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l'm ftne,thankyou.

Whot,who ondhow orequestionwords.

Who Who'sthis?


In o question,
whot osksoboutthingsondwho osksoboutpeople.
We sogHowore gou?whenwe meetsomeone.

S to rte Un
r it
1 Motch.
t HeLLo ------n_1 I ' m f in e,t hon kgou.
2 Whot'sgournome? ''", T h isisA t is on .
I How ore Uou, t',.. M g nom e 'sI om i e.
\----- HeLLo.
4 Who'sthis?

Whot's How Who's


Hello. My name'sJamie.


l'm ftne,thankyou.

S tor terU ni t
How old areyou?

Howold osksoboutoge.

3 Motch.
1 H o wo ld o reg ou? I'm two.

2 H o wo ld o reg ou? w I'm three.

3 H o wo ld oreg ou? I'm s ix .

4 H o wo ld oreg ou? I'm five.

5 H o wo ld oreg ou? I'm fo ur.

S t ort erUn it
4 Write.

t Howo[d oregou? I'p \P\/e [\

2 How old ore-]+otr ? I ,M

3 How old ore- ---? I,M

4 How old I,M

5 How I,M

Reodond colour.Findthe hiddenword.

Colourwhot red. Colourwho b[ue. Cotourhow ge[[ow.
how how how how how how how whot how wh o how how how how

how how how how how how how whot how wh o how how how how

how how how how how how how who t how wh o how how how how

how who w ho wh o how who t how wh o how who t w hot w hot

how how who how who how whot how wh o how who t how w hot

how how who w ho who how who t how wh o how whot how w hot

how how w ho how how how whot how wh o how whot how w hot

how how w ho w ho wh o how who t how wh o how wh ot whot w hot


Whot'sthis?iso question.
Weuseit tofind out oboutthings.
Wecononswerwithlt's o ...

Writeond motch.

t Wh o t'sthi s ? penci [.

z Whot's d door.

this? window.

7 book.

What'sthisZ What'sthisz

A ondon oreorticles.
It'sa pencil.
It'so book.
Weuseon beforeo,e,i, o or u.
It'san apple.

2 Writethe wordsin the correctbox.

pencit rubber ruler book oron9e

It's cl b og.

It's or o n9e .

It's book.

It's_ opple.

It's_ penciL

U ni t1
o or on.
4 Write.Remember

troin p[ one umbre[[o etephont

t Whot'sthis? It's q b o tl

2 Whot's this ? It's

Whot's ? It's

U n itL
5 Whot'sthis?Drowondwrite.
oppLebook oronge troin elephont

It's o bo[[

Uni tL 11
simpleof be

Thisisyour teddy.

Thisisyour car.

Thegsogwho ownssomething.

I Motch.

U n i t2
Circlemg ond gour.
This is ball.Thisis your teddy. Thisis my doll.Thisis your car.

3 Writemg or gour.

t This is - n\! -- bo1,1..

2 Thisis- ted dg .
3 Thisis - -- cor.
4 Thisis kite.
s Thisis- -, - - tro in .

4 Writemg or gourond completethe words.

r This is -g-o-urt 'i-aln--

2 Thisis te-
3 Thisis c- -
4 Thisis - -- lL-
s This is, -- b-

Unit 2

We useisto identifgsomeone
or something. fromthe
Is comes

is Alison. 4s
This This

Is this...?iso ges/noquestion. Wechonge thewordorderin questions.

Stotement Question
ThisisAourteddy. Is thisyour teddy?
Yes,it isondNo,it isn'toreshortonswers. Weconusethem
if the questionbeginswith Is this...?
Is thisyour car? Yes,it is. No,it isn't. isn't= is not

5 Motch.
t Is thi s o c or? I s thiso
Yes,it is.

Is th iso ki te ?
'@I st hiso t ro -
No,it isn't.

s Is th iso b o o k? 6 I s th is o d o.-

U ni t2
6 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions.
t this Uour boLl, Is 2 m V d oLL ls t h is
. llt;...!i. ,:,1

3 mU this Is cer 4 Is k it e t his gou r

s puzzle Uour th is Is m g Is tr o in t hi s

7 Lookond write. Yes,it is. No,it isn't.


lsthisyourcar? fsthisyourteddyZ

fsthisyourtrain? lsthisyourkiteZ

Uni t2
simpleof be (21


Yes, n. Three
Aliso flngers!

