programming noun COMPUT
method of genetic modification that uses the writing of a well-structured program
an electric pulse to introduce DNA from using the minimum number of instructions
one organism into a protoplast of another element noun 1. CHEM a chemical sub-
electropositive adjective PHYS refer- stance that cannot be broken down to a
ring to an element that tends to lose an simpler substance (NOTE: There are 110
electron and so form a positive ion named elements.) 2. ELEC the resistance
wire coil in an electrical device such as a
electrosensitive paper noun PRINT-
heater 3. a removable component or
ING a metal-coated printing paper which removable part such as in an air filter or oil
can display characters using localised heat- filter 4. COMPUT a small part of an object
ing with a special dot-matrix print head which is made up of many similar parts 5.
electrosensitive printing noun MATHS one number or cell of a matrix or
PRINTING printing using electrosensitive array
paper COMMENT: Chemical elements are the
electroshock therapy noun MED same chemically discrete types of atom which
make up the universe and of which chem-
as electroconvulsive therapy ical compounds are composed. Atoms of a
electrostatic adjective PHYS referring to particular element can vary in the number of
devices using the properties of static elec- neutrons in their nuclei. The variants are
trical charge called isotopes and always have the same
number of positively charged protons, and
electrostatic field noun PHYS an elec- an equivalent number of electrons in orbit
tric field produced by a static electric around the nucleus. The simplest example
charge is the three isotopes of hydrogen: normal
hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, which
electrostatic precipitator noun PHYS have no neutrons, one neutron and two
a device for collecting minute particles of neutrons respectively. Each has one
dust suspended in gas by charging the par- proton, with one electron in orbit around the
ticles as they pass through an electrostatic
field elemental adjective CHEM in the form of
a pure element 쑗 The snail stores elemental
electrostatic printer noun PRINTING a sulfur in its shell.
type of printer that forms an image on
paper by charging some regions to provide elementary adjective 1. COMPUT made
character shapes and using ink with an of many similar small sections or objects 2.
opposite charge which sticks to the paper fundamental or basic
where required elementary particle noun PHYS a par-
ticle that is smaller than an atom or forms
electrostatics noun PHYS the study of part of an atom, e.g. an electron. Also
electric charges at rest (static electricity) called fundamental particle, subatomic
electrostatic screen noun ELEC a particle
metal cage surrounding sensitive equip- elements plural noun the weather 쑗 pro-
ment and connected to the ground to pro- tected from the elements
tect it from interference
elevate verb to move something to a
electrostatic storage noun COMPUT higher place or position from a lower one 쑗
the storage of data in the form of small In some light aircraft the magnetic com-
electric charged regions on a dielectric pass is elevated to a position as far away
material from the interfering effect of other compo-
electrostriction noun PHYS a change in nents as possible.
the size of a dielectric material when it is elevated adjective 1. raised to a higher
near an electric field place or position 2. increased 쑗 an elevated
electrovalent bond noun CHEM a temperature
chemical bond created by the transfer of elevation noun 1. the height at which
electrons from one atom to another giving something is above a point of reference
a structure in which oppositely charged such as the ground or sea level 쑗 The high-
ions are held together by attraction forces est point in a locality is marked by a dot
213 embedded code
with the elevation marked alongside. 2. South Asia and in the Pacific Islands, but
movement to a higher place or position making northern South Asia, Africa and
Australia drier than usual. The phenom-
elevation of boiling point noun PHYS enon seems to occur as a cycle, every two
a rise in the boiling point of a liquid caused to five years.
by dissolving a solid into the liquid else rule noun COMPUT a logical rule
elevator noun COMPUT a small, square used with an IF-THEN instruction to pro-
indicator displayed within a scroll bar that vide an alternative if the IF-THEN condi-
indicates the current position within a long tion is not met
document or image 쑗 The user can scroll eluant noun CHEM another spelling of
through the image or text by dragging the eluent
elevator up or down the scroll bar. eluate noun CHEM a liquid that has
eliminate verb 1. to get rid of or remove removed adsorbed material from an
something that is not wanted 쑗 To elimi- adsorbent using an elution process, con-
nate the need for complex mechanical link- sisting of the solvent and the previously
age, the selector is operated electrically. 쑗 adsorbed material
Mosquitoes were eliminated by spraying eluent, eluant noun CHEM a solvent
breeding grounds with oil. 2. to rule out a
possibility 쑗 Bacteria were eliminated as a elution noun CHEM the removal of an
possible cause of the illness. adsorbed substance by washing with a sol-
elimination noun 1. the removal of a
problem 2. BIOL the removal of waste mat- eluviation noun EARTH SCI the action of
ter from the body 3. the process of ruling particles and chemicals leaching from the
out a possibility 왍 by a process of elimina- topsoil down into the subsoil
tion by removing possibilities one by one eluvium noun EARTH SCI gravel formed
until only the most likely cause or answer as rocks are broken down into fragments
is left where they are lying. Compare alluvium
elimination factor noun COMPUT a sec- em noun PRINTING a measure equal to the
tion of data that is not used during a search width of the letter m in a particular font.
ELISA noun IMMUNOL a technique for Compare en
detecting and measuring proteins in bio- EM abbreviation PHYS electron micro-
logical materials. Full form scope
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay email, e-mail noun 1. COMPUT a system
ellipse noun MATHS an oval shape or of sending messages to and receiving mes-
course 쑗 Each planet moves in an ellipse sages from other users on an electronic net-
and the sun is at one of the foci. work 2. a message sent by e-mail. Full
form electronic mail
ellipsoid noun MATHS a curved surface or
body EMAS noun a voluntary scheme of the
European Union in which commercial and
elliptical adjective MATHS having an oval other organisations are encouraged to
shape 쑗 The path of the Earth around the
assess their approach to environmental
sun is elliptical.
matters against a given set of criteria. Full
elliptical galaxy noun ASTRON a galaxy form Eco-Management and Audit
with no arms or internal structure and an Scheme
overall elliptical or spherical shape
embankment noun ENG a wall made
elm noun TREES a large hardwood tree along a river bank to prevent a river from
that grows in temperate areas. Genus: overflowing
embed verb to fix something firmly in a
El Niño noun EARTH SCI a phenomenon surrounding mass 쑗 A temperature probe is
occurring every few years in the Pacific embedded into the stator of the generator.
Ocean, where a mass of warm water moves 쑗 Water outlets have heater elements
from west to east, rising as it moves, giving embedded in rubber seals in the outlet
very high tides along the Pacific coast of pipe.
South America and affecting the climate embedded code noun COMPUT a set of
COMMENT: El Niño not only brings high tides
but also influences rainfall patterns around sections or routines written in machine
the Pacific basin, most rain falling along the code, inserted into a high-level program to
Pacific coast of South America, in southern speed up or perform a special function
embedded computer 214
embedded computer, embedded emergent adjective 1. BOT, ENVIRON
system noun COMPUT a dedicated compu- referring to a plant that is just starting to
ter controlling a machine or, within a larger grow 2. referring to a country that is start-
system, performing one fixed function ing to become developed industrially
embolism noun MED 1. the obstruction emerging disease noun a new disease
of a blood vessel by an embolus 2. same as which is beginning to appear and affect
embolus human beings or wildlife
embolus noun MED an obstruction in a emery noun MINERALS a variety of the
blood vessel, usually a lodged blood clot mineral corundum used as an abrasive
embryo noun BIOL an organism that emf abbreviation PHYS electromotive
develops from a fertilised egg or seed, e.g. force
an animal in the first weeks of gestation or EMI abbreviation COMPUT electromag-
a seedling plant with cotyledons and a root netic interference
(NOTE: After eight weeks an unborn baby is emigration noun ECOL the movement of
called a fetus.) 왍 in embryo not yet devel- an individual out of an area. Opposite
oped immigration
embryogenesis noun BIOL the forma- emission noun 1. the sending out of mat-
tion and development of an embryo ter, energy or signals 쑗 light emissions 쑗
embryology noun BIOL the scientific One factor on which the operational range
study of embryos, their growth and devel- of a radio emission depends is the trans-
opment mitted power. 2. ENVIRON a substance dis-
embryonic adjective 1. BIOL referring to charged into the air by an internal
an embryo 2. in the first stages of develop- combustion engine or other device 쑗
ment Exhaust emissions contain pollutants. 쑗
embryonic abortion noun BIOL the ter- Gas emissions can cause acid rain.
mination of pregnancy while the fetus is emission charge noun ENVIRON a fee
still an embryo (NOTE: A human baby is paid by a company to be allowed to dis-
considered to be an embryo in the first charge waste into the environment
eight weeks from conception.) emission credit noun ENVIRON the
embryo sac noun BOT a large cell inside amount by which an industrialised country
a female reproductive organ (ovule) of a can buy emission reductions in a less
flowering plant in which the egg cell is fer- developed country, under the Kyoto agree-
tilised and the embryo develops ment of 1997. 쒁 Kyoto Protocol
embryo transfer noun 1. BIOTECH the emission factor noun the ratio between
transplanting of an embryo from a female the pollution produced and the amount of
into the womb of a surrogate mother 2. the fuel burnt
transplanting of an embryo from one ani- emission line noun ASTRON a bright
mal into the womb of another, used as a line seen in an emission spectrum, usually
method of improving breeding quality 왘 caused by radiation from a hot gas super-
abbr ET imposing its spectrum on the radiation
emergence noun 1. EARTH SCI a gradual from a cooler object, as with the Sun’s
upward movement of a land mass 2. BOT outer atmosphere modifying radiation
the germination of a seed from the Sun’s surface (NOTE: If emission
emergency noun a dangerous situation processes in the gas are using all the
in which immediate action needs to be energy passing through it, a spectrum can
taken 쑗 You should know the safety proce- consist entirely of bright lines on a dark
dures to be taken in case of emergency. 쑗 background. Otherwise the observer sees
After the earthquake, an emergency was bright lines on a background which also
declared. contains radiation, but at a lower level.)
emergency shutdown noun INDUST emission rate noun the amount of pol-
the closure of stopping a nuclear reactor lutant produced over a specific period
when it seems that something dangerous emission spectrum noun ASTRON a
may happen spectrum consisting wholly or mainly of
emergency ward noun MED a hospital emission lines
ward that deals with urgent cases such as emission standard noun ENVIRON the
accident victims amount of an effluent or pollutant that can
215 enamel
legally be released into the environment, empty adjective with nothing inside
e.g. the amount of sewage which can be emulate verb to copy or behave like
discharged into a river or the sea, or the something else 쑗 Some laser printers are
amount of carbon monoxide that can able to emulate the more popular office
legally be released into the atmosphere by printers.
petrol and diesel engines emulator noun COMPUT a piece of soft-
emissions trading noun the system of ware or hardware that allows a machine to
one country using some of another coun- behave like another
try’s permitted emission amount as well as emulsifier noun FOOD INDUST a sub-
its own, as a result of the rule that any new stance added to mixtures of food such as
source of pollution must be offset by the water and oil to hold them together. 쒁 sta-
reduction of pollution from existing biliser. Also called emulsifying agent
sources (NOTE: Emulsifiers are used in sauces and
emission tax noun ENVIRON a tax levied added to meat to increase the water con-
on air or water emissions tent so that the meat is heavier. In the
emit verb to send out matter, energy or a European Union, emulsifiers and stabilis-
signal 쑗 radiation emitted by the sun 쑗 An ers have E numbers E322 to E495.)
X-ray tube emits radiation. 쑗 Latent heat is emulsify verb PHYS, FOOD INDUST to mix
emitted when condensation takes place. two liquids so thoroughly that they will not
(NOTE: emitting – emitted) separate
emitter noun 1. a device or other means emulsifying agent noun FOOD INDUST
of emitting something 2. ELECTRONICS a same as emulsifier
layer of semiconductor material in a tran- emulsion noun 1. CHEM a suspension of
sistor from which the electrons carrying one liquid such as oil in another such as
the charge originate water 2. CHEM a part of photographic film
emitter-coupled logic noun ELEC- which reacts chemically to incident light to
TRONICS a high-speed logic circuit design produce an image 3. a type of water-based
using the emitters of transistors as output paint, usually giving a matt finish
connections to other stages. Abbr ECL emulsion laser storage noun COM-
emoticon noun COMPUT same as smiley PUT a digital storage technique using a
emphasis noun 1. the force of expres- laser to expose light-sensitive material
sion that gives importance to something 쑗 en noun PRINTING a measure equal to half
It is only in recent years that much empha- the width of a letter m in a particular font.
sis has been placed on determining the Compare em
causes of metal fatigue. 2. ACOUSTICS a fil- EN abbreviation 1. ENVIRON endangered
ter that helps cut down the background species 2. English Nature
noise and so boost a signal 3. COMPUT a enable verb 1. to make it possible for
special effects function in a paint program someone to do something 쑗 Isolation
that will increase the value of a range of valves are fitted to enable servicing and
colours so that they appear brighter maintenance to be carried out. 쑗 A spool-
emphysema noun 1. MED a chronic lung ing program enables editing work to be
disease characterised by enlargement and carried out while printing is going on. 2.
loss of elasticity of the air spaces, resulting ELECTRONICS to use an electronic signal to
in breathing difficulties 2. PHYSIOL an unu- start a process or access a function on a
sual enlargement of an organ or body tissue chip or circuit
caused by retention of air or other gas enabled adjective COMPUT referring to a
empirical adjective referring to a result function or menu item that is available to
that is obtained by observation or experi- the user 쑗 If an option on a menu appears
ment rather than from theory and mathe- in grey text rather than black, this indicates
matical equations that these are not enabled and that you
empirical formula noun CHEM a chem- cannot use the option.
ical formula showing the relative propor- enabling signal noun a signal that
tion of elements in a compound rather than starts a process or allows one to take place
the structural arrangement and giving no enamel noun the smooth, white, hard
indication of molecular weight, e.g. the coating over the visible part of a tooth that
formula H2O protrudes out of the gum
enantioselective 216
enantioselective adjective CHEM same word of a source file 쐽 verb COMPUT to fin-
as stereoselective ish something or to stop
encapsulated adjective COMPUT refer- end about carry noun COMPUT the
ring to something contained within some- most significant digit added into the least
thing else significant place, used in BCD arithmetic.
encapsulated Postscript noun COM- Also called end around carry
PUT Postscript commands that describe an end about shift noun COMPUT data
image or page contained within a file that movement to the left or right in a word dur-
can be placed within a graphics or DTP ing which the bits falling outside the word
program boundary are discarded and replaced with
encapsulation noun 1. COMPUT a sys- zeros
tem of sending a frame of data in one for- endanger verb to put something in dan-
mat within a frame of another format 2. the ger 쑗 Pollution from the factory is endan-
enclosure of something inside something gering the aquatic life in the lakes.
else, especially for protection endangered species noun ENVIRON a
encipher verb COMPUT to convert plain species that is facing a risk of extinction in
text into a secure coded form by means of the wild, usually taken to be when fewer
a cipher system 쑗 Our competitors cannot than 250 mature individuals exist. Abbr EN
understand our files – they have all been (NOTE: The plural is endangered spe-
enciphered. Opposite decipher cies.)
enclose verb to surround something on end around carry noun COMPUT same
all sides or close something in 쑗 The hous- as end about carry
ing encloses the various mechanical parts.
쑗 Fuses form a weak link in a circuit and
endemic adjective 1. ECOL referring to
are usually made of a strip of tinned cop- an organism that exists or originated from
per enclosed in a glass tube. a specific area 쑗 The isolation of the
islands has led to the evolution of endemic
enclosed object noun a graphic object forms. 쑗 The northern part of the island is
that is closed on all sides and so can be inhabited by many endemic mammals and
filled with a colour or pattern birds. 2. MED referring to a disease that
enclosure noun ENVIRON an area sur- occurs within a specific area 쑗 This disease
rounded by a fence, often to contain ani- is endemic to Mediterranean countries. 쒁
mals. Compare exclosure epidemic, pandemic 쐽 noun 1. MED an
encode verb to put data into code 쑗 endemic disease 2. BIOL a species of organ-
Weather information is encoded to allow ism that is confined to a particular geo-
large amounts of information to be given in graphical region
a short time. endemic population noun ECOL a
encoder noun COMPUT a device that can group of organisms existing in a specific
translate data from one format to another geographic area
encounter verb to meet something unex- endemic species noun ECOL a species
pected or unwanted 쑗 Severe icing can be that is native to a specific geographic area
encountered in wave cloud.
ending noun the action of coming to an
encroach on verb to come close to and end or of stopping something
gradually cover something 쑗 The town is
spreading beyond the by-pass, encroach- endless adjective with no end
ing on farming land. 쑗 Trees are spreading endless loop noun COMPUT 1. a contin-
down the mountain and encroaching on the uous piece of recording tape or a number of
lower more fertile land in the valleys. computer instructions that are continu-
encrypt verb COMPUT to convert plain ously repeated 2. a loop that has no end,
text to a secure coded form using a cipher except when the program is stopped 왘 also
system 쑗 The encrypted text can be sent called infinite loop
along ordinary telephone lines, and no-one endo- prefix inside or within. Compare
will be able to understand it. Also called ecto-
encipher endocannabinoid noun BIOCHEM a
end noun 1. a final point or last part 쑗 at chemical substance in the body belonging
the end of the data transmission 2. COMPUT to a group resembling organic chemicals
a statement or character to indicate the last found in cannabis
217 endotherm
endocarp noun BOT the innermost of the end of text noun COMPUT a code sent
layers of the wall (pericarp) of a fruit after the last character of text. Abbr EOT,
(NOTE: Sometimes it is toughened or hard- ETX
ened, as in a cherry stone or peach stone.) end of transmission noun COMPUT a
endocrine disrupter, endocrine sequence of characters indicating that all
inhibitor noun BIOCHEM a substance that the data from a terminal or peripheral have
damages the activity of the endocrine sys- been transmitted. Abbr EOT
tem, sometimes causing reproductive or endogenous adjective BIOL originating
developmental problems, sometimes within an organism
because it has a similar action to a natural endolymph noun ANAT the fluid con-
hormone tained within the membranous labyrinth of
endocrine gland noun ANAT a gland the inner ear
without a duct such as the pituitary gland endometrial laser ablation noun
which produces hormones introduced MED a gynaecological surgical procedure
directly into the bloodstream using a laser to treat fibroids or other
endocrinology noun MED the study of causes of thickening of the lining of the
endocrine glands and the hormones they uterus
secrete endomitosis noun GENETICS a process
endoderm noun BIOL the innermost cell by which chromosomes divide within a
layer of an animal embryo, which develops cell but the nucleus does not divide, lead-
into the respiratory and digestive tract lin- ing to an increase in chromosome number
ings endoparasite noun BIOL a parasite that
endodermis noun BOT a layer of cells in lives inside its host
a plant root that divides the inner core endoplasm noun BIOL the cytoplasm in
(stele) from the outer surrounding tissue the core of a cell within a plasma mem-
(cortex) (NOTE: An endodermis also brane
occurs in the stems of some plants such as
endoplasmic reticulum noun BIOL a
network of tubular membranes in the cyto-
end of address noun COMPUT a trans- plasm of a cell that is responsible for
mitted code which indicates that address processing materials made in or entering or
data have been sent. Abbr EOA leaving the cell
end of block noun COMPUT a code endorphin noun BIOCHEM a substance
which indicates that the last byte of a block that attaches to the same cell receptors in
of data has been sent. Abbr EOB the brain as morphine does (NOTE: Endor-
end of data noun COMPUT a code which phins are natural painkillers released after
shows that the end of a stored data file has severe injury.)
been reached. Abbr EOD endoscope noun MED an instrument
end of document, end of file noun used to examine the inside of the body,
COMPUT a marker after the last record in a made of a thin tube which is passed into the
file body down a passage
end of job noun COMPUT a code used in endoskeleton noun ZOOL the internal
batch processing to show that a job has skeleton of an animal such as a vertebrate
been finished. Abbr EOJ endosperm noun BOT a storage tissue in
end of line noun COMPUT a code to indi- plant seeds that provides nourishment for
cate the end of a line, usually a CR or LF the developing embryo
character. Abbr EOL endospore noun MICROBIOL the inner
end of medium noun COMPUT a code layer of the wall around a spore
that indicates the end of a usable physical endothelium noun ANAT a membrane of
medium. Abbr EM special cells that lines the internal passages
end of message noun COMPUT a code and organs in the body such as the heart
used to separate the last character of one and blood vessels. Compare epithelium,
message from the first of another message. mesothelium
Abbr EOM endotherm noun ZOOL an organism that
end of record noun COMPUT a code used is able to generate heat internally in order
to show the end of a record. Abbr EOR to raise its body temperature 쑗 Birds and
endothermic 218
mammals are endotherms. Compare ecto- to show the amount of energy needed by an
therm. Also called homoiotherm average person.
endothermic adjective 1. CHEM used to energy analysis, energy audit noun
describe a reaction or process that absorbs INDUST a check of how much energy is
heat energy 2. ZOOL maintaining a constant used within a specific period
body temperature irrespective of environ- energy balance noun ECOL, BIOL a
mental temperature 왘 compare exother- series of measurements showing the move-
mic ment of energy between organisms and
endothermic reaction noun CHEM a their environment
chemical reaction in which heat is removed energy budget noun INDUST, ECOL the
from the surroundings. Compare exother- level of energy at different points in an eco-
mic reaction system or an industrial process
endotoxin noun MED a poison from bac- energy conservation noun ENVIRON
teria which passes into the body when con- the avoidance of wasting energy
taminated food is eaten COMMENT: Energy conservation is widely
end product noun INDUST an item or practised to reduce excessive and costly
consumption of energy. Reduction of
state produced by a manufacturing process heating levels in houses and offices, insu-
or by radioactive decay lating buildings against loss of heat, using
endrin noun AGRIC a type of broad-based solar power instead of fossil fuels and
organochlorine insecticide which is increasing the efficiency of car engines are
all examples of energy conservation.
extremely toxic and persistent
energy consumption noun PHYS,
end system noun COMPUT a server or PHYSIOL the amount of energy consumed
host computer connected to the Internet by a person or apparatus, shown as a unit
end system to intermediate sys- energy crop noun INDUST a crop which
tem noun COMPUT an OSI protocol stand- is grown to be used to provide energy, e.g.
ard that allows host computers, the end a fast-growing tree
system, to locate a router, the intermediate
system. Abbr ES-IS energy efficiency ratio noun INDUST a
measure of the efficiency of a heating or
end-use efficiency noun INDUST an cooling system such as a heat pump or an
efficient way of using a form of energy by
air-conditioning system, shown as the ratio
the end user
of the output in Btu per hour to the input in
end user noun 1. COMPUT a person who watts. Abbr EER
will use a device, program or product 쑗 The
company is creating a computer with a energy-efficient adjective ENVIRON

specific end user in mind. 2. INDUST a per- referring to the careful use of energy with
son who uses a manufactured product minimum waste 쑗 energy-efficient manu-
facturing processes
energise verb PHYS to supply energy
such as electricity to a machine or system energy farm noun INDUST an area of
to make it work land or water where plants such as cassava
or sugar cane are cultivated to produce bio-
energy noun 1. PHYS, PHYSIOL the force fuels such as ethanol and methane
or strength to carry out activities 쑗 You
need to eat carbohydrates to give you energy flow noun ECOL the flow of
energy. 2. INDUST electricity or other fuel 쑗 energy from one trophic level to another in
We have to review our energy requirements a food chain
regularly. energy gain noun PHYS an increase in
COMMENT: Energy is the capacity to do the amount of energy or heat. Also called
useful work and includes setting a process heat gain
in motion, the production of heat and light,
the emission of heat and light and the energy level noun PHYS a possible state
making of electricity. It is measured in at which an electron can exist in an atom
joules or calories. One joule is the amount (NOTE: The fact that any particular atom
of energy used to move one kilogram the can house electrons only at specific energy
distance of one metre; one calorie is the levels gives rise to the lines in spectra,
amount of heat needed to raise the temper-
ature of one gram of water by one degree which exist as sharp features because they
Celsius The calorie is also used as a meas- reflect the difference in energy between
urement of the energy content of food and two energy levels.)
219 ENQ
energy loss noun PHYS the amount of engine block noun MECH ENG a cylinder
energy lost block with an integral crankcase
energy of mass noun PHYS the amount engine capacity noun MECH ENG the
of energy which can be released by con- swept volume of the cylinders in an engine
verting a given amount of matter entirely to engineer ENG noun a person who works
energy, given by the amount of matter mul- in engineering 쐽 verb to design and make
tiplied by the velocity of light squared, in something
Einstein’s famous equation e = mc2 (NOTE: engineering noun ENG the application
The huge amount of energy obtainable of the principles of science to the design,
from tiny amounts of matter accounts for construction and use of machines or build-
the long lives of the stars and for the port- ings
able size of highly destructive nuclear
weapons.) engineering industry noun INDUST
the factories or companies that manufac-
energy output noun PHYS the amount of ture machinery and machine parts
energy produced
engine failure noun MECH ENG the
energy recovery noun INDUST the pro- unwanted stoppage of an engine during
duction of energy from synthetic materials, running
e.g. using the heat from incineration of
solid waste to generate electricity engine housing noun MECH ENG an
engine compartment
energy reserves plural noun INDUST
engine intake noun MECH ENG the front
the amount of energy stored, especially the part of an engine where air enters the
stocks of non-renewable fuel such as oil engine
which a nation possesses
engine performance noun MECH ENG
energy resources plural noun INDUST
a description of how well an engine works
potential supplies of energy not yet used, or detailed statistical information about the
e.g. coal lying in the ground, solar heat, capabilities of an engine
wind power or geothermal power
engine surge noun MECH ENG an insta-
energy tax noun a tax on an energy bility in the power output of an engine
source intended to discourage the use of
environmentally damaging sources and English Nature noun the UK govern-
encourage energy conservation or use of ment agency that is responsible for nature
alternative sources conservation in England. Abbr EN (NOTE:
It was formerly part of the Nature Conserv-
energy value noun PHYS, PHYSIOL the ancy Council and is about to undergo
heat value of a substance measured in another reorganisation.)
joules. Also called calorific value
enhance verb to improve something or
engage verb 1. to switch something on make something clearer
and use it. Opposite disengage 2. to fit in
with something else 쑗 The large wheel
enhanced greenhouse effect noun
the warming influence on the climate pro-
engages with the smaller wheel and starts
duced as human emissions of greenhouse
to turn.
gases increase the natural greenhouse
engine noun 1. MECH ENG a machine that effect
converts energy into mechanical force or enhanced small device interface
motion, different from an electric or noun COMPUT an interface standard
hydraulic motor because of its use of a fuel between a central processing unit and
쑗 a jet engine 쑗 a piston engine 쑗 internal
peripherals such as disk drives. Abbr ESDI
combustion engine 2. COMPUT a part of a
software package that carries out a particu- enhancer noun FOOD INDUST an artificial
lar function 쑗 A search engine is the part of substance that increases the flavour of food
a multimedia title that lets a user search for or of an artificial flavouring that has been
text in a multimedia book. added to food (NOTE: In the European
COMMENT: In British usage there is a clear
Union, flavour enhancers added to food
distinction between the terms engine and have the E numbers E620 to E637.)
motor, the term motor only being used for enlarge verb to make something bigger
electric power units. In American usage or larger
engine is used for all types of power unit
including internal combustion. ENQ abbreviation COMPUT enquiry
enquire 220
enquire, inquire verb to ask questions Enterobacteria plural noun BIOL a fam-
about something ily of bacteria, including Salmonella and
enquiry, inquiry noun 1. a question, or Escherichia
the process of asking a question. 쒁 public Enterobius noun ZOOL a threadworm or
enquiry (NOTE: The plural is enquiries.) 2. nematode which infests the intestine
COMPUT a request for data or information enterokinase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme
from a device or database 3. COMPUT the in the upper small intestine that converts
accessing of data in a computer memory trypsinogen to trypsin
without changing the data
enterotoxin noun MED a bacterial exo-
enquiry character noun COMPUT a spe- toxin which particularly affects the intes-
cial control code that is a request for iden- tine
tification, status or data from a device
enterovirus noun a virus which prefers
enrich verb 1. to make something richer to live in the intestine
or stronger 2. to improve the nutritional
quality of food 쑗 enrich with vitamins 3. enterprise network noun COMPUT a
INDUST to increase the amount of ura- network that connects all the workstations,
nium-235 in the fuel of a nuclear reactor 쑗 terminals or computers in a company
Fuel is enriched to 15% with fissile mate- (NOTE: It can be within one building or link-
rial. ing several buildings in different countries.)
enriched plutonium noun CHEM, enthalpy noun PHYS the heat content of a
INDUST plutonium to which uranium-235 system, equal to the sum of its internal
has been added and which is used as a fuel energy and the product of its pressure and
in nuclear reactors volume
enrichment noun 1. INDUST the action of entire adjective having no part excluded
enriching the proportion of uranium-235 in or left out 쑗 spilt the entire contents of the
nuclear fuel 2. ENVIRON the increase in container
nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon com- entity noun 1. something which is distinct
pounds or other nutrients in water, espe- and separate from something else 쑗 The
cially as a result of a sewage flow or institutes are closely connected but are
agricultural run-off, which encourages the separate legal entities. 2. COMPUT a subject
growth of algae and other water plants to which the data stored in a file or data-
ensilage, ensiling noun AGRIC the proc- base refers
ess of making silage for cattle by cutting entomological adjective ZOOL referring
grass and other green plants and storing it to insects
in silos entomologist noun ZOOL a scientist
enter verb 1. to come or go into a place 2. who specialises in the study of insects
to write down or record something 쑗 Enter entomology noun ZOOL the study of
your name in the correct place in the form. insects
3. COMPUT to type in information on a ter-
minal or keyboard 쑗 The data have been entrap verb to catch and retain something
쑗 Moisture is entrapped in the layers. 쑗
entered on data capture forms.
Coal-fired power stations should be
enter- prefix ANAT same as entero- equipped with the means of entrapping sul-
enteric adjective ANAT referring to the fur. 쑗 Up to 90% of sulfur emissions can be
intestine entrapped.
enteric fermentation noun BIOL the entropy noun 1. PHYS a measure of the
breaking down of food in the gut of rumi- energy in a system or process that is una-
nant animals, especially cattle, producing vailable to do work 2. a measure of the
methane which is eliminated from the ani- degree of disorder in a closed system
mal’s body entry noun 1. a place where you can enter
enteritis noun MED an inflammation of 2. COMPUT a single record or a piece of data
the mucous membrane of the intestine about one action or object in a database or
enter key noun COMPUT a key pressed to library
indicate the end of an input or line of text entry condition noun COMPUT a condi-
entero- prefix ANAT referring to the intes- tion that must be satisfied before a routine
tine can be entered
221 environmental ethics
entry point noun 1. a place where people in which a person lives. A parasite’s envi-
can enter or by which something can be ronment includes the body of the host. A
plant’s environment includes the type of soil
accessed 2. COMPUT the address from at a specific altitude.
which a program or subroutine is to be exe- Environment Agency noun ENVIRON
cuted in England and Wales, the government
E number noun a classification of addi- agency responsible for protection of the
tives to food approved by the European environment, including flood and sea
Union defences. Abbr EA
COMMENT: Additives are classified as
follows: colouring substances E100 – E180; environmental adjective ENVIRON refer-
preservatives E200 – E297; antioxidants ring to the environment
E300 – E321; emulsifiers and stabilisers environmental accounting noun
E322 – E495; acids and bases E500 – ENVIRON same as full-cost accounting
E529; anti-caking additives E530 – E578;
flavour enhancers and sweeteners E620 – environmental annoyance noun
E637. ENVIRON a nuisance caused by environ-
enumerated type noun COMPUT a sys- mental factors such as traffic noise
tem of data storage or classification using environmental assessment noun
numbers to represent chosen convenient ENVIRON the identification of the expected
labels environmental effects of a proposed action
COMMENT: If ‘man’, ‘horse’, ‘dog’ and ‘cat’ environmental audit noun ENVIRON an
are items of data, stored by machine simply assessment made by a company or organi-
as 0, 1, 2, 3, they can still be referred to in
the program as man or horse to make it sation of the financial benefits and disad-
easier for the user to recognise them. vantages of adopting an environmentally
enumeration noun COMPUT a method of sound policy. Also called eco-audit
identifying resources or objects using a environmental biology noun ECOL the
unique number study of living organisms in relationship to
envelop verb to surround and cover their environment
something 쑗 The atmosphere envelops the Environmental Change Network
Earth. noun an association which monitors trends
envelope noun 1. a paper packet that in climate change and produces statistics.
contains a letter or document 2. a cover 쑗 Abbr ECN
The atmosphere is the gaseous envelope environmental conditionality noun
surrounding the Earth. 3. COMPUT a trans- ENVIRON same as cross-compliance
mitted packet of data containing environmental control noun ENVIRON
error-detection and control information 4. the means of maintaining an environment
PHYS the shape of the decay curve of a
environmental damage noun ENVI-
sound 5. COMPUT the name for the data RON harm done to the environment, e.g.
which contain a mail message with the des- pollution of rivers
tination address information 6. AEROSP the
set of limitations within which a techno- environmental degradation noun
ENVIRON a reduction in the quality of the
logical system, especially an aircraft, can
perform safely and effectively environment
envelope feeder noun COMPUT a spe- environmental directive noun ENVI-
cial add-on to a printer used to print on an RON an EU policy statement on the appro-
envelope instead of on a sheet of paper priate ways of dealing with a specific
environmental issue
environment noun 1. ECOL the sur-
roundings of any organism, including the environmental disorder noun ECOL a
physical world and other organisms. 쒁 built disruption of the usual condition of an
environment, natural environment 2. environment
COMPUT a condition in a computer system environmental equity noun ENVIRON
of all the registers and memory locations the principle that no section of the popula-
COMMENT: The environment is anything tion receives a greater effect of environ-
outside an organism and in which the mental pollution or disruption than any
organism lives. It can be a geographical other. Also called environmental justice
region, a climatic condition, a pollutant or
the noises which surround an organism. environmental ethics noun ENVIRON
The human environment includes the the examination and discussion of people’s
country or region or town or house or room obligations towards the environment
environmental fluctuation 222
environmental fluctuation noun a environmentalist noun ENVIRON a per-
long- or short-term change in the environ- son who is concerned with protecting the
ment, which may have a large effect on the environment
populations living there environmentalist group noun ENVI-
environmental forecasting noun RON an association or society concerned
ENVIRON the prediction of the effects on the with the protection of the environment and
surrounding environment of new construc- increasing awareness of environmental
tion programmes issues
environmentalist lobby noun ENVI-
environmental geology noun GEOL
RON a group of people who try to persuade
the study of geology in relation to prob- politicians that the environment must be
lems concerned with the environment protected and that pollution must be con-
environmental health noun HEALTH trolled
the local government functions concerned environmental justice noun ENVIRON
with minimising risks to public health and same as environmental equity
the local environment, including water and environmental labelling noun ENVI-
air quality, hygiene in restaurants and RON same as ecolabelling
shops, and pest control
environmentally friendly adjective
Environmental Health Officer noun ENVIRON intended to minimise harm to the
HEALTH an official of a local authority who environment, e.g. by using biodegradable
examines the environment and tests for ingredients. Also called environ-
hazards such as bad sanitation or noise pol- ment-friendly
lution. Abbr EHO environmental management noun
environmental hygiene noun 1. MED 1. the idea of humans interacting with the
the study of health and how it is affected by environment in a responsible and ethically
the environment 2. the measures under- sound way, without sacrificing productiv-
taken to keep the human environment safe ity 2. guidelines or practices which support
and healthy to live in, including waste dis- this aim
posal, clean water supplies, food safety environmental policy noun ENVIRON a
controls and good housing plan for dealing with all matters affecting
environmental impact noun ENVIRON the environment on a national or local scale
the effect upon the environment of actions environmental pollution noun ENVI-
or events such as large construction pro- RON the pollution of the environment by
grammes or the draining of marshes human activities
environmental impact assess- environmental protection noun ENVI-
RON the activity of protecting the environ-
ment noun ENVIRON an evaluation of the
effect upon the environment of an action ment by regulating the discharge of waste,
such as a large construction programme. the emission of pollutants and other human
Abbr EIA activities. Also called environment pro-
environmental impact statement Environmental Protection Act
noun ENVIRON a statement required under 1990 noun ENVIRON a UK regulation to
US law for any major federal project, eval- allow the introduction of integrated pollu-
uating the effect of the project on the envi- tion control, regulations for the disposal of
ronment. Abbr EIS waste and other provisions. Abbr EPA
environmental indicator noun ECOL Environmental Protection Agency
an organism that increases or decreases in noun an administrative body in the USA
specific environmental conditions and which deals with pollution. Abbr EPA
whose presence indicates the state of an environmental protection associa-
environment or a change in an environ- tion noun ENVIRON an organisation con-
ment, e.g. a lichen sensitive to industrial cerned with protecting the environment
pollution becoming rare in a polluted area, from damage and pollution
or a species of fish returning to a formerly environmental quality standard
polluted river noun ENVIRON a limit for the concentration
environmentalism noun ENVIRON con- of an effluent or pollutant which is
cern for the protection of the environment accepted in a specific environment, e.g. the
223 epidemiological
concentration of trace elements in drinking enzyme-linked immunosorbent
water or of additives in food assay noun full form of ELISA
environmental radioactivity noun EOA abbreviation COMPUT end of address
ENVIRON the energy in the form of radiation EOB abbreviation COMPUT end of block
that is emitted into the environment by EOD abbreviation COMPUT end of data
radioactive substances EOJ abbreviation COMPUT end of job
environmental resistance noun EOL abbreviation COMPUT end of line
ECOL the ability to withstand pressures eolian adjective METEOROL caused by
such as competition, weather conditions or wind 쑗 eolian deposits
food availability, which restrict the poten-
tial growth of a population EOM abbreviation COMPUT end of mes-
environmental science noun ENVI-
RON the study of the relationship between
EOR abbreviation COMPUT end of record
humans and the environment, the problems EOT abbreviation COMPUT 1. end of text 2.
caused by pollution or loss of habitats, and end of transmission
proposed solutions EPA1 abbreviation 1. Environmental Pro-
environmental set-aside noun ENVI-
tection Act 1990 2. Environmental Protec-
RON a scheme of suspending cultivation of tion Agency
food crops for a period with clearly defined EPA2 noun BIOCHEM a polyunsaturated
environmental aims and designed appro- essential fatty acid found in cold-water fish
priately for local conditions that has been linked to the reduction of car-
diovascular disease and other health bene-
environmental studies noun ENVIRON fits
a course of study that includes a range of
disciplines focusing on the natural environ- epact noun ASTRON a period of about 11
ment days that is the difference between the
lunar year and the solar year
environmental tax noun ENVIRON same
as ecotax ephemeral noun BIOL a plant or insect
that has a short life cycle and may com-
environmental variation noun ECOL plete several life cycles within a year 쑗
the continual changes in the environment Many weeds are ephemerals.
over a period
ephemeral stream noun EARTH SCI a
environment-friendly adjective ENVI- stream that flows only after rain or snow-
RON same as environmentally friendly melt
environment space noun COMPUT the epibiont noun BIOL an organism that lives
amount of memory free to be used by a on the surface of another without being a
program parasite
environment variable noun COMPUT a epibiosis noun BIOL a state where an
variable set by the system or by a user at organism lives on the surface of another,
the system command line which can be but is not a parasite
used by any program epicarp noun BOT the outer skin of a
enzootic disease noun an outbreak of fruit. Also called exocarp
disease among certain species of animals epicentre noun EARTH SCI a point on the
in a certain area. Compare epizootic dis- surface of the Earth above the focus of an
ease earthquake or in the centre of a nuclear
enzymatic adjective BIOCHEM referring explosion. Also called focus
to enzymes epicycloid noun MATHS the curve traced
enzyme noun BIOCHEM a protein sub- out by a fixed point on an epicycle
stance produced by living cells which pro- epidemic noun MED 1. an infectious dis-
motes a biochemical reaction in living ease that spreads quickly through a large
organisms (NOTE: The names of enzymes part of the population 쑗 The health author-
mostly end with the suffix -ase.) ities are taking steps to prevent an epi-
COMMENT: Many different enzymes exist in demic of cholera or a cholera epidemic. 2.
organisms, working in the digestive system, a rapidly spreading infection or disease. 쒁
metabolic processes and the synthesis of endemic, pandemic
certain compounds. Some pesticides and
herbicides work by interfering with enzyme epidemiological adjective MED refer-
systems or by destroying them altogether. ring to epidemiology
epidemiologist 224
epidemiologist noun MED a person who epiphysis noun ANAT same as pineal
studies the factors involved in the inci- gland
dence, distribution and control of disease epiphyte noun BOT a plant that lives on
in a population another plant for physical support, but is
epidemiology noun MED the study of not a parasite of it (NOTE: Many orchids are
diseases in a population, how they spread epiphytes.)
and how they can be controlled epiphytic adjective BOT attached to
epidermis noun ANAT an outer layer of another plant for support, but not parasitic
cells of a plant or animal episode noun 1. an event, or a group of
epididymis noun ANAT a tightly coiled related events 2. an occurrence or time
tube, attached to the testis, that stores when a particular phenomenon takes place
sperm and leads into the sperm duct 쑗 There have been three serious acid rain
epidural anaesthesia noun MED local episodes in the last four months. 쑗 High
anaesthesia in which anaesthetic is injected sulfur dioxide episodes have killed several
into the space between the vertebral canal hundred birds at one time.
and the dura mater episodic adjective happening sometimes
epigamic adjective ZOOL referring to a but not regularly
characteristic such as large antlers or bright episome noun GENETICS a genetic unit
colours that attracts a mate capable of multiplying independently in
epigeal adjective BOT occurring or devel- host cells or when integrated into a chro-
oping above ground 쑗 epigeal germination mosome (NOTE: Bacterial plasmids are
Compare hypogeal examples of episomes.)
epigenetic adjective GENETICS relating epistasis noun GENETICS the nonappear-
to the control of changes in gene function ance of a characteristic because the activity
that are not associated with changes in of another gene has suppressed or masked
DNA sequences the gene that controls it
epigenetics noun GENETICS the control epithelial adjective ANAT referring to the
of changes in gene function that are not epithelium
associated with changes in DNA sequences
epithelium, epithelial layer noun ANAT
epigenome noun GENETICS a subset of a layer of cells covering an organ, includ-
genes whose function is under the control ing the skin and the lining of hollow cavi-
of specific biochemical factors as well as ties. Compare endothelium,
their DNA sequence mesothelium
epigenomics noun GENETICS the study epithermal neutron noun PHYS a neu-
of the biochemical relationships control- tron that has a high energy level between
ling the function of genes within the epig- 10-2 and 102 eV
epixylous adjective BIOL growing on
epigenous adjective BIOL developing or wood
growing on a surface
epiglottis noun ANAT a flap of cartilage epizoite noun ZOOL an animal that lives
at the base of the tongue that seals off the on the surface of another, without being a
windpipe (trachea) when swallowing food parasite
or liquids epizoon noun an animal which lives on
epigynous adjective BOT referring to a another animal
flower structure in which the stamens, epizootic disease noun a disease
calyx and corolla are on the top of the which spreads to large numbers of animals
ovary over a large area. Compare enzootic dis-
epilimnion noun EARTH SCI the top layer ease
of water in a lake, which contains more epoch noun GEOL 쏡 geological epoch
oxygen and is warmer than the water epoxy resin noun CHEM a tough syn-
below. 쒁 hypolimnion, metalimnion thetic resin that sets following the applica-
epilithic adjective BIOL growing on or tion of heat or pressure, used in adhesives
attached to the surface of rocks or stones and surface coatings
epinephrine noun BIOCHEM the hor- EPROM abbreviation COMPUT erasable
mone adrenaline programmable read-only memory
225 equipment
EPS abbreviation COMPUT encapsulated spheres 쑗 Every point on the equator is
Postscript equidistant from the poles. 2. ASTRON an
Epsom salts noun PHARM a white pow- imaginary circle around an astronomical
der, magnesium sulfate, which when object, equidistant from the poles 3.
diluted in water is used as a laxative. For- ASTRON same as celestial equator
mula: MgSO4.7H2O. equatorial adjective EARTH SCI referring
equal adjective having the same quantity, to the equator
measure, or value as another 쑗 For every equatorial current noun EARTH SCI a
action, there is an equal and opposite reac- westward-moving current in the Atlantic
tion. 쐽 verb MATHS to be the same in value Ocean
as a number 쑗 Two plus two equals four (2
+ 2 = 4).
equatorial diameter noun the distance
from the equator, through the centre of the
equalise verb to become or make some- Earth to the equator on the opposite side of
thing the same in quantity, measure or the globe
value as another 쑗 Fluid pressure and gas
pressure equalise at normal system pres- equatorial region noun EARTH SCI the
sure. 쑗 The received signal was equalised land area near the equator, mostly with a
to an optimum shape. very hot and humid climate, except for
land at high altitudes as in South America
equality noun MATHS a logical function
whose output is true if either of two inputs equatorial trough noun METEOROL a
is true, and false if both inputs are the same shallow low-pressure zone around the
equally adverb in the same way or to the equator
same extent 쑗 They were both equally equatorial zone noun EARTH SCI an
responsible for the successful launch of the area near the equator, mostly with a very
new system. hot and humid climate, except for land at
equals sign noun MATHS a mathematical high altitudes as in South America
symbol (=) used to indicate that two or equilateral adjective MATHS referring to
more numbers, symbols, or terms have the an object or structure in which all the sides
same value as each other are of equal length
equate verb to be or make something the equilibrium noun 1. a state of balance 2.
same as another 쑗 The variable was CHEM the state in a reversible chemical
equated to the input data. reaction in which the reaction and its
equation noun 1. MATHS a statement, reverse reaction proceed at the same rate
usually in symbols, that two quantities or and balance each other so there is no fur-
mathematical expressions are equal 쑗 The ther change
equation Vg = P can be used to calculate equilibrium constant noun CHEM the
the geostrophic wind. 2. CHEM same as relationship between the concentration of
chemical equation products and starting materials in a revers-
equation of motion noun PHYS a math- ible chemical reaction that is at equilib-
ematical equation used to describe the rium (NOTE: It is strongly dependent on
motion of an object temperature and pressure.)
equation of state noun PHYS an equa- equine adjective ZOOL relating to horses
tion that gives the mathematical relation
between the pressure, temperature and vol-
equinox noun EARTH SCI either of the
two occasions in the year, spring and
ume of a gas or liquid
autumn, when the sun crosses the celestial
equation of time noun ASTRON the time equator and night and day are each 12
that must be added to mean solar time, as hours long
given by a clock, to make it equal to appar- COMMENT: The two equinoxes are the
ent solar time, as given by a sundial (NOTE: spring or vernal equinox, which occurs
It varies from about –14 minutes in Febru- about 21 March and the autumn equinox,
ary to about +16 minutes in October.) which occurs about 22 September.
equator noun 1. EARTH SCI an imaginary equipment noun the devices, systems or
circle around the Earth’s surface, equidis- machines that are needed for a particular
tant from the poles and perpendicular to purpose 쑗 drilling equipment (NOTE: no
the axis of rotation, which divides the plural: for one item say a piece of equip-
Earth into the northern and southern hemi- ment.)
equivalence 226
equivalence noun MATHS a logical oper- eraser tool noun COMPUT a function that
ation that is true if all the inputs are the allows areas of an image to be erased or set
same to the background colour
COMMENT: Output is 1 if both inputs are 1 or erbium noun CHEM ELEM a soft silvery
if both are 0. If the two inputs are different, metallic element of the lanthanide group
the output is 0. used in alloys and pigments (NOTE: The
equivalence function noun MATHS a chemical symbol is Er; the atomic weight is
logical function whose output is true if 68 and the atomic weight is 167.26.)
both inputs are the same. Also called erg noun MEASURE, PHYS the cgs unit
equivalence operation equal to the work done by a force of one
equivalence gate noun ELEC a gate dyne acting over a distance of one centime-
which performs an equivalence function tre (NOTE: 1 erg is equivalent to 10-7
equivalence operation noun MATHS joules.)
same as equivalence function ergodicity noun STATS a system in
equivalent adjective being the same, or which conditions of a stochastic process
effectively the same 쑗 The function of a are such that time and space averages will
logic gate is equivalent to that of a switch. coincide for infinite realisations
쑗 A metal part could be as much as 25 ergonomics noun the study of people at
times heavier than an equivalent plastic work
part. 왍 to be equivalent to to have the ergosterol noun BIOCHEM a substance
same value as something or to be the same found in yeast and moulds that forms vita-
as something 쐽 noun an equal thing or min D2 when exposed to ultraviolet light
amount ergot noun BOT a fungus that grows on
equivalent weight noun MEASURE, cereals, especially rye, producing a myco-
CHEM the mass of a substance that will toxin which causes hallucinations and
combine with or replace 8 parts by mass of sometimes death if eaten. Genus: Clavi-
oxygen or 1.008 parts of hydrogen ceps.
era noun GEOL 쏡 geological era ergotamine noun MED the toxin that
eradicate verb to remove something causes ergotism
completely 쑗 international action to erad- ergotism noun MED poisoning by eating
icate glaucoma cereals or bread contaminated by ergot
eradication noun 1. the complete ericaceous adjective BOT belonging to
removal of something 2. BIOL the total the group of plants such as heather and
extinction of a species azalea that grow on acid soils
erasable memory noun COMPUT same EROM abbreviation COMPUT electrically
as erasable storage alterable read-only memory
erasable programmable read-only erosion noun EARTH SCI the wearing
away of soil or rock by rain, wind, sea or
memory noun COMPUT a read-only mem- rivers or by the action of toxic substances 쑗
ory chip which can be programmed by a
Grass cover provides some protection
voltage applied to a write pin and data
against soil erosion.
applied to its output pins, usually erasable
COMMENT: Accelerated erosion is caused
with ultraviolet light. Abbr EPROM by human activity in addition to the natural
erasable storage noun COMPUT a tem- rate of erosion. Cleared land in
porary storage medium which can be drought-stricken areas can produce dry soil
re-used. Also called erasable memory which may blow away. Felling trees
removes the roots which bind the soil parti-
erase verb 1. to remove all signs of some- cles together and so exposes the soil to
thing 2. COMPUT to remove any signal from erosion by rainwater. Ploughing up and
a magnetic medium 3. COMPUT to set all down slopes as opposed to contour
ploughing, can lead to the formation of rills
the digits in a storage area to zero and serious soil erosion.
erase head noun ELEC a small magnet error noun 1. a mistake 2. a known inac-
that clears a magnetic tape or disk of curacy of an instrument or system which
recorded signals has to be corrected by calculating the true
eraser noun ELEC a device that erases the value 3. COMPUT a mistake due to an oper-
contents of something, as by using ultravi- ator or caused by a hardware or software
olet light to erase an EPROM fault
227 esophagus
error box noun COMPUT a dialog box dis- eral villages were destroyed in the recent
played with a message alerting the user volcanic eruption.
that an error has occurred eruptive adjective 1. EARTH SCI referring
error burst noun COMPUT a group of sev- to a volcano that produces lava, smoke and
eral consecutive errors in a transmission hot ash 2. EARTH SCI referring to rock
error checking code noun COMPUT a formed by the solidification of magma 3.
coding system that detects or corrects MED causing boils or spots on the skin
errors erythrocyte noun BIOL a red blood cell
error code noun COMPUT a code that escape noun 1. the action of allowing
indicates that a particular type of error has toxic substances to leave a container 쑗 The
occurred area around the reprocessing plant was
error condition noun COMPUT a state evacuated because of an escape of radio-
that is entered if an attempt is made to active coolant. 2. BOT a cultivated plant
operate on data containing errors that now reproduces in the wild 3. ZOOL a
domesticated animal that has become wild
error correcting code noun COMPUT a 쐽 verb 1. to move out of a container 쑗
coding system that allows bit errors occur- Steam was escaping from holes in the
ring during transmission to be rapidly cor- pipes. 2. ENVIRON to move from a domestic
rected by logical deduction methods or cultivated area and live or grow wild 3.
error correction noun COMPUT hard- to get out of captivity 쑗 The monkey had
ware or software that can detect and correct escaped from a wildlife park.
an error in a transmission escape character noun COMPUT a
error detecting code noun COMPUT a character used to represent an escape code
coding system that allows bit errors occur- escape code noun COMPUT a transmit-
ring during transmission to be detected, but ted code sequence which informs the
is not complex enough to correct them receiver that all following characters repre-
error detection noun COMPUT the use of sent control actions
special hardware or software to detect escapement noun COMPUT a preset ver-
errors in a data entry or transmission, then tical movement of a sheet of paper in a
usually to ask for re-transmission printer
error detection and correction escape sequence noun COMPUT a
noun COMPUT a forward error correction method of switching a Hayes-compatible
system for data communications. Abbr modem into command mode by sending
EDAC the three characters ‘+++’ allowing a user
error handler noun COMPUT a software to enter new commands while still online
routine that controls and reports an error escape velocity noun PHYS the speed
when it occurs that an object must reach to escape a grav-
error handling, error management itational field (NOTE: A spacecraft needs to
noun COMPUT same as exception han- travel at about 25000 mph/40000kph to
dling escape Earth’s gravity and travel into
error rate noun COMPUT 1. the number of space.)
mistakes per thousand entries or per page 쑗 escarpment noun EARTH SCI a steep
The error rate is less than 1%. 2. the slope at the edge of a plateau
number of corrupt bits of data in relation to Escherichia coli noun MICROBIOL a
the total transmission length Gram-negative bacterium commonly
error routine noun COMPUT a short rou- found in faeces and associated with acute
tine within a main program that handles gastroenteritis if it enters the digestive sys-
any errors when they occur tems of humans or animals
error trapping noun COMPUT the detec- ESDI abbreviation COMPUT enhanced
tion and correction of errors before they small device interface
cause any problems ES-IS abbreviation COMPUT end system to
erupt verb EARTH SCI (of a volcano) to intermediate system
become active and produce lava, smoke esker noun EARTH SCI a long winding
and hot ash ridge formed of gravel
eruption noun a sudden violent ejection esophagus noun ANAT US spelling of
of lava, smoke and ash by a volcano 쑗 Sev- oesophagus
essence 228
essence noun CHEM a concentrated oil ing the distances at which lights of known
extracted from a plant, used in food, cos- candle power can be observed and relating
metics, analgesics and antiseptics 쑗 vanilla these distances to visibility-by-day values.
essence 2. an opinion 왍 in my estimation in my
essential adjective 1. extremely impor- opinion
tant or necessary 2. MED referring to a dis- estivation noun ZOOL US spelling of
ease with no obvious cause aestivation
essential amino acid noun BIOCHEM estrane noun BIOCHEM a steroid hormone
an amino acid necessary for growth but derived from testosterone and used in hor-
which cannot be synthesised by the body mone replacement therapy
and has to be obtained from the food sup- estrogen noun BIOCHEM US spelling of
ply (NOTE: The essential amino acids are: oestrogen
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, estuarine adjective EARTH SCI, BIOL
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and referring to estuaries
valine.) estuarine plant noun BOT a plant which
essential element noun BIOCHEM a lives in an estuary, where the water is alter-
chemical element necessary for an organ- nately fresh and salty as the tide comes in
ism’s growth and function and goes out
essential fatty acid noun BIOCHEM an estuary noun EARTH SCI a part of a river
unsaturated fatty acid essential for growth where it meets the sea and is partly com-
but which cannot be synthesised by the posed of salt water
body and has to be obtained from the food ET abbreviation embryo transfer
supply. Abbr EFA (NOTE: The two essential
fatty acids are linoleic acid and linolenic ethanal noun CHEM same as acetalde-
acid.) hyde
essential hypertension noun MED ethanamide noun CHEM same as aceta-
high blood pressure without any obvious mide
cause ethane noun CHEM a highly flammable
essential oil noun CHEM an oil from a gas that is colourless and odourless used as
plant, used in cosmetics, analgesics or anti- a fuel and in refrigeration. Formula: C2H6.
septics, e.g. peppermint oil. Also called (NOTE: It occurs naturally in petroleum and
volatile oil natural gas.)
establish verb 1. to work out or calculate ethanedioic acid noun CHEM same as
something 왍 to establish a position to find oxalic acid
out where something is 2. to start or set up ethanoate noun CHEM same as acetate
something 쑗 We established routine proce- ethanoic acid noun CHEM same as ace-
dures very quickly. 왍 to establish commu- tic acid
nication to make contact 왍 to establish ethanol noun CHEM a colourless inflam-
control to get control 3. ECOL to settle or mable liquid, produced by the fermentation
grow permanently 쑗 The starling has of sugars. It is used as an ingredient of
become established in all parts of the USA. organic chemicals, intoxicating drinks and
쑗 Even established trees have been medicines. Formula: C2H5OH. Also called
attacked by the disease. ethyl alcohol
established adjective BOT, ZOOL living ethene noun CHEM same as ethylene
or growing successfully ether noun 1. MED an anaesthetic sub-
ester noun CHEM an organic compound stance, now rarely used 2. CHEM a volatile,
formed during the reaction between an acid flammable organic compound belonging to
and an alcohol with loss of water, often a class that contains -O- in its molecules
having a fragrant smell Ethernet trademark COMPUT a standard
estimate noun an approximate calcula- defining the protocol and signalling
tion of size, weight or extent 쐽 verb to method of a local area network
make an approximate calculation of size, COMMENT: The standard is IEEE 802.3.
weight or extent Ethernet has several implementations:
10Base5, the most common, is a
estimation noun 1. an approximate cal- bus-based topology running over coaxial
culation 쑗 an estimation of ground speed 쑗 cable. 10BaseT uses
Estimation of visibility is achieved by not- unshielded-twisted-pair cable in a
229 Eurosite
star-based topology. Ethernet normally has eucalypt, eucalyptus noun TREES a
a data transmission rate of 10 Mbps. quick-growing Australian hardwood tree
ethical adjective concerning accepted with strong-smelling resin. Genus: Euca-
standards of behaviour and practice lyptus.
ethical committee noun a group of eucaryote noun BIOL another spelling of
specialists who monitor experiments eukaryote
involving humans or who regulate the way eucaryotic adjective BIOL another spell-
in which members of the medical profes- ing of eukaryotic
sion conduct themselves euchromatin noun GENETICS an
ethical trading noun business practices expanded form of the material of which
which are socially responsible and protect chromosomes are composed (NOTE: It
the environment and the rights of workers occurs when DNA is being actively copied
ethics noun 1. a set of moral standards by and stains lightly only with basic dyes.)
which people behave 2. a code of practice eugenics noun SOC SCI the proposed
which shows how a group of professionals improvement of the human species by
should interact with each other encouragement to reproduce only among
Ethiopian Region noun EARTH SCI a those with genetic characteristics regarded
biogeographical region, part of Arctogea, as desirable and discouragement among
comprising Africa south of the Sahara those with characteristics regarded as
ethno- prefix BIOL human undesirable
Euglenophyta noun MARINE BIOL a divi-
ethnobotany noun BOT the study of the sion of unicellular algae
way plants are used by humans
eukaryote, eucaryote noun BIOL an
ethnopharmacology noun the study organism that has a cell or cells with nuclei
of the medicines used by people in tradi- and organelles. Compare prokaryote
tional communities
eukaryotic, eucaryotic adjective BIOL
ethology noun BIOL the study of the referring to eukaryotes
behaviour of living organisms euphotic adjective relating to the upper
ethyl acetate noun CHEM a colourless layer of a body of water that allows the
liquid that evaporates readily and has a penetration of enough light to support
pleasant fruity smell, used in perfume plants which photosynthesise
manufacture and as a solvent. Formula: euphotic zone noun EARTH SCI the top
C4H8O2. layer of water in the sea or a lake, which
ethyl alcohol noun CHEM same as etha- sunlight can penetrate and in which photo-
nol synthesis takes place
ethylbenzene noun CHEM a colourless euploid adjective GENETICS relating to a
flammable liquid used in making phe- cell or organism with a chromosome
nylethene for polystyrene manufacture number that is an even multiple of the basic
ethylene noun CHEM a hydrocarbon chromosome set for the species
occurring in natural gas and ripening fruits. Europarc noun ENVIRON a group of gov-
It is used in the production of polythene ernment and non-government organisa-
and as an anaesthetic. Also called ethene tions concerned with the management of
ethylene glycol noun CHEM a colour- protected areas
less viscous liquid with a sweet taste used European Environment Agency
as antifreeze and in polyester manufacture. noun ENVIRON an EU organisation with
Formula: C2H6O2. responsibility for environmental matters.
ethyne noun CHEM same as acetylene Abbr EEA
etiolation noun BOT the process by europium noun CHEM ELEM a soft sil-
which a green plant grown in insufficient very-white metallic element of the lantha-
light becomes yellow and grows long nide group, derived from monazite and
shoots bastnaesite and used in lasers (NOTE: The
chemical symbol is Eu; the atomic number
etiology noun BIOL another spelling of is 63 and atomic weight is 151.96.)
Eurosite noun ENVIRON a group of Euro-
ETX abbreviation COMPUT end of text pean government and non-government
EU abbreviation European Union organisations concerned with the manage-
euryhaline 230
ment of wildlife sites, currently with 75 쑗 procedures for evacuating all passengers
members in 17 countries from the airport 2. PHYS to create a vacuum
euryhaline adjective BIOL referring to an in something by removing all the air 쑗
organism which can survive a wide range evacuate a glass jar
of salt concentrations in its environment evaluate verb 1. to judge the value or
eurythermous adjective BIOL referring importance of something 쑗 We’ll evaluate
to an organism which can survive a wide the new treatment over 6 months. 2. to cal-
range of temperatures in its environment culate a value or a quantity
eurytopic adjective referring to organ- evaluation noun an examination and
isms that tolerate a wide range of environ- judgement of something 쑗 The ice detector
mental conditions system provides continuous evaluation of
eusocial society noun ZOOL a group of conditions conducive to the formation of
animals such as ants, bees and wasps in ice.
which some individuals are workers and do evaluation copy noun COMPUT a dem-
not reproduce, while others are fertile onstration version of a software product
Eustachian tube noun ANAT a canal that allows a user to try the main functions
extending from the middle ear to the of a software product before buying it
nasopharynx that equalises air pressure on evaporate verb PHYS to change from
both sides of the eardrum being a liquid to being a vapour, or to
eustatic change noun EARTH SCI a change a liquid into a vapour 쑗 In the heat
change resulting from worldwide varia- of the day, water evaporates from the sur-
tions in sea level, as distinct from regional face of the earth. 쑗 The sun evaporated all
change caused by ground movements in a the water in the puddle.
particular area evaporation noun PHYS the process of
eutectic mixture noun CHEM a mixture changing from a liquid into a vapour
that has the lowest freezing point of any evaporative adjective PHYS able to evap-
combination of its constituents orate
eutectic point noun CHEM the tempera- evapotranspiration noun BOT the
ture at which a eutectic mixture freezes, movement of water from soil through a
which is the lowest freezing point of any plant until it is released into the atmos-
constituent of the mixture phere from leaf surfaces
eutherian noun ZOOL a mammal whose evapotranspire verb ECOL to lose water
young develop within the womb attached into the atmosphere by evaporation and
to maternal tissues by a placenta. Subclass: transpiration
Eutheria. Also called placental mammal even adjective 1. flat or smooth, with no
eutrophic adjective EARTH SCI referring bumps or dents 2. uniform (of distribution)
to water which is high in dissolved mineral 쑗 an even distribution of passengers 쑗 an
nutrients even application of paint 쐽 adverb used to
eutrophication noun EARTH SCI the emphasise a comparison with something
process by which water becomes full of stated 쑗 It will be even higher than the new
phosphates and other mineral nutrients building.
which encourage the growth of algae and even number noun MATHS a number
kill other organisms. Also called eutrophy that is a multiple of two 쑗 The first three
eutrophic lake noun EARTH SCI a lake even numbers are 2, 4 and 6.
which has a high decay rate in the top layer even parity check noun COMPUT an
of water, and so contains little oxygen at error checking method that only transmits
the lowest levels (NOTE: It has few fish but an even number of binary ones in each
is rich in algae.) word. Compare odd parity check
eutrophy noun EARTH SCI same as event noun 1. an action or activity 2. a
eutrophication 쐽 verb BIOCHEM to fill catastrophic event such as an earthquake or
something up with nutrients 쑗 The sea is eruption
becoming eutrophied with nutrients. event-driven adjective COMPUT refer-
eV symbol PHYS electronvolt ring to a computer program or process
evacuate verb 1. to remove all the people where each step of the execution relies on
from a place in the event of an emergency external actions
231 excess
event focus noun COMPUT an object that exa- prefix MEASURE 10 18. Symbol E
is currently receiving messages from an exact adjective completely accurate or
action or event correct 쑗 The exact fuel flow and pressure
event handler noun COMPUT a routine is adjusted. 쑗 The calculation is not exact.
that responds to an event or message within exactly adverb 1. accurately 쑗 measure
an object-oriented programming environ- the quantity exactly 2. completely 쑗 A fuel
ment 쑗 If a user clicks the mouse button injection system performs exactly the same
this generates a message which can be function as a carburettor.
acted upon by the event handler. examination noun 1. a set of questions
event horizon noun ASTRON the bound- or exercises testing knowledge or skill 쑗
ary of a black hole, at which its gravita- The examination includes multiple-choice
tional field is strong enough to prevent the questions. 2. a careful observation or
escape of electromagnetic radiation inspection 쑗 examination of a faulty com-
eventual adjective happening at an ponent 쑗 Examination of the house
unspecified time in the future 쑗 Water in revealed traces of radon.
the fuel may lead to eventual engine stop- examine verb 1. to test someone’s
page. knowledge or skills by means of questions
eventually adverb at an unspecified time or exercises 쑗 Students will be examined in
in the future 쑗 Vapour cools and eventually four subjects. 2. MED to test or check the
condenses. condition or health of someone 쑗 to exam-
evergreen BOT adjective referring to a ine a patient 3. to study or analyse some-
plant which has leaves all year round. thing 쑗 to examine charts
Compare deciduous 쐽 noun a tree or exceed verb to be more than expected,
shrub which has leaves all year round needed or allowed 쑗 The concentration of
(NOTE: Yew trees and holly are ever- radioactive material in the waste exceeded
greens.) the government limits. 왍 it is dangerous to
evidence noun something which can be exceed the stated dose MED do not take
seen on the surface which suggests that more than the stated dose
there is a deeper structural problem 쑗 no exceedance noun the degree to which
external evidence of cracking 쑗 Deformed the concentration of a pollutant is more
wing panels may be evidence of an than a standard or permissible limit 쑗 expo-
over-stressed airframe. sure of the population to exceedances of
evident adjective easily seen or under- air quality standards
stood 쑗 It is evident from the information except preposition not including 쑗 All the
available that these problems played a part text has been keyboarded, except the last
in the cause of the accident. ten pages.
evolution noun BIOL heritable changes in except gate noun COMPUT a logical
organisms which take place over a period function whose output is true if either of
of time involving several generations two inputs is true and false if both inputs
(NOTE: Significant evolutionary changes are the same
can occur in a species in relatively few gen- exception noun something or someone
erations.) not included 왍 an exception to the rule an
evolutionary adjective BIOL referring to example which does not conform to a gen-
evolution 쑗 Evolutionary changes have eral statement 왍 with the exception of not
taken place over millions of years. including
evolutionary ecology noun ECOL the exceptional adjective 1. being an excep-
study of the impact of evolution on current tion 2. well above average
ecological patterns exception handling noun COMPUT the
evolve verb 1. to develop gradually 쑗 The routines and procedures that diagnose and
strategy is still evolving. 2. BIOL to change correct errors or minimise the effects of
and develop gradually over millions of errors, so that a system will run when an
years from primitive forms into the range error is detected. Also called error han-
of plant and animal species known on dling, error management
Earth 3. PHYS to give off a physical quan- excess noun an amount or quantity
tity or chemical substance such as heat, gas greater than what is expected, needed or
or vapour allowed 왍 in excess of more than 쐽 adjec-
excess-3 code 232
tive more than is expected, needed or same atom and they must differ in energy
allowed level, spin or some other characteristic.
excess-3 code noun MATHS a code in Also called Pauli exclusion principle
which decimal digits are represented by the exclusion zone noun an area that peo-
binary equivalent of three greater than the ple may not enter because a hazardous sub-
number 쑗 The excess-3 code representa- stance has been released
tion of 6 is 1001. exclusive NOR noun MATHS a logical
excess electron noun PHYS an electron function whose output is true if all inputs
added to a semiconductor by adding an are the same level and false if any are dif-
impurity to the semiconductor ferent. Abbr EXNOR
excessive adjective more than expected, exclusive OR noun MATHS a logical
needed or allowed 쑗 Excessive ultraviolet function whose output is true if any input is
radiation can cause skin cancer. true and false if all the inputs are the same.
excess power noun MECH ENG the dif- Abbr EXOR
ference between horsepower available and excrement noun BIOL faeces
horsepower required
exchange verb to take one thing and put excreta plural noun BIOL the waste mate-
rial excreted from the body of an animal,
another in its place 쑗 Meteorological sta-
e.g. faeces, urine, droppings or sweat
tions exchange information with other
meteorological stations. excrete verb BIOL to pass waste matter
exchangeable adjective COMPUT able to out of the body 쑗 The urinary system sepa-
be exchanged rates waste liquids from the blood and
excretes them as urine. Compare secrete
exchange selection noun a sorting
method which repeatedly exchanges vari- excretion noun BIOL the passing of the
ous pairs of data items until they are in waste products of metabolism such as fae-
order ces, urine, sweat or carbon dioxide out of
excitation noun 1. PHYS the process dur- the body. Compare secretion
ing which a nucleus, electron, atom or ion executable file noun COMPUT a file that
acquires enough energy to raise it to a contains a program rather than data
quantum or excited state. The difference of execute verb COMPUT to run or carry out
energy between ground level and the a computer program or process
excited state is the excitation energy. 2. execute cycle noun COMPUT the series
ELEC the act of supplying a small current to of events required to fetch, decode and
the windings of larger electrical motors carry out an instruction stored in memory
excite verb PHYS to raise a particle, atom, execute phase noun COMPUT a section
molecule or system from its lowest energy of the execute cycle when the instruction is
level (ground state) to a higher energy carried out
excited state noun PHYS a state in which execution noun COMPUT the process of
carrying out a computer program or proc-
a particle, atom, molecule or system has a
higher energy level than its ground state
exciter noun ELEC a device that supplies execution cycle noun COMPUT a period
a small current to the windings of a larger of time during which an instruction is exe-
electrical motor cuted
exclosure noun ENVIRON an area fenced executive adjective 1. referring to mak-
to prevent animals from entering. Compare ing decisions and managing situations 2.
enclosure COMPUT referring to the operating system
exclude verb to keep something out 쑗
of a computer
Joints and interfaces should exclude mois- executive control program noun
ture and improve fatigue life. COMPUT same as operating system
exclusion noun 1. the act of not includ- executive information system noun
ing something or someone 2. COMPUT COMPUT an easy-to-use piece of software
restriction of access to a system providing information to managers or
exclusion principle noun PHYS the executives about their company. Abbr EIS
rule that not more than one particle can exercise verb to use something 쑗 Exer-
have the same quantum conditions in the cise special care when handling chemicals.
233 exothermic
exert verb 왍 to exert an influence to have indication of the existence of a dangerous
an influence 왍 to exert pressure to put condition.
pressure onto something exit noun the act of going out of a place 쑗
exhalation noun BIOL the action of The exhaust valve opens to allow for the
breathing out. Compare inhalation exit of exhaust gases. 쐽 verb COMPUT to
exhale verb BIOL to breathe out. Compare stop program execution or to leave a pro-
inhale gram and return control to the operating
exhaust verb 1. BIOL to tire someone out system or interpreter
2. to use something up completely 쑗 The exitance noun a measure of the level of
supplies are exhausted. 쐽 noun 1. ENG flux emitted per unit area of a surface
waste gases from an engine 2. AUTOMOT (NOTE: Radiant exitance (Me) is measured
the part of an engine through which waste in watts per square metre (W m-2 while
gases pass 쑗 Fumes from vehicle exhausts luminous exitance (Mv) is measured in
contribute a large percentage of air pollu- lumens per square metre (1m m-2)).)
tion in towns. exit point noun COMPUT a point in a sub-
exhausted fallow noun AGRIC fallow routine where control is returned to the
land which is no longer fertile main program 쑗 You have to exit to another
exhaust fumes, exhaust gases plural editing system to add headlines.
noun AUTOMOT gases, including carbon exjunction noun COMPUT a logical func-
dioxide and carbon monoxide, produced tion whose output is true if either of two
by the engine of a car or truck as it burns inputs is true and false if both inputs are the
petrol or fuel same
exhaust gas filter system noun EXNOR abbreviation MATHS exclusive
AUTOMOT a means of removing some or all NOR
of the harmful emissions from the exhaust
gases of an engine by filtration or catalytic exobiology noun ASTRON the study of
action possible life in the universe other than on
exhaustion noun 1. the complete using the Earth
up of something 쑗 the exhaustion of the exocarp noun BOT same as epicarp
area’s natural resources 2. extreme tired- exocrine gland noun ANAT a gland that
ness or fatigue discharges its secretion through a duct into
exhaustive adjective complete and thor- a body cavity or to the exterior, e.g. the
ough 쑗 an exhaustive reply to the safety sweat glands and salivary glands
concerns 쑗 an exhaustive search for the exogamous adjective BIOL referring to a
information zygote produced by gametes from two
exhaust purification device noun unrelated parents
AUTOMOT same as exhaust gas filter sys- exogenous adjective BIOL originating
tem outside an organism
exhaust system noun AUTOMOT a part exon noun GENETICS a discontinuous
of an engine through which waste gases
sequence of DNA that carries the genetic
code for the final messenger RNA mole-
exhaust valve noun AUTOMOT a valve in cule
a piston engine which allows exhaust gases
to leave the cylinder EXOR abbreviation MATHS exclusive OR
exhibit verb to have something as a char- exoskeleton noun ZOOL a hard covering
acteristic 쑗 Composites, due to their con- or skeleton situated on the outside of
struction, exhibit good fatigue behaviour. 쑗 organisms such as crustaceans, insects, tur-
Altocumulus cloud frequently exhibits a tles and armadillos, giving support and
waved appearance. protection
exist verb to be present under particular exosphere noun EARTH SCI the highest
circumstances or in a particular place 쑗 layers of Earth’s atmosphere, more than
Water can exist in the atmosphere in three 650km above the surface and composed
forms. 쑗 A fire risk may exist following fail- almost entirely of hydrogen
ure or leakage of any component. exothermic adjective CHEM relating to a
existence noun the fact or state of being chemical reaction that is a net producer of
쑗 Warning systems are provided to give an heat energy. Compare endothermic
exothermic reaction 234
exothermic reaction noun a
CHEM redshift in the radiation from distant
chemical reaction in which heat is given galaxies. The Hubble Constant which tells
us how fast objects recede for their distance
out to the surroundings. Compare endo- is today put at 55 kilometres per second per
thermic reaction million parsecs of distance. Distance has
exotic ECOL adjective referring to an been determined from looking at Cepheid
organism or species that is not native and variables in nearby galaxies and by other
means for more distant ones, while the
has been introduced from another place or velocities are found from redshifts in optical
region 쐽 noun an organism or species that or other wavelengths.
is not native to its current environment 왘 expansion slot noun COMPUT a connec-
also called (all senses) alien tor inside a computer into which an expan-
exotoxin noun MED a poison produced by sion card can be plugged 쑗 Insert the board
bacteria which affects parts of the body in the expansion slot.
away from the place of infection expansivity noun PHYS the measure of
expand verb to increase in size, volume how much a solid or liquid expands or con-
or quantity 쑗 Air expands when heated and tracts in different temperatures
contracts when cooled. (NOTE: The oppo- expect verb to hope or assume that some-
site is contract; but when it is caused by thing is going to happen 쑗 the weather to
factors other than temperature it is com- be expected around the equinox
expandable adjective able to be expected adjective hoped for as a possi-
bility 쑗 the expected number of passengers
expandable system noun COMPUT a
expel verb to force something out 쑗
computer system that is designed to be able Exhaust gases are expelled from the cylin-
to grow in power or memory by hardware der by the upward movement of the piston.
쑗 The piston expels fluid into the system on
or software additions
the inward stroke.
expanded adjective INDUST referring to
plastic or polystyrene made into a hard expenditure noun 1. the spending of
lightweight foam by blowing air or gas into money 쑗 agreed the expenditure of public
it funds for this project 2. the amount of
COMMENT: Expanded polystyrene and
money spent
other plastics are extensively used for pack- experience noun 1. the building up of
aging. CFCs are sometimes used in their knowledge or skill over a period of time by
manufacture. an active participation in events or activi-
expansion noun 1. an increase in size, ties 쑗 a teacher with 20 years’ experience
volume or quantity 쑗 There is an expansion 2. an event 쑗 The first solo flight is an expe-
of the gas when it is heated. 2. COMPUT an rience most pilots never forget. 쐽 verb to
increase in computing power or storage participate in something or find yourself in
size 3. MATHS (of a mathematical expres- a particular situation 쑗 It is not unusual to
sion) the rewriting of a mathematical func- experience traffic delays. 쑗 Turbulence can
tion as a series of terms be experienced when flying through a
expansion bus noun COMPUT data and trough.
address lines leading to a connector and experiment noun a scientific test under
allowing expansion cards to control and controlled conditions that is made to dem-
access the data in main memory onstrate or discover something 쑗 Experi-
expansion card noun COMPUT a printed ments have shown that left-handed people
circuit board connected to a system to often have better hand/eye coordination
increase its functions or performance than right-handed people. 왍 to conduct an
expansion chamber noun PHYS a con- experiment to carry out an experiment 쐽
tainer which allows for expansion of a fluid verb to carry out a scientific test under con-
caused by increase in temperature or some trolled conditions in order to demonstrate
other factor or discover something 왍 to experiment
expansion of the universe noun with something to try something to see
ASTRON the process by which the universe how it performs or affects you 쑗 experi-
is moving outwards after the Big Bang menting with new drug delivery systems 왍
some 20 billion years ago to experiment on someone or something
COMMENT: The expansion is seen by to use someone or something in an experi-
terrestrial observers in the form of the ment 쑗 experimented on laboratory mice
235 express
experimental adjective referring to sive growth 쐽 noun a substance which can
something still at an early stage of develop- explode
ment 쑗 the experimental and testing stages explosive hazard noun the risk that a
of a new technique substance may blow up
experimentally adverb by carrying out exponent noun MATHS a number indicat-
experiments ing the power to which a base number is to
expert noun a person who knows a lot be raised
about something 쑗 He is a computer exponential adjective 1. increasing
expert. 쑗 She is an expert in programming more and more rapidly 2. referring to a
languages. mathematical function that varies in rela-
expert system noun COMPUT a piece of tion to the power of another value. If x = n
software which applies the knowledge, , then x is said to vary exponentially with
advice and rules defined by experts in a y.
particular field to a user’s data to help solve exponentially adverb more and more
a problem rapidly 쑗 We can expect this population to
expire verb 1. PHYSIOL to breathe out 2. increase exponentially over the next few
BIOL to die years.
explanatory adjective giving an expla- exponentiation noun MATHS the action
nation 쑗 an explanatory paragraph of raising a base number to a particular
explicit address noun COMPUT an power
address provided in two parts, the refer- export verb COMPUT to save data in a dif-
ence point and a displacement or index ferent file format from the default 쑗 To use
value this data with dBASE, you will have to
explicit reference noun COMPUT a way export it as a DBF file.
of identifying a particular object, e.g. a expose verb 1. to subject something or
field or button, by a unique name someone to an action or an effect 쑗 When
explode verb 1. PHYS to burst, or to make the slope of a hill is exposed to solar radi-
something burst, violently 2. to increase ation, wind currents are set up. 쑗 She had
rapidly 쑗 Population numbers have been exposed to the contaminant at work.
exploded. 2. to show something which was covered
or hidden 쑗 The report exposed a lack of
exploit verb 1. to take advantage of some- supervision in maintenance of the reactor.
thing 쑗 Ladybirds have exploited the sud-
den increase in the numbers of insects. 2. exposed adjective 1. referring to some-
to use a natural resource 쑗 exploiting the thing or someone not covered or hidden 쑗
natural wealth of the forest 3. to treat We painted all the exposed surfaces. 2.
something or someone unfairly for per- ENVIRON not protected from environmental
sonal benefit effects 쑗 left in an exposed position on the
hillside 왍 exposed to the sun in sunlight
exploitation noun 1. the action of taking without covering
advantage of something 2. the utilisation of
natural resources 쑗 Further exploitation of exposure noun 1. the act or process of
the coal deposits is not economic. 3. the being exposed to an agent 쑗 exposure to
unfair use of something or treatment of radiation 2. MED the harmful effect of hav-
someone for personal benefit ing no protection from the weather 쑗 suf-
fering from exposure after spending a night
explosion noun 1. a release of energy in in the snow
a sudden and often violent way 쑗 an explo-
sion caused by a bomb 2. the action of exposure assessment noun an
bursting as a result of internal pressure 쑗 assessment of the amount of exposure to a
tyre explosion due to overheating 3. the chemical or other hazard to which a popu-
loud sound made as a result of an explosion lation has been subjected
쑗 The passengers heard an explosion. 4. a exposure dose noun MED the amount
sudden increase 쑗 An explosion in cases of of radiation to which someone has been
the virus disease is predicted. exposed
explosive adjective 1. able to or express verb to put something into
designed to burst or explode 쑗 an explosive words, symbols or signs 쑗 An angle may be
device 2. causing a rapid increase 쑗 explo- expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds.
expression 236
쑗 Pressure altitudes are expressed in hun- The accident was caused, to a certain
dreds of feet. extent, by the poor weather. 왍 to a lesser or
expression noun 1. MATHS a mathemat- greater extent not as much as or more
ical formula or relationship 2. COMPUT a than something previously stated
definition of a value or variable in a pro- external adjective referring to the outside
gram of something 쑗 external appearance Oppo-
expressivity noun GENETICS the extent site internal 왍 for external use referring to
to which a gene affects the observable medication that is to be used only on the
characteristics (phenotype) of an organ- outside of the body and not swallowed.
ism Compare internal
ex-situ adjective BIOL referring to the external clock noun COMPUT a clock or
study, maintenance or conservation of an synchronising signal supplied from outside
organism away from its natural surround- a device
ings. Compare in-situ external device noun COMPUT 1. an
extend verb to make something longer item of hardware such as a terminal or
extended arithmetic element noun printer that is attached to a main computer
COMPUT a section of a central processing 2. a device that allows communications
unit that provides hardware implementa- between the computer and itself, but which
tions of various mathematical functions is not directly operated by the main com-
extended binary coded decimal puter
interchange code noun COMPUT an external disk drive noun COMPUT a
8-bit character coding system. Abbr device that is not built into the computer,
EBCDIC but is added to increase its storage capabil-
extended family noun SOC SCI a family ities
group which includes not only parents and external effects plural noun INDUST the
their offspring but also other blood rela- costs to society of industrial processes
tives. Compare nuclear family which are not reflected in the price of the
extensible language noun COMPUT a product sold, e.g. the environmental costs
computer programming language that associated with a power station. Also
allows the user to add data types and com- called externalities
mands external iliac artery noun ANAT an
extensification noun AGRIC the use of artery which branches from the aorta in the
less intensive farming methods. Compare abdomen and leads to the leg
intensification external interrupt noun COMPUT an
extension noun something added to interrupt signal from a peripheral device
something else to make it longer indicating that attention is required
extension cable noun ELEC a cable that externalities plural noun INDUST same
allows a device located at some distance to as external effects
be connected external maxillary artery noun ANAT
extensive adjective large in range or a branch of the external carotid artery, in
amount 쑗 Extensive use is made of volun- the face
teers. external register noun COMPUT a user’s
extensive agriculture, extensive register located in main memory rather
farming noun AGRIC a way of farming than within the CPU
which is characterised by a low level of external respiration noun PHYSIOL the
inputs per unit of land. Compare intensive process of oxygen in the air being
agriculture exchanged in the lungs for carbon dioxide
extensive system noun AGRIC a farm- from the blood
ing system which uses a large amount of external schema noun COMPUT the
land per unit of stock or output 쑗 an exten- user’s view of the structure of data or a pro-
sive system of pig farming gram
extent noun a range or amount of some- exteroceptor noun BIOL a sensory organ
thing 쑗 The horizontal extent of the cloud which is affected by stimuli from outside
averages about 50 km. 쑗 Clouds of great the body, e.g. the eye or ear
vertical extent are not uncommon. 왍 to a extinct adjective 1. ECOL referring to a
certain extent, to some extent partly 쑗 species which has died out and no longer
237 eye-dropper
exists 쑗 Several native species have substance out of another 쑗 the extraction of
become extinct since sailors in the nine- sugar from cane
teenth century introduced dogs to the extractor noun ENG a device that extracts
island. 2. EARTH SCI referring to a volcano something, e.g. a machine which removes
which is no longer erupts. Compare dor- fumes or gas
mant extractor fan noun ENG a small fan
extinction noun 1. ECOL the process of a which removes fumes or smoke from a
species dying out 2. PHYS the effect by kitchen or factory
which a beam of light is reduced in inten- extragalactic adjective ASTRON exist-
sity as it passes through a solution ing, originating or happening outside the
extinction rate noun the rate at which galaxy that contains Earth
species become extinct extranet noun COMPUT an internal com-
extinction vortex noun a situation pany network (intranet) that has a connec-
where genetic traits and environmental tion to the public Internet and allows users
conditions combine to make a species to gain access via the Internet (NOTE: It is
gradually become extinct often used to provide access to people in
the company who are working away from
extinguish verb to put out a fire
the office.)
extinguisher noun a portable mechani- extrapolate verb to estimate something
cal device for spraying and putting out a by using known facts 쑗 Information given
fire with chemicals on a synoptic chart can be extrapolated, by
extinguishing agent noun CHEM 1. the use of some simple guidelines.
one of several substances used to put out extrasolar adjective ASTRON existing in
fires 2. a chemical substance which makes or relating to space outside the solar sys-
another substance react tem that contains Earth
extracellular adjective BIOL taking place extreme adjective 1. most distant in any
or situated outside a cell or cells direction 쑗 the most extreme point on the
extrachromosomal adjective GENET- map 2. to the greatest or highest degree 쑗
ICS referring to the inheritance of charac- extreme difficulty 쑗 Extreme care must be
teristics controlled by factors that are not taken in handling the specimens. 쐽 noun
carried on chromosomes either of the two things situated at opposite
extracode noun COMPUT a short routine ends of a range 쑗 the extremes of boiling
within the operating system that emulates a and freezing 쑗 The region experiences
hardware function extremes of temperature.
extract noun 1. a part taken from a longer extremophile noun BIOL an organism,
especially a microorganism, that thrives in
text 쑗 The following paragraph is an
climatic or environmental extremes such as
extract from the safety regulations. 2. a
the intense heat of a boiling sulphur pool or
preparation made by removing water or
the intense cold of Arctic permafrost
alcohol from a substance, leaving only the
essence 쐽 verb 1. to take something out of extrinsic factor noun BIOCHEM a form
somewhere 쑗 Vanilla essence is extracted of vitamin B12
from an orchid. 2. to obtain something such extrinsic semiconductor noun PHYS
as information or data from a source 3. to a semiconductor material that has had
obtain information from something 쑗 impurities added to change its conductive
Extract the important information from the properties
report and make a summary. 4. CHEM, extrusive adjective EARTH SCI referring
INDUST to obtain something from a sub- to rock formed from molten lava which has
stance by a chemical or industrial process pushed up through the Earth’s crust
쑗 A dehumidifier extracts moisture from eye noun 1. ANAT a sense organ that is
the atmosphere. 5. to take something such used for seeing 2. METEOROL the central
as a mineral out of the ground 6. to remove point of a tropical storm, where pressure is
the essence from a liquid lowest (NOTE: The eye can be several kilo-
extraction noun 1. INDUST the act or metres wide and may take some minutes
process of removing something 쑗 The to pass.)
extraction of coal from the mine is becom- eye-dropper noun COMPUT a tool in a
ing too costly. 2. the action of producing a graphics software application that allows a
eyepiece 238
user to click on a pixel in an image and eyesight noun BIOL same as vision
select the colour of the pixel eyespot noun ZOOL a marking in the
eyepiece noun ASTRON the part of a tele- shape of an eye, e.g. on some butterflies
scope or microscope that holds the lens wings or on a peacock’s tail
through which the image is viewed eye tooth noun DENT a canine tooth
F symbol 1. PHYS Fahrenheit 2. PHYS, facies noun BIOL the characteristic
MEASURE farad 3. ELEC, MEASURE faraday appearance of something such as an animal
4. CHEM ELEM fluorine 쐽 noun MATHS the or plant
hexadecimal number equivalent to decimal facilitate verb to enable something to
number 15 happen more easily or quickly 쑗 A ramp is
f- prefix one thousandth of a million mil- used to facilitate access to the wing.
lionth (10-15). Full form femto- facilitation noun a situation in which a
F1 noun GENETICS (in breeding experi- developing community changes an envi-
ments) the first generation of offspring ronment allowing other species to invade
from a cross between two plants or animals facility noun 1. a natural aptitude or abil-
F1 hybrid noun GENETICS, BOT a plant
ity 쑗 a facility for logical thinking 2. a
produced by breeding two parent plants, building or site with a particular function 쑗
which is stronger than the parents, but a processing facility 쑗 a recycling facility
which will not itself breed true 3. a mode of operation which allows the
user of equipment to do something 쑗 The
fabric noun cloth produced especially by printer has a self-test facility. 쐽 plural noun
knitting or weaving facilities the building, equipment or
fabricate verb INDUST to manufacture resources which can be used to do some-
something 쑗 The ease with which alumin- thing 쑗 laboratory facilities
ium can be fabricated into any form is one facsimile transmission noun TELE-
of its most important qualities. COM the sending and receiving of images
face noun 1. ANAT the front of the head, by fax
including the eyes, nose and mouth 2. the fact noun a piece of information 쑗 inter-
surface of an object 쑗 the face of the Earth esting scientific facts
쑗 The exhaust cone prevents the hot gases factor noun 1. something that has an
from flowing across the rear face of the tur- influence on something else 쑗 Even with
bine disc. 왍 the north face of a mountain modern instruments, visibility remains a
the vertical or near-vertical side facing very important factor in aviation. 2. MATHS
north 3. (of a clock or instrument) the part the amount by which something is multi-
with a dial and indicators 쑗 the face of an plied 왍 by a factor of indicating a quantity
instrument 쐽 verb to turn towards a partic- by which a stated quantity is multiplied or
ular direction 쑗 The window faces east. divided, so as to indicate an increase or
facet noun a surface or plane decrease in a measurement 쑗 The number
of plants in the quadrat had increased by a
faceted code noun COMPUT a code factor of 10. 3. MATHS either of two num-
which indicates various details of an item bers or quantities that can be multiplied
by assigning each one a value together to give a particular number 4. MED
facial artery noun ANAT an artery which a substance in the plasma which makes the
branches off the external carotid into the blood coagulate when a blood vessel is
face and mouth injured
facial nerve noun ANAT the seventh cra- factorial noun MATHS the product of all
nial nerve which governs the muscles of the numbers below a number (NOTE: For
the face, the taste buds on the front of the example, 4 factorial (written 4!) = 1x2x3x4
tongue and the salivary and lacrimal glands = 24.)
factorise 240
factorise verb MATHSto break down a agenda failed. 2. to stop working properly
number into two whole numbers which 쑗 The car’s brakes must have failed.
when multiplied will give the original fail safe system noun 1. a system or
number 쑗 When factorised, 15 gives the device which has in-built safeguards
factors 1, 15 or 3, 5. against total failure 쑗 The term ’fail safe’
Factor IX noun MED same as Christmas means in this case that the structure,
factor though damaged, is capable of supporting
Factor VIII noun MED a substance in a reasonable percentage of its design load.
plasma that makes blood coagulate and 2. COMPUT a system which has a predeter-
which is lacking in haemophiliacs mined state it will go to if a main program
factor XII noun BIOCHEM same as Hage- or device fails, so avoiding the problems
man factor that a complete system shutdown would
factory noun INDUST a building where
products are manufactured 쑗 a chemical fail soft system noun a system which
factory will still be partly operational even after a
factory farm noun AGRIC a farm that part of the system has failed
uses intensive methods of rearing animals failure noun 1. breakdown 쑗 Engine fail-
factory farming noun AGRIC a highly ure is sometimes accompanied by fire. 2.
intensive method of rearing animals char- the fact of not achieving the desired end or
acterised by keeping large numbers of ani- ends 쑗 the failure of an experiment 왍 fail-
mals indoors in confined spaces and ure to do something not having done
feeding them processed foods, with the use something 쑗 criticised their failure to com-
of drugs to control diseases ply with the safety regulations
facultative adjective describing an failure annunciation noun ELEC a set
organism that usually exists in a particular of signals on an annunciator panel that
set of circumstances but is also able to do indicate the failure of a system
so in different circumstances 쑗 a faculta- failure logging noun COMPUT a section
tive parasite 쑗 a facultative anaerobe of an operating system that automatically
Compare obligate saves the present system states and relevant
fade noun 1. a periodic reduction in the data when an error or fault is detected
received strength of a radio transmission 쑗 failure rate noun a number of failures of
Surface wave at night causes fade of the a specific type within a specific period of
signal. 2. a periodic reduction in braking time
power 쑗 Hard braking can cause fade and failure recovery noun the return to nor-
tyre burst through overheating. 쐽 verb to mal activity of a process or program after a
lose brightness, loudness or brilliance failure has occurred and been corrected
gradually 쑗 The radio signal faded.
faecal adjective BIOL referring to faeces fairing noun AEROSP a device to improve
(NOTE: The US spelling is fecal.)
the flow of air over a surface 쑗 There is a
dorsal fairing at the base of the fin or ver-
faecal matter noun BIOL same as faeces tical stabiliser. 쑗 Wheel fairings, called
faeces plural noun BIOL solid waste mat- spats, are fitted to light aircraft to reduce
ter passed from the bowels of a human or drag.
other animal after food has been eaten and Fajans’ rules plural noun CHEM the rules
digested (NOTE: The US spelling is feces.) that state when a chemical compound will
Fahrenheit noun MEASURE a scale of have ionic rather than covalent bonds
temperatures on which the freezing and
boiling points of water are 32° and 212°, fall noun 1. a reduction 쑗 a fall in pressure
2. METEOROL the amount of rain or snow
respectively (NOTE: The Fahrenheit scale
is still commonly used in the USA.)
which comes down at any one time 쑗 an
overnight fall of snow 3. US autumn 쐽 verb
COMMENT: To convert Fahrenheit tempera-
tures to Celsius, subtract 32, multiply by 5 1. to become less in amount 쑗 atmospheric
and divide by 9. So 68°F is equal to 20°C. pressure is falling 2. to be included within
As a quick rough estimate, subtract 30 and the range of something 쑗 Design methods
divide by two. fall into four groups. 3. to come down
fail verb 1. to be unsuccessful 쑗 Attempts freely because of gravity 쑗 Light rain may
to reach agreement on the environmental fall occasionally. 4. to occur at a particular
241 Faraday cage
time 쑗 The vernal equinox falls in March. knowledge of something 쑗 He is familiar
(NOTE: falling – fell – fallen) with the procedure.
fall back recovery noun COMPUT the familiarise verb 왍 to familiarise your-
return to normal activity of a program after self with to get to know something well
a fault has been fixed, from the point at family noun 1. BIOL a group of people, or
which fall back routines were called of some other animals, composed of par-
fallopian tube noun ANAT in mammals, ents and offspring 2. BIOL a group of genera
a tube that conveys eggs from an ovary to which have some characteristics in com-
the womb mon 쑗 the plant family Orchidaceae 쑗
fallout noun ENVIRON the radioactive Tigers and leopards are members of the cat
matter which falls from the atmosphere as family. (NOTE: Scientific names of families
particles, either in rain or as dust of animals end in -idae and those of fami-
lies of plants end in -ae.) 3. COMPUT a
fallow AGRIC noun a period when land is
not being used for growing crops for a range of different designs of a particular
period so that nutrients can build up again typeface 4. ENG a range of machines from
in the soil or to control weeds 쑗 Shifting one manufacturer that are compatible with
cultivation is characterised by short crop- other products in the same line from the
ping periods and long fallows. 쐽 adjective same manufacturer
referring to land that is not being used for fan ENG noun a mechanism which circu-
growing crops for a period lates air for cooling 쑗 If the fan fails, the
fallow crop noun AGRIC a crop grown in system will rapidly overheat. 쐽 verb to cool
widely spaced rows, so that it is possible to a device by blowing air over it
hoe and cultivate between the rows fang noun 1. a long pointed tooth of an
animal on each side of the mouth towards
fallow cultivation noun AGRIC a type of the front 2. ZOOL a tooth of a venomous
cultivation in which the period under crops
snake, with a hollow or grooves through
is increased and the length of the fallow is
which venom is emitted
fan-in noun ELECTRONICS the maximum
fallspeed noun METEOROL the speed at number of inputs that a circuit or chip can
which raindrops or dry particles fall deal with
through the air
fanning noun ENVIRON the spreading out
fallstreak noun METEOROL a column of of a horizontal layer of smoke and other
ice particles which are falling through a pollutants from a chimney
fan out verb to spread out from a central
false adjective not true or not correct 쑗 point
Lightning may cause false readings from
sensitive instruments. fan-out noun ELEC the maximum number
of outputs that a circuit or chip can drive
false code noun COMPUT a code that without exceeding its power dissipation
contains values not within specified limits limit
false drop noun COMPUT the retrieval of FAO abbreviation FOOD INDUST, AGRIC
unwanted files from a database through the Food and Agriculture Organization
use of incorrect search codes FAQ abbreviation COMPUT frequently
false error noun COMPUT an error warn- asked questions
ing given when no error has occurred farad noun MEASURE the SI derived unit
false fruit noun BOT same as pseudo- of electric capacitance. Symbol F (NOTE: A
carp capacitor carrying one coulomb of charge
false positive noun MED, SCI the result when a potential difference of one volt is
of a medical, chemical, or biological test applied has a capacitance of one farad.)
that appears to be positive but is in fact faraday noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
erroneous electric charge equal to that required to
FAM abbreviation COMPUT fast access deposit a unit amount of singly charged
memory substance during electrolysis. Symbol F
familiar adjective 1. common 쑗 Clouds (NOTE: Its approximate SI equivalent is
are the most familiar visible meteorologi- 96485 coulombs.)
cal feature. 2. well known or easily recog- Faraday cage noun ELEC a wire or
nised 왍 to be familiar with to have some metal screen, connected to ground, that
Faraday constant 242
completely encloses sensitive equipment fast access memory noun COMPUT a
to prevent any interference from stray elec- storage location which can be read from or
tromagnetic radiation written to very rapidly. Abbr FAM
Faraday constant noun the electric fast breeder reactor, fast breeder
charge carried by one mole of electrons, noun INDUST a nuclear reactor which pro-
equal to 9.64853 x 104 coulombs per mole. duces more fissile material than it con-
Symbol F sumes, using fast-moving neutrons and
Faraday’s law of electrolysis noun making plutonium-239 from uranium-238,
PHYS a law developed by Michael Faraday thereby increasing the reactor’s efficiency.
describing the chemical changes caused by Abbr FBR
changing electrical charge fast core noun COMPUT a high speed, low
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic access time working memory for a CPU 쑗
induction noun PHYS a law developed by The fast core is used as a scratchpad for all
Michael Faraday describing the electromo- calculations in this system.
tive force generated in a conductor by a fast fission noun PHYS nuclear fission of
changing magnetic flux the uranium-238 isotope, which is much
Faraday’s laws noun PHYS a law devel- faster than that of uranium-235
oped by Michael Faraday describing the fast line noun TELECOM a special tele-
electromagnetic induction of an e.m.f. or communications line which allows data to
electrical charge in a conductor when near be transmitted at 48K or 96K baud rates
a changing magnetic flux fast neutron noun PHYS a neutron with
farm AGRIC noun 1. an area of land used energy in excess of 1.5MeV, sufficient to
for growing crops and keeping animals to produce fission in uranium 238
provide food and the buildings associated fat BIOL noun a white oily substance in the
with it 2. an area of land or water where body of mammals, which stores energy
particular animals or crops are raised com- and protects the body against cold (NOTE:
mercially 쑗 a fish farm 쑗 a butterfly farm 쐽 Fat has no plural when it means the sub-
verb 1. to run a farm 2. to grow crops and stance in the body of mammals; the plural
keep animals on a particular piece or size fats is used to mean different types of fat.)
of land 쑗 He farms 100 acres in Devon. 3. 쐽 adjective describing the body of a large
to raise a particular animal or crop com- person or animal (NOTE: fat – fatter – fat-
mercially 쑗 He intends to farm salmon and test)
sea bass. COMMENT: Fat is a necessary part of diet
because of the vitamins and energy-giving
farmed adjective AGRIC 1. grown or pro- calories which it contains. Fat in the diet
duced commercially and not in the wild 쑗 comes from either animal fats or vegetable
farmed salmon 2. referring to meat from oils. Animal fats such as butter, fat meat or
fish grown in a fish farm or from animals cream, are saturated fatty acids. It is
kept on a farm 쑗 farmed venison believed that the intake of unsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats, mainly vegetable oils
farmer noun AGRIC someone who runs or and fish oil, in the diet, rather than animal
owns a farm fats, helps keep down the level of choles-
terol in the blood and so lessens the risk of
farmer’s lung noun MED a type of atherosclerosis. A low-fat diet does not
asthma caused by an allergy to rotting hay always help to reduce weight.
farm produce noun AGRIC food such as FAT abbreviation COMPUT file allocation
fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and butter, table
which is produced on a farm fatal adjective BIOL causing death 쑗 a fatal
fascia noun ANAT fibrous tissue covering accident 쑗 a fatal dose
a muscle or an organ fatal error noun COMPUT a fault in a pro-
fascicle noun BOT a bundle of branches, gram or device that causes the system to
leaves or stems arising from the same point crash
fasciitis noun MED inflammation of the father noun a man who has a son or
bands of connective tissue (fascia) daughter
between muscles or around organs, from father file noun COMPUT a backup of the
infection or unknown causes previous version of a file
fast adjective PHYS (of a neutron) having a fatigue noun 1. physical or mental tired-
lot of energy ness resulting from exertion 쑗 Fatigue was
243 feed
a contributing factor in the accident. 2. the faulty sector noun COMPUT a sector of a
weakening or failure of a material such as magnetic disk that cannot be written to or
metal resulting from stress 쑗 Fan blades read from correctly
must be resistant to fatigue and thermal fauna noun 1. ECOL the wild animals and
shock. 쑗 Titanium has good fatigue resist- birds which live naturally in a specific area.
ance. Compare flora 2. EARTH SCI a book or list
fatigue crack noun a crack caused by describing the animals and birds of a spe-
fatigue of materials cific area. 쒁 flora
fat-soluble adjective CHEM referring to a favourable condition noun ENVIRON a
substance that can be dissolved in fat 쑗 category indicating a good state of conser-
Vitamin D is fat-soluble. 쑗 Polychlorinated vation of an area of the environment
biphenyls are fat-soluble and collect in the FBC abbreviation INDUST fluidised-bed
blubber of seals. combustion
fatty adjective BIOL containing a lot of fat FBR abbreviation INDUST fast breeder
쑗 Fatty foods contribute to the risk of obes-
ity. FC abbreviation INDUST fibre-concrete
FCA abbreviation ENVIRON full-cost
fatty acid noun 1. BIOCHEM an acid found accounting
in plants and animals that consists of a
straight chain of carbon atoms ending in a FDA abbreviation INDUST Food and Drug
carboxyl group which is an important sub- Administration
stance in the body 2. CHEM 쏡 carboxylic fdc abbreviation COMPUT floppy disk con-
acid troller
FDD abbreviation COMPUT floppy disk
fatty degeneration noun MED the accu- drive
mulation of fat in the cells of an organ such
as the liver or heart, making the organ less FDDI abbreviation COMPUT fibre distrib-
able to perform uted data interface
FDM abbreviation COMPUT frequency
fault noun 1. a feature that spoils the over- division multiplexing
all quality of something 쑗 a design fault 2. fdx, FDX abbreviation COMPUT full duplex
an error, especially in a calculation 3. COM-
PUT a situation where something has gone
Fe symbol CHEM ELEM iron
wrong with software or hardware, causing feather noun ZOOL an outgrowth of the
it to malfunction 쑗 The technical staff are epidermis on a bird’s body and wings pro-
trying to correct a programming fault. 4. viding insulation. The feathers on the
EARTH SCI a change in the position of the wings and those forming the tail are impor-
rock layers of the Earth’s crust in response tant in flight. 쒁 feathers
to stress, leading to earthquakes feathers plural noun ZOOL the fringes of
fault diagnosis noun COMPUT the proc- hair that some dogs and horses have on
their legs or tails
ess by which the cause of a fault is located
feature noun an important, noticeable or
fault line noun EARTH SCI a line of cracks distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic
in the Earth’s crust occurring where 쑗 Sea breeze is a regular feature of coastal
changes in the position of rock layers have climates. 쐽 verb to have something as a
taken place and along which earthquakes particular characteristic 쑗 The machine
are likely to occur features voice-activated control.
fault management noun COMPUT one febrile adjective referring to a fever
of the five categories of network manage- fecal adjective BIOL US spelling of faecal
ment specified by the ISO that will detect, feces plural noun BIOL US spelling of fae-
isolate and correct network faults ces
fault plane noun EARTH SCI the face of fecundity noun BIOL the fertility of a
the rock at a fault where one mass of rock plant or animal
has slipped against another FED abbreviation COMPUT field emission
fault-tolerant adjective COMPUT able to display
continue functioning even when a fault feed verb 1. BIOL to take food 쑗 The herd
occurs 쑗 They market a highly successful feeds here at dusk. 2. BIOL to give food to a
range of fault-tolerant minis. person or an animal 3. AGRIC to provide
feed additive 244
fertiliser for plants or soil 4. COMPUT to put feldspar, feldspath noun EARTH SCI a
paper into a machine or information into a common type of crystal rock formed of sil-
computer 쑗 This paper should be manually icates
fed into the printer. 쑗 Data is fed into the fell noun EARTH SCI a high area of open
computer. 5. to supply or add to something moorland in the north of England 쐽 verb
쑗 Several small streams feed into the river FORESTRY to cut down a tree
쐽 noun 1. AGRIC food given to animals and
female adjective 1. ZOOL referring to an
birds 쑗 Traces of pesticide were found in animal that produces ova and bears young
the cattle feed. 2. AGRIC fertiliser for plants 2. BOT referring to a flower which has car-
or soil 쑗 Tomato plants need liquid feed pels but not stamens, or a plant that pro-
twice a week at this time of year. 3. a supply duces such flowers
of something 4. COMPUT a device which
guides paper or other materials into and female connector noun COMPUT a con-
through a machine nector with connecting sockets into which
the pins or plugs of a male connector can
feed additive noun AGRIC a supplement be inserted
added to the feed of farm livestock, partic-
ularly pigs and poultry, to promote growth, femoral adjective ANAT of or concerning
e.g. an antibiotic or hormone the thigh or femur
feedback noun COMPUT the return of part femoral artery noun ANAT a continua-
of the output of a process or system to the tion of the external iliac artery, which runs
input, especially when used to maintain down the front of the thigh and then
performance or to control a system 쑗 The crosses to the back
LC ensures that a feedback signal of the femoral nerve noun ANAT a nerve which
monitored output frequency is sent back to governs the muscle at the front of the thigh
the CSDU. femoral pulse noun MED a pulse taken
feedback control noun COMPUT infor- in the groin
mation about the effects of a controlling femto- prefix MEASURE 10-15. Symbol f
signal on a machine or device, returned to femtosecond noun MEASURE a thou-
the controlling computer sandth of a picosecond
feeder noun 1. BIOL an animal that eats femur noun ZOOL a bone in vertebrates
particular food or eats in a particular way 쑗 that is equivalent to the human thighbone
a night feeder 2. a device which supplies fen noun EARTH SCI an area of flat marshy
something 쑗 a bird feeder 쑗 a paper feeder land, with plants such as reeds and mosses
3. something which supplies or adds to growing in alkaline water
something else of the same type fenland noun EARTH SCI a large area of
feeder reservoir noun ENG a small res- flat marshy land with alkaline water
ervoir from which water flows into another FEP abbreviation COMPUT front-end proc-
reservoir essor
feeder stream noun EARTH SCI a small FEPA /fepə/ abbreviation Food and Envi-
stream which leads into a river ronmental Protection Act
feed grain noun AGRIC a cereal which is feral adjective ZOOL referring to an animal
fed to animals and birds, e.g. wheat or which was formerly domesticated and has
maize since reverted to living wild 쑗 The native
feeding ground noun ZOOL an area population of rabbits was exterminated by
where animals come to feed 쑗 Estuaries feral cats.
are the winter feeding grounds for thou- ferment noun CHEM to subject something
sands of migratory birds. to fermentation, or be subjected to fermen-
feedingstuff noun AGRIC same as feed- tation
stuff fermentation noun CHEM the process by
feed intake noun AGRIC, BIOL the amount which organic compounds such as carbo-
of food eaten by an animal hydrates are broken down by enzymes
feedstuff noun AGRIC food for farm ani- from microorganisms such as yeasts to
mals. Also called feedingstuff produce energy
Fehling’s test noun BIOCHEM a test for fermi noun PHYS a unit of length used to
detecting dissolved reducing sugars such measure nuclear distances, equal to 10–15
as glucose and aldehydes m
245 FGD plant
fermium noun CHEM ELEM an artificially zygote and so start the development of an
produced radioactive element in the acti- embryo
nide group of the periodic table, produced fertilise, fertilize verb 1. BIOL (of a
by neutron-bombardment of plutonium sperm) to join with an ovum 2. BIOL (of a
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Fm; the male) to make a female pregnant 3. AGRIC
atomic number is 100 and the atomic to put fertiliser on crops or soil
weight is 257.) fertiliser, fertilizer noun AGRIC a chemi-
fern noun BOT a type of green flowerless cal or natural substance spread and mixed
plant with large leaves (fronds) that prop- with soil to stimulate plant growth
agates by spores. 쒁 pteridophyte (NOTE: COMMENT: Organic materials used as ferti-
Ferns grow in damp rocky places and lisers include manure, slurry, rotted vege-
woodlands.) table waste, bonemeal, fishmeal and
seaweed. Inorganic fertilisers such as
ferric oxide1 noun CHEM iron oxide used powdered lime or sulphur are also used. In
as a coating for magnetic disks and tapes commercial agriculture, artificially prepared
ferric oxide2 noun COMPUT a red insolu- fertilisers (manufactured compounds
containing nitrogen, potassium and other
ble oxide of iron that can be magnetised to chemicals) are most often used, but if
store data or signals and is used as tape or excessive use of them is made, all the
disk coating. Formula: Fe2O3. chemicals are not taken up by plants and
ferrite noun MINERALS a mineral contain- the excess is leached out of the soil into
ground water or rivers where it may cause
ing iron oxide that occurs as small grains in algal bloom.
a variety of rocks fertility noun BIOL the state of being fer-
ferrite core noun PHYS a small bead of tile
magnetic material that can hold an electro- fertility rate noun MED the number of
magnetic charge used in the first type of births per year, shown, in humans, per
computer thousand females aged between 15 and 44
ferro- prefix CHEM referring to or contain- FET abbreviation ELEC field-effect transis-
ing iron tor
ferrocene noun CHEM an orange-red fetch noun COMPUT same as fetch
crystalline solid containing an atom of iron instruction
situated between two rings each consisting fetch cycle noun COMPUT the set of
of five carbon and five hydrogen atoms. events that retrieve the next instruction to
Formula: Fe(C5H5)2. be executed from memory by placing the
ferrocyanide noun CHEM a salt of ferro- program counter contents on the address
cyanic acid containing an anion of iron and bus
six cyanide groups, used in dyes and pig- fetch-execute cycle noun COMPUT the
ments set of events required to retrieve, decode
ferromagnetic material noun PHYS and carry out an instruction stored in mem-
any ferrite material that can be magnetised ory
ferromagnetism noun PHYS the ability fetch instruction noun COMPUT a com-
of some substances such as iron to become puter instruction to select and read the next
highly magnetic when exposed to a weak instruction or data to be processed. Also
magnetic field within a specific tempera- called fetch
ture range fetus, foetus noun /fitəs/, /fitəs/ BIOL
ferrous adjective CHEM referring to or an unborn animal in the womb at the stage
containing iron when all the structural features are visible,
ferruginous adjective EARTH SCI refer- i.e. after eight weeks in humans (NOTE: The
ring to rock or water which contains iron usual scientific spelling is ‘fetus’, although
fertile adjective 1. ZOOL referring to an ‘foetus’ is common in non-technical British
animal or plant that is able to produce off- English usage.)
spring by sexual reproduction. Opposite Feulgen’s test noun GENETICS a test
sterile 2. BIOL referring to soil with a high that determines the presence of DNA
concentration of nutrients that is able to FF abbreviation COMPUT 1. form feed 2.
produce good crops flip-flop
fertilisation, fertilization noun BIOL the FGD plant abbreviation INDUST flue gas
joining of an ovum and a sperm to form a desulfurisation plant
fibre 246
fibre noun 1. INDUST a natural filament fibrinogen noun BIOCHEM a soluble
such as cotton or a synthetic filament such blood protein and clotting factor that forms
as nylon 2. BOT a long narrow plant cell fibrin when activated by thrombin
with thickened walls that forms part of a fibroblast noun ANAT a star-shaped or
plant’s supporting tissue, especially in the spindle-shaped cell that secretes collagen
outer region of a stem 3. COMPUT a very and elastic fibres in connective tissue
thin glass or plastic strand that can carry fibroid noun MED a benign tumour in the
data in the form of light signals (NOTE: [all muscle fibres of the uterus 쐽 adjective like
senses] The US spelling is fiber.) fibre
fibre channel noun COMPUT an ANSI fibrous adjective made of a mass of fibres
standard that defines a high-speed serial fibrous-rooted plant noun BOT a plant
interface that can transfer data at up to with roots which are masses of tiny
1.06Gbps and is often used as a backbone threads, with no major roots like taproots
technology to link servers or high-speed
devices (NOTE: The technology is normally fibula noun ANAT the thinner outer bone
of two bones situated between the knee and
used over optic fibre, but will work over
ankle in the lower or hind leg of terrestrial
twisted-pair cable or coax cable.)
fibre-concrete noun INDUST a construc- fidelity noun ECOL the degree to which an
tion material made of sand, cement and organism stays in one type of environment
fibre, used for making things such as roof-
ing tiles and light walls. Abbr FC field noun 1. ELEC an area of force and
energy distribution, caused by magnetic or
fibre connector noun COMPUT a type of electric energy sources 2. COMPUT a sec-
connector that can be used to connect two tion containing individual data items in a
fibre optic cables together record 쑗 The employee record has a field
fibre distributed data interface for age. 3. PHYS the force which one object
noun COMPUT an ANSI standard for exerts on another 4. AGRIC an area of land,
high-speed networks that uses fibre optic usually surrounded by a fence or hedge,
cable in a dual ring topology. Abbr FDDI used for growing crops or for pasture 5.
(NOTE: Data is transmitted at 100Mbps.) GEOL an area of natural resources, e.g. an
oilfield or coalfield 6. an area of interest or
fibreglass noun INDUST a material made activity 쑗 He specialises in the field of envi-
of fine fibres of glass, used as a heat and ronmental health.
sound insulator and for building bodies of COMMENT: The main types of physical field
cars, boats and other vehicles are gravitational, magnetic and electric. Any
fibre optic cable noun COMPUT a bun- mass has a gravitational field, which like
electric and magnetic fields is subject to an
dle of fine strands of glass or plastic pro- inverse square law. Electric fields are found
tected by a surrounding material, used for surrounding electric charges, and can
transmission of light signals that carry data involve objects being attracted (if they have
at very high speeds a charge opposite to that of the object
whose field they are in), repelled (if they
fibre optics noun COMPUT the use of thin bear the same charge) or not affected at all
strands of glass or plastic to transmit light (if they are electrically neutral). An electric
signals at the speed of light (NOTE: The field can be produced by flowing electric
current or by a static electric charge. Elec-
light or laser signal is pulsed or modulated tric and magnetic fields are essentially
to represent data being transmitted.) manifestations of the same effect, and elec-
fibre over Ethernet noun COMPUT an tricity is generated by movement in
magnetic fields. Magnetic fields affect
enhanced version of the 802.3 Ethernet mainly iron, nickel and similar magnetic
network protocol standard that allows data materials as well as ionised materials like
to be transferred at 10Mbits/second (10 charged particles in the Sun or the Earth’s
BaseFX) or 100Mbits/second (100 outer atmosphere.
BaseFX) field botanist noun BOT a botanist who
fibrin noun BIOCHEM an insoluble protein, examines plants in their growing habitat
formed from fibrinogen by the action of field botany noun BOT the scientific
thrombin, that starts a blood clot by form- study of plants in their growing habitat
ing a network of fibres in which blood cells field capacity noun EARTH SCI the max-
become trapped imum possible amount of water remaining
247 file fragmentation
in the soil after excess water has drained FIFO abbreviation COMPUT first in first out
away FIFO queue noun COMPUT a temporary
field coil noun ELEC ENG a coil of wire storage method, in which the first item
that produces the magnetisation required to written to the queue is the first to be read
operate an electrical motor or generator fifth generation computer noun
when carrying an electrical current COMPUT a stage of computer system design
field crop noun AGRIC a crop grown over using fast VLSI circuits and powerful pro-
a wide area, e.g. most agricultural crops gramming languages to allow human inter-
and some market-garden crops action
field-effect transistor noun ELEC- figure noun 1. MATHS a number, espe-
TRONICS a transistor, with at least three cially in mathematical calculations 왍 to
electrodes, in which a variable electric have a head for figures to be good at arith-
field controls the output current. Abbr FET metic 왍 in round figures not totally accu-
field emission display noun ELEC a rate, but correct to the nearest 10 or 100 쑗
method of producing thin, flat displays for They have a workforce of 2500 in round
laptop computers in which a miniature col- figures. 2. MATHS a form consisting of any
our CRT is located at each pixel point. combination of points or lines, e.g. a trian-
Abbr FED gle 3. a diagram or drawing 쑗 Figure 1
field-grown noun AGRIC referring to a shows a cross-section of an internal com-
crop which is grown in a field as opposed bustion engine.
to in a greenhouse filament noun BOT the stalk of a stamen,
field label noun COMPUT a series of char- carrying an anther
acters used to identify a field or its loca- file noun 1. documents kept for reference
tion. Also called field name 왍 to place something on file COMPUT to
keep a record of something 2. COMPUT a
field magnet noun ELEC ENG a magnet section of data on a computer in the form
that provides the magnetic field in an elec-
of individual records which may contain
tric machine, e.g. a motor or dynamo
data, characters, digits or graphics
field name noun COMPUT same as field file activity ratio noun COMPUT a ratio
of the number of different records accessed
field observation noun BIOL an exami- within a file compared to the total number
nation made in the open air, looking at in store
organisms in their natural habitat, as file allocation table noun COMPUT a
opposed to in a laboratory data file stored on disk containing the
field programmable device noun names of each file stored on the disk,
COMPUT an integrated circuit that can be together with its starting sector position,
permanently programmed to perform logic date and size. Abbr FAT
operations on data file attribute noun COMPUT a control bit
field research noun SCI a programme of of data stored with each file which controls
scientific studies carried out at a geograph- a particular function or aspect of the file
ical location as opposed to in a laboratory such as read-only, archived or system file 쑗
field station noun SCI a scientific The read-only file attribute is set, so you
research centre located in the area being cannot change the contents.
researched file conversion noun COMPUT a change
field study noun SCI an investigation of format or structure of a file system, usu-
carried out at a geographical location as ally when using a new program or file han-
opposed to in a laboratory dling routine
field test noun SCI a test carried out on a file copy noun a copy of a document
substance or on an organism in the open air which is filed in an office for reference
as opposed to in a laboratory file defragmentation noun COMPUT 쏡
field tested adjective COMPUT referring defragmentation
to a product tested outside a company or file deletion noun COMPUT the erasing of
research laboratory, in a real situation a stored file
fieldwork noun SCI scientific studies car- file fragmentation noun COMPUT a file
ried out somewhere other than in a labora- that is stored in non-contiguous sectors on
tory a disk
file handle 248
file handle noun COMPUT a number by film noun a thin layer, covering or coating
which an open file is identified within a 쑗 a thin film of oil on the surface of the lake
program 쑗 The new data is written to the 쑗 An electrical element made of gold film is
file identified by file handle 1. sandwiched between the layers of glass.
file handling routine noun COMPUT a filter noun 1. a material or device through
short computer program that manages the which a liquid or a gas is passed in order to
reading/writing and organisation of stored separate the fluid from solid matter or to
files remove unwanted substances 쑗 a fuel filter
file header noun COMPUT a section of 쑗 an oil filter 2. an electric, electronic,
information about the file stored at the acoustic, or optical device used to reject
beginning of the file 쑗 The file header in signals, vibrations, or radiation of specific
the database file shows the total number of frequencies while passing others 쑗 The
records and lists the index fields. tuner is a band pass filter which confines
file locking noun COMPUT a software the bandwidth passed to the receiver to
mechanism that prevents data in a file that required. 3. COMPUT a pattern of
being updated by two different users at the binary digits used to select various bits
same time from a binary word 쐽 verb 1. to remove
filename noun COMPUT a unique identifi- unwanted elements from a signal or file 2.
COMPUT to select various bits from a binary
cation code allocated to a program
word 쑗 Filter the top three bits of the video
filename extension noun COMPUT a attribute word. 3. COMPUT to select various
set of three or four characters given after a records from a database file 쑗 We filtered
filename, indicating the type or use of the the data to select those customers based in
file New York. 4. to pass a liquid or gas through
file queue noun COMPUT a number of a filter in order to remove unwanted sub-
files temporarily stored in order before stances 쑗 Fuel is filtered before entering
being processed 쑗 Output devices such as the carburettor.
laser printers are connected on-line with
an automatic file queue.
filter basin noun ENVIRON a large tank
through which drinking water is passed to
file server noun COMPUT a computer be filtered
connected to a network that runs a network
operating system software to manage user filter bed noun INDUST a layer of char-
accounts, file sharing and printer sharing coal, gravel or similar material through
which liquid sewage is passed to clean it
file sharing noun COMPUT a file that can
be used by two or more users or programs filter cake noun ENVIRON a deposit of
in a network often using file locking semisolids or solids that separates out
between layers of filtering material
file transfer, access and manage-
ment noun COMPUT full form of FTAM filter cartridge, filter element noun a
removable paper or metal component in a
file transfer protocol noun COMPUT filter housing which must be replaced peri-
the TCP/IP standard for transferring files odically 쑗 From time to time the filter ele-
between computers. Abbr FTP (NOTE: It is ment must be removed and cleaned or
a file sharing protocol that operates at lay-
ers 5, 6 and 7 of an OSI model network.)
filial generation noun GENETICS the filter feeder noun ZOOL an animal that
offspring that result from crossing two lives in water and feeds on small particles
parental lines 쑗 the first filial generation that it filters out of the water it takes in, e.g.
a clam, sponge, or baleen whale
fill verb 1. to make something full 쑗 The
screen was filled with flickering images. 2. filter paper noun SCI porous paper used
COMPUT to draw an enclosed area in one
as or in a filter
colour or shading 3. COMPUT to put charac- filtrate noun CHEM a liquid which has
ters into gaps in a field so that there are no passed through a filter
spaces left filtration noun CHEM the process of pass-
filler noun CHEM 1. a substance used to ing a liquid through a filter to remove solid
add bulk or strength to a material 2. a sem- substances
isolid substance that hardens when dried fin noun 1. ZOOL a thin flat projection on
and is used to fill cracks or openings in the body of a fish 2. AEROSP a fixed verti-
wood, plaster or other materials cal aerofoil at the rear of an aircraft 쑗 The
249 fire protection
fin provides directional stability about the finite-precision number noun COM-
vertical axis. PUT a number represented by a fixed
final noun the end part of a series or proc- number of bits
ess 쐽 adjective coming at the end finite resource plural noun ENVIRON a
final disposal noun ENVIRON the last natural resource that is does not renew
stage in getting rid of waste, e.g. incinera- itself and which will potentially be com-
tion or placing in a landfill pletely used up, e.g. coal or oil. Opposite
find COMPUT verb to get something back renewable resource
which has been lost 쑗 It took a lot of time finite series noun MATHS a sequence of
to find the faulty chip. 쑗 The debugger numbers represented by an algebraic func-
found the error very quickly. 쐽 noun a com- tion that has a fixed number of terms
mand to locate a piece of information fiord noun EARTH SCI another spelling of
find and replace noun COMPUT a fea- fjord
ture on a word-processor that allows a fir noun TREES a common evergreen conif-
word or section of text to be located and erous tree. Genus: Abies.
replaced with another fir cone noun BOT a hard oval or round
fine adjective 1. of superior quality, skill structure on a fir tree containing the seeds
or appearance 2. describing something that (NOTE: The term is sometimes applied to
is very small in size, thickness or weight 3. the cones of other trees such as pines.)
METEOROL referring to weather that is
warm and sunny, with few clouds and no
fire noun the process, or an area, of burn-
ing 쐽 verb 1. to shoot with a gun 2. to
rain or fog
launch something such as a flare or a
fine chemical noun INDUST a chemical rocket
that is manufactured in relatively small COMMENT: In shifting cultivation, the prac-
quantities and is generally high in cost to tice of clearing vegetation by burning is
the user, e.g. a flavouring or vitamin widespread. One of the simplest forms
fine powder noun a powder consisting involves burning off thick and dry secondary
vegetation. Immediately after burning, a
of very small particles crop such as maize is planted and matures
fine spray noun a spray consisting of before the vegetation has recovered.
very small drops of liquid Where fire clearance methods are used, the
ash acts as a fertiliser.
fine structure noun PHYS the splitting
of lines in a spectrum into two or more firebreak noun FORESTRY an area kept
closely spaced fine lines (NOTE: This effect free of vegetation, so that a fire cannot pass
is caused by magnetic interactions within across and spread to other parts of the for-
atoms.) est or heath
fine tune verb COMPUT to adjust by small -fired suffix INDUST burning as a fuel 쑗
amounts the features or parameters of coal-fired power station 쑗 gas-fired central
hardware or software to improve perform- heating
ance 쑗 Fine-tuning improved the speed by firedamp noun CHEM same as methane
ten per cent. fire deluge system noun a system that
fine wire noun very thin wire extinguishes fire by spraying large quanti-
finger noun 1. ANAT one of the slender ties of water on it 쑗 A lever actuates the fire
jointed parts at the end of the hand 2. COM- deluge system.
PUT a software program that will retrieve fire extinguisher noun EMERGENCIES a
information about a user based on his or portable device for putting out fires
her electronic mail address fire hazard noun something that
finish verb to do or make something com- increases the risk of fire 쑗 These piles of
pletely 쑗 The order was finished in time. 쑗 paper are a fire hazard.
She finished all the keyboarding before fireproof adjective referring to a material
lunch. or structure designed to resist the effect of
finished adjective having been com- fire 쑗 A fireproof bulkhead is provided to
pleted separate the cool area of the engine from
finite adjective referring to something that the hot area.
has an end 쑗 Coal supplies are finite and fire protection noun the action and/or
are forecast to run out in 2020. measures taken to prevent fire
fire-retardant 250
fire-retardant adjective CHEM referring fish ladder noun ENVIRON a series of
to a substance which slows down the rate at pools at different levels, specially built to
which a material burns allow fish such as salmon to swim up or
fire triangle noun CHEM the illustration down a river on migration
of the chemistry of fire as the three sides of fishmeal noun AGRIC a powder of dried
a triangle representing fuel, oxygen and fish, used as an animal feed or as a fertiliser
heat 쑗 If fuel, oxygen or heat is removed
from the fire triangle, combustion will
fish pass, fishway noun ENVIRON a
channel near a dam, built to allow migrat-
ing fish to swim past the dam
firewall noun COMPUT a hardware or soft-
ware security system between a server or fishway noun same as fish pass
intranet and the public Internet 쑗 We have fissile adjective 1. EARTH SCI referring to
installed a firewall in our intranet to pre- rock which can split or be split 2. CHEM
vent hackers accessing company data via referring to an isotope which can split on
the Internet link. (NOTE: The system allows impact with a neutron
information to pass out to the Internet but fission noun 1. PHYS 쏡 atomic fission 2.
checks any incoming data before passing it BIOL the process of splitting 3. BIOL a proc-
on to the private server.) ess of reproduction, in which an organism
firmware noun COMPUT a computer pro- splits in two and two complete new organ-
gram or data that is permanently stored in isms grow, as in corals 쐽 verb CHEM, BIOL
a hardware memory chip such as a ROM or (in nuclear fission) to split an atomic
EPROM nucleus 쑗 When the plutonium is fissioned,
firn noun METEOROL the spring snow on fast neutrons are produced.
high mountains which becomes harder fissiparous adjective BIOL referring to
during the summer an organism that reproduces by dividing
first fit noun COMPUT a routine or algo- into two equal parts, each of which grows
rithm that selects the first, largest section into a complete organism
of free memory in which to store a virtual fissure noun a crack or groove
fit adjective 1. HEALTH in good physical
first generation noun COMPUT the ear- condition 쑗 Keep fit with diet and exercise.
liest type of computer technology. 쒁 com- 2. referring to something that is suitable for
puter generation
its purpose 쑗 This food is fit to eat. 3. BIOL
first in first out noun COMPUT a tempo- referring to an organism that is well
rary queue where the first item stored is the adapted or evolutionarily successful 쑗 sur-
first read. Abbr FIFO vival of the fittest 쑗 Only the fit individuals
first law of thermodynamics PHYS 쏡 will survive. (NOTE: fitter-fittest) 쐽 noun
thermodynamics ENG the exactness with which surfaces are
fish noun ZOOL a cold-blooded vertebrate adjusted to each other in a machine 쑗 There
that lives in water (NOTE: Some species should be a loose fit between the cylinder
are eaten for food. Fish are high in protein, and the piston, the difference being taken
phosphorus, iodine and vitamins A and D. up by the piston rings. 쐽 verb 1. to be the
White fish have very little oil.) 쐽 verb BIOL correct size and shape for someone or
to try to catch fish something 쑗 Oxygen masks should fit the
fish farm noun AGRIC a place where edi- wearer properly. 2. to attach 쑗 Wheel fair-
ble fish are bred or reared in special pools ings, called spats, are fitted to some light
for sale as food aircraft to reduce drag. 3. MATHS to plot or
fish farming noun AGRIC the commer- calculate a curve that most closely approx-
cial activity of keeping fish in ponds or imates a number of points or data (NOTE:
fenced areas of the sea for sale as food. fitting – fitted)
Also called aquaculture, aquafarming, fitment noun 1. the act of attaching or fix-
aquiculture ing something 쑗 Attachment points are
fishing zone noun FISHERY an area of supplied for the fitment of heavy equip-
sea that can be fished ment. 2. something attached or fixed
fish kill noun ENVIRON an instance of a lot fitness noun BIOL a measure of the evolu-
of fish being killed 쑗 Aluminium is a criti- tionary success of genes, traits, organisms
cal factor in fish kills. or populations
251 flare
fix verb 1. to make something permanent 쑗 flaccid noun BIOL soft or limp 쑗 Without
The dye is fixed to stop it fading. 2. to mend water, plant stems become flaccid and
something 쑗 The technicians are trying to droop. 쐽 adjective BOT referring to plant
fix the switchboard. 3. to attach something tissue that has become limp through loss of
permanently 쑗 The barnacles fix their water. Opposite turgid
shells to the rock. flag COMPUT noun 1. a way of showing the
fixation noun the act of fixing something. end of a field or of labelling something
쒁 nitrogen fixation special in a database 쑗 If the result is zero,
fixed disk storage noun COMPUT a the zero flag is set. 2. a method of reporting
hard disk or magnetic disk that cannot be the status of a register after a mathematical
removed from the disk drive or logical operation 쐽 verb to attract the
fixed-field file noun COMPUT a data file attention of a program while it is running to
in which each field consists of a provide a result or to report an action
pre-defined and fixed number of charac- flag bit noun COMPUT a single bit of a
ters. Compare delimited-field file word used as a flag for some operations
fixed-frequency monitor noun COM- flagellum noun BIOL a long thin tapering
PUT a monitor that can only accept one fre- outgrowth of some cells that waves or
quency and type of video signal rotates to propel the cell (NOTE: Flagella
are found in some bacteria and protozoa,
fixed-length field noun COMPUT a field and in sperm cells.)
whose size cannot be changed
flagging noun COMPUT the insertion of
fixed-length record noun COMPUT a an indicator against an item so that it can
record whose size cannot be changed be found later
fixed-length word noun COMPUT a pre- flake noun 1. a small piece of a solid 쑗 a
set number of bits that make up a computer flake of rock 2. METEOROL a small piece of
word snow which falls from the sky. Also called
fixed oil noun CHEM oil that is liquid at snowflake
20°C flame noun the area of burning gases seen
fixed point noun PHYS a temperature that when something is burning 쑗 Flames were
is always the same under specific condi- seen coming from number 2 engine.
tions (NOTE: A fixed point such as the boil- flame arrester noun ENG a device to
ing or freezing point of a substance can be prevent flame from an external source from
used for calibrating measuring instru- entering a fuel tank
ments.) flame out verb (of combustion in a gas
fixed-point arithmetic noun COMPUT turbine engine) to cease from some cause
arithmetic rules and methods using other than the shutting off of fuel 쑗 Air in
fixed-point numbers the fuel line can cause an engine to flame
fixed-point notation noun COMPUT a out or stop.
number representation that retains the flame test noun CHEM a test to see which
position of the digits and decimal points in metal is present in a substance by placing a
the computer, so limiting the maximum small amount in a flame and noting the col-
manageable numbers. Compare floating ours produced
point notation flammability noun CHEM the ability of a
fixed-point number noun COMPUT a material to catch fire
number represented by using fixed-point flammable adjective easily set on fire
notation 쑗 Storage of fixed-point numbers and capable of burning fiercely and rapidly
has two bytes allocated for the whole 쑗 Aviation gasoline is a flammable liquid.
number and one byte for the fraction part. (NOTE: Flammable and inflammable
fixed routing noun COMPUT communi- mean the same thing. To avoid confusion,
cations direction routing that does not con- it is recommended to use flammable.)
sider traffic or efficient paths flange noun ENG the outside edge or rim
fixed wing aircraft noun AVIAT an aero- of a part such as a beam or wheel 쑗 The
plane with rigidly attached wings web connects the upper and lower flanges
fjord, fiord noun EARTH SCI a long inlet of of a beam.
the sea among mountains in temperate or flare noun 1. INDUST a device that burns
arctic regions surplus gases to prevent them from being
flash 252
released into the environment, usually onto a circuit board without the need for
found on top of tall chimneys 쑗 Flares are holes
usually found on top of stacks. 2. a firework flat panel a display monitor that is man-
that burns with a bright light and can be ufactured using a thin, flat liquid crystal
fired into the air to summon help display device
flash noun a sudden or periodic burst of flat screen noun COMPUT a display mon-
light 쑗 Lightning is accompanied by a bril- itor that has been manufactured with a flat,
liant flash. 쐽 verb 1. to give off light in reg- square-edged front to the monitor
ular bursts 2. to switch a light on and off 쑗 flatten, flatten out verb to become flat or
He flashed his torch as a signal. 3. to make something flat 쑗 As altitude
appear or to happen suddenly 쑗 The image increases, the countryside appears to flat-
flashed onto the screen. 4. COMPUT to turn ten out.
a source of light on and off flatworm noun ZOOL a worm with a flat
flashing character noun COMPUT a body, a single gut opening and no circula-
character intensity that is switched on and tory system. Phylum: Platyhelminthes.
off as an indicator (NOTE: Flatworms include both free-living
flash memory noun COMPUT a non-vol- species and parasites such as flukes and
atile memory that operates with blocks of tapeworms.)
data rather than single bytes flavonoid noun BIOCHEM a natural com-
flash point noun PHYS the temperature at pound derived from phenol and belonging
which fuel vapour or oil vapour will burst to a group that includes many plant pig-
into flame ments
flashy adjective ENVIRON referring to a flavoprotein noun BIOCHEM an enzyme
river whose water level is rising rapidly belonging to a group that includes some
after it has rained a lot vital components of cell respiration
flask noun SCI a small glass bottle, often flavouring agent noun FOOD INDUST a
with a long neck, of the type used in labo- substance added to food to give flavour
ratory work flaw noun 1. a fault or error 2. INDUST an
flat adjective 1. having a horizontal sur- imperfection in a material, often hidden,
face without a slope, tilt or curvature 2. (of that may be an indication of future struc-
a tyre) having no air inside 쑗 The flat tyre tural failure
had to be changed because it had a punc- flaw detection noun INDUST the process
ture. 3. ELEC (of a battery) electrically dis- or system by which small weaknesses in
charged or with no electrical charge left in metal structures are found
it 쑗 The engine wouldn’t start because the flea noun ZOOL a small jumping insect
battery was flat. which lives as a parasite on animals, suck-
flatbed noun COMPUT a printing or scan- ing their blood and possibly spreading dis-
ning machine that holds the paper or image ease. Order: Siphonaptera. (NOTE:
on a flat surface while processing 쑗 Paper Historically, bubonic plague was spread by
cannot be rolled through flatbed scanners. fleas.)
flat file noun COMPUT a two-dimensional fledgling noun a young bird that has
file of data items recently become capable of flight
flatfish noun ZOOL a type of fish with a fleet noun ENG a number of vehicles such
flattened back that lives on the bed of the as ships, aircraft or buses
sea or of a lake and has both eyes on the top flew verb 쏡 fly
of its body, e.g. plaice (NOTE: The body of flex noun ELEC a wire or cable used to
a flatfish is flattened in such a way that the connect an appliance to the mains electric-
fish is lying on its side. As the young fish ity supply (NOTE: no plural: for one item,
grows, the eye underneath moves round its say a piece of flex)
head to join the one on top.) flexibility noun 1. the amount or extent to
flatline noun MED a monitor read-out on which something can be bent 쑗 Wing struc-
an EEG or EKG indicating total cessation tures must have flexibility in order to
of brain or cardiac activity, respectively absorb sudden changes in loading. 2. the
flat pack noun ELEC an integrated circuit extent to which something can change or
package whose leads extend horizontally, respond to a variety of conditions or situa-
allowing the device to be mounted directly tions
253 flocculant
flexible adjective 1. not rigid or stiff 2. float charging noun ELEC a way of
capable of responding to a variety of con- charging a battery by varying the charging
ditions or situations 쑗 AC electrical energy current
is more flexible and more efficient than float factor noun COMPUT the location in
DC. memory at which the first instruction of a
flexible array noun COMPUT an array program is stored
whose size and limits can be altered floating adjective 1. COMPUT not fixed 2.
flexible pipe noun a pipe made of soft COMPUT, PRINTING (of a character) sepa-
material such as rubber or plastic rate from the character it should be
flicker COMPUT noun a computer graphic attached to
image whose brightness alternates owing floating address noun COMPUT a loca-
to a low image refresh rate or signal cor- tion specified in relation to a reference
ruption 쐽 verb to move very slightly 쑗 The address
image flickers when the printer is switched floating point arithmetic noun MATHS
on. arithmetic operations on floating point
flicker-free noun COMPUT (of a screen numbers (NOTE: The fixed number 56.47 in
display) not flickering floating point arithmetic would be 0.5647
flight noun 1. the motion of an object or and a power of 2.)
organism in or through the Earth’s atmos- floating point notation noun MATHS a
phere or through space 2. the distance cov- numerical notation in which a fractional
ered by a body, e.g. the distance covered by number is represented with a point after the
an aircraft through the atmosphere first digit and a power, so that any number
flightless bird noun ZOOL a bird which can be stored in a standard form. Compare
has small wings and cannot fly, e.g. an fixed-point notation
ostrich or a penguin floating point number noun MATHS a
flight simulator noun AEROSP, COMPUT number represented by using floating point
a computer program that allows a user to notation
pilot a virtual plane (NOTE: It shows a real- floating point operation noun MATHS
istic control panel and moving scenes and a mathematical operation carried out on a
is used either as a training programme or floating point number. Abbr FLOP
as a computer game.) floating point processor noun COM-
flint noun GEOL a very hard smooth form PUT same as floating point unit
of quartz that produces a spark when struck floating point routines noun COMPUT
with steel and breaks to form a sharp edge a set of routines that allow floating point
(NOTE: Prehistoric humans used flint to numbers to be handled and processed
make tools.)
floating point unit noun COMPUT a spe-
flip-flop noun 1. ELEC ENG, MECH ENG an cialised computer that can process floating
electronic circuit or mechanical device that point numbers very rapidly 쑗 The floating
can be switched between two stable states point unit speeds up the processing of the
2. ELECTRONICS an electronic circuit or graphics software. Abbr FPU. Also called
chip whose output can be one of two states, floating point processor
which is determined by one or two inputs
and can be used to store one bit of digital floating symbolic address noun
COMPUT a symbol or label that identifies a
data. Abbr FF
particular instruction or word, regardless
float noun 1. a floating ball attached to a of its location
lever to regulate the level of a liquid in a
container such as a tank 2. COMPUT the floating window noun COMPUT a win-
addition of the origin address to all indexed dow that can be moved anywhere on screen
or relative addresses to check the amount float-operated switch noun ENG a
of memory a program will require 쐽 verb to shut-off valve operated by a float
remain on the surface of a fluid without float relocation noun COMPUT the con-
sinking 쑗 Because of the air-tight nature of version of a floating address to an absolute
the fuselage, most large aircraft will float address
for some time before sinking. flocculant noun INDUST a substance
float chamber noun AUTOMOT a part of added to water as it is treated to encourage
a carburettor which houses the float impurities to settle
flocculation 254
flocculation noun 1. INDUST the gather- flood warning noun ENVIRON an alert
ing together of particles into lumps 쑗 floc- that there is likely to be a flood
culation of yeast in brewing 쑗 The floodwater noun METEOROL water that
flocculation of particles is very important spreads uncontrolled onto land that is usu-
in making clay soils easy to work. 2. EARTH ally dry 쑗 After the floodwater receded the
SCI the grouping of small particles of soil centre of the town was left buried in mud.
together to form larger ones 쑗 The floccu- floodwater level noun METEOROL the
lation of particles is very important in highest point that the water reaches in a
making clay soils easy to work. flood
flocculus noun ASTRON a mass of gas floor noun EARTH SCI the ground beneath
seen as either a dark or a bright spot on the something 쑗 fish that live on the floor of the
surface of the Sun, often near to a sunspot ocean 쑗 The forest floor is covered with
flock noun ZOOL a large group of birds or decaying vegetation.
some farm animals such as sheep and goats FLOP abbreviation MATHS floating point
쑗 a flock of geese 쑗 a flock of sheep (NOTE:
The word used for a group of cattle, deer or
pigs is herd.) floppy disk noun COMPUT a small disk
for storing information which can be
flood METEOROL noun a large amount of removed from a computer
water covering land that is usually dry,
caused by phenomena such as melting floppy disk controller noun COMPUT a
snow, heavy rain, high tides or storms 쐽 combination of hardware and software
verb to cover dry land with a large amount devices that control and manage the opera-
of water 쑗 The river bursts its banks and tions of a disk drive from a computer. Abbr
floods the whole valley twice a year in the fdc
rainy season. floppy disk drive noun COMPUT a disk
flood alleviation, flood control noun drive for floppy disks. Abbr FDD
ENVIRON the avoidance of the possibility of FLOPs per second noun COMPUT the
flooding by controlling the flow of water in number of floating point operations that a
rivers with structures such as dams and computer can execute every second
embankments flora noun BOT the wild plants that grow
flood damage noun ENVIRON the dam- naturally in a specific area. Compare fauna
age caused by floodwater Flora, flora noun BOT a book or list
flooded cell battery noun ELEC a form describing the plants of a specific area 쑗 a
of rechargeable battery where the plates Flora of the British Isles
are completely immersed in a liquid elec- floral adjective BOT referring to plants or
trolyte (NOTE: Flooded cell batteries are flowers
commonly used as a power supply for floret noun BOT a little flower that forms
independent and remote areas.) part of a larger flower head
floodgate noun ENG a gate in a weir or flotation noun CHEM a separation process
dyke, designed to control water flow in which a component of a mixture may be
flooding noun METEOROL the uncon- recovered according to its ability to float
trolled spread of a large amount of water on a given liquid, often applied to minerals
onto land that is usually dry 쑗 Severe flood- in an ore
ing has been reported after the heavy rain flourish verb BIOL to live or grow well
overnight. (NOTE: About 10% of the land and increase in numbers 쑗 The colony of
area of England is at risk of flooding.) rabbits flourished in the absence of any
flood plain noun EARTH SCI a wide flat predators.
part of the bottom of a valley which is usu- flow verb 1. to move or run smoothly with
ally covered with water when the river continuity 쑗 Air flows over the wing sur-
floods faces and lift is produced. 2. to circulate 쑗
flood storage noun ENVIRON the meas- Liquid coolant flows around the engine. 쐽
ures taken to control and retain the large noun 1. continuous movement of a fluid in
amount of water produced in a flood until a particular direction 쑗 The flow of fuel
it can disperse naturally from the fuel tanks to the engines. 2. the
flood tide noun OCEANOG a tide that is rate at which a substance is moving 쑗 The
rising. Compare ebb tide meter measures the flow of water through
255 fluoride
the pipe. 3. EARTH SCI the movement of the flue gas scrubber noun INDUST a
sea or water affected by tides towards a device for cleaning flue gas of particles of
shore as the tide rises. Compare ebb pollutant
flowchart noun COMPUT a chart that fluid noun PHYS a substance whose mole-
shows the arrangement of the steps in a cules move freely past one another and that
process or program. Also called flow dia- takes the shape of its container (NOTE: Both
gram liquids and gases are fluids.)
flow control noun COMPUT the manage- fluidise verb INDUST to make a solid
ment of the flow of data into queues and move in the manner of a fluid (NOTE: One
buffers, to prevent heavy traffic way to do this is by pulverising it into a fine
flow diagram noun LOGIC same as flow- powder and passing a gas through to
chart induce flow.)
flower noun BOT the reproductive part of fluidised-bed combustion noun
a seed-bearing plant (NOTE: Some flowers INDUST a method of burning fluidised
are brightly coloured to attract pollinating low-grade fuel while keeping the emission
insects and birds and usually consist of of pollutant gases to a minimum. Abbr
protective sepals and bright petals sur- FBC
rounding the stamens and stigma. Many fluke noun ZOOL a parasitic flatworm
are cultivated for their colour and perfume.) (NOTE: Flukes may settle inside the liver,
flowering plant noun PLANTS a plant bloodstream or in other parts of the body.)
that produces flowers fluoresce verb PHYS to exhibit or
COMMENT: Flowering plants include trees undergo the phenomenon of fluorescence
and grasses as well as shrubs, herbs and fluorescein noun CHEM an orange-red
bulbs. They all reproduce by seeds, unlike crystalline compound that fluoresces
ferns, mosses and other so-called lower
plants, which have no flowers and repro- bright green in blue light (NOTE: It is used
duce by spores. in solution to show up damage to the sur-
flowerless adjective without flowers face of the cornea.)
flowline noun COMPUT a line connecting fluorescence noun PHYS 1. the sending
symbols to show the direction of flow out of light from a substance which is
within a flowchart receiving radiation 2. radiation emitted by
a substance at one wavelength following
flowmeter noun MEASURE a meter illumination at another wavelength (NOTE:
attached to a pipe to measure the speed at When the original illumination is removed,
which a liquid or gas moves through the no more radiation is emitted.)
fluorescent adjective PHYS referring to
fluctuate verb to vary or change irregu- the emission of visible light 쑗 The fluores-
larly 쑗 The magnetic field will fluctuate at cent penetrant process of flaw detection
the supply frequency. uses a penetrant containing a dye that flu-
fluctuation noun an irregular variation oresces in ultraviolet light.
or change 쑗 Small fluctuations in the fluorescent light noun INDUST a long
Earth’s average temperature can have thin tube of glass containing mercury
important climatic results. vapour and phosphor powder that produces
flue noun INDUST a chimney or other white light when connected to an electric-
structure through which gas or smoke is ity supply
released from a furnace or stove 쑗 Gases fluoridate verb HEALTH to add sodium
are passed directly from the flue into the fluoride to drinking water to help prevent
atmosphere. tooth decay 왍 water fluoridated to 1 ppm
flue gas noun ENVIRON a gas produced by MED water which has had one part per mil-
a burning substance that is released into the lion of fluoride added to it
atmosphere from a chimney fluoridation noun HEALTH the addition
flue gas desulfurisation plant noun of sodium fluoride to drinking water to
INDUST a device that traps sulfur in emis- help prevent tooth decay
sions from coal-burning furnaces and pre- fluoride noun CHEM a chemical com-
vents it reaching the atmosphere. Abbr pound of fluorine, usually with sodium,
FGD plant potassium or tin
fluorinate 256
COMMENT: Fluorides such as hydrogen another solid fuel 쑗 The cloud contained
fluoride are emitted as pollutants from particles of fly ash. (NOTE: Fly ash can be
certain industrial processes and can affect
plants, especially citrus fruit, by reducing collected and used to make bricks.)
chlorophyll. They also affect cattle by flyback noun COMPUT an electron picture
reducing milk yields. On the other hand, beam return from the end of a scan to the
sodium fluoride will reduce decay in teeth beginning of the next. Also called line fly-
and is often added to drinking water or to
toothpaste. In some areas, the water back
contains fluoride naturally and here fluori- fly-by-wire noun AEROSP technology
dation is not carried out. Some people that interprets movements of a pilot’s con-
object to fluoridation, although tests have trols and, with the aid of computerised
proved that instances of dental decay are
fewer in areas where fluoride is present in electronics, moves the control surfaces
drinking water. accordingly 쑗 Using fly-by-wire technol-
fluorinate verb CHEM to treat or combine ogy, the stalling angle cannot be exceeded
a substance with fluorine regardless of stick input.
fluorine noun CHEM ELEM a yellowish gas flying head noun COMPUT a hard disk
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is F; the read/write head that is wing-shaped to fly
atomic number is 9 and the atomic weight just above the surface of the spinning disk
is 19.00.) FM noun PHYS a method of changing the
fluorocarbon noun CHEM an inert com- frequency of one signal according to that
pound of fluorine and carbon, with high of another signal. Full form frequency
temperature stability. 쒁 chlorofluorocar- modulation (NOTE: It is often used as a
bon method of carrying data over fibre-optic or
telephone cables. Many modem standards
fluorosis noun MED a condition caused
use FM to transmit data.)
by excessive fluoride in drinking water or
food (NOTE: It causes discoloration of teeth f-number noun PHOTOGRAPHY the ratio
and affects the milk yields of cattle.) of the focal length of a camera lens to its
effective diameter
flush verb 1. ENG to clear a tube such as a
sewer by sending water through it 2. to foam noun 1. a mass of bubbles of air or
pass water through a tube or system in gas in a liquid film 쑗 detergent foam on the
order to remove something and clean it 3. river 쑗 foam fire extinguishers 2. INDUST a
COMPUT to clear or erase all the contents of light, porous, semi-rigid or spongy mate-
a queue, buffer, file or section of memory 쐽 rial used for thermal insulation or shock
adjective level or in line with something absorption 쑗 Polyurethane foam is used in
flutter noun ACOUSTICS a repeated
change in tape speed owing to mechanical foam plastic noun plastic with bubbles
or circuit problems, causing signal distor- blown into it to make a light material used
tion for packing. Also called plastic foam
fluvial, fluviatile adjective EARTH SCI focal length noun OPTICS 1. the distance
referring to rivers at which a converging mirror or lens will
bring parallel light to a point 2. the distance
fluvial deposit noun GEOL sediment from which a parallel beam will appear to
deposited by a river diverge after passing through a diverging
flux noun 1. PHYS the rate at which heat, lens or mirror (NOTE: For a simple mirror
energy or radiation flows 2. CHEM a sub- with a surface which is part of a sphere, the
stance applied to the surface of metals focal length is half of the radius of curva-
when soldering them together 3. CHEM a ture. Because astronomical objects are in
substance used in ore smelting to aid the effect infinitely far away, a mirror or lens will
removal of impurities focus light from them at its own focal
flux density noun PHYS flux per unit length, near which an eyepiece can form a
area visible image.)
fly noun ZOOL a small insect with two focal point noun same as focus
wings. Order: Diptera. 쐽 verb BIOL, AER- focus noun 1. OPTICS, PHYS a point at
OSP to move through the air (NOTE: fly – which rays of light or other radiation con-
flew – flown) verge 쑗 The focus of a lens is also called
fly ash noun INDUST solid particles in the the focal point. Also called focal point 왍 to
air that have come from burning coal or come into focus to become clearer, as
257 food allergy
through the viewfinder of a camera 2. COM- ture as rain or snow and then flows down
PUT a particular window or field that is cur- the other side as a dry wind.
rently ready to accept a user’s command 쑗 folder noun COMPUT a group of files
The object that currently has the user’s stored together under a single name
focus has a dotted line around it. 3. EARTH folding noun COMPUT a method of creat-
SCI same as epicentre 쐽 verb 1. OPTICS, ing a hash address by splitting the key into
PHYS to make things such as light rays con- parts and adding them together
verge on a central point 쑗 A parabolic foliage noun BOT the leaves on plants 쑗 In
reflector focuses the transmission into a a forest, animals are hard to see through
narrow beam. 2. OPTICS to give an object the thick foliage on the trees.
or image a clear outline or detail by adjust-
ment of an optical device 쑗 Focus the foliar adjective BOT referring to leaves
microscope in order to make the image foliar feed noun AGRIC a liquid nutrient
easier to see. 3. to direct something used by gardeners to spray onto the leaves
towards a particular point or purpose 쑗 The of plants which then absorb it
crew focused all their attention on finding foliar spray noun 1. AGRIC a method of
a solution to the problem. applying pesticides or liquid nutrients as
focusing noun PHYSIOL the process of droplets to plant leaves 쑗 needs weekly
changing the shape of the lens at the front foliar sprays 2. ECOL a pesticide or liquid
of the eye to focus on objects at different nutrient applied to plant leaves as droplets
distances folic acid noun BIOCHEM a vitamin in the
fodder, fodder crop noun AGRIC plant vitamin B complex found in milk, liver,
material or a crop which is grown to give to yeast and green plants such as spinach
COMMENT: Folic acid is essential for
animals as food, e.g. grass or clover 쑗 win- creating new blood cells. A lack of folic acid
ter fodder can cause anaemia and neural tube defects
FoE abbreviation Friends of the Earth in the developing fetus. In the UK all preg-
nant women are given regular folic acid
foehn noun METEOROL another spelling supplements.
of föhn
follicle noun 1. BOT a fruit in the form of
foetus noun BIOL another spelling of a dry case that splits along one side to
fetus release the seeds 2. ANAT the small struc-
fog noun METEOROL a thick mist made up ture in the skin from which each hair devel-
of tiny drops of water ops 3. BIOL one of many small structures in
COMMENT: Fog is caused by a fall in the the ovaries where egg cells develop
temperature of damp air, making the mois-
ture in the air condense into droplets. This follicle-stimulating hormone noun
can happen when a warmer, moist air mass BIOCHEM a hormone that regulates the
moves over a colder surface (advection growth of egg follicles in the ovaries and
fog), or when the air just above ground level the making of sperm in the testes
is cooled as the land surface immediately
beneath it cools at night due to radiation
foobar noun COMPUT whatever is being
(radiation fog). Technically speaking, a fog discussed by programmers (informal)
occurs when visibility falls to below 1 000 m. (NOTE: You will often see this term used in
Above this, moisture in the atmosphere is books and lessons about software and
called mist. Fog may be classified as: thick systems.)
fog, with visibility down to 200 m, where
road traffic is affected, and dense fog, with food noun 1. BIOL the nutrient material
visibility down to 50 m, where it is not safe eaten by animals for energy and growth 2.
for any vehicles to move about. AGRIC the nutrient material applied to
fogging noun COMPUT a graphic effect plants as fertiliser
that is used to simulate atmospheric fog or food additive noun FOOD INDUST a
haze, used to make a three-dimensional chemical substance added to food to
scene more realistic. Also called haze improve its appearance or taste, or to pre-
foggy adjective METEOROL referring to vent it from going bad
weather conditions when there is fog food allergen noun MED a substance in
föhn, foehn noun METEOROL a warm dry food that produces an allergy
wind which blows down the side of a food allergy noun MED a reaction caused
mountain away from the prevailing wind. by sensitivity to some foods (NOTE: Some
It occurs when moist air rises up the moun- of the commonest food allergies are to
tain on the windward side, loses its mois- strawberries, chocolate, milk, eggs and
food balance 258
wheat protein. Nut allergies are also com- and cooking of food that determine
mon and may be severe.) whether or not it is safe to eat
Food and Agriculture Organiza- food security noun SOCIOL the situation
tion noun AGRIC an international organisa- that exists when people have both physical
tion that is an agency of the United access to, and the economic means to buy,
Nations. It was established with the pur- sufficient food of a quality that meets their
pose of improving standards of nutrition nutritional needs and food preferences
and eradicating malnutrition and hunger. foodstuff noun FOOD INDUST something
Abbr FAO that can be used as food 쑗 cereals, vegeta-
Food and Drug Administration bles and other foodstuffs
noun FOOD INDUST, PHARM a US govern- food supply noun 1. FOOD INDUST the
ment department that protects the public production of food and the way in which it
against unsafe foods, drugs and cosmetics. gets to the consumer 2. FOOD a stock of
Abbr FDA food 쑗 The ants will vigorously defend
Food and Environmental Protec- their food supply.
tion Act, 1986 noun legislation which food value noun BIOL the amount of
brings the use of agrochemicals under stat- energy produced by a specific amount of a
utory control, as opposed to the previous type of food
voluntary arrangement. Abbr FEPA food web noun ECOL a series of food
food balance noun ENVIRON the balance chains that are linked together in an eco-
between food supply and the demand for system
food from a population foot noun 1. ANAT the bottom part of a leg
food chain noun ECOL a series of organ- which supports the body 2. MEASURE a unit
isms that pass energy and minerals from of length in the US and British Imperial
one to another as each provides food for Systems equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centi-
the next (NOTE: The first organism in the metres. Abbr ft (NOTE: The plural is feet.)
food chain is the producer and the rest are footer, footing noun COMPUT a message
consumers.) at the bottom of all the pages in a printed
COMMENT: Two basic types of food chain document. Compare header
exist: the grazing food chain and the detrital footnote noun PRINTING a note at the bot-
food chain, based on plant-eaters and tom of a page, which refers to the text
detritus-eaters respectively. In practice,
food chains are interconnected, making up above it, usually using a superscript
food webs. number as a reference
food colouring noun FOOD INDUST a foot-pound noun MEASURE the ability to
substance used to colour food lift a one pound weight a distance of one
food crop noun AGRIC a plant grown for foot
food footprint noun 1. TELECOM the area cov-
food grain noun AGRIC a cereal crop ered by a transmitting device such as a sat-
used as food for humans, e.g. wheat, barley ellite or antenna 2. COMPUT the area that a
or rye computer takes up on a desk 3. ECOL the
resources that an individual or organisation
food mile noun a measure of the distance consumes 쑗 the ecological footprint of the
that food is transported from its place of building
origin to the consumer forage noun AGRIC a crop planted for ani-
food poisoning noun MED an illness mals to eat in the field 쐽 verb BIOL to look
caused by eating food that is contaminated for food 쑗 The woodpecker forages in the
with bacteria forest canopy for insects.
food processing industry noun forbid verb to say that something must
FOOD INDUST the industry involved in the not be done
treating of raw materials to produce food- forbidden character, forbidden com-
stuffs bination noun COMPUT a bit combination
food pyramid noun ECOL a chart of a in a computer word that is not allowed
food chain showing the number of organ- according to the rules defined by the pro-
isms at each level grammer or system designer
food safety noun ECOL the issues sur- force noun PHYS 1. the capacity to do
rounding the production, handling, storage work or cause physical change 쑗 the force
259 form
of an explosion 2. a vector quantity that tissue and should not be there, e.g. sand in
produces an acceleration of a body in the a cut, dust in the eye or a pin which has
direction of its application 쐽 verb to use been swallowed 쑗 The X-ray showed the
power against resistance 쑗 Because of dis- presence of a foreign body.
tortion to the airframe, the pilot had to foreign matter noun something
force the door open in order to exit the air- unwanted which is found in a substance or
craft. a device 쑗 Turbine blades can be damaged
COMMENT: There are four types of force in by foreign matter such as stones entering
the universe. The strong force, which binds through the engine intake on take-off.
atomic nuclei together; the weak force,
encountered in particle physics; the electro- forelimb noun ZOOL either of the two
magnetic force; and the gravitational force. front limbs of a four-limbed vertebrate, e.g.
These four forces appear to account for all a flipper, arm, wing or fin
the interactions of matter which we know
about. Strong force is expressed by a
foreshock noun EARTH SCI a small shock
variety of particles called quarks and is that comes before a main earthquake
some hundred times as powerful as the foreshore noun EARTH SCI an area of
electromagnetic force, which governs sand or pebbles which is only covered by
chemical reactions and the emission of
electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic
the sea when there are very high tides
forces are some 100 billion times as strong forest noun 1. ECOL an area of land
as the weak force, which is itself 100 trillion greater than 0.5 ha, 10% of which is occu-
trillion times as strong as gravitation. This is pied by trees 쑗 The whole river basin is
why a minute pocket magnet can hold a
lump of iron in mid-air, defying the whole of
covered with tropical forest. 2. FORESTRY
the Earth’s gravitation. same as plantation 3. COMPUT a number of
force of gravity noun PHYS same as interconnected data structure trees 쐽 verb
FORESTRY to manage a forest, by cutting
wood as necessary, and planting new trees
forceps plural noun MED a surgical
forest conservation noun FORESTRY
instrument like a pair of scissors, made in the active maintenance of forests by con-
different sizes and with differently shaped trolled felling and planting
ends, used for holding and pulling
forest dieback noun ENVIRON a disease
force ratio noun PHYS the ratio between affecting pine trees in which the pine nee-
the output force load and the input force dles turn yellow. Also called Waldsterben
effort. Also called mechanical advan-
tage (NOTE: It is often described as a per- forester noun FORESTRY a person who
centage. A machine can have a force ratio manages woodland and plantations of trees
of more than one if a small effort can work forest floor noun ECOL the ground at the
a large load.) base of the trees in a forest
forcing mechanism noun EARTH SCI a forestry noun FORESTRY the manage-
process that alters the relative balance ment of forests, woodlands and plantations
between incoming solar radiation and out- of trees
going infrared radiation from Earth forest tree noun BOT a large tree of the
forebrain noun ANAT the frontmost of the type that grows in a forest
three parts of the brain in an embryo. Com- forewing noun INSECTS either of the pair
pare midbrain, hindbrain of front wings on a four-winged insect
forecast noun a description of what it is form noun 1. BIOL a grouping of organ-
thought will happen in the future on the isms within a species, on the basis of a spe-
basis of current knowledge 쑗 the weather cific characteristic or characteristics 쑗 The
forecast 쑗 population forecasts 쐽 verb to ground automatic relief valve is a form of
describe what it is thought will happen in discharge valve. 쑗 Drizzle is the lightest
the future form of precipitation. 2. the shape of an
object 쑗 Fluids take on the form of the con-
foreground noun COMPUT 1. the front tainer in which they are found. 왍 in the
part of an illustration 2. a high-priority task form of having the shape of 쑗 arranged in
done by a computer the form of a triangle 쐽 verb 1. to come into
foreign adjective GEOG belonging to or being 쑗 In certain conditions, ice forms on
coming from another country the leading edge of the wing. 2. to make a
foreign body noun MED a piece of mate- shape 쑗 Three points on the chart form a
rial that is not part of the surrounding body triangle. 3. to make up or constitute some-
formaldehyde 260
thing 쑗 The classroom and accommodation form overlay noun COMPUT a heading or
building form the main part of the college. other matter held in store and printed out at
formaldehyde noun CHEM a colourless the same time as the text
gas with an unpleasant smell, used in the formula noun 1. MATHS a mathematical
manufacture of resins, fertilisers, dyes and rule expressed in symbols 쑗 The formula
in the preservation of organic specimens. for calculating speed is D ÷ T = S (where
Formula: HCHO. D = distance, T = time and S = speed).
formalin noun CHEM a 40% solution of (NOTE: The plural is formulas or formu-
formaldehyde in water, used as a disinfect- lae.) 2. CHEM a representation of the chem-
ant and in the preservation of organic spec- ical composition of a compound in terms
imens of its atoms (NOTE: plural is formulas or
formal logic noun LOGIC the treatment formulae)
of form and structure, ignoring content formula translator noun COMPUT full
format COMPUT noun 1. a specific method form of FORTRAN
of arranging text or data 2. the precise syn- FORTH noun COMPUT a computer pro-
tax of instructions and arguments 쐽 verb to gramming language mainly used in control
arrange text as it will appear in printed applications
form on paper 쑗 Style sheets are used to Fortin barometer noun PHYS a mercury
format documents. 앳 to format a disk barometer that accurately measures atmos-
COMPUT 1. to set up a blank disk so that it pheric pressure
is ready for data, by writing control and FORTRAN noun COMPUT a program-
track location information on it 2. to define ming language developed originally for
the areas of a disk reserved for data and scientific use. Full form formula transla-
control tor
formation noun 1. the coming or bring- forward adjective moving in advance or
ing into being of something 2. 왍 to fly in in front 쐽 verb 1. to send a letter or email
formation (of a number of aircraft) to fly in on to another address 쑗 I did not know the
a group which maintains a particular pat- answer to the question, so I have for-
tern or arrangement in the air warded your message to my colleague. 2.
former adjective 1. having been in the to improve or send on something 3. COM-
past 쑗 the former president of the society 2. PUT (in a network) an action by a bridge to
referring to the first of two things men- copy a packet of data from one segment to
tioned earlier 쑗 Of the two proposed expla- another
nations, the former is unconvincing and the forwards adverb towards a position in
latter absurd. 쐽 noun AVIAT a light second- front 쑗 The throttles are moved forwards
ary structure of the airframe which gives for take-off. (NOTE: In US English, forward
improved shape is used as an adverb as well as an adjec-
form factor noun COMPUT the size and tive.)
shape of a device, especially a computer’s fossil noun BIOL the remains of an ancient
motherboard or other printed circuit board animal or plant found preserved in rock
form feed noun COMPUT to advance the fossil fuel noun INDUST a substance con-
paper in a printer to the top of the next page taining carbon formed from the decom-
or sheet (NOTE: If you are using a laser or posed remains of prehistoric plants, e.g.
inkjet printer this has the effect of ejecting oil, natural gas or peat
the current piece of paper.) fossil fuel combustion noun INDUST
formic acid noun CHEM a colourless cor- the burning of coal, oil or natural gas
rosive liquid with an unpleasant smell that fossil-fuelled power station noun
is naturally present in ants and in some INDUST a power station that burns fossil
plants. Formula: HCOOH. Also called fuel to generate electricity
methanoic acid (NOTE: It is used in tan- fossil-fuel power noun INDUST power,
ning, electroplating, paper, textiles, insecti- especially electricity, generated from fossil
cides and refrigerants.) fuels
form mode noun COMPUT a display fossilised adjective BIOL referring to an
method on a data entry terminal in which a animal or plant that has become a fossil
form is displayed on the screen and the fossil water noun ENVIRON water that
operator enters relevant details has accumulated in underground strata
261 fractional distillation
over millions of years and is therefore not fourth generation language noun
a renewable resource COMPUT a computer language that is
Foucault pendulum noun PHYS a user-friendly and has been designed with
heavy pendulum suspended by a long thin the non-expert in mind. Abbr 4GL
wire that can swing in any direction (NOTE: fovea, fovea centralis noun 1. a shallow
The plane of motion of the pendulum pit 2. ANAT a depression in the retina which
appears to change as the Earth rotates.) is the point where the eye sees most clearly
foul air noun INDUST the air that has been fovea centralis noun ANAT an area of
circulated in a building or mine without the eye that is specialised for the recogni-
being changed tion of colour
fouling noun AUTOMOT the contamination fowl noun AGRIC a bird, especially a hen,
of spark plugs with oil or petrol so that they raised on a farm for food. 쒁 waterfowl
do not fire correctly 쑗 The engine should
be run at a positive idling speed to prevent
fowl pest noun VET a viral disease of
spark plug fouling.
foul water noun ENVIRON water contain- fps plural noun COMPUT the number of
ing waste or sewage individual frames of a video sequence that
can be displayed each second to give the
founder effect noun ECOL the existence impression of movement. Full form
of low levels of genetic variation due to a frames per second
new population being established by only a COMMENT: To give the impression of
few original individuals smooth, continuous movement, a computer
four-address instruction noun COM- needs to display at least 25 separate
PUT a program instruction that contains frames each second. If the frames are large
the computer has to update the hundreds of
four addresses within its address field thousands of pixels that make up each
fourcc noun COMPUT a method of identi- image 25 times per second. To do this
fying the type of data within a RIFF file. needs a fast graphics adapter or special
Full form four-character code video display hardware.
four-fold adjective, adverb MATHS four FPU abbreviation COMPUT floating point
times unit
4GL abbreviation COMPUT fourth genera- FQDN noun COMPUT a full domain name
tion language that can be used to identify a server. Full
form fully qualified domain name
Fourier analysis noun MATHS the anal-
ysis of a periodic function by using the Fr symbol CHEM ELEM francium
terms of a Fourier series as an approxima- fractal noun MATHS a geometric shape
tion that repeats itself within itself and always
Fourier series noun MATHS an infinite appears the same, however much the image
series of terms consisting of constants mul- is magnified
tiplied by sines or cosines (NOTE: It is used fractal compression noun COMPUT a
in the analysis of periodic functions.) technique used to compress images by
four-plus-one address noun COMPUT reducing an image to a fractal that can be
an instruction that contains the locations of represented by a mathematical equation
four registers and the location of the next fraction noun 1. MATHS a part of a whole
instruction unit, expressed as one figure above
four-stroke combustion engine another, e.g. ¼ or ½ 2. MATHS the mantissa
noun AUTOMOT an engine that operates in of a floating point number 3. CHEM a com-
accordance with the four-stroke cycle ponent of a mixture separated out by a frac-
four-stroke cycle noun AUTOMOT the tional process 쑗 The fraction of petroleum
cycle of induction, compression, power which is a gas is natural gas.
and exhaust phases in the operation of a fractional adjective MATHS referring to
four-stroke combustion engine fractions 쑗 The root is the fractional power
fourth generation computer noun of a number.
COMPUT a computer that uses large scale fractional distillation noun CHEM a
integration circuits, developed around distillation process in which different frac-
1970 and still in current use. 쒁 computer tions of a mixture of liquids are collected at
generation different points during the process
fractional part 262
fractional part noun MATHS the man- played per second. PAL is 25fps, NTSC is
tissa of a floating point number 30fps and film is 24fps.)
fractional process noun CHEM a proc- frames per second plural noun COM-
ess that separates out the components of a PUT full form of fps
mixture framework noun 1. the supporting struc-
fractionate verb CHEM to separate a mix- ture round which something is made or
ture into its constituents by a method such built 쑗 This house has a timber framework.
as crystallisation or distillation 2. a set of ideas or principles that form the
fracture noun 1. MED a break in a bone 쑗 basis of something that will be developed
a multiple fracture of the skull 2. EARTH SCI more at a later stage 쑗 The draft report will
the breaking of rock provide a framework for our discussions.
fragile adjective referring to something 3. COMPUT the basic structure of a database
that is easily broken or damaged 쑗 a fragile process or program 쑗 The program frame-
glass tube 쑗 The desert is a fragile environ- work was designed first.
ment. francium noun CHEM ELEM a naturally
fragment noun 1. a small piece of some- radioactive element (NOTE: The chemical
thing 쑗 a fragment of rock 2. COMPUT a symbol is Fr; the atomic number is 87 and
piece of information that has had to be split the atomic weight is 223.)
up into several smaller units of information Frasch process noun MIN EXTRACT the
before being sent over the Internet 3. process used to extract sulfur from under-
GENETICS a piece of DNA, especially one ground (NOTE: Superheated water is
cut by an enzyme 쑗 a restriction fragment pumped through a tube into the under-
쐽 verb to break into pieces ground deposit, melting the sulfur, which is
fragmentation noun COMPUT memory then forced to the surface with hot air.)
allocation that results in related files being fraternal twins plural noun BIOL two
scattered all over a hard disk instead of offspring that come from two different egg
being stored next to one another cells fertilised at the same time (NOTE: Fra-
frame noun 1. a structure that gives shape ternal twins are not identical and not
or support 쑗 Early aircraft fuselages were always of the same sex.)
made of a frame covered by a fabric. 2. an free adjective 1. not attached, confined or
open structure for holding or making a bor- controlled 2. COMPUT available for use or
der 쑗 a door or window frame 3. COMPUT a not currently being used 쑗 free memory
space on magnetic tape for one character space 3. CHEM chemically uncombined 쐽
code 4. COMPUT a packet of transmitted verb 1. to release something or someone
data including control and route informa- from constraint 2. COMPUT to erase or back
tion 5. COMPUT a single image within a up programs or files to provide space in
sequence of different images that together memory
show movement or animation 6. COMPUT a free electron noun PHYS an electron that
set of commands that allow the main win- is not bonded to an atom or molecule
dow of a browser to be split into separate (NOTE: Free electrons can move about
sections, each of which can be scrolled under the influence of external electric or
independently magnetic fields.)
frame buffer noun COMPUT a section of free energy noun PHYS a measure of the
memory used to store an image before it is capacity of a system to do work. Also
displayed on screen called Gibbs free energy. Symbol g
frame grabber noun COMPUT a free fall noun PHYS an ideal state in which
high-speed electronic circuit that samples the only force acting on an object is the
one complete frame of a video sequence, Earth’s gravitational attraction
converts it to digital format and stores it in free form database noun COMPUT a
memory so that it can then be processed database that can store any type of data and
frame of reference noun MATHS a set does not have a fixed record structure
of geometric axes used to describe the free heat noun ENVIRON the heat that is
location of a point in space present in a building, coming not from
frame rate noun COMPUT the speed at heating but from other sources such as
which frames in a video sequence are dis- appliances, people and heat retained in
played (NOTE: It is measured in frames dis- walls or floors
263 freshwater
free-living animal noun ECOL an ani- freezing point of water is 0°C or 32°F
mal that exists in its environment without under a pressure of one atmosphere.
being a parasite on another F region, F layer noun METEOROL the
freely adverb with no restrictions highest part of the ionosphere, capable of
free oxygen noun CHEM oxygen not reflecting radio waves of up to 50 MHz
combined with any other element back to Earth (NOTE: Two layers are distin-
free radical noun CHEM an atom or guished within it and their relative heights
group of atoms that is highly reactive due differ from day to night.)
to the presence of an unpaired electron Freon trademark CHEM chlorofluorocar-
free-swimming adjective MARINE BIOL
same as pelagic frequency noun 1. the number of times
free temperature rise noun ENVIRON something happens in a given period of
the difference between the temperature time 2. PHYS the number of repetitions per
outside a building and the free heat inside unit time of a complete waveform such as
it (NOTE: If a building is well insulated, the an electric or sound wave (NOTE: The fre-
difference can be as much as 10K.) quency of electromagnetic radiation is
inversely proportional to the wavelength of
freeware noun COMPUT software that is the radiation.) 3. SCI the probability of a
in the public domain and can be used by item occurring in a sample 4. STATS the
anyone without having to pay number of occurrences of something in a
freeze verb 1. PHYS to pass from the liq- group or sample
uid to the solid state by loss of heat 2.
FOOD, INDUST to preserve something such
frequency allocation noun the fre-
as food by keeping it at a very low temper- quency or range of radio frequencies set
ature it 3. METEOROL (of weather) to be so aside for particular use 쑗 The frequency
cold that water turns to ice 쑗 It will freeze allocation for VOR is 108–117.975MHz.
tomorrow. Opposite melt 4. COMPUT same frequency division multiplexing
as hang 5. ZOOL to become or remain noun the assignation of a number of differ-
motionless to avoid the attention of preda- ent signals to different frequencies or
tors 쑗 These small birds freeze if a hawk bands to allow many signals to be sent
passes overhead. (NOTE: freeze – froze – along one channel 쑗 Using FDM we can
frozen) transmit 100 telephone calls along one
freeze drying noun INDUST a method of main cable. Abbr FDM
preserving food or tissue specimens by frequency modulation noun PHYS a
freezing rapidly and drying in a vacuum radio transmission method in which the
freeze frame verb COMPUT to stop a frequency of the wave carrying the signal
video sequence so that only one frame is is varied according to the characteristics of
displayed the sound being broadcast
freezer noun an appliance for preserving frequent adjective happening or appear-
perishable items by keeping them at a very ing often 쑗 frequent inspection
low temperature frequently asked questions noun
freezing fog noun METEOROL fog COMPUT a document that contains common
formed from supercooled vapour droplets, questions and their answers related to a
which remain liquid in the air but turn to particular subject 쑗 The website has a sec-
ice when they touch a surface tion for FAQ about the new disk drive.
freezing level noun METEOROL the alti- Abbr FAQ
tude at which the atmospheric temperature fresh air noun ENVIRON the air outside
has fallen to 0°C buildings or other structures 쑗 They came
freezing mixture noun CHEM a mixture out of the office into the fresh air.
of a salt and water or ice that produces a fresh water noun EARTH SCI water in riv-
significant decrease in temperature (NOTE: ers and lakes which contains almost no
Such mixtures are used in laboratories to salt. Compare salt water
produce a temperature below the freezing freshwater adjective 1. EARTH SCI con-
point of water.) taining fresh water 쑗 freshwater lakes 2.
freezing point noun PHYS the tempera- ZOOL living in fresh water 쑗 freshwater fish
ture at which a liquid becomes solid 쑗 The such as pike
freshwater limit 264
freshwater limit noun EARTH SCI the and the central computer whose function is
place in the course of a river at which the to preprocess received data to relieve the
salinity of the water has decreased and workload of the main computer. Abbr FEP
upstream of which the water contains frost noun METEOROL 1. the deposit of ice
almost no salt that forms on surfaces when the tempera-
Fresnel lens noun OPTICS a thin lens ture is below the freezing point of water 쑗
made up of concentric rings, each having a frost on the windowpanes 2. a deposit of
curvature corresponding to a similar ring crystals of ice on surfaces
of a plain convex lens (NOTE: A Fresnel frostbite noun MED an injury caused by
lens in the rear window of a bus allows the very severe cold which freezes tissue
driver a wide view of what is behind the
frostbitten adjective MED suffering from
friable adjective EARTH SCI, AGRIC refer- COMMENT: In very cold conditions, the
ring to soil which is light and crumbles eas- outside tissue of the fingers, toes, ears and
ily into fragments nose can freeze, becoming white and
friction noun PHYS a force that resists the numb. Thawing of frostbitten tissue can be
very painful and must be done very slowly.
relative motion or tendency to such motion
of two bodies in contact 쑗 Energy is con- frost-free region noun METEOROL a
verted to heat through friction. region where there are no frosts
Friends of the Earth noun a pressure frost hollow, frost pocket noun METE-
group formed to influence local and central OROL a low-lying area where cold air col-
governments on environmental matters. lects and frosts are frequent
Abbr FoE frost point noun METEOROL the temper-
FROM abbreviation COMPUT fusible read ature at which moisture in saturated air
only memory turns to ice
frond noun BOT a large compound leaf, frosty adjective METEOROL referring to an
divided into many sections, such as that air temperature below 0°C 쑗 a frosty night
found on ferns and palm trees fructification noun BOT the production
front noun 1. the forward part or surface 쑗 of fruit or fruits by a plant
The entrance is at the front. 2. the area, fructose noun BIOCHEM a sugar with six
location, or position directly before or carbon atoms, which together with glucose
ahead 왍 in front in a forward position rel- forms sucrose. Also called fruit sugar
ative to something else 쑗 Row 23 is in front
of row 24. 3. METEOROL the mixed area
frugivore noun ZOOL an animal that
mainly eats fruit (NOTE: Many bats and
between air masses of different tempera-
birds are frugivores.)
tures or densities 쑗 There is a warm front
advancing from the south. fruit BOT noun 1. the structure of a plant
frontal adjective 1. referring to the for- formed after flowering and usually con-
ward part or surface area of something 쑗 taining seeds. Many fruits are eaten as
the frontal area 2. METEOROL relating to a food. 쑗 a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables
쑗 A peach is a fleshy fruit. 2. the fleshy
weather front 쑗 a frontal storm
material round the fruit which is eaten as
frontal surface noun METEOROL the food 쐽 verb (of a plant) to produce fruit 쑗
boundary between two air masses Some varieties of apple fruit very early.
frontal system noun METEOROL a series COMMENT: Fruit contains fructose which is
of cold or warm fronts linked together a good source of vitamin C and some
frontal wave noun METEOROL a move- dietary fibre. Dried fruit has a higher sugar
ment of air at the edge of a warm front content but less vitamin C than fresh fruit.
front-end COMPUT adjective located at fruit fly noun INSECTS a small fly that
the start or most important point of a circuit feeds on fruit. Genus: Drosophila. (NOTE:
or network 쐽 noun the visible part of an Fruit flies are often used in genetics exper-
application that is seen by a user and is iments because they are easy to keep and
used to view and work with information 쑗 have a short generation time.)
The program is very easy to use thanks to fruiting season noun BOT the time of
the uncomplicated front-end. year when a particular tree has fruit
front-end processor noun COMPUT a fruit sugar noun BIOCHEM same as fruc-
processor placed between an input source tose
265 full moon
fruit tree noun BOT a tree that produces fuel injector noun AUTOMOT an injector
edible fruit that sprays fuel into the combustion cham-
fruitwood noun BOT, INDUST the wood ber of an engine
from a fruit tree such as apple or cherry, fuel oil noun INDUST petroleum oil used
which may be used to make furniture as fuel in a domestic heating boiler or
fruticose adjective BOT (of some lichens) industrial furnace
with upright branches, like a small shrubby fuel rod noun INDUST a piece of nuclear
plant (of some lichens) fuel, in the form of a rod, placed in the core
ft abbreviation MEASURE foot of a nuclear reactor
FTAM noun COMPUT a standard method of fuel-saving adjective INDUST using less
transferring files between different compu- fuel than others of the same type
ter systems. Full form file transfer, fuel switching noun ENVIRON the act of
access and management changing from a fuel with a high sulfur
FTP abbreviation COMPUT file transfer content to one such as natural gas that con-
protocol (NOTE: It is a file-sharing protocol tains a relatively low amount of sulfur
that operates at layers 5, 6 and 7 of an OSI fuel tank noun ENG a container for hold-
model network.) ing liquid fuel
fucoxanthin noun BIOCHEM a brown fuelwood noun INDUST wood that is
pigment found in some algae such as grown to be used as fuel
brown seaweeds fugitive emissions plural noun pollut-
fuel INDUST noun a substance that can be ing substances released into the atmos-
burnt to provide heat or power, e.g. wood, phere as a result of leaks, evaporation or
coal, gas or oil 쐽 verb to use a fuel to power wind effects
something 쑗 The boilers are fuelled by nat- fulcrum noun the point or support about
ural gas. which a lever turns
fuel additive noun AUTOMOT a substance full adder noun COMPUT a binary addi-
which is added to petrol to prevent knock- tion circuit that can produce the sum of two
ing, e.g. tetraethyl lead inputs and can also accept a carry input,
fuel/air mixture noun AUTOMOT a com- producing a carry output if necessary
bination of fuel and air which is ignited in full-cost accounting noun ENVIRON
a piston engine to provide power the practice of including the less obvious
fuel cell noun ELEC a device that converts costs of a product or activity, such as its
the chemical energy of a fuel and an oxi- effects on the environment or health,
dant to electrical energy together with its direct costs when making
fuel contamination noun INDUST the decisions. Also called green accounting,
act or an instance of fuel being made unus- environmental accounting
able because of an unwanted substance full duplex noun COMPUT data transmis-
such as water in it sion down a channel in two directions
fuel efficiency noun PHYS the percent- simultaneously
age of the heat from burning a fuel that is fullerene noun CHEM a form of carbon
converted into energy made up of up to 500 carbon atoms
fuel-efficient adjective INDUST referring arranged in a sphere or tube
to an engine or process that uses fuel effi- fuller’s earth noun GEOL, INDUST an
ciently absorbent clay used for treating cloth and
fuel element noun INDUST a piece of filtering liquids
nuclear fuel in a reactor full handshaking noun COMPUT the
fuel gauge noun AUTOMOT an instrument process of transmitting signals between
to indicate how much fuel is left in a fuel two communicating devices where both
tank devices use control signals to indicate
fuel injection noun AUTOMOT the spray- when they are ready to receive data or have
ing of pressurised liquid fuel into the com- received data
bustion chambers of an internal full moon noun ASTRON the middle point
combustion engine to increase the engine’s of a lunar cycle, when the whole face of the
performance Moon is lit by the Sun
full-motion video 266
full-motion video noun COMPUT a structure of genes and their biological
sequence of images that gives the impres- function in organisms
sion of continuous movement functional group noun CHEM a group
full-wave rectifier noun ELECTRONICS a of atoms that reacts as a single unit and
device for converting an alternating current determines the properties and structure of a
into a direct current operating on both the class of chemicals (NOTE: For example, the
positive and negative cycles of the alternat- hydroxyl group is the functional group in
ing current (NOTE: Such rectifiers are used alcohols.)
in the design of electronic equipment such function call noun COMPUT a program
as radios, computers and televisions.) instruction that moves execution to a pre-
fully adverb completely defined function or named sequence of
fully populated adjective COMPUT with
all the possible options or memory fitted, function key noun COMPUT one of sev-
or with components in all free sockets eral special keys placed along the top of a
PC keyboard that have different uses
fumarole noun EARTH SCI a small hole in according to different applications 쑗 Tags
the Earth’s crust near a volcano from can be allocated to function keys.
which gases, smoke or steam are released COMMENT: Function keys often form a
fumes plural noun 1. PHYS gas or vapour separate group of keys on the keyboard,
2. CHEM the solid particles produced by a and have specific functions attached to
chemical reaction which pass into the air as them. They may be labelled F1, F2 etc.
Most applications use the F1 key to display
smoke help information and Alt-F4 to quit an appli-
fumigant noun MED, AGRIC a chemical cation.
compound that becomes a gas or smoke function library noun COMPUT a collec-
when heated and is used to kill insects tion of functions that can be used by a pro-
fumigate verb MED, AGRIC to kill micro- gram
organisms or insects by using a fumigant function overloading noun COMPUT a
fumigation noun 1. MED, AGRIC the use programming system in which several dif-
of a fumigant to kill microorganisms or ferent functions can have the same name,
insects 2. ENVIRON a high amount of air but are differentiated because they operate
pollution near the ground, caused when the on different data types
morning sun heats the air and forces pol- fundamental adjective 1. referring to or
luted air down from higher levels forming the foundation or base 쑗 the fun-
function noun 1. the use or purpose of damental laws of aerodynamics 2. forming
something or how it works 쑗 The function or serving as an essential component of a
of a wing is to provide lift. 2. MATHS a system or structure 쑗 Electricity is one of
mathematical formula where a result is the fundamental types of energy that exist
dependent upon several other numbers 3. in nature.
COMPUT a sequence of computer program fundamental niche noun ECOL the full
instructions in a main program that per- range of physical, chemical and biological
form a specific task 4. COMPUT a special factors each species could use if there were
feature available on a computer or no competition from other species
word-processor 쑗 a spelling-checker func- fundamental particle noun PHYS same
tion 쐽 verb COMPUT to operate or perform as elementary particle
correctly 쑗 The new system has not func- fundamental unit noun MEASURE a
tioned properly since it was installed. basic unit of length, mass or time
functional adjective 1. useful or serving fundie noun ENVIRON a member of the
a practical purpose 2. MED having no radical wing of the Green movement
apparent organic cause fungal adjective BIOL referring to fungi 쑗
functional food noun HEALTH a food She had a fungal skin infection.
designed to be medically beneficial, help- fungi BIOL plural of fungus
ing to protect against serious conditions fungicidal adjective AGRIC referring to a
such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. substance which kills fungi 쑗 fungicidal
Also called nutraceutical, neutraceutical properties
functional genomics noun GENETICS fungicide noun AGRIC a substance used
the study of the relationships between the to kill fungi
267 FYI
fungoid adjective BIOL referring to some- furrow noun AGRIC a long trench cut in
thing shaped like a fungus 쑗 a fungoid the soil by a plough
growth on the skin fuse noun ELEC an electrical protection
fungus noun FUNGI an organism that has device consisting of a small piece of metal,
thread-like cells with walls made of chitin which will melt when too much power
and no green chlorophyll (NOTE: The plural passes through it 왍 to blow a fuse to melt a
is fungi. For other terms referring to fungi, fuse by passing too much current through it
see words beginning with myc-.) 쐽 verb 1. to join together to form a whole 쑗
COMMENT: Fungi grow in almost every envi- The bones of the skull fuse together to
ronment and are vital in nutrient cycling as enclose the brain. 2. ELEC to draw too
they can digest the cellulose in dead plants. much current, causing a fuse to melt 쑗
Mushrooms are the spore-producing struc-
tures of a large group of otherwise thread- When the air-conditioning was switched
like fungi; many are edible although some on, it fused the whole system.
are deadly poisonous. Fungi are used in fuselage noun AEROSP the central body
brewing, cheese-making and the produc- of an aircraft, to which the wings and tail
tion of antibiotics such as penicillin. Some
fungi can cause diseases of animals and assembly are attached and which accom-
plants. modates the crew, passengers and cargo 쑗
funicle noun BOT the stalk that attaches The fire started in the wing but soon spread
an ovule to the carpel wall to the fuselage.
funnel cloud noun METEOROL a rotating, fusible link noun COMPUT a small link in
visible extension of a cloud, with the top a programmable logic array that can be
attached to the cloud but without the bot- blown to program the device permanently
tom tip touching the ground 쑗 When a fun- fusible read only memory noun
nel cloud touches the ground it becomes a COMPUT a type of memory that is made up
tornado. of a matrix of fusible links which are selec-
fur noun 1. ZOOL a coat of hair covering an tively blown to program it. Abbr FROM
animal 쑗 The rabbit has a thick coat of win- fusion reactor noun PHYS a nuclear
ter fur. 2. INDUST skin and hair removed reactor producing energy from the fusion
from an animal, used to make clothes 쑗 She of two atoms such as deuterium and tritium
wore a fur coat and fur gloves. fuzzy logic, fuzzy theory noun COMPUT
furan noun CHEM a colourless flammable a type of logic applied to computer pro-
liquid of low boiling point with a gramming which tries to replicate the rea-
five-membered ring structure, used as a soning methods of the human brain
solvent and in polymer manufacture. For- FYI noun COMPUT a document file that
mula: C4H4O. contains general background information
furanose noun BIOCHEM a sugar contain- related to the Internet or protocols. Full
ing a ring made up of one oxygen atom and form for your information
four carbon atoms g symbol 1. MEASURE gram 2. gravitational
furnace noun INDUST a container for constant 3. COMPUT 230, equal to 1 073 741
burning fuel and ore 824
G symbol 1. MEASURE gauss 2. MATHS galactic halo noun ASTRON the large
giga- region of space outside the Milky Way,
Ga symbol CHEM ELEM gallium including the main spiral arms, older
fainter stars and globular clusters, and the
gadolinium noun CHEM ELEM a rare sil- outer regions of the galactic magnetic field
very-white metallic element in the lantha-
nide group of the periodic table (NOTE: It is galactose noun BIOCHEM a six-carbon
used in high-temperature alloys and as a sugar found mainly in lactose
neutron absorber in nuclear reactors and galaxy noun ASTRON a massive assembly
fuels. The chemical symbol is Gd; the of stars, dust, gas and other components
atomic number is 64 and atomic weight is held together by gravity
157.93.) COMMENT: The main types (see Hubble
Classification) are spiral galaxies, barred
GAI abbreviation green area index spirals, elliptical, irregular and peculiar. It
Gaia hypothesis, Gaia theory noun appears that only about 10% of the mass of
ECOL a theory that the biosphere is like a
galaxies is in the form of visible matter, and
that they contain a much larger amount of
single organism where the living fauna and dark matter. Our own galaxy is known as
flora of Earth, its climate and geology, all the Milky Way galaxy because the path of
function together and are interrelated, the Milky Way across the sky marks the
influencing the development of the whole main mass of the galaxy, whose centre is in
environment the constellation Scorpius.

