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The American Novel in the 21st Century: Changing Contexts, Literary

Developments, New Modes of Reading

Chapter · October 2019


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2 authors, including:

Michael Basseler
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen


All content following this page was uploaded by Michael Basseler on 31 October 2019.

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Extremely Loud &
Incredibly Close Falling Men
All We Have Left

Man in the Dark Freedom

The Good Lord Bird The March: A Novel

The Underground Railroad

The Sellout

The Namesake Digging to America

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Nowhere Man Open City

A Young Man’s Guide to Capitalism
Cosmopolis Odds Against Tomorrow

The Road
Salvage the Bones

All We Had
The Nest

The Fortress of Solitude

Another Brooklyn

Apex Hides the Hurt

Super Sad True Love Story

The Unwinding The Hillbilly Elegy

The Echo Maker Generosity: An Enhancement

Still Alice The Story of Forgetting

Stone Heart
Poe & Fanny

10:04 The First Bad Man

A Visit from the Goon Squad

Then We Came to the End

Bleeding Edge
The Familiar

In the Shadow of No Towers

American Born Chinese
Contemporary Crisis Fictions ‘Fictions of the Inter-
net’ Anthropocene Fiction

Constructing Postmod-
ernism how

13 Ways of Looking at the Novel


New Literary Histories

Writing America into
the Twenty-First Century
The Redemptive Self


21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Radical Technologies
Geopolitical Novel


Tree of Codes

The Circle

our modern and

democractic civilizations are founded on the primacy of a book-based attention that
encourages concentration, which is currently being replaced by a new regime of digital
distraction dominated by the image and the hyperlink

Empire Falls Then We
Came to the End The Land of Steady Habits

Anthropocene Fiction

Sense of Place, Sense of Planet

Making Literature
Against Everything: On Dishonest Times

A New Literary History of America

longue durée
Twenty-First Century Fiction

The Program Era


Oprah Book Club
Under the Cover

The American Novel in the 21st Century The His-

tory of The 21 -Century American Novel


Extremely Loud &

Incredibly Close Falling Man All We
Have Left

Man in the Dark Freedom

March The Good Lord Bird
The March: A Novel

The Underground Railroad The Sellout

The Namesake Digging to America

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Nowhere Man Open City
A Young Man’s Guide to Capitalism

Odds Against Tomorrow

The Road
Salvage the Bones
What I Loved By Nightfall

Jack Reacher
Grant County

All We Had The Nest

The For-
tress of Solitude Another Brooklyn

Manhattan Transfer

The Unwinding The Hillbilly

Apex Hides
the Hurt Super Sad True Love Story


Still Alice The Story of Forgetting

Heart Poe & Fanny

10:04 The First Bad Man

Visit from the Goon Squad Then We Came to the End

In the
Shadow of No Towers American Born Chinese

Bleeding Edge The Familiar

Organon of Life Knowledge

do pay

Lost Art of Reading
Note on the text

The British Novel in the Twenty-First


What Is an Apparatus? And Other Essays

Critique and Postcritique

Modern Language Quar-


An Organon of Life Knowledge: Genres and Functions of the Short Story in

North America
The Cultural
Dynamics of Generic Change in Contemporary Fiction: Theoretical Frameworks,
Genres and Model Interpretations
Emergent Forms of
Life in Anglophone Literature: Conceptual Frameworks and Critical Analyses

Consuming Life.
World at
Writing America into the Twenty-
First Century: Essays on the American Novel

Twenty-First Century Fiction: A Critical Introduction

Literatur als Medium kultureller Selbstreflexion: Literarische

Transversalität und Vernunftkritik in englischen und amerikanischen Gegenwarts-
romanen aus funktionsgeschichtlicher Sicht
Kontingenz und Literatur im Prozess der Modernisierung: Diagnosen und
Umgangsstrategien im britischen Roman des 19.-21. Jahrhundert
Under the Cover: The Creation, Production, and Reception
of a Novel
The Ecology of Attention
New Literary Histories: New Historicism and Contemporary
The Cambridge History of the American Novel

24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep

Ground Zero Fiction: History, Memory, and Representation in the

American 9/11 Novel
Now You See It: How Technology and Brain Science will
Transform Schools and Business for the 21st Century
The Return of the Omniscient Narrator. Authorship and Authority
in Twenty-First Century Fiction