Fi n geis
r s in g u t o r. wh enwe o re
Weu s eth es ingul orf orm
toLkingoboutonethingor person.
F inge rs is p lu ro [.Weu s ethe pl uroLf orm
whenwe ore
t reth o no net hi ngor pers on.
t ot kin go b o u mo
pLuro [=sin g u L o r +s
// ,r -\ oinh* finnor< W
onefinger)eightfingL,, fW
( / ( I

@ oneeye) twoeyes I I
.\ onenose
) fournoses
164 1^

the tob[e.
Singular Plural

le g


16 U n i t3
- Tick(/) the correctone.
'i l

: - r eeJing er o onefoce D two Legs D

- reefin ger s o onefoces D two Leg D
t \\*-/ V
-r orm D one ho nd D threeeor o
t : ort,
-, D one honds D threeeors D
; l cu nt ond w r ite .

--iowmongfoces? 2 How mongnoses?

- lw m o ngeo rs? 4 How mongor ms?

-J, V m o ng fi ngers? 6 How mongeges?

Uni t3
I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Thenmotch.

nome's Mg Tom

six I'm

books Five

gou fine I'm thonk


2 Writequestions
rubber pen door ege or m t

r Whot's this I 2 Whot's t-hlE?

It's on eor It's

20 ReviewL
Writethe wordsin the correctbox.
pencils pens bol.Ltroin cor ptone
-drt( Pdd\)
ntg :*,*'-.r fr
/ tr u o u r

( doLl tedd

Yes,it is. No,it isn't.

t Is it o bog? Is it o window?
NQ, ii rsnlt . .,

s Is it o window?

WriteThisis or Theseore.Thenmotch.
r c1E -,-mUeges. b
2 mueors.
3 munose.
4 mgfoce.
5 m9orms.

Jobs Yes/noquestions(1)

What'sMr Jones?
He'sa policeman. What'sMrsJones? She'sa doctor.

Weusehewhen Weuseshewhen
wetotkoboutmotes weto[koboutfemoles
ondmen). (girLs

Weuseit whenwe totk obout

o thingor on object.

or€: I, gou,we,theg '


I Motch.
t She's
o nurse.

2 He'so pupil..

3 She's
o teocher.

4 He'so doctor.

5 He'so firemon.

6 She'so vet.

22 Unit4
2 Tick(/) the correct

= Thisisromie. o pupil.D
M rhisisromie. o pupil.

ThisisMrsSmith.She'so housewife.
- O
ThisisMrsSmith.He'so housewife.

ThisisMr Rogers.
He'so vet. D
ThisisMr Rogers.
She'so vet. O

ThisisMr S mit h.
She's on os tr onout.
ThisisMr S mit h.He'son ost ronout.D

3 WriteHe'sor She's,
ond o or on.

H e' sa po[icemo
n. S he'so doctor.

pil,ot. housewife.

Un it4
Lookond wr it e .
Y es,
heis . N o ,h eis n' t . Yes,sheis. N o,sheisn't.

I s s heo d octor ? Is he o pil,ot? Is he o vet?


I s sheo nu rs e ? Is sheo housewife? Is he o doctor?

5 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.

sh e o housewife Is she Yes is

, - t'

ohe Is policemon he is n't N o

Is he

doctor Is s he isn't No s he

Is ?

te och er Is she is she Yes

he f ire mo n Is is Yes he

Uni t4
Wh- questions (1
of place

It'son theswina.

Where's ...?iso wh- question.

Weconuseit to oskoboutthe
ptoceor position of something.
Weconreplgwith lt's ...

WeconolsouseWhere's...?to oskoboutthe ploceor position

Thenwe conreplgwith He's...or She's...
of someone.
...?- Whereis ...?

Lookond write.
1 t het eddg? t h e b o g?
in the bo g . on t he s wi n g .

? ?
underthe st ide. in t he po o L .

Io m ie? Ati s o ?
on th e swing. undert h e s[ i d e.

26 U n i t5
Th ete dd yi s in t he bog . Thebo g i son t he s wi ng. T hek i t eis undert he sl id e .

On,in ondunderoreprepositions of ptoce.

Thegtell uswh e r eso me t hi nor
g so me onis

2 Circlethe prepositions
in,on ondunder.

Wh er e' the s pe nci L? W h er e'tshe doL l?

It' s i n t he pen c i tc os e. It's underthe seesow.

Where's the ba g? Wh ere 'sth e ru L er?

It's on the s w i ng . It's in the b og .