gain noun 1. an increase 쑗 a gain in alti- gale noun METEOROL a very strong wind
usually blowing from a single direction
tude 쑗 There is a gain of heat by the Earth
(NOTE: A gale is force 8 on the Beaufort
due to solar radiation. 2. ELEC an increase
in signal power, voltage, or current 쑗 The
amplifier boosts the gain of the incoming galena noun MINERALS a shiny blue-grey
signal. 3. a benefit or advantage 쑗 An addi- crystalline mineral consisting of lead
tional gain from the horizontally opposed sulfide. Symbol PbS (NOTE: It is a source
arrangement of cylinders is a smoother of lead and silver.)
running engine. 쐽 verb 1. to increase by a gale warning noun METEOROL an alert
particular amount 쑗 He failed the test that there is going to be a gale
because the aircraft gained 100ft in the Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) ASTRON
360° level turn. 2. to get or obtain a result an Italian astronomer who was one of the
in an examination 쑗 He gained a good first people to look at the sky through a tel-
mark in his meteorology exam. 왍 to gain escope
access to to be able to access a file or infor- COMMENT: He concluded that the Earth
mation in it 쑗 The user cannot gain access moves like other astronomical objects, a
to the confidential information in the file conclusion that led him to a showdown with
the Church of Rome in which he was forced
without a password. to retract. He observed Neptune without
galactic adjective ASTRON referring to a recognising it as a planet. He also applied
galaxy mathematical analysis to the movement of
bodies in a way which was a precursor to
galactic equator noun ASTRON the Newton’s work on motion, and was an
imaginary circle formed by extending the inventor whose devices ranged from clocks
plane that passes through the centre of the to artillery.
galaxy (NOTE: It is inclined at approxi- gall noun BOT a hard growth on a plant
mately 62° to the celestial equator.) caused by a parasitic insect
269 gap character
gall bladder noun ANAT a small muscu- gametocide noun BIOCHEM a drug that
lar sac on the underside of the liver in kills gametocytes
which bile secreted by the liver is stored gametocyte noun BIOL a cell that devel-
until needed for digestion ops into a gamete
gallium noun CHEM ELEM a rare blue-grey gametogenesis noun BIOL the produc-
metal element used in semiconductors, tion of gametes from gametocytes by cell
high-temperature thermometers and alloys division (meiosis)
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ga; the gametophyte noun BOT the part of a
atomic number is 31 and the atomic weight plant’s life cycle when sex organs and sex
is 69.72.) cells (gametes) are produced
gallium arsenide noun ELEC a semi- gamma noun the third letter of the Greek
conductor compound used in chip con- alphabet
struction. Symbol GaAs (NOTE: It allows gamma globulin noun IMMUNOL a pro-
faster operation than silicon chips.) tein component of blood serum that con-
gallon noun a unit of liquid volume in the tains the antibodies (NOTE: It is produced
Imperial System, approximately equal to commercially from human plasma and
4.5 litres used in vaccines against diseases such as
galvanic adjective ELEC referring to elec- measles and poliomyelitis.)
tricity produced by chemical reaction gamma radiation noun PHYS radiation
galvanic cell noun ELEC same as pri- from gamma rays
mary cell gamma ray noun PHYS a high-energy
galvanisation, galvanization noun form of electromagnetic radiation
INDUST the coating of iron or steel with COMMENT: Gamma rays form part of the
high-energy radiation which the Earth
zinc to prevent it from rusting receives from the Sun. Gamma rays are
galvanise, galvanize verb INDUST to also given off by radioactive substances
coat iron or steel with zinc to prevent it and can penetrate very thick metal. They
from rusting have no electric charge or mass and their
frequency is higher than that of X-rays.
galvanised iron noun INDUST iron that gamogenesis noun BIOL sexual repro-
has been coated with zinc to prevent it duction
from rusting (NOTE: Sheets of galvanised
iron are widely used for roofs.)
ganged adjective ELEC mechanically
linked and operated by a single action
galvanometer noun ELEC ENG an instru- ganged switch noun ELEC a series of
ment used to detect or measure small elec- switches that operate on different parts of a
tric currents using a coil in a magnetic field circuit, but which are all switched by a sin-
to move a pointer or light in a manner that gle action 쑗 A ganged switch is used to
is proportional to the strength and direction select which data bus a printer will
of the current respond to.
game noun AGRIC animals that are hunted ganglion noun ANAT 1. a mass of nerve
and killed for sport or food or both cell bodies and synapses, usually covered
game bird noun AGRIC a bird that is in connective tissue, found along the
hunted and killed for sport or food or both peripheral nerves with the exception of the
game reserve noun AGRIC an area of basal ganglia 2. a cyst of a tendon sheath or
land where wild animals are kept to be joint capsule, usually at the wrist, which
hunted and killed for sport results in a painless swelling containing
gametangium noun BOT a cell or organ fluid (NOTE: The plural is ganglia.)
that produces sex cells (gametes), espe- gap noun 1. a space between objects or
cially in algae and fungi points 2. a difference between things or
gamete noun BIOL a sex cell groups of things 쑗 a gap between theory
COMMENT: In animals the male and female
and practice 3. a period of time 쑗 started
gametes are a spermatozoon and an ovum again after a gap of five years 4. COMPUT a
respectively, in plants they are a pollen space between recorded data 5. COMPUT a
grain and an ovule. Gametes are produced space between a read head and the mag-
by a special sort of cell division called netic medium
meiosis and each contains only half the
number of chromosomes found in ordinary gap character noun COMPUT an extra
body cells. character added to a group of characters for
gap loss 270
parity or another purpose, but not data or two flat pieces of glass covered with a grid
instructions of conductors, separated by a thin layer of
gap loss noun COMPUT a signal weaken- gas which luminesces when a point of the
ing due to incorrect alignment of the grid is selected by two electrical signals.
read/write head with the storage medium Also called gas plasma
garbage noun 1. US ENVIRON rubbish or gas engine noun ENG a type of internal
household waste 2. MEDIA radio interfer- combustion engine using a flammable gas
ence from adjacent channels 3. COMPUT as a fuel
data or information that is no longer gaseous adjective PHYS referring to a
required because it is out of date or con- substance formed or in the form of gas 왍
tains errors water in the gaseous state steam
garbage in garbage out noun COM- gas exchange noun ECOL the transfer
PUT an expression meaning that the accu- of gases between an organism and its envi-
racy and quality of information that is ronment
output depends on the quality of the input. gas extraction noun INDUST the process
Abbr GIGO of pumping gas out of a landfill site to use
gas noun 1. CHEM a substance that is not a as fuel
liquid or a solid, which will completely fill gas-fired power station noun INDUST
the container it occupies, and which a power station which burns gas, as
becomes liquid when it is cooled 쑗 Heating opposed to a coal-fired station or nuclear
turned the liquid into a gas. 쑗 If a gas is power station
cooled it will become liquid. 2. INDUST a
substance found underground, or produced gas gangrene noun MED a complication
from coal, and used to cook or heat 쑗 gas of severe wounds in which the bacterium
central heating 쑗 We heat our house by Clostridium welchii breeds in the wound
gas. 3. US INDUST same as gasoline and then spreads to healthy tissue which is
(NOTE: The UK term is petrol.) 4. MED gas
rapidly decomposed with the formation of
which accumulates in the stomach or ali- gas
mentary canal and causes pain gas giant noun ASTRON a large planet
gas carrier noun CHEM an inert gas used such as Jupiter or Saturn that consists
to transport the sample in gas chromatogra- mainly of hydrogen and helium
phy gasholder noun INDUST same as gasom-
gas chromatography noun CHEM a eter
scientific method for analysing a mixture gasification noun INDUST the process of
of volatile substances converting coal into gas to be used as fuel
gas cleaning noun ENVIRON the removal in gas-fired power stations
of pollutants from gas, especially from gasifier noun INDUST a factory which can
emissions from factories and power sta- convert coal into gas to be used as fuel
tions gasket noun ENG a seal or packing used
gas coal noun INDUST coal used for mak- between matched machine parts or around
ing coal gas pipe joints to prevent the escape of a gas or
gas coke noun INDUST coke resulting fluid
from the processing of coal for gas gas laws plural noun PHYS laws describ-
gas constant noun PHYS the constant in ing alterations in the volume of a gas as the
the equation that describes the mathemati- pressure and temperature are changed
cal relation between the pressure and vol- (NOTE: These laws are not perfectly
ume of a gas and its absolute temperature obeyed in practice.)
(NOTE: Its value is 8.314 joules per kelvin.) gasohol noun INDUST a mixture of petrol
gas-cooled reactor noun INDUST a and ethyl alcohol, used as a fuel in internal
nuclear reactor in which carbon dioxide or combustion engines
helium is used as a coolant and is passed gasoline noun US INDUST a liquid made
into water tanks to create the steam which from petroleum, used as a fuel in internal
will drive the turbines combustion engines (NOTE: The UK term is
gas discharge, gas electrolumines- petrol.)
cent display noun COMPUT a flat light- gasoline-powered adjective ENG
weight display screen that is made up of working on gasoline
271 gauge
gasometer noun INDUST a very large lever from being moved to an incorrect set-
tank for storing coal gas or natural gas. ting 쑗 It is necessary to move the rpm con-
Also called gasholder trol lever through a feathering gate to the
gas plasma noun same as gas dis- feathering position. 3. ELECTRONICS a log-
charge ical electronic switch whose output
gas poisoning noun MED poisoning by depends on the states of the inputs and the
breathing in carbon monoxide or other type of logical function implemented
toxic gas gate array noun ELECTRONICS a number
Gasserian ganglion noun ANAT same of interconnected logic gates built into an
as trigeminal ganglion integrated circuit to perform a complex
gas supply line noun INDUST a pipe function
which carries gas from its source to the gate circuit noun ELECTRONICS a series
consumer of electronic components that implement a
gastr- prefix ANAT same as gastro- logical function
gastric adjective ANAT referring to the gated noun COMPUT software that redi-
stomach rects network traffic, normally Internet
gastric acid noun BIOCHEM hydrochlo- traffic, according to a set of rules (NOTE: It
ric acid secreted into the stomach by can also be used to limit access to a site or
acid-forming cells to route traffic to another site. Pronounced
gastric artery noun ANAT an artery lead- ‘gate-dee’.)
ing from the coeliac trunk to the stomach gated quadrant noun ENG a quadrant
gastric juice noun PHYSIOL a mixture of with a device preventing a lever from being
hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor moved to an incorrect setting 쑗 The throt-
and mucus secreted by the cells of the lin- tles, usually known as power levers, oper-
ing membrane of the stomach to help the ate in a gated quadrant.
digestion of food gateway noun 1. an entrance that is
gastro- prefix ANAT the stomach accessible through a gate 2. a means of
gastroenteritis noun MED an inflamma- doing or achieving something 쑗 a gateway
tion of the membrane lining the intestines to success 3. COMPUT a device that links
and the stomach, caused by a viral infec- two dissimilar networks 쑗 We use a gate-
tion and resulting in diarrhoea and vomit- way to link the LAN to a WAN. 4. COMPUT
ing a software protocol translation device that
gastrointestinal tract noun ANAT allows users working in one network to
same as alimentary canal access another 5. COMPUT software that
gastropod noun ZOOL a mollusc that has allows mail messages to be sent via a dif-
a head with eyes, tongue and tentacles, a ferent route or to another network 쑗 To
large flattened muscular foot and often a send messages by fax instead of across the
single shell. Class: Gastropoda. (NOTE: network, you’ll need to install a fax gate-
Limpets, snails and slugs are gastropods.) way.
gastrula noun BIOL the stage in embry- gather verb 1. to collect things together 쑗
onic development following the blastula The children gathered sea shells on the
when the embryo develops two layers beach. 쑗 We gathered information from
gas turbine noun ENG an internal com- several reports and reviews. 2. COMPUT to
bustion engine where expanding gases receive data from various sources and sort
from combustion chambers drive a turbine and insert it in correct order into a database
(NOTE: A rotary compressor driven by the gather write verb COMPUT to write a
turbine sucks in the air used for combus- group of separate records as one block of
tion.) data
gasworks noun INDUST a place where gauge noun 1. an instrument for measur-
gas, especially coal gas, is made ing or testing 쑗 a temperature gauge 쑗 a
gate noun 1. ENG a device for controlling pressure gauge 2. MEASURE a unit of diam-
the passage of water or gas through a pipe eter or width 쐽 verb to calculate something
쑗 During a descent from altitude, with low approximately by using the senses 쑗 In fog,
power set, the turbocharger waste gate is it is difficult to gauge horizontal distances.
fully closed. 2. ENG a device to prevent a (NOTE: gauging – gauged)
Gause’s principle 272
Gause’s principle noun a theory that with cellulose nitrate, potassium nitrate,
suggests that two similar and competitive and wood pulp or guncotton
species cannot occupy the same ecological gender noun BIOL the sex of a person 쑗
niche at the same time She’s just had a baby but I don’t know what
gauss noun MEASURE, PHYS the cgs unit gender it is.
of magnetic flux density, equivalent to 10– gender changer noun ELEC a device for
4 changing a female connection to a male or
gauze noun a thin mesh made of wire or vice versa (informal)
other material gender reassignment noun MED a
Gay-Lussac’s law noun CHEM the prin- surgical operation, usually with accompa-
ciple that in a reaction between gases, they nying hormone treatment, that changes
combine in simple ratios of their volumes, somebody’s physical characteristics to
with any gaseous product also produced in approximate those of the opposite sex
a simple ratio gene noun GENETICS a unit of DNA on a
Gb abbreviation COMPUT gigabyte chromosome which governs the synthesis
of one protein and may combine with other
GCM abbreviation general circulation genes to determine a particular characteris-
model tic
GCS abbreviation MED Glasgow coma COMMENT: Genes exist in different forms,
scale called alleles. They are either dominant, in
which case the characteristic is always
GCV abbreviation PHYS gross calorific passed on to the offspring, or recessive,
value where the characteristic only appears if
Ge symbol CHEM ELEM germanium both parents have contributed a copy of the
same allele.
GE abbreviation BIOTECH genetic engi- gene amplification noun BIOTECH a
neering method for the repeated duplication of a
gear noun MECH ENG, AUTOMOT a toothed specific length of DNA to produce an
wheel that turns with another toothed part amount suitable for gene analysis, usually
to transmit motion or change speed or using the technique of polymerase chain
direction reaction (NOTE: It can be used to test for
gearbox noun MECH ENG, AUTOMOT a genetic defects such as those arising from
device to allow changes in the ratio of a single cell.)
engine speed to final drive speed 쑗 The gene bank noun GENETICS a collection
auxiliary power unit is a small gas turbine of seeds from potentially useful wild
engine which is connected to a gearbox. plants, which may be used in the future for
Geiger counter, Geiger-Muller detec- breeding new varieties
tor noun PHYS an instrument for the detec- gene chip noun BIOTECH a substrate con-
tion and measurement of radiation taining an array of DNA used to perform
COMMENT: A Geiger counter is made of a genetic testing
tube forming a negative electrode, with a gene cloning noun BIOTECH the process
wire running through the centre which forms of producing identical copies of a gene by
the positive electrode. The presence of
radiation causes a discharge of electricity the technique of polymerase chain reaction
between the electrodes which creates an gene expression noun GENETICS the
audible pulse which is used as a measure process by which the coded information
of the radiation. The greater the frequency carried in a gene is converted into a biolog-
of the pulses, the higher the level of radia-
tion. ical function
gel noun CHEM a substance that has coag- gene flow noun GENETICS a movement
ulated to form a jelly-like solid of genes among populations through inter-
breeding, dispersal and migration
gelatin noun BIOCHEM a protein which is
soluble in water, made from collagen gene frequency noun GENETICS the
COMMENT: Gelatin is used in foodstuffs
ratio of a specific variant form (allele) of a
such as desserts or meat jellies and is also gene to the total number of alleles in a spe-
used to make capsules in which to put cific population
medicine. gene gun noun BIOTECH a device for
gelignite noun CHEM an explosive con- inserting DNA directly into cells, used as a
sisting of nitroglycerine contained in a gel method of genetic modification
273 generator lock
gene mutation noun GENETICS a CHEM to produce something such as heat or
change in a single base or base pair in the electricity as a result of a chemical or phys-
DNA sequence of a gene ical process 쑗 The passage of air around
gene pool noun GENETICS the total of all the wing generates lift. 쑗 Carbon monoxide
the genes carried by the individual organ- is generated by car engines. 쑗 The nuclear
isms in a population reaction generates a huge amount of heat.
gene probe noun BIOTECH a fragment of 3. COMPUT to use software or a device to
DNA or RNA marked by a chemical or produce codes or a program automatically
쑗 to generate an image from digitally
radioactive substance that will bind to a
specific gene, used as a method of identify- recorded data 쑗 The graphics tablet gener-
ing or isolating that gene ates a pair of coordinates each time the pen
is moved.
genera BIOL plural of genus
general adjective 1. ordinary or not spe- generated address noun COMPUT the
cial 2. dealing with everything location used by a program that has been
produced by instructions within the pro-
general anaesthesia noun MED loss of gram
feeling and loss of consciousness
generating plant noun INDUST a fac-
general anaesthetic noun MED a sub- tory which produces something such as
stance such as nitrous oxide given to make electricity or a chemical substance
a patient lose consciousness so that a major
surgical operation can be carried out generation noun 1. a group of individu-
general circulation model noun als who are born and live at about the same
METEOROL a complex computer simulation time 쑗 the younger generation 2. the act or
of climate and its various components 쑗 process of making or creating something 쑗
General circulation models are used by the generation of electricity 쑗 the genera-
researchers and policy analysts to predict tion of ideas 3. COMPUT the production of
climate change. data, software or programs using a compu-
ter 쑗 The computer is used in the genera-
general fertility rate noun MED 쏡 fertil- tion of graphic images. 쑗 Code generation
ity rate is automatic. 4. COMPUT a state or age of
generalist noun 1. BIOL a species which the technology used in the design of a sys-
can live in many different environments 2. tem. See Comment at computer genera-
a person who studies many different sub- tion 5. COMPUT the distance between a file
jects, rather than specialising in one and the original version, used when mak-
general packet radio service noun ing backups 쑗 The father file is a first gen-
TELECOM full form of GPRS eration backup. 6. GENETICS a group of
general purpose adjective for individual organisms derived from the
all-round or general use same parents
general purpose interface adapter generation loss noun PHYS a degrada-
noun COMPUT an adapter usually used to tion of signal quality with each successive
interface a processing unit to an IEEE-488 recording of a video or audio signal
bus. Abbr GPIA generation time noun BIOL the time
general purpose interface bus taken for cells to divide and double to form
noun COMPUT a standard for an interface a pair of daughter cells
bus between a computer and laboratory generator noun 1. ELEC, INDUST a device
equipment. Abbr GPIB that generates electricity 쑗 The centre has
general purpose register noun COM- its own independent generator, in case of
PUT full form of GPR mains power failure. 2. COMPUT a device
general register noun COMPUT a data that generates new programs according to
register in a computer processing unit that rules or specifications set out by the user
can store items of data for many different generator lock noun COMPUT a device
mathematical or logical operations that synchronises the timing signals of two
general theory of relativity noun video signals from different sources so that
PHYS 쏡 relativity they can be successfully combined or
generate verb 1. to bring something into mixed. Also called genlock (NOTE: It is
being 쑗 The exhibition aims to generate often used to synchronise the output of a
interest in the study of science. 2. PHYS, computer’s display adapter with an exter-
gene replacement therapy 274
nal video source when using the computer by the technique of genetic modification.
to create overlays or titling.) Abbr GMO
gene replacement therapy noun BIO- genetic bottleneck noun GENETICS a
TECH the treatment of a disease caused by change in gene frequencies and decline in
a genetic defect by manipulating the faulty total genetic variation where there is a
gene outside the body and replacing the sharp decrease in population numbers
repaired gene into the individual. Also genetic code noun GENETICS the infor-
called gene therapy mation carried by an organism’s DNA
generic adjective 1. relating to or suitable which determines the synthesis of proteins
for a broad range of things or situations 2. by cells and which is passed on when the
COMPUT compatible with a whole family of cell divides
hardware or software devices from one genetic damage noun GENETICS dam-
manufacturer 3. BIOL referring to a genus 4. age to an organism’s genes by external
PHARM referring to a drug that does not agents such as radiation or chemicals
have a proprietary name used by a manu-
facturer genetic diversity noun GENETICS,
COMMENT: Organisms are usually identified
ECOL the richness of the variety and range
by using their generic and specific names, of genes
e.g. Homo sapiens (human) and Felis catus genetic drift noun GENETICS a random
(domestic cat). The generic name is written change in gene frequency
or printed with a capital letter. Both names
are usually given in italics or are underlined genetic engineering noun BIOTECH
if written or typed. same as genetic modification. Abbr GE
generic name noun the scientific name genetic fingerprint noun GENETICS the
of a genus. Compare specific name pattern of sequences of genetic material
(NOTE: It is the first name in the binomial unique to an individual
classification system, the second being the genetic fingerprinting noun BIOTECH
name which identifies the species. It is writ- a method of revealing an individual’s
ten with a capital letter.) genetic fingerprint, used in paternity que-
gene sequence noun GENETICS a set of ries and criminal investigation
nucleotides in a section of DNA with a spe- genetic improvement noun the
cific function improvement of an animal or plant by
gene sequencing noun GENETICS the breeding
process of determining the set of nucle- genetic information noun GENETICS
otides in DNA that make up a specific same as genetic code
gene. Also called genetic sequencing
gene splicing noun BIOTECH a tech- geneticist noun GENETICS a person who
specialises in the study of genetics
nique in which segments of DNA or RNA,
often from different organisms, are com- genetic load noun GENETICS the aver-
bined, in order to be introduced into an age number of unfavourable recessive
organism genetic mutations per individual in a popu-
genet noun 1. BIOL an individual organ- lation
ism which is genetically different from genetic manipulation noun BIOTECH
others 2. EARTH SCI a clone from a geneti- same as genetic modification
cally distinct organism genetic map noun GENETICS a diagram
gene therapy noun GENETICS same as of the arrangement of genes on a specific
gene replacement therapy chromosome
genetic adjective GENETICS referring to genetic mapping noun GENETICS the
genes or genetics identification of the arrangement of genes
genetically modified adjective BIO- on a specific chromosome
TECH referring to an organism that has genetic marker noun GENETICS a
received genetic material from another in a known, usually dominant, gene that is used
laboratory procedure, leading to a perma- in the identification of genes, chromo-
nent change in one or more of its character- somes and characteristics already known
istics. Abbr GM to be associated with that gene
genetically modified organism genetic material noun the parts of a
noun BIOTECH a plant or animal produced cell that carry information that can be
275 geographical pole
inherited, e.g. DNA, genes or chromo- genotoxin noun GENETICS a substance
somes that can cause damage to or mutation in
genetic modification noun BIOTECH DNA
the alteration and recombination of genetic genotype noun GENETICS 1. the genetic
material under laboratory conditions, constitution of an organism. 쒁 phenotype
resulting in transgenic organisms. Abbr 2. an individual organism
GM genotypic adjective relating to a geno-
genetic profiling noun BIOTECH same type
as DNA fingerprinting genuine adjective real or correct 쑗
genetic resources plural noun GENET- Authentication allows the system to recog-
ICS the genes found in plants and animals nise that a sender’s message is genuine.
that have value to humans 쑗 Modern plant genus noun BIOL a group of closely
varieties have been developed from genetic related species (NOTE: The plural is gen-
resources from South America. era.)
genetics noun BIOL the study of the way geo- prefix EARTH SCI Earth
in which the characteristics of an organism geocentric adjective ASTRON referring
are inherited to the solar system when it is regarded as
genetic screening noun GENETICS the having Earth as its centre
testing of people to see if they have a spe- geochemical adjective CHEM relating to
cific genetic disorder geochemistry
genetic sequencing noun GENETICS geochemist noun CHEM a scientist who
same as gene sequencing specialises in the study of geochemistry
genetic variation noun GENETICS the geochemistry noun CHEM the scientific
inherited differences between the members study of the chemical composition of the
of a species Earth
gene tracking noun GENETICS the geocline noun ECOL the set of changes
method used to trace the inheritance of a that take place in a species across different
particular gene through a family in order to geographical environments
diagnose and predict genetic disorders geodesic adjective 1. EARTH SCI same as
gene transfer noun BIOTECH the inser- geodetic 2. MATHS referring to the geome-
tion of genetic material from one organism try of curved surfaces
into another in a laboratory procedure geodesic dome noun MATHS a dome
-genic suffix produced by or producing composed of many flat faces intersected by
genistein noun BIOCHEM an isoflavone bars to form equilateral triangles or poly-
found in soya products that is a possible gons
natural cancer preventive. Formula: geodesy noun EARTH SCI the science of
C15H10O5. the measurement of the Earth or of very
genlock noun COMPUT same as genera- large sections of it to determine the exact
tor lock location of points on the Earth’s surface
genome noun 1. GENETICS the set of all through precise observation of distances
the genes in an individual 2. GENETICS the and angles
set of genes which are inherited from one geodetic, geodesic adjective EARTH SCI
parent 3. BIOL all the genes in a species referring to geodesy
genomic adjective GENETICS relating to a geographer noun EARTH SCI a person
genome who specialises in the study of geography
genomic imprinting noun GENETICS geographic, geographical adjective
the transfer of the complete set of genes EARTH SCI referring to geography
from a parent to an offspring’s chromo- geographical barrier noun GEOG a
somes natural feature such as a mountain range or
genomics noun GENETICS the identifica- a wide river that prevents easy movement
tion and study of sections of DNA with a from one area to another and separates dif-
specific function ferent habitats
genotoxicity noun GENETICS the degree geographical pole noun EARTH SCI
to which a physical or chemical agent dam- one of two points, the North and South
ages DNA or causes mutation Poles, where longitudinal lines meet and
geographic information system 276
which are the most northerly or southerly try processing is usually carried out by the
points on Earth central processing unit or by a specialised
geographic information system graphics processor.
noun COMPUT a computer system for cap- geomorphology noun EARTH SCI the
turing, manipulating, analysing and dis- study of the physical features of the Earth’s
playing all forms of geographic surface, their development and how they
information. Abbr GIS are related to the core beneath
geography noun EARTH SCI the scien- geophone noun EARTH SCI a sensitive
tific study of the Earth’s surface, climate device which records sounds of seismic
and physical features movements below the Earth’s surface
geological adjective EARTH SCI referring geophysicist noun EARTH SCI a scientist
to geology who specialises in the study of geophysics
geological aeon noun GEOL a unit of geophysics noun EARTH SCI the scien-
geological time, lasting millions of years tific study of the physical properties of the
and containing several eras, during which Earth
Earth’s surface and its underlying strata geophyte noun BOT a perennial herba-
underwent particular changes ceous plant that lives through the winter as
geological epoch noun GEOL a unit of an underground structure such as a bulb or
geological time, a subdivision of a geolog- corm
ical period geoscience noun EARTH SCI a science
geological era noun EARTH SCI a unit of concerned with the physical aspects of the
geological time containing several geolog- Earth, e.g. geochemistry, geodesy, geogra-
ical periods phy, geology, geomorphology, geophysics
geological period noun GEOL a unit of or meteorology
geological time, shorter than an era and geoscientist noun EARTH SCI a person
longer than an epoch who specialises in one or several of the
geologist noun EARTH SCI a scientist geosciences
who specialises in the study of geology geosphere noun EARTH SCI the central
geology noun EARTH SCI the scientific part of the Earth, which contains no living
study of the composition of the Earth’s sur- organisms
face and its underlying strata geostationary adjective AEROSP refer-
geomagnetic adjective EARTH SCI refer- ring to an object in Earth’s orbit such as a
ring to the Earth’s magnetic field satellite which travels at the same speed as
Earth and is therefore stationary with refer-
geomagnetic pole noun EARTH SCI ence to a point on Earth
same as magnetic pole
geostrophic wind noun METEOROL a
geomagnetism noun EARTH SCI the wind which blows horizontally along the
study of the Earth’s magnetic field isobars, across the surface of the Earth
geometric, geometrical adjective geosyncline noun EARTH SCI a long fold
MATHS referring to geometry 쑗 A triangle is in the Earth’s crust, forming a basin filled
a geometric figure. with a sediment of volcanic rocks
geometric progression noun MATHS geothermal adjective EARTH SCI refer-
a series of numbers in which each number ring to heat from the interior of the Earth
is separated by the same numerical step geothermal deposit noun EARTH SCI
geometry noun MATHS 1. the study of the the heat-producing matter inside the Earth
properties, measurement, and relationships geothermal energy noun INDUST the
of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids energy or electricity generated from the
쑗 An understanding of geometry is essen-
heat inside the Earth, e.g. in hot springs
tial to the student of navigation. 2. a con- COMMENT: Apart from channelling water
figuration or arrangement 쑗 the geometry from hot springs, geothermal energy can
of the engine nacelle also be created by pumping cold water into
geometry processing noun COMPUT a deep holes in the ground at points where
hot rocks lie close to the surface. The water
process required to calculate the x, y and z is heated and becomes steam which
coordinates of a three-dimensional object returns to the surface and is used for
that is to be displayed on screen 쑗 Geome- domestic heating.
277 gigahertz
geothermal field noun GEOG an area of germ layer noun ZOOL one of the layers
the Earth where there is heat beneath the of cell which form the organs of an animal
surface, e.g. near hot springs or a volcano embryo
geothermal gradient noun GEOL an germplasm noun GENETICS the genetic
increase in temperature with the increase material that is transmitted from one gen-
of depth inside the Earth eration of an organism to another
geothermal installation noun INDUST germ warfare noun MIL a strategy of war
an establishment or equipment that where one side tries to kill or affect the
extracts hot water and steam from inside people of the enemy side by infecting them
the Earth to heat buildings or generate with microorganisms that cause disease
electricity gestation noun BIOL the process of car-
geothermally adverb INDUST from geo- rying offspring in the womb during preg-
thermal sources 쑗 Geothermally heated nancy
water can be used for domestic heating.
gestation period, gestation noun BIOL
geothermal power noun INDUST same the period from conception to birth, when
as geothermal energy a female mammal has live young in her
geothermal power plant noun INDUST womb (NOTE: In humans, it is referred to as
a power station generating electricity from pregnancy.)
the heat inside the Earth such as that (heat) geyser noun EARTH SCI a natural feature
in hot springs occurring when hot water and steam rise
geotropism noun BOT the growth or out of a hole in the ground at regular inter-
movement of a plant in response to gravity vals
(NOTE: Stems and other parts that grow COMMENT: A geyser such as Old Faithful in
upwards against gravity show negative Yellowstone National Park in the USA is
geotropism. The downwards growth of caused when water deep below the Earth’s
roots is positive geotropism.) surface is heated to steam and rises rapidly
up the pipe leading to the surface, pushing
germ noun 1. MICROBIOL a microorgan- the water already in the channel up with it.
ism that causes a disease, e.g. a virus or
bacterium (informal) 2. BIOL a part of an geyser field noun EARTH SCI an area of
organism that develops into a new organ- land where there are geysers
ism GH abbreviation growth hormone
germanium noun CHEM ELEM a brittle COMMENT: AN p.427
grey crystalline element with both metallic GHG abbreviation greenhouse gas
and non-metallic properties used in semi- ghost cursor noun COMPUT a second
conductors and alloys (NOTE: The chemical cursor which can be used in some pro-
symbol is Ge; the atomic number is 32 and grams
the atomic weight is 72.59.) GHz abbreviation MEASURE gigahertz
germ carrier noun MED a person who giant star, giant noun ASTRON a
carries bacteria of a disease in his or her low-density star with a diameter that is up
body and who can transmit the disease to to 100 times greater than that of the Sun
others without showing any signs of it him-
self (informal) gibberellin noun BIOCHEM a plant hor-
mone that stimulates growth and seed ger-
germ cell noun BIOL a cell which is capa- mination
ble of developing into a spermatozoon or
ovum Gibbs free energy noun PHYS same as
free energy
germ-free noun MICROBIOL sterile, with-
out any microbes present giga- prefix MEASURE one thousand mil-
germicide adjective, noun PHARM a sub- lion, or 109. Symbol G
stance that can kill germs gigabyte noun COMPUT a unit of 230
germinate verb BOT (of a seed or spore) bytes
to start to grow gigaflop noun COMPUT a unit of one
germination noun 1. BOT the process of thousand million floating point operations
a seed or spore developing into a plant 2. per second
the beginning of the growth of a seed, gigahertz noun MEASURE a frequency of
resulting from moisture and a high enough one thousand million cycles per second.
temperature Abbr GHz
gigawatt 278
gigawatt noun ELECa unit of one thou- glacial deposits plural noun EARTH SCI
sand million watts 쑗 Air-conditioning the material such as sand, soil or gravel left
accounts for one-third of the 500 gigawatt behind by a glacier
peak demand in the USA. Abbr GW glacial drift noun EARTH SCI the material
gigawatt-hour noun ELEC a unit of one left behind by a glacier, e.g. sand, soil or
thousand million watts of electricity used gravel
for one hour. Abbr GWh glacial stratigraphy noun METEOROL
GIGO abbreviation COMPUT garbage in the science of studying layers of polar ice
garbage out to discover information about climatic
COMMENT: GIGO is sometimes taken to conditions when the ice was formed thou-
mean ‘garbage in gospel out’: i.e. that what- sands of years ago
ever wrong information is put into a
computer, people will always believe that glacial striation noun EARTH SCI the
the output results are true. marking made on rocks by a moving gla-
gilbert noun MEASURE the cgs unit of
magnetomotive force, approximately equal glaciation noun 1. EARTH SCI the forma-
to 0.7958 ampere-turns tion of glaciers 2. METEOROL the formation
gill noun ZOOL one of the gills of a fish or of ice crystals at the top of a rain cloud
other animals living in water, occurring in glacier noun EARTH SCI 1. a mass of ice
pairs moving slowly across land, like a frozen
gills plural noun 1. ZOOL the breathing river 2. a large amount of stationary ice
apparatus of fish and other animals living covering land in the Arctic regions
in water, consisting of a series of layers of COMMENT: During the Ice Ages, glaciers
covered large parts of the northern hemi-
tissue which extract oxygen from water as sphere, depositing sand in the form of
it passes over them 2. FUNGI a series of thin glacial moraines and boulder clay. Glaciers
structures on the underside of the cap of a are still found in the highest mountain areas
fungus, carrying the spores and in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
GIS abbreviation EARTH SCI geographic glaciologist noun EARTH SCI a scientist
information system who specialises in the study of glaciers
GISA noun MED a strain of a common glaciology noun EARTH SCI the study of
infection-causing bacterium that shows glaciers
resistance to treatment by some of the gland noun ANAT (in animals and plants)
commonly used glycopeptide antibiotics a cell or group of cells that secrete a spe-
given adjective specified or fixed 쑗 At cific substance
high altitudes, less fuel is consumed for a glandular adjective BIOL referring to
given airspeed than for the same airspeed glands
at a lower altitude. 쐽 preposition taking glare noun a strong blinding light 쑗 Glare
into account, considering 왍 given that tak- can be caused by diffuse reflection of sun-
ing into account the fact that, considering light from the top of a layer of fog.
that 쑗 Given the condition of the engine, it
is surprising that it starts. glare filter noun a coated glass or plastic
sheet placed in front of a screen to cut out
gizzard noun ZOOL a thick-walled muscu- bright light reflections
lar part of the gut of many birds where food
is mechanically crushed. Also called prov- Glasgow coma scale noun MED a sys-
entriculus (NOTE: A gizzard is also tem for assessing the severity of brain
present in some insects, fish and crusta- impairment in somebody with a brain
ceans.) injury that uses the sum of scores given for
eye-opening, verbal, and motor responses.
glabrous adjective BOT smooth and with- A high score of 15 indicates no impairment
out hairs and a score of 8 or less indicates severe
glacial adjective EARTH SCI referring to a impairment.
glacier 쑗 The rocks are marked by glacial glass noun 1. CHEM any solid with a non-
action. crystalline structure 2. INDUST a substance
glacial climatologist noun METEOROL made from sand and soda or lime, usually
a scientist who studies climate as recorded transparent and used for making windows,
in the ice of glaciers bottles and other objects
279 globular cluster
glass electrode noun CHEM an elec- and to their environment throughout the
trode made of very thin glass, often used to world
measure pH value Global Environment Facility noun
glass fibre, glass filament noun CHEM a an organisation set up in 1991 to tackle
very thin fibre drawn from melted glass environmental problems that go beyond
which may be made into threads or fabric country boundaries. It is funded by the
glasshouse noun AGRIC a large struc- World Bank.
ture made of glass inside which plants are global exchange noun COMPUT a
grown, especially commercially or for sci- replace function which replaces one piece
entific purposes of text such as a word with another
Glauber’s salt noun CHEM a white solu- throughout a whole text
ble crystalline sodium sulphate, used in globalisation noun the development of
solar energy systems, and in dye, glass, and a similar culture and economy across the
paper manufacture whole world as a result of technological
glaucoma noun OPHTHALMOL a condi- advances in communications
tion of the eyes, caused by an unusually global knowledge noun COMPUT all
high pressure of fluid inside the eyeball, the knowledge about one problem or task
resulting in disturbances of vision and global positioning system noun
blindness NAVIG an extremely accurate method of
glauconite noun MINERALS a green min- locating a position using satellite signals.
eral composed of iron, potassium, alumin- Abbr GPS
ium and magnesium global search and replace noun
glaucous adjective BOT blue-green, or COMPUT a word-processor search and
with a waxy blue-green covering replace function covering a complete file
glen noun GEOG (in Scotland) a long nar- or document
row mountain valley with a stream running global solar radiation noun PHYS the
along it rays emitted by the Sun which fall on the
gley noun GEOG a thick rich soil found in Earth. Abbr GSR
waterlogged ground global stability noun ECOL the ability of
gleyed soil noun GEOG soil which is an ecological or taxonomic unit to be unaf-
waterlogged fected by large disturbances
gleying noun GEOG a set of properties of global system for mobile commu-
soil which indicate poor drainage and lack nications noun TELECOM full form of
of oxygen (NOTE: The signs are a GSM
blue-grey colour, rusty patches and stand- global temperature noun METEOROL
ing surface water.) the temperature over the Earth as a whole
glitch noun COMPUT anything which global variable noun COMPUT a number
causes the sudden unexpected failure of a that can be accessed by any routine or
computer or equipment (informal) structure in a program
global adjective 1. referring to the whole global warming noun ENVIRON a grad-
Earth 쑗 the global economy 쑗 Global tem- ual rise in temperature over the whole of
peratures will rise over the next fifty years. the Earth’s surface, caused by the green-
2. covering everything house effect
global backup noun COMPUT 1. a global warming potential noun ENVI-
backup of all data stored on all nodes or RON a concept that takes into account the
workstations connected to a network 2. a differing times that gases remain in the
backup of all files on a hard disk or file atmosphere, in order to find out the poten-
server tial climate effects of equal emissions of
global distillation noun the movement each of the greenhouse gases. Abbr GWP
of persistent organic pollutants from warm globe noun 1. a spherical object 2. the
tropical and subtropical regions to cooler Earth
higher latitudes via evaporation and con- globular cluster noun ASTRON a cluster
densation of densely packed stars, approximately
global ecology noun ECOL the study of spherical in shape, located within a spheri-
the relationship of organisms to each other cal halo around the Milky Way galaxy
globule 280
globule noun a round drop of liquid gluten noun BIOCHEM a protein found in
globulin noun BIOCHEM a globular pro- some cereals which makes a sticky paste
tein, various types of which are found in when water is added (NOTE: The gluten
blood content of flour affects the quality of the
glomerulus noun ANAT a cluster of cap- bread made from it.)
illaries found in the nephron of the kidney, gluten enteropathy noun 1. MED an
which filters wastes from the blood to be allergic disease, mainly affecting children
excreted as urine in which the lining of the intestine is sensi-
gloom noun 1. low light intensity 2. tive to gluten, preventing the small intes-
METEOROL dark and miserable weather tine from digesting fat 2. BIOL a condition
in adults where the villi in the intestine
glossopharyngeal nerve noun ANAT
become smaller, and so reduce the surface
the ninth cranial nerve which controls the
which can absorb nutrients 왘 also called
pharynx, the salivary glands and part of the
coeliac disease
glottis noun ANAT 1. the opening of the gluten-free diet noun MED a diet con-
sisting only of food containing no gluten
upper portion of the larynx between the
vocal cords (NOTE: The plural is glottises glyceride noun CHEM an ester that is
or glottides.) 2. the portion of the larynx formed by the reaction of glycerol with an
that produces voice acid (NOTE: It occurs widely in animal and
vegetable fats and oils.)
glove box noun CHEM, BIOL a sealed con-
tainer with gloved openings on its sides glycerin, glycerine, glycerol noun BIO-
that is used for handling radioactive or CHEM a colourless viscous sweet-tasting
toxic substances safely without contamina- liquid present in combination with fats and
tion oils
COMMENT: Synthetic glycerin is used in
glowworm noun INSECTS a beetle of various medicinal preparations and also as
which the females and larvae produce a a lubricant in toothpaste and cough medi-
greenish light cines. A mixture of glycerin and honey is
glucagon noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro- useful to soothe a sore throat.
duced by islet cells in the pancreas that glycine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid in
stimulates the breakdown of glycogen to protein
glucose and so raises blood sugar glycogen noun BIOCHEM a type of starch
glucosamine noun BIOCHEM a glucose that is converted from glucose by the
derivative found in supportive tissues and action of insulin and stored in the liver as a
plant cell walls source of energy
glucose noun BIOCHEM a simple sugar glycol noun CHEM same as diol
found in some fruit, but also broken down glycolipid noun BIOCHEM a sugar-con-
from white sugar or carbohydrate and taining lipid found in cell membranes
absorbed into the body or secreted by the glycolysis noun BIOCHEM the process by
kidneys which living cells break down glucose to
COMMENT: Combustion of glucose with pyruvate in order to release usable energy
oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water is
the body’s main source of energy. glycopeptide noun BIOCHEM a peptide
that contains carbohydrate
glucose tolerance test noun MED a
test for diabetes mellitus in which the glycopeptide intermediate Sta-
patient eats glucose and has urine and phylococcus aureus noun MED,
blood tests at regular intervals MICROBIOL full form of GISA
glume noun BOT one of a pair of dry glycoprotein noun BIOCHEM a protein
leaves (bracts) that occur at the base of a that is linked to a carbohydrate
spikelet in grasses and cereals or at the GM abbreviation BIOTECH 1. genetically
base of an inflorescence in reeds modified 2. genetic modification
gluon noun PHYS a theoretical elementary GMO abbreviation BIOTECH genetically
particle that has no mass (NOTE: Gluons modified organism
may be involved in binding quarks GMT abbreviation TIME Greenwich Mean
together.) Time
glutamic acid, glutamine noun BIO- gnathostome noun ZOOL a vertebrate
CHEM an amino acid in protein with a mouth that has jaws. Superclass:
281 graben
Gnathostomata. (NOTE: The classification GOSUB noun COMPUT a programming
includes all vertebrates except agnath- command which executes a routine then
ans.) returns to the following instruction
GND abbreviation ELEC ground GOTO noun COMPUT a programming
gneiss noun EARTH SCI a rough rock with command which instructs a jump to
layers of different minerals another point or routine in the program 쑗
gnotobiotics noun BIOL the study of GOTO 105 instructs a jump to line 105.
organisms living either in a germ-free envi- COMMENT: GOTO statements are frowned
ronment or a controlled environment into upon by software experts since their use
which a known contaminant has been discourages set structured programming
goal noun 1. an aim or something you are Gouraud shading noun MATHS a math-
trying to do 2. a final state reached when a ematical equation that is used to create
task has been finished or has produced sat- shading within a three-dimensional scene
isfactory results (NOTE: The equation is applied to each
side of each object and produces a gradual
gob noun INDUST waste matter from coal change in colour to give the impression of
processing plants which use bituminous light and shade.)
goblet cell noun BIOL a tube-shaped cell govern verb ENG to control or limit the
in the epithelium which secretes mucus speed, size or amount of something 쑗 The
type of undercarriage fitted to an aircraft is
gold noun CHEM ELEM a heavy yellow governed by the operating weight.
metal that is relatively rare. It is used to
make jewellery and precious objects. governor noun ENG a device for control-
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Au; the ling or limiting the speed, size or amount
atomic number is 79 and the atomic weight of something 쑗 Excessive speeding of the
is 196.97.) engine is prevented by a governor in the
gold contact noun ELEC an electrical fuel system.
contact, usually for low-level signals, that GPIA abbreviation COMPUT general pur-
is coated with gold to reduce the electrical pose interface adapter
resistance GPIB abbreviation COMPUT general pur-
gold mine noun MIN EXTRACT a hole dug pose interface bus
in the ground to extract gold GPR noun COMPUT a data register in a
Golgi apparatus noun BIOL a stack of computer-processing unit that can store
flattened sacs in the cytoplasm of cells in items of data for many different mathemat-
which proteins are sorted and packaged, ical or logical operations. Full form gen-
especially for secretion eral purpose register
gonad noun ANAT an organ in animals GPRS noun TELECOM a standard system
that produces reproductive cells or gam- for wireless radio and mobile telephone
etes, e.g. a testis or an ovary communications that is due to replace the
gonadotrophic-releasing hor- existing GSM system. Full form general
mone noun BIOCHEM a hormone released packet radio service (NOTE: GPRS sup-
by the hypothalamus that causes the secre- ports high-speed data transfer rates of up
tion of luteinising hormone and folli- to 150Kbps compared to the GSM limit of
cle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary 9.6Kbps.)
GPS abbreviation NAVIG global position-
Gondwanaland noun EARTH SCI an ing system
ancient landmass that included South
America, Africa, India, Australia and gr abbreviation MEASURE grain
Antartica Graafian follicle noun ANAT a
Gopher noun COMPUT a system that fluid-filled sac or vesicle that surrounds
allows a user to find information and files and protects a maturing ovum in the ovary
stored on the Internet using a series of of a mammal
commands graben noun EARTH SCI a type of rift val-
gorge noun EARTH SCI a narrow valley ley, formed where land between fault lines
with steep sides has sunk
grab sample 282
grab sample noun EARTH SCI a single or maize 2. AGRIC a cereal crop such as
sample of soil or water taken without con- wheat of which the seeds are dried and
sidering factors such as time or flow eaten 쑗 grain farmers (NOTE: In this sense,
graceful degradation noun COMPUT grain does not have a plural.) 3. GEOL the
the process of allowing some parts of a sys- size of crystals in a rock or the size of par-
tem to continue to function after a part has ticles of sand 4. MEASURE a measure of
broken down weight equal to 0.0648 grams. Abbr gr
grade noun a position on a scale of size, grain crop noun a cereal crop such as
quality, amount or academic achievement wheat of which the seeds are dried and
gradient noun 1. PHYS the rate at which a eaten
physical quantity such as temperature or grain storage noun AGRIC the practice
pressure changes relative to change in a or means of keeping grain until it is sold or
given variable, especially distance 쑗 used (NOTE: Most grain is stored on the
Because there is a temperature gradient farm until it is sold, and is kept in bins or in
across each front it is possible to draw iso- bulk on the floor of the granary. The system
therms which reduce in value from warm to of storage depends on whether the grain is
cold air. 쑗 A pressure gradient occurs aloft to be used for feeding animals on the farm
from land to sea. 2. COMPUT a smooth or is to be sold.)
change of colour from one colour to gram noun MEASURE a metric measure of
another or from black to white 3. the angle weight equal to one thousandth of a kilo-
of a slope 쑗 Plant roots cannot retain the gram. Abbr g
soil on very steep gradients. 4. MATHS the
rate of increase or decrease of a measure- -gram suffix a record of information in the
ment form of a picture
gradual adjective progressing with con- Gramineae plural noun BOT former
tinuous but unhurried certainty 쑗 a gradual name for Poaceae
change 쑗 Loss of cabin pressure may be grammar checker noun COMPUT a
gradual rather than sudden. software utility used to check a document
graduate verb 1. to be granted an aca- or letter to make sure it is grammatically
demic degree or diploma 쑗 She graduated correct
from Oxford University with a first class Gram-negative bacterium noun
honours degree. 2. to advance to a new MICROBIOL a bacterium which takes up the
level of skill, achievement or activity 쑗 red counterstain, after alcohol has washed
After 50 hours of flying the single engine out the first violet dye
trainer, the student pilots graduate to fly-
ing the twin engine aircraft. 3. to divide Gram-positive bacterium noun
into marked intervals, especially for use in MICROBIOL a bacterium which retains the
measurement 쑗 A thermometer has a scale first violet dye and appears blue-black
that is graduated in degrees Celsius. when viewed under the microscope
graft BIOL noun a piece of plant or animal Gram’s stain, Gram’s method noun
tissue transferred onto another plant or ani- BIOTECH a method of staining bacteria that
mal and growing there 쐽 verb to transfer a allows two main types to be distinguished
piece of tissue from one plant or animal to COMMENT: The bacterial sample is first
stained with a violet dye, treated with
another alcohol, and then counterstained with a red
COMMENT: Many cultivated plants are dye.
grafted. The piece of tissue from the original
plant (the scion) is placed on a cut made in grandfather file noun COMPUT the third
the outer bark of the host plant (the stock) most recent version of a backed up file,
so that a bond takes place. The aim is after father and son files
usually to ensure that the hardy qualities of
the stock are able to benefit the weaker Grand Unified Theory noun PHYS a
cultivated scion. mathematical representation linking the
Graham’s law noun CHEM a chemical four fundamental forces, electromagnetic,
rule in which the diffusion rate of a gas is gravitational, strong and weak, that has
related to the inverse square root of its den- been theorised but not yet achieved
sity granite noun GEOL a hard grey rock with
grain noun 1. the seed, which is techni- pieces of quartz, feldspar and other miner-
cally a fruit, of a cereal crop such as wheat als in it
283 graphite
grant noun an amount of money given to graphic data noun COMPUT stored data
support a specific person or project that represents graphical information when
granular adjective in the form of gran- displayed on a screen
ules graphic display noun COMPUT a com-
puter screen able to present graphical
granularity noun COMPUT the size of information
memory segments in a virtual memory sys-
graphic display resolution noun
COMPUT the number of pixels that a com-
granule noun 1. CHEM a small particle 쑗 puter is able to display on the screen
granules of sand 2. EARTH SCI a small arti- graphic language noun COMPUT a
ficially made particle of a substance 쑗 Fer- computer programming language with
tilisers are produced in granule form, commands that are useful when displaying
which is easier to handle and distribute graphics 쑗 This graphic language can plot
than powder. lines, circles and graphs with a single com-
grape sugar noun BIOCHEM a sugar that mand.
is obtained from grapes graphics plural noun COMPUT illustra-
graph noun MATHS a diagram that shows tions which represent information 쑗 graph-
a relationship between two sets of numbers ics such as bar charts, pie charts and line
as a series of points often joined by a line 쑗 drawings
The graph shows the relationship between graphics accelerator noun COMPUT a
lift and drag at various airspeeds. special card that fits inside a computer and
-graph suffix a machine which records by uses a dedicated processor chip to speed up
the action of drawing lines and images on
the screen
-grapher suffix 1. a person skilled in a graphics coprocessor noun COMPUT
subject 2. a technician who operates a a high-speed display adapter that is dedi-
machine which records information cated to graphics operations such as line
graphic adjective 1. in the form of pic- drawing and plotting. 쒁 graphics proces-
tures or diagrams 쑗 a graphic representa- sor
tion of age group response 2. described in graphics library noun COMPUT a
vivid detail 쑗 The eyewitness provided a number of routines stored in a library file
graphic description of the events leading to that can be added to any user program to
the accident. 쐽 noun COMPUT a picture simplify the task of writing graphics pro-
used in a computer application 쑗 The grams
instructor’s worksheets were greatly graphic solution noun MATHS a tech-
improved by several graphics which high- nique of using geometric constructions to
lighted the subject matter. solve problems 쑗 One side of the calcula-
graphical adjective COMPUT referring to tor has a moveable slide which is used for
something represented by graphics the graphic solution of triangle of veloci-
ties problems.
graphically adverb by using pictures 쑗
The sales figures are graphically repre- graphics primitive noun COMPUT a
sented as a pie chart. basic shape such as an arc, line or filled
square that is used to create other shapes or
graphical user interface noun COM- objects
PUT an interface between an operating sys- graphics processor noun COMPUT a
tem or program and the user that uses secondary processor used to speed up the
graphics or icons to represent functions or display of graphics. 쒁 graphics coproces-
files. Abbr GUI sor (NOTE: It calculates the position of pix-
COMMENT: A graphical user interface els that form a line or shape and displays
normally uses a combination of windows,
icons and a mouse to control the operating graphic lines or shapes.)
system. In many GUIs, for example Micro- graphite noun CHEM a mineral form of
soft Windows and the Apple Macintosh carbon occurring naturally as crystals or as
System, you can control all the functions of a soft black deposit (NOTE: It is used as a
the operating system just using the mouse.
Icons represent programs and files; instead moderator in some types of nuclear reactor
of entering the file name, you select it by and is mixed with clay to make lead pen-
moving a pointer with a mouse. cils.)
graph plotter 284
graph plotter noun COMPUT a printing unwanted machines or vehicles are left
device with a pen which takes data from a (informal)
computer and plots it in graphic form gravitation noun ASTRON, PHYS the
-graphy suffix SCI the process of making apparently universal attractive force
an image between matter, increasing according to
grass noun BOT a monocotyledonous the two masses multiplied together and
plant in the Poaceae family. There are decreasing with the square of their distance
many genera. (NOTE: Grasses include apart, according to the law of gravitation
cereals and are important as food for her- set out by Isaac Newton (NOTE: The size of
bivores and humans.) the force for any particular combination of
grassland noun EARTH SCI land covered distance and mass is given by the gravita-
mainly by grasses. 쒁 acid grassland, cal- tional constant.)
careous grassland 쐽 plural noun grass- gravitational adjective PHYS referring to
lands wide areas of land covered mainly gravity
by grasses, e.g. the prairies of North Amer- gravitational constant noun PHYS the
ica and the pampas of South America numerical factor that relates force, mass
COMMENT: Grasslands can be divided into
the following types. Rough mountain and
and distance in Newton’s theory of gravita-
hill grazing: not of great value, the plants tion (NOTE: It has the value 6.673 × 10–11 N
being mainly fescues, bents, nardus and m2kg–2.)
molinia grasses. Permanent pastures:
these are never ploughed, and the quality
gravitational field noun PHYS an area
depends on the percentage of perennial of space in which gravity is felt 쑗 Tides are
ryegrass. Leys: these are temporary grass- caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull.
lands which are sown to grass for a limited
period (usually one to five years). The year gravitational lens noun ASTRON a con-
in which the seed mixture is sown is known centration of matter dense enough to
as the ‘seeding year’. At the end of the first refract light into an image
year there is the first year harvest. Sowing
the seeds mixture with a cover crop is gravitational radiation noun ASTRON
known as ‘undersowing’. ‘Direct sowing’ is a form of energy whose existence is pre-
sowing on bare ground without a cover dicted by general relativity and which has
crop. The main species used in grasslands been looked for using instruments such as
are the following. Grasses: perennial large metal cylinders suspended in caverns
ryegrass, cocksfoot, Timothy, Italian
ryegrass and meadow fescue; clovers: red below the Earth’s surface (NOTE: Gravita-
clover, white clover; other legumes: tional radiation would be observed, if at all,
lucerne, sainfoin; herbs: yarrow, chicory, in the form of very long waves of fluctuating
rib grass, burnet. Farmers depend on reli- gravitational attraction (gravity waves).)
able seed firms to supply them with
standard seed mixtures. Varieties and gravitational redshift noun PHYS,
strains of herbage plants have different ASTRON the redshift of light or other elec-
growth characteristics and the choice of tromagnetic radiation caused by its passing
mixtures will depend on the purposes of the
ley. through a strong gravitational field, rather
than being due to a Doppler effect
graticule noun 1. OPTICS a series of fine
lines in an optical instrument such as a tel- gravitino noun PHYS (in unified field the-
escope, used for measuring 2. NAVIG the ory physics) a proposed particle which car-
network of lines formed by the meridians ries gravitational energy, in the same way
and parallels of longitude and latitude of as neutrinos are the carriers of angular
the Earth on a flat sheet of paper 쑗 A grat- momentum
icule of lines of latitude and longitude is graviton noun PHYS a proposed suba-
imagined to cover the Earth. tomic particle which carries gravitational
gravel noun EARTH SCI sand and small forces between massive particles, in the
pebbles occurring as deposits (NOTE: On same way as photons carry electromag-
the Wentworth-Udden scale, gravel has a netic energy
diameter of 2–4 millimetres.) gravity noun a natural force of attraction
gravel pit noun INDUST an area of land which pulls bodies towards each other and
from which gravel is extracted which pulls objects on the Earth towards its
graveyard noun INDUST, ENVIRON a place centre 쑗 In order for a bird to fly, lift must
where nuclear waste is buried, or where overcome gravity.
285 greenhouse effect
gravity feed noun AUTOMOT the use of green algae plural noun BIOL green
the force of gravity to move fuel from the organisms that live in water. Division:
tank to the carburettor Chlorophyta.
gravity wave noun PHYS a long wave of green area index noun the total area of
fluctuating gravitational attraction leaves, green fruits and green stems per
gray noun PHYS, MEASURE an SI unit of unit of ground area covered by a plant.
measurement of absorbed radiation equal Abbr GAI
to 100 rads. Symbol Gy green audit noun ENVIRON same as envi-
Gray code noun COMPUT a coding sys- ronmental audit
tem in which the binary representation of Green Belt noun ENVIRON an area of
decimal numbers changes by only one bit agricultural land, woodland or parkland
at a time from one number to the next which surrounds an urban area
COMMENT: It is used in communications green burial noun an act of burial
systems to provide error detection facilities.
designed to have low environmental
graze verb ZOOL (of animals) to feed on impact, typically placing a corpse that has
low-growing plants not been embalmed in a biodegradable cof-
grazer noun ZOOL a grazing animal fin or bag and burying it in a grave marked
grazing noun 1. AGRIC the action of ani- with a sapling. 쒁 woodland burial
mals feeding on growing grass, legumes or green certificate noun a official record
other plants 쑗 Spine on plants may be a confirming that a specific percentage of
protection against grazing. 2. the action of electricity has been produced from renew-
animals eating plankton or other very small able energy sources
animals 3. AGRIC an area of land covered green chemistry noun the develop-
with low-growing plants suitable for ani- ment of chemical products that do not
mals to feed on 쑗 There is good grazing on cause pollution or environmental and
the mountain pastures. human health risks
grazing food chain noun ECOL a cycle Green Chemistry Network noun a
in which vegetation is eaten by animals, Royal Society of Chemistry initiative
digested, then passed into the soil as dung designed to foster the development of envi-
and so taken up again by plants which are ronmentally benign chemical products that
eaten by animals prevent pollution and reduce environmen-
grazing season noun AGRIC the time of tal and human health risks
year when animals can feed outside on green claim noun any text, symbols or
grass graphics on food packaging which tell the
great adjective large in size, quantity, consumer something about its environ-
number, quality or importance 왍 a great mental impact, e.g. whether the packaging
deal of a large amount of is recycled or biodegradable
great year noun ASTRON a period of green consumerism noun ENVIRON a
about 25800 years that is a complete cycle movement to encourage people to buy food
of the precession of the equinoxes and other products such as organic foods or
greeked adjective COMPUT (in a DTP pro- lead-free petrol which are regarded as envi-
gram) referring to a font with a point size ronmentally good
too small to display accurately, shown as a green electricity noun same as green
line rather than individual characters tariff electricity
green adjective 1. referring to a colour green energy noun INDUST power pro-
like that of grass 쑗 The green colour in duced by alternative technology such as
plants is provided by chlorophyll. 2. BIOL wind power or tidal power
immature 쑗 green shoots 3. ECOL, ENVIRON
referring to an interest in ecological and greenhouse effect noun ENVIRON the
environmental problems 쑗 green policies 쐽 effect produced by the accumulation of
noun 1. a colour like that of grass 2. also
carbon dioxide crystals and water vapour
Green ECOL, ENVIRON a person with a con-
in the upper atmosphere, which insulates
cern for ecological and environmental the Earth and raises the atmospheric tem-
problems perature by preventing heat loss
COMMENT: Carbon dioxide particles allow
green accounting noun same as solar radiation to pass through and reach
full-cost accounting the Earth, but prevent heat from radiating
greenhouse gas 286
back into the atmosphere. This results in a and rice, which gave high yields and
rise in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature, increased food production especially in
as if the atmosphere were a greenhouse
protecting the Earth. Even a small rise of tropical countries
less than 1°C in the atmospheric tempera- green tariff electricity noun INDUST
ture could have serious effects on the electricity produced from renewable
climate of the Earth as a whole. The polar resources such as wind. Also called green
ice caps would melt, causing sea levels to
rise everywhere with consequent flooding. electricity
Temperate areas in Asia and America greenwash noun a public relations initi-
would experience hotter and drier condi- ative such as advertising or public consul-
tions, causing crop failures. Carbon dioxide tation, that is designed to show the concern
is largely formed from burning fossil fuels.
Other gases contribute to the greenhouse of a business or organisation for the envi-
effect, for instance methane is increasingly ronmental impact of its activities but which
produced by rotting vegetation in swamps, is often regarded as propaganda
from paddy fields, from termites’ excreta
and even from the stomachs of cows. Chlo- Greenwich Mean Time noun GEOG
rofluorocarbons also help create the green- local time on the 0° meridian. Abbr GMT
house effect. COMMENT: Greenwich Mean Time is now
greenhouse gas noun ENVIRON a gas called Coordinated Universal Time or
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and is
that occurs naturally in the atmosphere or also known as Zulu time. UTC is expressed
is produced by burning fossil fuels and in 24-hour format; for example, 7:00 p.m. is
rises into the atmosphere, forming a barrier 1900 hours (say: nineteen hundred hours).
which prevents heat loss 쑗 The government Greenwich meridian noun GEOG same
is planning to introduce a tax to inhibit as prime meridian
greenhouse gas emissions. Abbr GHG green wood noun BOT new shoots on a
COMMENT: The six greenhouse gases with tree, which have not ripened fully
a direct effect are carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide (all of which occur naturally), Gregorian telescope noun ASTRON an
hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons, astronomical telescope in which the pri-
and sulfur hexafluoride. Indirect green- mary mirror has a central hole through
houses gases are nitrogen oxides, which which light reflected from the smaller sec-
produce ozone during their breakdown in
the atmosphere, carbon monoxide and ondary mirror passes to the eyepiece
non-methane volatile compounds. gremlin noun COMPUT an unexplained
greening noun ENVIRON the process of fault in a system (informal)
becoming more aware, or of increasing grey hole noun ASTRON an object which
others’ awareness, of the environment and might be formed by the collapse of a mas-
environmental issues sive star too small to form a black hole but
green manure noun AGRIC fast-growing too large to form a neutron star
green vegetation such as mustard or rape grey matter noun ANAT nerve tissue
which is grown and ploughed into the soil which is of a dark grey colour and forms
to rot and act as manure part of the central nervous system
green mud noun EARTH SCI a deposit grey scale noun 1. PHOTOGRAPHY a set
found on the seabed off the southeastern of shades of grey used to measure the cor-
USA and elsewhere, containing fine clay rect exposure when filming 2. COMPUT the
and glauconite, the latter giving it its green set of shades which are produced by dis-
colour playing what should be colour information
Greenpeace noun an international pres- on a monochrome monitor
sure group that takes action to publicise grey water, greywater noun the rela-
environmental issues tively clean waste water from sinks, baths,
green petrol noun INDUST, ENVIRON a and kitchen appliances
type of petrol containing fewer pollutants grid noun 1. a pattern of equally spaced
than ordinary petrol vertical and horizontal lines 2. PHYS a
green politics noun ENVIRON the kind metal cylinder in a cathode ray tube 3. a
of political proposals put forward by envi- pattern of equally spaced vertical and hori-
ronmentalists zontal metal rods or bars
Green Revolution noun BIOTECH the grid snap noun COMPUT a set of patterns
development in the 1960s of new forms of or lines drawn on screen limited to the
widely grown cereal plants such as wheat points of a grid 쑗 If you want to draw accu-
287 grow
rate lines, you’ll find it easier with grid ground frost noun METEOROL the condi-
snap turned on. tion where the air temperature at ground
Grignard reagent noun CHEM an alkyl level is below 0°C
magnesium halide dissolved in diethyl ground level noun GEOG the height of
ether used in the preparation of organic the ground
compounds ground-level concentration noun
grind verb 1. INDUST to reduce a sub- ENVIRON the amount of a pollutant meas-
stance to fine particles by crushing 2. to ured at the height of the ground, just above
move or work noisily and with difficulty it or just below it
grinder noun INDUST a device or machine ground moraine noun GEOL a deposit
which reduces a substance to fine particles of gravel and sand left under a glacier
by crushing ground pollution noun ENVIRON the
grinding noun INDUST the process of presence of unusually high concentrations
reducing of a substance to fine particles by of harmful substances in the soil
crushing ground speed noun AVIAT the speed of
an aircraft in relation to the ground
grip verb to hold something tightly 쑗 In
friction feed, the paper is gripped by the ground state noun PHYS the state in
rollers. which a particle, atom, molecule or system
has the lowest energy
grit noun 1. EARTH SCI sharp-grained sand
2. METEOROL a tiny solid particle in the air,
ground water noun GEOL water that
larger than dust stays in the top layers of soil or in porous
rocks and can collect pollution. Compare
groove noun a long shallow depression in surface water
a surface ground-water basin noun GEOL an
gross adjective total, with no deductions area of land where water stays in the top
gross calorific value noun PHYS the layers of soil or in porous rocks and can
total number of calories which a specific collect pollution
amount of a substance contains. Abbr GCV ground-water level noun GEOL a point
gross output noun INDUST the total below the surface of the Earth where
amount produced ground water lies
gross primary production noun ground-water runoff noun GEOL water
ECOL the rate at which a biomass assimi- which enters streams and rivers from
lates organic matter below ground
gross primary productivity noun group noun 1. a number of individual
ECOL the rate at which producers in an eco-
items or people brought together 2. COM-
PUT a set of computer records containing
system capture and store chemical energy
as biomass related information 3. CHEM a vertical col-
umn in the periodic table that contains ele-
gross productivity noun BOT the rate ments with similar properties 쐽 verb to
at which energy is produced by plants bring several things together
through photosynthesis, before the plant groupware noun COMPUT software spe-
uses any of the energy itself cially written to be used by a group of peo-
ground noun 1. the solid surface of the ple connected to a network and to help
Earth 2. a surface layer of soil or earth 쑗 them carry out a particular task (NOTE: It
stony ground 3. an area of land, especially provides useful functions such as a diary
one used for a particular purpose 쑗 a or electronic mail that can be accessed by
stretch of open ground before you reach the all users.)
trees grove noun BOT a small group of trees
ground clearance noun ENVIRON the grow verb 1. BIOL (of plants) to exist and
removal of trees and undergrowth in prep- develop well 쑗 Bananas grow only in warm
aration for an activity such as ploughing or humid conditions. 2. BIOL (of plants and
building animals) to increase in size 쑗 The tree
ground cover noun BOT plants that grows slowly. 쑗 A sunflower can grow 3 cm
grow densely close to the ground, either in in one day. 3. AGRIC to cultivate plants 쑗
natural conditions or planted to prevent Farmers here grow two crops in a year. 쑗
soil erosion or the spread of weeds He grows peas for the local canning fac-
growing point 288
tory. 4. to become 쑗 It’s growing colder at rates, which has become more important as
night now. 쑗 She grew weak with hunger. users want to access the Internet and read
email via a mobile telephone connection.
growing point noun BOT a point on the GSM provides data transfer at up to 9.6
stem of a plant where growth occurs, often Kbps, but it is due to be replaced by the
at the tip of the stem or branch GPRS system, which can support
high-speed data transfer at up to 150 Kbps.
growing season noun BOT the time of
year when a plant grows 쑗 Alpine plants GSR abbreviation ASTRON global solar
have a short growing season. radiation
growth noun 1. an increase in size 쑗 the guanidine noun CHEM an alkaline sub-
growth in the population since 1960 쑗 The stance found in urine produced by protein
disease stunts the conifers’ growth. 2. the metabolism and also in plant tissues. For-
amount by which something increases in mula: CH5N3. (NOTE: It is used in the plas-
size 쑗 The rings show the annual growth of tics and resins manufacture.)
the tree. guanine noun BIOCHEM one of the four
growth factor noun BIOCHEM a chemical basic components of DNA
substance which encourages the growth of guano noun AGRIC a mass of accumu-
a type of cell lated bird droppings, found especially on
growth hormone noun BIOCHEM a nat- small islands and used as organic fertiliser
ural or artificial chemical that makes an guard noun a device to prevent injury or
animal grow more quickly. Abbr GH damage 쐽 verb to watch over and protect
growth inhibitor noun BIOCHEM a something or someone from harm
chemical which stops an organism growing guard band noun COMPUT a section of
growth promoter noun BIOCHEM a magnetic tape between two channels
chemical which makes an organism grow recorded on the same tape
growth rate noun the amount or speed of guard bit noun COMPUT one bit within a
increase in size stored word that indicates to the computer
growth regulator noun AGRIC a chemi- whether it can be altered or if it is protected
cal used to control the growth of plants, guard cell noun BOT either of a pair of
mainly used for weed control in cereals cells that border a leaf pore and control its
and grassland size (NOTE: The guard cells and pore are
growth retardant noun BIOCHEM a called a stoma, and are most common on
chemical used to make an organism grow the underside of leaves.)
more slowly guerrilla noun a plant species that
growth ring noun BOT same as annual invades a community as isolated individu-
ring als. Compare phalanx
growth stimulant noun BIOCHEM a GUI abbreviation COMPUT graphical user
chemical which makes an organism start to interface
grow guidance noun 1. helpful advice 쑗 Guid-
growth substance noun BIOCHEM ance is provided to assist people in filling
same as hormone in the form. 쑗 The booklet contains guid-
grub noun INSECTS a small caterpillar or ance on the safe handling of chemicals. 2.
larva AVIAT the giving of flying directions to an
grub up verb AGRIC to dig up a plant with aircraft 쑗 Systems which are designed to
its roots 쑗 Miles of hedgerows have been carry out automatic landings under all vis-
grubbed up to make larger fields. ibility conditions must provide better guid-
ance and control than a pilot.
GSM noun COMPUT a system used for
wireless cellular telephone communica- guidance system noun AEROSP a sys-
tions throughout Europe, Asia and parts of tem which provides signals to the flight
North America. Full form global system control system for steering an aircraft
for mobile communications guide noun something that directs or
COMMENT: The GSM system allows eight indicates 쐽 verb to direct something or
calls to share the same radio frequency and someone
carries the digital data that represents voice
signals transmitted by each user’s tele- guide bar noun COMPUT a line in a bar
phone. The main drawback of GSM is that code that shows the start or finish of the
it does not offer very fast data transfer code (NOTE: The standard guide bars are
289 gyroscopic precession
two thin lines that are a little longer than the gutter noun PRINTING a blank space or
coding lines.) inner margin between two facing pages
guideline noun a piece of advice that GW, gW abbreviation ELEC gigawatt
suggests the best way for something to be GWh abbreviation ELEC gigawatt-hour
done 쑗 guidelines for the conduct of exper-
iments GWP abbreviation global warming poten-
guild noun ECOL a group of plants or ani-
mals of different species which live in the
Gy abbreviation PHYS gray
same type of environment gymnosperm noun BOT a seed-bearing
plant in which the seeds are carried naked
gulf noun EARTH SCI a very large area of on the scales of a cone rather than being
sea enclosed partly by land inside a fruit, e.g. a conifer, cycad or
Gulf Stream noun EARTH SCI a current ginkgo. 쒁 angiosperm
of warm water in the Atlantic Ocean, gynoecium noun BOT the female sex
which flows north along the east coast of organs (carpels) of a plant
the USA, then crosses the Atlantic to
northern Europe, passing close to the west gynogenesis noun GENETICS the devel-
opment of an embryo that has only mater-
coast of Scotland and giving the British
nal chromosomes because fusion of an egg
Isles and European coast a mild winter cli- and sperm nuclei has not occurred
mate compared with countries at the same
latitude such as eastern Canada gypsum noun MINERALS a soft white or
colourless mineral consisting of hydrated
gulfweed noun MARINE BIOL floating sea- calcium sulfate, used in cement, plaster
weed that grows in the Sargasso Sea and fertilisers
gull noun ZOOL a seabird, with a large gyre noun OCEANOG a circular or spiral
body, usually white or grey feathers, a motion of ocean water
hooked beak and webbed feet. There are
gyro noun PHYS same as gyroscope
several different species.
gyrocompass noun NAVIG same as
gully noun 1. EARTH SCI a deep channel gyroscopic compass
formed by soil erosion and unable to be
filled in by cultivation 2. ENG, GEOL a small gyroscope noun PHYS, NAVIG a device
channel for water, e.g. an artificial channel consisting of a spinning wheel, mounted
dug at the edge of a field or a natural chan- on a base so that its axis can turn freely in
nel in rock one or more directions and thereby main-
tain its own direction even when the base is
gulp noun COMPUT a group of words, usu- moved. Also called gyro
ally two bytes. 쒁 byte, nibble COMMENT: A spinning gyroscope maintains
gum noun BOT, INDUST a liquid substance its position even when an aircraft banks,
climbs or dives and drives the attitude indi-
in the trunks and branches of some trees, cator, direction indicator and turn coordi-
which hardens on contact with air. It is nator to help pilots control an aircraft while
used in confectionery, pharmacy and sta- flying in cloud or in poor visibility.
tionery. gyroscopic compass noun NAVIG a
gust noun METEOROL a strong sudden compass which uses gyroscopic direc-
rush of wind 쑗 Strong gusts blew dust off tional stability rather than magnetism to
the fields into the air. 쐽 verb (of wind) to indicate direction. Also called gyrocom-
increase in strength suddenly 쑗 Wind is at pass
10 knots gusting to 20 knots. gyroscopic precession noun PHYS,
gusty adjective METEOROL referring to NAVIG a characteristic of a gyroscope, that
wind blowing in sudden strong bursts the force applied to a spinning gyroscope
will act at a point 90° in the direction of
gut noun ANAT same as alimentary canal rotation, not at the point where the force is
Gutenberg discontinuity noun applied 쑗 Forces of gyroscopic precession
EARTH SCI a boundary between the mantle act on the direction indicator to keep it
and the core inside the Earth aligned vertically and horizontally.
h symbol hecto- hadron noun PHYS a particle that is sub-
H symbol 1. PHYS, MEASURE henry 2. CHEM ject to the strong nuclear interaction
ELEM hydrogen haem- prefix BIOL blood (NOTE: The US
ha symbol MEASURE, AGRIC hectare spelling for words beginning with the prefix
haar noun METEOROL a sea mist occurring haem- is hem-.)
during the summer in the north of the Brit- haematite noun MINERALS iron oxide,
ish Isles the most common form of iron ore. For-
Haber process noun INDUST a commer- mula: Fe2O3.
cial process in which ammonia is produced haemoglobin noun BIOCHEM a red pro-
from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen tein in red blood cells that combines
using a catalyst at high temperature and reversibly with oxygen and transports it
pressure round the body. Abbr Hb
habit noun BOT the characteristic way in COMMENT: Haemoglobin absorbs oxygen in
which a specific plant grows 쑗 a bush with the lungs and carries it in the blood to the
tissues. Haemoglobin is also attracted to
an erect habit 쑗 a plant with a creeping carbon monoxide and readily absorbs it
habit instead of oxygen, causing carbon
habitat noun ECOL the type of environ- monoxide poisoning.
ment in which a specific organism lives haemolytic anaemia noun MED anae-
habitat loss noun ECOL a permanent dis- mia caused by the destruction of red blood
appearance of or decrease in the amount of cells
suitable environment available to an organ- hafnium noun CHEM ELEM a silvery
ism metallic element, used to absorb neutrons
habitat management noun ENVIRON in nuclear reactor rods and in the manufac-
same as nature management ture of tungsten filaments (NOTE: The
habitat reduction noun ECOL same as chemical symbol is HF; the atomic number
habitat loss is 72 and the atomic weight is 178.49.)
haboob noun METEOROL a violent dust Hageman factor noun BIOCHEM a pro-
storm or sand storm of a type found in tein found in plasma, one of the factors that
North Africa, especially in Sudan (NOTE: causes blood to clot. Also called factor XII
Such dust storms are associated with hail METEOROL noun water falling from
cumulonimbus clouds.) clouds in the form of small round pieces of
HACCP noun FOOD INDUST a process for ice 쐽 verb to fall as small pieces of ice
identifying and controlling hazards within COMMENT: Hail occurs when rain forms in
cumulonimbus clouds and is carried
a process, e.g. in the food industry. Full upwards into colder air where it freezes. It
form Hazard Analysis Critical Control then falls back through the cloud, growing in
Points size as it accumulates moisture.
hack verb COMPUT 1. to experiment and hailstone noun METEOROL a piece of ice
explore computer software and hardware which falls from clouds like rain
2. to break into a computer system for hailstorm noun METEOROL a storm in
criminal purposes which the precipitation is hail and not rain
hacker noun COMPUT a person who hacks hair noun BIOL 1. a slender outgrowth on
hadal zone noun OCEANOG a zone of the the surface of a plant or animal 2. a mass of
ocean at depths greater than the abyssal outgrowths on an animal’s skin or a per-
zone, i.e. below 6000m son’s head or body
291 halophyte
hairline fracture noun MED a very thin Royal and was one of the circle including
crack in a bone Newton and others which produced many
half noun MATHS one of two equal parts 쑗 discoveries in mathematics, physics and
Half the data was lost in transmission. 쑗 astronomy.
The second half of the program contains Halley’s Comet noun ASTRON a comet
some errors. with a 76-year orbit, which is bright
half adder noun ELECTRONICS a binary enough to be seen with the naked eye
adder that can produce the sum of two (NOTE: Its brightness and the fact that it
inputs, producing a carry output if neces- spends almost all of its orbit in deep space
sary, but cannot accept a carry input mean that Halley’s Comet is an almost
half duplex noun COMPUT data transmis- unaltered chunk of material from the earli-
sion in one direction at a time over a bidi- est days of the solar system.)
rectional channel. Abbr HD halo noun METEOROL a circle of light seen
half-hardy adjective BOT referring to a round the Sun or Moon, caused by ice crys-
plant that is able to tolerate cold weather tals in Earth’s atmosphere
down to about 5C. 쒁 hardy halo- prefix CHEM salt
half-life, half-life period noun 1. PHYS halobiotic adjective BIOL referring to
the time taken for half the atoms in a radi- organisms which live in salt water
oactive isotope to decay 2. the time halocarbon noun CHEM a chemical con-
required for an organism to eliminate natu- sisting of carbon, sometimes hydrogen,
rally half the amount of a substance that and a halogen such as chlorine, fluorine,
has entered its body bromine or iodine. Also called halogen-
COMMENT: Radioactive substances decay ated carbon
in a constant way and each has a different
half-life: strontium-90 has a half-life of 28 halocline noun EARTH SCI a salinity gra-
years, radium-226 one of 1 620 years and dient where two masses of water such as
plutonium-239 one of 24 360 years. fresh water and the sea meet
halftone noun PHOTOGRAPHY, COMPUT a halogen noun CHEM a non-metallic ele-
photograph or image that originally had ment belonging to a series of chemically
continuous tones, displayed or printed by related non-metallic elements that includes
using groups of dots to represent the tones fluorine, chlorine, iodine, bromine and
half-value period noun PHYS same as astatine
half-life halogenated adjective CHEM referring
half word noun COMPUT a sequence of to a chemical compound that contains one
bits occupying half a standard computer of the halogens
word, but able to be accessed as a single halogenated carbon noun CHEM same
unit as halocarbon
halide noun CHEM a compound of halo- halogenation verb CHEM the process of
gen with another element or group, e.g. flu- treating or combining something with a
oride halogen
halite noun CHEM sodium chloride occur- halogen lamp noun INDUST a light bulb
ring naturally in the ground. Also called containing a halogen that runs at a much
rock salt higher temperature than a conventional
Hall effect noun PHYS a description of incandescent lamp
the effect of a magnetic field on electron halogenous adjective CHEM ELEM refer-
flow ring to or containing a halogen
Hall effect switch noun ELEC a halomorphic soil noun GEOL soil that
solid-state electronic switch operated by a contains large amounts of salt
magnetic field
Halley, Edmond (1656–1742) halon noun CHEM a chemical compound
that contains bromine and resembles a
ASTRON English astronomer best remem-
bered for the comet named after him. He
realised that the great comet of 1682 was in halophile noun BIOL a species that can
fact a periodic comet identical to others live in salty conditions
seen at 76-year intervals throughout his- halophyte noun BOT a plant that is able
tory. Halley later became Astronomer to grow in salty soil, as in estuaries
halt 292
halt COMPUT noun same as halt instruc- operator does not need to touch the device
tion 쐽 verb to stop or bring something to a in use
stop 쑗 Hitting CTRL S will halt the pro- hands-on adjective referring to being
gram. actively involved in something 쑗 hands-on
halt condition noun COMPUT the operat- experience
ing state reached when a computer comes hang verb COMPUT to enter an endless
across a fault, faulty instruction or halt loop and not respond to further instruction
instruction in the program that is being run hanging valley noun EARTH SCI a valley
halt instruction noun COMPUT an high above the side of another valley,
instruction to stop a computer carrying out formed when the main valley was cut
any further instructions until restarted. deeper by a larger glacier, leaving the
Also called halt smaller valley to join it at a cliff (NOTE:
hand-held COMPUT adjective able to be This is one of the ways in which waterfalls
held in the hand 쑗 Nowadays, headsets are are formed.)
usually used in preference to hand-held hangup noun COMPUT the sudden stop of
microphones. 쐽 noun a device that can be a working program (NOTE: Hangups are
held in the hand often due to the computer’s executing an
handle noun 1. a device for taking in, or illegal instruction or entering an endless
being operated by, the hand 쑗 a door han- loop.)
dle 2. COMPUT a number used to identify an haploid adjective GENETICS referring to
active file within the program that is an organism that has a single set of
accessing the file 3. COMPUT a small square unpaired chromosomes in a cell nucleus
that can be dragged to change the shape of hard adjective 1. not soft 쑗 A diamond is
a window or graphical object 쑗 To stretch one of the hardest minerals. 2. difficult 쑗 It
the box in the DTP program, select it once is hard for grazing animals to find enough
to display the handles then drag one han- to eat in drought conditions. 3. COMPUT (of
dle to change its shape. 쐽 verb 1. to touch parts of a computer system) not able to be
something with the hands 쑗 Do not handle programmed or altered
unwrapped food. 2. to control or operate hard copy noun COMPUT a printed ver-
something by hand 쑗 The student pilot han- sion of information contained in a compu-
dled the aircraft well in the turbulent con- ter or system
hard detergent noun CHEM a detergent
handler noun COMPUT a part of an oper- that is not broken down in water
ating system software or a special software
routine which controls a device or function
hard disk noun COMPUT a rigid magnetic
disk that is able to store many times more
쑗 The scanner handler routines are sup-
data than a floppy disk, and usually cannot
plied on disk.
be removed from the disk drive
handling noun 1. the act of touching hard disk drive noun COMPUT a unit
something with the hands 쑗 guidelines for used to store and retrieve data from a spin-
the handling of chemicals 2. the act of con- ning hard disk. Abbr HDD
trolling or operating something 3. AUTO-
MOT the way in which a car behaves when harden verb to make something hard, or
it is driven 쑗 The handling is superb. become hard
handshake, handshaking noun COM- hardener noun CHEM a substance that
PUT a standardised set of signals between causes another to become hard by chemical
two devices to make sure that the system is reaction
working correctly, the equipment is com- harden off verb AGRIC to make plants
patible and data transfer is correct become gradually more used to cold 쑗
hands off adjective, adverb (of a working After seedlings have been grown in the
system) not controlled by an operator greenhouse, they need to be hardened off
because the operation is automatic 쑗 an before planting outside in the open ground.
automatic flight control system capable of hard frost noun METEOROL weather
landing an aircraft hands off 쐽 noun 1. when the temperature falls well below 0 °C
COMPUT a working system where the oper- hardness noun CHEM 1. an indication of
ator does not control the operation, which the percentage of calcium in water 2. a
is automatic 2. a working system where the measurement of how hard a mineral is
293 hash index
COMMENT: Hardness of minerals is shown dense wood produced by a tree such as oak,
on a scale of 1 to 10: diamond is the hardest teak or mahogany. Compare softwood
(i.e. it has hardness 10) and talc is the
softest. A mineral of one grade is able to hardy adjective BOT referring to a plant
scratch or mark a mineral of the grade able to tolerate cold weather, especially
below. below 5 °C. 쒁 half-hardy
hardpan noun EARTH SCI a hard soil sur- Hardy-Weinberg law noun GENETICS a
face, usually formed of dried clay principle of genetics stating that gene fre-
hard reset noun COMPUT a switch that quencies remain constant from generation
generates an electrical signal to reset the to generation if mating is random and there
central processing unit and all devices, are no external influences such as mutation
equivalent to turning a computer off and and immigration
back on again. Also called hardware reset harmattan noun METEOROL a hot dry
hard return noun COMPUT a code in a winter wind that blows from the northeast
word-processing document that normally and causes dust storms in the Sahara
indicates the end of a paragraph harmonic noun PHYS a single oscillation
hardware noun COMPUT the equipment whose frequency is a whole multiple of a
and devices that make up a computer sys- fundamental frequency
tem harmonic motion noun PHYS a peri-
COMMENT: Computer hardware can include odic vibration that has a single frequency
the computer itself, the disks and disk drive, or an even multiple of one or is symmetri-
printer, VDU, etc.
cal about a point of equilibrium (NOTE: It is
hardware compatibility noun COM- seen in the movement of a pendulum or
PUT the architecture of two different com- the vibration of a violin string.)
puters that allows one to run the programs harmonics noun MATHS same as har-
or use the add-on boards of the other with- monic series
out changing any device drivers or memory
locations harmonic series noun MATHS an infi-
nite series constructed by adding together
hardware interrupt noun COMPUT an all the numbers in a harmonic progression
interrupt signal generated by a piece of
hardware rather than by software harness verb ENVIRON to control a natu-
ral phenomenon and make it produce
hardware platform noun COMPUT the energy 쑗 A tidal power station harnesses
standard of a particular make of computer the power of the tides.
hardware reset noun COMPUT same as harrow AGRIC noun a piece of equipment
hard reset with teeth or discs, used for breaking up
hard water noun CHEM tap water that soil or levelling the surface of ploughed
contains a high percentage of calcium and soil 쐽 verb to level the surface of ploughed
magnesium (NOTE: Hard water makes it dif- soil with a harrow, covering seeds that have
ficult for soap to lather and also causes been sown in furrows
deposits in pipes, boilers and kettles.) hartley noun COMPUT a unit of informa-
hard winter noun METEOROL a very cold tion, equal to 3.32 bits, or the probability of
winter 쑗 In a hard winter, many smaller one state out of ten equally probable states
birds may be killed. harvest noun AGRIC 1. the time when a
hardwired connection noun COMPUT crop is gathered 2. a crop that is gathered 쑗
a permanent phone line connection, We think this year’s wheat harvest will be a
instead of a plug and socket good one. 쐽 verb 1. AGRIC to gather a crop
hardwired logic noun COMPUT a logical that is ripe 쑗 They are harvesting the bar-
function or software program that is built ley. 2. AGRIC to gather a natural resource 3.
using electronic hardware devices such as MED to remove an organ for transplanting
logic components, rather than written in hash noun TELECOM, COMPUT the symbol
software ( # ) on a computer keyboard or telephone
hardwired program noun COMPUT a keypad. Also called hashmark 쐽 verb
computer program built into the hardware, COMPUT to produce a unique number
which cannot be changed derived from the entry itself, for each entry
hardwood noun 1. TREES a slow-grow- in a database
ing broad-leaved tree, e.g. oak, teak or hash index noun COMPUT a list of
mahogany 2. INDUST the fine-grained, entries according to their hashed numbers
hashmark 294
hashmark, hash mark noun COMPUT, Hazard Analysis Critical Control
TELECOM same as hash Points noun full form of HACCP
hash table noun COMPUT a list of all hazard assessment noun a formal
entries in a file with their hashed key assessment of the potential of something to
addresses harm humans or the environment
hash total noun COMPUT the total of a hazardous adjective referring to the
number of hashed entries used for error danger that something might present 쑗 haz-
detection ardous chemicals 쑗 Climbing mountains
can be hazardous. 왍 hazardous to health
hash value noun COMPUT a number likely to damage somebody’s health
arrived at after a key is hashed
hazardous substance noun a sub-
hassium noun CHEM ELEM an extremely stance that is toxic, persistent and likely to
rare and unstable chemical element pro- accumulate in organisms
duced in high-energy atomic collisions
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Hs; the hazardous waste noun ENVIRON a
atomic number is 108 and the atomic by-product of manufacturing processes or
weight is 269.) nuclear processing that is toxic and can
damage people’s health or the environment
hatch verb ZOOL (of an animal) to break if not treated correctly
out of an egg
hazard profile noun data on the physical
hatchery noun AGRIC a place where eggs and chemical characteristics, toxicity, bio-
are kept warm artificially until the animal accumulation, persistence and mobility in
inside becomes mature enough to break environmental media and other properties
out of a chemical, used together with informa-
Haversian canal noun ANAT a tiny lon- tion on exposure to assess risk
gitudinal channel in bone tissue forming haze noun 1. METEOROL dust or smoke in
part of a network that contains blood ves- the atmosphere 쑗 Haze can seriously
sels and nerve fibres reduce air-to-ground visibility. 2. COMPUT
Hawking, Stephen (born 1942) same as fogging
ASTRON British cosmologist based in Cam- Hb abbreviation BIOCHEM haemoglobin
bridge, best known for work on relativistic HD abbreviation 1. COMPUT half duplex 2.
phenomena such as black holes and as the high-density
author of A Brief History of Time HDD abbreviation COMPUT hard disk drive
hay noun AGRIC grass mowed and dried HDLC abbreviation COMPUT high-level
before it has flowered, used for feeding data link control
HD polythene noun INDUST same as
COMMENT: Hay is cut before the grass
flowers and at this stage in its growth it is a high-density polythene
nutritious fodder. If it is mowed after it has HDTV abbreviation TECH high-definition
flowered it is called straw, and is of less use television
as a food and so is used for bedding.
He symbol CHEM ELEM helium
hay fever noun MED same as pollinosis head noun 1. ANAT the top part of the
COMMENT: Tree pollen is most prevalent in
spring, followed by the pollen of flowers and
body above the shoulders 2. a person 쑗
grasses during the summer months and Allow three pieces per head. 3. the top part
fungal spores in the early autumn. The of a device, network or body 4. a main end
pollen released by the stamens of a flower part or top of something 5. COMPUT data
floats in the air until it finds a female flower. that indicates the start address of a list of
Pollen in the air is a major cause of hay
fever. It enters the nose and eyes and
items stored in memory 6. the start of a reel
chemicals in it irritate the mucus and force of recording tape 7. GEOG a point where a
histamines to be released by the sufferer, river starts to flow 8. INDUST pressure
causing the symptoms of hay fever to shown as the vertical distance that water
appear. falls from the inlet of the collection pipe to
hazard noun something with the poten- the water turbine in a hydroelectric power
tial to cause injury, damage or loss 쑗 a fire system 9. pressure shown as the vertical
hazard 쑗 a health hazard 쑗 Thunderclouds distance of a water tank above the taps in a
may pose hazards to aircraft. Compare house 쐽 verb 1. to be in charge of an organ-
risk isation or group of people 2. to be the first
295 heat accumulator
item in a list or queue 3. to move or move headstream noun EARTH SCI a stream
something in a particular direction that flows into a river near the river’s
head alignment noun COMPUT the cor- source
rect position of a tape or disk head in rela- headwaters plural noun EARTH SCI the
tion to the magnetic surface, to give the area in which tributary streams feed into a
best performance and correct track loca- river near the river’s source
tion health noun MED the state of a plant, ani-
head count noun a count of how many mal or person being well and free from dis-
people are present ease 쑗 Fumes from the factory were a
head crash noun COMPUT a component danger to public health.
failure in a disk drive, where the head is health education noun HEALTH the
allowed to hit the surface of the spinning teaching of people to do things to improve
disk, causing disk surface damage and data their health, such as taking more exercise
corruption or stopping smoking
head end noun interconnection equip- health food noun FOOD INDUST a food
ment between an antenna and a cable tele- that is regarded as contributing to good
vision network health, especially one with no artificial
header noun COMPUT 1. a packet of data additives (NOTE: Health foods include nat-
that is sent before a transmission to provide ural cereals, dried fruit and nuts.)
information on destination and routing 2. health hazard noun something that is
the set of words that appear at the top of likely to harm someone’s health
each page of a document, e.g. title, author’s health risk assessment noun MED a
name or page number. Also called head- prediction of the potential health effects of
ing, headline. Compare footer being exposed to hazardous substances
header block noun COMPUT a block of healthy adjective 1. MED not ill 2. likely
data at the beginning of a file containing to keep or make you well 쑗 a healthy diet
data about file characteristics
heap noun COMPUT 1. a temporary data
heading noun 1. the title or name of a storage area that allows random access 2. a
document or file 2. COMPUT same as binary tree
header 3. NAVIG the direction in which a
ship or aircraft is travelling hearing threshold noun same as audi-
bility threshold
COMMENT: Wind affects an aircraft in flight.
Therefore heading does not always coin- heart noun 1. ANAT a muscular organ that
cide with the aircraft’s track. The pilot must pumps blood round an animal’s body 2.
head the aircraft slightly into the wind to BOT the compact central part of a vegetable
correct for drift. such as lettuce, cabbage or celery, where
heading indicator noun NAVIG an new leaves or stalks form 3. the innermost
instrument that gives course or direction part of something 쑗 This tree grows only in
information the heart of the forest.
headland noun 1. EARTH SCI a high mass heart rate noun MED the number of times
of land protruding into the sea 2. AGRIC an a heart beats per minute
uncultivated area of soil at the edge of a heartwood noun BOT the hard dead
field, where a tractor turns when ploughing wood in the centre of a tree trunk which
headlife noun COMPUT the length of time helps support the tree. Compare sapwood
that a video or tape head can work before heat noun 1. PHYS energy that is moving
being serviced or replaced from a source to another point 쑗 The heat
headline noun COMPUT same as header of the Sun made the surface of the road
head park noun COMPUT the act of mov- melt. 2. ZOOL the period when a female ani-
ing the read/write head in a hard disk drive mal will allow mating. Technical name
to a safe position, not over the disk, so that oestrus 왍 an animal on heat ZOOL a
if the unit is knocked or jarred the head will female animal in the period when she will
not damage the disk surface accept a mate 쐽 verb PHYS to make some-
headset noun TELECOM a set of head- thing hot 쑗 The solution should be heated
phones with a microphone attached 쑗 to 25 °C.
Headsets are usually used in preference to heat accumulator noun PHYS a vessel
hand-held microphones. for storing hot liquid, allowing even heat
heat balance 296
distribution or distribution over a period of heating noun 1. PHYS the process of mak-
time ing something hot 2. INDUST a system that
heat balance noun EARTH SCI a state in supplies heat
which Earth loses as much heat by radia- heating appliance noun ENG, INDUST a
tion and reflection as it gains from the Sun, device that supplies heat, usually in a
making Earth’s temperature constant from building
year to year heating oil noun INDUST petroleum oil
heat capacity noun PHYS the amount of used as fuel in a central heating boiler
heat required to raise the temperature of a heating power, heating value noun
substance by one degree PHYS a measurement of the amount of heat
heat conduction noun PHYS the pass- that a substance or process can supply
ing of heat from one part to another heat insulation noun PHYS the preven-
heat discharge noun INDUST a release tion of the escape of heat
of waste heat into the atmosphere, espe- heat island noun ENVIRON an increase in
cially from an industrial process temperature experienced in the centre of a
heat engine noun 1. PHYS a machine or large urban area, caused by the release of
organism that consumes fuel and produces heat from buildings
heat which can be converted into work 2. heat loss noun PHYS the amount of heat
EARTH SCI a phenomenon that produces the lost, as through inadequate insulation
Earth’s climatic pattern, caused by the dif- heat of atomisation noun PHYS the
ference in temperature between the hot amount of heat required to convert one
equatorial zone and the cold polar regions, mole of a substance into its gaseous form
making warm water and air from the trop- heat of combustion noun PHYS the
ics move towards the poles amount of heat produced by one mole of a
heater noun ENG a device for producing substance when it is burned in oxygen
heat heat of neutralisation noun PHYS the
heat exchanger noun ENG a device that heat that is released when one mole of
takes heat from one source and gives it to hydrogen ions is neutralised by a base
another (NOTE: An example is in a heating heat-proof adjective 1. PHYS not affected
system where a hot pipe goes through a by heat 2. referring to a material or some-
water tank to heat it.) thing made from a material through which
heat exhaustion noun MED a state of heat cannot pass
collapse as a result of overexertion in hot heat pump noun INDUST a device that
conditions cools or heats by transferring heat from
heat flow noun PHYS a movement of cold areas to warm ones (NOTE: Heat
heat, as through a metal or from the Earth pumps are used in refrigerators or for heat-
into space ing large buildings.)
heat flux noun PHYS the flow of heat dur- heat reclamation, heat recovery noun
ing heat exchange INDUST the process of collecting heat from
heat gain noun PHYS same as energy substances heated during a process and
gain using it to heat further substances, so as to
avoid heat loss
heath noun EARTH SCI an area of acid soil
where low shrubs such as heather and heat-sealing noun FOOD INDUST a
gorse grow and which are treeless as a method of closing plastic food containers
result of grazing by animals (NOTE: The air is removed from a plastic
COMMENT: Lowland heaths are found on
bag with the food inside and the bag is then
dry sandy soils or gravel below 300 m. pressed by a hot plate, which melts the
Upland heaths are found on mineral soils or plastic and seals the contents in the vac-
shallow peat and may be dry or wet, with uum.)
mosses growing in wetter conditions.
heat sink noun 1. COMPUT a metal device
heat haze noun METEOROL a reduction in used to conduct heat away from an elec-
visibility caused by warm air rising from tronic component to prevent damage 2.
the ground PHYS a place that can absorb extra heat 쑗
heathland noun EARTH SCI a wide area The oceans may delay global warming by
of heath acting as a heat sink.
297 hemlock
heat storage noun INDUST the storage of helio- prefix ASTRON Sun
heat produced during a period of low con- heliocentric adjective ASTRON 1. relat-
sumption until a peak period when it is ing to the solar system when it is regarded
needed as having the Sun at its centre 2. measured
heat transfer noun PHYS the process of from the centre of the Sun
passing heat from one medium or sub- heliophyte noun BOT a plant that is
stance to another adapted to grow in strong light
heat-treated alloy noun an alloy that heliotropic adjective BOT referring to a
has undergone a process of hardening by plant that grows or turns towards a light
using heat source
heavenly body noun ASTRON same as helium noun CHEM ELEM a light inert gas,
celestial body used in balloons and as a coolant in some
heavy adjective 1. PHYS weighing a lot 2. types of nuclear reactor (NOTE: The chem-
severe, difficult or unpleasant 3. involving ical symbol is He; the atomic number is 2
a lot of effort and the atomic weight is 4.00.)
heavy-duty adjective referring to some- helix noun 1. something in the form of a
thing designed for long or hard wear or use spiral or coil, e.g. a corkscrew or a coiled
쑗 a heavy-duty battery spring 2. MATHS a mathematical curve that
heavy gauge wire noun ELEC a thick lies on a cylinder or cone and makes a con-
wire stant angle with the straight lines lying in
heavy goods vehicle noun AUTOMOT a the cylinder or cone
large truck for moving objects helophyte noun BOT a plant that typi-
heavy hydrogen noun CHEM same as cally grows in marshy or lake-edge envi-
deuterium ronments
heavy industry noun INDUST 1. an help noun 1. anything that makes it easier
industry such as steelmaking or engineer- to do something 쑗 He finds his word proc-
ing that takes raw materials and makes essor a great help in the office. 2. COMPUT
them into large finished products 2. an a function in a program or system that pro-
industry that extracts raw materials such as vides useful information about the pro-
coal gram in use 쑗 Hit the HELP key if you want
heavy metal noun CHEM a metal that has information about what to do next.
a high relative atomic mass and density and helper T cell noun IMMUNOL (in the lym-
is toxic to humans, e.g. copper, lead and phocyte system) a lymphocyte that helps
zinc provide immunity against diseases by rec-
heavy oil noun CHEM a mixture of hydro- ognising foreign antigens
carbons that is distilled from coal tar and is hemihydrate noun CHEM a hydrated salt
heavier than water consisting of two parts of an anhydrous
heavy water noun CHEM water contain- compound to one part water (NOTE: Plaster
ing deuterium instead of hydrogen. For- of Paris is a hemihydrate.)
mula: D2O. (NOTE: It is used as a coolant hemipteran noun INSECTS an insect that
or moderator in some types of nuclear has mouthparts adapted for piercing and
reactor.) sucking and two pairs of wings. Order:
hectare noun MEASURE an area of land Hemiptera. (NOTE: Hemipterans are gener-
measuring 100 by 100 metres, i.e. 10000 ally parasitic in nature and include bed-
square metres or 2.47 acres. Symbol ha bugs and other true bugs.)
hecto- prefix MEASURE one hundred, 102. hemisphere noun 1. one half of a sphere
Symbol H 2. one half of the Earth north or south of
height noun the vertical distance of a the equator 쑗 the northern hemisphere
point, level or object measured from a par- hemizygous adjective GENETICS having
ticular place such as sea level 쑗 Pressure only one of a pair of genes (NOTE: An
decreases with increasing height. example of this occurs in males, which
helical scan noun COMPUT a method of have an unpaired X chromosome and
storing data on magnetic tape in which the therefore only one of a pair of genes.)
write head stores data in diagonal strips hemlock noun 1. TREES a North Ameri-
rather than parallel with the tape edge can softwood tree. Genus: Tsuga. 2.
hemp 298
PLANTS a poisonous plant. Latin name: herbalist noun PHARM a person who
Conium maculatum. treats illnesses or disorders by the use of
hemp noun PLANTS a plant used to make herbs
rope and that also produces an addictive herbal remedy noun PHARM a remedy
drug. Latin name: Cannabis sativa. made from plants, e.g. an infusion made
henry noun PHYS, MEASURE the SI unit of from dried leaves or flowers in hot water
electrical inductance. Symbol H (NOTE: It is herbarium noun BOT a collection of pre-
equal to an electrical potential of one volt served plant or fungal specimens, espe-
induced in a closed circuit by a current var- cially one that is used for scientific study
ying uniformly by one ampere per second.) and classification
Henry’s law noun CHEM the principle herbicide noun AGRIC a chemical that
that the amount of gas dissolved at equilib- kills plants, especially used to control
rium in a volume of liquid is directly pro- weeds
portional to the pressure of that gas in herbivore noun ZOOL an animal that
contact with the liquid surface (NOTE: This feeds only on plants
is only applicable to gases that do not react herbivorous adjective ZOOL referring to
with the solvent.) an animal that feeds only on plants
hepatic adjective ANAT referring to the herd noun ZOOL a group of herbivorous
liver animals that live together 쑗 a herd of cows
hepatic artery noun ANAT an artery that (NOTE: The word herd is usually used for
takes the blood to the liver cattle; for sheep, goats, and birds such as
hepatic portal system noun ANAT the hens or geese, the word to use is flock.) 쐽
network of blood vessels around the intes- verb 1. AGRIC to tend a herd of animals 2.
tine that absorb food from the intestine lin- to gather animals together 쑗 herding the
ing into the blood cows into the yard
hepatic vein noun ANAT a vein that car- hereditary adjective GENETICS referring
ries blood from the liver to the vena cava to a genetically controlled characteristic
that is passed from parent to offspring
heptane noun CHEM an organic hydro-
carbon liquid of the alkane family, that is hereditary factor noun a genetically
colourless and flammable. Formula: controlled characteristic that is passed
C7H16. (NOTE: It is obtained from petroleum from parent to offspring
and used as a solvent and anaesthetic and heredity noun GENETICS the transfer of
in octane rating measurement.) genetically controlled characteristics from
herb noun 1. a plant that is used to add fla- parent to offspring
vour in cooking 2. PHARM a plant that has heritable adjective able to be passed
medicinal properties 3. BOT a non-woody from parent to offspring
flowering plant that has no perennial stem hermaphrodite noun 1. ZOOL an ani-
above the ground in winter mal, plant or flower that has both male and
herb- prefix BOT referring to plants or veg- female sexual organs 2. BOT a plant whose
etation flowers contain both male and female sex-
herbaceous adjective BOT referring to ual organs
plants with soft non-woody tissue that die hertz noun PHYS, MEASURE the SI unit of
down above ground to survive through the frequency. Symbol Hz (NOTE: One hertz is
winter equal to one cycle per second.)
COMMENT: Hertz rate is the frequency at
herbage noun AGRIC the green plants, which mains electricity is supplied to the
especially grass, eaten by grazing animals consumer. The hertz rate in Europe is 50; in
herbal adjective BOT referring to plants the USA and Canada it is 60.
herbalism noun 1. PHARM the treatment Hess’s law noun CHEM the law that states
of illnesses or disorders by the use of herbs that the total quantity of heat absorbed or
or by medicines extracted from herbs 2. released during a chemical reaction is the
ALTERN MED the study of herbs and their same whether the reaction occurs in one or
medicinal uses 3. ALTERN MED the growth, in several steps
collection, and sale or dispensing of aro- hetero- prefix different. Compare homo-
matic herbs, especially those considered to heterochromatin noun GENETICS the
have medicinal properties material that appears in a cell nucleus as
299 hickory
nodules between chromosomes but con- heterozygosity noun the state of being
tains few genes heterozygous
heterochromosome noun GENETICS a heterozygote noun GENETICS an organ-
chromosome consisting mainly of hetero- ism that has two dissimilar forms (alleles)
chromatin, especially a sex chromosome of a gene and which may therefore produce
heterogeneous adjective BIOL having offspring different from the parents and
different characteristics or qualities (NOTE: from each other for that characteristic
Do not confuse with heterogenous.) heterozygous adjective GENETICS relat-
heterogeneous network noun COM- ing to a cell or organism that has two or
PUT a computer network joining computers more variant forms (alleles) of at least one
of many different types and makes of its genes (NOTE: The offspring of such an
heterogenesis noun GENETICS the organism may differ with regard to the
appearance of a mutation in a population characteristics determined by the gene or
heterogenic adjective GENETICS having genes involved, depending on which ver-
more than one variant form (allele) of a sion of the gene they inherit.)
specific gene heuristic adjective COMPUT learning
heterogenous adjective BIOL coming from past experiences 쑗 A heuristic pro-
from a different source (NOTE: Do not con- gram learns from its previous actions and
fuse with heterogeneous.) decisions.
heterologous adjective BIOL differing in hex abbreviation hexadecimal notation
structural features or origin hexachlorocyclohexane noun AGRIC
heterolytic fission, heterolysis noun same as lindane
CHEM the process of breaking a covalent hexadecimal notation noun MATHS a
bond in a compound to form two ions, one number system using base 16 and the digits
positive, one negative, of each of the ele- 0–9 and A-F
ments hexahydrate acid noun CHEM same as
heteromorphic adjective differing in chloroplatinic acid
size or shape (NOTE: The X and Y sex chro- hex dump noun COMPUT a display of a
mosomes are heteromorphic.) section of memory in hexadecimal form
heterophyte noun BOT 1. a plant that hex keypad noun COMPUT a set of six-
grows in a wide range of habitats 2. a plant teen keys with all the figures needed to
that lacks chlorophyll and is parasitic enter hexadecimal numbers
heteroploid adjective GENETICS relating Hf symbol CHEM ELEM hafnium
to an organism that has a chromosome HF abbreviation PHYS high frequency
number in a cell nucleus that is not an exact HFC abbreviation CHEM hydrofluorocar-
multiple of the basic chromosome number bon
for that species HFS abbreviation COMPUT hierarchical fil-
heterosis noun GENETICS an increase in ing system
size or rate of growth, fertility or resistance Hg symbol CHEM ELEM mercury
to disease found in offspring of a cross
between organisms with different geno- hibernaculum noun ZOOL a place where
types an animal hibernates, e.g. a nest (NOTE:
The plural is hibernacula.)
heterotroph noun BIOL an organism that
requires carbon in organic form and cannot hibernate verb ZOOL (of an animal) to
manufacture it (NOTE: Animals, fungi and survive the cold winter months by a big
some algae and bacteria are hetero-
reduction in metabolic rate and activity,
and by using up stored body fat for food
COMMENT: During the cold weather, many
heterotrophic adjective BIOL referring small mammals and reptiles hibernate.
to a heterotroph 쑗 a heterotrophic organ- Their blood temperature falls and their
ism metabolism slows.
heterotypic adjective GENETICS refer- hibernation noun ZOOL a big reduction
ring to a form of cell nucleus division in in metabolic rate and activity, and the using
which the new nuclei produced contain up of stored body fat to survive the cold
only half the number of chromosomes of winter months. Compare aestivation
the parent cell, characteristic of the first hickory noun TREES a North American
division of meiosis hardwood tree. Genus: Carya.
hidden 300
hidden adjective unable to be seen 왍 a high-end noun ENG an expensive or
hidden defect in a program COMPUT a high-performance device
defect that was not seen when the compu- high-energy food noun HEALTH a kind
ter program was tested of food which gives a lot of energy when
hidden line removal noun COMPUT the broken down by the digestive system, e.g.
erasure of lines which should not be visible fats or carbohydrates
when looking at a two-dimensional image higher plants plural noun BOT plants
of a three-dimensional object that have a vascular system. Compare
hide noun ZOOL 1. the skin of a large ani- lower plants
mal 2. a shelter where humans can stay highest common factor noun MATHS
hidden while watching birds or animals the highest number that can be exactly
hierarchical adjective COMPUT organ- divided into each member of a set of num-
ised with the most important or high- bers
est-priority item at the top, then working high-fibre diet noun HEALTH a diet that
down a tree structure contains a large amount of cereals, nuts,
hierarchical computer network fruit and vegetables
noun COMPUT a method of allocating con- high fidelity noun ACOUSTICS very good
trol and processing functions in a network quality sound (NOTE: It normally refers to
to the computers that are most suited to the stereo sound recorded in 16 bits at a sam-
task ple rate of 44.1kHz.)
hierarchical database noun COMPUT
high forest noun EARTH SCI a forest
a database in which records can be related made up of tall trees that block the light to
to each other in a defined structure the forest floor
hierarchical filing system noun COM- high frequency noun PHYS a radio fre-
PUT a method used to store and organise
quency ranging from 3 to 30MHz or with a
files on a disk. Abbr HFS
wavelength of 10–100 metres. Abbr HF
hierarchy noun COMPUT the way in
which objects or data are organised high frequency band noun TELECOM a
radio communications range between
high adjective 1. reaching far from 3MHz and 30MHz
ground level 쑗 Altocumulus clouds form at
higher levels than cumulus. 2. of greater high-grade adjective of very high qual-
than average amount 쑗 The sample gave a ity
high reading of radioactivity. 쑗 The soil is high-grade ore noun METALL ore that
red and high in aluminium and iron oxide. contains a large percentage of metal
3. at the top of something 쐽 noun METE- highland EARTH SCI noun an area of high
OROL an area of high atmospheric pressure land or mountains. Opposite lowland 쐽
high-alumina cement noun INDUST adjective referring to a hilly or mountain-
cement made of bauxite and limestone, ous area 쑗 Highland vegetation is mainly
used because it resists heat grass, heather and herbs.
high-definition television noun TECH high latitudes plural noun EARTH SCI
a broadcast television standard that dis- the areas of Earth near the Poles
plays images at a different aspect ratio and high-level data link control noun
with much better definition than existing COMPUT an ISO/OSI standard that provides
television sets. Abbr HDTV a data link layer protocol and defines how
high-density adjective 1. PHYS having a data is formatted before being transmitted
large mass per unit of volume 2. ECOL hav- over a synchronous network. Abbr HLDLC
ing a lot of people or organisms living high-level inversion noun METEOROL
closely together 쑗 high-density housing a situation where warm air lies above cold
high-density polythene noun INDUST air relatively high above the ground
very thick strong plastic. Abbr HD poly- high-level language noun COMPUT a
thene computer programming language that is
high-density storage noun COMPUT a easy to learn and allows the user to write
very large number of bits stored per area of programs using words and commands that
storage medium 쑗 A hard disk is a are easy to understand and look like Eng-
high-density storage medium compared to lish words. Abbr HLL (NOTE: The program
paper tape. is then translated into machine code, with
301 hippocampus
one HLL instruction often representing high-speed adjective COMPUT operating
more than one machine code instruction.) faster than normal
high-level nuclear waste noun ENVI- high-speed carry noun COMPUT an
RON same as high-level waste operation when a carry into an adder
high-level radiation noun PHYS radia- results in a carry
tion from a very radioactive substance high-speed skip noun COMPUT a rapid
high-level waste, high-level radioac- movement in a printer to miss the perfora-
tive waste noun ENVIRON waste that is hot tions in continuous stationery
and emits strong radiation high-sulfur coal, high-sulphur coal
COMMENT: High-level waste is potentially noun INDUST coal with a lot of sulfur in it,
dangerous and needs special disposal therefore producing more sulfur dioxide
techniques. It is sealed in special
containers, sometimes in glass, and is when it is burnt
sometimes disposed of by dumping at sea. high-tech adjective TECH technologi-
highlight COMPUT noun the treatment of cally advanced (informal)
characters or symbols to make them stand high technology adjective COMPUT
out from the rest of the text, often by using technologically advanced
bold type 쐽 verb to make part of the text high-tension adjective INDUST (of elec-
stand out from the rest 쑗 The headings are tricity cable) carrying a high voltage
highlighted in bold.
high tide, high water noun OCEANOG the
high memory noun COMPUT the mem- point when the level of the sea is at its high-
ory area between 640kb and 1Mb in a PC est
high order noun MATHS a digit with the highway noun a main public road
greatest weighting within a number
high-yielding adjective AGRIC produc-
high-performance adjective 1.
ing a large crop 쑗 They have started to
designed to operate very efficiently 2. of grow high-yielding varieties of wheat.
high quality or with a high specification 쑗
high-performance equipment hill noun EARTH SCI an area of ground
higher than the surrounding areas but not
high-pressure belt noun METEOROL a as high as a mountain
long narrow area of high pressure
high-priority program noun COMPUT
hill farm noun AGRIC a farm in mountain-
a program that is important or urgent and is ous country, with 95% or more of its land
processed before others classified as rough grazing, mainly for
high production volume chemical hillside noun EARTH SCI the sloping side
noun a chemical of which more than 1000 of a hill
tonnes is sold per year per manufacturer or hindbrain noun ANAT the rearmost of the
importer three parts of the brain in an embryo. Com-
high-quality adjective of the very best pare forebrain, midbrain
quality 쑗 The store specialises in hinder verb to make progress difficult for
high-quality imported items. something 쑗 Free flow of fuel may be hin-
high-res adjective COMPUT same as dered by a blockage in the fuel line.
high-resolution (informal) hindwing noun INSECTS either of the two
high-resolution adjective COMPUT hav- back wings of a four-winged insect
ing the ability to display or detect a very hinge noun a device that allows a door,
large number of pixels per unit area 쑗 flap or lid to open and close on a stationary
high-resolution graphics Also called frame 쐽 verb (of a surface such as a door)
hi-res, high-res to move against a stationary frame
high-risk adjective HEALTH having a hinged adjective having a hinge to permit
strong likelihood of damage or injury 쑗 opening and closing 쑗 a hinged panel
high-risk occupations hinterland noun EARTH SCI an area of
high-spec adjective COMPUT having a land lying behind the shore of the sea or of
high specification (informal) 쑗 high-spec a river
cabling hippocampus noun ANAT a curved
high specification noun ENG the qual- ridge in each cerebral hemisphere of the
ity of a high degree of accuracy and per- brain consisting of grey matter that func-
formance tions in short-term memory and forms part
hi-res 302
of the limbic system (NOTE: The plural is the Y chromosome and are therefore inher-
hippocampi.) ited only by males. Compare hologynic
hi-res adjective COMPUT same as Holarctic region noun EARTH SCI a bio-
high-resolution (informal) geographical region which includes the
histamine noun BIOCHEM a substance Nearctic, i.e. North America, and the Pal-
released from mast cells throughout the aearctic, i.e. Europe, North Africa and
human body which stimulates tissues in North Asia
various ways 쑗 The presence of substances hole noun 1. PHYS 쏡 semiconductor 2. a
to which someone is allergic releases large vacancy in an energy band that is normally
amounts of histamine into the blood. 쒁 anti- filled by an electron (NOTE: Such holes are
histamine mobile and help in the movement of elec-
histaminic adjective BIOCHEM referring tric current through a material.)
to histamine holistic adjective 1. HEALTH involving all
histo- prefix BIOL biological tissue the patient’s mental and family circum-
histochemistry noun BIOCHEM the stances rather than just dealing with the ill-
study of the chemical constituents of cells ness 2. referring to an approach that deals
and tissues and their function and distribu- with a subject as a whole rather than look-
tion ing at just one aspect
histogram noun MATHS a graph on hollow adjective referring to an object
which values are represented as vertical or with a space inside it 쑗 hollow plant stems
horizontal bars 쐽 noun a place which is lower than the rest

histology noun BIOL the study of the of the surface 쑗 Pour the liquid into the
anatomy of tissue cells and minute cellular hollow.
structures, using a microscope after the holmium noun CHEM ELEM a sil-
cells have been stained very-white metallic element of the lantha-
histone noun GENETICS a simple protein nide group of the periodic table (NOTE: The
bound to DNA that is involved in the coil- chemical symbol is Ho; the atomic number
ing of chromosomes (NOTE: There are five is 67 and the atomic weight is 164.26.)
types, together constituting about half the holoenzyme noun BIOCHEM a complete
mass of chromosomes.) active enzyme, consisting of an apoen-
history noun 1. the study of what hap- zyme and coenzyme
pened in the past 쑗 the history of science 2. hologram noun OPTICS an imaginary
a record of past events and experiences 쑗 three-dimensional image produced by the
We don’t know much about his medical his- interference pattern when a part of a coher-
tory 쑗 the history of the discovery of DNA ent light source, e.g. a laser, is reflected
쑗 the life history of a frog from an object and mixed with the main
hit COMPUT noun a successful match or beam
search of a database 쑗 There was a hit after holography noun OPTICS a method of
just a few seconds. 왍 a hit on the line a producing a three-dimensional image by
short period of noise on a communications scanning an object with light from a laser
line, causing data corruption 쐽 verb to hologynic adjective GENETICS referring
press a key 쑗 to save the text, hit ESCAPE S to genetic characteristics that are inherited
HLDLC abbreviation COMPUT high-level only by females. Compare holandric
data link control holophytic adjective BOT referring to
HLL abbreviation COMPUT high-level lan- organisms such as plants that can make
guage complex organic molecules by photosyn-
HMI abbreviation COMPUT thesis
human-machine interface holoplankton plural noun MARINE BIOL
hMPV abbreviation MICROBIOL human organisms which remain as plankton
metapneumovirus throughout their entire life cycle, e.g. algae
hoar frost noun METEOROL the frozen holozoic adjective BIOL referring to
dew that forms on outside surfaces when organisms such as animals that feed on
the temperature falls below freezing point other organisms or organic matter
holandric adjective GENETICS referring home noun 1. ENVIRON a place where a
to genetic characteristics that are carried on person or animal lives 2. an environment or
303 hook
habitat 3. COMPUT the starting point or ini- homogenised milk noun milk which is
tial point made more digestible by breaking up the
home computer noun COMPUT same as fat droplets into smaller particles which are
personal computer evenly distributed through the liquid
homeo- prefix similar homogenous adjective same as homo-
homeobox noun GENETICS a set of geneous
nucleotides with a sequence of bases that is homograft noun MED same as allograft
almost identical in all the genes that con- homoiotherm, homoeotherm noun
tain it ZOOL same as endotherm
homeostasis noun 1. the tendency of a homologous adjective BIOL 1. having
system to resist change and maintain itself the same structural features 2. having bio-
in a state of equilibrium 2. BIOCHEM the logical structures that share the same ori-
process by which the functions and chem- gin but with a different function, e.g. the
istry of a cell or organism are kept stable, wing of a bird and the fin of a fish
even when external conditions vary greatly homologous pair noun GENETICS a
homeotherm noun ZOOL another spell- pair of chromosomes in a diploid organism
ing of homoiotherm that are structurally similar and have the
home page noun COMPUT the opening same arrangement of genes, although they
page of a website 쑗 The home page is for- may carry different alleles (NOTE: One
matted using HTML and stored in a file member of each pair is inherited from each
called index.html. parent.)
home range noun ZOOL the area that an homologous series noun CHEM a
animal moves about in during its group of compounds, each with the same
day-to-day activities (NOTE: Do not con- basic elements and similar atomic struc-
fuse with territory, which is a defended ture, in which each compound in the series
area and may be part or all of the home differs from the next one by a fixed number
range.) of atoms
homing noun ZOOL an animal’s return to homologue noun BIOL a part or organ
a specific site which is used for sleeping or with the same origin in evolution as
breeding another but with a different function, e.g. a
hominoid adjective BIOL referring to the bird’s wing in relation to the fin of a fish
primates including humans and apes. homolytic fission noun CHEM the proc-
Superfamily: Hominoidea. ess of breaking a covalent bond in a com-
homo- prefix same. Compare hetero- pound to form two free radicals
homocysteine noun BIOCHEM an amino Homo sapiens noun BIOL the species
acid produced in the body during the that consists of modern human beings and
metabolism of methionine. Raised levels the only species of the genus with living
of homocysteine are associated with individuals
atherosclerosis. homosphere noun EARTH SCI the zone
homoeo- prefix same as homeo- of the Earth’s atmosphere, including the
homogametic adjective GENETICS troposphere, the stratosphere and the mes-
referring to organisms that produce gam- osphere, where the composition of the
etes with the same type of sex chromosome atmosphere remains relatively constant
homogamy noun BOT the maturation of homozygosity noun the state of being
a flower’s male and female organs at the homozygous
same time, so permitting self-fertilisation homozygote noun GENETICS an organ-
homogeneous adjective evenly mixed ism that has two identical forms (alleles) of
or unvarying 쑗 The atmosphere is not a gene at the same place on two corre-
homogeneous and pressure, temperature sponding chromosomes
and humidity can all change with height. homozygous adjective GENETICS relat-
Also called homogenous ing to a cell or organism that has two iden-
homogeneous computer network tical forms (alleles) of a gene
noun COMPUT a network made up of simi- hook noun COMPUT a point in a program
lar machines that are compatible or from at which a programmer can insert test code
the same manufacturer or debugging code
hookworm 304
hookworm noun ZOOL a parasitic worm horsepower noun MEASURE a unit of
in the intestine which holds onto the wall power equal in the UK to 550 foot-pounds
of the intestine with its teeth and lives on per second and in the USA to 745.7 watts.
the blood and protein of the carrier Abbr h.p., HP (NOTE: This obsolete unit is
hop noun 1. COMPUT the path taken by a still used to measure the power output of
packet of data as it moves from one server car engines.)
or router to another 2. PLANTS a climbing horticultural adjective AGRIC referring
plant that has long thin groups of green to horticulture
flowers which are used dried in brewing to horticulture noun AGRIC the cultivation
add flavour to beer. Latin name: Humulus of flowers, fruit and vegetables in gardens,
lupulus. nurseries or glasshouses, as a science,
horizon noun 1. the line where the sky occupation or leisure activity. 쒁 botanical
and the ground appear to join 2. GEOL a horticulture
layer of soil which is of a different colour horticulturist noun AGRIC a person who
or texture from the rest specialises in horticulture
horizontal adjective lying flat or going hose noun a long flexible pipe usually
from side to side, not up and down made of fabric, plastic or rubber for pump-
horizontal axis noun MATHS a reference ing gases or liquids
line used for horizontal coordinates on a host noun 1. BIOL a plant or animal on
graph 쑗 The plot shows the effect of air- which a parasite lives 2. COMPUT same as
speed on lift with airspeed shown on the host computer 쐽 adjective BIOL referring
horizontal axis and lift on the vertical axis. to a plant or animal on which a parasite
Also called X-axis lives
horizontal-axis wind turbine noun host adapter noun COMPUT an adapter
INDUST a wind turbine with two or three which connects to a host computer 쑗 The
blades attached to a central hub that drives cable to connect the scanner to the host
a generator and where the main shaft is adapter is included.
parallel with the surface of the ground 쑗 host address noun COMPUT same as
Horizontal-axis wind turbines are the most Internet address
common form of wind turbine. host computer noun COMPUT 1. the
horizontal blanking period noun main controlling computer in a multi-user
COMPUT the time taken for the picture or distributed system 2. a computer used to
beam in a monitor to return to the start of write and debug software for another com-
the next line from the end of the previous puter, often using a cross-compiler 3. a
line computer in a network that provides spe-
cial services or programming languages to
horizontal motion noun a movement users
from side to side
hosting service provider noun COM-
horizontal scan frequency noun PUT same as host service provider
COMPUT the number of lines on a video dis-
play that are refreshed each second host number noun COMPUT same as
Internet address
horizontal stabiliser noun a device to host–parasite interaction noun BIOL
provide longitudinal stability about the lat- a relationship between a host and a parasite
eral axis of an aircraft
host plant noun BOT the plant on which
hormonal adjective BIOCHEM referring to a parasite lives
host service provider noun COMPUT a
hormonal deficiency noun BIOCHEM a company that provides connections to the
lack of necessary hormones Internet and storage space on its computers
hormone noun 1. BIOCHEM a substance which can store the files for a user’s web-
produced in animals in one part of the body site 쑗 We rent storage space on this host
which has a particular effect in another part service provider’s server for our company
of the body 2. BOT a plant growth factor website. Also called hosting service pro-
hornblende noun MINERALS a dark green vider
to black mineral consisting of the alumin- hot adjective 1. having a high temperature
ium silicates of calcium, iron, magnesium 쑗 hot weather 쑗 hot water 2. dangerously
and sodium radioactive (informal) 3. ELEC electrically
305 HTML
charged 4. MED extremely infectious 5. the engine house 쐽 verb 1. to contain or
PHYS (of an atom) having a raised energy provide space for something 쑗 The areas
level between the ribs in the wings are utilised to
hot chassis noun COMPUT a metal house fuel tanks. 2. to put a device in a case
framework or case around a computer that 쑗 The magnetic tape is housed in a solid
is connected to a voltage supply rather than plastic case.
being earthed housefly noun INSECTS a common fly
hot desert noun EARTH SCI a desert situ- living in houses, which can spread disease
ated in the tropics, e.g. the Sahara Desert or by laying its eggs in decaying meat and
the Arabian Desert vegetables
hot fix verb COMPUT to detect and repair a household noun a group of people liv-
fault such as a corrupt sector on a hard disk ing together in a single home 쐽 adjective 1.
without affecting normal operations ENVIRON referring to or used in houses
hot key noun COMPUT a special key or where people live 쑗 household appliances
key combination that starts a process or such as fridges and ovens 2. familiar 쑗
activates a program household knowledge
hot link noun COMPUT (in a hypertext household refuse, household waste
document) a word or image that will dis- noun ENVIRON same as domestic refuse
play new information when a user clicks on housekeeping noun COMPUT the tasks
it that have to be regularly carried out to
hot plugging noun COMPUT a feature of maintain a computer system, e.g. checking
a computer that allows a device or periph- backups or deleting unwanted files
eral to be plugged in or connected while housing noun 1. a container 쑗 The
the computer is working. Also called hot crankcase is the housing that encloses the
swapping various mechanical parts surrounding the
hot rock noun a rock with a high temper- crankshaft. 2. ENVIRON the buildings where
ature beneath the Earth’s surface (NOTE: people live
Hot rocks can be used to create geother- hover verb to remain stationary relative to
mal energy by pumping down cold water the ground while in the air 쐽 noun an act of
and making use of the rising hot water remaining stationary relative to the ground
which the rocks have heated.) while in the air 쑗 During a hover, helicop-
hotspot noun 1. COMPUT a special area ter pilots must be able to coordinate move-
on an image or display that does something ments of both hands and feet.
when the cursor is moved onto it 쑗 The howler noun 1. a very bad and obvious
image of the trumpet is a hotspot and will mistake 쑗 What a howler, no wonder your
play a sound when you move the pointer program won’t work. 2. TELECOM a buzzer
over it. 2. ENVIRON a place where back- that indicates to a telephone exchange
ground radiation is particularly high operator that a user’s telephone handset is
hot spring noun GEOG a stream of hot not on the receiver
water running out of the ground continu- h.p., HP abbreviation MEASURE horse-
ously power
hot swapping noun COMPUT same as Hs symbol CHEM ELEM hassium
hot plugging HSB abbreviation COMPUT hue, satura-
hotword noun COMPUT a word within tion, brightness
displayed text that does something when HSI abbreviation COMPUT hue, saturation,
the cursor is moved onto it or it is selected intensity
쑗 Click on the hotword to see the image. HSL abbreviation PHYS hue, saturation,
hour noun a period of time which lasts level
sixty minutes 쑗 It’s a three-hour flight to HST abbreviation ASTRON Hubble Space
Greece from London. Telescope
hours plural noun MEASURE a particular HSV abbreviation COMPUT hue, saturation
time of day using the 24-hour clock 쑗 The and value
experiment started at 13:20 hours. HTML noun COMPUT a series of special
house noun 1. a building where a person codes that define the typeface and style that
lives 2. a structure where animals or should be used when displaying the text of
machinery are kept 쑗 the reptile house 쑗 a document and also allow hypertext links
HTTP 306
to other parts of the document or to other Observation with the Hubble Space Tele-
documents 쑗 HTML is normally used to scope suggests a figure of about 80km/s
create documents for the World Wide Web. per megaparsec.)
Full form hypertext markup language Hubble Diagram noun ASTRON a graph
HTTP noun COMPUT a set of commands showing the distance of galaxies against
used by a browser to ask an Internet web their velocity of recession from Earth
server for information about a webpage. (NOTE: The steepness of the graph gives
Full form hypertext transfer protocol the Hubble Constant.)
HTTPd noun COMPUT server software that Hubble Space Telescope noun
sends webpage files to a client in response ASTRON a telescope mounted on a satellite
to a request from a user’s web browser 쑗 orbiting Earth, launched in 1990. Abbr
When you type a website address into your HST
web browser, this sends a request to the COMMENT: The 12-tonne spacecraft has a
HTTPd server software that replies with telescope with a 2.4 m main mirror, which
by being placed above Earth’s atmosphere
the HTML code of a formatted web page. can be used to see objects as faint as the
Full form hypertext transfer protocol 31st magnitude. The HST’s instruments
daemon include faint-object and wide-field cameras
and photometers and spectrographs. It is
hub noun COMPUT 1. the central part of a used mainly to examine objects in deep
disk, usually with a hole and ring which the space, but has also produced startling
disk drive grips to spin the disk 2. the cen- images of solar system objects such as
tral ring or wiring cabinet where all circuits Mars, and Jupiter during the 1994 impact of
meet and form an electrical path for signals Comet Shoemaker Levy 9.
Hubble, Edwin P. (1889–1953) hue noun COMPUT the colour of an image
ASTRON a US astronomer who revolution- or pixel
ised thinking about the large-scale struc- hue, saturation, brightness noun
ture of the universe by methodical study of PHYS same as hue, saturation, intensity.
the galaxies. He discovered that they are Abbr HSB
receding at a rate dependent on their dis- hue, saturation, intensity noun PHYS
tance from Earth, which led to the idea of a method of defining a colour through its
the expansion of the universe. He also three properties: hue, colour defined by its
developed the now standard classification wavelength; saturation, the purity of the
of galactic types. colour and the amount of white. Abbr HSI
Hubble Classification noun ASTRON a hue, saturation, level noun PHYS
classification of the galaxies into elliptical, same as hue, saturation, intensity. Abbr
spiral and barred spiral types, which is HSL
used to describe all but the most unusual Huffman code noun COMPUT a data
types of galaxy compression code in which frequent char-
COMMENT: Within these overall headings acters occupy less bit space than less fre-
are subdivisions. The ellipticals are classed quent ones
as E0 to E7, becoming steadily more elon- human BIOL adjective referring to a man,
gated as the number increases. Spirals are
classed as Sa, Sb or Sc, with the spirals woman or child 쐽 noun same as human
less tightly wound for the later letters, and being 쑗 Most animals are afraid of
the same system is adopted for the barred humans.
spirals, which are classed as SBa, SBb and human anatomy noun BIOL the study of
SBc. Type S0 indicates a regular ellipse
apparently intermediate between the three the the structure, shape and functions of the
categories. Galaxies that fall between the human body
categories are sometimes classed as Sbc human being noun BIOL a man, woman
or some similar hybrid. It is important to or child
note that the actual relation between the
different types of galaxy may well be less human-caused adjective ENVIRON
neat than this family tree implies. referring to a disaster or event which has
Hubble Constant noun ASTRON the been brought about by human beings
number linking the rate of recession of the human-computer interface noun
galaxies with their distance from Earth COMPUT same as human-machine inter-
(NOTE: The value of the Hubble Constant is face
between 50 and 100km/s of recession human ecology noun ENVIRON the
velocity per megaparsec of distance. study of communities of people, the place
307 hydraulic
that they occupy in the natural world and posed plants and animal remains, which
the ways in which they adapt to or change makes the soil dark and binds it together 2.
the environment INDUST a dark organic residue left after
Human Genome Project noun sewage has been treated in sewage works
GENETICS an international research initia- hurricane noun METEOROL a tropical
tive to sequence and identify all human storm with extremely strong winds
genes and record their positions on chro- hurricane force wind noun METEOROL
mosomes, officially completed in 2003 a wind blowing at force 12 on the Beaufort
human geography noun ENVIRON the scale
study of the distribution of human popula- hurry sickness noun MED a compulsion
tions with reference to their geographical to do everything quickly, or a chronic feel-
environment ing of being short of time, attributed to the
human-induced stress noun ENVI- fast pace of modern life and causing symp-
RON stress in animals caused by interac- toms such as anxiety and insomnia
tions with humans husbandry noun AGRIC the activity of
humankind noun all human beings con- looking after farm animals and crops 쑗 a
sidered as a group new system of intensive cattle husbandry
human-machine interface noun hybrid noun BIOL a new form of plant or
COMPUT a set of facilities provided to animal resulting from a cross between
improve the interaction between a user and organisms that have different genotypes 쑗
a computer system. Abbr HMI. Also called high-yielding maize hybrids 쐽 adjective
human-computer interface BIOL being the result of a cross between
human metapneumovirus noun organisms that have different genotypes 쐽
MICROBIOL a single-stranded RNA virus adjective, noun made up of differing ele-
discovered in 2001 that is a major cause of ments
respiratory infections with symptoms sim- hybrid circuit noun COMPUT the con-
ilar to the common cold nection of a number of different electronic
human nature noun BIOL the general components such as integrated circuits,
characteristics of behaviour shared by all transistors, resistors and capacitors in a
human beings small package
human physiology noun PHYSIOL the hybridisation, hybridization noun
study of the functions of the human body GENETICS the production of hybrids
human race noun BIOL same as human- hybridise, hybridize verb GENETICS to
kind produce a new form of plant or animal by
combining the genes of two organisms that
humate noun CHEM a salt that is derived have different genotypes
from humus
hybrid vigour noun GENETICS same as
humerus noun ANAT the long bone of the heterosis
forelimb in vertebrate animals
hydr- prefix same as hydro- (NOTE: used
humid adjective METEOROL relating to air before vowels)
that contains moisture vapour 쑗 Decompo-
sition of organic matter is rapid in hot and hydra noun MARINE BIOL a freshwater
humid conditions. polyp with a cylindrical body at one end
and a mouth surrounded by tentacles at the
humidifier noun INDUST a device for other
making dry air moist, especially in air con-
ditioning or heating systems hydrate noun CHEM a chemical com-
pound, frequently a salt, containing bound
humidify noun to make something moist water molecules that can usually be
humidity noun METEOROL a measure- expelled by heating, without decomposi-
ment of how much water vapour is con- tion of the compound
tained in the air hydrated adjective CHEM referring to a
humification noun BIOL the breakdown chemical compound in which water is
of rotting organic waste to form humus bound
humify verb BIOL to break down rotting hydraulic adjective MECH ENG referring
organic waste to form humus to a system or device that uses fluids such
humus noun 1. EARTH SCI the fibrous as oil to transmit a force from one place to
organic matter in soil, formed from decom- another using pipes 쑗 a hydraulic pump
hydraulic gradient 308
hydraulic gradient noun EARTH SCI the hydroelectric power noun INDUST the
direction of ground water flow due to electricity produced by using a flow of
changes in the depth of the water table water to drive turbines
hydraulic pressure noun MECH ENG hydroelectric power station noun
the pressure exerted by hydraulic fluid INDUST a power station that produces elec-
hydraulic tubing noun a
MECH ENG tricity using a flow of water to drive the tur-
system of tubes or thin pipes connecting bines
the main components of a hydraulic system hydrofluoric acid noun CHEM a solu-
hydrazine noun CHEM a highly reactive tion of hydrogen fluoride in water that is
fuming colourless liquid that is strongly extremely corrosive and attacks glass and
alkaline. Formula: H2N.NH2. (NOTE: It is stone. Formula: HF.
used as rocket fuel.) hydrofluorocarbon noun CHEM a
hydric adjective ECOL referring to an chemical that is emitted as a by-product of
environment that is wet. Compare xeric industrial processes and contributes to glo-
hydro- prefix water bal warming, although it does not damage
the ozone layer. Abbr HFC
hydrobromic acid noun CHEM a col-
ourless solution of hydrogen bromide in hydrogen noun CHEM ELEM a gaseous
water. Formula: HBr. chemical element that combines with oxy-
gen to form water, with other elements to
hydrocarbon noun CHEM a compound form acids, and is present in all animal tis-
formed of hydrogen and carbon sue (NOTE: Hydrogen is also used as a
COMMENT: Hydrocarbons are found in fossil
moderator to show the speed of neutrons
fuels such as coal, oil, petroleum and
natural gas. They form a large part of in some nuclear reactors. The chemical
exhaust fumes from cars and contribute to symbol is H; the atomic number is 1 and
the formation of smog. When released into the atomic weight is 1.01.)
the air from burning coal or oil they react in hydrogen bomb noun MIL an explosive
the sunlight with nitrogen dioxide to form
ozone. Hydrocarbons are divided into weapon of mass destruction in which huge
aliphatic hydrocarbons (paraffins, acety- amounts of energy are suddenly released
lenes and olefins) and aromatic hydrocar- by the fusion of hydrogen nuclei
bons (benzenes). hydrogen bond noun CHEM a weak
hydrochloric acid noun 1. CHEM a col- electrostatic interaction between mole-
ourless strong acid solution consisting of cules in which hydrogen atoms are bound
hydrogen chloride gas dissolved in water. to electronegative atoms such as oxygen or
Formula: HCl. (NOTE: It is used in indus- nitrogen in which the hydrogen atom is
trial and laboratory processes.) 2. an inor- attracted to the electronegative atom
ganic acid which forms in the stomach and (NOTE: The attraction between water mole-
is part of the gastric juices cules due to hydrogen bonds accounts for
hydrocolloid strip noun MED a gelati- the relatively high boiling point of water.)
nous waterproof dressing that seals a hydrogen bromide noun CHEM a col-
wound, retaining moisture and protecting ourless or brown fuming gas with a distinc-
from germs and dirt tive unpleasant smell. Formula: HBr.
hydrocortisone noun BIOCHEM same as hydrogen carbonate noun CHEM a salt
cortisol of carbonic acid in which one hydrogen
hydrocyanic acid noun CHEM a colour- atom has been replaced, usually by a metal
less solution of hydrogen cyanide in water, hydrogen chloride noun CHEM a col-
which is highly toxic and smells of ourless fuming corrosive gas with an
almonds. Formula: HCN. unpleasant choking smell. Formula: HCl.
hydroelectric adjective INDUST relating (NOTE: It is used in PVC manufacture and
to hydroelectricity 쑗 The valley was chemical synthesis.)
flooded to construct the hydroelectric hydrogen cyanide noun BIOCHEM a
scheme. poisonous liquid or gas with a smell of
hydroelectric energy noun INDUST almonds, which is found naturally in some
electricity produced by using a flow of plants such as cassava or almond nuts. For-
water to drive the turbines mula: HCN.
hydroelectricity noun INDUST the elec- hydrogen electrode noun PHYS an
tricity produced by water power electrode created by adsorbing hydrogen
309 hydroxyproline
onto a platinum electrode, which is then set hydrometer noun PHYS an instrument
to zero potential and used to compare other that measures the density of a liquid
results. Also called hydrogen half cell hydromorphic soil noun EARTH SCI
hydrogen fluoride noun CHEM a col- waterlogged soil found in bogs and
ourless poisonous strong-smelling gas. marshes
Formula: HF. hydrophilic adjective CHEM displaying a
hydrogen fuel noun INDUST liquid tendency to dissolve in, absorb or mix eas-
hydrogen, proposed as an alternative fuel ily with water
for use in cars and aircraft hydrophobic adjective CHEM not solu-
hydrogen half cell noun PHYS same as ble in, mixing easily with or able to absorb
hydrogen electrode water
hydrogen ion noun CHEM a positively hydrophyte noun BOT a plant that lives
charged hydrogen atom that is formed by in water or in marshy conditions
the removal of an electron and is present in
solutions of acids in water (NOTE: The con- hydroponics noun AGRIC the practice of
centration of hydrogen ions in solution is
growing plants in a nutrient liquid with or
measured using the pH scale.)
without sand, vermiculite or other granular
hydrogen peroxide noun CHEM a col-
ourless viscous liquid that readily decom- hydropower noun INDUST same as
poses to give off oxygen, used as a bleach, hydroelectric power
antiseptic and rocket fuel component. For- hydrosere noun BOT a series of plant
mula: H2O2. communities growing in water or in wet
hydrogen spectrum noun PHYS the conditions
light spectrum produced when a strong hydrosol noun CHEM a solvent of water
electric current is passed through hydrogen hydrosphere noun EARTH SCI all the
gas water on the Earth, in the atmosphere, the
hydrogen sulfate, hydrogen sulphate sea and on land
noun CHEM a salt formed when one hydro- hydrostatic adjective EARTH SCI refer-
gen atom is removed from sulfuric acid by ring to water that is not moving
reaction with a metal, metal salt or organic
group. Also called bisulfate
hydrostatic pressure noun EARTH SCI
the pressure of water that is not moving
hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulphide
noun CHEM a colourless gas with an
hydrothermal adjective EARTH SCI

unpleasant smell, produced during indus- referring to water and heat under the
trial processes, which corrodes metal and Earth’s crust
is toxic to animals. Formula: H2S. hydrothermal formation noun EARTH
hydrograph noun EARTH SCI a graph SCI a rock formation where water pockets
showing the level or flow of water in a river or porous water-filled rock come into con-
or lake tact with magma, so creating steam
hydrography noun EARTH SCI the sci- hydrothermal vent noun EARTH SCI a
ence of measuring and charting rivers, place on the ocean floor where hot water
lakes and seas and gas flow out of the Earth’s crust
hydrological adjective EARTH SCI refer- hydrotropism noun PLANTS a move-
ring to hydrology ment of a root or other plant part towards or
away from moisture
hydrology noun EARTH SCI the study of
water, its composition and properties and hydroxide noun CHEM a metallic com-
in particular the place of water in the envi- pound containing inorganic OH- groups
ronment giving it basic properties
hydrolysis noun CHEM a chemical reac- hydroxonium ion noun CHEM a positive
tion in which a substance reacts with water, ion formed by the addition of a hydrogen
causing decomposition of both the original ion or proton to a water molecule, usually
substance and the water and the production in acid solution. Formula: H3O+.
of two or more other compounds (NOTE: hydroxyproline noun BIOCHEM an
The conversion of starch to glucose is an amino acid present in some proteins, espe-
example of hydrolysis.) cially in collagen
hygiene 310
hygiene noun HEALTH 1. the state or prac- hyperopia noun OPHTHALMOL the ability
tice of being clean and keeping healthy to see distant objects more clearly than
conditions 2. the science of health close objects. Also called hypermetropia,
hygienic adjective HEALTH 1. referring to long-sightedness
the state or practice of being clean 쑗 hygi- hyperparasite noun BIOL a parasite
enic conditions 쑗 Don’t touch the food with which is a parasite on other parasites
dirty hands – it isn’t hygienic. 2. producing hyperploid adjective GENETICS referring
healthy conditions to an organism that has an extra chromo-
hygro- prefix CHEM wet some or section of a chromosome (NOTE:
hygrometer noun METEOROL an instru- An extra copy or segment of chromosome
ment used for the measurement of humid- 21 occurs in people with Down’s syn-
ity 쑗 The most common type of hygrometer drome.)
is the wet and dry bulb thermometer hypersensitive adjective MED reacting
arrangement. more strongly than usual to a factor such as
hygrometry noun the scientific meas- stress, an antigen, an event or a disease
urement of humidity agent
hygroscope noun CHEM a device or sub- hypersensitivity noun BIOL a condition
stance which gives an indication of humid- in which an organism reacts unusually
ity, often by changing colour strongly to a factor such as stress, an anti-
hygroscopic adjective CHEM referring gen, an event or a disease agent
to a substance which absorbs moisture hypertension noun MED a condition
from the atmosphere where the pressure of the blood in the arter-
ies is higher than 160/95 for adults without
hyp- prefix same as hypo- (NOTE: used heart disease or diabetes
before vowels)
hypalgesia noun MED a low sensitivity hypertext noun COMPUT a multimedia
system of organising information in which
to pain
some words in a document link to other
hyper- prefix over, above, higher or too documents and display the text when the
much. Opposite hypo- word is selected 쑗 Hypertext allows you to
hyperaccumulate verb ENVIRON to take click once on the word ‘computer’ and
up and retain an unusually high concentra- jump to a page where it will tell you what a
tion of metal from the environment computer is. 쐽 adjective referring to hyper-
hyperactive adjective BIOL being unusu- text 쑗 a hypertext page
ally active and restless hypertext markup language noun
hyperbaric adjective SCI relating to, COMPUT full form of HTML
involving, or occurring at pressures higher hypertext transfer protocol noun
than normal COMPUT full form of HTTP
hypercharged adjective PHYS describes hypertext transfer protocol dae-
elementary particles with the property of mon noun COMPUT full form of HTTPd
hypercharge hypertonic adjective CHEM referring to a
hyperfine structure noun PHYS the solution with a higher osmotic pressure
splitting of lines in a spectrum on an even than that of another solution to which it is
smaller scale than fine structure compared
hyperinsulinism noun MED the reaction hypha noun FUNGI a long thin structure
of a diabetic to an excessive dose of insulin containing cytoplasm that is part of the net-
or to hypoglycaemia work forming the vegetative body of a fun-
hyperlink noun COMPUT a word, image gus (NOTE: The plural is hyphae.)
or button in a webpage or multimedia title hypo- prefix under, less, too little or too
that moves the user to another page when small. Opposite hyper-
clicked hypochlorite noun CHEM a salt of
hypermetropia noun OPHTHALMOL hypochlorous acid
same as hyperopia hypochlorous acid noun CHEM a weak
hyperon noun PHYS a baryon with a large greenish-yellow acid that is unstable and
mass and a short life (NOTE: Hyperons may occurs only in solution or as salt. Formula:
be unstable.) HOCl.
311 Hz
hypocotyl noun the part of a seedling hypotension noun MED a condition
beneath the cotyledon where the pressure of the blood is unusu-
hypodermic injection noun MED an ally low
injection of a liquid beneath the skin. Also hypotenuse noun MATHS the longest
called subcutaneous injection side of a right-angled triangle located
hypodermic syringe noun MED an opposite the right angle
instrument for injecting liquids under the hypothalamus noun ANAT the part of
skin the brain above the pituitary gland, which
hypogeal adjective BOT occurring or controls the production of hormones by the
developing below ground. Compare epi- pituitary gland and regulates important
geal bodily functions such as hunger, thirst and
hypoglossal nerve noun ANAT the sleep
twelfth cranial nerve which governs the hypothermia noun MED a reduction in
muscles of the tongue body temperature below 35°C
hypoglycaemia noun MED a low con- hypothesis noun a suggestion that
centration of glucose in the blood something may account for observed facts,
hypoglycaemic adjective MED suffering though without proof, used as a basis for
from hypoglycaemia reasoning (NOTE: The plural is hypothe-
hypolimnion noun EARTH SCI the lowest ses.)
layer of water in a lake, which is cold and hypotonic adjective CHEM, BIOL refer-
stationary and contains less oxygen than ring to a solution with lower osmotic pres-
upper layers. 쒁 epilimnion, metalimnion sure than that of another solution to which
hypophysis noun ANAT same as pitui- it is compared
tary gland hysteresis noun PHYS a delay in the
hypoploid adjective GENETICS referring response of an object to changes in the
to an organism that has a chromosome forces acting on it, especially magnetic
number that is slightly less than the diploid forces
number Hz abbreviation MEASURE hertz
I symbol CHEM ELEM iodine ice crystal noun METEOROL a type of
IAB abbreviation COMPUT 1. Internet precipitation composed of crystals in the
Activities Board 2. Internet Architecture form of needles, plates or columns
Board ice floe noun OCEANOG a block of ice
IAEA abbreviation International Atomic floating in the sea
Energy Authority ice formation noun EARTH SCI the natu-
IAM abbreviation COMPUT intermediate ral production and development of ice
access memory ice point noun PHYS the freezing point of
IANA abbreviation COMPUT Internet water
Assigned Numbers Authority ice sheet noun EARTH SCI a large area of
IAR abbreviation COMPUT instruction thick ice in the north or south polar regions
address register ice shelf noun EARTH SCI an outer margin
IAS1 noun COMPUT a high-speed main of an ice cap or ice sheet that extends into
memory area in a computer system. Full and over the sea
form immediate access store ice storm noun METEOROL freezing rain
IAS2 abbreviation AEROSP indicated air- that creates a sheet of ice on structures such
speed as trees and electric wires
I-beam noun COMPUT a cursor shaped -icide suffix BIOL substance which
like the letter ‘I’ used in a graphical user destroys a particular organism
interface to edit text or indicate text opera- ICMP noun COMPUT an extension to the
tions Internet Protocol that provides error detec-
IBG abbreviation COMPUT interblock gap tion and control messages 쑗 The Internet
IC abbreviation COMPUT integrated circuit command ‘ping’ uses ICMP to test if a
named node is working correctly. Full form
icand noun COMPUT same as multipli- Internet control message protocol
icon noun COMPUT a graphic symbol or
ice noun METEOROL frozen water small picture displayed on screen, used in
COMMENT: Ice is formed when water
freezes at 0°C. Ice is less dense than water
an interactive computer system to provide
and so floats. Because the ice in the polar an easy way of identifying a function 쑗 The
ice caps is very thick and has been formed icon for the graphics program is a small
over many thousands of years, scientists picture of an artist’s palette.
are able to discover information about the ICRP abbreviation International Commis-
climate over a very long period of time by
examining core samples obtained by drilling sion on Radiological Protection
into the ice. ICSH abbreviation BIOL intersti-
Ice Age noun GEOL a long period of time tial-cell-stimulating-hormone
when Earth’s temperature was cool and IDE abbreviation COMPUT integrated
large areas of the surface were covered device electronics 쑗 IDE drives are fitted to
with ice most home PCs.
iceberg noun OCEANOG a very large ideal adjective referring to a situation that
block of ice floating in the sea, formed is as good as can be expected or the best
when ice breaks away from an Arctic gla- possible
cier or ice sheet ideal gas noun CHEM a theoretical con-
ice cap noun EARTH SCI same as polar cept of a gas that obeys the gas laws
ice cap exactly at all temperatures and pressures
313 IESG
ideal solution noun CHEM a solution an engine when it is running but not deliv-
described by the equation p = p 0 X where ering power to move the vehicle or aircraft
p is the vapour pressure of the solvent with 쐽 verb MECH ENG (of an engine) to turn
a substance dissolved in it, X is the mole over slowly without providing enough
fraction of the solvent and p0 is the vapour power to move a vehicle or aircraft 쑗 After
pressure of the pure solvent starting a piston engine from cold, allow it
identical adjective exactly the same as to idle for a short time before opening the
something else throttle wide.
identical twins noun BIOL same as idle character noun COMPUT a symbol
monozygotic twins or code that means ‘do nothing’ or a code
identification noun 1. the action or which is transmitted when there is no data
process of establishing the identity of available for transmission at that time
somebody or something 2. the action or idle cut-off noun AVIAT a position on the
process of recognising or establishing the mixture control of a light aircraft that
nature of something 쑗 keys for the identifi- allows the engine to be shut down without
cation of plants 쑗 the identification of our leaving a combustible fuel/air mixture in
priorities the engine
identification character noun COM- idling speed, idle rpm noun MECH ENG
PUT a single character sent to a host com- the speed at which a piston engine turns
puter to establish the identity and location when it is not running fast enough to move
of a remote computer or terminal the vehicle or aircraft, i.e. on a light aircraft
identification division noun COMPUT when the throttle is almost closed 쑗 After
a section of a COBOL program source start-up, the engine accelerates up to
code in which the identifiers and formats idling speed. 쑗 Before the engine is
for data and variables to be used within the stopped, it should normally be allowed to
program are declared run for a short period at idling speed to
identifier noun COMPUT a grouped ensure gradual cooling.
number/letter code by which a device, IDP abbreviation COMPUT integrated data
block or file can be recognized processing
identify verb 1. to recognise somebody or IEE abbreviation ELEC ENG Institution of
something as different from somebody or Electrical Engineers
something else 쑗 The team has identified a IEEE abbreviation US ELEC ENG Institute
new species. 2. to be the means of recog- of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
nising somebody or something 쑗 The pel- IEEE-488 noun COMPUT an interfacing
vic structure identified the skeleton as standard as laid down by the US Institute
female. 3. to understand the nature of of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, in
something 쑗 We soon identified the prob- which only data and handshaking signals
lem. are involved (NOTE: It is mainly used in lab-
identity noun something that distin- oratories to connect computers to measur-
guishes who someone or what something ing equipment.)
IEEE-802.2 noun COMPUT a standard
identity burst noun COMPUT a pattern of defining data links used with 802.3, 802.4
bits before the first block of data on a mag- and 802.5
netic tape that identifies the tape format
used IEEE-802.3 noun COMPUT a standard
defining the Ethernet network system
identity gate, identity element noun
COMPUT a logical gate that provides a sin-
IEEE-802.4 noun COMPUT a standard
gle output that is true if the inputs are both defining Token Bus
the same IEEE-802.5 noun COMPUT a standard
idiogram noun GENETICS a photograph defining IBM Token-Ring network system
or diagram showing chromosomes in which access is using a token passed
arranged in their homologous pairs accord- around a ring network
ing to the standard numbering system for IEEE bus noun COMPUT an interface that
that organism conforms to IEEE standards
idle noun 1. not being used, but ready and IESG abbreviation COMPUT Internet Engi-
waiting to be used 2. MECH ENG the state of neering Steering Group
IETF 314
IETF abbreviation COMPUT Internet Engi- switch that activates the ignition system of
neering Task Force a vehicle or aircraft
IFF noun COMPUT a standard for com- ignition key noun MECH ENG a key used
pressed files stored on a CD-I. Full form to switch on the ignition of a vehicle or air-
international file format craft
IF statement noun COMPUT a computer ignition lock noun MECH ENG a
programming statement, meaning do an key-operated switch for activating the igni-
action IF a condition is true (NOTE: It is tion circuit of an aircraft or a vehicle
usually followed by THEN.) ignition temperature noun PHYS the
IF-THEN-ELSE noun COMPUT a temperature at which a substance will start
high-level programming language state- to burn
ment, meaning IF something cannot be IGP abbreviation COMPUT interior gateway
done, THEN do this, or ELSE do that protocol
Ig abbreviation BIOCHEM immunoglobulin IH abbreviation COMPUT interrupt handler
IGMP noun COMPUT a standard that helps IIL abbreviation COMPUT integrated injec-
manage how data is transferred during an tion logic
IP Multicast operation in which one server IKBS abbreviation COMPUT intelligent
computer sends each packet of data to sev- knowledge-based system
eral destinations at the same time. Full ileocaecal valve noun ANAT a valve at
form Internet group management proto- the end of the ileum, which allows food to
col (NOTE: The IGMP standard is defined pass from the ileum into the caecum
in RFC1112.) ileocolic artery noun ANAT a branch of
igneous adjective EARTH SCI referring to the superior mesenteric artery
rock such as basalt and granite, formed ileum noun ANAT the third and last part of
from molten lava the small intestine, between the jejunum
igneous intrusion noun EARTH SCI and the beginning of the large intestine
molten rock that solidified before reaching ilium noun ANAT the wide flat upper por-
Earth’s surface and remains as a layer tion of the pelvis that is connected to the
among other rocks base of the spine (NOTE: At birth it is a sep-
igneous rock noun EARTH SCI a rock arate bone, later becoming fused with two
such as basalt or granite formed from lava other bones in the formation of the hip
which has either broken through Earth’s bone.)
crust, as in a volcanic eruption, or has illegal adjective 1. referring to an action
entered the crust from below and formed a not permitted by the criminal law 2. COM-
layer inside it PUT against the rules of programming syn-
ignite verb to begin to burn or cause tax
something to burn 쑗 The spark plug ignites illegal instruction noun COMPUT an
the fuel/air mixture. 쑗 The air/fuel mixture instruction code not within the repertoire
ignites. of a language
igniter noun MECH ENG a device for start- illuminance noun PHYS the visible radi-
ing gas turbine engines 쑗 An electric spark ation that reaches a unit of surface area in a
from the igniter plug starts combustion. unit of time
ignition noun 1. PHYS the starting of illuminate verb 1. to give light to an oth-
burning of a substance 쑗 Satisfactory igni- erwise dark area 쑗 A flare illuminates the
tion depends on the quality of the fuel. 2. ground below it. 2. to light a lamp
MECH ENG the moment when a spark from illumination noun 1. the provision of
the spark plug in an internal combustion light 2. PHYS the extent to which a surface
engine causes the fuel/air mixture to burn 쑗 is illuminated
Ignition should occur just before illustrate verb 1. to explain something
top-dead-centre. 3. ELEC ENG an electrical clearly, often by using pictures 쑗 Contour
system, usually powered by a battery or charts illustrate the horizontal distribution
magneto, that provides the spark to ignite of height above mean sea level. 2. to show
the fuel mixture in an internal-combustion something by being an example of it 쑗 The
engine 쑗 Ignition problems are a source of accident illustrates the need for improved
many engine failures. 4. MECH ENG a safety procedures in this area.
315 imino group
illustration noun 1. a picture which image processing software noun
explains something 쑗 The illustration on COMPUT software that allows a user to
page 23 shows a cross section of a typical adjust contrast, colour or brightness levels
gas-turbine engine. 2. an example 쑗 The or apply special effects to a bit-map image
mechanics of the föhn wind provide a good image processor noun COMPUT an
illustration of the adiabatic process in electronic or computer system used for
action. image processing, and to extract informa-
illuviation noun EARTH SCI the move- tion from the image
ment of particles and chemicals from the image scanner noun COMPUT an input
topsoil into the subsoil device which converts documents, draw-
IMA abbreviation COMPUT Interactive ings or photographs into a digitized,
Multimedia Association machine-readable form
image noun 1. a picture, photograph, image sensor noun PHYS a photoelec-
design or other piece of artwork 2. COMPUT tric device that produces a signal related to
an exact duplicate of an area of memory the amount of light falling on it
image buffer noun COMPUT an area of image stability noun COMPUT the abil-
memory that is used to build up an image ity of a display screen to provide a
before it is transferred to screen flicker-free picture
image compression noun COMPUT the image storage space noun COMPUT a
process of compressing the data that forms region of memory in which a digitized
an image image is stored
image converter noun PHYS an opti- image table noun COMPUT either of two
cal-electronic device that turns an image bit-mapped tables used to control input and
formed by invisible radiation into an image output devices or processes
that can be seen imaginary adjective not real 쑗 The equa-
image degradation noun ELEC loss of tor is an imaginary line around the Earth.
picture contrast and quality due to signal
distortion or bad copying of a video signal
imaginary number noun MATHS a com-
plex number written as a + ib, where i is the
image editing noun COMPUT the alter- square root of minus one, and b is not equal
ing or adjusting of an image using a paint to zero
package or special image editing program
imago noun INSECTS an insect in the final
image editor noun COMPUT a piece of adult stage after metamorphosis
software that allows a user to edit, change
or create a bit-map image IMAP noun COMPUT a standard that
defines how electronic mail messages can
image enhancement noun COMPUT
be accessed and read over a network. Full
the adjustment of parts of an image using form Internet message access protocol
special image processing software to COMMENT: The IMAP standard, currently at
change the brightness or sharpness of an version four, provides an alternative to the
image common POP3 standard. It stores a user’s
image intensifier noun ASTRON an messages on a shared server, for example
opto-electronic device using materials that at an ISP, and allows a user to connect from
any computer and read, send or manage
emit large numbers of photons in response messages. In contrast, the POP3 protocol
to the arrival of a single photon (NOTE: This downloads all messages from a shared
allows image intensifiers to produce server onto the user’s computer. This
increased light fluxes from weak sources makes it difficult for a user to access
under observation.) messages from a different computer – for
example when travelling. Regardless of
imagemap noun COMPUT a graphic whether IMAP or POP3 is used to read
image that has areas of the image defined messages, the SMTP protocol is normally
as hyperlink hotspots that link to another used to send messages.
webpage imbalance noun a situation where the
image processing noun COMPUT the balance between a set of things is unequal
analysis of information contained in an 쑗 Lack of vitamins A and E creates hormo-
image, usually by electronic means, by nal imbalances in farm animals.
using a computer which provides the anal- imino group noun CHEM a group of
ysis or by recognition of objects in the compounds containing the basic structure
image -NH- where the nitrogen atom is not joined
immature 316
to any other hydrogen atoms or carbonyl immunise, immunize verb IMMUNOL to
groups make a person or other animal immune to
immature adjective BIOL referring to an a specific microorganism by inoculating
organism or part that is still developing 쑗 them
an immature duck 쑗 an immature fruit immunity noun IMMUNOL 1. the natural or
immediate adjective nearby 쑗 The imme- acquired ability of a person or other animal
diate area surrounding the Earth is known to resist a microorganism and the disease it
as the atmosphere. causes 쑗 The vaccine gives immunity to
immediate address noun COMPUT tuberculosis. 2. the ability of a plant to
same as zero-level address resist disease through a protective covering
on leaves, through the formation of proto-
immediate mode noun COMPUT a mode plasts or through the development of inac-
in which a computer executes an instruc- tive forms of viruses
tion as soon as it is entered
immediate processing noun COMPUT immunoassay noun a technique for
measuring the amount of antigens and anti-
the processing of data when it appears,
bodies in tissue
rather than waiting for a synchronising
clock pulse or time. Compare batch immunobiology noun BIOL, MED a
processing branch of biology dealing with the effects
immerse verb to cover something com- of the immune system on factors affecting
pletely in liquid 쑗 The booster pumps the body, including disease, growth, and
mounted on the base of the fuel tank are genetics
fully immersed. immunocytochemistry noun CHEM,
immigrant species noun ECOL a spe- MED a branch of biochemistry that deals
cies that migrates into or is introduced into with the immunological reactions of cells
an ecosystem, deliberately or accidentally immunodeficiency noun IMMUNOL
immigration noun ECOL the movement lack of immunity to a disease
of an individual into a new area. Opposite immunogenetics noun GENETICS,
emigration IMMUNOL the study of the genetic basis of
imminent adjective which will happen in the immune system (NOTE: This study is
a very short time especially important in organ transplanta-
tion, where a close genetic match of tissue
immune adjective IMMUNOL referring to a improves the chances of success.)
person, other animal or plant that is not
affected by a specific microorganism 쑗 immunoglobulin noun IMMUNOL a pro-
This barley strain is not immune to the tein produced by specific white blood cells
virus. that acts as an antibody in immune
responses. Abbr Ig (NOTE: Immunoglobu-
immune body noun IMMUNOL a sub- lins occur in blood serum and other body
stance which protects against an infection fluids, and are grouped into five classes
or disease with differing structures and immune func-
immune response noun IMMUNOL the tions. They are IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE and IgM.)
way in which an organism defends itself immunological adjective referring to
against pathogenic organisms and other immunology
foreign material
immunological response noun the
immune system noun IMMUNOL the response of an animal to an attack by para-
arrangement of organs, cells and sub- sites by the production of antibodies
stances that protects the body against an
infection or against an allergic disease immunology noun MED the study of
(NOTE: The spleen, lymph tissue and white immunity and immunisation
blood cells are part of the immune system.) impact noun 1. a collision of one object
immunisation, immunization noun against another 2. the effect that something
IMMUNOL the production of immunity to a or someone has
specific disease, either by injecting an impact assessment noun ENVIRON an
antiserum or by giving an individual the evaluation of the effect upon the environ-
disease in such a small dose that the body ment of an activity such as a large con-
does not develop the disease, but produces struction programme or the draining of
antibodies to counteract it marshes
317 import
impacted area noun ENVIRON an area of are impermeable to water 2. referring to a
land affected by something such as a membrane which allows a liquid to pass
large-scale building project through, but not solid particles suspended
impact resistance noun INDUST the in the liquid
ability of a material to withstand impact impervious adjective PHYS not allowing
without breaking or shattering 쑗 Kevlar 49 a liquid to enter
has high impact resistance. impetus noun PHYS a force that causes
impact study noun ENVIRON same as the motion of an object to overcome resist-
impact assessment ance and maintain its velocity
impair verb to cause something to implantation noun BIOL the process in
become less effective 쑗 An incorrect grade which an embryo becomes attached to the
of fuel impairs engine performance. 쑗 An lining of the womb in higher mammals or
unfortunate legacy of past contamination to the yolk in other vertebrates
still impairs the ecosystem.
impaired vision noun OPHTHALMOL
implement verb to carry out or put a plan
eyesight which is not fully clear into action
impairment noun 1. the inability of implementation noun the process of
something to function effectively 쑗 hear- carrying out a plan 쑗 the rapid implemen-
ing impairment 2. the process of damaging tation of flood defence plans
something so that it does not function implication noun 1. a suggestion rather
effectively than a direct statement 쑗 There was an
impart verb to give a particular character- implication that the method was unsound.
istic or quality 쑗 A rotating propeller 2. the effect that one thing has on another 쑗
imparts rearward motion to a mass of air. The recent cuts in funding carry serious
impedance noun ELEC total electrical implications for research. 3. COMPUT a log-
resistance to current flow in an alternating ical operation that uses an IF-THEN struc-
current circuit 쑗 Impedance will vary with ture by which if A is true and if B is true
changes in frequency. this implies that the AND function of A
COMMENT: Network cables need to have and B will be true
the correct impedance for the type of implicit reference noun 1. something
network card installed. 10BaseT that is suggested rather than stated directly
unshielded twisted-pair cable normally has
an impedance between 100–105 ohms, 2. COMPUT a reference to an object that
while 10Base2 coaxial cable has an imped- does not give its exact page location, but
ance of 50 ohms. assumes that the object is on the current
impede verb to obstruct or hinder page or is currently visible
progress implied addressing noun COMPUT an
impeller noun MECH ENG a rotor used to assembler instruction that operates on only
force a fluid in a particular direction 쑗 A one register that is preset at manufacture 쑗
turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel Implied addressing for the accumulator is
and an impeller fitted on the same shaft. used in the instruction LDA,16.
imperial gallon noun MEASURE a unit of implosion noun PHYS the sudden and
volume in the British Imperial System, violent inward collapse of a hollow struc-
usually used in liquid measure and equal to ture that occurs when the pressure outside
4.546 litres 쑗 The system delivers fuel at is greater than that inside
the rate of 100 to 2000 gallons per hour. import verb 1. COMPUT to bring goods
Imperial System noun MEASURE a non- into a country to resell 2. to introduce new
metric system of weights and measures things from elsewhere 3. COMPUT to bring
used in the United Kingdom, including the something in from outside a computer sys-
foot, pound and gallon tem 쑗 You can import images from the CAD
imperial unit noun a unit in a system package into the DTP program. 4. COMPUT
measuring weight, distance and volume in to convert a file stored in one format to the
pounds, yards and gallons and their subu- default format used by a program 쑗 Select
nits, now generally replaced by SI units import if you want to open a TIFF graphics
impermeable adjective 1. PHYS refer- file. 쐽 noun 1. the action of bringing some-
ring to a substance which does not allow a thing into a country from abroad 2. some-
liquid or gas to pass through 쑗 rocks which thing brought into a country from abroad
importance 318
importance noun strong effect or influ- provide a spark at a spark plug. 2. PHYS a
ence 쑗 Upper winds are of great impor- force of short duration 3. a sudden strong
tance in meteorology. (NOTE: The feeling
expressions of fundamental importance, impulse magneto noun ELEC a mag-
of great importance, of prime impor- neto with a mechanism to give a sudden
tance, of utmost importance, of vital rotation and thus produce a strong spark
importance all mean very important.) impulse turbine noun ENG a turbine
impose verb to introduce something dif- where jets of water are directed at
ficult or restricting 쑗 Restrictions have bucket-shaped blades which catch the
been imposed on field trials. 쑗 The trimmer water
is used to ease the loads imposed on the impulsive adjective 1. propelling or hav-
flying controls during flight. ing the power to propel 2. done suddenly
impoundment noun ENG a body of
water or sludge confined by a barrier such impulsive noise noun TELECOM inter-
as a dam, dyke or floodgate ference on a signal caused by short periods
of noise
impoverish verb to reduce the quality of
something impure adjective CHEM not pure
impoverishment noun a reduction in impurity noun CHEM a foreign substance
quality present at a low concentration in a another
substance 쑗 a filter which removes impuri-
impregnate verb 1. to fill something ties from drinking water
with a substance by passing it inside
through the outer surface 쑗 Fruits on sale IMRT abbreviation MED intensity-modu-
may be impregnated with pesticides even if lated radiation therapy
they have been washed. 쑗 They impreg- In symbol CHEM ELEM indium
nated the wooden posts with creosote. 2. in. abbreviation MEASURE inch
ZOOL to fertilise a female, by introducing
inability noun the lack of ability to do
male spermatozoa into the female’s body something 쑗 An inability of the engine to
so that they fuse with the female’s ova accelerate may be an indication of serious
imprinting noun ZOOL the very early mechanical problems.
learning in an animal’s social development inaccurate adjective not correct 쑗 He
in which strong patterns of attraction to entered an inaccurate password.
members of its own species are developed,
especially to parents inactivate verb to make something una-
improper fraction noun MATHS a frac- ble to act 쑗 The ultraviolet component of
tion in which the numerator is equal to or sunlight inactivates some herbicides.
greater than the denominator, e.g. inactive adjective 1. not doing anything
⁶⁄₄ 2. (of a system) not switched on, not
improve verb to make something better responding or not being used 쑗 At the time
or become better 쑗 Turbochargers improve of the accident the radar was inactive. 3.
COMPUT (of a volcano) not erupting or
aircraft performance.
likely to erupt, though not necessarily
improved varieties plural noun new extinct 4. CHEM (of a chemical) not react-
species of plants which are stronger, or ing with other substances 5. MED (of a dis-
more productive than old species ease) not producing symptoms 6. BIOL
improvement noun the act or an biologically inert
instance of something becoming or being inactive window noun COMPUT a win-
made better 쑗 the improvement of crop dow that is still displayed, but not currently
varieties by selection 쑗 There is still room being used
for improvement in performance. 쑗 We
need to achieve improvements in efficiency. inactivity noun the state of not being
쑗 An improvement in weather conditions active
allowed the flight to depart. inadvertent adjective not intended 쑗 A
impulse noun 1. ELEC a voltage pulse safety mechanism prevents inadvertent
which lasts a very short time 쑗 A magneto retraction of the undercarriage while the
is designed to produce electrical impulses aircraft is on the ground.
one after another at precise intervals, so in alignment adverb, adjective correctly
that each separate impulse can be used to aligned
319 inclination
in ascending order adverb, adjective mental goals 쑗 Emission taxes are a form
in order of number or rank with the small- of incentive-based regulation.
est or less important at the bottom and the inch noun a British Imperial System unit
largest or more important at the top of length, also used in the USA, equal to
in-band signalling noun COMPUT data 25.4 millimetres or 2.54 centimetres or
transmission in which the signal carrying 1/12 of a foot. Abbr in. (NOTE: The plural is
the data is within the bandwidth of the inches.)
cable or transmission media inches-per-second noun COMPUT a
inbound adverb, adjective moving measurement of the speed of tape past the
towards a destination read/write heads. Abbr ips
inbred adjective GENETICS resulting from incidence noun the frequency of occur-
inbreeding rence of something 쑗 The incidence of
inbreed verb GENETICS to cross or mate structural failure has decreased with the
closely related individuals with each other introduction of modern construction mate-
over several generations rials and techniques.
inbreeding noun GENETICS the process incidence rate noun MED the number of
of mating or crossing between closely new cases of a disease during a given
related individuals, leading to a reduction period, per thousand of population
in variation. Compare outbreeding (NOTE:
Inbreeding as a result of self-fertilisation
incident noun an event or happening
occurs naturally in many plants. In
which interrupts usual activities 왍 without
humans, congenital anomalies may occur
incident without any problems occurring 쑗
when parents are closely related.)
The research review passed without inci-
inbreeding depression noun GENET-
ICS a reduction in variation and vigour aris- incinerate verb ENVIRON to burn a sub-
ing in an outbreeding population that is stance such as waste
repeatedly inbred incineration noun ENVIRON the burning
inbuilt adjective 1. which is a basic or nat- of a substance such as waste 쑗 Uncon-
urally occurring part of something 쑗 an trolled incineration can contribute to
inbuilt instinct for survival 쑗 This software atmospheric pollution. 쑗 Controlled incin-
has inbuilt error correction. 2. fitted inside eration of waste is an effective method of
or provided as part of something disposal.
incandescence noun PHYS 1. the emis- incineration ash noun ENVIRON a pow-
sion of light by an object as a result of its der left after a substance has been burnt
being heated to a high temperature 2. the incineration facility, incineration
light produced by an object heated to a plant noun INDUST an establishment where
high temperature waste is burnt
incandescent noun PHYS emitting light incinerator noun INDUST a device in
as a consequence of being heated to a high which a substance such as waste is burnt
incipient adjective in the early stages of
incandescent lamp noun INDUST the development
most common form of light in the home,
usually consisting of a glass bulb contain- incipient lethal level noun ENVIRON
ing a wire filament that glows when elec- the concentration of toxic substances at
tricity is passed through it 쑗 Incandescent which 50% of affected organisms will die
lamps are the least efficient of all electrical in-circuit emulator noun ELEC a circuit
lighting systems. that emulates a device or integrated circuit
incapacity noun 1. an inability to do and is inserted into a new or faulty circuit
what is needed 2. not having the necessary to test if it is working correctly 쑗 This
power to do something in-circuit emulator is used to test the floppy
incentive noun something which disk controller by emulating a disk drive.
encourages someone to do something incisor noun DENT a flat sharp-edged
incentive-based regulation noun tooth in the front of the mouth for cutting
ENVIRON the use of official measures to and tearing food
affect the economic behaviour of compa- inclination noun a slope or slant from
nies and households to achieve environ- the horizontal or vertical
incline 320
incline verb to slope or slant from the rate of descent. Opposite reduction 쐽 verb
horizontal or vertical 쐽 noun a slope or to become greater or more or make some-
slant thing greater or more 쑗 As you increase in
include verb 1. to have something as a height, the countryside below you appears
part 쑗 Solid particles in the atmosphere to flatten out. 쑗 Efforts are being made to
include dust, sand, volcanic ash and increase productivity. Opposite reduce 왘
atmospheric pollution. 쑗 A fuel system opposite (all senses) decrease
includes tanks, fuel lines, fuel pumps, fuel increment noun 1. an addition of a set
filters and a carburettor or fuel injection number, usually one, to a register, often for
system. 2. to add as a part with others 쑗 counting purposes 쑗 An increment is added
Please include full bibliographical details to the counter each time a pulse is
in your report. detected. 2. the value of the number added
inclusion noun 1. the state of having or to a register 쑗 Increase the increment to
an act of adding something as a part 쑗 the three. 쐽 verb 1. to add something or to
inclusion of checks at each stage 2. COM- increase a number 쑗 The counter is incre-
PUT a logical operation that uses an mented each time an instruction is exe-
IF-THEN structure so that if A is true and cuted. 2. to move forward to the next
if B is true this implies that the AND func- location 3. to move a document or card for-
tion of A and B will be true ward to its next preset location for printing
inclusive adjective taking in the or reading
extremes in addition to the part in between incremental backup noun COMPUT a
쑗 The migration takes from February to backup procedure that only backs up the
June inclusive. files which have changed since the last
inclusive fitness noun BIOL the sum of backup
an organism’s Darwinian fitness with the incubate verb 1. ZOOL to keep eggs warm
fitness of its relatives until the young birds come out, either by an
incoming adjective referring to signals adult bird sitting on them or in an incubator
such as radio waves or solar radiation 2. MED (of a disease caused by microor-
being received 쑗 incoming transmissions 쑗 ganisms) to develop until symptoms
an incoming signal appear 3. MICROBIOL to keep microorgan-
incoming message noun COMPUT a isms at a temperature that promotes their
message received in a computer growth
incoming traffic noun COMPUT the incubation noun 1. ZOOL the process of
amount of data or messages received keeping eggs warm until the young birds
incompatibility noun the state of being come out, either by an adult bird sitting on
incompatible them or by artificial means 2. MICROBIOL
incompatible adjective 1. having basic the process of keeping microorganisms at a
differences that prevent effective joint temperature that matures their growth
working 쑗 Our ideas were incompatible incubation period noun MED the time
with their outline plans. 2. unable to during which a virus or bacterium develops
cross-fertilise and produce offspring in the body after contamination or infec-
incomplete dominance noun GENET- tion, before the appearance of the symp-
ICS a condition that occurs when neither of toms of the disease
a pair of alleles is dominant incubator noun MICROBIOL, MED, AGRIC
incorporate verb to include something 쑗 a container that keeps a constant tempera-
Some types of outflow valve incorporate ture and controls other environmental con-
safety valves. ditions (NOTE: Incubators are used for
incorrect adjective not correct 쑗 If the allowing premature babies to grow, hen’s
positioning is incorrect, a warning horn eggs to hatch, or microorganisms to
will sound. develop.)
incorrectly adverb not correctly or with incur verb to experience something
mistakes 쑗 The data was incorrectly key- unpleasant as a result of an action 쑗 incur
boarded. disapproval 쑗 incur a fine (NOTE: incur-
increase noun the act or an instance of ring – incurred)
becoming greater or more 쑗 Decreasing indefinite adjective 1. without limits 2.
engine rpm results in an increase in the not exact 쑗 an indefinite number of sources
321 indicator
3. without a clear end or purpose 쑗 an that they will be selected and sorted to
indefinite period 쑗 indefinite plans 왍 for an form an index
indefinite period of time for a period of indexed address noun COMPUT the
time which may have no end address of the location to be accessed,
indehiscent adjective BOT referring to which is found in an index register
seed pods, fruit or capsules that do not indexed instruction noun COMPUT an
open to release seeds when ripe. Compare instruction that contains an origin and off-
dehiscent set that are added to provide the location to
indent COMPUT, PRINTING noun a space or be accessed
series of spaces from the left margin, when indexed sequential access
starting a line of text 쐽 verb to start a line
of text with a space in from the left margin
method noun COMPUT a data retrieval
method using a list containing the address
쑗 The first line of the paragraph is indented
of each stored record, where the list is
two spaces.
searched and the record retrieved from the
indentation noun 1. a hollow in the sur- address in the list. Abbr ISAM
face of something 2. a gap in the edge of
something 쑗 The indentations of the leaves indexed sequential storage noun
COMPUT a method of storing records in a
were typical of the species. 3. COMPUT,
PRINTING the leaving of a space at the
consecutive order, but in such a way that
beginning of a line of text they can be accessed rapidly
independent adjective free from the indexing noun 1. COMPUT the use of
influence or effects of other people or indexed addressing in software or a com-
things 쑗 Airspeed is independent of wind puter 2. COMPUT the process of building
and is the same regardless whether the air- and sorting a list of records 3. the process
craft is flying upwind, downwind or at any of making an index for a document or book
angle to the wind. index key noun COMPUT one field that is
independent assortment noun used to index a record
GENETICS a principle stating that during index register noun COMPUT a compu-
meiosis the two variant forms (alleles) of a ter address register that is added to a refer-
gene are distributed to the gametes inde- ence address to provide the location to be
pendently of the distribution of alleles of accessed. Abbr IR
other genes, although alleles located on the indicate verb 1. to show something 쑗 A
same chromosome are often inherited lamp on the instrument panel will indicate
together when the pump is operating. 쑗 The needle
independently adverb without being indicated zero. 2. to point to something 3.
controlled or connected 쑗 In spooling, the to serve as a sign or symptom of something
printer is acting independently of the key- 쑗 Black smoke from the exhaust may indi-
board. cate a rich mixture or worn piston rings.
independent power system noun indicated airspeed noun AEROSP the
ELEC a power generation system that is airspeed shown on the cockpit or
separate from the mains grid flight-deck instrument. Abbr IAS
independent system noun a system indication noun 1. the act of showing
that can operate by itself something 쑗 Indication of altitude is given
independent variable noun a condi- on the altimeter. 2. a sign 쑗 A drop in
tion that is deliberately manipulated by an engine rpm is an indication of ice forming
experimenter to test response in the carburettor.
index noun 1. an alphabetical list of refer- indicator noun 1. something which
ences to page numbers found at the end of shows the state of something else 2. CHEM
a book or long document 2. a list of terms a substance which shows that another sub-
classified into groups or put in alphabetical stance is present 3. BIOL an organism
order 3. COMPUT an address to be used that whose presence or absence in an environ-
is the result of value added to a start loca- ment indicates conditions such as oxygen
tion 4. a series of guide marks along the level or the presence of a contaminating
edge of a piece of film or a strip of micro- substance 쑗 Lichens act as indicators for
film 쐽 verb to put marks against items, so atmospheric pollution.
indicator chart 322
indicator chart noun COMPUT a graphi- induced drag noun AEROSP the part of
cal representation of the location and use total drag created by lift
of indicator flags within a program COMMENT: Induced drag is created when
indicator flag noun COMPUT a register high-pressure air below a wing rotates
around the tip to the low-pressure area
or single bit that indicates the state of the above and increases as airspeed
processor and its registers, e.g. a carry or decreases and angle of attack increases.
overflow The other basic type of drag is parasite
indicator light noun a light used to warn
or indicate the condition of equipment induced failure noun the failure of a
indicator species noun ENVIRON a spe- device due to external effects
cies which is very sensitive to particular induced interference noun ELEC elec-
changes in the environment and can show trical noise on a signal due to induced sig-
that environmental changes are taking nals from nearby electromagnetic sources
place inducer noun 1. BIOL, BIOCHEM a sub-
indigenous adjective ECOL native to a stance which changes the way in which an
place 쑗 There are six indigenous species of enzyme acts 2. GENETICS a substance
monkey on the island. 쑗 Bluebells are which activates a structural gene within a
indigenous to the British Isles. cell
indigo noun PLANTS a tropical plant of the inductance noun ELEC a measure of the
pea family which is a source of blue dye. ability of a conductor to bring a voltage
Genus: Indigofera. into itself when carrying an alternating
current, e.g. during short times when the
indirect address noun COMPUT same circuit is switched on or off 쑗 At low fre-
as relative address
quencies, the rate of collapse of the mag-
indirect addressing noun COMPUT a netic field will be slow and the inductance
way of addressing data in which the first will be low.
instruction refers to an address which con-
tains a second address
induction noun 1. MECH ENG the process
by which the fuel/air mixture is drawn into
indium noun CHEM ELEM a soft silvery the cylinders of an internal combustion
metal, used in alloys, transistors and elec- engine 쑗 The four strokes of the engine are
troplating (NOTE: The chemical symbol is induction, compression, combustion and
In; the atomic number is 49 and the atomic exhaust. 2. ELEC the generation of an elec-
weight is 114.82.) trical current due to electromagnetic
indium phosphide noun CHEM a brittle effects from a nearby source 쑗 A trans-
metallic solid used in the manufacture of former is a static device that changes the
semiconductors, lasers and solar cells amplitude or phase of an alternating volt-
individual adjective existing as a sepa- age or current by electro-magnetic induc-
rate thing 쑗 The hydraulic braking system tion. 3. BIOL the process of changing the
consists of a master cylinder with individ- way in which an enzyme acts
ual brake cylinders at each wheel. 쑗 The induction coil noun ELEC ENG a trans-
individual workstations are all linked to former that produces an intermittent
the mainframe. 쐽 noun BIOL a single organ- high-voltage current from a low-voltage
ism or item considered as one rather than source by means of several wire windings
as a member of a group generally around a soft iron core
individual variation noun the range of induction heating noun ELEC a process
differences found between individuals by which the temperature of a metal is
within a population increased by an alternating magnetic field
indivisible adjective MATHS not capable which induces an electric current within it
of being divided by a given number with- induction motor noun ELEC ENG an
out leaving a mathematical remainder electric motor in which interactions
induce verb 1. to cause something to hap- between alternating currents in its wind-
pen 쑗 Unequal deposits on moving parts ings create a varying magnetic field and
can induce severe vibration, especially on induce a rotor to turn
propellers and helicopter rotors. 2. ELEC to inductive adjective ELEC referring to the
generate an electrical current in a coil of production of electrical current in a con-
wire by electromagnetic effects ductor by a change of magnetic field 쑗 One
323 inference
side effect of low frequency in an inductive are not the same, otherwise the output is
circuit is that excess heat may be produced. false
inductive reasoning noun the drawing inert adjective CHEM referring to a chemi-
of a general conclusion based on a limited cal substance or gas that does not react
set of observations. Compare deductive with other chemicals
reasoning inert gas noun CHEM same as noble gas
inductor noun ELEC an electrical compo- 쑗 Inert gases, dust, smoke, salt, volcanic
nent consisting of a coil of wire used to ash, oxygen and nitrogen together consti-
introduce inductance effects into a circuit tute 99% of the atmosphere.
by storing energy in its magnetic field inertia noun PHYS the tendency of a body
indumentum noun BIOL a covering of at rest to stay at rest or of a moving body to
hairs on plant leaves or stems, or of hairs or continue moving in a straight line unless
feathers on an animal acted on by an outside force
industrial adjective INDUST referring to infect verb 1. MICROBIOL (of an organism)
industries or factories to enter a host organism and cause disease
쑗 The new strain has infected many people,
industrial dereliction noun ENVIRON
the ugly and neglected condition of a land- and the disease is spreading fast. 쑗 All
scape or environment that has been dam- these plants have been infected by a virus.
aged by industrial processes 2. MICROBIOL to contaminate something
with a microorganism that causes disease
industrial disease noun MED a disease 3. COMPUT (of a computer virus) to enter a
which is caused by the type of work done computer and cause problems in normal
by a worker, e.g. by dust produced or working
chemicals used in a factory
infected computer noun COMPUT a
industrial effluent noun ENVIRON the computer that carries a virus program
liquid waste produced by industrial proc-
esses infection noun MED 1. the process of a
microorganism entering a host organism
industrialisation, industrialization and causing disease 쑗 As a carrier he was
noun INDUST the process of developing spreading infection to other people in the
industry in a country office. 2. a disease caused by a microorgan-
industrial melanism noun BIOL the ism 쑗 She is susceptible to minor infec-
increase in the numbers of animals such as tions. 쑗 West Nile fever is a virus infection
moths with dark coloration in places where transmitted by mosquitoes.
industries create a lot of black smoke, infectious adjective MED referring to a
causing discoloration of surfaces and disease that is caused by microorganisms
allowing predators to see and feed on and can be transmitted to other individuals
lighter-coloured individuals more easily by direct means 쑗 This strain of flu is
industrial sewage noun ENVIRON same highly infectious. Compare contagious
as industrial effluent infectious virus hepatitis noun MED
industrial waste noun ENVIRON the hepatitis transmitted by a carrier through
waste produced by industrial processes. food or drink
Compare post-consumer waste infective adjective MED referring to a dis-
industry noun INDUST the factories, com- ease caused by a microorganism, which
panies or processes involved in the manu- can be caught from another person but
facturing of products which cannot always be directly transmit-
Industry Standard Architecture ted
noun COMPUT a standard used for the infective enteritis noun MED enteritis
16-bit expansion bus in an IBM PC or caused by bacteria
compatible. Abbr ISA infectivity noun MED the state of being
inequality operator noun COMPUT a infective
symbol used to indicate that two variables inference noun 1. a deduction of results
or quantities are not equal 쑗 The C pro- from data according to specific rules 2.
gramming language uses the symbol ‘!=’ COMPUT a method of deducing a result
as its inequality operator. about confidential information concerning
inequivalence noun COMPUT a logical a specific individual by using various data
function whose output is true if the inputs related to groups of people
inference control 324
inference control noun the
COMPUT infiltration water noun ENVIRON the
process of determining which information water which passes into the soil or into a
may be released without disclosing per- drainage system
sonal information about a specific individ- infinite loop noun COMPUT same as end-
ual less loop
inference engine, inference machine infinitesimal adjective MATHS with a
noun COMPUT a set of rules used in an value very close to but greater than zero
expert system to deduce goals or results infinity noun 1. MATHS a very large quan-
from data tity 2. OPTICS the distance of an object
inferential adjective obtained by deduc- from a viewer where beams of light from
tion 쑗 inferential results the object would be seen to be parallel, i.e.
inferior adjective 1. of lower quality 2. very far away
ASTRON between Earth and the Sun (NOTE: infix notation noun COMPUT a method
Mercury and Venus are designated as infe- of computer programming syntax where
rior planets.) operators are embedded inside operands,
inferior figure noun MATHS, CHEM (in e.g. C – D or X + Y. Compare postfix
mathematical and chemical formulae) one notation
of the smaller numbers or characters that inflammable adjective easily set on fire
are printed slightly below normal charac- 쑗 Petrol is an inflammable liquid. Opposite
ters (NOTE: It is used with figures and let- non-flammable (NOTE: Flammable and
ters: CO2.) inflammable mean the same thing. To
inferior gluteal artery noun ANAT an avoid confusion, it is recommended to use
artery supplying the buttocks flammable.)
infertile adjective 1. BOT referring to any inflammation noun MED a reaction of
organism that is not able to reproduce or the body to injury or infection character-
produce offspring 2. ZOOL referring to trees ised by swelling, redness, heat and pain
and plants that are not able to produce fruit inflate verb to blow air into something
or seeds 3. AGRIC referring to soil that is and thereby increase its size 쑗 A sharp pull
not able to produce good crops on the cord will discharge the gas bottle
COMMENT: An infertile soil is one which is and inflate the life jacket. Opposite deflate
deficient in plant nutrients. The fertility of a inflation noun the act of blowing air into
soil at any one time is partly due to its
natural makeup, and partly to its condition,
something such as a balloon or a tyre and
which is largely dependent on its manage- so increasing its size 쑗 Tyre inflation pres-
ment in recent times. Application of ferti- sures should be maintained within 4% lim-
lisers can raise soil fertility and bad its.
management can decrease it.
inflorescence noun BOT a flower or a
infertility noun ZOOL the inability to group of flowers on a stem
reproduce or have offspring COMMENT: There are two types of inflores-
infest verb BIOL (of pests) to be present cence. Indefinite inflorescence is where the
somewhere in large numbers 쑗 Plants that branches bearing the flowers continue to
grow. Where the main stem ends in a single
have been infested should be dug up and flower and then stops growing is known as
burnt. 쑗 The child’s hair was infested with definite inflorescence.
lice. inflow noun the action of flowing in 쑗 an
infestation noun BIOL the presence of inflow of effluent into a river
large numbers of pests 쑗 The crop showed influence noun a power which affects
a serious infestation of greenfly. 쑗 The con- people or things 쐽 verb to have an effect on
dition is caused by an infestation of lice. something or someone 쑗 Day length influ-
infiltration noun ENVIRON the passing of ences plant growth.
water into the soil or into a drainage system influent noun 1. EARTH SCI a stream or
infiltration basin noun EARTH SCI a river flowing into a larger river 2. ECOL an
depression in the ground where infiltration organism which has an important effect on
occurs the balance of its community
infiltration capacity noun EARTH SCI informatics noun COMPUT the science
the maximum rate at which water is and study of ways and means of informa-
absorbed by soil tion processing and transmission
325 infrastructure
information noun 1. knowledge pre- information storage noun COMPUT the
sented to a person in a form that can be storage of data in a form which allows it to
understood 2. COMPUT data that have been be processed at a later date
processed or arranged to provide facts information storage and retrieval
which have a meaning noun COMPUT the techniques involved in
information bearer channel noun storing information and retrieving data
COMPUT a communications channel that is from a store. Abbr ISR
able to carry control and message data, information structure noun COMPUT
usually at a higher rate than a data-only same as data structure
information system noun COMPUT a
information content noun COMPUT a computer system which provides informa-
measurement of the amount of information tion according to a user’s requests
conveyed by the transmission of a symbol
or character information technology noun COM-
PUT the technology involved in acquiring,
information flow control noun COM-
storing, processing and distributing infor-
PUT a regulation of access to specific infor-
mation by electronic means. Abbr IT
information theory noun MATHS the
information input noun COMPUT infor- formulae and mathematics concerned with
mation received from an input device data transmission equipment and signals
information line noun COMPUT a line
running across the screen which gives the information transfer channel noun
COMPUT a connection between a data trans-
user information about the program being
executed or the file being edited mitter and a receiver
information management system infra- prefix below or beneath
noun COMPUT a computer program that infrared, infra-red adjective PHYS refer-
allows information to be easily stored, ring to the range of invisible radiation
retrieved, searched and updated wavelengths from about 0.7 micrometres
information network noun COMPUT a to 1 millimetre
number of databases linked together, usu- infrared astronomy noun ASTRON the
ally by telephone lines and modems, allow- study of infrared radiation emitted by
ing a large amount of data to be accessed astronomical objects (NOTE: Infrared
by a wider group of users sources include cool gas giants and the
information output noun COMPUT a galactic centre.)
display of information on an output device infrared photography noun PHOTOG-
information processing noun COM- RAPHY photography using an infrared cam-
PUT the process of organizing, processing era, which shows up heat sources and so
and extracting information from data can be used to take pictures at night
information processor noun COMPUT infrared radiation noun PHYS long
a machine that processes a received signal, invisible rays, below the visible red end of
according to a program, using stored infor- the colour spectrum, which form part of the
mation, and provides an output (NOTE: This warming radiation which the Earth
is an example of a computer that is not receives from the Sun
dealing with mathematical functions.) infrared rays plural noun the long invis-
information provider noun COMPUT a ible rays below the visible red end of the
company or user who provides an informa- colour spectrum, that form part of the
tion source for use in a videotext system, warming radiation which Earth receives
e.g. a company providing weather infor- from the Sun. 쒁 infrared radiation
mation or stock market reports. Abbr IP infrasound noun PHYS sound at frequen-
information rate noun COMPUT the cies below 20Hz (NOTE: Humans cannot
amount of information content per charac- hear infrasound but they can feel it as
ter multiplied by the number of characters vibration. Elephants use it for communica-
transmitted per second tion.)
information retrieval noun COMPUT infrastructure noun 1. the basic frame-
the location of quantities of data stored in a work of a system or organisation 2. GEOG
database and production of useful informa- the basic facilities and systems of a country
tion from the data. Abbr IR or city, e.g. roads, pipelines, electricity and
infrequent 326
telecommunications networks, schools or inhibitor noun 1. a device or substance
hospitals which prevents or limits the effect of some-
infrequent adjective not happening often thing 2. CHEM a substance that slows down
쑗 In northern Europe, thunderstorms are a reaction
infrequent in winter time. initial adjective being or happening at the
ingest verb PHYSIOL to take in or absorb beginning
food initialisation, initialization noun COM-
ingestion noun PHYSIOL the process of PUT the process of initialising 쑗 Initialisa-
taking in or absorbing food tion is often carried out without the user
inhabit verb ENVIRON to live in a place knowing.
inhabitant noun ECOL an animal or plant initialise verb COMPUT to set values,
which lives or grows in a place parameters or control lines to their initial
inhalation noun PHYSIOL the act of values, to allow a program or process to be
breathing in. Compare exhalation started
inhale verb PHYSIOL to breathe in 쑗 He initiate verb to cause something to start
inhaled some toxic gas fumes and was initiation noun the process of causing
rushed to hospital. Compare exhale something to start 쑗 the initiation of emer-
inherent adjective existing as a basic or gency procedures
fundamental characteristic 쑗 A boiling inject verb 1. ENG to force or drive a fluid
point of 100° C is an inherent characteris- into something 쑗 An accelerator pump,
tic of water. operated by the movement of the throttle
inherent addressing noun COMPUT an lever, injects fuel into the choke tube. 2.
instruction that contains all the data MED to inject a liquid into a body using a
required for the address to be accessed syringe 3. to introduce something new or
with no further operation stimulating
inherit verb 1. GENETICS to receive a injection noun 1. ENG the forcing of fluid
genetically controlled characteristic from a into something 쑗 Power output can be
parent 쑗 Flower colour is inherited. 쑗 He boosted to a value over 100% maximum
inherited haemophilia. 2. COMPUT (in power, by the injection of a water methanol
object-oriented programming) to acquire mixture at the compressor inlet or at the
the characteristics of another class or data combustion chamber inlet. 2. MED the act
type of injecting a liquid into a body using a
inheritance noun 1. GENETICS the trans- syringe 3. MED a preventative measure
fer of genetically controlled characteristics against a particular disease 쑗 a TB injec-
from parent to offspring 2. COMPUT the tion 4. the introduction of something new
passing on of the characteristics of one or stimulating
class or data type to another, called its injector noun ENG a device that will force
descendant or drive a fluid into something
inherited adjective 1. GENETICS relating ink cartridge noun COMPUT a plastic
to a genetically controlled characteristic module that contains ink for use in bub-
passed on from parent to offspring 2. COM- ble-jet or ink-jet printers
PUT relating to passing on characteristics
of a class or data to another derived class or ink-jet printer noun COMPUT a printer
type of data that produces characters by sending a
stream of tiny drops of ink onto paper
inhibit verb to prevent or limit the effect
of something 쑗 Cloud cover inhibits cool- inland adjective not near a sea coast
ing of the Earth’s surface at night. inland water noun a body of water away
inhibiting input noun COMPUT one from a sea coast, e.g. a river, canal or lake
input of a gate which blocks the output sig- inlet noun 1. an opening which allows an
nal intake of something 쑗 a turbine inlet 쑗 a
inhibition noun 1. the prevention or lim- combustion chamber inlet 쑗 Air enters the
itation of the effect of something 쑗 Fuel cabin through an inlet. 2. GEOG the mouth
contains chemicals for the inhibition of of a small river in a coast or lake
fungal growth. 2. CHEM the reduction in the inlet valve noun AUTOMOT a valve in a
rate of chemical reaction due to the pres- piston engine which allows the fuel/air
ence of an inhibitor substance mixture to enter the cylinder
327 input limited program
in-line chip noun COMPUT an electronic inorganic fungicide noun AGRIC a fun-
component with a set of connection pins on gicide made from inorganic substances
a chip arranged in one or two rows such as sulfur
in-line image noun COMPUT a graphical inorganic herbicide noun AGRIC a her-
image that is part of a webpage bicide made from inorganic substances
inner adjective being further inside or fur- such as sulfur
ther towards the centre of something 쑗 the inorganic matter noun 1. a substance
inner ear which does not come from an animal or a
inner ear noun ANAT the part of the ear plant 2. CHEM a substance which does not
inside the head containing the vestibule, contain carbon
the cochlea and the semicircular canals inorganic pesticide noun AGRIC a pes-
inner loop noun COMPUT a loop con- ticide made from inorganic substances
tained inside another loop such as sulfur
inner planet noun ASTRON one of the inorganic waste noun substances such
four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and as glass, metals, dust or synthetic products
Mars, whose orbits lie closest to the Sun disposed of as waste. Compare organic
and are within the asteroid belt waste
innominate artery noun ANAT the larg- input noun 1. something such as energy,
est branch of the arch of the aorta, which electrical power, fertilisers or information,
continues as the right common carotid and put into a system to achieve a specific
right subclavian arteries result 쑗 Pumps require high input current.
쑗 If the number of turns on the secondary
innovative technology noun ENVIRON winding is greater than the number of turns
new or inventive methods to treat hazard-
on the primary, the output voltage from the
ous waste, prevent pollution or conserve
secondary will be greater than the input
voltage to the primary. 2. ELECTRONICS the
inoculate verb 1. IMMUNOL to introduce action of transferring information into a
vaccine into a body in order to stimulate computer 3. COMPUT data or information
the production of antibodies to a particular that is transferred into a computer 4. elec-
organism, giving rise to immunity to the trical signals which are applied to relevant
disease 쑗 The baby was inoculated against circuits to perform an operation 쐽 verb
diphtheria. 2. MICROBIOL to introduce a COMPUT to transfer data or information
microorganism into a plant or a growth from outside a computer to its main mem-
medium ory 쑗 The data was input via a modem.
inoculation noun 1. IMMUNOL the act of input area noun COMPUT a section of
inoculating 2. MED an injection against a main memory that holds data transferred
particular disease 쑗 a diphtheria inocula- from backing store until it is processed or
tion distributed to other sections. Also called
inoculum noun microscopic airborne input section, input storage
spores or other material from an organism input block noun COMPUT a block of
that causes disease data transferred to an input area
inoperative adjective not functioning input buffer register noun COMPUT a
inorganic adjective 1. referring to a sub- temporary store for data from an input
stance which does not come from an ani- device before it is transferred to main or
mal or a plant 쑗 Inorganic substances backing store
include acids, alkalis and metals. 2. CHEM input device noun COMPUT a device
referring to a substance that does not con- such as a keyboard or bar code reader
tain carbon which converts actions or information into
inorganic acid noun CHEM an acid a form which a computer can understand
which comes from a mineral and transfers the data to the processor. Also
inorganic chemistry noun CHEM the called input unit
branch of chemistry dealing with com- input lead noun COMPUT a lead which
pounds not including carbon connects an input device to a computer
inorganic fertiliser noun AGRIC an arti- input limited program noun COMPUT a
ficially synthesised fertiliser program which is not running as fast as it
input mode 328
could, due to limiting input rate from a the act of asking a question 3. COMPUT the
slower peripheral accessing of data held in a computer sys-
input mode noun COMPUT a mode in tem
which a computer is receiving data inquiry/response noun COMPUT an
input/output noun COMPUT 1. the interactive computer mode in which a
receiving or transmitting of data between a user’s commands and inquiries are
computer and its peripherals and other responded to very quickly
points outside the system 2. all data inquiry station noun COMPUT a termi-
received or transmitted by a computer 왘 nal that is used to access and interrogate
abbr I/O files stored on a remote computer
input/output bus noun COMPUT a link in round figures adverb in a way that is
allowing data and control transfer between not totally accurate, but correct to the near-
a computer and external peripherals est 10 or 100 쑗 They have a workforce of
input/output channel noun COMPUT 2500 in round figures.
the link between a processor and a periph- insanitary adjective HEALTH unhygienic
eral allowing data transfer 쑗 Cholera spread rapidly because of the
input/output controller noun COMPUT insanitary conditions in the town.
an intelligent device that monitors, directs insect noun ZOOL a small animal with six
and controls data flow between a central legs and a body in three parts
processing unit and I/O devices COMMENT: Insects form the class Insecta.
input/output device noun COMPUT The body of an insect is divided into three
same as input/output unit distinct parts: the head, the thorax and the
abdomen. The six legs are attached to the
input/output interrupt noun COMPUT thorax and two antennae are on the head.
an interrupt signal from a peripheral device
or to indicate that an input or output opera- insect bite noun BIOL a sting caused by

