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146 Glossary

effective Irfektrvl a. works well, gives the result you want. presentation Iprezan1Wanl n. to give an oral presentation
adv. effectively is to talk to an audience about a topic in order to tell
e.g. Ii: Q3UI for example (abbreviation) them about it
elicit Irlyrtl v. to ask careful questions to get children to prompt Ipmmptl v. to encourage someone to continue
answer. In language learning you are finding out if the by helping them
children can use language (special term) recast lri:ka:stl v. in this book we use this term to mean to
exchange IrkstJernd31 n. a short conversation between repeat in English what a child has said in their mother
pupil and teacher which often consists of a question, tongue
a response, and a follow-up comment (also has rephrase Iri:frerzlv. to repeat children's speech in a
other meanings) different way, e.g. in better English
focus I faukasl v. to direct all the children's attention revise I rrvarzJ v. to go over something again in order to
towards something in particular learn it more effectively
f-rleze Ifri:zl n. a long piece of paper often put on classroom roughly IUlfirl adv. generally, approximately.
walls with pictures or words, e.g. an alphabet frieze
routine I ru:ti:nl n. the usual order or way in which you do
has the alphabet written on it with helpful pictures
(special term)
schedule lfudju:11 or I~dju:l/n. a plan ofthings that will
gesture Id3estJa(J)1 n. a movement with part ofthe body,
happen or work to be done
e.g. the hands, the head
set Iset! n. a group ofthings that belong together
gist Id3rstl n. general meaning
set expressions Iset rks~anzl n. useful phrases that
handle Ihamdal! v. to deal with (has other meanings)
children remember as a whole, e.g. I've finished. They can
interaction Irnta~nl n. a two-way communication use them over and over again for particular situations,
between people by speaking, listening, gestures, e.g. greetings
questions, and answers, etc. (special term)
small-scale Ism):1skerll a. not very big
intonation Irnta~anl n. the rise and fall of your voice
spontaneously Isponternraslil adv. speaking or writing
while you are speaking -
naturally and freely without planning and without
key words Iki:W3:(J)dzl n. the most important words being asked
label Ileiball v. to write information about something on stimulate Istrmjulert! v. to encourage, prompt, elicit
a piece of paper. You can then see the information when
stress Istresl n. emphasis. v. to put force or emphasis on a
•you look at the thing, picture, etc. Also n. : label. A piece
word when you say it. Stressed words or parts of words
of paper next to something, with it s name on
are more clearly heard
language input I J.gmgwrd3 rnput! n. the language that
summarize I SAmararzl v. to give a short version, paying
someone hears spoken or sees written down
more attention to main pOints than to details
mime Imarml v. to act silently, without speaking
sustained Isasterndl a. continuous, without interruption,
mind map Imarnd ma!pl n. a diagram that shows how you e.g. sustained talk involves saying more than just a few
can organize your thoughts about a topic or plan words or phrases
mirror Imrra(J)1 v. to copy, do or say what someone else syllable Isrlaball n. a part of a word that has a single vowel
does or says (has other meanings) sound. Some words have only one syllable but others
non-verbal Inonv3:(J)ball a. a way of communicating have two, three, even four or five - e.g. the (I), even (2),
without using language, e.g. with gestures, actions, syllable (3). co-operation (5)
movement trace Itr§sl n. to draw over lines to make them clearer.
odd one out lod WAn aut! n. the one that is different In many children's writing books letters are written
from the others in a group in broken lines that they join up by tracing over them.
phrase Ifrerzl n. a short group of words people often say; Also in schools children often trace by putting a piece
it may be easy to remember, e.g. It doesn 't matter of transparent paper over a picture or lines and
drawing over this
play-dough IQ!§deul n. soft coloured clay used by
children to make models version 1v3:(Jlranl n. something spoken or written that you
have changed to suit what you want
plasticine Ipla!strsi:nl n. material very like play-dough
and also used by children to make models volume IYQ]ju:ml n. how loud a sound is
predict Iprrdrktl v. to say what will happen next. yucky 10kil a. unpleasant or disgusting (informal)
prediction n yummy 10mil a. pleasant or delicious tasting (informal)

Some ofthese definitions are taken or adapted from the
Oxford Wordpower Dictionary.

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