W h e r e'tsh e bo L L? W he r e' tshe t ed d g?

It's in the pool. I t ' s un dert h e s Li de .

U ni t5 27
! Lookondwritethe questions.

It'sin the poo[.

I t'sundert he s Lide.

I t'sundert he s wing.

It'son the seesow.

: -ookondwrite.
t h eb o L L ?
L ts th esw i n g .

- t h et e d d g ?
It's th e b o g .
t h etro in?
the seesow.
th ed o L L ?
th eswi ng.
th eco r ?
t h esw i n g.
the kite?
t h e sL i de .
ffiy fmm$fly Yes/noquestions(2

Youaren'tmydad! Andyou're Alison,my sister.

I ondgouoresubjectpronouns. WeuseIfor ourselves.

goufor o personwe oretol.king
Singu[o r PturoI
I, gou,he,she,it we, gou,theg

I 'm =Iom gou're= !ou of€

I Drowgoursefondwrite.

I'm Don.

30 Unit6
3 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.
1 mg grondpo You're

Y o u' rem g g r o n d p o

2 mg grondmo You're

3 mU sister You're

4 You mg oren't sister

5 mg You're mum

6 mum You mg oren't

U ni t 6
Areyoumy brother? Areyou my brother?

No,l'flIyourgrandma. l'm yourbrother.


Weuseit to find out oboutpeople.

Aregou...?iso ges/noquestion.
thewordorderin questions.
Youare mq brother.
Uo u 'yg= g o u o I€
Areyou mg brother? .,

4 Lookond write.

A goum g siste r? mVgrondmo?

Ag mg g ron dp o?

m Yes, mg mum!

U n i t6
Areyoulamie'smum? mumtoo!
I'm Alison's

It's co[[edthe possessive's.

'stells uswho hossomething.

I'm Alison's
brother. Thisis lamie's book.

Th ism or k' i s c o L Leodn o p os t r op he .

Circlethe possessive
T hi s i s Al i s on' sf om iLg.I om ie is A L is o n 'sb r ot he rA
. n d M r s R ob in s o n
i s h i s m u m . A li son' s dad is M r Ro b in s onG. ro nd m o 'sno m e is C ot h er i n e .
Gr o n d p o ' sn ome is E r nie .


t Grondmo It's book.

z Alison It's hot.

I Grandpo It's p e n.

q Iamie It's puzzl,e.

- \

s Mum It's doLL.

o Dod It's p e nc i cLo s e .

U n it6 33
troin cor teddg d o L t bc[t kite

1 7

It's in the pool.

2 )

It'sonthe swing.

It's underthe seesow.

It'sin thetree.


It'sin the bog.

Dod's Mum's Atison's Icnnie's

d od. mum.

book. bog

Review2 35

Whatarethese? No,theyaren't.
Arethey trousers? They're

Aretheg...?iso ges/noquestion. Weconuseit to oskobout

mor eth o no n ep e rs o o
n r t hing.
Yes,thegoreondNo,thegoren'toreshortonswers to the
Aretheg socks?
Yes,thegare. Arethey trousers?No,theyaren't.
No,thegoren't.= N c

1 Tick(/) the correctshort onswer.

Ar eth e gshoes ? Arethegdresses
thegore. D Yes,
thegore. I
No,thegoren't.D No,thegoren't. l
Arethegcoots? Aretheghots?
thegore. o Yes,
thegore. I
No,thegoren't. D No,thegoren't. l
? Arethegsocks?
thegore. o Yes,
thegore. I
No,thegoren't. D No,thegoren't.I
,6 U n i t7
Yes,thegore. No,thegoren't.

socks? ArethegDod'ssocks?
-, -,

egIomie'sshoes? ArethegMum'shots?

look ond write.Alison'sor fomie's?

it is. No,it isn't. Yes,
thegore. No,thegoren't.

shorts? 2 Arethegfomie'ssocks?
Yes, theuare

3 Is it ALison's
hot? ArethegIomie'sshoes?
_t -,

s Is it Alison's
T-shirt? Is it Iomie'sdress?
-, _t

Un it7
5 Writehisor her.

c t This i s i t . ", h ot.

E Th i si s T-shirt.
@} 2 Thi s i s

hot .


s T hisis shoe . T hi si s shoe.

. T her J ' r his

c t r o u s crs

'.: f
. li t €rI' Cl,.€,S.!

Un i t7
WhereareJamieand Dave?
Arethey in the bedroom?
fs shein the livingroom?