tion is required an insect which punctures the skin and in

so doing introduces irritants
input/output unit noun COMPUT a
peripheral such as a terminal or a worksta- insect-borne adjective MED referring to
tion which can be used both for inputting infection which is carried and transmitted
and outputting data to a processor. Also by insects 쑗 insect-borne viruses 쑗
called input/output device Malaria is an insect-borne disease.
input port noun COMPUT a circuit or con- insecticide noun AGRIC a substance
nector which allows a computer to receive which is used to kill insects
data from other external devices COMMENT: Natural insecticides produced
from plant extracts are regarded as less
input register noun COMPUT a tempo- harmful to the environment than synthetic
rary store for data received at slow speeds insecticides which, though effective, may
from an I/O unit (NOTE: The data is then be persistent and kill not only insects but
transferred at high speed to main memory.) also other larger animals when they get into
the food chain. In agriculture, most pesti-
input routine noun COMPUT a short sec- cides are either chlorinated hydrocarbons,
tion of code that accepts data from an organophosphorus compounds or
external device, e.g. reading an entry from carbamate compounds. Insecticides may
a keyboard. Also called input section be sprayed or dusted on, or used in gran-
ular form as seed dressings. In the form of
input section noun 1. same as input a gas, insecticides are used to fumigate
routine 2. same as input area greenhouses and granaries.
input statement noun COMPUT a com- insectivore noun ZOOL an animal that
puter programming command that waits feeds mainly on insects
for data entry from a port or keyboard insectivorous adjective ZOOL referring
input storage noun COMPUT same as to an animal or plant that feeds mainly on
input area insects (NOTE: Pitcher plants and sundews
input unit noun same as input device are insectivorous.)
input work queue noun COMPUT a list insectivorous plant noun BOT a plant
of commands to be carried out in the order such as sundew which attracts insects,
they were entered or in order of priority traps them and digests them
inquiry noun 1. another spelling of insect pollination noun BOT pollina-
enquiry (NOTE: The plural is inquiries.) 2. tion of a flower by an insect
329 instinct
insect repellent noun INDUST a chemi- inspect verb to look at something closely
cal which protects by repelling insects to see if it is in the correct condition or if
inselberg noun EARTH SCI a steep-sided there are problems
isolated hill that stands above nearby hills inspection noun a careful check to see if
insemination noun the introduction of something is in the correct condition or if
sperm into the vagina there are problems 쑗 The officials have
carried out an inspection of the factory to
insert verb 1. to put one thing into see if waste is being properly managed.
another 쑗 First insert the system disk in the
left slot. 2. COMPUT to add new text inside inspection chamber noun ENG a large
a word or sentence hole built above a drain, allowing someone
to look at the inside of the pipes to see if
inserted subroutine noun COMPUT a they are blocked
series of instructions that are copied instability noun PHYS a condition in
directly into the main program where a call which a body or mass moves easily, and
instruction appears or where a user with increasing speed, away from its origi-
requires nal position
insertion noun 1. the process of putting install verb 1. to put something in posi-
one thing into another 2. ANAT the end of a tion, connect and make ready for use 쑗
muscle that is attached to a part of the skel- Most carburettors are installed in a warm
eton that moves as a result of a contraction. position to help against icing. 2. to put a
Compare origin 3. GENETICS the addition machine into an office or factory 쑗 The sys-
of a segment of DNA within a gene tem is easy to install and simple to use. 3.
sequence COMPUT to set up a new computer system
insertion loss noun COMPUT attenua- to the user’s requirements or to configure a
tion of a signal caused by adding a device new program to the existing system capa-
into an existing channel or circuit bilities
insertion point noun COMPUT a cursor installation noun 1. the act of putting
positioned to show where any text typed in equipment or devices into the position and
will be entered within a document condition in which they will be used 쑗 The
insert key noun COMPUT a key that installation of the computer took three
switches a word-processor or editor pro- hours. 2. equipment or devices which are
gram into insert mode rather than over- installed 쑗 In some auxiliary-power-unit
write mode. Abbr Ins key installations the air intake area is pro-
insert mode noun COMPUT an interac- tected against ice formation.
tive computer mode used for editing and installation manual noun a booklet
correcting documents showing how a system should be installed
COMMENT: This is a standard feature on install program noun COMPUT a soft-
most word-processing packages where the ware utility that transfers program code
cursor is placed at the required point in the from the distribution disks onto a compu-
document and any characters typed will be ter’s hard disk and configures the program
added, with the existing text moving on as
necessary. instance noun 1. an example which is
inshore adjective EARTH SCI referring to used to support or contest a statement 쑗
an area of sea near the coast Failure to check fuel levels regularly is an
instance of bad practice. 2. COMPUT an
in-situ adjective, adverb BIOL referring to object or duplicate object that has been cre-
the study, maintenance or conservation of ated
an organism within its natural surround-
ings. Compare ex-situ
instant adjective happening immediately
쐽 noun a very short period of time
Ins key abbreviation COMPUT insert key instantaneous access noun COMPUT
insolation noun ASTRON the radiation an extremely short access time to a random
from the Sun access device
insoluble adjective CHEM referring to a instar noun INSECTS a developmental
substance that cannot be dissolved in liquid stage of insects and other arthropods
insoluble fibre noun BIOL the fibre in between two moults
bread and cereals, which is not digested, instinct noun ZOOL a pattern of behaviour
but which swells inside the intestine particular to a species and developed in
instinctive 330
response to priorities such as survival and stores an instruction during decoding and
reproduction execution operations. Abbr IR
instinctive adjective ZOOL natural, rather instruction sheet noun a piece of
than thought-out 쑗 an instinctive response paper on which special instructions are
instruct verb to give information or written or printed
knowledge to someone, usually in a formal instructor noun EDUC a person who
setting such as a lesson or briefing 쑗 The gives information or knowledge, usually in
safety officer instructs employees on the a formal setting such as a lesson or briefing
use of the breathing equipment. instrument noun ENG a device for
instruction noun 1. the act of giving recording, measuring or controlling some-
information or knowledge, usually in a for- thing, especially as part of a control system
mal setting such as a lesson or briefing 쑗 instrumentation noun ENG a set of spe-
Trainees receive first-aid instruction. 2. a cialized instruments for operating a
piece of information on how something machine or vehicle
should be operated or used 쑗 You must fol-
low the instructions. 3. COMPUT a word instrument error noun ENG the differ-
used in a programming language that is ence between indicated instrument value
understood by the computer to represent an and true value
action 쑗 The instruction PRINT is used in insufficient adjective not enough 쑗
this BASIC dialect as an operand to dis- insufficient information
play the following data. insulate verb 1. to prevent the passing of
COMMENT: In a high level language the heat, cold or sound into or out of an area 2.
instructions are translated by the compiler ELEC to prevent the passing of electricity to
or interpreter to a form that is understood by where it is not required, especially by using
the central processing unit.
a non-conducting material 쑗 Bus bars are
instruction address register noun insulated from the main structure and are
COMPUT a register in a central processing
normally provided with some form of pro-
unit that contains the location of the next tective covering.
instruction to be processed. Abbr IAR
insulating adjective providing insulation
instruction cache noun COMPUT a sec-
tion of high-speed memory which stores insulating tape noun ELEC a special
the next few instructions to be executed by adhesive tape which is used to insulate
a processor in order to speed up operation electrical wires 쑗 Insulating tape was used
to prevent the electrical wires from touch-
instruction cycle noun COMPUT a ing.
sequence of events and their timing that is
involved when fetching and executing an insulation noun 1. the act of preventing
instruction stored in memory the passing of heat, cold, sound or electric-
ity from one area to another 2. the state of
instruction decoder noun COMPUT 1.
being protected against the passing of heat,
a piece of hardware that converts a cold, sound or electricity from one area to
machine-code code instruction in binary another 3. a material or substance used to
form into actions 2. a program that decodes insulate something
instructions in machine code
instruction manual noun a book con- insulator noun a substance which will
insulate, especially one which will not con-
taining information on how something
duct electricity 쑗 Wood is a good insulator.
should be operated or used
instruction pipelining noun COMPUT
insulin noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro-
the process of beginning to work on a sec- duced by the islets of Langerhans in the
ond instruction while still processing the pancreas
COMMENT: Insulin controls the way in which
present one, increasing program speed of the body converts sugar into energy and
execution regulates the level of sugar in the blood. A
instruction processor noun COMPUT lack of insulin caused by diabetes mellitus
a section of the central processing unit that makes the level of glucose in the blood rise.
Insulin injections are regularly used to treat
decodes the instruction and performs the diabetes mellitus, but care has to be taken
necessary arithmetic and logical functions not to exceed the dose as this will cause
instruction register noun COMPUT a hyperinsulinism and hypoglycaemia.
register in a central processing unit that intake noun same as air intake
331 intelligent
intake guide vane noun AEROSP a integrated injection logic noun COM-
device to direct the flow of air at the air PUT a type of circuit design able to produce
intake of a jet engine very small, low-power components. Abbr
intake lip noun AEROSP the rim or edge IIL
of the air intake of a jet engine 쑗 As sonic integrated pest management noun
speed is approached, the efficiency of the AGRIC an appropriate combination of dif-
intake begins to fall because of shock ferent methods of pest control, involving
waves at the intake lip. good cultivation practices, use of chemical
pesticides, resistant crop varieties and bio-
intake temperature gauge noun an logical control. Abbr IPM
instrument to indicate the temperature of
air entering a jet engine integrated pollution control, inte-
grated pollution prevention and control
integer noun MATHS a mathematical term noun ENVIRON an approach which looks at
to describe a whole number, which may be all inputs and outputs from a process that is
positive, negative or zero likely to cause pollution and regulates
integral adjective completing the whole other factors as well as emissions. Abbr
or belonging to a whole as a necessary part IPC, IPPC
쑗 Meteorology is an integral part of a fly- integrated services digital net-
ing training course. work noun COMPUT full form of ISDN
integral calculus noun MATHS the integrated software noun COMPUT
application of calculus to determining software such as an operating system or
areas, volumes and lengths word-processor that is stored in the compu-
integrated adjective COMPUT referring to ter system and has been tailored to the
a system that contains parts organised requirements of the system
together to provide a complete system integration noun the process of bringing
several operations together 쑗 small-scale
integrated circuit noun COMPUT a cir- integration
cuit where all the active and passive com-
ponents are formed on one small piece of integrin noun BIOCHEM a cell-surface
semiconductor, by means of etching and receptor that is a glycoprotein involved in
chemical processes. Abbr IC homeostasis, wound healing, and immune
defence mechanisms
COMMENT: Integrated circuits can be classi-
fied as follows: Small Scale Integration integrity noun the state of being com-
(SSI), 1 to 10 components per IC; Medium plete and in good working condition 쑗 The
Scale Integration (MSI), 10 to 100 compo- engine fire warning system is checked to
nents per IC; Large Scale Integration (LSI), test its integrity. 쑗 The integrity of an aid
100 to 5000 components per IC; Very Large
Scale Integration (VLSI), 5000 to 50 000 used to conduct procedural approaches
components per IC; Ultra Large Scale Inte- must be high.
gration (ULSI), over 100 000 components integument noun BIOL an outer protec-
per IC. tive layer of an organism, e.g. a shell, husk
integrated crop management noun or skin
AGRIC an approach to growing crops that intelligence noun 1. the ability to reason
combines traditional good farm husbandry 2. COMPUT the ability of a device to carry
with reduction in the use of agrochemicals out processing or run a program
and takes into consideration the impact of intelligence quotient noun the result
farming practices on the environment of an intelligence test shown as the ratio of
integrated data processing noun mental age to the actual age of the person
COMPUT an organisational method for the tested, the average being 100. Abbr IQ
entry and retrieval of data to provide max- intelligent adjective 1. able to under-
imum efficiency. Abbr IDP stand quickly and easily 2. COMPUT (of a
integrated device electronics noun machine) capable of limited reasoning
COMPUT a popular standard for a hard disk facilities, giving it human-like responses
drive controller unit that allows data trans- intelligent knowledge-based sys-
fer rates up to 4.1MBps and can support tem noun COMPUT software that applies
two hard disk drives on each controller. the knowledge, advice and rules defined by
Abbr IDE (NOTE: Enhanced versions of the an expert in a particular field to a user’s
IDE standard provide flexibility and speed.) data to help solve a problem. Abbr IKBS
intend 332
intend verb to have a particular plan, aim interaction noun a relationship between
or purpose 쑗 A battery is intended to supply two or more organisms or things
only limited amounts of power. interactive adjective 1. referring to a
intense adjective extreme or strong 쑗 process involving people reacting to and
intense heat 쑗 intense wind communicating with other people or situa-
intense concentration noun very tions 쑗 an interactive display describing
hard or deep concentration the process of river pollution 2. COMPUT
allowing communication between a user
intensification noun 1. the process of and a computer, TV or video
becoming stronger or greater 2. the use of
intensive farming methods 쑗 Intensifica- Interactive Multimedia Associa-
tion of farming has contributed to soil ero- tion noun COMPUT a professional organi-
sion. sation that covers subjects including
authoring languages, formats and intellec-
intensify verb 1. to become stronger or tual property. Abbr IMA
greater 2. to make something stronger or
greater 3. to use intensive farming methods interactive TV noun TELECOM a channel
intensity noun 1. PHYS a measure of the that allows two-way communication
strength of a signal or the brightness of a between the viewer and broadcasting sta-
light source 2. ENVIRON the degree or tion (NOTE: This feature often allows the
user to choose which programme to watch
strength of something 쑗 high intensity of
or to respond directly to questions dis-
land use in a small country with a large
played on-screen.)
population 쑗 These plants grow well in low
light intensity. interblock adjective COMPUT situated
intensive adjective 1. requiring much between blocks
effort in a short time 쑗 intensive prepara- interblock gap noun COMPUT a space
tion 2. AGRIC achieving maximum produc- between two blocks of stored data. Abbr
tion from land or animals 쑗 intensive IBG
agriculture interbreed verb BIOL to cross animals or
intensive agriculture, intensive plants with different characteristics to pro-
farming, intensive cultivation noun duce offspring with distinctive features
AGRIC a method of farming in which as (NOTE: Individuals from the same species
much use is made of the land as possible by can interbreed, those from different spe-
growing crops close together, growing sev- cies cannot.)
eral crops in a year or using large amounts intercellular adjective BIOL taking place
of fertiliser. Opposite extensive agricul- or situated between cells
ture. Also called productive agriculture intercept verb to stop or interrupt the
intensive animal breeding noun intended path of something 쑗 When a radio
AGRIC a system of raising animals in which transmission is made from a moving plat-
livestock are kept indoors and fed on con- form, there will be a shift in frequency
centrated foodstuffs, with frequent use of between the transmitted and intercepted
drugs to control the diseases which tend to radio signals.
occur under these conditions intercharacter spacing noun COMPUT
intensively adverb using intensive farm- a word-processor feature that provides var-
ing methods iable spacing between words to create a
intention noun a course of action justified line
planned to be followed 쑗 It is not the inten- interconnect verb to connect several
tion of this chapter to give a detailed devices together or be connected together
description of world weather. 쑗 Our inten- 쑗 The fire extinguishers for each engine are
tion is to provide safe, cost-effective flying. interconnected, so allowing two extin-
inter- prefix between guishers to be used on either engine.
interact verb to act on each other 쑗 Angle interconnection noun COMPUT a sec-
of attack and the profile of the wing section tion of connecting material between two
interact to produce lift. 쑗 Direct and devices
reflected path signals can interact to cause intercostal muscle noun ANAT a mus-
bending of the localiser and generation of cle between the ribs of a mammal, used
a false glidepath. when breathing
333 intermediate code
interdependence noun a state of two interior noun the inside of something 쑗
or more organisms or processes depending reserves in the interior of the continent 쐽
on each other adjective situated inside 쑗 The interior
interdependent adjective referring to walls of the intestine.
organisms or things being dependent on interior gateway protocol noun COM-
each other PUT a protocol that distributes information
interest group noun ENVIRON a group of to gateways, now normally called routers,
people who are all concerned about the within a particular network. Abbr IGP
same issue. They may try to influence the interlace verb TELECOM to build up an
opinions of politicians, local officials and image on a television screen using two
business people on this issue. passes, each displaying alternate lines
interface COMPUT noun 1. a point at COMMENT: This system uses two picture
which one computer system ends and fields made up of alternate lines to reduce
another begins 2. a circuit, device or port picture flicker effects.
that allows two or more incompatible units interlaced video noun COMPUT a video
to be linked together in a standard commu- signal made up of two separate fields
nication system, allowing data to be trans- (NOTE: This is the normal display mode for
ferred between them 3. a section of a home video.)
program which allows transmission of data interleaved memory noun COMPUT
to another program 쐽 verb 1. to modify a two separate banks of memory used
device by adding a circuit or connector to together in sequence
allow it to conform to a standard communi-
cations system 2. to connect two or more interleave factor noun COMPUT a ratio
incompatible devices together with a cir- of sectors skipped between access opera-
cuit, to allow them to communicate tions on a hard disk
interfacing noun COMPUT hardware or interleaving noun COMPUT 1. a proces-
software used to interface two computers, sor dealing with slices or sections of proc-
programs or devices esses alternately, so that they appear to be
interference noun 1. TELECOM the pre- executed simultaneously 2. the dividing of
vention of reception of a clear radio signal data storage into sections so that each can
2. noise on a signal 쑗 Certain equipment,
be accessed separately
such as generators and ignition systems, interlobar artery noun ANAT an artery
will cause unwanted radio frequency inter- running towards the cortex on each side of
ference. a renal pyramid to the glomeruli of the kid-
interferon noun BIOL a protein that is neys
produced by cells, usually in response to a interlock noun COMPUT a security device
virus, and then reduces the spread of which is part of the logon prompt and
viruses requires a password 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to
interfluve noun EARTH SCI the area of prevent a device from performing another
land between two rivers task until the present one has been com-
intergalactic adjective ASTRON referring pleted 2. (of parts of a mechanism) to con-
to two or more galaxies nect together so that the movement or
operation of one affects others 쑗 The two
intergenerational equity noun ENVI-
parts interlock to create a solid structure.
RON the fairness of the distribution of the
costs and benefits of an environmental pol- interlude noun 1. a period of time
icy when they are experienced by different between two events 2. COMPUT a small ini-
generations tial routine at the start of a program that
intergeneric adjective BIOL involving carries out housekeeping tasks
two or more genera intermediate adjective referring to a
interglacial period, interglacial noun state or a stage between two others
EARTH SCI the period between two Ice intermediate access memory noun
Ages when the climate becomes warmer COMPUT memory storage that has an access
Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- time between that of main memory and
mate Change noun an international disk-based systems. Abbr IAM
group of expert scientists who assess infor- intermediate code noun COMPUT a
mation on climate change code used by a computer or assembler dur-
intermediate file 334
ing the translation of a high-level code to and air burnt in a closed chamber to give
machine code energy to the pistons
intermediate file noun COMPUT a series internal command noun COMPUT a
of records that contain partially processed command that is part of the operating sys-
data, which will be used at a later date to tem, rather than a separate utility program
complete that task 쑗 In MS-DOS, the internal command DIR
intermediate frequency noun ELEC- is used frequently.
TRONICS the frequency that an incoming internal font noun COMPUT, PRINTING a
carrier wave signal is changed to in a heter- font that is stored on a ROM in a printer.
odyne radio receiver before it is amplified Also called resident font
intermediate host noun BIOL a host on internal format noun COMPUT the way
which a parasite lives for a time before in which data and instructions are repre-
passing on to another host sented within a central processing unit or
intermediate neutron noun PHYS a backing store
neutron with energy between that of a fast internal hard disk noun COMPUT a hard
neutron and a thermal neutron disk drive mounted inside the main case of
intermediate storage noun COMPUT a a computer
temporary area of memory for items that internal iliac artery noun ANAT an
are currently being processed artery that branches from the aorta in the
intermediate system to intermedi- abdomen and leads to the pelvis
ate system noun COMPUT an OSI proto-
col that allows data to be transferred internalise verb 왍 to internalise the
between routers. Abbr IS-IS externality ENVIRON to bring external fac-
tors under the control of the relevant
intermediate technology noun TECH
the technology between the advanced elec-
tronic technology of industrialised coun- internal language noun COMPUT a lan-
tries and the local technology of guage used in a computer system that is not
developing countries under the direct control of the operator
COMMENT: Many compiled languages are
intermediate waste noun INDUST
translated to an internal language.
waste from a nuclear reactor in the form of
sludge or metal parts, which are more radi- internally stored program noun
COMPUT a computer program code that is
oactive than low-level waste and less radi-
oactive than high-level waste stored in a ROM device and does not have
to be loaded from backing store
intermittent adjective stopping and
starting at intervals 쑗 The cycle of induc- internal maxillary artery noun ANAT a
tion, compression, combustion and exhaust branch of the external carotid artery, in the
in the piston engine is intermittent, face
whereas in the gas turbine each process is internal memory/store noun COMPUT
continuous. a section of RAM and ROM to which the
intermittent error noun an error which central processing unit is directly con-
apparently occurs randomly in a computer nected without the use of an interface, as in
or communications system due to a pro- external memory devices such as disk
gram fault or noise drives
intermuscular adjective referring to internal regulation noun BIOL the proc-
something which is between muscles. ess by which organisms maintain a con-
Compare intramuscular stant internal environment
internal adjective on or from the inside of internal resistance noun ELEC the
something. Opposite external resistance exerted within a source of elec-
internal arithmetic noun COMPUT trical current such as a battery or generator
arithmetic operations performed by the internal respiration noun PHYSIOL the
arithmetic logic unit part of respiration concerned with the pas-
internal clock noun BIOL same as bio- sage of oxygen from the blood to the tis-
logical clock sues and the passage of carbon dioxide
internal combustion engine noun from the tissues to the blood
ENG a type of engine used in motor vehi- international adjective referring to more
cles, where the fuel is a mixture of petrol than one country
335 Internet Society
International Atomic Energy address, host number (NOTE: This is a
Agency noun the agency of the United 32-bit number usually written in dotted
Nations Organization dealing with all decimal format. It used by the TCP/IP pro-
aspects of nuclear energy. Abbr IAEA tocol and is normally of the form
international candle noun MEASURE ‘’. A domain name system is
an obsolete unit of luminous intensity, now used to convert a domain name, e.g.
replaced by the candela ‘’ into its full Internet address.)
International Commission on Internet Architecture Board noun
Radiological Protection noun a COMPUT a group that monitors and man-
group of scientists who try to decide on ages the development of the Internet
worldwide safety standards for the nuclear (NOTE: It includes the IETF and the IRTF.)
industry by fixing a maximum allowable Internet Assigned Numbers
dose of radiation. Abbr ICRP Authority noun COMPUT a group that
International Council of Chemical assigns unique identifying numbers to the
Associations noun a group of trade different protocols and network products
associations representing chemical manu- used on the Internet. Abbr IANA
facturers worldwide Internet Engineering Steering
International Programme on Group noun COMPUT a group that reviews
Chemical Safety noun a collaboration Internet standards and manages the IETF.
between the World Health Organization Abbr IESG
and the United Nations Environment Pro- Internet Engineering Task Force
gramme, to investigate issues relating to noun COMPUT a committee that is part of
chemical safety. Abbr IPCS the IAB and determines Internet standards.
international standard atmos- Abbr IETF
phere noun PHYS a model atmosphere Internet message access protocol
defined in terms of pressure, density and noun COMPUT full form of IMAP
temperature for all heights, with perfect Internet protocol noun COMPUT a part
gases and without any form of water or of the TCP/IP standard that defines how
solid matter. Abbr ISA (NOTE: It is used in data is transferred over a network. Abbr IP
the calibration of instruments and descrip- Internet protocol address noun
tions of aircraft performance.) COMPUT a unique 32-bit number that iden-
International Standards Organisa- tifies computers that want to connect to a
tion noun COMPUT an organisation which TCP/IP network
creates and regulates standards for many Internet protocol next generation
types of computer and networking prod- noun COMPUT full form of IPng
ucts. Full form of ISO Internet relay chat noun COMPUT a
International Standards Organisa- system that allows many users to partici-
tion Open System Interconnection pate in a chat session in which each user
noun COMPUT a standardised ISO network can send messages and see the text of any
design that is constructed of layers, each other user. Abbr IRC (NOTE: It is part of the
with a specific task, allowing different sys- Internet Society.)
tems to communicate if they conform to Internet research task force noun
the standard. Abbr ISO/OSI COMPUT a committee that is part of the IAB
Internet noun COMPUT an international and researches new Internet standards
wide area network that provides file and before referring them to the IETF for
data transfer together with electronic mail approval. Abbr IRTF
functions for millions of users around the Internet service provider noun COM-
world. 쒁 www PUT a company that provides one of the
Internet Activities Board noun COM- permanent links that make up the Internet
PUT an independent committee that is and sells connections to private users and
responsible for the design, engineering and companies to allow them to access the
management of the Internet. Abbr IAB Internet. Abbr ISP
Internet address noun COMPUT a Internet Society noun COMPUT an
unique number that identifies the precise organisation that looks after maintaining
location of a particular node on the Inter- and enhancing the Internet (NOTE: It is not
net. Also called IP address, host linked to any government or company and
Internetwork 336
so provides an independent view. It is ping of a transmission due to an action at
made up of committees such as the Inter- the receiving end of a system 2. COMPUT a
net Advisory Board and the Internet Engi- signal that diverts a central processing unit
neering Task Force.) from one task to another which has higher
Internetwork noun COMPUT a number of priority, allowing the central processing
networks connected together using bridges unit to return to the first task later 쑗 This
or routers to allow users on one network to printer port design uses an interrupt line to
access any resource on any other of the let the CPU know it is ready to receive
connected networks data.
internode noun BOT the part of a plant interrupt-driven adjective COMPUT
stem between two adjacent nodes working in response to an interrupt
interoceptor noun ANAT a nerve cell that interrupt handler noun COMPUT a piece
reacts to a change taking place inside the of software that accepts interrupt signals
body and acts on them, e.g. running a special
interoperability noun COMPUT the abil- routine or sending data to a peripheral.
ity of two devices or computers to Abbr IH
exchange information interrupt mask noun COMPUT a data
Interorganisation Programme for word in a computer that selects which
the Sound Management of Chemi- interrupt lines are to be activated
cals noun a plan administered by seven interrupt request noun COMPUT a sig-
participating international organisations, nal from a device that indicates to the cen-
including WHO, to promote the safe use of tral processing unit that it requires
chemicals. Abbr IOMC attention. Abbr IRQ
interphase noun BIOL the period when a intersect verb (of a line) to cut across
cell is not dividing another line 쑗 Meridians intersect at the
interplanetary adjective ASTRON refer- poles and cross the equator at right angles.
ring to two or more planets intersection noun 1. a point at which
interpolation noun the estimation of a two lines cross each other 쑗 The intersec-
middle value by reference to known values tion of the drift line and the wind vector
on each side 쑗 Spot temperatures at posi- gives the drift point. 2. MATHS a set con-
tions other than those printed are obtained taining all the elements that are common to
by interpolation. two or more sets 3. COMPUT a logical func-
interpret verb 1. to understand some- tion whose output is only true if both its
thing presented in code or symbolic form 쑗 inputs are true
Aircrew must be able to interpret informa- intersexual selection noun the selec-
tion printed on a contour chart. 2. to trans- tion of a mate where an individual looks
late what is said in one language into for special traits in the opposite sex
interpretation noun an explanation of interspecific adjective BIOL involving
the meaning or importance of something two or more species
interpretative code noun COMPUT a interspecific competition noun ECOL
code used with an interpretative program the competition between species for one or
more of the same limited resources of food,
interpretative program noun COMPUT sunlight, water, soil, nutrients or space
a piece of software that translates high
level interpretative code into machine code interstellar adjective ASTRON referring
instructions at run-time to two or more stars
interpreted language noun COMPUT a interstitial adjective ANAT referring to
programming language that is executed by the spaces between parts of something
an interpreter such as the tissue in an organ
interpreter noun 1. a person who trans- interstitial cells plural noun ANAT the
lates or explains something 2. COMPUT a testosterone-producing cells between the
piece of software used to translate a user’s tubules in the testes. Also called Leydig
high-level program into machine code in cells
real time interstitial-cell-stimulating hor-
interrupt verb to stop something while it mone noun BIOCHEM same as luteinising
is happening 쐽 noun 1. TELECOM the stop- hormone. Abbr ICSH
337 invade
intertidal adjective EARTH SCI relating to vide similar functions to the Internet e.g.
land that is covered by the sea at high tide electronic mail, newsgroups and the
and exposed at low tide 쑗 intertidal com- WWW, without the associated security
munities risks of making the information public or
intertidal zone noun EARTH SCI an area linking the company to a public network
of sea water and shore between the high intrasexual selection noun the selec-
and low water marks 쑗 seaweeds of the tion of a mate where several individuals
intertidal zone compete with each other
intertropical convergence zone intraspecific adjective BIOL occurring
noun EARTH SCI the boundary between the within a species 쑗 an intraspecific cross
trade winds and tropical air masses of the between two cultivars
northern and southern hemispheres. Abbr intravenous adjective MED administered
ITCZ into into a vein
interval noun 1. the amount of space intravenous feeding noun MED the
between places or points 쑗 The intervals at process of giving liquid food to a patient by
which contours are drawn depends on the means of a tube inserted into a vein
scale of the chart and this interval, known intravenous injection noun MED an
as the vertical interval, is noted on the injection of liquid into a vein, e.g. for fast
chart. 2. the period of time between two release of a drug
events 쑗 A precise interval is essential to intra vitam adverb BIOL during life
obtain correct ignition timing on all cylin-
ders. intrinsic factor noun BIOCHEM a protein
produced in the gastric glands which reacts
intestinal adjective referring to the intes- with vitamin B12 controls the absorption
tine of extrinsic factor, and which, if lacking,
intestine noun ZOOL the digestive canal causes pernicious anaemia
between the stomach and the anus or
cloaca in which food is digested and
intrinsic value noun ENVIRON the value
placed on the inherent qualities of a spe-
absorbed (NOTE: In mammals, the small
cies, as opposed to its value to humans
intestine digests and absorbs food from the
stomach, and the large intestine then introduce verb 1. to bring something
absorbs most of the remaining water.) into being or start to use something new 쑗
The lab introduced a new rapid method of
intimate adjective COMPUT referring to testing. 2. ENVIRON to bring something to a
software that operates and interacts closely
new place 쑗 Several of the species of plant
with hardware in a system
now common in Britain were introduced by
intolerance noun MED the inability to eat the Romans. 쑗 Starlings were introduced to
or drink a particular food, ingredient, or the USA in 1891.
substance, or to take a particular drug,
without having an allergic reaction or introduction noun 1. the process of
becoming ill bringing something into being or using
something new 쑗 the introduction of a new
intra- prefix inside or within rapid testing method 쑗 The death rate from
intracellular adjective BIOL occurring malaria was very high before the introduc-
within a cell or cells tion of new anti-malarial techniques. 2. the
intracutaneous injection noun MED bringing of something to a new place 쑗
an injection of a liquid between the layers Before the introduction of grey squirrels,
of skin, e.g. in a test for an allergy the red squirrel was widespread. 3. ENVI-
intragenic adjective GENETICS occurring RON a plant or animal that has been brought
within the same gene sequence to a new place 쑗 It is not an indigenous spe-
intramuscular adjective referring to cies but a 19th-century introduction. 4. the
something which is inside the muscle, as first part of a report, book or talk
intramuscular fat in meat. Compare inter- introgression noun GENETICS the trans-
muscular fer of genes from one species into the gene
intramuscular injection noun MED an pool of another as a result of hybridisation
injection of liquid into a muscle, e.g. for a intrusion noun EARTH SCI an area of rock
slow release of a drug which has pushed into other rocks
intranet noun COMPUT a private network invade verb to arrive in an area in large
of computers within a company that pro- unwanted numbers 쑗 These introduced
invalid 338
pests could cause serious problems if they because there is no wind and remains
invaded our marine environment. trapped with its pollutants between the
ground and the warm air above it.
invalid adjective not valid 쑗 He tried to inversion layer noun METEOROL a layer
use an invalid password. 쑗 The message of the atmosphere in which the tempera-
was that the instruction was invalid. 쐽 ture increases as altitude increases
noun HEALTH a person who is ill
invert verb 1. to turn something upside
invalidity noun MED the state of having down 쑗 A glass tube is sealed at one end,
been affected by a disease or medical dis- filled with mercury and then inverted so
order over a long period that the open end is immersed in a bowl
invasion noun 1. AGRIC the arrival of containing mercury. 2. COMPUT to change
large numbers of unwanted organisms into all binary ones to zeros and zeros to ones
an area 쑗 an invasion of weeds 2. MED the invertase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme that
entry of bacteria into a body speeds up the breakdown of sucrose
inventory noun a list of items existing in invertebrate noun ZOOL an animal that
a place has no backbone. Compare vertebrate 쐽
inverse adjective 1. reversed in order or adjective referring to animals that have no
effect 쑗 There is an inverse relationship backbone 쑗 marine invertebrate animals
between altitude and temperature: temper- inverted file noun COMPUT a file with an
ature decreases as altitude increases. 2. index entry for every data item
COMPUT changing the logical state of a sig-
nal or device to its logical opposite 쐽 noun inverter noun 1. COMPUT a logical gate
the opposite of something in order or effect that provides inversion facilities 2. ELEC a
쑗 The inverse of true is false. 쑗 The inverse
circuit used to provide alternating current
of 1 is 0. supply from a DC battery source
inversely proportional adjective investigate verb to examine or find out
referring to a relationship in which one about something in great detail 쑗 The
thing increases as another decreases to the cause of the blockage must be investigated.
same extent 쑗 Temperature is inversely invisible adjective unable to be seen 쑗
proportional to altitude. Oxygen is an invisible gas.
inverse-square law noun PHYS a law in vitro adjective, adverb BIOL occurring
stating that a physical quantity varies outside a living organism, in laboratory
inversely with the square of the distance conditions 쑗 in vitro experiments 쑗 The tis-
from its source (NOTE: Gravitation, electro- sue was cultured in vitro.
magnetism, radiation and sound follow this in vitro fertilisation noun BIOTECH the
law) fertilisation of an ovum in laboratory con-
inverse video noun TELECOM a televi- ditions. Abbr IVF
sion effect created by swapping the back- in vivo adjective, adverb BIOL occurring
ground and foreground text display colours within or taking place on a living organism
inversion noun 1. METEOROL an atmos- 쑗 in vivo experiments 쑗 The experiments
pheric phenomenon in which cold air is were carried out in vivo.
nearer the ground than warm air 쑗 Smog is invoke verb COMPUT to start or run a pro-
smoke or pollution trapped on the surface gram, often a memory resident utility
by an inversion of temperature with little or involucre noun BOT a ring of modified
no wind. 2. the act of turning something leaves (bracts) at the base of a flower or
upside down 쑗 Inversion of the aircraft in flower head
flight may result in fuel stoppage. 3. COM- involve verb to have to do with something
PUT the changing over of numbers in a or to include something in a process 쑗
binary word, e.g. one to zero, zero to one 쑗 Backing up involves copying current work-
The inversion of a binary digit takes place ing files onto a separate storage disk.
in one’s complement.
COMMENT: Air normally cools at a rate of
inward adjective directed to or moving
6.4°C per 1000 m of altitude. During the towards the inside or interior
night, the ground cools as it loses heat by inwards adverb towards the inside or
radiation and the air at ground level interior (NOTE: American English is
becomes cooler than the air above. This
thermal inversion can cause smog, when
the cooler ground-level air cannot move I/O abbreviation COMPUT input/output
339 ionising radiation
I/O bound noun COMPUT a processor that deposits ions to create a charged image that
is doing very little processing since its time attracts the toner
is taken up reading or writing data from a ion drive noun ASTRON, AEROSP a type
I/O port of rocket motor that drives spacecraft with
I/O buffer noun COMPUT a temporary a stream of ions instead of a jet of hot gas
storage area for data waiting to be input or as in normal rockets (NOTE: Ion drives are
output powered by electricity and have been
I/O bus noun COMPUT a set of links allow- tested in orbit.)
ing data and control signal transfer ion engine noun AEROSP a theoretical
between a central processing unit and rocket engine that obtains thrust from a
memory or peripheral devices stream of high-speed ions (NOTE: The
engine would be used only in space
I/O device noun a peripheral such as a
because it does not produce enough thrust
terminal that can be used for inputting or
to escape Earth’s gravity.)
outputting data to a processor
ion exchange noun CHEM the exchange
iodide noun CHEM a salt of hydriodic acid of ions between a solid and a solution
containing the univalent anion ion I–
(NOTE: Silver iodides are used in photogra- ion-exchange filter noun a water-sof-
phy, and sodium and potassium iodides tening device attached to a water supply to
are used in iodised table salt.) remove nitrates or calcium from the water
iodine noun CHEM ELEM a chemical ele- ionic crystal noun PHYS a crystal com-
ment. It is essential to the body, especially posed of ions
to the functioning of the thyroid gland, and ionic product noun CHEM water that
is found in seaweed. (NOTE: The chemical contains the combination of hydrogen ions
symbol is I; the atomic number is 53 and and hydrogen-oxide ions H+OH-, caused
the atomic weight is 126.90.) by ionisation
iodise, iodize verb CHEM to treat or ionic radius noun CHEM a measure of
impregnate something with iodine the effective radius of an ion in a com-
iodoform noun CHEM a yellow crystal-
line compound with a penetrating odour, ionics noun PHYS the study of the devel-
used as an antiseptic, and in the treatment opment and behaviour of solid electrolytes
of minor skin diseases. Formula: CHI3. ionisation, ionization noun CHEM 1. the
production of atoms with electric charges
iodometry noun CHEM an analytical 2. the process of producing ions by heat or
process involving the liberation of or reac- radiation 쑗 The intensity of ionisation
tion with iodine by a substance in order to depends on the strength of the ultraviolet
determine the quantity of the substance radiation and the density of the air.
present in the sample being analysed
ionisation chamber noun PHYS a piece
IOMC abbreviation Interorganisation Pro- of equipment for detecting and measuring
gramme for the Sound Management of ionising radiation (NOTE: It consists of a
Chemicals gas-filled tube with electrodes at each end
ion noun CHEM an atom or a group of between which a voltage is maintained.)
atoms that has obtained an electric charge ionisation potential noun PHYS the
by gaining or losing one or more electrons energy needed to remove an electron from
(NOTE: Ions with a positive charge are an atom or molecule and move it infinitely
called cations and those with a negative far away
charge are anions.) ionise, ionize verb CHEM to give an atom
COMMENT: It is believed that living organ-
isms, including human beings, react to the
an electric charge
presence of ionised particles in the atmos- ioniser, ionizer noun INDUST a machine
phere. Hot dry winds contain a higher that increases the concentration of negative
proportion of positive ions than normal and ions in the atmosphere of a room, so coun-
cause headaches and other illnesses. If teracting the effect of positive ions. Also
negative ionised air is introduced into an
air-conditioning system, the incidence of called negative ion generator
headaches and nausea among people ionising radiation noun PHYS the radi-
working in the building may be reduced. ation that produces atoms with electrical
ion deposition noun PRINTING a print- charges as it passes through a medium, e.g.
ing technology that uses a printhead that alpha particles or X-rays
ionosphere 340
ionosphere noun METEOROL the part of IP multicast noun COMPUT a process of
the atmosphere 50km above the Earth’s sending out one set of data to several recip-
surface (NOTE: Because the strength of the ients simultaneously
Sun’s radiation varies with latitude, the IPng noun COMPUT a new version of the
structure of the ionosphere varies over the Internet protocol that allows more comput-
surface of the Earth. It is composed of 70%
ers to connect to the Internet and supports
nitrogen, 15% oxygen and 15% helium, in
more data traffic. Full form Internet proto-
which atoms are ionised by solar radia-
col next generation. 쒁 IP
COMMENT: The uppermost layer of Earth’s ips abbreviation MEASURE inches-per-sec-
atmosphere is where most of the atoms are ond
ionised. Some 350 km above sea level, the
ionosphere has high temperatures because IP spoofing noun COMPUT a method of
high-energy solar photons are captured gaining unauthorised access to a computer
there, including those in X-ray wavelengths. or network by pretending to be an author-
This prevents radiation which would other- ised computer or device (NOTE: Each
wise be fatal to human and other life from device on the network has its own unique
reaching sea level, so that without the iono-
sphere any life on Earth would have address and many security systems block
evolved very differently. The ionosphere is or allow access to networks based on the
also useful for communications and radar, computer’s IP address. A hacker needs to
since it is possible to bounce radio signals find out which IP address is allowed or
off it for transmission beyond the visible trusted, then modifies the header informa-
tion in the data packets from the computer
ionospheric adjective METEOROL refer- to include this IP address, so gaining
ring to the ionosphere access to the target computer. Newer rout-
ionospheric attenuation noun PHYS ers and firewalls use a range of techniques
loss of signal strength to the ionosphere to spot this scheme and block the data.)
ionospheric refraction noun PHYS a IQ abbreviation BIOL intelligence quotient
change in direction as a wave passes
through an ionised layer Ir symbol CHEM ELEM iridium
ion pump noun PHYS a device that IR abbreviation COMPUT 1. information
removes a gas by ionising the gas atoms retrieval 2. index register 3. instruction reg-
and adsorbing these ions ister
ion tail noun ASTRON the ionised portion IRC abbreviation COMPUT Internet relay
of the tail of a comet (NOTE: It is synony- chat
mous with the gas tail since most gas in IrDA noun COMPUT a standard method of
comet tails is ionised near the Sun where transferring information via an infrared
comet tails are observed.) light beam, often used to transfer informa-
I/O port noun COMPUT a circuit or con- tion from a laptop or PDA to a printer or
nector that provides an input/output chan- desktop computer. Full form infrared data
nel to another device association (NOTE: To use this feature, the
ip abbreviation COMPUT information pro- computer or printer needs to have an IrDA
vider port.)
IP abbreviation COMPUT Internet protocol iridium noun CHEM ELEM a hard, corro-
IP address noun COMPUT same as Inter- sion-resistant, silver-white metal, similar
net address to and occurring with platinum and used in
IPC abbreviation integrated pollution con- alloys (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ir;
the atomic number is 77 and the atomic
weight is 192.22.)
IPCC abbreviation ENVIRON Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change iris noun 1. OPTICS a small hole in a cam-
era between the lens and the film, normally
IPCS abbreviation International Pro- variable in size to adjust the amount of
gramme on Chemical Safety light passing through it to the film 2. ANAT
IP datagram noun COMPUT a packet of the coloured part of the eye, which expands
data transferred across a TCP/IP network and contracts the pupil 3. BIOL, BOT a plant
IPM abbreviation AGRIC integrated pest with coloured flowers and sword-shaped
management leaves. Genus: Iris.
341 island biogeography
iroko noun INDUST an African hardwood irrespective adverb taking no account
tree, formerly widely used but becoming of something 쑗 irrespective of age 쑗 They
rarer. Latin name: Milicia excelsa. noted the warning, but decided to go ahead
iron noun CHEM ELEM a metallic element. irrespective.
It is essential to biological life. (NOTE: The irreversible adjective referring to a proc-
chemical symbol is Fe; the atomic number ess that cannot be turned back to its origi-
is 26 and atomic weight is 55.85.) nal state 쑗 an irreversible change
COMMENT: Iron is an essential part of the irreversible reaction noun CHEM a
red pigment in red blood cells. Lack of iron chemical reaction that cannot be reversed
in haemoglobin results in iron-deficiency
anaemia. The metal and alloys made from irrigate verb AGRIC to supply water to
iron are magnetic. Compass needles made land to allow plants to grow, by channels,
from iron point to magnetic north. pipes, sprays or other means
iron chloride noun CHEM a compound of irrigation noun AGRIC the process of sup-
iron and chlorine. Formula: FeCl2. plying of water to land to allow plants to
iron-deficiency anaemia noun MED grow 쑗 irrigation channels 쑗 New areas of
anaemia caused by lack of iron in red blood land must be brought under irrigation to
cells meet the rising demand for food.
iron ore noun GEOL a rock that contains COMMENT: Irrigation can be carried out
iron compounds, and from which iron can using sprinklers or by channelling water
along small irrigation canals from reservoirs
be extracted or rivers. Irrigation can cause salinisation of
iron oxide noun CHEM same as ferric the soil, as the soil becomes waterlogged
oxide and salts rise to the surface. At the surface,
the irrigated water rapidly evaporates,
iron pan noun EARTH SCI a layer of dep- leaving the salts behind as a saline crust.
osition in podsol soils Irrigation can also increase the spread of
iron pyrites noun CHEM same as pyrite disease. Water insects are easily spread
through irrigation canals and reservoirs.
iron sulfate, iron sulphate noun CHEM a
compound of iron, sulfur and oxygen. For- irritability noun PHYSIOL same as sensi-
mula: Fe2(SO4)3. tivity
ironworks noun INDUST a place where irritant noun MED a substance or object
iron is smelted and worked that can cause irritation (NOTE: An irritant
can have an acute effect on respiration
IRQ abbreviation COMPUT interrupt from a single high-level exposure, or
request chronic effects from repeated low-level
irradiance noun the amount of radiation exposures.)
received in a specific area irruption noun ECOL a very rapid and
irradiate verb 1. PHYS to subject some- pervasive increase in the numbers of some-
thing to radiation 2. EARTH SCI to treat food thing, e.g. predators
with radiation to prevent it going bad IRTF abbreviation COMPUT Internet
COMMENT: Food is sometimes irradiated
with gamma rays which kill bacteria as a
research task force
method of preservation. It is not certain that ISA abbreviation 1. COMPUT Industry
irradiated food is safe for humans to eat, as Standard Architecture 2. AEROSP interna-
the effects are not known. In some coun- tional standard atmosphere
tries irradiation is only permitted as a treat-
ment of specific foods. ISAM abbreviation COMPUT indexed
irradiation noun 1. the spread of some- sequential access method
thing from a centre 2. exposure to radia- ischium noun ANAT the rearmost of the
tion, especially ionising radiation 3. PHYS three bones that form each half of the pel-
the use of rays to treat patients or to kill vis
bacteria in food ISDN abbreviation COMPUT integrated
irradiation dose noun PHYS the amount services digital network
of radiation to which an organism is IS-IS abbreviation COMPUT intermediate
exposed system to intermediate system
irrational number noun MATHS a real island noun GEOG a piece of land sur-
number that cannot be expressed as an rounded by water, in a sea, river or lake
exact ratio of two whole numbers island biogeography noun ECOL a
irregular adjective not regular theory stating that the number of species
islets of Langerhans 342
on an island or other area results from a microorganism from its host or the mate-
dynamic equilibrium between colonisation rial on which it grows 쑗 Scientists have iso-
and extinction lated the bacterium which lives in
islets of Langerhans plural noun ANAT air-conditioning systems and causes
the clusters of cells in the pancreas that legionnaires’ disease. 쑗 Candida is easily
secrete the hormones insulin and glucagon isolated from the mouths of healthy adults.
쐽 noun MICROBIOL a pure culture of a
ISO abbreviation COMPUT International
Standards Organisation microorganism
iso- prefix equal isolation noun a state or the process of
being separated and kept apart from other
isobar noun METEOROL a line on a map objects or organisms
linking points which are of equal baromet-
ric pressure at a given time isolation hospital noun MED a special
hospital where patients suffering from dan-
isobaric chart noun METEOROL a gerous infectious diseases can be isolated
weather map showing the isobars at a given
time isolation transformer noun ELEC a
transformer used to isolate equipment from
isochronous network noun COMPUT a direct connection with the mains electricity
network in which all the components on supply, in case of voltage spikes
the network run from a common clock so
that their timing is uniform isolation ward noun a special ward in a
hospital where patients suffering from dan-
isochronous transmission noun gerous infectious diseases can be isolated
COMPUT the transfer of asynchronous data
over a synchronous link isoleucine noun BIOCHEM an essential
amino acid
isocyanide noun CHEM same as isoni-
trile isomer noun CHEM one of two or more
nuclides with the same mass number and
isoelectric point noun CHEM the pH atomic number but different energy states
value at which there is no electric force on and half-lives
a molecule in a solution
isoflavone noun BIOCHEM an organic isomerism noun CHEM the existence of
two or more nuclides as isomers
compound belonging to a group that
occurs in legumes, especially soya bean, isometric view noun COMPUT a drawing
that may have positive effects against can- that shows all three dimensions of an
cer and heart disease, e.g. genistein object in equal proportion 쑗 An isometric
view does not show any perspective.
isoflavonoid noun BIOCHEM an organic
compound belonging to a group that isomorphism noun MATHS a one-to-one
occurs in legumes, especially soya bean, correspondence between sets such that an
and is converted by bacteria in the intes- operation such as addition or multiplica-
tines into substances having activity simi- tion in one produces the same result as the
lar to that of oestrogen analogous operation in the other
isogenic, isogenous adjective GENET- isonitrile noun CHEM a colourless
ICS with identical genes organic compound with an unpleasant
isohaline noun EARTH SCI a line on a smell, containing the group -NC. Also
map linking areas of equal salt content called isocyanide
isohyet noun METEOROL a line on a map ISO/OSI abbreviation COMPUT Interna-
linking points of equal rainfall tional Standards Organisation Open Sys-
tem Interconnection
isolate verb 1. to separate and keep
objects or organisms apart from others 쑗 isoprene noun CHEM a colourless liquid
The low-pressure fuel cock isolates the air- hydrocarbon that is flammable and may
frame fuel system from the engine fuel sys- react to give a polymer. Formula: C5H8.
tem to enable maintenance and engine (NOTE: It is used in synthetic rubber manu-
removals to be carried out. 2. ELEC to sep- facture.)
arate something from a system 3. ELEC to isotach noun METEOROL a line on a map
insulate something electrically 4. MED to linking points where the wind is blowing at
keep one patient apart from others usually the same speed
because he or she has a dangerous infec- isotherm noun METEOROL a line on a
tious disease 5. MICROBIOL to separate a map linking points of equal temperature
343 ivory nut
isotonic adjective CHEM referring to the right 쑗 The species name is printed in
solutions that exert the same osmotic pres- italic font.
sure italics plural noun PRINTING italic charac-
isotope noun CHEM a form of a chemical ters 쑗 All the footnotes are printed in ital-
element which has the same chemical ics. 쑗 Hit CTRL I to print the text in italics.
properties as other forms, but a different ITCZ abbreviation EARTH SCI intertropical
atomic mass convergence zone
COMMENT: Uranium exists in several item noun a single thing among many 쑗
isotopes: uranium-238 is the commonest An item of data can be a word, a series of
and is used in fast breeder reactors figures or a record in a file.
because of its property of releasing energy
very slowly under normal conditions; item size noun COMPUT a number of
uranium-235 is the isotope used in fission, characters or digits in an item of data
because of its ability to release energy iteration noun 1. a repetition 2. COMPUT
the repeated application of a program to
isotopic number noun PHYS the differ- solve a problem
ence between the number of neutrons and iterative process noun a process that is
the number of protons in an atom continuously repeated until a condition is
isotropic adjective CHEM referring to met
something that has physical properties that iterative routine, iterate noun COMPUT
do not differ according to direction a loop or series of instructions in a program
isotropy noun CHEM the property of a which repeats over and over again until the
material whereby it has the same properties program is completed
from different directions (NOTE: Some IUCN – The World Conservation
crystals are anisotropic rather than iso- Union noun ECOL a union of 140 coun-
tropic because they refract light differently tries that generates scientific knowledge,
depending on which face the light falls advice and standards on environmental
upon. Isotropy is significant in optics and subjects and monitors the status of species,
on a larger scale as a property of the uni- publishing findings in its Red Lists (NOTE:
verse in general.) ‘IUCN’ stands for the organisation’s origi-
isozyme noun BIOCHEM a form of an nal name, ‘International Union for the Con-
enzyme that is chemically different from servation of Nature and Natural
other forms but functions in the same way Resources’, although World Conserva-
ISP abbreviation COMPUT Internet service tion Union has largely replaced this title
provider since 1990.)
ISR abbreviation COMPUT information IV abbreviation MED intravenous
storage and retrieval IVF abbreviation MED in vitro fertilisation
issue noun a copy of a publication 쑗 The ivory noun ZOOL a smooth whitish sub-
article was in last month’s issue of the stance forming the tusks of animals such as
journal. 쐽 verb 1. to give something out elephants and walruses, formerly used to
officially 쑗 issued a warning 쑗 will be issu- make piano keys and ornaments (NOTE:
ing security passes 2. to arise from some- The ban on the trade in ivory was con-
where 쑗 A dark liquid was issuing from the firmed at the 50th Meeting (2004) of the
crack. Standing Committee of CITES (Conven-
tion on International Trade in Endangered
isthmus noun EARTH SCI a narrow piece Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) when it
of land linking two larger areas of land was declared that there would be no sale
IT abbreviation COMPUT information tech- of ivory until further notice.)
nology ivory nut noun BOT the seed of a South
italic adjective, noun PRINTING (a charac- American palm tree, used as a substitute
ter font) in which the characters slope to for real ivory
J abbreviation MEASURE joule from a pipe 2. same as jet engine 3. AER-
jabber noun COMPUT a continuous ran- OSP an aircraft which has jet engines
dom signal transmitted by a faulty adapter jet engine noun AEROSP an engine used
card or node on a network on aircraft which produces forward motion
jack noun 1. ENG a powered device to lift by sending out a jet of hot gases backwards
or move heavy components 2. ELEC a plug 쑗 The jet engine was invented by Frank
that consists of a single pin Whittle in 1941.
jacket noun an outer covering or casing 쑗 jet fuel noun AEROSP same as kerosene
a cylinder jacket jet-powered, jet-propelled adjective
jaggies plural noun COMPUT jagged driven by jet propulsion
edges which appear along diagonal or
curved lines displayed on a computer
jet propulsion noun 1. ENG the act of
making something move forward by send-
screen, caused by the size of each pixel
ing out backwards a jet of hot gases, air or
jam noun a stoppage in a process or mech- water 2. AEROSP power that provides thrust
anism due to a fault 쑗 a jam in the paper for an aircraft by taking in air at the front,
feed 쐽 verb to stop working because some- mixing it with fuel, burning the mixture
thing is causing a blockage 쑗 The recorder and causing expansion of gases
is not working because the tape is jammed
in the motor. 쑗 Lightweight copier paper jet stream noun 1. METEOROL a wide belt
will feed without jamming. of fast-moving air occurring at the top limit
of the troposphere, about 15km above
jar noun a glass container Earth’s surface 2. AEROSP a flow of gases
Java trademark COMPUT a programming from a jet engine
language and program definition used to
create small applications to enhance the jettison verb to throw off or release
functionality of a webpage (NOTE: The lan- something from a moving aircraft or ship
guage is similar to object-oriented lan- jitter noun COMPUT 1. a fault where there
guages such as C++ and can run on any is rapid small up-and-down movement of
compatible platform.) characters or pixels on a screen of image
JavaScript noun COMPUT a set of pro- bits in a facsimile transmission 쑗 Looking
gramming commands that can be included at this screen jitter is giving me a head-
within a normal webpage, written using ache. 2. a fault in a transmission line that
HTML commands (NOTE: When the web causes some of the data bits being trans-
browser loads the webpage, it runs the mitted to be corrupted
JavaScript commands, usually used to cre- JK-flip-flop noun ELEC a flip-flop device
ate special effects to a webpage.) with two inputs, J and K, and two comple-
JCL abbreviation COMPUT job control lan- mentary outputs that are dependent on the
guage inputs
JD abbreviation Julian date job noun a task, set of tasks or work to be
jejunum noun ANAT the part of the small processed as a single unit 쑗 The next job to
intestine between the duodenum and be processed is to sort all the records.
ileum, concerned mainly with absorbing job control language noun COMPUT a
nutrients from digested food set of commands that describe the identifi-
jet noun 1. a strong fast stream of fluid cation of and resources required by a job
forced out of an opening 쑗 a jet of water that a computer has to process. Abbr JCL
345 juniper
job priority noun COMPUT the impor- a larger internal vein flanked by an external
tance of a job compared to others vein.)
job statement control noun COMPUT jukebox noun COMPUT a CD-ROM drive
the use of instructions and statements to that can hold several CD-ROM disks and
control the actions of the operating system select the correct disk when required
of a computer Julian calendar noun ASTRON a calen-
join verb 1. to connect or bring things dar system with a leap year every four
together 쑗 Join the two wires. 쑗 With a pen- years (NOTE: It is so-called because it was
cil and ruler, join point A to point B. 2. to introduced during Julius Caesar’s period
combine two or more pieces of information as ruler of Rome in 46 BC. The Julian cal-
to produce a single unit of information 쐽 endar ceased to be used between the 16th
noun 1. a place at which two or more and 20th centuries as the more accurate
things are connected 2. COMPUT a logical Gregorian calendar entered use.)
function that produces a true output if any Julian date noun ASTRON a date in years,
input is true days and decimals of a day, taken from an
joint noun 1. a place at which two or more arbitrary start date of 465 BC and with the
things are joined together 쑗 Fuselage days counted from noon rather than mid-
frame rings are formed with only one joint. night. Abbr JD (NOTE: Julian dates occur
2. ANAT a place at which two bones are con- in astronomical calculation and reckoning.
nected 쐽 adjective 1. with two or more They are unrelated to the Julian calendar.)
things linked together 2. shared by two or jumbo chip noun COMPUT an integrated
more people 쑗 a joint effort 쑗 a joint ven- circuit made using the whole of a semicon-
ture 3. ANAT referring to a joint in the body ductor wafer
쑗 joint pains jump COMPUT noun a programming com-
joint denial noun COMPUT a logical mand to end one set of instructions and
function whose output is false if any input direct the processor to another section of
is true the program. Also called jump instruction
쐽 verb to direct a central processing unit to
Joint Implementation noun ENVIRON another section of a program
a set of agreements made between two or
more nations under the Framework Con-
jumper noun ELEC a temporary wire con-
nection on a circuit board
vention on Climate Change to help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions jumper-selectable noun ELEC a circuit
or device whose options can be selected by
joule noun MEASURE an SI unit of meas- positioning various wire connections 쑗 The
urement of energy. Symbol J printer’s typeface was jumper-selectable.
COMMENT: One joule is the amount of
energy used to move one kilogram the jumping gene noun GENETICS same as
distance of one metre, using the force of transposon
one newton 4.184 joules equal one calorie. jump instruction noun COMPUT same
journal noun 1. a scientific publication 2. as jump
COMPUT a record of all communications to jump on zero noun COMPUT a condi-
and from a terminal 3. COMPUT a list of any tional jump executed if a flag or register is
changes or updates to a file 쑗 The modified zero
records were added to the master file and jump operation noun COMPUT a situa-
noted in the journal. tion where the central processing unit is
joystick noun COMPUT a device that sent from the instruction it is currently exe-
allows a user to move a cursor around the cuting to another point in the program
screen by moving an upright rod connected junction noun a place where two things
to an I/O port on the computer meet 쑗 the junction of two wires
JPEG noun COMPUT a standard that junction box noun ELEC an electrical
defines a way of storing graphic images in unit where a number of wires can be con-
a compressed format in a file on disk. Full nected together
form Joint Photographic Experts Group jungle noun ECOL a tropical rainforest
jugular vein noun ANAT one of several (informal)
paired veins that pass through the neck to juniper noun TREES a small coniferous
drain blood from the head (NOTE: In tree or shrub of the northern hemisphere,
humans, on either side of the neck there is with cones that resemble berries. Genus:
juniper berry 346
Juniperus. (NOTE: Juniperus communis is justify verb 1. COMPUT, PRINTING to
native to the British Isles.) change the spacing between words or char-
juniper berry noun FOOD INDUST the acters in a document so that the left and
purple cone of the juniper, used as a fla- right margins are straight 2. COMPUT to
vouring shift the contents of a computer register by
junk noun 1. useless things 2. COMPUT a set amount 3. to argue a logical case for
information or hardware which is useless something
or out-of-date or non-functional 쐽 verb juvenile BIOL noun a young animal or
COMPUT to get rid of something useless or plant 쐽 adjective referring to an animal,
redundant 왍 to junk a file to erase or delete plant, organ or type of behaviour that is not
from storage a file that is no longer used yet adult 쑗 The juvenile foliage of eucalyp-
Jupiter noun ASTRON the largest planet of tus is different from its adult foliage.
the solar system, 318 times as massive as
the Earth and eleven times as large, with an juvenile hormone noun BIOCHEM a
equatorial radius of 72000km (NOTE: Jupi- hormone in an insect larva that regulates its
ter is a mean distance of 778 million km development into an adult
from the Sun, which it takes 12 years to juvenile phase noun BIOL the period of
orbit. Jupiter is accompanied by a thin ring development of a plant before it flowers or
system and a huge array of satellites.) of an animal before it becomes adult
k symbol 1. PHYS, MEASURE kelvin 2. Kbit abbreviation COMPUT kilobit
MEASURE kilo- Kbps abbreviation COMPUT kilobits per
K symbol CHEM ELEM potassium second 쑗 A fast modem can transfer data at
kainite noun MINERALS a white mineral a rate of 33.6Kbps, whereas an ISDN
containing potassium chloride and magne- adapter can transfer data at a rate of
sium sulfate that is a source of potassium 64Kbps.
kala-azar noun MED a severe infection, Kbyte abbreviation COMPUT kilobyte
occurring in tropical countries kcal abbreviation MEASURE kilocalorie
COMMENT: Kala-azar is a form of leishmani- Kekulé structure noun CHEM the repre-
asis, caused by the infection of the intes- sentation of a benzene molecule as a hex-
tines and internal organs by a parasite agonal ring in which single and double
Leishmania spread by flies. Symptoms are
fever, anaemia, general wasting of the body
bonds alternate, linking six carbon atoms,
and swelling of the spleen and liver. each of which is bound to one hydrogen
kalium noun CHEM same as potassium atom
kaolin noun INDUST a fine white clay used kelp noun MARINE BIOL a brown seaweed
for making china, for coating shiny paper with large leathery fronds. It is a source of
and in medicines 쑗 Spoil heaps from kaolin iodine and potash.
workings are bright white. Also called kelvin noun MEASURE, PHYS a base SI
china clay unit of measurement of thermodynamic
Karnaugh map noun COMPUT a graphi- temperature. Symbol K (NOTE: 0°C is
equal to 273.15K. Temperatures are
cal representation of states and conditions
shown in kelvin without a degree sign:
in a logic circuit 쑗 The prototype was
checked for hazards with a Karnaugh map.
Kelvin scale noun MEASURE, PHYS a
karst noun EARTH SCI ground typical of temperature scale on which zero is the low-
limestone country, with an uneven surface est attainable temperature and the triple
and holes and cracks due to weathering point of water is defined as 273.16K
karyogram noun GENETICS a photo- Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630)
graph or diagram of the chromosomes of a ASTRON a German astronomer who pro-
cell duced three laws describing the motion of
karyology noun GENETICS the study of the planets around the Sun. He was also a
cell nuclei, especially chromosomes pioneer of optics and calculus.
karyotype noun GENETICS the chromo- Kepler’s laws plural noun ASTRON three
some make-up of a cell, shown as a dia- mathematical statements describing the
gram or as a set of letters and numbers movement of the planets in their orbits
katabatic wind noun METEOROL a cold around the Sun, the first two of which were
wind which blows downhill as the ground published in 1609 and the third in 1619
surface cools at night. Compare anabatic COMMENT: The first law states that the orbit
wind of a planet is an ellipse, with the Sun at one
focus. The second states that a line
katadromous adjective MARINE BIOL between the Sun and a particular planet
another spelling of catadromous sweeps out equal areas in equal times. The
katadromy noun MARINE BIOL another line is termed the radius vector. This law
means that the nearer a planet is to the
spelling of catadromy Sun, the faster it moves. The third law
Kb abbreviation COMPUT kilobyte states that the square of the orbital period of
keratin 348
a planet is proportional to the cube of its enter information into a computer or to
distance from the Sun. Neptune is on produce characters on a typewriter 쐽 verb
average 30 times as far from the Sun as
Earth, but takes 165 times as long to orbit to enter information by using a keyboard 쑗
the Sun. This law means that more distant It was cheaper to have the manuscript key-
planets have much longer years. Kepler’s boarded by another company.
laws also apply to the orbits of artificial and key click noun COMPUT a sound pro-
natural satellites, binary stars and other
celestial objects including comets and duced by a computer to allow the operator
asteroids. to know that the key pressed has been reg-
keratin noun BIOCHEM a fibrous protein istered
that gives strength and elasticity to hair, keyed sequential access method
nails, feathers and hooves noun COMPUT a file structure that allows
kern verb PRINTING to adjust the space data to be accessed using key fields or key
between pairs of letters so that they are field content. Abbr KSAM
printed closer together 쑗 We have kerned key field noun COMPUT a field which
‘T’ and ‘o’ so they are closer together. identifies entries in a record
kernel noun 1. BOT the soft edible part of key matrix noun COMPUT the way in
a nut 2. BOT the seed and husk of a cereal which the keys of a keyboard are arranged
grain 3. COMPUT the set of basic essential as an array of connections
instruction routines required for any opera- key number noun COMPUT a numeric
tions in a computer system code used to identify which key has been
COMMENT: Kernel routines are usually pressed
hidden from the user. They are used by the
operating system for tasks such as loading keypad noun COMPUT a group of special
a program or displaying text on a screen. keys used for certain applications 쑗 You
kerosene, kerosine noun a thin fuel oil can use the numeric keypad to enter the fig-
made from petroleum 쑗 Kerosene will only ures.
burn efficiently at, or close to, a ratio of keystone species noun ECOL a species
15:1. that plays a significant role in helping to
Kerr black hole noun ASTRON a black maintain the ecosystems that it is part of
hole with rotation but no electric charge keystroke noun COMPUT an act of press-
ketone noun CHEM an organic compound ing a key 쑗 He keyboards at a rate of 3500
containing the group -CO- attached to two keystrokes per hour.
hydrocarbons keyword noun COMPUT 1. a command
ketose noun BIOCHEM a simple sugar word used in a programming language to
Kevlar trademark INDUST a light and very provide a function 쑗 The BASIC keyword
strong composite material 쑗 Kevlar and PRINT will display text on the screen. 2. an
carbon fibre account for a large percent- important or informative word in a title or
age of a modern jet airliner’s structure. document that describes its contents 쑗
Computer is a keyword in IT. 3. a word that
key noun 1. COMPUT a button on a key- is relevant or important to a text
board that operates a switch 쑗 There are 64
keys on the keyboard. 2. COMPUT an impor- kg symbol MEASURE kilogram
tant object or group of characters in a com- kG symbol kilogray
puter system, used to represent an khamsin noun METEOROL a hot wind that
instruction or set of data 3. COMPUT a spe- brings dust storms in North Africa
cial combination of numbers or characters kHz symbol MEASURE kilohertz
that is used with a cipher to encrypt or
decrypt a message 쑗 Type this key into the kidney noun ANAT an organ in vertebrates
machine, it will decode the last message. 4. that regulates and filters waste for excre-
COMPUT an identification code or word tion
used for a stored record or data item 쑗 We kidney dish noun MED a shallow kid-
selected all the records with the word disk ney-shaped container used in hospitals and
in their keys. 5. a set of questions to enable doctors’ surgeries to hold soiled dressings,
something to be identified or classified 쑗 a fluids, needles, or the instruments needed
key for identifying lichens for a minor procedure
keyboard COMPUT noun a number of kieselguhr noun GEOL same as diatom-
keys fixed together in some order, used to aceous earth
349 kingdom
kill verb 1. to make someone or something Hertz or one thousand cycles per second.
die 쑗 She was given the kidney of a person Symbol kHz
killed in a car crash. 쑗 Heart attacks kill kilo instructions per second noun
more people every year. 쑗 Antibodies are COMPUT a measure of power, 1000 compu-
formed to kill bacteria. 2. COMPUT to erase ter instructions processed every second.
a file or stop a program during execution 쐽 Abbr KIPS
noun 1. an act of making someone or kilojoule noun MEASURE an SI unit of
something die 쑗 Pollutants in water are measurement of energy or heat equal to
one of the main causes of fish kills. 2. prey 1000 joules. Symbol kJ
which has been killed 쑗 The vultures sur- kilometre noun a measure of length
rounded the remains of the lion’s kill. equal to 1000 metres or 0.621 miles. Sym-
kill off verb BIOL to kill all the individual bol km (NOTE: The US spelling is kilom-
members of a species, usually one by one 쑗 eter.)
Dodos were killed off by 18th-century sail- kilopascal noun MEASURE an SI unit of
ors. measurement of pressure equal to 1000
kiln noun INDUST a furnace used for mak- pascals. Symbol kPa
ing something such as pottery or bricks 쑗 kilowatt noun MEASURE a unit of meas-
The smoke from the brick kilns was dis- urement of electricity equal to 1000 watts.
persed by the prevailing winds. Symbol kW
kilo noun MEASURE same as kilogram kilowatt-hour noun MEASURE a unit of
kilo- prefix 1. MEASURE one thousand, 103. 1000 watts of electricity used for one hour.
Symbol K 2. MEASURE, COMPUT (in compu- Symbol kWh
ter and electronics applications) 1024 kiloword noun COMPUT a unit of meas-
units, equal to 210. Symbol k urement of 1024 computer words. Abbr
kilobaud noun COMPUT a unit of 1000 KW
bits per second kinase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme that
kilobit noun COMPUT a unit of 1024 bits transfers a phosphate group from ATP
of data. Abbr Kbit kinematics noun BIOL the science of
kilobits per second noun COMPUT a movement, especially of body movements
measure of the amount of data that a device kinesis noun BIOL the movement of a cell
can transfer each second. Abbr Kbps or organism in response to the intensity of
kilobyte noun COMPUT a unit of measure- a stimulus rather than its direction
ment for high-capacity storage devices kinetic adjective PHYS referring to motion
equal to 1024 bytes of data. Abbr Kbyte. or something produced by motion
Symbol Kb kinetic energy noun PHYS energy pos-
COMMENT: In computer or electronics appli- sessed by an object because of its motion 쑗
cations, 1024 is the strict definition of kilo- The greater the velocity of the car, the
byte, being equal to a convenient power of greater its kinetic energy. (NOTE: The
two. It can also be taken to equal approxi-
mately 1000, even in computing applica- energy is equal to 1/2mv2 where m = mass
tions. 1 Kb is roughly equal to 1000 output of the object and v = velocity.)
characters in a PC. kinetic heating noun AEROSP the heat-
kilocalorie noun MEASURE a unit of ing of an aircraft skin by friction with the
measurement of heat equal to 1000 calo- air as it moves through it
ries (NOTE: In scientific use, the SI unit kinetics noun PHYS the scientific study of
joule is now more usual. 1 calorie = 4.186 bodies in motion
joules.) kinetic temperature noun PHYS the
kilogram noun MEASURE the base unit of temperature of a material, usually a gas,
mass in the SI system, equal to 1000 grams due to the motion of its particles
or 2.2046 pounds. Symbol kg. Also called kinetic theory noun PHYS a theory that
kilo explains the behaviour of gases by assum-
kilogray noun MEASURE an SI unit of ing that heat is a process of energy transfer
measurement of absorbed radiation equal and that the internal energy of a gas is the
to 1000 grays. Symbol kG sum of the energy of its particles
kilohertz noun MEASURE an SI unit of kingdom noun BIOL the largest category
frequency measurement equal to 1000 in the classification of organisms 쑗 The
kinin 350
largest species in the animal kingdom is down in the presence of oxygen to carbon
the whale. dioxide. It is the final step in the oxidation
COMMENT: The different kingdoms are: of carbohydrates and fats, and occurs in
Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, mitochondria. Also called citric acid
Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Fungi and cycle
Kingdom Animalia.
kinin noun BIOCHEM same as cytokinin krill noun MARINE BIOL a mass of tiny
shrimps that live in the cold seas of the
KIPS abbreviation COMPUT kilo instruc- Antarctic and form the basic diet of many
tions per second sea animals including whales
kit noun a set of items used for a specific krotovina noun EARTH SCI an animal
purpose 쑗 A physician’s kit containing sur-
burrow that has been filled with organic or
gical equipment would be available to a
qualified doctor assisting crew with major mineral material from another soil horizon
medical problems. krypton noun CHEM ELEM an inert gas
kJ abbreviation MEASURE kilojoule found in very small quantities in the atmos-
phere (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Kr;
kludge, kluge noun COMPUT (informal) 1. the atomic number is 36 and atomic weight
a temporary correction made to a badly is 83.80.)
written or constructed piece of software or
to a keyboarding error 2. hardware which KSAM abbreviation COMPUT keyed
should be used for demonstration purposes sequential access method
only K selection noun a process of natural
km abbreviation MEASURE kilometre selection that leads to a reduction in births
knob noun 1. a rounded handle 쑗 door when the population of a species
knob 2. a rounded part that controls some- approaches the maximum number that its
thing 쑗 When the control knob is moved environment can sustain
from the central position, the ailerons are kt abbreviation MEASURE knot
moved. Kuiper, Gerald (1905–73) ASTRON a
knock verb ENG to make a loud noise as US astronomer born in the Netherlands
the mixture of petrol and air in a petrol who worked in all aspects of planetary
engine explodes, caused when the mixture astronomy, especially the study of Mars
is not rich enough in petrol and the Moon. Kuiper is regarded by many
knot noun 1. a structure formed when sev- as the founder of the present-day scientific
eral strands are joined together or a single study of the solar system.
strand is looped on itself 2. BOT a dark area Kuiper Belt noun ASTRON a zone beyond
in a piece of wood where a branch formerly the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, some 30–
grew 3. MEASURE a unit of speed equal to 60AU distant and mainly in the plane of
one nautical mile per hour, approximately the ecliptic, in which many millions of
1.85km or 1.15 statute miles per hour 쑗 comets are postulated to exist
Wind speeds in aviation are usually given
in knots. Abbr kt kW abbreviation MEASURE kilowatt
knowledge-based system noun KW abbreviation COMPUT kiloword
COMPUT a computer system that applies the kwashiorkor noun MED malnutrition of
stored reactions, instructions and knowl- small children, mostly in tropical coun-
edge of experts in a particular field to a tries, causing anaemia, wasting of the body
problem and swollen liver (NOTE: It is caused by
Köppen classification noun METE- protein deficiency in the diet, especially
OROL a standard classification of climate where cassava is the staple foodstuff,
COMMENT: The classification of climate since the protein content of cassava is
types was drawn up by Wladimir Köppen in almost nil.)
1900 and has been much modified since
then. The classification divides the Earth kWh abbreviation MEASURE kilowatt-hour
into five climate types: A, B, C, D and E, Kyoto Protocol noun an international
according to temperature and rainfall.
agreement on strategies for coping with
Kr symbol CHEM ELEM krypton climate change signed in December 1997
Krebs cycle noun BIOCHEM a series of by the United Nations Framework Conven-
reactions in which pyruvic acid is broken tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
l, L symbol MEASURE litre lacrimal gland, lacrymal gland noun
La symbol CHEM ELEM lanthanum ANAT a gland in the eyelids of some verte-
lab noun TECH same as laboratory brate animals, including humans, that pro-
(informal) 쑗 The samples have been duces tears
returned by the lab. lactase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme,
label noun 1. COMPUT a word or other secreted in the small intestine, that con-
symbol used in a computer program to verts milk sugar into glucose and galactose
identify a routine or statement 쑗 BASIC lactate verb BIOL to produce milk as food
uses many program labels such as line for young
numbers. 2. a piece of information
attached to something that gives informa-
lactation noun BIOL the production of
milk as food for young
tion about it 쑗 pesticide labels 쐽 verb 1. to
identify something by using a label 쑗 Parts lactic acid noun BIOCHEM a sugar which
are labelled with the manufacturer’s name. forms in cells and tissue, and is also
2. to add identifying words and numbers to present in sour milk, cheese and yoghurt
a diagram 쑗 There is a standard way of COMMENT: Lactic acid is produced as the
labelling the navigation vector. body uses up sugar during exercise. Exces-
sive amounts of lactic acid in the body can
labelling noun the presentation of infor- produce muscle cramp.
mation about a product on a label 쑗 regula- lactose noun BIOCHEM a sugar found in
tions for food labelling milk
labile adjective CHEM unstable and readily
undergoing chemical or physical change lactose intolerance noun MED an ina-
bility to digest lactose because lactase is
labium noun BOT the lower lip of the absent in the intestine, or because of an
flower tube of some plants allergy to milk, causing diarrhoea
laboratory noun TECH a room with
equipment for scientists to do experimental lacunar adjective MED, ANAT relating to
research and testing 쑗 The samples of pits or cavities in tissue, e.g. in bone or car-
water have been sent to the laboratory for tilage, especially ones that are atypical
testing. 쐽 adjective referring to laboratories lacustrine adjective EARTH SCI referring
쑗 The new drug has passed its laboratory to a lake or pond
tests. laevorotatory adjective OPTICS deviat-
laboratory officer noun TECH a quali- ing the plane of polarisation of oncoming
fied person in charge of a laboratory light to the left or in an anticlockwise
laboratory technician noun TECH a direction. Compare dextrorotatory
person who does practical work in a labo- laevulose noun BIOCHEM same as fruc-
ratory and has particular care of equipment tose
laboratory technique noun TECH a lag verb 1. to cover something with an
method or skill needed to perform experi- insulating material to protect against cold
ments in a laboratory or to stop heat escaping 쑗 Boilers and pipes
labrum noun ZOOL an upper mouthpart should be carefully lagged to prevent heat
found in some arthropods such as insects loss. 2. to be slower or not as advanced 쑗
lack noun the absence or need of some- Public opinion sometimes lags behind sci-
thing 쑗 The engine stopped because of a entific discoveries. 쐽 noun a delay 쑗 a time
lack of fuel. lag 쑗 a lag in supply
lagging 352
lagging noun INDUST the material used to lampbrush chromosome noun
insulate pipes GENETICS an enlarged chromosome cov-
lagoon noun EARTH SCI a shallow part of ered with fine loops of chromatin that is
the sea in the tropics, surrounded or almost observed during the initial stage of meiosis
surrounded by reefs LAN, lan abbreviation COMPUT local area
lagoonal adjective referring to lagoons network
lagooning noun INDUST the creation of land noun EARTH SCI the solid part of the
artificial lakes for purifying sewage Earth’s surface
lake noun 1. EARTH SCI a large area of land breeze noun METEOROL a light
fresh water surrounded by land 2. INDUST a wind which blows from the land to the sea,
large quantity of liquid produce stored usually during the day when the land is
because of overproduction (informal) 쑗 a warm
wine lake 쑗 a milk lake 쒁 mountain land burial noun ENVIRON same as land
lake bloom noun BIOL a mass of algae disposal
which develops rapidly in a lake due to land clearance noun ENVIRON the
eutrophication removal of trees or undergrowth in prepa-
lake deposits plural noun EARTH SCI ration for ploughing or building
deposits of silt on the bed of a lake land disposal noun ENVIRON the act of
Lamarckism noun BIOL the theory of depositing waste in a hole in the ground
Jean Baptiste Lamarck that evolution land erosion control noun ENVIRON a
occurs through the inheritance of charac- method of preventing the soil from being
teristics acquired by individual organisms worn away by irrigation, planting or
as a response to their environmental condi- mulching
tions landfill noun ENVIRON 1. the disposal of
lambert noun MEASURE the cgs unit of waste by putting it into holes in the ground
surface brightness (luminance), equal to and covering it with earth 2. same as land-
one lumen per square centimetre fill site
Lambert’s law noun PHYS a law defin- landfilling noun ENVIRON the practice of
ing the rate of absorption of all types of disposing of waste by putting it into holes
radiation, including light, as it travels in the ground and covering it with earth
within a medium landfill site noun ENVIRON an area of
Lambert’s projection noun EARTH SCI land where waste is put into holes in the
a map projection of the Earth based around ground and covered with earth 쑗 The coun-
two standard parallels of latitude cil has decided to use the old gravel pits as
lamella noun FUNGI one of the gills on the a landfill site. 쑗 Landfill sites can leak pol-
underside of the cap of a fungus lutants into the ground water. 쑗 Landfill
sites, if properly constructed, can be used
lamina noun ZOOL (in mammals with to provide gas for fuel. Also called landfill
hooves) one of several layers of sensitive
tissue just inside the hard exterior of the land improvement noun AGRIC the
hoof process of making the soil more fertile
laminar flow noun PHYS a flow in a liq- landing zone noun COMPUT an area of a
uid or gas which consists of separate layers hard disk which does not carry data (NOTE:
flowing at different velocities and not mix- The head can come into contact with the
ing disk in this area without damaging the disk
or data.)
laminate noun a sheet of manufactured
material made up of bonded layers 쑗 landline noun TELECOM a communica-
Direction of the fibres and types of cloth tions link that uses cable to physically and
used in the laminate are all very important electrically link two devices
factors. 쐽 verb to make something by using landlocked adjective EARTH SCI refer-
bonded layers of material 쑗 laminated ring to a place that has no sea coast 쑗 a
windscreens landlocked country in central Africa
lampblack noun INDUST a fine powdery landmass noun EARTH SCI a large area of
form of carbon that is deposited when land 쑗 the continental landmass of the USA
organic oils are burned, used as a pigment landrace noun ECOL a local variety of
and in electrodes plant or animal developed over many thou-
353 larval
sands of years by farmers selecting for (NOTE: There are three types: assemblers,
favourable characteristics within a species compilers and interpreters.)
land reclamation, land restoration lanolin noun PHARM a fat extracted from
noun AGRIC the process of bringing back sheep’s wool used in making soaps, skin
into productive use a piece of land such as creams and shampoos
a site that was formerly used for an indus- lanthanide noun CHEM an element
trial process belonging to a series of rare-earth elements
Landsat noun AEROSP a US satellite with atomic numbers in the range 57 to 71
belonging to a set which scan the land sur- and in which the f-shell is not completely
face of the Earth, particularly the vegeta- full
tion cover lanthanum noun CHEM ELEM a silvery
landscape noun 1. EARTH SCI the scen- metallic element similar to aluminium
ery, general shape, structure and features of belonging to the rare-earth group, used in
the surface of an area of land 2. PRINTING glass manufacture (NOTE: The chemical
the orientation of a page or piece of paper symbol is La; the atomic number is 139
where the longest edge is horizontal. Com- and the atomic weight is 138.91.)
pare portrait LAP noun COMPUT a CCITT standard pro-
landscape assessment, landscape tocol used to start and maintain links over
character assessment noun the analysis, an X.25 network. Full form link access
description and classification of an area of protocol
land, noting the features that contribute to lapis lazuli noun MINERALS a deep blue
its special character and developing appro- rock, used in making jewellery
priate proposals for its future conservation lapse noun a short period of time which
and management separates two events
landslide, landslip noun EARTH SCI a lapse rate noun EARTH SCI the rate at
sudden fall of large amounts of soil and which temperature changes according to
rocks down the side of a mountain or of altitude
waste matter down the side of a spoil heap
laptop computer, laptop noun COMPUT
land use noun ENVIRON the way in which a computer that is light enough to carry but
land is used for different purposes such as not so small as to fit in a pocket, usually
farming or recreation 쑗 a survey of current containing a screen, keyboard and disk
land use drive
language noun COMPUT a system of large intestine noun ANAT the latter part
words or symbols which allows communi- of the vertebrate alimentary canal, extend-
cation with computers, e.g. one that allows ing from ileum to anus and consisting of
computer instructions to be entered as the caecum, colon and rectum (NOTE: It
words which are easy to understand and extracts water from the gut contents to
then translates them into machine code form faeces.)
COMMENT: There are three main types of
computer languages: machine code, large-scale adjective working with large
assembler and high-level language. The amounts of data. Compare small-scale
higher the level the language is, the easier large-scale computer noun COMPUT a
it is to program and understand, but the
slower it is to execute. The following are the
high-powered computer system that can
commonest high-level languages: ADA, access high capacity memory and backing
ALGOL, APL, BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, storage devices as well as multiple users
COMAL, CORAL, FORTH, FORTRAN, large-scale integration noun COMPUT
PROLOG and Visual Basic. Assembly an integrated circuit with 500 to 10000
language uses mnemonics to represent components. Abbr LSI
machine code instructions. Machine code is larva noun ZOOL the form of an insect or
the lowest level of programming language
and consists of basic binary patterns that other animal in the stage of development
instruct the processor to perform various after the egg has hatched but before the
tasks. animal becomes adult (NOTE: The plural is
language processor noun COMPUT a larvae.)
program that translates from an assembler larval adjective ZOOL referring to larvae 쑗
or high-level language to machine code the larval stage
larval stage 354
larval stage noun ZOOL an early stage in vert liquid to vapour at the same tempera-
the development of an insect or other ani- ture
mal after it has hatched from an egg lateral adjective referring to the side 쑗
larynx noun ANAT the part of the respira- lateral buds 쑗 Drift is lateral movement
tory tract at the entrance to the windpipe caused by wind.
that, in humans and some other vertebrates, lateral aspect noun ANAT a view of the
contains vocal cords and is the organ of side of part of the body. Also called lateral
voice production view
laser noun PHYS a device that produces lateral moraine noun EARTH SCI a
coherent light of a single wavelength in a deposit of sand and gravel left at the sides
narrow beam, by exciting a material so that of a glacier as it moves forwards
it emits photons of light. Full form light lateral view noun ANAT same as lateral
amplification by stimulated emission of aspect
laterisation, laterization noun EARTH
laser disc noun COMPUT same as com- SCI the process of weathering tropical soil
pact disc
into hard laterite
Lassa fever noun MED a highly infec-
tious and often fatal virus disease found in laterise, laterize verb EARTH SCI to
Central and West Africa weather tropical soil into hard laterite
last adjective 1. coming or placed after all laterite noun EARTH SCI a hard rock-like
the others 2. most recent 쐽 verb 1. to con- clay found in the tropics, formed when
tinue for a period of time 쑗 A gust is a sud- latosol dries out (NOTE: When tropical rain-
den increase in wind speed above the forests are cleared, the soil beneath rapidly
average speed lasting only a few seconds. turns to laterite as nutrients are leached
2. to stay in good or usable condition 쑗 A out by rain and the land cannot be culti-
piston engine lasts longer if it is handled vated.)
carefully and serviced regularly. lateritic adjective EARTH SCI referring to
last in first out noun COMPUT a queue soil that contains laterite
system in which the last item stored is the latex noun 1. BOT a white fluid from a
first read 쑗 This computer stack uses a last plant such as poppy, dandelion or rubber
in first out data retrieval method. Abbr tree 2. BIOL a thick white fluid from a rub-
LIFO ber tree, which is treated and processed to
latch verb COMPUT to set an output state 쑗 make rubber
The output latched high until we reset the latitude noun EARTH SCI, NAVIG an angu-
computer. lar distance north or south of the Earth’s
latency noun COMPUT the time delay equator, measured in degrees, minutes and
between the moment when an instruction seconds, along a meridian 쑗 Parallels of
is given to a computer and the execution of latitude are imaginary circles on the sur-
the instruction or return of a result, e.g. the face of the Earth, their planes being paral-
delay between a request for data and the lel to the plane of the equator. 왍 at a
data being transferred from memory latitude of 46°N at a position on the
latent adjective present but not yet devel- Earth’s surface which is 46 degrees north
oped of the equator
COMMENT: Together with longitude, latitude
latent heat noun PHYS the heat taken in is used to indicate an exact position on the
or given out when a solid changes into a Earth’s surface. Latitude is measured in
liquid or vapour, or when a liquid changes degrees, minutes and seconds. The centre
into a vapour at a constant temperature and of London is latitude 51°30’N, longitude
pressure 0°5’W. The lines of latitude are numbered
and some of them act as national bounda-
latent heat of fusion noun the quantity ries: the 49th parallel marks most of the
of heat required to convert ice at its melting border between the USA and Canada.
point into liquid at the same temperature latosol noun EARTH SCI a type of reddish
latent heat of sublimation noun the soft soil found in tropical areas that is char-
quantity of heat required to convert ice to acterised by deep weathering and hydrous
vapour at the same temperature oxide material
latent heat of vaporisation noun latter adjective 1. referring to the second
PHYS the quantity of heat required to con- of two things mentioned earlier. Compare
355 lead
former 2. referring to something coming at next to the surface over which it is flowing
the end 쑗 in the latter part of the report 쐽 travels more slowly than layers further
noun the second of two things mentioned from the surface. 3. COMPUT one of the
earlier ISO/OSI standards defining the stages a
lattice noun CHEM a regular geometrical message has to pass through when being
arrangement of points or objects in three transmitted from one computer to another
dimensions, e.g. the atoms in a crystal over a local area network 4. a flat area of a
laughing gas noun CHEM same as substance under or over another area
nitrous oxide (NOTE: In geological formations, layers of
rock are called strata; layers of soil are
launch noun 1. COMPUT the introduction called horizons.) 5. BOT a stem of a plant
of a new product into a market 쑗 The which has made roots where it touches the
launch of the new PC has been put back six soil 쐽 verb BOT to propagate a plant by
months. 쑗 The launch date for the network bending a stem down until it touches the
will be September. 2. the start of a planned soil and letting it form roots there
activity 쑗 the launch of their public aware-
ness campaign 쐽 verb 1. to begin a planned layer cloud noun METEOROL a stratus
activity, especially by announcing it pub- cloud
licly 쑗 to launch a new research initiative layout noun the way in which things are
2. to put a new product on the market 쑗 The arranged
new PC was launched at the Computer lb symbol MEASURE pound
Show. 쑗 Launching costs for the computer LC50 abbreviation BIOL lethal concentra-
range were calculated at $250000. 3. COM- tion 50
PUT to start or run a program 쑗 You launch
the word-processor by double-clicking on LCD abbreviation COMPUT liquid crystal
this icon. display
lauric acid noun CHEM a white crystal- LCP abbreviation COMPUT link control
line fatty acid that is insoluble in water, procedure
used in the manufacture of soaps, insecti- LD50 abbreviation BIOL lethal dose 50%
cides and cosmetics. Formula: C12H24O2. leach verb ENVIRON to be washed out of
Also called dodecanoic acid the soil by water 쑗 Excess chemical fertilis-
lava noun EARTH SCI molten rock and ers on the surface of the soil leach into riv-
minerals which flow from an erupting vol- ers and cause pollution. 쑗 Nitrates have
cano and solidify into various types of leached into ground water and contami-
igneous rock nated the water supply.
lava flow noun EARTH SCI a stream of leachate noun ENVIRON 1. a substance
lava moving down the sides of a volcano 쑗 which is washed out of the soil 2. a liquid
Lava flows from the volcano destroyed which forms at the bottom of a landfill site
sugar plantations. leaching noun ENVIRON the process by
law noun 1. a rule or set of rules by which which a substance is washed out of the soil
a country is governed 왍 by law EARTH SCI by water passing through it
legally 2. a basic principle of science or leaching field noun INDUST an area
mathematics round a septic tank with pipes which allow
law of gravitation noun PHYS a basic the sewage to drain away underground
principle of physics that any two masses lead1 noun CHEM ELEM a very heavy soft
attract each other with a force equal to a metallic element (NOTE: The chemical
constant multiplied by the product of the symbol is Pb; the atomic number is 82 and
two masses and divided by the square of the atomic weight is 207.20.)
the distance between them COMMENT: Small children are particularly
lawrencium noun CHEM ELEM one of the vulnerable to lead pollution, as lead affects
brain development. Lead can enter the
transuranic elements (NOTE: The chemical body through drinking water which has
symbol is Lr; the atomic number is 103 and been kept in lead pipes or through paint
the atomic weight is 256.) (children’s toys must be painted with
layer noun 1. one of several or more hori- lead-free paint). Lead is added to petrol to
prevent knocking and give more power, but
zontal parts 쑗 The lowest layer of the it causes lead fumes which are toxic and
atmosphere is called the troposphere. 2. a can be avoided by using lead-free petrol.
thickness of something 쑗 Layers of fluid Lead poisoning also occurs in birds, e.g.
lead 356
swans, which have eaten the lead pellets leaf cutting noun AGRIC a piece of a leaf,
used by fishermen to weight their lines. root or stem cut from a living plant and put
lead2 noun ELEC ENG an electrical wire or in soil where it will sprout
narrow cable 쑗 A lead connects the monitor leaf litter noun BOT dead leaves lying on
to the computer. the floor of a forest
lead-acid battery, lead-acid accumu- leaf mould noun BOT a soft fibrous mate-
lator noun ELEC a type of battery consist- rial formed of decomposed leaves
ing of lead and lead-oxide plates, leak noun an escape of liquid or gas from
surrounded by a sulfuric acid electrolyte a sealed container 쑗 a gas leak 쐽 verb (of
lead-based additive noun INDUST liquid or gas) to escape from a sealed con-
same as fuel additive tainer 쑗 Fuel may leak from a fuel tank if
lead dioxide noun CHEM a toxic dark the drain plug is not seated correctly.
brown crystalline substance used in batter- leakage noun an escape of liquid or gas
ies and explosives. Formula: PbO2. from a sealed container 쑗 Any internal or
leaded petrol noun INDUST petrol to external leakage of fuel will cause a reduc-
which a fuel additive such as tetraethyl tion in the operating period.
lead has been added to prevent knocking lean adjective AUTOMOT referring to a
leader noun a section of magnetic tape fuel/air mixture in which the ratio of air to
that contains no signal, used at the begin- fuel is greater than usual 쑗 Moving the mix-
ning of a reel for identification and to aid ture control lever aft to the lean position
the tape machine to pick up the tape reduces the amount of fuel mixing with the
leader stroke noun METEOROL the first air.
lightning flash, which makes a path for lean-burn engine noun INDUST a type
other flashes to follow of internal combustion engine adapted to
lead-free adjective INDUST referring to use less fuel than other engines, and so
something such as paint or fuel which has release less carbon monoxide and nitrogen
no lead in it 쑗 lead-free petrol 쑗 Lead-free oxide into the atmosphere
fuel is used in most modern piston engines. leap-frog test noun COMPUT a memory
location test in which a program skips from
lead in noun COMPUT a section of a one location to another random location,
CD-ROM before the data starts, normally
writing data then reading and comparing
used to store the table of contents
for faults, until all locations have been
lead monoxide noun CHEM a toxic yel- tested
low or reddish-yellow substance used in leap second noun an extra second
storage batteries, pottery, glass, rubber and inserted into clock time to allow for the
pigments. Formula: PbO. Also called lith- fact that Earth’s rotation is less regular than
arge the atomic clocks by which it is measured
lead paint noun INDUST a paint contain- (NOTE: Leap seconds have to be placed
ing lead, which makes it more durable, but into clock time rather than being taken out
which is largely forbidden for use, particu- of it because Earth’s rotation is gradually
larly on children’s toys and furniture slowing.)
lead poisoning noun MED poisoning leap year noun a year occurring every
caused by taking in lead salts four years in which an extra day has to be
lead replacement petrol noun a added because there are 365.25 days in a
lead-free petrol for compulsory use in year (NOTE: The extra day is omitted when
vehicles that were designed to be used with the year is a round century not divisible by
leaded petrol, introduced as a way of 400, for extra accuracy.)
improving air quality and protecting the learning curve noun a graphical
environment description of how someone can acquire
leaf noun 1. BOT a structure growing from knowledge over time
a plant stem, with a stalk and a flat blade. lease noun a written contract for letting
It is usually green and carries out photo- or renting a piece of equipment for a period
synthesis. (NOTE: A leaf stalk is called a against payment of a fee 쐽 verb 1. to let or
petiole, and a leaf blade is called a lam- rent equipment for a period 쑗 The company
ina.) 2. COMPUT a final node in a tree struc- has a policy of only using leased equip-
ture ment. 2. to use equipment for a time and
357 length
pay a fee 쑗 The company leases all its com- leeward adjective EARTH SCI protected
puters. from the wind
leased line noun TELECOM a communi- left justification noun COMPUT the
cations channel such as a telephone line shifting of a binary number to the left hand
which is rented for the exclusive use of the end of the word containing it
subscriber left justify noun COMPUT a printing com-
least cost design noun COMPUT the mand that makes the left hand margin of
best money-saving use of space or compo- the text even
nents 쑗 The budget is only £5000 so we left shift noun COMPUT a left arithmetic
need the least cost design for the new cir- shift by one bit of data in a word (NOTE: A
cuit. binary number is doubled for each left
least recently used algorithm noun shift.)
COMPUT an algorithm which finds the page leg noun ANAT a part of the body with
of memory that was last accessed before which a person or animal walks and stands
any other and erases it to make room for COMMENT: The leg is formed of the thigh
including the thighbone or femur, the knee
another page. Abbr LRU including the kneecap or patella, and the
least significant bit noun COMPUT a lower leg including the tibia and fibula.
binary digit occupying the right hand posi- legacy adjective COMPUT referring to
tion of a word and carrying the least power older technology or a previous version of
of two in the word usually equal to two software or hardware that is still supported
raised to zero = 1. Abbr LSB in new developments to allow existing
least significant digit noun COMPUT a applications and hardware to still be used
digit which occupies the right hand posi- legal adjective COMPUT acceptable within
tion in a number and so carries the least language syntax rules
power, equal to the number radix raised to legend noun a list explaining the symbols
zero = 1. Abbr LSD on a chart, map or diagram
Le Chatelier’s principle noun CHEM legionnaires’ disease noun MED a
the principle that if a chemical system is in bacterial disease similar to pneumonia
equilibrium, any change to it is offset by (NOTE: The bacteria develop in warm,
compensatory changes that oppose the moist areas such as air-conditioning sys-
original change tems and are transmitted through droplets
of moisture in the air, often affecting many
lecithin noun BIOCHEM a constituent of
people at once.)
all animal and plant cells, involved in the
transport and absorption of fats legume noun PLANTS a member of the
plant family that produces seeds in pods,
Leclanché cell noun ELEC a primary e.g. peas and beans. Family: Leguminosae.
cell that has a carbon anode, a zinc cathode COMMENT: There are many species of
and sal ammoniac as the electrolyte legume, including trees, and some are
lectin noun BIOCHEM a protein found particularly valuable because they have
root nodules that contain nitrogen-fixing
widely in nature, especially in seeds, that bacteria. Such legumes have special value
belongs to a group that bind to specific car- in maintaining soil fertility and are used in
bohydrates and cause clumping of blood crop rotation. Peas, beans, clover and
cells (NOTE: Lectins might sometimes trig- vetch are all legumes.
ger immune reactions and dietary intoler- leguminous adjective BOT referring to a
ance. They are used in testing for blood legume
type.) leishmaniasis noun MED any of several
LED abbreviation ELEC light-emitting diseases caused by the parasite Leishma-
diode nia, one form giving disfiguring ulcers,
COMMENT: LED displays are used to another attacking the liver and bone mar-
display small amounts of information, e.g. in row
pocket calculators, watches and indicators. length noun 1. a measurement along
lee noun EARTH SCI the side of something something’s greatest dimension 2. a piece
which is protected from the wind 쑗 The that is normally measured along its great-
trees in the lee of the hill grow better than est dimension 쑗 a length of pipe 3. the
those on the windward side. 왍 on the lee extent from beginning to end 쑗 the length
side on the side away from the wind of a book 4. the amount of time between
lengthen 358
particular points in time 5. the distance leucine noun BIOL an essential amino
between two points 6. COMPUT the number acid
of data items in a variable or list leucocyte noun ANAT a white blood cell
lengthen verb to become long or longer leucoplast noun BIOL a tiny colourless
or to make something long or longer 쑗 The sac (plastid) in which food is stored inside
mercury column shortens when cooled plant cells
and, due to expansion, lengthens when LEV abbreviation low-emission vehicle
heated. Opposite shorten
levee noun EARTH SCI (in the USA) an
lengthways, lengthwise adjective,
embankment built up along the bank of a
adverb along the length 쑗 in a lengthwise
river to prevent flooding
lengthy adjective 1. long 쑗 He wrote a
level adjective 1. 왍 level with at the same
height or position as something else 쑗 In
lengthy report. 2. lasting for a long time
most light aircraft, the aeroplane will be in
lens noun 1. OPTICS a normally round a climb if the engine cowling is level with
piece of glass with curved surfaces found the horizon. 2. having a flat, smooth hori-
in microscopes, telescopes, cameras or zontal surface 3. on a horizontal plane 4.
spectacles 2. ANAT the part of the eye that referring to something with no sudden
causes light to bend and produce an image changes 왍 the level tone of an engine the
on the retina unchanging sound of an engine 쐽 noun 1. a
COMMENT: The lens in the eye is elastic and position along a vertical axis 쑗 ground
can change its shape under the influence of
the ciliary muscle, to allow the eye to focus level 쑗 reference level 쑗 The tropopause is
on objects at different distances. the level at which the lapse rate ceases to
lens-shaped cloud noun METEOROL a be so important. 왍 the fluid level in the
cloud with outwardly curved upper and reservoir the point up to which the surface
lower surfaces. Also called lenticular of the fluid reaches 2. a position on a scale
cloud 쑗 an advanced level of study 3. a relative

lentic adjective EARTH SCI referring to amount, intensity or concentration 쑗 an

stagnant water unsafe level of contamination 쑗 reduced
noise levels 쑗 A gas turbine engine has an
lenticular cloud noun METEOROL same extremely low vibration level. 4. COMPUT a
as lens-shaped cloud quantity of bits that make up a digital trans-
Lepidoptera noun ZOOL an order of mitted signal
insects that includes butterflies and moths lever noun MECH ENG 1. a device with a
leptin noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro- rigid bar balanced on a fixed point, used to
duced by fat cells that indicates the degree transmit force, as in raising a weight at one
of hunger to the hypothalamus of the brain end by pushing down on the other 쑗 Push
lesion noun an open wound on the sur- the lever fully up to activate the brake
face of a plant or on the skin of an animal, mechanism. 2. a handle used to adjust or
caused by disease or physical damage operate a mechanism 쑗 control lever 쐽 verb
-less suffix without to move something with a lever 쑗 The door
lessen verb to make something less or to was stuck and they had to lever it open.
become less 쑗 Clean filters lessen the pos- leverage noun the action of a lever pivot-
sibility of blockage. ing about a point
lesser circulation noun PHYSIOL same Lewis acid noun CHEM a substance that
as pulmonary circulation can form a covalent bond by accepting a
lethal adjective BIOL causing death 쑗 pair of electrons from a base
These fumes are lethal if inhaled. Lewis base noun CHEM a substance that
lethal concentration 50 noun ENVI- can form a covalent bond by donating a
RON the concentration of a pollutant or pair of electrons to an acid
effluent at which 50% of the test organisms lexical analysis noun COMPUT a stage
die. Abbr LC50 in program translation when the compiling
lethal dose 50% noun BIOL the dose of or translating software replaces program
a substance which will kill half the organ- keywords with machine code instructions
isms which absorb it. Abbr LD50 ley noun AGRIC a field in which crops are
lethal gene noun GENETICS a gene grown in rotation with periods when the
which can kill the organism that inherits it field is sown with grass for pasture (NOTE:
359 lifetime
Leys are an essential part of organic farm- many reference points over an area of land
ing.) and allow the mapping of large areas such
Leyden jar noun ELEC a historical form as marshes and river networks to which
of electrostatic capacitor comprising a access might be difficult. Full form Light
glass jar coated inside and outside with Detection and Ranging
metal foil with a conducting rod passing life noun 1. the time from birth to death 왍
through an insulated stopper adult life the time period during which a
Leydig cells noun ANAT same as inter- person or other organism is an adult 2. BIOL
stitial cells a state of active metabolism 3. the state or
LF abbreviation COMPUT line feed experience of being alive. 쑗 The medicine
saved his life. 쑗 Their lives were put at risk
LH2 abbreviation INDUST liquid hydrogen by the contamination. 3. BIOL living organ-
Li symbol CHEM ELEM lithium isms 쑗 bird life 쑗 plant life
liana noun BOT a climbing plant found in life cycle noun BIOL all the changes an
tropical rainforests organism goes through between a specific
lias noun EARTH SCI a type of rock forma- stage in its development and the same stage
tion consisting of shale and limestone in the next generation
liberation noun CHEM the process by life cycle analysis noun ENVIRON a
which something something such as a gas review of a product from manufacture to
ise freed from combination in a chemical final disposal in order to assess its full
compound during a chemical reaction impact on the environment
library noun COMPUT a collection of files, life expectancy noun BIOL the number
documents, books, records or other materi- of years a person, animal, or other organ-
als which can be consulted or borrowed by ism is likely to live
the public, usually kept in a public place life form noun BIOL a living thing, e.g. a
library function noun COMPUT a soft- plant, animal or microorganism
ware routine that a user can easily insert life history noun BIOL all the changes an
into a program organism goes through from fertilisation to
library routine noun COMPUT a routine death
that can be inserted into a main program life science noun BIOL a science such as
and called up when required biology or botany which studies living
libration noun ASTRON a real or apparent organisms
oscillation in the orbit of one astronomical life span noun the length of time that an
object, especially as observed in the orbit organism lives or a product is useful 쑗
of the Moon from Earth Some insects have a life span of only one
lice ZOOL plural of louse day.
licence noun the permission given by one lifestyle noun PSYCHIAT the way in which
manufacturer to another to make copies of a person or group of people live their daily
products against payment of a fee 쑗 The lives, including habits, behaviour and
software is manufactured in this country activities
under licence. life-support noun MED maintenance of
lichen noun BOT a complex of two organ- vital body functions by a life-support sys-
isms growing in symbiosis, a fungus pro- tem
viding the outer shell and an alga or a life system noun ECOL a part of an eco-
cyanobacterium giving the organism its system which is formed of a living organ-
colour. Lichens are often found on the sur- ism and the parts of the environment which
face of stones or trunks of trees. (NOTE: As support it
they are able to survive in cold or exposed life table noun BIOL a chart showing how
conditions, they provide food for many arc- long a person, animal or plant is likely to
tic animals. Many lichens are very sensi- live
tive to pollution, especially sulfur dioxide, life-threatening disease noun MED a
and act as indicators for atmospheric pollu- disease which may kill a person or animal
tion.) lifetime noun 1. BIOL the time during
lidar noun a device that uses pulses of which an organism is alive 쑗 Humans con-
laser light to measure the distance between sume tons of sugar in a lifetime. 2. ENVIRON
an aircraft and the ground, used to produce the approximate time it would take for the
life zone 360
part of an atmospheric pollutant concentra- quantity 쑗 light rain 쑗 light snow 5. of thin
tion created by humans to return to its nat- consistency 쑗 light oil
ural level assuming emissions cease 쑗 light adaptation noun PHYSIOL a series
Average lifetimes range from about a week of changes in the eye to adapt to an abnor-
for products such as sulfate aerosols to mally bright or dim light, or to adapt to
more than a century for CFCs and carbon normal light after being in darkness. Com-
dioxide. 3. a period of time during which a pare dark adaptation
device is useful or not outdated 쑗 This new light aircraft noun AVIAT a small, single
computer has a four-year lifetime. engine aircraft for private not commercial
life zone noun ECOL a place or area in use
which the type and number of organisms light amplification by stimulated
differ slightly from neighbouring areas emission of radiation noun full form
because of variations in environmental of laser
light-emitting diode noun ELEC a sem-
LIFO abbreviation COMPUT last in first out iconductor diode that emits light when a
쑗 This computer stack uses a LIFO data
current is applied, used in clock and calcu-
retrieval method. lator displays and as an indicator. Abbr
lift noun 1. AVIAT a component of the total LED
aerodynamic force acting on an aerofoil light industry noun INDUST an industry
which causes an aeroplane to fly 쑗 In level which makes small or lightweight products
flight, a lift force equal to the weight must lightning noun METEOROL a discharge of
be produced. 2. ENG an electrically oper- electricity between clouds and the Earth,
ated machine for moving people or goods seen as a bright flash and accompanied by
between the floors of a building (NOTE: the sound of thunder which is heard after a
The US term is elevator.) 쐽 verb to move
short delay
to a higher position
COMMENT: Bernoulli’s principle states that if
lightning arrester noun ELEC a device
the speed of a fluid speed increases, its that prevents surges of the electrical cur-
pressure decreases; if its speed decreases, rent which are caused when lightning
its pressure increases. Wings are shaped strikes a building and which can damage
so that the high-speed flow of air that equipment
passes over the curved upper surface
results in a decrease in pressure. Lift is lightning conductor, lightning rod
created because of the pressure differential noun ELEC a length of metal running down
between upper and lower surfaces of the the outside wall of a building to the ground,
wing. Lift is also created because the angle which acts as a channel for the electric cur-
of attack allows the airflow to strike the
underside of the wing. rent when lightning strikes the building
ligament noun ANAT a sheet or band of light pen noun COMPUT a computer
tough, fibrous connective tissue that con- accessory in the shape of a pen that con-
nects bones or cartilages at a joint or holds tains a light-sensitive device that can detect
organs in place pixels on a video screen (NOTE: It is often
used with suitable software to draw graph-
ligand noun CHEM a molecule, part of a ics on a screen or position a cursor.)
molecule or an ion that is bound to some-
thing such as a metal atom or ion, forming light pollution noun ENVIRON the effect
a complex of street or other artificial lighting which
makes the sky red or orange at night, and
light noun 1. brightness produced by the so reduces the visibility of stars
Sun, the Moon or a lamp 2. a source of
light such as a lamp 쑗 Switch off the navi- light reflex noun PHYSIOL a reaction of
gation lights. 3. PHYS electromagnetic the pupil of the eye which changes size
radiation which can be sensed by the eyes according to the amount of light going into
쐽 adjective 1. bright because the sun is
the eye
shining 쑗 a light room 쑗 At six o’clock in light water noun CHEM ordinary water
the morning it was just getting light. 2. used as a coolant in some types of power
without much weight 쑗 Aluminium is a station. Compare heavy water
light metal. 3. of little force or requiring lit- light water reactor noun INDUST a
tle force 쑗 a light touch 쑗 a light wind 쑗 nuclear reactor which uses ordinary water
The plane had light controls. 4. of little as a coolant. Abbr LWR
361 line
light wave noun PHYS 1. a visible wave limiter noun ELEC a device that removes
of electromagnetic radiation that travels the part of an input signal that is greater
from a source of light and is capable of than or less than a predefined limit (NOTE:
stimulating the retina 2. any wave of elec- Limiters are used with audio and video sig-
tromagnetic radiation, including ultravio- nals to prevent overloading of an amplifier.)
let and infrared limiting factor noun CHEM something
light year noun ASTRON an astronomical that is essential for a chemical reaction to
unit of distance equal to the space covered take place and which prevents the reaction
by light in a year in a vacuum, equal to 9.3 or limits its rate of occurrence if it is not
billion km or 0.3 parsec present 쑗 Oxygen is a limiting factor for
lignin noun BIOCHEM the material in plant combustion.
cell walls that makes plants woody and limiting factor principle noun BIOL a
gives them rigidity and strength general rule that too much or too little of
lignite noun INDUST a type of soft coal any abiotic factor can limit or prevent the
with a low carbon content growth of a population
limiting friction noun PHYS friction
limb noun 1. ANAT a leg or arm 왍 lower between two objects before they slip at the
limbs BIOL legs 왍 upper limbs BIOL arms 2. limiting point
BOT a main branch of a tree
limiting similarity noun ECOL the
limbic system noun ANAT a system of extent of niche differentiation required for
nerves in the brain, including the hippoc- species to coexist
ampus, the amygdala and the hypothala-
mus, which are associated with emotions
limits plural noun COMPUT a predefined
maximum range for numbers in a compu-
such as fear and anger
lime noun 1. INDUST calcium oxide made limn- prefix EARTH SCI fresh water
from burnt limestone, used to spread on
soil to reduce acidity and add calcium 2. limnetic adjective EARTH SCI referring to
TREES a hardwood tree. Genus: Tilia. 3.
deep fresh water
TREES a citrus fruit tree, with green fruit limnetic zone noun EARTH SCI an area
similar to, but smaller than, lemons. Latin of deep water away from the edge of a lake,
name: Citrus aurantifolia. 쐽 verb AGRIC to in which plants cannot live but where phy-
treat acid soil by spreading lime on it toplankton can exist
lime slurry noun INDUST a mixture of limnic adjective EARTH SCI referring to
lime and water added to hard water to deposits in fresh water
make it softer limnology noun EARTH SCI the study of
limestone noun EARTH SCI a common river systems and their ecology
sedimentary rock, formed of calcium min- limonite noun GEOL a brown or yellow
erals and often containing fossilised shells hydrated iron oxide ore
of sea animals. It is porous in its natural lindane noun AGRIC an organochlorine
state and may form large caves by being pesticide. It is a persistent organic pollut-
weathered by water. It is used in agricul- ant and has been banned for all agricultural
ture and building. 쑗 carboniferous lime- uses in the European Union. Formula:
stone C6H6Cl6.
lime treatment noun AGRIC same as line noun 1. a thin continuous mark as
liming made by a pencil, pen or printer 쑗 Draw a
line from point A to point B. 2. a real or
limewater noun CHEM a solution of cal-
imaginary mark placed in relation to points
cium hydroxide in water of reference 쑗 An isobar is a line joining
liming noun AGRIC the spreading of lime points of equal pressure. 3. a row of written
on soil to reduce acidity and add calcium or printed words 쑗 Look at line 4 on page
limit noun a furthest point or place beyond 26. 4. TELECOM a telephone connection to
which you cannot go 쑗 They have set a another telephone or system 쑗 Dial 9 to get
strict limit on the amount of fish which for- an outside line. 5. ENG a system of pipes 쑗
eign fishing boats are allowed to catch. 쐽 a fuel line 6. COMPUT a physical connection
verb to set a limit on something 쑗 The gov- for data transmission 7. COMPUT one trace
ernment has limited the number of barrels by the electron picture beam on a screen or
of oil to be extracted each day. monitor 8. COMPUT, PRINTING a row of
line adapter 362
characters printed on a page or displayed a problem so that it can be solved by com-
on a computer screen 쑗 Each page has 52 puter
lines of text. 쑗 Several lines of manuscript linear scale noun MEASURE a horizontal
seem to have been missed by the key- or vertical straight-line scale on an instru-
boarder. 쑗 Can we insert an extra line of ment
spacing between the paragraphs? 9. COM-
PUT one row of commands or arguments in
linear search noun a search method
a computer program 쐽 verb to cover the which compares each item in a list with the
inside of a container to prevent the contents search key until the correct entry is found
escaping 쑗 Landfill sites may be lined with by starting with the first item and working
nylon to prevent leaks of dangerous liq- sequentially towards the end
uids. line breeding noun GENETICS the delib-
line adapter noun ELECTRONICS an elec- erate crossing or mating of closely related
tronic circuit that matches the correct sig- individuals in order to retain characteris-
nal voltage and impedance for a particular tics of a common ancestor
line line busy tone noun TELECOM a signal
line analyser noun ELEC a piece of test generated to indicate that a connection or
equipment that displays the characteristics telephone line is already in use
of a line or the signals carried on the line line communication noun TELECOM a
linear adjective referring to a straight line signal transmission using a cable link or
telegraph wire
linear absorption coefficient noun
PHYS a measurement of the absorption of a line conditioning noun TELECOM the
beam of radiation passing through some- keeping of the quality of data transmis-
thing sions or signals on a line to a certain stand-
linear accelerator noun PHYS a ard
machine that makes charged particles line control noun TELECOM a special
travel very fast in straight paths by using code used to control a communications
alternating high-frequency voltages link
linear actuator noun ENG an actuator lined landfill noun ENVIRON a hole in the
which operates in a straight back and forth ground covered on the inside with nylon
manner e.g. to open undercarriage doors sheets to prevent leaks of dangerous liq-
linear equation noun MATHS an equa- uids from waste deposited there
tion in which none of the variables is raised line driver noun ELEC a high power cir-
to a power cuit and amplifier used to send signals over
linearity noun COMPUT the shape of the a long distance line without too much loss
frequency response curve of a device such of signal
as a microphone or A/D converter (NOTE: If line editor noun COMPUT a piece of soft-
the curve is straight, the device is very ware that allows the operator to modify one
accurate, but if it is not, the device is intro- line of text from a file at a time
ducing frequency distortion.) line ending noun COMPUT a character
linear list noun a list that has no free which shows that a line has ended,
space for new records within its structure instructed by pressing the return key
linear molecule noun PHYS a molecule line feed noun COMPUT a control on a
in which the atoms are arranged in a line printer or computer terminal that moves
linear momentum noun PHYS same as the cursor down by one line. Abbr LF
momentum line flyback noun an electron beam
linear motor noun ENG an electric motor returning from the end of one line to the
in which there is linear motion between the beginning of the next
rotor and stator, producing thrust along a line frequency noun COMPUT the
straight line number of times that the picture beam
linear program noun COMPUT a compu- scans a horizontal row of pixels in a moni-
ter program that contains no loops or tor
branches line graph noun MATHS a graph in which
linear programming noun COMPUT a the variable quantities are connected by
method of mathematically breaking down straight lines
363 Linux
line in noun ELEC an input connection to together on a chromosome being inherited
audio equipment, e.g. an amplifier, that together
accepts a low voltage audio signal linkage group noun GENETICS a set of
line length noun a number of characters two or more genes on a chromosome that
contained in a displayed line (NOTE: On a are usually inherited together
computer screen this is normally 80 char- link control procedure noun COMPUT
acters. On a printer it is often 132 charac- a set of rules defining the transmission of
ters.) data over a channel. Abbr LCP
line level noun TELECOM an amplitude of linked list noun COMPUT a list of data
a signal transmitted over a cable where each entry carries the address of the
line noise noun TELECOM unwanted next consecutive entry
interference on a telephone or communica- linked object noun COMPUT one piece
tions line that causes errors in a data trans- of data that is referred to in another file or
mission application
line number noun COMPUT a number linked subroutine noun COMPUT a
that refers to a line of program code in a number of computer instructions in a pro-
computer program gram that can be called at any time, with
COMMENT: The programming language will control being returned on completion to
sort out the program into order according to the next instruction in the main program
line number.
line of latitude noun EARTH SCI an link-layer protocol noun COMPUT
imaginary line running round the Earth, within the standard OSI network model
linking points at an equal distance from the defined by the ISO, a layer that sends data
equator packets to a connected device and manages
error detection
line of longitude noun EARTH SCI an
imaginary line on the surface of the Earth link trial noun COMPUT a test of computer
running from the North Pole to the South programs so as to see if each module works
Pole, at right angles to the equator in conjunction with the others
line of sight noun a clear path between Linnaean system noun BIOL the scien-
sending and receiving antennas. Abbr LOS tific system of naming organisms devised
by the Swedish scientist Carolus Linnaeus
liner noun INDUST material used to line (1707–78). See Comment at binomial
something, e.g. a sheet or bag of nylon or classification (NOTE: Carl von Linné is
plastic another form of his name.)
line spacing noun PRINTING the distance linoleic acid noun BIOCHEM one of the
between two rows of characters two essential fatty acids which cannot be
line spectrum noun PHYS a spectrum produced in the body by humans and has to
that appears as a series of distinct parallel be taken in from food such as vegetable oil.
lines, produced by a gas emitting light or a Formula: C18H32O2.
gas selectively absorbing light from linolenic acid noun CHEM one of the two
another source essential fatty acids which cannot be pro-
lingual artery noun ANAT an artery duced in the body by humans and has to be
which supplies blood to the tongue taken in from food such as vegetable oil.
lingual vein noun ANAT a vein which Formula: C25H30O2. (NOTE: Linolenic acid
takes blood away from the tongue is also used in paints and in synthetic resin
link noun COMPUT a connection between manufacture.)
two things 쑗 To transmit faster, you can use linseed oil noun INDUST an oil that is
the direct link with the mainframe. 쐽 verb obtained from the seeds of flax plants, used
1. to connect two things to each other 쑗 The in paints and inks to help them dry more
two computers are linked. 2. to be related quickly
to or associated with something 쑗 Health is Linux trademark COMPUT a popular ver-
linked to diet or Health and diet are linked. sion of the UNIX operating system origi-
linkage noun 1. MECH ENG a system or nally developed by Linus Torvalds, who
series of mechanical connections such as then distributed it free of charge over the
rods, levers and springs 2. GENETICS the Internet (NOTE: normally pronounced
process of two or more genes situated close ‘lee-nucks’)
lipase 364
lipase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme that liquid hydrogen noun INDUST an alter-
breaks down fats native fuel proposed for use in cars and air-
lipid noun BIOCHEM an organic compound craft. Abbr LH2
belonging to a group of compounds that liquid manure noun AGRIC a manure
are not water-soluble and include animal consisting of dung and urine in a liquid
fat, plant oils and waxes form (NOTE: Manure in semi-liquid form is
lipid metabolism noun CHEM the set of slurry.)
chemical changes by which lipids are bro- liquid paraffin noun INDUST an oil dis-
ken down into fatty acids tilled from petroleum and used as a fuel,
lipoprotein noun BIOCHEM a complex of lubricant or as a laxative (NOTE: The US
term is mineral oil.)
lipids and proteins involved in transporta-
tion of lipids around the body LISP noun COMPUT a high-level language
used mainly in processing lists of instruc-
liposoluble adjective BIOCHEM referring tions or data and in artificial intelligence
to a substance that can be dissolved in fat work. Full form list processing
liposome noun BIOCHEM a microscopic Lissajous figure noun PHYS the course
spherical sac bounded by a double layer of of displacement of a point when two or
lipids, sometimes used to carry a drug to more periodic wave motions are superim-
targeted body tissues posed, commonly used to describe two
LIPS abbreviation COMPUT logical infer- sinusoidal waves at right angles
ences per second list noun 1. a set of short pieces of infor-
liquefaction noun PHYS the process of mation, each one given on a separate line 쑗
making a solid or gas into liquid a list of endangered species 2. COMPUT a
liquefaction of gases noun PHYS a series of ordered items of data 쐽 verb COM-
change of state from gas to a liquid PUT to record, display or print a set of items
liquefied natural gas noun INDUST a one above the other 왍 to list a program to
natural gas, extracted from under ground, display a program line by line in correct
that is cooled and transported in contain- order
ers. Abbr LNG list box noun COMPUT a number of items
or options displayed in a list
liquefied petroleum gas noun INDUST
propane or butane or a combination of both listeria noun MICROBIOL a bacterium
produced by refining crude petroleum oil. found in human and animal faeces, one
Abbr LPG (NOTE: Liquefied petroleum gas species of which can cause meningitis if
is used for domestic heating and cooking ingested in contaminated food. Genus: Lis-
and for powering vehicles.) teria.
liquefy verb PHYS to make a gas into liq- listing noun COMPUT an ordered presen-
uid or to become liquid tation of program lines
liquid adjective PHYS having a consist-
List of Chemicals of Concern noun
a list of chemicals believed to be produced
ency like that of water 쑗 Liquid oxygen is
or used in the UK in substantial amounts
stored in cylinders. 쐽 noun a substance
and which meet specific criteria for con-
with a consistency like water 쑗 Water is a
cern relating to risks to the environment
liquid, ice is a solid.
and human health. The list is drawn up by
liquid crystal noun CHEM a liquid that the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum and
varies being cloudy or clear according to is intended for discussion and input.
temperature or applied voltage, used in vis- list processing noun COMPUT 1. the
ual display units computation of a series of items of data
liquid crystal display noun COMPUT a such as adding, deleting, sorting or updat-
screen that uses a liquid crystal material to ing entries 2. full form of LISP
display information when a voltage is liter noun MEASURE US spelling of litre
applied. Abbr LCD
literal noun 1. COMPUT a computer
liquid fertiliser noun a solution of a instruction that contains the actual number
solid fertiliser or address to be used, rather than a label or
liquid hydrocarbon noun CHEM an its location 2. PRINTING a printing error
organic compound in liquid form, e.g. ker- when one character is replaced by another
osene or when two characters are transposed
365 LLC
literal operand noun COMPUT an actual littoral adjective 1. EARTH SCI referring to
number or address to be used rather than a a coast 2. same as intertidal 쐽 noun EARTH
label or its location SCI a coast
lith- prefix EARTH SCI stone littoral current noun EARTH SCI a cur-
litharge noun CHEM same as lead mon- rent which moves along the shore
oxide littoral drift noun EARTH SCI a movement
lithium noun CHEM ELEM a soft silvery of sand as it is carried by the sea along the
metallic element, the lightest known metal, coastline
used in batteries (NOTE: The chemical sym- littoral zone noun EARTH SCI 1. an area
bol is Li; the atomic number is 3 and the of water at the edge of a lake where plants
atomic weight is 6.94.) grow 2. an area of the sea and shore
lithium-ion battery, lithium battery between the high and low water marks
noun ELEC a type of rechargeable battery live adjective 1. BIOL (of an organism) car-
that provides high output power in a com- rying out metabolism 2. ELEC (of cables)
pact and lightweight unit (NOTE: This type carrying electricity 3. EARTH SCI (of a vol-
of battery is often used in mobile tele- cano) erupting from time to time 4. in
phones, PDAs and laptop computers. The active use 쐽 verb 1. BIOL to be or remain
main advantages of Lithium-Ion batteries alive 2. to exist or make a home 쑗 Animals
are that they are light, powerful, and do not which live partly in water and partly on
suffer from memory effects.) land are amphibians.
lithosere noun ECOL a succession of live off verb BIOL to exist by eating some-
communities growing on rock thing 쑗 These fish live off the debris which
lithosol noun EARTH SCI soil which forms sinks to the bottom of the lake.
on the surface of rock, with no clearly dif- live on verb BIOL 1. to exist by eating
ferent layers something 쑗 Most apes live on berries and
lithosphere noun EARTH SCI the Earth’s roots. 2. to exist on the surface of some-
solid surface, together with the molten thing 쑗 Lice live on the skin of their host.
interior above the core liver noun ANAT a large gland in the upper
lithospheric plates plural noun EARTH part of the abdomen, the main organ for
SCI the solid masses of Earth’s surface, of removing harmful substances from the
the size of continents, which move slowly blood (NOTE: For other terms referring to
litmus noun CHEM a dye obtained from the liver, see words beginning with hepat-)
COMMENT: The liver is situated in the top
lichens which is used to make litmus paper part of the abdomen on the right side of the
litmus paper noun CHEM paper treated body next to the stomach. It is the largest
with litmus, used in tests for acidity (NOTE: gland in the body, weighing almost 2 kg.
The paper becomes red when the pH falls Blood carrying nutrients from the intestines
below 7, indicating acid, and becomes blue enters the liver by the hepatic portal vein;
the nutrients are removed and the blood
when the pH is above 7, indicating alka- returned to the heart through the hepatic
line.) vein. The liver is the major detoxicating
litmus test noun CHEM a test in which lit- organ in the body. It destroys harmful
mus is used to find out if something is an organisms in the blood, produces clotting
agents, secretes bile, stores glycogen and
acid or a base metabolises proteins, carbohydrates and
litre noun MEASURE a measure of capacity fats. Diseases affecting the liver include
equal to 1000cc or 1.76 pints. Symbol l, L hepatitis and cirrhosis. The symptom of
(NOTE: It is the volume of one kilogram of liver disease is often jaundice.
water at 4°C.) livestock noun AGRIC cattle and other
litter noun 1. ENVIRON rubbish left by peo- farm animals which are reared to produce
ple 2. ZOOL a group of young mammals meat, milk or other products 쑗 Livestock
born to one mother at the same time 쑗 The production has increased by 5%.
sow had a litter of ten piglets. 3. AGRIC live well noun a well from which water or
bedding for livestock 쑗 Straw is the best oil is being extracted
type of litter. 4. BIOL same as leaf litter 쐽 living environment noun BIOL the part
verb 1. to lie all over the place 쑗 The valley of the environment made up of living
is littered with huge boulders. 2. to leave organisms
rubbish in a place 3. ZOOL to give birth 쑗 LLC abbreviation COMPUT logical link
Bears litter in early spring. control
LLL 366
LLL abbreviation COMPUT low-level lan- loam noun EARTH SCI dark soil, with
guage medium-sized grains of sand, which crum-
Lloyd’s mirror noun OPTICS a mirror bles easily and is very fertile
used to reflect part of a direct light source loamy adjective EARTH SCI referring to
so that the reflection interferes with the soil that is dark, crumbly and fertile
direct source, producing fringes lobby ENVIRON noun a group of people
lm symbol PHYS, MEASURE lumen trying to influence the opinions of politi-
LNG abbreviation INDUST liquefied natu- cians, local officials and businessmen on a
ral gas particular issue 쑗 the road lobby 쑗 a green
load noun 1. a weight or mass which is lobby group 쐽 verb to ask someone such as
supported 쑗 The load on the undercarriage a politician or local official to do some-
decreases as lift increases and, when the thing on somebody’s behalf 쑗 They went to
aircraft rises into the air, the aircraft is lobby their MP about the plan to build
supported by the wings. 2. PHYS the force houses on the Green Belt.
which a structure is subjected to when lobby group noun same as lobby
resisting externally applied forces 쑗 The lobe noun 1. PHYS one of two, four or
load on the control column is increased more sub-beams that form a directional
when the aircraft is flown out of trim. 3. radar beam 쑗 Any system employing beam
COMPUT a job or piece of work to be done sharpening is vulnerable to side lobe gen-
4. something that is loaded or transported eration at the transmitter. 2. BOT a rounded
5. ELEC the power output of an electrical part of a divided leaf
generator or power plant 6. the amount of local adjective 1. COMPUT referring to a
something that a vehicle can carry or a device that is physically attached and close
machine can deal with at one time 쐽 verb 1. to the controlling computer 2. COMPUT
to put something into a vehicle or into a referring to a variable argument that is only
piece of equipment 2. COMPUT to transfer a used in a certain section of a computer pro-
file or program from disk or tape to main gram or structure 3. COMPUT referring to a
memory 3. COMPUT to put a disk or tape system with limited access 4. ENVIRON
into a computer, so that it can be run referring to a particular area
load and run noun COMPUT a computer local anaesthesia noun PHYSIOL, MED
program that is loaded into main memory loss of feeling in a specific part of the body
and then starts to execute itself automati- local anaesthetic noun PHARM a sub-
cally stance which removes the feeling in a spe-
load bearing adjective ENG which sup- cific part of the body only
ports some weight local area network noun COMPUT a
load-bearing structure noun a struc- network where the various terminals and
ture which supports the weight of some- equipment are all within about 500m of
thing one another and can be interconnected by
load controller noun a device which cables. Abbr LAN. Opposite wide area
monitors the output of a generator network
loader noun COMPUT a program which local declaration noun COMPUT an
loads another file or program into compu- assignment of a variable that is only valid
ter memory in a section of a computer program or
load factor noun stress applied to a structure
structure as a multiple of stress applied in localised adjective restricted in area or
flight under 1g of acceleration due to influence
Earth’s gravity 쑗 If a structure fails at localised fire noun a fire which has not
10000 pounds load, an aircraft weighing spread
4000 pounds will reach this load at a load localiser noun AEROSP a component of
factor of 2.5. an aircraft’s instrument landing system that
loading noun COMPUT the action of trans- provides horizontal guidance to the run-
ferring a file or program from disk to mem- way
ory 쑗 Loading can be a long process. local printer noun COMPUT a printer
load sharing noun COMPUT the use of physically attached to a computer rather
more than one computer in a network to than a shared resource available on a net-
even out the work load on each processor work
367 logical high
local variable noun COMPUT a variable log noun 1. a full record of a set of actions
which can only be accessed by specific or events 2. COMPUT a record of computer
routines in a one section of a computer pro- processing operations 3. FORESTRY a large
gram piece of wood cut from the trunk or from a
locate verb 1. to find the position of main branch of a tree 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to
something 2. to position something record a series of actions or events 왍 to log
calls COMPUT to keep a record of telephone
location noun 1. a place where some- calls 2. COMPUT to make a connection and
thing can be found 2. the process of finding
start using a remote device such as a net-
where something is 3. COMPUT a number or
work server 3. to keep a full record of a set
absolute address which specifies the point
of actions or events 4. to cut down trees for
in memory where a data word can be found
their wood as a commercial activity
and accessed
logarithm noun MATHS the power to
loch noun EARTH SCI (in Scotland) a lake which a base must be raised to equal a
loci noun GENETICS plural of locus given number
lock noun a device operated by a key for logarithmic noun MATHS referring to
securing a door, window or lid 쐽 verb 1. to logarithms
secure a door by turning a key in the lock 쑗 logarithmic scale noun MEASURE a
Lock the door before leaving the building. method of measuring using a logarithmic
2. to be in or to move into a secure position
series of numbers (NOTE: It is often used as
3. to block or stop the movement of some-
a scale on the axis of a graph.)
thing 쑗 Anti-skid braking systems units are
designed to prevent the brakes locking the logger noun 1. COMPUT a device which
wheels during landing. 4. COMPUT to pre- keeps a record of a series of actions 2. FOR-
vent access to a system or file ESTRY a person whose job is to cut down
locking pin noun ENG a short metal
device to prevent a nut from turning logging noun FORESTRY the commercial
activity of cutting down trees
lockjaw noun MED same as tetanus
logging residues plural noun FOR-
lock on verb 1. to search for, find and fol- ESTRY material left on the ground after cut
low a target with a thin radar beam 2. COM- logs have been removed
PUT to synchronise an internal clock with a
received signal logic noun 1. a science which deals with
thought and reasoning 2. MATHS a mathe-
lock up noun COMPUT a faulty operating matical treatment of formal logic opera-
state of a computer that cannot be recov- tions such as AND and OR and their
ered from without switching off the power transformation into various circuits 3.
(NOTE: It can be caused by an infinite pro- COMPUT a system for deducing results from
gram loop or a deadlock.) binary data 4. COMPUT the components of a
locomotion noun movement or travel computer or digital system
from one place to another logical adjective 1. referring or according
locomotive adjective SCI able to move to logic 2. COMPUT using logic 쑗 Logical
about freely reasoning can be simulated by an artificial
locus noun GENETICS the position of a intelligence machine.
gene on a chromosome (NOTE: The plural is logical channel noun COMPUT an elec-
loci.) tronic circuit between a terminal and a net-
locust noun ZOOL a flying insect which work node in a packet switching system
occurs in subtropical areas, flies in large logical error noun COMPUT a fault in a
groups and eats large amounts of vegeta- program design causing incorrect branch-
tion ing or operations
lode noun EARTH SCI a deposit of metallic logical expression noun COMPUT a
ore function made up from a series of logical
lodestone noun GEOL magnetite or mag- operators such as AND and OR
netic natural iron oxide, or a piece of this logical high noun LOGIC a state equal to
loess noun EARTH SCI a fine fertile soil logic TRUE or 1
formed of tiny clay and silt particles depos- logical inferences per second noun
ited by the wind COMPUT a standard for the measurement of
logical link control 368
processing power of an inference engine. cational purposes, with graphical
Abbr LIPS commands that are easy to use
logical link control noun COMPUT an log off verb COMPUT to enter a symbol or
IEEE 802.2 standard defining the protocol instruction at the end of a computing ses-
for data-link-level transmissions. Abbr sion to close all files and break the channel
LLC between the user’s terminal and the main
logical low noun COMPUT a state equal to computer
logic false or 0 lone pair noun CHEM a pair of unshared
logical operator noun COMPUT a char- electrons on an atom in a molecule that are
acter or word that describes the logical not involved in bonding within that mole-
action it will perform (NOTE: The most cule
common logical operators are AND, NOT, long-day plant noun BOT a plant that
and OR.) flowers as the days get longer in the spring.
logical unit noun COMPUT a set of proto- Compare short-day plant
cols developed by IBM to allow communi- long division noun MATHS a method or
cation over an SNA network. Abbr LU instance of dividing one number by
(NOTE: LU1, LU2 and LU3 provide control another in which each step is written out in
of the session, LU4 supports communica- full
tion between the devices and LU6.2 is a long-grass prairie noun EARTH SCI an
peer-to-peer protocol.) area in the east of the North American prai-
logic circuit noun ELECTRONICS an elec- ries where mainly varieties of tall grasses
tronic circuit made up of various logical grow
gates, e.g. AND, OR and EXOR long integer noun COMPUT an integer
logic gate noun ELECTRONICS an elec- represented by several bytes of data
tronic circuit that applies a logical operator longitude noun EARTH SCI, NAVIG an
to an input signal and produces an output angular distance on the Earth’s surface,
logic level noun ELECTRONICS the volt- measured east or west from the prime
age used to represent a particular logic meridian to the meridian passing through a
state position, expressed in degrees, minutes
logic map noun ELECTRONICS a graphi- and seconds
cal representation of states and conditions COMMENT: Longitude is measured from
in a logic circuit Greenwich, just east of London, and,
together with latitude, is used to indicate an
logic operation noun COMPUT a com- exact position on the Earth’s surface. Longi-
puter operation or procedure in which a tude is measured in degrees, minutes and
decision is made seconds. The centre of London is latitude
logic state noun ELECTRONICS one out 51°30’N, longitude 0°5’W.
of two possible levels in a digital circuit, longitudinal adjective in a lengthwise
the levels being 1 and 0 or TRUE and direction
FALSE longitudinal axis noun AEROSP the
logic state analyser noun ELECTRON- axis of the aircraft which extends from the
ICS a piece of test equipment that displays nose to the tail
the logic states of a number of components longitudinal redundancy check
or circuits noun COMPUT a check on received blocks
logic symbol noun COMPUT a graphical of data to detect any errors
symbol used to represent a type of logic longitudinal time code noun COMPUT
function in a diagram a method of recording a time code signal
log in verb COMPUT to enter various iden- on a linear audio track along a video tape.
tification data, e.g. a password, usually by Abbr LTC (NOTE: The disadvantage of this
means of a terminal, to the central compu- method is that the code is not readable at
ter before accessing a program or data slow speeds or when the tape has
(NOTE: This is used as a means of making stopped.)
sure that only authorised users can access longitudinal wave noun PHYS a wave
the computer system.) that is propagated in the same direction as
LOGO noun COMPUT a high-level pro- that in which the particles of the medium
gramming language used mainly for edu- vibrate
369 low
long-lived adjective BIOL referring to an thing 쑗 loss of control 쑗 the loss of natural
animal or plant that lives for a long time habitats 쑗 loss of amenity value 쑗 hearing
long-range weather forecast noun loss from noisy working conditions 왍 loss
METEOROL a forecast covering a period of a signal disappearance of a signal 쑗 The
more than five days ahead term attenuation means the loss of strength
longshore bar noun OCEANOG a bank of a radio signal.
of sand submerged at high tide and running lossless compression noun COMPUT
parallel with the coast image compression techniques that can
longshore drift noun OCEANOG a move- reduce the number of bits used for each
ment of sand particles along the shore, pixel in an image, without losing any infor-
caused by currents flowing along the shore mation or quality
long-sightedness noun MED same as lossy compression noun COMPUT
hyperopia image compression techniques that can
reduce the number of bits used for each
long-term adjective lasting for a long pixel in an image, but in doing so lose
time 쑗 the long-term effects of grazing on information
an area of vegetation 쑗 The long-term
effects of exposure to radiation from power lost cluster noun COMPUT a number of
lines are not yet known. sectors on a disk whose identification bits
have been corrupted (NOTE: The operating
long ton noun MEASURE same as ton 1 system has marked this area of disk as
long wave noun PHYS a radio wave with being used by a file, but the data they con-
a wavelength of 1,000 m or more tain can no longer be identified with a par-
look ahead noun COMPUT the action by ticular file.)
some central processing units of fetching Lotka-Volterra predator-prey
instructions and examining them before model noun ECOL a simple mathematical
they are executed in order to speed up oper- model representing the interaction
ations between predators and their prey
lookup table noun COMPUT a collection loudness noun PHYS the magnitude of
of stored results which can be accessed the physiological stimulation due to a
very rapidly 쑗 This is the value of the key sound
pressed, use a lookup table to find its loudspeaker noun ACOUSTICS an elec-
ASCII value. tromagnetic device that converts electrical
loop COMPUT noun a procedure or series signals into audible noise. Also called
of instructions in a computer program that speaker
are performed again and again until a test
shows that a specific condition has been
lough noun EARTH SCI (in Ireland) a lake
met or until the program is completed 쐽 louse noun ZOOL a small wingless insect
verb to make a piece of wire or tape into a that sucks blood and lives on the skin as a
circle parasite on animals and humans. There are
loopback noun COMPUT a diagnostic test several types, the commonest being body
that returns the transmitted signal to the louse, crab louse and head louse. Some dis-
sending device after it has passed through eases can be transmitted by lice. Genus:
a device or across a link Pediculus. (NOTE: The plural is lice.)
looping noun METEOROL a situation in louvre noun a thin, horizontal opening
which a column of smoke from a tall chim- for air cooling
ney is brought down to ground level by air low adjective 1. not high or tall 쑗 a low
currents and then rises again building 2. below a usual or expected value
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction or amount 쑗 The temperature is too low
noun PHYS the consequence of relativity
here for oranges to grow. 3. not loud 4.
that causes an object to become shorter as near the bottom or towards the bottom 왍 an
its speed approaches that of light area of low pressure an area in which the
atmospheric pressure is low and around
lo-res adjective COMPUT same as which the air turns in the same direction as
low-resolution (informal) Earth. Also called cyclone 쐽 noun METE-
LOS abbreviation line of sight OROL same as depression 1 쑗 A series of
loss noun the state of not having some- lows are crossing the North Atlantic
thing any more, or of having less of some- towards Ireland.
low blood pressure 370
low blood pressure noun MED a condi- and therefore produces less pollution. Also
tion where the pressure of the blood is unu- called low-octane petrol
sually low. Also called hypotension low-input farming, lower input farm-
low-calorie diet noun MED a diet with ing noun a system of farming based on
few calories which can help a person to restricted use of chemical fertilisers, pesti-
lose weight cides and herbicides
low-emission vehicle noun a vehicle low-intensity land noun AGRIC land on
which does not emit much pollution when which crops are not intensively cultivated
compared to vehicles with conventional lowland noun EARTH SCI an area of
internal combustion engines. Abbr LEV low-lying land as opposed to hills and
low end noun COMPUT hardware or soft- mountains or highlands
ware that is not very powerful or sophisti- low latitudes plural noun GEOG areas
cated and is designed for beginners near the equator
lower adjective 1. referring to something low-level format noun COMPUT a proc-
that is at a low level or towards the bottom ess that defines the physical pattern and
쑗 the lower layers of the atmosphere 2. arrangement of tracks and sectors on a disk
referring to something which is below low-level language noun COMPUT a
something 쑗 Air is cooler high up than at programming language similar to an
lower levels. 왘 opposite upper 쐽 verb 1. to assembler, in which each instruction has a
put something in a lower position 쑗 lower single equivalent machine code instruc-
the barrier 2. to reduce something in tion. Abbr LLL (NOTE: The language is
amount or intensity 쑗 lowered the temper- specific to one system or computer.)
ature 쑗 lower the pressure 쑗 lowering the
statutory limit 왍 to lower the volume to low-level radiation noun PHYS radia-

