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Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best Of all

the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat Your
dedication is visible to everyone you meet So soothing
is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere But

like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew From a leaf

split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart Yes, I
believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you Don’t ever give up Yes, you
can and you will do

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2 MAY MONTH 16-27

3 JUNE MONTH 27-41

4 JULY MONTH 41-51



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11. pegged: आंकी: estimated, calculated, or

generally considered to be of a certain
value, size, time, etc. (followed by at)

April 2021 12. deterrent: निवारक: serving to discourage,

prevent, or inhibit
1. on the horizon: imminent or just 13. brazened: बेशर्म: endure an embarrassing
becoming apparent. or difficult situation by behaving with
2. reiterated: दोहराया: say something again apparent confidence and lack of shame.
or a number of times, typically for 14. roll back: reverse the progress or reduce
emphasis or clarity. the power or importance of something.
3. surge: move suddenly and powerfully 15. brace up: be strong or courageous.
forward or upward.
16. flurry: घबराहट: (of a person) move quickly
4. skyrocketed: आसमान छू रही: (of a price, in a busy or agitated way.
rate, or amount) increase very steeply or
rapidly. 17. status quo: the existing state of affairs,
particularly with regard to social or
5. spike: a sharp increase in the magnitude political issues.
or concentration of something.
18. ad hocism:a policy or method
6. bear down: move directly towards characterized by actions or decisions
someone or something in a purposeful chosen to suit or fulfill immediate needs
or intimidating manner. or goals.
7. inoculations : टीका: vaccination. 19. resurgence: पन ु रुत्थान: an increase or
8. par: an equality in value or standing; a revival after a period of little activity,
level of equality. popularity, or occurrence.

9. ebbs: (of an emotion or quality) 20. tenure: कार्यकाल: means "to hold" and
gradually decrease. refers to the period of time a person
works at a particular job or in an office.
10. catastrophic: involving or causing
sudden great damage or suffering. 21. deferred: स्थगित: put off (an action or
event) to a later time; postpone.

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22. jibes : to agree with something else 33. bestowed: कोताही: confer or present (an
honour, right, or gift).
23. quinquennium : पाँच वर्ष की अवधि: a
specified period of five years. 34. pegged: आंकी: fix (a price, rate, or
amount) at a particular level.
24. deflationary: अपस्फीतिकर: characterized
by or tending to cause economic 35. prevalence: प्रसार: the fact or condition of
deflation. being prevalent; commonness.

25. with partial or lesser divine status, such 36. corpus: कोष: a collection of written texts,
as a minor deity, the offspr especially the entire works of a particular
author or a body of writing on a
26. expansionary: विस्तारवादी: (of a policy or particular subject.
action) intended to result in economic or
political expansion. 37. drumming up : to try to increase
business activity or get support for
27. reigning: राज: occupying the throne; something
38. sorely: कष्टदायी रूप से: in a sore manner :
28. demigod: यक्ष: a beginning of a god and painfully.
a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine
rank. 39. lapse: to end something, either
intentionally or accidentally that might
29. foray: धावा: a sudden attack or incursion be continued or that should continue
into enemy territory, especially to obtain
something; a raid. 40. garnered: gather or collect (something,
especially information or approval).
30. deities: दे वी-दे वताओं: a god or goddess (in
a polytheistic religion). 41. walk-back : retract a statement or
reverse an action or decision.
31. jury: पंचायत: a body of people (typically
twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict 42. alluded: संकेत: suggest or call attention
in a legal case on the basis of evidence to indirectly; hint at.
submitted to them in court.
43. nudge: खिसकाने: to push slightly or
32. put off: to make someone not want to do gently
something, or to make someone not like
someone or something. 44. ambush: घात लगाना: a surprise attack by
people lying in wait in a concealed

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position. something desirable).

45. hemmed: घेरे: surround and restrict the 56. upheavals : उथल-पथ
ु ल: a violent or
space or movement of someone or sudden change or disruption to
something. something.

46. combing: search carefully and 57. abating:रोक-थाम करना: reduce or remove
systematically. (a nuisance).

47. embarked: शरू

ु : begin (a course of 58. masquerading: मखु ौटा धारण कर लिया:
action). pretend to be someone one is not.

