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NAME:…………………………………………………. MARK: …………../50

I. Merge a verb with its appropriate particle(s) to form a phrasal verb
close – come - revolve – cheer - break x 2 - slow - along - up to - to - for – off x2 - down x4 - around –
shift – look - drink – turn x 2 – set – blow - take – in – on - on with – up x 2 - on
1. As events TURNED OUT: Diễn ra, hé lộ dầ n , we were right to have decided to leave early.
2. His whole life REVOLES AROUND: xoay quanh football.
3. He left home at 18 and had to SHITF FOR: Tự lự c cá nh sinh. himself.
4. Terry and Amy drove up to the top of the hill to DRINK the sights IN: đắ m chìm
5. I loved that restaurant, so I'm very disappointed that it CLOSED DOWN: đó ng cử a
6. You had better LOOK UP TO those who brought you up instead of biting a hand that feeds you.
7. The car SLOWED DOWN. as it approached the junction.
8. We SET OFF . for London just after ten.
9. I hope you will soon GET ON WITH your new colleagues.
10. The telephone system has BROKEN DOWN .
11. The plane TOOK OFF an hour late. What happened?
12. They managed to HOLD ON until help arrived.
13. A police officer was killed when his car BLEW UP .
14. Song Jong Ki and Song Hye Kyo have BROKEN UP
15. The work on the house is COMING ALONG: tiến triển . All rooms have been furnished.
16. A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to CHEERED them ON.
17. He has been TURNED DOWN. for ten jobs so far.
II. Fill in each blank (an) appropriate word(s) to make an idiom
1. I was out of my DEPTH: chưa đủ khả nă ng . in the advanced class, so I moved to the intermediate class.
2. He wanted to follow in his mother's FOOTSTEPS: nố i nghiệp and be a ballroom dancer.
3. He's in Melanie's bad BOOKS: bị ghét, bị trù . because he arrived two hours late.
4. Things went from bad TO WORSE: trở nên tồ i tệ hơn in the second game when we lost 8-2.
5. At the time I was going through a bad PATCH:giai đoạ n khó khă n financially - and - and I took money out
of the funds.
6. People will file lawsuits at the drop of A HAT: ngay lậ p tứ c these days.
7. I think we’re all on the same PAGE: đồ ng thuậ n
8. To the children, the star athlete who spoke at the school assembly seemed larger THAN LIFE: thu hú t sự
chú ý vì nổ i bậ t
9. He tried to rob a bank and was caught in the ACT: bị bă t quả tang
10. He was caught red- HANDED taking money from the till.
11. He's not a bad LOT: ngườ i xấ u - just a bit wild.
III. Fill in each blank an appropriate word form
1. We went to a travel agent to book a PACKAGE. deal. PACK
2+3. This novel has had several THEATRICAL ADAPTATIONS: sụ chuyển thể sang sâ n khấ u so far.
4. Geralt is a character who makes us wish to know more about his INNER: nộ i tâ m life. IN
5. Messi scored a SPECTACULAR goal but it was not enough to get Barcelona to the final. SPECTACLE
6. This was their fourth SUCCESSIVE: liên tiếp win. These four wins in a row secured them a place in the top
of the league. SUCCESS
7. Their latest release is a worthy SUCCESSOR: sự kế thừ a to their popular debut album. SUCCESS
8. She was very SUPPORTIVE: during my father's illness. SUPPORT
9. She keeps an OBSERVANT: tinh í eye on developments in education. OBSERVE
10. IREFUTABLE: khô ng thể bà n cã i evidence must be acquired or he would be acquitted. REFUTE
11. The more expensive articles are not NECESSARILY: nhấ t thiết better. NEED
12. With the EXCEPTION of David, everyone was not ready for the interview. EXCEPT
13+14. Ta Bien Cuong, the COMMENTATOR, shouted into the microphone with joy when Vietnam took the
cup in front of 40,000 SUPPORTER. COMMENT/ SUPPORT
15. No more OFFSIDE goal will be allowed thanks to VAR. SIDE
16. CR7 is one of the most OUTSTANDING players in the world. STAND
17. He wandered DISCONSOLATELY: thấ t vọ ng, chá n chườ ng. around the town in the pouring rain.
18. A CONVERTIBLE is a car with a roof that can be folded down or taken off. CONVERT
19. United Nations observers are in charge of OVERSEEING: giá m sá t the elections. SEE
20. Too many school-leavers lack basic QUALIFICATIONS. in English and Maths. QUALIFY
21. His CEASELESS: khô ng ngừ ng questions began to annoy me. CEASE
22. The museum houses several of his Cubist MASTERPIECES PIECE

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