make a sound less loud tion from a substance which is slightly

lower atmosphere noun METEOROL a
layer of the atmosphere in which changes low-level radioactive waste,
low-level waste noun waste which is only
in the weather take place. Also called trop-
slightly radioactive and does not cause
problems for disposal
lower case noun PRINTING small charac-
ters such as a, b, c, as opposed to upper low-octane petrol noun INDUST same
case A, B, C as low-grade petrol
lower limb noun ANAT a leg low-order digit noun MATHS a digit in
the position within a number that repre-
lower motor neuron noun ANAT a neu- sents the lowest weighting of the number
ron which carries motor impulses from the base 쑗 The number 234156 has a
spinal cord to the muscles low-order digit of 6.
lower plants plural noun BOT organisms low production volume chemical
traditionally classed as plants but which do noun a chemical of which 10–1000 tonnes
not have a vascular system, e.g. mosses is sold per year per manufacturer or
lowest common denominator noun importer
MATHS the lowest multiple shared by all the low-res adjective COMPUT same as
denominators in a set of fractions low-resolution (informal)
lowest common multiple MATHS the low-resolution adjective COMPUT not
lowest whole number that is divisible with- having a high number of pixels per unit
out a remainder by all of the members of a area and so not sharply defined. Also
set of numbers called lo-res, low-res
low-fat diet noun HEALTH a diet with lit- Lowry-Bronsted theory noun CHEM a
tle animal fat e.g. to help skin conditions theory that defines an acid as a substance
low frequency noun PHYS a radio fre- with a tendency to lose a proton
quency of 30 to 300 kilohertz low-sulfur coal, low-sulphur coal
low-grade adjective not of high quality noun INDUST coal with little sulfur in it,
low-grade ore noun EARTH SCI ore therefore producing less sulfur dioxide
which contains a small percentage of metal when it is burnt
low-grade petrol noun INDUST petrol low tide noun OCEANOG the point when
which does not contain very much octane the sea level at the coast is lowest
371 lunar phase
low-velocity zone noun an area below protein. It is mainly used for cutting, either
the crust of the Earth where earthquake for green feed or for hay or silage. It can
also be grazed if carefully managed;
shock waves travel slowly lucerne is also dried artificially and made
low-waste technology noun ENVIRON into pellets of feed.
efficient technology which produces little luma noun COMPUT the black and white
waste parts of an image or video signal, repre-
low water noun EARTH SCI the point sented by the symbol Y
when the level of the sea, a river or other lumbar artery noun ANAT one of four
body of water is at its lowest arteries which supply blood to the back
LPG abbreviation CHEM liquefied petro- muscles and skin
leum gas lumber noun FORESTRY (in the USA and
LPV chemical abbreviation low produc- Canada) trees which have been cut down
tion volume chemical lumberjack noun FORESTRY (in the USA
Lr symbol CHEM ELEM lawrencium and Canada) a person whose job is to cut
LRU abbreviation COMPUT least recently down trees
used algorithm lumen noun 1. MED an inside width of a
LSB abbreviation COMPUT least signifi- passage in the body or of an instrument
cant bit such as an endoscope 2. MED a hole at the
LSD abbreviation COMPUT least signifi- end of an instrument such as an endoscope
cant digit 3. PHYS, MEASURE an SI unit of light emit-
LSI abbreviation ELECTRONICS large-scale ted per second. Symbol lm
integration luminance noun COMPUT a part of a
LTC abbreviation COMPUT longitudinal video signal or image that defines the
time code brightness at each point
LU abbreviation COMPUT logical unit luminescence noun PHYS light pro-
lubricant noun MECH ENG an oily or duced by means other than heat, by proc-
greasy substance applied to moving parts, esses such as phosphorescence,
e.g. in an engine, to make them run fluorescence or bioluminescence
smoothly luminosity noun ASTRON the light output
lubricate verb MECH ENG to oil or to of an astronomical object corrected to
grease moving parts in order to reduce fric- allow for its distance from Earth, and
tion 쑗 Oil passes through the hollow crank- measured by means of absolute magnitude
shaft to lubricate the big-end bearings. 쑗 luminous adjective PHYS giving the vis-
Turbo chargers are lubricated by the ual sensation of light
engine oil system. luminous flux noun PHYS a measure of
lubricating oil noun MECH ENG an oil the rate of flow of light from a standard
applied to moving parts as in an engine to source
make them run smoothly luminous intensity noun PHYS the
lubrication noun MECH ENG the act or amount of light emitted by a source in a
process of covering moving surfaces with particular direction (NOTE: It is measured
oil or grease to reduce friction in candelas.)
lubrication system noun MECH ENG a lunar adjective ASTRON referring to the
set of tanks, pipes, pumps and filters which moon
together supply oil to moving parts of the lunar eclipse noun ASTRON a situation
engine when the Earth passes between the Sun and
lucerne noun PLANTS a perennial, the Moon causing the shadow of the Earth
drought-resistant, leguminous plant that is to fall across the Moon, so cutting off its
rich in protein. It is mainly used either for light. Compare solar eclipse
green feed for animals or for hay or silage. lunar month noun ASTRON the time
Latin name: Medicago sativa. (NOTE: The between one new moon and the next, a
US name is alfalfa.) period of about 29.5 days. It is the time the
COMMENT: Lucerne is the most important Moon takes to make one complete orbit of
forage legume; it is called lucerne in Earth.
Europe, Oceania and South Africa, and
elsewhere it is called alfalfa. Lucerne is lunar phase noun ASTRON a change in
perennial, drought-resistant and rich in the appearance of the Moon as it moves
lung 372
from new to full and back again every 29 culates removing microorganisms and
days (NOTE: The phases are: new moon, other debris from tissues
first quarter, full moon and last quarter.) lymph node, lymph gland noun ANAT a
lung noun ANAT 1. the organ of respiration mass of tissue which produces white blood
of vertebrates that breathe air 2. an organ cells and filters waste matter from the
for breathing air in invertebrate animals, lymph as it passes through
positioned in the highly vascular region of
the mantle cavity in some terrestrial snails lymphocyte noun ANAT a white blood
cell that forms part of the immune system
lush adjective BOT referring to vegetation (NOTE: Lymphocytes produce antibodies to
which is thick and green 쑗 The cattle were destroy infected and cancerous cells and
put to graze on the lush grass by the river. cause the rejection of foreign tissue.)
쑗 Lush tropical vegetation rapidly covered
the clearing. lymphotropic adjective PHYSIOL stimu-
luteinising hormone noun BIOCHEM a lating or acting on the lymphatic system
hormone produced by the pituitary gland. lyophilic adjective CHEM referring to a
Also called interstitial-cell-stimulating solid that will disperse finely in a colloid
hormone (NOTE: In females it stimulates forming a stable dispersion and will redis-
ovaries to release one or more eggs and perse following separation from the sol-
causes the secretion of progesterone and vent
the formation of the corpus luteum. In lyophilise, lyophilize verb FOOD INDUST
males it causes testes to secrete male sex to preserve food by freezing it rapidly and
hormones.) drying in a vacuum
lutetium noun CHEM ELEM a sil-
very-white metallic element in the lantha- lyophobic adjective CHEM referring to a
nide group of the periodic table, used as a solid distributed in a colloid that forms an
catalyst in the nuclear industries (NOTE: unstable dispersion and that will not redis-
The chemical symbol is Lu; the atomic perse following separation
number is 71 and the atomic weight is Lysenkoism noun GENETICS a biologi-
174.97.) cal doctrine maintaining that characteris-
lux noun MEASURE, PHYS an SI unit of tics acquired by an organism during its
brightness of light shining on a surface. lifetime can be inherited by its offspring
Symbol lx (NOTE: This form of neo-Lamarckism, put
luxon noun PHYS an elementary particle forward by Trofim Denisovich Lysenko in
such as a photon or a neutrino travelling at the 1930s and disputed by most biologists,
the speed of light and therefore possessing had an influence over Soviet genetics until
no mass the mid-1960s.)
LWR abbreviation INDUST light water lysine noun BIOCHEM an essential amino
reactor acid in protein foodstuffs, essential for ani-
lx symbol PHYS, MEASURE lux mal growth
Lyman series noun PHYS a series of lysis noun BIOL the destruction of a cell by
lines in the ultraviolet spectrum, caused by disrupting its outer membrane, allowing
excited hydrogen atoms the cell contents to escape
lymph noun PHYSIOL a colourless liquid lysosome noun BIOL a membrane-sur-
containing white blood cells, which circu- rounded sac found in some cells that con-
lates in the body, carrying waste matter tains enzymes and functions in breaking
away from tissues to the veins (NOTE: It is down and recycling molecules (NOTE: Lys-
an essential part of the body’s defence osomes occur in animal cells and in some
against infection.) protists, and are especially important in the
lymphatic system noun PHYSIOL a net- immune cells that take in and destroy bac-
work of vessels through which lymph cir- teria.)
m symbol MEASURE 1. metre 2. milli- machine language noun COMPUT 1.
M symbol MEASURE mega- 쐽 COMPUT, the way in which machine code is written
ELECTRONICS (in computer and electronic 2. same as machine code
applications) 1048576, equal to 220 machine-readable code noun COM-
mA abbreviation MEASURE milliampere PUT a set of signs or letters such as bar
MAB abbreviation ENVIRON Man and the codes or postcodes that can be read by
Biosphere Programme computers
MAC1 COMPUT noun a special code trans- Mach number noun PHYS the speed of
mitted at the same time as a message as an object relative to the speed of sound
proof of its authenticity. Full form mes- (NOTE: An aircraft travelling at Mach 2 is
sage authentication code 쐽 abbreviation going twice as fast as sound.)
media access control mackerel sky noun METEOROL a pattern
MAC2 abbreviation ENVIRON maximum
of wavy cirrocumulus or altocumulus
allowable concentration cloud with holes which looks like the body
markings of mackerel fish
macerate verb BIOL to make something
soft by letting it remain in a liquid for a macro noun COMPUT a program routine
time or block of instructions identified by a sin-
gle word or label
Mach noun PHYS a ratio of the speed of an
object to the speed of sound in the same macro- prefix large. Opposite micro-
atmospheric conditions 쑗 Mach 2 equals macro assembler noun COMPUT an
twice the speed of sound. assembler program that is able to decode
machine noun 1. MECH ENG a device macro instructions. Also called assembly
with fixed and moving parts that takes program
mechanical energy and uses it to do useful macrobiotic adjective HEALTH referring
work 쑗 An electrical circuit carries energy to a vegetarian diet without artificial addi-
to a machine which can then operate. 2. tives or preservatives 쑗 a macrobiotic diet
COMPUT a computer, system or processor macrobiotics noun HEALTH a dietary
made of various components connected system based on vegetarian foods without
together to provide a function or to per- artificial additives or preservatives, espe-
form a task cially organically grown whole grains,
machine address noun COMPUT same fruit and vegetables
as absolute address macroclimate noun METEOROL the cli-
machine code noun COMPUT a pro- mate over a large area such as a region or
gramming language that consists of com- country
mands in binary code that can be directly macro definition noun COMPUT a
understood by the central processing unit description of the structure, function and
without the need for translation. Also instructions that make up a macro opera-
called machine language tion
machine intelligence noun COMPUT macroelement noun COMPUT a number
the design of computer programs and of data items treated as one element
devices that attempt to imitate human intel- macro instruction noun COMPUT one
ligence and decision-making functions, programming instruction that refers to a
providing basic reasoning and other human number of instructions within a routine or
characteristics macro
macro language 374
macro language noun COMPUTa pro- (NOTE: Nuclides with these numbers of
gramming language that allows the pro- nucleons are very stable.)
grammer to define and use macro magma noun EARTH SCI a molten sub-
instructions stance in the Earth’s mantle, which escapes
macromolecule noun CHEM a large as lava during volcanic eruptions and solid-
molecule such as a protein or a polymer ifies to form igneous rocks
COMMENT: Magma is formed of silicate
macronutrient noun BIOL a nutrient that materials which include crystals and
an organism uses in very large quantities, dissolved gases.
e.g. oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, magmatic adjective EARTH SCI referring
phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magne- to magma
sium or iron
magnesite noun MINERALS a white or
macroparasite noun a parasite which colourless magnesium carbonate mineral
lives on or inside the body of the host but used in insulation, furnace linings and as a
does not multiply, e.g. a worm or insect source of magnesium oxide
magnesium noun CHEM ELEM a light,
macrophage noun IMMUNOL a large cell silvery-white metallic element that burns
that removes foreign material and bacteria with a brilliant white flame (NOTE: It is also
from the bloodstream, lymph nodes and found in green vegetables and is essential
other tissues by phagocytosis (NOTE: Mac- especially for the correct functioning of
rophages are found in the lymph and con- human muscles. The chemical symbol is
nective tissues as well as in the blood.) Mg; the atomic number is 12 and the
macrophyte noun BOT a plant that is atomic weight is 24.31.)
large enough to be studied without the aid magnesium carbonate noun CHEM a
of a microscope crystalline white salt used in glass making
macroplankton plural noun BIOL plank- and in indigestion remedies. Formula:
ton of about 1mm in length MgCO3.
macroscopic adjective BIOL referring to magnesium chloride noun CHEM a
an object or organism that can be seen white or colourless crystalline compound
without the aid of a microscope used in fire extinguishers, papermaking,
macro virus noun COMPUT a computer pottery and as a source of magnesium. For-
virus that is stored as a macro attached to a mula: MgCl2ċ6H2O.
document or email message magnesium hydroxide noun CHEM a
COMMENT: A macro virus will run when a white powder used as an indigestion rem-
document is opened. Some viruses are edy and laxative. Formula: Mg(OH)2.
benign, others carry out malicious damage magnesium oxide noun CHEM a white
on files and data. The virus will also try and
spread to other compatible documents and powder used in indigestion remedies and
applications on your computer, so that any laxatives, fire bricks, electrical insulation,
new documents you create are also fertilisers and cement. Formula: MgO.
infected. The best way to avoid a macro magnesium sulfate, magnesium sul-
virus is to regularly run virus detection soft-
ware that can check and remove viruses phate noun CHEM a magnesium salt which
attached to documents and new email when diluted in water is used as a laxative.
messages. Formula: MgSO4ċ7H2O. Also called
macula noun 1. ASTRON same as sun- Epsom salts
spot 2. BIOL a change in the colour of a magnesium trisilicate noun CHEM a
small part of the body without changing magnesium compound used to treat peptic
the surface as in freckles 3. ANAT an area of ulcers
hair cells inside the utricle and saccule of magnet noun PHYS an object that pro-
the ear duces a magnetic field and attracts iron and
macula lutea noun ANAT a yellow spot steel
on the retina, surrounding the fovea (NOTE: COMMENT: A freely suspended magnet,
The plural is maculae.) uninfluenced by outside forces, will align
itself with the Earth’s magnetic lines of
mad cow disease noun VET same as force, which run from the north magnetic
BSE (informal) pole to the south magnetic pole.
magic number noun PHYS any of the magnetic adjective PHYS referring to a
numbers 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 magnet or a magnetic field
375 magnetic tape
magnetic anomaly noun PHYS the way magnetic mirror noun PHYS a device
in which the local magnetic field differs that changes the direction of ions moving
from the normal magnetic field in a spe- in a magnetic field
cific area magnetic moment noun PHYS a vector
magnetic attraction noun PHYS the expressing the torque experienced by a
power of a body to attract other substances magnetic system in a magnetic field
to it magnetic monopole noun PHYS a par-
magnetic bearing noun NAVIG the ticle with a single magnetic pole rather
angle measured in a clockwise direction of than the paired north and south poles of a
a distant point, relative to magnetic north normal magnet
magnetic north noun NAVIG the direc-
magnetic declination noun NAVIG the tion in which the needle of a compass
angle of difference between the direction points, as opposed to true north
of the North Pole and that of the north
magnetic pole. Also called magnetic vari- magnetic polarity noun PHYS a method
ation of indicating whether a point is a source or
a collector of magnetic flux patterns
magnetic dip noun PHYS the angle of
magnetic pole noun EARTH SCI one of
magnetic particles in rocks relative to the
the two poles of the Earth, near to but not
centre of the Earth (NOTE: It varies accord-
identical with the geographical poles,
ing to whether the rocks lie north or south
which are the centres of the Earth’s mag-
of the equator.)
netic field and to which a compass points
magnetic disk noun COMPUT a flat cir- magnetic recording noun ELEC the
cular piece of material coated with a sub- transfer of an electrical signal onto a mov-
stance, on which signals and data can be ing magnetic tape or disk by means of a
stored magnetically magnetic field generated by a magnetic
magnetic field noun PHYS an area round head
an object that is under the influence of its magnetic resonance imaging noun
magnetic effect 쑗 The Earth’s magnetic MED a technique that uses electromagnetic
field is concentrated round the two mag- radiation to obtain images of invisible parts
netic poles. of a structure or the body’s soft tissues.
magnetic field strength noun PHYS a Abbr MRI (NOTE: The object is subjected to
quantity that indicates the strength of a a powerful magnetic field which allows sig-
magnetic field at a point in the direction of nals from atomic nuclei to be detected and
the line of force, measured in amperes per converted into images by computer.)
metre. Symbol H magnetic screen noun PHYS a metal
magnetic flux noun MEASURE, PHYS a screen that prevents magnetic fields affect-
measure of the strength and extent of a ing electronic components 쑗 Without the
magnetic field per unit area magnetic screen over the power supply
unit, the computer just produced garbage.
magnetic flux density noun MEAS-
URE, PHYS the strength of a magnetic field magnetic storage noun COMPUT a
at a given point. Also called magnetic method of storing information as magnetic
induction (NOTE: Its units are the tesla or changes on a sensitive tape or disk, e.g. a
the gauss.) floppy disk or hard disk
magnetic store noun COMPUT same as
magnetic head noun ELEC an electro- magnetic memory
magnetic component that converts electri-
cal signals into a magnetic field, allowing magnetic storm noun METEOROL a sud-
them to be stored on a magnetic medium den disturbance of Earth’s magnetic field
which affects compasses and radio and TV
magnetic induction noun PHYS same waves
as magnetic flux density magnetic susceptibility noun PHYS
magnetic intensity noun PHYS same as the relative degree of magnetisation of a
magnetic field strength substance when subjected to a magnetic
magnetic memory noun COMPUT stor- field
age that uses a medium that can store data magnetic tape noun TECH a thin ribbon
bits as magnetic field changes. Also called of plastic coated with iron oxide that can
magnetic store store information by becoming magnetised
magnetic variation 376
(NOTE: It was formerly widely used to particles are controlled by the Earth’s mag-
record sound, video pictures or computer netic field
data but is now largely replaced by digital magnetotactic adjective MICROBIOL,
media such as compact discs.) PHYSIOL describes a cell or microorganism
magnetic variation noun NAVIG same that is able to orient itself in relation to a
as magnetic declination magnetic field
COMMENT: To convert magnetic bearing magnetron noun ENG an electronic
into true bearing it is necessary to apply valve used to generate microwaves
magnetic variation at the point at which the
bearing was taken. magnification noun OPTICS a measure
magnetise verb PHYS to convert an
of increase in size, especially in the appar-
object or material into a magnet ent size of an image seen through a micro-
magnetism noun PHYS 1. property of magnify verb OPTICS 1. to increase the
attraction possessed by a naturally mag-
size of something, especially by using a
netic substance or by a conductor carrying
lens or microscope 쑗 It was only after the
an electric current (electromagnet) 2. the
image was magnified that it was possible to
study of properties associated with mag-
see the flaw. 2. to increase the effect of
netic fields
something 쑗 The stress level is magnified
magnetite noun MINERALS a common at times of high work load, for example,
black magnetic mineral made of iron oxide preparation for landing. (NOTE: magnify-
that is a source of iron ing – magnified)
magneto noun ELEC a device that pro- magnitude noun 1. greatness of size,
duces electrical current for distribution to extent, level or strength of a variable 쑗
the spark plugs of piston aero-engines When the surface wind speed reaches this
COMMENT: The crankshaft turns the magnitude the term gale is used. 2. ASTRON
magnetos, which provide the electrical a measure of the brightness of any object in
energy to create a spark from the spark
plugs. This ensures that the spark plugs the sky
work even if the battery and electrical COMMENT: In astronomy, the basis of the
system fail. magnitude system is a 100-fold difference
in brightness between objects separated by
magnetoelectronics noun PHYS same five magnitudes. This means that each
as spintronics magnitude is equivalent to a change of just
magnetograph noun PHYS a device for over 2.5-fold in the amount of light received
by an observer. The numbers get smaller
measuring magnetic fields as the objects get brighter. The Sun has a
COMMENT: A network of magnetographs magnitude of –26.8 and the full Moon –
has been installed all over the Earth for 12.6. The largest telescopes now in use will
decades, yielding huge amounts of data, reach objects below the 25th magnitude
and versions of these instruments have and the Hubble Space Telescope can
been sent into orbit and to other planets stretch this to about the 31st magnitude.
since the 1960s.
magnox noun INDUST an alloy of magne-
magnetomotive force noun SCI a sium, aluminium and other metals, used to
force that produces magnetic flux surround uranium fuel rods in a nuclear
magneton noun MEASURE the unit of reactor
measurement of the magnetic moment of a magnox power station noun INDUST a
magnetic field nuclear power station with a magnox reac-
magneto-optical recording noun tor
COMPUT a storage medium that uses an COMMENT: The first magnox power station
optical disc was built in the UK in 1956. The safety
record has been very good, but magnox
COMMENT: An optical disc has a thin layer of power stations are at the end of their
magnetic film which is heated by a laser. commercial life and decommissioning
The magnetic particles are then polarised began in 1990.
by a weak magnetic field. Magneto-optical
recording has very high capacity (over 600 magnox reactor noun INDUST a type of
Mb) and is rewritable. gas-cooled nuclear reactor in which the
magnetosphere noun EARTH SCI a uranium fuel rods are surrounded with
region surrounding the Earth, extending magnox
from about 500 to several thousand kilo- mail noun 1. a system for sending letters
metres above the surface, in which charged and parcels from one place to another 2.
377 malarious
letters sent or received 3. COMPUT elec- The farm is on the mains but still has its
tronic messages to and from users of a bul- own generator for emergencies.
letin board or network. Also called email mains electricity noun ELEC a standard
mailbox noun COMPUT an electronic stor- domestic electricity supply to consumers
age space with an address in which a user’s COMMENT: In Europe, this is 240 volts at 50
incoming e-mail messages are stored Hz. In the USA, it is 110 volts at 60 Hz.
mail exchange record noun COMPUT mains gas noun ENG gas brought to a
information stored in a database that tells a house by a pipe or cable connected to an
mail system how to deliver a mail message extensive system
to a particular domain. Abbr MX record main storage noun COMPUT same as
mail server noun COMPUT a computer main memory
that stores incoming mail before sending it maintenance ration noun AGRIC the
to the correct recipient and stores outgoing quantity of food needed to keep a farm ani-
mail before transferring it to the correct mal healthy but not productive
destination server on the Internet
maintenance release noun COMPUT a
mail transfer agent noun COMPUT a revision to a software program that cor-
software program that manages the way rects a minor problem or bug but does not
electronic mail messages are transferred offer any major new features 쑗 The mainte-
over a network. Abbr MTA nance release of the database program,
COMMENT: A user would never normally
see mail transfer software and would use
version 2.01, corrects the problem with the
an e-mail application (mail user agent) to margins.
create and read messages. On computers maintenance routine noun COMPUT a
running the Unix operating system and the software diagnostic tool used by an engi-
Internet, the ‘sendmail’ software is the most
popular mail transfer agent. neer during preventative maintenance
mail user agent noun COMPUT software
used to create and read electronic mail maize noun PLANTS a tall cereal crop
messages. Abbr MUA (NOTE: This software grown in warm climates, that carries its
creates a message in the correct format grains on a large solid core (cob) of which
and standard and passes this to the mail there are only one or two per plant. Latin
transfer agent that is responsible for trans- name: Zea mays. (NOTE: The US term is
ferring the message over the network.) corn.)
main adjective COMPUT the most impor- majority noun the greater number or
tant or principal 쐽 noun ENG a principal larger part. Opposite minority
pipe or cable make up water noun ENVIRON the water
mainframe, mainframe computer noun introduced into an irrigation or sewage sys-
COMPUT a large-scale high-power compu- tem to replace water lost by leaking or
ter system that can handle high-capacity evaporation
memory and backing storage devices as malachite noun MINERALS a green rock
well as a number of operators simultane- made of copper carbonate that often has an
ously attractive striped pattern when sectioned
main loop noun COMPUT a series of and polished and is used for jewellery
instructions performed repeatedly that malaria noun MED a tropical disease
carry out the main action of a program caused by the parasite Plasmodium which
(NOTE: This loop is often used to wait for enters the body after a bite from a mosquito
user input before processing the event.) COMMENT: Malaria is a recurrent disease
main memory noun COMPUT a fast which produces regular periods of shiv-
access RAM whose locations can be ering, vomiting, sweating and headaches
directly and immediately addressed by the as the parasites develop in the body. The
patient also develops anaemia.
central processor unit 쑗 The 16-bit system
includes up to 3Mb of main memory. Also malarial adjective MED referring to
called main storage malaria
mains noun 1. ENG a system of pipes or malarial parasite noun MED the plas-
cables which bring gas, water or electricity modium parasite that causes malaria
to a house 쑗 mains gas 쑗 mains electricity malarious adjective MED referring to a
2. INDUST the national electricity supply 쑗 region where malaria occurs frequently
malathion 378
malathion noun AGRIC an organophos- mammary gland noun ANAT a large
phorus insecticide used to kill aphids, milk-producing gland in female mammals
mainly on flowers grown in glasshouses in which a network of ducts and cavities
male adjective 1. ZOOL referring to an ani- leads to a nipple or teat (NOTE: Mammary
mal that produces sperm 2. referring to a glands generally occur in pairs.)
flower that produces pollen, or a plant that mammoth noun ZOOL a large extinct
produces such flowers mammal that had long curved tusks and a
male connector noun ELEC a plug with hairy body
conducting pins that can be inserted into a man noun BIOL 1. an adult male human
female connector to provide an electrical being 2. all human beings considered in
connection contrast to other animals 쑗 Man is the only
species to have made a global impact on
malfunction noun a failure to work cor- the environment. 쒁 humankind (NOTE: This
rectly 쑗 The data were lost owing to a soft- use of ‘man’ is now regarded as inappro-
ware malfunction. 쐽 verb COMPUT not to priate in many non-technical contexts.)
work properly 쑗 Some of the keys on the
keyboard have started to malfunction. MAN abbreviation COMPUT metropolitan
area network
malfunctioning adjective COMPUT not manage verb 1. to organise something or
working correctly
control the way in which something hap-
malfunction routine noun COMPUT a pens 쑗 The department is in charge of man-
software routine used to find and help diag- aging land resources. 2. to succeed in
nose the cause of an error or fault doing something 쑗 We managed to prevent
malic acid noun CHEM a colourless crys- further damage occurring.
talline solid found in fruits, particularly management noun 1. the organised use
apples. Formula: C4H6O5. of resources or materials 2. the people who
malignant adjective MED likely to lead to control an organisation or business
death. Opposite benign management information system
malignant hypertension noun MED noun COMPUT software that allows manag-
dangerously high blood pressure ers in a company to access and analyse
data. Abbr MIS
malignant melanoma noun MED a
dark cancerous tumour that develops on manager noun a person who is in charge
the skin from a mole, caused by exposure of an organisation or part of one
to strong sunlight 쑗 Cases of malignant Man and the Biosphere Pro-
melanoma could rise by between 5 and 7 gramme noun ENVIRON a programme of
per cent for each percentage decrease in research and training organised by
ozone in the atmosphere. UNESCO to encourage the sensible use
malignant tumour noun MED a tumour and conservation of the biosphere’s
that is cancerous and can reappear or resources and to improve relationships
spread into other tissue, even if removed between people and their environment
surgically man-caused adjective ENVIRON same as
malleus noun ANAT a tiny ham-
mer-shaped bone in the middle ear, one of Manchester coding noun COMPUT a
a set of three that help sound to pass from method of encoding data and timing sig-
the eardrum to the inner ear nals that is used in communications (NOTE:
The first half of the bit period indicates the
malnutrition noun HEALTH the effect of value of the bit (1 or 0) and the second half
an inadequate or unhealthy diet is used as a timing signal.)
maltase noun BIOCHEM an enzyme in the mandatory adjective required or ordered
small intestine that converts maltose into by an official organisation or authority
glucose Mandelbrot set noun MATHS a mathe-
maltose noun BIOCHEM a sugar formed matical equation that is called recursively
by digesting starch or glycogen to generate a set of values that form a frac-
mammal noun ZOOL an animal that gives tal image when plotted
birth to live young, secretes milk to feed mandible noun ANAT 1. the lower jaw of
them, keeps a constant body temperature vertebrates 2. a biting mouthpart in insects
and is covered with hair. Class: Mammalia. and other invertebrates
379 manure cycle
mandibular nerve noun ANAT a sen- manner noun a way of doing something
sory nerve which supplies the teeth in the 쑗 Safety checks should be done in the
lower jaw, the temple, the floor of the approved manner.
mouth and the back part of the tongue mannitol noun BIOCHEM a clear,
mane noun ZOOL long hair on the head sweet-tasting alcohol found in many
and neck of an animal such as a lion or plants, used as a diuretic and sweetener
horse manometer noun PHYS an apparatus
manganese noun CHEM ELEM a metallic used to measure gas pressure
trace element. It is essential for biological
life and is also used in making steel. (NOTE: mantissa noun MATHS the fractional part
The chemical symbol is Mn; the atomic of a number 쑗 The mantissa of the number
number is 25 and the atomic weight is 45.897 is 0.897.
54.94.) mantle noun EARTH SCI a layer of the
mangrove noun TREES a salt-tolerant interior of the Earth, between the solid
tropical shrub or tree that grows in areas crust and the core, formed of magma
such as river estuaries or tidal marshes that manual noun 1. a document containing
are covered by the sea at high tide instructions about the operation of a sys-
COMMENT: Some mangrove trees produce tem or piece of software 쑗 The manual is
adventitious roots which take root near the included with the system. 2. a document or
parent tree and form new trees. Others book containing instructions for doing
produce seeds which have roots even
before they fall from the tree. The result is something, especially carrying out a proce-
that mangrove swamps are very thick and dure or operating a machine 쐽 adjective 1.
spread quickly. done by hand 2. carried out by someone
mangrove swamp noun ECOL an area without the help of a machine
that is covered by the sea at high tide where manual data processing noun the
mangroves grow sorting and processing of information
manhole noun ENG a hole in a roadway without the help of a computer
or pavement leading to a shaft down which manual entry, manual input noun COM-
an inspector can go to look at the sewers PUT the act of entering data into a compu-
manifestation noun BIOL a sign or indi- ter, by an operator via a keyboard
cation of something manually adverb COMPUT by hand, not
manifold noun ENG a system of pipes for automatically 쑗 The paper has to be fed
a fluid from single input to multiple output into the printer manually.
or multiple input to single output 쑗 inlet
and exhaust manifolds of a piston engine manufacture verb 1. INDUST to make a
product using machines 2. CHEM to pro-
manifold pressure noun ENG the abso- duce a chemical naturally 쑗 Ozone is con-
lute pressure in the induction system of a stantly being manufactured and destroyed
piston engine measured in inches of mer- by natural processes in the atmosphere.
manipulate verb COMPUT to move, edit manufacturer noun INDUST a person or
company that produces machine-made
and change text or data 쑗 An image proces-
products 쑗 The company is a large manu-
sor captures, displays and manipulates
facturer of farm machinery.
video images.
manipulation noun COMPUT the mov- manufacturing noun INDUST the pro-
ing, editing or changing of text or data 쑗 duction of machine-made products for sale
The high-speed database management manufacturing industry noun INDUST
program allows the manipulation of very an industry that takes raw materials and
large amounts of data. makes them into finished products
mankind noun BIOL same as humankind manure AGRIC noun animal dung used as
man machine interface noun COMPUT fertiliser (NOTE: In liquid or semi-liquid
hardware and software designed to make it form it is called ‘slurry’.) 쐽 verb to spread
easier for users to communicate effectively animal dung on land as fertiliser
with a machine. Abbr MMI manure cycle noun the process by
man-made adjective ENVIRON referring which waste materials from plants, animals
to an object made or an event caused by and humans are returned to the soil to
human beings restore nutrients
map 380
map noun 1. NAVIG a drawing that shows 4. COMPUT an amount of extra time or
the location of geographical and urban fea- space
tures 2. COMPUT a diagram representing the marginal adjective 1. AGRIC referring to
internal layout of a computer’s memory or areas of land such as field edges or banks
communications regions 3. ASTRON a dia- beside roads which are at the edge of culti-
gram showing the position of stars 4. vated land 2. BOT referring to a plant which
GENETICS same as genetic map 쐽 verb 1. grows at the edge of two types of habitat 쑗
to make a map of a place or area 2. COMPUT marginal pond plants such as irises 3.
to display how things are connected, AGRIC referring to land of poor quality
related or derived 3. COMPUT to retrieve which results from bad physical conditions
data and display it as a map 4. COMPUT to such as poor soil, high rainfall or steep
represent a network directory path on a slopes, and where farming is often difficult
remote computer with a local drive letter, 쑗 Cultivating marginal areas can lead to
enabling a user to view the contents of the erosion. 4. situated in the spaces around a
remote directory by simply typing in the section of printed text 쑗 marginal notes
drive letter rather than the often long and mariculture noun FISHERY the breeding
complex directory path 5. COMPUT to rep- and keeping of sea fish or shellfish for food
resent a network printer connected to in seawater enclosures
another computer on a network with a local marijuana noun MED an addictive drug
printer identifier, so a user can treat the made from the leaves or flowers of the
remote network printer as if it is directly Indian hemp plant
connected to their computer 6. COMPUT to marine adjective MARINE BIOL 1. referring
transform a two-dimensional image into a to the sea 쑗 seals and other marine mam-
three-dimensional form that can then be mals 2. an animal or plant which lives in
rotated or manipulated the sea
maple noun TREES a hardwood tree of marine biocoenosis noun MARINE
northern temperate regions, some varieties BIOL a varied community of organisms liv-
of which produce sweet sap which is used ing in the sea
for making sugar and syrup. Genus: Acer. marine biology noun MARINE BIOL the
MAPPS model noun ECOL a global bio- scientific study of sea life
logical and geographical model that simu- marine disposal noun ENVIRON the
lates the potential natural vegetation that depositing of waste at sea
will grow at any site in the world. Full form
mapped atmosphere–plant–soil model
marine ecology noun ECOL, MARINE
BIOL the study of the relationship between
MAR abbreviation COMPUT memory organisms that live in the sea and their
address register environment
marble noun EARTH SCI a form of lime- marine fauna noun MARINE BIOL the ani-
stone that has been metamorphosed, used mals that live in the sea
especially in building and sculpture as it marine flora noun MARINE BIOL the
can be polished to give a flat shiny surface plants that live in the sea
mare noun a circular plain on the surface marine life noun MARINE BIOL animals
of the Moon (NOTE: The plural is maria.) and plants which live in the sea
margarine noun FOOD INDUST a sub- marine park noun ENVIRON a natural
stance made from vegetable fat, which is park created on the bottom of the sea where
used instead of butter visitors can go into observation chambers
margin noun 1. the edge of a place or to look at the fish and plant life. Compare
thing 쑗 the eastern margin of the continent oceanarium
쑗 a leaf margin 2. an amount by which an marine pollution noun the harmful
amount or estimate may be different from effects of human activities such as disposal
the one expected without it causing a prob- of waste into the sea on marine organisms
lem. Also called margin of error 3. PRINT- and their environment, with resulting haz-
ING a blank space around a section of ards to human food and health
printed text 쑗 The left margin and right marine science noun MARINE BIOL,
margin are the two sections of blank paper OCEANOG a science that studies all aspects
on either side of the page. 왍 to set the mar- of the sea, including its biology, chemistry,
gin COMPUT to define the width of a margin geology and physics
381 masked ROM
marine sediment noun OCEANOG solid about 10% the mass of the Earth and an
particles that fall to the seabed equatorial radius half that of the Earth. Over
the years, much effort has been expended
maritime adjective referring to the sea on searching for life on Mars.
maritime climate noun METEOROL a marsh noun EARTH SCI an area of perma-
climate that is modified by the influence of nently wet land and the plants that grow on
the sea, giving mild winters and warm it (NOTE: Marshes may be fresh water or
summers, but with high rainfall salt water and tidal or non-tidal. A marsh
mark COMPUT noun 1. a sign put on a page usually has a soil base, as opposed to a
to show something 2. a transmitted signal bog or fen, which is composed of peat.)
that represents a logical one or true condi- marsh gas noun CHEM same as meth-
tion 쐽 verb to put a mark on something ane
marked adjective 1. very noticeable 2. marshland noun EARTH SCI land that is
clear and definite 쑗 marked changes in cli- covered with marsh
matic conditions
marshy adjective EARTH SCI referring to
marker noun 1. something that acts as an land that is permanently wet
indicator of something such as distance or
position 2. GENETICS same as genetic marsupial noun ZOOL a mammal with a
marker pouch in which its young are carried, e.g.
Australian kangaroos and wallabies or
market garden noun AGRIC a place for
South American opossums (NOTE: Marsu-
the commercial cultivation of plants, usu- pials give birth to young at a much earlier
ally vegetables, soft fruit, salad crops and stage of development than other mammals
flowers, found near a large urban centre so that the young need to be protected in
that provides a steady outlet for the sale of the mother’s pouch for some months until
its produce they become able to look after them-
market gardener noun AGRIC a person selves.)
who runs a market garden
Martian adjective ASTRON referring to
market gardening noun AGRIC the Mars
business of growing vegetables, salad
crops and fruit for sale mascon noun ASTRON an area on the sur-
face of the Moon in which the gravity is
marl noun EARTH SCI a fine soil formed of unusually high
a mixture of clay and lime, used for mak-
ing bricks maser noun ASTRON the microwave ver-
marram grass noun PLANTS a type of sion of a laser (NOTE: Celestial masers of
great power are observed by radio astron-
grass planted on sand dunes to prevent
omers and are the result of microwaves
them being spread by the wind. Latin
being trapped and amplified in gas clouds.)
name: Ammophila arenaria.
marrow noun ANAT same as bone mar- mask noun 1. a device to cover the face 2.
COMPUT an integrated circuit layout that is
used to define the pattern to be etched or
Mars noun ASTRON the fourth planet of
doped onto a slice of semiconductor 쑗 a
the solar system, orbiting the Sun at an mask or stencil is used to transfer the tran-
average distance of 228 million km in an sistor design onto silicon 3. COMPUT a pat-
orbit taking 687 days tern of binary digits used to select various
COMMENT: Mars is accompanied by two
small satellites, Phobos and Deimos. It bits from a binary word (NOTE: A one in the
rotates on its axis in about half an hour mask retains that bit in the word.) 쐽 verb
longer than the Earth, and has white polar COMPUT to cover an area with something
caps reminiscent of the Earth’s. But Mars is maskable adjective COMPUT able to be
unlike Earth in several key ways. It is far
colder, with about 15°C the warmest masked
summer surface temperature at the maskable interrupt noun COMPUT an
equator. It also has far less atmosphere, interrupt line that can be disabled and
with a surface pressure of 0.7% that of the ignored by using an interrupt mask
Earth, and its atmosphere consists mostly
of carbon dioxide, with only small amounts mask bit noun COMPUT (in a mask) one
of oxygen, nitrogen, water vapour, argon bit used to select the required bit from a
and other constituents. The planet surface word or string
exhibits large extinct volcanoes and
erosional features showing that there was masked ROM noun COMPUT a read-only
once a lot of liquid water on Mars. Mars has memory device that is programmed during
masking 382
manufacture by depositing metal onto mass spectrometer noun CHEM a
selected regions dictated by the shape of a device used in chemical analysis which
mask separates particles according to their
masking noun COMPUT an operation masses
used to select various bits in a word mass spectrum noun PHYS a graph of
mask register noun COMPUT a storage the relative amounts of the chemical con-
location in a computer that contains the stituents of a substance plotted against
pattern of bits used as a mask their mass
mass noun 1. PHYS a body of matter 2. a mass storage noun COMPUT the storage
large quantity or large number and retrieval of large amounts of data
mass action noun CHEM a law that mass storage system noun COMPUT a
describes that the rate of a chemical reac- data storage system that can hold more
tion at a constant temperature is propor- than one million million bits of data
tional to the active mass of the reactants, so mass wasting noun GEOL a downhill
that as the reaction continues, the rate movement of weathered rock, e.g. a land-
slows down slide
mass decrement, mass defect noun mast noun 1. a vertical pole for a flag or
PHYS the amount by which the mass of an antenna 쑗 Ice accretes on the leading edge
isotope is less than the element’s mass of the detector mast. 2. BOT the small hard
number fruits that have fallen from a beech tree
mass driver noun ASTRON a device mast cell noun BIOL a large cell in con-
using electromagnetic fields to propel nective tissue, which carries histamine and
mass to high speeds reacts to allergens
COMMENT: Mass drivers have been built on master adjective 1. main or principal 2.
a small scale and fairly detailed engineering
proposals have been drawn up for mass COMPUT referring to the most important
drivers that could shift lunar material to device or person in a system 쑗 The master
space colony sites by means of magnetic computer controls everything else. 3. COM-
levitation. A mass driver would consist PUT most up-to-date and correct 쐽 verb 1.
essentially of electric coils through which a to overcome the difficulty of something 쑗
phased current would pass, accelerating
material in metal buckets. It takes practice to master crosswind land-
mass extinction noun ECOL the disap- ings in light aircraft. 2. to learn and under-
pearance of numerous species in a short stand a language or process
period by a force of nature such as climate master clock noun COMPUT a timing
change or a volcanic eruption 쑗 It has been signal to which all components in a system
suggested that the mass extinction of the are synchronised
dinosaurs 65 million years ago may have master computer noun COMPUT a
been caused by the impact of a comet or computer in a multiprocessor system that
meteorite. controls the other processors and allocates
mass flow noun GEOL a slide of sedi- jobs to them
ment down a slope master control program noun COM-
massive adjective very large 쑗 In the PUT a piece of software that controls the
accident some of the personnel received operations in a system. Abbr MCP
massive doses of radiation. master cylinder noun MECH ENG a
mass number noun PHYS the sum total hydraulic cylinder from which pressure is
of all the protons and neutrons in the transmitted to smaller slave cylinders
nucleus of an atom master data noun COMPUT reference
mass production noun INDUST the data which is stored in a master file
process of manufacturing large quantities master file noun COMPUT a set of all the
of identical products reference data required for an application,
mass radiography noun MED the tak- which is updated periodically
ing of X-ray photographs of large numbers mastering noun COMPUT the process of
of people to check for tuberculosis converting finished data to a master disc
mass screening noun MED the testing master/master computer system
of large numbers of people for the presence noun COMPUT a system in which each proc-
of a disease essor is a master, dedicated to one task
383 maximum
master/slave computer system matrix, divided into sections by baffle
noun COMPUT a system with a master con- plates. 2. MATHS a grid of numbers, often
trolling computer and a slave that takes used to represent the dimensions of an
commands from the master object or its properties arranged in rows
master switch noun the most important and columns 쑗 We used a 3 x 3 matrix for
of a number of switches operating a system the calculations. 3. COMPUT an array of
mastoid antrum noun ANAT a cavity connections between logic gates providing
linking the air cells of the mastoid process a number of possible logical functions 4.
COMPUT the pattern of dots that make up a
with the middle ear
character on a computer screen or
mastoid process noun ANAT a part of dot-matrix or laser printer
the vertebrate skull that forms a bony lump
behind the ear matrix rotation noun MATHS the
exchanging of rows and columns in an
mat noun COMPUT a plain coloured border array, equal to rotating by 90°
that is displayed around an image that is
smaller than the window in which it is dis-
matrix transform noun MATHS a math-
ematical process used to rotate a line in any
direction, which involves multiplying a 4 x
match verb COMPUT 1. to search through 4 transform matrix with the matrix of the
a database for a similar piece of informa- line’s coordinates
tion 2. to set a register equal to another matter noun 1. PHYS a physical substance
mate noun an animal that reproduces sex- 쑗 organic matter 쑗 Mass is a basic prop-
ually with another 쐽 verb to reproduce sex- erty of matter. 2. trouble or difficulty
ually with another of same species maturation noun BIOL the process of
material noun 1. a substance with a par- becoming mature or fully developed
ticular quality or used for a specific pur- maturation lagoon, maturation pond
pose 쑗 waste material 쑗 construction noun INDUST a pond used in the final stages
materials 2. cloth of sewage treatment
maternity noun BIOL 1. the state of being mature BIOL adjective referring to some-
a mother 2. the identity of a mother 쑗 The thing that is fully developed 쐽 verb to
court had first to establish the child’s become fully developed
maternity. Compare paternity
maturing adjective BIOL referring to
math noun US same as mathematics something that is in the process of becom-
(informal) ing mature
mathematical adjective referring to maturity noun BIOL the state of being
mathematics fully developed
mathematical model noun MATHS a Mauna Loa noun EARTH SCI a volcano
representation of a system using mathe- on the island of Hawaii where scientists
matical ideas and formulae have maintained the longest continuous
mathematical subroutine noun COM- collection of reliable daily atmospheric
PUT a library routine that carries out stand- records
ard mathematical functions such as square maxilla noun ZOOL one of a pair of extra
root, logarithm, cosine or sine jaws in insects and other arthropods
mathematics noun the science of the maxillary antrum noun ANAT one of
relationship between numbers and their two sinuses behind the cheekbones in the
manipulation and organisation to prove upper jaw of vertebrates
facts and theories. Also called maths maximise, maximize verb 1. to make
maths noun same as mathematics something as large as possible. Opposite
(informal) (NOTE: American English is minimise 2. COMPUT to expand an applica-
math) tion icon back to its original display win-
maths chip, maths coprocessor noun dow. Compare minimise
COMPUT a dedicated circuit that can be maximum adjective referring to the
added to a system to carry out mathemati- greatest possible 쑗 maximum effect 쑗 max-
cal functions far more rapidly than a stand- imum size Opposite minimum 쐽 noun the
ard central processing unit greatest possible quantity, amount, degree
matrix noun 1. a grid-like arrangement of or value 쑗 There is a net gain of heat by the
circuit elements 쑗 Oil coolers consist of a Earth until terrestrial radiation balances
maximum capacity 384
solar radiation when the daily temperature full name is 2-methyl-4chloro-phe-
is at its maximum. (NOTE: The plural is noxy-acetic acid.)
maximums or maxima.) MCPP abbreviation AGRIC mecoprop
maximum allowable concentra- MDR abbreviation COMPUT memory data
tion noun ENVIRON the largest amount of a register
pollutant with which workers are allowed
to be in contact in their work environment. meadow noun AGRIC a field of grass and
Abbr MAC wild plants, sometimes grown for fodder. 쒁
water meadow
maximum capacity noun COMPUT the
greatest amount of data that can be stored mean adjective 1. referring to something
midway between two extremes 2. MATHS
maximum–minimum thermometer referring to an arithmetic mean 쑗 mean
noun a thermometer that shows the highest
daytime temperatures 쐽 noun 1. something
and lowest temperatures reached since it having a position midway between two
was last checked, as well as the current extremes 2. MATHS same as arithmetic
temperature mean 쐽 verb 1. to signify something 쑗 Air-
maximum permissible dose noun speed means the speed of the aircraft in
ENVIRON the highest amount of radiation to relation to the air around it. 2. to intend to
which a person may safely be exposed do something 쑗 I meant to telephone the
maximum permissible level noun reservations desk this morning but I forgot.
ENVIRON the highest amount of radiation 3. to result in something 쑗 Installing a new
that is allowed to be present in an environ- computer network means a lot of problems
ment for everybody. (NOTE: meaning – meant)
maximum residue level noun ENVI- mean daily temperature noun METE-
RON the maximum amount of a pesticide OROL the average daily temperature
that can remain in crops or foodstuffs meander noun EARTH SCI a large bend in
under European Union regulations. Abbr the course of a river as it nears the sea 쐽
MRL verb (of a river) to follow a winding course
maximum transmission rate noun
COMPUT the greatest amount of data that
meander belt noun EARTH SCI the total
can be transmitted every second width of the area covered by a river which
maximum users noun COMPUT the
greatest number of users that a system can mean free path noun PHYS the average
support at any one time distance travelled by a gas molecule before
it hits another molecule or the side of the
maxwell noun PHYS the centime- container
tre-gram-second unit of magnetic flux,
equal to the flux over one square centime- mean free time noun PHYS the average
tre perpendicular to a magnetic field of one time between collisions of gas molecules
gauss mean lethal dose noun the dose of a
mb abbreviation MEASURE, PHYS millibar substance that will kill half the organisms
Mb abbreviation MEASURE, COMPUT mega- which absorb it
bit means noun a way of doing something
MB abbreviation MEASURE, COMPUT meg- that brings a result 쑗 A clear window fitted
abyte in the reservoir provides a means of check-
ing hydraulic fluid level during servicing.
Mbps abbreviation MEASURE, COMPUT
쑗 The means of restarting the engine were
megabits per second unorthodox, but successful. 왍 a means of
MBR abbreviation COMPUT memory transport a way of getting someone or
buffer register something from one place to another 쑗
Mbyte abbreviation MEASURE, COMPUT Walking is my only means of transport.
megabyte mean sea level noun ENVIRON the level
MCP abbreviation COMPUT master control of the sea, measured relative to points on
program land, with wave movements and tide
MCPA noun AGRIC a herbicide that kills changes averaged out over a period of time
the most persistent broad-leaved weeds, 쑗 Altitude is the vertical distance between
such as nettles, buttercups, charlock, dock a specific point and mean sea level. Abbr
seedlings, plantains and thistles (NOTE: Its MSL
385 medical waste
mean solar day noun the time
TIME and use of machinery or mechanical struc-
between two successive transits of the tures
mean sun across the meridian at noon mechanical pump noun MECH ENG a
(NOTE: It is the standard measurement of pump operated by an engine rather than by
the 24 hour day.) electrical power
mean temperature noun an average mechanical treatment noun ENVIRON
temperature 쑗 The mean temperature for the processing of sewage by mechanical
July in this area is 25 °C. means such as agitating or stirring
mean time between failures noun mechanics noun PHYS the study of the
COMPUT the average period of time for action of forces on matter or material sys-
which a piece of equipment will operate tems 쐽 plural noun the way something
between breakdowns. Abbr MTBF works 쑗 The mechanics of the föhn wind
mean time to failure noun COMPUT the provide a good illustration of the adiabatic
average period of time for which a device process.
will operate, usually continuously, before mechanism noun 1. MECH ENG an
failing. Abbr MTF arrangement of connected parts in a
machine or system 쑗 the landing gear
mean time to repair noun COMPUT the mechanism 2. a physical process 쑗 the
average period of time required to repair a
mechanism by which thunderstorms
faulty piece of equipment
develop 3. a machine or part of a machine
measure noun 1. a reference for discov- 4. a method of achieving something 쑗 a
ering the dimensions or amount of some- mechanism for receiving feedback from
thing 쑗 The litre is a measure of capacity. consumers
2. a device used for measuring 3. an mecoprop noun AGRIC a commonly used
amount of something 4. an action taken to herbicide, mostly used to control weeds in
get a result 쑗 Stricter safety measures were cereal and grass crops, that is found as a
introduced. 쐽 verb 1. to find the dimen- contaminant of water. Abbr MCPP, CMPP
sions or amount of something 쑗 to measure
a distance 2. to be of a particular size, media plural of medium
length or quantity 쑗 How much does the media access control noun COMPUT a
pipe measure? sublayer within the data-link layer of the
OSI network model that provides access to
measurement noun 1. the act of meas- the transmission media. Abbr MAC
uring something 쑗 Measurement of relative
humidity is done using an instrument medial adjective BIOL situated near to the
called a hygrometer. 2. a result of measur- central midline of the body or to the centre
ing, expressed in standard units 쑗 The of an organ. Compare lateral
measurements of the room are: height = 4 median noun STATS the value in a fre-
metres, length = 10 metres, width = 4 quency distribution that has equal total fre-
metres. quencies above and below it
meat noun FOOD animal flesh that is eaten median lethal dose noun BIOL the dose
as food of a substance that will kill half of a sample
of experimental animals within a specified
meat-eating animal noun ZOOL same time
as carnivore
medical adjective MED 1. referring to the
mechanical adjective referring to diagnosis and treatment of disease and
machines 쑗 Activation may be electrical or injury in humans 2. referring the treatment
mechanical. of disease in humans that does not involve
mechanical actuation noun MECH surgery
ENG a movement caused by a mechanism medical entomologist noun a scien-
such as a rod, arm or lever tist who studies insects that may carry dis-
mechanical advantage noun MECH eases that affect humans
ENG 1. the ratio of the output force pro- medical supplies plural noun MED con-
duced by a machine to the input force 2. an sumables used in medical treatment, e.g.
increase in force gained by using mecha- drugs, bandages and syringes
nisms such as levers or gears medical waste noun MED waste from
mechanical engineering noun MECH hospitals, clinics or other health care facil-
ENG the study of the design, construction ities that contains or has come into contact
medication 386
with diseased tissues or infectious micro- ANAT same as bone marrow 3. BOT same
organisms as pith
medication noun MED 1. a method of medulla oblongata noun ANAT the
treatment by giving drugs to a patient 2. a lowermost part of the vertebrate brain
drug or preparation taken to treat a disease (NOTE: It controls involuntary vital functions
or condition such as heartbeat and breathing.)
medicinal adjective MED 1. referring to medullary ray noun BOT a band or sheet
medicine 쑗 medicinal properties 2. refer- of connective tissue between the pith and
ring to a substance or plant that has healing the bark in the stems of some woody plants
properties meet noun COMPUT a logical function
medicinal herb noun MED, BOT a plant whose output is true if both inputs are true
that can be used to treat a disease mega- prefix 1. large. Opposite micro- 2.
MEASURE one million, 106 쑗 megahertz 쑗
medicinally adverb MED in the treatment
of disease 쑗 The herb can be used medici- megawatt Symbol M 3. COMPUT (in com-
nally. puting and electronic applications)
1048576, equal to 220
medicinal spring noun MED, EARTH SCI megabit noun MEASURE, COMPUT
water coming naturally out of the ground
1048576 bits or 131072 bytes of storage.
which is thought to be beneficial in the
Abbr Mb
treatment of disease
megabits per second noun MEASURE,
medicine noun MED 1. a drug or prepara- COMPUT the number of megabits transmit-
tion taken to treat a disease or condition 2. ted every second. Abbr Mbps
the study of diseases and how to cure or
prevent them 3. the study and treatment of megabyte noun MEASURE, COMPUT
diseases that does not involve surgery 1048576 bytes of storage. Abbr MB,
medium adjective middle or average 쑗 a megadose noun MEASURE a large dose 쑗
medium-sized computer system 쐽 noun 1. received a megadose of radiation
PHYS a substance through which some-
thing else is transmitted or carried 쑗 Tubes megaflops noun MEASURE, COMPUT a
convey the cooling medium. (NOTE: The measure of computing power and speed
plural is mediums or media.) 2. BIOL a equal to one million floating point instruc-
substance in which an organism lives or is tions per second. Compare MFLOPS
grown 3. COMPUT a physical material that megahertz noun MEASURE, PHYS a
can be used to store data 쑗 Computers can measure of frequency equal to one million
store data on a variety of media, including cycles per second. Abbr MHz
disk, punched card and CD-ROM. (NOTE: megalo- prefix unusually large. Opposite
The plural is mediums or media.) micro-
medium frequency band noun PHYS megapixel display noun COMPUT a dis-
a radio frequency range between 300kHz play adapter and monitor that are capable
and 3000kHz. Abbr MF. Also called of displaying over one million pixels
medium wave (NOTE: This means a resolution of at least
1024 x 1024 pixels.)
medium model noun COMPUT a mem-
ory model of the Intel 80x86 processor megawatt noun one million watts 쑗
family that allows 64Kb of data and up to power plants with a capacity larger than
1MB of code 50 megawatts
medium-range weather forecast meiosis noun BIOL the process of cell
noun METEOROL a forecast covering two to division that results in four cells (gametes)
five days each with only one set of chromosomes
from each parent. Compare mitosis (NOTE:
medium scale integration noun ELEC At meiosis each cell divides into four to
an integrated circuit with 10 – 500 compo- produce sperm or ova, each with half the
nents. Abbr MSI usual number of chromosomes.)
medium wave noun PHYS a radio wave meitnerium noun CHEM ELEM an artifi-
with a wavelength that lies between 100 cially produced radioactive chemical ele-
and 1,000 m ment (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Mt;
medulla noun 1. ANAT the soft inner part the atomic number is 109 and the atomic
of an organ surrounded by the cortex 2. weight is 268.)
387 memory model
melamine noun CHEM a white crystalline that allows a user to add comments or a
solid, used for making synthetic resins and memo about the entry
tanning leather. Formula: C3H6N6. memorise verb to remember something
melanic adjective ZOOL being unusually deliberately
dark in appearance 쑗 melanic moths memory noun 1. PHYSIOL the means by
melanin noun ZOOL a dark pigment which the brain stores information and
which gives colour to skin and hair experiences 2. COMPUT storage space in a
melanism noun 1. MED a condition in computer system or medium that is capa-
which there are abnormal deposits of dark ble of retaining data or instructions 3. a
pigment on the skin of an animal 2. ZOOL problem with some batteries, e.g.
the condition of being black or very dark in nickel-cadmium batteries, which gradually
appearance in contrast to the usual colora- reduces their ability to retain charge
tion of the animal memory address register noun COM-
melanoma noun MED 쏡 malignant PUT a register within the computer that
melanoma contains the address of the next location to
melatonin noun BIOCHEM a hormone be accessed. Abbr MAR
secreted by the pineal gland that produces memory bank noun COMPUT a number
changes in the skin colour of vertebrates of smaller storage devices connected
and is involved in regulating biorhythms together to form one large area of memory
melt verb 1. PHYS to heat a solid so that it memory buffer register noun COM-
becomes liquid 쑗 The gradual rise in air PUT a register in a computer that temporar-
temperature melted the glaciers. 2. (of ily buffers all inputs and outputs. Abbr
solid) to become liquid after being heated MBR
쑗 The gradual rise in air temperature made memory bus noun COMPUT a bus carry-
the glaciers melt. 쒁 molten ing address data between a central process-
meltdown noun INDUST a point in an ing unit and memory devices
accident in a nuclear reactor at which the memory chip noun COMPUT an elec-
fuel overheats and the core melts while the tronic component that is able to store
nuclear reaction is still in progress binary data
melting point noun PHYS the tempera- memory cycle noun COMPUT a period
ture at which a solid turns to liquid 쑗 The of time from when the central processing
melting point of ice is 0 °C. unit reads or writes to a location and the
meltwater noun EARTH SCI water from action being performed
melting ice, especially from a glacier or memory data register noun COMPUT a
from winter snow register in a computer which holds data
member noun 1. ENG a main structural before it is processed or moved to a mem-
unit 쑗 A beam is a member that is designed ory location. Abbr MDR
to withstand loading applied at an angle to memory management unit noun
it, often perpendicular. 2. an individual that COMPUT the electronic logic circuits that
belongs to a group 쑗 Wheat is a member of generate the memory refresh signals and
the grass family. 3. COMPUT one object on manage the mapping of virtual memory
a page of a multimedia book 4. COMPUT an addresses to physical memory locations.
individual record or item in a field Abbr MMU (NOTE: The memory manage-
membrane noun 1. BIOL a thin layer of ment unit is usually integrated into the
tissue that lines or covers an organ 쑗 processor chip.)
mucous membranes in the nasal cavity 2. a memory map noun COMPUT a diagram
thin layer of artificial material 쑗 a water- indicating the allocation of address ranges
proof membrane to various memory devices such as RAM,
membrane bone noun BIOL bone that ROM and memory-mapped input/output
develops from tissue and not from cartilage devices
membranous labyrinth noun ANAT a memory model noun COMPUT a method
system of fluid-filled structures in the inner used in a program to address the code and
ear that are necessary for hearing and bal- data that is used within that program
ance (NOTE: The memory model defines how
memo field noun COMPUT a field in a much memory is available for code and
database or text window in an application data. Processors with a segmented
memory-resident software 388
address space can support multiple mem- menu item noun COMPUT one of the
ory models.) choices in a menu
memory-resident software noun menu shortcut noun COMPUT a key
COMPUT same as resident software 쑗 The combination of two or more keys that is the
system can bomb if you set up too many same as selecting a menu option
memory-resident programs at the same Mercalli EARTH SCI 쏡 Modified Mercalli
time. scale
mendelevium noun CHEM ELEM a syn- Mercator’s projection noun a map
thetic radioactive element obtained by projection of the Earth onto a cylinder so
bombardment of einsteinium atoms with that all the parallels of latitude are the same
helium particles (NOTE: The chemical sym- length as the equator 쑗 It is therefore
bol is Md; the atomic number is 101 and
impossible to represent the poles on Mer-
the atomic weight is 258.)
cator’s projection.
Mendelism noun GENETICS the theory of
heredity which states that characteristics Mercurian adjective ASTRON referring to
are transferred from one generation to the Mercury
next as individual units (genes) rather than mercuric chloride noun CHEM same as
being mixed together in the offspring mercury (II) chloride
Mendel’s laws plural noun GENETICS mercuric oxide noun CHEM same as
the laws governing heredity mercury (II) oxide
COMMENT: The two laws set out by Gregor mercuric sulfide, mercuric sulphide
Mendel following his experiments growing noun CHEM same as mercury (II) sulfide
peas, were (in modern terms): that genes
for separate genetic characters assort inde- mercurous chloride noun CHEM same
pendently of each other and that the genes as mercury (I) chloride
for a pair of genetic characters are carried mercury noun CHEM ELEM a metal ele-
by different gametes.
ment that is liquid at room temperature. It
meninges plural noun ANAT the set of is used in thermometers, barometers and
three protective membranes around the electric batteries and is poisonous. (NOTE:
brain and spinal cord of vertebrates (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Hg; the atomic
Their names are dura mater, arachnoid number is 80 and the atomic weight is
and pia mater.) 200.59.)
meniscus noun 1. OPTICS a lens that is Mercury noun ASTRON the innermost
concave on one side and convex on the planet of the solar system, orbiting the Sun
other 2. PHYS the curved surface of a nar- in 88 days at an average distance of 58 mil-
row column of water 3. ANAT a small plate lion km
of cartilage between vertebrae
COMMENT: Mercury has the least circular
menopause noun BIOL the time when a orbit of the major planets, with an eccen-
woman’s periods stop and she is no longer tricity of 0.2. Mercury is a cratered planet
fertile (NOTE: It usually occurs between the like the Moon without the maria. Mercury
ages of 45 and 50.) has a magnetic field about 1% as strong as
the Earth’s, indicating a possible metal
menstrual adjective BIOL referring to core, although this seems not to be hot
menstruation enough to be liquid. Mercury also rotates
menstrual cycle noun BIOL the period, very slowly, in a special version of captured
rotation. Its day of 57 Earth days means
usually about 28 days, during which a that it makes three turns on its axis for every
woman ovulates, when the walls of the two orbits of the Sun. Mercury has an
uterus swell and bleeding takes place if the exceptionally thin atmosphere, dominated
egg cell has not been fertilised by hydrogen and helium. Surface tempera-
tures on Mercury can reach over 400 °C
menstruation noun BIOL the bleeding and fall to perhaps –200 °C during the
from the uterus which occurs in a woman Mercurian night.
each month if the egg cell has not been fer- mercury barometer noun METEOROL a
tilised barometer made of a glass tube containing
menu noun COMPUT a list of options or mercury (NOTE: One end of the tube is
programs available to the user sealed, the other is open, resting in a bowl
menu bar noun COMPUT a menu dis- of mercury. As the atmospheric pressure
played on a horizontal line along the top of changes, so the column of mercury in the
the screen or window tube rises or falls.)
389 meson
mercury cell noun PHYS an electrolytic mesa noun EARTH SCI a high plateau in
or dry cell that has an electrode made of the southwest of the USA, with steep sides
mercury and a flat top
mercury (I) chloride noun CHEM a poi- mesencephalon noun ANAT same as
sonous white compound of mercury and midbrain
chlorine, used as a moss killer and laxative. mesenteric artery noun ANAT one of
Formula: Hg2Cl2. Also called mercurous two arteries that supply the small intestine
chloride, calomel or the transverse colon and rectum
mercury (II) chloride noun CHEM a mesenteric ganglion noun ANAT a
poisonous compound of mercury and chlo- plexus of sympathetic nerve fibres and
rine, used as an antiseptic and wood pre- ganglion cells around the superior
servative. Formula: HgCl2. Also called mesenteric artery
mercuric chloride mesentery noun, noun ANAT a mem-
mercury (II) oxide noun CHEM a red or brane in the body cavity that supports the
yellow toxic compound of mercury and weight of the small intestine
oxygen, used as pigment. Formula: Hg2O. mesh noun 1. a net-like structure 2. COM-
Also called mercuric oxide (NOTE: Mer- PUT a system with two or more possible
cury (I) or mercurous oxide, Hg2O, has paths at each interconnection
never been conclusively proven to exist.)
mesh model noun COMPUT a graphical
mercury poisoning noun MED poison- object that is displayed as a mesh created
ing by eating or drinking mercury or mer- from polygons, which can then be used to
cury compounds, or by inhaling mercury shade the object
mesh network noun COMPUT a method
mercury (II) sulfide, mercury (II) sul- of connecting several machines together in
phide noun CHEM a black or red compound which each device is directly connected to
of mercury and sulfur used in pigments every other device in the network
such as vermilion. Formula: HgS. Also mesic adjective referring to an organism
called mercuric sulfide growing in or an environment character-
mercury-vapour lamp noun PHYS a ised by moderate moisture
lamp that produces ultraviolet radiation by meso- prefix middle
applying an electric current through mer-
cury vapour within a sealed quartz glass mesobenthos noun MARINE BIOL the
bulb animals or plants living on the seabed,
250–1000m below the surface
merge verb COMPUT to combine two data
files while retaining the overall order 쑗 The mesoclimate noun ECOL the climate
system automatically merges text and illus- over a specific locality such as a hillside or
trations into the document. valley, extending no more than a few kilo-
metres in radius
meridian noun EARTH SCI an imaginary
circle on the Earth’s surface passing mesoderm noun BIOL the middle layer
through the north and south geographic of cells in an embryo (NOTE: It develops
into blood, connective tissue, muscle, skin
and bone.)
meridional adjective EARTH SCI refer- mesoglea, mesogloea noun MARINE
ring to a meridian BIOL a gelatinous layer between the inner
meridional airstream noun METEOROL and outer tissue layers of coelenterates
an airstream blowing from north to south such as jellyfish
or from south to north mesohaline adjective CHEM referring to
meridionality noun METEOROL a phe- water that contains a limited amount of salt
nomenon of air blowing from north to mesomerism noun CHEM the property
south or from south to north of a chemical compound having different
meristem noun BOT a plant tissue at the structures by alteration of the covalent
tips of stems and roots in which cells are bonds
actively dividing meson noun PHYS an elementary particle
mes- prefix same as meso- (NOTE: used with a rest mass between that of an electron
before vowels) and a proton, involved in the strong inter-
mesopause 390
action (NOTE: A meson consists of a quark metabolic pathway noun BIOCHEM a
and an antiquark.) series of chemical reactions in the body,
mesopause noun EARTH SCI a thin cold controlled by enzymes
layer of the Earth’s atmosphere between metabolic rate noun BIOCHEM a meas-
the mesosphere and the thermosphere ure of how fast the chemical reactions in
mesophyll noun BOT the tissue inside a living cells happen
leaf where photosynthesis takes place metabolic waste noun BIOCHEM a sub-
mesophyte noun BOT a plant that needs stance produced by metabolism, e.g. car-
a standard amount of water to survive bon dioxide, which is not needed by the
mesoplankton plural noun MARINE BIOL organism which produces it
organisms that take the form of plankton metabolise verb PHYSIOL to break down
for part of their life cycle or build up organic compounds by metabo-
mesosaprobic adjective BIOL referring lism 쑗 The liver metabolises proteins and
to an organism that can survive in moder- carbohydrates.
ately polluted water metabolism noun PHYSIOL the chemical
mesosphere noun METEOROL the zone processes of breaking down or building up
of the Earth’s atmosphere between the organic compounds in organisms
stratosphere and the thermosphere (NOTE: COMMENT: Metabolism covers all changes
It lies 50–80km above the surface, with the which take place in the body: the building of
tissue (anabolism), the breaking down of
stratopause at the bottom and the meso- tissue (catabolism), the conversion of nutri-
pause at the top. The air temperature falls ents into tissue, the elimination of waste
steadily with increasing ascent through the matter and the action of hormones.
mesosphere.) metabolite noun BIOCHEM a chemical
mesothelium noun ANAT a layer of cells produced as a result of metabolism
lining a membrane. Compare endothe- metabolome noun PHYSIOL the full
lium, epithelium complement of molecules of low molecu-
mesotherm noun BOT a plant that grows lar weight present in cells in a particular
in warm conditions physiological or developmental state
mesotrophic adjective BIOCHEM refer- metabolomics noun PHYSIOL the meas-
ring to water that contains a moderate urement of the metabolites of low molecu-
amount of nutrients lar weight in an organism’s cells at a
mesotrophic lake noun EARTH SCI a specific time under specific environmental
lake that has a moderate amount of nutri- conditions
ents in its water metacarpus noun ANAT the part of a
message noun 1. a piece of information hand, or a front foot of an animal, between
sent from one person to another 2. COMPUT the wrist and the fingers or toes
a defined amount of information metacentric adjective GENETICS refer-
message authentication code noun ring to a chromosome whose centromere is
COMPUT full form of MAC at or near the middle
message box noun COMPUT a small metacompiler noun COMPUT a compiler
window that is displayed on screen to warn that is used to create another compiler
of an event, condition or error metafemale noun GENETICS a female
messenger RNA noun GENETICS a type organism that has an extra female chromo-
of RNA that transmits information from some
DNA to the ribosomes where protein syn- metafile noun COMPUT 1. a file that con-
thesis occurs. Abbr mRNA tains other files 쑗 The operating system
meta- prefix 1. changing 2. following uses a metafile to hold data that defines
metabit noun COMPUT an extra identify- where each file is stored on disk. 2. a file
ing bit for each data word that defines or contains data about other
metabolic adjective PHYSIOL referring to files
metabolism metal noun METALL an element or a com-
metabolic cycle noun BOT a cycle by pound that can conduct heat and electricity
which plants absorb sunlight, transform it metalanguage noun COMPUT a lan-
into energy by photosynthesis and create guage that describes a programming lan-
carbon compounds guage
391 meteorite
metaldehyde noun CHEM a substance metamorphism noun EARTH SCI the
used in the form of pellets to kill slugs and process of forming metamorphic rock
snails, or in the form of small blocks to metamorphose verb 1. ZOOL (of an
light fires animal) to change into another form 2.
metal fatigue noun METALL the appear- EARTH SCI (of rock) to undergo metamor-
ance of cracks and weaknesses in metal phism
that has been exposed to a long period of metamorphosis noun ZOOL a process
stress of change into a different form, especially
metalimnion noun EARTH SCI the mid- the change of a larva into an adult insect
dle layer of water in a lake. Also called metaphase noun BIOL the stage of cell
thermocline. Compare epilimnion, division at which chromosomes line up
hypolimnion before the daughter cells separate
metallic adjective 1. CHEM referring to metaplasia noun BIOL the process that
metal 쑗 metallic materials 2. referring to changes healthy tissue into a diseased form
something that is like metal, especially in such as a cancerous tumour
appearance metapneumovirus noun MICROBIOL
metallic bond noun CHEM a chemical same as human metapneumovirus
bond in which electrons are shared metapopulation noun ECOL a popula-
between atoms and are able to move within tion belonging to a group of populations of
the structure (NOTE: Such bonds are char- the same species that exchange individuals
acteristic of metals.) through migration and recolonise sites in
metallic crystal noun CHEM a crystal which other metapopulations have become
formed by metal atoms in their solid state extinct
that can conduct electricity metastasis noun MED the spreading of a
metallic element noun CHEM a chemi- malignant disease from one part of the
cal element that is a metal body to another through the bloodstream
metalloenzyme noun BIOL an enzyme or the lymph system (NOTE: The plural is
containing a bound metal ion incorporated metastases.)
into a protein metatarsal noun ANAT a bone of the set
metallofullerene noun PHYS a fullerene found between the toes and ankle
compound containing a metal atom or a metatarsus noun ZOOL the part of ani-
metal oxide molecule mal’s hind foot between the ankle and toes
metalloid adjective CHEM 1. an element metatherian adjective ZOOL referring to
such as silicon that has some properties of marsupials
a metal and some of a non-metal 2. like a metazoan noun ZOOL an animal whose
metal body consists of cells that are separated
metal oxide semiconductor noun into specialised tissues and organs. Group:
ELEC a production and design method for a
Metazoa. (NOTE: All animals except for
certain family of integrated circuits using sponges and protozoans are classified as
patterns of metal conductors and oxide metazoans.)
deposited onto a semiconductor. Abbr meteor noun ASTRON a solid body that
MOS enters the Earth’s atmosphere from outer
metamale noun GENETICS a male organ- space, usually burning up as it does so
ism that has an extra male chromosome meteoric adjective ASTRON referring to
metameric segmentation noun ZOOL meteors
the repetition of identical segments along meteorite noun ASTRON a solid body that
the length of an organism’s body, e.g. in an falls from outer space onto the Earth’s sur-
earthworm. Also called metamerism face
COMMENT: Outer space contains many
metamerism noun ZOOL same as meta- millions of small solid bodies which some-
meric segmentation times come into contact with Earth. Large
metamorphic adjective EARTH SCI meteorites can create craters and form dust
clouds when they hit Earth and it is believed
referring to rock that has changed because that the impact of very large meteorites may
of external influences such as pressure have been responsible for major climatic
from other rocks or temperature changes changes in the past.
meteoroid 392
meteoroid noun ASTRON a piece of COMMENT: Methanol can be used as a fuel
material in interplanetary space that is too in any type of burner. Its main disadvantage
is that it is less efficient than petrol and can
small to be viewed as an asteroid (NOTE: cause pollution if it escapes into the envi-
Meteoroids range from dust grain size up ronment, as it mixes easily with water.
to several hundred tonnes.) Production of methanol from coal or natural
gas does not help fuel conservation, since it
meteorological adjective METEOROL depletes Earth’s fossil fuel resources.
referring to meteorology or to climate
meteorologist noun METEOROL a per- methicillin-resistant Staphylococ-
son who studies, reports and forecasts the cus aureus noun MED, MICROBIOL full
weather form of MRSA
meteorology noun METEOROL the scien- methionine noun BIOCHEM an essential
tific study of weather and weather condi- amino acid
tions 쑗 Terrestrial radiation plays an method noun a particular way of doing
important part in meteorology. something, especially if it is well thought
meter noun 1. a device to measure a phys- out and systematic 쑗 The most common
ical property such as current, rate of flow method of displaying radar information is
or air speed 2. MEASURE US spelling of on a cathode ray tube.
metre 쐽 verb to count or measure with a methyl alcohol noun CHEM same as
meter methanol
methaemoglobin noun MED a dark methylamine noun CHEM a transparent
brown substance formed from haemo- flammable gas derived from ammonia used
globin which develops during illness or in medicines, dyes and weedkillers. For-
following treatment with some drugs mula: CH5N.
(NOTE: Methaemoglobin cannot transport
oxygen round the body and so causes cya- methylate verb CHEM to add a methyl
nosis.) group in place of one of the hydrogen
atoms in a molecule
methaemoglobinaemia noun MED the
presence of methaemoglobin in the blood methylated spirit noun CHEM ethanol
methanation noun CHEM the process of with added methanol and violet dye, used
converting a mixture into methane as a solvent or fuel (NOTE: The methanol
makes it unsuitable for people to drink and
methane noun CHEM a colourless flam- the dye serves as a warning.)
mable gas produced naturally from rotting
organic waste, as in landfill sites or animal methylbenzene noun CHEM same as
excreta. Formula: CH4. (NOTE: It is also toluene
found in marshes (marsh gas) and coal methylene blue noun CHEM a blue dye
mines (firedamp).)
methylene blue test noun CHEM a test
methane converter noun ENVIRON a to see whether a sample of effluent has the
process that turns into a usable form the ability to remain in an oxidised condition
gas produced by rotting waste in a landfill (NOTE: The effluent is considered stable if
site it retains the blue colour of the dye
methane fermentation noun BIOCHEM throughout the testing period.)
the breaking down of food in the gut of methyl isothiocyanate noun CHEM a
ruminant animals, especially cattle, pro- chemical compound used in the production
ducing methane which is eliminated from of soil sterilants. Abbr MIC
the animal’s body
COMMENT: Methyl isocyanate is very toxic
methanisation noun CHEM same as and was the gas which leaked at Bhopal in
methanation India in 1984.
methanogenesis noun CHEM the gen- metre noun MEASURE an SI unit of length
eration of methane 쑗 The area is four metres by three. Symbol
methanoic acid noun CHEM same as m (NOTE: The US spelling is meter.)
formic acid metres per second noun MEASURE a
methanol noun CHEMan alcohol manu- system of measuring speed 쑗 One metre
factured from coal, natural gas or waste per second is equal to 2.2 miles per hour.
wood, which is used as a fuel or solvent. Abbr m/s (NOTE: It is often used to meas-
Formula: CH3OH. ure wind speed.)
393 microhabitat
metric system noun a deci-
MEASURE microbiological adjective MICROBIOL
mal measuring system, calculated in units referring to microbiology
of ten, e.g. the SI system microbiologist noun MICROBIOL a sci-
metric ton noun MEASURE same as entist who specialises in the study of
tonne microorganisms
metropolitan area network noun microbiology noun BIOL the scientific
COMPUT a network extending over a lim- study of microorganisms
ited area such as a city
microcarrier noun BIOTECH (in cell cul-
MF band abbreviation MEDIA medium tures and drug delivery systems) a micro-
frequency band scopic particle to which something is
MFM abbreviation ELEC modified fre- attached
quency modulation microchip noun ELECTRONICS a circuit
mg abbreviation MEASURE milligram in which all the active and passive compo-
Mg symbol CHEM ELEM magnesium nents are formed on one small piece of
MHC noun GENETICS (in mammals) a semiconductor, by means of etching and
group of genes located next or near to one chemical processes
another that make cells separate and distin- microcircuit noun ELECTRONICS a com-
guishable from those of other organisms plex integrated circuit
MHz abbreviation MEASURE, PHYS mega- microclimate noun METEOROL, ECOL
hertz the climate over a very small area such as a
MIC abbreviation CHEM methyl isothiocy- pond, tree, field, or even a leaf
anate microcode noun COMPUT control
mica noun MINERALS, INDUST a silicate instructions for an arithmetic logic unit
mineral that splits into thin transparent implemented as hardwired software
flakes. It is used as an insulator in electrical
appliances. microcomputer noun COMPUT a com-
plete small-scale, cheap and low-powered
micro noun COMPUT same as microcom- computer system based around a micro-
puter processor chip with limited memory
micro- prefix 1. very small. Opposite capacity. Also called micro
macro-, mega-, megalo- 2. MEASURE one microcomputer architecture noun
millionth, 10-6. Symbol µ COMPUT the layout and interconnection of
microarray noun BIOTECH same as gene a microcomputer’s internal hardware
microcycle noun COMPUT a unit of time
microbalance noun MEASURE a device usually a multiple of the system clock
that can weigh very small quantities accu- period, used to give the execution time of
rately instructions
microbe noun MICROBIOL a microorgan- microdevice noun ELECTRONICS a very
ism (NOTE: Viruses, bacteria, protozoa and small device such as a microprocessor
microscopic fungi are informally referred to
as microbes.) microelectronics noun ELECTRONICS
microbial adjective MICROBIOL referring the design and manufacture of electronic
to microbes circuits with integrated circuits and chips
microbial disease noun MED a disease microenvironment noun ECOL same as
caused by a microbe microhabitat
microbial ecology noun MICROBIOL the microfauna noun 1. MICROBIOL very
study of the way in which microbes small animals which can only be seen with
develop in nature a microscope 2. ECOL the animals living in
microbial fermentation noun MICRO-
a microhabitat
BIOL, BIOCHEM the breaking down of a sub- microgram noun MEASURE a unit of
stance by the action of microbes measurement of weight, equal to one mil-
microbial insecticide noun an insecti- lionth of a gram. Symbol µg
cide based on fungal, bacterial or other microhabitat noun ECOL a single small
microorganisms that are pathogens of area such as the bark of a tree, where fauna
insects, or their toxins and/or flora live
micro-hydro system 394
micro-hydro system noun INDUST a micropyle noun BOT a tiny hole through
small system that uses water to produce which a pollen tube enters in order to ferti-
electricity lise a plant ovule and which later allows
microinstruction noun COMPUT a hard- water uptake when the seed germinates
wired instruction in a microcode that con- microscope noun BIOL a scientific
trols the actions of the arithmetic logic unit instrument which makes very small objects
in a processor appear larger 쑗 The tissue was examined
micrometer noun MEASURE 1. an instru- under the microscope. 쑗 Under the micro-
ment for taking very small measurements scope it was possible to see the chloro-
such as of the width or thickness of very plasts.
thin pieces of tissue 2. US spelling of COMMENT: In a light microscope the image
is magnified by lenses. In an electron micro-
micrometre scope the lenses are electromagnets and a
micrometre noun MEASURE one thou- beam of electrons is used instead of light,
sandth of a millimetre. Symbol µm thereby achieving much greater magnifica-
micromole noun MEASURE, CHEM a unit
of measurement of the amount of sub- microscopic adjective SCI referring to
stance equal to one millionth of a mole something so small that it can only be seen
through a microscope
micron noun MEASURE symbol µ. Former microscopy noun SCI the science of the
name for micrometre
use of microscopes
micronutrient noun BIOL a nutrient microsecond noun MEASURE a unit of
which an organism uses in very small measurement of time, equal to one mil-
quantities, e.g. iron, zinc or copper lionth of a second. Symbol µs
microorganism noun MICROBIOL an microtear noun MED a minute tear in
organism that can only be seen with a muscle-fibre tissue, seen in competitive
microscope (NOTE: Viruses, bacteria, pro- cyclists and other distance athletes
tozoa and fungi are all forms of microor-
ganism.) microtherm noun BOT a plant which
grows in cool regions
microparasite noun a parasite which
multiplies inside the body of its host, e.g. a microtome noun BIOL a device for cut-
virus ting very thin slices of tissue or other mate-
rial so they can be examined under a
microphone noun ELEC a device that microscope
converts sound waves into electrical sig-
nals microtubule noun BIOL a tiny tube of
protein within a living cell, occurring sin-
microplankton plural noun MICROBIOL gly or in groups (NOTE: Microtubules ena-
plankton in the size range 20–200 µm ble the cell to move, maintain its shape and
micropollutant noun ENVIRON a pollut- move materials around inside itself.)
ant which occurs in very small quantities microwave noun PHYS an electromag-
microprocessor noun COMPUT the cen- netic wave whose wavelength ranges from
tral processing unit of a computer, often 1 mm to 30 cm, used in radar, radio trans-
contained on a single integrated circuit missions, and cooking or heating devices
chip microwave background radiation
microprocessor architecture noun noun PHYS microwave radiation that
COMPUT the layout of the basic parts of a occurs naturally
CPU mid- prefix middle
microprocessor chip noun COMPUT midbrain noun ANAT the middle of the
an integrated circuit which contains all the three main divisions of the vertebrate
elements of the central processing unit of a brain. Compare forebrain, hindbrain
computer middle ear noun ANAT the part of the ear
microprocessor unit noun COMPUT a between the eardrum and the inner ear,
unit containing the main elements of a containing the ossicles
microprocessor. Abbr MPU middle lamella noun BOT a thin mem-
micropropagation noun the propaga- brane that makes the walls of plant cells
tion of plants by cloning a small piece of stick together, composed of pectin and
plant tissue cultured in a growth medium other polysaccharides
395 milligauss
middleware noun COMPUT system soft- mile noun MEASURE an imperial measure-
ware that has been customised by a dealer ment of distance, equal to 1.609km
for a particular user mileage noun MEASURE a distance meas-
MIDI abbreviation COMPUT musical instru- ured in miles
ment digital interface milk sugar noun BIOCHEM same as lac-
mid-latitude desert noun EARTH SCI a tose
desert situated between the tropics, e.g. the
Gobi Desert or the Turkestan Desert
milk teeth plural noun ANAT the first teeth
of a human, which are gradually replaced
mid-latitudes plural noun EARTH SCI by permanent teeth (NOTE: In other mam-
areas halfway between the poles and the mals they are called deciduous teeth.)
equator 쑗 In the mid-latitudes, global
warming would produce dry hot summers Milky Way noun ASTRON a band of light
and mild winters. stretching across the sky and caused by the
high concentration of stars in the plane of
midline noun ANAT an imaginary line our galaxy
drawn down the middle of the body from
COMMENT: The Milky Way can be resolved
the head through the navel to the point into its constituent stars and other objects
between the feet by telescope. The name is also applied to
mid-ocean ridge noun OCEANOG a the galaxy itself – the only visible galaxy not
ridge running down the middle of an ocean present in even the most reliable cata-
logues of nebulae. The Milky Way galaxy
such as the Atlantic, caused by the upward seems to be about 20,000 parsecs across,
movement of magma making it a large but not giant galaxy, of
mid-user noun COMPUT an operator who about 100 billion stars. The solar system is
retrieves relevant information from a data- about 8,500 parsecs from its centre.
base for a customer or end user mill noun INDUST a factory where a sub-
migrant noun ZOOL an animal or bird that stance is crushed to make a powder, espe-
moves from one place to another according cially one for making flour from the dried
to the season. Compare nomad grains of cereals 쐽 verb to crush a sub-
stance to make a powder
migrate verb 1. ZOOL (of a bird or other
animal) to move from one place to another millet noun PLANTS a cereal crop grown in
according to the season 쑗 As winter many of the hot, dry regions of Africa and
approaches, the herds of deer migrate Asia, where it is a staple food. Genera:
south. 2. to move to another place 쑗 Waste especially: Panicum or Eleusine.
materials may be allowed to migrate from COMMENT: The two most important species
landfill sites into the surrounding soil. are finger millet and bulrush millet. Millet
grains are used in various types of food.
migration noun 1. ZOOL the process of a They can be boiled and eaten like rice,
bird or other animal moving from one made into flour for porridge, pasta or chap-
place to another according to the season 쑗 atis, and mixed with wheat flour to make
The islands lie along one of the main bread. Millets can be malted to make beer.
Millets are also grown as forage crops, and
migration routes from Siberia to Australia. the seed is used as a poultry feed.
(NOTE: Birds such as swallows breed in
Northern Europe but fly south for the win-
milli- prefix MEASURE one thousandth or
ter; fish such as salmon and eels spawn in
10-3. Symbol m
one place, often a river, and then migrate milliampere noun MEASURE, ELEC an
to the sea.) 2. COMPUT the movement of electrical measure of current, equal to one
users from one hardware platform to thousandth of an ampere. Abbr mA
another 3. the process of moving from one millibar noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
place to another pressure equal to one thousandth of a bar or
migratory adjective ZOOL moving from 100Pa. Symbol mbar (NOTE: This unit is
one place to another according to the sea- often used in meteorology to express
son 쑗 Estuaries are important feeding atmospheric pressure, standard atmos-
grounds for migratory birds, and are also pheric pressure at sea level being 1013.25
important for the passage of migratory fish millibars.)
such as salmon. milligauss noun MEASURE, PHYS the cgs
mildew noun FUNGI a disease caused by a unit of magnetic flux density 쑗 A person
fungus which produces a fine powdery film living under a low-voltage power line is
on the surface of an organism exposed to 20 milligauss of radiation.
milligram 396
milligram noun MEASURE a unit of meas- multimedia, graphics and other files are
stored using an 8-bit data format.
urement of weight, equal to one thousandth
of a gram. Abbr mg mimic ZOOL noun an animal which imi-
tates another 쑗 Starlings are excellent mim-
millilitre noun MEASURE a unit of meas- ics. 쐽 verb to imitate another animal 쑗 The
urement of liquid equal to one thousandth starling mimicked the call of the thrush.
of a litre. Abbr ml (NOTE: The US spelling
is milliliter.) mimicry noun ZOOL a situation where
one animal imitates another, often to pre-
millimetre noun a unit of measurement vent itself from being attacked
of length, equal to one thousandth of a COMMENT: Some animals mimic others
metre. Abbr mm (NOTE: The US spelling is which are unpleasant or poisonous so that
millimeter.) predators will not try to eat them (Batesian
mimicry). Other animals mimic animals
millimole noun MEASURE, CHEM a unit of which have an unpleasant taste (Mullerian
measurement of the amount of substance mimicry). In some animals, mimicry is a
equal to one thousandth of a mole. Abbr form of camouflage: insects mimic sticks or
mmol leaves so that predators cannot see them
milling noun 1. INDUST the process of
crushing and grinding mineral ores to sep- Minamata disease noun MED a form of
arate out the useful materials 2. the process mercury poisoning from eating polluted
of grinding cereal grains into flour fish, first identified in Japan
mine INDUST noun a hole dug in the
million instructions per second ground to extract a mineral 쐽 verb to dig
noun MEASURE, COMPUT a measure of into the ground to extract a mineral
processor speed that defines the number of
instructions it can carry out per second. mineral noun CHEM an inorganic solid
Abbr MIPS. Compare megaflops substance with a characteristic chemical
composition that occurs naturally (NOTE:
million tonnes of coal equivalent The names of many minerals end with the
noun MEASURE, INDUST a measure of suffix -ite.)
energy from a source that is not coal. Abbr COMMENT: The most important minerals
MTCE required by the body are: calcium (found in
millisecond noun MEASURE a unit of cheese, milk and green vegetables) which
helps the growth of bones and encourages
time equal to one thousandth of a second. blood clotting; iron (found in bread and liver)
Abbr ms which helps produce red blood cells; phos-
millisievert noun MEASURE a unit of phorus (found in bread and fish) which
helps in the growth of bones and the metab-
measurement of radiation. Abbr mSv olism of fats; and iodine (found in fish)
mill race noun ENG a channel of water which is essential to the functioning of the
which turns the wheel of a water mill thyroid gland.
millwheel noun ENG a large wheel with mineral acid noun CHEM an inorganic
wooden bars that is turned by the force of acid
water mineral deposit noun EARTH SCI a
deposit of rocks containing useful minerals
MIMD noun COMPUT architecture of a par-
allel processor that uses a number of arith- mineralisation, mineralization noun
metic logic units and memory devices in CHEM the breaking down of organic waste
parallel to provide high speed processing. into its inorganic chemical components
Full form multiple instruction stream – mineral kingdom noun GEOL a cate-
multiple data stream gory of all non-living substances such as
MIME noun COMPUT a standard that minerals and rocks
defines a way of sending files using elec- mineral matter noun EARTH SCI the
tronic mail software. Full form multipur- solid part of the soil composed of stones,
pose Internet mail extensions sand, silt and clay as opposed to the vege-
COMMENT: MIME allows a user to send files table matter, formed from dead or decaying
over the Internet to another user without plants
having to carry out any other encoding or mineral nutrient noun BIOL an inor-
conversion actions. MIME was developed
to get around a problem of many electronic ganic element other than carbon, hydrogen
mail systems that could only transmit text and oxygen that is absorbed by plants from
stored in a 7-bit data format. Programs, the soil
397 mirror
mineralogy noun GEOL the study of min- does not affect the deeper layers. The ben-
erals and how to find, name and classify efits are conservation of organic matter,
them leading to a better soil structure and less
mineral oil noun US 1. CHEM oil which soil erosion, better soil biodiversity and the
derives from petroleum and is made up of use of less energy. The disadvantages
hydrocarbons 2. EARTH SCI same as liquid include the easier germination of grass
paraffin (NOTE: [all senses] The UK term is seeds. Also called min-till. 쒁 no-till agri-
liquid paraffin.) culture
mineral pitch noun MINERALS same as minimum viable population noun
asphalt the smallest population which will allow a
species to continue to exist and to avoid
mineral resources plural noun MINER- inbreeding, usually taken to be about 300
ALS the supply of minerals and metals
individuals. Abbr MVP
which are available in an area
mining subsidence area noun ENVI-
mineral water noun FOOD INDUST water RON a region in which the ground has sub-
taken from a natural spring for human con- sided because of mines being dug
minmax noun COMPUT a method used in
mini- prefix COMPUT small artificial intelligence to solve problems
miniaturisation noun the process of minor axis noun MATHS, ASTRON the
making something very small smallest diameter of an ellipse
minidisk noun COMPUT a magnetic disk minority noun the lower quantity or
smaller than the 5.25in. standard, usually smaller part. Opposite majority
3.5in. minuend noun MATHS a number from
minifloppy noun COMPUT a magnetic which another is subtracted
disk usually measuring 5.25in minus preposition 1. reduced by 쑗 6
minimal adjective very small in amount minus 2 equals 4 (6 – 2 = 4). 2. less than 쑗
or importance 쑗 the minimal area for sam- minus forty degrees Celsius (-40° Celsius)
pling in which specimens of all species can minus sign noun MATHS a sign (-) used
be found to show that a following number is sub-
minimal area noun ECOL the smallest tracted or is negative. Also called minus
area for sampling in which specimens of minute noun 1. MEASURE, TIME a time
all species can be found period of 60 seconds 쑗 There are 60 min-
minimal tree noun COMPUT a tree whose utes in one hour. 2. a unit of angular meas-
nodes are organised in the optimum way, urement equal to one sixtieth of a degree 쑗
providing maximum efficiency 20 degrees and 20 minutes east (20° 20’E).
minimise, minimize verb 1. to make Symbol ’ (NOTE: One degree equals 60
something as small as possible 쑗 We mini- minutes.) 쐽 adjective extremely small 쑗
mised costs by cutting down the number of minute traces 쑗 Metal fatigue begins as
components. Opposite maximise 2. COM- minute cracks, too small to be seen, at the
PUT to shrink an application window to an point of maximum stress.
icon 3. INDUST to reduce the amount of MIPS abbreviation COMPUT million
waste generated during industrial produc- instructions per second. Compare mega-
tion processes. Opposite maximise flops
minimum adjective referring to the mirage noun OPTICS the apparent pres-
smallest possible 쑗 the minimum amount ence of a pool of water on a hot surface
required 쑗 minimum requirements 쐽 noun such as that of a desert or a road (NOTE: It is
the smallest or least possible quantity or caused by light being bent and reflected by
amount 쑗 Fires should be tackled with the layers of cooler and warmer air.)
minimum of delay. 쑗 Keep the weight to a mire noun EARTH SCI an area of land satu-
minimum. (NOTE: The plural is minima or rated with water
minimums.) mirror noun PHYS a device for reflecting
minimum lethal dose noun the small- light or other radiation 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to
est amount of a substance needed to kill an create an identical copy 2. to duplicate all
organism disk operations onto a second disk drive
minimum tillage noun a method of that can be used if the first breaks down 쑗
ploughing in which disturbance of the soil There’s less chance of losing our data now
MIS 398
that we have mirrored the server’s disk chondrial DNA is inherited only from a
drive. mother.)
MIS abbreviation COMPUT management mitochondrion noun BIOL a tiny
information system rod-shaped structure found in the cyto-
miscarry verb BIOL same as abort 3 plasm of a cell that is responsible for cell
(technical) respiration (NOTE: The plural is mitochon-
miscible adjective CHEM able to be com- dria.)
pletely mixed together (NOTE: This term is mitosis noun BIOL a process of cell divi-
usually applied to liquids.) sion, whereby a cell divides into two iden-
MISD noun COMPUT architecture of a par- tical cells. Compare meiosis
allel computer that has a single ALU and mix verb to come together or put things
data bus with a number of control units. together in order to form one mass 쑗 Air is
Full form multiple instruction stream – mixed with fuel which then flows into the
single data stream cylinder through the inlet valve.
missense noun GENETICS a mutation in mixed adjective referring to something
which a gene coding sequence or codon for made up of different parts or categories
one amino acid is changed to one that mixed cropping noun AGRIC the prac-
codes for another tice of growing more than one type of plant
mist noun 1. METEOROL the visible water on the same piece of land at the same time.
vapour, in the form of very fine droplets, in Opposite monocropping
the atmosphere 쑗 an early morning mist on mixed farming noun AGRIC the practice
the fields 쑗 Mist is thinner than fog. 2. of combining arable and dairy farming
water vapour that has condensed on a cool mixed fertiliser noun AGRIC same as
surface 3. liquid in the form of a spray 쑗 an compound fertiliser
air/oil mist 쐽 verb 1. also mist up to form mixed forest noun FORESTRY a forest
a mist on a cool surface 쑗 The windows had containing both conifers and broadleaved
misted up. 2. to spray plants with small trees
drops of water to keep them wet mixed number noun MATHS a figure
mister noun a device for spraying plants that consists of a whole number and a frac-
with small drops of water to keep them wet tion, e.g. the figure 2 ¾
mistral noun METEOROL a strong, cold mixed race adjective (of people) having
wind from the north which blows down the parents who differ in the physical features
Rhone valley into the Mediterranean usually attributed to ethnic origin
mist up verb to become covered in tiny mixed woodland noun a wooded area
water droplets of condensation and there- where neither conifers nor broadleaved
fore prevent clear vision through a surface trees account for more than 75% of the
쑗 The windscreen misted up. total
misty adjective METEOROL referring to mixture noun something which is the
mist 쑗 a misty autumn morning 쑗 a misty result of mixing a number of things
window together
misuse verb to use something wrongly or mixture control noun AUTOMOT a
inappropriately device for controlling the ratio of fuel to air
mite noun ZOOL a tiny animal of the spider entering an engine’s carburettor or fuel
family which may be free-living in the soil injection system 쑗 In order to stop the
or on stored products, or parasitic on ani- engine, the mixture control should be
mals or plants moved to the left.
miticide noun AGRIC a substance that ml abbreviation MEASURE millilitre
kills mites mm abbreviation MEASURE millimetre
mitochondria plural noun BIOL plural of MMI abbreviation COMPUT man machine
mitochondrion interface
mitochondrial adjective BIOL relating to mmol abbreviation MEASURE, CHEM milli-
a mitochondrion or mitochondria mole
mitochondrial DNA noun GENETICS a MMU abbreviation COMPUT memory man-
small circular molecule of DNA found in agement unit (NOTE: The MMU is normally
the mitochondria of a cell (NOTE: Mito- integrated into the processor chip.)
399 Modula-2
Mn symbol CHEM ELEM manganese moderate adjective 1. referring to some-
mnemonic noun COMPUT the shortened thing well within specific limits 2. refer-
form of a word or function that is helpful as ring to the middle of three descriptions of
a reminder, e.g. INCA for increment regis- intensity or amount, i.e. light, moderate
ter A and severe 쑗 moderate humidity 쑗 moder-
ate to severe turbulence 쐽 verb to become
Mo symbol CHEM ELEM molybdenum or make something less extreme 쑗 The
mock-up noun INDUST a model of a new south west wind moderates the climate of
product for testing or to show to possible the UK. 쑗 As the wind moderated, the air-
customers craft was allowed to take off.
mod abbreviation MATHS modulus 쑗 7 moderate climate noun a climate
mod 3 = 1 which is not too hot or too cold
modal adjective COMPUT 1. referring to moderated newsgroup noun COMPUT
modes 쑗 Dialog boxes are normally modal a newsgroup in which a moderator reads all
windows. 2. (in a graphical user interface) the material that has been submitted before
referring to a window that is displayed and it is published in the newsgroup (NOTE:
does not allow a user to do anything out- Moderated newsgroups usually have a ‘-d’
side it. Compare nonmodal after their name.)
mode noun 1. a particular way of doing moderator noun 1. COMPUT a person
something 쑗 Texting is a popular mode of responsible for reading messages sent to a
communication. 2. a particular selected mailing list and editing any messages that
setting for the operation or functioning of do not conform to the rules of the list, e.g.
equipment 쑗 automatic mode 쑗 manual by deleting commercial messages 2. CHEM
mode 3. ENG a letter or number given to
a substance such as graphite or heavy water
various pulse spacing of airborne trans-
which is used to slow down the speed of
ponders and ground interrogators 쑗 Mode
A and mode C for altitude reporting are the neutrons in a nuclear reactor (NOTE:
Using a moderator allows fuel enriched
used in air traffic control.
with uranium-235 to be used in a reactor.)
model noun 1. a small copy of something
to show what it will look like when fin- modification noun an alteration in char-
ished 쑗 He showed us a model of the new acter or form which is usually an improve-
building. 2. a version of a product 쑗 The ment 쑗 As a result of the crash,
new model B has taken the place of model modifications were made to the rudder
A. 쑗 This is the latest model. 3. a simplified linkage.
description of a system, often a mathemat- modified frequency modulation
ical one, to make calculation simpler 쑗 The noun COMPUT a method of storing data on
description of the weather patterns is a magnetic media such as a magnetic disk
model only which, in reality, is modified that encodes the data bit according to the
greatly by a number of factors. 쐽 adjective state of the previous bit. Abbr MFM (NOTE:
which is a perfect example to be copied 쑗 a MFM is more efficient than FM, but less
model agreement 쐽 verb to make a compu- efficient than RLL encoding.)
terised model of a new product or a system Modified Mercalli scale noun MEAS-
modem noun COMPUT a device that URE, GEOL a scale rising from 1 to 12 used
allows data to be sent over telephone lines for measuring the damage caused by an
by converting binary signals from a com- earthquake
puter into analog sound signals which can
be transmitted over a telephone line. Full modifier noun COMPUT a programming
form modulator/demodulator instruction that alters the normal action of
a command
COMMENT: The process of converting
binary signals to analog by a modem is modify verb to change or alter something
called modulation. When the signal is in order to improve it (NOTE: modifying –
received, another modem reverses the modified)
process, called DEMODULATION. Both
modems must be working according to the Modula-2 noun COMPUT a high-level pro-
same standards. gramming language derived from Pascal
moder noun EARTH SCI humus which is that supports modular programming tech-
partly acid mor and partly neutral mull niques and data abstraction
modular 400
modular adjective formed by connecting the mantle, below which seismic shocks
several smaller parts together to produce a move more rapidly
customised product moiré effect noun PHYS a pattern of
modularity noun COMPUT the state of interference caused by printing with the
being made up from modules 쑗 The modu- wrong screen angle
larity of the software or hardware allows moist adjective slightly damp, containing
the system to be changed. a small amount of water
modular programming noun COMPUT moist tropical forest noun ECOL a
the programming of small individually tropical forest which receives less rain than
written sections of computer code that can other types of tropical forest such as cloud
be made to fit into a structured program forest
and can be called up from a main program moisture noun water or other liquid
modulate verb ELEC to change the fre- moisture meter noun MEASURE a
quency, amplitude, phase, or other charac- device for measuring the amount of water
teristic of an electromagnetic wave or other liquid which a substance contains
modulated signal noun ELEC a con- mol symbol MEASURE, CHEM mole
stant frequency and amplitude carrier sig- molality noun CHEM the concentration of
nal that is used in a modulated form to a solution, expressed as the number of
transmit data moles of a dissolved substance (solute) in
modulating signal noun ELEC a signal one thousand grams of solvent
to be transmitted that is used to modulate a molar adjective 1. PHYS (of physical prop-
carrier erties) measured per mole of a substance 2.
modulation noun ELEC a change in a CHEM referring to a solution containing one
property such as amplitude, frequency or mole of solute per litre 쐽 noun a large back
phase of an electromagnetic wave or signal tooth
쑗 Pulse modulation is a series of quick, molar concentration noun CHEM the
short bursts of energy which are radiated concentration of a substance measured as
from an antenna which serves both the the physical quantity divided by the
transmitter and the receiver. amount in moles
modulator noun ELEC an electronic cir- molar conductivity noun CHEM the
cuit that varies a carrier signal according to electrical conductivity of an electrolyte
an applied signal that has one mole of a solute dissolved in
module noun 1. a part that together with one litre of solution
other parts makes up another structure or molar heat capacity noun CHEM the
system 2. COMPUT a small section of a heat required to increase the temperature of
large program that can, if required, func- one mole of a substance by one kelvin
tion independently as a program in its own mold noun, verb US spelling of mould
right 3. COMPUT a self-contained piece of mole noun 1. ZOOL a small dark-grey
hardware that can be connected with other mammal which makes tunnels under the
modules to form a new system 쑗 A multi- ground and eats worms and insects 2. ANAT
function analog interface module includes a dark raised spot on the skin 쑗 She has a
analog to digital and digital to analog con- large mole on her chin. 3. MEASURE an SI
verters. unit of measurement of the amount of a
modulo arithmetic noun MATHS a substance. Symbol mol (NOTE: It is the
branch of arithmetic that uses the remain- amount of a substance containing
der of one number when divided by Avogadro’s number of atoms or mole-
another cules.)
modulo-N noun MATHS modulo arithme- molecular adjective CHEM referring to
tic using base N molecules
modulus noun MATHS a number by molecular biology noun BIOL the study
which two other numbers can be divided to of the molecules which form the structure
give the same remainder. Abbr mod of living matter
Mohorovicic discontinuity, Moho molecular distillation noun CHEM dis-
noun EARTH SCI a boundary layer in the tillation carried out in a vacuum, in which
interior of the Earth between the crust and the condenser is very close to the substance
401 monitoring well
being distilled so that no molecules hit this particular time 쑗 He’s not in the office
each other before reaching the condenser at the moment. 3. PHYS a product of a quan-
surface tity and its perpendicular distance from a
molecular ecology noun ECOL the reference point, giving it a tendency to
study of ecological problems using the cause rotation about a point or an axis 쑗 A
techniques of molecular biology load on the end of a beam creates a bend-
molecular formula noun CHEM a chem- ing moment. 쑗 The tailplane provides a
ical formula that specifies the numbers of pitching moment to keep the aircraft level.
specific atoms in a molecule (NOTE: For momentary switch noun ELEC a switch
example, a molecule of water contains two that only conducts while it is being pressed
atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen and moment of inertia noun PHYS the
its molecular formula is written H2O.) resistance to changes in speed of rotation
molecular genetics noun GENETICS (NOTE: It is calculated as the sum of the
the branch of genetics that studies genes, products of the component masses of an
chromosomes and the transmission of object multiplied by the square of their dis-
hereditary characteristics at the biochemi- tance from the axis.)
cal level momentum noun PHYS a measure of the
molecular weight noun CHEM the sum motion of a body equal to the product of its
of all the atomic weights of the atoms in a mass and velocity. Also called linear
molecule momentum
molecular weight unit noun PHYS a monadic Boolean operation noun
ratio of the average mass of one molecule COMPUT same as monadic operation
of a substance to one twelfth of the mass of monadic Boolean operator noun
an atom of carbon-12 COMPUT same as monadic operator
molecule noun PHYS the smallest parti-
cle into which a substance can be divided monadic operation noun COMPUT an
without changing its chemical and physical operation that uses one operand to produce
properties 쑗 The molecules of a gas move one result. Also called monadic Boolean
more quickly than the molecules of a liq- operation
uid. monadic operator noun COMPUT a log-
mollusc noun ZOOL an invertebrate ani- ical operator with only one operand 쑗 The
mal with a soft body, a muscular foot on monadic operator NOT can be used here.
the underside used for movement and, in Also called monadic Boolean operator
many species, a protective shell (NOTE: monatomic adjective CHEM same as
Molluscs are found on land as well as in monovalent
fresh and salt water. Slugs, snails and monazite noun CHEM a phosphate con-
shellfish are molluscs. The US spelling is taining cerium and some thorium
mollusk.) monitor noun 1. COMPUT a screen for a
molluscicide noun ZOOL a substance computer display 2. a piece of equipment
used to kill molluscs such as snails for showing information or recording a
molt noun, verb ZOOL US spelling of process 3. COMPUT a system that watches
moult for faults or failures in a circuit 쐽 verb 1. to
molten adjective CHEM, PHYS having check or examine how something is work-
become liquid when heated. 쒁 melt ing 2. to look after and supervise a process
molten lava noun EARTH SCI a liquid or experiment to make sure it is operating
rock which flows out of an erupting vol- correctly 쑗 The machine monitors each
cano signal as it is sent out. 쑗 He is monitoring
molybdenum noun CHEM ELEM a metal- the progress of the trainee programmers.
lic trace element. It is essential to biologi- monitoring noun a process of regular
cal life and is also used in electric wiring. checking on the progress of something 쑗
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Mo; the health monitoring 쑗 Scientists have set up
atomic number is 42 and the atomic weight a monitoring programme to record the
is 95.94.) changes in the Sun’s radiation.
moment noun 1. a short period of time 쑗 monitoring well noun ENVIRON a well
It only takes a moment to fill in the log used to take water quality samples or to
book. 2. a point in time 왍 at the moment at measure ground water levels
mono 402
mono adjective ACOUSTICS same as blood of dead cells and foreign particles by
monophonic ingesting them.)
mono- prefix single or one. Opposite monoecious adjective BOT with male
multi- and female flowers on separate plants.
monoacidic adjective CHEM describes a Compare dioecious
chemical base or alcohol that has only one monogamy noun ZOOL a breeding
hydroxyl group that can react with an acid arrangement where a male and female
monoaural, mono adjective COMPUT
mate for life. Compare polygamy
referring to one source of sound or one monogenic adjective GENETICS 1. refer-
sound signal. Compare stereo ring to a characteristic that is controlled by
a single gene or a pair of genes 2. produc-
monobasic acid noun CHEM an acid ing offspring that all belong to the same
with a single replaceable hydrogen atom in sex
each molecule
monohybrid noun GENETICS a hybrid
monochrome adjective in one colour, from parents that differ only in a single pair
usually shades of grey and black and white of genes
monochrome monitor noun COMPUT monohydrate noun CHEM a hydrate that
a computer monitor that displays text and contains one molecule of water per mole-
graphics in black, white and shades of grey cule of the salt
rather than colours
monolayer noun BIOL a layer of cultured
monocline noun EARTH SCI a rock for- cells that is one cell thick
mation where sedimentary rock slopes monolithic driver noun COMPUT a
sharply on one side of a fold driver that has a range of different func-
monoclonal antibody noun IMMUNOL tions or applications within one program
an antibody produced from a single line or monomer noun CHEM a small organic
clone of cells molecule that can join to others like itself
monocoque noun MECH ENG a to form a long chain (polymer)
three-dimensional body such as a car or monophagous adjective BIOL referring
aircraft that has all the strength in the skin to an organism that feeds on only one kind
and immediately underlying framework of food. Compare polyphagous
(NOTE: There is no internal stiffening as the
monophagy noun the practice of feed-
thickness of the skin gives the strength and
ing on only one kind of food. Compare
monocot noun BOT same as monocoty- monophonic adjective ACOUSTICS
ledon (informal) recorded or played back through a single
monocotyledenous adjective BOT channel. Compare stereophonic
referring to monocotyledons monophyodont noun ZOOL an animal
monocotyledon noun BOT a plant with that has only one set of teeth in its lifetime
seeds that have a single cotyledon, e.g. a monopodium noun BOT the main axis
grass or lily. Compare dicotyledon of a tree or plant that produces side
monocropping, monocrop system, branches and continues to grow at the top
monoculture noun AGRIC a system of cul- monoprogramming system noun
tivation in which a single crop plant such as COMPUT a computer batch processing sys-
wheat is grown over a large area of land tem that executes one program at a time
often for several years. Opposite mixed monosaccharide noun CHEM a sugar
cropping such as glucose or fructose that cannot be
monocular vision noun OPHTHALMOL broken down into simpler units
the ability to see with one eye only, so that monosodium glutamate noun FOOD
the sense of distance is impaired INDUST a substance, labelled E621, added
monoculture noun AGRIC same as to processed food to enhance the flavour.
monocropping Abbr MSG (NOTE: It can cause a bad reac-
monocyte noun BIOL a large circulating tion in some people.)
white blood cell with a single well-defined monosome noun GENETICS an isolated
nucleus (NOTE: Monocytes are made in the chromosome, especially an unpaired
bone marrow and spleen and clear the X-chromosome
403 mordant
monosomic adjective refer-
GENETICS signed in 1987 and later updated. Full form
ring to an unpaired chromosome, or an Montreal Protocol on Substances that
organism containing such a feature 쑗 a Deplete the Ozone Layer
monosomic line Moon noun ASTRON a natural satellite that
monospaced font noun COMPUT a font orbits the Earth every 27 days
in which each character has the same COMMENT: The moon always shows the
width, making it easy to align tables and same face to Earth as it rotates on its axis
columns 쑗 In Windows, the monospaced once per lunar month and shines with light
font is called Courier. reflected from the Sun. As it moves round
the Earth, the face of the Moon gradually
monotreme noun a type of mammal that becomes completely lit by the Sun and is
lays eggs but feeds its young on milk in a then said to be full. See also lunar phases.
pouch. The only monotremes are the duck- The Moon exerts a gravitational pull on
billed platypus and the spiny anteater. Earth and influences the tides. The Moon
has a diameter of 3500 km and a surface
monovalent adjective 1. CHEM with a area about equal to that of Africa. Six US
valency of one 2. IMMUNOL containing only space missions have taken people to the
a single type of antibody Moon, and three unmanned Soviet
missions have returned moon rock to the
monoxide noun CHEM a chemical com- Earth.
pound made up of atoms of an element
combined with a single oxygen atom moor noun EARTH SCI an area of often
high land that is not cultivated, and is
monozygotic twins plural noun BIOL
formed of acid soil covered with grass and
two offspring born at the same time and low shrubs such as heather
from the same ovum, so exactly the same
in appearance and sex. Also called identi- moorland noun EARTH SCI a large area of
cal twins. Compare dizygotic twins moor
monsoon noun METEOROL 1. a season of mor noun EARTH SCI a type of humus
wind and heavy rain in tropical countries 2. found in coniferous forests, which is acid
a wind which blows in opposite directions and contains few nutrients. Compare mull
according to the season, especially the moraine noun EARTH SCI a deposit of
wind blowing north from the Indian Ocean gravel and sand left by a glacier (NOTE:
in the summer There are various types of moraine:
monsoon forest noun ECOL a tropical ground moraine, which is a deposit left
rainforest in an area where rain falls during under a glacier; terminal moraine, which is
the monsoon season the heap of soil and sand pushed by a gla-
Monte Carlo method noun STATS a cier and left behind when it melts; and lat-
statistical analysis technique based on ran- eral moraines, which are deposits left at
dom sampling the sides of a glacier as it moves forward.)
month noun MEASURE, TIME the time moral justification noun ENVIRON a
taken for the Moon to orbit Earth rationale for nature conservation based on
COMMENT: Several types of month are the idea that elements of the environment
defined for different purposes, including the have a right to exist, independent of what
draconitic month, the time the Moon takes may be beneficial to human beings or what
to reappear at the same node of its orbit on human beings would like to happen
the celestial equator, which is the most real-
istic measure and totals 27.21 days, and moratorium noun ENVIRON a period
the sidereal month of 27.32 days, the time when everyone agrees to stop a specific
the Moon takes to reappear at the same activity 쑗 They voted to impose a ten-year
point in the sky relative to the fixed stars. It
differs from the draconitic month because of
moratorium on whaling. 쑗 The conference
the motion of the Earth and Moon around rejected a motion calling for a moratorium
the Sun. The anomalistic month of 27.55 on nuclear reprocessing.
days is the total time needed for the Moon’s morbidity rate noun MED the number of
cycle of slowing and speeding up in its orbit
as it is carried nearer and farther from the cases of a disease per 100000 of popula-
Earth. tion
Montreal Protocol noun an interna- mordant noun CHEM a chemical that
tional agreement to control the production fixes the dyes in textiles, so that the colours
and use of chemicals containing bromine do not run or fade (NOTE: Some dyes turn
and chlorine, such as CFCs, that damage different colours in conjunction with differ-
the ozone layer in the atmosphere. It was ent mordants.)
morgan 404
morgan noun MEASURE, GENETICS a unit increasing and diseases such as malaria
in which chromosome length is measured are spreading.
morph noun BIOL an organism with a mosquitocide noun AGRIC a substance
characteristic shape which kills mosquitoes
morphine noun PHARM an alkaloid drug moss noun BOT a very small plant with-
derived from opium, used as a sedative and out roots, which grows in damp places and
painkiller, which can become addictive forms mats of vegetation 쑗 Sphagnum is a
morphing noun COMPUT a special effect type of moss.
used in multimedia and video and compu- Mössbauer effect noun PHYS the emis-
ter games in which one image gradually sion or absorption of a gamma ray by a
turns into another nucleus within a rigid crystal in which the
morphogenesis noun BIOL the changes recoil energy is shared between atoms in
in shape and form of an organism over its the crystal (NOTE: It is used in the study of
lifetime or its evolutionary history quantum states of nuclei.)
morphology noun BIOL the study of the moss peat noun AGRIC dried and steri-
structure and form of living organisms. 쒁 lised peat formed from the remains of
geomorphology mosses, sold in bags for horticultural pur-
mortality noun BIOL the occurrence of
death 쑗 The population count in spring is most significant bit noun COMPUT a
always lower than that in the autumn bit in a computer word that represents the
because of winter mortality. greatest power of two. Abbr msb, MSB
(NOTE: In an 8-bit word the MSB is in bit
mortality rate noun BIOL same as death position 8 and represents a decimal
number of 2 to the power 8, or 128.)
mortar noun INDUST a mixture of sand,
cement and water, used to bind bricks moth noun INSECTS an insect similar to a
together when building a wall butterfly that is generally active at night.
Order: Lepidoptera.
MOS abbreviation COMPUT metal oxide COMMENT: Moths are similar to butterflies,
semiconductor. 쒁 MOSFET but are dull in colour and fold their wings
mosaic noun 1. BOT a disease of plants over their bodies when at rest.
that makes yellow patterns on the leaves motherboard noun COMPUT the main
and can seriously affect some crops. It is printed circuit board of a system, contain-
often caused by viruses. 2. COMPUT a dis- ing most of the components and connec-
play character used in videotext systems tions for expansion boards
that is made up of small dots mother cell noun BIOL same as parent
mosaicism noun GENETICS the occur- cell
rence, within tissue or an individual organ- mother-of-pearl noun ZOOL a hard
ism, of genetically distinct cells shiny substance, mostly made up of cal-
Moseley’s law noun PHYS a law that cium carbonate, which forms the inner
relates the frequencies of the lines within layer of some shells such as oyster shells
an X-ray spectrum of an element to the mother rock noun EARTH SCI a main
proton number of the element layer of rock
MOSFET noun ELEC a high power and motile adjective BIOL able to move inde-
high speed field effect transistor manufac- pendently
tured using MOS techniques. Full form
metal oxide semiconductor field effect
motion noun 1. a movement 2. the act of
moving or changing position or place
mosquito noun INSECTS an insect which motive adjective SCI capable of causing
sucks blood and passes viruses or parasites or producing motion
into the bloodstream (NOTE: The plural is motor noun MECH ENG a machine which
mosquitoes or mosquitos.) provides power for moving a vehicle or
COMMENT: In tropical countries dengue, device with moving parts 쑗 an electric
filariasis, malaria and yellow fever are motor 쑗 a hydraulic motor (NOTE: Piston or
transmitted by mosquitoes. They breed in jet power plants for aircraft are referred to
water and spread rapidly around lakes or as engines not motors.)
canals created by dams and other irrigation
schemes. As irrigation is more widely prac- motor generator noun PHYS an electric
tised in tropical countries, mosquitoes are motor powered by one voltage, linked to an
405 MP3
electric generator to generate a different mountain plant noun BOT a plant which
voltage grows in or comes originally from a moun-
motor nerve noun ANAT a nerve which tain region
carries impulses from the brain and spinal mountain range noun EARTH SCI a
cord to muscles and causes movements. series of mountains running in a line for
Also called efferent nerve many miles
motor neuron noun ANAT a neuron that mountain sheep noun AGRIC a sheep
is part of a nerve pathway transmitting belonging to a breed which lives in or
impulses from the brain to a muscle or comes originally from a mountain region
gland mountainside noun EARTH SCI the slop-
mould noun 1. BIOL a fungus, especially ing side of a mountain
one that produces a fine powdery layer on mounted adjective fixed to a support
the surface of an organism 2. a hollow (NOTE: an implement without wheels is
shape into which liquid or molten material said to be mounted; one which is not sup-
is poured to harden 쑗 Moulds are used in ported by a tractor is said to be trailed)
the manufacture of plastic components. 쐽
verb to shape something, often using a mounting noun a supporting component
mould 쑗 Thermo-plastic material become or attachment point
soft when heated and can be moulded mouse noun COMPUT a small hand-held
again and again. (NOTE: [all senses] The input device moved on a flat surface to
US spelling is mold.) control the position of a cursor on a com-
moult ZOOL noun an occasion of shedding puter screen
feathers or hair at a specific period of the mouse pointer noun COMPUT a small
year 쐽 verb to shed feathers or hair at a spe- arrow displayed on screen that moves
cific period of the year 쑗 Most animals around as the mouse is moved
moult at the beginning of summer. (NOTE: mouth noun 1. ANAT the part of an ani-
The US spelling is molt.) mal’s body where food is taken in 2. EARTH
moulting noun ZOOL the process by SCI a place where a river widens and joins
which fur or feathers are lost at a specific the sea
period of the year mouthpart noun ZOOL a structure close
moulting season noun ZOOL the time to the mouth of an insect or other arthropod
of year when feathers or hair are lost used to gather or chew food
moult plumage noun ZOOL the small M out of N code noun COMPUT a coding
feathers which remain on a bird when it is system providing error detection by which
moulting each valid character which is N bits long
mount verb 1. to fix something to a sup- must contain M binary ‘one’ bits
port 쑗 A propeller consists of a number of move verb to change position, or change
separate blades mounted in a hub. 2. COM- the place of something
PUT to insert a disk in a disk drive or inform movement noun a change in place or
an operating system that a disk drive is position 쑗 The upward movement of the
ready to be used 쐽 noun SCI something piston compresses the fuel/air mixture. 왍
such as a support or frame to which some- movement of the crankshaft the rotation
thing else can be fixed of the crankshaft 왍 the downward move-
Mount noun a mountain. Abbr Mt (NOTE: ment of cool air the downward flow of
used in the names of specific mountains: cool air
Mount Everest.) movement file noun COMPUT a file
mountain noun EARTH SCI 1. a natural which contains recent changes to records,
structure of rock rising very high above the which is then used to update a master file
surrounding land surface 2. a surplus or moving pictures expert group noun
large amount of something, especially COMPUT full form of MPEG
something that is being stored 쑗 butter MP3 noun COMPUT a way of encoding dig-
mountain 쑗 fridge mountain 쒁 lake 2 ital audio data into a compressed data for-
mountainous adjective EARTH SCI mat that is approximately one twelfth the
referring to an area of land where there are size of the original without perceptible loss
high mountains of quality. Full form MPEG audio level 3
MPEG 406
MPEG noun COMPUT a group of develop- Mt abbreviation Mount 쐽 symbol CHEM
ers that have defined a series of standards ELEM meitnerium
to improve audio and video quality but at MTA abbreviation COMPUT mail transfer
the same time increase data compression agent
so that the audio or video information takes MTBF abbreviation COMPUT mean time
less space but retains its quality. Full form between failures
moving pictures expert group MTCE abbreviation MEASURE million
COMMENT: MPEG is often used to tonnes of coal equivalent
compress video clips and its derivative
standard MPEG audio level 3 (MP3) MTF abbreviation COMPUT mean time to
provides one of the most popular ways of failure
compressing and storing audio information, MUA abbreviation COMPUT mail user
while JPEG provides a popular way to store
compressed still images. agent
MPPP noun COMPUT a communications
mucilage noun BIOL slime secreted by
protocol used with ISDN to link the two some organisms such as seaweeds
B-channels in a standard ISDN adapter to mucin noun BIOCHEM a glycoprotein that
create a transmission channel that can is a constituent of mucus
transfer data at a higher speed. Full form muck noun same as manure
multi-link point to point protocol mucous cell noun BIOL a cell that
MPU abbreviation COMPUT microproces- secretes mucin
sor unit mucous membrane noun ANAT a
MRI abbreviation MED magnetic resonance membrane that lines internal passages in
imaging the body such as the nose or mouth
MRI scanner noun MED a scanner that
mucus noun 1. BIOL a slimy solution of
uses magnetic resonance imaging to obtain mucin secreted by vertebrates onto a
high-contrast detailed images in any plane mucous membrane to provide lubrication
of the tissues of the body 2. a slimy substance secreted by inverte-
MRL abbreviation maximum residue level mud noun EARTH SCI a thick mixture of
mRNA abbreviation GENETICS messenger soil and water
RNA muddy adjective EARTH SCI containing
MRSA noun MED a bacterium resistant to mud, or covered with mud 쑗 a muddy field
almost all antibiotics and which can cause 쑗 muddy boots
life-threatening infection in people recov- mud flat noun EARTH SCI a wide flat area
ering from surgery. Full form methicil- of mud, usually in a river estuary
lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
mudslide noun EARTH SCI a large
ms abbreviation COMPUT, MEASURE milli- amount of mud that slips down a slope
second mud volcano noun EARTH SCI a heap of
m/s abbreviation MEASURE metres per sec- hot mud thrown up round a hot spring
ond mulch AGRIC noun an organic material
msb, MSB abbreviation COMPUT most used to spread over the surface of the soil
significant bit to prevent evaporation or erosion, e.g. dead
MSB abbreviation COMPUT most signifi- leaves or straw 쐽 verb to spread organic
cant bit material over the surface of the soil to pre-
MSF time format noun COMPUT a time vent evaporation or erosion
COMMENT: Black plastic sheeting is often
format that counts frames per second used used by commercial horticulturists, but the
by MCI, normally used by CD audio commonest mulches are organic. Apart
devices in which there are 75 frames per from preventing evaporation, mulches
second reduce weed growth and encourage
MSG abbreviation FOOD INDUST monoso-
dium glutamate mull noun EARTH SCI a type of humus
found in deciduous forests. Compare mor
MSI abbreviation COMPUT medium scale (NOTE: It is formed of rotted leaves, is PH
integration neutral and contains many nutrients.)
MSL abbreviation mean sea level Mullerian mimicry noun ZOOL a form
mSv symbol millisievert of mimicry where an animal mimics
407 multiplexor
another animal which has an unpleasant multilink system noun COMPUTa sys-
taste tem where there is more than one connec-
multi- prefix many or more than one. tion between two points
Opposite mono- multimedia adjective COMPUT referring
multicast verb TELECOM, COMPUT to to the combination of sound, graphics, ani-
transmit one message to a group of recipi- mation, video and text within an applica-
ents (NOTE: This could be as simple as tion
sending an email message to a list of multimeter noun ELEC ENG a piece of
addresses or posting a message to a mail- equipment that measures several electrical
ing list. It can also refer to more complex parameters such as current, voltage and
transfers such as a teleconference or vide- resistance
oconference in which several users link multimode fibre noun COMPUT a com-
together by telephone or video link.) monly used type of optic fibre (NOTE: It
multicellular adjective BIOL referring to comprises a glass fibre with a diameter of
an organism composed of several or many 50–125µm and can carry several different
cells. Compare unicellular frequencies of light with a maximum band-
multichannel adjective ELEC with more width of 2.5Gbps. The disadvantage is
than one channel that, because the fibre is wide, the light dis-
perses quickly and so repeaters need to be
multicolour adjective with several col- installed to boost the signal.)
multipass overlap noun COMPUT a sys-
multicrop verb AGRIC to grow more than tem of producing higher quality print from
one crop of something on the same piece of a dot-matrix printer by repeating the line of
land in one year 쑗 Wet rice is often multi- characters but shifted slightly, so making
cropped. the dots less noticeable
multidimensional array noun COM-
multiphase program noun COMPUT a
PUT a number of arrays arranged in paral- program that requires more than one fetch
lel, providing depth operation before execution is complete
multidimensional language noun multiple adjective having many parts or
COMPUT a programming language that can acting in many ways
be represented in a number of ways
multiple alleles plural noun GENETICS
multidrop circuit noun COMPUT a net- three or more different forms of a gene, of
work allowing communications between a which any two can be present in a normal
number of terminals and a central compu- diploid cell
ter, but not directly between terminals
multiple factor noun GENETICS same as
multifactorial adjective GENETICS refer- polygene
ring to inheritance that depends on more multiple precision noun COMPUT the
than one gene use of more than one byte of data for
multifactorial inheritance noun number storage to increase possible preci-
GENETICS the control of an inherited char- sion
acteristic by several genes multiple star noun ASTRON a group of
multifrequency monitor noun COM- three or more stars, usually with the same
PUT same as multisync monitor gravitational centre, that appears as one
multifunction card noun COMPUT an star to the unaided eye
add-on circuit board that provides many multiplex verb to combine several mes-
features to upgrade a computer sages in the same transmission medium
multilayer noun COMPUT a printed circuit multiplexed bus noun COMPUT a single
board that has several layers or intercon- bus used to carry address, data and control
necting conduction tracks signals at different times
multilevel adjective COMPUT referring to multiplexing noun BIOTECH a technique
a signal with a number of possible values of rapid gene sequencing that uses several
(NOTE: Quaternary signals have four lev- pooled samples simultaneously
els.) multiplexor noun ELEC ENG a circuit that
multilink point to point protocol combines a number of inputs into a smaller
noun COMPUT full form of MPPP number of outputs 쑗 A 4 to 1 multiplexor
multiplicand 408
combines four inputs into a single output. multisync monitor noun COMPUT a
Abbr MUX monitor which contains circuitry to lock
multiplicand noun MATHS a number onto the required scanning frequency of
which is multiplied by another number. any type of graphics card 쑗 If you want to
Compare multiplier plug a monitor into PCs with VGA, EGA
multiplication noun MATHS a mathemat- and MDA adapters, you’ll need a multi-
ical operation that adds one number to sync monitor. Also called multifrequency
itself a number of times 쑗 The multiplica- monitor, multiscan monitor
tion of 5 by 3 gives 15. multitasking, multi-tasking noun COM-
multiplication sign noun MATHS a sign PUT the ability of a computer system to run
(x) used to show that numbers are multi- two or more programs at the same time
plied (NOTE: It is spoken as ‘times’.) COMMENT: Few small systems are capable
of simultaneous multitasking, since each
multiplier noun MATHS a number which program would require its own processor.
multiplies another number. Compare mul- This is overcome by allocating to each
tiplicand program an amount of processing time,
executing each a little at a time so that they
multiply verb MATHS to calculate a speci- will appear to run simultaneously due to the
fied number of times the value of a number speed of the processor and the relatively
쑗 4 multiplied by 2 is 8 (4 x 2 = 8). 쑗 To short gaps between programs.
multiply 20 by 6 is to calculate what is 6 multithread noun COMPUT a program
times 20 (6 x 20). 쑗 To calculate fuel design using more than one logical path
required, multiply the duration of the flight through it, each path being concurrently
by the consumption of the engine at the executed
required power. multi-user system noun COMPUT a
multipoint adjective COMPUT referring to computer system that can support more
a connection with several lines, attaching than one user at a time 쑗 The program runs
several terminals to a single line to a single on a standalone machine or a multi-user
computer system.
multipolar neuron noun BIOL a neuron multivibrator noun ELECTRONICS same
with several processes as bistable circuit
multiprecision noun COMPUT the use of muon noun PHYS an elementary particle
more than one data word to represent num- whose mass is about 200 times that of an
bers, increasing the range or precision pos- electron
sible muscle noun ANAT an organ that con-
multiprocessing system noun COM- tracts to make part of the body move
PUT a system in which several processing COMMENT: There are three types of muscle:
units work together sharing the same mem- voluntary (striated) muscles, which are
ory attached to bones and move parts of the
body when made to do so by the brain;
multiprocessor noun COMPUT a involuntary (smooth) muscles, which move
number of processing units acting together essential organs such as the intestines and
or separately but sharing the same area of bladder; and cardiac muscle, which occurs
memory only in the heart.
multiprocessor interleaving noun muscle fatigue noun MED tiredness in
COMPUT an operation where each proces- the muscles after strenuous exercise
sor in a multiprocessor system deals with a muscle fibre noun ANAT a component of
section of one or more processes muscles
multipurpose adjective suitable for muscle relaxant noun PHARM a drug
many different uses that reduces contractions in the muscles
multipurpose tool noun a tool which muscle spasm noun BIOL a sudden
can be used in many different ways sharp contraction of a muscle
multiscan monitor noun COMPUT same muscle spindle noun BIOL a sensory
as multisync monitor receptor found along the length of striated
multi statement line noun COMPUT a muscle fibres
line from a computer program that con- muscle tissue noun ANAT the tissue
tains more than one instruction or state- which forms the muscles and which is able
ment to expand and contract
409 myogenic
muscle wasting noun MED a condition a quickly changing magnetic field in
where the muscles lose weight and become another circuit
thin mutualism noun BIOL same as symbio-
mushroom noun FUNGI, AGRIC a com- sis
mon edible fungus, often grown commer- mutualist noun a species which benefits
cially from symbiosis with another
mushroom compost noun AGRIC a mutual symbiosis noun BIOL a condi-
special growing medium for the commer- tion where two organisms rely on each
cial production of mushrooms other for survival
mushroom spawn noun AGRIC a mass MUX abbreviation COMPUT multiplexor
of spores of edible mushrooms, used in
propagation MVP abbreviation minimum viable popu-
musical instrument digital inter-
face noun COMPUT a serial interface that MX record abbreviation COMPUT mail
connects electronic musical instruments. exchange record (NOTE: Mail sent to
Abbr MIDI ‘smith&’ will be sent to the
COMMENT: The MIDI interface carries
‘’ server by the MX record, the
signals from a controller or computer that local server then has to send the message
instructs the different instruments to play to the user ‘smith’.)
notes. myc- prefix same as myco- (NOTE: used
mustard gas noun CHEM, MIL an oily liq- before vowels)
uid that gives off a toxic gas. Formula: mycelium noun FUNGI a mass of hyphae
(CH2CLCH2)2S. (NOTE: It causes severe which forms the main part of a fungus
damage to the lungs and is used in chemi-
cal warfare.) myco- prefix BIOL fungus or fungal
mutable adjective GENETICS referring to Mycobacterium noun MICROBIOL one
a gene or organism that has a tendency to of a group of bacteria that includes those
mutate which cause leprosy and tuberculosis
mutagen noun GENETICS an agent that mycology noun FUNGI the study of fungi
causes mutation, e.g. a chemical or radia- mycoplasm, mycoplasma noun MICRO-
tion BIOL a microorganism that lacks rigid cell
mutagenic adjective referring to an walls. Genus: Mycoplasma. (NOTE: Some
agent that causes mutation species cause respiratory diseases.)
mutagenicity noun GENETICS the ability mycorrhiza noun BIOL a mutual associa-
of an agent to make genes mutate tion of a fungus with the roots of a plant in
mutant GENETICS adjective referring to a which the fungus supplies the plant with
gene in which a mutation has occurred, or water and minerals and feeds on the plant’s
to an organism carrying such a gene 쑗 sugars (NOTE: Many different fungi form
mutant mice 쐽 noun an organism carrying mycorrhizas, especially with trees, and
a gene in which mutation has occurred 쑗 many plants such as orchids cannot grow
New mutants have appeared. Also called without them.)
mutation mycotoxin noun a toxic substance pro-
mutate verb GENETICS (of a gene or duced by a fungus growing on crops in the
organism) to undergo a genetic change that field or in storage. There are regulations
can be inherited 쑗 Bacteria can mutate controlling the amount of some mycotox-
suddenly and become increasingly able to ins such as aflatoxin and ochratoxin per-
infect. mitted in food.
mutation noun GENETICS 1. a heritable myeloid tissue noun ANAT tissue in
change occurring in a gene 2. same as bone marrow that produces red blood cells
mutant myiasis noun ZOOL an infestation of ani-
muton noun GENETICS the smallest unit mals by the larvae of flies
of DNA in which mutation can take place myo- prefix BIOL muscle
mutual adjective directed and received in myogenic adjective ANAT originating in
equal amount muscle cells without the need for stimula-
mutual inductance noun ELEC an elec- tion by nerves (NOTE: The contractions of
tro-magnetic field in one circuit caused by the heart muscles are myogenic.)
myriapod 410
myriapod noun ZOOL an arthropod that Mysticeti noun MARINE BIOL baleen
lives on land, and has a head, a long seg- whales, including blue whales and hump-
mented body and many legs, e.g. a centi- backs
pede or millipede. Class: Myriapoda. myxomatosis noun ZOOL a usually fatal
Myrtaceae noun BOT a family of Aus- virus disease affecting rabbits, transmitted
tralian plants, including eucalyptus by fleas
n prefix MATHS nano- or x 10-9 NAND gate noun ELECTRONICS an elec-
N symbol 1. CHEM ELEM nitrogen 2. MEAS- tronic circuit that provides a NAND func-
URE newton tion
Na symbol CHEM ELEM sodium nano- prefix MEASURE 10-9. Symbol n
nacelle noun ENG a part of a wind gener- nanoanalysis noun PHYS, CHEM the
ator that contains the generator and gear- determination of the atomic structures of
box at the top of the tower materials such as crystals
nacreous clouds plural noun METE-
nanocircuit noun ELECTRONICS an elec-
tronic and logic circuit that can respond to
OROL thin clouds, possibly made of ice
impulses within nanoseconds. Also called
crystals, which form a layer about 25km
nanosecond circuit
above the Earth and look like
mother-of-pearl nanocrystal noun PHYS a crystal with
dimensions in the nanometre range
nadir noun ASTRON the point on the celes-
tial sphere opposite the zenith and directly nanogram noun one billionth of a gram
below the observer nanometer noun MEASURE US spelling
NAK abbreviation COMPUT negative of nanometre
acknowledgement nanometre noun ACOUSTICS a unit of
name noun 1. a word used to address or measurement of length, equal to one thou-
refer to a thing or a person 2. COMPUT a sand millionth of a metre or 10-9 metre.
word used to identify an address in Abbr nm
machine language nanomole noun MEASURE a unit of
namespace noun COMPUT a group of measurement of the amount of substance,
unique names (NOTE: In a small office net- equal to one thousand millionth or 10-9 of
work the namespace might include 20 a mole. Abbr nmol
users, but on the Internet the namespace nanoparticle noun CHEM a particle of
runs into hundreds of millions.) something such as a metal, polymer, or
naming services noun COMPUT a oxide, with dimensions in the nanometre
method of assigning to each user, node or range
computer on a network a unique name that nanoplankton plural noun MARINE BIOL
allows other users to access shared plankton in the size range 10 –50 µm
resources over a wide area network nanopore noun CHEM a tiny pore in a
nand circuit noun COMPUT an electronic material used to filter objects such as mol-
component that performs the NAND func- ecules or DNA strands that are less than
tion on two inputs several nanometres in diameter
NAND function noun MATHS a logical nanoscience noun PHYS the study of
function whose output is false if all inputs materials and their behaviour at the level of
are true, and true if any input is false particles measured in nanometres
COMMENT: The NAND function is equiva- nanosecond noun MEASURE a unit of
lent to an AND function with a NOT function measurement of time, equal to one thou-
at the output. The output is 0 only if both sand millionth or 10-9of a second. Abbr ns
inputs are 1; if one input is 1 and the other
0, or if both inputs are 0, then the output is nanosecond circuit noun ELECTRON-
1. ICS same as nanocircuit
nanostructure 412
nanostructure noun PHYS an extremely the World Wide Web with its Mosaic Web
small structure such as a semiconductor or browser. Abbr NCSA
optoelectronic device with dimensions of national grid noun ELEC same as elec-
0.1–50nm tricity grid
nanotechnology noun ENG the manip- National Nature Reserve noun ENVI-
ulation of very small components to build RON a nationally important example of a
microscopic machinery type of habitat, established as reserve to
nanotube noun PHYS an extremely thin protect the most important areas of wildlife
metallic or semiconducting cylinder, habitat and geological formations. Abbr
capped at one end, consisting of a rolled-up NNR (NOTE: There are over 200 National
layer of fullerene-structured carbon atoms Nature Reserves in England, owned or
controlled by English Nature or held by
naphthalene noun CHEM a strong-smell- approved bodies such as Wildlife Trusts.)
ing, volatile white solid used in the manu-
facture of explosives, dyes, resins and national park noun ENVIRON a large area
polyesters. Formula: C10H8. (NOTE: It is of land selected because of its scenic, rec-
derived from coal tar, and gives the familiar reational, scientific, or historical impor-
smell to moth balls.) tance for special protection from
development, and managed by a local gov-
narcotic noun PHARM a typically addic- ernment body for recreational use by the
tive drug, especially one derived from public and the benefit of the local commu-
opium (NOTE: Narcotics may reduce pain, nity
induce sleep or stupor and alter mood or
behaviour.) 쐽 adjective 1. inducing sleep or
National Radiological Protection
stupor 2. PHARM referring to narcotics Board noun HEALTH an agency that mon-
itors radiation risks to the UK population.
narrative noun COMPUT a set of explana- Abbr NRPB
tory notes or comments to help a user oper- National Trust noun ENVIRON in Eng-
ate a program land, Wales and Northern Ireland, a chari-
narrative statement noun COMPUT a table organisation that preserves historic
statement which sets variables and allo- buildings, gardens, parks, coastline and
cates storage at the start of a program areas of natural beauty for the benefit of
narrow adjective small in width 쑗 a nar- the public
row beam of electrons National Vegetation Classification
NASA abbreviation US AEROSP National noun a systemic scheme for classifying
Aeronautics and Space Administration types of vegetation in the United Kingdom,
nasopharynx noun ANAT the top part of covering all natural, semi-natural and
the pharynx which connects with the nose major artificial habitats, including derelict
urban sites. Abbr NVC
nastic response noun BOT a response
of plants and flowers to a stimulus which is native adjective ECOL always having
not connected with the direction from lived, grown or existed in a place 쑗 Tigers
which the stimulus comes, e.g. the closing are native to Asia.
of flowers at night native breeds plural noun breeds which
have been developed in a country, and not
-nasty suffix BOT nastic response brought in from other countries
natality noun ZOOL birth native compiler noun COMPUT a com-
natality rate noun ZOOL the number of piler that produces code which will run on
births per year, expressed per thousand of the same hardware system as the compiler
the population native element noun CHEM an element
national adjective GEOG referring to a such as gold or carbon which exists in a
specific country pure state in nature
National Aeronautics and Space native file format noun COMPUT a
Administration noun AEROSP US gov- default file format that is used by an appli-
ernment agency which carries out aviation cation to store its data on disk
and space research projects. Abbr NASA native species noun ECOL a species
National Center for Supercomput- which exists naturally in an area
ing Applications noun COMPUT a US natron noun MINERALS a white, yellow, or
organisation that helped define and create grey mineral consisting of hydrated
413 natural selection
sodium carbonate, obtained from salt air it burns completely, creating very little
deposits and formerly used in embalming carbon monoxide.)
natural adjective 1. referring to nature, or natural habitat noun ECOL the usual
produced by nature not by humans 쑗 natu- surroundings in which an organism lives in
ral materials 쑗 areas of natural beauty 2. the wild. Also called natural environment
usual or expected 쑗 It’s natural to be con- natural historian noun BIOL, GEOL
cerned about what’s in the food you eat. same as naturalist
natural abundance noun PHYS the rel- natural history noun BIOL, GEOL the
ative amount of a nuclide occurring natu- study of living organisms in their natural
rally environments and of the features of the
natural amenities plural noun ENVIRON Earth not formed by humans
features of the landscape that are not made natural immunity noun IMMUNOL
by humans and are regarded as contribut- immunity from disease inherited by new-
ing to a pleasant environment, e.g. rivers, born offspring from birth, acquired in the
lakes or moorland womb or from the mother’s milk
Natural Area noun an area of the United natural increase noun ZOOL an
Kingdom that is a biogeographical zone increase in a population when births
with a characteristic association of wildlife exceed deaths
and natural features (NOTE: There are both natural insecticide noun AGRIC an
terrestrial and marine Natural Areas, man- insecticide produced from plant extracts
aged by English Nature.) naturalise, naturalize verb ENVIRON to
natural background noun ENVIRON the introduce a species into an area where it
surrounding level of radiation or sub- has not lived or grown before so that it
stances such as arsenic in a specific loca- becomes established as part of the ecosys-
tion tem 쑗 Rhododendron ponticum has
become naturalised in parts of Britain.
natural binary coded decimal noun
COMPUT a representation of single decimal
naturalist noun BIOL a person who is
digits as a pattern of 4 bits. Abbr NBCD interested in and studies the natural envi-
ronment and its organisms
natural childbirth noun MED childbirth natural language noun COMPUT a lan-
during which mothers are not given guage that is used or understood by
pain-killing drugs but are encouraged to humans 쑗 The expert system can be pro-
give birth with as little medical assistance grammed in a natural language.
as possible
natural logarithm noun MATHS a loga-
natural disaster noun EARTH SCI a phe- rithm that has the constant e or 2.718 as a
nomenon such as a storm, earthquake or base
flood that destroys property and kills peo- natural pollutant noun ENVIRON a pol-
ple and livestock luting substance that occurs naturally, e.g.
natural ecosystem noun an ecosystem ash from a volcano
where humans have had no more local natural resource noun ENVIRON a natu-
influence than native species rally occurring material that can be put to
natural environment noun 1. ECOL use by humans, e.g. wood or oil (often
same as natural habitat 2. ENVIRON the plural)
part of the Earth that has not been built or natural science noun SCI a science that
formed by humans. Compare built envi- deals with aspects of the physical world,
ronment e.g. biology, chemistry, geology or physics
natural evaporation noun METEOROL (often plural)
the evaporation of moisture from lakes, riv- natural scientist noun SCI a person
ers or the sea caused by the wind or the sun who specialises in natural science
natural gas noun INDUST a gas often natural selection noun BIOL the proc-
found near petroleum deposits, although it ess of evolutionary change, by which off-
can occur without petroleum, used as a spring of organisms with certain
domestic fuel (NOTE: It is mainly formed of characteristics are more able to survive and
methane but also contains small amounts reproduce than offspring of other organ-
of butane and propane. It contains no sul- isms, thus gradually changing the compo-
fur, unlike coal gas, and since it mixes with sition of a population
natural vegetation 414
natural vegetation noun BOT the range Nd symbol CHEM ELEM neodymium
of plant communities that exist in the natu- Ne symbol CHEM ELEM neon
ral environment without being planted or Neandertal man noun ANTHROP an
managed by people extinct subspecies of human being, which
nature noun 1. the characteristics that populated Europe, North Africa, and west-
make someone or something what they are ern Asia in the early Stone Age
쑗 the nature of the task 2. ECOL all living
organisms and the environments in which
neap tide noun EARTH SCI a tide which
occurs at the first and last quarters of the
they live 쑗 They try to live in harmony with
Moon, when the difference between high
and low water is less than usual. Compare
Nature Conservancy Council noun spring tide
ENVIRON a former UK organisation (1973–
91) that took official responsibility for the Nearctic Region noun EARTH SCI a bio-
conservation of fauna and flora (NOTE: geographical region, part of Arctogea,
Now replaced by English Nature, the
comprising North America and Greenland
Countryside Council for Wales and Scot- near-earth object noun ASTRON an
tish Natural Heritage.) asteroid or comet that may approach
nature conservation noun ENVIRON within 28 million miles of Earth’s orbit.
the active management of the Earth’s natu- Abbr NEO
ral resources, plants, animals and environ- nebula noun ASTRON a region or cloud of
ment, to ensure that they survive or are interstellar dust and gas (NOTE: The term
appropriately used originally applied to any non-point source
nature management noun ENVIRON
of light from outside the solar system, but
the activity of managing a natural environ- is now no longer used to describe galaxies.
ment to encourage plant and animal life A wide range of types of nebulae is recog-
nised, including dark and bright types,
nature reserve noun an area where some dominated by gas and others in
plants, animals and their environment are which dust is a major component. The plu-
protected ral is nebulae)
nature study noun BIOL the study of nat- nebuliser noun INDUST same as atom-
ural history, especially at primary school iser
nature trail noun ENVIRON a path necrosis noun the death of tissue or cells
through the countryside with signs to draw
in an organism
attention to important and interesting fea-
tures about plants, animals and the envi- necrotroph noun a parasite which only
ronment feeds on dead organisms. Compare bio-
nauplius noun MARINE BIOL a swimming
larva of a crustacean (NOTE: The plural is nectar noun BOT a sweet sugary liquid
nauplii.) produced by flowers, which attracts birds
nautical adjective NAUT referring to ships or insects which pollinate the flowers
and the sea nectary noun BOT a plant part that pro-
nautical mile noun MEASURE a unit of
duces nectar, often found at the base of a
measurement of distance, equal to flower (NOTE: Nectaries are usually in the
1.852km, used at sea and in the air. Abbr flowers but may also develop on other plant
nm parts such as the traps of pitcher plants.)
COMMENT: A nautical mile is the length of need noun something that is necessary or
an arc on the Earth’s surface subtended by required 쑗 the need for clean water 왍 in
an angle of one minute at the centre of the need EARTH SCI requiring something, espe-
Earth. One knot is equal to one nautical cially financial aid or food aid 쐽 plural
mile per hour.
noun needs something that a person must
Nb symbol CHEM ELEM niobium have for their health or well-being 쑗 nutri-
NBCD abbreviation COMPUT natural tional needs 쐽 verb to require something 쑗
binary coded decimal We need more resources.
NC abbreviation COMPUT network compu- needle noun 1. BOT a thin hard leaf of a
ter conifer 2. a thin metal pointer in an instru-
NCSA abbreviation COMPUT National ment 쑗 The needle on the dial indicated
Center for Supercomputing Applications zero.
415 neoplasm
needle valve noun MECH ENG a valve attenuation is negligible until the upper
formed of a tapered needle projecting into end of the UHF (ultra high frequency)
a small opening in a tube, usually con- band when it increases rapidly.
nected to a float, which provides fine neighbourhood noise noun ENVIRON
adjustment of fluid flow 쑗 Atmospheric the general noise from a local source such
pressure will allow the capsule to expand, as a factory which is disturbing to people
causing the needle valve to move into the living in the area
opening, thus reducing the flow of fuel. neither-nor function noun MATHS a
NEF abbreviation ENVIRON noise exposure logical function whose output is false if
forecast any input is true
negate verb MATHS to reverse the sign of nekton plural noun MARINE BIOL swim-
a number 쑗 If you negate 23.4, the result is ming sea animals such as fish, as opposed
–23.4. to floating or drifting animals such as
negation noun 1. MATHS the reversal of plankton
the sign of a number, e.g. from 5 to –5 2.
ELEC a single input gate whose output is
nematicide noun AGRIC a substance
equal to the logical inverse of the input which kills nematodes
negative adjective 1. having a value of nematode noun ZOOL a type of round-
less than 0 쑗 The mechanism enables the worm, some of which, e.g. hookworms, are
propeller to be set to a negative pitch. parasites of animals while others, e.g. root
Symbol -. Opposite positive 2. ELEC refer- knot and cyst nematodes, live in the roots
ring to an electric charge of the same sign or stems of plants
as that of an electron. Symbol - 3. showing NEO abbreviation ASTRON near-earth
refusal 쑗 a negative response 쑗 a negative object
answer 4. PHOTOGRAPHY (of an image) neo- prefix new
showing the light and dark areas of objects neo-Darwinism noun BIOL a revised
the opposite of how they are seen form of Darwin’s theory of evolution
negative acknowledgement noun which accounts for modern genetics and
COMPUT a signal sent by a receiver to indi- other recent discoveries
cate that data has been incorrectly or
incompletely received. Abbr NAK neodymium noun CHEM ELEM a poison-
ous silvery-white or yellowish metallic ele-
negative feedback noun a situation in ment used in lasers and glass manufacture
which the result of a process inhibits the (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Nd; the
action which caused the process atomic number is 60 and the atomic weight
negative ion generator noun INDUST is 144.24.)
same as ioniser Neogea noun EARTH SCI one of the main
negative number noun MATHS a biogeographical regions of the Earth, com-
number which represents the number sub- prising Central and South America
tracted from zero, indicated by a minus together with the islands in the Caribbean
sign (-) in front of the number
neo-Lamarckism noun BIOL the modi-
negative pressure noun PHYS the con- fication of Lamarckism by a theory of the
dition that exists when less air is supplied evolution of genetic variation influenced
to a space than is used up, so the air pres- by environmental factors
sure in that space is less than that in sur-
rounding areas 쑗 Under negative pressure, neon noun CHEM ELEM an inert gas found
if an opening exists, air will flow from sur- in very small quantities in the atmosphere.
rounding areas. It is used in illuminated signs. (NOTE: The
chemical symbol is Ne; the atomic number
negative terminal noun ELEC the ter-
is 10 and the atomic weight is 20.18.)
minal of a battery marked with the symbol
– and normally coloured black neonatal adjective MED referring to the
negative-true logic noun COMPUT the first few weeks after birth
use of a lower voltage level to represent neonatal death rate noun MED a
binary 1 than for binary 0 number of newborn babies who die, shown
negligible adjective small or unimpor- per thousand babies born
tant to the extent that it is not worth consid- neoplasm noun MED an abnormal
ering 쑗 negligible risk 쑗 Atmospheric growth of tissue
neoplastic 416
neoplastic adjective MED relating to nerve block noun PHARM an act of stop-
neoplasms ping the function of a nerve by injecting an
neoprene noun INDUST a synthetic rub- anaesthetic
bery material, used in waterproof equip- nerve cell noun BIOL same as neuron
ment such as wetsuits nerve centre noun ANAT a point at
neoteny noun ZOOL the continuing pres- which nerves come together
ence of larval features in an adult animal nerve cord noun ANAT a long bundle of
Neotropical Region noun EARTH SCI nerve tissue that forms a major part of a
same as Neogea central nervous system, e.g. the spinal cord
nephron noun ANAT a tiny structure in in vertebrates
the kidney through which fluid is filtered nerve ending noun ANAT a terminal at
Neptune noun ASTRON the eighth planet the end of a nerve fibre, where a nerve cell
of the solar system and the last of signifi- connects with another nerve or with a mus-
cant size, being the outermost of the gas cle
giants (NOTE: Neptune has a diameter of nerve fibre noun BIOL same as axon
48600km and a mean distance from the nerve gas noun MIL a gas which attacks
Sun of 3AU, and takes 165 years to make the nervous system
one orbit of the Sun.) nerve impulse noun BIOCHEM an elec-
neptunium noun CHEM ELEM a naturally trochemical impulse which is transmitted
radioactive element (NOTE: The chemical by nerve cells
symbol is Np; the atomic number is 93 and nerve root noun ANAT the first part of a
the atomic weight is 237.05.) nerve as it leaves or joins the spinal column
NEQ function noun MATHS a logical (NOTE: The dorsal nerve root is the entry
function where the output is true if the for a sensory nerve and the ventral nerve
inputs are not the same, otherwise the out- root is the exit for a motor nerve.)
put is false nerve tissue noun ANAT the tissue that
neritic adjective MARINE BIOL referring to forms nerves, and which is able to transmit
an animal or plant which lives in the shal- the nerve impulses
low sea over the continental shelf nervous system noun ANAT the net-
neritic facies noun EARTH SCI the visual work of specialised cells that transmit
appearance of sedimentary rocks laid nerve impulses in most animals
down in shallow water, where the ripple nest noun ZOOL 1. a construction built by
marks made by waves are clearly visible birds and some fish for their eggs 2. a con-
neritic zone noun EARTH SCI an area of struction made by some social insects such
warm shallow water at the edge of a lake or as ants and bees for the colony to live in 쐽
sea, which is the habitat of plants and other verb 1. ZOOL to build a nest 2. COMPUT to
organisms insert a subroutine within a program or
Nernst heat theorem noun PHYS the another routine 3. COMPUT to use a routine
theory stating that if a chemical change that calls itself recursively
occurs between two crystalline solids at a nest builder noun ZOOL an animal
temperature of zero, the entropy of the which builds a nest
resulting substances is the same as that of nested loop noun COMPUT a loop inside
the initial substances another loop in the same program
nerve noun ANAT a bundle of fibres in a nest epiphyte noun BOT a plant whose
body which take impulses from one part of aerial roots and stems collect rotting
the body to another, each fibre being the organic matter from which the plant takes
axon of a nerve cell (NOTE: For other terms nutrients
referring to nerves, see words beginning nesting bird noun ZOOL a bird which is
with neur-.) sitting on its eggs to incubate them
COMMENT: Nerves are the fibres along
which impulses are carried. Motor nerves or nesting level noun COMPUT a number of
efferent nerves take messages between the subroutines within a subroutine
central nervous system and muscles, nesting site noun ZOOL a place where a
making the muscles move. Sensory nerves bird builds or is likely to build a nest
or afferent nerves transmit impulses such
as sight or pain from the sense organs to nestling noun ZOOL a very young bird
the brain. that has not yet left its nest
417 network operating system
net adjective referring to the amount include installing, configuring and main-
remaining after all deductions have been taining the network
made 쐽 noun COMPUT same as Internet network alert noun COMPUT a message
(informal) sent from the network operating system to
NetBIOS noun COMPUT a set of basic the user warning that the network hardware
operations such as a file sharing and the is not working properly
transfer of data between nodes within a network analysis noun COMPUT the
network carried out by a widely used set of study of messages, destinations and routes
commands within application programs, in a network to provide a better operation
using a system created by IBM 쑗 This soft- network architecture noun COMPUT
ware uses NetBIOS calls to manage file the way in which a network is constructed,
sharing. Full form Network Basic Input e.g. layers in an OSI system
Output System network computer noun COMPUT a
net primary productivity noun BOT computer that is designed to run Java pro-
the rate at which organic matter is incorpo- grams and access information using a web
rated into plants to produce growth browser. Abbr NC
net productivity noun BOT the differ- COMMENT: A network computer has a small
ence between the amount of organic matter desktop box that does not have a floppy
disk drive. Instead it downloads any soft-
produced by photosynthesis and the ware it requires from a central server.
amount of organic matter used by plants in Network computers are simpler and
their growth cheaper than current PCs and Macintosh
computers, and are designed to be easier
net useful energy noun PHYS a usable to manage in a large company.
amount of energy available from an energy
source over its lifetime network drive noun COMPUT a disk
drive that is part of another computer on a
network noun 1. a complex intercon- network, but it can be used by anyone
nected group or system of people or things using the network
쑗 A network of meteorological stations
networking noun COMPUT 1. the work-
around the world exchange information. 2. ing or organisation of a network 2. the
a system of lines or channels which cross interconnection of two or more computers
each other 쑗 On a map, meridians of longi- either in the same room or different build-
tude and parallels of latitude form a net- ings, in the same town or different towns,
work of lines called a graticule. 3. COMPUT allowing them to exchange information
a system made up of a number of points or COMMENT: Networking allows a machine
circuits that are interconnected 쐽 verb to with a floppy disk drive to use another PC’s
link people or things together in a network hard disk when both machines are linked by
쑗 They run a system of networked micros. a cable and are using networking software.
쑗 The workstations have been networked network interface card noun COMPUT
together rather than used as standalone an add-in board that connects a computer
systems. to a network. Abbr NIC (NOTE: The board
network adapter noun COMPUT an converts the computer’s data into electrical
add-in board that connects a computer to a signals that are then transmitted along the
network (NOTE: The board converts the network cable.)
computer’s data into electrical signals that network layer noun COMPUT the third
are then transmitted along the network ISO/OSI layer that decides on the route to
cable.) be used to send a packet of data
network address noun COMPUT the network management noun COMPUT
part of an IP address that defines the main the organisation, planning, running and
network on which the domain is located upkeep of a network
(NOTE: For class A networks this is the first network news transfer protocol
byte of the address, for class B networks it noun COMPUT a set of commands used to
is the first two bytes and for class C net- interact with and control a news server on
works it is the first three bytes. The rest of the Internet or an intranet to allow a news-
the IP address forms the host address.) reader to access news articles. Abbr NNTP
network administrator noun COMPUT network operating system noun
a person who is responsible for looking COMPUT an operating system running on a
after a network, with responsibilities that dedicated server computer that controls
network protocol 418
access to the network resources, and man- neurodegenerative adjective MED
ages network links, printing and users. relating to a disorder such as Alzheimer’s
Abbr NOS disease or Parkinson’s disease that causes
network protocol noun COMPUT a set nerve degeneration
of handshaking signals that defines how a neuron, neurone noun ANAT a cell that
workstation sends data over a network transmits nerve impulses. Also called
without clashing with other data transmis- nerve cell (NOTE: It usually consists of a
sions cell body, an axon and dendrites.)
network server noun COMPUT a compu- neuroprosthesis noun MED a pros-
ter that runs a network operating system thetic device that uses brain waves to stim-
and controls the basic network operations ulate muscle contraction
(NOTE: All the workstations in a LAN are neuroprosthetics noun MED the branch
connected to the central network server of medicine that deals with prosthetic
and users log onto a network server.) devices that are controlled by brain-wave
network time protocol noun COMPUT activity
a protocol that provides an accurate time neurotology noun MED the medical
signal to computers on the Internet based study of the nervous system as it affects the
on an atomic clock, which allows local ear and hearing loss
computers to synchronise their clocks. neurotoxicity noun the capacity to pre-
Abbr NTP vent nerve impulses from working
network topology noun COMPUT a lay- neurotoxin noun BIOCHEM a substance
out of machines in a network such as a star which prevents nerve impulses from work-
network, ring network or bus network that ing, e.g. the poison of a snake or insect
will determine what cabling and interfaces neurotransmitter noun BIOCHEM a
are needed and what possibilities the net- chemical substance which transmits nerve
work can offer impulses from one neuron to another
neural adjective ANAT referring to a nerve COMMENT: The main neurotransmitters are
or the nervous system the catecholamines, adrenaline, noradren-
neural arch noun ANAT the curved part aline, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcho-
of a vertebra, which forms the space line. Other neurotransmitters such as
gamma aminobutyric acid, glutamine and
through which the spinal cord passes substance P are less common.
neural crest noun BIOL a ridge of cells in neurotrophin noun BIOCHEM a protein
an embryo which forms the nerve cells of in the body that encourages the survival
the sensory and autonomic ganglia and growth of nerve cells
neural groove noun BIOL a groove on neurovirology noun MED the scientific
the back of an embryo, formed as the neu- study of viruses such as HIV that occur in
ral plate closes to form the neural tube brain cells and of the diseases and mental
neural network noun COMPUT a system illnesses caused by them
running an artificial intelligence program neuston plural noun MARINE BIOL organ-
which attempts to simulate the way the isms such as plankton which float or swim
brain works in the surface film of a body of water
neural plate noun BIOL the thickening of neuter adjective BIOL neither male nor
an embryonic disc which folds over to female
form the neural tube neutraceutical, neutriceutical noun
neural tube noun BIOL a tube lined with same as functional food
ectodermal cells running the length of an neutral adjective 1. CHEM referring to the
embryo, which develops into the brain and state of being neither acid nor alkali 쑗 pH
spinal cord 7 is neutral. 2. ELEC referring to an electri-
neural tube defect noun MED a con- cal charge that is neither positive nor nega-
genital defect such as spina bifida which tive 쐽 adjective, noun 1. referring to the
occurs when the edges of the neural tube position of a switch or lever which leaves a
do not close up properly during develop- system active but not engaged, e.g. an
ment engine gear lever position in which the
neurobehavioural adjective MED, PSY- engine is disconnected from the driven
CHOL relating to the condition of the nerv- parts 2. AVIAT referring to the middle posi-
ous system and its effects on behaviour tion of a control surface providing no aero-
419 nibble
dynamic effect other than that as part of the newton noun MEASURE, PHYS an SI unit
wing 쑗 After a turn, the auto-control will of measurement of force. Abbr N (NOTE: 1
return the ailerons to neutral as the aircraft newton is the force required to move 1 kil-
returns to straight flight. ogram at the speed of 1 metre per second.)
neutralisation, neutralization noun Newton, Isaac (1642–1727) an Eng-
CHEM a chemical process in which an acid lish scientist and philosopher whose influ-
reacts with a base to form a salt and water ence on astronomy ranged from the highly
neutralise, neutralize verb 1. CHEM to practical invention of the reflecting tele-
make an acid neutral 쑗 Acid in drainage scope to the theoretical insight of the uni-
water can be neutralised by limestone. 2. versal theory of gravitation
CHEM (of an acid) to react with a base to Newtonian fluid noun PHYS a liquid
form a salt and a water 3. MED to make a that conforms to Newton’s equation in
bacterial toxin harmless by combining it which the amount of strain is proportional
with the correct amount of antitoxin 4. BIO- to the stress and to time, where the constant
CHEM to counteract the effect of something of proportionality is called the coefficient
neutral soil noun EARTH SCI soil which of viscosity
is neither acid nor alkaline, i.e. where the Newtonian telescope noun ASTRON a
pH value is neutral reflecting telescope in which mirrors form
neutrino noun PHYS an elementary parti- an image that is viewed through a hole in
cle without mass or electric charge whose the side of the telescope
main property is spin (NOTE: Neutrinos are Newton’s law of cooling noun PHYS a
given off in immense numbers in nuclear law that describes the rate of transfer of
reactions and billions of them pour off the heat from a hot body cooling in air, which
Sun.) is proportional to the temperature differ-
neutron noun PHYS a particle with no ence between the body and the surround-
electric charge in the nucleus of an atom. ing air
Compare ion Newton’s rings plural noun OPTICS a
neutron excess noun PHYS 쏡 isotopic series of alternating bright and dark rings
number created by the contact of a convex lens with
neutron star noun ASTRON an object a glass plate
produced by the death of a star weighing next instruction register noun COM-
1.4 –2.3 solar masses PUT a register in a central processing unit
COMMENT: As soon as there is too little radi-
that contains the location where the next
ation emerging from stars of this mass to instruction to be executed is stored. 쒁 reg-
prevent their collapse, they shrink until the ister
pressure between neutrons in the star’s nexus noun COMPUT a connection point
atomic nuclei will not allow them to become
any smaller. Neutron stars are still able to between units in a network
emit energy, as observations of pulsars NFE abbreviation nitrogen-free extract
confirm. NFFO adjective referring to technologies
neutrophil noun IMMUNOL the common- which are designed to ensure diversity of
est type of white blood cell in vertebrates power supply, such as hydro power, energy
(NOTE: It is responsible for protecting crops and wind power, according to the
against infections.) Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation
névé noun EARTH SCI the spring snow on NGO abbreviation non-governmental
high mountains which becomes harder and organisation
more like ice during the summer Ni symbol CHEM ELEM nickel
new moon noun ASTRON the beginning niacin noun CHEM a vitamin of the vita-
of a lunar phase, when the Moon’s face is min B complex found in milk, meat, liver,
not lit by the Sun kidney, yeast, beans, peas and bread. For-
newsgroup noun COMPUT a feature of mula: C6H5NO2. Also called nicotinic
the Internet that provides free-for-all dis- acid (NOTE: Lack of niacin can cause men-
cussion forums tal disorders and pellagra.)
new technology noun INDUST the range nibble, nybble noun COMPUT half the
of electronic instruments and devices length of a standard byte (informal) (NOTE:
which have recently been developed and A nibble is usually 4 bits, but can vary
are being introduced into industry according to different micros or people.)
NIC 420
NIC abbreviation COMPUT network inter- form of rain or snow about 1000m above
face card the ground
NiCad battery abbreviation ELEC nimbus noun METEOROL a dense dark
nickel–cadmium battery rain-bearing cloud
niche noun ECOL a place in an ecosystem NiMH abbreviation ELEC nickel metal
which a species has adapted to occupy hydride battery
nickel noun CHEM ELEM a metallic ele- nine’s complement noun MATHS a
ment (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ni; decimal complement, equivalent to the
the atomic number is 28 and the atomic complement of binary one, formed by sub-
weight is 58.71.) tracting each digit in the number from nine.
nickel–cadmium battery, nickel– 쒁 ten’s complement
cadmium cell noun ELECTRONICS, ELEC a niobium noun CHEM ELEM a shiny pale
type of rechargeable battery which has a grey superconducting metallic element
higher storage density than a lead-acid bat- used in steel alloys (NOTE: The chemical
tery. Abbr NiCad battery symbol is Nb; the atomic number is 41 and
COMMENT: NiCad batteries unfortunately the atomic weight is 92.91.)
have one problem called ‘memory’ which nipple noun ZOOL the teat through which
gradually reduces their ability to retain
charge. To remove the memory the battery
a baby or young mammal sucks milk
should be conditioned by running it right nitrate noun CHEM 1. an ion with the for-
down so that it has no charge, before mula NO3 2. a chemical compound con-
re-charging it. taining the nitrate ion, e.g. sodium nitrate
nickel carbonyl noun CHEM a colour- COMMENT: Nitrates are a source of nitrogen
less liquid formed from nickel, carbon and for plants. They are used as fertilisers but
oxygen, used as a catalyst and in the Mond can poison babies if they get into drinking
process to prepare nickel. Formula: water.
Ni(CO)4. nitrate-sensitive area, nitrate-vul-
nickel metal hydride battery noun nerable zone noun ENVIRON a region of
ELEC a type of rechargeable battery which
the country where nitrate pollution is likely
has better charge-carrying ability than a and where the use of nitrate fertilisers is
nickel–cadmium battery, is quicker to strictly controlled. Abbr NSA, NVZ
charge and does not suffer from ’memory’. nitric adjective CHEM referring to a com-
Abbr NiMH pound containing nitrogen
nicotine noun CHEM a harmful substance nitric acid noun CHEM a corrosive acid. It
in tobacco. It is used as an insecticide. is a very reactive oxidising agent, used in
nicotinic acid noun BIOCHEM same as making fertilisers, explosives and rocket
niacin fuels. Formula: HNO3.
nictitating membrane noun ZOOL a nitric oxide noun CHEM a gas that is pro-
layer of skin underneath the eyelid that duced by burning at high temperatures, as
birds, reptiles, and some mammals can pull in forest fires and internal combustion
over the eye. Also called third eyelid engines. Formula: NO. (NOTE: It converts
to nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere, is a
nid- prefix ZOOL nest major contributor to photochemical smog
nidicolous adjective ZOOL referring to a and is soluble in water. It contributes to
very young bird that is not well developed acid rain (nitric acid) deposition, and is
when it leaves the egg and remains in the important in the catalytic destruction of
nest for some time ozone in the stratosphere.)
nidifugous adjective ZOOL referring to a nitrification noun BIOL the process by
very young bird that is well developed which bacteria in the soil break down nitro-
when it leaves the egg and can leave the gen compounds and form nitrates which
nest immediately plants can absorb (NOTE: It is part of the
night soil noun AGRIC human excreta, nitrogen cycle.)
collected and used for fertiliser in some nitrification inhibitor noun a chemical
parts of the world product used to slow down the release of
nil noun zero nitrate in organic manure
nimbostratus noun METEOROL a grey nitrifier noun a microorganism that is
mass of cloud with precipitation in the involved in the process of nitrification
421 NNTP
nitrify verb to convert nitrogen or
CHEM plants die the nitrogen is released into the
nitrogen compounds into nitrates soil and acts as a fertiliser.)
nitrifying bacteria plural noun CHEM nitrogen-fixing bacteria plural noun
bacteria which convert nitrogen into CHEM bacteria such as Rhizobium in the
nitrates soil which convert nitrogen in the air into
nitrogen compounds by means of the proc-
nitrite noun CHEM 1. an ion with the for- ess of nitrogen fixation in plants
mula NO2 2. a chemical compound con-
taining the nitrite ion, e.g. sodium nitrite nitrogen-fixing plant noun BOT a legu-
COMMENT: Nitrites are formed by bacteria
minous plant which forms an association
from nitrogen as an intermediate stage in with bacteria that convert nitrogen from
the formation of nitrates. the air into nitrogen compounds in the soil,
nitro compound noun CHEM an organic e.g. a pea plant
compound formed of a nitro group (-NO2) nitrogen-free extract noun used in the
attached to an aromatic ring chemical analysis of animal feeding stuffs,
nitrogen noun CHEM ELEM a chemical the nitrogen-free extract consists mainly of
element that is the main component of air soluble carbohydrates (sugars) and starch.
and an essential part of protein. It is essen- Abbr NFE
tial to biological life. (NOTE: The chemical nitrogen monoxide noun CHEM same
symbol is N; the atomic number is 7 and as nitric oxide
the atomic weight is 14.01.) nitrogenous adjective CHEM referring to
COMMENT: Nitrogen is taken into the body a compound containing nitrogen
by digesting protein-rich foods. Excess nitrogenous fertiliser noun a fertilis-
nitrogen is excreted in urine. When the
intake of nitrogen and the excretion rate are ers such as sulphate of ammonia which is
equal, the body is in nitrogen balance or based on nitrogen
protein balance. nitrogen oxide noun CHEM an oxide
nitrogen compound noun CHEM a formed when nitrogen is oxidised, e.g.
substance such as a fertiliser containing nitric oxide or nitrogen dioxide. Formula:
mostly nitrogen with other elements NOx.
nitrogen cycle noun BIOL the set of nitroglycerine noun INDUST a colour-
processes by which nitrogen is converted less thick oily liquid that is flammable and
from a gas in the atmosphere to nitro- explosive, used in explosives manufacture
gen-containing substances in soil and liv- and angina treatment. Formula:
ing organisms, then converted back to a gas C3H5(NO3)3.
(NOTE: Nitrogen is absorbed into green nitrous acid noun CHEM a weak acid that
plants in the form of nitrates, the plants are can exist only in solution or as salts. For-
then eaten by animals and the nitrates are mula: HNO2.
returned to the ecosystem through ani- nitrous oxide noun CHEM a gas with a
mals’ excreta or when an animal or a plant sweet smell that is one of the major green-
dies.) house gases. Formula: HNO2. (NOTE: It is
nitrogen deficiency noun AGRIC a lack produced by soil cultivation and fertilisation
of nitrogen in the soil, found where organic and by burning fossil fuels and biomass.)
matter is low and resulting in thin, weak nm1 abbreviation MEASURE nautical mile
growth of plants
nm2 abbreviation MEASURE nanometre
nitrogen dioxide noun CHEM a brown NMI abbreviation COMPUT non-maskable
toxic irritant gas, used in the manufacture interrupt
of nitric acid and in rocket fuels. Formula:
NO2. (NOTE: It is one of the pollutants pro- nmol abbreviation MEASURE nanomole
duced by vehicle exhausts.) NMR abbreviation PHYS nuclear magnetic
nitrogen fertiliser noun AGRIC a ferti- resonance
liser containing mainly nitrogen, e.g. NNI abbreviation ENVIRON noise and
ammonium nitrate number index
nitrogen fixation noun CHEM the proc- NNR abbreviation National Nature
ess by which nitrogen in the air is con- Reserve
verted by bacteria in some plant roots into NNTP abbreviation COMPUT network
nitrogen compounds (NOTE: When the news transfer protocol
no-address operation 422
no-address operation noun COMPUT environment and over which they often
an instruction which does not require an have no control
address within it noise pollution level noun MEASURE
NOAEL noun the highest concentration of the degree of loudness of annoying or
a substance that causes no harm which can physically dangerous noise in a person’s
be detected by existing testing methods. environment, taken as a measurement.
Full form Abbr NPL
no-observed-adverse-effect-level noise zone noun ENVIRON an area which
nobelium noun CHEM ELEM a radioactive is classified according to the amount of
metallic element produced artificially from noise that exists in it
curium (NOTE: The chemical symbol is No; noisy adjective ENVIRON 1. making a loud
the atomic number is 102 and the atomic noise 2. referring to a place where there is
weight is 255.) a lot of noise
noble gas noun CHEM a gas that does not noisy mode noun COMPUT a floating
react chemically with other substances point arithmetic system, in which a digit
(NOTE: The noble gases include helium, other than a zero is deliberately added in
neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon.) the least significant position during the
noble metal noun METALL a metal such normalisation of a floating point number
as gold or silver that resists corrosion and nomad noun an animal that moves from
does not form compounds with non-metals place to place without having a fixed range.
nociception noun MED the perception of Compare migrant
physical pain nomadism noun ZOOL a habit of some
animals that move from place to place
node noun 1. COMPUT an interconnection without having a fixed range
point in a structure or network 쑗 This net-
work has fibre optic connection with nodes nomenclature noun 1. a system for
up to one kilometre apart. 2. BOT a point on assigning words and symbols to represent
the stem of a plant where a leaf is attached numbers or terms 2. BIOL a system for giv-
ing names to organisms 쑗 taxonomic
nodule noun BOT a small lump found on nomenclature
the roots of leguminous plants such as peas
which contains bacteria that can convert nominal adjective not significant or not
nitrogen from the air into nitrogen com- important 쑗 a nominal increase in the num-
pounds bers of sparrows
non- prefix not or no
noise noun ENVIRON unwanted sound,
especially an sound that is unpleasant or non-biodegradable adjective ENVIRON
too loud referring to an object or substance that can-
not be decomposed into environmentally
noise and number index noun MEAS- safe waste materials by the action of soil
URE a way of measuring noise from air-
craft. Abbr NNI
noncoding adjective GENETICS referring
noise criteria plural noun ENVIRON the to the strand of a double-stranded DNA
levels of noise which are acceptable to peo- molecule that acts as a template for the
ple who hear them synthesis of messenger RNA
noise exposure forecast noun ENVI- noncombustible adjective CHEM not
RON a forecast of the effect that industrial able to react vigorously with oxygen to
or aircraft noise will have on people. Abbr produce heat and light, seen as a flame
NEF noncompatibility noun COMPUT the
noise immunity noun ENG the ability of state of two or more pieces of hardware or
a circuit to ignore or filter out or be pro- software that cannot exchange data or use
tected from noise the same peripherals
noise level noun MEASURE the degree of non-conductor noun PHYS a substance
loudness of a noise, taken as a measure- that is not a conductor of heat, electricity or
ment 쑗 The factory has announced plans to sound
keep noise levels down to a minimum. non-contact cooling water noun
noise pollution noun ENVIRON annoy- INDUST water used for cooling which does
ing or physically dangerous noise to which not come into contact with any raw mate-
people are exposed in their work or home rial, product, by-product or waste
423 non-selective weedkiller
non-degradable adjective ENVIRON non-native adjective ECOL relating to a
same as non-biodegradable species that did not originate where it is
non-degradation noun ENVIRON the now found
prevention of the pollution of clean air non-Newtonian fluid noun PHYS a
non-disposable adjective ENVIRON fluid that is made up of two different
referring to a product that is not thrown phases and does not conform to the rules of
away after use, but can be recycled proportionality of a Newtonian fluid
non-equivalence function noun non-nucleated adjective BIOL referring
COMPUT a logical function where the out- to a cell with no nucleus
put is true if the inputs are not the same, non-organic adjective 1. CHEM referring
otherwise the output is false. Abbr NEQ to a compound that does not contain car-
non-ferrous adjective CHEM not contain- bon 2. AGRIC referring to crops that are not
ing iron produced according to guidelines restrict-
non-flammable adjective referring to a ing the use of fertilisers and other practices
material that is difficult to set on fire non-persistent adjective ENVIRON
non-genetically modified adjective referring to a chemical, especially a pesti-
BIOTECH referring to an organism with a cide, that decomposes quickly after it has
genetic composition that has not been been applied so that it does not enter the
altered by genetic modification food chain
non-governmental organisation non-point source noun ENVIRON a
noun ENVIRON an organisation which is not source of pollution not associated with a
funded by a government and which works specific discharge point (NOTE: Non-point
on a local, national or international level, sources include rainwater and runoff from
e.g. a pressure group, charity or voluntary agricultural land and industrial sites, as
agency. Abbr NGO well as escaping gases from pipes and fit-
nonhereditary adjective GENETICS not tings.)
transferred or not capable of being trans- non-REM sleep noun BIOL same as
ferred genetically from one generation to slow-wave sleep
the next non-renewable adjective 1. ENVIRON
non-indigenous adjective ECOL refer- not able to be replaced when used up
ring to a plant, animal or person that is not because a supply is limited 쑗 non-renewa-
native to a place ble fuels 2. not able to be extended for a
noninheritable adjective GENETICS not longer period 쑗 non-renewable contract
able to be transferred genetically from one non-renewable energy noun INDUST
generation to the next power generated from a resource such as
non-interlaced adjective COMPUT refer- coil or oil that cannot be replaced once it
ring to a display system in which the pic- has been used
ture electron beam scans each line of the non-renewable resource noun ENVI-
display once during each refresh cycle RON a natural resource which cannot be
(NOTE: The beam in an interlaced display replaced once it has been used, e.g. coal or
scans every alternate line.) oil
non-maskable interrupt noun COM- non-resistant adjective BIOL referring
PUT a high priority interrupt signal that to an organism that is not resistant to a dis-
cannot be blocked by software and over- ease, antibiotic, pesticide, herbicide or
rides other commands. Abbr NMI other agent
non-metal noun CHEM a chemical ele- non-return valve noun ENG a valve
ment that lacks the physical and chemical which allows a fluid to pass in one direc-
properties of a metal, e.g. carbon or oxygen tion only 쑗 As the piston moves upwards in
nonmetallic material noun a sub- the cylinder, fluid is drawn in through a
stance such as wood, plastic or fabric that non-return valve.
is not made of metal non-selective herbicide noun a
nonmodal adjective COMPUT (in a graph- chemical herbicide which kills all vegeta-
ical user interface) displaying a window tion
but still allowing a user to access other non-selective weedkiller noun AGRIC
windows that are on-screen a weedkiller that kills all plants
nonsense 424
nonsense noun GENETICS a set of three normalised form noun COMPUT a float-
nucleotides (codon) in a DNA molecule ing point number that has been normalised
that does not carry the genetic code for an so that its mantissa is within a particular
amino acid but may signal the beginning range
and end of the synthesis of some protein normal range noun the expected range
molecules for a result or number, any items outside
non-toxic adjective BIOL referring to a this range being errors
substance that is not poisonous or harmful normal room temperature noun
to humans or other organisms or the envi- ENVIRON the temperature regarded as com-
ronment fortable for usual daily human activity
non-volatile random access mem- norovirus noun MICROBIOL, MED a sin-
ory noun COMPUT full form of NVRAM gle-stranded RNA virus that is highly con-
nonylphenol noun CHEM a chemical tagious and causes gastroenteritis. Family:
compound that is a product of the break- Caliciviridae.
down of a surfactant commonly used in north noun NAVIG 1. the compass point at
detergents and cleaning agents. It is 360° towards which the magnetic needle
reported to be an endocrine disrupter and is points 쑗 flying towards the north 쑗 The
especially toxic to insects and aquatic wind is blowing from the north. 2. same as
organisms. magnetic north 쐽 adjective 1. NAVIG refer-
ring to the compass point 360° 2. GEOG sit-
no parity noun COMPUT data transmis- uated in the north 쑗 the north coast of
sion which does not use a parity bit France 쐽 adverb NAVIG towards the north 쑗
NOR function noun MATHS a logical The aircraft was heading north.
function whose output is false if either North Atlantic Conveyor noun EARTH
input is true SCI an ocean current system carrying warm
COMMENT: The output is 1 only if both surface waters to the North Atlantic, where
inputs are 0. If the two inputs are different or they cool and drop to a deeper level before
if both are 1, the output is 0.
flowing south again. Also called Atlantic
NOR gate noun ELECTRONICS a elec- Conveyor Belt (NOTE: Because it transfers
tronic circuit or chip which performs a heat to the atmosphere, it gives northwest-
NOR function ern Europe a more temperate climate than
normal adjective referring to something other countries on a similar latitude such
which is usual and expected as Canada.)
normal environmental lapse rate North Atlantic Drift noun EARTH SCI a
noun EARTH SCI the rate at which the tem- current of warm water flowing north along
perature of the air falls with height above the east coast of the USA from the Gulf of
the Earth (NOTE: This is about 6.4°C per Mexico, then crossing the Atlantic to
thousand metres, under conditions where northern Europe (NOTE: It is part of the
there are no upward air currents or wind.) North Atlantic Conveyor.)
normal form noun COMPUT a method of North Atlantic Oscillation noun
structuring information in a database to METEOROL an atmospheric mass that alter-
avoid redundancy and improve storage nates between the North and South Poles
efficiency and affects the strength and route of storms
crossing the Atlantic from America to
normal format noun COMPUT a stand- Europe as it changes in mass and pressure.
ardised format for data storage Its effects are most obvious in November
normalisation, normalization noun to April. Abbr NAO
COMPUT the process of normalising data north-east noun NAVIG the direction
normalise verb COMPUT 1. to convert between north and east 쐽 adjective 1. GEOG
data into a form which can be read by a situated in the north-east 쑗 the north-east
particular computer system 2. to convert coast of England 2. METEOROL blowing
characters into only capitals or only lower from the north-east 쑗 a north-east wind 쐽
case 3. to store and represent numbers in a adverb NAVIG towards the north-east 쑗 We
pre-agreed form, usually to provide maxi- are heading north-east.
mum precision 쑗 All the new data has been northerly adjective NAVIG to or from the
normalised to 10 decimal places. north 쑗 The cyclone moved in a northerly
425 NSFnet
direction towards the coast. 쐽 noun METE- people that has to be officially reported so
OROL a wind which blows from the north that steps can be taken to stop it spreading
northern adjective GEOG, NAVIG situated notification noun the act or an instance
in the north or towards the north of informing someone officially
northern hemisphere noun EARTH SCI notify verb to inform someone about
the upper half of the Earth something officially
Northern Lights plural noun EARTH SCI no-till agriculture, no-till farming
a spectacular illumination of the sky in the noun a system of cultivation in which
northern hemisphere caused by ionised mechanical disturbance of the soil by
particles striking the atmosphere. Also ploughing is kept to a minimum to reduce
called Aurora Borealis soil erosion. Also called non-till. 쒁 mini-
north-facing adjective directed towards mum tillage
the north 쑗 a north-facing slope notocord noun ZOOL a long flexible col-
North Pole noun GEOG the point which umn of cells found in vertebrate embryos
is furthest north on the Earth and in chordates which is a type of back-
North Sea noun GEOG the sea to the
north of the Netherlands and Germany, Notogea noun EARTH SCI one of the main
east of the UK and west of Scandinavia biogeographical regions of the Earth, com-
prising Australia, New Zealand and the
North Sea oil noun INDUST oil extracted Pacific Islands
from the rocks under the North Sea
nova noun ASTRON a star which exhibits a
north-west noun NAVIG the direction sudden rapid increase of brightness, short
between north and west 쐽 adjective 1. of the massive brightening associated with
GEOG situated in the north-west 쑗 the
a supernova (NOTE: The plural is novae.)
north-west coast of England 2. METEOROL COMMENT: Novae are old stars prone to
blowing from the north-west 쑗 a sudden brightening and most are seen to
north-west wind 쐽 adverb NAVIG towards erupt only once. A nova can become 5–15
the north-west 쑗 We are heading or more magnitudes brighter during an
north-west. eruption.
north wind noun METEOROL a wind noxious adjective MED harmful to people
blowing from or coming from the north or animals
(NOTE: A wind is named after the direction noy noun MEASURE a unit of measurement
it comes from.) of perceived noise
NOS abbreviation COMPUT network oper- nozzle noun a projecting part with an
ating system opening at the end of a pipe, for regulating
nose noun ANAT the sense organ by which and directing a flow of fluid
smells are detected Np symbol CHEM ELEM neptunium
NOT-AND noun MATHS equivalent to the NPK noun AGRIC nitrogen, phosphorus
NAND function and potassium, used in different propor-
tions as a fertiliser
notation noun a method of writing or
representing numbers NPL abbreviation MEASURE noise pollu-
tion level
notebook computer noun COMPUT a
very small portable computer, usually npn transistor noun ELECTRONICS a
smaller than a laptop computer, that but has bipolar junction transistor that uses a
a small keyboard and display and can be p-type semiconductor for the base and an
carried easily n-type for the collector and emitter
NOT function noun MATHS a logical NREM sleep noun BIOL same as
inverse function where the output is true if slow-wave sleep
the input is false NRPB abbreviation MED National Radio-
COMMENT: If the input is 1, the output is 0. If logical Protection Board
the input is 0, the output is 1. ns abbreviation MEASURE nanosecond
NOT gate noun ELECTRONICSan elec- NSA abbreviation ENVIRON nitrate-sensi-
tronic circuit or chip which performs a tive area
NOT function NSFnet noun COMPUT a wide area net-
notifiable disease noun MED a serious work developed by the National Science
infectious disease of plants, animals or Foundation to replace ARPANET as the
NTP 426
main government-funded network linking can be used to create a controlled reaction
together universities and research laborato- in a nuclear reactor
ries (NOTE: NSFnet was a crucial step- nuclear fuel cycle noun INDUST a series
ping-stone in the development history of of processes by which uranium ore is
the Internet. It was closed down in 1995 extracted, processed to make uranium
and replaced by a commercial high-speed oxide, then enriched until it is ready for use
network backbone that formed one of the in a reactor
foundations for the current commercial nuclear fusion noun PHYS the joining
Internet.) together of several atomic nuclei to form a
NTP abbreviation COMPUT network time single large nucleus, creating energy, as in
protocol a hydrogen bomb
n-type semiconductor noun PHYS a nuclear magnetic resonance noun
semiconductor material such as silicon PHYS the energy pulse released by an
which has a substance added to increase atomic nucleus exposed to high-frequency
the number of negatively charged electrons radiation in a magnetic field. Abbr NMR
and thus increase electrical conduction
nuclear physics noun PHYS the study
nucellus noun BOT the part in the middle of the structure, forces and behaviour of
of a plant ovule in which the embryo forms atomic nuclei
nuclear adjective 1. referring to a central nuclear power noun INDUST 1. the
group 2. PHYS referring to an atomic power generated by a nuclear reactor 2.
nucleus, especially to the production of electricity generated by a nuclear power
energy by fission or fusion of nuclei 3. BIOL station
referring to a cell nucleus
nuclear accident noun an unexpected nuclear-powered adjective INDUST