48. insurgents: विद्रोहियों: a person fighting 59. no-holds-barred : If you say that there
against a government or invading force; are no holds barred when people are
a rebel or revolutionary. fighting or competing for something, you
mean that they are no longer following
49. adherents : अनयु ायियों: someone who any rules in their efforts to win.
supports a particular party, person, or
set of ideas. 60. leitmotif: a recurrent theme throughout a
musical or literary composition,
50. repression: दमन: the act of repressing; associated with a particular person, idea,
control by holding down or situation.
51. incarcerated: बंदी: imprison or confine. 61. overhaul : कायापलट:a thorough
examination of machinery or a system,
52. stalemate: गतिरोध: a situation in which
with repairs or changes made if
further action or progress by opposing
or competing parties seems impossible.
62. stamp out: खत्म करना: to stop or destroy
53. ploy: चाल: a cunning plan or action
(something bad)
designed to turn a situation to one's own
advantage. 63. heralded: की शरु
ु आत: be a sign that
(something) is about to happen.
54. propelling: फेंकने योग्य: drive or push
something forwards. 64. thwarting:को रोकने: prevent (someone)
from accomplishing something.
55. fostering: को बढ़ावा दे ने: encourage the
development of (something, especially 65. deterrent: निवारक: A deterrent is

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something that prevents people from 77. underpinned:support, justify, or form the
doing something by making them afraid basis for.
of what will happen to them if they do it.
78. sought to: attempt or desire to obtain or
66. unalloyed : अनमेल: not alloyed : unmixed, achieve (something).
79. clamour: (of a group of people) shout
67. clamour: a loud and confused noise, loudly and insistently.
especially that of people shouting.
80. rollout : the official launch or
68. comorbidities: Comorbidities are the introduction of a new product or service.
presence of two or more diseases in the
same person 81. enshrined: प्रतिष्ठापित: preserve (a right,
tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures
69. unfettered: निरं कुश: not controlled or it will be protected and respected.
restricted : free.
82. convene: बलु ाई: come or bring together
70. replenish: भरपाई: fill (something) up for a meeting or activity; assemble.
83. fervently: उत्साह: very enthusiastically or
71. adamant: अटल: impossible to persuade, passionately.
or unwilling to change an opinion or
decision 84. pristine: प्राचीन: belonging to the earliest
period or state
72. drop one’s guard: abandon one's
habitual defensive or protective stance. 85. cutting-edge : the latest or most
advanced stage in the development of
73. across the board: applying to all. something.

74. ramp up: increase the level or amount of 86. reaffirmed:फिर से पष्टि
ु की: state
something sharply. again strongly.

75. Envoy : दत
ू : someone who is sent as a 87. derisive: expressing contempt or
representative from one government or ridicule.
organization to another
88. counterproductive: उल्टा: having
76. mired: फंस: cause to become stuck in the opposite of the desired effect.
89. fuelled: sustain or inflame (an

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intense feeling). gradually destroyed.

90. dispel: दरू करना: make (a doubt, 101. redeployment: पन

ु ः तैनाती: the process of
feeling, or belief) disappear. moving employees to a different job, or
of sending them to work in a different
91. raise one’s eyebrows: show place
surprise or mild disapproval.
102. over the top: to an excessive or
92. embarked: शरू
ु : begin (a course of exaggerated degree.
103. scot-free: 'Scot-Free' means that
93. endeavour: प्रयास: try hard to do something or someone is completely
or achieve something. free from penalty or harm.
94. amenities: सवि
ु धाएँ: a desirable or 104. intact: अछूता: untouched especially by
useful feature or facility of a anything that harms or diminishes
building or place.
105. hobble : बंधन: restrict the activity or
95. kicked up: to cause something to development of.
be much more active or
noticeable 106. salvaging: निस्तारण करना:
apprehend and execute (a
96. mob: भीड़: a large and disorderly crowd suspected criminal) without trial.
of people especially : one bent on
riotous or destructive action. 107. lapse: a brief or temporary failure
of concentration, memory, or
97. flare up: a sudden outburst of judgement.
something, especially violence or
hostility. 108. setback: नाकामयाबी: a reversal or
check in progress.
98. allegedly: कथित तौर पर: used to convey
that something is claimed to be the case 109. scale up: increase something in
or have taken place, although there is no size, number or extent, especially
proof. by a constant proportion across
the board.
99. omens: an event regarded as a portent of
good or evil. 110. inscrutable: गढ़
ू : impossible to
understand or interpret.
100. eroded: gradually destroy or be

