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Your thinking is so important for you act the way you think and a mans productivity is either

limited or expanded by his mentality. Guard your heart diligently.... If you set your mind always
on the possibility of negative results, your actions will gear towards your mindset. I'd you're going
to be efficient, you must develop a conscious effort to think efficiently. To be a light of the world,
you need to disassociate yourself from dark thoughts

Christianity is a serious deal. It is not about how polished you are or how corporate you look, it is
about standing for what you believe in and remain committed to it. Most times we are clouded by
the glamour of success that we forget that there are spiritual aspects ensuring the termination of
our vocation. There are real enemies out there and they may surface through different ways. Aside
from the demoniacs, there are those who loves to smack you to see if you'll turn the other cheek
and still condemn you when you turn it a little later than they expect. As children of God we must
understand that the devil is real and no matter how we try to dismiss him, we do that to our own
disadvantage because it only gives him an edge over us. Scriptures are intoxicating and may even
delude when extracted to the excess, and great revivalists could see themselves subdued, not by an
army nor strategy but by fragility or by the feminity in simplicity. A smile can be a ploy against a
commitment so it is of utmost importance that we make no hasty decision out from the necessity
of comfort or from the abundance of loneliness, for that in itself may be an ensnarement. The good
things of life hungers the soul but with patience every exaggeration from the devil fades away. So
our power as believers lie in our commitment to God for it is written that if our strength fail us in
the days of adversity we are weak indeed. Adversity in itself implies the moment when a child
feels alone after the death of the parents and sad as it is, if the child out of grief covets another's
attention from their parents, is weak indeed. Painful as this sounds but let's be clear that had it
been God's choice we would still remain in Eden, but as it is written two are better than one, it is
also written that every man should have his own wife unless one scripture may cause destruction
in the absence of the other

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