event in a nuclear power station which operated by nuclear power

results in release of radiation into the envi- nuclear power plant, nuclear power
ronment above permitted safety levels station noun INDUST a power station in
nuclear bomb noun MIL a bomb whose which nuclear reactions are used to provide
destructive power is produced by nuclear energy to run turbines which generate elec-
fission or fusion tricity
nuclear contamination noun ENVIRON nuclear reaction noun PHYS a physical
the damage done to an object, person or reaction of the nucleus of an atom, which
substance because of contact with nuclear when bombarded by radiation particles
radiation creates an isotope
nuclear energy noun 1. PHYS the nuclear reactor noun INDUST a device
energy released during a nuclear reaction, which creates heat and energy by starting
either fission or fusion 2. INDUST the power and controlling atomic fission
created in a nuclear power station by a nuclear reprocessing plant noun
nuclear reaction which produces heat that INDUST a place where spent nuclear fuel is
warms water, forming steam that runs a subjected to chemical processes which
turbine to generate electricity produce further useful materials such as
nuclear family noun EARTH SCI a family plutonium
group composed of two parents and their nuclear waste noun ENVIRON the radio-
offspring active waste from a nuclear reactor, includ-
nuclear fission noun PHYS same as ing spent fuel rods and coolant
atomic fission nuclear weapon noun MIL a bomb or
nuclear-free adjective ENVIRON without missile whose destructive power is pro-
nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons 쑗 duced by nuclear fission or fusion
While some countries remain nuclear-free, nuclear winter noun ENVIRON a period
nuclear reactors supply about 15% of all expected to follow a nuclear explosion,
electricity generated in the world. when there would be no warmth and light
nuclear-free zone noun ENVIRON an because dust particles would obscure the
area in which the use of nuclear reactors or Sun and most life would be affected by
the use of nuclear weapons is not allowed radiation
nuclear fuel noun INDUST a substance nuclease noun BIOCHEM an enzyme that
such as uranium-238 which is fissile and breaks down nucleic acids
427 numerical keypad
nucleating agent noun METEOROL a nué ardente noun EARTH SCI a cloud of
substance such as solid carbon dioxide that burning gas that flows downhill during a
is scattered on clouds to make them release volcanic eruption
rain NUL character noun COMPUT same as
nucleic acid noun BIOCHEM a complex null character
organic acid, either DNA or RNA, that null noun an instrument reading of zero
exists in the nucleus and protoplasm of all null character noun a character which
cells means nothing, usually code 0. Also called
nucleoid noun MICROBIOL a compact NUL character
structure seen in bacterial cells and made null instruction noun COMPUT a pro-
of DNA gram instruction that produces no result
nucleolar adjective BIOL relating to a null list noun a list which contains noth-
nucleolus or nucleoli ing
nucleolus noun BIOL a small round body null modem noun COMPUT a circuit or
inside a cell nucleus (NOTE: It is made of cable that allows two computers to com-
protein and RNA and is involved in making municate via their serial ports 쑗 This cable
ribosomes and ribosomal RNA.) is configured as a null modem, allowing me
nucleon noun PHYS a proton or neutron, to connect these two computers together
especially one in an atomic nucleus easily.
nucleonics noun PHYS the branch of null position noun COMPUT the zero
physics dealing with the study of nucleons position
and atomic nuclei null string noun COMPUT a string that
nucleophile noun CHEM an atom, ion or contains no characters
molecule that acts as an electron donor null terminated string noun COMPUT a
when forming chemical bonds string of characters that has a null character
nucleophilic addition noun CHEM a to indicate the end of the string
chemical reaction in which a small mole- number noun MATHS 1. a representation
cule is added to an unsaturated organic of a quantity 2. a written figure 쑗 Each
compound piece of hardware has a production
nucleophilic substitution noun number. 쑗 Please note the reference
CHEM a chemical reaction in which an atom number of your order. 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to
or group of atoms in an organic compound put a figure on a document 쑗 The pages of
are substituted with a nucleophile the manual are numbered 1 to 196. 2. to
nucleoprotein noun BIOCHEM a combi- assign digits to a list of items in an ordered
nation of a protein and a nucleic acid, as in manner
a chromosome number range noun COMPUT a set of
nucleoside noun BIOCHEM a purine or allowable values
pyrimidine base linked to a sugar, espe- numeral noun MATHS a character or sym-
cially ribose or deoxyribose bol which represents a number
nucleotide noun BIOCHEM a nucleoside numerator noun MATHS the part of a
linked to a phosphate group (NOTE: Nucle- common fraction appearing above the line,
osides join together to form the polymers representing the number of parts of the
RNA and DNA.) whole that are being considered
nucleus noun 1. PHYS the central core of numeric, numerical adjective 1. MATHS
an atom, formed of neutrons and protons 2. referring to numbers 2. COMPUT containing
BIOL the central body in a cell, containing only numbers 쑗 a numeric code
DNA and RNA, and controlling the func- numerical analysis noun MATHS the
tion and characteristics of the cell 3. a cen- study of ways of solving mathematical
tral part or focus round which something problems
gathers numerical keypad noun COMPUT a set
nuclide noun PHYS one or more atomic of ten keys with figures (0–9), included on
nuclei of the same element, defined by hav- most computer keyboards as a separate
ing the same number of protons and neu- group, used for entering large amounts of
trons and the same energy content data in numeric form
numerical order 428
numerical order noun an arrangement nutrient requirement noun BIOL the
with the lowest numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.) com- type and amount of nutrients needed by an
ing first and higher numbers (25, 26, 27 organism
etc.) coming last nutrient stripping noun INDUST the
numerical value noun the number rep- removal of nutrients from sewage to pre-
resented by a character or symbol vent eutrophication of water in reservoirs
numeric array noun COMPUT an array nutrigenomics noun the study of the
containing numbers way in which genetic and environmental
numeric operand noun COMPUT an influences act together on an animal, and
operand that only uses numerals how this information can be used to boost
productivity, health etc.
numeric pad noun COMPUT same as
numerical keypad nutrition noun BIOL 1. the process of tak-
ing in the necessary food components to
numerous adjective very many 쑗 grow and remain healthy. 쒁 soil nutrition
Numerous refinements to the simple actua- 2. nourishment or food which an animal
tor will be found in use. eats
nursery noun AGRIC a place where plants nutritional adjective BIOL referring to
are grown until they are large enough to be nutrition 쑗 the nutritional quality of meat
planted in their final positions
nutritional disorder noun MED a disor-
nut noun 1. MECH ENG a metal ring which der related to food intake or requirements
screws on a bolt to hold it tight 쑗 Turn the
nut anticlockwise to loosen it. 2. BOT a hard nutritional requirement noun BIOL
indehiscent fruit with one seed the type and amount of food needed by an
nutation noun ASTRON an uneven rota-
tion of a spinning object, especially a nutritionist noun MED a person who spe-
planet, caused by a temporary change in cialises in the study of nutrition and
the position of its axis advises on diets
nutraceutical, nutriceutical noun nutritious adjective BIOL providing the
HEALTH same as functional food nutrients that are needed for growth and
nutrient noun 1. BIOL a constituent of health
food which is necessary to provide energy nutritive adjective BIOL referring to a
or to help the body grow, repair and main- substance that provides the necessary com-
tain itself, e.g. a protein, fat or vitamin 2. ponents for growth and health 쑗 plants
EARTH SCI a substance that an organism grown in a nutritive solution
needs to allow it to grow, thrive and repro- nutritive value noun BIOL the degree to
duce, e.g. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- which a food is valuable in promoting
gen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, health 쑗 The nutritive value of white flour
magnesium or sulfur. Plants obtain their is lower than that of wholemeal flour.
nutrients from the soil, while humans and NVC abbreviation National Vegetation
other animals obtain them from their food, Classification
including plants.
NVRAM noun COMPUT memory that can
nutrient budget noun the calculation of permanently retain information. Full form
the amount of a nutrient taken up by an non-volatile random access memory
individual and the amount lost by an indi-
vidual to the environment NVZ abbreviation ENVIRON nitrate-vulner-
able zone
nutrient cycle noun BIOL the process in
which nutrients from living organisms are nybble, nibble noun COMPUT half the
transferred into the physical environment length of a standard byte (informal)
and back to the organisms (NOTE: This COMMENT: A nybble is normally 4 bits, but
process is essential for organic life to con- can vary according to different micros.
tinue.) nyct- prefix night
nutrient leaching noun the loss of nyctinasty noun BOT the opening or
nutrients from the soil caused by water closing of flowers and leaves at night in
flowing through it, which deprives the soil response to darkness and falling tempera-
of nutrients and may pollute water courses ture
429 nymphal
nylon noun INDUST a tough, elastic syn- and adulthood
thetic polymer with molecules containing nymphal adjective ZOOL referring to the
recurring amide groups stage in the development of some insects
nymph noun ZOOL an insect at the stage between the larval stage and adulthood
in its development between the larval stage
O symbol CHEM ELEM oxygen object hierarchy noun COMPUT an
oak noun TREES a deciduous or evergreen order in which messages are passed from
hardwood tree of which there are many one object to another
species. Latin name: Quercus. objective noun 1. a goal or target to be
oak apple, oak gall noun BOT a small achieved 2. ASTRON the light-gathering
hard round growth found on oak trees, lens of a refracting telescope 쐽 adjective
caused by a parasitic wasp referring to thoughts based on facts rather
than personal feelings 쑗 an objective
oasis noun EARTH SCI a place in an arid assessment
desert where the water table is near the sur-
face and where vegetation can grow. In the object language noun COMPUT the lan-
oases of the hot desert regions, date palms guage of a program after it has been trans-
form an important food supply. (NOTE: The lated. Compare source language
plural is oases.) object-oriented adjective COMPUT
oasis effect noun AGRIC the loss of referring to a system or language that uses
water from an irrigated area due to hot dry objects
air coming from an unirrigated area nearby object-oriented graphics plural noun
COMPUT graphics which use vector defini-
oat noun PLANTS a hardy cereal crop
grown in most types of soil in cool wet tions such as lines and curves to describe
northern temperate regions. Latin name: the shapes of an image rather than pixels in
Avena sativa. (NOTE: Oats are regarded as a bit-map image 쑗 This object-oriented
environmentally friendly because they graphics program lets you move shapes
require fewer inputs than other cereals.) around very easily.
obey verb 1. to do what someone tells you object-oriented programming noun
COMPUT a method of programming such as
to do 2. to behave in the way expected or
predicted by a physical law C++ in which each element of the program
is treated as an object that can interact with
object noun 1. a thing which you can other objects within the program. Abbr
experience physically by touch, sight, or OOP
another sense and which has a particular object program noun COMPUT a com-
form and dimensions 쑗 Any given object puter program in object code form, pro-
will collect more ice when travelling at duced by a compiler or assembler
high speed than at low speed. 2. an inten-
tion or aim 쑗 The object of the briefing is to Object Request Broker noun COMPUT
inform all aircrew of the new procedures. the software that links objects together
3. COMPUT the data that makes up a partic- using the CORBA standard. Abbr ORB
ular image or sound 4. COMPUT a variable obligate adjective BIOL referring to an
used in an expert system within a reason- organism that exists or develops only in a
ing operation 5. COMPUT a piece of data in particular set of circumstances 쑗 an obli-
a statement which is to be operated on by gate parasite 쑗 an obligate anaerobe
the operator oblique adjective MATHS 1. neither per-
object code noun COMPUT 1. a binary pendicular nor parallel to another line or
code which directly operates a central plane 2. not being or containing a right
processing unit 2. program code after it has angle or a multiple of a right angle
been translated, compiled or assembled obliquity noun ASTRON the angle
into machine code between the plane of Earth’s equator and
431 oceanic
the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, OCCAM noun COMPUT a computer pro-
approximately 23.5º gramming language used in large multi-
obliterative shading, obliterative processor or multi-user systems (NOTE:
countershading noun ZOOL the grading of OCCAM is the development language for
the colour of an animal, such as a dark back transputer systems.)
dark shading towards a light belly, which occidental adjective EARTH SCI referring
minimises shapes and gives a flat appear- to the west
ance occluded front noun METEOROL a
oblong adjective MATHS rectangular 쑗 an weather front where warm and cold air
oblong piece of aluminium 쐽 noun a rec- masses meet and mix together, the warm
tangle air rising away from the surface of the
obscure verb 1. to make something diffi- ground
cult to see or prevent something from being occlusion noun METEOROL the forcing
seen 쑗 The ice forming on the window of air upwards from the Earth’s surface, as
obscured vision. 2. to make something dif- when a cold front overtakes and flows
ficult to realise or understand 쑗 The low under a warm front
temperatures in the years after the volcanic occultation noun ASTRON the temporary
eruption obscured the general trend of complete or partial disappearance of a
gradual global warming. 쐽 adjective not celestial body when another moves
clearly expressed and therefore difficult to between it and an observer
understand 쑗 an obscure explanation
occupational disease noun MED a
observation noun the process of watch- disease which is caused by the type of
ing or studying someone or something work someone does or the conditions in
carefully to find out information 쑗 The type which someone works, e.g. disease caused
of cloud is established by observation and by dust or chemicals in a factory
comparison with cloud photographs. 왍
under observation being watched care- occupational exposure noun the sit-
fully uation of experiencing a health hazard
while at work
observations plural noun SCI the pieces
of scientific information gathered by using occur verb to happen or take place 쑗 Data
any of the five human senses, but espe- loss can occur because of power supply
cially sight 쑗 observations of feeding pat- variations.
terns OCE COMPUT same as open collabora-
observe verb 1. to watch or study some- tion environment
thing carefully to find out information 쑗 ocean noun OCEANOG any of the major
They observed the birds’ behaviour for areas of sea of the world (NOTE: The five
several weeks. 2. to obey something such oceans are: the Atlantic, the Pacific, the
as an agreement or a guideline 쑗 We expect Indian, the Arctic and the Antarctic or
everyone to observe the safety guidelines. Southern.)
obstruction noun something which oceanarium noun MARINE BIOL a large
blocks a path or prevents progress 쑗 Ensure saltwater aquarium where marine animals
the air intakes are free from any debris or are kept for display
obstruction. ocean circulation noun OCEANOG a
obtain verb to acquire something 쑗 The system of movement of surface water
probes are positioned in the gas stream in between oceans, caused by wind, tempera-
order to obtain an accurate temperature ture or salinity
reading. ocean current noun OCEANOG a move-
obtuse adjective MATHS 1. describes an ment of the surface water of an ocean,
angle greater than 90º and less than 180º 2. caused by wind, temperature or salinity
describes a triangle with one internal angle ocean dumping noun ENVIRON the dis-
greater than 90º charging of waste, solid, liquid or radioac-
obvious adjective clear and easily seen tive, into the ocean, now banned
or understood 쑗 an obvious error 쑗 It is oceanic adjective 1. OCEANOG referring
obvious that high ground will disturb the to an ocean, especially to deep water
smooth horizontal flow of air. beyond the continental shelf 2. MARINE
OC abbreviation BIOCHEM organic carbon BIOL living in the ocean
oceanic crust 432
oceanic crust noun EARTH SCI the part octal notation noun MATHS a number
of the Earth’s crust beneath the ocean notation using base 8, with digits 0 to 7.
oceanic trench noun EARTH SCI a long Also called octal
deep valley in the floor of the ocean, where COMMENT: In octal notation, the digits used
two tectonic plates meet, usually associ- are 0 to 7, so decimal 9 is octal 11.
ated with volcanic activity octal scale noun MATHS the power of
ocean incineration noun ENVIRON the eight associated with each digit position in
burning of toxic waste in special ships at a number
sea, now banned octane noun CHEM a liquid hydrocarbon
oceanography noun EARTH SCI the that exists in 18 structurally different
study of all the physical aspects of the forms. Formula: C8H18.
ocean, including the fauna and flora living COMMENT: Petrol without the addition of
hydrocarbons will make the engine knock.
there Hydrocarbons, such as octane or aromatic
oceanology noun EARTH SCI the study hydrocarbons, or lead tetraethyl can be
of the geographical distribution of the added to the petrol to give better perform-
ocean’s economic resources ance, while increasing the octane rating.
Unleaded petrol has a relatively low octane
Ocean Thermal Energy Conver- rating and leaded petrol, which contains an
sion noun INDUST the process whereby the antiknock additive, has a high rating.
difference in temperature between the Leaded petrol produces more atmospheric
pollution than unleaded.
upper and lower layers of water in tropical
seas is used to generate electricity and octane rating, octane number noun
fresh water. Abbr OTEC (NOTE: Warmer CHEM a classification of the quality and
water from the upper layer is converted to performance of petrol, according to the
steam to drive turbines and then con- amount of hydrocarbon in it
densed to provide fresh water.) octanoic acid noun CHEM a
ocellus noun ZOOL a simple eye that can straight-chain fatty acid. Formula:
detect light but cannot focus clearly (NOTE: CH3(CH2)6COOH. Also called caprylic
Eyes of this type are found in some insects acid
and other invertebrates.) octanol noun CHEM a colourless oily aro-
ocher noun GEOL US spelling of ochre matic liquid hydrocarbon used in solvents,
ochre noun GEOL a reddish or yellowish in perfumes and in organic synthesis. For-
oxide of iron used as pigment for paint mula: C8H17OH.
OCP noun COMPUT (in a multiprocessor octet noun COMPUT same as 8-bit byte
system) a processor which decides and octoploid noun GENETICS referring to a
performs the arithmetic and logic opera- cell nucleus or a plant that has eight hap-
tions according to the program code. Full loid sets of chromosomes
form order code processor ocular adjective OPTICS referring to the
OCR COMPUT same as optical character eye
reader 쐽 abbreviation optical character oculomotor nerve noun ANAT the third
recognition cranial nerve which controls the eyeballs
octa noun MEASURE, METEOROL another and eyelids
spelling of okta odd adjective referring to a number a little
octadecanoic acid noun CHEM a natu- greater or smaller than the approximate
rally occurring carboxylic acid, present in number given 쑗 There are 100 odd chemi-
fats and oils cal elements.
octahydrate noun CHEM a crystalline odd-even check noun COMPUT a
compound with eight molecules of water method of checking that transmitted binary
of crystallisation for each molecule of the data has not been corrupted
compound odd-even nucleus noun PHYS a
octal MATHS adjective referring to a nucleus with an odd number of protons and
number system based on eight 쐽 noun an even number of neutrons
same as octal notation odd number noun MATHS a number
octal digit noun MATHS a digit between 0 which cannot be exactly divided by two,
and 7 used in octal notation e.g. 1, 3, 5 or 7. Compare even number
433 oil
odd-odd nucleus noun PHYS a nucleus usually temporarily 쑗 Before changing the
with an odd number of protons and an odd paper in the printer, switch it off-line. 2. (of
number of neutrons a peripheral) connected to a network, but
odd parity check noun an error check- not available for use. Opposite online
ing system in which any series of bits off-line printing noun COMPUT a print-
transmitted must have an odd number of out operation that is not supervised by a
binary ones computer
odd tenth noun an odd decimal, e.g. 0.1 off-line processing noun COMPUT
or 0.3 쑗 Frequency allocation of localisers processing by devices not under the control
in the VHF band is 108–112MHz at odd of a central computer
tenths e.g. 108.1 and 109.3, the even deci- off-line storage noun COMPUT a storage
mals being allocated to VOR facilities. facility that is not currently available for
odonate noun INSECTS an insect with bit- access, e.g. a magnetic tape that must first
ing mouth parts, large eyes and two pairs of be loaded into the tape machine
wings, e.g. a dragonfly. Order: Odonata. offpeak adjective INDUST referring to a
Odontoceti plural noun MARINE BIOL period during which the consumption of
toothed whales something is low 쑗 Offpeak electricity
odor noun US spelling of odour costs less. 쑗 By using thermal storage we
can move 50% of electricity demand into
odour noun a smell, especially an offpeak hours.
unpleasant smell (NOTE: The US spelling is
odor.) offset noun COMPUT a quantity added to a
number or address to give a final number
ODP abbreviation ENVIRON ozone-deplet-
ing potential or ozone-depletion potential offshore adjective, adverb EARTH SCI 1.
in sea water near a coast 2. at a distance
ODS abbreviation ENVIRON ozone-deplet- from a coast
ing substance
offshore island noun EARTH SCI an
oersted noun MEASURE the cgs unit of island situated up to 12.5 km or 20 miles
magnetic field strength, equal to the field from a coast
strength that would cause a unit magnetic
pole to experience a force of one dyne in a offshore wind noun METEOROL a wind
vacuum which blows from the coast towards the sea
oesophagus noun ANAT the tube down offshore windfarm noun a collection
which food passes from the mouth to the of wind turbines for the production of elec-
stomach tricity situated in the sea at some distance
from a coast
oestrogen noun BIOCHEM a steroid hor-
mone belonging to a group of hormones offspring noun BIOL a child, the young of
that controls the reproductive cycle and the an animal, or a descendant of a plant
development of secondary sexual charac- (NOTE: The plural is offspring: The birds
teristics in female primates (NOTE: The US usually produce three or four offspring
spelling is estrogen.) each year.)
oestrous cycle noun ZOOL the pattern
ohm noun ELEC, MEASURE the SI unit of
of reproductive activity shown by most measurement of electrical resistance. Sym-
female animals, except most primates bol Ω
oestrus noun ZOOL one of the periods of Ohm’s law noun ELEC the physical prin-
the oestrous cycle that occurs in mature ciple that an electric current is directly pro-
female mammals that are not pregnant. In portional to the voltage and inversely
this period ovulation normally occurs and proportional to the resistance
the female is ready to mate. Also called oil noun 1. CHEM a liquid compound which
heat does not mix with water, occurring as veg-
offer verb 1. to indicate that something etable or animal oils, essential volatile oils
will be given or done if it is wanted 2. to and mineral oils 2. INDUST mineral oil
provide something 쑗 The battery offers a extracted from underground deposits, used
short term power capability. to make petrol and other petroleum prod-
offline adverb, adjective COMPUT 1. (of a COMMENT: Oil is made up of different types
processor, printer or terminal) not con- of hydrocarbon together with sulfur
nected to a network or central computer, compounds, and usually occurs in combi-
oil-bearing 434
nation with natural gas or water. When bitumen, which can be extracted and proc-
these are removed it is called crude oil or essed to give oil
crude petroleum. Refined crude oil gives
products such as petrol, LPG, diesel oil, oilseed rape noun PLANTS a plant of the
paraffin wax and tar. Crude oil is found in cabbage family with bright yellow flowers,
geological deposits, mainly in the Middle grown to provide an edible oil and animal
East, in the North Sea, Central America and feed from the processed seeds. Latin name:
Brassica napus. Also called rape (NOTE:
oil-bearing adjective EARTH SCI refer- Oil produced from oilseed rape is often
ring to rock, sand or shale that contains oil called ‘vegetable oil’.)
oil coke noun INDUST coke resulting from oilseeds plural noun crops grown for the
the processing of oil oil extracted from their seeds, e.g. oilseed
oil crop noun a crop grown for extraction rape or linseed
of the oil in its seeds, e.g. sunflower or oil shale noun EARTH SCI a geological
oilseed rape formation of sedimentary rocks containing
oil-eating bacteria plural noun MICRO- oil or bitumen which can be extracted by
BIOL bacteria which can consume and crushing and heating the rock
destroy oil oil slick noun ENVIRON oil which has
oil-exporting country noun INDUST a escaped into water and floats on the surface
country which produces enough oil from oil spill noun ENVIRON an escape of oil
underground deposits for its own use and into the environment, especially from a
to sell to other countries damaged ship, vehicle or pipeline
oilfield noun EARTH SCI an area of rock oil tanker noun INDUST a large ship spe-
under which lie one or more pools of oil cially constructed for carrying oil
that can be extracted 쑗 The search is on for
new oilfields to replace fields which have
oil well INDUST a shaft drilled into the
ground through which oil is extracted
been exhausted.
oil-fired adjective INDUST using oil as fuel oily adjective 1. containing oil 2. soaked
in or covered with oil
쑗 oil-fired central heating
okta, octa noun MEASURE, METEOROL a
oil gland noun BOT, ZOOL a gland that unit of visible sky equal to one eighth of
secretes oil total area visible to the horizon
oil-importing country noun INDUST a COMMENT: To measure cloud cover, the sky
country which buys the fuel and industrial is divided into imaginary sections, each
oil it uses from other countries covering one eighth of the total. A cloudless
oil industry noun INDUST an industry sky is ‘zero oktas’ and a sky which is
completely covered with clouds is ‘eight
which extracts and processes oil oktas’.
oil installation noun INDUST a plant for olefin, olefine noun CHEM an aliphatic
processing and handling oil hydrocarbon
oil platform noun INDUST a large con- oleic acid noun CHEM a colourless oily
struction which is positioned over an oil liquid obtained from animal and vegetable
well in the sea, containing living quarters fats, used in the manufacture of soap, oint-
for workers and pumping and drilling ments, cosmetics and lubricating oils. For-
equipment mula: C18H34O2.
oil pollution noun ENVIRON damage to oleo noun AEROSP the telescopic strut in
an area caused by oil, e.g. pollution of the undercarriage which absorbs impact loads
sea by oil from a damaged oil tanker on landing 쑗 A safety switch is fitted in
oil pool noun EARTH SCI a reservoir of oil such a way to the oleo, that when the oleo
found under rock is compressed on the ground, the ‘under-
oil regeneration plant noun INDUST a carriage up’ selection cannot be operated.
place where waste oil is reprocessed into (NOTE: short for oleo-pneumatic)
high-grade oil oleum noun CHEM sulfur trioxide dis-
oil rig noun INDUST a large metal con- solved in sulfuric acid
struction containing the drilling and pump- olfaction noun PHYSIOL the act of smell-
ing equipment for an oil well ing
oil sand noun EARTH SCI a geological olfactory adjective PHYSIOL referring to
formation of sand or sandstone containing the sense of smell
435 onion skin architecture
olfactory nerve noun ANAT the first cra- on-chip adjective COMPUT constructed on
nial nerve which controls the sense of a chip 쑗 The processor uses on-chip boot-
smell strap software to allow programs to be
oligo- prefix few or little loaded rapidly.
oligochaete noun ZOOL a worm such as on-chip cache noun COMPUT a cache
an earthworm without a specialised head memory and controller circuitry built into a
and with tiny bristles occurring singly processor chip
along the length of its body. Class: Oligo- oncogene noun GENETICS a gene that
chaeta. can cause a cell to become cancerous
oligohaline adjective CHEM (of water) oncogenic adjective MED referring to or
having traces of salt. 쒁 mesohaline, poly- causing the formation of a cancerous
haline tumour
oligosaprobic adjective BIOL referring oncology noun MED the scientific study
to an organism that is unable to survive in of tumours
polluted water
one element noun MATHS a logical func-
oligotrophic adjective CHEM (of water) tion that produces a true output if any input
referring to water that contains few nutri- is true
ents. 쒁 dystrophic, eutrophic, mes-
otrophic one for one noun COMPUT a program-
ming language, usually an assembler, that
oligotrophic lake noun EARTH SCI a
produces one machine code instruction for
lake which has a balance between decaying each instruction or command word in the
vegetation and living organisms, where the language
lowest layer of water never loses its oxy- COMMENT: Compilers and interpreters are
gen and where the water contains few usually used for translating high-level
nutrients but sustains a fish population languages which use more than one
(NOTE: This situation is typical of a young machine code instruction for each
lake. Over a period of time the lake will high-level instruction.
eutrophy and become richer in nutrients one-level address noun COMPUT a
and also in algae.) storage address that directly, without any
olive noun TREES a Mediterranean tree modification, accesses a location or device
with small yellowish-green edible fruit one-level code noun COMPUT a binary
from which an edible oil can be produced. code which directly operates the CPU,
Latin name: Olea europaea. using only absolute addresses and values
olivine noun MINERALS an olive-green (NOTE: This is the final form of a program
mineral belonging to a group consisting of after a compiler or assembler pass.)
crystalline magnesium iron silicate one-level store noun COMPUT an organ-
OM abbreviation organic matter isation of storage in which each different
ombrogenous adjective EARTH SCI type of storage device is treated as if it
referring to an area of land, such as a bog, were the same
or a plant that receives water only from rain 1-metre measure noun a ruler that is 1
and is therefore low in nutrients metre long
omit verb to leave something out (NOTE: one-pass assembler noun COMPUT an
omitting – omitted) assembler program that translates the
omnivore noun ZOOL an animal that eats source code in one action
both plant and animal foods (NOTE: one’s complement noun COMPUT the
Humans and pigs are examples of omni- inverse of a binary number 쑗 The one’s
vores.) complement of 10011 is 01100.
omnivorous adjective ZOOL referring to one to zero ratio noun COMPUT a ratio
an animal that eats both plant and animal between the amplitude of a binary one and
foods zero output
OMR abbreviation COMPUT 1. optical onion skin architecture noun COM-
mark reader 2. optical mark recognition PUT the design of a computer system in lay-
on-board adjective COMPUT contained ers, according to function or priority 쑗 The
on a motherboard or main printed circuit onion skin architecture of this computer is
board made up of a kernel at the centre, an oper-
onium ion 436
ating system, a low-level language and cannot access the data unless the file has
then the user’s program. been opened.
onium ion noun CHEM a positively open-air adjective ENVIRON referring to
charged ion (cation) such as the ammo- the environment outside buildings
nium ion, formed by attaching a proton to open architecture noun COMPUT a
a neutral compound computer with a published expansion
online adverb, adjective COMPUT con- interface that has been designed to allow
nected to and under the control of a central add-on hardware to be plugged in
processing unit 쑗 The terminal is on-line to open burner noun ENVIRON an outdoor
the mainframe. site where waste such as automobile tyres
on local adjective COMPUT (of a terminal) or rags is destroyed by fire, thereby causing
not working with a central processing unit, atmospheric pollution
but being used as a stand-alone terminal open burning noun ENVIRON the burn-
onshore adjective, adverb EARTH SCI 1. ing of waste matter in the open air, creating
situated on land 쑗 onshore oil and gas pollution with smoke
exploration 2. towards the coast 쑗 an open-cast mining noun INDUST a form
onshore breeze of mining in which the mineral is dug from
onshore oil installation noun INDUST the surface instead of from under the
a plant for processing and handling oil, ground. Also called open-cut mining
built on land COMMENT: In open-cast mining the top
onshore wind noun METEOROL a wind layer of soil and rock is pushed away from
the surface of the ground to expose the
which blows from the sea towards the coast mineral without digging underground,
ontogeny noun BIOL the development of destroying the natural vegetation of the
a living organism from its earliest stage to mined area and its surroundings. Unless
maturity the site is filled in and replanted when
mining is completed the whole area
oocyte noun BIOL a cell that develops into remains devastated.
a female reproductive cell or egg open chain noun CHEM a string of atoms
oogenesis noun BIOL the formation and in a molecule that is open-ended and not
development of female reproductive cells joined in a ring
or eggs open collaboration environment
OOP abbreviation COMPUT object-ori- noun COMPUT a set of standards that allow
ented programming networked Macintosh users to share
oospore noun BIOL a fertilised female objects and files. Abbr OCE
reproductive cell in fungi and algae open country, open land noun 1. an
ooze, ooze mud noun EARTH SCI soft area of land that does not have many trees
mud, especially at the bottom of a lake or or high mountains 2. any area of land that
the sea 쐽 verb (of liquid) to flow slowly is mountain, moor, heath or down or is reg-
op noun same as operation (informal) istered as common land
opacity noun the characteristic of not open-cut mining noun INDUST same as
allowing light or other rays to pass through open-cast mining
쑗 Sometimes it is possible to estimate the open dump noun ENVIRON a place where
depth and opacity of the layer of mist or waste is left on the ground and not buried
fog from ground observations. in a hole
opaque adjective referring to something open fracture noun MED a bone fracture
that does not allow light or other rays to in which a broken bone pierces the skin or
pass through it comes into contact with an open wound
op code noun COMPUT same as operat- opening noun a space which acts as a
ing code (informal) passage through which something or
open verb 1. to take a cover off something somebody can go 쑗 an inlet valve opening
or to make a door open 쑗 Open the disk open shortest path first noun COM-
drive door. 쑗 Open the top of the computer PUT a protocol used with a TCP/IP network
by lifting here. 2. COMPUT to prepare a file that will send packets of data on a route
before accessing, editing or carrying out that has the least amount of traffic. Abbr
other transactions on stored records 쑗 You OSPF
437 ophthalmic optician
open system noun COMPUT 1. a operational adjective 1. working 쑗 The
non-proprietary system that is not under system is not yet fully operational. 2. refer-
the control of one company 2. a system that ring to the way a machine works
is constructed in such a way that different operational definition noun a term or
operating systems can work together concept that is defined in a precise, meas-
Open System Interconnection urable way for a specific investigation
noun COMPUT a standardised ISO network operational information noun infor-
that is constructed in layered form, with mation about the normal operations of a
each layer having a specific task, allowing system
different systems to communicate if they operation cycle noun COMPUT a section
conform to the standard. Abbr OSI (NOTE: of a machine cycle during which an
The seven layers are Physical, Data Link, instruction is executed
Network, Transport, Session, Presenta- operation decoder noun COMPUT a
tion, and Application.) hardware device that converts a
operand noun COMPUT data in a compu- machine-code instruction in binary form
ter instruction that is to be operated on by into actions
an operator 쑗 In the instruction ADD 74, operation field noun COMPUT a part of
the operator ADD will add the operand 74 an assembly language statement that con-
to the accumulator. tains the mnemonic or symbol for the oper-
operate verb 1. to control the working of ating code
something 쑗 The control column operates operation register noun COMPUT a reg-
the ailerons and elevators. 쑗 The flaps are ister that contains the operating code dur-
operated by a switch. 2. MED to perform a ing its execution
surgical procedure, by cutting into the operator noun 1. COMPUT a person who
body 쑗 The surgeon operated on the makes a machine or process work 2. COM-
patient. 3. COMPUT to work or to make a PUT, MATHS a character, symbol or word
machine work 쑗 Do you know how to oper- that defines a function or operation 쑗 x is
ate this equipment? 쑗 It operates like this. the multiplication operator.
operating code noun COMPUT the part operator overloading noun COMPUT
of the machine code instruction that the assigning of more than one function to
defines the action to be performed. Also a particular operator (NOTE: The function
called op code often depends on the type of data being
operated on and is used in the C++ and
operating costs plural noun INDUST the ADA programming languages.)
amount of money required to keep a operator precedence noun MATHS an
machine, factory or business working order in which a number of mathematical
operating jack noun ENG a device operations will be carried out
which converts rotary motion into linear or operator procedure noun COMPUT a
reciprocating motion in order to move set of actions that an operator has to carry
heavy control surfaces out to work a machine or process
operating system noun COMPUT a set operon noun GENETICS a segment of a
of basic software that controls the running chromosome containing genes that specify
of the hardware and the management of the structure of a specific protein together
data files, without the user having to oper- with genes that regulate its manufacture
ate it. Also called op sys (NOTE: Operons are relatively simple units
operation noun 1. an action or set of of genetic control and are found only in
actions taken to make something work 쑗
The operation of the ignition system is ophthalmic adjective OPHTHALMOL
quite simple. 2. an organised activity referring to the eye
designed to achieve something 쑗 The ophthalmic nerve noun ANAT a branch
clean-up operation after the oil spill lasted of the trigeminal nerve, supplying the eye-
for months. 3. MATHS a procedure such as ball, the upper eyelid, the brow and one
addition or subtraction 4. MED a surgical side of the scalp
intervention 쑗 He underwent a brain oper- ophthalmic optician, ophthalmic
ation last year. practitioner noun OPHTHALMOL a qualified
ophthalmic surgeon 438
person who specialises in testing eyes and into a computer, using an optical character
prescribing lenses reader. Abbr OCR
ophthalmic surgeon noun OPHTHAL- COMMENT: There are two OCR fonts in
MOL a surgeon who specialises in surgery common use: OCR-A, which is easy for
scanners to read, and OCR-B, which is
to treat eye disorders easier for people to read than the OCR-A
opportunist, opportunistic adjective font.
BIOL referring to an organism that quickly optical data link noun COMPUT a con-
colonises an available habitat nection between two devices to allow the
opportunity noun a chance or situation transmission of data using light, either via
where something can be done successfully line-of-sight or using fibre optics
opposite adjective 1. situated or placed optical disk noun COMPUT a disk that
directly across from something 2. BOT contains binary data in the form of small
referring to leaves that occur in pairs, one holes in a metal layer under the surface
pair at each node 3. completely different or which are read with a laser beam (NOTE:
reverse 쑗 For every action there is an equal Examples are a WORM (write once, read
and opposite reaction. 4. MATHS describes many times memory) disk which can be
the side of a triangle facing an angle 5. programmed once, or a compact disc (CD)
MATHS describes sides or angles in an which is programmed at manufacture.)
even-sided polygon that face each other 쐽 optical double star noun ASTRON a
noun something completely different from pair of stars that appear close together
something else 앳 going in opposite direc- when observed from Earth but are a long
tions 1. (of two things) moving away from way apart on the same line of sight
each other 2. (of two things) moving optical fibre noun COMPUT a fine strand
towards each other of glass or plastic protected by a surround-
opposition noun ASTRON the position of ing material, which is used for the conven-
two astronomical objects that are directly ient transmission of light signals
opposite each other on the celestial sphere optical glass noun OPTICS glass of high
op register noun COMPUT a register that refractive quality suitable for use in lenses
contains the operating code for the instruc- optical illusion noun OPTICS something
tion that is being executed which is seen wrongly so that it appears to
op sys noun same as operating system be something else
(informal) optical mark reader noun COMPUT a
optic adjective ANAT referring to the eye device that can recognise marks or lines on
or to sight a special forms, e.g. an order form or a
optical adjective 1. OPTICS referring to or reply to a questionnaire, and convert them
making use of light 쑗 An optical reader into a form a computer can process. Abbr
uses a light beam to scan characters, pat- OMR
terns or lines. 2. ANAT referring to the eye optical mark recognition noun COM-
or to sight PUT a process that allows marks or lines on
optical activity noun CHEM the ability forms such as an order form or a question-
of a substance to rotate the plane of polar- naire to be recognised by an optical mark
ised light passing through it reader and input into a computer. Abbr
optical axis noun ASTRON the centre line OMR
of a telescope or other optical instrument, optical microscope noun OPTICS a
joining the main mirror or lens to its focal device that uses optical lenses to magnify a
point tiny object
optical character reader noun COM- optical mouse noun COMPUT a pointing
PUT a device for inputting text into a com- device that is operated by moving it across
puter, which recognises written or printed a mat on which is printed a grid of lines
characters and converts them to (NOTE: As the mouse is moved, two light
machine-readable code. Abbr OCR sensors count the number of lines that
optical character recognition noun have been passed to produce a measure
COMPUT a process that allows characters to of the distance and direction of travel.)
be recognised optically and converted into optical scanner noun COMPUT same as
machine-readable code that can be input bar-code reader
439 ore
optical telescope noun OPTICS a optimum sustainable population
device that uses optical lenses and mirrors noun the number of individuals that are
to magnify distant objects needed to maintain the existence of the
optic chiasma noun ANAT a structure species
formed where some of the optic nerves optoelectronics noun ELEC ENG the
from each eye partially cross each other in branch of electronics dealing with devices
the hypothalamus that generate, modulate, transmit and sense
optic disc noun ANAT a point on the ret- electromagnetic radiation in the visi-
ina where the optic nerve starts. Also ble-light, infrared and ultraviolet ranges
called optic papilla oral adjective ANAT referring to the mouth,
or to speech
optician noun OPHTHALMOL a person
who is trained to examine people’s eyes orally adverb BIOL by the mouth 쑗 The
and prescribe lenses to correct poor sight medication cannot be taken orally.
optic nerve noun ANAT the second cra- ORB abbreviation COMPUT Object
Request Broker
nial nerve which transmits the sensation of
sight from the eye to the brain orbit ASTRON noun the curved path of a
planet or satellite around another astro-
optic neuritis noun MED an inflamma- nomical object 쐽 verb to go round a astro-
tion of the optic nerve, which makes nomical object in a curved path
objects appear blurred
orbital adjective ASTRON referring to the
optic radiation noun ANAT a nerve tract movement of an object around something
which takes an optic impulse from the orbital velocity noun ASTRON the
optic tract to the visual cortex velocity of a body at a particular point in its
optics noun PHYS the study of light rays orbit (NOTE: The Earth moves about the
and sight Sun at an average 30km per second, while
optic tract noun ANAT a nerve tract the Moon moves at only about 1km per
which takes an optic nerve from the optic second around the Earth.)
chiasma to the optic radiation orbiter noun ASTRON a spacecraft or sat-
optimisation, optimization noun the ellite designed to orbit an astronomical
process of making something as efficient object but not to land on it
as possible order noun 1. a sequence of occurrence 쑗
optimise, optimize verb to make some- The firing order of sparking plugs in a pis-
thing as efficient as possible ton engine is 1,3, 4, 2. 왍 in the order of
approximately 왍 in order to for the pur-
optimised code noun COMPUT a pro- pose of 2. a command or instruction 3. BIOL
gram that has been passed through an opti- a classification of animals or plants,
miser to remove any inefficient code or formed of several families (NOTE: Orders
statements of animals have names ending in -a; orders
optimiser, optimizer noun COMPUT a of plants have names ending in -ales.) 쐽
program which adapts another program to verb 1. to direct or instruct someone to do
run more efficiently something or that something be done or
optimising compiler noun COMPUT a brought 2. to sort things into a particular
compiler that analyses the machine code it sequence
produces in order to improve the speed or ordered list noun COMPUT a list of data
efficiency of the code items which has been sorted into an order
optimum adjective referring to the point order of reaction noun CHEM a way of
at which the condition or amount of some- classifying chemical reactions according
thing is the best 쑗 The optimum altitude for to the concentration of a part of the reac-
jet aircraft is higher than that for piston tion
engine aircraft. 쐽 noun the point at which ordinal number noun MATHS a number
the condition or amount of something is used to show the relative position of some-
best 쑗 Generally speaking, engine output is body or something in a sequence, e.g.
at its optimum at cruising speed. ‘first’, ‘sixth’, or ‘29th’
optimum code noun COMPUT a coding ore noun EARTH SCI a mineral found in the
system that provides the fastest access and ground containing a metal which can be
retrieval time for stored data items extracted from it 쑗 Iron ore deposits were
ore-bearing 440
found in the mountains. 쑗 The ore is heated Organic farming may become more eco-
to a high temperature to extract the metal. nomic than conventional farming.
ore-bearing adjective EARTH SCI refer- organic fertiliser noun AGRIC a ferti-
ring to rock that contains ore liser made from dead or decaying plant
ore body noun EARTH SCI a mass of ore matter or animal wastes, e.g. leaf mould,
that can be dug and processed farmyard manure or bone meal
OR function noun MATHS a logical func- organic material, organic matter noun
tion that produces a true output if any input carbon-based material derived from organ-
is true isms, e.g. decomposed plant material or
COMMENT: The result of the OR function will animal dung
be 1 if either or both inputs are 1; if both organic matter noun 1. a combination
inputs are 0, then the result is 0.
found in soil of plant material that is
organ noun BIOL a part of an organism decomposing, microorganisms such as
that is distinct from other parts and has a fungi, and humus. Also called soil organic
particular function, e.g. an eye or a flower matter 2. BIOL, CHEM same as organic
organ culture noun MED the storing of material
an organ removed from someone’s body in organics noun ENVIRON 1. the practice of
an artificial environment managing the land and growing food
organelle noun BIOL a specialised struc- according to organic principles 2. organic
ture within a cell, e.g. a mitochondrion or material of all types including waste
nucleus organic waste noun substances consist-
organic adjective 1. CHEM referring to a ing of material containing carbon com-
compound containing carbon 2. AGRIC pounds and disposed of as waste, e.g. plant
referring to food produced using only a or animal remains. Compare inorganic
restricted number of permitted pesticides waste
and fertilisers, or to the production of such
food 3. ANAT referring to organs in the organise, organize verb 1. to arrange
body something into a system 쑗 Organise your
COMMENT: Organic is a term that is used
notes so that you can find things easily. 2.
loosely in the media and elsewhere to mean to plan something 쑗 organised a confer-
‘natural’ or ‘wholesome’ with reference to ence
food. In fact, in the UK organic food can only organism noun BIOL any individual life
be labelled as such if it meets various offi-
cial criteria controlling the way in which it
form that is able to reproduce and grow,
has been produced. e.g. a plant, animal or microorganism
organic acids plural noun ALTERN MED organochlorine noun 1. CHEM a chlo-
acids that come from plants, taken to stim- rinated hydrocarbon 2. CHEM, AGRIC a
ulate the production of urine chemical compound containing chlorine,
organic agriculture noun same as used as an insecticide
organic farming COMMENT: Organochlorine insecticides are
very persistent, with a long half-life of up to
organically adverb AGRIC using only a 15 years. Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecti-
restricted number of permitted pesticides cides can enter the food chain and kill small
and fertilisers in growing a crop animals and birds which feed on insects.
organic carbon noun BIOCHEM carbon organ of reproduction noun ANAT
that comes from an animal or plant. Abbr same as reproductive organ
OC organometallic compound noun
organic chemistry noun a
CHEM CHEM organic compound that includes a
branch of chemistry dealing with com- carbon–metal bond
pounds that contain carbon organophosphate noun 1. CHEM an
organic compound noun CHEM a com- organic compound that contains phosphate
pound that contains carbon groups 2. AGRIC a synthetic insecticide that
organic disorder noun MED a disorder attacks the nervous system, e.g. chlorpyri-
caused by changes in body tissue or in an fos
organ COMMENT: Organophosphates are not as
persistent as organochlorines and do not
organic farming noun AGRIC a method enter the food chain. They are, however,
of farming which does not involve the use very toxic and need to be handled carefully,
of artificial fertilisers or pesticides 쑗 as breathing in their vapour may be fatal.
441 oscillate
organophosphorous adjective CHEM of origin 5. COMPUT a position on a display
(of an organic compound) containing screen to which all coordinates are refer-
phosphate groups enced, usually the top left hand corner of
organophosphorous insecticide the screen 6. COMPUT the location in mem-
noun AGRIC same as organophosphate ory at which the first instruction of a pro-
organophosphorus compound gram is stored
noun an organic compound containing original noun COMPUT a master data disk,
phosphorus from which a copy can be made
organotherapy noun MED the treatment originate verb to come or bring some-
of a disease by using an extract from the thing into being 쑗 Tropical revolving
organ of an animal, e.g. using liver extract storms originate within 5–15° of the equa-
to treat anaemia tor. 쑗 Aircraft fires after an emergency
organo-tin paint noun INDUST a toxic landing often originate in the wing area.
paint based on tin that is used on ships’ origination noun the work involved in
hulls to prevent the growth of marine creating something
organisms ornamental adjective 1. for use as deco-
organ transplant noun MED the ration 2. referring to a plant that is grown
removal of an organ from one person and for its appearance rather than for food or
insertion of it into another other use 쐽 noun an ornamental plant, e.g.
orgasm noun PHYSIOL the climax of sex- a rose or orchid
ual excitement, characterised by contrac- ornithine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid
tion of the muscles of the genitals and made in the liver during the formation of
pleasurable sensations, usually accompa- urea
nied by ejaculation in males ornithological adjective ZOOL referring
OR gate noun ELECTRONICS an electronic to ornithology
circuit that provides the OR function ornithologist noun ZOOL a scientist who
oriental adjective EARTH SCI referring to studies birds
the east ornithology noun ZOOL the study of
Oriental Region noun EARTH SCI a bio- birds
geographical region, part of Arctogea, orographic effect noun METEOROL an
comprising South and Southeast Asia, atmospheric disturbance that is caused by,
Indonesia and the Philippines or relating to, the existence of mountains or
orientate verb NAVIG to locate something other high land
in relation to a compass direction 쑗 The orphan noun PRINTING the first line of a
first step in map reading is to orientate the paragraph of text printed alone at the bot-
chart by relating the direction of land fea- tom of a column, with the rest of the para-
tures to their representation on the chart. graph at the top of the next column
orientation noun NAVIG 1. a position in orphan site noun ENVIRON an area of
relation to a compass direction 2. the proc- contaminated land for which both polluter
ess of locating something in relation to a and owner reject responsibility
compass direction orthophosphoric acid noun CHEM
orifice noun an opening, mouth or vent 쑗 same as phosphoric acid
The liquid expands and builds up a pres- orthopteran noun INSECTS a member of
sure differential across an orifice which the group of generally large, winged
leads to the expansion chamber. insects that includes cockroaches, man-
origin noun 1. a point where something tises, locusts and crickets. Order: Orthop-
starts or comes from 쑗 the origin of life 쑗 tera. (NOTE: They are often good runners
An air mass takes on the characteristics of and jumpers, but many are flightless.)
its place of origin. 2. ANAT the end of mus- orthotropism noun BOT growth directly
cle that is attached to a part of the skeleton towards or away from a stimulus
that does not move as a result of a contrac-
tion. Compare insertion 3. ANAT the point Os symbol CHEM ELEM osmium
where a nerve or blood vessel begins 4. OS abbreviation COMPUT operating sys-
GEOG a base from which a map projection tem
is drawn 쑗 The value of convergence used oscillate verb 1. to move regularly
is correct at the parallel of origin. 쒁 centre between extremes 2. ELEC (of electrical
oscillation 442
current) to increase or decrease regularly, osteopathy noun MED 1. a way of treat-
producing oscillations ing diseases and disorders by massage and
oscillation noun ELEC a regular move- manipulation of bones and joints 2. any
ment from side to side disease of bone
oscillator noun ELECTRONICS an elec- osteophony noun BIOL conduction of
tronic circuit that produces a pulse or a sig- sound waves to the inner ear through the
nal at a particular frequency 쑗 The local bones of the skull
oscillator replicates the radio frequency of osteoporosis noun MED a condition in
the frequency generator at the transmitter. which the bones become thin, porous and
oscilloscope noun PHYS a device that brittle, owing to low levels of oestrogen,
uses a cathode ray tube to produce a visual lack of calcium and lack of physical exer-
record of an electrical current on a fluores- cise
cent screen OTEC abbreviation METEOROL Ocean
OSI abbreviation COMPUT Open System Thermal Energy Conversion
Interconnection otic ganglion noun ANAT a ganglion
-osis suffix MED disease associated with the mandibular nerve
where it leaves the skull
osmiridium noun METALL a very hard
natural alloy of osmium and iridium, often Otto cycle noun PHYS a repeating
also containing platinum and other metals sequence of processes that convert heat
into work, e.g. the four-stroke engine cycle
osmium noun CHEM ELEM a hard white of suction, compression, ignition, and
metallic element with a very strong smell, expulsion
used as a catalyst (NOTE: It is the densest
known element. The chemical symbol is outage noun ELEC the time during which
Os; the atomic number is 76 and the a system is not operational
atomic weight is 190.2.) outbreak noun 1. the sudden start of
osmoreceptor noun ANAT a cell in the something 쑗 an outbreak of disease 쑗
hypothalamus which checks the level of Showers are local outbreaks of precipita-
osmotic pressure in the blood and regulates tion from detached cumulus or cumulonim-
the amount of water in the blood bus. 2. MED a series of cases of a disease
which start suddenly 쑗 a typhoid outbreak
osmoregulation noun PHYSIOL same as
osmotic regulation outbreeding noun 1. BIOL breeding
between individuals that are not related 2.
osmosis noun CHEM the movement of BOT fertilisation between two or more sep-
molecules of a solvent from a solution of arate plants, rather than within a flower or
one concentration to a solution of a higher between flowers of the same plant 쑗 Out-
concentration through a semi-permeable breeding occurs in broad beans. 왘 compare
membrane until the two solutions balance inbreeding
in concentration
outcompete verb ECOL to be more suc-
osmotic pressure noun PHYS the pres- cessful than other organisms of the same or
sure required to prevent the flow of a sol- different species in obtaining access to the
vent into a solution through a same limited resources such as food, light
semi-permeable membrane or a mate
osmotic regulation noun BIOL the con- outcrop EARTH SCI noun an area of rock
trol of osmotic pressure within cells and that stands out above the surface of the soil
simple organisms, by which they maintain 쐽 verb (of rock) to stand out above the sur-
a balance between the fluid inside them face of the soil
and that outside in their environment. Also
called osmoregulation outer adjective furthest away from the
centre 쑗 The outer coating of the seed is
OSPF abbreviation COMPUT open shortest very hard.
path first
outer ear noun ANAT the ear on the out-
ossicle noun ANAT a small bone side of the head together with the passage
osteo- prefix ANAT bone leading to the eardrum
osteomalacia noun MED a condition outer space noun ASTRON an area out-
where the bones become soft because of side Earth’s atmosphere in which the Sun,
lack of calcium or phosphate stars and planets move
443 oval window
outfall noun ENVIRON a pipe from which output-bound adjective COMPUT unable
sewage, either raw or treated, flows into a to function at normal speed because of a
river, lake or the sea. Also called outfall slower peripheral
sewer output buffer register noun COMPUT a
outflow noun a flow in an outward direc- temporary store for data that is waiting to
tion 쑗 The outflow valve is controlled by be output
the cabin pressure controller. output device noun COMPUT a device
outlet noun 1. a passage or pipe through such as a monitor or printer that allows
which something can leave 쑗 a water outlet information to be displayed
2. ELEC a connection or point in a circuit or output file noun COMPUT a set of records
network where a signal or data can be that have been completely processed
accessed according to various parameters
outlier noun 1. ECOL an organism that output formatter noun COMPUT 1. a
occurs naturally some distance away from piece of software used to format data or
the principal area in which its species is programs and output them so that they are
found 2. EARTH SCI an area in which compatible with another sort of storage
younger rocks are completely surrounded medium 2. a part of a word processor pro-
by older rocks gram that formats text according to embed-
outline noun 1. a line around the shape of ded commands
something 쑗 Warning labels have a solid output-limited adjective COMPUT same
red outline. 2. a shape 쑗 At low level, fea- as output-bound
tures are most easily recognised from their output mode noun COMPUT a computer
outline in elevation. 쑗 Cumulus cloud has mode in which data is moved from internal
detached domes or towers which are gen- storage or the central processing unit to
erally dense and have sharp outlines. 3. a external devices
summary 쑗 an outline of the latest research output port noun COMPUT a circuit or
results 4. a line that shows the external connector that allows a computer to output
shape of something 쑗 The drawing shows or transmit data to another machine or
the outline of the coast. 쐽 verb 1. to form or device
draw round the shape of something 쑗 The output register noun COMPUT a register
additional material is outlined in red. 2. to that stores data to be output until the
explain something simply and briefly 쑗 receiver is ready or the channel is free
The changes in conditions are outlined in
the next paragraph. output stream noun COMPUT a commu-
nications channel carrying data output to a
outline flowchart noun COMPUT a peripheral
flowchart of the main features, steps and
decisions in a program or system
outward adjective moving away from the
centre or starting point 쑗 The piston draws
outline font noun COMPUT a printer or fluid into the cylinders on the outward
display font stored as a set of outlines that stroke and expels fluid into the system on
mathematically describe the shape of each the inward stroke. Opposite inward 쐽
character adverb US same as outwards
output noun 1. the product of a process 쑗 outwards adverb away from the centre
Air density will affect the output of the or starting point 쑗 The door opens out-
engine. 2. COMPUT information or data that wards. (NOTE: The US term is outward)
is transferred from a central processing outwash noun EARTH SCI the water
unit or the main memory to another device which flows from a melting glacier and
such as a monitor, printer or secondary creates deposits of silt
storage device 3. COMPUT the action of
transferring information or data from a outwash deposit, outwash fan noun
store to a user 쐽 verb COMPUT to transfer EARTH SCI a silt deposit formed by a melt-
data from a computer to a monitor or ing glacier
printer 쑗 Finished documents can be output OV abbreviation COMPUT overflow
to the laser printer. ova ZOOL plural of ovum
output area, output block noun COM- oval adjective shaped like an egg
PUT a section of memory that contains data oval window noun ANAT a mem-
to be transferred to an output device brane-covered opening between the middle
ovary 444
ear and the inner ear that transmits sound overflow noun 1. excess liquid that flows
vibrations over the edge of a container 2. COMPUT a
ovary noun 1. ANAT one of two organs in mathematical result that is greater than the
a woman or female animal that produce limits of the computer’s number storage
ova or egg cells and secrete the female hor- system 3. a situation in a network when the
mone oestrogen 2. BOT the part of a flower number of transmissions is greater than the
that contains the ovules, at the base of a line capacity and they are transferred by
carpel another route. Abbr OV 쐽 verb to flow over
over- prefix 1. above 2. excessively the edge of a container 쑗 The floods made
the reservoir overflow. 쑗 The river over-
overall adjective including everything 쑗 flowed its banks and flooded hundred of
The total aerodynamic losses result in an hectares of farmland.
overall turbine efficiency of 92%. 쐽 adverb
generally 쑗 Overall, the test was a success. overflow bit, overflow flag, overflow
쐽 noun a one-piece item of protective
indicator noun COMPUT a single bit in a
clothing word that is set to 1 if a mathematical over-
flow has occurred
overalls plural noun protective trousers
with a bib and straps over the shoulders 쑗 overflow pipe noun a pipe attached to
Wear overalls to protect your clothes. the top of a container to channel away
excess liquid
overburden noun 1. EARTH SCI in strip
mining, the soil and rock lying on top of a overgraze verb AGRIC to graze a pasture
layer of coal 2. a mineral which is dug so much that it loses nutrients and is no
away from the surface of the land to expose longer able enough to provide food for
the coal or mineral below livestock
overburden pressure noun EARTH SCI overgrazing noun AGRIC the practice of
the force of the soil or rock pressing down grazing a pasture so much that it loses
onto a coal seam or mineral vein nutrients and is no longer able to provide
food for livestock 쑗 Overgrazing has led to
overcome verb 1. to fight something and soil erosion and desertification.
win 쑗 They failed to overcome public oppo-
sition to the construction of a nuclear overhaul verb to take apart and examine
power station. 2. MED to make someone something carefully in order to repair,
lose consciousness 쑗 Two people were clean or adjust it 쑗 To overhaul the whole
overcome by smoke in the fire. system will take a couple of days. 쐽 noun
the act of taking something such as a
overcropping noun AGRIC the practice machine or engine apart in order to repair,
of growing too many crops on poor soil, clean or adjust it 쑗 The moving parts
which has the effect of greatly reducing require periodic overhaul.
soil fertility
overheat verb to get too hot 쑗 An accel-
overcultivated adjective AGRIC refer- eration/deceleration control is fitted to
ring to land that has been too intensively prevent the turbine assembly from over-
cultivated and has reduced fertility heating during acceleration.
overexploit verb ENVIRON 1. to work overland flow noun EARTH SCI a move-
mineral deposits or use other resources in ment of rainwater or water melting from
an uncontrolled way until there is very lit- snow or ice over the surface of the ground
tle left 2. to cultivate soil too intensely in a broad thin layer
overexploitation noun ENVIRON the overlap noun a part of one thing covering
uncontrolled use of natural resources until something else 쐽 verb 1. to have an area or
there is very little left 쑗 Overexploitation range in common with something else 2. to
has reduced herring stocks by half. cover part of something else 쑗 The maps
overfish verb FISHERY to catch so many overlap each other at the edges by three
fish that the fish do not reproduce quickly centimetres. (NOTE: overlapping – over-
enough and become rare lapped)
overfishing noun FISHERY the practice overlay noun COMPUT a small section of
of catching so many fish that the fish do not a program loaded into memory only when
reproduce quickly enough and become rare required (NOTE: This is done when the
쑗 Herring stocks have been reduced by entire program is bigger than the main
overfishing. memory capacity of a computer.)
445 oxidation
overload noun an excessive amount of ovicide noun AGRIC a substance, espe-
work or electricity 쑗 Resettable circuit pro- cially an insecticide, that kills eggs
tective devices should be designed so that oviduct noun ANAT a tube that transports
when an overload or circuit fault exists, eggs from the ovary to the uterus in mam-
they will open the circuit. 쐽 verb 1. to load mals or in birds and reptiles secretes the
a device or system such as an electrical cir- eggshell and conveys the egg to the outside
cuit with too much work 쑗 Prevent over- (NOTE: In mammals it is also called the fal-
loading of the pumps. 2. to load something lopian tube.)
too heavily 쑗 The aircraft failed to gain oviparity noun ZOOL animal reproduc-
height after take-off because it was over- tion in which a female lays eggs before or
loaded. after fertilisation, as occurs in some fish
overproduction noun INDUST the pro- and birds
duction of more of something than is oviparous adjective ZOOL referring to an
wanted or needed animal that carries and lays eggs. Compare
override verb to take over control of the viviparous
operation of an automatic device or system ovipositor noun ZOOL a tube used for
쑗 A circuit-protective device must not be of egg-laying (NOTE: It is present in turtles,
a type which can be overridden manually. some fish and many female insects.)
(NOTE: overriding – overrode – overrid- ovoviviparity noun ZOOL animal repro-
den) duction in which a female carries eggs
overscan noun COMPUT 1. a faulty or within her body, where they hatch and the
badly adjusted monitor in which the dis- embryo stays protected (NOTE: It occurs in
played image runs off the edge of the some reptiles and fish.)
screen 2. display equipment in which the ovulate verb PHYSIOL to release an ovum
picture beam scans past the screen bound- from the mature ovarian follicle into the
aries to ensure that the image fills the fallopian tube
screen ovulation noun PHYSIOL the release of an
overstorey noun FORESTRY the topmost ovum from the mature ovarian follicle into
vegetation layer in a forest, formed by the the fallopian tube
tallest trees. Also called overwood ovule noun BIOL an immature egg or an
overtone noun ACOUSTICS a higher unfertilised seed
musical note produced at the same time as ovum noun BIOL a female egg cell which,
the basic note, affecting the overall sound when fertilised by a spermatozoon, begins
quality to develop into an embryo (NOTE: The plu-
ral is ova. For other terms referring to ova,
overuse noun the excessive use of some- see words beginning with oo-.)
thing 쑗 The overuse of pesticides is con-
COMMENT: At regular intervals (in the
taminating the rivers. 쐽 verb to use human female, once a month) ova, or unfer-
something too much 쑗 Farmers are warned tilised eggs, leave the ovaries and move
against overusing synthetic fertilisers. down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. At
the point where the fallopian tubes join the
over-voltage protection noun ELEC a uterus an ovum may be fertilised by a
safety device that prevents a power supply sperm cell.
voltage exceeding certain specified limits oxalic acid noun CHEM a colourless poi-
overwinter verb 1. ZOOL to spend winter sonous acid. Formula: H2C2O4.
in a particular place 쑗 The herds overwin- ox-bow lake noun EARTH SCI a curved
ter on the southern plains. 2. BIOL to lake formed when a large curve of a river
remain alive though the winter 쑗 Many becomes cut off from the main body of the
plants will not overwinter in areas that river by silt
have frost. oxidant noun CHEM same as oxidising
overwood noun FORESTRY same as agent
overstorey oxidase noun CHEM an enzyme which
overwrite verb COMPUT to write data to a encourages oxidation by removing hydro-
location and, in doing so, to destroy any gen
data already contained in that location 쑗 oxidation noun CHEM a chemical reac-
The latest data input has overwritten the tion in which a substance combines with
old information. oxygen with loss of electrons
oxidation ditch 446
oxidation ditch, oxidation pond noun oxygenation noun CHEM the process of
a ditch or pond where sewage is purified by becoming filled with oxygen
allowing biochemical reactions to take oxygen debt noun PHYSIOL the amount
place in it over a period of time of oxygen needed to replenish the body’s
oxidation–reduction noun CHEM a oxygen stores after they become depleted
reversible chemical reaction between two by exercise such as running
substances where one is oxidised and the oxygen sink noun BOT a part of a plant
other is reduced which stores oxygen
oxide noun CHEM a chemical compound oxyhaemoglobin noun BIOCHEM a
of oxygen compound of haemoglobin and oxygen,
COMMENT: Carbon compounds form oxides which carries oxygen in arterial blood
when metabolised with oxygen in the body, from the lungs to the tissues
ultimately producing carbon dioxide.
oxyntic cell noun BIOL a cell in the gas-
oxidisability, oxidizability noun CHEM
tric gland which secretes hydrochloric
the ability of a substance to oxidise acid. Also called parietal cell
oxidisable matter noun CHEM a sub- oxyphyte noun BOT a plant which lives
stance that can oxidise on acid soil
oxidise, oxidize verb to form an oxide by oxytocin noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro-
the reaction of oxygen with another chem- duced by the pituitary gland, which con-
ical substance 쑗 Over a period of time, the trols the contractions of the uterus and
metal is oxidised by contact with air. encourages the flow of milk
oxidising agent noun CHEM a substance COMMENT: An extract of oxytocin is some-
that forms an oxide with another substance times used as an injection to start contrac-
tions of the uterus in childbirth.
oxidising atmosphere noun CHEM a
mixture of gases that contains oxygen and ozone noun EARTH SCI poisonous form of
converts elements into oxides through oxygen found naturally in the atmosphere,
chemical reactions which is toxic to humans at concentrations
above 0.1 parts per million. Formula: O3.
oxo process noun CHEM a method of COMMENT: Ozone is created in the strato-
manufacturing aldehydes in which a mix- sphere by the effect of ultraviolet radiation
ture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and from the Sun on oxygen. Ozone then splits
alkenes are passed over a catalyst at high and becomes oxygen again as part of a
pressure and temperature continuous cycle of chemical change. It is
destroyed by reaction with nitric oxide
oxychlorination noun INDUST the proc- (created by burning fossil fuel) or water or
ess of neutralising bacteria in water chlorine compounds (from chlorofluorocar-
intended for drinking bons used in aerosols and packaging). The
reduction of ozone in the stratosphere by
oxygen noun CHEM ELEM a colourless, any of these reactions creates a thin area or
odourless gas, essential to human life, con- ‘hole’ in the ozone layer.
stituting 21% by volume of the Earth’s ozone-depleting substance noun
atmosphere 쑗 Our bodies obtain oxygen ENVIRON a substance that is known to have
through the lungs in respiration. (NOTE: unfavourable effects on the ozone layer in
The chemical symbol is O; the atomic the atmosphere. Abbr ODS
number is 8 and the atomic weight is
ozone depletion noun ENVIRON the loss
of ozone from the atmosphere
COMMENT: Oxygen is an important constit-
uent of living matter, as well as water and ozone-depletion potential,
air. It is formed by plants from carbon ozone-depleting potential noun ENVIRON
dioxide in the atmosphere during photosyn- a measurement of the effect of a substance
thesis and released back into the air. on reducing the amount of ozone in the
Oxygen is absorbed from the air into the
bloodstream through the lungs and is atmosphere. Abbr ODP
carried to the tissues along the arteries. It is ozone-friendly adjective ENVIRON not
essential to normal metabolism. harmful to the ozone layer in the atmos-
oxygen absorbent adjective CHEM phere
able to take up oxygen ozone hole noun ENVIRON a thin part in
oxygenate verb 1. MED to treat blood the ozone layer in the atmosphere, which
with oxygen 2. CHEM to become filled with forms over Antarctica each year at the end
oxygen of winter
447 ozonosphere
ozone layer noun METEOROL the layer of ozone monitoring device noun ENVI-
ozone in the atmosphere between 20 and RON a device which measures the levels of
50km above the surface of the Earth ozone in the atmosphere
COMMENT: The ozone layer in the strato- ozone precursor noun a chemical
sphere acts as a protection against the which contributes to the formation of
harmful effects of the Sun’s radiation, and ozone, e.g. nitrogen oxide
the destruction or reduction of the layer has ozonise, ozonize verb CHEM 1. to con-
the effect of allowing more radiation to pass vert oxygen into ozone 2. to treat a sub-
through the atmosphere with harmful
results such as skin cancer in humans. The
stance with ozone
first ozone hole was detected over Antarc- ozonosphere noun METEOROL same as
tica. ozone layer
p abbreviation MEASURE pico- 쑗 Many of the packaging materials we used
P abbreviation MEASURE peta- 쐽 symbol to throw away may now be re-used or recy-
CHEM phosphorus cled to save energy and raw materials.
Pa symbol MEASURE, PHYS pascal packed decimal noun COMPUT a deci-
mal digit stored in a small space, by using
pachytene noun BIOL the third stage of only four bits for each digit
meiosis, during which the paired chromo-
somes become shorter and thicker and packed format noun COMPUT a format
divide into four chromatids in which two binary coded decimal digits
are stored within one computer word or a
pack noun 1. ZOOL a group of predatory byte, usually achieved by removing the
animals which live and hunt together check or a parity bit
(NOTE: Pack is especially used of animals
of the dog family such as wolves, but also packet noun COMPUT a group of data bits
of other animals such as killer whales.) 2. which can be transmitted as a group from
INDUST a detachable system 쑗 Circuit
one node to another over a network
packs consist of basic decision-making ele- packet assembler/disassembler
ments, referred to as logic gates, each per- noun COMPUT a dedicated computer which
forming combinational operations. 쑗 A converts serial data from asynchronous ter-
power pack system is one in which most of minals to a form that can be transmitted
the major components, with the exception along a synchronous packet switched net-
of the actuators and, in some systems, the work. Abbr PAD
pumps, are included in a self-contained packet Internet groper COMPUT full
unit. 쐽 verb 1. to put things into a container form of PING
for selling or sending 쑗 to pack goods into packet switching noun COMPUT a
cartons 쑗 The diskettes are packed in plas- method of sending data across a wide area
tic wrappers. 쑗 The computer is packed in network in small packets, which are then
expanded polystyrene before being reassembled in correct order at the receiv-
shipped. 2. COMPUT to store a quantity of ing end
data in a reduced form, often by represent-
ing several characters of data with one
packet switching service noun COM-
PUT a commercial data transmission serv-
stored character
ice that sends data over its wide area
package noun an object or set of objects network using packet switching. Abbr PSS
wrapped in a covering pack ice noun EARTH SCI a large area of
packaged adjective referring to items ice floating at sea consisting of a mixture
wrapped in a covering of ice of various sizes and ages crushed
packaging noun INDUST the set of cover- together so that there is little or no open
ings used to wrap an object, especially a water
product that is going to be transported, dis- packing noun 1. INDUST the action of
played and sold (NOTE: Packaging may be putting goods into boxes and wrapping
paper, cardboard, plastic, polystyrene or them for shipping 쑗 What is the cost of the
some other material.) packing? 쑗 Packing is included in the
packaging material noun a type of price. 2. INDUST material used to protect
covering such as paper or plastic used to goods 쑗 sealed in airtight packing 3. COM-
wrap an object, especially a product that is PUT the inclusion of large amounts of data
going to be transported, displayed and sold in a small area of storage. Opposite pad-
449 palaeomagnetism
ding 4. COMPUT a number of bits that can cated an address and which can be called
be stored in a unit area on a magnetic disk up when required
or tape COMMENT: A virtual memory management
pad noun COMPUT same as keypad 쐽 verb system stores data as pages in memory to
provide an apparently larger capacity main
1. COMPUT to fill something out 2. to cush- memory by storing unused pages in
ion something backing store, copying them into main
PAD abbreviation COMPUT packet assem- memory only when required.
bler/disassembler paging algorithm noun COMPUT a for-
pad character noun COMPUT an extra mula by which the memory management
character added to a string, packet or file allocates memory to pages, also covering
until it is a required size the transfer from backing storage to main
padding noun COMPUT the addition of memory in the most efficient way
characters or digits to fill out a string or PAH abbreviation CHEM polycyclic aro-
packet until it is the right length. Opposite matic hydrocarbon
packing paint noun 1. a liquid substance put on a
paddy, padi noun AGRIC a rice crop grow- surface to give it colour or to protect it 2.
ing in shallow water 쑗 Paddies can be COMPUT colour and pattern used to fill an
breeding grounds for mosquitoes. area 쐽 verb COMPUT (in a graphics pro-
page noun 1. a sheet of paper 2. COMPUT gram) to fill an enclosed graphics shape
an amount of text, displayed on a computer with a colour
monitor or screen 3. COMPUT a section of pain threshold noun PHYSIOL the point
main store, which contains data or pro- at which a person cannot bear pain without
grams 4. COMPUT one section of a main a significant reaction 왍 to have a low or a
program which can be loaded into main high pain threshold to be unable to bear
memory when required 쐽 verb 1. to make much pain or considerable pain
up a text into pages 2. COMPUT to divide a pair noun a set of two matched items, sim-
computer backing store into sections to ilar in appearance and function 쑗 A brake
allow long programs to be executed in a control valve usually contains four ele-
small main memory ments, one pair for the brakes on each side,
paged address noun COMPUT an actual to provide duplicated control.
physical memory address that is calculated paired register noun COMPUT a basic
from a logical address and its page address word size register used with another as one
page description programming large word size register, often for storing
language noun COMPUT a programming address words 쑗 The 8-bit CPU uses a
language that accepts commands to define paired register to provide a 16-bit address
the size, position and type style for text or register.
graphics on a page PAL abbreviation COMPUT phase alterna-
paged-memory management unit tion line
noun COMPUT an electronic logic circuit Palaearctic Region noun EARTH SCI a
that manages the translation between logi- biogeographical region, part of Arctogea
cal addresses that refer to a particular page covering Europe, North Asia and North
and the actual physical address that is Africa
being referenced palaeo- prefix ancient or prehistoric
paged-memory scheme noun COM- (NOTE: The US spelling is paleo-.)
PUT a way of dividing memory into small palaeobotany noun BOT the study of
blocks called pages which are then allo- fossil plants
cated a page number
palaeoclimatology noun METEOROL
page printer noun COMPUT a printer, the scientific study of the climate of the
usually a laser printer, which composes geological past
one page of text within memory and then
prints it in one pass
palaeoecology noun ECOL the study of
the ecology of fossils
pagination noun COMPUT the process of
dividing text into pages palaeomagnetism noun EARTH SCI the
study of the magnetism of ancient rocks
paging noun COMPUT a virtual memory COMMENT: Rocks indicate the direction and
technique of splitting main memory into therefore the position of the magnetic pole,
small blocks called pages which are allo- which slowly changes its position over thou-
palaeontology 450
sands of years, at the time the rocks were ornament. Latin name: Cortaderia Sello-
formed. ana.
palaeontology noun BIOL the study of pan verb 1. COMPUT (in computer graph-
fossil organisms ics) to move a viewing window smoothly
palaeozoology noun ZOOL the study of across an image that is too wide to display
fossil animals all at once 2. COMPUT (in MIDI or sound) to
paleo- prefix US spelling of palaeo- adjust the balance of a sound between the
palette noun COMPUT a range of colours two stereo channels 3. INDUST to search for
which can be used on a printer or computer precious minerals such as gold by passing
display sandy deposits through a sieve in running
palindrome noun GENETICS a segment water, allowing the smaller particles to be
of DNA in which nucleotide sequences in washed away
complementary strands are the same when PAN abbreviation CHEM peroxyacetyl
read from opposite ends of the segment, nitrate
e.g. the sequences GGTACC and pan- prefix affecting everything or every-
CCATGG where
palladium noun CHEM ELEM a shiny pancreas noun ANAT a large gland next
metallic element that resembles platinum to the stomach that secretes digestive
used as a catalyst and in electrical contacts, enzymes and also the hormones involved
jewellery, dental fillings and medical in regulating sugars in the blood
instruments (NOTE: The chemical symbol is pancreatic juice noun PHYSIOL a
Pd; the atomic number is 46 and the watery alkaline secretion from the pan-
atomic weight is 106.40.) creas that contains digestive enzymes that
palm noun 1. TREES a large tropical plant break down food in the small intestine
like a tree with branching divided leaves, pandemic adjective, noun MED referring
that produces fruits which give oil and to an epidemic disease which affects many
other foodstuffs 2. ANAT the inner surface parts of the world. 쒁 endemic, epidemic
of the hand or the underside of a mammal’s panel noun 1. a flat, often rectangular
forefoot that is often in contact with the piece of a construction 쑗 Access to the
ground engine compartment is normally via
palmate adjective BOT referring to leaves hinged cowling panels. 2. a board with
that split from a central part like the fingers switches, dials, control knobs or similar
on a hand. Also called digitate features for indicating performance 쑗 an
palmitic acid noun CHEM a waxy solid instrument panel
derived from plant and animal fats and oils panemone noun ENG a type of windmill
and used in making soap and candles and in which flat surfaces spin round a vertical
as a food additive. Formula: C15H31COOH. axis
palm kernel oil noun FOOD INDUST a Pangaea noun EARTH SCI an ancient con-
vegetable oil produced from the kernels of tinent thought to have contained all Earth’s
the oil palm nut land mass before it gradually broke up into
palmtop noun COMPUT a personal com- pieces that drifted apart
puter that is small enough to be held in one panicle noun BOT a flower head (inflo-
hand and operated with the other 쑗 This rescence) with many branches that carry
palmtop has a tiny keyboard and small flowers, e.g. the flower head of a rice
twenty-line LCD screen. plant
palp noun ZOOL a sensory appendage near pantothenic acid noun BIOCHEM a vita-
the mouth of many invertebrate animals min of the vitamin B complex, found in
paludism noun MED same as malaria liver, yeast and eggs
palynology noun BOT the scientific papain noun BIOCHEM an enzyme found
study of pollen, especially of pollen found in the juice of the papaya, used as a meat
in peat and coal deposits tenderiser and in medicine to help wounds
pampas noun EARTH SCI a wide area of to heal
grassy plains found in South America paper noun INDUST a substance made
pampas grass noun PLANTS a type of from the pulp of wood, rags or fibre rolled
tall feathery grass found on the plains of flat into sheets, used for writing on, print-
South America and grown elsewhere for ing, wrapping objects and other purposes
451 parallelogram of forces
paper chromatography noun CHEM transmitting two or more bits of a word
chromatography that uses a strip of paper over separate lines at the same time 쐽 noun
as the porous medium 1. a line which is parallel to another 2.
paper feed noun COMPUT a mechanism EARTH SCI same as parallel of latitude 3.
that moves paper through a printer GEOG a line representing a parallel on a
paper pulp noun INDUST a wet mixture map or chart
COMMENT: The parallels are numbered
of pulverized of wood, rags or fibre from upwards from the equator and some of
which paper is made them act as national boundaries: the 49th
para- prefix 1. similar to 2. changed or parallel marks most of the border between
beyond the USA and Canada.
paraben noun ENVIRON a chemical used parallel adder noun COMPUT a number
in toiletries and as a food preservative of adders joined together, allowing several
(NOTE: It is reported as a possible cause of digits to be added at once
reproductive or developmental problems parallel circuit noun ELEC an electric
because its action is similar to that of the circuit in which all the components are
hormone oestrogen.) connected directly to the voltage supply, so
parabola noun MATHS one of the conic each component receives a fraction of the
sections, a curve formed by the intersection current
of a cone with a plane parallel to its side parallel computer noun COMPUT a
(NOTE: Parabolic sections have the prop- computer with one or more logic or arith-
erty of being able to bring light to a focus at metic units, allowing parallel processing
a single point, so that telescope makers parallel connection noun COMPUT a
aspire to create parabolic optical surfaces.) connector on a computer allowing parallel
parabolic adjective MATHS referring to a data to be transferred 쑗 Their transmission
parabola rate is 60000bps through parallel connec-
paraffin noun 1. CHEM a saturated tion.
aliphatic hydrocarbon 2. INDUST same as parallel data transmission noun
paraffin oil COMPUT the transmission of bits of data
paraffin oil noun INDUST oil produced simultaneously along a number of data
from petroleum, used as a fuel in aircraft lines
engines, for domestic heating and lighting, parallel input/output noun COMPUT
and as a solvent data input or output from a computer in a
paraffin wax noun INDUST a white insol- parallel form. Abbr PIO
uble solid which melts at between 50 and parallel input/parallel output noun
60°C, used to make candles, as a water- COMPUT a device that can accept and trans-
proofing and as the base of some ointments mit parallel data. Abbr PIPO
paragraph noun COMPUT 1. a section of parallel input/serial output noun
text between two return characters 2. a COMPUT a device that can accept parallel
16-byte section of memory which starts at data and transmit serial data. Abbr PISO
a hexadecimal address that can be evenly parallel of latitude noun EARTH SCI 1.
divided by 16 an angular distance north or south of the
parallax noun PHYS, ASTRON the change Earth’s equator, measured in degrees, min-
in apparent position of an object caused by utes and seconds, along a meridian 2. an
movement on the part of the observer imaginary line running round the Earth,
parallel adjective 1. (of lines, planes or linking points at an equal distance from the
curved surfaces, routes or roads) side by equator. Also called parallel
side and having the same distance between parallelogram noun MATHS a four-sided
them at every point 왍 in parallel (of elec- figure in which both pairs of opposite sides
trical circuits) arranged so as to join at com- are parallel to each other and of equal
mon points at each end rather than to each length and the opposite angles are equal
other in sequence 쑗 When batteries are parallelogram of forces noun MATHS
connected in parallel, voltage remains a graphical method of finding the resultant
constant but capacity increase. 2. COMPUT force from two separate forces by drawing
(of a computer system) in which two or the two forces as two sides of a parallelo-
more processors operate simultaneously gram, with the diagonal equal to the result-
on one or more items of data 3. COMPUT ant force
parallelogram of vectors 452
parallelogram of vectors noun parasexual adjective FUNGI referring to
MATHS a graphical method of finding the reproduction in some fungi in which the
resultant vector from two separate vectors recombination of parental chromosomes
by drawing the two vectors as two sides of takes place without the usual formation of
a parallelogram, with the diagonal equal to sex cells (meiosis)
the resultant vector parasite noun BIOL a plant or animal
parallel printer noun COMPUT a printer which lives on or inside another organism,
that is connected to a computer via a paral- the host, and derives its nourishment and
lel interface and accepts character data in other needs from it 쑗 a water-borne para-
parallel form site
parallel running noun COMPUT the COMMENT: The commonest parasites
process of running old and new computer affecting animals are lice on the skin and
various types of worms in the intestines.
systems together to allow the new system Many diseases of humans such as malaria
to be checked before it becomes the only and amoebic dysentery are caused by
system used infestation with parasites. Viruses are para-
paramagnetic adjective PHYS describes sites on animals, plants and even on
a substance that is weakly magnetised so
that it will lie parallel to a magnetic field. parasitic adjective BIOL referring to ani-
The phenomenon results from the presence mal or plant parasites 쑗 a parasitic worm 쑗
of unpaired electrons in the atoms of the Dodder is a parasitic plant.
substance, which cause the atoms to act as parasitic disease noun MED a disease
tiny magnets when a magnetic field is caused by a parasite
applied. parasiticide noun BIOL a substance that
paramagnetism noun PHYS the phe- kills parasites
nomenon of small changes in the magnetic parasitise, parasitize verb BIOL to live
behaviour of a substance varying with tem- as a parasite on another organism 쑗 Sheep
perature are parasitised by flukes.
parameter noun 1. a factor that defines parasitism noun BIOL a state in which
the limits or actions of something 쑗 The X one organism, the parasite, lives on or
parameter defines the number of charac- inside another organism, the host, and
ters displayed across a screen. 쑗 The size derives its nourishment and other needs
of the array is set with this parameter. 2. a from it
variable quantity or value for which a parasitoid noun BIOL an organism that is
measurement is attempted, e.g. mean a parasite only at one stage in its develop-
height ment
parameterisation, parameterization parasitoidism noun the state of being a
noun COMPUT the action of setting param- parasite only at one stage of development,
eters for software as when an insect lays eggs inside the body
parameter passing noun COMPUT a of a host
value passed to a routine or program when parasitology noun BIOL the scientific
it is called study of parasites
parametric equation noun MATHS a parasympathetic nervous system
mathematical equation in which the coor- noun ANAT the parts of the autonomic nerv-
dinates of points are expressed in terms of ous system that affects involuntary func-
independent parameters tions such as pupil diameter in response to
parametric subroutine noun COMPUT light and muscle constriction in the ali-
a subroutine that uses parameters to define mentary canal
its limits or actions parathyroid gland noun ANAT one of
parapatric speciation noun the devel- four small glands, found in or near the thy-
opment of new species in areas which are roid gland, that secrete parathyroid hor-
next to each other and so not completely mone, which controls the laying down of
isolated minerals in bone
paraquat noun AGRIC a herbicide that parcel noun 1. a package 2. a plot of land
destroys a wide range of plants by killing 3. FORESTRY a quantity of wood, either
their foliage and becomes inert on contact growing in a forest or cut down, which is
with the soil sold
453 particle physics
parcel of air noun METEOROL a large ent parts when translating into machine
mass of air code
parenchyma noun BIOL a soft unspecial- parsec noun ASTRON, MEASURE the dis-
ised tissue in between the essential organs tance at which a star would have a parallax
of plants and some lower animals of one second, equal to 3.26 light years, 31
parent noun BIOL a male or female that trillion km or 206000AU (NOTE: A parsec
has produced offspring is the standard measure of distances in the
universe beyond the solar system.)
parental adjective BIOL referring to a par-
ent part noun one of the sections which make
up a whole
parent cell noun BIOL an original cell
which splits into daughter cells by mitosis. parthenocarpy noun BOT the produc-
Also called mother cell tion of seedless fruits without fertilisation
having taken place
parent directory noun COMPUT the
directory above a sub-directory parthenogenesis noun BIOL a form of
reproduction in which an unfertilised
parenteral adjective MED referring to a ovum develops into an individual
drug which is not swallowed but is given in
the form of injections or suppositories partial adjective completing or constitut-
ing only part of something
parenteral nutrition, parenteral feed- partial carry noun COMPUT the tempo-
ing noun MED the feeding of a patient by
rary storage of all carries generated by par-
means other than by mouth, e.g. by giving
allel adders rather than a direct transfer
injections of glucose
partial cut noun FORESTRY a method of
parent plant noun BOT a plant from foresting where only some trees are felled,
which others are produced leaving others standing to seed the area
parent rock noun EARTH SCI same as which has been left clear
mother rock partial eclipse noun ASTRON an eclipse
parhelic circle noun ASTRON a lumi- where only part of the Sun or Moon is hid-
nous horizontal band passing through the den
Sun that is caused by the Sun’s rays reflect- partial pressure noun PHYS the pres-
ing off ice crystals in the atmosphere sure that one gas in a mixture of gases
parhelion noun ASTRON a bright col- would exert if the other gases were
oured spot near the Sun caused by ice crys- removed
tals in the atmosphere diffracting light partial RAM noun COMPUT a RAM chip
(NOTE: Parhelions are often observed in in which only one area of the chip func-
pairs.) tions correctly
parietal cell noun BIOL same as oxyntic partial vision noun OPHTHALMOL the
cell condition of being able to see only part of
parity bit noun COMPUT an extra bit the total field of vision
added to a data word as a parity check particle noun 1. a very small piece of a
parity check noun COMPUT a method of substance 쑗 soil particles 쑗 Particles of
checking for errors or corruption of trans- volcanic ash were carried into the upper
mitted binary data atmosphere. 2. PHYS 쏡 elementary particle
park noun ENVIRON an area of open land particle accelerator noun PHYS in par-
used as a place of recreation 쐽 verb COM- ticle physics note a device used to increase
PUT to move the read/write head of a hard the velocity of elementary particles
disk drive over a point on the disk where no particle bombardment noun BIOTECH
data is stored 쑗 When parked, the disk head a technique for inserting DNA from one
will not damage any data if it touches the organism into another by bombarding cell
disk surface. cultures with metal particles coated with
parkland noun grazed grassland or DNA
heathland with large individual trees or particle physics noun PHYS the study
small groups of large trees, usually part of of elementary particles (NOTE: It often
a designed and managed landscape involves the use of large high-energy appa-
parse verb COMPUT to break down ratus such as particle accelerators to pro-
high-level language code into its constitu- duce particles that can be studied.)
particulate 454
particulate noun ENVIRON a tiny solid passerine noun ZOOL a bird belonging to
piece of a substance an order of birds which typically come to
COMMENT: The finest particulates in the air rest on branches. Order: Passeriformes. 쐽
are the most dangerous pollutants as they adjective referring to a passerine
are easily inhaled into the bronchioles in the
lungs. Fine particulates from volcanic erup- passive adjective 1. not actively partici-
tions can enter the stratosphere and have a pating. Opposite active 2. receiving an
cooling effect by preventing the heat from action but taking no action 쑗 In primary
the Sun reaching the Earth’s surface, i.e. radar systems, the target is passive.
the opposite of the greenhouse effect.
particulate inheritance noun GENET-
passive margin noun EARTH SCI an
ICS a theory stated by Mendel that parental area at the edge of a continental mass
genes do not mix together in offspring but where there is no volcanic activity
retain their characteristics from generation passive smoking noun a situation in
to generation which someone breathes in tobacco smoke
particulate matter noun any matter in from the atmosphere around them. This
the atmosphere except water, including process may cause lung cancer.
dust particles, pollen or particles produced passive state noun the state of a system
by internal combustion engines. Abbr PM or device when it is switched on or ‘live’
partition COMPUT noun 1. an area of a but is not reacting to any input
hard disk that is treated as a logical drive password noun COMPUT a word or series
and can be accessed as a separate drive 쑗 I of characters which identifies a user who
defined two partitions on this hard disk can then access a system 쑗 The user has to
called drive C: and D:. 2. a section of com- key in the password before being able to
puter memory set aside as foreground or access the database.
background memory 쐽 verb 1. to divide a paste verb COMPUT to insert into a file
hard disk into two or more logical drives text or graphics that has been copied or cut
that can be accessed as separate drives 2. to pasteurisation, pasteurization noun
divide a large file or block into several FOOD INDUST the heating of food or food
smaller units which can be accessed and products for a specific period to destroy
handled more easily bacteria
parts per billion noun CHEM a measure COMMENT: Pasteurisation is carried out by
of the concentration of a substance in a gas, heating food for a short time at a lower
liquid or solid. Abbr ppb temperature than that used for sterilisation.
The two methods used are heating to 72°C
parts per million noun a measure of the for fifteen seconds (the high-tempera-
concentration of a substance in a gas, liq- ture-short-time method) or to 65°C for half
uid or solid. Abbr ppm an hour, and then cooling rapidly. This has
parturition noun the act of giving birth the effect of killing tuberculosis bacteria.
to offspring, when the foetus leaves the pasteurise, pasteurize verb FOOD
uterus, called by different names according INDUST to kill bacteria in food by heating it
to the animal pastoral adjective AGRIC referring to
parvovirus noun any of a group of land available for pasture
viruses that have a single strand of DNA, pasture AGRIC noun land covered with
especially those causing disease in mam- grass or other small plants, used by farmers
mals as a feeding place for animals 쑗 a mixture
pascal noun MEASURE, PHYS an SI unit of of pasture and woodland 쑗 Their cows are
pressure. Symbol Pa on summer pastures high in the mountains.
PASCAL COMPUT a high-level structured 쐽 verb to put animals onto land covered
programming language used both on mic- with grass or other small plants 쑗 Their
ros and for teaching programming cows are pastured in fields high in the
pass noun COMPUT 1. the execution of a mountains.
loop, once 2. a single operation 3. the pastureland noun AGRIC land covered
action of moving the whole length of a with grass or other small plants, used by
magnetic tape over the read/write heads farmers as a feeding place for animals
passage noun 1. EARTH SCI a long nar- pasture management noun AGRIC the
row channel or corridor 2. a movement control of pasture by grazing, cutting,
from one place to another reseeding and similar techniques
patch noun COMPUT a small correction son who checks tissue and other samples
made to software by the user, on the for evidence of disease 3. a doctor who
instructions of the software publisher examines dead bodies to find out the cause
patch cord noun TELECOM a short cable of death
with a connector at each end, used to make pathology noun MED the study of dis-
an electrical connection on a patch panel eases and the changes in structure and
patch dynamics noun ECOL a process function which diseases can cause
in which the disturbance of a community pathology report noun MED a report on
creates gaps which are then colonised by tests carried out to find the cause of a dis-
the same or another species ease that someone has
patch panel noun TELECOM a set of elec- pattern noun 1. a series of regular lines or
trical terminals that can be interconnected shapes which are repeated again and again
using short patch cords, allowing quick 2. a form or method which shows particu-
and simple re-configuration of a network lar, consistent characteristics
patent noun an official confirmation that pattern palette noun COMPUT a range of
you have the sole right to make or sell a predefined patterns that can be used to fill
new invention. 쒁 copyright an area of an image
paternity noun BIOL 1. the state of being pattern recognition noun COMPUT an
a father 2. the identity of a father 쑗 The algorithm or program function that can
court had first to establish the child’s identify a shape from something such as a
paternity. Compare maternity video camera
path noun 1. a way from one place to Pauli exclusion principle noun PHYS
another, especially one travelled on foot 2. same as exclusion principle
a way to achieve something 3. COMPUT a Pb symbol CHEM ELEM lead
possible route or sequence of events or PB abbreviation COMPUT petabyte
instructions within the execution of a pro- PBB abbreviation CHEM polybrominated
gram 4. COMPUT the route from one point biphenyl
in a communications network to another
p-block element noun CHEM an ele-
patho- prefix BIOL disease ment that has an electron configuration
pathogen noun BIOL an agent, usually a with occupied p levels
microorganism, that causes a disease PC noun COMPUT same as personal com-
pathogenesis noun BIOL the origin, puter
production or development of a disease PCB abbreviation 1. CHEM polychlorin-
pathogenetic adjective BIOL referring to ated biphenyl 2. COMPUT printed circuit
pathogenesis board
pathogenic adjective BIOL able to cause PC-compatible noun COMPUT a compu-
or produce a disease ter that is compatible with an IBM PC
pathogenic bacterium noun MICRO- p-channel metal oxide semicon-
BIOL a bacterium responsible for causing a ductor noun ELECTRONICS full form of
disease PMOS
pathogenicity noun MED the ability of a PCI noun COMPUT a specification pro-
pathogen to cause a disease duced by Intel defining a type of fast local
pathogenic organism noun BIOL an bus that allows high-speed data transfer
organism responsible for causing a disease between the processor and the PCI-com-
pathological adjective BIOL 1. referring patible expansion cards. Full form periph-
to a disease 2. caused by a disease 3. indi- eral component interconnect
cating a disease PCL abbreviation COMPUT printer control
pathological report noun MED a report language
on tests carried out to find the cause of a PCM abbreviation COMPUT pulse-code
disease that someone has modulation
pathological waste noun MED waste, PCMCIA noun COMPUT a specification
e.g. from a hospital, which may contain for add-in expansion cards that are the size
pathogens and which could cause disease of a credit card with a connector at one end.
pathologist noun MED 1. a scientist who Full form Personal Computer Memory
specialises in the study of diseases 2. a per- Card International Association
PCOS 456
PCOS abbreviation MED polycystic ovar- which the forelimbs are attached and
ian syndrome which provides support for the forelimbs
PCR abbreviation BIOTECH polymerase pedal noun MECH ENG a foot-operated
chain reaction lever
PCS abbreviation COMPUT personal com- pedestrian noun a person who travels by
munications services walking
PCU noun COMPUT same as peripheral pedestrianisation, pedestrianization
control unit noun ENVIRON the process of making part
Pd symbol CHEM ELEM palladium of a town into an area where only people
PD abbreviation COMPUT public domain who are walking are allowed
PDA abbreviation COMPUT personal dig- pedestrianise, pedestrianize verb
ital assistant ENVIRON to make part of a town into an area
PDN abbreviation COMPUT public data where only people who are walking are
network allowed
PE abbreviation production efficiency pedicel noun BOT a stalk that carries a
peak noun 1. EARTH SCI the top of a single flower within a flower head (inflo-
mountain 2. the highest point of something rescence)
쑗 The intensity of solar radiation reaches a pedigree GENETICS noun 1. the line of
peak around noon. 왍 time of peak ancestors of an individual animal or person
demand one of the times when something 2. a document that records the line of
is being used most 쐽 verb to reach the high- ancestors of a person or animal 쐽 adjective
est point descended from a line of animals whose
peak output noun the highest output pedigree has been recorded over several
peak period noun INDUST the time of the generations 쑗 a pedigree dog
day when most electricity or other power is pedologist noun a scientist who special-
being used ises in the study of the soil
peak value noun a maximum value peduncle noun ZOOL a stalk-like struc-
peat noun EARTH SCI the accumulated ture such as that attaching a polyp to the
partly decayed mosses and other plants rock on which it lives
which form the soil of a bog, often forming peer noun COMPUT either of two similar
a deep layer devices operating on the same network
peat bog noun EARTH SCI an area of wet protocol level
acidic land, low in nutrients, in which peat peer-to-peer network noun COMPUT a
has formed local area network in which there is no cen-
peat-free compost noun material in tral dedicated server but each computer in
which plants can be grown in pots that does the network shares the jobs 쑗 We have
not contain peat 쑗 Coir fibre from coconut linked the four PCs in our small office
shells can be used as a peat-free compost. using a peer-to-peer network.
peatland noun EARTH SCI an area of land pel abbreviation COMPUT picture element.
covered with peat bog 쒁 pixel
peaty adjective EARTH SCI containing pelagic adjective OCEANOG referring to
peat 쑗 peaty soil 쑗 peaty water the top and middle layers of sea water.
pebble noun EARTH SCI a small, often Compare demersal
rounded piece of rock, less than 64mm in pelagic deposits plural noun OCEANOG
diameter material that has fallen to the sea floor
pebble beach noun EARTH SCI a beach pelagic organism noun MARINE BIOL an
covered with small stones organism that lives in open water in the sea
pectin noun BIOCHEM a sticky mixture of away from the seabed or the shore
various polysaccharides found in plant cell pelagic sediment noun OCEANOG 쏡
walls pelagic deposits
pectoral fin noun ZOOL either of a pair of pelagic zone noun OCEANOG the part of
fins of a fish located either directly behind the sea that is not near the shore and not
the gill openings or below them immediately above the seabed
pectoral girdle noun ZOOL the part of Pelton wheel noun ENG a type of water
the skeleton of a vertebrate animal to turbine that has specially shaped buckets
457 percentage
attached to the edge of a wheel which are pentad noun METEOROL a five-day period
struck by a jet of water (NOTE: This term is used especially in
pelvic adjective ANAT referring to the pel- meteorological forecasting and recording.)
vis pentahydrate noun CHEM a crystalline
pelvis noun ANAT 1. (in vertebrates) the compound with five molecules of water of
cavity formed by the hip bones and the crystallisation for each molecule of the
base of the backbone 2. a cup-shaped ana- compound
tomical cavity such as the region of the pentane noun CHEM an organic hydro-
kidney that collects urine before it is carbon with five carbon atoms in each mol-
passed into the ureter ecule, used as a solvent. Formula: C5H12.
pen computer noun COMPUT a type of pentanoic acid noun CHEM an isomer
computer that uses a pen instead of a key- of valeric acid. Formula:
board for input (NOTE: The computer has a CH3(CH2)3COOH.
touch-sensitive screen and uses handwrit-
pentavalent adjective CHEM with a
ing recognition software to interpret the
valency of five
commands written on the screen with the
pen.) pentyl group noun CHEM a group of
compounds with the basic structure
peneplain noun EARTH SCI a plain CH3CH2CH2CH[[SUB]2CH2-
formed after mountains have been com-
pletely eroded pepsin noun BIOCHEM an enzyme in the
stomach which breaks down the proteins in
penetrance noun GENETICS the fre- food
quency with which an inherited character-
istic such as a genetic disease occurs peptic adjective referring to digestion or
among individuals that carry the gene or to the digestive system
genes for it peptide noun BIOCHEM a molecule made
penetrant adjective forcing or obtaining up of two or more amino acids
entry into an area or substance 쑗 Penetrant per preposition 1. for each or every 쑗 a
dye inspection is a non-destructive test speed of a hundred feet per second 쑗 the
used mainly for the detection of defects recommended daily dose per person 2. out
open to the surface. of each or every 쑗 The rate of imperfect
penetrate verb to enter something by items is about twenty-five per thousand.
making a way through it per annum adverb for or in every year 쑗
penetration noun the act of making a 245000 sq km of land per annum is cleared
way into or through something 쑗 of trees.
Long-range radars suffer little weather per capita adverb, adjective of or for
interference and have good cloud penetra- each person
tion characteristics. perceived noise level noun ACOUS-
penicillin noun PHARM an antibiotic, TICSa measurement of the loudness of a
originally produced from a fungus, that sound as heard by the human ear. Abbr
controls bacterial and fungal infections PNL
(NOTE: Penicillin and the related family of perceived noise level in decibels
drugs have names ending in -cillin: amox- noun ACOUSTICS a measurement of sound
ycillin.) pressure in decibels. Abbr PNdB
Penicillium noun PHARM the genus of per cent adverb, adjective MATHS out of
fungus from which penicillin is derived each hundred 쑗 Only one per cent (1%) of
peninsula noun EARTH SCI a long narrow all prosecutions for water pollution were
piece of land, surrounded on three sides by successful. Symbol %
sea percentage noun 1. MATHS the propor-
peninsular adjective EARTH SCI refer- tion or rate equivalent to a total divided by
ring to a peninsula a hundred 쑗 Some 20% of those who
penis noun ANAT the male genital organ caught the virus died, a much higher per-
through which sperm enters the female centage than expected. 2. an inexact pro-
during copulation (NOTE: It is also the portion or amount 쑗 Developing countries
means by which humans and many other possess the largest percentage of the
mammals pass urine.) world’s rainforest.
percentage point 458
percentage point noun MATHS one per given period of time, when fed on a stand-
cent ard ration. Performance testing gives the
percentile noun MATHS, MEASURE one of breeder a better chance of identifying
a series of 99 figures below which a partic- genetically superior animals.
ular percentage of the total falls per head adverb for each person 쑗 Aver-
percolate verb PHYS to move slowly age annual consumption has increased to
through a quantity of solid particles 쑗 29 litres per head. Also called per capita
Water percolates through the soil. per hour adverb in each hour 쑗 We can
percolating filter noun INDUST a filter complete five batches per hour.
bed through which liquid sewage is passed perianth noun BOT the outer parts of a
to purify it. Also called trickling filter flower, made up of a calyx, corolla or both
percutaneous absorption noun pericarp noun BOT the part of a fruit that
PHYSIOL the absorption of a substance encloses the seed or seeds
through the skin perigee noun ASTRON the point in the
perennial adjective lasting for many orbit of a planet, satellite or other body
years 쐽 noun BOT a plant that lives for a orbiting Earth where it is closest to Earth
long time, flowering, often annually, with- perihelion noun ASTRON the point in the
out dying (NOTE: In herbaceous perennials orbit of a planet or other body orbiting the
the parts above ground die back in winter, Sun where it is closest to the Sun
but the plant persists under the ground and perilune noun ASTRON the point in the
produces new shoots in the spring. In orbit of a planet or other body orbiting the
woody perennials, permanent stems Moon where it is the closest to the Moon
remain above the ground in the winter.) perilymph noun ANAT a liquid occurring
perennial agriculture noun AGRIC a between the bony labyrinth and membra-
system of agriculture in regions where nous labyrinth of the inner ear
there is no winter and several crops can be perimeter noun MATHS a curve enclosing
grown on the same land each year an area on a plane, or the length of such a
perfect adjective completely correct, curve
with no mistakes 쑗 We check each batch to period noun 1. a length of time 쑗 a 24
make sure it is perfect. 쐽 verb to make hour period 쑗 a period of 3 minutes 2.
something that is completely free from GEOL an interval of geological time, the
errors or problems as possible 쑗 He per- subdivision of an era and itself divided into
fected the process for making high grade epochs 쑗 the Cretaceous period
steel. periodic adjective 1. happening from
perfect gas noun PHYS same as ideal time to time 쑗 a periodic review of the com-
gas pany’s performance 2. occurring regularly
perfluorocarbons plural noun CHEM a 쑗 The clock signal is periodic.
group of synthetic chemical compounds periodically adverb from time to time
that are potent greenhouse gases. Abbr periodic table noun CHEM a table of ele-
PFCs ments listed according to their atomic mass
perforation noun a small hole usually and arranged in groups to show similarities
forming a line on a sheet of paper or con- in chemical properties between elements
tinuous stationery, to help when tearing peripheral adjective 1. occurring at the
perform verb 1. to carry out an action or edge 2. which is not essential or which is
role 쑗 to perform a biological experiment 쑗 attached to something else 쐽 noun COMPUT
The kidneys perform the function of elimi- an item of hardware such as a terminal,
nating nitrogenous waste. 2. COMPUT to printer or monitor that allows communica-
operate in a particular way 쑗 The machine tion with a main computer system but is
is now performing satisfactorily. not directly operated by the system 쑗
performance noun the way in which Peripherals such as disk drives or printers
someone or something works 왍 as a meas- allow data transfer and are controlled by a
ure of the system’s performance COMPUT system, but contain independent circuits
as a way of judging if the system is work- for their operation.
ing well peripheral component intercon-
performance test noun a record of nect noun COMPUT a high-speed local bus
growth rate in an individual animal over a that runs at 33MHz and is most often used
459 permittivity
in personal computers for network or soil melts and softens in the summer the
graphics adapters. Abbr PCI soil beneath remains frozen.)
peripheral control unit noun COMPUT permanent adjective lasting or remain-
a device that converts the input/output sig- ing without change
nals and instructions from a computer to a permanent deformation noun ENG
form and protocol that a peripheral will damage to a structure which must be
understand. Abbr PCU repaired by replacing the damaged part
peripheral interface adapter noun permanent dynamic memory noun
COMPUT a circuit that allows a computer to COMPUT a storage medium that retains data
communicate with a peripheral by provid- even when power is removed
ing serial and parallel ports and other hand- permanent file noun COMPUT a data file
shaking signals required to interface the that is stored in a backing storage device
peripheral. Abbr PIA such as a disk drive
peripheral nerve noun ANAT a motor or permanent grassland noun AGRIC
sensory nerve that branches from the brain land that remains as grassland for a long
and spinal cord time and is not ploughed
peripheral nervous system noun permanent hardness noun the hard-
ANAT all the nerves in different parts of the ness of water, caused by calcium and mag-
body that are linked and governed by the nesium, which remains even after the water
central nervous system. Abbr PNS has been boiled
peripheral processing unit noun permanently adverb in a way which
COMPUT a device used for input, output or will last for a long time 쑗 The production
storage which is controlled by the central number is permanently engraved on the
processing unit. Abbr PPU back of the computer casing.
periphyton noun BIOL a dense mass of permanent magnet noun PHYS a metal
strands of algal growth that covers the component that always has a magnetic
water surface between emerging aquatic influence
plants permanent memory noun COMPUT a
periscope noun OPTICS a long tubular computer memory that retains data even
optical instrument through which someone when power is removed. Compare
can see objects that are out of the direct non-volatile memory
line of sight (NOTE: It is often used on a permanent pasture noun AGRIC same
submarine to look above the water sur- as permanent grassland
face.) permanent teeth plural noun DENT (in
perissodactyl noun ZOOL any of the mammals) the second set of teeth, which
large hoofed mammals that walk on their are used during the adult lifetime. Com-
toes of which there is an odd number. pare milk teeth
Order: Perissodactyla. (NOTE: Horses, rhi- permanent wilting point noun BOT
noceroses, and tapirs are perissodactyls.) the soil water content below which plants
Perl noun COMPUT an interpreted pro- wilt and are unable to recover
gramming language used to create CGI permeability noun 1. EARTH SCI the
scripts that can process forms or carry out ability of a rock to allow water to pass
functions on a web server to enhance a through it 2. PHYS the ability of a mem-
website 쑗 If you want to add a search brane to allow fluid or chemical substances
engine to your website, you will need to to pass through it
write a Perl program. Full form practical permeable adjective EARTH SCI, PHYS
extraction and report language (NOTE: It with a degree of permeability (NOTE: The
is usually used under Unix.) US term is pervious.)
permaculture noun AGRIC a system of permission noun COMPUT authorisation
permanent agriculture, which involves given to a particular user to access a shared
carefully designing human habitats and resource or area of disk
food production systems permittivity noun ELEC a measure of
permafrost noun GEOL ground that is how well a non-conducting material
permanently frozen, as in the Arctic retains electrical energy when placed in an
regions (NOTE: Although the top layer of electric field
permutation 460
permutation noun 1. one of a number of or in the body of an animal and is passed
different ways in which something can be from animal to animal through the food
arranged 쑗 The cipher system is very chain
secure since there are so many possible person noun a human being
permutations for the key. 2. MATHS an personal adjective 1. referring to one
ordered arrangement of elements from a person 쑗 a personal opinion 2. referring to
set direct relationships between people 쑗 The
peroxide noun CHEM a chemical com- information came through a personal con-
pound that contains two oxygen atoms tact.
bound together (NOTE: Hydrogen peroxide personal communication noun
is commonly used as a bleach.) information given by one person directly to
peroxyacetyl nitrate noun ENVIRON a another
substance contained in photochemical personal communications serv-
smog, which is extremely harmful to ices plural noun COMPUT a range of wire-
plants. Abbr PAN less communication systems that allow
perpendicular adjective MATHS at right computers to exchange data with other
angles or 90° to a base or a line 쑗 The ver- devices. Abbr PCS
tical grid lines are perpendicular to the
horizontal ones. personal computer noun COMPUT a
low-cost microcomputer intended mainly
persist verb 1. to continue to exist 쑗 for home and light business use. Abbr PC
Snow cover tends to persist on north-fac-
ing slopes of mountains. 2. (of a chemical personal digital assistant noun
COMPUT a lightweight palmtop computer
compound) to remain active without
breaking down in the environment for a that provides the basic functions of a diary,
period of time 쑗 The chemical persists in notepad, address-book and to-do list
the soil. 3. (of a plant) to grow for several together with fax or modem communica-
seasons 4. to remain active for a period of tions. Abbr PDA
time 쑗 Some substances persist in toxic personal identification device
forms in the air for weeks. 5. to continue (PID) noun COMPUT full form of PID
doing something 쑗 He persisted with his personal identification number
request until it was granted. (PIN) noun COMPUT full form of PIN
persistence noun 1. the ability to persist personalised medicine noun MED the
쑗 The persistence and movement of cols is prevention, detection, and treatment of dis-
governed by the movement of the adjacent ease taking into account a person’s unique
pressure systems. 2. the action or quality of genetic profile
continuing without giving up 쑗 He man- perspective noun OPTICS an appearance
aged to overcome his difficulties through of depth in an image in which objects that
persistence and hard work. 3. ENVIRON the are further away from the viewer appear
ability of a chemical to remain active with- smaller
out breaking down in the environment for a perspective correction noun COMPUT
period of time 4. (of a plant) the ability to a method that is used to change the size and
grow for several seasons 5. COMPUT the shape of an object to give the impression of
length of time that a screen will continue to depth and distance
display an image after the picture beam has
stopped tracing it on the screen 쑗 Slow Perspex trademark INDUST a robust
scan rate monitors need long persistence transparent plastic that can be used as a
phosphor to prevent the image flickering. substitute for glass
persistent adjective 1. continuing for PERT noun COMPUT the definition of
some time 쑗 persistent flickering of the tasks or jobs and the time each requires,
screen 2. remaining active without break- arranged in order to achieve a goal. Full
ing down for some time 쑗 persistent chem- form program evaluation and review
icals 3. growing for several seasons 쑗 technique
persistent species pervious adjective US EARTH SCI, PHYS
persistent insecticide, persistent same as permeable
pesticide noun ENVIRON a chemical com- pest noun BIOL an organism that carries
pound used to kill insect or other pests that disease or harms plants or animals 쑗 a
remains without breaking down in the soil spray to remove insect pests
461 pH
pest control noun AGRIC the process of engines emit carbon monoxide and various
keeping down the number of pests by vari- lead compounds.
ous methods petrol engine noun AUTOMOT an engine
pesticide noun AGRIC a chemical com- which uses petrol as a fuel
pound used to kill pests such as insects, petrol-engined adjective AUTOMOT
other animals, fungi or weeds referring to a motor vehicle which uses
pesticide residue noun ENVIRON the petrol as a fuel
amount of a pesticide that remains in the petroleum noun EARTH SCI oil that is
environment after application extracted from the ground
COMMENT: Petroleum is made up of varying
pesticide tax noun a proposed tax to types of hydrocarbon together with sulphur
restrict the use of pesticides compounds. It usually occurs in combina-
PET abbreviation CHEM polyethylene tion with natural gas or water, and when
terephthalate these are removed it is called crude oil or
crude petroleum. Refined crude petroleum
peta- prefix MEASURE one quadrillion, gives various products such as petrol,
1015. Symbol P diesel oil, paraffin wax and tar. Crude petro-
petabyte noun COMPUT one quadrillion leum is found in geological deposits, mainly
in the Middle East, the North Sea, Central
bytes. Abbr PB America and Asia.
petal noun BOT a single part of the corolla petroleum derivative noun INDUST a
of a flower 쑗 A buttercup flower has yellow substance or product made from petroleum
petals. petroleum-exporting country noun
petiole noun BOT the stalk of a leaf INDUST a country that produces enough
petri dish noun BIOL a small glass or petroleum for its own use and to sell to
plastic dish with a lid, in which a culture is other countries
grown petroleum gas noun INDUST a natural
petrifaction noun EARTH SCI the process gas occurring in combination with petro-
of turning a substance into stone leum
petrified forest noun EARTH SCI petroleum industry noun INDUST an
remains of trees that have been petrified industry which makes products such as
and are found in rocks petrol, soap or paint from crude petroleum
petrify verb EARTH SCI to turn a substance petroleum products plural noun
into stone INDUST products such as petrol, soap or
petrochemical noun CHEM a chemical paint which are made from crude petro-
derived from petroleum or natural gas leum
petrochemical industry noun INDUST petrology noun EARTH SCI the study of
an industry that processes petroleum or rocks and minerals (NOTE: Petrology has
natural gas and produces petrochemicals no direct connection with petrol.)
petrochemistry noun 1. CHEM the sci- PFBC abbreviation INDUST pressurised
entific study of the chemical composition fluidised-bed combustion
of petroleum and substances derived from PFCs abbreviation CHEM perfluorocar-
it 2. EARTH SCI the scientific study of the bons
chemical composition of rocks PGP abbreviation COMPUT pretty good
petrol noun CHEM, INDUST a liquid made privacy
from petroleum, used as a fuel in internal PGR abbreviation plant growth regulator
combustion engines 쑗 We are looking for a pH noun CHEM a measure of the acidity of
car with a low petrol consumption. (NOTE: a solution, determined as the negative log-
The US term is gasoline.) arithm of the hydrogen ion concentration,
COMMENT: In a petrol engine the petrol is on a scale from 0 to 14 쑗 soil pH (NOTE: A
mixed with air making it more combustible.
It is then sprayed or injected into the cylin- pH less than 7 is acid, and a pH more than
ders, where it is ignited by an electric spark. 7 is alkaline.)
Petrol is made of a mixture of several hydro- COMMENT: A pH value of 7 is neutral, the
carbons such as butane and benzene. It same as that of pure water. Lower values
also contains additives, in particular tetrae- indicate increasing acidity and higher
thyl lead, which prevent an engine from values indicate increasing alkalinity: 0 is
knocking. The use of petrol in vehicle most acid and 14 is most alkaline. Acid rain
engines is responsible for a high level of has been known to have a pH of 2 or less,
pollutants in the atmosphere, as the making it as acid as lemon juice. Most
Phaeophyta 462
freshwater fish cannot survive even slightly (NOTE: PAL provides a clearer image than
acid conditions. Salmon and trout cannot NTSC and is used in most of Europe,
stand a pH value of 6 and only pike can
survive in water at less than pH 4. except for France.)
Phaeophyta plural noun MARINE BIOL phase angle noun the difference
brown algae, e.g. brown seaweed between two periodic phenomena
-phage suffix BIOL eating expressed as an angle
phago- prefix BIOL eating phased change-over noun COMPUT
the gradual introduction of a new device as
phagocyte noun BIOL a cell that can sur- the old one is used less and less
round and destroy other cells such as bac-
teria, e.g. a white blood cell phase in verb to introduce something
phagocytic adjective BIOL referring to
phagocytes phase of the Moon noun ASTRON one
of various stages which the Moon’s face
phagocytosis noun PHYSIOL the engulf- appears to pass through every 29 days
ing of foreign particles or other cells by (NOTE: They are first quarter, full moon, last
phagocytes such as white blood cells quarter and new moon.)
phalanx noun 1. ANAT a finger or toe phellem noun BOT same as cork
bone of a vertebrate (NOTE: The plural is
phalanges.) 2. a plant species that invades phellogen noun BOT same as cork cam-
a community as a dense mass. Compare bium
guerrilla phenol noun CHEM a strong disinfectant
pharm verb BIOTECH, PHARM to produce for external use
proteins that have medicinal value in the phenology noun ECOL the effect of cli-
milk of genetically modified cows and mate on annually recurring phenomena
sheep such as animal migration or plant flower-
pharmaceutical adjective PHARM refer- ing
ring to pharmacy or drugs phenomenon noun an event that exists
pharmacist noun PHARM a trained per- and is experienced 쑗 Chemical reactions in
son who is qualified to prepare medicines the atmosphere generate phenomena such
according to the instructions on a doctor’s as acid rain and photochemical smog.
prescription (NOTE: The plural is phenomena.)
pharmacogenomics noun GENETICS
phenotype noun GENETICS the physical
the study of the effect an individual’s characteristics of an organism, produced
genetic makeup has on his or her response by its genes. Compare genotype
to drug treatments phenotypic adjective relating to a phe-
pharmacology noun MED the study of notype
drugs or medicines and their actions, prop- phenotypic plasticity noun GENETICS
erties and characteristics the ability of a phenotype to vary as a result
pharmacy noun PHARM 1. the study of of environmental influences on its genetic
the making and dispensing of drugs 2. a makeup
shop or department in a hospital where phenylalanine noun BIOCHEM an essen-
drugs are prepared tial amino acid
pharming noun the production of pro- phenyl group noun CHEM a hydrocar-
teins that have medicinal value in geneti- bon group with the basic structure C6H5
cally modified livestock or crops (NOTE: Phenyl groups are derived from
pharynx noun ANAT the part of the throat benzene.)
between the mouth and the oesophagus pheromone noun BIOCHEM a chemical
phase noun 1. a stage or part of a larger substance produced and released into the
process 쑗 the vegetative phase 쑗 A result environment by an animal, influencing the
may occur during any phase of the experi- behaviour of another individual of the
ment. 2. ELEC a relationship between the same species 쑗 Some insects produce phe-
voltage and current waveforms romones to attract mates.
phase alternation line noun TELECOM pH factor noun CHEM 쏡 pH
a standard for television transmission and phial noun PHARM a small medicine bottle
reception that uses a 625-line picture trans- PHIGS noun COMPUT a standard applica-
mitted at 25 frames per second. Abbr PAL tion interface between software and a
463 phosphorus cycle
graphics adapter that uses a set of standard used for coating the inside of a cathode ray
commands to draw and manipulate 2D and tube
3D images. Full form programmer’s hier- COMMENT: A thin layer of phosphor is
archical interactive graphics standard arranged in a pattern of small dots on the
inside of a television screen. These dots
-philia suffix attraction towards or liking produce an image when scanned by the
for something picture beam.
philoprogenitive adjective BIOL refer- phosphor coating noun ELEC a thin
ring to an organism that produces many layer of phosphor on the inside of a cath-
offspring ode ray tube
phloem noun BOT the vascular tissue in a phosphor dot noun ELEC a dot of red,
plant that is formed of living cells and con- green or blue phosphor arranged with oth-
ducts organic substances from the leaves to ers in a pattern on a colour television
the rest of the plant. 쒁 xylem screen
pH meter noun CHEM a device for meas- phosphor efficiency noun PHYS a
uring pH measure of the amount of light produced in
phone noun TELECOM same as telephone proportion to the energy received from an
phoneme noun COMPUT one small electron beam
sound, several of which may make up a phosphorescence noun CHEM the pro-
spoken word (NOTE: Phonemes can be duction of light with no heat (NOTE: It is
used to analyse voice input to recognise either caused by oxidation of phosphorus
words or to produce speech by playing as in sea water or generated by some ani-
back a sequence of them.) mals such as glow-worms.)
Phong shading noun COMPUT the most phosphorescent adjective CHEM pro-
complex method of applying shading to a ducing light without producing heat
three-dimensional scene create the phosphoric acid noun CHEM an acid
smoothest shading effects that forms phosphates. Also called ortho-
phono connector noun COMPUT a plug phosphoric acid
and socket standard used to connect audio phosphor triad noun ELEC a group of
and video devices. Also called RCA con- three phosphor dots (representing red,
nector green and blue) that together form a single
phosgene noun CHEM a very poisonous pixel on a colour screen
gas, used in the manufacture of pesticides, phosphorus noun CHEM ELEM a chemi-
plastics and dyes, and as a chemical cal element that is essential to biological
weapon in World War I. Formula: COCl2. life (NOTE: The chemical symbol is P; the
atomic number is 15 and the atomic weight
phosphate noun CHEM a salt of phos-
is 30.97.)
phoric acid which is formed naturally by
COMMENT: Phosphorus is an essential part
weathering of rocks of bones, nerve tissue, DNA and RNA and
COMMENT: Natural organic phosphates are is important in many biochemical proc-
provided by guano and fishmeal, otherwise esses, although in its pure form it is highly
phosphates are mined. Artificially produced toxic. When an organism dies the phos-
phosphates are used in agriculture and are phorus contained in its tissues returns to
known as superphosphates because they the soil and is taken up by plants in the
are highly concentrated. Phosphates phosphorus cycle.
escape into water from sewage, especially
waste water containing detergents, and phosphorus (III) bromide noun CHEM
encourage the growth of algae by eutrophi- a colourless liquid. Formula: PBr3.
cation. phosphorus (V) bromide noun CHEM
phosphine noun CHEM a flammable gas a yellow crystalline solid that sublimes
that smells of fish, used as a pesticide. For- easily. Formula: PBr5.
mula: PH3. phosphorus (III) chloride noun CHEM
phospholipid noun BIOCHEM a phos- a colourless liquid. Formula: PCl3.
phorus-containing fat molecule that is an phosphorus (V) chloride noun CHEM
important component of double cell mem- a white solid that sublimes easily. Formula:
branes PCl5.
phosphor noun CHEM a substance that phosphorus cycle noun BIOL a cycle
produces light when excited by some form by which phosphorus atoms are circulated
of energy, usually an electron beam, and is through living organisms
phosphorus oxide 464
phosphorus (III) oxide noun CHEMa photodriven adjective CHEM, PHYS
white, waxy solid that dissolves in cold describes a physical or chemical reaction
water and reacts with hot water and oxi- initiated by the absorption of photons
dises in air to phosphorus (V) oxide. For- photoelectric cell noun ELEC a cell in
mula: P2O3. which light falling on the cell is converted
phosphorus (V) oxide noun CHEM a to electricity
white powder that is soluble in organic sol- photoelectric effect noun PHYS the
vents and is used as a drying agent for production of electrons from a substance,
gases, combining with water to form phos- caused by light or other electromagnetic
phoric acid. Formula: P2O5. radiation. Also called photoemission
phot- prefix PHYS same as photo- (NOTE: photoelectron noun PHYS an electron
used before vowels) emitted from a substance that has been
photo- prefix PHYS light struck by a photon of electromagnetic radi-
photoautotrophic adjective BIOL using
light energy to create a source of food photoemission noun PHYS same as
photoelectric effect
photocell noun PHYS same as photoe-
lectric cell photogenic adjective 1. PHYS produced
by the action of light 2. BIOL referring to an
photochemical adjective CHEM refer- organism producing light
ring to a chemical reaction that is caused
by light 쑗 Gases rise into the upper atmos- photograph noun a picture taken with a
phere and undergo photochemical change. camera, using the chemical action of light
on sensitive film
photochemical oxidant noun CHEM a photography noun TECH the process of
substance which is produced by a chemical
taking pictures with a camera
reaction with light, e.g. ozone
photoionisation, photoionisation
photochemical pollution noun ENVI-
noun PHYS the removal of one or more
RON pollution caused by the action of light
electrons from an atom or molecule when
on chemicals in the lower atmosphere it absorbs a photon of electromagnetic
COMMENT: When the atmosphere near
ground level is polluted with nitrogen oxides
radiation, especially visible or ultraviolet
from burning fossil fuels together with light
hydrocarbons, ultraviolet light from the Sun photoluminescence noun PHYS the
sets off a series of reactions that result in emission of light from a substance that has
photochemical pollution, containing, among absorbed electromagnetic radiation
other substances, ozone.
photochemical reaction noun PHYS a photolysis noun CHEM the breakdown of
chemical reaction started by the absorption a chemical by light or other electromag-
of light (NOTE: Photosynthesis and photo- netic radiation
chemical smog are examples of such a photometer noun PHYS an instrument
reaction.) for measuring the luminous intensity of
light sources by comparison with a stand-
photochemical smog noun ENVIRON ard source
air pollution caused by the effect of strong
sunlight on nitrogen dioxide and hydrocar- photometry noun PHYS the measure-
bons emitted by motor vehicles, creating a ment of the luminous intensity of a source
harmful haze of minute droplets in the air of visible light
photochemistry noun CHEM the study photomultiplier noun PHYS a device
of chemical changes brought about by light that uses electronics to increase the inten-
and other forms of radiation sity of incoming light (NOTE: Photomultipli-
ers use materials that emit electrons when
photochromism noun PHYS a change in light falls on them (the photoelectric effect)
the colour of something caused by light and an electronic ‘cascade’ to increase the
photoconverter noun ELEC a device number of electrons before they are
that converts energy from light into electric counted by a sensor.)
energy photon noun PHYS the elementary parti-
photodecomposition noun CHEM the cle of electromagnetic radiation (NOTE:
breaking down of a substance by the action Radiation can be thought of as a particle or
of light as a wave, and the shorter the wavelength
465 photovoltaic panel
of the radiation the more energetic the photosensitive adjective 1. PHYS sensi-
equivalent photon.) tive to light 2. BIOL stimulated by light
photonastic adjective BOT referring to photosensitivity noun PHYS, BIOL the
photonasty state of being sensitive to or stimulated by
photonasty noun BOT a response of light
plants to light without movement towards photosynthesis noun BOT the process
the light source by which green plants convert carbon diox-
photonics noun PHYS the scientific ide and water into sugar and oxygen using
study of the properties and applications of sunlight as energy
light and other forms of radiant energy, photosynthesise, photosynthesize
including the generation of energy and verb BOT to carry out photosynthesis 쑗
information processing Acid rain falling on trees reduces their
photo-oxidant noun CHEM a chemical ability to photosynthesise.
compound produced by the action of sun-
light on nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons photosynthetic adjective referring to
photo-oxidation noun CHEM a change
in the chemical constitution of a compound photosynthetic capacity noun the
by the action of sunlight 쑗 Photo-oxidation calculation of the efficiency of conversion
breaks down polluted air and converts the of solar energy by photosynthesis
gases to sulfur dioxide. photosynthetic pigment noun BOT a
photoperiod noun BIOL the period in pigment that traps light energy during pho-
every 24 hours when an organism is tosynthesis (NOTE: The main photosyn-
exposed to daylight 쑗 Short-day plants thetic pigments in green plants are
require a photoperiod of less than 12 hours chlorophylls.)
for flowering. (NOTE: Photoperiod has an phototaxis noun BIOL a movement of all
effect on activities such as flowering and or part of an organism in response to light
mating.) either towards or away from it
photoperiodicity noun BIOL the degree phototroph noun BIOL an organism that
to which plants and animals react to obtains its energy from sunlight
changes in the length of the period of day- phototrophic adjective BIOL obtaining
light from summer to winter energy from sunlight (NOTE: Plants are
photoperiodism noun BIOL the phototrophic.)
response of an organism in its growth and phototropic adjective BIOL referring to a
behaviour to the amount of daylight it plant or a cell that turns or grows towards
receives in every 24 hours or away from light
photophilic, photophilous adjective
BIOL referring to an organism that grows phototropism noun BOT the response of
best in strong light plants or cells to light by turning or grow-
ing towards or away from it (NOTE: Most
photophosphorylation noun BIO-
plant shoots show positive phototropism,
CHEM a key process in photosynthesis in i.e. they grow towards the light.)
which energy from light is stored in the
form of chemical bonds photovoltaic adjective ELEC converting
photoreceptor noun ZOOL a structure the energy from electromagnetic radiation
that can detect light such as light into electricity
photoresist noun ELECTRONICS a chem- photovoltaic cell noun ELEC a device
ical or material that hardens into an that converts the energy from light into
etch-resistant material when light is shone electricity. Also called photovoltaic, pho-
on it tovoltaic panel (NOTE: As light strikes the
cell the electrons in it become mobile and
photorespiration noun BOT a reaction create electricity.)
that occurs in plants, alongside photosyn-
thesis, in which the plant fixes oxygen photovoltaic effect noun ELEC an
from the air and loses carbon dioxide effect that causes a voltage to develop
(NOTE: Photorespiration reduces the pro- where two different materials meet when
duction of sugars by photosynthesis. Some they are exposed to light
crop plants have been bred to reduce their photovoltaic panel noun ELEC same as
photorespiration rate.) photovoltaic cell
phreatic 466
phreatic adjective EARTH SCI referring to physical geography noun EARTH SCI
the water table the study of the physical features of the
phreatic gas noun EARTH SCI a gas pro- Earth’s surface, and of their development
duced when water comes into contact with and how they are related to the core
magma beneath
phreatic water noun EARTH SCI the physical layer noun COMPUT the lowest
water in the layers of soil beneath the water ISO/OSI standard network layer that
table defines rules for bit rate, power and
phreatophyte noun BOT a plant whose medium for signal transmission
roots go down into the water table physically adverb BIOL by means of or
phrenic nerve noun ANAT a nerve that with respect to the body 쑗 An organism
controls the muscles in the diaphragm adapts physically to changes in tempera-
pH test noun CHEM a test to see how acid
or alkaline a solution is physical medicine noun MED a branch
of medicine which deals with physical dis-
phthalate noun a chemical compound abilities or with the treatment of disorders
used to soften plastics and in many toilet- after they have been diagnosed
ries (NOTE: It is reported as a possible
cause of reproductive or developmental physical memory noun COMPUT the
problems because its action is similar to memory fitted in a computer. Compare vir-
that of the hormone oestrogen.) tual memory
phthalic acid noun CHEM a colourless physical science noun a science that
soluble crystalline acid used in dyes, per- studies nonliving things, e.g. physics and
fumes, medicines and synthetic textiles. chemistry
Formula: C6H4(CO2H)[[SUB]2. physics noun PHYS the scientific study of
phycology noun BIOL the scientific study matter, including electricity, radiation,
of algae magnetism and other phenomena that do
not change the chemical composition of
phylogenesis, phylogeny noun BIOL
the evolutionary history of an organism or
group of organisms physio- prefix 1. PHYSIOL physiology 2.
BIOL, PHYS physical
phylum noun BIOL a major subdivision in
the classification of organisms, below physiological adjective PHYSIOL refer-
kingdom (NOTE: The plural is phyla.) ring to physiology
physical adjective 1. PHYS referring to physiological ecology noun ECOL the
matter and energy or the sciences dealing study of the physiology of an individual
with them, especially physics 2. BIOL refer- and the effects on function and behaviour
ring to the body rather than the mind 쑗 in its habitat
physical discomfort 쑗 describe its physical physiological specialisation noun
appearance 3. being touched or able to be BIOL a phenomenon whereby some mem-
touched or felt 쑗 physical contact bers of a population look identical but dif-
physical address noun COMPUT a fer biochemically
memory address that corresponds to a physiologist noun PHYSIOL a scientist
hardware memory location in a memory who specialises in the study of the func-
device tions of living organisms
physical change noun PHYS a process physiology noun BIOL the scientific
that alters one or more physical properties study of the functions of living organisms
of an element or compound without alter-
ing its chemical composition phyto- prefix BOT plant
physical chemistry noun CHEM the phytoaccumulation noun ENVIRON
study of how the physical attributes of sub- same as phytoextraction
stances are related to their chemical prop- phytobenthos noun BOT the plants that
erties and reactions live on the bottom of the sea, lake or river
physical fitness noun HEALTH the state phytochemical BIOCHEM noun a sub-
of health of the body, especially as related stance occurring naturally in a plant 쐽
to exercise adjective referring to phytochemistry
467 piezometer
phytochemistry noun BIOCHEM, BOT pi noun MATHS the ratio of the circumfer-
the study of the chemistry of substances ence of a circle to its diameter. Symbol
found in plants π (NOTE: Its approximate value is
phytochrome noun BIOCHEM, BOT a pig- 3.14159.)
ment molecule in plants which is sensitive PIA abbreviation COMPUT peripheral inter-
to slight changes in day length and controls face adapter
the plant’s growth timetable PIC abbreviation CHEM product of incom-
phytoextraction noun ENVIRON the plete combustion
absorption by plants of metal contaminants pica noun PRINTING a size of typeface
through their roots and subsequent storage equal to 0.422cm or ten characters to the
in their upper parts, allowing the decon- inch
tamination of land PICK noun COMPUT a multiuser, multi-
phytogeography noun BOT the study of tasking operating system that runs on
plants and their geographical distribution mainframe, mini or PC computers
phytome noun BOT a plant community pico- prefix MEASURE one million mil-
phytonutrient noun BIOCHEM a sub- lionth, 10–12. Symbol p
stance in plants that is beneficial to human picogram noun one trillionth of a gram
health, e.g. a vitamin or antioxidant picomole noun MEASURE a unit of meas-
phytophagous adjective ZOOL referring urement of the amount of a substance,
to an animal that eats plants equal to one million millionth of a mole.
phytoplankter noun BOT a single micro- Symbol pmol
scopic plant that floats in the sea or in a picosecond noun MEASURE one million
lake millionth of a second. Abbr pS
phytoplankton plural noun BOT micro- picric acid noun CHEM a poisonous yel-
scopic plants that float in the sea or in a low crystalline acid used in disinfectants,
lake (NOTE: Phytoplankton, formed mainly dyes and high explosives. Formula:
of diatoms and using the sunlight in the C6H3N3O7.
surface layers of the water to photosynthe- picture noun a printed or drawn image of
sise, are the basis of the food chain of an object or scene 쑗 This picture shows the
almost all aquatic animals.) new design. 쐽 verb to visualise an object or
phytoplankton bloom noun BOT a scene 쑗 Try to picture the layout before
large mass of plankton that develops regu- starting to draw it in.
larly at different periods of the year and picture beam noun COMPUT a moving
floats on the surface of the sea or of a lake electron beam that produces an image on a
phytoplanktonic adjective BOT refer- cathode ray tube screen by illuminating the
ring to phytoplankton phosphor coating and by varying its inten-
phytoremediation noun ENVIRON the sity according to the received signal
decontamination of land by growing plants picture element noun COMPUT same as
to absorb heavy metals or other soil con- pixel
taminants picture object noun COMPUT an image
phytosociology noun the branch of created with a vector drawing package and
ecology concerned with the identification, stored as vectors rather than as a bitmap
analysis, and classification of the species PID noun COMPUT a device such as a bank
composition of plant communities or plant card connected with or inserted into a sys-
associations tem to identify or provide authorisation for
phytostabilisation, phytostabiliza- a user. Full form personal identification
tion noun ENVIRON the use of plants to trap device
soil contaminants in their roots and prevent pie chart noun MATHS a diagram in
them from polluting ground water which ratios are shown as slices of a circle
쑗 The memory allocation is shown on this
phytotoxic adjective BOT, CHEM poison-
ous to plants pie chart.
phytotoxicant noun BOT, CHEM a sub- piezometer noun PHYS an instrument for
stance that is phytotoxic measuring the pressure of a liquid
COMMENT: To measure the pressure of
phytotoxin noun BOT, CHEM a poisonous water in the ground, a tube is inserted into
substance produced by a plant the soil and readings are taken from it.
piezometric 468
piezometric, piezometrical adjective pilot project noun a small-scale project
PHYS referring to the level reached by carried out to see whether a large-scale
water under its own pressure in a borehole project will work 쑗 They are running a
or in a piezometer pilot project in the area for three months
piggyback verb ELEC to connect two before deciding on the next stage.
integrated circuits in parallel, one on top of pin noun 1. a short, usually cylindrical
the other to save space 쑗 Piggyback those metal rod 2. ELEC one of several short
two memory chips to boost the memory pieces of wire attached to an integrated cir-
capacity. cuit package that allows the circuit to be
piggyback entry noun COMPUT an connected to a circuit board 3. ELEC a pro-
unauthorised access to a computer system jecting part of a plug which fits into a hole
gained by using an authorised user’s pass- in a socket 쑗 Use a three-pin plug to con-
word or terminal nect the printer to the mains.
piggybacking noun COMPUT the use of PIN noun COMPUT a unique sequence of
transmitted messages to carry acknowl- digits that identifies the user. Full form
personal identification number
edgements from a message that has been
COMMENT: A PIN is commonly used in auto-
received earlier matic cash machines in banks, along with a
pig iron noun INDUST an impure form of card that allows the user to be identified.
iron produced in a blast furnace and used to pincer noun MARINE BIOL a large jointed
make purer forms of iron or steel front claw of some crustaceans and arach-
pigment noun BIOCHEM a substance that nids such as the lobster and scorpion, used
gives colour to a part of an organism, e.g. for grasping things
melanin in animals or chlorophyll in plants pin-compatible adjective ELECTRONICS
COMMENT: The human body contains many referring to an electronic chip that can
substances that control colour: melanin directly replace another because the
gives dark colour to the skin and hair, arrangement of the pins is the same and
bilirubin gives a yellow colour to bile and
urine, haemoglobin gives blood a red they carry the same signals 쑗 It’s easy to
colour. In plants, chlorophyll gives leaves upgrade the processor because the new
their green colour and anthocyanin one is pin-compatible.
produces blue to purple coloration. pincushion distortion noun OPTICS a
pigmentary adjective BIOL referring to fault in a monitor that causes a distortion of
or producing pigment an image in which the edges curve in
pigmentation noun BIOL the colouring towards the centre
of an animal’s body, especially that pro- pine noun TREES an evergreen coniferous
duced by deposits of pigment tree. Genus: Pinus. 쑗 The north of the
pigment cell noun ANAT a cell in an country is covered with forests of pine.
organism that contains pigment pineal gland noun ANAT a tiny gland
pileus noun 1. MARINE BIOL the domed or within the brain that secretes the hormone
bell-shaped part of the body of a jellyfish melatonin into the bloodstream
2. FUNGI the cap of a mushroom or toad- pine cone noun BOT a hard scaly struc-
stool ture bearing the seeds of a pine tree
piliferous layer noun BOT the part of the pine forest noun a large wooded area
epidermis of a plant’s root that produces containing mainly pines
root hair cells pine oil noun INDUST an essential oil
pilot adjective used as a test, which if suc- obtained from pines
cessful will then be expanded into a full pine tar noun INDUST a brown or black
operation 쑗 The pilot factory has been built sticky substance derived from the wood of
to test the new production process. 쐽 verb pines and used in medicines, soap and
to test something with a view to expansion paint
쑗 They are piloting the new system in the pinewood noun BOT a wooded area con-
south-east. taining mainly pines
PILOT noun COMPUT a computer pro- PING noun COMPUT a software utility that
gramming language that uses a text-based will test all the nodes on a network or Inter-
format and is mainly used in compu- net to ensure that they are working cor-
ter-aided learning rectly. Full form packet Internet groper
469 pitot
pinna noun 1. ZOOL a thin, flat, tapering pisciculture noun FISHERY the breeding
body part such as a feather or fin 2. BOT one of edible fish in special pools for sale as
of the small leaves on a pinnate leaf food
pinnate adjective BOT with small leaves PISO abbreviation COMPUT parallel
arranged on each side of a central stalk input/serial output
pinout noun ELECTRONICS a description pistil noun BOT the female reproductive
of the position of all the pins on an inte- part of a flower, made up of the ovary, the
grated circuit together with their function style and the stigma
and signal
piston noun ENG a solid cylinder that fits
pinpoint AEROSP noun a visual observa- into a larger cylinder and moves under
tion of the precise position of an aircraft 쐽 fluid pressure, as in petrol and diesel
verb 1. to find the precise position of some- engines, or compresses fluids, as in pumps
thing 2. to identify something accurately 쑗 and compressors
to pinpoint a problem
pinworm noun a thin parasitic worm piston engine noun ENG a petrol or die-
Enterobius, which infests the large intes- sel engine in which pistons are moved by
tine. Also called threadworm combustion of fuel, this reciprocating
movement producing rotating movement
PIO abbreviation COMPUT parallel
input/output piston ring noun ENG one of the metal
pipe noun 1. ENG a hollow cylinder or rings that seal the space between the piston
tube down which a fluid or gas can flow 쑗 and the cylinder wall 쑗 There should be a
a delivery pipe 쑗 an exhaust pipe 2. COM- loose fit between the cylinder and the pis-
PUT a symbol, usually ( | ), that tells the
ton, the difference being taken up by the
operating system to send the output of one piston rings.
command to another command instead of pit noun 1. INDUST a large hole in the
displaying it ground, e.g. for burying or planting some-
pipe drain noun ENG an underground thing 2. INDUST an area of land from which
drain made of lengths of tiles linked minerals, especially coal, are removed, and
together (NOTE: Pipe drains may be made the buildings associated with the activity.
of clay, concrete or plastic pipes.) Also called mine 3. a small indentation in
a surface 4. COMPUT a bump or impression
pipeline noun 1. ENG a long tube through on the surface of an optical disk that repre-
which a fluid or gas flows from one place
sents a bit of data
to another 2. COMPUT a central processing
unit or arithmetic logic unit that is con- pitch noun 1. ACOUSTICS the frequency of
structed in blocks and executes instruc- a sound (NOTE: A low-pitched sound has a
tions in steps, each block dealing with one low frequency and a high-pitched sound
part of the instruction, so speeding up pro- has a high frequency.) 2. AEROSP a nose
gram execution. Also called pipeline com- up/down movement of an aircraft about its
puter 쐽 verb COMPUT 1. to schedule inputs lateral axis 쑗 If the control column is
to arrive at the microprocessor when noth- moved forward or aft, the pitch attitude of
ing else is happening, so increasing appar- the aircraft changes. 3. CHEM a dark sticky
ent speed 2. to execute several instructions substance obtained from tar, used to make
in parallel to increase performance objects watertight 4. ENG the angle of the
pipette noun SCI a thin glass tube used in blades of a wind or water turbine in rela-
the laboratory for taking or measuring tion to the flow of wind or water 쐽 verb
AEROSP (of aircraft) to move about the lat-
samples of liquid
eral axis 쑗 Move the yoke fore and aft to
PIPO abbreviation COMPUT parallel pitch down and up.
input/parallel output
piracy noun the unauthorised copying of pitchblende noun MINERALS a form of
patented inventions or copyright works the mineral uraninite, which is a source of
uranium and radium
pirate noun COMPUT a person who copies
a patented invention or a copyright work pith noun BOT the tissue found in the cen-
and sells it 쑗 The company is trying to take tre of plant stems. Also called medulla
the software pirates to court. 쐽 verb to pitot, Pitot tube noun PHYS an
manufacture copies of an original copy- open-ended tube used to measure the speed
righted work illegally of flow of a fluid
pitted 470
pitted adjective with small indentations 쑗 COMMENT: The vascular system of the
a pitted surface foetus is not directly connected to that of the
mother. The placenta allows an exchange
pituitary gland noun ANAT a gland at the of oxygen and nutrients between the
base of the brain that produces hormones mother to the foetus, to which she is linked
that control other glands and influence by the umbilical cord. It stops functioning
many body functions when the baby breathes for the first time
and then passes out of the uterus as the
COMMENT: The pituitary gland is about the afterbirth.
size of a pea and hangs down from the base
of the brain. The front lobe of the gland placental adjective ANAT referring to the
secretes several hormones that stimulate placenta
the adrenal and thyroid glands, and stimu- placental mammal noun ZOOL same as
late the production of sex hormones,
melanin and milk. The posterior lobe of the eutherian (NOTE: All mammals are placen-
gland secretes oxytocin. The pituitary gland tal except for monotremes and marsupi-
is the most important gland in the body als.)
because the hormones it secretes control plagioclimax noun ECOL a stage in the
the functioning of the other glands.
development of a plant ecosystem where
pivot noun ENG a short rod on which
the system is kept stable by human inter-
another part rotates 쐽 verb to turn on a vention, as in managed woodlands
point 쑗 The rocker arm pivots on a bearing
and opens the valve. plagiosere noun ECOL a succession of
plants that takes a new course because of
pixel noun COMPUT the smallest single the effect of a biotic factor
unit or point of a display whose colour or
brightness can be controlled. Also called plague noun 1. MED an infectious disease
picture element that occurs in epidemics which kill many
COMMENT: In high-resolution display organisms 2. AGRIC a widespread infesta-
systems the colour or brightness of a single tion by a pest 쑗 A plague of locusts has
pixel can be controlled. In low-resolution invaded the region and is destroying crops.
systems a group of pixels are controlled at plain EARTH SCI noun a level area of land
the same time.
with few trees 쐽 plural noun plains a large
pK noun CHEM a measure of how readily
area of flat country with few trees, espe-
an acid dissociates, calculated as the nega- cially in the middle of North America
tive logarithm of its dissociation constant
K plain old telephone service noun
TELECOM full form of POTS
PLA noun COMPUT same as programma-
ble logic array plaintext noun COMPUT text or informa-
tion that has not been encrypted or coded 쑗
place noun 1. a space or area 쑗 Green-
The messages were sent as plaintext by tel-
wich is a place on the 0° meridian. 2. a ephone.
position 쑗 a decimal place 3. 왍 in place of
instead of 쐽 verb to put something in posi- plan noun 1. an organised way of doing
tion 쑗 Place the symbols at the bottom of something 2. a drawing that shows how
the chart. something is arranged or how something
will be built 쐽 verb to organise carefully
placebo noun MED a liquid or tablet that how something should be done
appears to be a drug but has no medicinal
substance in it PLAN noun COMPUT a low-level program-
COMMENT: Placebos may be given to ming language
patients who have imagined illnesses. planar noun 1. ELECTRONICS a method of
Placebos can also help in treating real producing integrated circuits by diffusing
disorders by stimulating the patient’s chemicals into a slice of silicon to create
psychological will to be cured. Placebos are
also used on control groups in tests of new the different components 2. COMPUT a set
drugs (placebo-controlled studies). of graphical objects or images arranged on
placebo effect noun MED the apparently the same plane
beneficial effect of telling patients that they Planck, Max (1858–1947) PHYS a
are having treatment, even if this is not German physicist who set out quantum
true, that arises from a desire for the treat- theory in work first published in 1900. He
ment to be effective also set out the formula for the energy dis-
placenta noun ANAT the tissue which tribution in the spectrum of a black body.
grows inside the uterus in mammals during Planck’s constant noun PHYS a basic
pregnancy and links the baby to the mother physical constant equal to the energy of a
471 plant nutrient
photon divided by its frequency (NOTE: Its plant noun 1. BOT an organism containing
approximate value is 6.6261 x 10–34 joule chlorophyll with which it carries out pho-
seconds.) tosynthesis 2. INDUST a very large factory
Planck’s radiation law noun PHYS a or industrial site 쑗 A nuclear power plant is
physical law that describes the energy radi- to be built near the town. 3. large heavy
ated from a black body per unit area per equipment and vehicles 쐽 verb 1. AGRIC to
unit time per unit wavelength at a particu- put plants in the ground 쑗 to plant a crop of
lar temperature rice 2. COMPUT to store a result in memory
plane noun, noun MATHS an imaginary for later use
surface containing all the straight lines that plantation noun 1. AGRIC an estate, espe-
connect any two points on it 쑗 The planes cially in the tropics, on which large-scale
of parallels of latitude are parallel to the production of cash crops takes place
plane of the equator. 쐽 noun 1. same as (NOTE: Plantations specialise in the pro-
aeroplane 2. COMPUT one layer of an duction of a single crop such as cocoa, cof-
image that can be manipulated independ- fee, cotton, tea or rubber.) 2. FORESTRY an
ently within a graphics program 3. TREES a area of land planted with trees for commer-
deciduous hardwood tree, frequently cial purposes. Also called plantation for-
grown in towns because of its resistance to est (NOTE: Plantations of conifers are
air pollution. Genus: Platanus. sometimes informally called forests.)
planet noun ASTRON a large body in the plant biology noun BOT the study of the
solar system, e.g. Earth, Mars or Mercury structure and functions of plants
COMMENT: Planets are aggregations of
material formed in the early days of the
plant breeder noun AGRIC a person who
solar system. There is direct knowledge of produces new forms of ornamental or crop
only the nine planets of the solar system. It plants
seems from close observation of their plant breeding noun AGRIC the practice
proper motions that other nearby stars may
have large planets much bigger than of producing new forms of ornamental and
Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar crop plants by artificial selection
system, although this method does not plant community noun ECOL a group of
allow smaller planets to be detected. But it
is not known how often planets might form
plants growing together in an area
near other stars. plant cover noun ECOL the percentage of
planetary adjective ASTRON referring to an area occupied by plants 쑗 Plant cover at
a planet these altitudes is sparse.
planisphere noun ASTRON a representa- plant-eater noun ZOOL same as herbiv-
tion on a flat surface of a map of the night ore
sky as seen from one location at a point in plant ecology noun ECOL the study of
time the relationship between plants and their
plankter noun BIOL a single microscopic environment
animal or plant that lives and drifts in water plant-feeder noun ZOOL same as herbiv-
(NOTE: The plural is plankton.) ore
planktivorous adjective ZOOL referring plant genetic resources plural noun
to an animal that eats plankton ECOL the gene pool of plants, especially of
plankton plural noun BIOLthe micro- plants regarded as of value to humans for
scopic animals and plants that drift near the food or pharmaceuticals
surface of the water, belonging to two
groups: zooplankton, which are micro- plant growth regulator noun a chem-
scopic animals, and phytoplankton, which ical treatment which slows the growth of
are microscopic plants capable of photo- plants, used in low-maintenance areas such
synthesis (NOTE: A single organism is a as roadside verges. Abbr PGR
plankter.) plant hormone noun BOT a hormone
planktonic adjective BIOL referring to
that affects plant growth
plankton 쑗 Blooms are population explo- plant kingdom noun BOT the category
sions of planktonic plants. of all organisms classified as plants
planogamete noun GENETICS a gamete plant nutrient noun BIOCHEM a mineral
that is capable of moving, e.g. a spermato- whose presence is essential for the healthy
zoon growth of plants
plant physiology 472
plant physiology noun BOT the study be transmitted between bacteria of the
of the functions of plants same and different species.)
plant plankton plural noun BOT same as Plasmodium noun MED a genus of para-
phytoplankton site that infests red blood cells and causes
plant population noun ECOLthe malaria
number of plants found in a particular area plasmolysis noun BIOL the shrinking of
the cell contents away from the cell wall
plant science noun BOT the scientific when a plant or bacterial cell loses water
study of plants
plasmon noun GENETICS all the genetic
plant scientist noun BOT a scientist who material in the cytoplasm of a cell
studies plants
plaster of Paris noun INDUST a white
plant sociology noun ECOL the study of powder, calcium sulfate, that forms a rap-
communities of plants idly hardening paste when mixed with
plaque noun 1. MICROBIOL a clear area in water and is used in sculpture, plaster casts
a bacterial or cell culture that has been for broken limbs, and in the collection of
caused by a virus destroying the cells 2. delicate fossils
DENT a deposit of saliva, mucus, bacteria plastic noun INDUST an artificial, usually
and food on the teeth organic, material made from petroleum
plasma noun 1. ANAT the yellow watery and used to make many objects 쐽 adjective
liquid in which the blood or lymphatic 1. PHYS able to take on different shapes
cells float 쑗 The accident victim was given when under stress and not returning to its
plasma. 2. PHYS a form of ionised atomic original shape when the stress is removed
material that is common where large 2. INDUST made of plastic
amounts of energy are available, as in the COMMENT: Plastics are moulded by heating
atmospheres of stars or in Earth’s outer a substance under pressure and they retain
atmosphere their shape after being formed. Thermo-
plastics are heated while being shaped and
COMMENT: If blood does not clot it sepa- can be heated and shaped again for re-use.
rates into blood cells and plasma, which is Thermosetting plastics are heated while
formed of water and proteins, including the being shaped but cannot be reheated for
clotting agent fibrinogen. If blood clots, the recycling. Waste plastics containing chlo-
blood cells separate from serum, which is a rine can produce hydrogen chloride when
watery liquid similar to plasma, but not incinerated. Plastics formed from ethylene
containing fibrinogen. Dried plasma can be or propylene (i.e. polyethylene and polypro-
kept for a long time, and is used, after water pylene) are not degradable and must be
has been added, for transfusions. recycled or destroyed by incineration.
plasma cell noun ANAT a white blood plastic foam noun same as foam plastic
cell (lymphocyte) that produces a specific plasticiser, plasticizer noun a sub-
type of antibody stance, usually a synthetic organic chemi-
plasma display noun COMPUT a thin cal, that is added to a material to make it
display screen using the electrolumines- more flexible
cent properties of some gases to display plasticity noun variability in the growth
text, usually used in small portable com- of a plant in response to differences in the
puters supply of resources
plasmagene noun GENETICS a particle plastid noun BIOL a structure (organelle)
found in cytoplasm that can replicate itself found in green plant cells that contains pig-
and is thought to be able to pass on heredi- ment, ribosomes and DNA and is impor-
tary characteristics in the same way as a tant in food synthesis and storage
chromosomal gene plate noun 1. a smooth, flat rigid object
plasma membrane noun BIOL same as with the same thickness all over 2. EARTH
cell membrane SCI same as tectonic plate 3. ELEC an elec-
plasma protein noun BIOCHEM protein trode in a battery
in plasma such as albumin, gamma globu- plateau noun EARTH SCI an area of high
lin or fibrinogen flat land (NOTE: The plural is plateaux.)
plasmid noun GENETICS a small circle of platelet noun ANAT a tiny colourless cir-
DNA that replicates itself (NOTE: Plasmids cular structure in the blood (NOTE: Plate-
are mainly found in bacterial cells and are lets are present in large numbers and are
used in genetic modification, as they can essential for blood clotting.)
473 plus
plate tectonics noun EARTH SCI the (NOTE: It secretes a fluid that acts as a
mechanism that drives continental drift on lubricant as the lungs expand and contract
the Earth, whereby large sections of the during breathing. The plural is pleurae.)
Earth’s crust move relative to each other plexus noun ANAT a network of nerves,
platform noun COMPUT a standard type blood vessels or lymph vessels
of hardware that makes up a particular ploidy noun GENETICS the number of
range of computers 쑗 This software will chromosome sets in a cell
only work on the IBM PC platform. plot noun MATHS, NAVIG a graph or chart
platform-independent adjective COM- that shows a relation between two sets of
PUT (of software or a network) able to work numbers as a series of points joined by a
with or connect to different types of incom- line 쑗 a plot of applied stress and resulting
patible hardware strain 쐽 verb MATHS, NAVIG to calculate and
platinic chloride noun CHEM same as mark a line on a graph or chart 왍 to plot a
chloroplatinic acid course to calculate and draw the desired
platinum noun CHEM ELEM a rare metal- route of an aircraft or ship on a chart
lic element that does not corrode (NOTE: plotter noun COMPUT a device peripheral
The chemical symbol is Pt; atomic number that draws straight lines between two coor-
is 78 and the atomic weight is 195.09.) dinates (NOTE: Plotters plot curved lines as
platinum black noun CHEM a fine black a number of short straight lines.)
powdery form of platinum used as a cata- plug noun 1. a device that fits into a hole
lyst to prevent liquid flowing out of a container
platinum metal noun CHEM ELEM plati- 쑗 the oil drain plug 2. ELEC a device for
num or any of the metals chemically making an electrical connection 쑗 The
related to it (NOTE: The other platinum met- printer is supplied with a plug. 쒁 spark
als are iridium, osmium, palladium, rho- plug 3. EARTH SCI a round block of igneous
dium and ruthenium.) rock forming the central vent of an old vol-
platter noun COMPUT one disk within a canic opening 쐽 verb to fill a hole with
hard disk drive something so that fluid cannot escape
COMMENT: The disks are made of metal or plug-compatible adjective COMPUT (of
glass and coated with a magnetic equipment) able to work with several dif-
compound. Each platter has a read/write ferent types of computer, so long as they
head that moves across its surface to
access stored data. have the correct type of connector
platyhelminth noun ZOOL same as flat- plumage noun the feathers of a bird
worm plumbism noun MED lead poisoning
playback head noun ELEC a transducer caused by taking in lead salts
that reads signals recorded on a storage plume noun 1. INDUST a tall cloud of
medium and usually converts them to an smoke or gas escaping from a factory
electrical signal chimney 쑗 a gas plume 2. EARTH SCI a tall
playback rate scale factor noun cloud of smoke or gas escaping from a vol-
COMPUT 1. a sound played back at a differ- cano 3. EARTH SCI a cloud of powdered
ent rate, directed by another application, to snow blowing from a mountain crest 4.
create a special effect 2. the point at which ZOOL a large feather
video playback is no longer smooth and plumule noun BOT the tiny structure in a
appears jerky owing to missed frames plant embryo from which a shoot will
pleiotropic adjective GENETICS referring develop
to a gene that affects two or more appar- plunger noun ENG a machine part such as
ently unrelated characteristics of an organ- a piston that operates with a thrusting or
ism plunging movement 쑗 A flow indicator
pleiotropism noun GENETICS the con- valve comprises a body, a spring-loaded
trol of two or more apparently unrelated plunger connected to an actuator arm, and
characteristics of an organism by a single a micro-switch.
gene plus preposition with the addition of 쑗 At
pleura noun ANAT a thin transparent the selected decision height plus 50 feet, an
membrane that covers the lungs and folds aural alert chime sounds. 쑗 Four plus four
back to form a lining for the chest cavity equals eight (4 + 4 = 8).
plus sign 474
plus sign noun MATHS same as addition PNS abbreviation ANAT peripheral nerv-
sign ous system
Pluto noun ASTRON the smallest and most Po symbol CHEM ELEM polonium
distant planet of the solar system, reclassi- Poaceae noun BOT the grasses, which is
fied as a dwarf planet in 2006 a very large family of plants including
COMMENT: From Pluto’s density, it appears bamboo and cereals such as wheat and
to be made of a mix of rock and ice. Pluto’s
mean distance from the Sun is 39AU. It maize. Former name Gramineae
takes 248 years to orbit the Sun. pod noun 1. BOT a container for several
plutonium noun CHEM ELEM a toxic and seeds, e.g. a pea pod or bean pod 2. ZOOL a
carcinogenic radioactive element extracted small group of whales, dolphins, or seals 3.
from uranium ore (NOTE: The chemical AEROSP a detachable compartment on a
symbol is Pu; the atomic number is 94 and spacecraft
the atomic weight is 244.) podsol, podzol noun EARTH SCI a type of
plutonium-239 noun CHEM an isotope acid soil where organic matter and mineral
of plutonium which is formed from ura- elements have been leached from the
nium-238 and is used as a fuel in nuclear light-coloured top layer into a darker lower
reactors (NOTE: It has a half-life of 24360 layer through which water does not flow
years.) and which contains little organic matter
PM abbreviation particulate matter COMMENT: On the whole podsols make
poor agricultural soils, owing to their low
pmol symbol CHEM picomole nutrient status and the frequent presence of
PMOS noun ELECTRONICS a metal oxide an iron pan. Large areas of the coniferous
semiconductor transistor that conducts via forest regions of Canada and Russia are
a small region of p-type semiconductor. covered with podsols.
Full form p-channel metal oxide semi- podsolic, podzolic adjective EARTH SCI
conductor referring to podsol
PNdB abbreviation ACOUSTICS perceived podsolic soil noun EARTH SCI a soil that
noise level in decibels has formed a podsol
pneum- prefix same as pneumo- (NOTE: podsolisation, podsolization noun
used before vowels) EARTH SCI the process by which a podsol
pneumatic adjective PHYS, ENG refer- forms
ring to air under pressure 쑗 High-pressure podsolised soil, podsolized soil noun
pneumatic systems are generally fitted on EARTH SCI same as podsolic soil
the older types of piston-engine aircraft to poikilo- prefix irregular or varied
operate the landing gear, wing flaps and poikilosmotic adjective MARINE BIOL
wheel brakes. referring to an aquatic animal whose body
pneumatically adverb PHYS, ENG by fluids change by osmosis depending on the
using air under pressure 쑗 The doors are composition of the surrounding water
hydraulically or pneumatically opened. poikilotherm noun ZOOL same as ecto-
pneumo- prefix air, the lungs or breath- therm
ing point noun 1. a particular figure on a scale
pneumoconiosis noun MED a lung dis- 쑗 The melting point of ice is 0 °C (Celsius).
ease in which fibrous tissue forms in the 2. COMPUT a place or position 3. the sharp
lungs because the patient has inhaled parti- end of something 4. an object or aim in
cles of stone or dust over a long period doing something
pneumogastric nerve noun ANAT the pointer noun 1. a piece of helpful advice
tenth cranial nerve, which controls swal- 쑗 some useful pointers on writing up exper-
lowing and nerve fibres in the heart and iments 2. an indication of how something
chest. Also called vagus will develop 쑗 a pointer to future research
PNL abbreviation ACOUSTICS perceived priorities 3. COMPUT a graphical symbol
noise level used to indicate the position of a cursor on
pnp transistor noun ELECTRONICS a a computer display 쑗 Desktop publishing
layout of a bipolar transistor whose collec- on a PC is greatly helped by the use of a
tor and emitter are of p-type semiconduc- pointer and mouse. 4. COMPUT a variable in
tor and whose base is n-type a computer program that contains the
semiconductor address to a data item or instruction 쑗
475 polarography
Increment the contents of the pointer to the polar adjective 1. EARTH SCI referring to
address of the next instruction. the North Pole or South Pole 쑗 polar air 쑗
pointer file noun COMPUT a file of point- a polar region 2. PHYS referring to the
ers referring to large amounts of stored poles of an electrical device or of a magnet
data 쑗 Bar magnets attract each other because

pointing device noun COMPUT an input of polar differences.

