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3. Find ond circle the verbs. Then write.

о р q х {, d m п

W h е 9 о т о d
1 ,I
u о W v ln I m
а t а r t n о k

е е ь l
ц i ;гг;
с ь j m k ls eip
х t z ь о ъ f t

о L о u 9 h u r

Write. Choose from the words obove.

1 Theg st*гt school ot holf post eight in the morning.
2 Theg |.i - t о computer to write emoils,

3 Тhеg ., j..., in оп old house.


4 Theg i ,, , kogoking. It's their fovourite sport.

5 Theg _
ýL school ot three o'clock in the ofternoon,
6 Theg l, ,i Ll е, up еоr[9 in winter. It's verg cold,

7 Theg '],j r1 fi__-getting

something to eot. Theg're hun9r9.
8 Тhеg _ ], 0Ъ_ when theg reod о funng storg.
ffi ,lз

Unit Verbs

:ýýýýýй.iтffdril ыммýr
1 Circle the correct words.

1 Не hoted his dinner оп Soturdog /@

2 /@
Не finished his homework on Soturdog
3 Не storted reoding о book оп@ЦОоg.
4 Не used the computer on Soturdog /€gдДС
5 Не Loved his dinner on Soturdog / Sundog.
6 Не Loughed ot о ТV progromme on Soturdog / Sundog.

2 COmplete the sentences. @ Grоmmоr Time ро9е I Iб

Theg ъж:гk** (work) in the gorden gesterdog.

Theg tid*'t pli:, (рLоч) computer 90mes.

Не Ji{*t h St е п _ (Listen)to music gesterdog.

н. шПt ОЬ а Д (wotch)Tv.

sr,. diitr't WОtОЪ (wotch) о plog gesterdog.

She COOk 0 t ftook) о fish pie.

Theg * (рLоg) bosketboLL gesterdog.

Theg W0 bt Ъ: _ (wotch) о puppet show.

lйum didn't cook it, l cooked ir!

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