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Prov.18.16 - A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

Naturally we look at this verse and think it implies our gifts making room for us. We often look at this
from the Noun point of view..but actually its a verb. An action word. We're the ones doing the acting.
Your gifts don't bring you to great people, your gifts makes room for you to get the attention of great
people. It isn't what God gives you that does the attraction, it is what God gives you that you do the
attraction with. Here's how it goes

Prov.18.16 Giving a gift works wonders; it may bring you before important people! (NLT)

Prov.18.16 A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. (NIV)

Here's how it plays, you're a great orator? Don't sit around hoping for some big politician to come pay
you to host his campaigns, do free services, you never know which free services will give you a call. Start
by greeting people and stop feeling entitled to respect. People remember the greeters more than those
who are experts at what they do. Make the gifts given you into a gift you give to others, that's called a
legacy. Start with a smile, smiles can change your life. Its psychological proven that smiling makes you
more attractive, and appealing, to others, and most especially, smiling is guaranteed to make an ex wish
they weren't exes anymore. So its a win-win.

The point is that if you're in point A and you need to get to point B, you need to make a room for
yourself in point B by giving off free samples to every important person in that point. So yes your gift can
make a room for you, which will in turn the attention to you. “i know a guy” is the best phrase you
should ever strive for. Be that guy people say they know.

What is the anointing?

Well the anointing is a grace embodified enablement. It is what attracts favor and ease. With an
anointing, you do not stress over a thing.

God anoints all vessels, even the devil. But it can be tricky. The anointing can fade or be manipulated.
Every anointing has good accompanying it. Because it is from God, but the difference between the
anointing and a gift is that a gift is natural, but the anointing is imparted. You will need to grow the
anointing or do what it took to maintain it. Not so for gifts. That's why a gifted liar needs no rehearsal.
Most times anointing can fade off and become just gifts. Satan was an anointed cherub. Well we know
he's still a servant of God on occasion, so it was from such manipulation yet in God's service that he was
able to come and suggest to render his service by putting a lying tongue in every prophet's lip. That's not
just a gift of deceiving a congratulations of holy spirit filled men, that's an anointing. We see a clearer
operation to this by what he told God about Job, he said, give me permission to afflict him. That is
beyond breaking hedges because Job broke none, that was a prayer to impose his interest on another's
life. Kind of what deliverance pastors do.

Like I said, an anointing can dwindle down into a gift, But a gift is never an anointing.

Gifts and Anointing

Everything you ever want is available and already given but you need am anointing to access it. An
anointing enables you to work with divine grace on a thing you're gifted on.

The gift and calling of a man makes a way for him.

You can be called and gifted over a thing you're not yet anointed on. That was why even when God
apoints a king, he still.anoints them.

David was king. Gifted with bravery. But anointed to put am end to rebellion. Anything that
rebelled against the glory of God. Goliath, Saul. David was anointed to put an end to it....but thats a
theology for the next page for now, just for a moment imagine that David gifted with bravery lacked the
anointing to put an end to rebellion and become king, he would just be another taut in the anals of tales
and tattles. So even with his gift, he excersied his calling and anointing.

Your gift can become a joke until the anointing comes

Jabez was extremely gifted with people skills but that man just needed a physical benefit from his gift. O
that the lord should enlarge my coasts, in addition to my being more honorable than my kinsmen

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