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Ten years after Skullfire’s supposed death…

“Queen Ebony of the NightWings, I challenge you for the throne,” announced
Soulslayer. She was now bigger and stronger than her heartbroken mother, who was
a moody lump of a dragon since the supposed death of her daughter, Skullfire.

Trying to look regal, Queen Ebony sat upright and held her wings like they were
jewels. She steeled her gaze, and looking at her daughter, she said, “I accept your
challenge, Princess Soulslayer.”

King Hail drew his queen back. “Are you susre this is a good idea?” he murmured to
his mate, “I know our daughter’s younger and more inexperienced than you, but she
killed all twelve of her sisters plus her nieces plus all of her aunts. She might be more
dangerous than you think she is-“

“Shut up, Hail. Remember, I killed my own mother for the throne. You remember her,
don’t you, the hulking old abomination of a dragon she was, and how hard it was to
even harm one of her scales?” Hail was just about to reply when Ebony put a talon
over his mouth.

“Don’t worry. I won’t die that easily,” Ebony whispered, then drew back from her king
to face her daughter.

“Are you both ready?” asked the announcer, Prince Storm, one of Queen Ebony’s
many sons, from a cliff overlooking the dueling grounds. The dragonesses below
nodded with identical looks of determination on their faces.

“Right then. Claws up, teeth ready…. FIGHT!” roared Prince Storm, lashing his tail.
Soulslayer leaped at Ebony with a murderous glint in her amber eyes. Ebony was a
good fighter, but her old bones made her slow, and she couldn’t dodge attacks as
quickly as she used to. Soulslayer pinned her to the sandy ground, one claw raised up
to perform the killing blow.

“For my throne and my tribe!” With a terrifying crack, Queen Ebony’s neck was
broken, and all signs of life drained from her eyes. King Hail zoomed down from the
cliffs to rush to his queen. He roared his pain and agony, roared until his throat gave
out, and whirled toward his daughter, “Why did you kill her? WHY!? After all she’s
done for you these fourteen years! Do you not even have a single scrap of loyalty in
“It was the only thing to do,” said Soulslayer, eyes as cold as ice. “It was my destiny to
kill Mother – and you, too.’ Hail said nothing, just roared and slashed at his
daughter’s face, leaving a trail of blood across. Three guards flew down to protect
their new queen, “Arrest him! NOW!!” Soulslayer roared at the guards. Hail fought
past them and lifted into the air. “I will never follow you!” he spat, and flew away as a
white dot on the horizon.

Meanwhile with Skullfire and Arctic…

Princess Skullfire, the supposedly dead princess of the Night Kingdom, was saved by
a rogue named Arctic. “Skullfire!”

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