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; PoE Flasks macro for AutoHotKey

; Keys used and monitored:
; alt+f10 - activate automatic flask usage
; right mouse button - primary attack skills
; 1-5 - number keys to manually use a specific flask
; ` (backtick) - use all flasks, now
; "e" and "r" for casting buffs
; Note - the inventory buttons assume a starting location based on screen
; resolution - you'll need to update some locations, see below.
; Alt+c to Ctrl-Click every location in the (I)nventory screen.
; Alt+m - Allow setting stash tab size as normal (12x12) or large (24x24)
; Alt+g - Get the current screen coordinates of the mouse pointer.
; Alt+s - Swap a skill gem with an alternate.
#IfWinActive, ahk_class POEWindowClass

FlaskDurationInit := []
; Set the duration of each flask, in ms, below. For example, if the
; flask in slot 3 has a duration of "Lasts 4.80 Seconds", then use:
; FlaskDurationInit[3] := 4800
; To disable a particular flask, set it's duration to 0
; Note: Delete the last line (["e"]), or set value to 0, if you don't use a buff
FlaskDurationInit[1] := 0
FlaskDurationInit[2] := 6200
FlaskDurationInit[3] := 5000
FlaskDurationInit[4] := 5000
FlaskDurationInit[5] := 0
FlaskDurationInit["e"] := 6500 ; I use Bone Armour here

FlaskDuration := []
FlaskLastUsed := []
UseFlasks := false
HoldRightClick := false
LastRightClick := 0

; Main program loop - basics are that we use flasks whenever flask
; usage is enabled via hotkey (default is F10), and we've attacked
; within the last 0.5 second (or are channeling/continuous attacking.
Loop {
if (UseFlasks) {
; have we attacked in the last 0.5 seconds?
if ((A_TickCount - LastRightClick) < 500) {
Gosub, CycleAllFlasksWhenReady
} else {
; We haven't attacked recently, but are we channeling/continuous?
if (HoldRightClick) {
Gosub, CycleAllFlasksWhenReady

UseFlasks := not UseFlasks
if UseFlasks {
for i in FlaskDurationInit {
FlaskLastUsed[i] := 0
FlaskDuration[i] := FlaskDurationInit[i]
} else {


; To use a different moust button (default is right click), change the
; "RButton" to:
; RButton - to use the {default} right mouse button
; MButton - to use the {default} middle mouse button (wheel)
; LButton - to use the {default} Left mouse button
; Make the change in both places, below (the first is click,
; 2nd is release of button}
; pass-thru and capture when the last attack (Right click) was done
; we also track if the mouse button is being held down for continuous
attack(s) and/or channelling skills
HoldRightClick := true
LastRightClick := A_TickCount

~RButton up::
; pass-thru and release the right mouse button
HoldRightClick := false

; The following 5 hotkeys allow for manual use of flasks while still
; tracking optimal recast times.
; pass-thru and start timer for flask 1
FlaskLastUsed[1] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[1] := FlaskDurationInit[1] + VariableDelay ; randomize duration
to simulate human

; pass-thru and start timer for flask 2
FlaskLastUsed[2] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[2] := FlaskDurationInit[2] + VariableDelay ; randomize duration
to simulate human
; pass-thru and start timer for flask 3
FlaskLastUsed[3] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[3] := FlaskDurationInit[3] + VariableDelay ; randomize duration
to simulate human

; pass-thru and start timer for flask 4
FlaskLastUsed[4] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[4] := FlaskDurationInit[4] + VariableDelay ; randomize duration
to simulate human

; ; pass-thru and start timer for flask 5
; FlaskLastUsed[Space] := A_TickCount
; Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
; FlaskDuration[Space] := FlaskDurationInit[Space] + VariableDelay ; randomize
duration to simulate human
; return

; pass-thru and start timer for flask 5
FlaskLastUsed["q"] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[q] := FlaskDurationInit["q"] + VariableDelay ; randomize
duration to simulate human

; Use all flasks, now. A variable delay is included between flasks
; NOTE: this will use all flasks, even those with a FlaskDurationInit of 0
if UseFlasks {
Send 1
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
Sleep, %VariableDelay%
Send 2
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
Sleep, %VariableDelay%
Send 3
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
Sleep, %VariableDelay%
Send 4
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
Sleep, %VariableDelay%
; Send Space
; Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
; Sleep, %VariableDelay%
Send e
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
Sleep, %VariableDelay%
for flask, duration in FlaskDuration {
; skip flasks with 0 duration and skip flasks that are still active
if ((duration > 0) & (duration < A_TickCount - FlaskLastUsed[flask])) {
Send %flask%
FlaskLastUsed[flask] := A_TickCount
Random, VariableDelay, -49, 49
FlaskDuration[flask] := FlaskDurationInit[flask] +
VariableDelay ; randomize duration to simulate human
sleep, %VariableDelay%

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