Is shein ...?is o ges/noquestion. We conuseit to

o ski f o per s onor th ing is in the p [o c ewe th in k .
Alison?Is shein the living room?
Where'sIamie?Is he in the kitchen?
WhereareIamie and Dave?Aretheg in the hall?

2 Motch.

Aretheg in the hol,l,? Yes,he is.

Is he in t he L ivi ngr oo m ? Yes,


Ar et heg i n t he k it c h en ? N o ,h e is n ' t.

Is he in t he b othr o om ? N o ,t h egor e n ' t .

Un it8


Upstoirs onddownstoirs Thegtetl uswheresomeone

or something isin o house.
meonsof thetop of the house.
Downstoirs meonsof the bottomof the house.
Where'sIamie? WhereareAtisonandMum?
He'supstairs. Theg'redownstairs.
Where's the bathroom? Wherearethe kitchenandthediningroom?
It'supstairs. Theg'redownstairs.

t Where's
Jomie? W her eor eAlisonond Mum?
He 's_ ,_ r_' _rl , _ . Theg're
He 's ' " 'i , i . , " Theg're
r Where's
the kitchen? 4 Where's
the bothroom?
s Where's
Dod? 6 Where'sthe hoil.?



I've Eotsogsthot gou hoveor own something.

g oudo n' tho v eo r o w n s omet hing.
I've got a sandwich.It'smy sandwich.
I haven'tEot a banana.

I've got = I hovegot I hoven'tgot = I hovenot got


Alisonor fomie?WriteA or I.
1 I'vegot o biscuit.
z I'vegot two biscuits.
3 I'veg o t a b o no n o .
4 I hoven'tgot o peor.
5 I'vegot two peors.
6 I 'veg o t o d ri n k .
7 I 'veg o t o n o p p L e.
8 I h ove n 'tg ot o n o pp L e .

U n it9
2 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.

two I've got sondwiches

l/" h g5
l .' i /o _sc' t: 1., . , is

two got I've opples

on oppte hoven't I got

o drink got I've

egg on got I've

6 hoven't I two biscuits got

o drink qsor,dwtch on opple o biscuit

I'vegot I . r lnr lr r r.; r p

I hoven'tgot

I hoven'tgot

Uni t9
Haveyougotyourlunchbox? gotyourshoesT
Haveyou gotyourbooksZ
Haveyou gotyourpencilcase?

Yes,I have. h a v en 't !

Hovegou got ...?is o ges/noquestion. We conuseit to osk

o b o u tt h e th i n g sp e o p l eh ov e.
Yes,I hoveond No,I hoven'toreshortonswers.We conuse
t hemif th eq u e st iobne g i ns
Hc vegougot.. .?

No,I hoven't.= No,I hove

4 Motch.
t Hovegougotonoronge? No,I hoven't.
z H ovegoug o t g o u rp e n cil s? Yes,I hove.

No,I hoven't.

Yes,I hove.

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions.

t got Hove gou o [unchbox 2 two sondwiches got Hove gc_

o n e gg g o t U o u H o ve Uou got o bonono H ov e

46 U ni t9
Yes,I hove. No,I hoven't.

t Ho vegougot ab an on o?
z Ho vegougo t o n e gg ?
I Ho vegougo t o bi sc ui t?
4 H ovegougo t o s on dwi c h?
s H ovegougo t o dri n k?
6 H ovegougo t o n o pp l e?

Hovegougot? Yes,I hove. No,I hoven't.

Em mo: o pe or? Jom ie: o bi sc uit?

J om ie: Dove: , .,. -

Em mo: o peor? Dove: o sondw i c h?

Io m ie: o so ndwic h? 6 Dove: o p eo r?
Em mo: E mmot ,
U ni t9 47
I WriteThisis or Theseoreond hisor her.
, O rhis[shts hot.


o trousers.


M shoes.

b dress.

(3 coot.

Yes,thegore. No,thegoren't.

2 Aretheg hissocks?


Aretheghershoes? Aretheghissocks?
-, _t

Aretheghertrousers? Arethegherdresses?
_t -,

3 WriteI've got ond o wordfrom the box.
o o drink o peor o sondwich o tomoto on oronge


Yes,I hove. No,I hoven't.

Review3 49
My friends Havegot -

T h i si sI o mi e. T h i si sfo mi e' sf ri end.

He'sgot short He rn o me's Angi e. 5h e
hoir.He'sgot hosn'tgot shorthoir.
browneges. S h e 'g s o t L on gh oi r .
5he'sgot greeneges.

