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Midterm  Deadline kumpulin ke GC: 14 Oktober 2021

Deadline masing2 orang: Minggu 10 Oktober 2021 malam

Diskusi: Senin 11 Oktober 2021 jam 9

1. Why is it important for institutions to have a better approach to public policy? What are the
strategies to make such approach?  mba Febry (bs ditambahin contoh kl ada)

2. What are the necessary skills needed by leaders in the public sector? Support your answer and
analysis by providing an example of a public leader whom you think have such qualities  Mas Andi

Misal: Presiden Taiwan dalam menangani Covid-19 & skrg sedang bilateran tension dgn China 
mitigasi dgn menggunakan big data.

3. Review the theories of public policy (institutionalism, rational choice, elite, incrementalism, etc)
and provide your analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of each theory. Please incorporate your
analysis by providing an example of the theory implementation that you know.  Dhila

- penjelasan masing2 teori

- Strength & weakness masing2

- contoh: di luar & di dalam (kl ada)

4. Please perform an evaluation of a program at BPOM. What are the key indicators of such a
successful program? You can analyze by identifying the following factors:  Pak Bayu & Mas Indra

• Program objective

• Resources

• Stakeholders

• Activities

• Outputs

• Short-term outcomes

• Long-term outcomes

In the end, you may conclude whether the program is successful or not

Misal: PICS  terkait inspeksi GMP obat/herbal (G2G untuk B2B)


- BPOM: dpt tambahan kompetensi & sharing informasi

- Industri farmasi: yg audit BPOM, competitive advantafe

Yang perlu:

- Roadmap
- Sejarah masuk jadi anggota PICS
- Output
- Outcome
- Cost and benefit
- Keadaan sebelum dan sesudah ikut PICS
- Data ekspor ke negara PICS  mas indra (terutama utk eropa, asia)
- Resource sebelum dan sesudah ikut PICS (anggaran pengawasan)
- Perbandingan iuran per tahun dgn benefit
- Initial investment  bs buat hitung ROI

Gillete  deadline: Minggu 10 Okt 2021

No 1: Dhila

2: Indra

3: Febry

4: Andi

5: Bayu (introduction, conclusion, gabung ppt)

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