device that controls the position of a cursor polar body noun GENETICS a cell with a
on screen as it is moved by the user. 쒁 nucleus but little cytoplasm that is pro-
mouse duced along with an oocyte in meiosis and
point mutation noun GENETICS a muta- later discarded
tion that involves a change in a single base polar diameter noun EARTH SCI the dis-
or base pair of the nucleotides in a gene tance from one pole, passing through the
sequence centre of the earth, to the other pole 쑗 The
point of presence noun COMPUT a tel- Earth’s polar diameter is shorter than its
ephone access number for a service pro- average equatorial diameter.
vider that can be used to connect to the polar ice cap noun EARTH SCI a large
Internet via a modem. Abbr POP area of thick ice covering the regions
point out verb 1. to show someone some- around the North or South Pole, which is
thing 2. to make someone aware of a piece slowly disappearing as the Earth warms
of information polarimeter noun OPTICS a device for
point quadrat noun BOT a device for measuring the rotation of the plane of
measuring the leaf cover of ground, com- polarised light as it passes through a sub-
prising a frame with many holes in it which stance, usually a liquid or solution
is placed over a quadrat and rods are polarisation, polarization noun 1. PHYS
passed through the holes (NOTE: The a characteristic of light or radio or other
number of leaves which they touch are electromagnetic waves in which the waves
then counted.) are aligned in one direction and show dif-
point size noun PRINTING a unit of meas- ferent properties in different directions 쑗
ure equal to 1/72 inch, used to measure The antenna must have the same effective
type or text length and the same polarisation as the
point source noun ENVIRON, PHYS a dis- transmitter. 2. ELEC a partial or complete
charge of a pollutant or radiant energy polar separation of positive and negative
from a single place, e.g. a pipe, ship or electric charge
installation. Compare non-point source polarise, polarize verb 1. (of broadcast
point to point protocol noun COMPUT signal waveforms) to align in one plane 2.
a protocol that supports a network link over ELEC to separate positive and negative elec-
an asynchronous, modem connection. tric charges
Abbr PPP (NOTE: It is normally used to polarised plug noun ELEC a plug which
provide data transfer between a user’s has a feature, usually a peg or a special
computer and a remote server on the Inter- shape, allowing it to be inserted into a
net using the TCP/IP network protocol.) socket only in one way
point-to-point tunneling protocol polarity noun ELEC the direction of flow
noun COMPUT full form of PPTP of flux or current in an object 쑗 During dis-
poison MED noun a substance which can charge, when the polarity of the supply
kill or harm a person or animal when eaten, changes, the stored energy is returned to
drunk, breathed in or touched 쐽 verb to the supply.
expose an organism to a poison 쑗 They polarity test noun ELEC a check to see
were poisoned by toxic fumes. which electrical terminal is positive and
poisoning noun MED the act of killing or which negative
harming an organism with a poison polarography noun CHEM a technique
poisonous adjective MED containing for studying ions in solution by comparing
poison 쑗 a poisonous gas 쑗 Some fungi are the strength of electric currents passing
good to eat and some are poisonous. through the solution during electrolysis
POL abbreviation COMPUT problem-orien- and the electric potential needed to pro-
tated language duce them
Polaroid 476
Polaroid trademark a specially treated bird 쑗 Birds are pollinators for many types
transparent plastic film that produces of tropical plant. 2. a plant from which pol-
polarised light on transmission and is used len is transferred by bees to pollinate
for the reduction of glare in sunglasses and another plant, especially a fruit tree, that is
other applications not self-fertile 쑗 Some apple and pear trees
polar vortex noun METEOROL same as need to be planted with pollinators.
circumpolar vortex polling noun COMPUT a system of com-
pole noun 1. a long, rounded piece of munication between a controlling compu-
wood or metal 2. one of two opposite ter and a number of networked terminals in
points on an axis 3. PHYS one of the two which the computer checks each terminal
ends of a magnet that show magnetic in turn to see if it is ready to receive or
attraction 4. EARTH SCI the extreme north transmit data, and takes the required action
or south point of the Earth’s axis 쑗 A (NOTE: The polling system differs from
meridian is a line joining pole to pole. 5. other communications systems in that the
ELEC a terminal of a battery 쑗 a negative computer asks the terminals to transmit or
pole 쑗 a positive pole receive, not the other way round.)
Polish notation noun MATHS 쏡 reverse pollinosis noun MED inflammation of
Polish notation the nose and eyes caused by an allergic
poll noun a survey that asks people’s opin- reaction to pollen, fungal spores or dust in
ions about something 쐽 verb COMPUT (of a the atmosphere. Also called hay fever
computer) to determine the state of a pollutant noun ENVIRON 1. a substance
peripheral in a network that causes pollution 2. noise, smell or
pollard FORESTRY noun a tree of which another unwanted occurrence that affects a
the branches have been cut back to a height person’s surroundings unfavourably
of about 2m above the ground 쐽 verb to cut pollute verb ENVIRON to discharge harm-
back the branches on a tree every year or ful substances in unusually high concentra-
every few years to a height of about 2m tions into the environment 쑗 Polluting
above the ground gases react with the sun’s rays. 쑗 Polluted
COMMENT: Pollarding allows new shoots to soil must be removed and buried.
grow, but high enough above the ground to polluter noun ENVIRON a person or com-
prevent them from being eaten by animals. pany that causes pollution
Willow trees are often pollarded.
polled interrupt noun COMPUT an inter- polluter-pays principle noun ENVI-
rupt signal determined by polling devices RON the principle that, if pollution occurs,
the person or company responsible should
pollen noun BOT the mass of small grains be required to pay for the consequences of
in the anthers of flowers which contain the the pollution and for avoiding it in future.
male gametes Abbr PPP. 쒁 user-pays principle
pollen analysis noun BOT same as pal- polluting agent noun ENVIRON a sub-
stance that causes pollution
pollen count noun ENVIRON a measure- pollution noun 1. ENVIRON the presence
ment of the amount of pollen in a sample of of unusually high concentrations of harm-
air (NOTE: A high pollen count is bad for ful substances or radioactivity in the envi-
people who have hay fever.)
ronment, as a result of human activity or a
pollen sac noun BOT a hollow structure natural process such as a volcanic eruption
in which pollen is produced in a flower 쑗 In terms of pollution, gas is by far the
pollen tube noun BOT a hollow tube that cleanest fuel. 쑗 Pollution of the atmosphere
grows out of a pollen grain and carries the has increased over the last 50 years. 쑗 Soil
pollen nucleus to the egg cell through the pollution round mines poses a problem for
micropyle land reclamation. 2. the unwanted pres-
pollinate verb BOT to transfer pollen ence of something such as noise or artifi-
from the anther to the stigma in a flower cial light
pollination noun BOT the action of polli- pollution charges plural noun ENVIRON
nating a flower (NOTE: There is no English the costs of repairing or stopping environ-
noun ‘pollinisation’.) mental pollution
pollinator noun BOT 1. an organism pollution control, pollution preven-
which helps pollinate a plant, e.g. a bee or tion noun ENVIRON the activity of taking
477 polymorphism
measures to limit the human activities that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
produce pollution noun CHEM one of a group of chemical
polonium noun CHEM ELEM a natural compounds which are carcinogenic. Abbr
radioactive element (NOTE: The chemical PAH
symbol is Po; the atomic number is84 and polycystic ovarian syndrome noun
the atomic weight is 209.) MED a hormonal disorder in women charac-
poly- prefix many terised by enlarged ovaries containing
polyamide noun CHEM a synthetic poly- numerous small painless cysts, infertility,
mer with recurring amide groups, e.g. excessive hair growth and acne
nylon polyester noun INDUST a synthetic poly-
polyandry noun a breeding arrangement mer in which monomers are linked by the
in which a female has several mates chemical group -COO- (NOTE: It is used in
resins, plastics, textiles and fibres.)
polyatomic ion noun CHEM an ion con-
taining two or more elements chemically polyethylene noun CHEM same as poly-
combined thene
polybrominated biphenyl noun polyethylene terephthalate noun
INDUST a type of plastic that can be recy-
CHEM a highly toxic aromatic compound
containing benzene and bromine. It is used cled, used to make artificial fibres and plas-
in plastics, electrical equipment and tic bottles. Abbr PET
fire-retardant materials and is either polygamy noun ZOOL a breeding
banned or very restricted in use in many arrangement in which a male has several
countries. Abbr PBB mates. Compare monogamy
polychaete noun MARINE BIOL a marine polygene noun GENETICS one of a set of
worm with a segmented body on each of genes of which the whole set collectively
which is a pair of bristly extensions used in determines a characteristic such as height
swimming. Class: Polychaeta. polygon noun MATHS a shape with three
polychlorinated biphenyl, polychlo- or more sides
robiphenyl noun CHEM one of a group of polygon mesh model noun COMPUT
compounds produced by chlorination of same as wire frame model
biphenyl. Abbr PCB polyhaline adjective CHEM (of water)
COMMENT: PCBs are stable compounds containing almost as much salt as sea
and formerly were extensively used in elec- water. Compare mesohaline, oligohaline
trical fittings and paints. Although they are
no longer manufactured they are extremely polyhydric alcohol noun CHEM alcohol
persistent and remain in large quantities in that includes more than one -OH group
landfill sites. They are not water-soluble within its molecules
and float on the surface of water where they polymer noun CHEM a natural or artificial
are eaten by aquatic animals and so enter
the food chain. PCBs are fat-soluble, and chemical compound whose large mole-
are therefore easy to take into the system, cules are made up of smaller molecules
but difficult to excrete. combined in repeated groups
polyclone noun GENETICS a clone polymerase chain reaction noun
derived from groups of cells of different BIOTECH a technique used to produce a
ancestry or genetic makeup large number of copies of a sequence of
polycondensed plastic noun INDUST DNA. Abbr PCR
a type of plastic which can be recycled, e.g. polymerisation, polymerization noun
nylon CHEM a chemical reaction or process in
polycrystalline silicon noun INDUST which a polymer is formed
silicon used to manufacture photovoltaic polymorph noun BIOL an organism, part
panels of an organism, protein, or chemical com-
polyculture noun AGRIC the rearing or pound that is found in different forms
growing of more than one species of plant polymorphic adjective BIOL existing in
or animal on the same area of land at the different forms
same time polymorphism noun BIOL 1. the exist-
polycyclic adjective ZOOL (of snail ence of different forms during the life cycle
shells) making two or more complete of an organism, as in the example of a but-
whorls terfly, which exists as a caterpillar, then a
polymorphous 478
pupa, before becoming a butterfly 2. the polysaprobe noun BIOL an organism
existence of different forms of an organism which can survive in heavily polluted
in a social system, as in the example of water
bees, which exist as workers, queens and polysaprobic adjective BIOL referring to
drones organisms that can survive in heavily pol-
polymorphous adjective BIOL same as luted water
polymorphic polysomic adjective GENETICS referring
polynomial noun 1. MATHS a mathemat- to a diploid cell in which some chromo-
ical expression consisting of the sum of a somes occur more than twice
number of terms, each of which contains a
constant and variables raised to a positive polystyrene noun INDUST a type of plas-
integral power 2. BIOL a taxonomic name of tic which can be made into hard light-
a plant or animal that has more than two weight foam by blowing air or gas into it,
terms, e.g. one giving a genus, species, and used as an insulating and packaging mate-
subspecies rial
polynomial code noun COMPUT an polytene GENETICS adjective referring to
error detection system that uses a set of a giant chromosome formed from multiple
mathematical rules applied to the message strands of DNA 쐽 noun a polytene chromo-
before it is transmitted and again when it is some (NOTE: Polytenes found in drosophila
received to reproduce the original message fruit flies are useful in genetic research.)
polynucleotide noun BIOCHEM a chain polytetrafluoroethene noun INDUST a
of nucleotides, as found in DNA and RNA durable, nonflammable thermoplastic sub-
polynyas noun EARTH SCI in a frozen stance with good chemical resistance, used
sea, an area of water that is not frozen, cre- for coating metals for nonstick cookware
ated by local water currents in northern polythene noun INDUST a type of plastic
oceans used to make artificial fibres, packaging,
polyp noun MARINE BIOL a water animal boxes and other articles
that does not swim about, e.g. a sea anem- polyunsaturated fat noun BIOCHEM a
one fatty acid capable of absorbing more
polypeptide noun BIOCHEM a long chain hydrogen, typically found in vegetable and
of amino acids found in protein molecules fish oils
polyphagous adjective ZOOL referring polyurethane noun CHEM a tough flexi-
to an organism that eats more than one type ble synthetic polymer, used in resins, var-
of food. Compare monophagous nish, glue, foams and fibres
polyphagy noun the practice of eating polyvinyl chloride noun INDUST full
more than one type of food. Compare form of PVC
monophagy pome noun BOT a fruit with a core con-
polyphony noun COMPUT a device that taining the seeds enclosed in a fleshy part
can play more than one musical note at a that develops from the receptacle of a
time flower and not from the ovary (NOTE: The
polyploid adjective BIOL referring to an fruit of apples and pears are pomes.)
organism with more than two identical sets pomology noun BOT the study of fruit
of chromosomes in each cell nucleus 쑗 Tri- cultivation
ploids and tetraploids are polyploids with pond noun EARTH SCI a small area of still
three and four times the haploid number of water formed artificially or naturally
chromosomes, respectively.
ponding noun EARTH SCI the formation
polypropylene noun INDUST a type of of a small pool of liquid
plastic used to make artificial fibres, bot-
tles, pipes, and other articles, which is not pond life noun ECOL the community of
degradable and must be recycled or organisms that live in a pond
destroyed by incineration pondweed noun BOT a small plant that
polysaccharide noun CHEM a complex grows in a pond
sugar composed of simple sugar molecules pons noun ANAT a pale zone of nerve
linked into a branched or chain structure fibres on the surface of the brain stem, con-
(NOTE: Cellulose and starch are polysac- necting the two hemispheres of the cere-
charides.) bellum
479 porous
pool noun 1. EARTH SCI a small area of population decrease noun ECOL a
still water, especially one formed naturally reduction in the number of individuals liv-
2. EARTH SCI an area of oil or gas which ing in a specific area
collects in porous sedimentary rock 3. a population density noun ECOL the
group or combination of things or people. 쒁 number of individuals living in a specific
gene pool area
pop verb COMPUT (in an instruction to a population dispersion noun ECOL the
computer) to read and remove the last spreading out of the members of a popula-
piece of data from a stack tion over an area
POP abbreviation COMPUT point of pres- population dynamics noun ECOL the
ence study of changes in the number of individ-
POP 2 noun COMPUT a high level pro- uals living in a specific area
gramming language used for list process- population ecology noun ECOL the
ing applications study of the factors determining abundance
POP 3 noun COMPUT a system used to and fluctuations in the population of a spe-
transfer electronic mail messages between cies
a user’s computer and a server such as one population equilibrium noun ECOL a
at an ISP. Full form post office protocol 3 situation in which the population stays at
pop-down menu, pop-up menu noun the same level, because the number of
COMPUT a menu that can be displayed on deaths is the same as the number of births
the screen at any time by pressing the population explosion noun ECOL a
appropriate key, usually displayed over rapid increase in the number of individuals
material already on the screen in a population
popliteal artery noun ANAT an artery population genetics noun GENETICS
which branches from the femoral artery the study of how genes behave in the
behind the knee and leads into the tibial organisms of a community during evolu-
arteries tion
poppet valve noun ENG an intake or population growth noun ECOL an
exhaust valve of a piston engine, operated increase in the size of a population
by springs and cams
population inversion noun PHYS the
populate verb 1. ECOL to fill an area with condition in which a higher energy state
organisms 쑗 Starlings soon populated the has more electrons than a lower energy
whole eastern seaboard of the USA. 2. state
COMPUT to fill the sockets on a printed cir-
cuit board with components population momentum noun ECOL a
continuation of population growth for sev-
population noun 1. a number of people eral generations after the population has
living in a country or town 쑗 The govern- achieved the ability to replace itself
ment has decided to screen the whole pop-
ulation of the area. 쑗 Population growth is population pyramid noun ECOL a
a major threat to conservation efforts. 2. graphical representation showing the dis-
ECOL a number of individuals of the same tribution of a population according to age,
species living and breeding in a specific sex or other characteristics
area 쑗 The fish population has been population transfer noun ECOL a
severely reduced. movement of individuals from one place to
population age structure noun ENVI- another
RON the numbers of individuals of each age pore noun 1. ANAT a tiny hole in the skin
in a population through which sweat passes 2. EARTH SCI a
population control noun ENVIRON the tiny space in a rock formation or in the soil
process of limiting the number of individu- 3. BOT same as stoma
als living in a specific area porosity noun PHYS the degree to which
population cycle noun ECOL a series of a substance is porous 쑗 Clay has a lower
regular changes in the population of a spe- porosity than lighter soils.
cies, usually a cycle in which the popula- porous adjective 1. referring to a sub-
tion gradually increases and then falls stance with many holes or spaces 2. refer-
away again ring to rock which has many small pores in
porphyrin 480
it and can absorb water (NOTE: Porous rock positive display noun COMPUT a dis-
is not necessarily permeable.) play of text and graphics as black on a
porphyrin noun BIOCHEM a metal-con- white background to imitate a printed page
taining pigment with a ring-like molecular positive feedback noun a situation
structure (NOTE: Haemoglobin is an impor- where the result of a process stimulates the
tant porphyrin in many animals.) process which caused it
port noun COMPUT a socket or physical positive logic noun ELECTRONICS a
connection allowing data transfer between logic system in which a logical one is rep-
a computer’s internal communications resented by a positive voltage level, and a
channel and another external device logical zero represented by a zero or nega-
portable adjective 1. capable of being tive voltage level
carried in the hands 쑗 a portable fire extin- positive presentation noun COMPUT a
guisher 쑗 An aneroid barometer is a more screen image that is coloured on a white
portable device than a mercury barometer. background
2. COMPUT (of hardware, software or data positive pressure noun PHYS the con-
files) able to be used on a range of different dition that exists when more air is supplied
computers 쐽 noun COMPUT a compact to a space than is used up, so the air pres-
self-contained computer that can be carried sure in that space is greater than that in the
around and used either with a battery pack surrounding area 쑗 Under positive pres-
or mains power supply sure, if an opening exists, air will flow from
portable operating system inter- the positively pressurised space into sur-
face noun COMPUT full form of POSIX rounding areas.
portal vein noun ANAT a vein that takes positive response noun a communica-
blood from the stomach, pancreas, intes- tion signal that indicates correct reception
tines and spleen to the liver of a message
portrait adjective PRINTING the orienta- positive terminal noun ELEC a terminal
tion of a page or piece of paper so that the of a battery marked with the symbol +
longest edge is vertical. Compare land- positron noun PHYS a particle identical
scape to an electron but bearing a positive rather
port replicator noun COMPUT a version than a negative electric charge
of a docking station that allows a laptop POSIX noun COMPUT an IEEE standard
computer to be connected to duplicate the that defines a set of services provided by an
connection ports on the back of the laptop operating system. Full form portable
(NOTE: This allows a user to keep a mouse, operating system interface (NOTE: Soft-
power cable and printer connected to the ware that works to the POSIX standard can
port replicator and easily insert the laptop be easily ported between hardware plat-
to use these ports without having to plug in forms.)
cables each time the machine is used.) possibility noun 1. a chance occurrence
position noun 1. a place or location 쑗 쑗 The guidelines are designed to prevent
The prime meridian and the equator are the possibility of laboratory accidents. 쑗
the axes of the system of latitude and longi- We cannot rule out the possibility of error.
tude which is used for expressing position 2. an available choice 쑗 Several possibili-
on the globe. 2. a setting of a control 쑗 the ties are open to us.
neutral position 쐽 verb to place something post verb COMPUT 1. to enter data into a
somewhere 쑗 The magnetic compass is record in a file 2. to publish text online or
positioned away from magnetic sources. in an Internet location
position effect noun GENETICS a POST abbreviation COMPUT power-on
change in the expression of a gene that self test
occurs if its location on the chromosome post- prefix after or later
changes postbyte noun COMPUT (in a program
positive adjective 1. MATHS having a instruction) the data byte following the op
value of more than 0. Symbol +. Opposite code that defines the register to be used
negative 2. PHOTOGRAPHY (of an image) postclimax noun ECOL a climax com-
showing the light and dark areas of objects munity that still exists in a place where the
as they are seen 3. ELEC referring to an environmental conditions are no longer
electrical voltage greater than zero suitable for it
481 potential
post-consumer waste noun ENVIRON potassium bitartrate noun CHEM a
any material that has been used by some- white powder or crystalline compound
one and then thrown away. Abbr PCW. used as a rising agent in baking. Formula:
Compare industrial waste KHC4H4O6.
posterior aspect noun BIOL a view of potassium bromide noun CHEM a
the back of the body, or of the back of part white crystalline compound, used in
of the body lithography, medicine, photography and
postfix noun COMPUT a word or letter the manufacture of soap. Formula: KBr.
written after another potassium carbonate noun CHEM a
postfix notation noun MATHS a logical white salt used in brewing and in the man-
way of writing mathematical operations, so ufacture of ceramics, explosives, fertilis-
that the operator appears after the oper- ers, glass and soap. Formula: K2CO3.
ands, thus removing the need for brackets potassium chloride noun CHEM a col-
쑗 Normal notation is: (x-y) + z, but postfix ourless crystalline salt used as a fertiliser
notation is: xy – z +. and in photography and medicine. For-
postnatal adjective MED relating to an mula: KCl.
infant immediately after birth potassium cyanide noun CHEM a very
post office noun COMPUT a central store poisonous white crystalline salt used in the
for the messages for users on a local area extraction of gold and silver from ore, in
network photography and as an insecticide. For-
post office protocol 3 noun COMPUT mula: KCN.
full form of POP 3 potassium hydrogen carbonate
postsynaptic axon noun ANAT a nerve noun CHEM a white powder or granular
that receives messages at a synapse. Com- compound used in baking powder and as
pare presynaptic axon an antacid. Formula: KHCO3.
posttranscriptional adjective GENET- potassium hydroxide noun CHEM a
ICS referring to processes or components caustic and poisonous white solid, used in
that carry out genetic instructions only making soap, detergents, liquid shampoos
after the stage of transcription of a gene or and matches. Formula: KOH.
genes potassium iodide noun CHEM a white
posttranslational adjective GENETICS crystalline compound with a salty taste,
referring to processes or components that used in medicine and photography and
carry out genetic instructions only after added to table salt. Formula: KI.
translation of RNA to protein potassium manganate (VII) noun
potamology noun EARTH SCI the scien- CHEM same as potassium permanganate
tific study of rivers
potassium nitrate noun CHEM a white
potamoplankton plural noun BIOL crystalline salt, used as a fertiliser and meat
plankton that live in rivers preservative and in fireworks, explosives
potamous adjective ZOOL referring to and matches. Formula: KNO3.
animals that live in rivers potassium permanganate noun
potash noun CHEM any potassium salt CHEM a purple-coloured salt that is soluble
(NOTE: Potash salts are crude minerals and in water, used as a disinfectant. Formula:
contain much sodium chloride.) KMnO4. Also called potassium manga-
potash fertiliser noun AGRIC a fertiliser nate (VII), primary alcohol
based on potassium, e.g. potassium sulfate potassium sulfate, potassium sul-
potassium noun CHEM ELEM a soft phate noun CHEM a white crystalline pow-
metallic element, essential to biological der that is soluble in water. Formula:
life (NOTE: The chemical symbol is K; the K2SO4. Also called sulfate of potash
atomic number is 19 and the atomic weight potent adjective having a strong effect 쑗
is 39.10.) a potent drug
COMMENT: Potassium is one of the three
major soil nutrients needed by growing potential adjective capable of being, but
plants. The others are nitrogen and phos- not yet in existence 쑗 A designated fire
phorus. zone is a region where a potential fire risk
potassium bicarbonate noun CHEM may exist. 쐽 noun 1. ELEC voltage 쑗
same as potassium hydrogen carbonate charged to a high potential 2. ELEC the
potential difference 482
ability of energy to carry out work, by power noun 1. ENG the energy, especially
transformation 3. PHYS 쏡 electric potential electricity, which makes a machine or
potential difference noun ELEC the device operate 2. ELEC a unit of energy
voltage difference between two points in a equal to the product of voltage and current,
circuit measured in watts 3. MATHS the number of
potential divider noun ELEC same as times a number is to be multiplied by itself
쑗 5 to the power 2 is equal to 25. (NOTE: It
voltage divider
is written as a small figure in superscript:
potential energy noun PHYS the energy 105: say ‘ten to the power five’) 쐽 verb ENG
of an object because of its position or due to provide electrical or mechanical energy
to its being stretched or compressed (NOTE: to a device 쑗 The monitor is powered from
The energy is equal to mgh where m=mass a supply in the main PC.
of the object, g=acceleration of gravity and
h=height.) power cable noun INDUST a wire carried
across the countryside on pylons along
potential evapotranspiration rate which electric current travels from the
noun EARTH SCI the amount of water tran- power station where it was generated
spired from a site assuming that there is no
soil water limitation and complete vegeta- power down noun ELEC to turn off the
tion cover electricity supply to a device
potentially renewable resources -powered suffix INDUST operated by a
plural noun resources that could be particular type of energy 쑗 a wind-powered
replaced by natural environmental proc- pump
esses if they are depleted power failure noun 1. ENG a loss of
potentiate verb BIOCHEM (of two sub- engine power 2. INDUST a loss of electrical
stances) to increase each other’s toxic power supply
effects power line noun INDUST same as power
potentiation noun BIOCHEM the degree cable
of probable increased damage caused by power loss noun ELEC the amount of
the combined action of toxic substances power lost in transmission or due to con-
compared with their individual effects nection equipment
potentiometer noun ELEC ENG a device power management noun COMPUT
for measuring an unknown potential differ- software built into laptop computers and
ence or electromotive force without draw- some desktop PCs and monitors that will
ing current by comparing it against a automatically turn off components that are
known standard not being used in order to save energy
POTS noun TELECOM a standard tele- power monitor noun ELEC a circuit that
phone line without any special features shuts off the electricity supply if it is faulty
such as call waiting or forwarding and or likely to damage equipment
without high-speed digital access. Full power off noun ELEC the switching off or
form plain old telephone service disconnecting of an electrical device from
pound noun MEASURE a measure of its power supply
weight, equal to 16ounces or power on noun ELEC an indication that a
453.592grams. Symbol lb voltage is being supplied to a piece of elec-
powder noun a substance made of trical equipment
ground or otherwise finely dispersed solid power-on reset noun COMPUT the auto-
particles 쑗 Dry chemical fire-extinguishers matic reset of a computer to a known initial
contain a non-toxic powder. state immediately after power is applied
powdered adjective crushed to a fine dry power-on self test noun COMPUT a
dust series of hardware tests that a computer
powder metallurgy noun METALL the carries out when it is first switched on.
technique of producing solid objects from Abbr POST
powdered metals or carbides by compress- power pack noun ELEC a self-contained
ing or heating them without melting them box that will provide a voltage and current
powdery adjective having the texture or supply for a circuit
appearance of powder 쑗 The fungus forms power raising noun INDUST the action
as a powdery layer on leaves. of starting up a power station
483 precipitate
power station, power plant noun Pr symbol CHEM ELEM praseodymium
INDUST a building with machines that make practical extraction and report
electricity language noun COMPUT full form of Perl
COMMENT: A power plant makes electricity 쑗 If you want to add a search engine to
by using steam to turn turbines which them-
selves drive generators. High-pressure your website, you will need to write a Perl
steam is heated by burning coal, oil or program. (NOTE: It is usually used under
natural gas, or by energy from a nuclear Unix.)
reactor. The steam passes over the prairie noun EARTH SCI a large area of
turbines as a high-pressure jet, making the
turbines rotate. The steam is produced from grass-covered plains in North America,
fresh water which is heated in a boiler, then mainly without trees (NOTE: The prairies of
passed through the furnace again to be the United States and Canada are respon-
superheated. Superheated steam drives sible for most of North America’s wheat
the first turbine and then is returned to the production. In Europe and Asia, the equiv-
boiler again for reheating and then passing
over the second and third turbines. The alent term is steppe.)
steam is then condensed into water which praseodymium noun CHEM ELEM a soft
then passes back through the system silvery metallic element, used in alloys, arc
again. Although the steam used in power
plants is heated several times and is
lights and colouring for glass (NOTE: The
condensed into reusable water at the end of chemical symbol is Pr; the atomic number
the cycle, much of the energy generated to is 59 and the atomic weight is 140.91.)
heat the water and create steam is not pre- prefix COMPUT before or in front of
translated into electric power and is there-
fore wasted. pre-amplifier noun ELECTRONICS an
power supply noun ELEC 1. an electri- electronic circuit which amplifies a signal
cal circuit that provides certain direct cur- to a particular level before it is fed to an
rent voltage and current levels from an amplifier for output
alternating current source for use in other prebiotic noun BIOL, ALTERN MED a die-
electrical circuits 쑗 If the power supply tary supplement in the form of nondigesti-
from the amplifier to the gauge fails, the ble carbohydrate that favours the growth of
needle slowly falls to zero. 2. same as desirable microflora in the large bowel
power supply unit precautionary approach, precau-
power supply unit, power supply tionary principle noun ENVIRON a deci-
noun ELEC a device that regulates, smooths sion-making policy to take action to
and reduces the mains voltage level for use prevent possible environmental damage
in low power electronic circuits. Abbr even before there is scientific evidence that
PSU. Also called power supply damage will certainly occur
power surge noun ELEC a sudden precede verb to come before something
increase in the flow of electricity 쑗 This instruction cancels the instruction
power transient noun ELEC a very short which precedes it.
duration voltage pulse or spike precedence noun COMPUT a set of com-
power up verb ELEC to switch on or putational rules defining the order in which
apply a voltage to a electrical device mathematical operations are calculated
ppb abbreviation MEASURE parts per bil- (NOTE: Usually multiplications are done
lion first, followed by divisions, additions and
ppm abbreviation MEASURE parts per mil- finally subtractions.)
lion precession noun ASTRON the tendency
PPP abbreviation 1. COMPUT point to of the Earth’s axis to wobble in space over
point protocol 2. ENVIRON polluter-pays a period of 23000 years (NOTE: The Earth’s
principle precession is one of the factors that results
PPTP noun COMPUT a protocol that in the planet receiving different amounts of
allows a standard local area network proto- solar energy over long periods.)
col to be sent over the Internet in a trans- precipitant noun CHEM a substance
parent manner without the user or added to a solution to make solid dissolved
operating system noticing. Full form particles separate from it
point-to-point tunneling protocol precipitate CHEM noun the mass of solid
PPU abbreviation COMPUT peripheral particles that separate from a solution dur-
processing unit ing a chemical reaction 쐽 verb to make
precipitation 484
solid dissolved particles separate from a others 쑗 A cold northerly airstream pre-
solution dominates during the winter.
precipitation noun 1. METEOROL water preemptive multitasking noun COM-
which falls from clouds as rain, snow or PUT a form of multitasking in which the
hail 쑗 Annual precipitation is high in the operating system executes a program for a
mountain areas. 2. CHEM the action of period of time then passes control to the
forming solid particles in a solution next program, so preventing any one pro-
precipitation interference noun gram using all the processor time
interference to signals caused by rain, preferendum noun ECOL the area where
snow or hail a species flourishes best
precipitation scavenging noun ENVI- pre-fetch noun COMPUT a short tempo-
RON the removal of particles of polluting rary queue where instructions for a central
substances from the air in the form of acid processing unit are stored before being
rain processed, increasing the speed of execu-
precipitation tank noun INDUST a sew- tion
age tank in which a chemical is added to prefix noun 1. a part of word added at the
the sewage before it passes to the sedimen- beginning of a word to alter the meaning 쑗
tation tanks Pre- is a prefix meaning ‘before’. 2. COM-
precise adjective exact or accurate PUT a code, instruction or character at the
precision noun the accuracy to which a beginning of a message or instruction
calculation is performed, indicated as a prefix notation noun MATHS a logical
specific number of significant figures way of writing mathematical operations, so
precompiled code noun COMPUT a that the operator appears before the oper-
code that is output from a compiler, ready ands, removing the need for brackets 쑗
to be executed Normal notation is (x-y) + z, but prefix
notation is – xy + z.
precondition verb COMPUT to condition
data before it is processed pregnancy noun BIOL the time between
fertilisation and birth when the developing
precursor noun CHEM, BIOL a substance offspring grows inside the mother’s body
or cell from which another substance or
cell is developed 쑗 The biggest share of pre-ignition noun AUTOMOT the ignition
ozone precursors comes from emissions of the fuel/air mixture in the combustion
from vehicles. chamber, occurring before the spark 쑗
Pre-ignition is often caused by a hot spot in
predation noun ZOOL the killing and eat- the combustion chamber which ignites the
ing of other animals mixture.
predator noun ZOOL an animal that kills pre-imaging noun COMPUT the genera-
and eats other animals 쑗 The larvae are tion of one frame of an animation or video
predators of aphids. Opposite prey in a memory buffer before it is transferred
predatory adjective ZOOL referring to a on-screen for display
predator 쑗 predatory animals such as lions premolar noun DENT a chewing tooth
and tigers between the canines and the molars in each
predefined adjective defined in advance jaw
predicate noun COMPUT a function or preparation noun the act or a process of
statement used in rule-based programs getting something ready
such as expert systems prepotent adjective GENETICS effective
predictive agriculture noun same as in conferring genetic characteristics or in
intensive agriculture fertilisation
predominance noun the condition of preprocess verb COMPUT to carry out
being more powerful than others initial organisation and simple processing
predominant adjective 1. more power- of data
ful than others 쑗 The predominant air- preprocessor noun COMPUT 1. a piece
stream is from the west. 2. most common 쑗 of software that partly processes or pre-
The predominant hair colour in this popu- pares data before it is compiled or trans-
lation is black. lated 2. a small computer that carries out
predominate verb 1. to be more power- some initial processing of raw data before
ful than others 2. to be more common than passing it to the main computer
485 prevalent
preprogrammed adjective COMPUT place to another on the ground (NOTE: It is
referring to a chip that has been pro- shown on a map by isobars.)
grammed during manufacture to perform pressure group noun a group that tries
one function to influence governments and public opin-
presbyopia noun OPHTHALMOL a reduc- ion on a specific issue 쑗 The environmental
tion in the eye’s ability to focus with age association set up a pressure group to
prescan noun COMPUT a quick, low-res- lobby parliament.
olution scan to allow re-positioning of the pressure pattern noun METEOROL a
original or delimitation of an area that is to series of changes in pressure areas which
be scanned at a higher resolution take place regularly, e.g. every year
prescribe verb to set something down as pressure vessel noun INDUST a con-
a rule or a guide tainer that houses the core, coolant and
prescribed procedure noun an agreed moderator in a nuclear reactor
or accepted pattern of doing something pressurise, pressurize verb PHYS to
presentation layer noun COMPUT the increase the atmospheric pressure in a con-
sixth ISO/OSI standard network layer that tainer
agrees on formats, codes and requests for pressurised fluidised-bed com-
start and end of a connection bustion noun INDUST an economic
preservation noun the process of pro- method of burning low-grade coal in a fur-
tecting something from damage or decay 쑗 nace in which air is blown upwards
the preservation of herbarium specimens 쑗 through the burning fuel. Abbr PFBC
Food preservation allows some types of pressurised water reactor noun
perishable food to be eaten during the win- INDUST a type of nuclear reactor in which
ter when fresh food is not available. water is heated to steam under high pres-
preservative noun FOOD INDUST a sub- sure to turn turbines to generate electricity.
stance added to food to preserve it by slow- Abbr PWR
ing natural decay caused by prestore verb COMPUT to store data in
microorganisms (NOTE: In the EU, preserv- memory before it is processed
atives are given E numbers E200 – E297.)
preserve verb ENVIRON, FOOD INDUST to presumptive address noun COMPUT
protect something from damage or decay an initial address in a program, used as a
reference for others
preset verb COMPUT to set something in
advance 쑗 The printer was preset with new presumptive instruction noun COM-
page parameters. PUT an unmodified program instruction
which is processed to obtain the instruction
press verb to push something with the to be executed
fingers 쑗 To end the program press
ESCAPE. presynaptic axon noun ANAT a nerve
pressure noun 1. the physical action of that transmits messages across a synapse.
squeezing or forcing 2. PHYS the force of Compare postsynaptic axon
something on its surroundings 쑗 popula- pretty good privacy noun COMPUT an
tion pressure 왍 pressure of numbers too encryption system developed to allow any-
many of something 쑗 The park is suffering one to protect the contents of his or her
from pressure of numbers – it’s too popular e-mail messages from unauthorised read-
with visitors. 3. strong influence to make ers. Abbr PGP (NOTE: This system is often
someone take or change an action used when sending credit card or payment
pressure altimeter noun AVIAT an details over the Internet.)
altimeter which operates using atmos- prevailing wind noun METEOROL the
pheric pressure (NOTE: The altitude indi- wind direction that is most frequent in a
cated by a pressure altimeter is the height specific place 쑗 The prevailing wind is
of the altimeter above the level of the pres- from the south.
sure set on the sub-scale.) prevalence noun frequency of occur-
pressure gauge noun PHYS a device rence 쑗 the prevalence of malaria in some
used for measuring the pressure of a gas or tropical countries 쑗 the prevalence of cases
liquid of malnutrition in large towns
pressure gradient noun METEOROL a prevalent adjective occurring frequently
change in atmospheric pressure from one 쑗 a fungus which is more prevalent in
prevent 486
deciduous forests 쑗 The disease is preva- primary key noun COMPUT a unique
lent in some African countries. identifying word that selects one entry
prevent verb to stop something happen- from a database
ing primary mineral noun EARTH SCI a
prevention noun an act or process of mineral formed initially from cooling
stopping something from happening magma, which has remained unchanged
preventive maintenance noun ENG primary particulates plural noun ENVI-
regular inspection and cleaning of a system RON particles of matter sent into the air
to prevent faults occurring from fires, industrial processes, vehicle
emissions, especially diesel, volcanic erup-
preventive medicine noun MED the tions, sandstorms and similar phenomena
practice of taking measures to prevent the
occurrence of diseases primary producer noun an organism
which takes energy from outside an eco-
prey noun ZOOL an animal which is killed system and channels it into the system, e.g.
and eaten by another 쑗 Small mammals are
a green plant (NOTE: Primary producers are
the prey of owls. Opposite predator
the first level in the food chain and are
prey on verb ZOOL to kill and eat another eaten by herbivores, which are secondary
animal 쑗 Water snakes prey on frogs and producers.)
small fish. primary product noun a product which
primary adjective first, basic or most is a basic raw material, e.g. wood, milk or
important fish
primary alcohol noun CHEM same as primary production noun ECOL the
potassium permanganate amount of organic matter formed by photo-
primary cell noun ELEC an apparatus synthesis
that generates electricity by means of an primary productivity noun 1. BOT the
irreversible chemical reaction (NOTE: A pri- rate at which plants produce organic matter
mary cell is not rechargeable.) through photosynthesis 2. ECOL the
primary channel noun COMPUT a chan- amount of organic matter produced in a
nel that carries the data transmission specific area over a specific period, e.g. the
between two devices yield of a crop during a growing season
primary colour noun one of the three primary sere noun ECOL the first plant
main colours in the spectrum, red, green community that develops on ground such
and blue, from which other colours are as cooled lava from a volcano where no
formed plants have grown before
primary commodity noun a basic raw primary storage noun COMPUT 1. a
material or food small fast-access internal memory of a sys-
primary consumer noun ECOL an ani- tem that contains the program currently
mal that eats plants, which are producers in being executed 2. the main internal mem-
the food chain. 쒁 secondary consumer ory of a system
primary coolant noun INDUST a sub- primary succession noun ECOL an
stance used to cool a nuclear reactor, which ecological community that develops in a
then passes to a heat exchanger to transfer place where nothing has lived before
its heat to another coolant which is used to primary treatment noun INDUST the
turn the turbines first stage in a treatment. In primary treat-
ment of sewage, suspended solids are
primary energy noun INDUST the power removed.
required to produce other forms of energy
such as heat or electricity primate noun ZOOL a mammal such as a
monkey, ape or human being
primary forest noun ENVIRON a forest
COMMENT: Primates are the highest order
which originally covered a region before of animals, with brains which are propor-
changes in the environment brought about tionately larger for their size than those of
by human activity other animals.
primary industry noun INDUST an prime adjective first 왍 of prime impor-
industry dealing with raw materials such as tance very important 쐽 verb MECH ENG to
coal, food, farm produce or wood pump fuel spray into a piston engine inlet
487 prism
manifold to make starting a cold engine printer buffer noun COMPUT a tempo-
easier rary store for character data waiting to be
prime meridian noun GEOG a line of printed, used to free the computer before
longitude situated at 0° and passing the printing is completed, making the oper-
through Greenwich, England ation faster
prime number noun MATHS a number, printer control language noun COM-
which, if there is to be no remainder, is PUT a standard set of commands, defined
only divisible by itself and 1, e.g. 13, 17, by Hewlett Packard, that allow a computer
19, 23, 29 to control a printer. Abbr PCL
primer noun 1. INDUST a protective sub- printer emulation noun COMPUT a
stance which is applied to a metal or wood printer that is able to interpret the standard
surface before painting 쑗 Interior metal set of commands used to control another
finishing is done with dust shedding gloss brand of printer
paint over a primer. 2. MECH ENG a small printer port noun COMPUT an output port
hand-operated pump used to spray fuel of a computer with a standard connector to
into the piston engine inlet manifold to which a printer is connected to receive
make starting a cold engine easier character data, either serial or parallel
prime vertical noun ASTRON the imagi- printing noun 1. COMPUT the action of
nary circle around the Earth that goes printing out text stored in a computer 2.
through the highest point of the celestial PRINTING the process of making books,
sphere directly above an observer and newspapers and other printed products
crosses the horizon at east and west print job noun COMPUT a file in a print
primitive adjective 1. referring to very queue that contains all the characters and
early or prehistoric times 2. BIOL referring printer control codes needed to print one
to an early stage in an organism’s develop- document or page
ment 3. COMPUT (in programming) refer- print preview noun COMPUT a function
ring to a basic routine that can be used to of a software product that lets the user see
create more complex routines 4. COMPUT how a page will appear when printed
(in graphics) referring to a simple shape print queue noun COMPUT an area of
such as circle, square, line or curve that is memory that stores print jobs ready to send
used to create more complex shapes to the printer when it has finished its cur-
primitive area noun ENVIRON an area of rent work
undeveloped land such as a forest that is print server noun COMPUT a computer in
protected as a national park or reserve a network that is dedicated to managing
primitive rock noun EARTH SCI a rock print queues and printers
formed in or before the Palaeozoic era print style noun COMPUT a typeface used
primordial adjective in a very early stage on a printer or for a specific document
of development prion noun BIOL a variant form of a pro-
primordium noun BIOL a tissue or organ tein found in the brains of mammals and
at its earliest stage of development causing diseases such as scrapie in sheep,
principal adjective most important BSE in cattle and variant CJD in humans
principle noun a theory, rule or natural or priority noun COMPUT the importance of
scientific law a device or software routine in a computer
print noun characters made in ink on a system 쑗 The operating system has priority
surface 쐽 verb COMPUT to put letters char- over the application when disk space is
acters in ink on a surface 쑗 a printed agree- allocated.
ment 쑗 printed regulations 쑗 The printer priority interrupt noun COMPUT a sig-
prints at 60 characters per second. nal to a computer that takes precedence
printed circuit board noun COMPUT a over any other task
flat insulating material that has conducting priority scheduler noun COMPUT a sys-
tracks of metal printed or etched onto its tem that organises tasks into correct
surface, which complete a circuit when processing priority to improve perform-
components are mounted on it. Abbr PCB ance
printer noun COMPUT a device that con- prism noun OPTICS triangular-sectioned
verts input data in an electrical form into a glass cylinder that can be used to split light
printed readable form into its spectral components or to recom-
privileged account 488
bine it once divided, because of the differ- alphabetical order, you can call it from the
ential rate at which glass refracts light of main program by the instruction SORT.
different wavelengths (NOTE: In astronomi- procedure-orientated language
cal equipment diffraction gratings have noun COMPUT a high-level programming
largely replaced prisms.) language that allows procedures to be pro-
privileged account noun COMPUT a grammed easily
computer account that allows special pro- process noun a series of actions or
grams or access to sensitive system data 쑗 changes that achieve a particular result 쑗
The system manager can access anyone the cooling process 쐽 verb 1. to deal with
else’s account from his privileged account. something in a particular way 쑗 The appli-
privileged instruction noun COMPUT a cations for permits have still to be proc-
command that can only be executed via a essed. 쑗 The core samples are being
privileged account, e.g. delete another processed by the laboratory. 2. INDUST to
account, set up a new user or examine pass- produce something by treating a raw mate-
words rial in a factory 3. CHEM to make a sub-
privileged mode noun COMPUT a mode stance undergo a chemical reaction 4.
of an Intel 80286 processor that is in pro- COMPUT to carry out a number of tasks to
tected mode and allows a program to mod- produce a result such as sorting data or
ify vital parts of the operating environment finding the solution to a problem 쑗 We
probability noun a statistical assessment processed the new data. 쑗 Processing all
of how likely something is 쑗 It is important the information will take a long time. 5. to
to identify the most significant threats to examine or to test samples
the population and what actions might be process bound adjective COMPUT
taken to reduce the probability of extinc- referring to a program that spends more
tion. time executing instructions and using the
probe noun a device inserted into some- central processing unit than in input/output
thing to investigate the inside or to obtain operations
information 쐽 verb to investigate the inside process chemical noun INDUST a
of something chemical that is manufactured by an indus-
problem noun 1. COMPUT a malfunction trial process
or fault 2. MATHS a mathematical question process control system noun COM-
problem definition noun COMPUT the PUT a system with complete input and out-
clear explanation, in logical steps, of a put modules, a central processing unit with
problem that is to be solved memory and a program, usually stored in
problem-orientated language noun ROM, and control and feedback devices
COMPUT a high-level programming lan- such as A/D and D/A converters that com-
guage that allows some problems to be pletely monitors, manages and regulates a
expressed easily. Abbr POL process
proboscis noun ZOOL 1. a long tube that processing noun 1. the activity of treat-
forms the mouthparts in butterflies and ing a raw material in a factory to make it
some other insects 2. an elephant’s trunk into something different 2. COMPUT the use
procedural adjective referring to proce- of a computer to solve a problem or organ-
dure ise data 쑗 Page processing time depends on
the complexity of a given page.
procedural language noun COMPUT a
high-level programming language in processor noun COMPUT a hardware or
which the programmer enters the actions software device that is able to manipulate
required to achieve the result wanted or modify data according to instructions
procedure noun 1. a method or way of produce verb to make something using
doing something, especially the usual or materials contained within itself or taken
expected way 쑗 You should use this proce- from the outside world 쑗 a factory produc-
dure to retrieve lost files. 쑗 The procedure ing agricultural machinery 쑗 a drug which
is given in the manual. 2. COMPUT a small increases the amount of milk produced by
section of computer instruction code that cows 쐽 noun what is produced 쑗 a stall
provides a frequently used function and selling fruit and other farm produce
can be called upon from a main program 쑗 producer noun 1. a person or company
This procedure sorts all the files into that produces something. Compare con-
489 program flowchart
sumer 2. BIOL an organism that takes proenzyme noun MICROBIOL a biologi-
energy from outside an ecosystem and cally inactive substance that is the precur-
channels it into the system, e.g. green sor of an enzyme. Also called zymogen
plants (primary producers) and herbiv- profession noun ECOL all the chemical,
ores (secondary producers) (NOTE: Pro- physical and biological characters that
ducers are the first level in the food chain.) determine the position of an organism or
producer gas noun INDUST same as air species in an ecosystem (NOTE: Examples
gas are ‘aquatic predator’ or ‘terrestrial herbiv-
product noun 1. MATHS the result after ore’.)
multiplication 2. CHEM something that is profundal zone noun EARTH SCI an area
produced by manufacture or in a chemical of water in a lake below the limnetic zone
reaction 3. the result or effect of a process progeny noun BIOL the young or children
production noun 1. the act of manufac- produced by any living thing
turing or producing something 2. BIOL the progeny test noun the evaluation of the
amount of heat or energy produced by the breeding value of an animal or plant vari-
biomass in an area ety by examining the performance of its
production ecology noun ECOL the progeny
study of groups of organisms from the progesterone noun BIOCHEM a female
point of view of the food which they pro- sex hormone produced by the corpus
duce luteum of the ovary to prepare the lining of
production efficiency noun the the womb for a fertilised ovum. Formula:
amount of energy which is taken into the C21H30O2.
biomass after consumption. Abbr PE program noun 1. COMPUT a complete set
production line noun INDUST a system of instructions which direct a computer to
of manufacturing a product in which the carry out a particular task 2. US spelling of
item moves slowly through a factory with programme 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to write or
new pieces being added to it as it goes prepare a set of instructions which direct a
along computer to perform a particular task 2.
production platform noun INDUST an US spelling of programme
oil rig in the sea where oil from several program branch noun COMPUT one or
wells is collected more paths that can be followed after a
production ration noun AGRIC the conditional statement
quantity of food needed to make a farm program compatibility noun COMPUT
animal produce meat, milk or eggs, which the ability of two pieces of software to
is always more than the basic maintenance function correctly together
ration program compilation noun COMPUT
production residue noun the waste the translation of an encoded source pro-
left after a production process gram into machine code
productive adjective 1. producing a lot program crash noun COMPUT the unex-
of something that can be used or sold 쑗 pected failure of a program due to a pro-
highly efficient and productive forms 쑗 gramming error or a hardware fault
making productive use of waste ground 2. program development noun COMPUT
giving a good outcome 쑗 a productive col- all the operations involved in creating a
laboration computer program from first ideas, initial
productive soil noun AGRIC soil which writing and debugging to the final product
is very fertile and produces large crops program execution noun COMPUT the
productivity noun the rate at which process of instructing a processor to exe-
something is produced 쑗 With new strains cute in sequence the instructions in a pro-
of rice, productivity per hectare can be gram
increased. program file noun COMPUT a file con-
product of incomplete combus- taining a program rather than data
tion noun CHEM a compound formed program flowchart noun COMPUT a
when combustion does not destroy all the diagram that graphically describes the var-
material being incinerated. Abbr PIC ious steps in a program
program instruction 490
program instruction noun a
COMPUT allows users to write a series of instructions
single word or expression that represents to define a particular task, which will then
one operation (NOTE: In a high level pro- be translated to a form that is understood
gram each program instruction can consist by the computer
of a number of low level machine code COMMENT: Programming languages are
instructions.) grouped into different levels. The high-level
languages such as BASIC and PASCAL
programmable adjective COMPUT able are easy to understand and use, but offer
to accept and store instructions then exe- slow execution time since each instruction
cute them is made up of a number of machine code
instructions. Low-level languages such as
programmable interrupt controller assembler are more complex to read and
noun COMPUT a circuit or chip that can be program in but offer faster execution time.
programmed to ignore specific interrupts, program register noun COMPUT a reg-
accept only high priority interrupts and ister in a central processing unit that con-
select the priority of interrupts tains an instruction during decoding and
programmable logic array, pro- execution operations
grammable logic device noun COMPUT an program report generator noun
integrated circuit that can be permanently COMPUT a piece of software that allows
programmed to perform logic operations users to create reports from files, databases
on data using a matrix of links between and other stored data
input and output pins. Abbr PLA, PLD
COMMENT: A programmable logic array
program run noun COMPUT the execu-
consists of a large matrix of paths between tion of the instructions in a program in the
input and output pins, with logic gates and a correct order
fusible link at each connection point which program segment noun COMPUT a sec-
can be broken or left to conduct when
programming to define a function from input tion of a main program that can be exe-
to output. cuted in its own right, without the rest of
programmable memory noun COM- the main program being required
PUT an electronic device in which data can program stack noun COMPUT a section
be stored. Abbr PROM of memory reserved for storing temporary
programmable read-only memory system or program data
noun COMPUT a memory integrated circuit program status word noun COMPUT a
that can be programmed with data by a word which contains a number of status
user. Abbr PROM (NOTE: Some PROMs bits such as carry flag, zero flag or over-
provide permanent storage, others such as flow bit. Abbr PSW
EPROMs are erasable.) program testing noun COMPUT the test-
programme noun a planned course of ing of a new program with test data to
action 쑗 a research programme 쐽 verb 1. to ensure that it functions correctly
analyse or plan something 쑗 The review is progression noun a continuous series or
programmed to take place next month. 2. to sequence 쑗 The instruments are checked in
make an organism behave in a particular logical progression from left to right.
way 쑗 Some plants are naturally pro- progressive adjective (of movement)
grammed to respond to day length. gradual 쑗 progressive deterioration of
programmer noun COMPUT 1. a person muscle function 쑗 Throttle movements
who is capable of designing and writing a should be kept to a minimum and be
working program 쑗 The programmer is smooth and progressive.
still working on the new software. 2. a prohibit verb 1. to say that something
device that allows data to be written into a should not be done 쑗 prohibit the use of
programmable read only memory CFCs in aerosols 쑗 Smoking is prohibited
programmer’s hierachical interac- in this area. 2. to prevent something from
tive graphics standard noun COMPUT happening 쑗 The persistence of DDT pro-
full form of PHIGS hibits its general use for malaria control.
programming noun COMPUT 1. the writ- project noun a plan or scheme of work 쑗
ing of programs for computers 2. the writ- a land reclamation project 쐽 verb 1. to
ing of data into a PROM device stick out 쑗 The groynes project into the sea.
programming language noun COM- 2. to estimate something in the future from
PUT a set of rules and vocabulary that current information 쑗 Research costs are
491 propellant
projected to rise sharply. 3. to make an promoter noun 1. CHEM a substance that
image appear on a surface increases the activity of a catalyst 2.
projectile adjective 1. moving forwards GENETICS a gene that controls the expres-
with force 2. ZOOL able to push suddenly sion of structural genes. Also called pro-
forward, as are the jaws of some fish or the moter gene
mouthparts of a dragonfly larva 쐽 noun an promoter gene noun GENETICS same as
object that is thrown or moves with force promoter 2
projection noun 1. a part that sticks out promotion noun the activity of encour-
2. an estimate or assessment of something aging or enabling something to take place
that will happen in the future 3. the produc- 쑗 the promotion of recycling schemes
tion of an image on a surface 4. GEOG a
technique for making a map prompt noun COMPUT a message or char-
acter displayed to remind the user that an
prokaryote noun BIOL a simple organism input is expected 쑗 The prompt READY
such as a bacterium whose DNA is not indicates that the system is available to
contained within a nucleus. Compare receive instructions.
proof noun MATHS the series of logical
prokaryotic adjective BIOL referring to stages used to establish whether a mathe-
prokaryotes matical or philosophical proposition is
prolactin noun BIOCHEM a hormone pro- valid
duced by the pituitary gland that stimulates
milk production after childbirth propagate verb 1. BIOL to reproduce 2.
AGRIC to produce new plants by a tech-
proline noun BIOCHEM an amino acid nique such as taking cuttings, grafting,
found in many proteins, especially colla- budding or layering 쑗 fuschias propagated
gen. Formula: C5H9NO2. from cuttings 3. COMPUT to travel or spread
PROLOG noun COMPUT a high-level pro- propagated error noun COMPUT one
gramming language using logical opera- error in a process that has affected later
tions for artificial intelligence and data operations
retrieval applications. Full form program-
ming in logic propagation noun 1. AGRIC the produc-
tion of new plants 쑗 propagation by run-
prolong verb to increase the duration or ners 쒁 vegetative propagation 2. ELEC the
time of something, sometimes unnecessar-
transmission of radio waves 쑗 The speed of
ily 쑗 to prolong the life of an engine
propagation of radio waves is slower over
prolonged adjective lasting for a long land than sea.
time 쑗 prolonged drought
propagation delay noun COMPUT 1.
PROM COMPUT 1. same as programma- the time taken for an output to appear in a
ble memory 2. same as programmable logic gate after the input is applied 2. the
read-only memory time taken for a data bit to travel over a net-
promethium noun CHEM ELEM a radio- work from the source to the destination
active metallic element used in phospho- propagator noun BOT a closed but trans-
rescent paints and as an X-ray source parent container in which seed can be sown
(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Pm; the
or cuttings grown in a moist, warm atmos-
atomic number is 61 and the atomic weight
is 145.)
prominence noun ASTRON a visible propanal noun CHEM a colourless liquid
stream of glowing gas that shoots out from aldehyde. Formula: C2H5CHO.
the Sun, seen in the upper chromosphere propane noun INDUST a gas found in
and lower corona (NOTE: Prominences are petroleum, which is sold commercially in
visible at the rim of the Sun during an liquid form under pressure as LPG
eclipse.) propel verb to cause something to move,
promontory noun EARTH SCI an area of especially at speed 쑗 Fronts are propelled
high land which projects into the sea by the wind behind them.
promote verb to encourage or enable propellant noun INDUST 1. a gas used in
something to take place 쑗 Growth-promot- an aerosol can to make the spray come out
ing hormones are used to increase the 2. a substance used to make something
weight of beef cattle. move forwards, e.g. rocket fuel
propeller 492
propeller noun AEROSP a rotating shaft pany for its products and incompatible
with blades which, together with the with other products
engine, moves an aircraft through the air propulsion noun the act or an instance
propeller blade noun AEROSP one of of pushing or driving forwards
the elements of a propeller which generate propulsive adjective pushing or driving
lift when the unit is turning 쑗 The propeller is a means of converting
propelling nozzle noun the extreme engine power into a propulsive force called
rear part of a jet engine where the jet thrust.
exhaust enters the atmosphere propylene noun INDUST a substance
propene noun CHEM same as propylene obtained from petroleum, used in the man-
propenoic acid noun CHEM same as ufacture of plastics and chemicals. For-
acrylic acid mula: C3H6.
propenonitrile noun CHEM same as prostaglandin noun a hormone that is
acrylonitrile used to make oestrus happen in many ani-
proper fraction noun MATHS a fraction mals at the same time and to start the birth
in which the value of the numerator is less process or abortion
than the value of the denominator, e.g. prosthetic group noun BIOCHEM the
⁶⁄₈ nonprotein part of a conjugated protein,
property noun 1. a distinctive character- e.g. the lipid group in a lipoprotein
istic of something 쑗 We use the energy-pro- protactinium noun CHEM ELEM a poi-
ducing properties of uranium isotopes in sonous radioactive metallic element
nuclear reactors. 2. something which derived from uranium ores (NOTE: The
belongs to someone 쑗 The institute is the chemical symbol is Pa; the atomic number
property of a large corporation. 쑗 Inven- is 91 and the atomic weight is 231.04.)
tions are regarded as intellectual property. protease noun BIOCHEM a digestive
3. land and buildings enzyme which breaks down proteins in
prophage noun GENETICS a dormant food
form of a virus that infects bacteria (bacte- protect verb to stop something being
riophage) that has integrated its genetic damaged or harmed
material into its host or replicates without
harm to the host protected adjective ENVIRON referring to
a species that has been legally identified as
prophase noun BIOL the first stage of cell in danger of extinction, or an area of sea or
division, when the nuclear membrane van- land that has special value for the mainte-
ishes and the chromosomes can be seen nance of biological diversity and natural
prophylactic adjective MED referring to resources
an activity that helps to prevent the devel- protected field noun COMPUT storage or
opment of disease or infection a display area that cannot be altered by the
prophylaxis noun MED the practice of user
taking of measures to prevent disease or
infection protected location noun COMPUT a
memory location that cannot be altered or
proportion noun 1. a part of the whole accessed without authorisation
compared with another part 쑗 a small pro-
portion 2. 왍 in proportion to directly protected storage noun COMPUT a sec-
related to 쑗 The force required to move the tion of memory that cannot be altered
control column is in proportion to the force protection noun the act or an instance of
being exerted by the control surface. keeping something from harm, injury or
proportional adjective 1. comparable 2. damage
related to something by a constant ratio 쑗 protection master noun a spare copy
The wind blows along contours with low of a master film or tape
values on the left, and the speed is directly protective adjective intended or able to
proportional to the contour gradient. keep something else from harm, injury or
proposition noun MATHS a statement or damage
theorem to be demonstrated protective coloration noun ZOOL a
proprietary file format noun COMPUT pattern of colouring that protects an animal
a method of storing data devised by a com- from attack
493 PSA test
protein noun BIOCHEM a nitrogen com- cer-causing virus to become a cancer-caus-
pound formed by the condensation of ing gene
amino acids that is present in and is an protoplasm noun BIOL a substance like a
essential part of living cells jelly which makes up the largest part of
COMMENT: Proteins are necessary for the each cell
growth and repair of the body’s tissue. They
are mainly formed of carbon, nitrogen and protoplasmic adjective BIOL referring to
oxygen in various combinations as amino protoplasm
acids. Foods such as beans, meat, eggs, protoplast noun BIOL a basic cell unit in
fish and milk are rich in protein. a plant formed of a nucleus and protoplasm
protein balance noun PHYSIOL a situa- prototype noun COMPUT the first work-
tion when the nitrogen intake in protein is ing model of a device or program, which is
equal to the excretion rate in urine then tested and adapted to improve it
protein deficiency noun HEALTH a lack prototyping noun COMPUT the construc-
of enough proteins in the diet tion of a prototype
protein engineering noun BIOTECH the protozoan noun MICROBIOL a sin-
process of changing the sequence of a gene gle-celled organism that is able to move
coding for a protein in order to bring about and feeds on organic nitrogen and carbon
desirable changes in function compounds (NOTE: Protozoans are now
proteolysis noun PHYSIOL the breaking regarded as part of the kingdom Pro-
down of proteins in food by digestive toctista.)
enzymes protractor noun 1. MATHS an instrument
proteolytic adjective PHYSIOL referring shaped like a semicircle marked with the
to proteolysis 쑗 a proteolytic enzyme degrees of a circle, used to measure or
prothallus noun BOT a tiny green struc- mark out angles 2. ANAT a muscle with the
ture that produces the sex cells of ferns and function of extending a body part
related plants prove verb 1. to show that something is
prothrombin noun BIOCHEM a protein in true 쑗 The pilot proved that he was not at
blood which helps it to coagulate and fault. 2. to be discovered to have a particu-
which needs vitamin K to be effective lar quality 쑗 Dry chemical extinguishers
protist noun BIOL an organism belonging are used primarily for electrical fires and
to an older system of classification that have also proved effective on liquid fires.
includes protozoans, bacteria, and sin- proventriculus noun ZOOL the gizzard
gle-celled algae and fungi. Kingdom: of birds, or the thick-walled stomach of
Protista. insects and crustaceans
protium noun CHEM the commonest light province noun a biogeographical area
isotope of hydrogen within a region that is defined by the plants
proto- prefix first and animals that inhabit it
protocol noun COMPUT a set of provirus noun MICROBIOL a form of a
pre-agreed signals, codes and rules to be virus that integrates into the genetic mate-
used for data exchange between systems rial of the host and is passed on from one
protocol stack noun COMPUT the sepa- generation to the next
rate parts of a protocol, each with a differ- proximal adjective BIOL nearer to the cen-
ent function, that work together to provide tre or point of attachment. Compare distal
a complete set of network functions proximity noun nearness in space or time
proton noun PHYS a particle with a posi- 쑗 The two aircraft were in close proximity.
tive charge and with mass almost identical prussic acid noun CHEM same as hydro-
to that of a neutron, found in the nucleus of cyanic acid
an atom pS abbreviation MEASURE, COMPUT pico-
protonic acid noun CHEM a compound second
that frees solvated hydrogen ions from a PSA abbreviation BIOCHEM, MED pros-
polar solvent tate-specific antigen
proton number noun PHYS same as PSA test noun MED a test for prostate
atomic number cancer that detects the presence in the
proto-oncogene noun GENETICS a gene blood of a protein produced by prostate
that may mutate or be activated by a can- cells
pseudo- 494
pseudo- prefix similar to something, but psychogenic, psychogenetic, psy-
not the same chogenous adjective PSYCHIAT (of an ill-
pseudocarp noun BOT a fruit such as a ness) starting in the mind, rather than in a
strawberry formed by fusion of the ripened physical state
ovary with another structure, usually the psychological adjective 1. referring to
receptacle psychology 2. caused by a mental state
pseudogene noun GENETICS a nonfunc- psychological dependence noun
tional DNA sequence that resembles the HEALTH a state where a person is addicted
sequence of a functional gene to a drug such as cannabis but does not suf-
pseudohalogen noun CHEM a group of fer physical effects if they stop taking it
simple inorganic compounds that resemble psychology noun the study of human
halogens behaviour and mental processes
pseudo-instruction noun COMPUT (in psychometrics noun a way of measur-
an assembly language program) a label ing intelligence and personality where the
that represents a number of instructions result is shown as a number on a scale
pseudo-operation noun COMPUT (in an Pt symbol CHEM ELEM platinum
assembler program) a command that con- pteridophyte noun BOT a plant that does
trols the assembler rather than producing not produce flowers or seeds and repro-
machine code duces by means of spores, e.g. ferns or
pseudoparenchyma noun FUNGI a some mosses. Division: Pteridophyta.
mass of interwoven hyphae p-type conductivity noun PHYS con-
pseudopodium noun ZOOL a temporary duction within a p-type semiconductor
bulge in part of the cell wall of a protozoan provided by positively charged holes
that helps it to move around and capture its where there were once electrons
food p-type semiconductor noun PHYS a
pseudo-random adjective COMPUT semiconductor material such as silicon
referring to a generated sequence that which has an impurity added to remove
appears random but is repeated over a long some electrons, creating positively charged
period holes which can carry electrical charge
PSS abbreviation COMPUT packet switch- Pu symbol CHEM ELEM plutonium
ing service puberty noun PHYSIOL the human proc-
PSU abbreviation ELEC power supply unit ess of becoming sexually mature, marked
COMMENT: A PSU will regulate, smooth and by the development of secondary sex char-
step down a higher voltage supply for use in acteristics and, in girls, by the start of men-
small pieces of electronic equipment. struation
psych- prefix PSYCHIAT same as psycho- pubes ANAT plural of pubis
(NOTE: used before vowels) pubic adjective ANAT referring to or
psychiatric adjective PSYCHIAT referring located near the pubes
to psychiatry 쑗 psychiatric treatment pubis noun ANAT one of a pair of bones
psychiatrist noun PSYCHIAT a doctor that form the lower front section of each
who specialises in the diagnosis and treat- hipbone and are joined at the front of the
ment of patients with mental disorders pelvis
psychiatry noun PSYCHIAT a branch of public adjective concerning or available
medicine concerned with the diagnosis and to all people in general
treatment of mental disorders public data network noun COMPUT,
psycho- prefix PSYCHIAT the mind TELECOM a data transmission service for
psychoanalysis noun PSYCHIAT treat- the public, e.g. the main telephone system
ment of mental disorder in which a special- in a country. Abbr PDN
ist talks to the patient about the past events public domain noun the condition of
which might have caused it not being protected by copyright and avail-
psychoanalyst noun PSYCHIAT a spe- able to all people in general 쑗 The informa-
cialist in psychoanalysis tion is now in the public domain.
psychoanalytic, psychoanalytical public enquiry /p blik iŋkwairi/
adjective PSYCHIAT referring to psychoa- noun 1. a set of official meetings that mem-
nalysis bers of the public may attend to investigate
495 pumped-storage system
why something happened or whether pulse noun 1. ELEC a short burst of cur-
something should happen in future 쑗 They rent or voltage 2. PHYSIOL a pressure wave
called for a public enquiry on the road that can be felt in an artery each time the
plans. 2. a request for information to an heart beats to pump blood 쑗 Her pulse is
organisation made by a member of the pub- very irregular. (NOTE: The average adult
lic pulse is about 72 beats per minute.) 왍 to
public key encryption noun COMPUT take or feel someone’s pulse BIOL to place
a method of encrypting data that uses one fingers on an artery to feel the pulse and
key to encrypt the data and another differ- count the number of beats per minute 3.
ent key to decrypt the data any regular recurring variation in quantity
puddingstone noun EARTH SCI a type of 4. PLANTS a leguminous plant that pro-
stone which is formed from other stones duces seeds eaten as food, e.g. a bean or
fused together pea 쑗 Pulses provide a large amount of
puff noun GENETICS an enlarged region on protein. 쐽 verb ELEC to apply a short-dura-
a chromosome where RNA synthesis is tion voltage level to a circuit 쑗 We pulsed
taking place the input but it still would not work.
COMMENT: Electric pulses can be used to
pull verb COMPUT to remove data from a transmit information, as the binary digits 0
stack. Compare push and 1 correspond to ‘no pulse’ and ‘pulse’.
pull-down menu noun COMPUT a set of The voltage level used to distinguish the
options that are displayed below the rele- binary digits is often zero, for the digit 0, and
5 or 12 volts, for the digit 1, with the pulse
vant entry on a menu bar 쑗 The pull-down width depending on transmission rate.
menu is viewed by clicking on the menu bar
at the top of the screen. Compare
pulse-code modulation noun COM-
PUT a way of storing sounds in an accurate,
pop-down menu
compact format that is used by high-end
pulmonary adjective ANAT referring to sound cards. Abbr PCM
the lungs
pulse-dialling noun TELECOM telephone
pulmonary anthrax noun MED a form dialling that dials a telephone number by
of pneumonia caused by inhaling anthrax sending a series of pulses along the line
bacteria (NOTE: Pulse-dialling takes longer to dial
pulmonary artery noun ANAT either of than the tone-dialling system.)
the two arteries that take blood from the pulse oximetry noun MED a method of
right side of the heart to the lungs to collect measuring the oxygen content of arterial
oxygen blood
pulmonary circulation noun PHYSIOL
pulse point noun MED a place on the
the circulation of blood from the heart body where the pulse can be easily taken
through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs
for oxygenation and back to the heart pulse pressure noun MED the differ-
through the pulmonary veins. Also called ence between the diastolic and systolic
lesser circulation pressure
pulmonary valve noun ANAT a valve at pulse stream, pulse train noun ELEC a
the opening of the pulmonary artery continuous series of similar pulses
pulmonary vein noun ANAT one of the pulverisation, pulverization noun
four veins that carry oxygenated blood INDUST a stage in the treatment of waste
from the lungs back to the left atrium of the where it is reduced to small particles
heart (NOTE: The pulmonary veins are the pulverise, pulverize verb INDUST to
only veins that carry oxygenated blood.) reduce something to small particles
pulp noun 1. the soft inside of a fruit or pumice, pumice stone noun EARTH SCI
vegetable 2. a thick soft substance made by a light glass-like substance formed from
crushing 쑗 wood pulp foam at the edge of a lava flow
pulpwood noun INDUST a softwood used pump noun MECH ENG a machine which
for making paper forces liquid or air into or out of something
pulsar noun ASTRON a small dense star 쑗 a water pump 쑗 a bicycle pump 쐽 verb to
that emits brief intense bursts of visible force liquid or air into or out of something
radiation, radio waves and X-rays (NOTE: pumped-storage system noun
Pulsars are believed to be rapidly rotating INDUST a hydroelectric system in which
neutron stars.) electricity is generated at times of peak
pumping station 496
demand and water is pumped up to a high purification plant noun INDUST an
reservoir during offpeak periods installation where impurities are removed
COMMENT: A pumped-storage turbine acts from water
as an electricity generator when water pres- purify verb to make something pure or
sure is high and becomes a water pump
when water pressure is low, pumping water remove impurities from something
back up to the reservoir. purine noun BIOCHEM a chemical belong-
pumping station noun INDUST an ing to a group derived from uric acid that
installation where water, sewage or gas is includes the bases adenine and guanine
pumped along a pipe or out of the ground, found in DNA and RNA
up to a storage tank purity noun the state of being pure
pupa noun INSECTS a stage in the devel- purpose noun a function or use 쑗 The
opment of some insects such as butterflies purpose of the engine is to convert heat
when the larva becomes encased in a hard energy to mechanical energy.
shell (NOTE: The plural is pupae.) pus noun PHYSIOL the thick, yellow-
pupal adjective INSECTS referring to a ish-white fluid that forms in infected tissue
pupa and consists of white blood cells, tissue
debris and bacteria
pupate verb INSECTS (of an insect) to push verb to press something or to move
move from the larval to the pupal stage something by pressing on it
pupil noun ANAT the circular opening at pushbutton adjective activated by
the centre of the iris through which light pressing on a button
enters the eye (NOTE: It becomes larger in push instruction, push operation
dim light and smaller in bright light.)
noun COMPUT a computer instruction that
pure adjective uncontaminated or stores data on a LIFO list or stack
unmixed 쑗 Magnesium does not possess pushrod noun MECH ENG a steel or alu-
sufficient strength in its pure state for minium rod that moves a rocker arm (in a
structural uses. valve mechanism) 쑗 The camshaft oper-
pure alcohol noun CHEM 1. a colourless ates the pushrod.
liquid which is the basis of alcohols that push-up list, push-up stack noun COM-
are drunk, e.g. whisky, gin or vodka, and PUT a temporary storage queue system
which is also used in medicines and as a where the last item added is at the bottom
disinfectant 2. alcohol with 5% water. Also of the list
called ethyl alcohol, ethanol putrefaction noun BIOL the decomposi-
pure aluminium noun METALL alumin- tion of dead organic substances by bacteria
ium which has not been combined with any putrefy verb BIOL to decompose or rot
other metal to create an aluminium alloy putrescibility noun ENVIRON the ability
purebred adjective ZOOL referring to an of waste matter to decompose or rot
animal which is the offspring of parents putrescible adjective ENVIRON referring
which are themselves the offspring of par- to waste matter that can decompose or rot
ents of the same breed PV abbreviation ELEC photovoltaic
pure strain noun BOT a group of plants PVC noun CHEM a type of plastic that is
bred by self-fertilisation whose character- not biodegradable, used for floor cover-
istics remain always the same ings, clothes, shoes, pipes, etc. Full form
pure tone noun ACOUSTICS a sound polyvinylchloride
formed of a single frequency containing no PWR abbreviation INDUST pressurised
harmonics water reactor
purge verb 1. to flush a system with a liq- pylon noun 1. ELEC a tall metal structure
uid or gas to clean it 2. COMPUT to remove that supports electricity cables 2. AEROSP
unnecessary or out-of-date data from a file the structure on the wing of an aircraft that
or disk 쑗 Each month, I purge the disk of all supports an engine
the old email messages. pyloric antrum noun ANAT a space at
purification noun the action of making the bottom of the stomach, before the
something pure or of removing impurities pyloric sphincter
쑗 Activated sludge speeds up the process of pyr- prefix same as pyro- (NOTE: used
purification. before vowels)
497 Pythagoras
pyramid noun 1. MATHS a solid of which thymine, and uracil found in RNA and
each side is a triangle, with either a square DNA
or triangular base 2. ECOL same as pyra- pyrite, pyrites noun EARTH SCI a
mid of biomass gold-coloured form of iron sulfide. For-
pyramid of biomass noun ECOL a mula: Fe2S.
graphical representation of the different pyro- prefix burning
amounts of biomass at each trophic level, pyroclastic flow noun the flow of lava
with the highest biomass at producer level from a volcano
and the lowest at secondary consumer level pyrolysis noun CHEM the decomposition
(NOTE: The biomass at each level is about or conversion of one substance into
10% of that of the level beneath.) another by heat
pyramid of energy noun ECOL a graph- pyrometry noun PHYS the measurement
ical representation of the amounts of of high temperatures using a pyrometer
energy consumed at each trophic level pyrophoric adjective CHEM 1. igniting
pyramid of numbers noun ECOL a spontaneously in air 2. giving off sparks
graphical representation of the structure of when struck
an ecosystem in terms of what eats what pyrotechnic adjective CHEM relating to
(NOTE: The base is composed of producer fireworks
organisms, usually plants, then herbivores, pyrrole noun CHEM a colourless toxic liq-
then carnivores.) uid with a ring-like molecular structure
pyrenocarp noun BOT same as drupe found in biological substances such as
chlorophyll, haemoglobin and bile pig-
pyrethrum noun AGRIC an organic pesti- ments. Formula: C4H5N.
cide, developed from a form of chrysanthe- pyruvate noun CHEM a chemical com-
mum, which is not very toxic and is not pound derived from pyruvic acid. It is a salt
persistent or ester of this acid.
pyridine noun CHEM a poisonous flam- pyruvic acid noun CHEM a chemical
mable liquid with an unpleasant smell used formed in living cells when carbohydrates
in the manufacture of chemicals, drugs and and proteins are metabolised. Formula:
paints, and in textile dyeing. Formula: C3H4O3.
C5H5N. (NOTE: It occurs naturally in bone Pythagoras ASTRON a Greek philoso-
oil and coal tar.) pher (6thC.BC) remembered mainly for
pyridoxine noun BIOCHEM vitamin B6 his theorem about the properties of
COMMENT: Pyridoxine is present in meat, right-angled triangles. He was an adherent
cereals and treacle. Lack of pyridoxine of the idea that the Earth is round. His reli-
causes vomiting and convulsions in babies. gious and mathematical school produced
pyrimidine noun BIOCHEM a chemical ideas about the relative distance of objects
belonging to a group derived from pyrimi- from the Earth, based on their relative
dine that includes the bases cytosine, velocities across the sky.
Q noun MEASURE, PHYS unit of energy quadratic equation noun MATHS an
equal to 1018 Btu equation in which one or more terms are
QAM abbreviation COMPUT quadrature raised to the power of two but no higher
amplitude modulation quadrature amplitude modulation
QBE abbreviation COMPUT query by noun COMPUT a data encoding method
example 쑗 In most QBE databases, the used by high-speed modems, transmitting
query form looks like the record format in at rates above 2400bps. Abbr QAM (NOTE:
the database and retrieving data is as easy QAM combines amplitude modulation and
as filling in a form. phase modulation to increase the data
QISAM abbreviation COMPUT queued transmission rate.)
indexed sequential access method quadrilateral noun MATHS a two-dimen-
QSAM abbreviation COMPUT queued sional geometric figure with four sides
sequential access method quadruplex noun ELEC a set of four sig-
QSO abbreviation ASTRON quasi-stellar nals combined into a single signal
object quake noun EARTH SCI same as earth-
quad noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of quake (informal)
energy equal to 1015 Btu qualitative adjective referring to quality
quadbit noun COMPUT four bits that are qualitative analysis noun CHEM an
used by modems to increase transmission analysis of what is present in a sample
rates when using quadrature amplitude without reference to its quantities
modulation qualitative data plural noun
quad density noun COMPUT four bits of non-numerical records of variables kept
data stored in the usual place of one during experiments
quadr- prefix four qualitative inheritance noun GENET-
quadrant noun 1. MATHS a quarter of a ICS the inheritance of a major characteristic
circle 2. NAVIG a device for measuring the that distinguishes individual specimens of
height of stars, formerly used in calculat- a species
ing direction at sea quality noun how good or bad something
quadrantal adjective 1. MATHS referring is 쐽 adjective of a high standard 쑗 a quality
to a quarter of a circle 2. NAVIG referring to product
a quadrant quality assurance noun INDUST the
quadrantal error noun TELECOM a radio system of procedures used in checking that
signal error caused by the metal structure the quality of a product is good
of the receiving aircraft quality control noun INDUST the process
quadrantal height noun NAVIG a flight of checking that the quality of a product is
level in each of the compass quadrants good
designed to provide safe separation for air- quantifiable adjective able to be shown
craft heading towards each other in figures 쑗 The effect of the change in the
quadrat noun MEASURE, ECOL an area of waste disposal systems is not easily quan-
land measuring one square metre, chosen tifiable.
as a sample for research on plant popula- quantifier noun MATHS a sign or symbol
tions 쑗 The vegetation of the area was sam- that indicates the quantity or range of a
pled using quadrats. predicate
499 quark
quantify verb to state something as a quantum dot noun PHYS a small crystal
quantity or in figures 쑗 to quantify the containing a few hundred to several million
effect of the new legislation on pollution atoms that has specific quantum-mechani-
levels 쑗 The environmental benefits are dif- cal characteristics
ficult to quantify. quantum electrodynamics noun
quantisation, quantization noun 1. PHYS a quantum field theory that describes
PHYS the division of the energy of a system the properties of electromagnetic radiation
into separate small amounts (quanta) 2. and how it interacts with electrically
ELEC the conversion of an analog signal to charged particles
a numerical representation quantum field theory noun PHYS a
quantisation error noun ELEC an error quantum theory that assumes that elemen-
in converting an analog signal into a tary particles interact through the influence
numerical form due to limited accuracy or of fields around them
a rapidly changing signal quantum foam noun an extremely tiny
quantise, quantize verb 1. PHYS to hypothetical region of space-time in which
divide the energy of a system into separate numerous particles are formed and
small amounts (quanta) 2. ELEC to convert destroyed. Also called space-time foam
an analog signal into a numerical represen- quantum Hall effect PHYS same as Hall
tation 쑗 The input signal is quantised by an effect
analog to digital converter.
quantum mechanics noun PHYS the
quantiser, quantizer noun ELEC a device study of how atoms and elementary parti-
used to convert an analog input signal to a cles such as electrons interact, based on
numerical form that can be processed by a quantum theory
quantum number noun PHYS one of
quantising noise noun ELEC a noise on the set of whole or half numbers that
a signal due to inaccuracies in the quan- describe the properties and energy states of
tising process an elementary particle such as an electron
quantitative adjective referring to quan- or system
tity quantum theory, quantum theory of
quantitative analysis noun CHEM an radiation noun PHYS a theory developed
analysis of the quantity of a substance by a Danish physicist Neils Bohr (1885–
present in a sample 1962) which states that at the smallest
quantitative data plural noun numeri- scale, energy exists in discontinuous
cal records of variables kept during exper- ‘lumps’ or quanta rather than being infi-
iments nitely divisible (NOTE: Thus lines in the
quantitative inheritance noun spectra of stars mark the quantum of
GENETICS the inheritance of a characteris- energy separating two different energy lev-
tic that can vary slightly from specimen to els of a particular electron in an atom, the
specimen in a species energy of the transition being given by
quantity noun 1. an amount or number of Planck’s constant, h, multiplied by the fre-
items 쑗 He bought a large quantity of spare quency of the spectral line.)
parts. 2. a large amount 쑗 The company quantum well noun PHYS a thin layer of
offers a discount for quantity. 쑗 He bought material with a high density of electrons
a large quantity of spare parts. whose potential energy is less than the sur-
quantum noun 1. PHYS the smallest rounding layers and whose motion is
amount of a property of a system that can restricted to one dimension, often used in
change (NOTE: The plural is quanta.) 2. laser and semiconducting applications
COMPUT a packet of data that is the result of quarantine MED, VET noun the period
a signal being quantised when an animal, person, plant or ship just
quantum bit noun PHYS full form of arrived in a country is kept separate in case
qubit it carries a serious disease, to allow the dis-
quantum computer noun COMPUT a ease time to develop and so be detected 쐽
computer that uses the quantum mechani- verb to put a person, animal or ship in quar-
cal properties of elementary particles such antine
as photons for transferring, processing and quark noun PHYS an elementary particle
storing information that forms part of a hadron or a meson
quarry 500
(NOTE: There are six ‘flavours’ or types of queen noun INSECTS a large, fully devel-
quark, each of which occurs in three ‘col- oped female that lays eggs in a colony of
ours’.) social insects, e.g. bees or ants
quarry INDUST noun a place where rock is quench verb 1. to extinguish a flame or a
removed from the ground for commercial light 2. CHEM to cool a metal rapidly by
purposes 쐽 verb to remove rock from the placing it in liquid, in order to make it
ground for commercial purposes harder or softer depending on the metal
quarter noun MATHS one fourth of some- quench layer noun AUTOMOT a deposit
thing (1/4 or 25%) 쑗 The fuel tank is only a of unburnt hydrocarbons on the walls of
quarter full. cylinders in an internal combustion engine
quartile noun STATS one of three figures query noun a question arising from doubt
below which 25%, 50% and 75% of a total or uncertainty about something 쑗 a query
falls on the validity of the experimental method
쐽 verb to suggest that something may be
quartz noun EARTH SCI a mineral form of
silica, often found as crystals in igneous wrong
rocks (NOTE: Pure quartz is known as rock query by example noun COMPUT a
crystal.) simple language used to retrieve informa-
quartz clock, quartz crystal clock tion from a database management system
noun TECH a small slice of a quartz crystal
by, usually, entering a query with known
which vibrates at a specific frequency values, which is then matched with the
when an electrical voltage is supplied, used database and used to retrieve the correct
as a very accurate clock signal for comput- data. Abbr QBE
ers and other high precision timing appli- queue noun 1. a line of people or vehicles
cations waiting one behind the other 쑗 to form a
queue or to join a queue 2. a series of doc-
quasar noun ASTRON a compact object in uments such as orders or application forms
space that emits huge amounts of energy, which are dealt with in order 3. COMPUT a
sometimes equal to the energy output of an list of data or tasks that are waiting to be
entire galaxy. Also called quasi-stellar processed 쐽 verb COMPUT to add more data
object (NOTE: Quasars usually have a
or tasks to the end of a queue
large red shift which indicates extreme
remoteness.) queued access method noun COM-
PUT a programming method that minimises
quasi- prefix almost 쑗 a quasi-official input/output delays by ensuring that data
body transferred between software and an
quasi-instruction noun COMPUT (in an input/output device is synchronised with
assembly program) a label which repre- that device
sents a number of instructions queued indexed sequential
quasi-stellar object noun ASTRON access method noun COMPUT an
same as quasar indexed sequential file that is read item by
quaternary adjective 1. consisting of item into a buffer. Abbr QISAM
four parts 2. COMPUT referring to four bits, queued sequential access method
levels or objects noun COMPUT a queue of blocks waiting to
quaternary ammonium compound be processed, which are retrieved using a
noun CHEM a chemical whose structure is sequential access method. Abbr QSAM
similar to that of an ammonium compound quick-freeze verb FOOD INDUST to pre-
but in which organic groups replace the serve food products by freezing them rap-
four hydrogen atoms idly
Quaternary period noun EARTH SCI the quicklime noun AGRIC, INDUST a calcium
geological period which is still currently in compound made from burnt limestone
existence (NOTE: It is used in the composition of
cement and in many industrial processes.)
qubit noun COMPUT an elementary parti-
cle such as an electron or photon that can quicksilver noun CHEM same as mer-
store data and perform computational tasks cury
within a quantum computer’s processor quicksort noun COMPUT a very rapid file
and memory sorting and ordering method
501 quotient
quiescent adjective 1. EARTH SCI refer- quit verb COMPUT to leave a system or a
ring to a volcano that is not active 2. BOT program 쑗 Do not forget to save your text
referring to a seed that is not germinating before you quit the system.
because the conditions for germination are quota noun a fixed amount of something
unsatisfactory 3. COMPUT (of a process, which is allowed 쑗 A quota has been
circuit or device) not receiving an input sig- imposed on the fishing of herring.
nal quota system noun a system where
QuikClot MED a trademark for a granular imports or supplies are regulated by fixing
material that, when poured directly into a maximum or minimum amounts
wound, absorbs water from the blood, quotidian adjective recurring daily
thereby concentrating blood-clotting pro- quotient noun MATHS the result when
tein factors one number is divided by another
quinine noun PHARM an alkaloid drug COMMENT: When one number is divided by
made from the bark of a South American another, the answer is made up of a
tree, the cinchona, formerly used to treat quotient and a remainder, the fractional
the fever symptoms of malaria part. So 16 divided by 4 is equal to a
quotient of 4 and zero remainder, and 16
quintet noun 1. a group of five things 2. divided by 5 is equal to a quotient of 3 and
COMPUT a byte made up of five bits a remainder of 1.
R symbol MEASURE, PHYS roentgen rad noun MEASURE, PHYS a former unit of
Ra symbol CHEM ELEM radium measurement of absorbed radiation dose
(NOTE: The gray is now used for 100 rad.)
race noun 1. BIOL a group of individuals radar noun PHYS a method of detecting
within a species that are distinct, especially distant objects and establishing their posi-
physiologically or ecologically, from other tion, velocity or other characteristics by
members of the species. 쒁 landrace 왍 the analysis of radio waves reflected from their
human race all people 2. COMPUT an error surfaces. Full form radio detection and
condition in a digital circuit, in which the ranging
state or output of the circuit is very depend- COMMENT: Radar can detect storm clouds
ent on the exact timing between the input and is used in meteorology as well as by
signals (NOTE: Faulty output is due to une- aircraft to avoid flying through storm clouds.
qual propagation delays on the separate radar beam noun PHYS a shaft of radar
input signals at a gate.) waves directed towards a distant point
raceme noun BOT an inflorescence in radial adjective referring to lines of radius
which flowers are borne on individual having a common centre
stalks on a main flower stem with the radial artery noun ANAT an artery which
youngest flowers at the top of the main branches from the brachial artery, running
stalk near the radius, from the elbow to the palm
racemic mixture noun CHEM a chemi- of the hand
cal compound that neither deflects nor radial engine noun MECH ENG an engine
absorbs light passing through it because it in which the pistons are arranged like the
consists of a mixture of dextrorotatory and spokes of a wheel
laevorotatory isomers radial nerve noun ANAT the main motor
nerve of the arm
racemisation noun CHEM the process of
turning an optically active compound or radial pulse noun MED the main pulse in
mixture into a racemic one that has no opti- the wrist, taken near the outer edge of the
cal properties forearm, just above the wrist
radial transfer noun COMPUT data trans-
racemose inflorescence noun BOT a fer between two peripherals or programs
pyramidal or flat-topped flower head with that are on different layers of a structured
the youngest flowers developing nearest system such as an ISO/OSI system
the tip of the main stem or main side
branches radian noun MATHS a unit of measure of
rachis noun BOT the main stem that sup- radiant adjective PHYS sent out in the
ports an inflorescence or a compound leaf form of rays
rack noun 1. a storage unit consisting of radiant flux noun PHYS the flow rate of
shelves, compartments or bars for hanging radiant energy
things 2. COMPUT a metal supporting frame radiant heat noun PHYS heat which is
for electronic circuit boards and peripheral transmitted by infrared rays from hot bod-
devices such as disk drives ies (NOTE: An electric fire sends out radiant
rack-mounted adjective COMPUT refer- heat from a hot wire coil.)
ring to a system consisting of removable radiant heat transfer noun PHYS the
circuit boards in a supporting frame transfer of heat that occurs when there is a
503 radioactive waste
large difference between the temperatures radiation zone noun ENVIRON an area
of two surfaces that are exposed to each that is contaminated by radiation and
other but are not touching which people are not allowed to enter
radiate verb 1. to spread out in all direc- radiative forcing noun EARTH SCI a
tions from a central point 2. PHYS to send change in balance between incoming solar
out rays 쑗 Heat radiates from the body. 쑗 radiation and outgoing infrared radiation
Beta rays are radiated from a radioactive radiator noun ENG a liquid-to-air heat
isotope. exchanger that transfers engine heat to the
radiation noun 1. the process or state of outside air 쑗 Anti-icing additives are used
spreading out in all directions from a cen- in radiator coolants.
tral point 2. PHYS the waves of energy
which are given off when heat is trans- radical adjective MATHS referring to a
ferred 3. PHYS the waves of energy which mathematical root of another number or
are given off by a radioactive substance quantity 쐽 noun 1. MATHS a mathematical
COMMENT: Prolonged exposure to ionising
root of another number or quantity 2. CHEM
radiation from various sources can be same as free radical
harmful. Nuclear radiation from fallout from radicle noun BOT the tiny structure in a
nuclear weapons or from power stations, plant embryo from which the root will
background radiation from substances
naturally present in the soil or exposure to develop
X-rays, either as a patient being treated or radii noun MATHS plural of radius
as a radiographer, can cause radiation sick-
ness. First symptoms of the sickness are radio noun PHYS wireless transmission
diarrhoea and vomiting, but radiation can through space of electromagnetic waves in
also be followed by skin burns and loss of the approximate frequency range 10 kHz to
hair. Massive exposure to radiation can kill 300000MHz
quickly and any person exposed to radia-
tion is more likely to develop some types of radio- prefix PHYS 1. radiation 2. radioac-
cancer than other members of the popula- tive substances
tion. The main radioactive pollutants are radioactive adjective PHYS referring to a
strontium-90, caesium-137, iodine-131 and
plutonium-239. substance whose nucleus disintegrates and
radiation burn noun MED a burn on the gives off energy in the form of radiation
skin caused by exposure to a radioactive that can pass through other substances
COMMENT: The most common naturally
substance radioactive substances are radium and
radiation carcinogenesis noun MED uranium. Other substances can be made
the formation of cancer in tissue caused by radioactive for industrial or medical
exposure to a radioactive agent purposes by making their nuclei unstable,
so forming radioactive isotopes. Radioac-
radiation enteritis noun MED enteritis tive wastes are classified as low-level, i.e.
caused by exposure to X-rays not considered to be very dangerous, inter-
radiation fog noun METEOROL a fog that mediate and high-level, i.e. emitting
dangerous levels of radiation.
forms when the air just above ground level
is cooled as the land surface immediately radioactive decay noun PHYS a grad-
beneath it cools at night due to radiation of ual disintegration of the nucleus of radio-
heat active matter
radiation injury noun MED an injury radioactive isotope noun PHYS a natu-
caused by exposure to a radioactive agent ral or artificial isotope which gives off radi-
radiation ionisation noun PHYS same ation
as ionising radiation radioactive series noun PHYS a series
radiation pollution noun ENVIRON the of related radioactive nuclides, each of
contamination of the environment by radi- which decays into the next by emitting an
ation from a radioactive agent elementary particle until a stable nuclide
radiation sickness noun MED an ill- results
ness caused by exposure to a radioactive radioactive waste noun INDUST used
agent radioactive materials produced by nuclear
radiation unit noun PHYS a measure of power stations, industrial plants, hospitals
the radiation activity of a radio-isotope, and other installations
given in disintegrations per second. Former radioactive waste conditioning
name curie noun INDUST the processing of radioactive
radioactive waste isolation 504
waste to use it again or to make it safe for radio horizon noun PHYS a line along
disposal which direct rays from a radio frequency
radioactive waste isolation noun transmitter become tangential to the
keeping radioactive waste separate so that Earth’s surface
it does not contaminate other things radioisotope noun CHEM a radioactive
radioactivity noun PHYS the energy in isotope of a chemical element
the form of radiation emitted by a radioac- COMMENT: Radioisotopes are used in medi-
tive substance cine to provide radiation for radiation treat-
ment. They are also used to check how
radio altimeter noun AVIAT an altimeter organs function or if they are diseased, e.g.
that operates using a radio signal directed radioisotopes of iodine are used to investi-
vertically downwards, giving height above gate thyroid activity.
ground level radiologist noun MED a doctor who spe-
radio astronomy noun ASTRON a cialises in radiology
branch of astronomy that deals with the radiology noun MED the use of radiation
detection and analysis of radio waves emit- to diagnose disorders, as in the use of
ted from objects in space X-rays or radioactive tracers, or to treat
radiobiologist noun BIOL a scientist diseases such as cancer
who specialises in radiobiology radio-opaque dye noun MED a liquid
radiobiology noun BIOL the scientific which is introduced into soft organs such
study of radiation and its effects on living as kidneys so that they show up clearly on
things an X-ray photograph
radio button noun COMPUT a circle dis- radiopaque adjective PHYS opaque to or
played beside an option on screen that, blocking the passage of X-rays and other
when selected, has a dark centre (NOTE: forms of electromagnetic radiation
Only one radio button can be selected at
one time.)
radioresistant adjective MED resistant
to the effects of radiant energy
radiocarbon noun PHYS a radioactive
isotope of carbon with an atomic number radio scintillation noun ASTRON the
of 14 series of fluctuations in the strength of star
signals caused by fluctuations in solar
radiocarbon dating noun PHYS the wind
process of determining the age of an object
by assessing the amount of radiocarbon radioscopy noun MED the examination
that has decayed of an X-ray photograph on a fluorescent
radiodermatitis noun MED an inflam-
mation of the skin caused by exposure to a radiosensitive adjective MED (of a can-
radioactive agent cer cell) sensitive to radiation and able to
radio detection and ranging noun be treated by radiotherapy
full form of radar radiosensitivity noun MED the sensitiv-
radio frequency noun PHYS the electro- ity of a cancer cell to treatment by radiation
magnetic spectrum that lies in the fre- radiosonde noun METEOROL a radio
quency range 10 KHz–3000GHz. Abbr transmitter sent into the atmosphere
RF, R/F attached to a balloon to take readings such
radio galaxy noun ASTRON a galaxy that as altitude, pressure and temperature
emits waves in the radio frequency radiotelephony noun TELECOM the
radiogenic heat noun PHYS the heat transmission of speech by radio. Abbr R/T
generated by the decay of a radioactive radio telescope noun ASTRON a tele-
substance scope used to receive incoming radiation
radiograph noun MED a X-ray photo- from the sky
graph radiotherapy noun MED the treatment of
radiographer noun MED a person spe- a disease such as cancer by exposing the
cially trained to operate a machine to take affected part to radioactive rays such as
X-ray photographs X-rays or gamma rays
radiography noun MED the examination radio wave noun PHYS a type of electro-
of the internal parts of a patient by taking magnetic radiation of relatively low fre-
X-ray photographs quency
505 raise
radium noun CHEM ELEM a naturally radi- RAID abbreviation COMPUT redundant
oactive metallic element (NOTE: The chem- array of inexpensive disks
ical symbol is Ra; atomic number is 88 and rain noun 1. METEOROL water that falls
the atomic weight is 226.) from clouds as small drops 2. a period of
radius noun 1. MATHS a line drawn from wet weather 쐽 plural noun rains METEOROL
a point on the circumference of a circle to in some countries, repeated heavy falls of
the centre point, or the length of this 2. rain during a season of the year
ANAT the smaller of the two bones in an
rain-bearing cloud noun METEOROL
arm or foreleg same as raincloud
radius of curvature noun MATHS the
radius of a circle whose curvature matches rainbow noun METEOROL a natural phe-
that of a curve at some given point nomenon that occurs when light strikes
water droplets, especially when sunlight
radius of gyration noun PHYS the dis- hits rain or spray from a waterfall, creating
tance from the axis of rotation in a rotating a semicircle of rings of each of the colours
object where the mass of the object could of the spectrum
be located without changing its moment of
inertia raincloud noun METEOROL a cloud that
carries moisture in droplet form which can
radius vector noun ASTRON a line con- fall as rain
necting the centre of one astronomical
object and that of another in orbit around it raindrop noun METEOROL a drop of water
radix noun MATHS the value of the base of that falls from a cloud
the number system being used 쑗 The hexa- rainfall noun METEOROL the amount of
decimal system has a radix of 16. water that falls as rain on an area over a
radix complement noun MATHS 쏡 ten’s period of time 쑗 an area of high/low rain-
complement, two’s complement fall
radix notation noun MATHS a system of rainforest noun EARTH SCI a thick tropi-
numbers based on a particular radix cal forest which grows in regions where the
rainfall is very high
radix point noun MATHS a dot which
indicates the division between a whole unit rainmaking noun METEOROL the attempt
and its fractional parts to create rain by releasing crystals of salt,
radon noun CHEM ELEM an inert naturally carbon dioxide and other substances into
radioactive gas formed by the radioactive clouds
decay of radium that occurs naturally in rainout noun METEOROL a process
soil, in construction materials and ground whereby particles in the atmosphere act as
water. It can seep into houses and cause centres round which water can form drops
radiation sickness. (NOTE: The chemical which then fall as rain. Compare washout
symbol is Rn; the atomic number is 86 and rain shadow noun METEOROL a reduc-
the atomic weight is 222.) tion in rainfall on the lee side of a mountain
radon decay products plural noun rainstorm noun METEOROL a period of
CHEM substances that can be breathed into heavy rain accompanied by wind
the lungs where they continue to release
radiation as they decay further rainwash noun EARTH SCI the erosion of
soil by rain
radula noun ZOOL the feeding structure of
slugs and snails, consisting of a rib- rainwater noun METEOROL the water
bon-shaped tongue covered in tiny teeth which falls as rain from clouds
which rasp off small particles of food rainy adjective METEOROL characterised
raffinate noun CHEM the part of a liquid by a lot of rain
mixture that remains after the extraction of rainy season noun METEOROL the
other substances dissolved in it period in some countries when a lot of rain
ragged left noun PRINTING a printed text falls. Also called wet season
with a flush right-hand margin and uneven raise verb 1. to increase something 2. to
left-hand margin make something higher 3. AGRIC to make
ragged right noun PRINTING a printed plants germinate and nurture them as seed-
text with a flush left-hand margin and une- lings 쑗 The plants are raised from seed. 4.
ven right-hand margin AGRIC to breed and keep livestock
raised beach 506
raised beach noun EARTH SCI a beach of R & D department noun a department
sand left higher than sea level because the in a company that investigates new prod-
level of the sea has fallen ucts, discoveries and techniques
raised bog noun EARTH SCI a bog where random adjective not specially selected 왍
the dead moss has accumulated without at random EARTH SCI not using a particu-
decomposing, so raising the level of the lar method or pattern
bog above the surrounding land random access noun COMPUT the abil-
ram noun 1. AEROSP an increase in air ity to access immediately memory loca-
pressure caused by the forward speed of an tions in any order 쑗 Disk drives are random
aircraft 2. ZOOL a male sheep access, magnetic tape is sequential access
RAM noun COMPUT memory that allows memory.
access to any location in any order, without random access memory noun COM-
having to access the rest first. Full form PUT full form of RAM
random access memory. Compare SAM random number noun MATHS a number
COMMENT: Dynamic RAM which uses a which cannot be predicted
capacitor to store a bit of data as a charge random number generator noun
needs to have each location refreshed from
COMPUT a program which generates ran-
time to time to retain the data. However it is
very fast and can contain more data per unit dom numbers, used in lotteries, games and
area than static RAM, which uses a latch to sampling
store the state of a bit. It has the advantage random process noun COMPUT a sys-
of not requiring to be refreshed to retain its
data, and will keep data for as long as tem whose output cannot be related to its
power is supplied. input or internal structure. Also called
ram air noun AEROSP an airflow created direct access
by the movement of an aircraft, which is random sample noun a sample for test-
used to cool, ventilate or drive turbines 쑗 ing taken without any special selection
Oil cooling may be achieved by using ram random segregation noun GENETICS a
air or fuel. principle stating that during meiosis the
Raman effect noun PHYS the change in two separated partners of a chromosome
wavelength and phase of monochromatic pair are distributed randomly to the repro-
light as it travels through a transparent sub- ductive cells gametes, so that each gamete
stance (NOTE: It is used in Raman spectros- has the same chance of receiving either
copy to study molecular structures.) chromosome
RAM cache noun COMPUT a section of
Raney nickel noun METALL a form of the
high-speed RAM that is used to buffer data metal nickel, used as a catalyst
transfers between the faster processor and range noun 1. a series of different but
a slower disk drive similar things 쑗 a range of books on biol-
RAM chip noun COMPUT a chip that ogy 2. the difference between the lowest
stores data, allowing random access and highest values in a series of data 쑗 The
temperature range is over 50°C. 3. a set of
RAM disk noun COMPUT a section of allowed values between a maximum and
RAM that is made to look like and behave minimum 4. an area within two or more
as a high-speed disk drive, using special points 쑗 The geographical range of the
software plant is from the Arctic Circle to southern
ramet noun BIOL a single cloned organism Europe. 5. AGRIC a large area of grass-cov-
such as one produced by tissue culture ered farmland used for raising cattle or
ram pump noun ENG a water pumping sheep 6. EARTH SCI a group of mountains 쐽
device that is powered by falling water verb 1. to vary between limits 쑗 The tem-
RAM refresh rate noun COMPUT the perature ranges from 13°C to 18°C in that
number of times every second that the data month. 2. PRINTING to put text in order to
in a dynamic RAM chip has to be read and one side 왍 range left or right to move text
rewritten to align it to the left or right margin, or to
move the contents of a word to the left or
ranch noun AGRIC a large farm, specialis- right edge 3. to include many things 쑗 The
ing in raising cattle, sheep or horses lecture ranged over the whole area of med-
R & D abbreviation INDUST research and ical and agricultural genetic modification.
development 4. to move over a wide area
507 rational number
ranger noun FORESTRY a person in raster image processor noun COM-
charge of the management and protection PUT a raster that translates software
of a forest, park or reserve instructions into an image or complete
rank verb COMPUT to sort data into an page which is then printed by the printer 쑗
order, usually according to size or impor- An electronic page can be converted to a
tance printer-readable video image by an
on-board raster image processor. Abbr
Rankine scale noun PHYS an absolute RIP
temperature scale in which each degree is
equal to 1° F, with zero at –459.67° F and raster scan noun COMPUT one sweep of
the boiling point of water at 671.67° F the picture beam horizontally across the
front of a screen
Raoult’s law noun CHEM pa law that
states that the partial vapour pressure of a rate noun 1. an amount or proportion of
solvent is proportional to its mole fraction something compared to something else 왍
(NOTE: If a solution follows this law, it is the rate of population growth the
usually described as an ideal solution.) increase in population in an area divided by
the initial population 2. the speed at which
rape, rapeseed noun PLANTS same as something moves or changes compared
oilseed rape with another measurable quantity such as
rapid adjective acting, moving or chang- time 쑗 the rate of descent of the aircraft 3.
ing quickly the number of times something happens 4.
rapid access noun COMPUT a device or COMPUT a quantity of data or tasks that can
memory whose access time is very short be processed in a set time 쑗 The proces-
rapid access memory noun a storage sor’s instruction execution rate is better
location that can be read from or written to than the older version. 쐽 verb to evaluate
very quickly how good something is or how large some-
thing is
rapids plural noun EARTH SCI a part of a
river where water flows rapidly over large rate constant noun CHEM the propor-
rocks tionality constant in the equation that
relates the rate of a chemical reaction to the
raptor noun ZOOL a bird of prey concentrations of its reactants
raptorial adjective ZOOL referring to rap- rate-determining step noun CHEM the
tors slowest part of a chemical reaction that
rare adjective 1. not common 2. ENVIRON determines the overall rate of the reaction
(of a species) existing only in small local rated throughput noun the maximum
populations 3. EARTH SCI (of air) not con- throughput of a device that will still meet
taining much oxygen, especially at high original specifications
rate of natural increase noun the dif-
rare earth, rare-earth element noun ference between the crude birth rate and
CHEM ELEM a member of the lanthanide the death rate
series of the periodic table, which contains rate of population growth noun the
fifteen chemically similar elements with increase in population in a specific area
atomic numbers between 57 and 71 divided by the initial population
rare gas noun CHEM same as noble gas rating noun a classification according to a
rarity noun the state of being rare scale
COMMENT: Species of animals and plants ratio noun MATHS a relationship between
are classified internationally into several
degrees of rarity. Rare means that a two quantities expressed as the quotient of
species is not numerous and is confined to one divided by the other 쑗 The air/fuel
small local populations, but is not neces- ratio is 15:1. 쑗 Chart scale is the ratio of
sarily likely to become extinct. Vulnerable the chart distance to Earth distance.
means that a species has a small popula- (NOTE: The ratio of 7 to 4 is written 7:4 or
tion and that population is declining. Endan-
gered means that a species has such a 7/4.)
small population that it is likely to become rational number noun MATHS a number
extinct. that can be written as the ratio of two whole
raster graphics plural noun COMPUT numbers 쑗 24 over 7 is a rational number.
graphics in which the picture is built up in 쑗 0.333 can be written as the rational
lines across the screen or page number 1/3.
raw 508
raw adjective 1. FOOD INDUST (of food) reactance noun ELEC a component of
uncooked 2. (of a substance) unprocessed impedance in an alternating current circuit
or unrefined 3. INDUST (of sewage, water or reactant noun CHEM a substance that
waste) untreated reacts chemically with another
raw data noun COMPUT 1. data which reaction noun 1. an action that takes
have to be processed to provide useful place because of something that happened
information to the user 2. pieces of infor- earlier 2. an effect produced by a stimulus
mation which have not been input into a 3. CHEM a chemical change that occurs
computer system for analysis when two substances come into contact
raw material noun INDUST a substance and cause each other to change
which is used to manufacture something, reaction turbine noun ENG a turbine
e.g. ore for making metals or wood for where the blades on the turbine adjust to
making furniture the angle at which the jets of water hit them
raw sewage noun INDUST sewage which reactive adjective CHEM referring to a
has not been treated in a sewage farm 쑗 The chemical that reacts easily with other sub-
regulations prevent the discharge of raw stances
sewage. reactive dye noun CHEM a coloured dye
raw sludge noun INDUST the solid part of that forms a chemical bond with a fabric,
sewage before it is treated, which falls to providing very good colour fastness
the bottom of a sedimentation tank reactive mode noun COMPUT a compu-
ray noun 1. PHYS a line of light, radiation ter operating mode in which each entry by
or heat 2. ZOOL an arm of a starfish 3. BOT the user causes something to happen but
a distinct radial band of tissue in the stem does not provide an immediate response
of a plant 4. same as ray floret reactivity noun CHEM the degree to
which a substance reacts
ray floret noun BOT a long thin part
among those around a flower head of a read verb 1. to look at printed words and
plant belonging to the Compositae such as understand them 쑗 Conditions of sale are
a daisy or sunflower. Compare disc floret printed in such small characters that they
are difficult to read. 2. COMPUT (of an elec-
rayon noun TEXTILES a synthetic textile tronic device) to scan printed text 쑗 Can the
fibre made from cellulose, often regarded OCR read typeset characters? 3. COMPUT
as artificial silk to retrieve data from a storage medium 쑗
ray tracing noun COMPUT a method of This instruction reads the first record of a
creating life-like computer-generated file. 쑗 Access time can be the time taken to
graphics which correctly show shadows read from a record.
and highlights on an object as if coming reader level noun COMPUT one of two
from a light source modes that allows a user to run and interact
Rb symbol CHEM ELEM rubidium with a multimedia application, but not
RBE abbreviation BIOL relative biological modify it in any way
effectiveness read error noun COMPUT an error that
RDA abbreviation Recommended Daily occurs during a read operation, often
Amount because the stored data has been corrupted
RDBMS abbreviation COMPUT relational read head noun ELEC ENG a transducer
database management system that reads signals stored on a magnetic
medium such as a floppy disk and converts
RDF abbreviation INDUST refuse-derived them back to their original electrical form
fuel reading noun a piece of information indi-
RDZ abbreviation resource depletion zone cated by an instrument or gauge
Re symbol CHEM ELEM rhenium reading frame noun GENETICS a
react verb 1. to act in response to an sequence of three nucleotides on DNA or
action 2. CHEM to change chemical compo- messenger RNA that indicates the starting
sition on contact with a substance 쑗 The point for the instruction controlling the
electrolyte in the cells of a lead-acid bat- production of a polypeptide
tery reacts chemically with the plates. 쑗 read only adjective COMPUT referring to
Ozone is produced as a result of oxides a device or circuit whose stored data can-
reacting with sunlight. not be changed
509 receiving waters
read only memory noun COMPUT full real-time animation noun COMPUT
form of ROM animation in which objects appear to move
readout noun a display or presentation of at the same speed as they would in real life
data from calculations or storage 쑗 The (NOTE: Real-time animation requires dis-
rotating beam cloud base recorder/indica- play hardware capable of displaying a
tor operates continuously, day and night, sequence with tens of different images
and produces an automatic readout of every second.)
cloud base height. real-time operating system noun
readout device noun a device that COMPUT an operating system designed to
allows data to be displayed as numbers or control a real-time system or process-con-
characters trol system
ready-state adjective TELECOM (of a real-time processing noun COMPUT
communication line or device) waiting to the processing of data as they are received,
accept data without a time delay
reafforest verb FORESTRY to plant trees real-time system noun COMPUT a sys-
again in an area which was formerly cov- tem whose processing time is within the
ered by forest time span of the event being dealt with, so
reafforestation noun FORESTRY the that it can influence the source of the data
planting of trees in an area which was for- 쑗 In a real-time system, as you move the
merly covered by forest joystick left, the image on the screen moves
reagent noun CHEM a chemical substance left.
which reacts with another substance, espe- real-time transport protocol noun
cially one used in an experiment, test or COMPUT a data transport protocol devel-
process oped by the IETF that provides a guaran-
real address noun COMPUT an absolute teed data delivery over a network that does
address that directly accesses a memory not usually provide this type of quality of
location service. Abbr RTP (NOTE: It is usually used
to transfer video or multimedia data over a
real gas noun CHEM a gas that does not packet network such as the Internet.)
behave as an ideal gas
rear noun the part farthest from the front
realised niche noun ECOL the portion of 쑗 the rear of the aircraft 쐽 adjective at or
a fundamental niche that is actually occu- referring to the back 쑗 The rear part of the
pied by a species, resulting from the shar- aircraft is called the aft section. 쐽 verb
ing of resources in an ecosystem AGRIC to look after young animals until
real memory noun COMPUT the actual they are old enough to look after them-
physical memory that can be addressed by selves
a central processing unit. Compare virtual
reboot verb COMPUT to reload an operat-
ing system during a computing session 쑗
real number noun MATHS a number that We rebooted and the files reappeared.
is represented with a fractional part (NOTE:
It sometimes refers to a number repre- recall COMPUT noun the bringing back of
sented in a floating-point form.) text or files from store 쐽 verb to bring back
text or files from store
realo noun ENVIRON a member of the
Green movement who believes in working receive only noun COMPUT a computer
within the existing social system to effect terminal that can accept and display data
change but not transmit
real time noun 1. 왍 in real time happen- receiver noun PHYS a device that receives
ing at the same time as something else, incoming radio signals and converts them
without a time delay 쑗 The scan allowed us to sound or light 쑗 The transponder in the
to watch the baby moving in real time. 2. aircraft consists of a transmitter and a
COMPUT the processing of data as soon as receiver.
they are received receiver register noun COMPUT a tem-
real-time adjective COMPUT referring to porary storage register for data inputs,
something that happens at the same time as before processing
something else, e.g. the processing of data receiving waters plural noun ENVIRON
as soon as they are received rivers, lakes, oceans, streams or other bod-
receptacle 510
ies of water into which waste water or recipient noun MED somebody who
treated effluent is discharged receives blood, tissue or an organ from a
receptacle noun BOT 1. the top part of a donor
flower stalk that supports the flower. Also reciprocal adjective 1. referring to an
called thalamus (NOTE: In some plants action that each of two does to the other 2.
such as strawberry it develops into the MATHS referring to a number or quantity
fruit.) 2. the plant part that carries the repro- related to another in that they give one
ductive organs in lower plants such as when multiplied by each other 쐽 noun 1.
mosses and liverworts NAVIG an exactly opposite direction 쑗 A
reception noun TELECOM an act or wave transmitted vertically returns to
instance of receiving radio signals 쑗 The Earth on its reciprocal. 2. MATHS a number
antenna is highly directive in transmission or quantity related to another in that they
and reception. give one when multiplied by each other
receptor noun 1. ANAT a nerve ending reciprocal heading noun NAVIG the
which senses a change such as cold or heat direction 180° from a given direction 쑗 The
reciprocal heading of 090° is 270°.
in the surrounding environment or in the
body and reacts to it by sending an impulse reciprocating adjective MECH ENG (of a
to the central nervous system 2. a site on a machine) moving backwards and forwards
cell surface to which a specific molecule or up and down 쑗 A cam is an oval-shaped
such as an antigen binds wheel which, when rotating, converts cir-
cular motion into reciprocating motion.
receptor cell noun ANAT a cell in a nerve
ending which senses a change such as cold reclaim verb ENVIRON 1. to make land
or heat in the surrounding environment or usable for agricultural or commercial pur-
in the body and reacts to it by sending an poses, usually marshy land, a waste site,
impulse to the central nervous system land which has previously been built on or
used for industry, or land which has never
recessive adjective GENETICS (of a gene been cultivated 쑗 to reclaim land from the
or genetically controlled characteristic) sea 2. to recover useful materials from
suppressed by the presence of a corre- waste
sponding dominant gene. Compare domi-
reclamation noun ENVIRON 1. the act of
reclaiming land 쑗 land reclamation
COMMENT: Since each physical character-
istic is governed by two genes, if one gene
schemes in urban centres 2. the recovery of
is dominant and the other recessive, the useful materials from waste
resulting trait will be that of the dominant recode verb COMPUT to code a program
gene. Traits governed by recessive genes which has been coded for one system so
will appear if genes from both parents are
recessive. that it will work on another
recessiveness noun GENETICS the recognition noun 1. the ability to recog-
characteristic of a gene that leads to its not nise someone or something 2. COMPUT a
being expressed in the individual carrying process that allows something such as let-
it when a corresponding dominant gene is ters on a printed text or bars on bar codes
also present. Compare dominance to be recognised 3. respect or official
acceptance 왍 in recognition of or for as a
recharge verb 1. ELEC to restore the elec- mark of respect for 쑗 He was awarded the
tric charge of a battery 2. to replace or Nobel prize in recognition of his work on
renew something the human genome.
rechargeable battery noun ELEC a recombinant GENETICS noun a cell or
type of battery that uses a reversible chem- organism that results from the joining
ical reaction to produce electricity, allow- together of DNA fragments 쐽 adjective 1.
ing it to be recharged and used again 쑗 A referring to genetic recombination 2. refer-
rechargeable battery is used for backup ring to recombinant DNA or produced by
when the system is switched off. recombinant DNA technology
recharge area noun EARTH SCI an area recombinant DNA noun GENETICS
of land where there is a net transfer of DNA produced by joining together DNA
water each year from the surface to ground extracted from two or more different
water sources such as cells or different organisms
511 recrystallisation
recombination noun GENETICS any recorder noun COMPUT a piece of equip-
process that results in offspring that have ment able to transfer input signals onto a
combinations of genes different from those storage medium
of either parent, e.g. the crossing-over and COMMENT: The signal recorded is not
independent assortment of chromosomes always in the same form as the input signal:
many recorders record a modulated carrier
during gamete formation signal for better quality. A recorder is
recombine verb GENETICS to undergo or usually combined with a suitable playback
cause an organism to undergo recombina- circuit since the read and write heads are
often the same physical device.
record gap noun COMPUT a blank sec-
recommend verb to suggest that some- tion of magnetic tape between two consec-
thing should be done 쑗 The report recom- utive records
mended choosing a different site for the record head noun COMPUT a transducer
disposal of radioactive waste. that converts an electrical signal into a
recommendation noun a strong sug- magnetic field to write the data onto a mag-
gestion that something should be done 쑗 netic medium. Also called write head
The council accepted the committee’s rec- recording noun the action of storing sig-
ommendations about disposal of waste. nals or data on tape or in a computer
Recommended Daily Amount noun recording level noun ACOUSTICS an
the amount of a substance, e.g. a vitamin or amplification of an input signal before it is
mineral, that should be consumed each day recorded (NOTE: If a voice is very quiet, the
for a person or animal to be healthy. Abbr recording level can be increased to ensure
RDA that the sound signal is not degraded by
recompile verb COMPUT to compile a
source program again, usually after record length noun COMPUT the total
changes or debugging number of characters contained in the var-
ious fields within a stored record
reconfiguration noun COMPUT the
alteration of the structure of data in a sys- record locking noun COMPUT software
tem that prevents more than one user writing
data to a record at the same time
reconfigure verb COMPUT to alter the recordset noun COMPUT a group of
structure of data in a system 쑗 I reconfig- records selected from a main database by a
ured the field structure in the file. 쑗 This filter, search or query
program allows us to reconfigure the sys-
tem to our own requirements. record structure noun COMPUT a list of
the fields which make up a record, together
reconstitute verb to put something back with their length and data type
into its original state 쑗 The mining com- recover verb 1. to return to a more usual
pany should reconstitute the site after the condition 쑗 The fish populations may never
open-cast mining operation has closed recover from overfishing. 2. INDUST to
down. obtain metals or other useful materials
record noun 1. a written account of facts from waste by separating and purifying it
and information for future reference 2. recoverable error noun COMPUT an
COMPUT a set of electronically stored data error type that allows program execution to
쑗 Your record contains several fields that be continued after it has occurred
have been grouped together under the one recovery noun 1. the action of getting
heading. 쑗 This record contains all their back something which has been lost 쑗 The
personal details. 쐽 verb 1. to write down recovery of lost files can be carried out
information or data 쑗 Record the results in using the recovery procedure. 2. a return to
this column. 쑗 Measure the angles and dis- a more usual condition 쑗 The area has been
tances and record them in a log. 2. COMPUT overfished to such an extent that the recov-
to store data or signals on tape, on disk or ery of the fish population is impossible. 3.
in a computer 쑗 This device records signals INDUST the process of obtaining metals or
onto magnetic tape. 쑗 Digitally recorded other useful materials from waste
data are used to generate images. recrystallisation noun CHEM 1. a
recordable CD, recordable compact change in the structure of something from
disc noun COMPUT full form of CD-R one crystal structure to another, usually as
rectangle 512
the object changes temperature 2. the puri- recycling noun ENVIRON the activity of
fication of a substance by repeatedly form- processing waste so that it can be used
ing crystals from a solution again
rectangle noun MATHS a four-sided plane red noun a colour like the colour of blood
figure with four right angles, and with 쐽 adjective referring to a colour like the
opposite sides of equal length colour of blood
rectangular adjective referring to some- red, green, blue noun COMPUT a
thing with the shape of a rectangle 쑗 a rec- high-definition monitor system that uses
tangular wing panel three separate input signals controlling red,
rectification noun 1. ELEC the change green and blue colour picture beams. Abbr
from an alternating current to a direct cur- RGB (NOTE: There are three colour guns
rent using a rectifier 2. CHEM the purifica- producing red, green and blue beams act-
tion of a liquid by distillation ing on groups of three phosphor dots at
each pixel location.)
rectified airspeed noun AEROSP same
as calibrated airspeed red algae plural noun MARINE BIOL phy-
toplankton mainly found on the seabed
rectifier noun ELECTRONICS an electronic which cause the phenomenon called red
circuit that converts an alternating current tide. Phylum: Rhodophyta.
supply into a direct current supply 쑗 The
ignition unit receives an alternating cur- red blood cell noun BIOL a blood cell
rent which is passed through a transformer which contains haemoglobin and carries
and rectifier. oxygen
rectify verb 1. ELECTRONICS to change red corpuscle noun a red blood cell
alternating current into direct current 2. which contains haemoglobin and carries
CHEM to purify a liquid by a repeated proc-
oxygen to the tissues
ess 3. to correct something 쑗 to rectify a Red Data Book noun ENVIRON a cata-
mistake logue formerly published by the IUCN,
listing species which are rare or in danger
rectum noun ANAT the last part of the of becoming extinct. The information is
large intestine, where waste material accu- now available in a searchable database. 쒁
mulates before leaving the body through Red list
the anus
redefinable adjective COMPUT able to be
recursion noun 1. the repetition of steps redefined
to give a result 2. COMPUT a subroutine in a
program that calls itself during execution. redefine verb COMPUT to change the
Also called recursive routine function or value assigned to a variable or
object 쑗 We redefined the initial parame-
recursive adjective repeating itself ters.
recursive call noun COMPUT a subrou- red giant noun ASTRON a star with a rel-
tine that calls itself when it is run atively low surface temperature and a
recursive routine noun COMPUT same diameter much greater than that of the Sun,
as recursion 2 that appears red
recyclable ENVIRON adjective referring redirect verb COMPUT 1. to send a mes-
to waste that can be processed so that it can sage to its destination by another route 2.
be used again 쐽 noun a material or product (in the DOS and UNIX operating systems)
that is able to be recycled to treat the output of one program as input
recycle verb ENVIRON to process waste so for another program 쑗 You can sort the
that it can be used again 쑗 The glass indus- results from a DIR command by redirecting
try recycles tonnes of waste glass each to the SORT command.
year. redirection noun COMPUT the sending of
COMMENT: Many waste items can be recy- a message to its destination by another
cled. In particular, precious metals such as route 쑗 Call forwarding is the automatic
lead, copper and silver can be recovered redirection of calls to another number.
from old batteries or computers, paper can
be recycled from old newspapers and pack- red lead noun CHEM a poisonous red
aging materials after ink removal. Glass can oxide of lead, used as a colouring in paints.
be manufactured from old bottles. Formula: Pb3O4.
recycled adjective ENVIRON made from Red list noun 1. a searchable database
waste 쑗 recycled aluminium maintained by IUCN that records the con-
513 re-entrant program
servation status of different organisms reducing sugar noun BIOCHEM a sugar
throughout the world. Full form IUCN Red that can act as a reducing agent
List of Threatened Species. 쒁 IUCN – reduction noun 1. the process of making
The World Conservation Union 2. a list something less, smaller or lower, or of
recording the conservation status of a par- becoming less, smaller or lower 쑗 The key
ticular type of organism in a specific geo- to controlling acid rain must be the reduc-
graphical area 쑗 the Red list of the tion of emissions from fossil-fuelled power
epiphytic lichens of Switzerland stations. Opposite increase 2. CHEM the
red mud noun OCEANOG a deposit found addition of electrons or hydrogen to a sub-
on the seabed in the China Sea and else- stance
where, containing dust and iron oxide, the redundancy noun 1. the situation of not
latter giving it its red colour being needed because other similar things
redness noun the condition or degree of exist 2. ENG a duplication of component
being red parts of a system to enable the system to
redox noun CHEM same as oxidation– function even if one component fails 쑗
reduction With system redundancy, a single failure
redox potential noun 1. a measure of within a system will have little effect on the
the ability of the natural environment to aircraft’s performance during the
bring about an oxidation or a reduction approach and landing operation.
process 2. CHEM the cell potential required redundancy checking noun COMPUT
relative to a standard hydrogen electrode to the checking of received data for correct
cause oxidation at an anode and reduction redundant codes to detect any errors
at a cathode 왘 abbr rH redundant adjective 1. no longer useful
red sea noun MARINE BIOL same as red 쑗 recycling redundant containers 2. COM-
tide PUT (of data) able to be removed without
redshift noun ASTRON a movement of the losing any information 쑗 The parity bits on
spectral lines of an astronomical object the received data are redundant and can be
towards red, caused by the object moving removed. 3. ELECTRONICS (of an extra
away from the Earth piece of equipment) kept ready for a task in
red snow noun EARTH SCI snow coloured case of faults
red by the presence of algae redundant array of inexpensive
red tide noun MARINE BIOL a phenomenon disks noun COMPUT a fast, fault tolerant
where the sea becomes red, caused by phy- disk drive system that uses multiple drives
toplankton of the phylum Rhodophyta. which would, typically, each store one byte
Also called red sea of a word of data, so allowing the data to be
reduce verb 1. to make something less, saved faster. Abbr RAID (NOTE: One drive
smaller or lower, or to become less, smaller in the array would also store a check byte
or lower. Opposite increase 2. CHEM to for error detection.)
add electrons or hydrogen to a substance redundant code noun COMPUT a check
reduced instruction set computer bit or data that added to a block of data for
noun COMPUT a design for a central error detection purposes and carries no
processing unit whose instruction set con- information
tains a small number of simple fast-execut- reed noun PLANTS a grass that often grows
ing instructions, which makes program in water near the shores of lakes (NOTE:
writing more complex but increases speed. The common reed Phragmites communis
Abbr RISC is used for thatching roofs. The Spanish
reducer noun BIOL an organism that reed Arundo donax has been used in musi-
breaks down dead organic matter, e.g. an cal instruments for more than 5000 years.)
earthworm, fungus or bacterium reedbed filter noun a reedbed used as
reducing agent noun CHEM a chemical part of a system of cleaning sewage or dirty
that reduces another substance and is itself water
oxidised as a result reef noun EARTH SCI a series of low rocks
reducing atmosphere noun CHEM an or coral near the surface of the sea
atmosphere that does not contain free oxy- re-entrant program, re-entrant code,
gen gas and in which compounds combine re-entrant routine noun COMPUT one pro-
chemically with hydrogen gram or code shared by many users in a
re-entry 514
multi-user system (NOTE: It can be inter- refinery noun INDUST a processing facil-
rupted or called again by another user ity where impurities are removed from raw
before it has finished its previous run, and materials such as ore, oil or sugar
returns to the point at which it was inter- reflect verb PHYS to send back light, heat
rupted when it has finished that run.) or sound towards its source or in a different
re-entry noun COMPUT the calling of a direction 쑗 Some solar radiation is
routine or program from within a routine or reflected back by clouds or by the Earth’s
program surface.
reference noun 1. something used as a reflectance noun PHYS the ratio of the
basis for further calculation or investiga- energy of a wave reflected by a surface to
tion 쑗 Use 2001 as a reference point. 왍 by the total wave striking the surface. Symbol
reference to by looking at and comparing ρ
a value used as a starting point with other reflected code noun COMPUT a code in
values, often zero 2. a comment about which the binary representation of decimal
something 쑗 The paper made a reference to numbers changes by only one bit at a time
our work. 3. a piece of work mentioned in from one number to the next
a publication by someone else, usually reflecting telescope noun ASTRON a
listed at the end with details of the author, telescope in which a concave mirror ini-
source and date 쑗 The paper had a list of tially focuses the light from an object
about 20 references. 쐽 verb COMPUT to
access a location in memory 쑗 The access reflection noun PHYS 1. the process of
time taken to reference an item in memory light, sound or heat being transmitted back
is short. towards its source 2. a reflected image or
sound 쑗 Bats find their way by sending out
reference address noun COMPUT an high-frequency sounds and listening to the
initial address in a program used as an ori- reflection of the sound from objects in their
gin or base for others way.
reference book noun a book such as a reflection seismology noun EARTH
dictionary or encyclopaedia, where you SCI the study of the way pressure waves
can look for information from seismic movements are reflected by
reference file noun COMPUT a file of rock structures
data which is kept so that it can be referred reflective adjective PHYS referring to the
to sending back of something such as radio
reference program table noun COM- waves or light towards its source 쑗 Reflec-
PUT a list produced by a compiler or system tive power means that at low angles of ele-
of the location, size and type of the varia- vation of the Sun, water reflects a great
bles, routines and macros within a program amount of solar radiation thus slowing
reference retrieval system noun down the rise in sea surface temperatures.
COMPUT an index which provides a refer- reflector noun a device that sends back
ence to a document something such as light towards its source
reference signal noun PHYS a signal 쑗 The shape of a water droplet makes it a
against which telemetry data signals are good reflector, so water in the atmosphere
compared absorbs and scatters radio waves.
reference table noun a list of ordered reflector telescope noun ASTRON a
items telescope that uses a mirror rather than a
refine verb 1. INDUST to process some- lens as the main optical component to col-
thing to remove impurities 쑗 a by-product lect light. Compare refractor telescope
of refining oil 2. to make changes in order reflex noun PHYSIOL a rapid automatic
to improve something 쑗 We’ve refined the reaction to a stimulus 쐽 adjective 1. MATHS
procedures. describes an angle of between 180° and
refined adjective INDUST having had 360° 2. BOT bent or folded back 3. PHYS
impurities removed 쑗 refined oil involving a reflection of energy, e.g. of
refinement noun 1. a small change that light or a stream of electrons
is an improvement 쑗 An internal locking reflex action noun PHYSIOL an auto-
device is one of the numerous refinements matic movement in response to a stimulus
to the simple actuator. 2. INDUST the proc- reflux noun 1. INDUST a backward flow of
ess of removing impurities in something a liquid from a boiler in the opposite direc-
515 regenerative memory
tion to normal flow, collecting vapour and refractory adjective PHYS having a high
condensing it so that it can return to the melting point
boiler again 2. CHEM a backwards flow in refresh verb COMPUT to update regularly
distillation 3. MED a bringing up of stom- the contents of dynamic RAM by reading
ach acid 쐽 verb CHEM to cause a liquid to and rewriting stored data to ensure data is
flow backwards retained
reflux condenser noun CHEM a tall refresh rate noun COMPUT the number
condenser that is placed above the vessel of times every second that the image on a
used to reflux a liquid (NOTE: The con- screen is redrawn
denser ensures that the vapour produced refrigerant INDUST noun a substance
by the boiling liquid is not lost but runs back used to provide cooling or freezing either
into the vessel.) as the working substance of a refrigerator
reforest verb FORESTRY same as reaffor- or by direct absorption of heat 쑗 Heated air
est from the main air supply system passes
reforestation noun FORESTRY same as through the evaporator matrix and by
reafforestation induction releases heat into the liquid
reformat verb COMPUT to format a disk refrigerant. 쐽 adjective used for cooling or
that already contains data, erasing the data freezing purposes
by doing so 쑗 Do not reformat your hard refrigerate verb PHYS, INDUST to keep
disk unless you can’t do anything else. something cold to prevent deterioration
reformatting noun COMPUT the act of refrigeration noun PHYS, INDUST the
formatting a disk which already contains process of keeping something cold to pre-
data (NOTE: Reformatting destroys all the vent deterioration
data on a disk.) refrigerator noun INDUST a machine
reforming noun CHEM the process of which keeps things cold
converting straight-chain alkanes into refuel, re-fuel verb MECH ENG to fill an
branched-chain alkanes by heating or the engine or vehicle with fuel again
use of catalysts (NOTE: The technique is refuge noun ENVIRON a safe place where
used in refining petroleum.) a species can escape environmental change
refract verb PHYS to cause a wave such as and continue to exist as before
light or sound to change direction or turn as refugium noun ENVIRON same as refuge
it passes from one medium into another of (NOTE: The plural is refugia.)
different density 쑗 On reaching the iono- refuse noun ENVIRON rubbish or other
sphere, a direct wave is refracted and forms of waste
returns to the Earth’s surface. refuse-derived fuel noun INDUST a fuel
refracting telescope noun ASTRON a that is made or processed from refuse.
telescope in which a lens initially focuses Abbr RDF
light from an object, which then passes regenerate verb 1. BIOL to grow again,
through a second magnifying lens in the or grow something again 쑗 A forest takes
eyepiece about ten years to regenerate after a fire. 쑗
refraction noun PHYS a change in direc- Salamanders can regenerate limbs. 2.
tion of a wave such as light or sound as it COMPUT to redraw an image on a screen
passes from one medium into another of many times a second so that it remains vis-
different density ible 3. COMPUT to receive distorted signals,
refractive index noun PHYS the ratio of process and error check them, then retrans-
the speed of refracted light in a vacuum to mit the same data
its speed in the medium being studied regeneration noun ENVIRON the process
refractometer noun PHYS a device for of vegetation growing back on land which
measuring the refractive index of a has been cleared or burnt 쑗 Grazing by her-
medium bivores prevents forest regeneration.
refractor telescope noun ASTRON a regenerative adjective BIOL allowing
telescope that uses a lens, rather than a mir- new growth to replace damaged tissue
ror, as the main optical component to col- regenerative memory noun COMPUT a
lect light (NOTE: Refractor telescopes have storage medium whose contents need to be
been surpassed by reflector telescopes.) regularly refreshed to retain its contents 쑗
regime 516
Dynamic RAM is regenerative memory rent whose output will not vary with input
which needs to be refreshed every 250ns. supply variation
regime noun a general pattern or system COMMENT: A regulated power supply is
required for all computers where compo-
쑗 a strict dietary regime 쑗 The two rivers
nents cannot withstand voltage variations.
have very different flow regimes: one has
rapid flow down from high mountains, regulation noun 1. the control of a proc-
while the other is slower and mainly ess or activity 2. a rule 쑗 The pamphlet lists
crosses fertile plains. the regulations concerning visits to nature
region noun 1. EARTH SCI a large area of regulator noun 1. something or someone
land with distinct geographic, political, or controlling a process or activity 2. ELEC a
biological characteristics 쑗 the polar device used to limit the current and voltage
regions 쑗 The troposphere is deepest over in a circuit 쑗 Regulators allow the correct
equatorial regions and shallowest near the charging of batteries from solar panels and
Poles. 2. an area of a surface 쑗 the outer wind generators.
region of the stained area 왍 in the region
of approximately 쑗 The burning tempera- regulator gene noun GENETICS a gene
ture of the fuel is in the region of 2000° C. that modifies the action of one or more
3. COMPUT a special or reserved area of structural genes, thus controlling the syn-
memory, program or screen thesis of their corresponding proteins
regional breakpoint noun COMPUT a regulatory adjective controlling a proc-
ess or activity according to specific rules 쑗
breakpoint that can be inserted anywhere
a regulatory body
within a program that is being debugged
regurgitate verb ZOOL to bring undi-
region fill noun COMPUT the filling of an gested or partially digested food up from
area of a screen or a graphics shape with a the stomach to the mouth, as some birds
particular colour and animals do to feed their young
register noun COMPUT a reserved mem- reheat verb PHYS to heat something again
ory location within a central processing 쑗 Water that has been cooled and con-
unit, usually one or two words wide, that is densed after passing through the boilers is
used to hold data and addresses to be proc- sent back to the boilers for reheating.
essed in a machine code operation 쐽 verb 1. reheater noun INDUST a section of a
to show or display information or data 쑗 power station where steam which has been
Several lakes have registered a steady used to turn the first turbine is heated again
increase in acidity levels until their natural to create enough pressure to turn the sec-
fish populations have started to decline. 쑗 ond turbine
The earthquake registered 6.2 on the Rich-
ter scale. 2. to make something known for- rehydration noun MED the giving of
mally or officially 쑗 We registered our water or liquid to a patient suffering from
concern about the procedure. 쐽 noun an dehydration
official record, or a list of items 쑗 a register Reid vapour pressure test noun
of authorized users PHYS a test to determine the pressure
regolith noun EARTH SCI a layer of required above a liquid to hold the vapours
weathered rock fragments which covers in the liquid at a given temperature
most of the Earth’s land area reinforce verb to strengthen something 쑗
Typical skin materials used in aircraft are
regress verb ENVIRON, BIOL to return to a made from epoxy resins which are rein-
more primitive earlier state forced with glass, carbon or Kevlar fibres.
regression noun ENVIRON, BIOL the reinforced adjective strengthened
process of returning to a more primitive reinforced concrete noun CONSTR
earlier state, e.g. when cultivated land concrete with steel rods embedded in it for
returns to a wild state extra strength, used in the construction of
regressive adjective EARTH SCI (of a large buildings
water level) getting lower reinforced plastic noun INDUST, AVIAT
regulate verb to control a process or plastic used with glass fibres to repair
activity some types of aircraft structure
regulated power supply noun ELEC a reinforcement noun 1. the act of
constant controlled voltage source of cur- strengthening something 2. a strengthened
517 release
structure 쑗 There is reinforcement around relative atomic mass noun PHYS the
each opening. mean mass of one atom of an element rela-
reintroduce verb ENVIRON to help a spe- tive to one twelfth of the mass of one atom
cies to live successfully again in an area it of carbon-12
had formerly inhabited relative biological effectiveness
reintroduction noun ENVIRON the proc- noun PHYS a measure of the different
ess of helping a species to live successfully degrees of effectiveness of different types
again in an area it had formerly inhabited of radiation in producing effects in biolog-
reject verb 1. to refuse to accept some- ical systems, used in radiation protection
thing or someone 2. PHYSIOL to vomit up contexts. Abbr RBE
food 3. MED to fail to accept a transplanted relative coordinate noun positional
organ or foreign tissue, because of immu- information given in relation to a reference
nological incompatibility point
rejection noun the process or an instance relative density noun PHYS the ratio of
of rejecting something or someone the density of a liquid with reference to
rejection error noun COMPUT an error water, or of a gas with reference to air
by a scanner which cannot read a character relative humidity noun METEOROL a
and so leaves a blank ratio between the amount of water vapour
relate verb 1. to make a connection or link in air and the amount that would be present
between two things 쑗 Orientating the chart if the air was saturated, shown as a percent-
relates the direction of land features to age
their representation on the chart and aids relative permittivity noun PHYS a
recognition. 2. to be connected to or con- measure of the resistance of a substance to
cerned with something 쑗 The results relate an electric field
to experiments over the last decade. relative transpiration noun BOT the
-related suffix connected to 쑗 a rate at which water transpires from the sur-
heat-related change face of a plant
relation noun 1. a connection or link relativity noun PHYS a theoretical expla-
between two things 2. a member of the nation of the nature of gravitation and of
same family as someone else motion (NOTE: Einstein proposed two theo-
relational database noun COMPUT a ries: the General Theory of Relativity
database in which all the items of data can was confirmed by astronomical observa-
be interconnected 쑗 If you search the rela- tions of the effect of the mass of the Sun on
tional database for the surname, you can passing starlight. The Special Theory of
pull out the relevant salary from the related Relativity remains controversial, although
accounts database. (NOTE: Data is evidence for some of its predictions, such
retrieved by using one item of data to as the increase in mass of particles
search for a related field.) approaching the velocity of light, has been
relational database management obtained in particle accelerators.)
system noun COMPUT a system in which relaxation noun PHYS the process of los-
data are retrieved by using one item of data ing energy between excited states or
to search for a related field. Abbr RDBMS between an excited state and the ground
relationship noun the way in which state
someone or something is related to another relay noun ELEC an electromagnetically
relative noun something such as a spe- controlled switch 쑗 There is a relay in the
cies that has developed from the same ori- circuit. 쑗 It is relay-rated at 5 amps. 쐽 verb
gin as another similar thing 쑗 onions and COMPUT, TELECOM to receive data from one
their wild relatives 쐽 adjective describing source and then retransmit it to another
how one thing is compared with another point 쑗 All messages are relayed through
relative abundance noun ECOL the this small micro.
number of individual specimens of an ani- release noun 1. COMPUT a version of a
mal or plant seen over a period in a specific product 쑗 The latest software is release 5.
place 2. ACOUSTICS the shape of a sound signal
relative address noun COMPUT a loca- that shows the speed at which a sound sig-
tion specified in relation to a reference nal decreases in strength after a note has
address. Also called indirect address stopped playing 쐽 verb 1. to let something
releaser 518
go that has been contained 쑗 Acid rain ence to identify poisonous fungi. (NOTE:
leaches out nutrients from the soil and relies – relying – relied)
releases harmful substances such as lead rem abbreviation MEASURE, PHYS roent-
into the soil. 쑗 Using an aerosol spray gen equivalent man
releases CFCs into the atmosphere. 2. REM abbreviation COMPUT remark
MECH ENG to take the tension off some-
thing such as a catch and allow something remain verb to be left behind after others
to move or operate 3. COMPUT (of software) have been removed or excluded
to relinquish control of a block of memory remainder noun 1. something left after
or file excluding other parts 쑗 The auxiliary
releaser noun ZOOL a stimulus that pro- power unit is usually found in the tail sec-
vokes a reaction in an animal, e.g. the sight tion, separated from the remainder of the
of a hawk or the sound of a gun fuselage by a firewall. 2. MATHS a number
relevé noun BOT a small plot into which a left over when one number is divided by
larger area is divided, used as a sample for another 쑗 7 divided by 3 is equal to 2
analysing vegetation remainder 1. Compare quotient
reliability noun the degree to which remark noun COMPUT a statement in a
someone or something can be trusted 쑗 BASIC program that is ignored by the
Check the reliability of the data. interpreter, allowing the programmer to
write explanatory notes. Abbr REM
reliable adjective referring to someone or
something that can be trusted 쑗 It is not a remedial maintenance noun COMPUT
very reliable method of measuring the maintenance to repair faults which have
depth. developed in a system
relict noun ECOL a species or population remediation noun ENVIRON a course of
that still exists, even though the environ- action intended to reverse environmental
ment in which it originally developed does damage
not remedy MED noun a treatment for a dis-
relief noun 1. EARTH SCI a difference in ease or disorder 쐽 verb to relieve or cure a
height between points on the Earth’s sur- disease or disorder
face 2. a reduction in stress remote adjective TELECOM, COMPUT
relief map noun EARTH SCI a map with capable of being operated from a distance
contour lines that show differences in by electronic technology, or able to operate
height between points on the Earth’s sur- a device from a distance 쑗 a remote user 쑗
face Users can print reports on remote printers.
relief valve noun MECH ENG a valve that remote access noun COMPUT a link that
opens at maximum safe pressure and allows a user to access a computer from a
closes again upon return to normal operat- distance, usually via a modem
ing conditions remote client noun COMPUT a user who
reload verb COMPUT to load something accesses mail without being connected to
again 쑗 We reloaded the program after the the mail server’s local network
crash. remote control noun TELECOM, COM-
relocatable program noun COMPUT a PUT a system that allows a user to operate a
computer program that can be loaded into computer or other device from a distance
and executed from any area of memory 쑗 remote job entry noun COMPUT full
The operating system can load and run a form of RJE
relocatable program from any area of remote procedure call noun COMPUT
memory. a method of communication between two
relocate verb COMPUT to move data from programs running on two separate, but
one area of storage to another 쑗 The data is connected, computers. Abbr RPC (NOTE: A
relocated during execution. software routine asks another computer on
relocation noun COMPUT the moving of the network to process a problem and then
data from one area of storage to another displays the results.)
reluctance noun PHYS the resistance of a remote sensing noun EARTH SCI the
closed magnetic circuit to a magnetic flux collection of information via satellite
rely on verb to trust someone or some- observation and aerial photography about
thing 쑗 He relies on his skill and experi- physical aspects of the Earth such as the
519 replacement fertility
location of mineral deposits, or the move- renin noun BIOCHEM an enzyme produced
ment of water or pests by the kidneys, involved in protein break-
removal noun INDUST the extraction of down and the regulation of blood pressure
minerals from the ground rennin noun an enzyme which makes
remove verb INDUST to extract a mineral milk coagulate in the stomach, so as to
from the ground slow down the passage of the milk through
renal adjective ANAT referring to the kid- the digestive system
neys renumber COMPUT noun a feature of
renal artery noun ANAT one of two arter- some computer languages which allows
ies running from the abdominal aorta to the the programmer to allocate new values to
kidneys all or some of a program’s line numbers 쐽
verb to allocate new numbers or values to
rename verb to give a new name to some- something
thing 쑗 Save the file and rename it CUS-
TOM. 쑗 Species are renamed if their repeat noun a thing done for a second or
taxonomic classification changes. subsequent time
render verb 1. to cause someone or some- repeat counter noun COMPUT a register
thing to become a particular thing 쑗 The that holds the number of times a routine or
failure of any component in the fire detec- task has been repeated
tion system will render the system inopera- repeater noun TELECOM a device used in
tive. 쑗 Tropical air moving northwards is communications that amplifies or regener-
subjected to surface cooling and rendered ates a received signal and transmits it on
increasingly stable in its lower layers. 2. to (NOTE: Regenerators are often used to
give something (formal) 왍 to render extend the range of a network, while
assistance to provide help 3. to express or repeaters work at the physical layer of the
show something in a particular way OSI network model.)
(formal) 4. COMPUT to colour and shade a repeating group noun COMPUT a pat-
graphic object so that it looks solid and real tern of data that is duplicated in a bit
쑗 We rendered the wire-frame model. stream
renew verb to replace something repel verb to push something away by
renewable adjective ENVIRON referring force, or to resist something 쑗 Like poles
to something that can be replaced or can such as north and north or south and south
renew itself by regrowing, reforming or of a magnet repel each other. (NOTE: repel-
breeding 쑗 Herring stocks are a renewable ling – repelled)
resource if the numbers being caught are repellent adjective referring to a sub-
controlled. 왍 renewable sources of energy stance that causes something to which it is
EARTH SCI energy from the sun, wind, applied to resist something 쑗 a repellent
waves, tides or from geothermal deposits insecticide 쐽 noun a substance that causes
or from burning waste, none of which uses something to which it is applied to resist
up fossil fuel reserves something 쑗 The coating of wax on the
renewable energy noun INDUST energy leaves acts as a repellent to pollutants.
from the Sun, wind, waves, tides, from -repellent suffix resisting something 쑗 a
geothermal deposits or from burning waste water-repellent coating
renewable resource noun ENVIRON a repetitive strain injury, repetitive
natural resource that replaces itself unless stress injury noun MED a pain in the arm
overused, e.g. animal or plant life, fresh felt by someone who performs the same
water or wind energy movement many times over a period of
renewable resources plural noun time. Abbr RSI
ENVIRON resources such as forests that can replace verb 1. to put something back
be replaced by natural environmental proc- where it was before 2. to put something in
esses in a reasonably short period of time the place of something else 쐽 noun COM-
renewables obligation noun ENG the PUT an instruction to a computer to find an
requirement for power generators to item of data and put another in its place. 쒁
reduce their use of fossil fuels and replace search and replace
them over time with sources of energy that replacement fertility noun ECOL the
can be renewed fertility rate needed to ensure that a popu-
replant 520
lation remains constant as each set of par- report program generator noun
ents is replaced by its offspring COMPUT a programming language used
replant verb AGRIC, FORESTRY 1. to grow mainly on personal computers for the prep-
plants in an area again 쑗 After the trees aration of business reports, allowing data
were felled, the land was cleared and in files or databases to be included. Abbr
replanted with mixed conifers and broad- RPG
leaved species. 2. to put a plant in the repower verb INDUST to rebuild an old
ground again power station, converting it to a more mod-
replay noun COMPUT the playback or ern combustion system
reading back of data or a signal from a represent verb 1. to act as a symbol for
recording 쐽 verb to play back something something 쑗 The hash sign is used to rep-
that has been recorded resent a number in a series. 2. to speak or
replenish verb 1. to replace something act on behalf of others
that has been used 2. ELEC to charge a bat- representation noun a way of showing
tery with electricity again something using signs or symbols
replicase noun GENETICS a polymerase representative adjective being an
enzyme, especially one that uses RNA example of what all others are like 쐽 noun
molecules as a template to make new RNA 1. a thing that acts as a symbol for some-
molecules when RNA viruses are replicat- thing else 2. a person who speaks or acts on
ing behalf of others
replicate verb 1. to do something again reprocess verb INDUST to process some-
in the same way 쑗 The routine will repli- thing into another form
cate your results with very little effort. 2. reprocessing noun INDUST the process-
BIOL (of a cell or microorganism) to repro-
ing of something such as spent nuclear fuel
duce and subjecting it to chemical processes
replication noun 1. COMPUT the provi- which produce further useful materials
sion of extra components in a system in such as plutonium
case there is a breakdown or fault in one of COMMENT: Reprocessing plants are the
them 2. COMPUT the copying of a record or cause of much controversy. Some coun-
data to another location 3. BIOL the process tries do not have facilities for reprocessing
in the division of a cell during which DNA spent nuclear fuel and therefore export it to
those countries with suitable installations.
makes copies of itself 4. BIOL the process of Reprocessing plants are just as likely to
reproduction of a cell or microorganism 쑗 cause radioactive waste as nuclear power
virus replication 5. SCI the repetition of an stations and the transport of the spent
experiment several times in order to material from the power station to the
achieve a reliably consistent result processing plant is also a potential radiation
replicon noun GENETICS a segment of
DNA or RNA that forms a unit that repli- reprocessing plant noun INDUST an

