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7/1/2021 Duolingo - The world's best way to learn Portuguese

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Conjunctions are words that join up parts of a sentence, such as verb clauses.

Words such as "e (and)" and "ou (or)" are very common examples.


Another one among the most common conjunctions is "que". You will see that this word has a lot
of different functions in Portuguese.

Besides being a pronoun, like in "o que (what)" and "por que (why)", it can also be a conjunction
(that), such as in these sentences:

Ele acha que (ele) sabe = He thinks that he knows

Eles falam que vai funcionar = They say that it will work.

"Ou" and "nem":

"Ou" is equivalent to "or"

"Nem" is roughly equivalent to "nor"

It may have other funcitons, such as "not even"

But both can be used forming these constructions:

Ou isto ou aquilo = Either this or that

Nem isto nem aquilo = Neither this nor that 1/1

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