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111. a way off: At an unspecified time 122. uphill: sloping upwards.

in the future. later.
123. ebbed: (of an emotion or quality)
112. fintech: computer programs and other gradually decrease.
technology used to support or enable
banking and financial services. 124. inevitably: अनिवार्य रूप से: as is
certain to happen; unavoidably.
113. liquidity: चल निधि: the availability of
liquid assets to a market or company. 125. put off: postpone something.

114. rein in: to limit or control 126. upsurge: चढ़ाव: an upward surge in the
(someone or something) strength or quantity of something; an
115. grapple: engage in a close fight or
struggle without weapons; wrestle. 127. envisage: परिकल्पना करना: contemplate or
conceive of as a possibility or a
116. hinged: टिका हुआ: a joint that holds two desirable future event.
pieces of something together while
allowing one piece to move in a swinging 128. rollout:an occasion when a new product
motion. or service is gradually made available to
more people after it has first been tested
117. untoward: difficult to guide, in a particular area:
manage, or work with
129. dizzyingly: चक्कर आना: in a way
118. sticking point: an obstacle to that makes you feel as if
progress towards an agreement everything is turning around, and
or goal that you are not able to balance
and may fall over
119. cue: संकेत: signal; indication
130. stubbornly: हठ: in a manner that
120. paucity: कमी: smallness of shows dogged determination not
quantity : dearth. to change one's attitude or
position on something.
121. bidders: बोलीदाताओं: a person or
organization making a formal 131. stridently: कर्क श ध्वनी: in an
offer for something, especially at extremely forceful way.
an auction.
132. bite the bullet: decide to do

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something difficult or unpleasant obstruction in doing something.

that one has been putting off or
hesitating over. 143. steep: sharply angled

133. augment: बढ़ाने: to make greater, 144. caught on the crest : If you are
more numerous, larger, or more on the crest of a wave, you mean
intense that you are feeling very happy
and confident because things are
134. caught on the crest : If you are on the going well for you.
crest of a wave, you mean that you are
feeling very happy and confident 145. ominous: अमंगल: giving the
because things are going well for you. worrying impression that
something bad is going to
135. grave: गंभीर: urgent and very bad; happen; threateningly
serious inauspicious.

136. a way off: At an unspecified time in the 146. pull out: withdraw from an undertaking.
future. later.
147. coalition: गठबंधन: the act of coalescing :
137. persuasive: प्रेरक: good at persuading union.
someone to do or believe something
through reasoning or the use of 148. speculation: the forming of a theory or
temptation. conjecture without firm evidence.

138. erring: पापी: having failed to adhere to 149. defying: openly resist or refuse to obey.
the proper or accepted standards;
150. pull back: retreat from an area.
having done wrong.
151. far cry : a long distance.
139. inscrutable: impossible to understand or
interpret. 152. stalemated: गतिरोध: having reached a
situation in which further action or
140. malicious: दर्भा
ु वनापर्ण
ू : having or showing progress by opposing or competing
a desire to cause harm to someone
parties seems impossible..
141. rein in: to limit or control
153. hegemonic: शासक: ruling or dominant in
(someone or something)
a political or social context.
142. impediment: बाधा: a hindrance or
154. a rap on the knuckles: criticism or

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punishment that is given in a gentle way others for something in an eager or

for something that one did wrong uncontrolled and undignified way.