cates and is distinct from adjacent seg- installation that reprocesses nuclear fuel
ments reproduce verb 1. BIOL to produce off-
report noun a document giving an spring 2. (of bacteria) to produce new cells
3. SCI to do a test again in exactly the same
account of something, stating what action
has been taken, what the current state is or way 4. COMPUT to copy data or text from
what the results of a test or experiment are one material or medium to another similar
쑗 a report on global warming 쐽 verb to
give an account of something reproduction noun 1. BIOL the produc-
reportable disease noun MED a dis- tion of offspring 2. SCI the performance of
ease such as asbestosis, hepatitis or anthrax a test again in exactly the same way
that may be caused by working conditions reproductive adjective BIOL referring to
or may infect other people and must be the production of offspring 쑗 Pollination is
officially reported a reproductive process.
report generator noun COMPUT a piece reproductive cloning noun the use of
of software that allows data in the form of cloning techniques to produce new individ-
graphs or tables from database files to be uals
merged with a document to provide a com- reproductive organ noun ANAT an
plete report organ such as a womb in mammals or a sta-
521 reset
men in a flowering plant involved in repro- research into diet 쑗 environmental
duction research 쑗 a research programme 쐽 verb to
reproductive system noun ANAT the carry out a scientific study of something 쑗
arrangement of organs and ducts which He is researching the changes in the ozone
produce spermatozoa and ova hole.
reproductive tract noun ANAT the research and development noun
series of tubes and ducts which carry sper- INDUST the investigation of new products,
matozoa and ova from one part of the body discoveries and techniques. Abbr R & D
to another research centre noun SCI a place where
reprogram verb COMPUT to alter a pro- scientific research is carried out
gram so that it can be run on another type reseau noun ASTRON a grid of lines pho-
of computer tographed onto or cut into a glass plate that
reptile noun ZOOL a cold-blooded animal is used as a reference for astronomical
that lays eggs and has a scaly skin, e.g. a observations
crocodile, tortoise or snake. Class: Rep- reservation noun 1. ENVIRON an area of
tilia. land set aside for a special purpose 2. a
repulsion noun PHYS a force between doubt about something 쑗 The journal had
two bodies of the same electric charge or reservations about the thoroughness of the
magnetic polarity that tends to repel or sep- investigation and so rejected the paper.
arate them reserve noun 1. an amount stored or kept
repulsive adjective PHYS tending to repel back for future use 2. ENVIRON an area of
land maintained for the benefit of plant or
request noun an act of requesting some- animal life where no commercial exploita-
thing or a thing requested 쐽 verb to ask for tion is allowed. 쒁 game reserve, nature
something reserve, wildlife reserve 쐽 verb to store or
request for comment noun COMPUT a keep back something for future use
document that contains information about reservoir noun 1. INDUST an artificial or
a proposed new standard and asks users to natural area of water, used for storing water
look at the document and make any com- for domestic or industrial use 쑗 The town’s
ments. Abbr RFC water supply comes from reservoirs in the
request to send signal noun COMPUT mountains. 쑗 After two months of drought
a signal sent by a transmitter to a receiver the reservoirs were beginning to run dry. 2.
asking if the receiver is ready to accept EARTH SCI a natural hole in rock that con-
data. Abbr RTS (NOTE: It is used in the tains water, oil or gas 3. INDUST a container
RS-232C serial connection.) for holding a store of fluid 쑗 A reservoir
require verb to need something 쑗 Deli- provides both storage space for the system
cate computer systems require careful han- fluid, and sufficient air space to allow for
dling. any variations in the volume of the fluid in
requirement noun something that is the system.
needed 쑗 a change in water requirements 쑗 reservoir rock noun GEOL rock that is
The regulations contain a requirement for porous and permeable, from which oil or
regular monitoring. natural gas may be extracted
re-route verb to send something by a dif- reset verb 1. to set a register or counter to
ferent route its initial state or to return to an initial state
rerun verb COMPUT to run a program or a 쑗 When it reaches 999 this counter resets to
printing job again zero. 쑗 Reset the gauge and try the experi-
rerun point noun COMPUT the place in ment again. 2. COMPUT to return a system
the program from where to start running it to its initial state, to allow a program or
again after a crash or halt process to be started again 쐽 noun the proc-
ess or an act of returning something to its
resample verb COMPUT to change the original state
number of pixels used to make up an image COMMENT: In computers, hard reset is
resave verb COMPUT to save something similar to soft reset but with a few important
again 쑗 The program automatically differences: it is a switch that directly
resaves the text. signals the central processing unit, while
soft reset signals the operating system. A
research SCI noun a scientific study that hard reset clears all memory contents, a
investigates something new 쑗 recent soft reset does not affect memory contents.
reset button 522
A hard reset should always reset the disturbed 3. PHYS the ability of something
system, a soft reset does not always work. to return to its original shape
reset button, reset key noun COMPUT a resin noun 1. BOT a sticky oil secreted by
switch that allows a program to be termi- some conifers or other trees, especially
nated and reset manually when they are cut 2. CHEM a solid or liquid
reshape handle noun COMPUT a small organic compound used in the making of
square displayed on a frame around an plastic
object or image that a user can select and resinous adjective BOT like resin, or pro-
drag to change the shape of the frame or ducing resin
graphical object resist verb to fight off or not be subject to
residence time noun the amount of the effects of something 쑗 A tube resists
time during which something remains in bending in any direction but beams are
the same place or in the same state until it designed usually to resist bending in one or
is lost or transformed into something else two directions only. 쑗 In order for an aero-
resident adjective 1. referring to an plane to fly, lift and thrust must resist and
organism or a person living in a place, overcome the forces of gravity and drag. 쐽
especially for a long time 쑗 The introduced noun ELECTRONICS a substance used to
species wiped out the resident population protect a pattern of tracks on a printed cir-
of flightless birds. 2. COMPUT (of data or a cuit board, which is not affected by etching
program) always present in a computer 쐽 chemicals
noun 1. a person who lives in a place, espe- resistance noun 1. BIOL the ability of an
cially for a long time 2. ZOOL a bird, insect organism not to be affected by something
or other animal that does not migrate 쑗 The such as a disease, stress factor, process or
birds are year-round residents in this par- treatment 쑗 Increasing insect resistance to
ticular area. 3. COMPUT a program or item chemical pesticides is a major problem. 쑗
of data that is always present in a computer Crop plants have been bred for resistance
resident font noun COMPUT same as to disease. 2. ELEC the opposition of a body
internal font or substance to current passing through it 쑗
resident software noun COMPUT a pro- The shunt coil is made of fine wire which
gram that is held permanently in memory gives a high resistance and small current
whilst the machine is on. Also called mem- flow. 3. PHYS the ability of a material to
ory-resident software
restrict the flow of electrical current
through itself
residual adjective referring to the
resistant adjective referring to some-
amount of something that is left behind 쑗
thing which is unaffected by a disease,
After de-icing operations, external sur-
stress factor, process or treatment 쑗 Some
faces should be examined for signs of
alloys are less resistant to corrosion than
residual ice or snow. 쐽 noun same as resi-
others. 쑗 The plants were not resistant to
residual error rate noun COMPUT a
-resistant suffix not adversely affected
ratio between incorrect and undetected by something 쑗 heat-resistant 쑗 a
received data and total data transmitted DDT-resistant strain of insects 쑗 dis-
residual herbicide noun AGRIC a herbi- ease-resistant genetic material 쑗 a new
cide applied to the surface of the soil which strain of virus-resistant rice
acts through the roots of existing plants resistive adjective 1. ELEC referring to
and also new plants as they germinate electrical resistance 쑗 Windscreen heating
residual oil noun INDUST oil that is left and electrical de-icing systems are resis-
after crude oil has been through various tive load circuits. 2. same as resistant
refining processes (force) 쑗 the resistive force of drag
residue noun the material left after a resistivity noun ELEC a measure of the
process has taken place or after a material electrical resistance of a material of a
has been used standard length and cross-section. Symbol
resilience noun 1. BIOL the ability of an ρ
organism to resist or recover from adverse resistor noun ELEC a device used to con-
conditions 2. ECOL the ability of an ecosys- trol current in an electric circuit by provid-
tem to return to its usual state after being ing a known resistance 쑗 Components such
523 response time
as resistors, rectifiers and internal a way as to avoid waste and to use them in
switches are all embedded in micro-size the most effective way
sections of semiconductor material. resource partitioning noun the way in
resolution noun 1. CHEM the separation which resources in an ecosystem are
of a racemic mixture into its constituent divided up by the species who need them,
isomers 2. COMPUT the number of pixels each using them in a different way
that a screen or printer can display per unit respiration noun PHYSIOL the action of
area 쑗 The resolution of most personal breathing
computer screens is not much more than 70 COMMENT: Respiration includes two stages:
dots per inch. breathing in (inhalation) and breathing out
resolve verb 1. to cause something to (exhalation). Air is taken into the respiratory
system through the nose or mouth and
divide into its constituents 2. to become goes down into the lungs through the
determined to do something pharynx, larynx and windpipe. In the lungs,
resolving power noun OPTICS a meas- the bronchi take the air to the alveoli (air
sacs) where oxygen in the air is passed to
urement of the ability of an optical system the bloodstream in exchange for waste
to detect fine black lines on a white back- carbon dioxide which is then breathed out.
ground, given as the number of lines per respiratory adjective PHYSIOL referring
millimetre to respiration
resonance noun 1. PHYS a situation respiratory allergy noun MED an
where a frequency applied to a body which allergy caused by a substance which is
is the same as its natural frequency causes inhaled
it to oscillate with a very large amplitude 2.
CHEM the property of a chemical com-
respiratory disorder noun MED an ill-
pound having several possible structural ness which affects the patient’s breathing
arrangements of electrons in a molecule. 쒁 respiratory movement noun PHYSIOL
mesomerism a movement or change in shape of an ani-
resonate verb PHYS to produce or cause mal, that is required for respiration, e.g. a
something to produce resonance chest movement in a mammal
resorption noun BIOL the absorption of a respiratory organ noun ANAT an organ
in which respiration takes place, e.g. a lung
substance already produced back into the
in mammals
organism that produced it
respiratory pigment noun BIOCHEM a
resource noun 1. a useful source of blood pigment that carries oxygen col-
something 쑗 reference resources such as lected in the lungs and releases it in tissues,
encyclopaedias 2. ECOL anything in the e.g. haemoglobin
environment which can be used 쑗 Fossil
fuel resources are being depleted. 쑗 Wood- respiratory quotient noun PHYSIOL the
land is a valuable resource. 3. COMPUT a ratio of the amount of carbon dioxide
device, product, program or graphics passed from the blood into the lungs to the
object which is useful or used amount of oxygen absorbed into the blood
from the air. Abbr RQ
resource allocation noun the division
of available resources between people or respiratory system noun ANAT a series
activities of organs and passages that take air into the
lungs and exchange oxygen for carbon
resource depletion zone noun an dioxide
area where a resource is depleted, e.g.
where water is removed from the soil respire verb BIOL to breathe air in and out
around a plant. Abbr RDZ respond verb to react to something 왍 the
resource interchange file format aircraft responds to the controls the air-
noun COMPUT a multimedia data format craft attitude changes as a result of the
jointly introduced by IBM and Microsoft pilot’s movements of the flying controls
that uses tags to identify parts of a multi- response noun a reaction to a stimulus
media file structure and allows the file to response frame noun COMPUT a page
be exchanged between platforms. Abbr in a videotext system that allows a user to
RIFF enter data
resource management noun a system response time noun COMPUT the speed
of controlling the use of resources in such with which a system responds to a stimulus
responsibility 524
responsibility noun the state of being (NOTE: They are caused by mutations and
answerable for something, or in charge of can be used to detect genetic anomalies.)
something 쑗 the responsibility of using restrictor valve, restrictor noun ENG a
limited resources wisely 쑗 take responsibil- valve designed to permit limited flow in
ity for stewardship of the countryside one direction and full flow in the other
responsible adjective 1. answerable for direction 쑗 The extent to which the oil pres-
something or in charge of something 쑗 sure will fall depends on the size of the
responsible for safety checks 2. causing restrictor valve.
something 쑗 The action of sunlight on result noun a consequence or outcome 쑗
gases is responsible for the formation of Engine oil and cylinder temperature will
ozone. also increase as a result of higher combus-
responsible care noun an initiative of tion temperatures. 쑗 The abundance and
the chemical industry which requires diversity of flowers in the meadow was the
member firms to follow codes of conduct result of careful management.
on such matters as toxic materials, waste resultant adjective happening as a result
reduction, chemical-accident minimisa- or consequence 쑗 The temperature of the
tion, worker safety and community consul- land rises, causing the layer of air in con-
tation tact with it to warm up and expand with a
rest noun 1. the state of not moving 2. a resultant decrease in density. 쑗 When two
period of not moving or using energy 쐽 or more velocities act simultaneously on a
verb 1. to be still and not moving or using body, the aircraft movement is called the
energy 2. to keep something still and not resultant velocity due to the two or more
moving or using energy component velocities. 쐽 noun MATHS one
resting potential noun PHYSIOL the vector that is the equivalent of a set of vec-
potential difference, in millivolts, between tors
the inner and outer parts of a nerve result code noun COMPUT a message
restitution coefficient noun PHYS the sent from a modem to a local computer
difference in velocity of two objects before indicating the state of the modem
they impact compared to their velocity result from verb to happen as a conse-
after they impact quence of something 쑗 The structural
restock verb to provide another supply of weakness resulted from a minor collision
something that has been used up, or pro- while taxiing two years previously.
vide somewhere with a new supply 쑗 We’ll result in verb to produce something as an
restock next year. 쑗 So many animals died effect 쑗 Failure to secure seat belts could
that they had to restock the farm in the result in serious injury.
spring. resume verb to restart something from
restoration noun the act or process of the point where it was left
giving something back, or putting some- retard verb to make something slower 쑗
thing back to a previous state or position The injections retard the effect of the
restore verb to give something back, or anaesthetic.
put something back to a previous state or retentivity noun METALL the ability to
position remain magnetised after the magnetising
restrict verb to keep something within a force has gone 쑗 Steel has high retentivity,
certain limit 쑗 The document is restricted, but soft iron has low retentivity.
and cannot be placed on open access. reticulum noun ZOOL the second stom-
restriction noun something which ach compartment of ruminants such as
restricts cows and sheep
restriction fragment noun GENETICS a retina noun ANAT the inside layer of the
section of DNA cut out by a specific eye which is sensitive to light
restriction enzyme retinal artery noun ANAT the artery that
restriction fragment length poly- supplies the retina, which accompanies the
morphism noun GENETICS a variation optic nerve
observed between individuals in the length retinol noun BIOCHEM a vitamin that is
of the DNA fragments produced by a spe- soluble in fat and can be formed in the
cific restriction enzyme. Abbr RFLP body but is mainly found in food such as
525 reverse Polish notation
liver, vegetables, eggs and cod liver oil. a material for an additional time or a differ-
Also called vitamin A ent purpose, usually as an alternative to
retort noun CHEM a glass container with a throwing it away
long downwards-pointing spout, used in reveal verb to bring something to view 쑗
distillation A closer inspection revealed small cracks
retractable adjective able to be pulled in the surface.
back or raised reverberatory furnace noun INDUST a
retractable undercarriage noun AER- furnace in which heat reflected from above
OSP an undercarriage which can be raised heats the material inside
into the fuselage or wings after use (NOTE: reversal noun a change to the opposite
Early aircraft had non-retractable under- position, direction or order
reverse noun the opposite 쑗 One would
retrain verb TELECOM to re-establish a expect a unit of humid air to be heavier
better quality connection when the quality than a similar unit of dry air but, in fact,
of a line is very bad the reverse is true. 쐽 adjective referring to
retrieval noun COMPUT the process of an object or a process going backwards or
searching, locating and recovering infor- in the opposite direction 쐽 verb 1. to go or
mation from a file or storage device travel in the opposite direction 2. TELECOM
retrieve verb COMPUT to extract informa- to send control data from a receiver to a
tion from a file or storage device 쑗 These transmitter
are the records retrieved in that search. 쑗 reverse channel noun TELECOM a
This command will retrieve all names low-speed control data channel between a
beginning with S. receiver and transmitter
retrofit noun COMPUT a device or acces- reverse characters plural noun PRINT-
sory added to a system to upgrade it ING characters which are displayed in the
retrospective parallel running noun opposite way to other characters for
COMPUT the running of a new computer emphasis, as black on white or white on
system with old data to check if it is accu- black, when other characters are the oppo-
rate site
retrovirus noun MICROBIOL a virus reversed fault noun EARTH SCI same as
whose genetic information is contained in thrust fault
RNA rather than DNA (NOTE: A retrovirus reverse engineering noun INDUST a
is the cause of AIDS and some can also
method of product design in which the fin-
cause cancer.)
ished item is analysed to determine how it
return noun COMPUT 1. an instruction that should be constructed
causes program execution to go back to the
main program from a subroutine 쑗 The reverse flow noun PHYS the flow of a
program is not working because you fluid in the opposite direction to normal
missed out the return instruction at the end reverse index noun COMPUT a move-
of the subroutine. 2. a key on a keyboard ment of a printer head up half a line to print
used to indicate that all the required data superscripts
has been entered 쑗 You type in your name reverse interrupt noun TELECOM a sig-
and code number then press return. 3. an nal sent by a receiver to request the termi-
indication of an end of line in printing 쐽 nation of transmissions
verb to come back or to go back to an ear- reverse polarity noun ELEC a situation
lier position or place, or cause something where positive and negative terminals have
to do so been confused, resulting in the equipment
return address noun COMPUT the not functioning
address to be returned to after a called rou- reverse Polish notation noun MATHS
tine finishes a set of mathematical operations written in
return valve noun ENG a valve which a logical way, so that the operator appears
allows a flow of fluid in both directions after the numbers to be acted upon, thus
reuse ENVIRON noun the use of a product removing the need for brackets 쑗 Three
or a material for an additional time or a dif- plus four, minus two is written in reverse
ferent purpose, usually as an alternative to Polish notation as 3 4 + 2 – = 5. 쑗 Normal
throwing it away 쐽 verb to use a product or notation is (x-y) + z, but using RPN it is xy
reverse thrust 526
– z +. Also called postfix notation. Abbr transmission of radio frequency interfer-
RPN ence signals 쑗 Without RF shielding, the
reverse thrust noun AEROSP a thrust in transmitted signal would be distorted by
the opposite direction to the usual one in the interference.
order to decelerate an aircraft after landing RGB abbreviation COMPUT red, green,
reverse video noun COMPUT a screen blue
display mode where white and black are RGB display, RGB monitor noun COM-
reversed PUT a high-definition monitor system that
reversible adjective which can be made uses three separate input signals control-
to go backwards or to change direction 쑗 a ling red, green and blue colour picture
reversible electric motor beams
reversible pitch propeller noun AER- COMMENT: There are three colour guns
OSP a propeller that allows an aircraft to be producing red, green and blue beams
acting on groups of three phosphor dots at
propelled backwards when taxiing each pixel location.
reversion noun a return to an earlier con- rH abbreviation redox potential
dition or state 쑗 In smaller aircraft, rever-
sion to manual control is possible if
Rh symbol CHEM ELEM rhodium
complete loss of hydraulic power occurs. rhenium noun CHEM ELEM a rare heavy
revert verb to return to an earlier condi- metallic element with a high melting point,
tion or state 쑗 The elevator system has the used as a catalyst with tungsten in thermo-
ability to revert to manual control after a couples (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Re;
hydraulic failure. the atomic number is 75 and the atomic
weight is 186.2.)
revertant BIOL adjective referring to an
organism or part of an organism that has rhesus factor noun BIOCHEM an antigen
redeveloped characteristics that had been in red blood cells which is an element in
lost 쐽 noun an organism or part of an blood grouping. Also called Rh factor
organism that has redeveloped characteris- COMMENT: The rhesus factor is important in
blood grouping. Most people are Rh-posi-
tics that had been lost tive and an Rh-negative patient should not
revert command noun COMPUT a com- receive an Rh-positive blood transfusion as
mand in text that returns a formatted page this will cause the formation of permanent
to its original state antibodies. If an Rh-negative mother has a
child by an Rh-positive father, the baby will
revise verb COMPUT to update or correct a inherit Rh-positive blood, which may then
version of a document or file 쑗 The revised pass into the mother’s circulation at child-
version has no mistakes. birth and cause antibodies to form. This can
be prevented by an injection of anti D immu-
revolution noun a rotation or 360° turn noglobulin immediately after the birth of the
about an axis 쑗 a revolution of the Earth 쑗 first Rh-positive child and any subsequent
revolutions of a crankshaft Rh-positive children. If an Rh-negative
revolutions per minute noun the mother has formed antibodies to Rh-posi-
tive blood in the past, these antibodies will
speed of an engine or the number of rota- affect the blood of the foetus and may
tions of a crankshaft per minute. Abbr cause erythroblastosis fetalis.
r.p.m., rpm rhesus factor disease noun MED a
revolve verb to turn about an axis 쑗 The disease which occurs when the blood of a
Earth revolves around the Sun. foetus is incompatible with that of the
Reynolds number noun PHYS a mother
number that indicates the density and Rh factor noun BIOCHEM same as rhesus
velocity of flow of a fluid through a pipe or factor
around an obstruction rhizofiltration noun ENVIRON the use of
Rf symbol CHEM ELEM rutherfordium plants to absorb or precipitate
RF, R/F abbreviation PHYS radio frequency ground-water contaminants in their roots
RFC abbreviation COMPUT request for rhizoid noun BOT a thin structure in lower
comment plants such as mosses and liverworts that
RFLP abbreviation BIOTECH restriction resembles a root
fragment length polymorphism rhizome noun BOT a plant stem that lies
RF shielding noun ELEC a thin metal foil on or under the ground and has leaf buds,
wrapped around a cable that prevents the adventitious roots and sometimes branches
527 ridge
rhizosphere noun BOT the soil sur- riboflavin, riboflavine noun BIOCHEM a
rounding the roots of a plant vitamin found in eggs, liver, green vegeta-
Rh-negative adjective MED not having bles, milk and yeast and also used as an
the rhesus factor additive (E101) in processed food. Also
rhodium noun CHEM ELEM a sil-
called vitamin B2 (NOTE: Lack of riboflavin
very-white metallic element that occurs will affect a child’s growth and can cause
with platinum and is used for plating jew- anaemia and inflammation of the mouth
ellery and in alloys (NOTE: The chemical and tongue.)
symbol is Rh; the atomic number is 45 and ribonuclease noun BIOCHEM an enzyme
the atomic weight is 102.91.) which breaks down RNA
Rhodophyta plural noun MARINE BIOL a ribonucleic acid noun BIOCHEM full
phylum of red algae, mainly found on the form of RNA
seabed ribose noun BIOCHEM a type of sugar
rhodopsin noun BIOCHEM a reddish found in RNA
light-sensitive pigment in the rod cells of ribosomal adjective BIOL referring to
the retina ribosomes
rhomboid MATHS noun a parallelogram ribosome noun BIOL a structure in a cell,
with adjacent sides that are not equal 쐽 containing RNA and protein, where pro-
adjective 1. shaped like a rhomboid 2. tein is synthesised
relating to or characteristic of a rhombus rice noun PLANTS a plant that is the most
rhombus noun MATHS a parallelogram important cereal crop and the staple food
that has four equal sides and oblique angles of half the population of the world. Latin
Rh-positive adjective MED having the name: Oryza sativa.
rhesus factor rich adjective 1. EARTH SCI (of soil) having
rhumb noun NAVIG one of the points of a many nutrients that are useful for plant
compass growth 2. (of food) having a high calorific
rhumb line noun NAVIG a regularly value 3. ENG (of a mixture of fuel and air)
curved imaginary line on the surface of the having a high ratio of fuel to air 4. 왍 rich
Earth which cuts all meridians at the same in having a lot of something 쑗 Green vege-
angle tables are rich in minerals. 쑗 The doctor
has prescribed a diet which is rich in pro-
rhumb line direction noun NAVIG the tein. 쑗 The forests are rich in mosses and
average of all the great circle directions other forms of moisture-loving plants.
between the two points (NOTE: Because
the great circle direction between two -rich suffix having a lot of something 쑗 a
points on the surface of the Earth is not nutrient-rich detergent 쑗 a protein-rich
constant, it is often more convenient to diet 쑗 a species-rich habitat 쑗 oil-rich
consider the rhumb line direction.) seeds
ria noun EARTH SCI a valley that has been Richter scale noun MEASURE, EARTH
filled by the sea SCI a scale of measurement of the force of
an earthquake from 0 to 10, earthquakes of
rib noun 1. ANAT a curved bone in the 5 or more causing damage 쑗 There were no
chest, one of a set of pairs that form the rib reports of injuries after the quake which
cage 2. AEROSP one of many cross pieces reached 5.2 on the Richter scale. (NOTE:
of an airframe that provide an aircraft wing The Richter scale measures the force of an
with shape and strength earthquake: the damage caused is meas-
ribbon noun a long thin flat piece of ured on the Modified Mercalli scale. The
material strongest earthquake ever recorded was
ribbon cable noun ELEC a number of 8.9.)
insulated conductors arranged next to each rich text format noun COMPUT a way of
other forming a flat cable storing a document that includes all the
ribbon development noun ENVIRON commands that describe the page, type,
the building of houses in an uninterrupted font and formatting. Abbr RTF
row along a main road, usually with fields ridge noun 1. EARTH SCI a long raised sec-
remaining behind them tion of ground, occurring as part of a
rib cage noun ANAT the structure formed mountain range, in a field, on a beach or on
by the ribs that protects the heart and lungs the ocean floor 2. METEOROL a long narrow
ridge waves 528
band of high pressure leading away from ring noun 1. a circle which goes round
the centre of an anticyclone 쑗 A ridge of something 2. COMPUT a data list whose last
high pressure is lying across the country. entry points back to the first entry 3. COM-
ridge waves plural noun METEOROL PUT the topology of a network in which the
oscillations about the stable state of an wiring sequentially connects one worksta-
undisturbed air flow with a range of hills tion to another 4. CHEM a closed loop of
providing the disturbance atoms in a molecule 5. a metallic sound
RIFF abbreviation COMPUT resource inter- like the sound of a bell 쐽 verb 1. TELECOM
change file format to telephone someone 2. to make a metallic
RIFF file noun COMPUT a file that con- sound like the sound of a bell 3. ZOOL to
tains multimedia data stored in the attach a numbered ring to the leg of a bird
resource interchange file format so that its movements can be recorded
COMMENT: Ringing is a very common
rift valley noun EARTH SCI a long valley method of tracing bird movements and
with steep walls, formed when land providing information about birds’ ages. It
between two fault lines sinks or possibly can also cause stress to the birds.
when a fault widens as plates forming the COMMENT: Some animals can be ringed to
Earth’s crust move apart allow them to be led, while others are ringed
to prevent excessive grubbing in the
right angle noun MATHS an angle of 90° ground.
right-angled triangle noun MATHS a ring back system noun COMPUT (usu-
triangle with one right angle ally in a bulletin board system) a remote
right justify verb COMPUT to adjust the computer system in which a user attempt-
right-hand margin so that the text finishes ing to access it phones once, allows it to
at the same place on every line with no ring a number of times, disconnects, waits
lines indented a moment then redials
right shift verb COMPUT to move a sec- Ringer’s solution noun CHEM a solu-
tion of data one bit to the right tion of various salts, used to keep cells or
rightsizing noun COMPUT the process of organs alive for study after they are
moving a company’s information technol- removed from the body
ogy structure to the most cost-effective ring shift noun COMPUT the movement of
hardware, especially moving from a main- data to the left or right in a word where the
frame-based network to a PC-based net- bits falling outside the word boundary are
work discarded and the free positions are filled
rigid adjective hard or stiff and not easy to with zeros
bend 쑗 rigid pipes 쑗 a rigid structure
ring topology noun COMPUT a network
rigid disk noun COMPUT a rigid magnetic structure in which each node, computer or
disk that is able to store many times more printer, is connected one after the other in
data than a floppy disk and usually cannot a loop
be removed from the disk drive
rigidity noun 1. hardness or stiffness and ring topology network noun COMPUT
a network where each node, computer or
an inability to bend 쑗 Extra strength and
printer is connected one after the other in a
rigidity must be provided in the tail section
for aircraft with a tail wheel unit. 2. strict-
ness of control or adherence to a way of ringworm noun any of various infections
doing something 쑗 the rigidity of the of the skin by a fungus, in which the infec-
guidelines tion spreads out in a circle from a central
rigidity modulus noun PHYS same as point
elastic modulus Rio Declaration noun ENVIRON a state-
rill noun EARTH SCI a very narrow stream ment laying down the broad principles of
rim noun the outer edge of a circular environmentally sound development
object such as a wheel 쑗 Creep marks are adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de
painted on the tyre and the wheel rim. 쑗 Janeiro in 1992
The rim of the air intake is prone to icing. RIP abbreviation COMPUT 1. raster image
rime noun METEOROL the feathery ice processor 2. routing information protocol
formed when freezing fog settles on sur- riparian adjective EARTH SCI referring to
faces the bank of a river 쑗 riparian fauna
529 rock crystal
rip current noun EARTH SCI same as rip- river system noun EARTH SCI a series of
tide small streams and rivers which connect
ripple noun EARTH SCI a little wave on the with each other
surface of water 쑗 Ripple marks can be river terrace noun EARTH SCI same as
seen in some sedimentary rocks showing alluvial terrace
where the sand was marked by the move- rivet ENG noun a metal bolt or pin with a
ment of water. head on one end, inserted through one of
ripple-through carry noun COMPUT an the aligned holes in parts to be joined and
operation producing a carry out from a sum then compressed on the plain end to form a
and a carry in second head 쐽 verb to join metal parts with
rivets 쑗 The panel is riveted to the frame.
riptide noun EARTH SCI 1. an area of
rough water in the sea where currents meet RJE noun COMPUT a batch processing sys-
2. a current that flows against the flow of tem where instructions are transmitted to
the incoming waves. Also called rip cur- the computer from a remote terminal. Full
rent form remote job entry
RISC abbreviation COMPUT reduced
RLE noun COMPUT a data compression
instruction set computer technique that stores any sequence of bits
of data with the same value to a single
risk noun a combination of the likelihood value. Full form run-length encoding
of injury, damage or loss being caused by a RLL encoding noun COMPUT a fast and
potentially dangerous substance, technol- efficient method of storing data onto a disk
ogy or activity, or by a failure to do some- in which the changes in a run of data bits
thing, and the seriousness of the possible are stored. Full form run-length limited
consequences encoding
COMMENT: A substance or practice may
have the potential to cause harm, i.e. may Rn symbol CHEM ELEM radon
be a hazard, but risk only arises if there is a RNA noun GENETICS a nucleic acid chain
likelihood that something will be harmed by that takes coded information from DNA
it in a specific set of circumstances. A highly
dangerous thing may in fact present only a and translates it into specific proteins. Full
small risk. Risk assessment is used to form ribonucleic acid. 쒁 DNA
decide what the degree and nature of the RNA polymerase noun GENETICS a
risk, if any, may be so that measures to
reduce or avoid it can be taken. polymerase that aids RNA synthesis
risk assessment noun ENVIRON a proc- RNA virus noun a virus in which the core
ess used to determine the risk from a sub- of nucleic acid consists of RNA
stance, technology or activity roam verb TELECOM to move around
freely and still be in contact with a wireless
river noun EARTH SCI a large flow of communications transmitter
water, running from a natural source in
mountains or hills down to the sea robot noun INDUST a device which can be
programmed to carry out certain manufac-
river authority noun ENVIRON an offi- turing tasks which are similar to tasks car-
cial body which manages the rivers in an ried out by people
robotics noun COMPUT the study of arti-
river basin noun EARTH SCI a large ficial intelligence, programming and build-
low-lying area of land, drained by a river ing involved in robot construction
river capture noun EARTH SCI the incor- robust adjective 1. (of people) strong and
poration of smaller streams into a large healthy 2. (of objects or organisations)
river by a process of erosion effective and unlikely to fail 3. COMPUT (of
riverine adjective EARTH SCI referring to a computer system) able to resume work-
a river 쑗 The dam has destroyed the river- ing after a fault has occurred
ine fauna and flora for hundreds of kilome- rock noun 1. EARTH SCI a solid mineral
tres. substance which forms the outside crust of
river profile noun EARTH SCI a slope the Earth 2. a mass of rock, especially an
along the bed of a river, expressed as a isolated or projecting one
graph of distance-from-source against rock crystal noun EARTH SCI a pure form
height of quartz
rock desert 530
rock desert noun EARTH SCI a desert roll back noun COMPUT a function of a
where underlying rock has been exposed database application to stop a transaction
by the wind blowing away topsoil and return the database to its previous state
rocker arm noun AUTOMOT a part of the roll forward noun COMPUT a function of
valve mechanism in an internal combus- a database application that allows the user
tion engine, which transmits the movement to recover from a disaster such as a power
of the pushrod to the valve cut by reading the transaction log and
rock pool noun EARTH SCI a pool of salt re-executing all the instructions to return
water left in rocks by the sea the database to the state just before the dis-
rock salt noun MINERALS same as halite
ROM abbreviation COMPUT read only
rod noun 1. a thin straight piece of metal memory
쑗 Aluminium rods and bars can readily be
employed in the high-speed manufacture of Roman numeral noun MATHS one of
parts. 2. ANAT a light-sensitive cell in the the numbers written as I, II, III, IV, V etc.
retina of the eye, especially sensitive to ROM BIOS noun COMPUT a code which
poor light. 쒁 cone makes up the BIOS routines stored in a
ROM chip, usually executed automatically
rodent noun ZOOL a mammal that has when the computer is switched on
sharp teeth for gnawing, e.g. a rat or mouse
röntgen noun MEASURE, PHYS another
roentgen, röntgen noun MEASURE, PHYS spelling of roentgen
a unit of measurement of the amount of
exposure to X-rays or gamma rays. Sym- root noun 1. BOT a part of a plant which is
bol R usually under the ground and absorbs
water and nutrients from the surrounding
roentgen equivalent man noun soil 2. COMPUT a starting node from which
MEASURE, PHYS a unit of measurement of all paths branch in a data tree structure 쐽
ionising radiation equivalent to the effect verb BOT (of a plant) to produce roots 쑗 The
of absorbing one roentgen. Abbr rem cuttings root easily in moist sand.
(NOTE: It has been replaced by the sievert.)
root crop noun AGRIC a plant that stores
rogue value, rogue terminator noun edible material in a root, corm or tuber and
COMPUT an item in a list of data that shows is grown as food (NOTE: Root crops include
that the list is terminated carrots, parsnips, swedes and turnips.
role noun 1. a function that something or Starchy root crops include potatoes, cas-
someone performs 쑗 Movement of air savas and yams.)
plays a major role in the development of root cutting noun BOT a piece of root cut
weather patterns. 2. ECOL the set of charac- from a living plant and put in soil, where it
ters, chemical, physical and biological, will sprout and grow into a new plant
that determine the position of an organism
or species in an ecosystem, e.g. aquatic
root directory noun COMPUT the top-
most directory from which all other direc-
predator or terrestrial herbivore
tories branch 쑗 In DOS, the root directory
role indicator noun COMPUT a symbol on drive C: is called C:.
used to show the role of a index entry in its root hair noun BOT a hollow elongated
particular context epidermal cell that grows like a fine hair
roll AEROSP noun a rotation about the lon- from the outer cells of a root to take in
gitudinal axis of an aircraft, created by water and nutrients from the soil
movement of the ailerons 쑗 Roll is pro- rooting compound noun AGRIC a pow-
duced by moving the stick to the left or der containing plant hormones (auxins)
right. 쐽 verb to rotate an aircraft around its into which cuttings can be dipped to
longitudinal axis 쑗 Move the control col- encourage the formation of roots
umn to the left to roll the aircraft to the left.
COMMENT: The difference between roll and
root nodule noun BOT a lump on a plant
bank is that roll is movement whereas bank root that contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria
suggests a fixed attitude of the aircraft. (NOTE: Root nodules are found in peas,
Consequently, a turn might be expressed in beans and other leguminous plants.)
angles of bank: ‘turn at a bank angle of 30°’,
and the movement to obtain the bank might root pressure noun BOT the pressure
be expressed as roll: ‘roll the aircraft to the that pushes water from the roots up
left’. through the vascular tissues of a plant
531 round off errors
rootstock noun 1. BOT same as rhizome rotor noun 1. ENG the central shaft of a
2. AGRIC a plant with roots onto which a generator, which turns inside the stator 2.
piece of another plant is grafted METEOROL a rapidly turning mass of air,
root system noun BOT all the roots of a surrounded by clouds
plant rotor blade noun AEROSP a long thin
Rossby wave noun EARTH SCI a huge aerofoil on a helicopter rotor
side-to-side swing in air and ocean cur- rough adjective 1. having an irregular
rents caused by the Coriolis force surface or action 2. not fully detailed
rot verb BIOL (of organic tissue) to decay roughage noun BIOL fibrous matter in
or become putrefied because of bacterial or food, which cannot be digested
fungal action
rough air noun AEROSP turbulent air
rotary adjective ENG moving around an
axis or fixed point rough calculation noun an operation
rotary actuator noun ENG an actuator giving an approximate answer 쑗 I made
which rotates and operates a screw jack, some rough calculations on the back of an
e.g. to extend flaps envelope. 쑗 According to my calculations,
we have six months’ stock left.
rotary converter noun ELEC ENG an
electric motor powered by an alternating rough drawing noun a quick drawing
current, linked to a dynamo and used to usually used to illustrate or explain some-
generate direct current thing
rotary inverter noun ELEC ENG a direct rough estimate noun an approximate
current motor driving an alternating cur- calculation, good enough for a given pur-
rent generator, the output of which must be pose
regulated to give constant voltage and fre- roughness noun unevenness of a sur-
quency face 쑗 The strength of turbulence near the
rotary motion noun ENG a circular Earth’s surface depends largely on the sur-
movement around an axis or fixed point face temperature, the surface wind and the
rotary wing aircraft noun AEROSP an roughness of the surface.
aircraft with a rotor which provides lift, rough running noun ENG the incorrect
e.g. a helicopter operation of a piston engine
rotate verb 1. to turn around on an axis or round adjective MATHS 1. shaped like a
fixed point 쑗 The Earth rotates on its axis circle or a globe 2. not exact, but given to
approximately every 24 hours. 2. AGRIC to the nearest whole number 쑗 a round figure
grow different crops from year to year in a of 300
field (NOTE: The advantages of rotating round bracket noun a type of bracket
crops include: different crops utilising soil with round sides, (( )), used in pairs
nutrients differently, pests specific to one
crop being discouraged from spreading, round down verb MATHS to approximate
and some crops such as legumes increas- a number to a slightly lower one of less
ing the nitrogen content of the soil if their precision 쑗 We can round down 2.651 to
roots are left in the soil after harvesting.) 2.65.
rotation noun 1. ENG the process of turn- rounding noun 1. MATHS an approxima-
ing around an axis or fixed point 쑗 the rota- tion of a number to a slightly larger or
tion of the Earth 쑗 The speed of rotation smaller one of lower precision 2. COMPUT
determines the frequency of the generator the process of giving graphics a smoother
output. 2. MATHS the amount by which an look
object has been rotated 3. the act of moving rounding error noun MATHS an error in
in a circle a result caused by rounding off the number
rotation of crops noun AGRIC same as round off verb MATHS to approximate a
crop rotation number to a slightly larger or smaller one
rotavirus noun a wheel-shaped RNA of less precision 쑗 round off 23.456 to
virus that causes gastroenteritis, especially 23.46
in infants round off errors plural noun MATHS
rotenone noun AGRIC the active ingredi- inaccuracies in numbers due to rounding
ent of the insecticide derris off
round up 532
round up verb MATHS to approximate a r.p.m., rpm abbreviation MEASURE revo-
number to a slightly larger one of lower lutions per minute
precision 쑗 We can round up 2.647 to 2.65. RPN abbreviation MATHS reverse Polish
roundworm noun ZOOL a type of worm notation
with a round body, some of which are par- RQ abbreviation MEASURE, PHYSIOL respi-
asites of animals, others of roots of plants ratory quotient
route noun COMPUT the path taken by a RS-232C ELECTRONICS approved by the
message between a transmitter and Electronics Industry Association standard
receiver in a network 쑗 The route taken was used in serial data transmission, covering
not the most direct since a lot of nodes were voltage and control signals
busy. RSA noun COMPUT a public-key cryptog-
router noun COMPUT 1. a communica- raphy system used to provide high-level
tions device that receives data packets in a security
particular protocol and forwards them to RSI abbreviation MED repetitive strain
their correct location via the most efficient injury
route 2. a device that connects two or more R/T abbreviation TELECOM radiotelephony
LANs that use the same protocol, and
allows data to be transmitted between each
RTF abbreviation COMPUT rich text format
network (NOTE: The router works at the RTP abbreviation COMPUT real-time trans-
network-layer level of the OSI model.) port protocol
routine noun 1. a regular pattern of activ- RTS abbreviation COMPUT request to send
ity 2. COMPUT a number of instructions signal
included in a program that perform a par- Ru symbol CHEM ELEM ruthenium
ticular task, but are not a complete program rubber noun INDUST a material which can
쑗 The routine copies the screen display be stretched and compressed, and is made
onto a printer. 쑗 The RETURN instruction from a thick white fluid (latex) from a
at the end of the routine sends control back tropical tree
to the main program. 쐽 adjective usual and rubidium noun CHEM ELEM a soft silvery
expected 쑗 a routine check radioactive element that reacts strongly
COMMENT: Routines are usually called from with water and ignites in air, used in photo-
a main program to perform a task, control is cells and glass manufacture (NOTE: The
then returned to the part of the main
program from which the routine was called
chemical symbol is Rb; the atomic number
once that task is complete. is 37 and the atomic weight is 85.47.)
routing noun COMPUT the determination ruby noun MINERALS a deep red form of
of a suitable route for a message through a corundum that is a precious stone
network rudder noun AVIAT a control surface on
routing information protocol noun the fin which rotates an aircraft about its
COMPUT a protocol used on the Internet to vertical axis to produce yaw
calculate the best route by which to trans- COMMENT: The rudder does not turn the
aircraft. It is used, together with aileron
fer information over the Internet, based on deflection, to initiate turns, to balance
the distance that each route takes. Abbr forces in turns and to counteract yawing
RIP motions created by the propeller during
routing table noun COMPUT a list of pre- flight.
ferred choices for a route for a message ruderal adjective BOT referring to a
stored within a router short-lived plant that grows in rubbish or
row noun COMPUT a horizontal set of data on wasteland
elements in an array or matrix rule noun 1. a standard and authoritative
instruction or guideline 쑗 I’d like to give a
Royal Society for Nature Conser- few safety rules before we start. 쑗 Accord-
vation noun a UK charity that supports ing to the rules, your ticket must be paid for
environmental projects and coordinates the two weeks in advance. 쑗 A useful rule for
activities of Wildlife Trusts. Abbr RSNC the application of variation is – variation
RPC abbreviation COMPUT remote proce- east magnetic least, variation west mag-
dure call netic best. 2. a principle that has been
RPG abbreviation COMPUT report pro- established by observation 3. COMPUT a set
gram generator of conditions that describe a function 쑗 The
533 ruthenium
rule states that you wait for the clear signal runoff noun 1. ENG the removal of water
before transmitting. from a system by opening sluices 2. EARTH
rule-based system noun COMPUT a SCI the flow of rainwater or melted snow
software system that applies the rules and from the surface of land into streams and
knowledge defined by experts in a particu- rivers 3. ENVIRON the flow of excess ferti-
lar field to a user’s data to solve a problem liser or pesticide from farmland into rivers
쑗 Nitrate runoff causes pollution of lakes
rule of thumb noun an easily remem- and rivers. 쑗 Fish are extremely suscepti-
bered, useful guide to a more complex
principle ble to runoff of organophosphates.
runoff rate noun ENVIRON the amount of
ruler noun 1. MEASURE a short flat piece excess fertiliser or pesticide from farmland
of rigid material, marked with units for that flows into rivers in a specific period
measuring lengths of up to about 100cm 2.
COMPUT a bar displayed on screen that
runoff water noun EARTH SCI rainwater
indicates a unit of measurement or melted snow that flows into rivers and
ruminant noun ZOOL an animal that has a run phase noun COMPUT a period of
stomach with several chambers, e.g. a cow time during which a program is run
rumination noun ZOOL the process by run-time COMPUT noun 1. the period of
which food taken to the stomach of a rumi- time a program takes to run. Also called
nant is returned to the mouth, chewed run-duration 2. the time during which a
again and then swallowed computer is executing a program 쐽 adjec-
COMMENT: Ruminants have stomachs with tive referring to an operation carried out
four sections. They take foodstuffs into the
upper chamber where it is acted upon by only when a program is running
bacteria. The food is then regurgitated into run-time error noun COMPUT a fault
their mouths where they chew it again only detected when a program is run or an
before passing it to the last two sections error made while a program is running
where normal digestion takes place.
run-time library noun COMPUT a library
run noun 1. a length of something 쑗 a long of routines that are only accessed by an
unbroken run of tubing 2. INDUST a period application when it is running
of operation of a machine, or the amount
produced in one period of operation 쑗 three run-time system noun COMPUT a sys-
runs a day 쑗 a production run of 5000 units tem of software that is required in main
3. COMPUT an execution by a computer of a
storage while a program is running, e.g. to
set of instructions, programs or procedures execute instructions to peripherals
쑗 The next invoice run will be on Friday. 쐽 rupture noun 1. the process of breaking
verb 1. (of a machine or device) to work or open or bursting 쑗 Pressure in the fuel
operate 쑗 The computer has been running tanks must be controlled to prevent rupture
ten hours a day. 쑗 The new package runs or collapse. 2. MED a tear in bodily tissue 쐽
on our PC. 2. to extend 쑗 Magnetic lines of verb to break open or burst, or to cause
force run from the north magnetic pole to something to do this 쑗 The impact ruptured
the south magnetic pole. 3. to operate an the fuel tank. 쑗 The fuel tank ruptured.
engine or other device 쑗 An engine should rural adjective ENVIRON referring to the
be run at low r.p.m. after flight to allow country, as opposed to the town 쑗 Many
engine components to cool to a more uni- rural areas have been cut off by floods.
form temperature. 4. ZOOL to move rapidly rural environment noun ENVIRON the
with both feet sometimes off the ground countryside
run around verb COMPUT to fit text rust noun 1. CHEM a reddish powder that
around an image on a printed page forms on the surface of iron and iron com-
run-duration noun COMPUT same as pounds on contact with damp air 2. FUNGI
run-time a fungal disease that gives plants a reddish
powdery covering 쐽 verb CHEM to become
run in verb to operate a system at a lower covered with reddish powder through con-
capacity for a time in case of any faults tact with damp air
run-length encoding noun COMPUT ruthenium noun CHEM ELEM a brittle
full form of RLE white metallic element used in hardening
run-length limited encoding noun of platinum and palladium alloys (NOTE:
COMPUT full form of RLL encoding The chemical symbol is Ru; the atomic
rutherfordium 534
number is 44 and the atomic weight is R-value noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
101.07.) measurement of resistance to the flow of
rutherfordium noun CHEM ELEM a radi- heat (NOTE: An insulated outside wall has
oactive element produced artificially in an R-value of R-11, while an internal ceil-
high-energy atomic collisions (NOTE: The ing has a value of R-19.)
chemical symbol is Rf; the atomic number Rydberg constant noun PHYS a con-
is 104 and the atomic weight is 261.) stant that relates to the wave number of
rutile noun MINERALS a dark brown or spectral lines for a particular element
shiny black mineral that forms nee- rye noun PLANTS a hardy cereal crop
dle-shaped crystals and is a source of tita- grown in temperate areas. Latin name:
nium Secale cereale.
S symbol 1. CHEM sulfur 2. MEASURE, PHYS safety rod noun INDUST a tube inserted
siemens into a nuclear reactor in order to alter the
SAA abbreviation COMPUT Systems speed of the reaction
Application Architecture safety zone noun ENVIRON an area in
sac noun BIOL a small bag or pouch, espe- which people are not at risk
cially one that contains a fluid, formed by sag noun ELEC a short drop in the voltage
a membrane in an animal or plant level from a power supply
saccharide noun CHEM a sugar, particu- sagittal adjective BIOL going from the
larly a simple one front of the body to the back, dividing it
saccharin noun FOOD INDUST a sub- into right and left parts
stance used as a substitute for sugar. For- sagittal plane noun BIOL the division of
mula: C7H5NO3S. the body along the midline, at right angles
saccharose noun CHEM same as to the coronal plane, dividing the body into
sucrose right and left parts
sacral nerves plural noun ANAT the sagittal section noun BIOL a section or
nerves which branch from the spinal cord cut through the body going from the front
in the sacrum and govern the legs, arms to the back along the length of the body
and genital area sagittal suture noun ANAT a joint along
safe adjective not likely to hurt or cause the top of the head where the two parietal
damage 쑗 It is not safe to drink the water bones are fused
here. Sahara noun EARTH SCI a large desert
safe dose noun MED the amount of radi- region in North Africa
ation which can be absorbed without caus- Saharan adjective EARTH SCI referring to
ing harm to someone the Sahara
safe format noun COMPUT a format Sahel noun EARTH SCI a semi-desert
operation that does not destroy the existing region south of the Sahara where desert
data and allows the data to be recovered in conditions are spreading
case the wrong disk was formatted Sahelian adjective EARTH SCI referring to
safely adverb without danger or damage the Sahel
쑗 Low-level waste can be safely disposed sal ammoniac noun CHEM same as
of by burying. ammonium chloride
safety noun the condition of being safe or salicylic acid noun CHEM a white crys-
without danger talline acid used in making aspirin and
safety factor noun something which dyes and as a preservative. Formula:
plays an important part in safety C7H6O3.
safety guidelines plural noun a series salination noun EARTH SCI a process by
of recommendations indicating appropri- which the salt concentration of soil or
ate practices and procedures to ensure safe water increases, especially as a result of
conditions irrigation in hot climates. Also called
safety precaution noun an action taken salinisation
in order to make subsequent actions or a saline adjective CHEM referring to salt 쐽
situation safe noun CHEM, MED a saline solution
saline drip 536
saline drip noun MED a drip containing a salt bridge noun PHYS a tube containing
saline solution a solution of potassium chloride, used to
saline lake noun EARTH SCI a low-lying connect two half-cells
inland lake with water that contains a lot of salt depletion noun PHYSIOL the loss of
salt because of evaporation and a lack of salt from the body by sweating or vomit-
fresh water flowing into it. Also called salt ing, which causes cramp and other prob-
lake lems
saline solution noun CHEM, MED a salt salt-free diet noun HEALTH a diet which
solution, made of distilled water and does not contain salt
sodium chloride, which is introduced into salting out noun CHEM the precipitation
the body intravenously through a drip of a colloid as a result of the addition of a
salinisation, salinization noun EARTH large quantity of a salt
SCI same as salination salt lake noun EARTH SCI same as saline
salinised, salinized adjective EARTH SCI lake
referring to soil where evaporation leaves salt marsh noun EARTH SCI an area of
salts as a crust on the dry surface land over which the sea flows at high tide
salinity noun CHEM the concentration of saltpan noun EARTH SCI an area where
salt in an amount of water or soil salt from beneath the soil surface rises to
salinometer noun CHEM an instrument form crystals on the surface
for measuring the amount of salt in a saline saltpetre noun CHEM potassium nitrate,
solution or in sea water when used commercially
saliva noun PHYSIOL a clear fluid secreted salt water noun EARTH SCI water which
by the salivary glands into the mouth, and contains salt, e.g. sea water. Compare
containing water, mucus and enzymes to fresh water
lubricate food and break down starch into
sugars saltwater adjective 1. EARTH SCI contain-
ing salt water 2. MARINE BIOL living in salt
salivary digestion noun the first part water
of the digestive process, which is activated
by the saliva in an animal’s mouth salty adjective 1. containing salt 쑗 Excess
minerals in fertilisers combined with natu-
salmon noun ZOOL a large sea fish that rally saline ground to make the land so
returns to a freshwater river to lay its eggs
salty that it can no longer produce crops. 2.
Salmonella noun MICROBIOL a genus of tasting of salt
bacteria found in the intestines, which are
acquired by eating contaminated food SAM noun COMPUT storage where a par-
(NOTE: Different species cause food poi-
ticular data item can only be accessed by
soning and typhoid fever.)
reading through all the previous items in
the list. Full form serial access memory.
salmonella poisoning noun MED an Compare RAM
illness caused by eating food which is con- COMMENT: Magnetic tape is a form of SAM;
taminated with Salmonella bacteria which you have to go through the whole tape to
develop in the intestines access one item, while disks provide
salmonid noun ZOOL a fish belonging to random access to stored data.
a family that is sensitive to pollution in samara noun BOT a dry winged one-seed
water and whose presence indicates that fruit such as one produced by a sycamore
the water is pure, e.g. a trout samarium noun CHEM ELEM a shiny
salt noun CHEM 1. a chemical compound metallic element used in strong magnets,
formed from an acid and a metal 2. sodium carbon-arc lighting and laser materials
chloride as part of the diet 쑗 a (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Sm; the
salt-restricted diet 쑗 He should reduce his atomic number is 62 and the atomic weight
intake of salt. 쐽 adjective BIOL same as is 150.40.)
salty 쐽 verb FOOD INDUST to preserve food sample noun a small amount which is
by keeping it in salt or in salt water representative of the whole 쑗 A sample of
COMMENT: Salt forms a necessary part of water was taken from the lake for analysis.
diet, as it replaces salt lost in sweating and 쑗 A seed sample was tested for germina-
helps to control the water balance in the
body. It also improves the working of the tion. 쑗 Factories were asked to provide
muscles and nerves. Most diets contain samples from outflow pipes. 쐽 verb to take
more salt than each person actually needs. a small quantity of something to test
537 sapwood
sample and hold circuit noun ELEC- tion in crowded conditions can result in the
TRONICS a circuit that freezes an analog spread of disease.
input signal for long enough for an A/D sanitation control noun MED the meas-
converter to produce a stable output ures taken to protect public hygiene, e.g.
sampler noun ELECTRONICS an elec- spraying oil onto the surface of water to
tronic circuit that takes many samples of a prevent insects such as mosquitoes from
signal and stores them for future analysis breeding
San Andreas Fault noun EARTH SCI a sap noun BOT a liquid carrying nutrients
crack in the Earth’s crust in California, run- which flows inside a plant
ning parallel to the coast and passing close sapling noun BOT a young tree
to San Francisco saponification noun CHEM the hydroly-
sanctuary noun ENVIRON an area where sis of an ester, generally by an alkali, to
the wildlife it contains is protected 쑗 A bird form a salt that is a soap in the case of
sanctuary has been created on the island. higher fatty acids, and a free alcohol
sand noun EARTH SCI fine grains of sapphire noun MINERALS a clear blue
weathered rock, usually round grains of precious stone that is a variety of the min-
quartz, found especially on beaches and in eral corundum
the desert
sappy adjective BOT referring to tree
sand bar noun EARTH SCI a long bank of trunks or branches, or wood, that are full of
sand in shallow water either in a river or the sap
sapro- prefix BIOL decay or rotting
sand dune noun EARTH SCI an area of
sand blown by the wind into a small hill or saprobe noun MICROBIOL a bacterium
ridge, often crescent-shaped in the desert that lives in rotting matter
and sometimes covered with sparse grass saprobic adjective BIOL referring to a
when near the sea classification of organisms according to
sandstone noun EARTH SCI a sedimen- the way in which they tolerate pollution. 쒁
tary rock formed of round particles of mesosaprobic, oligosaprobic, polys-
quartz aprobic
sandstorm noun METEOROL a high wind saprogenic, saprogenous adjective
in the desert, which carries large amounts BIOL referring to organisms that grow on
of sand with it decaying organic matter
sandwich noun ENG a construction of sapropel noun a layer of decaying
three layers, the material of the one in the organic matter at the bottom of a body of
middle being different from the two on water
each side 쑗 Standard connectors consist of saprophagous adjective BIOL referring
a metal coupling with a rubber sandwich to organisms that feed on decaying organic
joint. matter
sandy beach noun a beach covered with saprophyte noun BIOL an organism that
sand rather than pebbles or shingle. Also lives and feeds on dead or decaying
called sand beach organic matter, e.g. a fungus
sandy soil noun EARTH SCI soil contain- saprophytic adjective BIOL referring to
ing a high proportion of sand particles organisms that live and feed on dead or
sanitary adjective 1. clean 쑗 They did not decaying organic matter
have the sanitary conditions necessary to saproplankton plural noun BIOL plank-
perform the operation. 2. referring to ton that live and feed on dead or decaying
hygiene or to health organic matter
sanitary landfill, sanitary landfilling saproxylic adjective BIOL referring to
noun ENVIRON a method of disposing of invertebrate animals, fungi and other
solid waste on land in lined pits to avoid organisms that live in the rotting wood of
contaminating surface or ground water and dead trees
other public health and environmental risks sapwood noun BOT an outer layer of
sanitation noun MED the systems of wood on the trunk of a tree, which is
waste disposal and water provision that are younger than the heartwood inside and car-
the basis of public hygiene 쑗 Poor sanita- ries the sap
SAR 538
SAR abbreviation COMPUT store address cause distortion or can spread over the
register screen
sarcoma noun MED a cancer of connec- saturated compound noun CHEM a
tive tissue such as bone, muscle or carti- chemical compound that consists of mole-
lage cules having only single bonds
Sargasso Sea noun EARTH SCI an area saturated fat noun BIOCHEM a fat that
of still water in the North Atlantic Ocean, contains the maximum equilibrium
which is surrounded by currents and con- amount of hydrogen
tains drifting weed COMMENT: Animal fats such as butter and
SARS noun MED a serious infection fat meat are saturated fats and contain
large amounts of hydrogen. It is known that
affecting the respiration system, that is increasing the amount of unsaturated and
caused by a virus and has a high fatality polyunsaturated fats (mainly vegetable oils
rate. Full form severe acute respiratory and fish oil) and reducing saturated fats in
syndrome (NOTE: It first appeared in Hong the food intake help reduce the level of
Kong in 2003 and spread rapidly in China.) cholesterol in the blood.
satellite noun 1. AEROSP an object saturation noun CHEM, PHYS the state of
launched to orbit the Earth, usually receiv- being filled with the maximum amount of
ing and transmitting signals, pictures and something which can be absorbed 쑗 The
data 쑗 a weather satellite 2. ASTRON an various types of fog are classified by the
astronomical object that orbits a larger manner in which saturation is reached.
COMMENT: Air has different saturation
body in space 쑗 The Moon is the Earth’s levels at different temperatures. The hotter
only satellite. 3. something that is control- the air temperature, the more moisture the
led by but separate from a computer 4. air can absorb.
TECH same as satellite television saturation noise noun PHYS error due
COMMENT: In a network the floppy disk units to saturation of a magnetic storage medium
are called ‘satellites’ and the hard disk unit
the ‘server’. In a star network each satellite saturation point noun CHEM, PHYS a
is linked individually to a central server. level at which no more of a substance can
satellite computer noun COMPUT a be absorbed
computer doing various tasks under the saturation testing noun TELECOM the
control of another computer testing of a communications network by
satellite DNA noun GENETICS a compo- transmitting large quantities of data and
nent of DNA in animals that differs in den- messages over it
sity from surrounding DNA, consists of Saturn noun ASTRON the sixth planet of
short repeating sequences of nucleotide the solar system, 95 times as massive as
pairs, and does not undergo transcription Earth
satellite remote sensing noun TECH a COMMENT: Saturn has an equatorial diam-
eter of 120,000 km, but its polar diameter is
collection of data on land use, industrial 10 per cent less, giving it much the greatest
activity, weather, climate, geology and polar flattening of any planet of the solar
other processes based on observations of system. It is accompanied by a ring system
the Earth taken from satellites in outer and by a large family of satellites.
space saturnism noun MED same as plumbism
satellite television, satellite TV noun savanna, savannah noun EARTH SCI a
TECH television that is provided by satellite dry grass-covered plain with few trees,
communications rather than cables or especially in South America or Africa,
land-based transmitters where growth is abundant during the rainy
satisfy verb MATHS to make both sides of season but vegetation dies back during the
an equation equal by finding the values of dry season
the unknown variables save verb COMPUT to store data or a pro-
saturate verb CHEM to fill something gram on an auxiliary storage device 쑗
with the maximum amount of a liquid that Don’t forget to save the file before switch-
can be absorbed 쑗 Nitrates leached from ing off.
forest soils, showing that the soils are sat- sawtooth waveform noun PHYS the
urated with nitrogen. shape of a changing electrical voltage that
saturated colour noun COMPUT a repeatedly rises steadily, then drops stead-
bright colour such as red or orange that ily, giving a triangular-shaped waveform
does not reproduce well on video and can Sb symbol CHEM ELEM antimony
539 scanning
s-block element noun CHEM an element internal part of the body produced by com-
in groups IA and IIA of the periodic table, puter-interpreted X-rays 쑗 They examined
including alkali metals the brain scan. 3. COMPUT an examination
SBM abbreviation COMPUT super bit map- of an image, object or list of items to obtain
ping data describing it 쑗 The heat scan of the
Sc symbol CHEM ELEM scandium computer quickly showed which compo-
nent was overheating. 쑗 The scan revealed
scabies noun a very irritating infection which records were now out of date. 쐽 verb
of the skin caused by a mite which lives 1. MED to examine an internal part of the
under the skin body using computer-interpreted X-rays to
scalar noun MATHS a variable that has a create a picture 2. COMPUT to examine and
single value denoting magnitude assigned produce data from the shape or state of an
to it (NOTE: A scalar has a single magni- object, or drawing, file or list of items 쑗
tude value, while a vector has two or more The fax machine scans the picture and con-
positional values.) verts this to digital form before transmis-
scalar data plural noun COMPUT data sion. 쑗 The machine scans at up to 300dpi
containing single values that are predicta- resolution.
ble and follow a sequence scandium noun CHEM ELEM a rare shiny
scalar processor noun COMPUT a proc- transition metal used as a tracer, found in
essor designed to operate at high speed on wolframite and other minerals (NOTE: The
scalar values chemical symbol is Sc; the atomic number
scalar value noun MATHS a single value is 21 and the atomic weight is 44.96.)
rather than a matrix or record (NOTE: Sca- scan head noun COMPUT a device used
lar values are not normally floating-point in scanners, photocopiers and fax
machines which uses photoelectric cells to
scalar variable noun COMPUT a variable turn an image into a pattern of pixels 쑗 This
which can contain a single value rather model uses a scan head that can distin-
than a complex data type such as an array guish 256 different colours.
or record
scan line noun COMPUT one of the hori-
scale noun 1. a series of marks at fixed zontal lines of phosphor or phosphor dots
intervals used as a reference standard in on the inside of a cathode ray tube or mon-
measurement 쑗 This rule has scales in itor (NOTE: The monitor’s picture beam
inches and centimetres. 2. a graded system sweeps along each scan line to create the
of classification 3. a ratio of two values 4.
image on the screen.)
ZOOL a small overlapping plate of tissue on
the skin of reptiles and fish 5. CHEM a hard scanner noun COMPUT a device which
white calcium layer that forms in contain- converts an image, drawing, photograph or
ers and pipes carrying hot water in areas document into graphical data which can be
where the water supply contains a lot of manipulated by a computer
calcium COMMENT: A scanner is connected and
scale down verb to lower or decrease controlled by a computer which can then
display or process the image data. A
something in proportion scanner can be a device using photoelectric
scale insect noun INSECTS a parasitic cells, as in an image digitiser, or a device
insect that secretes a protective scale that samples data from a process. Flat-bed
around itself and lives on plants scanners are more accurate than hand-held
scalene adjective MATHS describes a tri-
angle in which each side is a different scanning noun COMPUT the action of
length examining and producing data from the
shape of an object or drawing
scale up verb to raise or increase some-
COMMENT: A modem with auto-baud scan-
thing in proportion ning can automatically sense which baud
scaly adjective ZOOL covered in flakes of rate to operate on and switches automati-
tissue, like a reptile or fish cally to that baud rate.
scan noun 1. MED the examination of an scanning electron microscope
internal part of the body using compu- noun PHYS a microscope that uses an elec-
ter-interpreted X-rays to create a picture 쑗 tron beam instead of light to produce
a whole-body scan 2. MED a picture of an highly magnified images
scanning error 540
scanning error noun COMPUT an error scavenging noun 1. ZOOL the activity of
introduced while scanning an image eating organic matter or dead animals 쑗
scanning line noun COMPUT a path Vultures and hyenas sometimes feed by
traced on a cathode ray tube screen by the scavenging. 2. CHEM the removal of impu-
picture beam rities from a gas
scanning rate noun COMPUT the time scent noun 1. CHEM a smell given off by
taken to scan one line of an image on a a substance that stimulates the sense of
cathode ray tube screen smell 2. ENVIRON a pleasant smell 쑗 the
scanning resolution noun COMPUT
scent of flowers
the ability of a scanner to distinguish schedule noun 1. a plan of future activi-
between small points (NOTE: The usual ties 2. an order in which tasks are to be
resolution is 300dpi.) done 3. COMPUT the order in which CPU
scan rate noun COMPUT the number of
time will be allocated to processes in a
times every second that the image on a multi-user system 쐽 verb 1. to make a plan
cathode ray tube screen is redrawn of future activities 2. to arrange an order in
which tasks are to be done
scapula noun ANAT a broad flattened
bone at the rear of the shoulder in verte- scheduler noun COMPUT a program
brates. Also called shoulderblade which organises the use of a central
processing unit or of peripherals which are
scar noun 1. MED a mark left on the skin shared by several users
surface after a wound has healed 2. a mark
or blemish 쐽 verb to leave a mark on the
schema noun COMPUT a graphical
description of a process or database struc-
surface of something 쑗 The landscape was
scarred by open-cast mines.
scarce adjective 1. not available in suffi- schematic adjective (of diagram) show-
ing the function of a device or system with-
cient amounts 2. uncommon or rare
out trying to create a realistic image 쑗
scarcity noun 1. a shortage in the supply Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the
of something 2. the infrequency with autopilot.
which something occurs Schiff’s base noun CHEM an organic
scar tissue noun ANAT fibrous tissue compound formed in a condensation reac-
which forms a scar tion between an aromatic amine and a
scatter PHYS noun the deflection of radi- ketone or aldehyde
ation or a signal 쑗 High frequencies are Schiff’s reagent noun CHEM an acid
freer of ionospheric scatter. 쐽 verb to solution of fuchsine, used as a standard test
deflect radiation or a signal for the presence of aldehydes
scattering noun PHYS the diversion of schist noun EARTH SCI a type of meta-
light by matter, as seen in the effect Earth’s morphic rock that splits easily into flakes
upper atmosphere has on incoming sun- Schistosoma noun ZOOL a fluke which
light, causing the sky to look blue, or the enters the patient’s bloodstream and causes
effect of dust or gas nebulae on starlight schistosomiasis
scatter load verb COMPUT to load schistosomiasis noun MED a tropical
sequential data into various non-continu- disease caused by flukes taken in from
ous locations in memory water affecting the intestine or bladder.
scavenge verb 1. BIOL (of organisms) to Also called bilharziasis
feed on dead and decaying matter 2. CHEM COMMENT: The larvae of the fluke enter
to remove impurities or pollutants from a through the skin of the feet and lodge in the
substance walls of the intestine or bladder. They are
passed out of the body in stools or urine and
scavenger noun 1. ZOOL a mammal or return to water, where they enter and
bird that feeds on animals which have been develop in water snails, the secondary host,
killed by lions or other predators 2. ZOOL before returning to humans. Patients suffer
same as detritivore 3. EARTH SCI generally, from fever and anaemia.
any organism which feeds on dead ani- schizogony noun GENETICS a form of
mals, dead plants or refuse left uncon- asexual reproduction in some single-celled
sumed by other organisms 4. a substance organisms (protozoans), in which a cell
added to a chemical reaction or mixture to nucleus divides many times before the
remove impurities or neutralise something cytoplasm divides to form the daughter
541 scratchpad memory
cells (NOTE: This process enables some ery evergreen leaves that lose very little
parasites such as the malaria parasite to moisture
undergo rapid proliferation in the tissues of scleroprotein noun BIOCHEM a tough
an infected organism.) insoluble protein produced by humans and
schizont noun ANAT a cell in some sin- other animals (NOTE: Examples of sclero-
gle-celled organisms (protozoans) that is proteins are keratin in hair and nails and
formed during the asexual phase of the life collagen in the skin.)
cycle sclerosis noun 1. MED the hardening and
school noun MARINE BIOL a group of thickening of body tissue 2. BOT the hard-
water animals which all move together and ening and thickening of plant cell walls as
keep an equal distance apart, e.g. fish or lignin is deposited, making stems woody
whales sclerotic adjective 1. MED referring to the
Schwann cell noun ANAT a cell that hardening and thickening of body tissue 2.
forms part of the myelin sheath around a BOT referring to the hardening and thicken-
nerve fibre ing process in plant cell walls that makes
science noun 1. the study of the physical stems woody 쐽 noun ANAT same as sclera
and natural world and phenomena, espe- -scope suffix an instrument for examin-
cially by using systematic observation and ing by sight
experiment 2. a particular area of study or scorbutic adjective MED referring to
knowledge of the physical world 3. a sys- scurvy
tematically organised body of knowledge scorbutus noun MED same as scurvy
about a particular subject (technical)
scientific adjective relating to, using, or Scots pine noun TREES a common com-
conforming to science or its principles mercially grown European conifer. Latin
scientific method noun SCI the system- name: Pinus sylvestris.
atic method used in investigations of the SCP abbreviation sustainable consump-
natural world, which include designing tion and production
controlled experiments, collecting data and SCR abbreviation COMPUT sequence con-
developing and testing hypotheses trol register
scientist noun somebody who has scien- scrambler noun COMPUT a device that
tific training or works in one of the sci- codes a data stream into a pseudorandom
ences form before transmission to eliminate any
scintillation noun ASTRON the series of combination of ones, zeros or alternate
fluctuations in brightness of stars caused ones and zeros that would cause synchroni-
by atmospheric instability sation problems at the receiver
scintillation counter noun PHYS a scrap noun 1. INDUST waste material 쑗
machine that detects and counts the flashes scrap paper 쑗 scrap metal 쑗 Some 50% of
of light produced when high-energy ionis- steel is made from recycled scrap. (NOTE:
no plural) 2. a small piece of something 쑗
ing radiation strikes a phosphorescent sub-
stance Scraps of paper had blown all over the
grass. 쐽 verb INDUST to demolish or
scion noun AGRIC a piece of a plant which destroy something because it is no longer
is grafted onto a rootstock useful
scissor verb COMPUT 1. to define an area scrapie noun VET a brain disease of sheep
of an image and then cut it out so it can be and goats. Affected animals twitch, then
pasted into another image 2. to define an suffer intense itching and thirst. They
area of an image and delete any informa- become extremely thin, and death follows.
tion that is outside this area It is a notifiable disease.
sclera noun ANAT the outer coating of an scratch COMPUT noun an area of memory
eyeball, which forms the white of the eye. or a file used for temporary storage of data
Also called sclerotic 쐽 verb to delete or move an area of memory
sclerenchyma noun BOT a strengthen- to provide room for other data
ing or supporting plant tissue made up of scratch file noun COMPUT same as work
dead cells with thickened walls file
sclerophyll noun BOT a woody plant that scratchpad memory noun COMPUT a
grows in hot dry regions, with thick leath- cache memory used to buffer data being
scree 542
transferred between a fast processor and a scroll verb COMPUT to move displayed
slow input/output device such as a disk text vertically up or down the screen, one
drive line or pixel at a time
scree noun EARTH SCI an area of loose scroll arrow noun COMPUT an arrow
rocks and stones at the base of the side of a belonging to a set that, when clicked, move
mountain the contents of the window up or down or
screen noun 1. something which protects sideways
2. COMPUT a display device capable of scroll bar noun COMPUT a bar displayed
showing a quantity of information, e.g. a along the side of a window with a marker
computer monitor 3. ENVIRON a hedge or which indicates how far you have scrolled
row of trees grown to shelter other plants, scrotum noun ANAT a bag of muscle and
to protect something from the wind or to skin that contains the testes of a mammal
prevent something from being seen 쐽 verb (NOTE: Its position is outside the body to
1. to protect something with a screen 쑗 The keep the testes cool.)
power supply unit is screened against scrub noun 1. BOT small trees and bushes
interference. 2. SCI to examine people, ani- 2. EARTH SCI an area of land covered with
mals or plants to test for the presence of small trees and bushes 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to
something 쑗 The population of the village wipe information off a disk or remove data
was screened for meningitis. 3. to select from store 쑗 Scrub all the files with a date
somebody or something as suitable for a before 2000. 2. INDUST to remove sulfur
particular purpose 4. to examine material and other pollutants from waste gases pro-
for the presence of something 쑗 screened duced by power stations
the samples for high protein content scrubber noun INDUST a device for
screen buffer noun COMPUT a tempo- removing sulfur and other pollutants from
rary storage area for characters or graphics waste gases
before they are displayed scrubland noun EARTH SCI land covered
screen capture noun COMPUT the act of with small trees and bushes
storing an image displayed on screen in a SCSI COMPUT same as small computer
file systems interface
screen dump noun COMPUT the act of scurvy noun MED a disease caused by
outputting the text or graphics displayed on lack of vitamin C. Also called scorbutus
a screen to a printer COMMENT: Scurvy causes general weak-
screening noun 1. SCI the process of ness and anaemia, with bleeding from the
testing for the presence of something 2. the gums, joints and under the skin. In severe
cases the teeth drop out. Treatment
process of selecting somebody or some- consists of vitamin C tablets and a change
thing as suitable for a particular purpose of diet to include more fruit and vegetables.
screen refresh verb COMPUT to update SDLC abbreviation COMPUT synchronous
regularly the images on a screen by scan- data link control
ning each pixel with a picture beam to SDR abbreviation COMPUT store data reg-
make sure the image is still visible ister
screen saver noun COMPUT a piece of SDRAM abbreviation COMPUT synchro-
software that, after a pre-determined nised dynamic RAM
period of user inactivity, replaces the exist- Se symbol CHEM ELEM selenium
ing image on screen and displays moving sea noun EARTH SCI a body of salt water
objects to protect against screen burn between land masses
scree slope noun a part of a mountain seabed noun OCEANOG the bottom of the
side covered with loose rock and stones sea 쑗 These fish feed on minute debris on
screw noun ENG a type of threaded con- the seabed.
nector used to fix things together by rotat- seabird noun ZOOL a bird which lives
ing it near the sea and eats fish, e.g. a seagull
screw jack, screwjack noun ENG a lift- seaborgium noun CHEM ELEM an unsta-
ing device working with rotary input ble, artificially produced chemical element
script noun COMPUT a set of instructions (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Sg; the
which carry out a function, normally used atomic number is 106 and the atomic
with a macro language or batch language weight is 266.)
543 secondary channel
sea breeze noun METEOROL a light wind allows a visitor to find a website by search-
which blows from the sea towards the land, ing for words
e.g. in the evening when the land cools search key noun COMPUT 1. a word or
sea current noun OCEANOG a flow of phrase that is to be found in a text 2. a field
water in the sea and other data used to select various
sea fog noun METEOROL fog that forms records in a database
when cold air is above much warmer water search memory noun COMPUT a
seagull noun ZOOL a bird, of several spe- method of data retrieval that uses part of
cies, that lives near the sea and has a heavy the data rather than an address to locate the
build, a rather hooked beak and webbed data
feet sea salt noun FOOD crystals of sodium
chloride, extracted from sea water
seal noun 1. ENG a device that joins two
parts and prevents leakage 쑗 an oil seal 2. season noun TIME 1. one of the four parts
ENG a means of preventing a liquid or a gas into which a year is divided, i.e. spring,
from escaping 쑗 Gaskets effect a seal by summer, autumn and winter 2. the time of
being squeezed between two surfaces. 3. year when something happens 쑗 the mating
MARINE BIOL a mammal with a sleek body season 쐽 verb INDUST to allow the sap in
and flippers that swims in cold seas 쐽 verb timber to dry so that the wood can be used
ENG to join two parts in such a way as to for making things
prevent leakage seasonal adjective referring to or occur-
sealant noun INDUST a substance painted ring at a season 쑗 seasonal changes in tem-
or sprayed onto a surface to prevent the perature 쑗 Plants grow according to a
escape of a liquid or gas 쑗 The integral fuel seasonal pattern.
tank may be completely coated on the seawater noun EARTH SCI the salty water
inside with a layer of sealant. Also called in the sea
sealing compound seaweed noun MARINE BIOL any of the
sea level noun EARTH SCI the average large algae that grow in the sea and are usu-
level of the surface of the sea. 쒁 mean sea ally attached to a surface
level sebaceous gland noun ANAT a gland
COMMENT: Sea level is taken as the base that secretes sebum into hair follicles
for references to altitude: a mountain 300 m (NOTE: Sebaceous glands are found all
high is three hundred metres above sea over the human body except for the palms
level. The Dead Sea is 395 m below sea of the hands and the soles of the feet.)
level. Sea levels in general have risen over
the past 100 years and much more rapid sebum noun PHYSIOL a greasy substance
rises are forecast if the greenhouse effect secreted by the sebaceous glands that lubri-
results in the melting of the polar ice caps. cates the hair and skin
Sea level is also used as a basis for meas-
uring barometric pressure.
second noun MEASURE 1. a base SI unit
of measurement of time, equal to one sixti-
sealing compound noun INDUST same eth of a minute 2. a unit of measurement of
as sealant the circumference of a circle, equal to one
seam noun EARTH SCI a layer of mineral sixtieth of a degree
in rock beneath the Earth’s surface 쑗 The secondary adjective 1. less important
coal seams are 2m thick. 쑗 The gold seam than something else 쑗 a secondary reason
was worked out some years ago. 2. coming after something else 쑗 second-
search COMPUT noun a process of look- ary thickening of stems in plants 쒁 primary,
ing for and identifying a character, word or tertiary 3. developing from another condi-
section of data in a document or file 쐽 verb tion 4. indirectly related to something.
to look for something Compare primary
search and replace noun COMPUT a secondary cell noun ELEC an apparatus
feature on word-processors that allows the that generates electricity by means of a
user to find specified words or phrases, reversible chemical reaction (NOTE: A sec-
then replace them with another word or ondary cell is rechargeable and can be
phrase used to store electrical energy.)
search engine noun COMPUT 1. a piece secondary channel noun COMPUT a
of software that searches a database 2. a second channel containing control infor-
website that compiles a list of websites and mation transmitted at the same time as data
secondary consumer 544
secondary consumer noun ZOOLan secretion noun BIOL a substance pro-
animal such as a carnivore that eats other duced by a gland
consumers in the food chain. 쒁 primary section noun 1. BIOL a piece cut from a
consumer plant or animal for examination 2. COMPUT
secondary growth noun BOT growth a part of a main program which can be exe-
that occurs in a plant’s stem and root, cuted in its own right, without the rest of
increasing the diameter of the stem or root. the main program being required
Also called secondary thickening sectional adjective 1. referring to a sec-
secondary host noun a host which a tion 2. composed of sections
parasite settles on before moving to its pri- sector noun 1. MATHS a portion of a circle
mary host inside two radii and the included arc 2.
secondary industry noun INDUST an COMPUT the smallest area on a magnetic
industry that uses basic raw materials to disk which can be addressed by a compu-
make manufactured goods ter. Also called disk sector (NOTE: The
secondary memory noun COMPUT a disk is divided into concentric tracks and
permanent storage device in a computer each track is divided into sectors which,
that is used for storing files and data typically, can store 512 bytes of data.)
secondary mineral noun EARTH SCI a sector formatting noun COMPUT the
mineral formed after chemical reactions or division of a disk into a series of addressa-
weathering have taken place in magma ble sectors (NOTE: A table of their
secondary particulates plural noun addresses is also formed, allowing each
ENVIRON particles of matter formed in the sector to be accessed.)
air by chemical reactions such as smog sector map noun COMPUT a table which
secondary sexual characteristic contains the addresses of unusable sectors
noun ZOOL a characteristic controlled by on a hard disk
sex hormones that distinguishes sexually secure encryption payment proto-
mature males and females but is not col noun COMPUT a system developed to
directly involved in reproduction, e.g. provide a secure link between a user’s
facial hair in men browser and a vendor’s website in order to
secondary substance noun BOT a allow the user to pay for goods over the
chemical substance found in plant leaves, Internet. Abbr SEPP
believed to be a form of defence against secure hypertext transfer protocol
herbivores noun COMPUT an extension of the HTTP
secondary succession noun ECOL an protocol that allows an encrypted and
ecological community which develops in a authenticated session between a user’s web
place where a previous community has browser and a secure web server. Abbr
been removed as a result of fire, flooding, S-HTTP
cutting down of trees or some other event secure/multipurpose Internet mail
secondary thickening noun BOT same extension noun COMPUT a method of
as secondary growth providing secure electronic mail messages
second generation computer noun by which the system encrypts the main
COMPUT a computer that used transistors
message using a standard cipher then sends
instead of valves the key in encrypted form using a second,
public-key encryption system. Abbr
second law of thermodynamics S/MIME
noun PHYS 쏡 thermodynamics
secure site noun COMPUT a website that
second-level addressing noun COM- includes features to ensure that any infor-
PUT an instruction that contains an address
mation transferred between the user and
at which the operand is stored the website is encrypted and cannot be read
second quartile noun STATS a number by a hacker. Also called secure website
below which fifty per cent of numbers in a COMMENT: A secure site is typically used in
sample fall 쑗 This group falls within the a shopping site to allow customers to type
second quartile. in their personal details such as their
credit-card numbers without risk. Secure
secrete verb PHYSIOL (of a gland) to pro- sites almost always use a system called
duce a substance such as a hormone, oil or SSL (secure sockets layer) that creates a
enzyme secure channel. A small padlock icon in the
545 segment
status bar shows as locked when the site is sedimentation tank noun ENVIRON a
secure. tank in which sewage is allowed to stand so
secure sockets layer noun COMPUT an that solid particles can sink to the bottom
encrypted transmission protocol designed
by Netscape that provides secure commu- seed noun 1. BOT a fertilised ovule that
nications between a browser and a web forms a new plant on germination 왍 to set
server over the Internet. Abbr SSL seed to produce seed 쑗 plants left after
flowering to set seed 2. COMPUT a starting
secure website noun COMPUT same as value used when generating random or
secure site pseudorandom numbers 쐽 verb 1. BOT (of a
security noun the condition of being pro- plant) to produce offspring by dropping
tected or being secret 쑗 The system has seed which germinates and grows into
been designed to assure the security of the plants in following seasons 쑗 The poppies
stored data. seeded all over the garden. 쑗 The tree was
security backup noun COMPUT a copy left standing to allow it to seed the cleared
of a disk, tape or file kept in a safe place in area around it. 2. AGRIC to sow seeds in an
case the working copy is lost or damaged area 쑗 The area of woodland was cut and
sedentary adjective BIOL 1. referring to then seeded with pines. 3. CHEM to add
marine invertebrates that do not swim crystals to a supersaturated solution to
about and remain attached to a rock for encourage crystallisation 4. METEOROL to
most of their lives 2. referring to animals drop crystals of salt, carbon dioxide and
that do not migrate 3. referring to a person other substances onto clouds from an aero-
who remains seated for long periods or plane in order to encourage rain to fall
takes little exercise in a way that can be bad seed bank noun 1. ECOL all the seeds
for health 쑗 a sedentary lifestyle existing in the soil 2. BOT a collection of
sediment noun CHEM a mass of solid seeds from plants, kept for conservation or
particles, usually insoluble, that fall to the research purposes
bottom of a liquid seedcase noun BOT a hard outside cover
sedimentary adjective 1. CHEM falling that protects the seeds of some plants
to the bottom of a liquid 2. EARTH SCI refer- seed leaf noun BOT the first leaf of a
ring to rock formed from material depos- plant forming as the seed sprouts. Also
ited by water, wind or ice and then called cotyledon
subjected to pressure
seedling noun BOT a young plant that has
sedimentary cycle noun EARTH SCI the recently grown from a seed
process by which sediment falls to the bot-
tom of water, becomes rock, then is weath- seek area noun COMPUT a section of
ered to form sediment again memory to be searched for a particular
item of data or a word
sedimentary deposit noun CHEM a
mass of solid particles that have fallen to seek time noun COMPUT the time taken
the bottom of a liquid by a read/write head to find the right track
on a disk 쑗 The new hard disk drive has a
sedimentary rock noun EARTH SCI a seek time of just 35mS.
rock which has been formed from silt, bro-
ken down from older rocks, deposited as seep verb PHYS (of a liquid) to flow slowly
sediment at the bottom of lakes or the sea, through a substance 쑗 Water seeped
and then subjected to pressure through the rock. 쑗 Chemicals seeped out
sedimentation noun 1. EARTH SCI the of the container.
process of formation of sedimentary rock seepage noun PHYS the action of flowing
2. CHEM, INDUST the process of solid parti- slowly
cles falling to the bottom of a liquid, e.g. in seepage tank, seepage pit noun
the treatment of sewage INDUST in some septic tank systems, a deep
sedimentation basin noun EARTH SCI hole into which partly decomposed sewage
an area of land where the rocks have been drains before dispersing slowly into the
formed from matter carried there by wind surrounding soil
and water segment COMPUT noun a section of a
sedimentation rate noun CHEM the main program which can be executed in its
speed with which solid particles fall to the own right, without the rest of the main pro-
bottom of a liquid gram being required 쐽 verb to divide a long
segregant 546
program into shorter sections which can gramme on the basis of distinctive charac-
then be called up when required teristics 4. something chosen 5. a
segregant GENETICS adjective referring collection of carefully chosen things 쑗 a
to an organism that is genetically different selection of photographs
from either parent because of the process selection handle noun COMPUT a small
of segregation 쐽 noun an organism that is square displayed on a frame around a
genetically different from either parent selected area that allows the user to change
because of the process of segregation. Also the shape of the area
called segregate selective herbicide noun AGRIC a
segregate GENETICS verb to undergo or weedkiller which is designed to kill only
to cause genes to undergo segregation 쐽 plants with specific characteristics and not
noun same as segregant others
segregation noun GENETICS (in organ- selective resistance noun BIOL the
isms with paired chromosomes) the sepa- ability of an organism to be unaffected by
ration of the two variant forms (alleles) of specific poisons, pollutants, pesticides or
each gene and their distribution to separate herbicides
reproductive cells (gametes) during meio- selective sort noun COMPUT the process
sis of sorting a section of data items into order
seiche noun EARTH SCI a tide in a lake, selective weedkiller noun AGRIC same
usually caused by the wind or by move- as selective herbicide
ments in water level
seism noun EARTH SCI an earthquake selector noun a manually operated
device such as a switch, which offers a
seismic adjective EARTH SCI referring to choice of settings 쑗 Turn the selector con-
earthquakes trol. 쑗 The purpose of this selector is to
seismic shock, seismic wave noun direct fluid to the appropriate side of an
EARTH SCI a shock wave which spreads out actuator.
from the centre or focus of an earthquake selenium noun CHEM ELEM a non-metal-
travelling through the Earth’s crust lic trace element, used in photoelectric
seismograph noun EARTH SCI, MEAS- cells. Symbol Se (NOTE: The chemical
URE an instrument for measuring earth- symbol is Se; the atomic number is 34 and
quakes the atomic weight is 78.96.)
seismological adjective EARTH SCI
self- prefix 1. of itself 2. automatic
referring to the study of earthquakes
self-checking code noun COMPUT a
seismologist noun EARTH SCI a scien- character coding system which is able to
tist who studies earthquakes detect an error or bad character but not cor-
seismology noun EARTH SCI the scien- rect it
tific study of earthquakes
self-contained adjective independent
seismonasty noun BOT a response of and complete in itself 쑗 The auxiliary
plants to a physical stimulus such as touch power unit is a self-contained unit.
select verb 1. to choose one thing but not self-correcting code noun COMPUT a
others 2. COMPUT to find and retrieve spe- character coding system which is able to
cific information from a database 3. AGRIC detect and correct an error or bad character
to identify plants or animals with desirable
characteristics such as high yield or dis- self-diagnostic adjective COMPUT
ease resistance as part of the activity of referring to a computer that runs a series of
breeding new varieties diagnostic programs, usually when the
selectable attributes plural noun COM- computer is switched on, to ensure that all
PUT the functions or attributes of a device
circuits, memory and peripherals are work-
which can be chosen by the user ing correctly
selection noun 1. the act of choosing one self-evident adjective clear in itself,
thing but not others 2. AGRIC the process of without further explanation
identifying plants or animals with desira- self-explanatory adjective not needing
ble characteristics such as high yield or any further explanation
disease resistance as part of the activity of self-extracting archive noun COMPUT
breeding new varieties 3. an individual a compressed file that includes the pro-
chosen from a group in a breeding pro- gram to de-compress the contents
547 semi-deciduous forest
self-fertile adjective BOT referring to a in salad crops from the garden in the sum-
plant that fertilises itself with pollen from mer time.
its own flowers self-thinning noun ECOL a process by
self-fertilisation, self-fertilization which only a few individuals survive in a
noun BIOL the fertilisation of a plant or group of plants of the same age, since
invertebrate animal with its own pollen or plants cannot escape competition by mov-
sperm ing away to a different place
self-fertility noun BIOL the ability of a sell-by date noun FOOD INDUST a date on
plant or animal to fertilise itself the label of a food product which is the last
selfish gene noun GENETICS a gene that date on which the product should be sold
uses the organism in which it occurs to and can be guaranteed as of good quality
reproduce itself (NOTE: The concept, pro- selva noun ECOL tropical rainforest in the
posed by the biologist Richard Dawkins in Amazon basin
1976, contrasts with the traditional concept semantics noun 1. the meanings of
of the gene acting as a means of inherit- words, parts of words or combinations of
ance for the organism.) words 2. COMPUT the meanings of words or
self-pollination noun BOT the pollina- symbols used in programs
tion of a plant by pollen from its own flow- semaphore noun COMPUT the coordina-
ers. Compare cross-pollination tion of two jobs and appropriate handshak-
self-purification noun ECOL the ability ing to prevent lock-outs or other problems
of water to clean itself of polluting sub- when both require a peripheral or function
stances semen noun PHYSIOL in mammals, a
self-refreshing RAM noun COMPUT a thick pale fluid containing spermatozoa,
dynamic RAM chip that has built-in cir- produced by the testes and ejaculated from
cuitry to generate refresh signals, allowing the penis
data to be retained when the power is off by semi- prefix half
using a battery
self-regulating adjective ECOL (of an
semi-arid noun EARTH SCI receiving very
ecosystem) controlling itself without out-
little rain
side intervention 쑗 Most tropical rainfor- semicircle noun MATHS a half circle
ests are self-regulating environments. semicircular adjective MATHS in the
self-replicating adjective GENETICS shape of a half circle 쑗 Most mathematical
referring to a molecule or bacterium that protractors are semicircular in shape.
reproduces by making copies of itself semicircular canal noun ANAT one of a
self-seeded adjective BOT referring to a set of three tubes in the inner ear that pro-
plant that grows from seed that has fallen vide the sense of balance
to the ground naturally rather than being semi-compiled adjective COMPUT
sown intentionally 쑗 Several self-seeded referring to an object code program con-
poppies have come up in the vegetable gar- verted from a source code program but not
den. containing the code for functions from
self-sterile adjective BOT referring to a libraries and other elements that were used
plant that cannot fertilise itself from its in the source code
own flowers semiconductor noun ELECTRONICS a
self-sterility noun BOT the inability of a material with conductive properties
plant to fertilise itself between those of a conductor such as a
self-sufficiency noun a simple tradi- metal and an insulator
tional way of farming with little use of COMMENT: Semiconductor material such as
modern technology that provides only silicon is used as a base for manufacturing
integrated circuits and other solid-state
enough food and other necessary materials components, usually by depositing various
for a family types of doping substances on or into its
self-sufficient adjective able to provide surface.
enough food and other necessary materials semi-deciduous forest noun EARTH
for a family, often by means of a simple SCI a forest in which some trees lose their
traditional way of farming with little use of leaves or needles at some point during the
modern technology 쑗 We’re self-sufficient year
semi-desert 548
semi-desert noun EARTH SCI an area of sensitise, sensitize verb MED to make
land which has very little rain someone sensitive to a substance such as
semilunar valve noun ANAT one of two an allergen or drug
valves in the heart, either the aortic valve or sensitive adjective 1. BIOL referring to
pulmonary valve the ability to respond to stimuli 쑗 The
leaves of the plant are sensitive to frost. 2.
seminal vesicle noun ANAT one of a TECH referring to devices that are able to
pair of glands that produce some of the liq- record very small changes 쑗 The earth-
uid components of semen quake was a small one and only registered
semiochemical noun a chemical on the most sensitive equipment.
released by animals, especially insects, as a sensitive plant noun BOT a tropical
means of communication, e.g. a pherom- shrub with leaves which fold up when
one touched. Latin name: Mimosa pudica.
semi-parasitic adjective BIOL 1. refer- sensitivity noun 1. BIOL the ability or
ring to an organism living as a parasite but tendency to respond to stimuli. Also called
also undergoing photosynthesis 2. living as irritability 2. TECH the ability to record
a parasite but also capable of living on dead very small changes 쑗 the scanner’s sensi-
or decaying organic matter tivity to small objects 3. TELECOM a mini-
semi-permeable adjective CHEM refer- mum power of a received signal that is
ring to something such as a membrane that necessary for a receiver to distinguish the
allows a liquid to pass through but not sub- signal
stances dissolved in the liquid sensor noun a device which receives and
semipermeable membrane noun responds to a signal or stimulus 쑗 a pres-
CHEM a membrane that allows some sub- sure sensor 쑗 a temperature sensor 쑗 The
stances to pass through it, but not others inlet pressure is sensed by a single
pitot-type sensor.
semi-processed data noun COMPUT
raw data which has had some processing sensor glove noun COMPUT (in virtual
carried out, such as sorting, recording or reality applications) a glove that fits over a
error detection user’s hand and has sensors that detect
when the user moves his or her fingers or
senescence /sinesəns/ noun the proc- arm and so control an image on screen
ess of growing older sensory adjective BIOL referring to the
sense noun BIOL one of the five faculties senses
by which a person or animal notices things sensory adaptation noun BIOL an
in the outside world (NOTE: They are sight, alteration in a receptor because of
hearing, smell, taste and touch.) 쐽 verb 1. increased, decreased or prolonged stimula-
BIOL to be aware of something without tion
being directly told 2. TECH to examine or sensory nerve noun ANAT a nerve that
detect the state of a device or electronic registers a sensation such as heat, taste or
component 쑗 The condition of the switch smell and carries impulses to the brain and
was sensed by the program. spinal cord. Also called afferent nerve
sense of balance noun PHYSIOL the sensory neuron noun ANAT a neuron
mechanism that keeps someone upright, which receives its stimulus directly from a
governed by the fluid in the inner ear bal- receptor, and passes the impulse to the sen-
ance mechanism sory cortex
sense organ noun ANAT a part of the sensory organ noun ANAT a part of an
body that detects some particular aspect of organism such as a nerve which receives
the outside world such as light or sound stimuli
(NOTE: Sense organs include eyes, ears, sentinel noun COMPUT 1. a pointer to a
insect antennae and the lateral lines of special section of data 2. a flag which
fish.) reports the status of a register after a math-
sense recovery time noun COMPUT ematical or logical operation
the time that a RAM device takes to switch sepal noun BOT a part of the calyx of a
from read to write mode flower, usually green and sometimes hairy
sensible horizon noun ASTRON same separate adjective 1. distinct and not
as horizon 1 related 2. not joined or together 쐽 verb 1. to
549 sequestration
move or keep something apart 2. to distin- sequence of names is arranged alphabeti-
guish one thing from another 3. to divide or cally. 쑗 The program instructions are
split something into its parts arranged in sequence according to line
separate channel signalling noun numbers.
COMPUT the use of an independent commu- sequence check noun COMPUT a check
nications channel or bands in a multichan- to ensure that sorted data is in the correct
nel system to send control data and order
messages sequence control register noun
separation noun 1. the condition of COMPUT a CPU register that contains the
being spaced apart 쑗 Airways and advisory address of the next instruction to be proc-
routes provide a high degree of safety by essed. Abbr SCR
maintaining separation between aircraft. sequencer noun COMPUT a section
2. TECH the removal of a component from within a bit-slice microprocessor which
a mixture or combination 쑗 The oil and air contains the next microprogram address
mixture flows over the de-aerator tray in
the oil tank, where partial separation takes
sequence tagged site noun GENETICS
a short sequence of DNA, usually 200 to
500 base pairs, that occurs only once in the
separator noun 1. TECH a device which human genome and is useful in genetic
removes a component from a mixture or mapping
combination 쑗 The water separator will
extract a percentage of free moisture from sequence valve noun ENG a fluid flow
the air. 2. COMPUT a symbol used in an controller which performs a number of
instruction line in a program, to distinguish actions in a specific order 쑗 Sequence
parts such as command and argument valves are often fitted in a landing gear cir-
cuit to ensure correct operation of the
SEPP abbreviation COMPUT secure landing gear doors and actuators.
encryption payment protocol
sequential adjective having a fixed
sepsis noun MED the condition caused by order or happening one after the other
microorganisms or their toxins in the tis-
sues or blood sequential access noun COMPUT a
method of retrieving data from a storage
septet noun COMPUT a word made up of device by starting at the beginning of the
seven bits medium such as tape and reading each
septic adjective 1. BIOL referring to the record until the required data is found.
process of decomposition of organic mat- Also called serial access
ter 2. MED referring to sepsis sequential access storage noun
septic sludge noun INDUST a solid part COMPUT a storage medium such as a tape in
of sewage undergoing the process of puri- which the data is accessed sequentially
fication by decomposition sequential batch processing noun
septic tank noun ENVIRON 1. an under- COMPUT the completion of one job in a
ground tank for household sewage that is batch before the next can be started
not connected to the main drainage system
and in which human waste is decomposed
sequential computer noun COMPUT a
computer for which each instruction must
by the action of anaerobic bacteria 2. a tank
be completed before the next is started and
at a sewage treatment works in which sew-
so which cannot handle parallel processing
age is collected to begin its treatment by
anaerobic bacteria sequential logic noun ELECTRONICS a
septum noun BIOL a thin partition or logic circuit whose output depends on the
dividing membrane such as the tissue sep- logic state of the previous inputs
arating the nostrils or the internal dividing sequentially adverb in a fixed order or
walls in the spores of some fungi one after the other
sequence noun 1. a series of things or sequential search noun COMPUT a
events that follow one another 쑗 The igni- search where each item in a list starting at
tion system provides a rapid series of the beginning is checked until the required
sparks timed to fire in each cylinder in the one is found
correct sequence. 왍 in sequence sequen- sequestration noun CHEM the process
tially 2. COMPUT a number of items or data of forming a complex with an ion, thus
arranged as a logical, ordered list 쑗 The making it chemically ineffective
sere 550
sere noun ECOL a series of plant commu- serotype noun BIOCHEM, MICROBIOL a
nities which succeed one another in an area group of microorganisms that have some
serial adjective COMPUT referring to data antigens in common. Also called serolog-
or instructions ordered one after the other ical type 쐽 verb BIOCHEM to group micro-
rather than in parallel organisms according to their antigens
serial access noun COMPUT same as serous membrane noun ANAT a mem-
sequential access brane that lines an internal cavity which
serial-access memory noun COMPUT does not come into contact with air (NOTE:
full form of SAM The peritoneum and pericardium are
serial computer noun COMPUT a com- serous membranes.)
puter system which has a single arithmetic serum albumin noun BIOCHEM a major
logic unit and carries out instructions one protein in blood serum
at a time serum globulin noun BIOCHEM a major
serial input/output adjective COMPUT 쏡 protein in blood serum which is an anti-
serial transmission. Abbr SIO body
serial input/parallel output noun server noun COMPUT a dedicated compu-
COMPUT a device which can accept serial ter which provides a function to a network
data and transmit parallel data. Abbr SIPO COMMENT: In a network the hard disk
serial input/serial output adjective machine is called the ‘server’ and the floppy
disk units the ‘satellites’. In a star network
COMPUT 쏡 serial transmission. Abbr each satellite is linked individually to a
SISO central server.
serial printer noun COMPUT a printer server message block noun COMPUT
which prints characters one at a time a system that allows a user to access
serial transmission, serial input/out- another computer’s files and peripherals
put noun COMPUT data transmission one over a network as if they were local
bit at a time (this is the normal method of resources. Abbr SMB
transmission over longer distances, since service bit noun COMPUT a transmitted
although slower, it uses fewer lines and so bit used for control rather than data
is cheaper than parallel) service provider noun COMPUT same as
series noun a number of things or events Internet service provider
which come one after the other in a partic- services plural noun COMPUT 1. the func-
ular order 쑗 a series of photographs 쑗 a tions provided by a device 2. the functions
series of switches provided by one OSI layer for use by a
series circuit noun ELEC an electric cir- higher layer
cuit connected so that current passes servo noun MECH ENG same as servo-
through each component of the circuit in mechanism
turn without branching
COMMENT: In a series circuit the same
servo-assisted adjective MECH ENG
current flows through each component; in a partially operated by a servomechanism 쑗
parallel circuit the current flow is dependent servo-assisted brakes 쑗 servo-assisted
upon the component impedance. steering
serine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid that servo-control unit noun MECH ENG a
is involved in making some important pro- combined selector valve and actuator that
teins in the body moves a control surface 쑗 A servo-control
serological adjective IMMUNOL referring unit is part of the system which relieves the
to serology effects of aerodynamic forces on the flight
serological type noun BIOCHEM, controls.
MICROBIOL same as serotype servomechanism noun MECH ENG a
serology noun IMMUNOL the study of device to convert input forces into much
blood serum and its components and how larger output forces 쑗 Two phase motors
they protect against disease are normally used for very small or minia-
serotonin noun BIOCHEM a compound ture motors in servomechanisms. Also
that exists mainly in blood platelets and is called servo
released after tissue injury (NOTE: It is a sessile adjective 1. BOT attached directly
neurotransmitter important in sleep, mood to a branch or stem without a stalk 쑗 The
and blood vessel constriction.) acorns of a sessile oak tree have no stalks
551 sex
or very short stalks. 2. EARTH SCI perma- settling basin, settling pond noun
nently attached to a surface INDUST a tank in which a liquid is allowed
session noun 1. a period of time during to stand so that solid particles can sink to
which something is done 2. COMPUT the the bottom
time during which a program or process is set up verb COMPUT to configure, initial-
running or active ize, define or start an application or system
session layer noun COMPUT the fifth 쑗 The new computer worked well as soon
layer in the ISO/OSI standard model which as the engineer had set it up.
connects and disconnects the transmitter set-up noun COMPUT the way in which an
and receiver application or system is initialised, defined
set noun 1. a group of things which or started
belong together 쑗 a set of instruments 쑗 a severe acute respiratory syn-
set of figures 2. MATHS, COMPUT a number drome noun MED full form of SARS
of related data items 쐽 adjective fixed or sewage noun ENVIRON, INDUST waste
established 쑗 a set procedure 쐽 verb 1. to water and other material such as faeces,
make one variable equal to a value 쑗 We set carried away in sewers
the right-hand margin at 80 characters. 2. sewage disposal noun ENVIRON,
COMPUT to define a parameter value 왍 to
INDUST the removal of sewage from houses
set breakpoints to define the position of and other buildings for processing
breakpoints within a program being
debugged 3. COMPUT to give a binary data sewage effluent noun ENVIRON liquid
bit the value of one 4. to put something in or solid waste carried away in sewers
a particular position 쑗 set the throttle fully sewage farm noun INDUST same as sew-
closed 5. CHEM to harden 쑗 The resin sets age treatment plant
in a couple of hours. sewage gas noun CHEM methane mixed
SET noun COMPUT a set of standards cre- with carbon dioxide which is given off by
ated by a group of banks and Internet com- sewage
panies that allow users to buy goods over sewage sludge noun ENVIRON the solid
the Internet without risk from hackers. Full or semi-solid part of sewage
form secure electronic transactions sewage treatment plant noun INDUST
set aside verb ENVIRON to use a piece of a place where sewage from houses and
formerly arable land for something other other buildings is brought for processing
than growing food crops COMMENT: A modern sewage treatment
plant works by passing the sewage through
set-aside noun ENVIRON a piece of for- a series of processes. It is first screened to
merly arable land used for something other remove large particles, then passed into
than growing food crops sedimentation tanks where part of the
solids remaining in the sewage settle. The
set square noun MATHS a flat metal or sewage then continues into an aerator
plastic instrument in the shape of a which adds air to activate the bacteria. The
right-angled triangle, used in technical sewage then settles in a second sedimenta-
drawing tion tank before being discharged into a
river or the sea and the resulting sludge is
set theory noun MATHS the mathematics digested anaerobically by bacteria in diges-
of numerical sets tion tanks before being put on the land as
setting noun 1. a particular figure or biosolids, burnt, or otherwise disposed of.
position to which a device is adjusted 쑗 sewage waste noun ENVIRON, INDUST
Turn the thermostat to a low setting. 2. the same as sewage
action of adjusting a device to a particular sewage works noun INDUST same as
position 쑗 The setting of the altimeter is sewage treatment plant
done prior to take-off. sewerage sludge noun ENVIRON same
settle verb 1. to stop moving and stay in as sewage sludge
one place 2. (of sediment) to fall to the bot- sex noun BIOL one of the two groups, male
tom of a liquid and female, into which animals and plants
settlement noun 1. ENVIRON a place can be divided 쑗 The relative numbers of
where people have established a commu- the two sexes in the human population are
nity 2. (of sediment) the process of falling not equal, more males being born than
to the bottom of a liquid females.
sexadecimal notation 552
COMMENT: In mammals, females have a sexual reproduction noun BIOL repro-
pair of identical XX chromosomes and duction in which gametes from two indi-
males or have one X and one Y chromo-
some. Out of the twenty-three pairs of chro- viduals fuse together
mosomes in each human cell, only two are Sg symbol CHEM ELEM seaborgium
sex chromosomes. The sex of a baby is
determined by the father’s sperm. While the SGML noun COMPUT a hardware-inde-
mother’s ovum only carries X chromo- pendent standard that defines how docu-
somes, the father’s sperm can carry either ments should be marked up to indicate
an X or a Y chromosome. If the ovum is bold, italics, margins and so on. Full form
fertilised by a sperm carrying an X chromo-
some, the embryo will contain the XX pair
Standard Generalized Markup Lan-
and so be female. guage
sexadecimal notation noun COMPUT shade noun 1. a place sheltered from
same as hexadecimal notation direct sunlight 2. shelter from direct sun-
sex cell noun GENETICS same as gamete light 3. the relative darkness of a colour 쑗
The new leaves are a light shade of green.
sex chromatin noun BIOCHEM chroma-
tin that is only found in female cells and shade-intolerant tree noun BOT a tree
which can be used to identify the sex of a such as Douglas fir which will not grow in
baby before birth the shade of other trees
sex chromosome noun BIOL one of shade plant noun BOT a plant which tol-
two chromosomes, the X chromosome and erates and grows in shade
the Y chromosome, which determine if an shade-tolerant tree noun BOT a tree
organism is male or female (NOTE: Individ- such as beech which will grow in the shade
uals carrying a Y chromosome are male.) of a larger tree
sex determination noun BIOL the way shading noun 1. the action of cutting off
in which the sex of an individual organism the light of the sun 쑗 Parts of the field near
is fixed, usually genetically controlled tall trees suffer from shading. 2. variation
sex hormone noun BIOCHEM one of a in the strength of colours 3. COMPUT the
group of hormones involved in the devel- action of changing the strength of colours
opment and control of the reproductive 4. COMPUT a simple method of applying
organs and sexual characteristics shading to a three-dimensional scene using
sex-limited adjective GENETICS referring a single point of light and calculating the
to inherited characteristics that appear in shade and highlights on each object (NOTE:
This type of shading is calculated for each
one sex only although the genes control-
polygon that makes up an object and can
ling the characteristics may be found in
sometimes cause unwanted effects as
either sex
shading may differ on each polygon.)
sex linkage noun BIOL 1. an existence of
characteristics which are transmitted shadow noun 1. an area which is not
through the X chromosomes 2. the appear- affected by sunlight 2. PHYS an area which
ance of some genetically inherited charac- is not affected by full radiation because of
teristics in only one sex partial or full blocking of rays by some-
thing between the area and the source of
sex-linked adjective BIOL referring to a the radiation 쑗 Line-of-sight transmission
genetically inherited characteristic that path means that obstacles and terrain can
appears in only one sex create shadow zones.
sexology noun BIOL the study of sex and shadowmask noun COMPUT a sheet
sexual behaviour with holes placed just behind the front of a
sex organ noun ANAT an organ that is colour monitor screen to separate the
associated with reproduction and sexual three-colour picture beams
intercourse shadow memory, shadow page noun
sextet noun COMPUT a byte made up of COMPUT duplicate memory location
six bits accessed by a special code
sexual adjective BIOL referring to sex 쑗 A shadow RAM noun COMPUT a method
study of the sexual behaviour of moths. of improving the performance of a PC by
sexual attractant noun CHEM a chemi- copying the contents of a slow ROM chip
cal produced by an insect which attracts to a faster RAM chip when the computer is
other insects of the same species first switched on
553 shell sort
shaft noun ENG a long, generally cylindri- measure of the strength of a material
cal bar, especially one that rotates and under shearing forces.)
transmits power 쑗 engine drive shaft 쑗 pro- shear stress noun PHYS stress that
peller shaft resists the force tending to cause one layer
shaft-driven adjective ENG using a rotat- of a material to slide over an adjacent layer
ing shaft as a means of transmitting power as in riveted and bolted joints
from one part of a machine to another such shear wave noun EARTH SCI a type of
as from a turbine engine to a helicopter slow seismic wave that alters direction as it
rotor passes through different types of rock
shale noun EARTH SCI sedimentary rock shed verb to let something fall off as part
formed from clay, which cracks along hor- of a natural process 쑗 Deciduous trees shed
izontal straight lines their leaves in autumn. 쑗 Deer shed their
Shannon’s Law noun COMPUT a law antlers after the mating season.
defining the maximum information carry-
ing capacity of a transmission line
sheep noun ZOOL an animal farmed for
its wool, meat and milk
COMMENT: Shannon’s Law is defined as B
lg(1 + S/N) where B = Bandwidth, lg is loga- sheet noun a large, thin, flat piece of
rithm to the base two and S/N is Signal to something 쑗 a sheet of aluminium
Noise ratio.
sheet feed noun COMPUT a device which
shared file noun COMPUT a stored file
puts in one sheet at a time into a printer
which can be accessed by more than one
user or system sheet lightning noun METEOROL light-
ning which lights up the sky rather than
shared logic system noun COMPUT a producing a single visible flash
computer and a backing storage device
used by a number of people in a network shelf noun EARTH SCI a layer of rock or
for an application ice which juts out
shared memory noun COMPUT a mem- shelf-life noun FOOD INDUST the number
ory accessed by more than one central of days or weeks for which a product can
processing unit stay on the shelf of a shop and still be good
share-level access noun COMPUT a to use
method used to set up network security to shell noun 1. BIOL a hard outer covering of
protect local resources an animal, egg or seed 2. COMPUT a piece
shareware noun COMPUT software that of software which operates between the
is available to try free, but if kept the user user and the operating system, often to try
is expected to pay a fee to the writer and make the operating system more
sharp adjective 1. thin and capable of cut- friendly or easier to use 쑗 MS-DOS’s
ting or piercing 쑗 If a piece of thermoset- COMMAND.COM is a basic shell that
ting plastic is hit hard enough, it breaks interprets commands typed in at the
into pieces with straight sharp edges. 2. prompt. 쑗 The Macintosh Finder is a
PHYS (of a signal) clear to the hearing 쑗
sophisticated shell with a GUI front-end.
The sharp setting means the bandwidth is shellfish noun MARINE BIOL a sea animal
reduced to 1kHz to minimise noise or that has a hard shell and is used as food
interference. 3. (of an image or shape) shell out verb COMPUT to exit temporar-
clear and distinct to the sight 쑗 Cumulus ily to the operating system, while the orig-
clouds have sharp outlines. 4. sudden and inal application is still in memory before
acute 왍 a sharp increase a sudden large returning to the application 쑗 I shelled out
increase from the word-processor to check which
shatter verb to break, or break some- files were on the floppy, then went back to
thing, into a number of pieces when hit 쑗 the program.
Clear ice is hard to shatter and break off. shell script noun COMPUT a scripting
shear verb to move laterally, often caus- language such as Perl that is used to create
ing a break programs that can enhance a website
shearing load noun PHYS a load caused shell sort noun COMPUT an algorithm for
by sliding apart the layers of a structure sorting data items, in which items can be
shear modulus noun PHYS the ratio of moved more than one position per sort
shear stress to shear strain (NOTE: It is a action
shell star 554
shell star noun ASTRON a star that is a main structure, e.g. of an aircraft when it
regarded as having a surrounding shell of lands or a car when it goes over an uneven
gas road surface
shelter noun a structure or feature pro- shock wave noun PHYS a compression
viding protection from wind, sun, rain or wave caused by supersonic motion
other weather conditions 쐽 verb to protect shore noun EARTH SCI land at the edge of
something from weather conditions the sea or a lake
shelter belt noun FORESTRY, AGRIC a COMMENT: The shore is divided into
row of trees planted to give protection from different zones. The upper shore is the area
wind which is only occasionally covered by sea
water at the very highest tides. The middle
shelterwood noun FORESTRY a large shore is the main area of shore which is
area of trees left standing when others are covered and uncovered by the sea at each
cut, to act as shelter for seedling trees tide. The lower shore is the area which is
very rarely uncovered and only at the
shield noun 1. ELECTRONICS a metal lowest tides.
screen connected to earth, used to prevent shorebird noun ZOOL a bird which lives
harmful voltages or interference reaching and nests near a coast, though some may
sensitive electronic equipment 2. EARTH breed inland
SCI a large area of very old rocks 쑗 the
Canadian shield 쐽 verb ELECTRONICS to shoreline noun EARTH SCI an area of
protect a signal or device from external land at the edge of the sea or a lake
interference or harmful voltages shore terrace noun EARTH SCI a flat
shielded cable noun ELEC a cable made strip of land on a sloping shore
up of a conductive core surrounded by an short adjective not long
insulator, then a conductive layer to protect shortage noun a lack 쑗 There is a short-
the transmitted signal against interference age of qualified geologists for the project.
shielded twisted pair cable noun short card noun COMPUT an add-on
ELEC a cable consisting of two insulated expansion board which is shorter than a
copper wires twisted around each other to standard size
reduce induction and so interference and short circuit noun ELEC ENG an electri-
then themselves wrapped in an insulated cal failure caused by an accidental flow of
shielding layer to further reduce interfer- current between two points in a circuit
ence. Abbr STP cable (NOTE: The fuses in household electrical
shift verb COMPUT 1. to move a bit or plugs are there to protect appliances from
word of data left or right by, usually, one damage caused by excessive current if a
bit 2. to change from one character set to short circuit happens.)
another, allowing other characters such as short-circuit verb ELEC ENG to fail
capitals to be used because of a short circuit (NOTE: The fuses
shifting cultivation noun AGRIC 1. an in household electrical plugs are there to
agricultural practice using the rotation of protect appliances from damage caused
fields rather than of crops. Short cropping by excessive current if a short circuit hap-
periods are followed by long fallows and pens.)
fertility is maintained by the regeneration short-day plant noun BOT a plant that
of vegetation. 2. a form of cultivation prac- flowers as the days get shorter in the
tised in some tropical countries, where autumn, e.g. a chrysanthemum. Compare
land is cultivated until it is exhausted and long-day plant
then left as the farmers move on to another shorten verb to become short or shorter
area or to make something short or shorter 쑗 We
shigella noun a bacillus which causes had to shorten the file to be able to save it
dysentery on one floppy. Opposite lengthen
shingle noun EARTH SCI the small peb- short haul modem noun COMPUT a
bles found on beaches, 1–7cm in diameter modem used to transmit data over short
shingle beach noun EARTH SCI a beach distances, often within a building, usually
covered with pebbles without using a carrier
shock noun HAIR a sudden violent impact short-sighted adjective OPHTHALMOL
shock absorber noun MECH ENG, able only to see close objects clearly, while
AUTOMOT a device to minimise the shock to distant objects appear indistinct
555 signal distance
short-sightedness noun OPHTHALMOL -side suffix side or edge 쑗 eroded hillsides
the state of being short-sighted 쑗 waterside plants
short ton noun US MEASURE same as ton side chain noun CHEM a group of atoms
short wave noun PHYS a radio wave with attached to an atom in a principal chain or
a wavelength between 10 and 100 m ring of a bigger molecule (NOTE: Side
shotgun cloning noun BIOTECH a tech- chains occur most commonly in carbon
nique used for cloning a gene segment that compounds.)
involves dividing the original into many side effect noun a secondary often unde-
random fragments and then mapping and sirable effect 쑗 Draining the marsh has
sequencing the fragments to reconstruct had several unexpected side effects.
the segment or genome side reaction noun CHEM a chemical
shoulderblade noun ANAT same as reaction that occurs after or alongside the
scapula primary one
shower noun METEOROL a brief fall of sidereal adjective ASTRON referring to
rain or snow the stars or determined with reference to
shrivel verb to become dry and wrinkled their apparent motion
쑗 The leaves shrivelled in the prolonged sidereal time noun TIME time based on
drought. Earth’s rotation with respect to a particular
shrub noun BOT a perennial plant with star
several woody stems sidereal year noun TIME the time taken
shrubby adjective BOT growing like a for the Sun to make one apparent evolution
shrub with reference to fixed stars
S-HTTP abbreviation COMPUT secure siemens noun MEASURE, PHYS the SI
hypertext transfer protocol unit of electrical conductance, equal to one
shunt noun ELEC a low-resistance con- ampere per volt. Symbol S
nection between two points in an electric sievert noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of
circuit that forms an alternative path for a measurement of the absorbed dose of radi-
portion of the current. Also called bypass ation, calculated as the amount of radiation
shutter noun a hinged door which con- from one milligram of radium at a distance
trols flow of air 쑗 oil cooler shutters 쑗 radi- of one centimetre for one hour. Symbol Sv
ator shutters
sign noun 1. a small quantity or amount
Si symbol CHEM ELEM silicon of something which may suggest the exist-
SI noun MEASURE the international system ence of a much larger quantity 쑗 Any sign
of metric measurements. Full form Sys- of smoke or fire outside a wing exit makes
tème International it unusable. 2. MATHS a symbol such as -, +,
sib, sibling noun BIOL one of the offspring x or ÷ that represents an operation 3.
of the same parents 쑗 Brothers and sisters MATHS the polarity of a number or signal,
are all siblings. i.e. whether it is positive or negative
sibling species plural noun BIOL spe- signal noun 1. COMPUT, TELECOM a gen-
cies which look alike but which cannot erated analog or digital waveform used to
interbreed carry information 쑗 The signal received
sick adjective MED not in good health from the computer contained the answer. 2.
sick building syndrome noun ENVI- COMPUT a short message used to carry con-
RON a set of symptoms that affect people trol codes 쐽 verb COMPUT to send a mes-
when they are in a building and not when sage to a computer 쑗 Signal to the network
they leave the building, but that cannot be that we are busy.
traced to specific pollutants or sources signal conditioning noun COMPUT the
within the building conversion or translation of a signal into a
COMMENT: Symptoms of sick building form that is accepted by a device
syndrome include headaches, sore throats,
dry skin, general tired feeling and depres- signal conversion noun COMPUT the
sion. Some features that seem to be processing, changing or modulation of a
common to the buildings causing these signal
symptoms are artificial ventilation systems
with windows that do not open and signal distance noun COMPUT a
energy-efficient heating, bright lighting and number of bit positions with different con-
carpeting on floors. tents in two data words
signalling 556
signalling noun COMPUT 1. a method significantly adverb 1. to any consider-
used by a transmitter to warn a receiver that able or notable degree 쑗 The amount has
a message is to be sent 2. a communication not been significantly reduced. 2. in a way
to the transmitter about the state of the that is linked statistically
receiver sign indicator noun COMPUT same as
signal processing noun COMPUT the sign bit
processing of signals to extract the infor- silage noun AGRIC food for cattle formed
mation contained 쑗 The system is used by of grass and other green plants, cut and
students doing research on signal process- stored in silos
ing techniques. 쑗 The message was recov- COMMENT: Silage is made by fermenting a
ered by carrier signal processing. crop with a high moisture content under
signal to noise ratio noun PHYS the anaerobic conditions.
difference between the power of the trans- silage additive noun AGRIC a substance
mitted signal and the noise on the line. containing bacteria and/or chemicals, used
Abbr S/N to speed up or improve the fermentation
sign and magnitude noun MATHS a process in silage or to increase the amount
number representation in which the most of nutrients in it
significant part indicates the sign of the silage effluent noun AGRIC an acidic
number the remainder its value liquid produced by the silage process
sign and modulus noun MATHS a way which can be a serious pollutant, especially
of representing numbers in which one part if it drains into a watercourse
shows whether the number is positive or silence noun the complete absence of
negative (NOTE: Usually 0 = positive, 1 = noise
negative.) silencer noun ENG a device to reduce
signature noun COMPUT a special noise, fitted to a machine 쑗 In order to
authentication code such as a password reduce the level of noise from the blower,
that a user gives prior to access to a system silencers are incorporated in the main sup-
or prior to the execution of a task to prove ply ducting.
identity silica noun MINERALS a mineral which
sign bit noun COMPUT a single bit that forms quartz and sand, and is used to make
indicates if a binary number is positive or glass
negative. Also called sign indicator
(NOTE: Usually 0 = positive, 1 = negative.)
silica gel noun INDUST silica in a form
that absorbs water from the air, used as a
sign digit noun MATHS one digit that drying agent and anticaking agent
indicates if a number is positive or negative
silicate noun 1. CHEM a chemical com-
signed field noun COMPUT a storage pound of silicon and oxygen, the most
field that can contain a number and a sign widespread form of mineral found in most
bit rocks and soils 2. EARTH SCI particles of
significance noun special meaning or silica found in clay
importance silicon noun CHEM ELEM an element with
significant adjective 1. important, con- semiconductor properties, used in crystal
siderable or notable 쑗 There has been a sig- form as a base for the manufacture of inte-
nificant reduction in the amount of raw grated circuits (NOTE: The chemical sym-
sewage being released into the sea. 2. too bol is Si; the atomic number is 14 and the
closely linked statistically to be the result atomic weight is 28.09.)
of chance 쑗 The difference is not statisti- COMMENT: Silicon is used in the electronics
cally significant. industry as a base material for integrated
significant digit code noun COMPUT a circuits. It is grown as a long crystal which is
code that indicate various details of an then sliced into wafers before being etched
or treated, producing several hundred chips
item, by assigning each one a value per wafer. Other materials, for example
significant figures plural noun MATHS germanium or gallium arsenide, are also
the figures in a decimal number that used as a base for integrated circuits.
express accuracy, beginning with the first silicon carbide noun CHEM a very hard
non-zero figure on the left and ending with bluish-black crystalline solid, used as an
the figure on the right 쑗 shown to three sig- abrasive and refractory, and in pure form as
nificant figures a semiconductor. Formula: SiC.
557 simulate
silicon chip noun ELEC a small piece of matter. Used in photography, and as an
silicon in and on the surface of which a analytical reagent, antiseptic and astrin-
complete circuit or logic function has been gent. Formula: AgNO3.
produced, by depositing other substances silver oxide noun CHEM 1. a brown,
or by doping strongly basic powder. Formula: Ag2O. 2.
silicon dioxide noun CHEM same as sil- a black solid. Formula: AgO.
ica silvi- prefix BOT, FORESTRY trees or woods
silicon wafer noun ELECTRONICS a thin silvicide noun BOT a substance which
slice of a pure silicon crystal, usually kills trees
around 10cm or 4in. in diameter, on which silvicolous adjective BIOL living or
integrated circuits are produced. (NOTE: growing in woodland
These are then cut out of the wafer to pro-
duce individual chips.) silvicultural adjective FORESTRY refer-
ring to the cultivation of trees
silicosis noun MED a type of pneumoco-
niosis caused by inhaling silica dust from silviculture noun FORESTRY the cultiva-
mining or stone-crushing operations, tion of trees as part of forestry
which makes breathing difficult and can SIMD abbreviation COMPUT single
lead to emphysema and bronchitis instruction stream multiple data stream
silk noun INSECTS, INDUST a thread pro- similar adjective sharing some qualities
duced by the larvae of a moth to make its but not exactly the same
cocoon (NOTE: It is used to make a smooth similarity noun the state of being alike
light fabric.) similarity coefficient noun ECOL the
silkworm noun INSECTS a moth larva degree to which two things such as areas of
which produces silk thread vegetation are alike
silo noun AGRIC a large container for stor- SIMM abbreviation COMPUT single in-line
ing grain or silage memory module
silt noun EARTH SCI 1. soft mud which set- simple adjective 1. CHEM consisting of a
tles at the bottom of water 2. particles of single chemical compound 2. BIOL not
fine quartz with a diameter of 0.002– divided, either totally or partially, into sep-
0.06mm arate segments
siltation, silting noun EARTH SCI the simple mail transfer protocol noun
action of depositing silt at the bottom of COMPUT a standard protocol that allows
water, or the state of having a silt deposit 쑗 electronic mail messages to be transferred
increased sedimentation and siltation in from one system to another. Abbr SMTP
backwaters (NOTE: It is usually used as the method of
silt up verb EARTH SCI (of a harbour or transferring mail from one Internet server
river) to become full of silt, so that boats to another or to send mail from a personal
can no longer sail computer to a server.)
silver noun CHEM ELEM a white metallic simple network management pro-
element which is not corroded by exposure tocol noun COMPUT a network manage-
to air (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ag; ment system that defines how status data is
the atomic number is 47 and the atomic sent from monitored nodes back to a con-
weight is 107.87.) trol station. Abbr SNMP (NOTE: It is able to
silver bromide noun CHEM a yellowish work with virtually any type of network
insoluble salt that darkens on exposure to hardware and software.)
light, used in photography. Formula: AgBr. simplex noun COMPUT data transmission
silver chloride noun CHEM a white in only one direction. Opposite duplex.
insoluble salt that darkens on exposure to Abbr SPX
light, used in photography. Formula: AgCl. simplify verb MATHS to convert a mathe-
silver iodide noun CHEM a yellow insol- matical expression such as a fraction or
uble salt that darkens on exposure to light, equation to a simpler form by removing
used in photography, antiseptics and to common factors or regrouping elements
seed clouds to make rain. Formula: AgI. simulate verb to imitate the conditions or
silver nitrate noun CHEM a white soluble behaviour of something 쑗 The computer
salt that is toxic and turns black on expo- program simulates the action of an air-
sure to light while in contact with organic craft.
simulation 558
simulation noun the imitation of a real single instruction stream multiple
situation, often created for training pur- data stream noun COMPUT the architec-
poses 쑗 a simulation of an engine fire 쑗 The ture of a parallel computer, which has a
computer animation showed a simulation number of arithmetic logic units and data
of the events which followed the explosion buses with one control unit. Abbr SIMD
on board the aircraft. single instruction stream single
simulator noun COMPUT a device that data stream noun COMPUT the architec-
simulates another system ture of a serial computer, which has one
simultaneous adjective happening at arithmetic logic unit and data bus with one
the same time control unit. Abbr SISD
simultaneous processing noun single mode noun TELECOM an optic
COMPUT the execution of two or more proc- fibre with a very narrow diameter, 10
esses at the same time microns or less, designed to transmit a sin-
simultaneous transmission noun gle light signal over a long distance (NOTE:
This type of fibre has a bandwidth of
COMPUT the transmission of data or control
5Gbits/second and is normally used for
codes in two directions at the same time.
long distance telephone networks.)
Also called duplex
sine noun MATHS a trigonometric function single nucleotide polymorphism
equal to the length of the side opposite to noun BIOTECH a commonly found change
an angle in a right-angled triangle divided in a single nucleotide base of a DNA
by the hypotenuse sequence, occurring about every 1000
bases. Abbr SNP (NOTE: It is of significance
sine curve noun MATHS a graph of the in biomedical research.)
sine equation ‘y = a sin bx’, with ‘a’ and
‘b’ being constants single precision noun COMPUT the use
of one data word to store a number
sine wave noun PHYS a waveform with a
simple shape like a sine curve, produced by singularity noun ASTRON the point
a single frequency where the curvature of spacetime is infinite
and all the usual rules of physics cease to
single address code, single address have effect
instruction noun COMPUT a machine code
instruction that contains one operator and sink verb to fall to the bottom of water 쑗
one address sank to the river bed (NOTE: sinks – sank
– sunk) 쐽 noun 1. CHEM a place into which
single address message noun COM- a substance passes to be stored or to be
PUT a message with a single destination absorbed. 쒁 carbon sink 2. CHEM, PHYS a
single bond noun CHEM a covalent bond chemical or physical process which
between two atoms, formed by sharing a removes or absorbs a substance 쑗 The com-
pair of electrons monest ozone sink is the reaction with
single chip computer noun COMPUT a nitric oxide to form nitrogen dioxide and
complete simple computer including cen- oxygen. 3. TELECOM the receiving end of a
tral processing unit, memory and communications line 4. EARTH SCI a
input/output ports on one chip low-lying piece of land where water col-
single cross noun GENETICS the pro- lects to form a pond
duction of a hybrid by crossing two inbred sinkhole noun same as sink noun 4
lines, or the hybrid produced sinter noun EARTH SCI a whitish chemical
single frequency signalling noun sediment or rock consisting of porous sil-
COMPUT the use of various frequency sig- ica or calcium carbonate deposited by a
nals to represent different control codes mineral spring
single in-line memory module noun sintering noun INDUST the process of
COMPUT a small, compact circuit board fusing particles together to form a mass by
with an edge connector along one edge that heating below melting point
carries densely-packed memory chips. sinus noun 1. ANAT an air-filled cavity in
Abbr SIMM the bones of the face and skull, especially
single in-line package noun COMPUT one that opens into the nasal passages 2.
an electronic component that has all its BOT an indentation between petals or the
leads on one side of its package. Abbr SIP lobes of a leaf
559 skip distance
sinusoidal wave noun PHYS the shape card generates 16-bit samples, but it can
of a signal or voltage that is described by also mean that it generates 8-bit samples,
the sin formula, giving a rounded wave that but fits into a 16-bit expansion slot. 쒁 8-bit
repeatedly rises and falls with time sample
SIO abbreviation COMPUT serial input/out- sixth decile noun STATS a number below
put which sixty per cent of numbers fall 쑗 This
SIP abbreviation COMPUT single in-line group falls within the sixth decile of con-
package sumers.
SIPO abbreviation COMPUT serial size noun how big something is, or how
input/parallel output many there are of something 쐽 verb 1. to
sire noun a male animal selected for establish the size of something 2. COMPUT
breeding to calculate the resources available, and
sirenian noun MARINE BIOL a large those required to carry out a particular job
marine animal living in warm estuaries, skeletal adjective ANAT referring to a
e.g. a manatee. Order: Sirenia. skeleton
sirocco noun METEOROL a dry wind skeletal code noun COMPUT a program
blowing from the desert northwards in which is not complete, with the basic struc-
North Africa ture coded
SISD abbreviation COMPUT single instruc- skeletal muscle noun ANAT a muscle
tion stream single data stream attached to a bone, which makes a limb
SISO abbreviation COMPUT serial move. Also called voluntary muscle
input/serial output
site noun a place or position of something skeleton noun ANAT the framework of
bones which make up a body
쑗 The area around the nuclear test site is
closed to the public. 쑗 Hazardous chemi- skew verb to make something inaccurate
cals found on the site include arsenic, lead or unbalanced 쐽 noun the amount by which
mercury and cyanide. 쒁 landfill site 쐽 verb something is not correctly aligned
to be in or put something in a particular skewed adjective unbalanced or biased
place 쑗 The nesting area is sited on the skin noun 1. ANAT the tissue, the epider-
west side of the cliff. mis and dermis, that forms the outside sur-
Site of Special Scientific Interest face of the body 2. AEROSP the outer layer
noun ENVIRON in England, Wales and Scot- of an aircraft 쑗 The aircraft skin is riveted
land, an area of land which is officially to stringers and frames.
protected to maintain its fauna, flora or COMMENT: The skin is the largest organ in
geology. Abbr SSSI the human body. It is formed of two layers:
Sitka spruce noun TREES a temperate the epidermis is the outer layer, and
softwood coniferous tree, that is fast-grow- includes the top layer of particles of dead
skin which are continuously flaking off.
ing. It is used for making paper. Latin Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, which
name: Picea sitchensis. is the main layer of living skin. Hairs and
SI unit noun MEASURE a standard interna- nails are produced by the skin, and pores in
tional unit of measurement adopted under the skin secrete sweat from the sweat
glands underneath the dermis. The skin is
the Système International d’Unités (NOTE: sensitive to touch and heat and cold, which
The seven fundamental units are the are sensed by the nerve endings in the skin.
metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, The skin is a major source of vitamin D
candela, and mole, and there are two sup- which it produces when exposed to
plementary units, the radian and stera- sunlight.
dian.) skin graft noun MED 1. a layer of skin
6 degrees of freedom plural noun transplanted from one part of the body to
COMPUT the limits of movement and vision cover an area where the skin has been
that a user can interpret, normally three destroyed 2. a surgical operation to trans-
visual dimensions together with movement plant skin 쑗 After the operation she had to
16-bit sample noun COMPUT a single have a skin graft.
sample of an analog signal which is stored skip distance noun TELECOM the short-
as a 16-bit digital number, meaning that est distance at which a sky wave can be
there are 65536 possible levels. A ‘16-bit received 쑗 The higher the layer in which a
sound card’ can sometimes mean that the direct wave signal is totally refracted and
skull 560
returns as a sky wave, the greater the skip sleep noun 1. BIOL a state of unconscious-
distance. ness during which the body rests 2. COM-
skull noun ANAT the bony part of the head PUT the state of a system that is waiting for
in humans and other vertebrates (NOTE: It a log-on signal before doing anything 쐽
consists of the cranium, which encloses verb to be asleep or fall asleep
and protects the brain, and the bones of sleeping sickness noun MED an Afri-
the face.) can disease caused by trypanosomes
sky noun the atmosphere and outer space spread by the tsetse fly infesting the blood
as seen from the Earth 쑗 The higher the Sun sleet METEOROL noun icy rain 쐽 verb to
is in the sky, the more intense is the radia- fall as icy rain
tion per unit area. slice noun a section or piece of something
COMMENT: The sunlight that strikes the
atmosphere is scattered by the particles
slick noun a patch of something thin or
which it hits. The scattering affects short slippery on a surface, especially of oil
light waves most, hence the short blue light floating on water
waves colour the sky. slide noun a device which allows contin-
sky wave noun TELECOM that part of a uous movement over a smooth surface 쐽
radiated wave which is returned to Earth by verb to move continuously over a smooth
refraction from the ionosphere surface 쑗 Shear stress is the stress that
slack adjective 1. not tight or taut 쑗 a resists the force tending to cause one layer
slack cable 2. (of isobars) widely spaced 쑗 of a material to slide over an adjacent
Throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, layer. (NOTE: sliding – slid)
where pressure gradients are normally slide rule noun MATHS a graduated
slack, the sea breeze is a regular feature. device with sliding parts marked with
slack water noun OCEANOG the part of scales for performing complex mathemati-
the tidal cycle occurring between the ebb cal operations
and flood tides at the point when the flows slime noun 1. BIOL a mucous substance
are reversing direction secreted by an organism such as a snail 2.
slag noun INDUST waste matter which BIOL a coating of green algae on rocks or
floats on top of the molten metal during other surfaces 3. any thick liquid substance
smelting, used to lighten heavy soils, e.g. regarded as unpleasant
clay, and also for making cement slip-off slope noun EARTH SCI a gently
slag heap noun INDUST a large pile of sloping bank on the inside of a river with
waste material from an industrial process large bends (meanders)
such as smelting or from coal mining slipped disc noun MED one of the discs
slant noun a slope or inclination 쐽 verb to of cartilage separating the bones of the
slope spine that has become displaced or protru-
slash verb to make a long cut in some- sive and causes pain by pressing on a nerve
thing with a knife slit noun a long thin gap in something 쐽
slash and burn agriculture noun verb to cut a slit in something
AGRIC a form of agriculture in which forest slope noun a slanting surface or slanting
is cut down and burnt to create open space piece of ground 쐽 verb to be inclined at an
for growing crops. Also called swidden angle
farming (NOTE: The space is abandoned slot noun a long thin hole that can hold
after several crops have been grown and something 쑗 The system disk should be
then more forest is cut down.) inserted into the left-hand slot on the front
slate noun EARTH SCI a hard metamorphic of the computer. 쐽 verb to fit into or insert
rock which splits easily along cleavage an object into a hole 쑗 The disk slots into
lines, used especially for making roofs one of the floppy drive apertures.
slaughter noun the killing of a large slough BIOL noun dead tissue, especially
number of animals 쐽 verb 1. AGRIC to kill dead skin, which has separated from
animals for food 2. to kill large numbers of healthy tissue 쐽 verb (of a snake) to let
animals 쑗 Thousands of seals were slaugh- dead skin fall off as part of a natural proc-
tered annually. ess
slave processor noun COMPUT a dedi- slow neutron noun PHYS a relatively
cated processor controlled by a master slow-moving neutron with low kinetic
processor energy. Also called thermal neutron
561 smooth
(NOTE: Slow neutrons can cause nuclear smelter noun INDUST a processing facil-
fission.) ity where ore is heated and metal extracted
slow-wave sleep noun BIOL a state of from it
dreamless sleep characterized by slow smelting noun INDUST the process of
brain waves and lowered heart rate, respi- extracting metal from ore by heating
ration, and blood pressure smiley noun COMPUT a face created with
SLSI abbreviation ELECTRONICS super text characters, used to provide the real
large scale integration meaning to an email message. Also called
sludge noun 1. a thick wet substance, emoticon (NOTE: For example, :-) means
especially wet mud or snow 2. INDUST the laughter or a joke and :-( means sad.)
solid or semi-solid part of sewage S/MIME abbreviation COMPUT
slurry noun 1. CHEM a liquid containing a secure/multipurpose Internet mail exten-
suspended solid 2. AGRIC liquid or sion
semi-liquid waste from animals, stored in smog noun ENVIRON a form of air pollu-
tanks or lagoons and treated to be used as tion in towns, caused by warm damp air
fertiliser combined with exhaust fumes from cars
COMMENT: Smog originally meant smoke
small computer systems interface and fog, and it was caused by coal smoke
noun COMPUT a standard high-speed paral- in foggy weather in winter. Today’s smog is
lel interface used to connect computers to usually caused by car exhaust fumes and
peripheral devices such as disk drives and can occur in sunny weather. When the
scanners. Abbr SCSI atmosphere near ground level is polluted
with nitrogen oxides from burning fossil
small intestine noun ANAT the narrow fuels together with hydrocarbons, ultraviolet
section of the gut after the stomach, where light from the Sun sets off a series of reac-
most of the food is digested and absorbed tions that result in photochemical smog,
(NOTE: Its three sections are called the containing, among other substances,
ozone. Temperature inversion (where the
duodenum, jejunum and ileum.) air temperature at ground level is colder
small-scale adjective small in size or than the air above) helps to form smog by
limited in scope. Compare large-scale making it impossible for the pollutants in the
air to rise.
small-scale integration noun ELEC- smoke noun CHEM a white, grey or black
TRONICS an integrated circuit with 1 to 10 mass of small particles in the air, produced
components. Abbr SSI by something which is burning 쑗 The room
Smalltalk noun COMPUT an object-ori- was full of cigarette smoke. 쑗 Several peo-
ented programming language developed ple died from inhaling toxic smoke. 쐽 verb
by Xerox 1. to emit smoke 쑗 The volcano is still
smart card noun ELECTRONICS a plastic smoking. 2. FOOD INDUST to preserve food
card with a memory and microprocessor by hanging it in the smoke from a fire
device embedded in it, so that it can be (NOTE: Smoking is used mainly for fish, but
used for electronic funds transfer or for also for some bacon and cheese.)
identification of the user COMMENT: By banning the use of fuels
which create smoke, the air above towns
smart wiring hub noun COMPUT a net- has become much cleaner than it was. This
work hub or concentrator that can transmit has the disadvantage of allowing the
status information back to a managing sta- sunlight to penetrate and cause photo-
tion and allows management software to chemical reactions to take place, increasing
the acidity of the atmosphere, with the
configure each port remotely 쑗 Using this result that apparently clean air can be as
management software, I can shut down dangerous as smog.
Tom’s port on the remote smart wiring hub. smokestack noun INDUST a very tall
SMB abbreviation COMPUT server mes- industrial chimney, usually containing sev-
sage block eral flues
smear noun BIOTECH a sample of soft tis- smoky adjective ENVIRON full of smoke 쑗
sue such as blood or mucus taken from a a smoky room
patient and spread over a glass slide to be smooth adjective 1. even and without
examined under a microscope lumps or dents 쑗 a smooth surface 2. not
smelt verb INDUST to extract metal from rough or turbulent 쑗 High ground will dis-
ore by heating it turb the smooth, horizontal flow of air. 왍 a
smooth muscle 562
smooth running engine an engine which newspaper is soaked in water, then formed
is operating well into bricks and dried. 2. COMPUT to run a
smooth muscle noun ANAT a type of program or device continuously for a
muscle found in involuntary muscles. Also period of time to make sure it functions
called unstriated muscle correctly
SMT abbreviation COMPUT surface-mount soakaway noun EARTH SCI a channel in
technology 쑗 SMT is faster and more the ground filled with gravel, which takes
space-efficient than soldering. rainwater from a downpipe or liquid sew-
SMTP abbreviation COMPUT simple mail age from a septic tank and allows it to be
transfer protocol. Compare POP 3 absorbed into the surrounding soil
smut noun 1. CHEM a small black piece of soak-test verb COMPUT same as soak 쑗
carbon emitted from a fire 쑗 Smuts from the The device was soak-tested prior to deliv-
oil depot fire covered the town. 2. BIOL a ery.
disease of cereal plants, caused by a fun- soak up verb PHYS to absorb a liquid
gus, that affects the development of the soap noun CHEM a metallic salt of a fatty
grain and makes it look black acid such as stearic acid, used as a cleans-
Sn symbol CHEM ELEM tin ing agent
SNA abbreviation COMPUT Systems Net- soar verb ZOOL (of a bird) to fly high up or
work Architecture stay airborne without any movement of the
wings by floating on the upward move-
SNMP abbreviation COMPUT simple net- ment of warm air
work management protocol
social adjective ECOL referring to a group
SNOBOL noun COMPUT a high-level pro- of animals or people
gramming language that uses string
processing methods. Full form string ori- social animal noun ZOOL an animal
entated symbolic language such as an ant or bee that lives in an organ-
ised society
snow noun 1. METEOROL water which
falls as light pieces of white ice in cold social carnivore noun ZOOL a meat-eat-
weather 2. PHYS interference displayed as ing animal that lives and hunts in a group,
flickering white flecks on a monitor 쐽 verb e.g. a lion or wolf
to fall as snow 쑗 It snowed heavily during social group noun 1. ZOOL a group of
the night. people or animals living together in an
snow blindness noun MED a temporary organised way 2. a group of people with a
painful blindness caused by bright sunlight similar position in society
shining on snow social parasite noun BIOL a parasite
that benefits from the host’s usual behav-
snowfall noun METEOROL a quantity of iour, e.g. a cuckoo, which lays its eggs in
snow that comes down at any one time 쑗 A
the nest of another bird who then brings up
heavy snowfall blocked the main roads.
the cuckoo’s young as if it were its own
snowflake noun METEOROL a small social responsibility noun ENVIRON
piece of snow formed from a number of ice concern for the effects upon society of
crystals activities that are undertaken, such as a
snow line noun EARTH SCI a line on a concern for the effects on people’s health
high mountain above which there is perma- of environmental pollution and industrial
nent snow processes
snow-melt noun EARTH SCI the melting society noun 1. ZOOL a group of people
of snow in spring, often the cause of floods or animals that live together in an organ-
snowstorm noun METEOROL a heavy fall ised way 2. BOT a group of plants within a
of snow accompanied by wind larger community 3. a group of people who
snowy adjective 1. METEOROL referring live together and have the same laws and
to weather or a period when a lot of snow customs
falls 쑗 a period of snowy weather 쑗 a socket noun ELEC a device with a set of
snowy night 2. covered with snow holes, into which a plug fits
SNP abbreviation BIOTECH single nucle- soda noun CHEM same as sodium
otide polymorphism hydroxide
soak verb 1. PHYS to put something in liq- soda ash noun CHEM same as sodium
uid, so that it absorbs some of it 쑗 The carbonate
563 soft reset
soda lake noun EARTH SCI a salt lake sodium nitrate noun CHEM a white
with a high concentration of sodium in the crystalline salt, used as a fertiliser and in
water curing meat. Formula: NaNO3.
soda lime noun CHEM a mixture of sodium peroxide noun CHEM an odour-
sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, less yellowish powder, used as a bleaching
used to absorb moisture and carbon diox- agent, antiseptic and disinfectant. For-
ide mula: Na2O2.
sodium noun CHEM ELEM a chemical ele- sodium pump noun BIOCHEM the active
ment which is a constituent of common salt process that exchanges sodium ions for
and essential to animal life (NOTE: The potassium ions across a cell membrane
chemical symbol is Na; the atomic number sodium sulfate, sodium sulphate
of 11 and the atomic weight is 22.99.) noun CHEM a bitter-tasting white solid,
sodium aluminate noun CHEM a solid, used in making glass, rayon, dyes, deter-
white-coloured substance, normally used gents and purgatives. Formula: Na2SO4.
in water-purification. Formula: NaAlO2. sodium sulfide, sodium sulphide
sodium balance noun PHYSIOL a bal- noun CHEM an amorphous solid that dis-
ance maintained in the body between salt solves in moist air. Formula: NaS2.
lost in sweat and urine, and salt taken in sodium sulfite, sodium sulphite noun
from food (NOTE: The balance is regulated CHEM a white soluble crystalline solid,
by aldosterone.) used in photography and as a bleach. For-
sodium bicarbonate noun CHEM a mula: Na2SO3.
white crystalline alkaline salt, used as a soft adjective 1. not hard 2. PHYS referring
raising agent, antacid and in fizzy drinks to material that loses its magnetic effects
and fire extinguishers. Formula: NaHCO3. when removed from a magnetic field 3.
COMPUT referring to data that is not perma-
sodium bisulfate noun CHEM same as
sodium hydrogensulfate nently stored in hardware (NOTE: It usually
refers to data stored on a magnetic
sodium bisulfite noun CHEM same as medium.)
sodium hydrogensulfite
soft coal noun INDUST coal which is not
sodium bromide noun CHEM a white as efficient a fuel as anthracite and pro-
crystalline solid. Formula: NaBr. duces more smoke when it burns
sodium carbonate noun CHEM a white soft copy noun COMPUT text displayed
crystalline salt of carbonic acid. Formula: on a computer screen. Compare hard copy
Na2CO3. soft detergent noun INDUST a detergent
sodium chlorate noun AGRIC a herbi- that is broken down in water but which can
cide which is taken up into the plant cause eutrophication and algal bloom
through the roots soften verb to make something soft or
sodium chloride noun CHEM common become soft
salt. Formula: NaCl. softener noun CHEM a substance which
sodium hydrogensulfate, sodium makes something become soft
hydrogensulphate noun CHEM a white soft error noun COMPUT a random error
solid used in making sulfuric acid. For- caused by software or data errors (NOTE:
mula: NaHSO4H2O. Also called sodium This type of error is very difficult to trace
bisulfate and identify since it only appears in some
sodium hydrogensulfite, sodium conditions.)
hydrogensulphite noun CHEM a white soft goods plural noun COMPUT soft-
powder, used as an antiseptic. Formula: ware that is purchased and paid for in an
NaHSO3. Also called sodium bisulfite online shop, but is then downloaded
sodium hydroxide noun CHEM a com- directly onto the computer
pound of sodium and water which is used soft hyphen noun PRINTING a hyphen
to make soap and to clear blocked drains. that is inserted only when a word is split at
Formula: NaOH. the end of a line
sodium monoxide noun CHEM a white soft reset noun COMPUT an instruction
solid that is a strong base. Formula: Na2O. that terminates any program execution and
software 564
returns the user to the monitor program or soil fauna plural noun ZOOL invertebrate
BIOS animals that live in soil, e.g. earthworms
software noun COMPUT any program or soil fertility noun EARTH SCI the poten-
group of programs that instructs the hard- tial capacity of soil to support plant growth
ware on how it should perform, including based on its content of nitrogen and other
operating systems, word processors and nutrients
applications programs (NOTE: no plural) soil flora plural noun BOT microorgan-
software-compatible adjective COM- isms such as fungi and algae that live in
PUT referring to a computer that will load soil
and run programs written for another com- soil horizon noun EARTH SCI a layer of
puter soil that is of a different colour or texture
software developer noun COMPUT a from other layers (NOTE: There are four soil
person or company that writes software horizons: the A horizon or topsoil contain-
software engineering noun COMPUT a ing humus; the B horizon or subsoil con-
field of study covering all software-related taining minerals leached from the topsoil
subjects and little organic matter; the C horizon or
weathered rock; and the D horizon or bed-
software system noun COMPUT an rock.)
assembly of all the programs required for
one or more tasks soil improvement noun AGRIC the
practice of making the soil more fertile by
soft water noun CHEM water that does methods such as draining and manuring
not contain calcium and other minerals that
are found in hard water and is easily able to soilless gardening noun AGRIC same
make soap lather as hydroponics
softwood noun 1. INDUST the soil management noun the study of
open-grained wood produced by pine trees soil’s physical properties and how to main-
and other conifers 2. TREES a pine tree or tain a healthy and functional soil system
other conifer that produces such wood. soil map noun EARTH SCI a map showing
Compare hardwood the different types of soil found in an area
soil noun EARTH SCI the earth in which soil nutrition noun 1. the condition of
plants grow soil in terms of the plant nutrients it con-
COMMENT: Soil is a mixture of mineral parti-
tains 2. the action of putting nutrients into
cles, decayed organic matter and water. soil through the application of fertilisers 쑗
Topsoil contains chemical substances Use muck and some seaweed for soil nutri-
which are leached through into the subsoil tion.
where they are retained.
soil organic matter noun decayed or
Soil Association noun a UK organisa- decaying vegetation that forms part of soil.
tion that certifies organically grown food Abbr SOM
soil conservation noun AGRIC the use soil profile noun EARTH SCI a vertical
of a range of methods to prevent soil from section through the soil showing the differ-
being eroded or overcultivated. Also called ent layers
conservation of soil soil salinity noun EARTH SCI the quan-
soil contamination noun the presence tity of mineral salts found in a soil (NOTE:
of chemical or biological elements which High soil salinity is detrimental to most
affect the soil’s natural function agricultural crops, although some plants
soil creep noun EARTH SCI a slow move- are adapted to such conditions.)
ment of soil downhill soil sample noun EARTH SCI a small
soil depletion noun EARTH SCI a reduc- quantity of soil used for testing
tion of the soil layer by erosion soil science noun EARTH SCI the scien-
soil drainage noun EARTH SCI the flow tific study of all aspects of soil, including
of water from soil, either naturally or its formation, distribution and structure
through pipes and drainage channels soil structure noun EARTH SCI the
inserted into the ground arrangement of soil particles in groups or
soil erosion noun EARTH SCI the individually, giving a loose or firm texture
removal of soil by the effects of rain, wind, soil texture noun EARTH SCI the struc-
sea or cultivation practices ture of soil based on the relative propor-
565 solenoid
tions of particles of different sizes it is affects radio waves and is associated with
composed of (NOTE: There are four main sunspot activity
classes of soil texture: clay, silt, sand and solar gain noun ENVIRON the amount of
loam. Loam, which contains a mixture of heat in a building derived from solar radia-
soil particles, is the most suitable for grow- tion through windows or transparent walls
ing crops.) solar-generated energy, solar-gen-
solar adjective 1. ASTRON referring to the erated power noun INDUST same as solar
Sun 2. INDUST using the energy of the Sun energy
or driven by power from the Sun solar heating noun ENG the use of the
solar cell noun ELEC a photoelectric Sun’s energy to heat water as it passes
device that converts solar energy into elec- through heat-absorbing panels
solar irradiation noun PHYS rays which
solar collector noun INDUST same as are emitted by the Sun
solar panel
solarisation, solarization noun AGRIC
solar constant noun PHYS the rate at exposure to the rays of the Sun, especially
which solar energy arrives at the Earth, for the purpose of killing pests in the soil,
equal to about 13.5 watts per square metre by covering the soil with plastic sheets and
in space just above Earth’s atmosphere letting it warm up in the sunshine
(NOTE: The solar constant is not constant,
and it is unclear whether its day-to-day and solar panel noun ENG a device with a
year-to-year variations are accompanied dark surface which absorbs the sun’s radi-
by long-term variations which could have ation and uses it to heat water. Also called
important effects on the evolution of life on solar collector, collector panel
Earth, modern-day climate change and the solar power noun INDUST same as solar
incidence of Ice Ages.) energy
solar cycle noun ASTRON the 22-year solar-powered adjective INDUST pow-
period over which the pattern of sunspots ered by energy derived from the Sun’s rays
on the Sun’s surface repeats itself (NOTE: 쑗 a solar-powered steam pump
Analysis of sunspot records shows that the solar radiation noun PHYS rays which
full cycle appears to incorporate two are emitted by the Sun
11-year periods.) solar system noun ASTRON the Sun and
solar day noun TIME the day measured in all the objects under its gravitational influ-
terms of the time taken for the Sun to return ence
to the same point in the sky, equal to about solar thermal noun INDUST a form of
24 hours 4 minutes power generation that uses concentrated
solar dryer noun AGRIC a device for dry- sunlight to heat a fluid that is then used to
ing crops using the heat of the sun drive a motor or turbine
solar eclipse noun ASTRON a situation solar wind noun ASTRON the stream of
when the Moon passes between the Sun particles being driven constantly off the
and the Earth during the daytime and the surface of the Sun into interplanetary
shadow of the Moon falls across the Earth, space, moving at several hundred kilome-
so cutting off the Sun’s light. Compare tres per second, and consisting largely of
lunar eclipse protons and electrons plus a few per cent of
solar energy noun INDUST electricity alpha particles (NOTE: The Earth is pro-
produced from the Sun’s radiation. Also tected from the solar wind by its own
called solar power, solar-generated atmosphere and its magnetic field.)
energy, solar-generated power solar year noun TIME the year measured
COMMENT: The Sun emits radiation in the
form of ultraviolet rays, visible light and
from equinox to equinox, equal to 365.24
infrared heating rays. Solar energy can be days. Also called tropical year
collected by various methods, most often by solder noun METALL an alloy with a low
heating water, which is then passed into melting point, typically a mixture of tin
storage tanks. Although solar energy is and lead, used to join metallic parts 쐽 verb
easy to collect, the problem is in storing it in
order to make sure that power is available INDUST to join parts using solder
for use during the night or when it is cloudy. solenoid noun ELEC a cylindrical coil of
solar flare noun ASTRON a sudden flash wire acting as a magnet when carrying
of bright radiation from the Sun which electric current 쑗 Fuel is metered from the
solid 566
fuel system by a solenoid-operated control solubility product noun CHEM a con-
valve. centration of ions in a solution saturated
solid adjective 1. CHEM not liquid or gas- with an electrolyte
eous 쑗 a lump of solid matter 쑗 a solid soluble adjective CHEM referring to a
object 쑗 Visibility is reduced by the pres- substance that can be dissolved 쑗 fat-solu-
ence of solid particles such as dust or sand ble 쑗 water-soluble
in the atmosphere. 2. continuous, unbroken soluble fibre noun FOOD fibre found in
or overall 쑗 a solid line 쑗 a solid block of vegetables, fruit, pulses and porridge oats,
colour 쐽 noun CHEM a substance which is which is partly digested in the intestine and
not a liquid or a gas 쑗 Ice is a solid, water reduces the absorption of fats and sugar
is a liquid and vapour is a gas. into the body, so lowering the level of cho-
solid colour noun COMPUT a colour that lesterol
can be displayed on a screen or printed on solum noun EARTH SCI soil, including
a colour printer without dithering both topsoil and subsoil
solid error noun COMPUT an error that is solute noun CHEM a solid substance
always present when certain equipment is which is dissolved in a solvent to make a
used solution
solid fuel noun INDUST coal, coke or solution noun 1. the act or means of solv-
ing a problem or difficulty 쑗 The solution
solidification noun the process of was to protect the plants from trampling. 2.
becoming solid the answer to or a way of removing a prob-
solidify verb to become solid 쑗 Carbon lem or difficulty 쑗 found a solution 3.
dioxide solidifies at low temperatures. CHEM a change of a solid or gas into a liq-
solid modelling noun COMPUT a func- uid by dissolving in water or some other
tion in a graphics program that creates liquid 4. CHEM a mixture of a solid sub-
three-dimensional solid-looking objects by stance dissolved in a liquid 쑗 a dilute solu-
shading tion of sodium bicarbonate
solids plural noun FOOD food that has to solvate CHEM verb to enter into solution
be chewed with a solvent, or cause a solute to dissolve
solid-state adjective ELECTRONICS refer- in solution with a solvent 쐽 noun a com-
ring to semiconductor devices pound consisting of an ion or molecule of
solute combined with one or more of sol-
solid-state ballast lamp noun ELEC a vent
fluorescent light bulb containing a ballast
that reduces the amount of current needed Solvay process noun INDUST the indus-
to keep the lamp bright trial process that produces sodium carbon-
ate or washing soda from common salt
solid-state device noun ELECTRONICS
an electronic device that operates by using solve verb to find the answer to, or a way
the effects of electrical or magnetic signals of removing, a difficulty or problem 쑗 The
in a solid semiconductor material triangle of velocities is used to solve navi-
gation problems.
solid-state technology noun ELEC-
TRONICS the technology using the elec- solvent noun CHEM a liquid in which a
tronic properties of solids to replace those solid substance can be dissolved
of valves solvolysis noun CHEM a chemical reac-
solid waste noun ENVIRON a type of tion between a solute and its solvent
waste matter that is hard and not liquid SOM abbreviation soil organic matter
solifluction noun EARTH SCI a gradual somatic adjective BIOL referring to cells
downhill movement of wet soil not involved in sexual reproduction
solstice noun ASTRON one of the two sonar noun PHYS a method of finding
times of year when the Sun is at its furthest objects under water by sending out sound
point, either north or south, from the equa- waves and detecting returning sound
tor waves reflected by the object
solubility noun CHEM the ability of a sub- sonde noun METEOROL a device attached
stance to dissolve in another substance or to a balloon or rocket, for measuring and
solvent at a given temperature and pressure taking samples of the atmosphere
567 south-east
son file noun COMPUT the latest working sound capture noun COMPUT the con-
version of a file version of an analog sound into a digital
sonic adjective PHYS referring to sound form that can be used by a computer
waves sound card noun COMPUT expansion
sonic boom noun ACOUSTICS a loud card which produces analog sound signals
noise made by the shock waves produced under the control of a computer 쑗 This soft-
by an object such as an aircraft or a bullet ware lets you create almost any sound –
travelling through the air at or faster than but you can only hear them if you have a
the speed of sound sound card fitted.
COMMENT: The shock waves of a sonic sound pressure level noun MEASURE,
boom can cause objects to resonate so ACOUSTICS a measure of loudness, in deci-
violently that they are damaged. Super- bels. Abbr SPL
sonic aircraft generally fly at speeds greater
than the speed of sound only over the sea, sound wave noun ACOUSTICS a pressure
to avoid noise nuisance and damage to wave produced by vibrations, which is
property. transmitted through air or a solid and
soot noun ENVIRON a black deposit of fine detected by a human ear or a microphone
particles of carbon which rise in the smoke (NOTE: In a microphone sound waves are
produced by the burning of material such converted to electrical signals.)
as coal, wood or oil source noun 1. a substance or object
sorghum noun PLANTS a drought-resist- which produces something 쑗 Hot rocks are
ant cereal plant grown in semi-arid tropical a potential energy source. 쑗 Plants tend to
regions such as Mexico, Nigeria and turn towards a light source. 2. EARTH SCI
Sudan. Latin name: Sorghum vulgare. the place where a river starts to flow 쑗 The
source of the Nile is in the mountains of
sort verb to put data into order, according Ethiopia. 3. TELECOM a point where a
to a system 쑗 Sort the addresses into alpha- transmitted signal enters a network 4. an
betical order. 쑗 Sort orders according to original or initial point
account numbers.
source address filtering noun COM-
sorting pass noun COMPUT a single run PUT a feature of some bridges which
through a list of items to put them into detects a particular address in the received
order packet and either rejects or forwards the
sortkey, sort field noun COMPUT a field data
in a stored file which is used to sort the file source book noun COMPUT a library file
쑗 The orders were sorted according to
from which elements or objects are copied
dates by assigning the date field as the and used
source code noun COMPUT a set of
sort/merge noun COMPUT a program codes written by a programmer that cannot
which allows new files to be sorted and be directly executed by a computer but has
then merged in correct order into existing to be translated into an object code pro-
files gram by a compiler or interpreter
sound adjective strong 쑗 a sound struc- source language noun COMPUT the
ture 쐽 noun ACOUSTICS something that can language of a program prior to translation
be heard and is caused by vibration of the source program noun a program, prior
surrounding air 쐽 verb 1. to make a noise 쑗 to translation, written in a programming
A warning horn will sound if the door language by a programmer
opens. 2. to seem on the basis of an account
쑗 It sounds as if there is a problem.
south noun NAVIG the compass point 180°
clockwise from due north and directly
sound absorption factor noun PHYS opposite north 쑗 fly towards the south 쐽
a number indicating the amount of sound adjective 1. NAVIG referring to the compass
energy absorbed by a surface point 180° from north 쑗 the south side of
sound bandwidth noun ACOUSTICS the the river 2. GEOG situated in the south 쐽
range of frequencies that a human ear can adverb NAVIG towards the south 쑗 The air-
register, normally from 20Hz to 20KHz craft is flying south.
sound barrier noun PHYS the air resist- south-east noun NAVIG the direction
ance encountered by objects moving at between south and east 쑗 a region in the
speeds near the speed of sound south-east of Canada 쐽 adjective 1. GEOG
southerly 568
situated in the south-east 쑗 the south-east SP abbreviation COMPUT stack pointer
coast of England 2. METEOROL blowing sp. abbreviation BIOL species (NOTE: The
from the south-east 쑗 a south-east wind 쐽 plural, for several species, is spp.)
adverb NAVIG towards the south-east 쑗 We space noun 1. a gap between things 2.
were heading south-east. PHYS the physical universe outside Earth’s
southerly adjective NAVIG to or from the atmosphere 쑗 VHF waves tend to pass
south 쑗 The typhoon is moving in a south- through the layers of the ionosphere into
erly direction at 25 knots. 쐽 noun METE- space.
OROL a wind which blows from the south
space bar noun COMPUT a long bar at the
southern adjective GEOG, NAVIG situated bottom of a keyboard, which inserts a
in the south or towards the south space into the text when pressed
Southern blot noun BIOTECH a tech- space capsule noun ASTRON a vehicle
nique for transferring DNA restriction or cabin designed to support life and used
fragments onto a membrane filter for iden- for transporting human beings or animals
tification with a gene probe in outer space or at very high altitudes
southern hemisphere noun EARTH within the Earth’s atmosphere
SCI the lower half of the Earth space character noun COMPUT a char-
Southern Lights plural noun METE- acter code which prints a space
OROL a spectacular illumination of the sky spacecraft noun ASTRON a vehicle or
in the southern hemisphere caused by ion- device designed for travel or use in space
ised particles striking the atmosphere. Also space probe noun AEROSP a device sent
called Aurora Australis into space to obtain information about con-
Southern Oscillation noun METEOROL ditions in space
a regular cycle by which air is exchanged Space Shuttle noun AEROSP a reusable
between the Pacific basin and the Indian space launcher developed in the US by
Ocean, occurring every two to five years NASA and first used in 1981
and linked to changes in the sea tempera- space station noun ASTRON a space-
ture and to the El Niño effect craft or satellite designed to be occupied by
South Pole noun EARTH SCI the point a crew for extended periods of time and
which is furthest south on the earth used as a base for the exploration, observa-
south-west noun NAVIG the direction tion, and research of space
between south and west 쑗 a region in the spacesuit noun ASTRON a sealed pressu-
south-west of Canada 쐽 adjective 1. GEOG rised suit designed to support the wearer’s
situated in the south-west 쑗 the south-west life in space
coast of England 2. METEOROL blowing space-time foam noun PHYS same as
from the south-west 쑗 a south-west wind 쐽 quantum foam
adverb NAVIG towards the south-west 쑗 We
were heading south-west. spacewalk ASTRON noun an excursion
by an astronaut or cosmonaut outside the
south wind noun METEOROL a wind spacecraft 쐽 verb to go out of a spacecraft
blowing from or coming from the south in order to perform a task or experiment
(NOTE: A wind is named after the direction
it comes from.) spacing noun PRINTING the insertion of
spaces between characters or lines of
sow verb AGRIC to put seeds into soil so printed text, or the way in which spaces
that they will germinate and grow 쐽 noun were inserted 쑗 The spacing on some lines
ZOOL a female pig is very uneven.
soya noun PLANTS a plant that produces span noun 1. the distance between two
edible beans which have a high protein and points 2. COMPUT a set of allowed values
fat content and very little starch. Latin between a maximum and minimum 쐽 verb
name: Glycine max. Also called soya to bridge a distance between two points
spanning tree noun COMPUT a method
soya bean, soybean noun 1. BOT a bean of creating a network topology that does
from a soya plant 2. PLANTS same as soya not contain any loops and provides redun-
COMMENT: Soya beans are very rich in dancy in case of a network fault or problem
protein and apart from direct human
consumption are used for their oil and as spar noun AEROSP the main longitudinal
livestock feed. beam of an aircraft wing
569 specificity
SPARC noun COMPUT a RISC processor species noun BIOL a group of organisms
designed by Sun Microsystems which is that can interbreed. A species is a division
used in its range of workstations. Full form of a genus. Abbr sp. (NOTE: The plural is
scalar processor architecture species.)
spare part noun ENG a small piece of a species barrier noun GENETICS the ina-
machine that is needed to replace a piece bility of members of different species to
which is broken or missing produce healthy offspring if they mate or
spark noun ELEC a light produced by a cross
sudden electrical discharge 쑗 An electric species diversity noun ECOL the range
spark from an igniter plug starts combus- of species found in an area
tion and the flame is then continuous. species richness map noun a map
spark plug noun MECH ENG a device showing the distribution of species in an
screwed into each cylinder head of a spark area
ignition engine, which initiates fuel com- specific adjective 1. clearly defined and
bustion by an electric spark definite 쑗 The airframe has to be built to
sparse array noun MATHS a data matrix very specific requirements. 2. characteris-
structure that contains mainly zero or null tic of something 3. BIOL referring to species
entries 4. PHYS referring to a physical quantity
spathe noun BOT a large funnel-shaped expressed per unit mass
bract, often coloured, around a flower head specific activity noun PHYS the number
spawn ZOOL noun a mass of eggs pro- of disintegrations of a radio-isotope in a
duced by a fish or reptile 쑗 Frog spawn period of time
develops into tadpoles. 쐽 verb (of a fish or specific address noun COMPUT a stor-
reptile) to produce a mass of eggs age address which directly, without any
spawning ground noun ZOOL an area modification, accesses a location or device
of water where fish come each year to pro- specification noun a detailed descrip-
duce their eggs tion of the composition of something, of
spay verb to remove the ovaries of a what is needed, or of what is involved in
female animal doing something 쑗 The specification
speaker noun ACOUSTICS same as loud- requires gaps of 5mm. 쑗 Fluids are col-
speaker oured for recognition purposes and fluids
special adjective 1. not usual 2. for one of different specifications must never be
particular purpose 3. highly valued 쑗 The mixed. 쑗 The work was rejected as not up
doctor has put him on a special diet. to specification. 쑗 The product meets the
specialisation, specialization noun 1. customer’s specifications.
the activity of being concerned with one specific charge noun PHYS the electric
particular area of knowledge in detail 2. a charge of an elementary particle divided by
particular area of knowledge its mass
specialise, specialize verb to be con- specific coding noun COMPUT a pro-
cerned with one particular area of knowl- gram code which has been written so that it
edge in detail 쑗 She specialises in the study only uses absolute addresses and values
of conifers. specific gravity noun PHYS a measure
specialist noun 1. a person who special- of the density of a substance
ises in a particular area of knowledge 쑗 specific heat capacity noun PHYS the
They have called in a contamination spe- amount of energy needed to raise the tem-
cialist. 2. BIOL an organism which only perature of unit mass of a substance by unit
lives on one type of food or in a very temperature interval under constant condi-
restricted habitat tions (NOTE: It is usually measured in
speciality noun a particular area of joules per kelvin per kilogram.)
knowledge that a person is concerned with specific humidity noun PHYS a ratio
in detail between the amount of water vapour in air
Special Theory of Relativity noun and the total mass of the mixture of air and
PHYS 쏡 relativity water vapour
speciation noun BIOL the process of specificity noun the characteristic of
developing new species having a specific range or use 쑗 Parasites
specific name 570
show specificity in that they live on only a sample size (NOTE: For example, in CD-i it
limited number of hosts. is Level C with 4-bit samples and a rate of
specific name noun BIOL the scientific 18.9KHz.)
name by which a species is differentiated speech recognition noun COMPUT the
from other members of the genus (NOTE: It analysis of spoken words in such a way
is the second name in the binomial classi- that a computer can recognise spoken
fication system, the first being the name words and commands
which identifies the genus. It is written with speech synthesis noun COMPUT the
a small letter.) production of spoken words by a speech
specific surface noun CHEM the sur- synthesiser
face area of a solid substance per unit mass speed noun PHYS the rate of motion over
specify verb to state clearly what is a distance in time
needed speed brake noun AEROSP same as
specimen noun 1. a representative of a spoiler 2
group, especially an animal or plant 쑗 a speed of light noun PHYS the constant
rare double-flowered specimen 2. SCI, MED speed at which light and all electromag-
a small quantity of something given for netic radiation travels through a vacuum,
testing 쑗 Scientists have taken away soil equal to 2.998 × 108 metres per second
specimens for analysis.
speed of loop noun COMPUT a method
spectra noun PHYS plural of spectrum of benchmarking a computer by measuring
spectral adjective produced by a spec- the number of loops executed in a particu-
trum or relating to a spectrum lar amount of time
spectral type noun ASTRON a classifica- speed of sound noun PHYS the speed at
tion system of stars based on an analysis of which sound waves travel through a
the light they emit which also gives infor- medium (NOTE: It is slower than the speed
mation on a star’s temperature and chemi- of light, so the rumble of thunder is heard
cal composition after the flash of lightning from a distant
spectrography noun PHYS the record- storm has been seen.)
ing of a spectrum on photographic film spell noun 1. a short period 쑗 take a spell
spectrometer noun PHYS an instrument at the wheel 2. METEOROL a short period
for measuring and sometimes recording a when the weather does not change 쑗 There
spectrum will be some fine spells over the east of the
spectrometry noun ASTRON the meas- country. 쑗 The south has experienced the
urement and analysis of spectra for the longest spell of rainy weather since
determination of characteristics such as the records were first taken.
composition and motion of astronomical spellcheck verb COMPUT to check the
objects spelling in a text by comparing it with a
spectrophotometer noun PHYS an dictionary held in the computer
apparatus for measuring the relative inten- spellchecker, spelling checker noun
sities of wavelengths in a spectrum COMPUT a program that checks the spelling
spectroscope noun PHYS an instrument in a text by comparing it with a dictionary
used to analyse a spectrum held in the computer 쑗 The program will be
spectroscopy noun PHYS the science of upgraded with a word-processor and a
producing and analysing spectra spelling checker.
spectrum noun 1. a range of different spent fuel noun INDUST fuel which has
but related things or stages 2. PHYS the dis- been used in a nuclear reactor but which is
tribution of energy from a body in terms of still fissile and can be reprocessed 쑗
its frequency, in any part of the electro- Tonnes of spent fuel are sent for reprocess-
magnetic spectrum or the whole of it ing.
speech chip noun COMPUT an integrated sperm noun BIOL same as spermatozoon
circuit which generates sounds, usually (NOTE: The plural is sperm.)
phonemes, which when played together spermat- prefix BIOL same as spermato-
sound similar to human speech (NOTE: used before vowels)
speech quality noun COMPUT a sound spermatic adjective BIOL referring to
recorded at a low bandwidth with a small spermatozoa
571 spinal column
spermatic artery noun ANATan artery sphincter noun ANATa ring of muscles
which leads into the testes. Also called tes- that surrounds an opening in the body and
ticular artery controls what passes through it (NOTE:
spermatid noun BIOL an immature cell, Sphincters are found at the exits of the
formed from a spermatocyte, which stomach, bladder and anus.)
becomes a spermatozoon spicule noun 1. BIOL a small hard nee-
spermato- prefix BIOL spermatozoa dle-shaped part, especially one of the cal-
spermatocyte noun BIOL an early stage cium- or silicon-containing supporting
in the development of a spermatozoon parts of some invertebrates such as
sponges and corals. Also called spiculum
spermatogenesis noun BIOL the for- 2. ASTRON a slender column of relatively
mation and development of spermatozoa cool high-density gas that rises rapidly
spermatogonium noun BIOL a cell from the Sun’s atmosphere and then falls
which forms a spermatocyte back (NOTE: There can be as many as
spermatophyte noun BOT a seed-pro- 250000 spicules rising above the solar sur-
ducing plant such as an angiosperm or a face at any time.)
gymnosperm spiculum noun BIOL same as spicule 1
spermatozoon noun BIOL a mature spider noun ZOOL one of a large group of
male sex cell that is capable of fertilising animals, with two parts to their bodies and
an ovum (NOTE: The plural is spermato- eight legs. Class: Arachnida.
zoa.) spike noun 1. BOT a tall pointed flower
COMMENT: A spermatozoon is very small head (inflorescence) in which small flow-
and comprises a head, neck and very long ers without stalks grow from a central
tail. It can swim by moving its tail from side
to side. flower stem 2. ELEC a very short duration
voltage pulse
sperm bank noun MED a collection of
spermatozoa from donors, kept until spikelet /spaiklət/ noun part of the
needed for artificial insemination flower head of plants such as grass,
attached to the main stem without a stalk
sperm count noun MED a calculation of
the number of spermatozoa in a quantity of spill PHYS noun a quantity of liquid which
semen has escaped from a container or confined
area 쐽 verb to escape from a container or
spermicide noun MED a substance that confined area 쑗 About 200000 barrels of
kills spermatozoa oil spilled into the sea.
sperm whale noun MARINE BIOL a large spillage noun 1. PHYS the process of
toothed whale with a massive head inside escaping from a container or confined area
which is a cavity containing sperm oil for 쑗 spillage of the river onto the adjacent
which it was formerly hunted land 2. a quantity of liquid which has
sphagnum noun PLANTS a type of moss escaped from a container or confined area
that grows in acid conditions spin noun fast rotation, or an instance of
sphagnum peat noun EARTH SCI a this 쐽 verb to rotate rapidly or cause some-
peaty soil made up of dead sphagnum moss thing to rotate rapidly 쑗 spun the car off the
sphere noun an object in the shape of a road 쑗 The Earth spins on its axis.
ball 쑗 The Earth is not a perfect sphere. spinal adjective ANAT referring to the
spherical adjective shaped like a sphere spine
쑗 The Earth is almost spherical in shape. 쑗 spinal anaesthesia noun MED local
Drain cocks are generally simple, manu- anaesthesia in which an anaesthetic is
ally operated spherical valves. injected into the cerebrospinal fluid
spherical aberration noun OPTICS dis- spinal anaesthetic noun MED an
tortion caused by the use of spherical sur- anaesthetic given by injection into the
faces in mirrors or lenses in optical spine, which results in large parts of the
equipment (NOTE: Spherical shapes do not body losing the sense of feeling
bring light to a precise focus, and it is nec- spinal canal noun ANAT the hollow inte-
essary to use a more complex parabola rior of the bones (vertebrae) of the spine
shape to produce precise images.) that contains the spinal cord
spherometer noun MECH ENG a device spinal column noun ANAT a row of con-
for measuring the curvature of a surface nected bones (vertebrae) that surround the
spinal cord 572
spinal cord along the back of vertebrates, spleen noun ANAT an organ in the left
including humans, and support the skele- upper abdomen that stores blood, destroys
ton old red blood cells, forms lymphocytes and
spinal cord noun ANAT a cord of nerve filters foreign substances
tissue that runs down from the brain spline noun ENG a groove in a shaft for
through the spinal column and gives rise to meshing, or engaging with another compo-
pairs of spinal nerves that connect to differ- nent 쑗 For satisfactory operation, an
ent parts of the body (NOTE: The central engine requires an adequate supply of oil
nervous system consists of the spinal cord at all bearings, gears and driving splines.
plus the brain.) split baud rate noun COMPUT a feature
spinal ganglion noun ANAT a of a modem which receives data at one
cone-shaped mass of cells, the main axons baud rate but transmits data at another 쑗
of which form the posterior root of the spi- The viewdata modem uses a 1200/75 split
nal nerve baud rate.
spinal nerve noun ANAT a nerve of the spoil noun INDUST waste left after miner-
thirty-one pairs that lead from the spinal als have been dug out of the ground 쐽 verb
cord and govern mainly the trunk and 1. (of food) to rot or decay 2. to destroy the
limbs quality or usefulness of something
spindle noun a pin or bar which rotates or spoilage noun FOOD INDUST the process
on which something rotates 쑗 A cup ane- of food becoming inedible, especially
mometer has three cups mounted on a spin- because of poor storage conditions
dle that are driven by the wind, causing the spoil bank noun INDUST a heap of waste
spindle to rotate. material produced in surface mining and
spine noun 1. ANAT the series of bones deposited at the side of the worked coal
(vertebrae) linked together to form a flex- seam
ible supporting column running from the
pelvis to the skull (NOTE: The spine is
spoiler noun 1. AVIAT a hinged surface on
an upper wing which, when opened,
made up of twenty-four ring-shaped verte-
decreases lift and increases drag 2. AUTO-
brae, with the sacrum and coccyx, sepa-
MOT a fixed extension on the rear of a car
rated by discs of cartilage.) 2. BIOL a sharp
designed to deflect air and keep the wheels
projecting part of a bone 3. BOT a pointed
on the ground at high speed
structure that is either a modified leaf, as in
COMMENT: Aircraft spoilers are sometimes
cacti, or part of a leaf or leaf base called ‘speed brakes’. They are used during
spin electronics noun PHYS same as the descent prior to landing and immedi-
spintronics ately after landing to decrease lift and
increase braking effect.
spintronics noun PHYS the study of
magnetic and electric fields produced by spoil heap noun a large pile of waste left
electron spin after minerals have been dug out of the
spiracle noun 1. INSECTS one of several ground
small holes through which an insect sponge noun MARINE BIOL an inverte-
breathes 2. MARINE BIOL the breathing hole brate animal with a porous flexible skele-
of a whale or dolphin ton (NOTE: Most sponges live in colonies in
spiral adjective circling around a central the sea.)
point and constantly increasing or decreas- spongy adjective having the open porous
ing in size texture of a sponge
spiral galaxy noun ASTRON a galaxy spongy mesophyll noun BOT a loosely
consisting of an older set of stars in the packed layer of irregularly shaped green
centre from which two spiral arms of gas, cells that forms the middle layer of a leaf
dust, and newer stars extend spontaneous adjective happening with-
spirochaete noun MICROBIOL a bacte- out an external stimulus
rium with a spiral shape spontaneous combustion noun
spit noun EARTH SCI a long, narrow accu- PHYS the starting of a fire by heat generated
mulation of sand or gravel that projects inside a material by oxidation or decay
from the shore into the sea processes
SPL abbreviation MEASURE, ACOUSTICS spontaneous generation noun BIOL
sound pressure level same as abiogenesis
573 Sr
sporangium noun BOT, FUNGI the organ sprocket, sprocket wheel noun ENGa
that produces spores in some fungi, ferns wheel with teeth round it which fit into
and some other non-flowering plants holes in a continuous strip of something
(NOTE: The plural is sporangia.) sprout BOT noun a little shoot growing
spore noun BIOL the microscopic repro- out from a plant, with a stem and small
ductive body of fungi, bacteria and some leaves 쐽 verb (of a plant) to send out new
non-flowering plants such as ferns growth
sporicidal adjective AGRIC able to kill spruce noun TREES a temperate soft-
spores wood coniferous tree. Genus: Picea.
sporicide noun AGRIC a substance that SPS abbreviation PHYS standard pressure
kills spores setting
sporocyte noun BIOL a cell that divides spur noun 1. EARTH SCI a ridge of land
to form spores that descends towards a valley floor from
sporophyll noun BOT a leaf with higher land above 2. BOT a tubular projec-
spore-producing organs, e.g. the fertile tion from a flower sepal or petal often con-
frond of a fern taining nectar (NOTE: Aquilegia flowers
sporophyte noun BOT the spore-produc- have spurs.) 3. BOT a short leafy branch of
ing non-sexual phase in the life cycle of a tree with a cluster of flowers or fruits
some plants such as ferns spurious data noun COMPUT unex-
spp. abbreviation BIOL species (plural) pected or unwanted data or an error in a
(NOTE: The singular is sp.) signal, often due to noise
spreadsheet noun COMPUT 1. a pro-
SPX abbreviation COMPUT simplex.
gram which allows calculations to be car- Opposite duplex
ried out on several columns of numbers 2.
a printout of calculations on wide compu- SQL abbreviation COMPUT structured
ter stationary query language
spring noun 1. EARTH SCI a place where squall noun METEOROL a sharp gust of
water comes naturally out of the ground 2. wind
the season of the year following winter and squally adjective METEOROL (of weather)
before summer, when days become longer with sharp gusts of wind
and the weather progressively warmer 3. a square noun MATHS 1. a shape with four
metal device which, when under tension, equal sides and four right angles 2. the
tries to resume its previous position 4. a product of multiplying a number by itself 쑗
rapid upwards or forwards movement 쐽 The square of 4 is 16. 쐽 adjective 1. shaped
verb to make a rapid upwards or forwards like a square 쑗 a square panel 2. MATHS
movement referring to a unit of measurement of area
spring equinox noun EARTH SCI one of representing the length of each side of a
the two occasions in the year when the Sun square 쑗 ten square centimetres 3. MATHS
crosses the celestial equator and night and referring to the length of the sides that an
day are each twelve hours long, taking area has 쑗 ten metres square
place about 21 March square bracket noun a type of bracket
spring tide noun EARTH SCI a tide which with straight sides ( [ ] ), used in pairs
occurs at the new and full moon when the square foot noun MEASURE a measure-
influence of the Sun and Moon act together ment of area in feet
and the difference between high and low
water is more than normal. Compare neap square metre noun a measurement of
tide area in metres
spring wheat noun AGRIC wheat which square root noun MATHS a divider of a
is sown in spring and harvested towards the quantity that when multiplied by itself
end of the summer gives the quantity 쑗 3 is the square root of
springwood noun BOT wood that devel- 9.
ops just below the bark of trees in spring. square wave noun ELEC a pulse that
Compare summerwood rises vertically, levels off, then drops verti-
sprite noun COMPUT an object which cally (NOTE: It is the ideal shape for a dig-
moves round the screen in computer graph- ital signal.)
ics Sr symbol CHEM ELEM strontium
SSI 574
SSI abbreviation ELECTRONICS stable population noun ECOL a popula-
small-scale integration tion which remains at a constant level
SSL abbreviation COMPUT secure sockets because births and deaths are equal
layer stable state noun PHYS the state of a
SSSI abbreviation ENVIRON Site of Spe- system when no external signals are
cial Scientific Interest applied
stabilise, stabilize verb to become stack noun 1. COMPUT an area of tempo-
rary storage for data, registers or tasks
steady and not change, or to make some-
where items are added and retrieved from
thing remain without change 쑗 After the
the same end of the list 2. INDUST a very tall
engine has been started, engine speed is
industrial chimney, usually containing sev-
increased to 1000r.p.m. until cylinder head
eral flues 쑗 The use of high stacks in power
and oil temperatures have stabilised at
stations means that pollution is now more
normal operating temperatures. 쑗 Drugs widely spread. Also called chimney stack
stabilised her temperature. 3. EARTH SCI a steep-sided pillar of rock
stabiliser, stabilizer noun AEROSP a which stands in the sea near a cliff 4. a
device to improve the tendency of an air- large neat pile of things 쑗 a stack of boxes
craft to return to its original attitude after 쐽 verb to place things in a neat pile one on
being deflected 쐽 interjection CHEM a sub- top of the other
stance that prevents a chemical change tak- stack gases plural noun INDUST gases
ing place 쐽 noun 1. FOOD INDUST an that are emitted from chimney stacks
artificial substance added to processed
food such as sauces containing water and stack overflow noun COMPUT an error
fat to stop the mixture from changing. Also message that is sometimes displayed when
called stabilising agent (NOTE: In the EU, there is not enough free memory on a com-
emulsifiers and stabilisers have E numbers puter for a program’s needs
E322 to E495.) 2. INDUST an artificial sub- stack pointer noun COMPUT an address
stance added to plastics to prevent degra- register containing the location of the most
dation recently stored item of data or the location
stabilising agent noun FOOD INDUST of the next item of data to be retrieved.
same as stabiliser Abbr SP
stability noun 1. the state of being stable stage noun one of several points in a
and not changing 2. METEOROL a state of process 쑗 The text is ready for the printing
the atmosphere in which air will resist ver- stage. 쑗 We are in the first stage of running
tical displacement 쑗 When air moves away in the new computer system.
from its source region, the stability of the stain noun 1. a coloured mark on a sur-
lower atmosphere changes. face 2. BIOL a substance used to increase
COMMENT: Stability can be classified as contrast in the colour of something such as
three types. Positive stability is the a piece of tissue or a bacterial sample
tendency of a body to return to its original before examining it under a microscope 쐽
state after being displaced. Neutral verb 1. to make a coloured mark on a sur-
stability is the tendency of a body to
remain in the new position after displace-
face 쑗 Peaty water stains the rocks brown.
ment. Negative stability is the tendency of 2. BIOL to treat something such as a piece of
a body to continue moving away from its tissue or a bacterial sample with a dye so as
original position after displacement. to increase contrast in the colour before
stable adjective 1. steady and not easily examining it under a microscope
moved 쑗 a stable surface 2. not changing 쑗 staining noun BIOL the treating of a piece
In parts of Southeast Asia, temperatures of something such as tissue or a bacterial
remain stable for most of the year. 3. CHEM sample with a dye so as to increase contrast
referring to a chemical compound that in the colour before examining it under a
does not react readily with other chemicals microscope
4. PHYS not radioactive stainless steel noun METALL steel that
stable climax noun ECOL a community includes chromium and nickel 쑗 Tubing in
of plants and animals in equilibrium with parts of the system containing fluid at high
its environment, the final stage of an eco- pressure are usually made from stainless
logical succession steel.
575 stapes
stalactite noun EARTH SCI a long pointed standard atmosphere noun METE-
growth of mineral from the ceiling of a OROL a model atmosphere defined by pres-
cave, formed by the constant dripping of sure, temperature, density and similar
water which is rich in minerals factors, used in instrument calibration
stalagmite noun EARTH SCI a long standard deviation noun STATS a
pointed growth of mineral upwards from measure of the amount by which a set of
the floor of a cave, formed by the constant values differs from the arithmetic mean
dripping of water which is rich in minerals (NOTE: It is equal to the square root of the
from the tip of a stalactite mean of the differences’ squares.)
stalk noun BOT 1. the main stem of a plant standard electrode noun PHYS a
which holds the plant upright 2. a subsidi- hydrogen electrode, with a potential of
ary stem of a plant, branching out from the zero, used to measure the potential of other
main stem or attaching a leaf, flower or electrodes
fruit standard electrode potential noun
stall noun 1. AVIAT a loss of lift caused by PHYS the voltage developed by an electrode
the breakdown of airflow over the wing of an element placed in a solution of that
when the angle of attack passes a critical element’s ions, relative to that of hydrogen
point 쑗 In certain configurations it is pos- under standard conditions
sible for the buffet speed to be less than the Standard Generalized Markup
required 7% margin ahead of the stall. 2. Language noun COMPUT full form of
ENG the point at which opposing force SGML
overcomes that of the driving part 쑗 Com-
pressor stall can be caused by ice forma- standard parallels plural noun EARTH
tion in the air intake. 쐽 verb 1. AVIAT to lose SCI (in a conical projection) the parallels of
lift by the breakdown of airflow over the latitude where the cone cuts the surface
wing when the angle of attack passes a crit- standard pressure setting noun
ical point 쑗 Many light aircraft stall when PHYS 1013.25 millibars. Abbr SPS
the angle of attack exceeds 15°. 2. AUTO- standard state noun CHEM the pure
MOT to stop operating suddenly or to cause form of a chemical that is stable under
an engine to do this 쑗 The car keeps stall- given conditions of pressure and tempera-
ing. ture
COMMENT: An aircraft stall has nothing to do standard temperature and pres-
with the engine stopping. An aircraft can
stall at any airspeed and in any attitude. sure noun PHYS the standard conditions
used as the basis for comparing thwe proe-
stalling speed noun AVIAT the speed at ties of gases. Abbr s.t.p., STP (NOTE:
which the angle of attack is such that lift Standard temperature is taken as 298.15K
over the wing surface breaks down and standard pressure as 105 Pa.)
stamen noun BOT a male part of a flower Standard Time noun TIME a universally
consisting of a stalk (filament) bearing a adopted time for all countries within a
container (anther) in which pollen is pro- given time zone on the Earth’s surface
standby adjective ready for use in case of
stand noun BOT a group of plants or trees failure
growing together 쑗 a stand of conifers
standby equipment noun a secondary
standalone, stand-alone COMPUT
system identical to the main system, to be
adjective referring to a device or system used if the main system breaks down
that can operate without the need of any
other devices 쑗 The workstations have standing wave noun PHYS a wave
been networked together rather than used motion in which the high and low points of
as standalone systems. 쐽 noun a computer the wave do not move. Also called station-
operating independently from other ary wave
devices stannane noun CHEM same as tin (IV)
standard noun something which has hydride
been agreed on and is used to measure stapes noun ANAT a tiny stirrup-shaped
other things by 쑗 set higher standards for bone in the middle ear, one of a set of three
water purity 쐽 adjective usual or officially that help sound to pass from the eardrum to
accepted 쑗 standard procedures the inner ear
staphylococcal 576
staphylococcal adjective MED caused star system noun ASTRON a group of
by staphylococci astronomical objects such as a star and its
COMMENT: Staphylococcal infections are planets or a cluster of stars that forms a dis-
treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, or tinct unit
broad-spectrum antibiotics such as tetracy-
cline. starter motor, starter noun AUTOMOT in
staphylococcal poisoning noun MED a piston engine, a small electrically oper-
poisoning by staphylococci which have ated device to turn the engine until ignition
spread in food starts
staphylococcus noun BIOL a bacterium startup disk noun COMPUT a floppy disk
that causes boils and food poisoning. that holds the operating system and system
Genus: Staphylococcus. (NOTE: The plural configuration files which can, in case of
is staphylococci.) hard disk failure, be used to boot the com-
staple commodity noun INDUST a basic
food or raw material startup screen noun COMPUT text or
star noun ASTRON an astronomical object graphics displayed when an application or
whose temperature and density is high multimedia book is run
enough to allow energy to be generated by starvation noun MED the state of having
nuclear fusion (NOTE: Stars range in size very little or no food
from less than 0.1 solar masses to about starvation diet noun MED a diet that
100 and most have a simple relationship contains little nourishment and is not
linking their mass to their light output or enough to keep a person healthy
luminosity.) starve verb MED to have little or no food
starboard noun, adjective (referring to) or nourishment
the right-hand side of an aircraft when fac- stasis noun a state when there is no
ing forwards change, growth or movement
starburst galaxy noun ASTRON a gal- state noun PHYS any form or quantifiable
axy that is in a phase of intense star pro- condition in which a physical substance
duction can be, depending on its temperature and
starburst molecule noun CHEM same other circumstances
as dendrimer statement noun COMPUT 1. an expres-
starch noun CHEM, FOOD a substance sion used to convey an instruction or define
composed of chains of glucose units, found a process 2. an instruction in a source lan-
in green plants guage which is translated into several
starchy adjective CHEM, FOOD containing machine code instructions
a lot of starch 쑗 Potatoes are a starchy static adjective 1. not changing, moving
food. or growing 2. COMPUT referring to data that
star classification noun ASTRON a sys- do not change with time 3. COMPUT refer-
tem of identifying stars ring to a system that is not dynamic
COMMENT: Numerous overlapping systems COMMENT: Static RAM uses bistable
are used to identify stars. The oldest is devices such as flip-flops to store data.
simply to give conspicuous stars a name, in These take up more space on a chip than
many cases handed down via Arab coun- the capacitative storage method of dynamic
tries in the Middle Ages. The first system- RAM but do not require refreshing.
atic approach was pioneered in the 17th static electricity noun PHYS electricity
century by Bayer who gave the stars desig- that is in a static state and not flowing in a
nations consisting of a letter of the Greek
alphabet, usually starting with Alpha for the current
brightest, and the genitive of the name of its static memory noun COMPUT a
constellation: so Alpha Canis Minoris is the non-volatile memory that does not require
brightest star in Canis Minor. Many other refreshing
systems were developed in the 20th
century. static object noun COMPUT an object in
starfish noun MARINE BIOL one of a group an animation or video that does not move
of flat sea animals that have five arms within the frame
branching from a central body statics noun MECH ENG the mechanics of
star network noun COMPUT a network of forces and systems in equilibrium
several machines where each node is static seal noun ENG a seal which is part
linked individually to a central hub of a non-moving component 쑗 Static seals,
577 stellate ganglion
gaskets and packing are used in many action is occurring but the system can
locations. accept an input
station noun 1. a building used for a par- steady-state theory noun ASTRON a
ticular purpose, e.g. a research station or theory that the universe has always existed
railway station 2. a very large farm, spe- at a uniform density that is maintained
cialising in raising sheep or cattle because new matter is created continu-
stationary adjective not moving, espe- ously as the universe expands
cially after having previously been in steady wind noun METEOROL a wind of
motion constant speed and direction
stationary state noun PHYS an energy steam noun PHYS vapour that comes off
level of a system, defined by the quantum boiling water and condenses in the atmos-
theory phere
stationary wave noun PHYS same as steam coal noun INDUST coal with a lot
standing wave of sulfur in it, which is suitable for gener-
statistical mechanics noun PHYS the ating steam but not for turning into coke
analysis of macroscopic systems by apply- steam distillation noun CHEM the dis-
ing statistical principles to their micro- tillation of a liquid by passing steam
scopic constituents through it
statistics STATS plural noun figures steam fog, steam mist noun METEOROL
relating to measurements taken from sam- fog that forms when a cold air mass moves
ples 쑗 Population statistics show that the over a warmer body of water, giving the
birth rate is slowing down. 쐽 noun the appearance of steam or smoke
study of measurements taken from samples steam turbine noun INDUST a turbine
statocyst noun ZOOL an organ that main- driven by steam
tains balance in some invertebrates such as stearic acid noun CHEM a colourless
crabs and lobsters insoluble fatty acid found in animal and
stator noun ENG a fixed part of a rotary vegetable fats. It is used for making can-
machine 쑗 The low pressure compressor dles and soap. Formula: C18H36O3.
has large rotor blades and stator blades. steel noun METALL an alloy mainly of iron
status noun 1. the relative position of and carbon
somebody or something in a group 2. a steelworks noun INDUST a factory where
condition that is likely to change 쑗 the cur- steel is produced from iron ore
rent status of the research programme
steep adjective 1. sloping very sharply 쑗
status bar noun COMPUT a line at the top a steep curve 2. METEOROL referring to iso-
or bottom of a screen that gives informa- bars that are closely spaced 3. PHYS refer-
tion about the task currently being worked ring to marked changes in pressure or
on. Also called status line temperature in a relatively short horizontal
status bit noun COMPUT a single bit in a distance 쑗 Cooling of the air in contact
word used to provide information about the with the ground at night can cause a very
state or result of an operation steep inversion of temperature at the sur-
status line noun COMPUT same as status face.
bar steering noun MECH ENG a system for
status poll noun COMPUT a signal from a guiding or directing a vehicle 쑗 Steering is
computer requesting information on the controlled by rudder pedals. 쑗 Most mod-
current status of a terminal ern light aircraft have nose-wheel steering.
statute mile noun MEASURE same as stele noun BOT the core of roots and
mile (technical) stems, consisting of vascular tissue
steady adjective constant and unchang- arranged in different patterns in different
ing 쑗 The manual test will give a steady red types of plant
light. stellar wind noun ASTRON a stream of
steady state noun 1. a situation where ionised particles coming from the surface
the input, output and properties of a system of a star
remain constant over time 2. COMPUT a cir- stellate ganglion noun ANAT a group of
cuit, device or program state in which no nerve cells in the neck, shaped like a star
stem 578
stem noun BOT 1. the main stalk of a plant stereoselective adjective CHEM
that holds it upright 2. a subsidiary plant describes a chemical reaction in which one
stalk, branching out from the main stalk or stereoisomer is affected more rapidly than
attaching a leaf, flower or fruit another
stem cell noun ANAT an unspecialised stereospecific adjective CHEM referring
cell that can either give rise to other cells of to a chemical reaction that produces a fixed
the same type indefinitely or develop into spatial arrangement of atoms
specialised cells in different parts of the steric effect noun CHEM an effect in
organism which the shape of a molecule changes its
steno- prefix narrow or constricted chemical properties
stenohaline adjective 1. BIOL referring sterile adjective 1. MICROBIOL free from
to an organism that cannot tolerate varia- microorganisms 2. BIOL infertile or not able
tions in salt concentration in its environ- to produce offspring
ment 2. EARTH SCI referring to an organism sterilise, sterilize verb 1. MED to make
that cannot survive variations in osmotic something sterile by killing the microor-
pressure of soil water 왘 compare euryha- ganisms in it or on it 쑗 The soil needs to be
line sterilised before being used for intensive
stenothermous adjective BIOL referring greenhouse cultivation. 2. BIOL to make an
to an organism that cannot tolerate changes organism unable to have offspring (NOTE:
of temperature. Compare eurythermous This may be done by various means
steppe noun EARTH SCI a wide grassy including drugs, surgery or irradiation.)
plain with no trees, especially in Europe sterilised milk noun FOOD INDUST milk
and Asia (NOTE: The North American prepared for human consumption by heat-
equivalent of a steppe is a prairie.) ing in sealed airtight containers to kill all
step through noun COMPUT the function bacteria. See Comment at milk
of a debugger that allows a developer to sterility noun 1. MED the state of being
execute a program one instruction at a time free from microorganisms 2. BIOL the ina-
to see where the fault lies bility to produce offspring
steradian noun MEASURE, MATHS the sternum noun 1. ANAT a long bone run-
supplementary SI unit of measurement for ning down the front of the upper body.
solid angle. Symbol sr Also called breastbone 2. ZOOL the hard
stereo adjective ACOUSTICS same as ster- covering underneath a body segment of an
eophonic insect or other arthropod
stereochemistry noun CHEM the study steroid noun BIOCHEM a fatty compound
of the spatial distribution of atoms in mol- belonging to a large group that includes the
ecules and of how this affects chemical human sex hormones
sterol noun BIOCHEM a steroid alcohol
stereoisomerism noun CHEM isomer- such as cholesterol
ism in which the atoms in molecules are
present in the same order but in different Stevenson screen noun METEOROL a
spatial arrangements shelter that contains meteorological instru-
ments, arranged to give standard readings
stereophonic adjective ACOUSTICS
recorded onto two separate channels from stiff adjective 1. rigid or inflexible 2. not
two separate microphone elements and easily bent or turned
played back through a pair of headphones stiffen verb to make something rigid or
or two speakers. Compare monophonic inflexible 쑗 Beams can be additionally
stereoregular adjective CHEM referring stiffened in a downward direction by verti-
to a compound in which the atoms of each cal and diagonal members.
molecule are arranged in a regular pattern stigma noun BOT the part of a flower’s
stereoscopic adjective PHYS referring female reproductive organ that receives the
to the effects of seeing something as pollen grains (NOTE: It is generally located
three-dimensional at the tip of the style.)
stereoscopic vision noun BIOL the stillbirth noun the birth of a dead animal
ability of being able to judge how far away or abortion at a late stage of pregnancy
something is, because of seeing it with stillborn adjective referring to an animal
both eyes at the same time which is born dead
579 storage weight density
stimulate verb BIOL to make an organism plant when it roots 2. ZOOL a structure
or organ react or respond found in some simple animals, sometimes
stimulus noun BIOL something that used to anchor an organism to a surface
makes an organism or organ react or stoma noun BOT a pore in a plant, espe-
respond, e.g. light, heat or noise (NOTE: cially in the leaves, through which carbon
The plural is stimuli.) dioxide is taken in and oxygen is sent out.
sting noun 1. ZOOL an organ with a sharp Each stoma in a leaf is surrounded by a pair
point, used by an insect or scorpion to of guard cells, which close the stomata if
pierce the skin of its victim and inject a the plant needs to conserve water. (NOTE:
toxic substance into the victim’s blood- The plural is stomata.)
stream 2. ZOOL the action of using a sting stomach noun ZOOL a bag-like organ that
3. a raised area on the skin produced by a processes and partly digests food before
sting 4. MED a small itchy lump that is the passing it into the intestines
result of touching a plant such a nettle that stomata noun BIOL plural of stoma
irritates the skin 쐽 verb 1. ZOOL (of an stone noun 1. EARTH SCI a single small
insect or scorpion) to use a sting to pierce piece of rock 2. EARTH SCI a mineral for-
a victim 쑗 Do not touch the scorpion or it mation 3. a hard endocarp that surrounds a
will sting you. 2. BOT (of a plant) to produce seed in a fruit such as a cherry
a small itchy lump on somebody’s skin stony adjective 1. EARTH SCI with many
COMMENT: Stings by some insects such as
tsetse flies can transmit a bacterial infec-
stones 2. resembling stone
tion. Other insects such as bees have toxic stop noun 1. the end of a movement 왍 to
substances which they pass into the blood- come to a stop to stop moving 2. MECH
stream of the victim, causing irritating swell- ENG a component which limits the move-
ings. ment of a part 쑗 An adjustable stop on the
stinger noun BOT a plant such as a nettle throttle control ensures a positive idling
that irritates the skin speed.
stochastic model noun MATHS a math- stop bit noun COMPUT a transmitted bit
ematical representation of a system that used in asynchronous communications to
includes the effects of random actions indicate the end of a character. Also called
stock noun 1. BIOL animals or plants that stop element
are derived from a common ancestor 2. stop codon noun GENETICS a sequence
AGRIC a plant with roots onto which a piece of three base pairs linking complementary
of another plant, the scion, is grafted 3. a strands of DNA or RNA that indicates the
supply of something available for future end of a genetic instruction for protein syn-
use 쑗 Stocks of herring are being deci- thesis (NOTE: The three stop codons are
mated by overfishing. 쐽 verb to provide a thymine-adenine-guanine, thymine-ade-
supply of something for future use 쑗 a nine-adenine, and thymine-guanine-ade-
well-stocked garden 쑗 We stocked the nine.)
ponds with a rare breed of fish. stop element noun COMPUT same as
stock culture noun BIOL a basic culture stop bit
from which other cultures can be taken storage noun 1. the act of keeping some-
stock farming noun AGRIC the rearing thing until it is needed 2. a space or espe-
of livestock for sale cially the amount of space for keeping
stoichiometric mixture noun CHEM a something until it is needed 3. COMPUT the
mix of reactants that produces a compound memory or part of the computer system in
with no excess reactant which data or programs are kept for further
stoichiometry noun CHEM the branch of use
chemistry concerned with measuring the storage capacity noun the amount of
composition of chemical compounds or space available for storage
reaction mixtures in terms of the relative storage device noun COMPUT a device
proportions or equivalents of different ele- that can store data and then allow it to be
ments within them retrieved when required
Stokes’ law noun PHYS a formula used storage weight density noun MEAS-
to define the viscosity of a fluid URE, ELEC the capacity of a lithium ion bat-
stolon noun 1. BOT a stem that grows tery, compared to its weight, calculated in
along the ground and gives rise to a new watt-hours per kilogram
store 580
store noun 1. a supply of something kept tinct characteristics 쑗 They have developed
for future use 2. a place where something is a new strain of virus-resistant rice.
kept until needed 3. COMPUT the memory strait noun EARTH SCI a narrow passage of
or part of the computer system in which sea between two larger areas of sea
data or programs are kept for further use 쐽 strangeness noun PHYS a quantum
verb 1. to keep something until it is needed characteristic of some elementary particles
쑗 Whales store energy as blubber under the
strata EARTH SCI plural of stratum
skin. 2. COMPUT to save data, which can
then be used again as necessary 쑗 Storing a strategic environmental assess-
page of high resolution graphics can ment noun an official assessment of the
require 3Mb. environmental effect of policies, plans and
projects. 쒁 environmental impact assess-
store address register noun COMPUT ment
a register in a central processing unit that
contains the address of the next location to stratification noun EARTH SCI the for-
be accessed. Abbr SAR mation of several layers in substances such
as sedimentary rocks, or water in a lake or
store and forward noun COMPUT an air in the atmosphere
electronic mail communications system
which stores a number of messages before stratified adjective PHYS formed of sev-
retransmitting them eral layers
store data register noun COMPUT a stratigraphy noun EARTH SCI the sci-
register in a central processing unit that ence of studying rock strata
holds data before it is processed or moved stratocumulus noun METEOROL a layer
to a memory location. Abbr SDR of small cumulus clouds below 3000m
stored program noun COMPUT a com- stratopause noun METEOROL a thin
puter program that is stored in memory layer of the Earth’s atmosphere between
storm noun METEOROL a period of violent the stratosphere and the mesosphere
weather, with wind and rain or snow 쑗 stratosphere noun METEOROL a layer of
There was a storm during the night. 쑗 the Earth’s atmosphere, above the tropo-
Storms swept the northern region. sphere and the tropopause and separated
storm beach noun EARTH SCI an accu- from the mesosphere by the stratopause
mulation of coarse beach sediments built COMMENT: The stratosphere rises from
about 18 km to 50 km above the surface of
up above the high-water mark during the Earth. It is formed of nitrogen (80%),
storms oxygen (18%), ozone, argon and trace
storm centre noun METEOROL a low gases. The ozone in it forms the ozone
pressure point in the centre of a cyclone layer.
STP, s.t.p. abbreviation PHYS standard stratospheric adjective METEOROL
temperature and pressure referring to the stratosphere 쑗 CFCs are
STP cable abbreviation COMPUT
responsible for damage to the ozone in the
shielded twisted pair cable Earth’s stratospheric zone.
straight angle noun MATHS an angle of stratum noun 1. PHYS a layer 2. EARTH
SCI a layer of rock (NOTE: The plural is
straight chain noun CHEM a molecular
structure, usually of a carbon compound, stratus noun METEOROL a type of grey
that has no side chains or branches cloud, often producing light rain
straight fertiliser noun AGRIC a ferti- straw noun AGRIC the dry stems and
liser that supplies only one nutrient such as leaves of crops such as wheat and oilseed
nitrogen. Compare compound fertiliser, rape left after the grains have been
mixed fertiliser removed
COMMENT: Straw can be ploughed back
straight-line coding noun COMPUT a into the soil or is sometimes burned as
program written to avoid the use of loops stubble. It can be cut, compressed into
and branches, providing a faster execution bundles and burned as fuel for heating.
time stream noun 1. PHYS a steady current of
strain noun 1. PHYS deformation caused a fluid 쑗 Probes are positioned in the gas
by stress 쑗 At low value of stress the plot of stream, so as to obtain a good average
stress and strain is basically a straight line. temperature reading. 2. EARTH SCI a nar-
2. BIOL a group within a species with dis- row and shallow river
581 string name
stream erosion noun ENVIRON the used in immunological and biochemical
wearing away of soil or rock by the effect assays
of a stream of water streptococcal adjective MED referring
streamflow noun EARTH SCI the amount to an infection caused by streptococci
and speed of water flowing in a stream streptococcus noun BIOL a bacterium
streaming audio noun COMPUT digital belonging to a genus that grows in long
audio data that are continuously transmit- chains and causes diseases such as scarlet
ted using a streaming protocol to provide fever, tonsillitis and rheumatic fever (NOTE:
stereo sound The plural is streptococci.)
streaming protocol noun COMPUT a streptomycin noun PHARM an antibiotic
method of sending a continuous stream of used against many types of infection, espe-
data over the Internet to provide live video cially streptococcal ones
or sound transmission stress noun 1. the internal force, or load
COMMENT: Older methods of sending per unit area of a body that resists distor-
continuous live data used a standard web
server to transmit the data. To provide a tion or change of shape of the body 쑗 Tur-
good multimedia server, the data delivery bine blades in the average jet engine
must be regulated and ideally synchro- vibrate at frequencies of 1 million per
nised. There are many different standards minute, and in each cycle experience
used to deliver sound and video over the stress. 2. a condition where an outside
Internet, each of which allows the user or
publisher to limit the delivery of data to a influence changes the composition or func-
maximum data rate. tioning of something 쑗 Plants in dry envi-
streaming video noun COMPUT video ronments experience stress due to lack of
image data that are continuously transmit- water. 쐽 verb 1. to subject something to
ted over the Internet by using a streaming stress 2. to emphasise something 쑗 It must
protocol to provide smooth moving images be stressed that the description is a model
and departures from it often occur.
strength noun 1. the physical quality of
being strong 2. the ability of a material to striated muscle noun ANAT a type of
support a load 쑗 Aircraft wheels require muscle tissue found in skeletal muscles
great strength and are constructed in two whose movements are controlled by the
halves which are bolted together after the central nervous system. Also called
tyre is fitted. 3. PHYS the degree of clarity striped muscle
and volume of a signal 쑗 A radio wave striation noun 1. a pattern of parallel
loses strength as range increases. 4. CHEM lines or grooves 2. EARTH SCI a narrow
the degree of dilution of a substance in groove or scratch on rock, caused by the
solution 쑗 Incorrect mixture strength may action of a glacier
cause detonation. 5. PHYS the intensity of stridulate verb INSECTS to rub parts of
radiation 쑗 The strength of the Sun’s radia- the body together to make the chirping or
tion varies with latitude. 6. the force of grating sound typical of male crickets and
something such as wind 쑗 The degree of air grasshoppers
disturbance depends upon the strength of string noun COMPUT a series of consecu-
the wind and the roughness of the terrain. tive alphanumeric characters or words that
strengthen verb to make something is manipulated and treated as a single unit
strong or stronger, or to become strong or by the computer
stronger 쑗 Some alloys are hardened and string array noun COMPUT an array
strengthened by heat treatment. 왍 the wind whose elements can be strings of alphanu-
is strengthening the wind is increasing in meric characters
strengthening noun 1. something such string concatenation noun COMPUT
the process of linking a series of strings
as a structure that helps to make something
else stronger 쑗 Aircraft which require large
apertures in the fuselage for freight doors string function noun COMPUT a pro-
need increased strengthening around these gram operation that can act on strings
areas. 2. the process of becoming stronger string length noun COMPUT the number
쑗 a strengthening of the wind of characters in a string
streptavidin noun BIOCHEM a protein string name noun COMPUT the identifi-
that interacts strongly with biotin and is cation label assigned to a string
string variable 582
string variable noun COMPUT a variable strong adjective 1. physically powerful 2.
used in a computer language that can con- not easily damaged or broken 3. easily per-
tain alphanumeric characters as well as ceived and distinctive 4. having a high
numbers degree, level, intensity or concentration
strip noun a long narrow piece, usually of strong acid noun CHEM an acid that is
the same width from end to end 쑗 a strip of totally dissociated into its component ions
paper 쑗 a strip of land 쐽 verb 1. COMPUT to in solution
remove the control data from a received strong interaction noun PHYS a
message, leaving only the relevant infor- short-range force that holds protons and
mation 2. ENG to dismantle an engine or neutrons together in an atomic nucleus
other device 쑗 After the collision, the strontium noun CHEM ELEM a radioactive
engine was stripped down to its component metallic element (NOTE: The chemical
parts. 3. to remove a covering from some- symbol is Sr; the atomic number is 38 and
thing 쑗 Spraying with defoliant strips the the atomic weight is 87.62.)
leaves off all plants. strontium-90 noun CHEM an isotope of
strip cropping noun AGRIC a method of strontium that is formed in nuclear reac-
farming in which long thin pieces of land tions and, because it is part of the fallout of
across the contours are planted with differ- nuclear explosions, can enter the food
ent crops in order to reduce soil erosion chain, affecting in particular animals’
strip cultivation noun AGRIC a method bones
of communal farming in which each family strontium hydroxide noun CHEM a
has a long thin piece or several long thin strong base formed when strontium mon-
pieces of land to cultivate oxide dissolves in water. Formula:
striped muscle noun ANAT same as stri- Sr(OH)2.
ated muscle strontium monoxide noun CHEM an
strip mining noun INDUST a form of amorphous solid that dissolves in water to
mining where the mineral is dug from the form strontium hydroxide. Formula: SrO.
surface instead of digging underground. 쒁 structural adjective referring to the
open-cast mining structure of something 쑗 The structural
strobe verb ELECTRONICS to send a pulse, limitations must never be exceeded.
usually on the selection line of an elec- structural failure noun the breaking of
tronic circuit 쐽 noun 1. ELECTRONICS the part of the structure of something
pulse of an electronic circuit 2. PHYS a structural formula noun CHEM an
high-intensity flashing beam of light that expanded chemical formula that gives
makes objects in rapidly repeating motion information about the arrangement of
appear to slow down or stop atoms and bonds in a molecule
strobilus noun BOT same as cone structural gene noun GENETICS a gene
(technical) that controls the synthesis of a protein
stroboscope noun PHYS a light that can required for the cell’s own use
be flashed very fast so as to make objects structural geology noun EARTH SCI the
in rapidly repeating motion appear to slow scientific study of the structure and distri-
down or stop (NOTE: It is often used to bution of the rocks forming the Earth’s
observe or photograph moving machinery crust
or insects in flight.) structural isomer noun CHEM one of
stroke noun 1. ENG a movement of a pis- two or more related chemical compounds
ton from one end of the limit of its move- that have the same molecular formula but
ment to another 쑗 The connecting rod links different structural formulae
the piston to the crankshaft and transmits structure noun 1. a whole or a system
the force of the power stroke from the pis- that is made of different parts 2. something
ton to the crankshaft. 2. COMPUT the width that has been constructed 쑗 a glass and
in pixels of a pen or brush used to draw steel structure 3. the different parts that
on-screen 3. COMPUT the thickness of a make up a whole, or the arrangement of
printed character parts 쑗 the structure of DNA 쑗 Aircraft
stroma noun BOT the inner part of a chlo- structure serves the same purpose for an
roplast that contains the pigments and aircraft as the skeleton for a human body.
enzymes needed for photosynthesis 쐽 verb to organise or arrange something in
583 subdomain
a systematic way 쑗 You first structure a subacute adjective MED referring to a
document to meet your requirements and disease or condition that is between acute
then fill in the blanks. and chronic
structured cabling noun COMPUT the subaddress noun COMPUT a peripheral
use of UTP cable feeding into hubs identification code, used to access one
designed in such a way that it is easy to peripheral, followed by address data to
trace and repair cable faults and also to add access a location within the peripheral’s
new stations or more cable memory
structured programming noun COM- subarctic region noun GEOG a region
PUT a well-ordered and logical technique near to, but south of, the Arctic
of assembling programs
subatomic particle noun PHYS same as
structured query language noun elementary particle
COMPUT a simple, commonly used, stand-
ard database programming language which sub-beam noun PHYS (of directional
is only used to create queries to retrieve radar) a less important or minor beam 쑗 A
data from a database. Abbr SQL lobe is one of two, four or more sub-beams
structured wiring noun ELEC ENG a that form a directional radar beam.
planned installation of all the cables that subclass noun 1. BIOL a division of a
will be required in an office or building for class in the scientific classification of
computer networks and telephone organisms 2. COMPUT a number of data
strut noun ENG a bar or rod used to items related to one item in a master class
strengthen a structure against forces from subclavian artery noun ANAT one of
the side 쑗 A strut is designed to withstand two arteries branching from the aorta on
compressive loads. the left and from the innominate artery on
strychnine noun CHEM a very poisonous the right, continuing into the brachial arter-
alkaloid substance made from the seeds of ies and supplying blood to each arm
a tropical tree subclimax noun ECOL a stage in the
STS abbreviation GENETICS sequence development of a plant community where
tagged site development stops before reaching its final
stub noun COMPUT a short program rou- stable state or climax
tine that contains comments to describe the subcloud layer noun METEOROL the air
executable code that will eventually be immediately underneath a cloud layer
inserted into the routine subcontinent noun EARTH SCI a very
stubble noun AGRIC the short stems left large land mass, that is a distinct part of a
in the ground after a crop such as wheat or continent 쑗 the Indian subcontinent
oilseed rape has been cut subcritical adjective PHYS referring to a
stuck beacon noun COMPUT an error chain reaction that cannot sustain itself
condition in which a station continuously subculture noun BIOL a culture of micro-
transmits beacon frames organisms or cells that is grown from
stunt verb to reduce the growth of some- another culture
thing 쑗 The poor soil stunts the growth of
the trees. subcutaneous injection noun MED
same as hypodermic injection
style noun BOT the elongated structure
that carries the stigma at its tip in many subcutaneous tissue noun ANAT the
flowers layer of tissue below the dermis in the skin
style sheet noun COMPUT a template subdirectory noun COMPUT a directory
that can be formatted in advance to gener- of disk contents contained within the main
ate automatically the style or layout of a directory
document such as a manual or a newsletter subdivision noun BIOL a group within a
styrene noun CHEM a flammable liquid division in the scientific classification of
hydrocarbon that polymerises easily, used organisms
in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, subdomain noun COMPUT a second level
plastic and polystyrene. Formula: C8H8. of addressing on the Internet that usually
sub- prefix 1. less important than 2. lower refers to a department name within a larger
than organisation
subdominant 584
subdominant adjective ECOL (of a spe- a program running on a web server for
cies) being not as important as the domi- processing
nant species subnet noun COMPUT a self-contained
subduct verb to pull something under- part of a large network, usually an inde-
neath 쑗 The oceanic crust is being sub- pendently managed part of the Internet
ducted under the continents which subnet address noun COMPUT part of
surround it. an IP address that identifies a subnet that is
subduction noun EARTH SCI the process connected to a larger network. Also called
by which a tectonic plate such as the oce- subnet number (NOTE: The first part of the
anic crust is slowly being pulled under IP address identifies the network, the next
another plate part identifies the subnet and the last part
subgroup noun a small group distin- identifies a single host server.)
guished in some way from the larger group subnet mask noun COMPUT a filter that
to which it belongs is used to select the portion of an IP
sublimate noun CHEM the deposit left address that contains the subnet address
when a vapour condenses 쐽 verb 1. PHYS to subnet number noun COMPUT same as
change from solid to vapour without pass- subnet address
ing through a liquid state 2. PSYCHIAT to subnotebook noun COMPUT a very
convert violent emotion into an action small portable computer that is smaller and
which is not antisocial lighter than a standard full-size notebook
sublimation noun CHEM a process in or laptop computer
which a substance is converted directly subprogram noun COMPUT 1. same as
from a solid to a gas or from a gas to a solid subroutine 2. a program called up by a
without an intermediate liquid phase main program
sublime verb CHEM same as sublimate subroutine noun COMPUT a section of a
subliminal adjective BIOL referring to a program that performs a required function
stimulus that is too slight to be noticed by and can be called upon at any time from
the senses inside the main program. Also called sub-
sublingual adjective ANAT situated under COMMENT: A subroutine is executed by a
the tongue call instruction that directs the processor to
sublittoral adjective EARTH SCI further its address. When finished it returns to the
inland from a shore than the littoral zone instruction after the call instruction in the
main program.
sublittoral plant noun BOT a plant that subroutine call noun COMPUT a compu-
grows near the sea but not on the shore ter programming instruction that directs
submandibular adjective ANAT situated control to a subroutine
under the lower jaw sub-Saharan noun GEOG referring to
submandibular ganglion noun ANAT the area south of the Sahara 쑗 Rural sup-
a ganglion associated with the lingual plies of wood for fuel are falling in many
nerve, relaying impulses to the submandib- countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
ular and sublingual salivary glands subscale noun the secondary scale on an
submarine adjective MARINE BIOL situ- instrument 쑗 The barometric pressure is set
ated or existing beneath the sea 쑗 Shellfish on the subscale and the altimeter main
collect round warm submarine vents. scale displays height or altitude.
submenu noun COMPUT a secondary subscript noun PRINTING a small charac-
menu displayed as a choice from a menu ter that is printed lower than the other char-
submerge verb to cover something with acters. 쒁 superscript (NOTE: Subscripts
water or to become covered with water 쑗 are used in chemical formulae: CO2)
The coast is dangerous, with rocks sub- subscripted variable noun COMPUT an
merged at intervals along it. element in an array that is identified by a
submicroscopic adjective too small to subscript
be seen with a light microscope subset noun MATHS a small set of data
submit button noun COMPUT a button items that forms part of another larger set
displayed on a webpage that sends infor- subside verb 1. to go down or to become
mation entered by a user on a web form to less violent 쑗 After the rainstorms passed,
585 sub-zero
the flood waters gradually subsided. 2. to a molecule with another atom. Also called
sink or fall to a lower level 쑗 The office displacement reaction
block is subsiding owing to the shrinkage substitution table noun COMPUT a list
of the clay it is built on. of characters or codes that are to be
subsidence noun 1. (of a piece of inserted instead of received codes
ground or a building) the process of sinking substitution therapy noun MED the
or falling to a lower level 쑗 Subsidence treatment of a condition by using a differ-
caused by the old mine shaft closed the ent drug from the one used before
main road. 2. METEOROL a gradual down- substrata noun EARTH SCI plural of sub-
ward movement of a mass of air stratum
subsidence inversion noun METE-
substrate noun 1. ELECTRONICS the base
OROL a phenomenon produced when a
material on which an integrated circuit is
mass of air gradually sinks and becomes constructed 2. CHEM a substance that is
warmer acted on by a catalyst such as an enzyme 3.
subsistence noun BIOL the condition of BIOL the matter or surface on which an
managing to live on the smallest amount of organism lives
resources including food needed to stay substratum noun EARTH SCI a layer of
alive rock beneath the topsoil and subsoil (NOTE:
subsistence farming noun AGRIC the The plural is substrata.)
activity of growing just enough crops to subtend verb to be opposite to and
feed the farmer’s family and having none delimit something 쑗 The angle subtended
left to sell by an arc equal to one 360th part of the cir-
subsoil noun EARTH SCI a layer of soil cumference of a circle is called 1 degree.
under the topsoil (NOTE: The subsoil con- subtotal noun MATHS a sum of part of a
tains little organic matter but chemical sub- set of figures
stances from the topsoil leach into it.)
subtract verb 1. to deduct or take away
subsoil water noun EARTH SCI water something from a larger unit 2. MATHS to
held in the subsoil deduct or take away one number or quan-
subspecies noun BIOL a group of organ- tity from another to calculate a remainder 쑗
isms that is part of a species but which 6 subtracted from 10 equals 4 (10 – 6 = 4).
shows slight differences from the main subtraction noun MATHS the operation
group, with which it can still interbreed of taking away or deducting one number or
substance noun 1. CHEM material of a quantity from another to calculate a
particular type 쑗 a sticky substance 쑗 a remainder 쑗 The major arithmetic opera-
harmful substance 쑗 toxic substances 2. tions are addition, subtraction, multiplica-
MED a drug, especially an illegal drug 쑗 an tion and division.
addictive substance subtrahend noun MATHS in a subtrac-
substance P noun BIOCHEM a neuro- tion operation, the number to be subtracted
transmitter involved in pain pathways from the minuend
substitute noun a thing used in place of subtropical adjective EARTH SCI refer-
another 쐽 verb to replace one thing with ring to the subtropics 쑗 The islands enjoy a
another 쑗 Farmers have been told to subtropical climate. 쑗 Subtropical plants
plough up pastureland and substitute grow on the sheltered parts of the coast.
woodlots. subtropical high noun METEOROL an
substitution noun the replacement of area of high pressure normally found in the
one thing by another 쑗 the substitution of subtropics
natural fibres by synthetic materials subtropics plural noun EARTH SCI an
substitution effect noun the effect on area between the tropics and the temperate
the environment of substituting one form zone
of action for another sub-zero adjective PHYS, METEOROL
substitution error noun COMPUT an below zero degrees 쑗 a week of sub-zero
error made by a scanner which mistakes temperatures 쑗 In sub-zero conditions sub-
one character or letter for another limation will occur when air is cooled
substitution reaction noun CHEM a below the frost point, producing a deposit
chemical reaction that replaces an atom in of ice crystals.
succession 586
succession noun ECOL a series of sugar noun 1. FOOD INDUST same as
stages, one after the other, by which a sucrose 2. CHEM any chemical of the sac-
group of organisms living in a community charide group
reaches a stable state or climax sugar-free noun FOOD INDUST not con-
successional cropping noun AGRIC taining sugar
the growing of several crops one after the sugar substitute noun FOOD INDUST a
other during the same growing season sweetener used in place of sugar, e.g. sac-
successive adjective referring to events charin
or things following on one after another sulfate verb ELEC to cause a layer of lead
succinic acid noun CHEM a colourless sulfate to form on the plates of an accumu-
water-soluble acid used in the manufacture lator
of lacquers, perfumes and pharmaceuti- sulfate aerosol, sulphate aerosol
cals. Formula: C4H6O4. (NOTE: It is derived noun CHEM particulate matter consisting of
from amber and from plant and animal tis- sulfur compounds formed by the interac-
sues or is artificially synthesised.) tion of sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide
succulent noun BOT a plant that has with other compounds in the atmosphere 쑗
fleshy leaves or stems in which it stores Sulfate aerosols are injected into the
water, e.g. a cactus atmosphere from the combustion of fossil
sucralose noun FOOD, CHEM an artificial fuels and the eruption of volcanoes.
noncaloric sweetener created from sugar sulfate of ammonia, sulphate of
by replacing three hydroxyl groups with ammonia noun AGRIC same as ammo-
three chlorine atoms nium sulfate
sucrose noun BIOCHEM a sugar that is sulfate of potash, sulphate of potash
abundant in many plants, which consists of noun AGRIC same as potassium sulfate
one molecule of glucose joined to one of sulfide, sulphide noun CHEM an ion of
fructose sulfur present in chemical compounds and
suction noun PHYS the force that causes mineral ores
a fluid or solid to be drawn into a space sulfite, sulphite noun CHEM a salt of sul-
because of the difference between the furic acid that forms part of several chemi-
external and internal pressures 쑗 In a fuel cal compounds and is used in processing
injection system, fuel is induced into the paper
inlet port or combustion chamber by a sulfonation, sulphonation noun CHEM
pump rather than the suction caused by the the incorporation of sulfonic acid into an
venturi of a carburettor. organic substance
sudden warming noun METEOROL a sulfonator, sulphonator noun CHEM an
rapid rise in the temperature of the strato- apparatus for adding sulfur dioxide to
sphere, which occurs at the beginning of water to remove excess chlorine
spring sulfonic acid, sulphonic acid noun
sufficiency noun a large enough amount CHEM any strong organic acid containing
of something the group SO2OH, used in the manufacture
sufficient adjective large enough as an of dyes and pharmaceuticals
amount of something sulfonium compound, sulphonium
suffix noun an addition to the end of a compound noun CHEM any organic com-
word to create a new word 쑗 Apart from pound with the general formula R3SX,
cirrus and stratus, which are complete where R is an organic group and X is an
names, all layer cloud names consist of a electronegative element
prefix according to height of base, and a sulfur, sulphur noun CHEM ELEM a yel-
suffix according to shape. low non-metallic chemical element that is
suffix notation noun MATHS the system essential to biological life. It is used in the
of writing mathematical operations in a manufacture of sulfuric acid and in the vul-
logical way, so that the symbol appears canisation of rubber. (NOTE: The chemical
after the numbers to be acted upon symbol is S; the atomic number is 16 and
suffrutescent, suffruticose adjective the atomic weight is 32.06. The usual and
BOT referring to a perennial plant that is recommended scientific spelling of sulphur
woody at the base of the stem and does not and derivatives such as sulphate, sulphide
die down to ground level in winter and sulphonate is with an -f-, though the
587 sunlight
spelling with -ph- is still common in general summation check noun an
usage.) error detection check performed by adding
COMMENT: In the United Kingdom, the together the characters received and com-
removal of sulphur from the atmosphere paring with the required total
means that some crops such as oilseed
rape are deficient and sulphur needs to be summer noun the season following
added to fertilisers. spring and before autumn, when the
sulfur cycle, sulphur cycle noun ECOL weather is warmest, the sun is highest in
the process by which sulfur flows from the the sky and most plants flower and set seed
environment, through organisms and back 쐽 verb to spend the summer in a place 쑗
to the environment again The birds summer on the shores of the lake.
sulfur dioxide, sulphur dioxide noun summer solstice noun ASTRON 21
CHEM an unpleasant-smelling gas formed June, the longest day in the northern hemi-
when sulfur is burnt with oxygen, used in sphere, when the Sun is as its furthest point
disinfectants and as a food preservative. south of the equator
Formula: SO2. summerwood noun BOT dense wood
COMMENT: Sulfur dioxide produced from
burning coal or oil is an important cause of
formed by trees during the later part of the
smog. Today the atmospheric concentra- growing season. Compare springwood
tion of sulfur dioxide has fallen with the summit noun EARTH SCI the highest point
reduction in the use of coal and this type of of a hill or mountain 쑗 The climber reached
pollution has been replaced by nitrogen
dioxide produced by car exhausts. the summit of the mountain.
sulfur hexafluoride, sulphur hexaflu- sump noun AUTOMOT the oil reservoir of
oride noun CHEM a very powerful green- a piston engine, situated at its base 쑗 The
house gas, used mostly in electrical oil level in the sump or tank is normally
transmission and distribution systems. For- checked after the engine has been stopped
mula: SF6. for a time.
sulfuric acid, sulphuric acid noun sun noun ASTRON 1. sunlight or the rays
CHEM a strong acid that exists as a colour- of the Sun 쑗 sitting in the sun 2. another
less oily corrosive liquid and is made by spelling of Sun
reacting sulfur trioxide with water. It is Sun noun ASTRON a very hot star round
used in batteries and in the manufacture of which the Earth and other planets orbit and
fertilisers, explosives, detergents, dyes and which gives energy in the form of light and
many other chemicals. Formula: H2SO4. heat
sulfurous acid, sulphurous acid noun COMMENT: The Sun dominates the solar
CHEM a weak unstable acid made by dis- system and contains most of its matter. It
solving sulphur dioxide in water, used as a has a surface temperature of some 6000 K
disinfectant, food preservative and bleach- and is about 329,000 times as massive as
ing agent. Formula: H2SO3. the Earth. The Sun is notable among other
stars for being solitary rather than part of a
sulfur oxide, sulphur oxide noun CHEM multiple system. The energy source that
sulfur dioxide or sulfur trioxide, both of powers the Sun is now known to be nuclear
which are present in sulfur pollution fusion. It is a variable star with regular
cycles of sunspot activity over 22 years.
sulfur trioxide, sulphur trioxide noun The variation in its energy output is closely
CHEM a corrosive white solid that readily linked to its intense magnetism, which is
forms sulfuric acid when dissolved in also involved in other surface and atmos-
water. Formula: SO3. (NOTE: It is formed phere effects.
when fossil fuels burn, and dissolves in sunlight noun ASTRON the light from the
water droplets in the air forming sulfuric Sun
acid.) COMMENT: Sunlight is essential to give the
sullage noun 1. EARTH SCI mud brought body vitamin D. However, excessive expo-
sure to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight
down by mountain streams 2. ENVIRON the will not simply turn white skin brown, but
liquid waste from a building may also burn the surface of the skin so
sum noun MATHS the result of two or more badly that the skin dies and pus forms
numbers added together 쑗 When the com- beneath. There is evidence that constant
exposure to the sun can cause cancer
ponent velocities act in the same direction, (melanoma) of white skin. Depletion of the
the resultant velocity is equal to the sum of ozone layer in the atmosphere may
their speeds in that direction. increase the incidence of skin cancer.
sunquake 588
sunquake noun ASTRON a violent seis- supercooled fog noun METEOROL fog
mic event on the Sun associated with solar that has cooled below freezing point, but
flares still remains liquid
sunrise noun ASTRON the time when the COMMENT: Supercooled fog contributes to
Sun appears above the eastern horizon the phenomenon known as freezing fog,
where droplets of fog remain liquid in the air
sunset noun ASTRON the time when the even though the temperature is below 0°C,
Sun disappears below the western horizon but freeze into hoar frost as soon as they
sunspot noun ASTRON a darker patch on touch a surface.
the surface of the Sun, caused by a stream supercritical adjective PHYS referring to
of gas shooting outwards a nuclear chain reaction that has become
sunstroke noun MED a serious condition explosively self-sustaining
caused by excessive exposure to strong superficial adjective 1. referring to fea-
sunlight or to hot conditions, in which the tures on or near the surface 쑗 superficial
patient becomes dizzy and has a high body scratches 2. not thorough 쑗 a superficial
temperature but does not perspire study of the results 쑗 superficial knowledge
super- prefix 1. more than 2. extremely 3. apparent but not real 쑗 a superficial
super bit mapping noun COMPUT an resemblance
extension to the Red Book CD-Audio superficial vein noun ANAT a vein that
specification in which studio-quality 20-bit is near the surface of the skin
sound samples are stored in the 16-bit data supergalaxy noun ASTRON same as
format used by CD-Audio. Abbr SBM supercluster
superbug noun MICROBIOL a bacterium supergene noun GENETICS a set of
that is resistant to most antibiotics that genes that are close together on a chromo-
could be used to treat it some, function as a unit and are rarely
supercharge verb MECH ENG to increase inherited separately
the power of an engine by using a super- supergiant noun ASTRON an extremely
charger 쑗 A supercharged engine delivers large brilliant star that has a luminosity
greater power than a non-supercharged thousands of times greater than that of the
engine of the same size. Sun (NOTE: The stars Rigel and
supercharger noun MECH ENG a blower Betelgeuse are supergiants.)
or compressor, usually driven by the superheat verb PHYS to heat a liquid to a
engine, for supplying air under high pres- temperature above its boiling point without
sure to the cylinders of an internal combus- causing it to vaporise
tion engine 쑗 The function of the superheated adjective INDUST referring
supercharger is to increase the power out- to steam that is heated to a high tempera-
put and maintain sea-level conditions at ture in a power station
altitude. superheater noun INDUST a section of a
supercluster noun ASTRON a grouping power station boiler where steam is heated
of clusters of galaxies. Also called super- to a higher temperature
galaxy superheterodyne receiver noun
supercomputer noun COMPUT a very PHYS a radio receiver that operates using
powerful mainframe computer used for the method by which the frequency of the
high-speed mathematical tasks carrier wave is changed in the receiver to
superconductivity noun PHYS the abil- an intermediate frequency
ity of some solids to conduct electric cur- superior conjunction noun ASTRON
rent with almost no internal resistance at the position of an astronomical object
very low temperatures when it is opposite Earth on the far side of
supercool verb PHYS to reduce the tem- the Sun
perature of a substance below its usual superior planet noun ASTRON a planet
freezing point without freezing actually that is further from the Sun than the Earth
occurring (NOTE: The superior planets are Mars,
supercooled adjective cooled below Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
freezing point without solidification 쑗 Pluto.)
Nimbo-stratus cloud is composed of liquid super large scale integration noun
water droplets some of which are super- ELECTRONICS an integrated circuit with
cooled. more than 100000 components. Abbr SLSI
589 suprarenal gland
supermassive black hole noun system that allows resolutions of up to 800
ASTRON an extremely large black hole with x 600 pixels with 16 million colours. Abbr
a mass ranging from a few million to more SVGA
than several billion solar masses (NOTE: supervisory program noun COMPUT a
Supermassive black holes are believed to master program in a computer system that
be at the centre of many large galaxies, controls the execution of other programs.
driving quasar formation.) Also called executive control program
supernatant liquid noun CHEM the liq- superweed noun BIOTECH a weed resist-
uid above a precipitate or sediment ant to herbicides that might develop in
supernova noun ASTRON the cata- future as hybrid of a weed and a genetically
strophic and explosive disruption of a modified plant
heavy star late in its evolution supplement noun 1. MATHS an angle or
COMMENT: Some supernovae are bright arc that when added to a given angle or arc
enough to outshine the galaxy in which they makes 180° or a semicircle 2. HEALTH a
erupt. Supernovae are now known to be substance taken to make up for a real or
major sources of material erupted into inter-
stellar space. They are the origin of all the supposed deficiency in the diet 3. some-
universe’s heavy elements, those beyond thing added in order to make something
iron in atomic weight, as well as producers more complete 쑗 vitamin supplements 쐽
of intense cosmic rays and severe shock verb to add to something in order to make
waves. it more complete 쑗 The main power plant
superorder noun BIOL one of the groups fire detection system should contain an
in the scientific classification of organ- audible warning device to supplement the
isms, ranking next above order visual indication.
superorganism noun ECOL a group or supplementary adjective extra or addi-
community of individual organisms that tional 쑗 supplementary information
functions as a single unit (NOTE: A forest, a supplementary angle noun MATHS an
termite colony and even human society angle that when added to a given angle
can all be viewed as superorganisms.) makes 180° or a semicircle
superovulation noun the process in supply noun 1. the provision of some-
animal production of injecting hormones thing that is needed 쑗 The reservoir
to increase the number of eggs released by ensures a good supply of water. 2. a stock
the ovaries of something that is needed 쑗 a year’s sup-
superphosphate noun AGRIC a chemi- ply of food 3. the act or process of provid-
cal compound formed from calcium phos- ing something that is needed 쑗 the supply
phate and sulfuric acid, used as a fertiliser of power to the building 쐽 verb to provide
supersaturated adjective 1. PHYS refer- something that is needed 쑗 The computer
ring to air which contains more moisture was supplied by a recognised dealer.
than the amount required to saturate it 2. support verb 1. to hold the weight of
CHEM referring to a solution that contains something 쑗 to support the saplings with
more solute than the amount required to stakes 2. BIOL to provide what is necessary
saturate it for an activity or way of life 쑗 These wet-
superscript noun PRINTING a small char- lands support a natural community of
acter that is printed higher than the other plants, animals and birds.
characters. 쒁 subscript (NOTE: Super- support chip noun COMPUT a dedicated
scripts are used in mathematics: 105) circuit that carries out an additional func-
supersonic adjective PHYS faster than tion or a standard function very rapidly, so
the speed of sound 쑗 For sustained super- speeding up the processing time 쑗 The
sonic flight, tank insulation is necessary to maths support chip can be plugged in here.
reduce the effect of kinetic heating. suppressor noun ELEC, ELECTRONICS a
superstring theory noun PHYS a devel- device, e.g. a resistor or grid, used in an
opment of the general theory of relativity electrical or electronic system to reduce
that postulates the existence of unwanted currents 쑗 A suppressor
multi-dimensional defects in spacetime, improves the quality of the signal.
left over from the early universe supra- prefix above or over
super VGA noun COMPUT an enhance- suprarenal gland noun ANAT same as
ment to the standard VGA graphics display adrenal gland
surf 590
surf verb COMPUT to explore a website surfactant noun CHEM a substance that
looking at the webpages in no particular reduces surface tension
order, but simply moving between pages surge noun ELEC a sudden increase in the
by using the links flow of something such as water or electri-
surface noun 1. the outer covering or top cal power 쐽 verb PHYS to move with force
layer of something 2. the top part of some- like a wave 쑗 If combustion pressure
thing 쑗 the surface of the liquid 3. EARTH increases above compressor outlet pres-
SCI the land, water or sea of Earth’s surface sure, the airflow will reverse in direction
surface-active agent noun CHEM and surge forward through the compressor.
same as surfactant COMMENT: Power surges can burn out
circuits before you have time to pull the
surface air temperature noun the plug. A surge protector between the
temperature recorded in the shade at a computer and the wall outlet helps prevent
height just above ground level damage.
surface area noun the total of all the surge arrester noun ELEC a device to
outer surfaces of an object 쑗 a surface area prevent surges of current in an electric sys-
of 10 square metres tem
surface drainage noun EARTH SCI the surge protector noun ELEC an elec-
removal of surplus water from an area of tronic device that cuts off the power supply
land by means of ditches and channels to sensitive equipment if it detects a power
surge that could cause damage
surface evaporation noun PHYS the
evaporation of water from the surface of a surplus adjective more than is needed 쑗
body of water Surplus water will flow away in storm
drains. 쐽 noun something that is more than
surface front noun METEOROL a front at is needed 쑗 produced a surplus of wheat
the surface of the Earth 쑗 The cirrus cloud
can be 900 miles ahead of the surface front survey noun 1. an investigation or
with a rain belt as wide as 200 miles. inspection of something 쑗 a survey of gar-
den birds 쑗 a survey of people’s views on
surface heating noun EARTH SCI the smoking in public places 2. EARTH SCI the
heating of the ground by the Sun taking of measurements of the height of
surface-mount technology noun buildings or mountains and the length of
ELEC a method of manufacturing circuit roads, rivers and other features in order to
boards in which the electronic components make a detailed plan or map 3. EARTH SCI
are bonded directly onto the surface of the a document, plan or map showing the
board rather than being inserted into holes results of an investigation or of the meas-
and soldered into place 쑗 Surface-mount urements taken 쐽 verb to carry out a survey
technology is faster and more space-effi- of something
cient than soldering. Abbr SMT survival noun BIOL the situation of con-
surface runoff noun EARTH SCI a flow tinuing to live, especially if conditions are
of rainwater, melted snow or excess ferti- difficult
liser from the surface of land into streams survival of the fittest noun BIOL same
and rivers as natural selection
surface soil noun EARTH SCI same as survival rate noun BIOL the number of
topsoil organisms that continue to live 쑗 The sur-
surface tension noun PHYS the appear- vival rate of newborn babies has begun to
ance of a film on the surface of a liquid fall.
caused by the attraction between its mole- survive verb BIOL 1. to continue to live in
cules a difficult situation 쑗 After the fire, only a
surface water noun EARTH SCI water few trees survived. 2. to overcome a diffi-
that flows across the surface of the soil as a cult situation 쑗 The plants can survive even
stream after rain and drains into rivers the hottest desert temperatures.
rather than seeping into the soil itself. survivor noun BIOL an individual that
Compare ground water continues to live when others have died
surface wind noun METEOROL a wind survivorship noun BIOL the number of
that blows across the land surface, rather individuals of a population surviving at a
than higher in the atmosphere specific time
591 sweat
survivorship curve noun BIOL a graph sustainable existence noun a way of
showing the number of individuals of a life that ensures that the resources of the
population that survive to a particular age ecosystem are not depleted
suspend verb 1. to hang something from sustainable food chain noun a food
above 쑗 The bird-feeder was suspended chain from producer to consumer which is
from a tree. 2. CHEM to hold particles in a environmentally responsible and sustaina-
liquid or in air 쑗 an aerosol of suspended ble at all stages
particles sustainable products plural noun
suspension noun 1. the state of being products which are created and supplied
suspended 2. CHEM a liquid with solid par- using sustainable methods
ticles in it, not settling to the bottom nor sustainable society noun a society
floating on the surface which exists without depleting the natural
suspensory ligament noun ANAT a resources of its habitat
ligament that keeps an organ or body part sustainable tourism noun the man-
in place (NOTE: It most commonly refers to agement of tourist activities to ensure min-
the ligament that supports the lens of the imum disruption of local infrastructure and
eye.) environment
sustain verb 1. to provide the necessary sustainable yield noun ENVIRON the
conditions for something 쑗 The land is fer- greatest productivity that can be derived
tile enough to sustain a wide variety of from a renewable resource without deplet-
fauna and flora. 2. to support something ing the supply in a specific area
from below 3. to continue doing something Sv symbol MEASURE, PHYS sievert
in spite of adverse circumstances or events SVGA abbreviation COMPUT super VGA
sustainability noun ENVIRON the ability swallow verb PHYSIOL to take food into
of a process or human activity to meet the stomach through the mouth and throat
present needs but maintain natural swallow hole noun EARTH SCI a hole
resources and leave the environment in that forms in limestone rock as rainwater
good order for future generations drains through it, dissolving minerals in
COMMENT: Sustainability has been the rock and sometimes forming under-
described as ‘meeting the needs of the ground caverns
present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own swamp noun EARTH SCI an area of per-
needs’, but there is no internationally manently wet land and the plants that grow
agreed definition of sustainability. on it
sustainable adjective ENVIRON referring swampland noun EARTH SCI an area of
to an activity that does not deplete or dam- land covered with swamp
age natural resources 쑗 hardwood from a swampy adjective EARTH SCI referring to
sustainable source land that is permanently wet
sustainable agriculture noun AGRIC swap verb COMPUT to stop using one pro-
environmentally friendly methods of farm- gram, put it into store temporarily, run
ing that allow the production of crops or another program, and when that is finished,
livestock without damage to the ecosystem return to the first one
sustainable consumption and swap file noun COMPUT a file stored on
production noun the idea that agricul- the hard disk used as a temporary storage
tural production should not cause environ- area for data held in RAM, to provide vir-
mental damage, exploit workers or use up tual memory
natural resources that cannot be replaced. swarm ZOOL noun a large number of
Abbr SCP insects such as bees or locusts flying as a
sustainable development noun ENVI- group 쐽 verb (of insects) to fly in a large
RON development that balances the satis- group
faction of people’s immediate interests and swash noun EARTH SCI a rush of water up
the protection of future generations’ inter- a beach from a breaking wave
ests sweat noun 1. PHYSIOL a salty liquid
sustainable energy noun energy pro- secreted by glands onto the skin’s surface
duced from renewable resources that does as a means of reducing body heat 2. PHYS
not deplete natural resources drops of liquid generated on a surface, usu-
sweet chestnut 592
ally by condensation of water vapour from ing it through a transformer to produce a
the air 쐽 verb PHYSIOL to produce a clear voltage change
salty liquid on the surface of the skin as a switch off verb ELEC to disconnect the
result of being hot or as a result of strenu- power supply to a device
ous activity, fear, anxiety, or illness switch on verb ELEC to start to provide
sweet chestnut noun TREES a Euro- power to a system by using a switch to con-
pean hardwood tree grown for its nuts and nect the power supply lines to the circuit
timber. Latin name: Castanea sativa. switch over verb to start using an alter-
sweetener noun FOOD INDUST an artifi- native device when the primary one
cial substance such as saccharin added to becomes faulty
food to make it sweet swollen adjective 1. increased in size 쑗 A
swidden farming noun AGRIC same as tuber is a swollen underground stem. 2.
slash and burn agriculture containing more water than usual 쑗 swol-
swim verb COMPUT (of computer graph- len rivers or streams
ics) to move slightly owing to a faulty dis- sycamore noun TREES a large hardwood
play unit tree of the maple family. Latin name: Acer
swim bladder noun ZOOL same as air pseudoplatanus.
bladder symbiogenesis noun MICROBIOL a
swirl noun 1. a movement with a twisting hypothetical evolutionary process in which
motion 2. an eddy 쑗 Swirls of smoke came mitochondria and chloroplasts developed
out of the engine. from symbiotic organisms within the cell
swirl chamber noun AUTOMOT a small symbiont noun ECOL one of the set of
chamber in the cylinder head to promote organisms living in symbiosis with each
swirl 쑗 The usual method of atomising the other. Compare commensal
fuel is to pass it through a swirl chamber, symbiosis noun ECOL a condition where
so converting its pressure energy to kinetic two or more unrelated organisms exist
energy. together enabling both to survive
switch noun 1. ELEC a mechanical or symbiotic adjective ECOL referring to
solid state device that can electrically con- symbiosis 쑗 The rainforest has evolved
nect or isolate two or more lines 쑗 There is symbiotic mechanisms to recycle minerals.
an on/off switch on the front panel. 2. COM- symbiotically adverb ECOL in symbio-
PUT an additional character entered on the sis 쑗 Colonies of shellfish have parasites
same line as the program command, which that live symbiotically with them.
affects how the program runs 쑗 Add the symbiotic relationship noun ECOL a
switch ‘/W’ to the DOS command DIR and relationship of cooperation between two or
the directory listing will be displayed more unrelated organisms
across the screen. 3. COMPUT a point in a
computer program where control can be symbol noun a printed or written sign
passed to one of a number of choices 쐽 used to represent something
verb ELEC to connect or disconnect two symbolic adjective referring to symbols
lines by activating a switch 쑗 A symbolic code is used for synoptic

switching noun COMPUT a constant charts.