He's9ot,she'sgot ondit's got sogthot o personor thing

hosor ownssomething.
5he'sgot a doll. It'sherdoll.
Weolsousethemto soghow peopteondthings[ook.
Affirmotive Negotive
He'sgot shorthair. Hehasn'tgot long hair
It'sgotfour sides. It hasn'tgotfour sides.

Reodond circle.
t ffifr !i's.,
/ She's gotfour[egs.
f He's
2 It / She/ Hehosn't
t { rt's/she'sf He'sgotthreesides.

It's/She'sf He'sgot o boLl..

It's / She'sf He'sgot o hot.

It / She/ Hehosn'tgot o hot.

U n i t1 0
2 Look,reodondwrite the nomes.

1 She'sgot long hoir. Jomie'sfriends

2 He'sgot o puzzLe.
got o whitedress.
3 She's

4 He'sgot o book.
5 She'sgot o bog.

6 He'sgot o whiteT-shirt.

7 She'sgot blockhoir.

8 She'sgot brownhoir.

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.


He's o got biscuit three got It's sides

. ' s oo
r-- t o bis cu i t It's

block hoir got She hosn't bike o He's got

Lookond write. UseHe'sgot or She'sgot ond wordsfrom the box.
gregtrousers o [unchbox o blueT-shirt
o btuehot o gellowT-shirt obog

She'soot [onohoir

Lookondwrite.Uselt's got ondwordsfrom the box.

long short triongle rectongle

four sides.

two sidesond

two s id eso n d
sides.It's o

,2 Unit10
6 Mokethe sentences
L He'sgot tonghoir. H e hos n ' to ot [ on qhq ir
2 She's got btockhoir.
3 lt's got bigeues.
4 She'sgot greensocks.
5 He'sgot blocktrousers.

7 Lookond write.
He'sgot She'sgot It's got Hehosn'tgot Shehosn'tgot It hosn'tgot


/ x ,/

/ x


4 10
5 1.1

I like monkeys. don't lil<esnake:

I LikeondI don'tlikeorepresentsimpteformsof theverb[ike.

Weusethe present simpleto toLkoboutthingsthot oretruenow.
Affirmotive Negotive
@ I like €) r don't like


WriteI [ikeor I don'tl.ike.

giraffes. monke5,s

U n i t1 1
3 Lookondwrite.
Like:g Don'tLike:

A[ison (")
Io m ie o
M um ("
Dod ("
r A l i son '[ l i ke e[ ep ho 1 15^ .:: ' : ' ..' s n ok es .I ti ke m onk eg s.
2 Jo m ie : e[ephonts. snokes.
3 M um : e[ephonts. snokes.
4 Dod : e[ephonts. snokes.

4 Whot do gou like?Thenwrite oboutgou.

etephont snoke monkeg frog

o o o o o o
1 I tike zebras 2
3 4
5 6

Un it L 1
W r it e.
big LittLe bLue red Lon g geLLow s hort toLl. I reen


7 Circlethe odjectives.
Trueor foLse?
WriteT or F.

- ELep hontor s e g re e n .
z Giraffesore short.
I Elepho nt sore b ig .
+ S nok esor e to L t.
s Frogsore Little.

Uni t1L 57
#mnnffiffiy Wh- questions

Do you like flsh? No,I don't.

Do you lil<ecarrots? No,I don't.

Dogoulike...?iso ges/noquestion. Theshortonswers oreYes,I do

or No,I don't.It isthe present
DogouLike + . ? = Doyou likeapptes? Yes,I do.
DogouLike . + ? = Dogou tikebananas? NorI don't.

I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions.

Uou Do Like meot

l"ike Do oronges gou Dogou

Like breod Do Uou Do

rice Like gou Do

Like Do tomotoes gou

gou Like fish gou Do

D o u o .rr . ' ( cb' eo d ?

corrots Dogou

w b o n on os

& rice


t Dogoulikefish?@ ----.- Dogoulikemeot?O

Dogoulikecorrots?@ 4 Dogoulikeopples?@

s Dogoulikerice?@ 6 Dogoulikebreod?@

4 Write.
Yes,I do. No,I don't.

1 Doyou[ikemeot?
2 Dogou[ikecorrots?
3 Dogoutikefish?
4 Dogou[ikebreod?
5 DogouLikejuice?
6 DogouLikemitk?

Unit 12
what do you likez


Whotdo gou Like?is o wh- question.