155. indomitable: impossible to subdue or 168. ferocious: क्रूर: frightening and violent
169. overwhelmed:अभिभत ू : bury or drown
156. exodus: a mass departure of people. beneath a huge mass of something,
especially water.
157. havoc: नाश: wide and general destruction
170. prudent:विवेकी: acting with or
158. exhorting: प्रोत्साहित: strongly encourage showing care and thought for the
or urge (someone) to do something. future.
159. crippled: severely damaged or 171. laxity: ढील: lack of strictness or care.
172. extradition : प्रत्यर्पण: Extradition is
160. wrought: made or fashioned in the the formal process of one state
specified way. surrendering an individual to
another state for prosecution or
161. paltry: तच्
ु छ: (of an amount) very small or
punishment for crimes committed in
the requesting country's
162. pre-emptive: पर्व
ू रिक्तिपर्व
ू : taken as a jurisdiction.
measure against something possible,
173. vulnerable: चपेट में : exposed to the
anticipated, or feared; preventive;
possibility of being attacked or
harmed, either physically or
163. apprehend: पकड़ना: to catch and arrest emotionally.
174. lamenting: विलाप: to express
164. prognosis: रोग का निदान: the likely course sorrow, mourning, or regret for often
of a medical condition. demonstratively

165. hit hard: to be affected badly 175. diamantaire : diamond dealer

166. ravaging: विनाशकारी: cause severe and 176. expedite: शीघ्र: to accelerate the
extensive damage to. process or progress of : speed up.

167. scramble: संघर्ष: struggle or compete with 177. cumulative: संचयी: increasing by

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one addition after another, and 187. procurement: खरीद: Procurement is the
including all the amounts that have act of obtaining goods or services,
been added before typically for business purposes.

178. constraints : something that limits 188. ramp up: increase the level or amount of
or restricts someone or something. something sharply.

179. upheaval: उथल-पथ

ु ल: a violent or 189. scale up: to increase something in size,
sudden change or disruption to amount, or production
190. opened the floodgates: If an action or a
180. inoculate: टीका लगाना: treat with a vaccine decision opens the floodgates, it allows
to produce immunity against a disease; something to happen a lot or allows
vaccinate. many people to do something that was
not previously allowed
181. laid out: to spread something out, or to
arrange things so you can see them 191. reassurance : आश्वासन: the action of
easily. removing someone's doubts or fears.

182. vulnerable: चपेट में : exposed to the 192. avert: टालना:turn away (one's eyes or
possibility of being attacked or harmed, thoughts).
either physically or emotionally.
193. modelled on: to be based on the design
183. derailed: पटरी से उतरे : obstruct (a process) of something else
by diverting it from its intended course.
194. abdicate: त्यागना: fail to fulfil or
184. pragmatism: व्यवहारवाद: the quality of undertake (a responsibility or duty)
dealing with a problem in a sensible way
that suits the conditions that really exist, 195. stuttering:progressing in a hesitant or
rather than following fixed theories, irregular way.
ideas, or rules:
196. grim: विकट: very serious or gloomy.
185. averted: टालना: turn away (one's eyes or
197. clamp down: suppress or prevent
something in an oppressive or harsh
186. inevitable: अपरिहार्य: unable to be manner.
avoided, evaded, or escaped
198. dormant: निष्क्रिय: temporarily inactive or

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inoperative. property.

199. ad hoc: when necessary or needed. 211. devastating: भयानक: causing great
damage or harm
200. collegium: a group in which each
member has approximately equal power 212. recurring: आवर्ती: occurring again
and authority. periodically or repeatedly.

201. indictment: अभियोग: a formal charge or 213. onslaught : हमला: a fierce or destructive
accusation of a serious crime. attack.

202. arrears: बकाया: money that is owed and 214. retrofit: परु ाना वापस: to furnish with new or
should have been paid earlier. modified parts or equipment not
available or considered necessary at the
203. endeavour: प्रयास: try hard to do or time of manufacture.
achieve something.
215. suo motu : relating to an action taken by
204. sanctioned: स्वीकृत: approve of a court of its own accord, without any
something request by the parties involved.
205. sparingly: किफ़ायत से: in a restricted or 216. diligently: लगन से: in a way that shows
infrequent manner; in small quantities. care and conscientiousness in one's
work or duties.
206. expedite: शीघ्र: to accelerate the process
or progress of : speed up. 217. cognisance: ध्यान में रखते: knowledge or
207. propensity: झकु ाव: an inclination or
natural tendency to behave in a 218. hovering: मँडरा: remain in one place in
particular way. the air.
208. Infernal: राक्षसी: relating to or 219. sledgehammer: ताक़तवर:
characteristic of hell or the underworld. powerful; forceful.
209. infernos: अधमरा: a large fire that is 220. hot potato : a situation or subject
dangerously out of control. that people disagree strongly
about and that no one wants to
210. conflagration: आग: an extensive fire
deal with
which destroys a great deal of land or
221. intervening: बीच: extending or