update of connections between changing symbolic address noun COMPUT an
sinks and sources in a network address represented by a symbol or name
switching centre noun ELECTRONICS a symbolic code, symbolic instruction
point in a communications network where noun COMPUT an instruction that is in mne-
messages can be switched to and from the monic form rather than a binary number
various lines and circuits that end there symbolic language noun COMPUT 1. a
switching circuit noun ELECTRONICS computer language in which locations are
an electronic circuit that can direct mes- represented by names 2. any language used
sages from one line or circuit to another in to write source code
a switching centre symbolic logic noun LOGIC the study of
switchmode noun ELEC a way of con- reasoning and thought
verting one form of electricity to another symbolic name noun COMPUT a name
by rapidly switching it on and off and feed- used as a label for a variable or location
593 syndrome
symmetrical, symmetric adjective with synchronise, synchronise verb to
an exact likeness of form on opposite sides cause things to occur or operate at the same
of a central dividing line 쑗 The area cov- time or rate
ered by the forecast is divided into a series synchronised dynamic RAM noun
of grid or reference points at approxi- COMPUT an enhanced memory component
mately 300km symmetrical spacing. in which the memory access cycle is syn-
symmetrical compression noun chronised with the main processor clock,
COMPUT a compression system that eliminating wait time between memory
requires the same processing power and operations. Abbr SDRAM
time scale to compress and decompress an synchronised sleep noun BIOL same
image as slow-wave sleep
symmetric difference noun MATHS a synchronous adjective COMPUT being
logical function whose output is true if synchronised with something else such as
either of two inputs is true, and false if both a main clock
inputs are the same
synchronous cache noun COMPUT a
symmetry noun an exact matching in high-speed secondary cache system used
position or form of points on an object that in many computers that use the Pentium
are equally positioned about a given point, processor chip
line or plane bisecting the object
sympathetic nervous system noun synchronous computer noun COM-
ANAT one of two complementary parts of PUT a computer in which each action can
the nervous system that affects involuntary only take place when a timing pulse arrives
functions. Compare autonomic nervous synchronous data link control
system (NOTE: It is activated by danger or noun COMPUT a data transmission protocol,
stress and causes responses such as most often used in IBM’s Systems Net-
dilated pupils and a rapid heart rate.) work Architecture, that defines how syn-
symphile noun ECOL an insect or other chronous data is transmitted. Abbr SDLC
organism that lives in the nests of social synchronous network noun COMPUT
insects such as ants or termites and is fed a network in which all the links are syn-
by them chronised with a single timing signal
symphysis noun ANAT, BOT a point or synchronous transmission noun
line where a symphysis occurs COMPUT the transmission of data from one
symptom noun 1. an indication of some- device to another, where both devices are
thing 2. MED a change in the functioning or controlled by the same clock and the trans-
appearance of an organism, which shows mitted data is synchronised with the clock
that a disease or disorder is present signal
symptomatic adjective 1. characteristic synchrotron noun PHYS a particle accel-
or typical of something 2. MED referring to erator in which charged particles travelling
a medical symptom 쑗 The rash is sympto- at near the speed of light are guided round
matic of measles. a doughnut-shaped tube by powerful mag-
syn- prefix joint or fused nets, producing synchrotron radiation
synapse noun ANAT a point in the nerv- synchrotron radiation noun PHYS
ous system where the axons of neurons are short-wave radiation, from infrared to con-
in contact with the dendrites of other neu- ventional X-rays, produced in a synchro-
rons 쐽 verb BIOL to link with a neuron tron. Use: analysis of the structure of
synaptology noun BIOL the study of proteins, viruses, and inorganic materials
junctions between nerve cells (synapses) such as metals.
and synaptic connections in the nervous syncline noun EARTH SCI a concave
system downward fold of rock, with the youngest
synchronisation, synchronisation rock on the inside. Compare anticline
noun the action of synchronising two or sync pulse noun ELEC a transmitted
more devices pulse used to make sure that the receiver is
synchronisation pulse noun ELEC a synchronised with the transmitter
transmitted pulse used to make sure that syndrome noun MED a group of symp-
the receiver is synchronised with the trans- toms and other changes in an organism’s
mitter functions which, when taken together,
synecology 594
show that a particular disease or disorder is synthetic insecticide noun AGRIC an
present insecticide that is made artificially from
synecology noun ECOL the study of chemicals that do not occur naturally in
communities of organisms in their environ- plants
ments. Compare autecology syntype noun BIOL a member of a set of
synergism noun CHEM a phenomenon specimens that have equal status as the
where two substances act more strongly basis for the description of a new species
together than they would independently synusia noun ECOL a group of plants liv-
synergist noun CHEM a substance that ing in the same habitat
increases the effect of another syringe noun MED 1. a device consisting
synfuel noun INDUST a fuel similar to of a needle attached to a tube, used for
those produced from crude oil but pro- injecting fluids into the body or for taking
duced from more plentiful resources, e.g. blood 2. to clean, spray or inject something
coal, shale or tar by using a syringe
synodic adjective ASTRON 1. referring to syrinx noun ZOOL the vocal organ of a
the alignment of astronomical objects 2. bird
referring to the interval between the occa- sysop noun COMPUT a person who main-
sions when the same astronomical objects tains a bulletin board system or network
are aligned system noun 1. a group of interdepend-
synovial membrane noun ANAT a ent parts forming and operating as a whole
smooth membrane that forms the inner lin- 쑗 a braking system 쑗 an electrical system
ing of the capsule covering a joint, and 2. an arrangement of things or phenomena
secretes the fluid which lubricates the joint that act together 쑗 a weather system 3.
synroc noun INDUST an artificial mineral COMPUT a group of hardware or software
compound formed of nuclear waste fused components that work together 4. BIOL an
into minerals and so will never deteriorate arrangement of parts of the body that work
syntactic error noun COMPUT a pro- together 쑗 the nervous system 5. a way of
gramming error in which the program classifying something scientifically 쑗 the
statement does not follow the syntax of the Linnaean system
language. Also called syntax error systematic adjective 1. organised in a
syntax noun COMPUT the grammatical planned way 2. being part of a system
rules which apply to a programming lan- systematics noun BIOL the scientific
guage study of systems, especially of the system
syntax error noun COMPUT same as of classifying organisms
syntactic error system clock noun COMPUT an elec-
syntenic adjective GENETICS referring to tronic component that generates a regular
genes that occur on the same chromosome signal that is used to synchronise all the
components in the computer
synteny noun GENETICS the occurrence
of genes on the same chromosome, system colours noun COMPUT same as
whether or not they are linked default palette
synthesis noun 1. the process of com- system console noun COMPUT the
bining things to form a whole 2. CHEM the main terminal or control centre for a com-
process of producing a compound by a puter which includes status lights and con-
chemical reaction trol switches
synthesise, synthesize verb 1. to com- system crash noun COMPUT a situation
bine things to form a whole 2. CHEM to pro- in which the operating system stops work-
duce a compound by a chemical reaction 쑗 ing and has to be restarted
The body cannot synthesise essential fatty system disk noun COMPUT a disk that
acids and has to absorb them from food. holds the system software
synthetic adjective INDUST made in an Système International noun MEAS-
industrial process and not occurring natu- URE full form of SI
rally 쑗 synthetic rubber systemic adjective BIOL affecting a
synthetically adverb INDUST by an whole organism
industrial process 쑗 synthetically produced systemic circulation noun PHYSIOL
hormones the circulation of blood around the whole
595 syzygy
body, except the lungs, starting with the computer 2. the examination of an existing
aorta and returning through the venae system with the aim of improving or
cavae replacing it
systemic compound noun a com- Systems Application Architecture
pound fertiliser which reaches all parts of a noun COMPUT a standard that defines the
plant look and feel of an application regardless
systemic fungicide noun AGRIC a fun- of the hardware platform. Abbr SAA
gicide that is absorbed into a plant’s sap (NOTE: SAA defines which keystrokes
system through its leaves or roots and pro- carry out standard functions (such as F1 to
tects the plant from infection by fungi display help), the application’s display and
without killing the plant itself how the application interacts with the oper-
systemic herbicide noun AGRIC a her- ating system.)
bicide that is absorbed into a plant’s sap Systems Network Architecture
system through its leaves or roots and is noun COMPUT the design methods that
transported through the plant to kill the define how communications in a network
roots should occur and allow different hardware
systemic insecticide noun an insecti- to communicate. Abbr SNA
cide which is taken up by a plant and enters system software noun COMPUT the set
the sap stream so that biting insects take of programs that direct the basic functions
the insecticide when they suck the sap of a computer
systemic pesticide noun AGRIC a pes-
ticide that is absorbed into a plant’s sap systems programmer noun COMPUT a
system through its leaves or roots and pro- person who writes system software
tects the plant from pests without killing systole noun PHYSIOL the contraction of
the plant itself the heart that pumps blood into the arteries.
systemic weedkiller noun AGRIC same Compare diastole
as systemic herbicide syzygy noun ASTRON the conjunction or
systems analysis noun COMPUT 1. the opposition of three astronomical objects
analysis of a process or system to see if it such as the Sun, Earth and Moon in a
could be more efficiently carried out by a straight line
T symbol 1. MEASURE tera- 2. MEASURE, pilot checks the tachometer and notes the
PHYS tesla resulting drop in r.p.m. for each magneto.
Ta symbol CHEM ELEM tantalum tachyon noun PHYS a hypothetical ele-
tab noun COMPUT a key that moves a print- mentary particle whose speed is greater
ing head or cursor a preset distance along a than that of light
line tag noun COMPUT an identifying character
tab character noun COMPUT an ASCII attached to a file or item of data 쑗 Each file
character that is used to align text at a pre- has a three letter tag for rapid identifica-
set tab stop tion.
table noun 1. COMPUT, PRINTING a list of taiga noun EARTH SCI a forested region
data in columns and rows on a printed page between the Arctic tundra and the steppe
or on the screen 2. COMPUT a structure that tail noun 1. the rear part of a bird or air-
shows how records and data items are craft 2. COMPUT a control code used to sig-
linked by relations between the rows and nal the end of a message
columns of the table 3. ENG a level struc-
tailings plural noun INDUST refuse or
waste ore from mining operations
tableland noun EARTH SCI an area of
high flat land talc noun MINERALS a soft mineral consist-
ing of hydrated magnesium silicate, found
table lookup noun COMPUT the use of in igneous and metamorphic rocks and
one known value to select one entry in a used to make talcum powder (NOTE: It is
table, providing a secondary value the softest mineral on a scale of hardness
table mountain noun EARTH SCI a that runs from talc to diamond.)
flat-topped mountain tall-grass prairie noun EARTH SCI same
table of contents noun COMPUT 1. a set as long-grass prairie
of data at the start of a disk that describes talon noun ZOOL a hooked claw, espe-
how many tracks are on the disk, their posi- cially of a bird of prey
tion and length 2. a page with a list of the
headings of all the other main pages in the tandem processors plural noun COM-
title and links so that a user can move to PUT two processors connected so that if
them one fails, the second takes over
tabular adjective referring to a table of or tangent noun 1. MATHS a straight line,
for data 왍 in tabular form (of facts and fig- curve or surface that meets another curve
ures) arranged in a table 쑗 The most widely or curved surface at a point, but which, if
acceptable presentation of fuel data is in extended, does not cut through at that point
tabular form but graphical presentations 쑗 The glide path is at a tangent to the run-
may also be used. way. 2. a trigonometric function equal to
tabulation noun COMPUT 1. the arrange- the length of the side opposite the angle of
ment of a table of figures 2. the movement a right-angled triangle divided by the
of a printing head or cursor a preset dis- length of the adjacent side
tance along a line tangential adjective MATHS relating to or
tachometer noun MECH ENG an instru- involving a tangent
ment for the measurement of the revolu- tank noun INDUST a large container for
tions per minute of a rotating shaft 쑗 The storing fluid 쑗 water tank 쑗 fuel tank
597 taste bud
tanker noun INDUST 1. a large ship used to target program noun COMPUT an object
carry petrol or oil 2. a truck used to carry program or computer program in object
liquids such as petrol or milk code form, produced by a compiler
tannin, tannic acid noun BIOCHEM a tariff noun COMPUT, TELECOM a charge
brownish or yellowish compound formed incurred by a user of a communications or
in leaves and bark, used in the tanning of computer system 쑗 There is a set tariff for
leather and in dyes and astringents (NOTE: logging on, then a rate for every minute of
Tannins help protect plants from being computer time used.
eaten.) tarn noun EARTH SCI a small lake in a
tantalum noun CHEM ELEM a rare metal depression on a mountainside
that does not corrode. It is used to repair tar oil noun AGRIC a winter wash used to
damaged bones. (NOTE: The chemical sym- control aphids and scale insects on fruit
bol is Ta; the atomic number is 73 and the trees
atomic weight is 180.95.) tar pit noun EARTH SCI a natural hole in
tap noun a pipe with a handle that can be the ground containing bitumen
turned to make a liquid or gas come out of tarsal noun ANAT one of the bones in the
a container 쐽 verb to remove or drain liquid ankle
from something 왍 to tap oil resources tar sand noun EARTH SCI same as oil
INDUST to bring up oil from the ground sand
tape archive noun COMPUT full form of tarsus noun ANAT the ankle or a similar
TAR joint in the hindlimb of an animal
taper verb to reduce in thickness towards tartaric acid noun CHEM a white crystal-
one end line organic acid found in fruit, used as
baking powder and in photographic proc-
tapered adjective reducing in thickness esses and tanning leather. Formula:
towards one end 쑗 Fuel flowing from the (CHOH)2(COOH)2.
float chamber passes through a jet, in
which is positioned a tapered needle valve.
tartrate noun CHEM a salt or ester of tar-
taric acid
tapered wing noun AEROSP a wing tartrazine noun FOOD INDUST a yellow
which becomes narrower in width from substance added to food to give it an attrac-
root to tip tive colour (NOTE: It is coded E102.
tapeworm noun ZOOL a parasitic worm Although widely used, tartrazine provokes
with a long flattened segmented body that bad reactions in some people and is
lives mainly in the guts of vertebrate ani- banned in some countries.)
mals, including humans. Class: Cestoda. task noun 1. a job that someone has to do
taproot noun BOT the thick main root of a 2. COMPUT a job that is to be carried out by
plant which grows straight down into the a computer
soil (NOTE: A taproot system has a main taskbar noun COMPUT a bar that usually
root with smaller roots branching off it, as runs along the bottom of the screen and
opposed to a fibrous root system which displays the Start button and a list of other
has no main root.) programs or windows that are currently
tap water noun the water that has been active
supplied by pipes to a building and is task-management adjective COMPUT
sometimes stored in tanks before being referring to system software which con-
used trols the use and allocation of resources to
tar noun INDUST a thick black sticky sub-
stance derived from coal task queue noun COMPUT the temporary
storage of jobs waiting to be processed
TAR noun COMPUT a file compression sys- task swapping, task switching noun
tem used on a computer running the Unix
the exchanging of one program in memory
operating system. Full form tape archive
for another which is temporarily stored on
target noun 1. a goal to be achieved 2. disk
something that is being aimed at taste bud noun ANAT one of many small
target computer noun COMPUT a com- structures on the surface of the tongue or in
puter on which software is to be run the mouth that respond to various chemi-
tau 598
cals to give the sense of taste (NOTE: Each TDR abbreviation COMPUT time domain
taste bud responds to one of four basic reflectometry
tastes: sweet, sour, bitter or salty.) TDS abbreviation COMPUT transac-
tau noun BIOCHEM same as tau protein tion-driven system
tau protein noun BIOCHEM a protein that Te symbol CHEM ELEM tellurium
maintains the stability of the microtubules teak noun TREES a tropical tree that pro-
that serve as a transport system within duces a hardwood which is resistant to
brain cells. It is also implicated in the for- water. Latin name: Tectona grandis.
mation of masses of fibrous protein in the
brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. tear duct noun ANAT a tube through
which tears flow, especially the one that
tautomerism noun CHEM the existence drains tears from the inner corner of the
at equilibrium of a mixture of two isomers eye into the nasal cavity
that readily convert from one to the other
taxa plural of taxon tears plural noun PHYSIOL the salty fluid
secreted in the eye by the lacrimal glands
taxis noun BIOL a movement of a cell or
microorganism towards or away from a teat noun ANAT a protuberance on the
stimulus such as light breast or udder of a female mammal
through which milk is excreted for the
-taxis suffix BIOL the response of an nourishment of young
organism moving towards or away from a
stimulus technetium noun CHEM ELEM a radioac-
tive metallic element used as a tracer and in
taxon noun BIOL a grouping in a scientific corrosion-resistant materials (NOTE: The
classification of organisms, e.g. a family, chemical symbol is Tc; the atomic number
genus or species (NOTE: The plural is taxa.) is 43 and the atomic weight is 98.91.)
taxonomic adjective BIOL referring to technical adjective referring to practical
or scientific work
taxonomic group noun BIOL a group of
organisms classified together according to technician noun a person who does
a specific system practical work in a laboratory or scientific
institution 쑗 a laboratory technician
taxonomy noun BIOL the techniques and
system of classifying organisms according technique noun a way of doing some-
to their characteristics thing such as scientific or medical work
using a special method or skill 쑗 a new
TBC abbreviation total bacterial count technique for dating fossils
TBT abbreviation tributyltin technological adjective referring to
Tc symbol CHEM ELEM technetium technology
TCDD noun ENVIRON a highly toxic per- technological fix noun the solution to a
sistent by-product of the herbicide 2,4,5-T. problem based on technology, generally
Full form tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin not a really satisfactory solution
T cell noun ANAT a white blood cell (lym- technological revolution noun
phocyte) that matures in the thymus and is INDUST the changing of industrial methods
essential for immunity, especially in com- by introducing new technology
bating viral infections and cancers. Also
called T lymphocyte (NOTE: T cells technology noun the use of scientific
include cytotoxic T cells that directly attack knowledge to develop machines and tech-
virus-infected or cancerous body cells, niques for use in industry
helper T cells that stimulate other T cells, technology transfer noun 1. the prac-
and suppressor T cells that play a restrain- tical application of research results 2. the
ing role.) passing of technological information from
TCP/IP noun COMPUT a data transfer pro- a developed country to a developing one or
tocol often used in Unix-based networks from one company to another
and used for all communications over the technosphere noun an environment
Internet. Full form transmission control built or modified by humans
protocol/interface program tectonic adjective EARTH SCI referring to
TDI abbreviation tolerable daily intake faults or movements in the Earth’s crust
TDM abbreviation COMPUT time division tectonic plate noun EARTH SCI a large
multiplexing area of solid rock in the Earth’s crust,
599 temperature chart
which floats on the mantle and moves very tellurium noun CHEM ELEM a shiny brittle
slowly semimetallic element, used in alloys and
tectorial membrane noun ANAT a spi- manufacturing processes and as a semicon-
ral membrane in the inner ear above the ductor (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Te;
organ of Corti, containing the hair cells the atomic number is 52 and the atomic
which transmit impulses to the auditory weight is 127.60.)
nerve telnet noun COMPUT the TCP/IP protocol
teeth noun ANAT plural of tooth that allows a user to connect to and control
Teflon trademark INDUST polytetrafluor- a remote computer via the Internet and
oethylene, a plastic used as a non-stick type in commands as if they were sitting in
coating on articles such as saucepans front of the computer
tele- prefix COMPUT long distance telocentric adjective GENETICS referring
telecommunications plural noun TEL- to a chromosome with a centromere that is
ECOM the network for passing and receiv- located at or near one end
ing messages over a distance by systems telomere noun GENETICS a piece of non-
such as telephone, satellite and radio coding DNA at the end of a chromosome
telematics noun COMPUT the study of (NOTE: It protects the genetically important
the processes involved in interaction of all parts of the DNA against damage when the
data processing and communications chromosome divides.)
devices such as computers and networks telophase noun BIOL the fourth and last
telephone noun TELECOM a machine stage of cell division, in which new nuclei
used for speaking to someone or communi- form around chromosomes at opposite
cating with another computer using ends of the dividing cell
modems over a long distance temper verb METALL to heat and rapidly
telephone line noun TELECOM a cable cool a metal to increase its hardness
used to connect a telephone handset with a temperate adjective METEOROL neither
central exchange very hot nor very cold
telephony noun TELECOM a series of temperate climate noun EARTH SCI a
standards that define the way in which climate that is neither very hot in summer
computers can work with a telephone sys- nor very cold in winter
tem to provide voice-mail, telephone
answering and fax services temperate forest noun EARTH SCI a for-
est in a temperate region
teleprocessing noun COMPUT the
processing of data at a distance, e.g. using temperate region noun EARTH SCI a
outside terminals to access a central com- region that is neither very hot in summer
puter. Abbr TP nor very cold in winter
telescope noun ASTRON a device for temperature noun 1. PHYS a measure-
concentrating electromagnetic radiation ment of heat 2. how hot something is 3.
for human study MED a body temperature that is higher than
usual, as a sign of illness 쑗 She has a tem-
telesoftware noun COMPUT software perature. 쑗 He is running a temperature.
which is received from a viewdata or tele-
COMMENT: The normal average body
text service 쑗 The telesoftware was down- temperature is about 37° C (98° F). This
loaded yesterday. Abbr TSW temperature may vary during the day, and
teletext noun TELECOM a method of can rise if a person has taken a hot bath or
transmitting text and information with a had a hot drink. If the environmental
temperature is high, the body has to sweat
normal television signal, usually as a serial to reduce the heat gained from the air
bit stream which can be displayed using a around it. If the outside temperature is low,
special decoder the body shivers, because rapid movement
television noun a device which can of the muscles generates heat. A fever will
cause the body temperature to rise sharply,
receive modulated video signals via a cable to 40°C (103°F) or more. Hypothermia
or broadcast signals via an aerial and dis- exists when the body temperature falls
play images on a cathode ray tube screen below about 35°C (95°F).
together with sound. Abbr TV temperature chart noun a chart show-
telluric adjective ASTRON coming from ing changes in temperature over a period of
Earth or its atmosphere time
temperature coefficient 600
temperature coefficient noun PHYS a tendon sheath noun ANAT a tube of
ratio of the speed at which a process devel- membrane that covers and protects a mem-
ops compared to the speed of the same brane
process at a 10°C cooler temperature tendril noun BOT a stem, leaf or petiole of
temperature gradient noun 1. METE- a plant modified into a thin touch-sensitive
OROL a gradual increase in temperature organ that coils around objects, providing
travelling from the North or South Pole support for climbing plants
towards the equator 2. PHYS a change in ten’s complement noun MATHS a deci-
temperature with distance from a hot or mal complement, formed by adding one to
cold object the nine’s complement of a decimal
temperature graph noun PHYS, METE- number
OROL a graph showing how the tempera- tensile adjective referring to stretching or
ture of something rises and falls pulling out
temperature inversion noun METE- tensile load noun PHYS a load caused by
OROL an atmospheric phenomenon in forces acting in opposite directions away
which cold air is nearer the ground than from each other
warm air, making the temperature of the air tensile strength noun PHYS the
rise as it gets further from the ground, trap- strength of a structure to resist forces pull-
ping pollutants between the layers of air ing it apart from opposite directions
temperature lapse rate noun EARTH tensile stress noun PHYS the forces that
SCI same as lapse rate try to pull a structure apart from opposite
template noun 1. a plastic or metal object directions
used as a pattern for drawing or cutting tension noun PHYS a strained condition
shapes 2. COMPUT a file containing a stand- resulting from forces acting in opposition
ard text such as a standard letter or invoice to each other 쑗 A rod which is bent is short-
into which specific details can be added ened or in compression on the inside of the
temporarily adverb for a time or not per- bend and is stretched or in tension on the
manently outside of the bend.
temporary adjective lasting for a short tera- prefix MEASURE one trillion, 1012.
time and not permanent Symbol T
temporary hardness noun CHEM the terabyte noun COMPUT one thousand
hardness of water caused by carbonates of gigabytes
calcium, which can be removed by boiling teragram noun MEASURE one trillionth of
the water a gram
temporary parasite noun BIOL a para- teratogen noun MED a substance or agent
site which does not live permanently on the that causes birth defects
host teratogenesis noun MED the production
temporary register noun COMPUT a of birth defects
register used for temporary storage for the teratogenic adjective MED causing birth
results of an arithmetic logic unit operation defects
10Base2 noun COMPUT the IEEE stand- terawatt noun MEASURE, ELEC a unit of
ard specification for running Ethernet over measurement of electric energy, equal to
thin coaxial cable one billion watts. Abbr TW
10Base5 noun COMPUT the IEEE stand- terbium noun CHEM ELEM a shiny metal-
ard specification for running Ethernet over lic element used in lasers, X-rays and tele-
thick coaxial cable vision tubes (NOTE: The chemical symbol
10BaseT noun COMPUT the IEEE stand- is Tb; the atomic number is 65 and the
ard specification for running Ethernet over atomic weight is 158.93.)
unshielded twisted pair cable term noun MATHS a mathematical expres-
tender adjective 1. soft or susceptible to sion that forms part of a fraction or propor-
damage 2. MED painful to touch 3. BOT tion, is part of a series, or is associated with
referring to a plant which cannot tolerate another by a plus or minus sign
frost terminal noun 1. COMPUT a device usu-
tendon noun ANAT a strip of connective ally made up of a display unit and a key-
tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone board which allows entry and display of
601 tertiary consumer
information when on-line to a central com- terraces on a mountainside 쑗 The hills are
puter system 2. ELEC an electrical connec- covered with terraced rice fields.
tion point 3. COMPUT a point in a network COMMENT: Terracing is widely used to
where a message can be transmitted or create small flat fields on steeply sloping
received 쐽 adjective 1. coming at the end 쑗 land, so as to bring more land into produc-
tive use, and also to prevent soil erosion.
a terminal inflorescence 쑗 terminal
moraine 2. MED causing death 쑗 a terminal terrace cultivation noun AGRIC hill
illness 3. COMPUT fatal or unable to be slopes cut to form terraced fields which
repaired 쑗 The computer has a terminal rise in steps one above the other and are
fault. cultivated, often with the aid of irrigation
terminal adapter noun COMPUT a terrain noun EARTH SCI the ground or an
device that transfers digital signals from a area of land in terms of its physical surface
computer to a digital communications line features 쑗 mountainous terrain
such as an ISDN line terrestrial adjective 1. EARTH SCI refer-
terminal emulation noun COMPUT the ring to the Earth, as opposed to space 쑗 ter-
ability of a terminal to emulate the func- restrial and satellite links 2. TELECOM
tions of another type of terminal so that referring to land-based communications 쑗
display codes can be correctly decoded and a terrestrial link
displayed and keystrokes correctly coded terrestrial animal noun ZOOL an animal
and transmitted that lives on dry land
terminal moraine noun EARTH SCI a terrestrial equator noun EARTH SCI
heap of soil and sand pushed by a glacier same as equator
and left behind when the glacier melts terrestrial magnetism noun EARTH
terminal strip noun ELEC a row of elec- SCI the magnetic properties of the Earth
trical connectors that allow pairs of wires terrestrial planet noun ASTRON one of
to be electrically connected using a the four planets nearest the Sun that are
screw-down metal plate similar in density and composition (NOTE:
terminal velocity noun PHYS the con- The terrestrial planets are Mars, Venus,
stant maximum velocity reached by a fall- Mercury and Earth.)
ing object terrestrial radiation noun EARTH SCI
terminator noun COMPUT 1. a resistor loss of heat from the Earth 쑗 Clear skies
that fits onto each end of a coaxial cable in allow terrestrial radiation to escape.
a bus network to create an electrical circuit terricolous adjective ZOOL referring to
2. a resistor that fits onto the last SCSI
an animal that lives in or on soil
device in the daisy chain, creating an elec-
trical circuit territorial adjective referring to territory
terminator gene noun GENETICS a gene territorialism, territoriality noun ZOOL
that can be inserted into genetically modi- a pattern of behaviour involving the estab-
fied plants to make them unable to produce lishment and defence of a territory
seed after one season territorial species noun ZOOL a species
terminology noun the set of words or that occupies and defends a territory
expressions used for a particular subject 쑗 territorial waters plural noun the sea
scientific terminology near the coast of a country that is under the
termitarium noun ZOOL a nest made by control of that country
termites formed in the shape of a hill of territory noun ZOOL an area occupied and
hard earth defended by an animal, which may be all or
termite noun ZOOL an insect resembling a part of the animal’s home range 쑗 A robin
large ant, which lives in colonies and eats defends its territory by attacking other rob-
cellulose ins that enter it.
ternary adjective 1. MATHS referring to a tertiary adjective 1. coming after two
number system with three possible states 2. other things 2. CHEM relating to or contain-
CHEM referring to a compound containing ing a carbon atom that has direct bonds to
three different elements three other carbon atoms
terrace noun EARTH SCI a flat strip of tertiary consumer noun ZOOL a carni-
land across a sloping hillside, lying level vore that only eats other carnivores. 쒁 pri-
along the contours 쐽 verb AGRIC to build mary consumer, secondary consumer
tertiary treatment 602
tertiary treatment noun ENVIRON an tetrad noun 1. BIOL a group of four cells
advanced stage in the processing of sewage produced by meiosis of a single parent cell
tesla noun MEASURE, PHYS the derived SI into sex cells 2. GENETICS a group of four
unit of magnetic flux density, equal to a chromosomes in a diploid cell that is about
flux of one weber per square metre. Sym- to undergo meiosis
bol T tetraethyl lead noun INDUST a substance
tessellate verb 1. (of shapes) to fit sometimes added to petrol to prevent
together without leaving spaces 2. COMPUT knocking in an engine
to reduce a complex shape to a collection tetrahedral compound noun CHEM a
of simple shapes, often triangles compound in which the main atom joins
test noun a process designed to find out if other atoms at four corners around the
a sample of something matches criteria, if atom
a device is working well, or if a product is tetrahedron noun MATHS a solid object
satisfactory 쑗 Laboratory tests showed that with four identical triangular faces
the sample was positive. 쑗 Government tetrahydrate noun CHEM a chemical
officials have carried out tests on samples with four molecules of water of crystallisa-
of drinking water. 쐽 verb to examine a sam- tion
ple or device to see if it is working well 쑗 tetraploid adjective GENETICS referring
They tested the water sample for microor- to an organism that has four sets of chro-
ganisms. mosomes in a cell nucleus
testa noun BOT the tough protective skin tetravalent adjective CHEM with a
around a seed. Also called seed coat valency of four
test bed noun COMPUT an environment tex noun MEASURE, TEXTILES a measure of
used to test programs mass per unit length of fibres. Symbol tex
test data plural noun COMPUT data with texel noun COMPUT a collection of pixels
known results prepared to allow a new pro- that are treated as a single unit when tex-
gram to be tested ture mapping is being applied over an
test equipment noun COMPUT special object
equipment used to test hardware or soft- text noun COMPUT information consisting
ware 쑗 The engineer has special test equip- of alphanumeric characters
ment for this model. text file noun COMPUT a stored file on a
testicle noun ANAT same as testis computer containing text rather than digits
testicular artery noun ANAT same as or data
spermatic artery text processing noun COMPUT the use
testis noun ANAT a male gland that pro- of a computer to keyboard, edit and output
duces sperm (NOTE: In mammals, including text
humans, the paired testes also secrete sex texture noun the roughness or smooth-
hormones. The plural of testis is testes.) ness of a surface or substance
testosterone noun BIOCHEM a male ster- textured vegetable protein noun
oid hormone produced by the testes, that FOOD INDUST a substance made from proc-
controls the development of secondary essed soya beans or other vegetables, used
sexual characteristics at puberty as a substitute for meat. Abbr TVP
test run noun COMPUT a program run texture mapping noun COMPUT 1. a
with test data to ensure that the software is computer graphics effect using algorithms
working correctly 쑗 A test run will soon to produce an image that looks like the sur-
show up any errors. face of something such as marble, brick,
test tube noun CHEM a small glass tube stone or water 2. the covering of one image
with a rounded bottom, used in laborato- with another to give the first a texture
ries to hold samples of liquids TFT screen noun COMPUT a method of
tetanus noun MED an infection caused by creating a high-quality LCD display often
Clostridium tetani in the soil, which affects used in laptop computers. Full form thin
the spinal cord and causes spasms which film transistor screen
occur first in the jaw Th symbol CHEM ELEM thorium
tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin thalamus noun BOT same as receptacle
noun CHEM full form of TCDD 1
603 thermistor
thallium noun CHEM ELEM a metallic ele- thermal discharge noun INDUST same
ment which is poisonous and used in pesti- as heat discharge
cides. Symbol Tl (NOTE: The chemical thermal dissociation noun PHYS the
symbol is Tl; the atomic number is 81 and reversible decomposition of a chemical
the atomic weight is 204.37.) compound into its components when heat
thallophyte noun BOT a plant without is applied
stem, roots, or leaves, e.g. an alga, lichen thermal efficiency noun PHYS the effi-
or fungus ciency of conversion of fuel energy to
thallus noun BOT the flat green body of a kinetic energy
simple plant such as an alga or liverwort thermal energy noun INDUST energy in
(NOTE: It is not differentiated into leaves, the form of heat
stems and roots.)
thermal inkjet printer noun COMPUT a
thaw noun METEOROL a period when the computer printer which produces charac-
weather becomes warmer after a heavy ters by sending a stream of tiny drops of
frost, and ice and snow melt 쐽 verb to melt electrically charged ink onto paper
or make something melt 쑗 As the polar ice thermalisation, thermalization verb
thaws, the sea level rises. 쑗 It is possible PHYS the reduction of the speed and energy
that rising atmospheric temperatures will of neutrons in a nuclear reactor to a point at
thaw the polar ice caps and raise the level which they have thermal energy so that
of the sea. they can be captured and produce fission
thaw water noun EARTH SCI water from
melting snow and ice thermal neutron PHYS 1. a neutron pro-
duced in the process of thermalisation 2.
theodolite noun ENG an instrument same as slow neutron
formed of a telescope mounted in such a
way that it can turn around, used for meas- thermal pollution noun ENVIRON a
uring angles change in the quality of an environment by
increasing its temperature, e.g. the release
theorem noun MATHS a proposition or of heat from the cooling towers of a power
formula in mathematics or logic that is station or from the discharge of a coolant
provable from a set of axioms and basic
assumptions thermal radiation noun PHYS the emis-
sion of radiant heat
theory noun a possible explanation of
how or why something happens which has thermal reactor noun INDUST a nuclear
not been confirmed by experimental evi- reactor that heats using a moderator, as
dence opposed to a breeder reactor
therapeutic cloning noun MED the use thermal spring noun EARTH SCI a
of cloning to produce new body tissues stream of hot water running out of the
from stem cells, for use in the treatment of ground continuously
disease or injury thermal storage noun INDUST same as
therm noun MEASURE, PHYS a unit of heat heat storage
equal to 100000 British thermal units or thermal stratification noun EARTH SCI
1.055 x 108 joules the different layers of heat in a body of
thermal adjective PHYS referring to heat water
쑗 Intense surface heating causes thermal thermionic emission noun PHYS the
currents to develop and create convection. emission of ions or electrons from very hot
쐽 noun METEOROL a rising current of rela- solids or liquids (NOTE: It is used to pro-
tively warm air in the lower atmosphere 쑗 duce electrons in electron microscopes
Glider pilots circle in thermals in order to and X-ray tubes.)
gain height. thermionics noun PHYS the study of the
thermal accumulator noun PHYS same emission of electrons from hot substances
as heat accumulator thermionic valve noun ELECTRONICS
thermal analysis noun PHYS the analy- an electronic component in which elec-
sis of the properties of a compound or trons are emitted from a heated cathode in
metal at different temperatures a glass tube containing a vacuum
thermal diffusion noun PHYS a concen- thermistor noun ELECTRONICS a semi-
tration gradient within a fluid created by a conductor device whose resistance
temperature gradient decreases as the temperature increases
thermite 604
thermite noun CHEM a mixture of pow- potential fusion power reactors, because
dered aluminium and iron (III) oxide that the creation of nuclei up to iron releases
energy. Nuclei beyond iron can only be
produces very high temperatures when produced by absorbing energy, which is
ignited why they are rare by comparison with
thermo- prefix heat or temperature lighter species.
thermochemistry noun CHEM the study thermoperiodic adjective BIOL refer-
of the heat produced by chemical reactions ring to an organism that reacts to regular
thermocouple noun PHYS a device for changes in temperature
measuring temperature thermoperiodicity, thermoperiodism
thermodynamic adjective PHYS 1. noun BIOL the effect on an organism of reg-
relating to or involving thermodynamics 2. ular changes in temperature
obeying or affected by the laws of thermo- thermophilic adjective BIOL referring to
dynamics organisms such as algae living in the hot
thermodynamics noun PHYS the study water of thermal springs that need a high
of the processes involving heat changes temperature to grow
and conservation of energy 왍 first law of thermopile noun ELEC a device that is
thermodynamics a general scientific rule used for measuring radiant energy or con-
that during a physical or chemical change, verting it into electricity, consisting of a set
energy is neither created nor destroyed 왍 of thermocouples joined either in series or
second law of thermodynamics a general in parallel
scientific rule that heat cannot pass from a thermoplastic INDUST noun a type of
colder to a warmer body and that with each plastic which can be repeatedly softened
change in form, some energy is degraded by heating and formed into shapes 쐽 adjec-
to a less useful form and given off into the tive able to be recycled by heating and
surroundings, usually as heat cooling 쑗 thermoplastic materials
thermodynamic temperature noun thermoregulation noun BIOL the con-
PHYS temperature measured on a scale that trol of body temperature by processes such
is independent of the substance being used, as sweating and shivering
expressed in kelvin thermosetting adjective INDUST able to
thermoelectricity noun ELEC electric- be heated to be shaped but unable to be
ity produced by maintaining a temperature reheated for recycling
difference at the point where two materials thermosetting plastic noun INDUST a
meet type of plastic that can be heated to be
thermograph noun PHYS an instrument shaped but which cannot be softened by
that records changes in temperature on a reheating
roll of paper thermosphere noun EARTH SCI the zone
thermolysis noun BIOL a reduction in of the atmosphere above 80km from the
body temperature, e.g. by sweating surface of the Earth, where the temperature
thermometer noun PHYS an instrument increases with altitude
for measuring temperature thermostat noun PHYS a device that
thermometry noun PHYS the science of responds to temperature change by activat-
measuring temperature ing a mechanism, used for controlling the
thermonasty noun BOT a response of temperature of a space or process
plants to heat therophyte noun BOT an annual plant
thermoneutral zone noun BIOL a range that completes its life cycle rapidly in
of environmental temperatures in which an favourable conditions, growing from a
endotherm can easily maintain a constant seed and dying within one season and then
body temperature surviving the unfavourable season in the
thermonuclear energy noun PHYS
form of seeds (NOTE: Many desert plants
energy produced by fusion of atomic and plants growing on cultivated land are
nuclei therophytes.)
thermonuclear reaction noun PHYS a thiamine, thiamin noun BIOCHEM vita-
nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei are min B1, found in yeast, cereals, liver and
fused together to make heavier types pork
COMMENT: Thermonuclear reactions occur thick adjective 1. deep or broad 쑗 This
in stars as well as hydrogen bombs and sheet of aluminium is not very thick. 2. of a
605 thorium
particular extent between two surfaces 쑗 a material makes it unsuitable. 2. the small-
1cm thick steel bar 3. with a large diameter ness of extent of the diameter of a wire 3.
쑗 thick wire 4. METEOROL dense 쑗 thick fog METEOROL (of fog or cloud) the state or
쑗 thick cloud 5. PHYS of a consistency condition of being thin enough to see
which does not flow easily 쑗 thick oil through 쐽 PHYS (of a liquid) the state or
thicken verb to make something thicker condition of flowing easily
or to become thicker thionyl chloride noun CHEM a colour-
thickening agent noun CHEM a sub- less liquid used in organic synthesis. For-
stance that causes a liquid to become mula: SOCl2.
thicker thiosulfate, thiosulphate noun CHEM a
thick-Ethernet noun COMPUT a network salt or ester of thiosulfuric acid
that can extend long distances, imple- thiosulfuric acid noun CHEM an unsta-
mented using thick coaxial cable and trans- ble acid that exists only as salts or esters or
ceivers to connect branch cables in solution. Formula: H2S2O3.
thick film noun ELECTRONICS a miniature thiourea noun CHEM a soluble crystalline
electronic circuit design in which minia- solid used in the manufacture of resins and
ture components are mounted on an insu- in photography. Formula: CS(NH2)2.
lating base, then connected as required third eyelid noun ZOOL same as nictitat-
thickness noun 1. the extent between ing membrane
two surfaces 쑗 In monocoque construction, third generation noun TELECOM the lat-
there is no internal stiffening because the est specification for mobile communica-
thickness of the skin gives strength and sta- tion systems including mobile telephones,
bility. 2. the extent of the diameter of a wire permitting very fast data transfer rates of
3. METEOROL (of fog or cloud) the state of between 128Kbps and 2Mbps. Abbr 3G
being dense 4. PHYS (of a liquid) the state of
not flowing easily third generation computer noun
COMPUT a computer which uses integrated
thigmotropism noun BOT a directional circuits instead of transistors
growth movement (tropism) of a plant part
in response to touch (NOTE: It is often seen 32-bit adjective COMPUT referring to data
in plant tendrils such as those of peas.) that is transferred 32 bits at a time along 32
parallel conductors
thin adjective 1. of small extent between
two surfaces 쑗 a thin layer of paint 2. with 32-bit system noun COMPUT a micro-
a small diameter 쑗 thin wire 3. METEOROL computer system or central processing unit
not dense 쑗 thin mist 쑗 Altostratus cloud is that handles data in 32-bit words
thin enough for the Sun to be dimly visible. thixotropy noun CHEM the property of
4. PHYS of a consistency which flows easily becoming thinner or more fluid when
쑗 thin oil Opposite thick shaken or stirred and returning to a gel
thin-Ethernet noun COMPUT a network state when allowed to stand, as in many
that is limited to distances of around paints
1000m, implemented using thin coaxial Thomson effect noun PHYS the phe-
cable and BNC connectors nomenon whereby a temperature gradient
thin film noun ELECTRONICS a method of along a conductor or semiconductor causes
constructing integrated circuits by deposit- an electric potential gradient
ing in a vacuum very thin patterns of vari- thoracic adjective ANAT referring to the
ous materials onto a substrate to form the thorax
required interconnected components thoracic aorta noun ANAT the part of the
thin film transistor screen noun aorta which crosses the thorax
COMPUT full form of TFT screen thorax noun 1. ANAT a cavity in the top
thin-layer chromatography noun part of the body of an animal above the
CHEM a method of separating substances in abdomen, containing the diaphragm, heart
a solution using a solid adsorbent material and lungs, all surrounded by the rib cage 2.
on which the different substances move up ZOOL the middle section of the body of an
at different speeds, allowing them to be insect, between the head and the abdomen
separated. Abbr TLC thorium noun CHEM ELEM a natural radi-
thinness noun 1. the smallness of extent oactive element which decomposes to radi-
between two surfaces 쑗 The thinness of the oactive radon gas (NOTE: The chemical
thorn 606
symbol is Th; the atomic number is 90 and threatened species noun ECOL a spe-
the atomic weight is 232.04.) cies which is in danger of becoming extinct
thorn noun 1. BOT a sharp woody point on and needs protection
plant stems or branches 2. PLANTS a plant COMMENT: IUCN defines three categories
or tree that has sharp woody points on its of threatened species, in order of danger of
extinction: critically endangered, endan-
stems or branches gered and vulnerable.
thornbush noun PLANTS a shrub or bush three-address instruction noun
which has sharp woody points on its stems COMPUT an instruction which contains the
and branches addresses of two operands and the location
thorn scrub noun ECOL an area of land where the result is to be stored
covered with bushes and small trees which 3D adjective COMPUT referring to an image
have sharp woody points on their stems that has the appearance of depth as well as
and branches height and width. Full form three-dimen-
thorn woodland noun ECOL an area of sional. 쒁 render
land covered with trees which have sharp three-dimensional adjective COMPUT
woody points on their stems and branches having three dimensions, width, breadth
thrashing noun COMPUT 1. excessive and depth, and therefore giving the impres-
disk activity 2. a configuration or program sion of being solid. Abbr 3D
fault in a virtual memory system that three-dimensional array noun COM-
results in a central processing unit wasting PUT an array made up of a number of two
time moving pages of data between main dimensional arrays, arranged in parallel,
memory and disk or backing store giving rows, columns and depth
thread noun 1. COMPUT a program which 3G adjective COMPUT 쏡 third generation
consists of many independent smaller sec-
tions or beads 2. MECH ENG a continuous 3-pin plug noun an electrical supply plug
ridge on a screw or pipe 쐽 verb to pass a with three electrodes: live, neutral and
thread or strand of something through a earth
hole or gap three-pin plug noun ELEC a standard
threaded file noun COMPUT same as plug with three connections, one neutral,
chained file one live and one earthed, to connect an
electric device to the mains electricity sup-
threaded language noun COMPUT a ply
programming language which allows
many small sections of code to be written three state logic noun COMPUT a logic
then used by a main program gate or integrated circuit that has three pos-
sible output states rather than the usual two
threaded tree noun COMPUT a structure (NOTE: These are logic high, logic low and
in which each node contains a pointer to high impedance.)
other nodes
threonine noun BIOCHEM an essential
threadworm noun ZOOL a thin parasitic amino acid
worm which infests the large intestine.
Genus: Enterobius. threshold noun 1. a point or limit at
which something changes 2. ENVIRON the
threat noun something dangerous which limit below which a significant adverse
may cause harm or damage 쑗 Water pollu-
effect is not expected 3. a point at which
tion is a threat to public health. 왍 under
something is strong enough to be sensed by
threat (of) likely to be harmed or damaged
an instrument or by a sensory nerve
쑗 under threat of flooding
threaten verb 1. to be a danger or harm- thrive verb BIOL (of an animal or plant) to
develop and grow strongly 쑗 These plants
ful to something 쑗 Plant species growing
thrive in very cold environments.
in arid or semi-arid lands are threatened
by the expansion in keeping livestock. 2. to thrombin noun BIOCHEM a substance that
be likely to do something harmful 쑗 The coagulates blood
plan for the new road threatens to damage thromboplastin noun BIOCHEM a lipo-
the ecology of the wood. protein that converts prothrombin into
threatened adjective ENVIRON in danger thrombin
of being harmed, damaged, or reduced in throttle noun MECH ENG 1. same as throt-
numbers 쑗 a threatened habitat tle lever 2. same as throttle valve
607 thyroxine
throttle back verb MECH ENG to reduce and convenient method of viewing the con-
engine power 쑗 Throttle back to increase tents of graphics or DTP files before they
the rate of descent. are retrieved
throttle lever noun MECH ENG a device thunder noun METEOROL a loud sound
operating the throttle valve 쑗 When start- generated by lightning in the atmosphere 쑗
ing an engine, it is inadvisable to pump the The storm was accompanied by thunder
throttle lever because of the risk of fire. and lightning.
Also called throttle thunderstorm noun METEOROL a storm
throttle setting noun a particular posi- with rain, thunder and lightning
tion of the throttle which gives the required COMMENT: The distance of a storm from the
revolutions per minute power person hearing the thunder can be calcu-
throttle valve noun MECH ENG a device lated by counting the number of seconds
between the lightning flash and the sound
controlling the flow of fuel in an engine of the thunder. Dividing this figure by three
throughput noun COMPUT the rate of gives the distance in kilometres to the
production by a machine or system, meas- centre of the storm.
ured as total useful information processed thymine noun BIOCHEM one of the four
in a set period of time 쑗 For this machine, basic components of DNA
throughput is 1.3 inches per second scan- thymus noun ANAT an organ at the base
ning speed. of the neck that is involved in the develop-
thrush noun MED an infection of the ment of the immune system, particularly
mouth or vagina caused by the fungus Can- T-cells (NOTE: It is relatively large in young
dida albicans children but shrinks after puberty.)
thrust noun 1. AEROSP the force pro- thyratron noun ELECTRONICS an elec-
duced by a propeller, jet or rocket 쑗 A pro- tronic relay made up of a gas-filled tube in
peller converts engine power into thrust. 쑗 which a signal applied to the control grid
In order for the aircraft to increase speed, initiates, but then cannot control, a tran-
thrust must overcome drag. 쑗 In constant sient anode current
unaccelerated flight, thrust equals drag. 2. thyristor noun ELECTRONICS a semicon-
EARTH SCI a force in the crust of the Earth ductor device with three electrodes in
that squeezes and so produces folds 쐽 verb which a signal to one electrode causes an
to push something suddenly with force 쑗 A independent current to flow between the
nozzle is an opening at the rear of a jet other two
engine through which exhaust gases are
thrust. thyroid adjective ANAT referring to the
thyroid gland
thruster noun AEROSP a rocket on a
spacecraft or high-altitude aircraft that thyroid gland noun ANAT an endocrine
controls an altitude or flight path gland in the neck of humans and other ver-
tebrates that secretes the hormones that
thrust fault noun EARTH SCI a fault in control metabolism and growth
which the upper layers of rock have been COMMENT: The thyroid gland is activated by
pushed forward over the lower layers. Also the pituitary gland and produces thyroxine,
called reversed fault a hormone that regulates the body’s metab-
thrust reverser noun ENG a device to olism. The thyroid gland needs a supply of
change the direction of thrust so that it iodine in order to produce thyroxine.
operates in the opposite direction to the thyroid hormone noun BIOCHEM a hor-
usual direction mone produced by the thyroid gland
thulium noun CHEM ELEM a very rare soft thyroid-releasing hormone noun
shiny metallic element used as an X-ray BIOCHEM a hormone secreted by the
source (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Tm; hypothalamus that controls the secretion of
the atomic number is 69 and the atomic thyroid-stimulating hormone. Abbr TRH
weight is 168.93.) thyroid-stimulating hormone noun
thumb noun ANAT a short thick finger, BIOCHEM a hormone secreted by the pitui-
with only two phalanges, which is sepa- tary gland that controls the secretion of
rated from the other four fingers on a hand thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the thy-
thumbnail noun 1. ANAT the nail on a roid gland. Abbr TSH
thumb 2. COMPUT a miniature graphical thyroxine noun BIOCHEM the main hor-
representation of an image, used as a quick mone produced by the thyroid gland which
Ti 608
regulates the body’s metabolism and con- loads 쑗 Diagonal ties can be used to relieve
version of food into heat tension.
Ti symbol CHEM ELEM titanium tilapia noun ZOOL a tropical white fish,
tibia noun ZOOL a long straight bone suitable for growing in fish farms
below the knee in vertebrates (NOTE: In tile verb COMPUT to arrange a group of
humans this is often called the shinbone.) windows in a graphical user interface so
tibial arteries plural noun ANAT the two that they are displayed side by side without
arteries which run down the front and back overlapping
of the lower leg till noun EARTH SCI a boulder clay soil
tick noun ZOOL a tiny parasite that sucks mixed with rocks of different sizes, found
blood from the skin. Order: Acarida. in glacial deposits 쐽 verb AGRIC to prepare
the soil, especially by digging or plough-
tidal adjective EARTH SCI referring to the ing, to make it ready for the cultivation of
tide crops
tidal current noun EARTH SCI a flow of tillage noun AGRIC the activity of prepar-
water into or out of a bay, harbour or estu- ing the soil for cultivation
ary tilt noun a sloping position 쑗 Land creates
tidal energy, tidal power noun INDUST a drag effect on an electromagnetic
electricity produced by using the force of wave-front, reducing the velocity of the
the tides to drive turbines wave and thereby causing a tilt. 쐽 verb to
tidal marsh noun EARTH SCI a marsh in be at an angle to the vertical or horizontal
which the water level rises and falls twice 쑗 The Earth tilts on its axis.
daily tilt and swivel adjective COMPUT refer-
tidal power noun INDUST same as tidal ring to a monitor that is mounted on a pivot
energy so that it can be moved to point in the most
tidal power plant noun INDUST an convenient direction for the operator
installation where electricity is produced tilth noun AGRIC a good light crumbling
by turbines driven by the force of the tides soil prepared to be suitable for growing
tidal prism noun EARTH SCI a model of plants 쑗 Work the soil into a fine tilth
water flow in an estuary or other tidal area, before sowing seeds.
used to assess the way in which pollutants timber noun FORESTRY trees which have
are flushed through the area and dispersed been or are to be cut down and made into
tidal range noun EARTH SCI the differ- logs
ence in height between high water and low timberline noun US EARTH SCI same as
water treeline
tidal river noun EARTH SCI a river in timbre noun ACOUSTICS the quality of a
which the water level rises and falls twice sound that can be identified by the human
daily ear, e.g. that of a musical note which when
played on two different musical instru-
tidal wave noun EARTH SCI same as tsu- ments will not sound the same
time noun a dimension that relates the
tidal zone noun EARTH SCI an area where occurrence of events, expressed in inter-
the water level rises and falls twice daily vals such as hours, minutes and seconds 쐽
tide noun EARTH SCI a regular rising and verb to measure the time taken by an oper-
falling of the sea, in a twice-daily rhythm ation
COMMENT: The tides are caused by the time base noun PHYS 1. a signal used as
gravitational pull of the Moon, taken a basis for timing purposes 2. a regular
together with the centrifugal force of the
Earth as it rotates, which make the water on sawtooth waveform used in an oscillo-
the surface of the Earth move to high peaks scope to sweep the beam across the screen
at opposite sides of the globe with low time code noun COMPUT a record of
troughs halfway between. Twice each timed information on an audio track in a
month, at the new and full moon, the Sun,
Moon and the Earth are directly aligned, video tape
giving the highest gravitational pull and time dilation noun PHYS variation in the
causing the spring tides. apparent rate at which time passes as meas-
tie noun a basic structural member which ured by clocks moving with relative veloc-
is designed to withstand mainly tensile ities which are a significant fraction of the
609 toe
velocity of light (NOTE: Time dilation is a tipping point noun MED the stage during
consequence of the Special Theory of Rel- an epidemic when the agent, especially a
ativity.) virus, begins to increase very rapidly in a
time division multiplexing noun population
COMPUT a method of combining several tire noun US AUTOMOT US spelling of tyre
signals into one high-speed transmission tissue noun BIOL a group of cells that car-
carrier, each input signal being sampled in ries out a specific function, of which the
turn and the result transmitted to be recon- organs of an animal or plant are formed 쑗
structed by the receiver. Abbr TDM photosynthetic tissue in leaves 쑗 Most of
time domain reflectometry noun an animal’s body is made up of soft tissue,
COMPUT a test which identifies where cable with the exception of the bones and carti-
faults lie by sending a signal down the lage.
cable and measuring how long it takes for tissue culture noun 1. BIOL plant or ani-
the reflection to come back. Abbr TDR mal tissue grown in a culture medium 2.
timer noun a device which records the BOT a method of plant propagation which
time taken for an operation to be com- reproduces clones of the original plant on
pleted media containing plant hormones
times preposition MATHS used to indicate tissue fluid noun PHYSIOL the lymph that
that a number is to be multiplied by another is found in the intercellular spaces
time-sharing noun COMPUT a computer titanic acid noun CHEM an acid that is
system which allows several independent the hydrated form of titanium dioxide.
users to use it or be online at the same time Use: for fixing dyes. Formula: H2TiO3.
COMMENT: In time-sharing, each user titanium noun CHEM ELEM a light metal
appears to be using the computer all the used to make strong alloys (NOTE: The
time, when in fact each is using the central fatigue resistance of titanium is greater
processing unit for a short time only, the than that of aluminium or steel. The chem-
central processing unit processing one user
for a period then moving on to the next. ical symbol is Ti; the atomic number 22
and the atomic weight is 47.90.)
tin noun 1. CHEM ELEM a metallic element,
used especially to form alloys (NOTE: The titanium dioxide noun CHEM a white
chemical symbol is Sn; the atomic number crystalline solid used as a white pigment
is 50 and the atomic weight is 118.69.) 2. for durable paints and plastics. Formula:
INDUST a metal container for food or drink,
made of iron with a lining of tin or of alu- titanium (IV) oxide noun CHEM an inert
minium (NOTE: The US term is can.) solid that has three crystalline forms. For-
mula: TiO2.
tin can noun INDUST same as tin 2
titer noun CHEM US spelling of titre
tin (II) chloride noun CHEM a white solid
used as a reducing agent. Formula: SnCl2. titration noun CHEM a process for meas-
uring the concentration of a solution
tincture noun CHEM a solution of a plant titre noun CHEM a measurement of the
extract or chemical in alcohol
concentration of a solution, as determined
tincture of iodine noun CHEM a weak by titration (NOTE: The US spelling is titer.)
solution of iodine in alcohol, used as an Tl symbol CHEM ELEM thallium
TLC abbreviation thin-layer chromatogra-
tin (IV) hydride noun CHEM a volatile phy
gas used as a reducing agent. Formula:
T lymphocyte noun ANAT same as T cell
toadstool noun FUNGI a fungus that
tin (IV) oxide noun CHEM a crystalline resembles an edible mushroom, but which
solid. Formula: SnO2. may be poisonous
tin (IV) sulfide, tin (IV) sulphide noun tocopherol noun BIOCHEM one of a
CHEM a solid used as a yellow-coloured group of fat-soluble chemicals that make
pigment. Formula: SnS2. up vitamin E (NOTE: It is particularly abun-
tip noun BOT the end part of a plant stem dant in vegetable oils and leafy green veg-
where growth takes place 쑗 a shoot tip etables.)
tipping noun the process of disposing toe noun ANAT one of the five separate
with rubbish 쑗 a ban on tipping parts at the end of a foot
TOE 610
TOE abbreviation MEASURE tonnes of oil toluene noun CHEM a colourless liquid
equivalent hydrocarbon similar to benzene, but less
toggle verb COMPUT to switch between flammable, and lower in toxicity, used as a
two states solvent and high-octane fuel. Formula:
toggle switch noun ELEC an electrical C7H8.
switch which has only two positions ton noun MEASURE 1. a unit of measure-
token noun COMPUT 1. an internal code ment of weight, equal to 1016kg 2. US a
which replaces a reserved word or program unit of measurement of weight, equal to
statement in a high-level language 2. a con- 907kg 3. same as tonne
trol packet which is passed between work- tone noun ACOUSTICS the sound of one
stations to control access to the network pitch 쑗 The ground transmits a code in two
token bus network noun COMPUT an short bursts each of which is modulated
IEEE 802.4 standard for a local area net- with two tones.
work formed with a bus-topology cable in toner noun COMPUT a finely powdered,
which workstations transfer data by pass- usually black ink, used in laser printers. It
ing a token is transferred onto paper by electrical
token ring network noun COMPUT an charge and then fixed permanently to the
IEEE 802.5 standard that uses a token paper by heating.
passed from one workstation to the next in tongue noun 1. ANAT a muscular organ in
a ring network, so that a workstation can the mouth, used during eating to move
only transmit data if it captures the token food and, in humans, to produce speech
(NOTE: Although logically a ring, token ring sounds 2. EARTH SCI a narrow strip of land
networks are often physically wired in a that sticks out into water
star topology.) tonne noun MEASURE a unit of measure-
tolerable daily intake noun ENVIRON ment of weight, equal to 1000kg
the amount of a substance that it is esti- tonnes of oil equivalent noun MEAS-
mated can be taken in without risk to health URE a unit of measurement of the energy
on a daily basis. Abbr TDI content of a fuel, calculated by comparing
tolerance noun 1. BIOL the ability of an its heat energy with that of oil. Abbr TOE
organism to accept something, or not to tonsil noun ANAT either of two small oval
react to something 쑗 He has developed a masses of lymphoid tissue, one on either
tolerance to the drug. 2. MEASURE an side of the throat
allowable variation in something which tool noun 1. an object that is designed to
can be measured 쑗 a tolerance of 2° 쑗 a tol- help in carrying out particular task 쑗 a cut-
erance of 1mm ting tool 2. COMPUT in a graphical user
tolerance dose noun MED the amount interface, a function accessed from an icon
of radiation which can be given without in a toolbar
harm in radiotherapy toolbar noun COMPUT a window that con-
tolerant adjective not reacting adversely tains a range of icons that access tools
to something 쑗 a salt-tolerant plant toolbox noun 1. ENG a box containing
tolerate verb not to react adversely to instruments needed to repair or maintain or
something install equipment 2. COMPUT a set of prede-
toleration noun the ability to tolerate fined routines or functions that are used
something, or the act of tolerating some- when writing a program
thing 쑗 poor toleration of high tempera- toolkit noun a set of tools consisting of
tures spanners, screwdrivers, pliers and similar
toleration level noun BIOL a limit below implements
which an organism will accept something tools plural noun COMPUT the utility pro-
or not react to something 쑗 Waste hot water grams such as backup or format found in a
from power stations can kill freshwater fish computer system
if the water temperature rises above toler- tooth noun 1. ANAT a hard white object
ation levels. that is part of a set found in the jaws of ver-
Tollen’s reagent noun CHEM a mixed tebrates, used for biting and chewing 2.
solution of silver nitrate, ammonia and ZOOL a hard, sharp projection on an inver-
sodium bicarbonate, used in testing for tebrate that functions like or resembles a
aldehydes vertebrate tooth (NOTE: The plural is teeth.)
611 total body irradiation
toothed adjective 1. ZOOL having teeth 2. topsoil noun EARTH SCI the top layer of
having many small indentations around the soil, often containing organic material,
edge 쑗 toothed leaves from which chemical substances are
toothed whale noun MARINE BIOL a washed by water into the subsoil below
whale that has teeth, e.g. a sperm whale, tor noun EARTH SCI a pile of blocks or
killer whale, porpoise or dolphin. Subor- rounded granite rocks found on summits
der: Odontoceti. and hillsides
top noun the highest point or part 쑗 the top tornado noun METEOROL a violent storm
of the cloud with a column of rapidly turning air at the
topaz noun MINERALS a yellow mineral, centre of an area of very low pressure, giv-
especially yellow sapphire or a yellow ing very high winds and causing damage to
variety of quartz buildings
COMMENT: Tornadoes are formed by rising
top-dead-centre noun ENG the position air currents associated with large cumulo-
of the piston at the extreme top of its stroke nimbus clouds. They rotate anticlockwise in
in a piston engine 쑗 Ignition should occur the northern hemisphere and clockwise in
just before top-dead-centre. the southern. Passing over the sea they
pick up water and become waterspouts.
top-down control noun the system of
regulation of trophic levels by which the torque noun MECH ENG, PHYS a tangential
abundance of herbivores in the lower of force causing rotation 쑗 Torque forces
trophic levels is determined by factors such try to bend the propeller against the direc-
as predators in the higher levels. Compare tion of rotation. 쑗 High current flows
bottom-up control through both the field and armature wind-
ings producing the high torque required for
top down programming noun COM-
engine starting.
PUT a method of writing programs in which
a complete system is divided into simple torquemeter noun MECH ENG a device
blocks or tasks, each block unit being writ- for measuring forces causing rotation 쑗
ten and tested before proceeding with the Engine torque is used to indicate the power
next one that is developed by a turboprop engine
and the indicator is known as a torqueme-
topic noun the subject of something ter.
heard, said, written or read 쑗 The first sec-
tion in the book deals with the topic of torr noun MEASURE a unit of pressure
planning. equal to about 133.3 pascal or one conven-
tional millimetre of mercury
topical adjective 1. of particular interest torrent noun EARTH SCI a violent rapidly
at the moment 2. MED referring to one par- flowing stream of water or lava
ticular part of the body
torrential adjective METEOROL referring
topical drug noun PHARM a drug which to very heavy rain 쑗 The storm brought a
is applied to one part of the body only torrential downpour of rain.
topically adverb PHARM to one part of the torsion noun PHYS the action or force of
body only 쑗 The drug is applied topically. twisting, especially of one end of a body
top of stack noun COMPUT the newest while the other is fixed 쑗 Rivets are sub-
data item added to a stack jected to torsion and may break.
topographic, topographical adjective torsion load noun PHYS a load caused
EARTH SCI referring to topography by the twisting of a structure
topography noun EARTH SCI the study torso noun ANAT the main part of the
of the physical features of a geographical body, not including the arms, legs and head
area total adjective complete or entire 쑗 The
topology noun COMPUT the way in which total world population of the animal is no
the various elements in a network are inter- more than four or five hundred pairs.
connected total bacterial count noun a system of
topotype noun ECOL a population which calculating the strength of an infection by
has become different from other popula- counting the number of bacteria present in
tions of a species because of adaptation to a sample quantity of liquid taken from the
local geographical features animal. Abbr TBC
topset bed noun EARTH SCI a layer of total body irradiation noun MED the
fine-grained sediment in a river delta treatment of the whole body with radiation
total eclipse 612
total eclipse noun ASTRONan eclipse toxic substance noun ENVIRON a sub-
when the whole of the Sun or Moon is hid- stance that is poisonous or harmful to
den humans, animals or the environment
total fertility rate noun MED an average toxic threshold noun MED the point at
number of children expected to be born to which a poison starts to have a noticeably
a female during her lifetime harmful effect. Also called toxicity
total internal reflection noun PHYS
the complete reflection of a light ray at the toxic waste noun ENVIRON industrial or
boundary of the medium through which it chemical waste that is poisonous or harm-
passes ful to humans, animals or the environment
touch pad noun COMPUT a flat device toxigenomics noun GENETICS the study
which can sense where on its surface and of genetic effects on toxicology
when it is touched, used to control a cursor toxin noun BIOCHEM a poisonous sub-
position or switch a device on or off stance produced by microorganisms. 쒁
touch screen noun COMPUT a computer
display which allows the user to control the toxoid noun BIOCHEM a toxin which has
cursor position by touching the screen been treated and is no longer poisonous but
which can still provoke the formation of
town gas noun INDUST same as coal gas antibodies
tox-, toxi- prefix poison COMMENT: Toxoids are used as vaccines,
toxic adjective CHEM referring to a sub- and are injected into a patient to give immu-
stance that is poisonous or harmful to nity against a disease.
humans, animals or the environment TP abbreviation COMPUT 1. teleprocessing
2. transaction processing
toxic agent noun CHEM a substance
which is poisonous or harmful to humans, T piece adapter noun COMPUT a device
animals or the environment for connecting two inputs to one output or
vice versa
toxicant noun CHEM a toxic substance trace noun 1. a very small amount of
toxic emissions plural noun poisonous something 쑗 There are traces of radioac-
chemicals discharged into the air, water or tivity in the sample. 2. a line or pattern
land made on a screen or piece of paper by a
toxic fumes plural noun CHEM poison- device recording an electrical signal 3.
ous gases or smoke given off by a sub- COMPUT a method of verifying that a pro-
stance gram is functioning correctly, in which the
toxicity noun CHEM 1. the degree to current status and contents of the registers
which a substance is poisonous or harmful and variables used are displayed after each
쑗 They were concerned about the high level instruction step
of toxicity of the fumes. 2. the state of being trace element noun BIOCHEM a chemi-
poisonous or harmful 쑗 The toxicity of the cal element that is essential to organic
compound has limited its use. growth but only in very small quantities
COMMENT: Plants require traces of copper,
toxicity threshold same as toxic iron, manganese and zinc. Humans require
threshold the trace elements chromium, cobalt,
toxico- prefix poison copper, magnesium, manganese, molyb-
denum, selenium and zinc.
toxicological adjective MED referring to
toxicology 쑗 Irradiated food presents no trace gas noun CHEM a gas that exists in
toxicological hazard to humans. the atmosphere in very small quantities,
e.g. xenon or helium
toxicologist noun MED a scientist who trace metal noun METALL a metal that is
specialises in the study of poisons essential to organic growth but only in very
toxicology noun MED the scientific study small quantities
of poisons and their effects on the human tracer noun BIOL a substance inserted into
body an organism so that its movements may be
toxicosis noun MED poisoning tracked from its colour, radioactivity, fluo-
toxic site noun land contaminated with rescence or other characteristic
one or more toxic substances, usually not tracer element noun MED a radioactive
suitable for human habitation element used as a tracer
613 transcribe
traceroute noun COMPUT a software util- that travel from one place to another 쑗
ity that finds and displays the route taken Lower fares have resulted in a large
for data travelling between a computer and increase in air traffic. 3. COMPUT, TELECOM
a distant server on the Internet all the messages and other signals proc-
COMMENT: The display shows the different essed by a system or carried by a commu-
servers that the data travels through, nications link 쑗 Our network begins to
together with the time taken to travel slow down if the traffic reaches 60 per cent
between each server. of the bandwidth.
trachea noun 1. ANAT the tube through trail noun 1. ENVIRON a path or track 쑗 cre-
which air travels from the throat to the ated a new nature trail in the forest 2. ZOOL
lungs 2. ZOOL a tube used for breathing air a mark or scent left by an animal 쑗 on the
by insects and other invertebrates trail of a badger
tracheid noun BOT a thickened support- trait noun BIOL a genetically controlled
ing cell found in conifers and their relatives characteristic
tracing noun COMPUT a function of a trajectory noun MATHS a curve that inter-
graphics program that takes a bit-map sects all of a family of curves or surfaces at
image, processes it to find the edges of the a constant angle
shapes and converts these into a vector line trans- prefix through or across
image that can be more easily manipulated
transaction noun COMPUT one single
track COMPUT noun one of a series of thin action which affects a database, e.g. a sale,
concentric rings on a magnetic disk or of a change of address or a new customer
thin lines on a tape, which the read/write transaction-driven system noun
head accesses and along which the data is COMPUT a computer system that will usu-
stored in separate sectors 쐽 verb to follow ally run batch processing tasks until inter-
a path or track correctly 쑗 The read head is rupted by a new transaction, at which point
not tracking the recorded track correctly. it allocates resources to that transaction.
COMMENT: The first track on a tape is along
the edge and the tape may have up to nine
Abbr TDS
different tracks on it, while a disk has many transaction file noun COMPUT same as
concentric tracks around the central hub. update file
The track and sector addresses are set-up transaction processing noun COM-
during formatting.
PUT interactive processing in which a user
trackball noun COMPUT a device used to enters commands and data on a terminal
move a cursor on-screen, which is control- which is linked to a central computer, with
led by turning a ball contained in a case results being displayed on-screen. Abbr TP
tract noun 1. ANAT a system of internal transactivation noun GENETICS the
organs 쑗 the digestive tract 2. EARTH SCI a activation by an infecting virus of the
wide area of land 쑗 Large tracts of forest genes of another virus that is already inte-
have been destroyed by fire. grated into the chromosomes of a host bac-
trade wind noun METEOROL a wind that terium, inducing the host to replicate the
blows towards the equator, from the infecting virus
north-east in the northern hemisphere and transalpine adjective EARTH SCI on or to
from the south-east in the southern hemi- the other side of the Alps 쑗 All transalpine
sphere roads are closed.
trade-wind cumulus noun METEOROL transamination noun BIOCHEM the
cumulus cloud usually associated with the changing of one amino acid into another
trade winds transboundary pollution noun ENVI-
tradition noun a long-established way of RON airborne or waterborne pollution pro-
doing something duced in one country which crosses to
traditional adjective referring to some- another. Also called transfrontier pollu-
thing that has always been done in the tion
same way 쑗 a traditional system of agricul- transceiver noun COMPUT a device that
ture 쑗 Traditional technologies met basic can both transmit and receive signals, e.g.
subsistence needs. a terminal or modem
traffic noun 1. ENVIRON the vehicles that transcribe verb COMPUT to copy data
are travelling in an area at the same time 쑗 from one backing storage unit or medium
rush-hour traffic 2. aircraft, train and ships to another
transcript 614
transcript noun GENETICS 1. a molecule this pair of modems can achieve a transfer
of messenger RNA carrying coded genetic rate of 14.4Kbps.
information derived from DNA during the transfer RNA noun GENETICS a type of
process of transcription in living cells 2. RNA that binds amino acids to protein
the DNA carrying the genetic information chains in the ribosomes
of a retrovirus derived from the virus’s transform verb to change the structure or
RNA during transcription following the appearance of something
infection of a living cell
transformation noun a change in struc-
transcription noun GENETICS 1. the ture or appearance
transfer of genetic information from DNA
to molecules of messenger RNA, which transformational rules plural noun
COMPUT a set of rules applied to data which
subsequently control protein synthesis 2.
the first step in the replication of a retrovi- is to be transformed into coded form
rus in a host cell, in which its genetic code transformer noun ELEC a device for
is transferred from RNA to a molecule of changing the voltage or current amplitude
DNA of an alternating current signal (NOTE: Cur-
transcriptome noun GENETICS the full rent transformers differ from voltage trans-
complement of unique sequenced RNA formers in that the primary circuit consists
transcripts that an individual produces of a supply feeder cable rather than a coil
connected across a supply.)
transcriptomics noun GENETICS the transfrontier pollution noun ENVIRON
scientific classification and analysis of
same as transboundary pollution
RNA transcripts and their formation, struc-
ture and function in an individual transgene noun BIOTECH a gene from
one organism that is transferred to another
transduce verb 1. GENETICS to transfer
genetic material from one bacterium to transgenesis noun the process of trans-
another using a bacteriophage 2. ELEC ENG ferring genetic material from one organism
to convert a non-electrical signal into an to another
electrical one transgenic BIOTECH adjective 1. refer-
transducer noun ELEC a device which ring to an organism into which genetic
converts a non-electrical signal into an material from a different species has been
electrical one transferred using the techniques of genetic
modification 2. referring to the techniques
transduction noun 1. GENETICS the of transferring genetic material from one
transfer of genetic material between bacte- organism to another 쐽 noun an organism
ria using a bacteriophage 2. ELEC the con- produced by genetic modification
version of a non-electrical signal into an
electrical one transhumance noun AGRIC the practice
of moving flocks and herds up to high sum-
transect noun ECOL a line used in eco- mer pastures and bringing them down to a
logical surveys to provide a way of meas- valley again in winter
uring and showing the distribution of
organisms transient COMPUT adjective referring to a
state or signal that is present for a short
transfer verb 1. to move, or move some- period of time 쐽 noun something that is
one or something, from one place to present for a short period
another 2. COMPUT to change command or
control from one location to another 쑗 All transient area noun COMPUT a section
processing activities have been transferred of memory for user programs and data
to the mainframe. 3. COMPUT to copy a sec- transient error noun COMPUT a tempo-
tion of memory to another location 쐽 noun rary error which occurs for a short period
1. the moving of someone or something of time
from one place to another 2. COMPUT the transient suppressor noun ELEC a
changing of command or control from one device which suppresses voltage transients
location to another transistor noun ELECTRONICS an elec-
transfer rate noun COMPUT the speed at tronic semiconductor device that can con-
which data is transferred from a backing trol the current flow in a circuit (NOTE:
store to main memory or from one device There are two main types of transistors:
to another 쑗 With a good telephone line, bipolar and unipolar.)
615 transpiration
transistor-transistor logic noun mit a signal which enables search aircraft
ELECTRONICS the most common family of to rapidly locate survivors in the water. 3.
logic gates and high-speed transistor cir- BIOL to pass on a disease to another animal
cuit design, in which the bipolar transistors or plant 쑗 Some diseases are transmitted by
are directly connected, usually collector to insects. (NOTE: transmitting – transmit-
base, to provide the logic function. Abbr ted)
TTL transmittance noun PHYS a measure of
transit noun ASTRON the apparent move- how well a material allows radiation to
ment of a star or planet across the meridian pass through it, measured as the ratio of
from which it is being observed, caused by incident radiation to transmitted radiation
Earth’s rotation transmitter noun 1. TELECOM a device
transition noun a change from one state for sending out radio signals 쑗 Although
to another continuous wave radars operate continu-
transition element noun CHEM a ously, separate transmitter and receiver
metallic element such as copper or gold antennae must be used. 쑗 Signal strength is
that has variable valencies (NOTE: Such inversely proportional to the distance from
elements often form brightly coloured com- the transmitter. 2. COMPUT a device which
pounds.) will take an input signal, process it by mod-
transition phase noun a period when ulation or conversion to sound, then trans-
something is changing from one state to mit it by a medium such as radio or light
another transparency noun 1. PHYS the condi-
transition temperature noun CHEM, tion of being transparent 쑗 Meteorological
PHYS a temperature at which a substance visibility gives information on the trans-
changes from one form or phase to another, parency of the atmosphere to a stationary
or at which some other initial change takes ground observer. 2. COMPUT a computer
place program which is not obvious to the user or
translation noun 1. PHYS the movement which cannot be seen by the user when it is
of a body in a straight line without rotation running 3. PHOTOGRAPHY a positive image
2. GENETICS the process by which informa-
on a film or slide that can be viewed when
tion in messenger RNA controls the light is passed through it
sequence of amino acids that a ribosome transparent adjective PHYS allowing
assembles during protein synthesis 3. COM- electromagnetic radiation of specific
PUT the conversion of data from one form wavelengths to pass through (NOTE: It is
into another often used to describe materials such as
translocate verb BOT to move sub- glass that allow light to pass and hence
stances through the tissues of a plant can be seen through.)
translocated herbicide noun AGRIC a transparent interrupt noun COMPUT a
herbicide that kills a plant after being mode in which, if an interrupt occurs, all
absorbed through its leaves machine and program states are saved
(NOTE: When the interrupt is serviced the
translocation noun BOT a movement of system restores all previous states and
substances through the tissues of a plant continues as usual.)
transmissible spongiform transphasor noun ELEC an optical tran-
encephalopathy noun the name given sistor, constructed from a crystal, that is
to the group of spongiform encephalopa-
able to switch a main beam of light accord-
thies which affect animals or humans,
ing to a smaller input signal (NOTE:
including scrapie and BSE. Abbr TSE
Transphasors are used in optical comput-
transmission control proto- ers which could run at very high speeds,
col/interface program noun COMPUT i.e. the speed of light.)
full form of TCP/IP
transpiration noun 1. BOT the loss of
transmit verb 1. to send something water from a plant through its stomata 2.
somewhere else 쑗 As the camshaft rotates, the removal of moisture from the soil by
the cam will transmit a lifting force plant roots, which pass the moisture up the
through rods and pivots to open the valve. stem to the leaves
쑗 The charts are transmitted from one sta-
COMMENT: Transpiration accounts for a
tion to another by fax. 2. TELECOM to send large amount of water vapour in the atmos-
out a radio signal 쑗 Survival beacons trans- phere. A tropical rainforest will transpire
transpire 616
more water per square kilometre than is These elements occur in bacteria, plants
evaporated from the same area of sea. and animals.)
Clearance of forest has the effect of
reducing transpiration, with an accompa- transuranic element noun CHEM an
nying change in climate: less rain, leading artificial radioactive element which is
to eventual desertification. beyond uranium in the periodic table
transpire verb BOT (of a plant) to lose COMMENT: The transuranic elements have
water through stomata 쑗 In tropical rain- higher atomic numbers than uranium, which
forests, up to 75% of rainfall will evapo- has an atomic number of 92. Apart from
neptunium and plutonium they do not occur
rate or transpire into the atmosphere. naturally but are formed from uranium in
transplant noun 1. MED the transfer of an nuclear reactions.
organ or tissue from one person into or transverse wave noun PHYS a wave
onto another 쑗 a kidney transplant 2. MED that causes vibrations in a medium at right
a transplanted organ or tissue 3. AGRIC a angles to the direction of its travel
plant taken from one place and planted in trap noun COMPUT a device or piece of
the soil in another place 쐽 verb 1. AGRIC to software or hardware that will catch some-
take a growing plant from one place and thing, e.g. a variable, fault or value
plant it in the soil in another place 2. MED
to take an organ or tissue from one person trapdoor noun COMPUT a way of getting
and put it into or onto another into a system to change data, browse or
transponder noun AVIAT a device in an
aircraft for receiving and automatically trapezium noun 1. MATHS a quadrilateral
transmitting radio signals so that an air that has two parallel sides 2. ANAT a small
traffic control station can identify the air- bone in the wrist at the base of the thumb
craft 쑗 The transponder in the aircraft trapezoid noun MATHS a quadrilateral
comprises a transmitter and a receiver. that has no parallel sides
(NOTE: The pilot sets an identification code, trap handler noun COMPUT a piece of
or ‘squawk’, assigned by air traffic control, software that accepts interrupt signals and
on the transponder in the aircraft.) acts on them, e.g. by running a special rou-
transport noun 1. a system of moving tine or sending data to a peripheral
things from one place to another 쑗 road trauma centre noun MED a hospital or a
and rail transport 쑗 an integrated trans- department in a hospital that is specially
port policy 2. the activity of moving some- equipped and staffed to treat patients who
thing from one place to another 쐽 verb to have sustained complex, life-threatening
move something from one place to another injuries such as multiple gunshot wounds
쑗 Xylem and phloem transport nutrients or severe internal injuries
around a plant.
travelling wave noun PHYS a wave that
transportation noun same as transport carries energy away from its source
transport layer noun COMPUT the tread noun a series of patterns moulded
fourth layer in the ISO/OSI network model into the surface of a tyre to provide grip 쑗
that provides a reliable connection and The risk of aquaplaning increases as the
checks and controls the quality of the con- depth of tyre tread is reduced.
treat verb 1. INDUST to apply a chemical or
transport number noun PHYS (in elec- physical process to something in order to
trolysis) the fraction of the total current car- get a specific result 쑗 The fabric has been
ried by an ion in the electrolyte treated to make it waterproof. 2. MED to
transpose verb 1. to reverse the usual give medical aid to someone or to apply
order of things 2. to move something to a medical techniques to a disease or condi-
different position in a sequence tion
transposition noun GENETICS a move- treatment noun 1. the application of a
ment of a DNA segment to a new position chemical or physical process 쑗 anti-corro-
on the same or another chromosome sion treatment 쑗 heat treatment 쑗 the treat-
transposon noun GENETICS a segment ment of sewage 2. MED the application of
of DNA that can move to a new position on medical techniques to a patient, disease or
the same or another chromosome, often condition 3. MED a particular medical
modifying the effect of neighbouring course of action to treat a disease or condi-
genes. Also called jumping gene (NOTE: tion
617 trigeminal ganglion
tree noun 1. BOT a plant typically with one phosphor spots at each pixel location on
main woody stem that may grow to a great the screen of a colour monitor
height 2. COMPUT same as tree structure triangle noun MATHS a plane figure with
tree and branch network system three sides and three angles
noun COMPUT a system of networking in triangle of vectors noun MATHS same
which data is transmitted along a single as parallelogram of vectors
output line, from which other lines branch triatomic molecule noun CHEM an ele-
out, forming a tree structure that feeds indi- ment with three atoms in a molecule
vidual stations
triazine noun CHEM an organic com-
tree cover noun BOT the percentage of an pound containing a ring of three carbon
area occupied by trees and three nitrogen atoms per molecule, or
tree fern noun PLANTS a very large fern a derivative of such a compound (NOTE: Tri-
found in Australasia, which grows like a azines are used in weedkillers, pesticides
tree with a single thick stem and dyes.)
treeline noun EARTH SCI 1. a line at a spe- tribe noun BIOL a category between sub-
cific altitude, above which trees will not family and genus in the scientific classifi-
grow 쑗 The slopes above the treeline were cation of living things
covered with boulders, rocks and pebbles. tribomaterial noun CHEM a material
2. a line in the northern or southern hemi-
based on carbon, used to control friction
sphere, north or south of which trees will and minimize surface wear
not grow
tribromomethane noun CHEM a colour-
tree ring noun BOT same as annual ring less liquid with a sweet smell, formed as a
tree savanna noun EARTH SCI a dry by-product when chlorine is added to
grass-covered plain with some trees drinking water. Formula: CHBr3. (NOTE: It
tree selection sort noun COMPUT a is used as a laboratory reagent.)
rapid form of selection in which the infor- tributary noun EARTH SCI a stream or
mation from the first sort pass is used in the river flowing into a larger river
second pass to speed up selection tributyltin noun a very toxic organic
tree structure noun COMPUT a data compound containing tin that is a compo-
structure system in which each item of data nent of the paint used on ships’ hulls and
is linked to several others by branches. structures that stand in seawater to prevent
Also called tree organisms growing on them. Abbr TBT. 쒁
trellis coding noun COMPUT a method antifouling paint
of modulating a signal that uses both tricarboxylic acid cycle noun BIO-
amplitude and phase modulation to give a CHEM same as Krebs cycle
greater throughput and lower error rates for
data transmission speeds of over 9600 bits
trichloroethanal, trichloroacetalde-
hyde noun CHEM a colourless liquid alde-
per second
hyde, used in making DDT. Formula:
trematode noun a fluke, a parasitic flat- CCl3CHO.
trickling filter noun INDUST a filter bed
trembler noun ELEC an automatic vibra- through which liquid sewage is passed to
tor for making and breaking an electrical purify it
circuit 쑗 An ignition unit may be supplied
with direct current and operated by a trem-
tricuspid valve noun ANAT an inlet
valve with three cusps between the right
bler mechanism.
atrium and the right ventricle in the heart
tremor noun 1. a slight shaking move- trifuralin noun a commonly used herbi-
ment 2. EARTH SCI a minor earthquake
cide incorporated into the soil before plant-
trend noun a gradual development 쑗 a ing a wide range of crops (NOTE: It is under
trend towards organic farming review for withdrawal from use in the Euro-
TRH abbreviation BIOCHEM thy- pean Union.)
roid-releasing hormone trigeminal ganglion noun ANAT a sen-
triad noun COMPUT 1. a group of three ele- sory ganglion containing the cells of origin
ments, characters or bits 2. a triangular of the sensory fibres in the fifth cranial
shaped grouping of the red, green and blue nerve. Also called Gasserian ganglion
trigeminal nerve 618
trigeminal nerve noun ANAT the fifth trivalent adjective 1. GENETICS referring
cranial nerve which controls the sensory to three structurally identical chromo-
nerves in the forehead and face as well as somes that associate during the initial stage
the muscles in the jaw of meiosis 2. CHEM having a valency of
trigger verb to cause something to oper- three
ate or come into effect 쑗 The indicator trig- trochlear nerve noun ANAT the fourth
gers an aural warning if specific limits are cranial nerve which controls the muscles of
exceeded. 쑗 It is not known what triggered the eyeball
the avalanche. trophic adjective BIOL referring to nutri-
triglyceride noun CHEM an ester formed tion
from one glycerol molecule and three fatty trophic cascade noun ENVIRON the
acid molecules (NOTE: Large amounts of effect that a change in the size of one pop-
triglycerides in the diet are harmful to ulation in a food web has on the popula-
human health. They are found in animal tions below it
and plant fats and oils.) trophic chain noun ECOL same as food
trigonometry noun MATHS a branch of chain
mathematics dealing with properties of tri- trophic level noun ECOL one of the lev-
angles and their applications, e.g. in sur- els in a food chain
veying COMMENT: There are several trophic levels.
triiodothyronine noun BIOCHEM a hor- Producers, organisms such as plants, take
energy from the Sun or the environment
mone that is secreted by the thyroid gland and convert it into matter. Primary
trilobite noun PALAEONT an extinct Palae- consumers, organisms such as herbivores,
ozoic marine arthropod with a flat oval eat producers. Secondary consumers are
segmented body and compound eyes. carnivores that eat herbivores; tertiary
consumers eat only other carnivores.
Class: Trilobita.
trophic pyramid noun a chart showing
trioxide noun CHEM an oxide containing the structure of an ecosystem in terms of
three oxygen atoms per molecule trophic levels
triple adjective consisting of three parts 쑗 trophic structure noun ECOL the struc-
Probes may be of single, double or triple ture of an ecosystem, shown by food
element construction. chains and food webs
triple bond noun CHEM a chemical bond -trophy suffix BIOL 1. nourishment 2.
composed of three covalent bonds development of an organ
triple point noun CHEM the temperature -tropic suffix 1. turning towards 2. having
and pressure at which the solid, liquid and an influence
gaseous phases of a substance exist in tropical adjective EARTH SCI referring to
equilibrium the tropics 쑗 The disease is carried by a
triplet noun GENETICS same as codon tropical insect.
triploblastic adjective ZOOL having a tropical air noun METEOROL a mass of
body that develops from all three layers of air that originates in the tropics
cells: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm tropical climate noun METEOROL the
(NOTE: All many-celled animals are triplob- type of climate found in the tropics and
lastic except for the coelenterates, the characterised by very high temperatures
group to which jellyfish and sea anemones and often high humidity
belong.) tropical cyclone noun METEOROL a
triploid adjective GENETICS referring to tropical storm in the Indian Ocean, with
an organism that has three representatives masses of air turning rapidly round a low
of each chromosome in a cell nucleus pressure area
trisomy noun GENETICS the occurrence tropical desert noun EARTH SCI same as
of one or more sets of three chromosomes hot desert
instead of chromosome pairs tropical disease noun MED a disease
tritium noun CHEM a rare isotope of such as malaria, dengue or Lassa fever that
hydrogen occurs in tropical countries
triton noun MARINE BIOL a large tropical tropical disturbance noun METEOROL
marine snail with a thick brightly coloured a powerful storm that forms over water in
shell. Family: Cymatiidae. the tropics or subtropics and lasts for 24
619 truth value
hours or more 쑗 As it gains power, a tropi- argon and some trace gases. The tempera-
cal disturbance may become a tropical ture in the troposphere falls about 6.5°C per
thousand metres of altitude, the tempera-
wave, tropical depression, tropical storm ture at 16km being about –55°C.
or hurricane.
tropospheric adjective METEOROL
tropical hygiene noun MED health con- referring to the troposphere
cerns relating to tropical regions
tropospheric ozone noun METEOROL
tropical medicine noun MED a branch the ozone that is located in the troposphere
of medicine which deals with tropical dis- and plays a significant role in the green-
eases house gas effect and urban smog
tropical month noun TIME a period of troubleshoot verb 1. to look for the
27.32 days, the time taken for the Moon to causes of problems and resolve them 2.
return to the celestial equator COMPUT to debug computer software 3.
tropical rainforest noun EARTH SCI a COMPUT to locate and repair faults in hard-
biome where almost constant rain and high ware
temperature permit plants to grow through- trough noun 1. a low point in a cycle 쑗
out the year The graph shows the peaks and troughs of
tropical revolving storm noun METE- pollution over the seasons. 2. METEOROL a
OROL an intense depression that develops long narrow area of low pressure with cold
over a tropical ocean (NOTE: Tropical air in it, leading away from the centre of a
revolving storms originate within 5–15° of depression
the equator and generally occur from June
true adjective 1. correct 2. COMPUT having
to October.)
the logical condition representing binary
tropical seasonal forest noun EARTH one. Compare false
SCI a biome where plants only grow at a
specific time of year
true bearing noun NAVIG a bearing with
reference to true north, rather than mag-
tropical storm noun METEOROL a vio- netic north
lent storm occurring in the tropics
true north noun NAVIG the direction
tropical year noun TIME same as solar along any line of longitude towards the
year North Pole. Compare magnetic north
tropical zone noun EARTH SCI the true vocal cords plural noun ANAT the
region between the Tropic of Cancer and cords in the larynx which can be brought
the Tropic of Capricorn together to make sounds as air passes
Tropic of Cancer noun EARTH SCI a between them
parallel running round the Earth at latitude truncate verb MATHS to give an approxi-
23°28N mate value to a number by reducing it to a
Tropic of Capricorn noun EARTH SCI a specific number of digits
parallel running round the Earth at latitude truncation noun MATHS the removal of
23°28S digits from a number so that it is a specific
tropics plural noun EARTH SCI the region length 쑗 3.5678 truncated to 3.56
between the Tropic of Cancer and the truncation error noun MATHS an error
Tropic of Capricorn, where the climate is caused when a number is truncated
hot and often humid 쑗 a disease which is
endemic in the tropics trunk noun 1. BOT the main woody stem
of a tree 2. ZOOL the long muscular tube at
tropism noun BOT the action of a plant the front of the head of an elephant, used
organ turning towards a stimulus for grasping things and taking up water 3.
tropopause noun METEOROL a layer of COMPUT a bus or communication link con-
the atmosphere between the troposphere sisting of wires or leads which connect dif-
and the stratosphere ferent parts of a hardware system
troposphere noun METEOROL the lowest truth table noun COMPUT a method of
region of the atmosphere, extending to defining a logic function as the output state
about 12km above sea level for all possible inputs
COMMENT: The troposphere is at its
deepest near the equator and shallowest truth value noun MATHS one of two val-
near the poles. It is formed largely of ues true or false, T or F, 1 or 0, used in
nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), plus Boolean algebra
trypanosome 620
trypanosome noun ZOOLa parasite tubing noun a system of tubes 쑗 hydrau-
which causes sleeping sickness, transmit- lic tubing
ted by the tsetse fly tubular adjective shaped like a tube 쑗
trypanosomiasis noun MED same as Diagonal members can be of angle section,
sleeping sickness box spar or tubular in shape.
trypsin noun BIOCHEM a protein-digest- tufa noun EARTH SCI a form of calcareous
ing enzyme secreted by the pancreas deposit found near hot springs
trypsinogen noun BIOCHEM an inactive tundra noun EARTH SCI a cold Arctic
substance secreted in the juices of the pan- region without trees which may be covered
creas and converted into trypsin in the duo- with low shrubs, grasses, mosses and
denum lichens
tryptophan noun BIOCHEM an essential tune verb 1. ENG to set a system at its opti-
amino acid mum point by careful adjustment 쑗 The
engine has not been properly tuned. 2.
TSE abbreviation transmissible spongi- PHYS to adjust a radio receiver to the partic-
form encephalopathy ular frequency of the required signal 쑗 The
tsetse fly noun ZOOL an African insect RBI shows the bearing of the tuned radio
which passes trypanosomes into the blood- beacon with reference to the aircraft’s
stream of humans and livestock, causing heading.
sleeping sickness tuner noun a part of a radio receiver
TSH abbreviation BIOCHEM thyroid-stimu- which allows the operator to select the par-
lating hormone ticular frequency of the required signal 쑗
The tuner reduces interference.
tsunami noun METEOROL a wave caused
by an earthquake under the sea, which tungsten noun CHEM ELEM a hard shiny
moves rapidly across the surface of the sea grey metallic element with a very high
and becomes very large when it hits the melting point, used in high-temperature
shore. Also called tidal wave alloys, lamp filaments and high-speed cut-
ting tools (NOTE: The chemical symbol is
TSW abbreviation COMPUT telesoftware W; the atomic number is 74 and the atomic
TTL abbreviation ELEC transistor-transis- weight is 183.85.)
tor logic tungsten carbide noun CHEM a fine,
TTL compatible noun ELEC a MOS or very hard, grey powder made by heating
other electronic circuit or component that tungsten with carbon and used in the man-
can directly connect to and drive TTL cir- ufacture of cutting and grinding tools and
cuits durable machine parts
TTL logic noun ELEC the use of TTL tunnel effect noun PHYS a quantum
design and components to implement logic mechanical effect in which fundamental
circuits and gates particles pass through an energy barrier
even if they do not have enough energy to
TTL monitor noun ELEC a design of do so
monitor which can only accept digital sig-
nals, so can only display monochrome tunnelling noun 1. COMPUT a method of
images or a limited range of colours enclosing a packet of data from one type of
network within another packet so that it
tube noun 1. a long, hollow cylindrical can be sent over a different, incompatible,
device for holding or carrying fluids 쑗 A network 2. ASTRON an effect of relativity
liquid-type fire detector consists of a tube whereby electrons might travel through
and expansion chamber filled with liquid. rather than over the gravitational wall
2. ANAT a long, hollow cylindrical organ around a black hole, especially one of low
that carries fluids around the body mass
tuber noun BOT a swollen underground tunnel vision noun BIOL a field of vision
stem or root, which holds nutrients and which is restricted to the area immediately
which has buds from which shoots develop in front of the eye
쑗 A potato is the tuber of a potato plant.
turbid adjective PHYS referring to a liquid
tuberous adjective 1. like a tuber 2. BOT which is cloudy because of particles sus-
referring to a plant that grows from a tuber pended in it
621 twin
turbidity noun PHYS cloudiness of a liq- turbulent adjective METEOROL referring
uid, because of particles suspended in it to the irregular motion of the atmosphere 쑗
turbine noun ENG a mechanical device When flying in turbulent air conditions, an
which converts moving liquid, steam or air aircraft is subjected to upward and down-
into energy by turning a generator ward gust loads.
COMMENT: Water turbines create electricity turf moor noun EARTH SCI an area of land
from water power. Water is channelled from where peat is found
a reservoir through pipes which turn the
vanes of the turbine, which then turn the turgid adjective BOT referring to plant tis-
rotor of the generator. Axial-flow turbines sue that is swollen with liquid and there-
have blades like those on a ship’s propeller, fore firm. Opposite flaccid
rotating horizontally. The impulse turbine
has jets of water directed at bucket-shaped turgidity noun BOT the condition of being
blades which catch the water. Reaction turgid
turbines have blades on the turbine which
adjust to the angle at which the jets of water turgor noun BOT the normal state of a
hit them. Pumped storage turbines act as plant cell when the vacuole is full of water
generators when water pressure is high, but
become water pumps when pressure is low, Turing machine noun COMPUT a math-
pumping water back into the reservoir. ematical model of a device which could
turbine blade noun ENG a part of a tur- read and write data to a controllable tape
bine which has an aerodynamic effect on storage while altering its internal states
the air Turing test noun COMPUT a test to decide
turbo- prefix ENG turbine if a computer is intelligent
turbocharger noun ENG a supercharger turnkey system noun COMPUT a com-
driven by a turbine powered by exhaust plete system which is designed to a cus-
gases 쑗 The turbocharger significantly tomer’s needs and is ready to use (NOTE: To
increases engine power. operate it, the user only has to switch it on
or turn a key.)
turbofan noun AEROSP a jet engine in
which most of the thrust is produced by air, turquoise noun MINERALS a bright green-
accelerated by a large fan, which does not ish-blue form of aluminium copper phos-
pass through the combustion chamber of phate, used in jewellery
the engine TV abbreviation COMPUT television
COMMENT: Turbofan engines are much
quieter than older turbojets and make a TVP abbreviation FOOD INDUST textured
characteristic sound when in operation. The vegetable protein
fan can be clearly seen in the front part of TW abbreviation MEASURE terawatt
the engine.
turbojet noun AEROSP a jet engine which tweak verb COMPUT to make small adjust-
includes a turbine-driven compressor for ments to a program or hardware to improve
the air taken into the engine 쑗 The de performance
Havilland Comet was the world’s first tur- tweening noun COMPUT the process of
bojet commercial transport aircraft. calculating the intermediate images that
COMMENT: Frank Whittle (1907–96) was an lead from a starting image to a different
English engineer and RAF officer who finished image 쑗 Using tweening, we can
invented the turbojet aircraft engine. Whittle show how a frog turns into a princess in
developed a jet aircraft by 1941 and the first
military jet aircraft, the Gloster Meteor, five steps.
became operational in 1944. Turbofan 24-bit sample noun COMPUT a single
engines have now taken over from turbojet sample of an analog signal which is stored
as a 24-bit digital number, meaning that
turbopropeller, turboprop noun AER- there are 16777216 possible levels. 쒁 8-bit
OSP a turbojet engine in which the turbine sample
also drives a propeller
COMMENT: Turboprop aircraft are efficient
twenty-twenty vision, 20/20 vision
at lower speeds than turbojet aircraft and noun BIOL perfect normal vision
are often used for short haul operations. twin noun BIOL one of two babies or ani-
turbulence noun 1. METEOROL an irreg- mals born at the same time from two ova
ular motion of the atmosphere 2. PHYS sec- fertilised at the same time or from one
ondary motion within a moving fluid ovum that splits in two
twinkling 622
twinkling noun ASTRON same as scintil- 2D noun COMPUT an object in a graphic
lation image that has only the appearance of
twist verb 1. to change the shape of some- width and height, not depth, so does not
thing by bending or turning it, or to bend or look like a solid object
turn into another shape 쑗 He twisted the two-dimensional adjective having only
wire into the shape of an S. 쑗 The rods twist two dimensions, so being flat with no
easily when heated. 2. to wind something depth
around something else 쑗 She twisted the two-figure code noun COMPUT a code
wire around the post. 3. to turn against with two numbers between 0 and 9
resistance 쑗 Centrifugal, bending and two input adder noun MATHS 쏡 half
twisting forces act on a propeller during adder
flight. two-pin mains plug noun ELEC a plug
twisted-pair cable noun ELEC a cable with two pins, one neutral, one live
which consists of two insulated copper two’s complement noun COMPUT a
wires twisted around each other, to reduce decimal complement, formed by adding
induction and so interference one to the one’s complement of a binary
COMMENT: The EIA specifies five levels of number, often used to represent negative
cable for different purposes. The Category binary numbers
1 standard defines an older-style
unshielded twisted-pair cable that is formed tympanic membrane noun ANAT same
by loosely twisting two insulated wires as eardrum
together to reduce noise and interference.
This type of cable is not suitable for data tympanum noun ACOUSTICS a mem-
transmission. The Category 2 (part of the brane or diaphragm that vibrates to pro-
EIA/TIA 568 specification) standard defines duce sound
a type of unshielded twisted-pair cable that Tyndall effect noun PHYS the scattering
can be used to transmit data at rates up to
4MHz. The Category 3, part of the EIA/TIA of light by particles in its path (NOTE: An
568 specification, standard defines a type example is the way in which a sunbeam
of unshielded twisted-pair cable that can be becomes visible as it passes through dust
used to transmit data at rates up to 10MHz. in the air.)
This type of cable is the minimum standard
of cable required for a 10BaseT network type noun 1. a category with members
(the standard suggests that the cable sharing some properties 2. COMPUT a defi-
should have three twists per foot of cable). nition of the processes or sorts of data
The Category 4, part of the EIA/TIA 568 which a variable in a computer can contain,
specification, standard defines a type of e.g. numbers or text only 3. PRINTING
unshielded twisted-pair cable that is the
minimum standard of cable required for printed words, letters or symbols
data transmission rates up to 16 type size noun PRINTING the size of a
Mbit/second on a Token Ring network. The font, measured in points
Category 5, part of the EIA/TIA 568 specifi-
cation, standard defines a type of cable that type style noun PRINTING the weight and
can carry data transmitted at up to 100MHz angle of a font, e.g. bold or italic
and is suitable for FDDI over copper wire, typhoid, typhoid fever noun MED an
100BaseT or other high-speed networks.
infection of the intestine caused by Salmo-
twisted-pair Ethernet noun COMPUT a nella in food or water, which causes fever
star-topology network that uses and diarrhoea and may be fatal
twisted-pair cable and transmits data at typhoon noun METEOROL a tropical
10Mbps, normally called 10BaseT cyclone in East Asia
twister noun US METEOROL a tornado typhus noun MED one of several fevers
(informal) caused by the Rickettsia bacterium, mak-
2,4-D noun AGRIC a herbicide that is ing the patient very weak
absorbed into a plant through its leaves and tyramine noun BIOCHEM an enzyme
is especially effective against broadleaved found in cheese, beans, tinned fish, red
weeds growing in cereals wine and yeast extract, which can cause
two-address instruction noun COM- high blood pressure if found in excessive
PUT an instruction format containing the quantities in the brain
location of two operands, the result being tyre noun ENG a rubber covering for a
stored in one of the operand locations wheel (NOTE: The US spelling is tire.)
623 tyrosine
tyre creep noun AEROSP a gradual rota- and possibly dangerous deflation of the
tion of the tyre in relation to the wheel,
caused by landing 쑗 Aligned white marks tyre pressure noun ENG the air pressure
on the wheel and tyre indicate that there is in a tyre
no tyre creep. tyrosine noun BIOCHEM an amino acid
COMMENT: Tyre creep can lead to damage which is a component of thyroxine
to the tyre valve and subsequent unwanted
U symbol CHEM ELEM uranium ulnar pulse noun BIOL a secondary pulse
U&Es plural noun MED blood tests of the in the wrist, taken near the inner edge of
body’s chemistry used to determine the the forearm
general health of a patient and, specifically, ultra- prefix beyond
kidney and lung function, effects of medi- ultrabasic adjective EARTH SCI referring
cations, and state of hydration to rock which has less silica and more mag-
UART abbreviation COMPUT universal nesium than basic rock
asynchronous receiver/transmitter ultra high frequency noun PHYS a
ubiquitin noun BIOL a heat-stable protein range of frequencies usually used to trans-
found in most cellular organisms (eukary- mit television signals. Abbr UHF
otes) that is involved in many cell proc- ultra high frequency band noun
esses such as DNA repair and removing ELEC a radio frequency range between
metabolic wastes 300MHz and 3000MHz
UDP noun COMPUT a protocol that is part ultramicroscope noun BIOL a micro-
of TCP/IP that is often used in network scope that uses scattered light to form
management and SNMP applications. Full images of submicroscopic objects
form user datagram protocol ultramicroscopic adjective BIOL too
UHF abbreviation PHYS ultra high fre- small to be seen with a light microscope
quency ultrananoplankton plural noun MARINE
UKAEA abbreviation United Kingdom BIOL plankton less than 2 µm in size
Atomic Energy Authority ultraplankton plural noun MARINE BIOL

UKBAP abbreviation United Kingdom plankton in the size range 0.5–10 µm

Biodiversity Action Plan ultrasonic adjective ACOUSTICS refer-
ring to the frequencies in the range of
ULA abbreviation COMPUT uncommitted 20000Hz which cannot be heard by the
logic array human ear
ulcer noun an open sore in the skin or in ultrasonic detection adjective INDUST
mucous membrane, which is inflamed and a method using high frequency sound to
difficult to heal check metal components for internal weak-
ulceration noun 1. a condition where nesses
ulcers develop 2. the development of an ultrasonic inspection noun INDUST a
ulcer non-destructive inspection of materials
ulna noun ANAT one of two parallel long using extremely high frequency vibrations
bones in the lower forelimb of vertebrates ultrasonics noun using high-frequency
or the forearm of humans sound waves to tell what is below the skin
ulnar artery noun ANAT an artery which of a live animal. By using ultrasonics, it is
branches from the brachial artery at the possible to tell the amount of fat layers and
elbow and runs down the inside of the fore- the muscle area.
arm to join the radial artery in the palm of ultrasonic waves plural noun ACOUS-
the hand TICS sound waves in the range of 20000Hz
ulnar nerve noun ANAT a nerve running ultrasound noun ACOUSTICS, MED sound
from the neck to the elbow, which controls in the range of 20000Hz which cannot be
the muscles in the forearm and fingers heard by the human ear
625 underflow
COMMENT: The very high frequency waves unblock verb to remove a blockage from
of ultrasound can be used to detect and something
record organs or growths inside the body, in
a similar way to the use of X-rays, by unboiled adjective FOOD SCI which has
recording the differences in echoes sent not been boiled 쑗 In some areas, it is dan-
back from different tissues. Ultrasound is gerous to drink unboiled water.
used routinely to monitor growth of the fetus
in the uterus, and to treat some conditions unclocked adjective COMPUT referring
such as internal bruising. It can also destroy to an electronic circuit or flip-flop which
bacteria and calculi. changes state as soon as an input changes,
ultrasound scan noun MED the exami- not with a clock signal
nation of an internal part of the body using uncommitted logic array noun COM-
very high frequency sound waves to create PUT a chip containing a number of uncon-
a picture nected logic circuits and gates which can
ultrasound treatment noun MED the then be connected by a customer to provide
treatment of soft tissue inflammation using a required function. Abbr ULA
ultrasound waves unconditional adjective which does not
ultraviolet adjective PHYS referring to depend on any condition being met
the range of invisible radiation wave- unconditional branch, uncondi-
lengths just greater than those of the visible tional jump, unconditional transfer noun
spectrum. Abbr UV COMPUT an instruction which transfers
ultraviolet erasable PROM noun control from one point in the program to
COMPUT an EPROM whose contents are another, without depending on any condi-
erased by exposing to UV light tion being met
ultraviolet radiation noun PHYS an unconfined adjective EARTH SCI refer-
invisible light which has a very short wave- ring to ground water or an aquifer of which
length beyond the violet end of the spec- the upper surface is at ground level
trum and causes tanning and burning. Abbr uncontaminated adjective ENVIRON not
UVR having been contaminated
ultraviolet rays plural noun the short uncontrollable adjective unable to be
invisible rays, beyond the violet end of the controlled
colour spectrum, which form the tanning uncontrolled adjective not controlled
and burning element in sunlight uncontrolled dumping noun ENVIRON
COMMENT: UV rays form part of the the throwing away of waste in places that
high-energy radiation which the Earth are not officially approved
receives from the Sun. UV rays are classi-
fied as UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays form uncontrolled dumpsite noun ENVI-
only a small part of radiation from the Sun RON a place where waste is left without
but they are dangerous and can cause skin permission or control
cancer if a person is exposed to them for
long periods. The effect of UVB rays is uncontrolled fire noun ENVIRON a fire
reduced by the ozone layer in the strato- which has ignited accidentally and burns
sphere. out of control
umbilical cord noun ANAT the flexible uncoordinated adjective not joined
cord that connects the fetus to the mother’s together or working together
placenta during pregnancy, and through uncultivated adjective AGRIC not culti-
which nutrients are delivered and waste vated 쑗 uncultivated land and semi-natural
expelled areas 쑗 The field was left uncultivated over
UMTS noun COMPUT a third generation winter to allow ground-nesting birds such
mobile communication system that sup- as skylarks to nest and rear young.
ports voice, data, and video signals to the undelete verb COMPUT to restore deleted
handset. Full form universal mobile tele- information or a deleted file 쑗 This func-
communications system tion will undelete your cuts to the letter.
UN abbreviation United Nations under- prefix 1. below or underneath 2.
un- prefix 1. not 2. reversing an action or less than or not as strong
state underflow noun COMPUT the result of a
unary operation noun COMPUT a com- numerical operation that is too small to be
puting operation on only one operand, e.g. represented with the given accuracy of a
the logical NOT operation computer
underground 626
underground adjective, adverb EARTH unicellular adjective BIOL referring to an
SCI beneath the surface of the ground 쑗 organism formed of one cell. Compare
underground power cables 쑗 swollen multicellular
underground stems 쑗 Foxes live in under- unified atomic mass unit noun PHYS
ground holes. 쑗 Worms live underground. same as atomic mass unit
underground water noun EARTH SCI unified field theory noun PHYS a single
water in porous rocks underground theory that defines the interrelationships
undergrowth noun BOT shrubs and between the theories of nuclear, electro-
other plants growing under large trees magnetic and gravitational forces
underline noun COMPUT, PRINTING a line uniform adjective consistent and not var-
drawn or printed under a piece of text. Also ying in characteristics 쑗 An engine should
called underscore be run at low revolutions per minute after
undernourished noun BIOL having too flight to allow engine components to cool
little food to a uniform temperature.
underproduction noun INDUST the pro- uniform resource locator noun COM-
duction of less than usual PUT same as universal resource locator.
underscore noun COMPUT, PRINTING Abbr URL
same as underline unimolecular reaction noun CHEM a
understorey noun BOT the lowest layer chemical reaction with just one type of
of small trees and shrubs in a wood, below molecule working as the reactant
the canopy uninterruptable power supply noun
underwood noun BOT the small trees in COMPUT a power supply that can continue
a wood, below the canopy to provide a regulated supply to equipment
undo verb COMPUT to reverse the previous even after mains power failure. Abbr UPS
action 쑗 You’ve just deleted the paragraph, union noun MATHS a logical function
but you can undo it from the option in the which produces a true output if any input is
Edit menu. (NOTE: It is often an option in a true
program and an editing command.) unipolar adjective ELEC referring to a
undulating adjective rising and falling transmission system in which a positive
in gentle slopes 쑗 Flight over undulating voltage pulse and zero volts represent the
terrain will result in changing indications binary bits 1 and 0
of aircraft height on the indicator of the unipolar neuron noun ANAT a neuron
radio altimeter. with a single process
unedited adjective having not been unipolar signal noun ELEC a signal that
edited uses only positive voltage levels
unexpressed adjective GENETICS refer- unipolar transistor noun ELECTRON-
ring to a gene that does not produce an ICS same as field-effect transistor
observable effect on the organism that car- unique adjective being the one and only
ries it of its sort 쑗 The pulse coded message con-
unformatted adjective COMPUT 1. refer- tains a unique 4-number identification.
ring to a text file which contains no format- unique identifier noun COMPUT a set of
ting commands, margins or typographical characters used to distinguish between dif-
commands 쑗 It is impossible to copy to an ferent resources in a multimedia book
unformatted disk. 2. referring to a disk unisexual adjective BIOL having either
which has not been formatted 쑗 The car- male or female sex organs, but not both, in
tridge drive provides 12.7Mbyte of unfor- one individual
matted storage.
unit noun 1. a component of something
ungroup verb COMPUT to convert a single larger 2. MEASURE a quantity or amount
complex object back into a series of sepa- used as a standard, accepted measurement
rate objects 쑗 The internationally agreed unit of pres-
ungulate adjective ZOOL having hoofs sure is the millibar. 쑗 The higher the Sun is
(NOTE: Ungulates are divided into two in the sky, the more intense is the radiation
groups, odd-toed such as horses or per unit area. 3. a person, group or device
even-toed such as cows.) that is complete in itself 쑗 The operation of
uni- prefix one flying controls is by means of self-con-
627 unneutralised
tained power flying control units (PFCUs). made up of three parts: the first is the pro-
4. MECH ENG a single machine, possibly tocol such as HTTP or FTP, then the
with many different parts domain name of the service and finally the
unit cell noun CRYSTALS the smallest directory or file name.)
structural unit of a crystal that can be universal serial bus noun COMPUT full
repeated in three dimensions to make its form of USB
full lattice universal synchronous asynchro-
United Kingdom Atomic Energy nous receiver-transmitter noun
Authority noun the official organisation COMPUT a chip that can be instructed by a
in the United Kingdom responsible for all central processing unit to communicate
aspects of atomic energy, both commer- with asynchronous or synchronous bit
cially and in research. Abbr UKAEA streams or parallel data lines. Abbr USART
United Kingdom Biodiversity universal synchronous
Action Plan noun the United Kingdom’s receiver/transmitter noun COMPUT a
response to the Convention on Biological single integrated circuit that can carry out
Diversity in 1992, which contains plans to all the serial to parallel and interfacing
conserve threatened species and habitats. operations required between a computer
Abbr UKBAP and transmission line. Abbr USRT
univalent adjective 1. GENETICS refer- universe noun ASTRON the total existing
ring to a chromosome that does not pair amount of mass, space and radiation
with another structurally identical chromo- UNIX trademark COMPUT a popular multi-
some during the initial stage of meiosis 2. user, multitasking operating system devel-
CHEM having a valency of one oped by AT&T Bell Laboratories to run on
universal asynchronous almost any computer, from a PC, to mini-
receiver/transmitter noun COMPUT a computers and large mainframes
chip which converts an asynchronous unjustified adjective COMPUT, PRINTING
serial bit stream to a parallel form or paral- referring to text which has not been justi-
lel data to a serial bit stream. Abbr UART fied
universal indicator noun CHEM a solu- unleaded petrol noun INDUST petrol
tion that turns different colours according with a low octane rating, which has no lead
to a range of pH values additives such as tetraethyl lead and there-
universal law of gravitation noun fore creates less lead pollution in the
PHYS the law of gravitation stating that atmosphere
every body in the universe exerts an attrac- unlined adjective ENVIRON referring to
tion on every other, proportional to their something with no lining, such as a landfill
masses multiplied together divided by the site from which waste liquids can leak out
square of the distance between them into the surrounding soil
(NOTE: The gravitational constant G gives unmapped adjective 1. GENETICS not
the force between any pair of objects identified as a gene on a particular chromo-
whose masses and separation are known, some 2. BIOTECH not identified as a DNA
and equals 6.672 x 10 11kg –1m 3s –2.) sequence coding for a specific gene
universal mobile telecommunica- unmoderated list noun COMPUT a
tions system noun COMPUT full form of mailing list which sends any material sub-
UMTS mitted to the listserv on to all the subscrib-
universal product code noun COM- ers without a person reading or checking
PUT a standard printed bar coding system the content
used to identify products. Abbr UPC unmodified instruction noun COM-
universal programming noun COM- PUT a program instruction which is directly
PUT the writing of a programs which are processed without modification to obtain
not specific to one machine, so that they the operation to be performed
can run on several machines unmodulated adjective COMPUT refer-
universal resource locator noun ring to a signal which has not been modu-
COMPUT an Internet system used to stand- lated
ardise the way in which World Wide Web unnatural adjective not found in nature
addresses are written. Also called uniform unneutralised, unneutralized adjec-
resource locator. Abbr URL (NOTE: It is tive not having been made neutral
UNO 628
UNO abbreviation United Nations Organ- ing air and thus continues to rise until ulti-
ization mately condensation and precipitation of
unpaired adjective GENETICS referring to the water content occur
a chromosome which is not associated unsterilised, unsterilized adjective
with another chromosome of the same type HEALTH not free from microorganisms 쑗
쑗 an unpaired X chromosome in males unsterilised bottles
unpasteurised, unpasteurized adjec- unstriated muscle noun ANAT same as
tive FOOD INDUST referring to something smooth muscle
such as milk which has not been pasteur- unsustainable adjective ENVIRON refer-
ised 쑗 Unpasteurised milk can carry ring to a development or process which
bacilli. depletes or damages natural resources and
unpolluted adjective ENVIRON not which does not leave the environment in
affected by pollution 쑗 the relatively good order for future generations
unpolluted atmosphere in mountain areas untapped adjective not yet used 쑗
unpopulated adjective COMPUT refer- untapped mineral resources
ring to a printed circuit board which does untreated adjective not subjected to a
not yet contain any components or whose treatment process 쑗 Untreated sewage
sockets are empty 쑗 You can buy an unpop- leaked into the river.
ulated RAM card and fit your own RAM
chips. ununbium noun CHEM ELEM an artifi-
cially produced radioactive metallic chem-
unrecoverable error noun COMPUT a ical element (NOTE: The chemical symbol
computer hardware or software error is Uub; the atomic number is 112 and the
which causes a program to crash atomic weight is 277.)
unsaturated compound noun CHEM a ununpentium noun CHEM ELEM a highly
chemical compound that consists of mole- unstable radioactive chemical element,
cules having double or triple bonds reported to have been produced artificially
unsaturated fat noun FOOD INDUST, by bombarding americium with calcium
BIOCHEM a fat which does not have a large atoms (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Uup;
amount of hydrogen and so can be broken the atomic number is 115 and the atomic
down more easily weight is 299.)
unsettled adjective METEOROL referring ununquadium noun CHEM ELEM a
to weather which changes frequently from chemical element produced by bombard-
rainy to fine and back again ing plutonium with calcium ions (NOTE:
unshielded twisted pair cable noun The chemical symbol is Uuq; the atomic
ELEC a cable made of two insulated copper number is 114 and the atomic weight is
wires twisted around each other to reduce 285.)
induction and therefore interference but ununtrium noun CHEM ELEM a highly
not wrapped in any other outer layer, unstable radioactive chemical element,
unlike STP cable. Abbr UTP cable reported to have been produced artificially
unsightly adjective ENVIRON not pleasant by bombarding americium with calcium
to look at 쑗 The company is proposing to atoms (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Uut;
run a line of unsightly pylons across the the atomic number is 113 and the atomic
moors. weight is 293.)
unsigned adjective MATHS referring to a unununium noun CHEM ELEM a chemi-
number system which does not represent cal element produced by bombarding bis-
negative numbers muth-209 with nickel-60 (NOTE: The
unspoilt adjective ENVIRON referring to a chemical symbol is Uuu; the atomic
landscape which has not been damaged by number is 111 and the atomic weight is
development 쑗 an area of unspoilt wood- 272.)
land 쑗 The highland region is still unspoilt. UPC abbreviation COMPUT universal prod-
unstable adjective not stable and liable uct code
to change easily update file noun COMPUT a file contain-
unstable air mass noun METEOROL a ing recent changes or transactions to
mass of air in which a sample of wet air, in records which is used to update the master
rising, cools less rapidly than the surround- file. Also called transaction file
629 urea-formaldehyde resin
updraught noun METEOROL a rising air upthrust noun EARTH SCI a piece of rock
current, usually of warm air that has moved upwards in a low-angle
upgrade verb COMPUT to make a system fault
more powerful or more up-to-date by add- uptime noun COMPUT the time when a
ing new equipment 쑗 They can upgrade the computer is operational and functioning
printer. 쑗 The single processor with correctly. Compare downtime
2Mbytes of memory can be upgraded to 4 upward compatible, upwards com-
Mbytes. 쑗 All three models have an on-site patible adjective COMPUT referring to
upgrade facility. hardware or software designed to be com-
upland EARTH SCI noun an inland area of patible either with earlier models or with
high land 쑗 The uplands have different eco- future models which have not yet been
systems from the lowlands. 쐽 adjective invented
referring to an upland 쑗 upland farming upwelling noun EARTH SCI the process
uplands plural noun EARTH SCI an inland by which warmer surface water in the sea
region of high land is drawn away from the shore and replaced
uplink noun TELECOM the transmission by colder water from beneath the surface
link from an Earth station to a satellite uraninite noun MINERALS a black ura-
upload verb COMPUT 1. to transfer data nium oxide mineral that also contains tho-
files or programs from a small computer to rium, radium and lead
a main CPU 쑗 The user can upload PC uranium noun CHEM ELEM a naturally
data to update mainframe applications. 2. radioactive metallic element which is an
to transfer a file from one computer to a essential fuel for nuclear power (NOTE: The
BBS or host computer 쑗 The image can be chemical symbol is U; the atomic number
manipulated before uploading to the host is 92 and the atomic weight is 283.04.)
computer. Opposite download COMMENT: Three uranium isotopes are
found in ores: uranium-234, uranium-235
upper adjective 1. referring to something and uranium-238. Of these, U-235 is the
that is at a high level or towards the top 2. only fissionable isotope occurring in nature
referring to something which is above and so is an essential fuel for reactors.
something 왘 opposite lower uranium-lead dating noun EARTH SCI
upper case noun capital letters 쑗 He the process of finding out the age of a ura-
corrected the word ‘coMputer’, replacing nium-containing mineral by measuring the
the upper case M with a lower case letter. amount of lead isotope produced by the
radioactive decay of uranium, which
upper limb noun ANAT an arm occurs at a known rate
upper motor neuron noun ANAT a neu- uranium (IV) oxide, uranium dioxide
ron which takes impulses from the cerebral noun CHEM a toxic radioactive crystalline
cortex solid, used in photography. Formula: UO2.
UPS abbreviation COMPUT uninterrupta- Uranus noun ASTRON the seventh planet
ble power supply of the solar system
upstream adverb, adjective EARTH SCI COMMENT: Uranus takes 84 years to orbit
towards the source of a river 쑗 The river is the Sun at an average distance of 19 AU
contaminated for several miles upstream from it. Uranus is one of the giant gas
from the estuary. 쑗 Pollution has spread planets, 15 times as massive as the Earth
and 52,000 km in diameter.
into the lake upstream of the waterfall. 쑗
Upstream communities have not yet been urea noun PHYSIOL a crystalline solid pro-
affected. Compare downstream duced in the liver from excess amino acids
and excreted by the kidneys into the urine
uptake noun the taking in of trace ele- (NOTE: It is made commercially from car-
ments or nutrients by a plant or animal bon dioxide and ammonia and is used as a
‘Poor rooting is responsible for poor fertiliser and in other products.)
nutrient uptake and drought stress during
the growing season. This phenomenon is urea-formaldehyde resin noun
not unique to just direct drilled crops, but INDUST a resin made by the polymerisation
the system exaggerates the problems of urea and formaldehyde with good oil
which can be diluted by tillage.’ resistant properties, used in electrical fit-
[Arable Farming] tings and in cavity insulation
ureter 630
ureter noun ANAT one of a pair of ducts style sheet contains 125 user-definable
through which urine flows from the kid- symbols.
neys to the bladder in mammals or to the user-friendly adjective COMPUT refer-
cloaca in lower vertebrates ring to a language, system or program that
urethane resin noun CHEM same as is easy to use and interact with 쑗 It’s such
polyurethane a user-friendly machine. 쑗 Compared with
urethra noun ANAT the tube in humans the previous version this one is very
and other mammals through which urine user-friendly.
passes from the bladder out of the body user-pays principle noun ENVIRON the
(NOTE: In the male, semen also passes principle that a user of a service or resource
through it at ejaculation.) pays directly for the amount they use,
uric acid noun CHEM a chemical com- rather than the cost being shared by all the
pound which is formed from nitrogen in users or a community equally. 쒁 pol-
waste products from the body and which luter-pays principle
also forms crystals in the joints of patients user’s manual noun COMPUT a booklet
suffering from gout showing how a device or system should be
urinary bladder noun ANAT a sac where used
the urine collects from the kidneys through USRT abbreviation COMPUT universal
the ureters, before being passed out of the synchronous receiver/transmitter
body through the urethra UTC abbreviation TIME Coordinated Uni-
urinate verb PHYSIOL to discharge urine versal Time
from the body uterus noun ANAT an organ inside which
urine noun BIOL a liquid secreted as waste the eggs or young of animals develop
from an animal’s body (NOTE: In humans and other mammals it is
often called the womb and has strong mus-
URL abbreviation COMPUT 1. uniform
cles to push the baby out at birth.)
resource locator 2. universal resource loca-
tor 쑗 The URL of the Bloomsbury Publish- utilitarian justification noun ENVIRON
ing home page is a reasoning for conservation based on the
‘’. idea that the environment should provide
direct economic benefits to the population
usability noun COMPUT the ease with
which hardware or software can be used 쑗 utility noun 1. ENVIRON a company that
We have studied usability tests and found organises an essential public service such
that a GUI is easier for new users than a as electricity, gas or public transport 2.
command line. COMPUT same as utility program 쑗 A lost
file cannot be found without a file-recovery
USART abbreviation COMPUT universal utility. 쑗 On the disk is a utility for backing
synchronous asynchronous receiver/trans- up a hard disk. 3. the state of being useful
utility program noun COMPUT a pro-
USB noun COMPUT a standard that defines gram concerned with routine activities
a high-speed serial interface that transfers such as file searching, copying files, file
data at up to 12Mbps and allows up to 127 directories, sorting and debugging and var-
compatible peripherals to be connected to ious mathematical functions. Also called
a computer. Full form universal serial utility
UTP cable abbreviation COMPUT
Usenet noun COMPUT a section of the unshielded twisted pair cable
Internet that provides forums called news-
groups in which any user can add a mes- Uub symbol CHEM ELEM ununbium
sage or comment on any other message Uuencoding noun COMPUT a method of
user noun COMPUT 1. a person who uses a converting documents and files to a
computer, machine or software 2. a key- pseudo-text format that allows them to be
board operator transmitted as an electronic mail message
COMMENT: This gets around the Internet’s
user datagram protocol noun COM- inability to transfer messages that are not
PUT full form of UDP text. It has now been largely replaced by
user-definable adjective COMPUT refer- MIME.
ring to a feature or section of a program Uuq symbol CHEM ELEM ununquadium
that a user can customise as required 쑗 The Uuu symbol CHEM ELEM unununium
631 UVR
UV abbreviation PHYS ultraviolet tion in the wavelengths 290–320 nm, caus-
UVA noun UV-A PHYS ultraviolet radiation ing first reddening and then browning of
in the wavelengths 320–400 nm, not harm- skin
ful to human skin under normal exposure UVC, UV-C noun PHYS ultraviolet radia-
UV-absorbing lens noun OPHTHALMOL tion in the wavelengths 230–290 nm, caus-
a lens specially devised to absorb ultravio- ing blistering to skin and possibly giving
let radiation in order to protect the eyes rise to skin cancer
against the sun UVR abbreviation PHYS ultraviolet radia-
UVB, UV-B noun PHYS ultraviolet radia- tion
V symbol MEASURE, ELEC volt vacuum pump noun PHYS a pump used
vaccinate verb MED to use a vaccine to to reduce the gas pressure of a container
give a person immunisation against a spe- vadose adjective EARTH SCI referring to
cific disease 쑗 She was vaccinated against an area which lies between the surface of
smallpox as a child. the ground and the water table
vaccination noun MED the action of vac- vagina noun ANAT any part of an animal
cinating someone against a disease. 쒁 or plant that forms a sheath, in particular
immunisation (NOTE: Originally the words the lowest part of the birth canal in humans
vaccination and vaccine applied only to and other mammals
smallpox immunisation, but they are now vagrant noun ZOOL a bird which only vis-
used for immunisation against any dis- its a country or region occasionally
ease) vagus noun ANAT one of the tenth pair of
vaccine noun IMMUNOL a substance cranial nerves carrying the sensory and
which contains the germs of a disease, used motor neurons that serve the heart, lungs,
to inoculate or vaccinate someone against stomach, intestines and various other
it 쑗 The hospital is waiting for a new batch organs
of vaccine to come from the laboratory. 쑗 vale noun EARTH SCI same as valley (used
New vaccines are being developed all the especially in place names)
time. 쑗 MMR vaccine is given to control valence noun IMMUNOL, CHEM same as
measles, mumps and rubella. 쑗 There is, as valency
yet, no vaccine for meningococcal menin-
valence electron noun CHEM an elec-
tron in an outer shell of an atom that can
COMMENT: A vaccine contains the germs of
the disease, sometimes alive and some-
take part in a bond with another atom to
times dead, and this is injected into the form a molecule
patient so that his or her body will develop valency noun 1. CHEM the ability of
immunity to the disease. The vaccine atoms or groups to combine, measured by
contains antigens, and these provoke the
body to produce antibodies, some of which the number of hydrogen atoms received,
remain in the bloodstream for a very long lost or shared in forming a compound 2.
time and react against the same antigens if IMMUNOL the number of sites on an anti-
they enter the body naturally at a later date body at which an antigen can bind 왘 also
when the patient is exposed to the disease. called valence
Vaccination is mainly given against cholera,
diphtheria, rabies, smallpox, tuberculosis valeric acid noun CHEM a fatty acid with
and typhoid. four isomers
vacuole noun BIOL a fluid-filled compart- validate verb COMPUT to check that an
ment in the cytoplasm of a cell input is or data are correct according to a
vacuum noun PHYS a space completely set of rules
empty of everything, even air 쑗 If the fuel validation noun COMPUT a check per-
tank vent pipe is blocked, a vacuum will formed to validate data
form in the tank and fuel flow to the engine valine noun BIOCHEM an essential amino
will be restricted. acid
vacuum distillation noun CHEM the valley noun EARTH SCI a long low area,
distillation of liquid at low pressure so that usually with a river at the bottom, between
it boils at a lower temperature hills or mountains
633 vapour trail
valley bog noun EARTH SCI a peat bog van de Graaff generator noun PHYS
which forms in the damp bottom of a val- an electrostatic generator that produces
ley electrical discharges at extremely high
valley glacier noun EARTH SCI a large voltages, used in particle accelerators and
mass of ice which moves down a valley for testing electrical insulators (NOTE: The
from above the snowline towards the sea electric charge from a source of direct cur-
rent accumulates on a high-speed belt
value noun MATHS a quantity shown as a
inside an insulated metal sphere filled with
Freon or nitrogen gas under high pres-
value-added network noun COMPUT a sure.)
commercial network which offers informa-
tion services such as stock prices, weather, van der Waals’ equation noun PHYS a
e-mail or advice as well as basic file trans- modified equation of state that describes
fer. Abbr VAN the physical properties of gases allowing
for the volumes of molecules and the inter-
value-added reseller noun COMPUT a actions between them
company which buys hardware or software
and adds another feature, customises it or van der Waals’ force noun PHYS a
offers an extra service to attract customers. weak force of attraction between atoms or
Abbr VAR molecules
valve noun 1. MECH ENG a mechanical vanishing point perspective noun
COMPUT graphics displayed in two-dimen-
device for controlling the flow of a fluid 2.
ANAT a flap in the heart, blood vessels or
sions that have the appearance of depth as
lymphatic vessels or other organs, which all lines converge at a vanishing point and
opens and closes to allow liquid to pass in objects appear smaller as they are further
one direction only from the user
valve gear noun MECH ENG a mechanism vapor noun US spelling of vapour
for opening and closing valves vaporisation, vaporization noun CHEM
valve overlap noun MECH ENG the the process by which a liquid or solid is
period when both the exhaust and inlet converted to gas or vapour by heat, with the
valves are open together, with the exhaust rate of vaporisation increasing with a
valve closing and the inlet valve opening higher temperature
valve seat noun MECH ENG an angled vaporise, vaporize verb to turn into
ring in a cylinder head on which the poppet vapour, or to turn something into a vapour
쑗 Water vaporises when heated.
valve sits when closed. 쒁 sequence
VAN abbreviation COMPUT value-added vaporiser, vaporizer noun MED 1. an
network instrument which sprays liquid in the form
of very small drops like mist 2. a device
vanadium noun CHEM ELEM a toxic sil- which warms a liquid to which medicinal
very white metallic element, used in the oil has been added so that it provides a
manufacture of tough steel alloys and as a vapour which a patient can inhale
catalyst (NOTE: The chemical symbol is V;
the atomic number is 23 and the atomic
vapour noun PHYS a gaseous form of a
weight is 50.94.)
liquid (NOTE: The US spelling is vapor.)
Van Allen belt noun EARTH SCI either of vapour concentration noun PHYS a
two regions of high-energy, ionised parti- ratio of the mass of a vaporised substance
cles surrounding the Earth (NOTE: The in a given quantity of air to the amount of
inner belt is formed mainly of protons, and
lies at an altitude of 3000–6000km above vapour density noun PHYS the density
the Earth’s surface, while the outer belt is of a gas relative to that of hydrogen
formed mainly of electrons, and lies at an vapour lock noun ENG a blockage of
altitude of 20000–30000km.) fuel flow from a tank caused by a bubble of
vancomycin intermediate Staphy- vapour at a high point in the pipeline
lococcus aureus noun MICROBIOL full vapour pressure noun PHYS the pres-
form of VISA sure exerted by a gas, in particular one that
vancomycin resistant Staphyloco- is in contact with its liquid state
ccus aureus noun MICROBIOL full form vapour trail noun AEROSP same as con-
of VRSA densation trail
VAR 634
VAR abbreviation COMPUT value-added vascular plant noun BOT a plant that has
reseller specialised tubes within it for transporting
variable adjective changing or changea- sap (NOTE: All flowering plants, conifers,
ble 쑗 Winds are more variable in the north- ferns, clubmosses and horsetails, but not
ern hemisphere than in the southern mosses and liverworts, are vascular
hemisphere. 쐽 noun 1. COMPUT a computer plants.)
program identifier for a register or storage vascular system noun 1. ANAT (in ani-
location which can contain any number or mals) a system of tubes that carry liquid,
character and which may vary during the e.g. blood 2. BOT (in plants) a system of
program run 2. a quantity or quality which conducting tissues that carry nutrients
changes from the roots to the upper parts of the
variable data plural noun COMPUT data plant
which can be modified, and are not write vascular tissue noun BOT a specialised
protected plant tissue consisting of phloem and
variable geometry noun AEROSP the xylem, which transports dissolved sugar,
technology which allows the angle water and dissolved minerals throughout
between an aircraft’s wing and fuselage to the plant
be altered to give a more or less swept wing vas deferens noun ANAT one of a pair of
for better high-speed and low-speed flight ducts through which sperm passes from the
characteristics testes to the urethra during ejaculation
variable name noun COMPUT a word vasectomy noun an operation to cut the
used to identify a variable in a program duct which takes sperm from the testicles,
variable pitch propeller noun AEROSP so making the animal infertile
a propeller with a mechanism that changes vasoconstriction noun PHYSIOL the
the blade angle to suit flight conditions narrowing of the blood vessels (NOTE: It
variable star noun ASTRON a star that decreases blood flow and increases blood
changes in brightness at regular or irregu- pressure.)
lar intervals vasodilation noun PHYSIOL the widen-
variant noun BIOL a specimen of a plant ing of the blood vessels, especially the
or animal that is different from the usual arteries (NOTE: It increases blood flow and
type reduces blood pressure.)
variant CJD noun a form of Creut- vasomotor nerve noun ANAT a nerve
zfeldt-Jakob disease which was observed whose impulses make the arterioles
first in the 1980s, especially affecting become narrower
younger people. Abbr vCJD vasopressin noun BIOCHEM a hormone
variation noun 1. the existence of a dif- secreted from the pituitary gland (NOTE: It
ference in amount, concentration, number raises blood pressure and causes the kid-
or other feature 2. a difference within a neys to excrete less urine.)
possible range or from a standard 3. some- vCJD abbreviation variant CJD
thing that is slightly different from other VDT abbreviation COMPUT visual display
similar things 4. NAVIG an angular differ- terminal
ence between magnetic north and true VDU abbreviation COMPUT visual display
north, which is measured in degrees and is unit
named east or west according to whether vector noun 1. MATHS a quantity with
the north-seeking end of a freely sus- magnitude and direction indicated by a line
pended magnet lies to the east or to the of a given length, representing magnitude
west of the true meridian at that point and specific direction 쑗 The triangle of
variety noun 1. a number of different velocities is a vector solution of what hap-
things 쑗 a wide variety of reasons why peo- pens to an aircraft when wind causes drift.
ple like and dislike cities 2. a type of some- 2. NAVIG a heading given to a pilot to pro-
thing 3. BIOL a named cultivated plant 쑗 a vide navigational guidance by radar 쑗
new variety of wheat Also called cultivar Wind velocity is indicated by a vector, iden-
vascular bundle noun BOT a strand of tified by a single arrow, pointing in the
plant tissue containing the xylem and direction the wind is blowing towards. 3.
phloem tubes that transport water and food COMPUT an address which directs a compu-
to and from different parts of the plant ter to a new memory location 4. MATHS a
635 velocity of sound
shape described using coordinates of mag- vegetation loss noun ENVIRON the loss
nitude and direction 5. BIOL an insect or of plants from an area by processes such as
animal which carries a disease or parasite pollution or clearing
and can pass it to other organisms 쑗 The vegetation map noun BOT a map show-
tsetse fly is a vector of sleeping sickness. 6. ing the pattern of vegetation in an area
an agent such as a plasmid or bacteri- vegetative adjective 1. BOT referring to
ophage that is used to transfer a segment of plants 쑗 The loss of vegetative cover
DNA from one organism to another increases the accumulation of carbon diox-
vectored interrupt noun COMPUT an ide in the atmosphere. 2. BIOL referring to
interrupt which directs the central process- the process of growth and development 3.
ing unit to transfer to a particular location BIOL referring to reproduction that does not
vector font noun COMPUT a shape of involve sex cells
characters within a font that are drawn vegetative propagation noun BOT the
using vector graphics, allowing the charac- artificial reproduction of plants by taking
ters to be scaled to almost any size without cuttings or by grafting, not by seed
changing the quality vegetative reproduction noun a form
vector graphics noun COMPUT a com- of reproduction in which a plant repro-
puter drawing system which uses line duces itself from parts such as bulbs or
length and direction from an origin to plot tubers rather than from seed
lines vehicle noun a machine for moving peo-
vector processor noun COMPUT a ple or goods, e.g. a car, truck, train or boat
coprocessor which operates on one row or vehicular adjective referring to a vehicle
column of an array at a time vein noun 1. ANAT a blood vessel which
veer noun METEOROL a shifting of the takes deoxygenated blood containing
wind, in a clockwise direction in the north- waste carbon dioxide from the tissues back
ern hemisphere 쑗 The passing of a weather to the heart 2. BOT a thin tube that forms
trough is marked by a sharp veer in the part of the structure of a leaf or the circula-
direction of the wind. 쐽 verb 1. METEOROL tion system of an animal, allowing the flow
(of the wind) to change in a clockwise of liquids
direction, in the northern hemisphere 쑗 Veitch diagram noun COMPUT a graphi-
Winds veer and increase with height ahead cal representation of a truth table
of a warm front. Opposite back 2. to velamen noun BOT a spongy layer cover-
change direction, especially as in an ing the aerial roots of plants such as
uncontrolled movement 쑗 The aircraft tree-dwelling orchids (NOTE: It protects the
veered off the runway into the grass. roots and helps them absorb water.)
vegan noun a strict vegetarian who eats velocity noun PHYS the rate of change of
only vegetables and fruit and no animal position in a given direction which is com-
products like milk, fish, eggs or meat 쐽 posed of both speed and direction 쑗 The
adjective referring to vegans or their diet anemograph gives a continuous recording
vegetable noun AGRIC a plant grown for of wind velocity which is displayed on a
food, especially plants grown for leaves, chart and reveals gusts, squalls and lulls.
roots or pods or seeds that are usually velocity of light noun the speed of light,
cooked 쑗 Green vegetables are a source of which is almost 300000km a second in a
dietary fibre. vacuum (NOTE: The velocity of light in a
vacuum is the same as that of all other
vegetable oil noun FOOD INDUST an oil electromagnetic radiation. This is much
obtained from a plant and its seeds, low in more than a mere measure of distance
saturated fat covered in a given amount of time,
vegetarian noun MED a person who does because c, the velocity of light, appears in
not eat meat 쐽 adjective referring to vege- the fundamental equations of relativity as
tarians or their diet 쑗 He is on a vegetarian the factor linking mass with the amount of
diet. energy to which it is equivalent, and as a
vegetation noun BOT plants that are basic speed limit for all objects in the uni-
growing 쑗 The vegetation was destroyed by verse.)
fire. 쑗 Very little vegetation is found in the velocity of sound noun the speed of
Arctic regions. sound, which is equal to 331 metres per
vena cava 636
second through air (NOTE: The speed of vertebrate brain that connects with the oth-
sound varies in different materials.) ers and contains cerebrospinal fluid
vena cava noun ANAT one of two major venturi effect noun PHYS the rapid flow
veins that carry blood from the body back of a liquid or a gas as it passes through a
to the heart (NOTE: The inferior vena cava narrower channel
brings blood from the lower half of the body venturi tube noun PHYS a tube with a
and the superior vena cava brings it from constriction in the middle that measures
the head and upper body.) fluid flow rate based on the pressure drop
venation noun BIOL the pattern of veins in the fluid as it travels from one end of the
in a leaf or an insect’s wing tube to the other
Venn diagram noun MATHS a graphical venule noun BIOL a small offshoot from a
representation of the relationships between vein in a leaf or insect wing
the states in a system or circuit
Venus noun ASTRON the second planet of
venom noun BIOL a liquid poison secreted the solar system, and the closest in size to
by an animal (NOTE: Venoms are produced the Earth, being 82 per cent as massive
in many different animals, including
(NOTE: Venus orbits the Sun in 225 days, at
snakes, scorpions, spiders and fish.)
an average distance of 0.72 AU (108 mil-
venomous adjective BIOL producing lion km), and has no satellites. Venus is
venom and capable of inflicting a poison- swathed in clouds and has a high albedo,
ous bite or sting so is brighter than anything in the sky apart
vent noun 1. MECH ENG a hole serving as from the Sun and Moon.)
an inlet or outlet for a fluid, usually a gas Venusian adjective ASTRON referring to
such as air 쑗 During the inspection, check Venus
that the fuel tank vent pipe is not blocked.
2. EARTH SCI a hole through which air, verdigris noun CHEM a green or green-
smoke or gas can leave a building or other ish-blue poisonous powder formed by the
structure 3. EARTH SCI a hole through reaction of acetic acid with a copper sur-
which gases or lava escape from a volcano face, used as a paint pigment and fungicide
ventilate verb to cause air to pass in and verification noun COMPUT the process of
out of a place freely 쑗 The water separator checking that data has been keyboarded
is installed downstream of the cold air unit correctly or that data transferred from one
to extract a percentage of free moisture medium to another has been transferred
from the air, which subsequently ventilates correctly
and pressurises the cabin. vermicide noun MED, VET a substance
ventilation noun the process of air pass- that kills worms
ing in and out of a place freely 쑗 A constant vermiculite noun AGRIC a substance that
supply of air for ventilation purposes is is a form of silica processed into small
always available from the air conditioning pieces. It is used instead of soil in horticul-
system. ture because it retains moisture.
ventilation system noun a system that vermiform adjective BIOL shaped like a
allows fresh air to move around a building worm
ventilator noun ENG a device that causes vermin noun AGRIC an organism that is
fresh air to pass into a room or building regarded as a pest 쑗 Vermin such as rats are
ventral adjective ANAT 1. referring to the often carriers of disease. (NOTE: The word
abdomen or the front of the human body 2. vermin is usually treated as plural.)
referring to the lower side of something 쑗
The fish has two ventral fins. Compare dor-
vermis noun ANAT the central part of the
ventral root noun ANAT the spinal nerve vernal adjective referring to the spring
root that arises from the surface of the spi- vernal equinox noun ASTRON same as
nal cord that is facing the stomach spring equinox
ventricle noun ANAT 1. one of a number vernalisation, vernalization noun BOT
of chambers or cavities in the body or an 1. a requirement by some plants for a
organ 2. a chamber of the heart that period of cold in order to develop normally
receives blood from the atria and pumps it 2. the technique of making a seed germi-
to the arteries 3. one of the cavities of the nate early by refrigerating it for a time
637 vibrate
vernier noun MEASURE a small movable vertical motion noun an up and down
scale parallel to the main scale of some movement
measuring instruments such as calipers vertical redundancy check noun
(NOTE: It enables the user to obtain more COMPUT a parity check on each character
precise measurements from the larger of a block received, to detect any errors.
scale.) Abbr VRC
version noun a copy of something which vertical scan frequency noun COM-
is slightly different from others 쑗 The latest PUT the number of times a picture beam in
version of the software includes an a monitor moves from the last line back up
improved graphics routine. to the first
version control noun COMPUT utility vertical scrolling noun COMPUT the
software which allows several program- movement of a displayed text up or down
mers to work on a source file and monitors the computer screen one line at a time
the changes that have been made by each vertical stabiliser noun AEROSP a fin at
programmer the rear of an aircraft
vertebra noun ANAT one of the very high frequency noun PHYS the
ring-shaped bones which link together to radio frequency band between 30 and
form the backbone (NOTE: The plural is 300MHz. Abbr VHF (NOTE: This fre-
quency band is used to transmit television
vertebral adjective ANAT referring to the and FM radio signals.)
very large scale integration noun
vertebral artery noun ANAT one of the ELECTRONICS an integrated circuit with
two arteries which go up the back of the 10000 to 100000 components. Abbr VLSI
neck into the brain
very low frequency noun PHYS the
vertebral column noun ANAT same as radio frequency band between 3 and 3kHz
spinal column
vesicle noun 1. BOT a rounded air-filled
vertebral ganglion noun ANAT a gan- structure that helps seaweeds and aquatic
glion in front of the origin of a vertebral plants to float 2. ZOOL, MED any small
artery rounded structure filled with fluid or gas
vertebrate ZOOL noun an animal that has vessel noun 1. a container for liquids 2.
a backbone 쐽 adjective referring to animals INDUST a container for nuclear fuel or radi-
that have a backbone. Compare inverte- oactive waste 3. BIOL a tubular structure
which carries liquid around the body of an
vertex noun MATHS a point in space animal or plant
defined by three coordinates: x, y and z
vestibulocochlear nerve noun ANAT
vertical adjective at right angles to a hor- the eighth cranial nerve, which controls
izontal line hearing and balance
vertical application noun COMPUT
vestigial adjective existing in a simple
application software that has been and reduced form 쑗 Some snakes have ves-
designed for a specific use, rather than for tigial legs.
general use
vestigial organ noun ANAT an organ
vertical axis noun 1. AEROSP an imagi- which has lost its original function and,
nary line running through the fuselage of through evolution, is fully developed but
an aircraft at the centre of gravity from top non-functioning
to bottom, around which the aircraft rotates
when it yaws 쑗 The rudder is a control sur- vestigial side band noun COMPUT full
face on the fin which rotates the aircraft form of VSB
about its vertical axis to produce yaw. 2. veterinary adjective referring to the care
MATHS a vertical reference line of a graph 쑗 of sick animals
The vertical axis shows engine power VHF abbreviation PHYS very high fre-
available. Also called Y-axis quency
vertical-axis wind turbine noun ENG viable adjective 1. BIOL able to germinate
a type of wind turbine with a vertical main or develop normally 2. MED describes a
shaft fetus that can survive outside the womb
vertically adverb in a vertical position 쑗 vibrate verb to move rapidly and contin-
The aircraft pitched up vertically. uously backwards and forwards or to cause
vibration 638
something to do this 쑗 Turbine blades in vigour noun strength and energy (NOTE:
the average jet engine vibrate at frequen- The US spelling is vigor.)
cies of 1 million per minute. 쑗 The passing villus noun BIOL a small finger-shaped
traffic makes the foundations of the bridge structure sticking out from a tissue or organ
vibrate. surface (NOTE: The lining of the gut is cov-
vibration noun a rapid and continuous ered with villi to increase its surface area
movement 쑗 Engine vibration was for food absorption.)
detected in engine number one. 쑗 Vibra- vinyl noun INDUST a plastic that is not bio-
tions caused by aircraft can shatter win- degradable
vinyl chloride noun INDUST a chemical
vibrio noun MICROBIOL a bacterium with a compound of chlorine and ethylene, used
wavy or curved shape. Genus: Vibrio. as a refrigerant and in the making of PVC
(NOTE: Cholera is a disease caused by a
vibrio.) vinyl group noun CHEM a group of
organic compounds with one double bond,
video noun text, images or graphics CH2=CH-
viewed on television or a monitor
viral adjective MICROBIOL referring to or
video bandwidth noun COMPUT the caused by a virus 쑗 a viral disease
maximum display resolution, measured in
MHz, and calculated by horizontal x verti- viral infection noun MED an infection
cal resolution x refreshes/sec (NOTE: TV caused by a virus
studio recording is limited to 5MHz. TV viral load noun MED the amount of HIV
broadcasting is limited to 3.58Mhz.) in a person’s blood, usually measured by a
video codec noun TELECOM an elec- test that determines the number of copies
tronic device to convert a video signal to or of HIV in one millilitre of blood
from a digital form viral pneumonia noun MED an inflam-
video display noun COMPUT a device mation of the lungs caused by a virus
that can display text or graphical informa- virgin adjective ENVIRON in its natural
tion, e.g. a cathode ray tube state, untouched by humans 쑗 Virgin rain-
video graphics card noun COMPUT an forest was being cleared at the rate of 1000
expansion card that fits into an expansion hectares per month.
slot inside a PC and allows a computer to virgin land noun AGRIC land which has
display generated text and graphics as well never been cultivated
as moving video images from an external virgin ore noun INDUST ore as it is
camera or video recorder extracted from the ground, before it has
video memory, video RAM noun COM- been processed
PUT a high speed random access memory virtual adjective COMPUT referring to a
used to store computer-generated or digi- feature or device which does not actually
tised images. Abbr VRAM exist but which is simulated by a computer
video signal noun COMPUT a signal that and can be used by a user as if it did exist
provides line picture information and syn- virtual circuit noun COMPUT the link
chronisation pulses established between a source and sink in a
viewdata noun COMPUT an interactive packet-switching network for the duration
system for transmitting text or graphics of the call
from a database to a user’s terminal by tel- virtual disk noun COMPUT a section of
ephone lines, providing facilities for infor- RAM used with a short controlling pro-
mation retrieval, transactions, education, gram as if it were a fast disk storage system
games and recreation virtual machine noun COMPUT a simu-
COMMENT: The user of viewdata calls up lated machine and its operations
the page of information required, using a
telephone and modem. With teletext, the virtual memory noun COMPUT a system
pages of information are repeated one after of providing extra main memory by using
the other automatically. a disk drive as if it were RAM. Also called
vigor noun US spelling of vigour virtual storage
vigorous adjective BIOL growing virtual reality noun COMPUT a simula-
strongly 쑗 Plants put out vigorous shoots tion of a real-life scene or environment by
in a warm damp atmosphere. a computer 쑗 This new virtual reality soft-
639 vital
ware can create a three-dimensional room seen an object is in a horizontal line from
that you can navigate around. an observer in daylight conditions
virtual storage COMPUT abbr VS. Same visible adjective PHYS referring to some-
as virtual memory thing that can be seen 쑗 The Sun will be
virus noun 1. MICROBIOL a microorganism clearly visible through cumulus cloud.
consisting of a nucleic acid surrounded by visible spectrum noun PHYS the range
a protein coat which can only develop in of wavelengths of light visible to a human
other cells, and often destroys them 2. vision noun 1. BIOL the ability to see 쑗
COMPUT a program which adds itself to an After the age of 50, many people’s vision
executable file and copies or spreads itself begins to fail. Also called eyesight 2. the
to other executable files each time an picture on a television screen 쑗 You need to
infected file is run (NOTE: A virus can cor- adjust the vision on the set. 3. an image
rupt data, display a message or do nothing. seen in the imagination or in a dream
If your PC is infected with a virus, your data
is at risk. Computer viruses are spread by
visitor, visitant noun a bird that comes to
downloading unchecked files from a bulle-
a region regularly when migrating 쑗 Fly-
tin board system or via unregulated net-
catchers are summer visitors to Britain.
works or by inserting an unchecked floppy visual adjective PHYS referring to seeing
disk into your PC. Always use a virus visual acuity noun BIOL the state or
detector.) degree of being able to see objects clearly
virus detector noun COMPUT utility visual display unit noun COMPUT a ter-
software which checks executable files to minal with a screen and a keyboard, on
see if they contain a known virus which text or graphics can be viewed and
VISA noun MED, MICROBIOL a strain of a information entered. Abbr VDU (NOTE:
common infection-causing bacterium that The US term is visual display terminal.)
shows some resistance to treatment by the visual examination noun an examina-
antibiotic vancomycin tion of something using the eyes only. Also
viscera plural noun ANAT the internal called visual inspection
organs, in particular the intestines and visual horizon noun EARTH SCI the
other contents of the abdomen horizon which can be seen (NOTE: Because
visceral noun ANAT referring to the vis- of the curvature of the Earth, the visual
cera horizon looks curved when seen from a
visceral muscle noun ANAT a muscle in ship.)
the walls of the intestines which makes the visual indication noun something
intestine contract which is seen and which serves as a warn-
viscid adjective PHYS same as viscous ing of a more serious condition
viscometer noun PHYS a piece of equip- visual inspection noun same as visual
ment for measuring the viscosity of a sub- examination
stance visualisation, visualization noun COM-
viscosity noun PHYS the internal resist- PUT the conversion of numbers or data into
ance of a liquid to flowing 쑗 Excessive oil a graphical format that can be more easily
temperatures are dangerous, as the oil vis- understood
cosity is reduced and inadequate bearing visual programming noun COMPUT a
lubrication results. method of programming a computer by
viscous adjective PHYS referring to a liq- dragging icons into a flowchart that
uid which is thick, sticky and slow-mov- describes the program’s actions rather than
ing. Also called viscid writing a series of instructions
visibility noun PHYS the degree to which visual purple noun BIOCHEM same as
unlit objects can be seen by day and lighted rhodopsin
objects can be seen by night 쑗 Measure- visual reference noun something seen
ment of visibility by day is made by direct and used as a guide to something else
observation of objects at known distances vital adjective BIOL important, or essential
and is therefore an estimated value. for life 쑗 Vital nutrients are leached from
visibility-by-day values plural noun the topsoil. 쑗 Oxygen is vital to the human
PHYS the values which indicate how easily system.
vital organs 640
vital organs plural noun ANAT the organs vitamin K noun BIOCHEM a vitamin found
in the body without which a human being in green vegetables such as spinach and
cannot live, e.g. the heart, lungs and brain cabbage, which helps the clotting of blood
vital statistics plural noun STATS offi- and is needed to activate prothrombin
cial statistics relating to the population of a vitreous adjective CHEM being like glass
place, e.g. the percentage of live births per in appearance or characteristics
thousand, the incidence of a specific dis- vitreous humour noun ANAT the col-
ease or the numbers of births and deaths ourless gel that lies between the lens and
vitamin noun BIOCHEM a substance not the retina of the eye
produced in the body, but found in most
foods, and needed for good health viviparous adjective 1. ZOOL referring to
an animal such as a mammal or some fish
vitamin A noun BIOCHEM a vitamin that give birth to live young. Compare
which is soluble in fat and can be synthe- oviparous 2. BOT reproducing by buds that
sised in the body from precursors, but is form plantlets while still attached to the
mainly found in food such as liver, vegeta- parent plant or by seeds that germinate
bles, eggs and cod liver oil. Also called within a fruit
retinol (NOTE: Lack of vitamin A affects the
body’s growth and resistance to disease.) vivisection noun ZOOL, MED the dissec-
tion of a living animal under experimental
vitamin B1 noun BIOCHEM a vitamin conditions
found in yeast, liver, cereals and pork. Also
called thiamine VLSI abbreviation ELECTRONICS very
large scale integration
vitamin B2 noun BIOCHEM a vitamin
found in eggs, liver, green vegetables, milk vocal adjective BIOL referring to the voice
and yeast. Also called riboflavin vocal cords plural noun ANAT a pair of
vitamin B6 noun BIOCHEM a vitamin fibrous structures that run across the voice
found in meat, cereals and molasses. Also box and produce sounds by vibrating
called pyridoxine vocal fremitus noun MED a vibration of
vitamin B12 noun BIOCHEM a water-solu- the chest as a patient speaks or coughs
ble vitamin found especially in liver, milk vocal ligament noun ANAT a ligament in
and eggs but not in vegetables, and impor- the centre of the vocal cords
tant for blood formation, nerve function,
and growth. Also called cyanocobalamin voice noun the sound made when a per-
(NOTE: A deficiency of B12 causes perni- son speaks or sings 쑗 The doctor has a
cious anaemia.) quiet and comforting voice. 쑗 I didn’t rec-
ognise your voice over the phone.
vitamin B complex noun BIOCHEM a
group of vitamins which are soluble in voice box noun ANAT the hollow organ at
water, including folic acid, pyridoxine and the back of the throat containing the vocal
riboflavine cords. Also called larynx
vitamin C noun BIOCHEM a vitamin voice coil noun ACOUSTICS 1. an element
which is soluble in water and is found in in a dynamic microphone which vibrates
fresh fruit, especially oranges and lemons, when sound waves strike it causing varia-
raw vegetables and liver. Also called tions in an electrical signal 2. an element in
ascorbic acid (NOTE: Lack of vitamin C a loudspeaker that vibrates according to a
can cause anaemia and scurvy.) signal and so produces sound waves
vitamin D noun BIOCHEM a vitamin voice data entry, voice data input
which is soluble in fat, and is found in but- noun COMPUT an input of information into
ter, eggs and fish (NOTE: It is also produced a computer using a speech recognition sys-
by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vita- tem and the user’s voice
min D helps in the formation of bones, and voice recognition noun COMPUT the
lack of it causes rickets in children.) ability of a computer to recognise specific
vitamin deficiency noun MED a lack of words produced by a human voice and to
necessary vitamins provide a suitable response
vitamin E noun BIOCHEM a vitamin found voice synthesis noun COMPUT the
in vegetables, vegetable oils, eggs and reproduction of sounds similar to those
wholemeal bread produced by a human voice
641 vortex
volatile adjective CHEM referring to a liq- COMMENT: Electricity supplies can have
uid which easily changes into a gas or peaks and troughs of current, depending on
the users in the area. Fluctuations in
vapour voltage can affect computers and a voltage
volatile memory noun COMPUT a mem- regulator will provide a steady supply of
ory or storage medium which loses data electricity.
stored in it when its power supply is voltage divider noun ELEC a resistor or
switched off series of resistors that can produce voltages
volatile oil noun PHARM same as essen- that are fractions of the source voltage.
tial oil Also called potential divider
volatile organic compound noun voltage regulator noun ELEC a device
CHEM an organic compound which evapo- to control the level of voltage
rates at a relatively low temperature. Abbr voltage transient noun ELEC a spike of
VOC (NOTE: Volatile organic compounds voltage which is caused by a time delay in
such as ethylene, propylene, benzene and two devices switching or by noise on the
styrene contribute to air pollution.) line
volatility noun CHEM, PHYS the ease with voltaic cell noun ELEC same as primary
which a liquid changes into a gas or vapour cell
쑗 With kerosene-type fuels, volatility is voltmeter noun ELEC an instrument for
controlled by distillation and flash point. measuring the potential difference between
volcanic adjective EARTH SCI referring to two points in an electrical circuit
volcanoes volume noun 1. PHYS the amount of
volcanic activity noun EARTH SCI space occupied by a solid, a liquid or a gas
something such as an earthquake, eruption, 쑗 If the pressure of a given mass of gas is
lava flow or smoke emission that shows maintained constant, the volume of gas
that a volcano is not extinct increases as its temperature is increased.
volcanic ash noun EARTH SCI ash and 2. ACOUSTICS the loudness of a transmis-
small pieces of lava and rock which are sion 왍 to turn down the volume to make
thrown up by an erupting volcano the sound less loud by adjusting the vol-
volcanic dust noun EARTH SCI fine ash ume control 왍 to turn up the volume to
thrown up by an erupting volcano make the sound louder by adjusting the
volcanic rock noun EARTH SCI rock volume control 3. COMPUT the total disk
formed from lava space occupied by data in a storage system
volcano noun EARTH SCI a mountain sur- volume control noun a knob used to
rounding a hole in the Earth’s crust, formed adjust the sound on a device by making it
of solidified molten rock sent up from the louder or less loud
interior of the Earth volumetric analysis noun CHEM the
COMMENT: Volcanoes occur along faults in analysis of gas by volume
the Earth’s surface and exist in well-known voluntary muscle noun ANAT a muscle
chains. Some are extinct, but others erupt that is under conscious control (NOTE: It is
relatively frequently. Some are always usually a striated muscle.)
active, in that they emit sulfurous gases and
smoke, without actually erupting. Volcanic von Neumann machine noun PHYS a
eruptions are a major source of atmos- machine whose abilities include the skills
pheric pollution, in particular of sulfur needed to reproduce itself from commonly
dioxide. Very large eruptions cause a mass available materials
of dust to enter the atmosphere, which has
a noticeable effect on the world’s climate. von Willebrand’s factor noun BIO-
volt noun MEASURE, ELEC the SI unit of CHEM a protein substance in plasma
electrical potential 쑗 The system requires a involved in platelet aggregation
power supply of either 115 volts AC (alter- -vore suffix BIOL an organism that eats a
nating current), 28 volts DC (direct cur- particular diet
rent), or both. Symbol V -vorous suffix BIOL eating a particular
voltage noun MEASURE, ELEC an electri- diet
cal force measured in volts 쑗 As an vortex noun PHYS a flow of a liquid in a
installed battery becomes fully charged by whirlpool or of a gas in a whirlwind 쑗 The
the aircraft generator, the battery voltage most destructive winds are in the vortex,
nears its nominal level and the charging where the rotation of the whirlwind pro-
current decreases. duces very high wind speeds.
VRAM 642
VRAM noun COMPUT high speed random rubber in a reaction with sulfur and other
access memory used to store compu- additives at increased temperature and
ter-generated or digitised images. Full pressure
form video random access memory vulcanism noun EARTH SCI a movement
VRC abbreviation COMPUT vertical redun- of magma or molten rock onto or towards
dancy check the Earth’s surface
VRSA noun MED a strain of a common vulnerability noun the degree to which a
infection-causing bacterium that has person, organism, environment or system
become resistant to treatment by the antibi- is likely to be caused harm by an activity
otic vancomycin and is therefore a hazard
in places such as hospitals vulnerable adjective 1. liable to be eas-
VS abbreviation COMPUT virtual storage ily harmed 2. ENVIRON referring to a spe-
VSB noun COMPUT a method of transfer- cies that is likely to become endangered
ring data over coaxial cable, used to modu- unless protective measures are taken. Abbr
late and transmit digital television signals.
Full form vestigial side band vulture noun ZOOL a large bird of prey
VU abbreviation ENVIRON vulnerable that feeds on carrion
vulcanisation, vulcanization verb vulva noun ANAT the external fleshy struc-
INDUST to strengthen a material such as tures around the opening of the vagina
W symbol 1. CHEM ELEM tungsten 2. ELEC, cally by sending it a signal over a local area
MEASURE watt network connection (NOTE: The system is
W3C noun COMPUT a group of interna- built into the network interface card fitted to
tional industry members that work together the computer and allows a network man-
to develop common standards for the ager or network server software to manage
World Wide Web. Full form World Wide the computers linked to the network.)
Web Consortium (NOTE: Visit the Waldsterben noun BOT same as forest website for new standards dieback (NOTE: From a German word
and developments.) meaning ‘the dying of trees’.)
wader noun BIRDS a bird that feeds on Wallace’s line noun EARTH SCI a line
organisms or plants found in shallow water dividing the Australasian biogeographical
wadi noun EARTH SCI a gully with a region from the Southeast Asian region
stream at the bottom, found in the desert wallpaper noun COMPUT an image or
regions of North Africa. Compare arroyo pattern used as a background in a window
wafer noun ELECTRONICS a thin round WAN abbreviation COMPUT wide area net-
slice of a large single crystal of silicon onto work. Compare LAN
which hundreds of individual integrated
circuits are constructed (NOTE: The wafer is wand noun COMPUT an optical device
then cut into individual chips.) which is held in the hand to read bar codes
on products. Also called bar code reader
wafer scale integration noun ELEC-
TRONICS one large chip, the size of a wafer, wane verb ASTRON (of the Moon or a
made up of smaller integrated circuits con- planet) to appear to grow smaller as less of
nected together (NOTE: These are still in the the illuminated face is visible. Compare
research stage.) wax
WAIS noun COMPUT a system that allows WAP abbreviation COMPUT 1. wireless
a user to search for information stored on application protocol 2. wireless access
the Internet. Full form wide area informa- point 쑗 The WAP has an aerial and a
tion server built-in hub.
wait condition noun COMPUT 1. a state COMMENT: WAP can be used over almost
in which a processor is not active, but wait- all of the current wireless networks,
including the popular GSM mobile tele-
ing for input from peripherals 2. a null phone standard, and can run on almost any
instruction which is used to slow down a operating system or hardware device. A
processor so that slower memory or a device that supports WAP provides a very
peripheral can keep up. Also called wait simple browser that can display basic
state graphics and text-based pages of informa-
tion on a small, monochrome, 6–10 line
wait loop noun COMPUT a processor that display, similar to a tiny, simple webpage.
repeats one loop of program until some The user can navigate between pages
action occurs using two or three buttons on the handheld
device or mobile telephone. The arrival of
wait state noun COMPUT same as wait WAP allows users to access e-mail and
condition news-based websites from a mobile tele-
phone, but users have been put off by the
wake-on-LAN noun COMPUT technol-
very slow speed (no more than 9,600 bps)
ogy that allows a personal computer or at which data can be transferred over
workstation to be switched on automati- current wireless telephone systems.
WAP browser 644
WAP browser noun a simple
COMPUT without losing any data. Compare cold
web browser that works on a handheld start
WAP device warm up verb to allow a machine to
COMMENT: A WAP browser supports the stand idle for a time after switching on, to
HTML and XML web page markup stand- reach the optimum operating conditions
ards, but also supports its own markup
system, WML (WAP markup language) warning lamp noun a small light, often
allowing designers to create simple pages red, which indicates a possible danger by
that can be transferred efficiently over the lighting up 쑗 The switch is connected to a
often slow wireless link (usually at a
maximum of 9,600bps) and navigated using warning lamp on the instrument panel
two or three buttons on a handheld device which will illuminate if the oil pressure
or mobile telephone. falls below an acceptable minimum.
WAP markup language noun COMPUT washland noun EARTH SCI an area of
a webpage formatting language that is sim- land that is regularly flooded
ilar to a very simple version of the standard wash out verb EARTH SCI, INDUST to
HTML webpage coding system, but does remove a mineral by the action of running
not include many of the extra features that water 쑗 Minerals are washed out of the soil
cannot be displayed on the small screen of during heavy rains.
a WAP handheld device or navigated with
two or three buttons. Abbr WML washout noun METEOROL, ENVIRON a
process in which drops of water form in the
WAP markup language script noun atmosphere and then collect pollutant par-
COMPUT a scripting language similar to a
ticles as they fall. Compare rainout
very simple version of JavaScript that
allows WML webpages to include script- wash PROM verb COMPUT to erase the
ing functions data from a PROM
warble fly noun ZOOL, INSECTS a para- wastage noun INDUST 1. the act of wast-
sitic fly whose larvae infest cattle. Infesta- ing something 쑗 There is an enormous
tion by warble fly is a notifiable disease. wastage of mineral resources. 2. the
warfarin noun AGRIC, PHARM a substance amount wasted
used to poison rats, to which many rats in waste noun material that is thrown away
some areas are now resistant by people or is an unwanted by-product of
warm adjective pleasantly hot 쑗 These a process 쑗 household waste 쑗 industrial
plants grow fast in the warm season. 쐽 verb waste 쐽 adjective without a specific use
to make something hotter 쑗 The green- and unwanted 쑗 Waste products are
house effect has the result of warming the dumped in the sea. 쑗 Waste matter is
general atmospheric temperature. excreted by the body in the faeces or urine.
쐽 verb to use more of something than is
warm-blooded adjective ZOOL referring needed
to an animal such as a mammal that can
control its body temperature waste disposal noun ENVIRON the proc-
ess of getting rid of household or industrial
warm boot noun COMPUT a system waste
restart which usually reloads the operating
system but does not reset or check the waste disposal site noun ENVIRON
hardware same as waste dump
warm desert noun EARTH SCI same as waste dump noun ENVIRON a place
mid-latitude desert where household or industrial waste is left.
warm front noun METEOROL a move- Also called waste disposal site
ment of a mass of warm air which dis- waste ground noun ENVIRON an area of
places a mass of cold air and gives rain land that is not used for any purpose
warming noun the action of making waste instruction noun COMPUT an
something hotter 쑗 At the poles, warming instruction which does not carry out any
would be two or three times the global action except increasing the program coun-
average if the greenhouse effect makes the ter to the location of next instruction
Earth’s temperature rise. 쒁 global warm- wasteland noun ENVIRON an area of land
ing that is no longer used for agriculture or for
warm start noun COMPUT an act of any other purpose 쑗 Overgrazing has pro-
restarting a programme which has stopped, duced wastelands in Central Africa.
645 water mill
waste management noun ENVIRON the logical processes is balanced by water
action of controlling and processing house- absorbed from food and drink
hold or industrial waste waterborne adjective MED carried in
waste neutral adjective INDUST relating water
to activities designed to reduce waste and waterborne disease, waterborne
lead to a balance between the production of infection noun MED a disease or infection
waste to be recycled and the amount of that is spread by water 쑗 After the floods
recycled products used diarrhoea, dysentery and other water-
wastepaper noun ENVIRON paper that borne diseases spread rapidly.
has been thrown away after use watercourse noun EARTH SCI a stream,
waste processing noun INDUST the river, canal or other flow of water
activity of treating waste material to make water cycle noun EARTH SCI the circula-
it suitable for reuse or safe disposal. Also tion of water between the atmosphere, land
called waste treatment and sea (NOTE: The Sun causes water to
waste processing plant noun ENVI- evaporate from seas, other bodies of water
RON a facility where waste material is and land; it condenses in clouds and then
treated to make it suitable for reuse or safe falls back to the Earth’s surface as rain.)
disposal water dispersal noun BOT the spread-
waste product noun a substance which ing of plant seeds by water
is produced in a process but is not needed waterfall noun EARTH SCI a place where
waste treatment noun same as waste a river or stream falls over a steep vertical
processing drop (NOTE: Some waterfalls only appear
wastewater noun INDUST, ENVIRON in very wet weather.)
water that is part of effluent or sewage, waterfowl plural noun BIRDS birds which
especially from industrial processes 쑗 spend much of their time on water, e.g.
There is considerable interest in the anaer- ducks
obic treatment of industrial wastewaters. 쑗 Water Framework Directive noun
Wastewater will add small but significant ENVIRON a basis for future policy decisions
quantities of heavy metals to the aquatic in the European Union, setting objectives
environment. for water use and management and waste
wastewater treatment noun ENVIRON water disposal. Abbr WFD
the processing of wastewater to make it water glass noun CHEM a very concen-
suitable for reuse or safe disposal trated and viscous solution of sodium sili-
wastewater treatment plant noun a cate in water, used in cement and as a
place where liquid waste is processed waterproofing and fireproofing agent
water noun CHEM a liquid which forms waterhole noun EARTH SCI 1. a place
rain, rivers, lakes and the sea and which where water rises naturally to the surface 쑗
makes up a large part of the bodies of In the evening, the animals gather round
organisms. Formula: H2O. 쐽 verb 1. AGRIC the waterholes to drink. 2. a pool of water
to give water to a plant 2. BIOL to fill with created by boring holes in the ground
tears or saliva 쑗 Onions made his eyes watering eye noun MED an eye which
water. 쑗 Her mouth watered when she saw fills with tears because of an irritation
the ice cream. waterlogged adjective EARTH SCI refer-
COMMENT: Water is essential to plant and
animal life. Since the human body is formed
ring to soil that is saturated with water and
of more than 50% water, an adult needs to so cannot keep oxygen between its parti-
drink about 2.5 litres of fluid each day. cles (NOTE: Most plants cannot grow in
Water pollution can take many forms: the waterlogged soil.)
most common are discharges from indus-
trial processes, household sewage and the
water management noun the careful
runoff of chemicals used in agriculture. and appropriate use of water
water balance noun 1. EARTH SCI a state water meadow noun EARTH SCI a
in which the water lost in an area by evap- grassy field near a river, which is often
oration or by runoff is replaced by water flooded
received in the form of rain 2. PHYSIOL a water mill noun INDUST a mill which is
state in which the water lost by the body in driven by the power of a stream of water
urine and perspiration or by other physio- which turns a large wheel
water of crystallisation 646
water of crystallisation noun CHEM moves onto dry land, it loses momentum
water molecules that form part of the struc- and falls as saltwater rain. The rain some-
times contains fish which have been sucked
ture of a crystal up into the spout.
water plant noun BOT a plant that grows water table noun EARTH SCI the area
in water. Also called aquatic plant below the soil surface at which the ground
water pollution noun ENVIRON the is saturated with water
introduction of pollutants into water- watertight adjective not leaking water or
courses or the sea, rivers, lakes or canals other fluid
water pollution abatement noun
ENVIRON a reduction of pollution in water-
water turbine noun INDUST a device that
courses or the sea converts the motion of the flow of water
into the turning movement of a wheel 쑗
water power noun INDUST power Water turbines are often used to drive gen-
derived from a descending water supply erators or pumps.
that is converted to electricity by hydraulic
turbines water vapour noun METEOROL air con-
taining suspended particles of water
waterproof adjective not allowing water
to pass through waterwheel noun INDUST a wheel with
water purification noun ENVIRON the wooden steps or buckets that is turned by
removal of impurities from water the flow of water against it and itself turns
machinery such as a mill wheel or an elec-
water quality noun ENVIRON the suita- tric generator
bility of water for human consumption and
bathing and for animals to live in 쑗 Fish waterworks noun INDUST a plant for
have returned to many rivers because of treating and purifying water before it is
the improvement in water quality. pumped into pipes for distribution to
houses, factories, schools and other places
water resources plural noun ENVIRON
for use
rivers, lakes and other surface waters that
supply water for human use watt noun MEASURE, ELEC an SI unit of
water–salt balance noun EARTH SCI a measurement of electrical power. The
state where the water in the soil balances work done by an electrical circuit or the
the amount of salts in the soil power consumed is measured in watts.
Symbol W
watershed noun EARTH SCI a natural
dividing line between the sources of river wattage noun ELEC electrical power
systems, dividing one catchment area from measured in watts
another watt-hour noun MEASURE, ELEC a meas-
waterside adjective BOT referring to a urement of power with respect to time. One
plant which grows next to a river, lake or watt-hour is equal to one watt being used
other area of water for a period of one hour.
water softener noun 1. INDUST a device wattmeter noun ELEC ENG an instrument
attached to the water supply to remove for measuring electrical power
nitrates or calcium from the water 2. a wave noun 1. EARTH SCI a mass of water
chemical added to water to remove cal- moving across the surface of a lake or the
cium sea, rising higher than the surrounding
water solubility noun the degree to water as it moves 2. PHYS the form in
which something is able to be dissolved in which heat, light, sound or electric current
water is spread
water-soluble adjective CHEM able to waveband noun PHYS a range of radio
dissolve in water frequencies within which transmissions
waterspout noun METEOROL a phenom- occur
enon caused when a rapidly turning col- waveform noun PHYS the shape of a
umn of air forms over an area of water, wave, especially the graphic representation
sucking water up into the column of its characteristics such as frequency or
COMMENT: Waterspouts form in summer amplitude relative to time
weather as air rises rapidly from the warm
surface of the sea. Waterspouts turn waveform audio noun ELEC a method
cyclonically, i.e. anticlockwise in the of storing analog audio signals as digital
northern hemisphere. When the waterspout data
647 weather map
waveform digitisation noun ELEC the wane (NOTE: The Moon waxes between its
conversion and storage of a waveform in new and full phases.)
numerical form using an A/D converter waxy adjective 1. smooth and shiny 2.
waveform editor noun COMPUT a soft- covered with wax
ware program that displays a graphical rep- Wb symbol MEASURE, PHYS weber
resentation of a sound wave and allows a WDM abbreviation COMPUT wavelength
user to edit, adjust levels and frequencies division multiplexing
or add special effects
weak adjective 1. not strong 쑗 a weak
waveform table noun COMPUT data that radio signal 2. CHEM overdiluted with
describe a sound clip water or air
wave function noun PHYS a quantum
equation that shows how a wave’s ampli- weak acid noun CHEM an acid that does
tude varies in space and time not ionise or dissociate in a solution
wavelength noun PHYS the distance weak interaction noun PHYS the
from the highest point of one wave to the short-range interaction between elemen-
highest point of the next 쑗 Short wave- tary particles that is involved in radioactive
length permits sharper beams for direction decay
finding and more efficient reflections. weak mixture noun AUTOMOT a fuel/air
wavelength division multiplexing mixture in which there is more air than
noun ELEC ENG a method of increasing the usual 쑗 Excessive cylinder head tempera-
data capacity of an optic fibre by transmit- tures could be caused by prolonged use of
ting several light signals at different wave- a weak mixture, especially at high altitude.
lengths along the same fibre. Abbr WDM Also called lean mixture
wave number noun PHYS the number of weak solution noun CHEM a mixture of
electromagnetic waves per unit distance water and some other substance in which
(NOTE: It is inversely related to the wave- the amount of water is more than usual
length, so radiation with a short wave- wear noun damage or loss of quality by
length will have a high wave number.) use 쑗 Poor handling of aero-engines dur-
wave–particle duality noun PHYS the ing operation can cause considerable
quantum concept that energy can behave as damage and wear which can shorten the
either a particle or a wave life of the engine. 쐽 verb to become dam-
wave power noun INDUST electricity aged or to lose quality because of use 쑗 The
produced by using the force of waves more the brakes are used, the more they
(NOTE: In harnessing wave power, the wear.
movement of waves on the surface of the weather noun METEOROL daily atmos-
sea is used to make large floats move up pheric conditions such as sunshine, wind
and down. These act as pumps which sup- and precipitation in an area 쐽 verb EARTH
ply a continuous flow of water to turn a tur- SCI to change the state of soil or rock
bine.) through the action of natural agents such as
wave refraction noun OCEANOG the rain, sun, frost or wind or by artificially
tendency of wave crests to turn from their produced pollutants
original direction and become more paral- weather chart noun METEOROL a chart
lel to the shore as they move into shallower showing the state of the weather at a spe-
water cific moment or changes which are
wavetable noun COMPUT a memory in a expected to happen in the weather in the
sound card that contains a recording of a near future. Also called weather map
real musical instrument that is played back weather forecast noun METEOROL a
wave theory noun PHYS the theory that description of what the weather will be for
the behaviour of electromagnetic radiation a period in the future
such as light can be explained by assuming weather forecasting noun METEOROL
that it travels in waves the scientific study of weather conditions
wax noun CHEM a semi-solid or solid sub- and patterns, which allows the description
stance of animal, plant or mineral origin 쐽 of what the weather will be for a period in
verb ASTRON (of the Moon or a planet) to the future
appear to grow bigger as more of the illu- weather map noun METEOROL same as
minated face becomes visible. Compare weather chart
weather station 648
weather station noun METEOROL a weight noun 1. the force with which a
place where weather is recorded body is drawn towards the centre of the
web, Web noun COMPUT a collection of Earth 2. a measure of how heavy some-
the millions of websites and webpages that thing is
together form the part of the Internet that is weighted average noun STATS an aver-
most often seen by users. Also called www, age which is calculated by taking several
World Wide Web factors into account, giving some more
COMMENT: The Internet includes electronic value than others
mail, Usenet and newsgroups as well as the
web. Each website is a collection of
weighted bit noun COMPUT a bit that has
webpages; each web page contains text, a different value depending on its position
graphics and links to other websites. Each in a word
page is created using the HTML language weighting noun COMPUT the process of
and is viewed by a user with a web browser.
Navigation between webpages and sorting users, programs or data by their
websites is called surfing. This requires a importance or priority
computer with a link to the Internet (usually weightlessness adjective PHYS, AER-
using a modem) and a web browser to view OSP the state of having no weight, gener-
the webpages stored on the remote web
servers. ally as a result of being outside the
webbed adjective ZOOL with skin
gravitational pull of the Earth, the Moon or
between the toes 쑗 Ducks and other other planet
aquatic birds have webbed feet. Weismannism noun GENETICS the prin-
web browser noun COMPUT same as ciple that the inherited characteristics of
browser any organism are determined only by the
components of the male and female gam-
weber noun MEASURE, PHYS the SI unit of etes from which the organism develops
magnetic flux. Symbol Wb (NOTE: It is (NOTE: This theory rules out the inherit-
equal to 1 joule per ampere or 1 volt sec- ance of characteristics acquired during an
ond.) organism’s lifetime and is the basis of mod-
webpage noun COMPUT a single file ern genetics.)
stored on a web server that contains for- well noun INDUST, AGRIC a hole dug in the
matted text, graphics and hypertext links to ground to the level of the water table, from
other pages on the Internet or within a web- which water can be removed by a pump or
site bucket
web server noun COMPUT a computer well-behaved adjective COMPUT refer-
that stores the collection of webpages that ring to a program which does not make any
make up a website non-standard system calls, using only the
website noun COMPUT a collection of standard BIOS input/output calls rather
webpages that are linked and related and than directly addressing peripherals or
can be accessed by a user with a web memory
browser wellhead noun INDUST, AGRIC the top
weed noun AGRIC a plant that grows structure of a well above the ground
where it is not wanted, e.g. a poppy in a
wheat field (NOTE: Some weeds are culti-
Wentworth-Udden scale noun MEAS-
URE, GEOL a scale for measuring and
vated plants, for example oilseed rape
describing the size of grains of minerals
growing in hedgerows.)
COMMENT: The scale runs from the largest
weedkiller noun AGRIC same as herbi- size, the boulder, down to the finest grain,
cide clay. The approximate diameters of each
WEEE noun ENVIRON an EC directive grain are: boulder, up to 256 mm; cobble,
above 64 mm; pebble, between 4 and 64
governing the disposal of electrical and mm; gravel, between 2 and 4 mm; sand,
electronic equipment such as household between 0.06 and 2 mm; silt and clay are
appliances, tools, and computers the finest sizes.
weigh verb 1. to measure how heavy west noun 1. NAVIG the compass point
something is 쑗 He weighed the sample 270° clockwise from due north and
carefully. 2. to have a particular degree of directly opposite east 2. the direction of the
heaviness 쑗 A given quantity of lead setting sun 쐽 adjective GEOG 1. referring to
weighs more than the same quantity of alu- areas or regions lying in the west 2. refer-
minium. ring to western part of a country 쐽 adverb
649 white spirit
NAVIG towards the west 쑗 The aircraft was wheel noun MECH ENG 1. a circular, rotat-
flying west. ing, load-carrying part between the tyre
westerly adjective NAVIG to or from the and axle of a vehicle 2. the whole wheel
west 쑗 The ship was proceeding in a west- and tyre assembly on which a vehicle rolls
erly direction. 쑗 A westerly airstream cov- wheel bearing noun MECH ENG a device
ers the country. 쐽 noun METEOROL a wind which allows a wheel to rotate freely
that blows from the west around an axle
western adjective NAVIG in the west or while-loop noun COMPUT a set of condi-
towards the west 쑗 the western plains tional program instructions that carries out
west wind noun METEOROL a wind a loop while a condition is true
which blows from the west whirlpool noun EARTH SCI a rapidly turn-
wet adjective with a lot of moisture 쐽 verb ing eddy of water
to add moisture to something whirlwind noun METEOROL a column of
wetland noun EARTH SCI an area of land rapidly turning air at the centre of an area
where the soil surface is almost level with of very low pressure (NOTE: Over water a
the water table and where specially whirlwind becomes a waterspout and over
adapted vegetation has developed (often desert a dust devil.)
plural) white arsenic noun CHEM same as
wet season noun METEOROL same as arsenic oxide
rainy season white blood cell noun BIOL a blood cell
WFD abbreviation ENVIRON Water Frame- containing a nucleus, that is formed in
work Directive bone marrow and creates antibodies
whale noun MARINE BIOL a very large white corpuscle noun a blood cell
mammal living in the sea. Order: Cetacea. which does not contain haemoglobin
COMMENT: Whales are the largest white dwarf noun ASTRON one of the
mammals still in existence. There are two possible remnants which can be formed
groups of whales: the toothed whales and from stars after they cease producing
the baleen whales. Baleen whales have no
teeth and feed by sucking in large quantities energy by fusion
of water which they then force out again COMMENT: If less than 1.4 solar masses of
through their baleen, which is a series of material remain after the star leaves the
fine plates like a comb hanging down from main sequence and loses mass, it will
the upper jaw. The baleen acts like a sieve collapse into a white dwarf when the
and traps any plankton and krill which are in outward radiation pressure which holds
the water. The toothed whales have teeth active stars up is removed. White dwarfs
and eat fish. They include the sperm whale, are held up instead by the mutual repulsion
the killer whale and porpoises and dolphins. between the electrons in their atoms. They
Whales are caught mainly for their oils, emit small amounts of residual heat and
though also in some cases for food. Some when this is gone reach the black dwarf
species of whale have become extinct stage – or will do so, since the process
because of overexploitation and the popula- takes so long that no star in the universe
tion of many of the existing species is has completed it yet.
dangerously low. Commercial whaling is white hole noun ASTRON the exact oppo-
severely restricted. site of a black hole, a singularity from
what you see is what you get noun which matter emerges instead of being
COMPUT full form of WYSIWYG sucked in (NOTE: White holes are specula-
wheat noun PLANTS a cereal crop grown tive constructs, unlike black holes which
in temperate regions. Genus: Triticum. have a solid theoretical backing. They
(NOTE: Wheat is one of the major arable open up the possibility of allowing matter to
crops.) be sent to alternative universes.)
wheatgerm noun FOOD INDUST the cen- white light noun PHYS light containing a
tral part of the wheat seed, which contains perfect or near-perfect mix of the colours
valuable nutrients of the visible spectrum and appearing
wheatmeal noun FOOD INDUST brown white to the eye
flour with a large amount of bran, but not white matter noun ANAT the pale-col-
as much as is in wholemeal oured nerve tissue in the brain and spinal
Wheatstone bridge noun ELEC a piece cord
of equipment for measuring an unknown white spirit noun INDUST a colourless
electrical resistance flammable liquid derived from petroleum
wholefood 650
and used for cleaning paintbrushes and as similar to rice. Latin name: Zizania aquat-
paint thinner ica.
wholefood noun FOOD INDUST food such Williamson’s synthesis noun CHEM a
as brown rice or wholemeal flour that has method of synthesising ethers from alkyl
not been processed and so contains the iodides and sodium alcoholates
vitamins, minerals and fibre that are willow noun TREES a temperate hard-
removed by processing wood tree that often grows near water.
wholegrain noun FOOD INDUST a cereal Genus: Salix. (NOTE: Willow is sometimes
grain containing the whole of the original grown as a crop and is coppiced or pol-
seed, including the bran larded to produce biomass for fuel.)
wholemeal noun FOOD INDUST flour that wilt noun BOT 1. the drooping of plants
contains a large proportion of the original particularly young stems, leaves and flow-
wheat seed, including the bran ers, as a result of a lack of water, too much
wholemeal bread, wholewheat bread heat or disease 2. one of a group of plant
noun FOOD INDUST bread made from diseases that cause drooping and shrivel-
wholemeal flour ling of leaves (NOTE: It is caused by fungi,
whole number noun MATHS a positive bacteria, or viruses that block the plant’s
or negative number, including zero, that water-carrying vessels.)
does not contain a vulgar or decimal frac- WIMP abbreviation COMPUT window,
tion icon, mouse, pointer
wide adjective large from side to side COMMENT: WIMPs usually use a combina-
wide area information server COM- tion of windows, icons and a mouse to
PUT full form of WAIS control the operating system. In many
graphical user interfaces all the functions of
wide area network noun COMPUT a the operating system can be controlled just
network where the various terminals are using the mouse. Icons represent programs
far apart and linked by radio or satellite. and files, so instead of entering the file
Abbr WAN. Opposite local area network name, the file is selected by moving a
pointer with a mouse.
wideband noun TELECOM a transmission winch noun MECH ENG a handle used to
method that combines several channels of turn a machine manually
data onto a carrier signal and can carry the
data over long distances wind noun 1. METEOROL air which moves
widely adopted adjective now in stand- in the lower atmosphere, or a stream of air
쑗 The weather station has instruments to
ard use with many companies, institutions
and organisations measure the speed of the wind. 2. PHYSIOL
gas which builds up in the stomach and
width noun the size of something from intestines during the digestion of food
side to side
wild adjective BIOL not domesticated wind chill factor noun METEOROL a way
of calculating the risk of exposure in cold
wilderness noun ENVIRON an area of weather by adding the speed of the wind to
wild uncultivated land, usually a long way the number of degrees of temperature
from human habitation below zero
wilderness area noun ENVIRON an area wind dispersal noun BOT the spread of
of undeveloped land that is protected, as a plant seeds as a result of being blown by
national park or other conservation area the wind
wildlife noun ZOOL wild animals of all
types, including birds, reptiles and fish 쑗 wind-driven adjective INDUST powered
Plantations of conifers are poorer for wild- by the wind
life than mixed or deciduous woodlands. 쑗 wind erosion noun EARTH SCI erosion
The effects of the open-cast mining scheme of soil or rock by wind
would be disastrous on wildlife, particu- wind farm noun INDUST a group of large
larly on moorland birds. windmills or wind turbines, built to har-
wildlife reserve noun an area where ness the wind to produce electricity 쑗 Wind
animals and their environment are pro- farms in estuaries may adversely affect
tected bird populations.
wild rice noun PLANTS a species of grass wind generator noun INDUST a machine
found naturally in North America which is used to produce electricity from the wind
651 winter solstice
wind gradient noun METEOROL, AER- wind pump noun INDUST, AGRIC a pump
OSP the rate of increase of wind strength driven by the wind, which raises water out
with unit increase in height above ground of the ground
level 쑗 After take-off, as the aircraft gains wind rose noun METEOROL a chart show-
altitude, the ground speed may be affected ing the direction of the prevalent winds in
by the wind gradient. an area
windmill noun 1. INDUST a construction windrow noun AGRIC a row of the cut
with sails which are turned by the wind, stalks of a crop, gathered together and laid
providing the power to drive a machine 2. on the ground to be dried by the wind
same as wind turbine wind shear noun METEOROL a change in
COMMENT: Windmills were originally built to wind direction and speed between slightly
grind corn or to pump water from marshes. different altitudes, which can be dangerous
Large modern windmills are used to 쑗 Wind shear, if strong enough, can pro-
harness the wind to produce electricity.
duce clear air turbulence. 쑗 Fly-by-wire
window COMPUT noun 1. a reserved sec- technology can be very useful in wind
tion of screen used to display special infor- shear situations.
mation, which can be selected and looked windspeed noun METEOROL the speed of
at at any time and which overwrites infor- the wind, usually measured in knots (NOTE:
mation already on the screen 쑗 Several If combined with a direction, windspeed is
remote stations are connected to the net- called velocity.)
work and each has its own window onto the wind turbine noun INDUST a turbine
hard disk. 2. a part of a document currently driven by wind
displayed on a screen 쑗 The operating sys-
tem will allow other programs to be dis- windward adjective EARTH SCI referring
played on-screen at the same time in to a position exposed to the wind 쑗 The
different windows. 3. an area of memory or trees provide shelter on the windward side
access to a storage device 쐽 verb to set up of the house.
a section of screen by defining the coordi- wing noun 1. ZOOL one of the feather-cov-
nates of its corners, allowing information ered limbs of a bird or membrane-covered
to be temporarily displayed, overwriting limbs of a bat that are used for flying 2.
previous information but without altering AVIAT the main horizontal aerofoil of an
information in the workspace aircraft 쑗 The wing supports the weight of
the aircraft in flight.
window, icon, mouse, pointer noun
COMPUT a program display which uses
wing loading noun AVIAT the weight of
graphics or icons to control the software an aircraft per unit of wing area
and make it easier to use as system com- wing root noun AVIAT the part of the wing
mands do not have to be typed in. Abbr of an aircraft where it meets the fuselage
WIMP wing span noun ZOOL, AVIAT the dis-
windowing noun COMPUT 1. the action tance between the tip of one wing to the tip
of setting up a window to show informa- of the other wing
tion on the screen 쑗 The network system wing tip noun ZOOL, AVIAT the outermost
uses the latest windowing techniques. 2. end of a wing
the displaying or accessing of information winter noun the season of the year, fol-
via a window lowing autumn and before spring, when
wind park noun INDUST same as wind the weather is coldest, the days are short,
most plants do not flower or produce new
shoots and some animals hibernate 쐽 verb
windpipe noun ANAT the tube through ZOOL to spend the winter in a place
which air travels from the throat to the winterbourne noun EARTH SCI a stream
lungs. Also called trachea which flows only in the wetter part of the
wind pollination noun BOT pollination year, usually in winter
of flowers by pollen which is blown by the wintering ground noun ECOL an area
wind where birds come each year to spend the
wind power noun INDUST the power gen- winter
erated by using wind to drive a machine or winter solstice noun ASTRON 21
turbine which creates electricity December, the shortest day in the northern
winter wheat 652
hemisphere, when the sun is at its furthest structure or process that controls a function
point north of the equator in the body
winter wheat noun AGRIC wheat of a wiring closet noun COMPUT a box in
variety sown in the autumn or early winter which the cabling for a network or part of
months and harvested early the following network is terminated and interconnected
summer wiring frame noun COMPUT a metal
wipe verb COMPUT to clean data from a structure used to support incoming cables
disk 쑗 By reformatting you will wipe the and to provide connectors to allow cables
disk clean. to be interconnected
wire noun a thin metal filament, often one WISC abbreviation COMPUT writable
carrying electric current 쐽 verb 1. ELEC to instruction set computer
install wiring in a place 2. PHYSIOL to con- wither verb BOT (of plants, leaves, flow-
trol a function in the body by means of a ers) to shrivel and die
neurological or physiological structure or wizard noun COMPUT a software utility
process that helps someone create something
wired adjective COMPUT referring to a WML abbreviation COMPUT WAP markup
computer with a program built into the language
hardware which cannot be changed Wohler’s synthesis noun CHEM a way
wire frame model noun COMPUT a of producing urea from inorganic ammo-
method of displaying objects using lines nium isocyanate by heating
and arcs rather than filled areas or with the wolds plural noun EARTH SCI areas of low
appearance of being solid. Also called wire chalk or limestone hills
mesh model, polygon mesh model wolfram noun CHEM ELEM same as tung-
wireless access point noun COMPUT sten
a device that connects to a LAN and allows woman noun BIOL a female adult person
a computer to access the network using (NOTE: The plural is women. For other
wireless data transmission. Abbr WAP terms referring to women, see words
wireless application protocol noun beginning with gyn-.)
COMPUT a system that allows a user to womb noun ANAT a hollow organ in a
access information on an Internet server woman’s pelvic cavity in which a fertilised
using a wireless handheld device such as a ovum develops into a fetus. Also called
mobile telephone. Abbr WAP. See Com- uterus
ment at WAP
wood noun 1. FORESTRY a large number
wireless modem noun TELECOM a of trees growing together 2. BOT a hard tis-
modem that can be used with a wireless sue which forms the main stem and
mobile telephone system (NOTE: A wireless branches of a tree 3. INDUST a construction
modem usually includes the telephone material that comes from trees
hardware and an aerial, so does not need
wood alcohol noun CHEM an alcohol
to be plugged into a separate mobile tele-
manufactured from waste wood, which is
used as a fuel or solvent. Also called meth-
wireless network noun TELECOM a net- anol
work that does not use cable to transmit the woodfuel noun INDUST wood which is
data between computers, but instead uses used as fuel
radio signals to transmit signals, normally
using the 802.11b or 802.11a transmission woodland noun FORESTRY an area in
protocol which the main vegetation is trees with
some spaces between them
wire mesh noun ENG metal sheeting
made of criss-crossed wiring woodland burial noun an act of burial
designed to have low environmental
wire mesh model noun COMPUT same impact, typically placing a corpse that has
as wire frame model not been embalmed in a biodegradable cof-
wire printer noun COMPUT a dot-matrix fin or bag and burying it in a natural wood-
printer land setting without a headstone. 쒁 green
wiring noun 1. a series of wires 쑗 The burial
wiring in the system had to be replaced. 2. woodland management noun FOR-
PHYSIOL a neurological or physiological ESTRY the controlling of an area of wood-
653 wormhole
land so that it is productive, e.g. by regular workload noun 1. an amount of work
felling, coppicing and planting which a person or computer has to do 쑗 He
woodlot noun FORESTRY a small area of has difficulty in dealing with his heavy
land planted with trees workload. 2. the share of work done by a
wood pulp noun INDUST softwood that person, system or device
has been pulverised into small fibres and work out verb INDUST to use up some-
mixed with water, used to make paper thing such as a mineral resource com-
word noun 1. a separate item of language, pletely 쑗 The coal mine was worked out
which is used with others to form speech or years ago.
writing 2. COMPUT a separate item of data worksheet noun COMPUT a two-dimen-
on a computer, formed of a group of bits, sional matrix of rows and columns that
stored in a single location in a memory contains cells which can, themselves, con-
word-processing noun COMPUT the tain equations
use of a computer to produce, edit and out- workspace noun COMPUT a space on
put text. Also called text processing memory which is available for use or is
word-processor noun COMPUT a being used currently by an operator
word-processing package or program for a workstation noun COMPUT a place
computer which allows the editing and where a computer user works, with a termi-
manipulation and output of text, e.g. as let- nal, VDU, printer, modem and other facili-
ters, labels or address lists ties 쑗 The system includes five
word wrap noun COMPUT a system in workstations linked together in a ring net-
word processing in which the operator work. 쑗 The archive storage has a total
does not have to indicate the line endings, capacity of 1200Mb between seven work-
but can keyboard continuously, leaving the stations.
program to insert word breaks and to con- world noun 1. EARTH SCI the Earth 쑗 a
tinue the text on the next line. Also called map of the world 쑗 to sail round the world
wraparound 2. a particular society, community or situa-
work noun 1. PHYS energy used when tion 쑗 the bird world 쑗 the world of work 3.
something is forced to move 2. paid all the people who live on the Earth
employment, or the duties of a job worldwide adjective, adverb referring to
work area noun COMPUT a memory or covering the whole world 쑗 the world-
space which is being used by an operator wide energy crisis 쑗 We sell our products
work disk noun COMPUT a disk on which worldwide.
current work is stored World Wide Web noun COMPUT the
worker noun 1. a person who works, millions of websites and webpages that
especially as an employee 2. INSECTS (in a together form the part of the Internet that is
colony of insects) a sterile female that for- most often seen by users. Abbr www. Also
ages for food called web. See Comment at web
work file noun COMPUT a temporary World Wide Web consortium noun
work area which is being used for current COMPUT full form of W3C
work. Also called scratch file worm noun ZOOL 1. an invertebrate ani-
workflow noun COMPUT software mal with a soft body and no limbs, e.g. a
designed to improve the flow of electronic nematode or flatworm 2. an invertebrate
documents around an office network, from animal with a long thin body and no legs
user to user that lives in large numbers in the soil. Also
workgroup noun COMPUT a small group called earthworm
of users who are working on a project or COMMENT: Earthworms provide a useful
connected with a local area network service by aerating the soil as they tunnel.
They also eat organic matter and help
work hardening verb METALL the increase the soil’s fertility. It is believed that
increasing of the hardness and strength of they also secrete a hormone which encour-
a metal by subjecting it to cold work such ages rooting by plants.
as compression or tension WORM abbreviation COMPUT write once,
workings plural noun 1. the parts of read many times memory
something such as a machine that allow it wormhole noun ASTRON a temporary
to operate 2. INDUST underground tunnels path which might in theory exist to connect
in a mine black holes in different universes
wraparound 654
wraparound noun COMPUT same as many reading actions in its life. Abbr
word wrap WORM
writable instruction set computer write protect verb COMPUT to make it
noun COMPUT a design for a central impossible to write to a floppy disk by
processing unit that allows a programmer moving a special write-protect tab
to add extra machine code instructions Wurtz reaction noun CHEM a method of
using microcode, to customise the instruc- synthesising hydrocarbons using iodides
tion set. Abbr WISC and sodium
www abbreviation COMPUT World Wide
write head noun ELECTRONICS a trans- Web
ducer that can write data onto a magnetic
WYSIWYG noun COMPUT a program
medium where the output on the screen is exactly
write once, read many times mem- the same as the output on printout, includ-
ory noun COMPUT an optical disk storage ing graphics and special fonts. Full form
system that allows one writing action but what you see is what you get
X.25 noun COMPUT a CCITT standard that xeromorphic adjective BOT referring to
defines the connection between a terminal a plant which can prevent water loss from
and a packet-switching network its stems during hot weather
X.400 noun COMPUT a CCITT standard xerophilous adjective BOT referring to a
that defines an electronic mail transfer plant which lives in very dry conditions
method xerophyte noun BOT a plant which is
X.500 noun COMPUT a CCITT standard adapted to living in very dry conditions
that defines a method of global naming xerosere noun ECOL a succession of
which allows every individual user to have communities growing in very dry condi-
a unique identity and allows any user to tions
address an electronic mail message to any xerothermic adjective BIOL referring to
other user an organism which is adapted to living in
X-axis noun MATHS the horizontal axis of very dry conditions
a graph. 쒁 Y-axis XML noun COMPUT a webpage markup
X chromosome noun GENETICS a chro- language that is a simplifed version of the
mosome that determines sex. 쒁 Y chromo- SGML system and allows designers to cre-
some ate their own customised markup tags to
COMMENT: Mammals have a pair of chro- improve flexibility. Full form extensible
mosomes determining sex, one of which is markup language
always an X chromosome. A female usually
has one pair of XX chromosomes, while a XNS noun COMPUT a network protocol
male usually has one XY pair. Haemophilia developed by Xerox that has provided the
is a disorder linked to the part of the X chro- basis for the Novell IPX network protocols
mosome that is unpaired with the shorter Y XON/XOFF noun COMPUT an asynchro-
chromosome and so appears only in males.
nous transmission protocol in which each
X-coordinate noun MATHS a horizontal
end can regulate the data flow by transmit-
axis position coordinate. 쒁 Y-coordinate ting special codes
X-direction noun MATHS a movement X-ray noun 1. PHYS a ray with a very short
horizontally. 쒁 Y-direction wavelength, which is invisible, but can go
X-distance noun MATHS the distance through soft tissue and register as a photo-
along an X-axis from the origin. 쒁 Y-dis- graph on a film 2. MED an examination
tance using X-rays 3. MED, PHYS a photograph
Xe symbol CHEM ELEM xenon taken using X-rays 쑗 The dentist took some
xeno- prefix different X-rays of the patient’s teeth. 쑗 He pinned
xenobiotics plural noun BIOCHEM chem- the X-rays to the light screen. 쑗 All the staff
ical compounds that are foreign to an had to have chest X-rays. 쐽 verb MED to
organism take an X-ray photograph of a patient 쑗
xenon noun CHEM ELEM an inert gas, There are six patients waiting to be
traces of which are found in the atmos- X-rayed.
COMMENT: Because X-rays go through soft
phere (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Xe; tissue, it is sometimes necessary to make
the atomic number is 54 and the atomic internal organs opaque so that they will
weight is 131.30.) show up on the film. In the case of stomach
xeric adjective ECOL referring to a dry X-rays, patients take a barium meal before
being photographed; in other cases, for
environment example kidney X-rays, radioactive
xero- prefix dry substances are injected into the blood-
X-ray crystallography 656
stream or into the organ itself. X-rays are males and shorter than an X chromosome.
used not only in radiography for diagnosis 쒁 X chromosome (NOTE: A male usually
but as a treatment in radiotherapy because
rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells has an XY pair of chromosomes.)
are most affected. Excessive exposure to Y-coordinate noun MATHS a vertical
X-rays, either as a patient being treated, or axis position coordinate. 쒁 X-coordinate
as a radiographer, can cause radiation sick-
ness. yd abbreviation MEASURE yard
X-ray crystallography noun CRYS- Y-direction noun MATHS a vertical
TALS the study of crystal structures by movement. 쒁 X-direction
means of the diffraction patterns produced Y-distance noun MATHS the distance
when X-rays are scattered by the crystal along the Y-axis from the origin. 쒁 X-dis-
X-ray diffraction noun CRYSTALS the tance
diffraction of X-rays arising due to the year noun TIME a period of just over 365
position and size of the atoms within a days, or 366 days in every fourth year, in
crystal, used to obtain structured informa- which the Earth makes an orbit of the Sun
tion about a crystal yeast noun FUNGI, FOOD INDUST a sin-
X-ray tube noun PHYS an evacuated tube gle-celled fungus that is used in the fer-
in which a stream of high-energy electrons mentation of alcohol and in making bread
hits a metal target to produce X-rays
yeast artificial chromosome noun
X-series noun COMPUT a set of recom- BIOTECH a sequence of DNA taken from an
mendations for data communications over organism and inserted in a yeast to reveal
public data networks its function. Abbr YAC
X-Y noun MATHS coordinates for drawing yellowing noun BOT 1. a condition where
a graph, where X is the horizontal and Y
the leaves of plants turn yellow, caused by
the vertical value
lack of light 2. a sign of disease or of nutri-
xylem noun BOT the tissue in a plant ent deficiency
which transports water and dissolved min-
erals from the roots to the rest of the plant. yellow spot noun ANAT same as macula
Compare phloem
xylene noun CHEM a flammable volatile yield AGRIC noun the quantity of a crop or
colourless liquid hydrocarbon, used as a a product produced from a plant or from an
solvent and in aviation fuel. Formula: area of land 쑗 The usual yield is 8 tonnes
C8H10. per hectare. 쑗 The green revolution
xylophagous adjective ZOOL wood-eat- increased rice yields in parts of Asia. 쐽
verb to produce a quantity of a crop or a
product 쑗 The rice can yield up to 2 tonnes
xylophilous adjective BOT preferring to per hectare. 쑗 The oil deposits may yield
grow on wood 100000 barrels a month.
y symbol MEASURE yocto- yocto- prefix MEASURE 10 -24. Symbol y
Y symbol 1. MEASURE yotta- 2. CHEM ELEM
yttrium yolk noun ZOOL the yellow central part of
an egg
YAC abbreviation GENETICS yeast artifi-
cial chromosome yolk sac noun ZOOL a membrane which
encloses the yolk in embryo fish, reptiles
yard noun MEASURE a unit of length in the and birds
US and British Imperial Systems equal to 3
ft or 0.9144 m. Abbr yd yotta- prefix MEASURE 10 24. Symbol Y
yaw AEROSP noun a rotation of an aircraft Young modulus of elasticity noun
around its vertical axis 쑗 Three-axis con- PHYS same as elastic modulus
trol of roll, pitch and yaw is effected by ytterbium noun CHEM ELEM a soft silvery
ailerons, elevators and rudder. 쐽 verb (of metallic element, used in strengthening
an aircraft) to rotate around the vertical steel, in laser devices and in portable X-ray
axis 쑗 Single engine, propeller driven air- units (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Yb;
craft tend to yaw on take-off. the atomic number is 70 and the atomic
Y-axis noun MATHS the vertical axis of a weight is 173.04.)
graph. 쒁 X-axis yttrium noun CHEM ELEM a silvery-grey
Y chromosome noun GENETICS a chro- metallic element used in superconducting
mosome that determines sex, carried by alloys and permanent magnets (NOTE: The
657 zinc sulfide
chemical symbol is Y; the atomic number is zero insertion force socket noun
39 and the atomic weight is 88.91.) ELECTRONICS a chip socket that has mova-
z symbol MEASURE zepto- ble connection terminals, allowing the chip
Z symbol MEASURE zetta- 쐽 abbreviation to be inserted without using any force, then
TIME Zulu time a small lever is turned to grip the legs of the
zap verb COMPUT to wipe off all data cur- chip. Abbr ZIF socket
rently in the workspace 쑗 He pressed zero-level address noun COMPUT an
CONTROL Z and zapped all the text. instruction in which the address is the
z-axis noun MATHS an axis for depth in a operand. Also called immediate address
three-dimensional graph or plot zero population growth noun ZOOL a
z buffer noun COMPUT an area of memory state when the numbers of births and
used to store the z-axis information for a deaths in a population are equal and so the
graphics object displayed on screen size of the population remains the same
Zeeman effect noun OPTICS the split- zero slot LAN noun COMPUT a local area
ting of single spectrum lines into two or network that does not use internal expan-
more polarised ones when the spectrum’s sion adapters, but instead uses the serial
source is put in a magnetic field port or sometimes an external pocket net-
zener diode noun ELECTRONICS a semi- work adapter connected to the printer port
conductor-based device used as a voltage zero suppression noun COMPUT same
regulator because the voltage across it is as zero compression
independent of the current through it
zero wait state noun COMPUT the state
zenith noun ASTRON the point of the of a device, usually a processor or memory
celestial sphere that is 90 degrees from all chip, that is fast enough to run at the same
points on the horizon and directly over the speed as the other components in a compu-
observer ter, so does not have to be artificially
zeolite noun MINERALS one of a large slowed down by inserting wait states
group of minerals based on aluminium sil-
icates, used in water purification and ion zetta- prefix MEASURE 10 21. Symbol Z
exchange ZEV abbreviation zero emission vehicle
zepto- prefix MEASURE 10 -21. Symbol z Ziegler process noun INDUST a method
zero noun 1. MATHS the digit 0 쑗 The code of producing polyethylene or polypropyl-
for international calls is zero one zero ene using a catalyst
(010). 2. COMPUT the equivalent of logical ZIF socket abbreviation COMPUT zero
off or false state insertion force socket
zero compression noun COMPUT the zinc noun CHEM ELEM a white metallic
shortening of a file by the removal of trace element, essential to biological life. It
unnecessary zeros. Also called zero sup- is used in alloys and as a protective coating
pression for steel. (NOTE: The chemical symbol is
zero emission vehicle noun an elec- Zn; the atomic number is 30 and the
tric-powered vehicle with no direct emis- atomic weight is 65.38.)
sions from its tailpipe or fuel evaporation. zinc chloride noun CHEM a toxic soluble
Abbr ZEV salt, used as a wood preservative, antiseptic
zero flag noun COMPUT an indicator that and catalyst. Formula: ZnCl2.
the contents of a register or result is zero 쑗
The jump on zero instruction tests the zero zinc oxide noun CHEM a compound of
flag. zinc and oxygen, which forms a soft white
soothing powder that is used in creams and
zero gravity experiments plural noun lotions. Formula: ZnO.
AEROSP experiments in biology, materials
science, physics, medicine and other sci- zinc sulfate, zinc sulphate noun CHEM
ences carried out in orbit at a velocity high a colourless crystalline powder used as
enough to cancel the influence of the emetic, wood preservative, crop spray and
Earth’s gravitation (NOTE: More generally mordant for dyeing. Formula: ZnSO4.
called microgravity experiments because zinc sulfide, zinc sulphide noun CHEM
in practice the gravitation obtainable in a white or yellowish crystalline powder
orbit not quite zero, typically amounting to used as a pigment or phosphor on cathode
10 -3 –10 -6 of that at the Earth’s surface.) ray tubes. Formula: ZnS.
zirconium 658
zirconium noun CHEM ELEM a grey- zoological adjective ZOOL referring to
ish-white metal with good corrosion resist- zoology
ance, used in alloys, abrasives, flame zoologist noun ZOOL a scientist who spe-
proofing compounds and fuel rod cooling cialises in zoology
in nuclear reactors (NOTE: The chemical zoology noun ZOOL the scientific study
symbol is Zr; the atomic number is 40 and of animals
the atomic weight is 91.22.) zoonosis noun a disease that a human
Zn symbol CHEM ELEM zinc can catch from an animal, e.g. tuberculosis
zonal adjective EARTH SCI referring to a and disorders caused by Salmonella bacte-
zone ria
zonal airstream noun METEOROL a
zoonotic adjective referring to a disease
stream of air blowing from west to east in that a human can catch from an animal
the upper atmosphere of the northern hem- zoophyte noun ZOOL an animal that
isphere looks like a plant, e.g. a sea anemone
zone noun EARTH SCI an area of land, sea zooplankton plural noun ZOOL micro-
or of the atmosphere scopic animals that live and drift in water
zootechnology noun the use of modern
zone of saturation noun EARTH SCI a technological advances in animal breeding
layer beneath the surface of the land in to increase quality and production
which all openings are filled with water
zooxanthellae plural noun MARINE BIOL
zoo- prefix ZOOL animal microscopic algae that live inside cells of
zooecology noun ECOL the scientific sea animals, especially corals, each organ-
study of the relationship between animals ism benefiting from the relationship
and their environment Zr symbol CHEM ELEM zirconium
zoogeographical adjective ECOL refer- Zulu time noun same as Greenwich
ring to animals and geography Mean Time. Abbr Z
zoogeographical region noun ZOOL a zygote noun BIOL a fertilised ovum, the
large area of the world where the fauna is first stage of development of an embryo
different from that in other areas. 쒁 bioge- zymogen noun BIOCHEM same as proen-
ographical region zyme

Mean Time taken Time taken Mass Radius Number

distance from to orbit to rotate on relative to relative to of known

Sun (AU*) Sun axis Earth Earth satellites

MERCURY 0 39 88 days 58 6 days 0 06 0 38 0

VENUS 0 72 226 days 243 days 0 82 0 95 0

EARTH 1 1 year 24 hrs 1 1 1

MARS 1 52 1 88 yrs 24 6 hrs 0 11 0 53 2

JUPITER 52 11 86 yrs 9 9 hrs 317 8 11 2 16

SATURN 9 54 29 46 yrs 10 7 hrs 95 1 9 42 18

URANUS 19 18 84 yrs 17 2 hrs 14 5 4 01 18

NEPTUNE 164 79
30 06 16 hrs 17 2 3 88 8

PLUTO** 39 33 247 7 yrs 6 4 days 0 004 0 18 1

* 1 AU is equivalent to approximately 150 million km (93 million miles)

** Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006


쎵 plus; positive 앥 minus; negative

plus or minus; positive or

앧 쏁 equals
negative; approximate

쎹 multiplied by 앦 divided by

< is less than > is greater than

≠ is not equal to ≡ is identical with

~ is equivalent to; is similar to ≈ is approximately equal to

shows the equality of a

: shows a ratio ::

# number % per cent

indicates a fraction or
/ 앀 square root of

∝ is directly proportional to ¥ infinity

∪ union ∩ intersection

⊂⊆ is a subset of ⊃⊇ contains a subset

∈ is a member of ∉ is not a member of

∠ angle ≅≡ is congruent to

\ therefore π pi

( ), [ ] brackets, square brackets {} braces


The SI (Système International d’Unités) system is founded on seven base units
that can be multiplied or divided by each other to yield derived units. Values of
the base and derived units can be increased or decreased by using SI prefixes
indicating decimal multiplication factors. Units and prefixes are assigned
internationally accepted symbols.

Name Physical Quantity Symbol
metre length m
kilogram mass kg
second time s
ampere electric current A
kelvin thermodynamic temperature K
mole amount of substance mol
candela luminous intensity cd
Name Physical Quantity Symbol
becquerel radioactivity Bq
coulomb electric charge C
degree Celsius temperature C
farad electric capacitance F
gray absorbed dose of radiation Gy
henry inductance H
hertz frequency Hz
joule energy J
lumen luminous flux lm
lux illumination lx
newton force N
ohm electrical resistance Ω
pascal pressure, stress Pa
radian plane angle rad
siemens electrical conductance S
sievert radiation dose equivalent Sv
steradian solid angle sr
tesla magnetic flux density T
volt electric potential difference V
watt power W
weber magnetic flux Wb
Name Physical Quantity Symbol
ampere per metre magnetic field strength A/m
cubic metre volume m3
henry per metre permeability H/m
joule per kelvin heat capacity, entropy J/K
kilogram per cubic metre mass density kg/m3
metre per second linear speed m/s
metre per second squared linear acceleration m/s2
mole per cubic metre concentration of substance mol/m3
newton metre moment of force, torque N•m
radian per second angular speed rad/s
square metre area m2
volt per metre electric field strength V/m
watt per metre kelvin thermal conductivity W/(m•K)
watt per steradian radian intensity W/sr
Multiplication Factor Name Symbol

1024 yotta- Y
1021 zetta- Z
1018 exa- E
1015 peta- P
1012 tera- T
109 giga- G
106 mega- M
103 kilo- K
102 hecto- H
101 deca- or
deka- da
10-1 deci- d
10-2 centi- c
10-3 milli- m
10-6 micro- µ
10-9 nano- n
10-12 pico- p
10-15 femto- f
10-18 atto- a
10-21 zepto- z
10-24 yocto- y
Conversions for some common SI units or those used with the SI to imperial or US customary
units are given below
SI unit Conversion
micrometre = 0 00003937 inches
millimetre = 0 03937 inches
centimetre = 0 3937 inches
metre = 39 37 inches
metre = 1 094 yards
kilometre ≈ 0 621 miles
square millimetre ≈ 0 00155 square inches
square centimetre ≈ 0 155 square inches
square metre ≈ 1 196 square yards
square metre ≈ 10 76 square feet
hectare ≈ 2 471 acres
square kilometre ≈ 0 386 square miles
volume or capacity
cubic millimetre ≈ 0 000061 cubic inches
cubic centimetre ≈ 0 0610 cubic inches
cubic centimetre ≈ 0 0352 imperial fluid ounces
cubic centimetre ≈ 0 0338 US fluid ounces
millilitre ≈ 0 0610 cubic inches
millilitre ≈ 0 0352 imperial fluid ounces
millilitre ≈ 0 0338 US fluid ounces
cubic decilitre ≈ 61 0 cubic inches
cubic decilitre ≈ 0 880 imperial quarts
cubic decilitre ≈ 1 057 US liquid quarts
cubic decilitre ≈ 0 908 US dry quarts
litre ≈ 61 0 cubic inches
litre ≈ 0 880 imperial quarts
litre ≈ 1 057 US liquid quarts
litre ≈ 0 908 US dry quarts
gram ≈ 0 0353 ounces avoirdupois
gram ≈ 0 0322 ounces troy
kilogram ≈ 2 205 pounds avoirdupois
tonne ≈ 2205 pounds avoirdupois
degree Celsius (°C×1 8)+32 = degrees Fahrenheit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 2
1 H He
1.01 4.00
Each chemical element is represented by its symbol. Atomic
3 4 numbers are shown above each symbol and atomic weights 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
6.94 9.01 below. Atomic weights shown in brackets are for longest-lived 10.81 12.01 14.01 16.00 19.00 20.18
isotopes. Elements 113, 115 and 117 are unknown; the report
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg of 118 has been retracted, throwing doubt on 116. Al Si P S Cl Ar
22.99 24.31 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.06 35.45 39 95

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39.10 40.08 44.96 47.90 50.94 52.00 54.94 55.85 58.93 58.71 63.55 65.38 69.72 72.59 74.92 78 96 79 90 83 80

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85.47 87.62 88.91 91.22 92.91 95.94 98.91 101.07 102 91 106.40 107 87 112.40 114 82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.90 131.30

55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
132 91 137 34 138 91 178.49 180.95 183.85 186 2 190.2 192 22 195.09 196 97 200 59 204 37 207 20 208 98 209 (210) (222)

87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Uuu Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
(223) (226) (226) (261) (262) (266) (264) (269) (268) (269) (272) (277) - (285) - - - -

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Lanthanides La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
138 91 140.12 140.91 144.24 (145) 150.40 151 96 157 93 158 93 162 50 164 26 167 26 168 93 173.04 174.97

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Actinides Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
(226) 232.04 231.04 283.04 237.05 (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (254) (257) (258) (255) (256)

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