O I likeyogurt. €) I don't likefish.

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.

t do Whot Like gou 2 gou Do Lik e bononos

.]if.,L .'tt tltlt -ll..t--- - ,?

3 Uou Do fish tike gou tike do Whot

tike I breod 6 don't I like breod

L i ke Wh o t Uo u d o corrots I tike don't

U n it1 2
5 Lookondwrite.


Vt {

, Em mo?

, Jom ie?

5 , Dove?
7 , Angie?

9 , Angie?
11 , E f fi mo ?

Un it1 2
got or Shehosn'tgot.
I WriteShe's
1 She'sgot Longhoir.
2 She hasn'tqot shorthoir.

3 stroighthoir.
4 curlghoir.
5 blockhoir.
6 brownhoir.
7 o dotL.
8 o teddg.

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.

t Like I lions 2 monkegs like I
I tike lrons

3 don't I etephonts tike 4 don't Like I snokes

s giroffes Like I 6 I tike don't monkegs

t It's big. b
2 Theg're [ong.
3 Theg're toLL.
4 It's [ong.
5 It'ssmo[[.
6 It's short.

62 Review4
No,I don't. Yes,I do.

t Mu m: Do gou [i kecorrots? Mum:Dogo u[ikebreod?

A nn : N Q , i . ,- . Ann:
M um:D og oul ik er ic e ? Mum:Dogo uLik ebononos?
A nn : , Ann: ,
M um :D og oul ik eo p p t e s ? Mum:Dogo uLik egogu rt?
A nn : , - Ann: ,

Lookond write.
W ho t . 'No Li ke d on' t I

do you likez

don't. likemeat!

:J* Thereis and there:

Thereare fourrooms.
There'sa bed.
There'sa cupboard.

Weusethere'sondthereoreto to[koboutthingsoroundus.
Weusethere'sto to[koboutonethingor person.
a bed. There'sa cupboard.
Weusethereoreto tol.kobouttwo or morethingsor
Therearefour rooms. there's= thereis

t Thereoretwo tog boxes.
2 There'so tog box.
r There'so do[[.
4 ThereorethreedoL[s.
s Thereorefour books.
6 There'so book.

64 U ni t1 3
Write the words in the correctbox.
two pitlows o cupboord five pencils
-abed' ;Jght-ffi-
ten cors o doLL sixpuzzles o shef o blonket

There's - Thereore

o bed a -" ,ocRS

t _l'ircri?-\ oruE teddg.

Un it13
ls therea shoe?
ls there a sock?
ls there a boy?


Is there...?iso ges/noquestion. WeconuseIs there...?to

oskobo u t h i n g sor o u n dus .
Wechongethe wordorderin questions.
There'so pillow on the bed.
Is therea pitlow on the bed?

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions.

t there Is o pil.Low 2 there Is o tog box

3 sheLf o Is there 4 a bed there Is

o Is cupboordthere rug Is o there

U n it1 3
lstherea train? No,thereisn't.

isn'toreshortonswers. Wecon
eg insI s t he re. . . ?

Yes,there is. No,thereisn't.= No,thereis not.


5 Tick(/) the correctshortonswer.

t I s t h er eo b e d ? N o ,t h e reis n't. o
Ye st,h e rei s. a
2 Is thereo sheLf? N o,t he reisn' t D
t he r eis .
Y e s, D
I Is thereo tog box? No,thereisn't. D
Y e s,th e reis. o
4 I s t h e reo c u p b oo r d ?N o ,th e r eisn't . D
, e reis.
Ye sth o
6 Lookondwrite.
thereis. No,thereisn't.
1 I s t hereo c oro nt hesh eL?f
2 Is thereo botlonthe sheLf ?
3 onth e b ed ?
I s thereo b [onk et
4 I s thereo c upb oord ?

U n it13 r
Can for ab

I canrun!A snake

A birdcan fly.l can't fly.

Co nm eo nsth ot U ouo reo bl et o do s o m et hi ng.

I t o l wogs
A birdcanfly. It canfly.
Con'tmeonsthot Uouorenotobleto do something.
A snakecan'trun. It can'trun.
Iamiecan'tfly. Hecan'tfly. con't = Coflflot

1 Trueor folse?WriteT or F.
A m onk egc o ns i ng .
A m onk egc on' ts i n g.

Af i shco ns wim . A porrotconswim.