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occurring between events. 234. dread: भय: anticipate with great

apprehension or fear.
222. ramp up: increase the level or
amount of something sharply. 235. tepid: गन
ु गन
ु ा: lukewarm

223. on a war footing : the condition 236. deleveraging: नष्ट करना: the process or
of being prepared to undertake or practice of reducing the level of one's
maintain war. debt by rapidly selling one's assets.

224. once bitten and twice shy: an 237. mercurial:अस्थिर: subject to sudden or
unpleasant experience induces unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
238. dither: be indecisive.
225. abdication: त्याग: an act of
abdicating or renouncing the 239. amended: संशोधन: make minor changes
throne. to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in
order to make it fairer or more accurate,
226. awe : an overwhelming feeling of or to reflect changing circumstances.
reverence, admiration, fear, etc
240. ravages: प्रकोपों: cause severe and
227. at the heart of : be the most extensive damage to.
important part of something.
241. faltering : हीनता: losing strength
228. beat off : succeed in resisting an or momentum.
attacker or attack.
242. in light of: taking (something) into
229. incendiary: आग लगानेवाला: (of a device or consideration.
attack) designed to cause fires.
243. deploy: तैनाती: bring into effective
230. elegiac: शोक: mournful action.

231. to drop off the grid:Free from 244. off-guard: Not watchful, easily
governmental observation or control; surprised.

232. hulking:बहुत बड़ा: (of a person or object) 245. shave off: to reduce something
very large, heavy, or clumsy by the stated amount

233. sweep: move swiftly and smoothly. 246. forex exchange: The term 'Forex' stands
for Foreign Exchange. Forex trading in

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simple terms is the trading in currencies kind.

from different countries against each
other 256. myriad: असंख्य: a countless or
extremely great number of people
247. a kernel of truth: small part that is or things.
257. catastrophe: तबाही:an event
248. curtailing: कटौती: reduce in extent causing great and usually sudden
or quantity; impose a restriction damage or suffering; a disaster
258. tortuous: कपटपर्ण
ू : full of twists
249. fragile: नाज़क
ु : easily broken or and turns; not straight or direct
259. pale: पीला: deficient in color or intensity
250. contamination: प्रदष
ू ण: the of color
process of making something
dirty or poisonous, or the state of 260. seizures: a sudden, uncontrolled
containing unwanted or electrical disturbance in the brain.
dangerous substances
261. agonisingly: अत्यन्त द:ु ख से: in a way that
251. intemperate: असंयमी: having or causes extreme physical or mental pain
showing a lack of self-control;
262. turns up the heat : To pressure someone
to do something.
252. vigour: ताक़त: physical strength
263. titling: शीर्षक: titles, captions, or subtitles
and good health.
added to something
253. asphyxia: दम घट ु ना: a breathing 264. unprecedented: अभत
ू पर्व
ू :never done or
impairment that occurs when
known before.
there is insufficient oxygen in the
body. 265. heralding: की घोषणा: be a sign that
(something) is about to happen.
254. tormenting : परे शान: inflicting
severe physical or mental 266. incurred:become subject to (something
suffering. unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of
one's own behaviour or actions.
255. bouts: मकु ाबलों: a short period of
intense activity of a specified 267. stipulates: demand or specify (a

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requirement), typically as part of an 275. tarnishing : खराब: make or become less

agreement valuable or respected.

276. stifle: दबाना: restrain (a reaction) or stop

oneself acting on (an emotion).

277. reluctance: अनिच्छा: un willingness

May 2021 or disinclination to do something.

