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7/1/2021 Duolingo - The world's best way to learn Portuguese

Food 2
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There are two Portuguese words for that:

Macarrão = Noodles and other kinds of pasta made of long strips

Massa = Dough, mass. This applies to more kinds of food, such as gnocchi, pizza and other
foods based on wheat flour dough.

Verbs versus nouns

Take care not to confuse some verbs that have their conjugations exactly the same as the nouns:

Ele cozinha = He cooks

A cozinha = The kitchen

Ele cozinha na cozinha = He cooks in the kitchen

Eu almoço = I lunch

O almoço = (The) lunch

Inconsistent articles?
In English, the words "lunch" and "dinner" are used in a different way compared to other nouns.
They are often used without any article or determiner.

In Portuguese, though, they behave as any other countable noun, using the article to be definite:

Lunch is ready = O almoço está pronto

They eat dinner = Eles comem o jantar

If you don't use the article, the sentences will sound just like these bad English sentences: "I have
car", "Boy is here", etc. 1/1

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