From Formalism to Poststructuralism The Cambridge History of Literary

New Literary History
The Limits of Critique
The Futures of the Present: New Di-
rections in (American) Literature

The Futures of the Present: New Directions in (American)


with America? Essays on Culture, Literature, and American Studies

The Literature of Reconstruction: Authentic Fiction in the New

Postmodern | Postwar – and After. Rethinking
American Literature
After the Program Era. The Past, Present, and Future of Creative
Writing in the University
Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life

Mind Change: How Digital Technologies Are Leaving Their

Mark on Our Brains
Affect and American Literature in the Age of Neolib-
Against Everything: On Dishonest Times
Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

MFA vs. NYC: The Two Cultures of American Fiction

How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Techno-

Postwar – and After. Rethinking American Literature
A Sense of Place, a Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagina-
tion of the Global

Postmodern Postwar – and After. Rethinking

American Literature
The “War on Terror” Narrative: Discourse and Intertextuality in
the Construction and Contestation of Sociopolitical Reality
Contemporary Crisis Fictions: Affect and Ethics in the Modern
British Novel
Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction: Environment and
can Literary History
Making Literature Now
Literature Compass

Toward the Geopolitical Novel: U.S. Fiction in the Twenty-First Cen-


Postmodern Postwar – and After. Rethinking American Literature

Consider David Foster Wallace: Critical Essays

Novel Ontologies after 9/11: The Politics of Being in Contem-

porary Theory and U.S.-American Narrative Fiction
Literature and Cri-
ses: Conceptual Explorations and Literary Negotiations
. Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right

Forms. Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network
of Developmental Studies
Reading the Canon: Literary History in the 21st Century

The Internet of Us: Knowing More and Understanding

Less in the Age of Big Data.
A New Literary History of America

Postmodern Postwar – and After. Rethinking American Literature

Contemporary Drift: Genre, Historicism and the Problem of the Present

The Redemptive Self. Stories Americans Live By

The Program Era. Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative


The Cambridge History of the Ameri-

can Novel
Modern Language
Constructing Postmodernism
The Covert Sphere: Secrecy, Fiction, and the National Security

The Cambridge History of the American Novel

To Save Everything, Click Here: Technology, Solutionism and
the Urge to Fix Problems That Don’t Exist
Ecology Without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics

Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence.

Handbook of the American Novel of the Twentieth and

Twenty-First Centuries

Literary History/Cultural History: Forcefields and

Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze – Personen –

Medialisierung des Erzahlens im eng-

lischsprachigen Roman der Gegenwart: Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen, Genres und

Narrative Genres im
Internet: Theoretische Bezugsrahmen, Mediengattungstypologie und Funktionen

Narrative Genres im Internet: Theoretische Bezugs-

rahmen, Mediengattungstypologie und Funktionen

Anglia: Journal of English Philology

Reading Fictions, Changing Minds. The Cognitive Value of Fic-
The British Novel in the Twenty-First
Century: Cultural Concerns – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations

The British Novel in the Twenty-First Century

The British Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Concerns – Literary
Developments – Model Interpretations

The British Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Concerns – Lit-

erary Developments – Model Interpretations

Nordic Journal of Aesthetics

The Unwinding. An Inner History of the New America

Critical Terms for Literary Study

Is Literary History Possible?
Cambridge Companion to Nar-
The Cambridge History of the American Novel

Reading Communities from Salons to Cyberspace

The Givenness of Things: Essays

The Price of Civilization: Reawakening Virtue and Prosperity after
the Economic Fall
Intermedial Storytelling: Thematisation, Imitation, and
Incorporation of Photography in British and American Fiction at the Turn of the
Twenty-first Century
Human Programming: Brainwashing, Automatons, and American
Reality Hunger: A Manifesto

Writing America into the 21st Century.

13 Ways of Looking at the Novel

Anthropocene Fiction: The Novel in the Time of Climate Change

The Lost Art of Reading: Books and Resistance in a Troubled Time.

Journal of Aesthetics and Culture

Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apoca-
lypse: Classics – New Tendencies – Model Interpretations
‘Fictions of the Internet’: From Intermediality to Trans-
media Storytelling in 21st-Century Novels
Marxism and Literature
Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World.

and Rainbow: Essays
Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human

Future at the New Frontier of Power.

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