278. resilience: लचीलाता: the capacity to

recover quickly from difficulties;
268. besetting: (of a problem or difficulty) 279. incumbent: निर्भर: the current
trouble (someone or something) holder of an office or position,
persistently. usually in relation to an election.
269. utterly: बिलकुल: completely and 280. ousted: बेदख़ल: drive out or expel
without qualification; absolutely. (someone) from a position or
270. dissemination: प्रसार: the action or place.
fact of spreading something, 281. emphatic: ज़ोरदार: expressing
especially information, widely. something forcibly and clearly.
271. clamp down : suppress or prevent 282. pertinent: उचित: relevant or
something in an oppressive or harsh applicable to a particular matter;
manner. apposite.
272. despotic: निरं कुश: of or typical of a 283. spearheaded: नेतत्ृ व: lead (an
despot; tyrannical attack or movement).
273. profiteering: सट्टे बाज़ी: the practice of 284. agonies: पीड़ा: extreme physical or
making or seeking to make an excessive mental suffering.
or unfair profit, especially illegally or in a
black market. 285. catastrophic: आपत्तिजनक:
involving or causing sudden
274. disrepute: बदनामी:the state of being held great damage or suffering.
in low esteem by the public.
286. turbulent: उपद्रवी: characterized by

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conflict, disorder, or confusion; the consequences.

not stable or calm.
298. Triumphant: विजयी: having won a
287. morbidities: रोगों की संख्या: the rate battle or contest; victorious.
of disease in a population.
299. incumbent: निर्भर: is the current
288. tandem : मिलकर: having two holder of an office or position,
things arranged one in front of usually in relation to an election.
the other.
300. alliance: संधि: a union or
289. bolstered: बल मिला: provided association formed for mutual
support. benefit, especially between
countries or organizations.
290. to kick in: come into effect or
operation. 301. arena: अखाड़ा: a place or scene of
activity, debate, or conflict.
291. recalibration: पन
ु र्गणना: to make
small changes to an instrument 302. mitigate: कम करना: make
so that it measures accurately (something bad) less severe,
serious, or painful.
292. Plummet: आकस्मिक रूप से घटने: to
drop sharply and abruptly 303. prevailed : प्रबल: prove more
powerful or superior.
293. foolhardy : उजड्ड: recklessly bold
or rash. 304. Consigned: भेजा हुआ: deliver
(something) to a person's
294. Rejig: बदलाव: organize keeping.
(something) differently;
rearrange. 305. fringe: the outer or less
important part of an area, group,
295. prickly: काँटेदार: covered in or activity:.
306. steep : sharply angled.
296. stern : कठोर: (of an act or
statement) strict and severe. 307. under par : worse than is usual or
297. deterrence: निवारण: the action of
discouraging an action or event 308. Denouement: उपसंहार: the
through instilling doubt or fear of outcome of a situation, when

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something is decided or made something unpleasant is likely to

clear. happen

309. Jarred: have an unpleasant or 319. on-tap: freely available whenever

disturbing effect. needed.

310. Breach: भंग: an act of breaking or 320. Debilitating: दर्ब

ु ल: (of a disease or
failing to observe a law, condition) making someone very
agreement, or code of conduct. weak and infirm.

311. bio-bubble: an invisible shield 321. Mounting: बढ़ते: a backing,

that is used to host sporting setting, or support for something.
events during the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic. 322. Step in: become involved in a
difficult situation, especially in
312. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to order to help.
happen; unavoidable.
323. Alleviating:उन्मल
ू न: to make
313. vaunted: भड़का हुआ: praised or something bad such as pain or
boasted about, especially in an problems less severe
excessive way.
324. overwhelmed: अभिभत
ू : upset,
314. Arduous: कठिन: hard to overthrow
accomplish or achieve
325. turned the corner: to get past the
315. blaring: धब्बा लगाना: make or most difficult area or period in
cause to make a loud, harsh something and begin to improve
326. ramp up: increase the level or
316. went off: to burst forth or break amount of something sharply.
out suddenly or noisily.
327. spell out: explain something in
317. Unhinder: अनहोनी करनेवाला: able or detail.
allowed to happen or continue
without being slowed, stopped, or 328. Cognisant: having knowledge or
made more difficult. awareness.

318. Ominous: अमंगल: suggesting that 329. sanguine: आशावादी: optimistic or

positive, especially in an

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apparently bad or difficult prohibition of an activity.