Af i shco n ' tswi m. A porrotcon'tswim.

A s n ok ec onr un. A tige rc onru n.

A s no k ec o n' tr un . A tige rc on 'trun .

U ni t14
2 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.
zebro A con't fLg A wo[k. con't fish

A t eft 't a :''. ' '. , ,

monkeg A con run porrot A swim con't

A tolk con't cot con plog Alison

Writeconor con't.
t Iomie con write. Iomie
A monkeg write. A fish
r Jomie run. A bird fl'u.
A snoke run. Iomie fl,s.
+ W{Jetruesentences.
s ln 9 r un crimb fty _ i
bird ,/ x X ' r/ i
monkeg x / /x
t bird/ sing 2 monkeg/fLg
A br rd con sia c A m onkegcont flil
3 bird / run 4 monkeg/ cLimb

s bird/fLg / run
6 monkeg

7 bird/climb 8 monk "g/sing

Unit L4 69
5 Tick(/l ondwriteoboutgou.
I con I con't 1

t oLk 2

fLu 5
wo[k 6

Yes,it can.

Conit ...?is o gesfno question. We useit to find out whot onimols

on dth i ng so r eo bl et o d o.
Yes,it conond No,it con'toreshortonswers.
We conusethem
if the question
Conit run? ,/ Yes,it con. X No,it con't.

we useconhe or consheto find out whot peop[eoreob[eto do.


Uni tL4
6 Motch.

Co nit fl.g? Con it swim? Coni t ct im b? Con it ctimb? C onit run? Coni t run?

No,it con't. Yes,it con.

Conhe Conshe Conit 'con Yes,he con
Yes,it con No,shecon't No,shecon't No,it con't

C onhe r u n? C o ns h es w im ?


Coni t r un? toLk?

, --

flu? c l i mb?
- --,

l m p e r a t=i,
imperatr . =:

Let'smakea sandcastle.

Let'splayfootball. That'sa

Weuse[et'soso wog of suggesting

to somebodg
thot goudo
wo[k. ptoUfootboLL.
run. Jindshe[ts.
l-et,s c[imb. Let,s swimin the seo.
toLk. go in o boot.
sin g . write. [et's= Letus
drow. mokeo sondcostte.
1 Let'smokeo sondcostle.
2 Let'spLoU footboLL.
3 Let'sdrow.
4 Let'sJindshells.
s Let'sgo in o boot.
6 Let'sswimin the seo.

72 U ni t1 5
Lookond write. UseLet'sond the words in the box.

-reod' find shells hoveon ptogfootboLL

mokeo sondcostleswimin the seo

fomie: Lels-reqd

fo m ie: Jomie:

Io m ie: Io m ie:

Writethe wordsin the correctorder.

t swim in seo Let's the 2 footbol.l.Let's pl.og

L -e t 'ssw i nt ,, - ,: ^ . a:, , .

3 Let's o sondcostlemoke she[[s find Let's

s icetoLLg on Let's hove 6 good ideo Thot's o

Un i tL5

! Thisis on exclomotion mork.We ofien useit of the '4,

w h enth e ve rbi s on i mp ero t i ve.

e n do f the sen ten ce G-

4 Motch.
t F i n dt h e b otL!
z R un !
r Co t c ht h e boL L!
4 Woit!
s Look!

74 Unit15
Don'tforgetyourhat, Alison.


rtive.We con useo negotiveimperotive

t hi ng.W e usedon' tondo ver b.

Imperotive Negotiveimperotive
Forget. Don'tforget.
Run. Don'trun. don't= do not
Look. Don'ttook. I

Mokethe imperotives
t Wo[k! I

2 Ru n! I

3 Ston du p! I

4 Pl,ogboLL! I

s Ho veon i ce[oLLg! I

6 Lookondwrite.
Don'tswim Don'twoLk Don'tflg Don'trun

o kite!

Uni t15
the picture.
1 Describe

1 Thereore 2 There's
3 4

2 Motch.
t It conswim.
2 Shecon'tswim.
3 He condrow.
4 Heco ns i n g.
s Sh eco nju mp .
6 It con'tjump.

76 Review5
3 Writeshortonswers.

C o nit s w im ? Conit totk? Con sheswim?


Con it climb? C o nhe dr ow? Conit si ng?
- -" t , - --

4 Lookondwrite.
Let'srun Let's go Let'scl.imb
swim Let's


in o b o o t!

5 Lookondwrite.
Don'two[k Don'tswim Ftg Drow

o picture!


