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UNIT 57 lnfinitive or -ing? (2)- begin, start, intend, continue, UNIT 5t

remember, try
regr et +in3 -- .0o --I"s 1"-^( 57 .L Here i
.cqe\ + ¡. ,, le 7^. na- 1He
2 He'
a) begin start intend continue 3He
These verbs can_qqually be followed by..-i¡g or to + infinitiue. So you can say: He ca

- The baby begáñEying. or The baby began to cry. begint

- It has started raining. or It has started to rain. 1L*
- John intends buying a house. or John intends to buy a house. 2 .....
- He continued working after his illness. or He continued to work after 3 ...,.
his illness.

b) Remember ro do*Ald remember doing- 57.2 Your

Yoú remember to do somerhi{rg Q¿fqrq vo_!¿ do it Re¡¡erlbqr _tq do.5p¡¡e¡liqg_iq lhqopposite quest,
to do so-;th¡ná;
-oi-Iorg.i Exan
- --lremembered to lock the door before I lefr but I forgot to shut the windows.
-- - ---
l= I reniéiñbeiéifEi lóék.ilie door and then I t ckéd iil
- PleTs'@ilt fárgetto postit¡ 1M:
Yq" ryllE"rL.¡ {o14g r9M!!1!glrt¿ycu d-_o_it,_ I remember doing soqething_= I did H¿
.-. -'_-and now I remember ir:
somethins 2lc
- T¿E *IÉii@§lt§I!99I_U eio lrl_ !:&.L r !s eled ir a¡d_lay r H¿
clearlv rernember this) 3l'n
- Hé iáulá remem-belilrii;ing along the road just before the accident happened H¿
but he couldn't remember the accident itself. 4Tl
c) Trv to do and trv
doine ;
.ii.l.,"-a., I ah,,,4l .b d* I
t"' a
2 "t{ Awl
- I was very tired. I triéd to keep my eyes ofen but I couldn't. 57.3 ln tl¡.

- Please ry to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep. (Son
Try doing l
i.y Leans 'do something as an experiment o, trrt',/do 3f* , "rl
- Try some of this juice - perhaps you'll like it. (: drink some of iiio seg.*ff"if - 1t
you Iike itl I
- We tried every hotel in the town but they were all full. 1: we went ro every
hotcl to see if they had a room)
If try (with this meaning) is followed by a verb, we say try -ing: 3'
- l-:$lt !lld,a-qv¡v-!rq¡9 .t-o l!ve.' 'vhv don't vou- trv-pultinc ?!,.. 4'
advéitisement in the newspaperi' ( = do this to see if it helps yori to liq{ a 5l
place to live)
- I've got a terrible headache. I tried taking an aspirin but it didn't help. (= ¡ 6
took an aspirin to see if it would stop my headache) 7

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Ior,.c- 6-!A t" Leeil"- »-{A^'*

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