340. Flailing: to move energetically in an
330. Amplified: प्रवर्धित: enlarge upon uncontrolled way
or add detail to (a story or
statement). 341. Usurp: हड़पना: to seize and hold
(as office, place, or powers) in
331. Vulnerability: the quality of being possession by force
easily hurt or attacked.
342. Augmenting: बढ़ाने: to make
332. Stranded: फंसे: unable to leave greater, more numerous, larger,
somewhere because of a problem or more intense
such as not having any transport
or money 343. Set off: begin a journey.

333. coercion: बलात्कार: the practice of 344. Petitions: याचिका: a request to do

persuading someone to do something, most commonly
something by using force or addressed to a government
threats. official or public entity.

334. eerie echo: mysteriously or 345. Apex: सर्वोच्च: the uppermost

uncannily frightening or point
disturbing; weird
346. calibrated : carefully assessed,
335. piling up: to increase in amount: set, or adjusted.

336. deferred: स्थगित: put off (an 347. Flak: criticism, opposition
action or event) to a later time;
348. Succour: परे शानी में सहायता: help
given to someone, especially
337. Paucity: कमी: smallness of someone who is suffering or in
number : fewness need

338. Cited: to praise someone publicly 349. Suo motu: "on its own motion"
for something the person has describes an act of authority
done taken without formal prompting
from another party.
339. Moratorium: रोक: a temporary
350. Prevalence: प्रसार: the fact or

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condition of being prevalent; 360. laid down: to give up : surrender.

361. Perennial: चिरस्थायी: lasting or
351. Evading: to escape; get away ; to existing for a long or apparently
be deceitful or clever in avoiding infinite time; enduring or
or escaping something continually recurring.

352. afflicted: संतप्त: (of a problem or 362. arbitrarily: मनमाने ढं ग से: on the
illness) cause pain or trouble to; basis of random choice or
affect adversely. personal whim, rather than any
reason or system.
353. go a long way: To achieve much
success. 363. nosedive: a fast and sudden fall
to the ground with the front
354. scrutiny : जांच: critical pointing down
observation or examination.
364. Wreaked: टूट पड़ा: cause (a large
355. breakthrough:a sudden, dramatic, amount of damage or harm).
and important discovery or
development. 365. havoc: नाश: wide and general
356. tailwind: in finance refers to a
certain situation or condition that 366. raging: प्रकोप: violent
may lead to higher profits,
revenue, or growth. 367. Parole: the freeing of a prisoner
before his or her sentence has
357. exaggerates: अतिरं जित”: represent expired
(something) as being larger, better, or
worse than it really is. 368. Decongest:भीड़ कम: to ease
crowding or clogging in (an area)
358. keep someone on their toes: .
keep someone ready to deal with
problems. 369. vulnerability: भेद्यता: the quality
or state of being exposed to the
359. at par: used to refer to the original value possibility of being attacked or
of a bond, share, etc. rather than its harmed, either physically or
value after being traded emotionally.

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370. Relentless: दयाहीन: unceasingly intense. people

371. halted: रुका: bring or come to an abrupt 383. Abduction: The movement of a limb
stop. away from the midline of the body.

372. Haulage: Haulage is the business of 384. Delinquents: अपराधी :a delinquent

transporting goods by road. person

373. stubbornly : हठ: in a manner that shows 385. Juvenile: किशोर: childish or immature.
dogged determination not to change
one's attitude or position on something. 386. Sensitisation: the process of becoming
highly sensitive to specific events or
374. Gauged: मापना: to measure precisely the situations (especially emotional events
size, dimensions, or other measurable or situations)
quantity of.
387. Propensity: an inclination or natural
375. crippling: गंभीर: causing a severe and tendency to behave in a particular way.
almost insuperable problem.
388. Transgression: उल्लंघन: an act, process,
376. Vigilant:जागरूक: wide-awake, alert or instance of transgressing: such as
infringement or violation of a law,
377. Bolster: . to support or improve command, or duty..
something or make it stronger
389. Behest: आज्ञा: an authoritative order :
378. Prophylactics: a medicine or course of command
action used to prevent disease.
390. Derogation: an exemption from or
379. Pall: To have a dulling, wearisome, or relaxation of a rule or law.
boring effect.
391. Ravage: नाश: cause severe and extensive
380. Gloom: उदासी: to be or look morose, damage to.
displeased, or dejected
392. Halted: रुका: discontinue,
381. Cumbersome: large or heavy and terminate the project
therefore difficult to carry or use;
unwieldy. 393. augmentation: वद् ृ धि: the action or
process of making or becoming
382. Trafficking: the act of buying or selling greater in size or amount.