Subjectpronouns Possessive
I mg
uou uour
he his
she her
it its
we our
theg their

Affirmotive Negotive
Shortform LongJorm ShortJorm Longform
I'm I om I'm not I om not
gou're gouore gouoren't gouorenot
he's heis heisn't heis not
she's sheis sheisn't sheis not
it's it is it isn't it is not
we're we ore we oren't we qrenot
gou're gouore gouoren't gouorenot
theg're thegore thegoren't thegorenot

Interrogotive Shortonswers
om I? Yes,Iom. No,I'm not.
oregou? Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't.
is he? Yes,heis. No,heisn't.
is she? Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't.
is it? Yes,it is. No,it isn't.
orewe? Yes,we ore. No,we oren't.
oregou? Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't.
oretheg? Yes,
thegore. No,thegoren't.

Ho v eg o t

Affirmotive Negotive
Shortform Longform Shortform Longform
I've got I hovegot I hoven'tgot I hovenot got
gou'vegot gou hovegot gou hoven'tgot gouhovenotgot
he'sgot he hosgot he hosn'tgot he hosnot got
she'sgot shehosgot shehosn'tgot shehosnot got
it'sgot it hosgot it hosn'tgot it hosnot got
we'vegot we hovegot we hoven'tgot we hqvenot got
gou'vegot gou hovegot gou hoven'tgot gouhovenotgot
theg'vegot theg hovegot theg hoven'tgot theghovenot got

Interrogotive Sh or ton sw er s
hoveI got? Yes,I hove. N o,I ho ve n' t.
hovegougot? Yes,gou hove. No,gou hoven't.
hoshegot? Yes,he hos. No,he hosn't.
hosshegot? Yes,shehos. No,shehosn't.
hosit got? Yes,it hos. No,it hosn't.
hovewe got? Yes,we hove. No,we hoven't.
hovegougot? Yes,gou hove. No,gou hqven't.
hovetheggot? Yes,theg hove. No,theg hoven't.

Affirmotive Negotive
ShortJorm LongJorm
I Like I don't [ike I do not Like
goulike gou don't [ike gou do not like
helikes he doesn't[ike he doesnot like
shelikes shedoesn't[ike shedoesnot [ike
it likes it doesn'ttike it doesnot [ike
we like we don't [ike we do not like
gouLike gou don't like gou do not like
theglike theg don't [ike theg do not like

Interrogotive Sh or tons we r s
do I Like? Yes,I do. No,I don't.
do gou[ike? Yes,gou do. No,gou don't.
doeshe [ike? Yes,he does. No,he doesn't.
doesshe[ike? Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesn't.
doesit [ike? Yes,it does. No,it doesn't.
do we [ike? Yes,we do. No,we don't.
do gou[ike? Yes,gou do. No,gou don't.
dothegLike? Yes,theg do. No,theg don't.

T h e r ei s o n d t he r eo re

Affirmotive Negotive
Shortform Longform Shortform Longform
there's thereis thereisn't thereis not
thereore thereoren't thereorenot

Interrogotive Shortonswers
isthere? Yes,thereis. No,thereisn't.
orethere? Yes,thereore. No,thereoren't.

I r np er o ti v e s

Affirmotive Negotive Affirmotive Negotive

Shortform Longform cotch don'tcotch
I c on I con't I connot find don'tfind
g o uc o n gou con't gou connot fts don'tflg
h ec o n he con't he connot forget don'tforget
sh ec on s h ec on ' t s heco n n ot hove don'thove
it con it con't it connot jump d o n ' ju
t mp
we con we con't we connot look don'tlook
g O UCO n gou con't you connot ptou don'tplog
t h e gc o n theg con't theg connot run don'trun
stondup don'tstondup
Interrogotive Sh o r to n sw er s swim don'tswim
c o nI ? Yes,I con. No,I con't. woit don'twoit
c o ng o u? Yes,gou con. No,gou con't. wo[k don'two[k
c o nhe? Yes,he con. No,he con't.
c o nsh e? Yes,shecon. No,shecon't.
con it? Yes,it con. No,it con't.
c o nw e? Yes,we con. No,we con't.
co ngou ? Yes,gou con. No,gou con't.
co nt h e g? Yes,theg con. No,theg con't.

Forstudentspreparingfor the
Cam bridge ESOLYoung Learner's examsi
3 ond4
F t ge r s: Gr om mo rF r i e nd5s o n d 6

tsBN 978-0-1


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