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394. stance: the way in which developing or being successful;

someone stands, especially when
deliberately adopted (as in 406. backed off :
cricket, golf, and other sports).
407. reluctantly: अनिच्छा से: in an
395. a tall order: an unreasonable or unwilling and hesitant way.nt
difficult demand. matters.

396. grandeur: शान: splendour and 408. big ticket : constituting a major
impressiveness, especially of expense.
appearance or style.
409. Transpired: to take place : go on,
397. Consent: सहमति: permission for occur.
something to happen or agreement to do
410. frayed : (of a person's nerves or
temper) showing the effects of
398. Patent: the granting of a property strain.
right by a sovereign authority to
411. Irretrievable: अपरू णीय:not
an inventor.
retrievable; impossible to regain
399. Imperious: शाही: arrogant and or recover.
412. Eyeing: नज़र रखना: look at closely
400. cavalier: अभिमानपर्ण
ू : an arrogant or with interest.
person or someone indifferent or
413. Gear up: to get ready
casual about importa
414. Calamitous: नक़
ु सानदे ह: causing
401. Juncture: समय: a particular point
great damage or suffering
in events or time.
415. Furious: अति क्रुद्ध: extremely
402. Dented: कमजोर: have an adverse effect
on; diminish.
416. Dumping: copy (stored data) to a
403. Acrimony: रूखापन: anger and bitterness
different location, especially so as to
404. Onus: भार: burden protect against loss.

405. Hobbled: बंधन: prevent something 417. Enormous:विशाल: very large in size,

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quantity, or extent. to employment or income.

418. Jeopardy: ख़तरा: Something in danger of 430. Palpable: स्पर्शनीय: capable of

being damaged or destroyed: being touched or felt

419. Unrelenting: बेदर्द: not softening or 431. Hinterland: आंतरिक इलाके: the
yielding in determination remote areas of a country away
from the coast or the banks of
420. onslaught: हमला: a fierce or destructive major rivers.
432. dry up: (of something perceived
421. déjà vu: a feeling of having already as a continuous flow or source)
experienced the present situation. decrease and stop.
422. heralding: be a sign that (something) is 433. Mettle: उत्साह: staying quality :
about to happen. stamina
423. Dwelling: आवास: a house, flat, or other 434. Shamble: a slow, shuffling,
place of residence. awkward gait.
424. sturdy: तगड़ा: (of a person or their body) 435. Untamed: अदम्य: not
strongly and solidly built. domesticated or otherwise
425. Ferocious: क्रूर: savagely fierce, cruel, or
violent. 436. sway: control or influence (a
person or course of action).
426. Doldrum: उदासी: a state or period of
stagnation or depression 437. unwavering : अटूट: not wavering; steady
or resolute.
427. Flagged: . to warn or tell people about
something that is important or is a 438. abandoning: त्याग दे ना: give up
problem completely (a practice or a
course of action).
428. Discretionary: विवेकाधीन: left to
individual choice or judgment 439. impoverished: गरीब: (of a person
or area) made poor.
429. Precarity: अनिश्चितता: A state of
persistent insecurity with regard 440. alienate: विमख
ु : make (someone)

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feel isolated or estranged. competing with another for the same

objective or for superiority in the same
441. underpinnings: a set of ideas, field of activity.
motives, or devices which justify
or form the basis for something. 451. Vis-à-vis: in relation to; with regard to.

442. emphatic: ज़ोरदार: expressing 452. leverage: लाभ उठाने: use (something) to
something forcibly and clearly. maximum advantage.

443. rapport: a close and harmonious 453. Knee-jerk: (of a response) automatic and
relationship in which the people unthinking.
or groups concerned understand
each other's feelings or ideas and 454. Inoculation: टीका: vaccination.
communicate well.
455. stagnation: स्थिरता:a prolonged period of
444. status quo: the existing state of little or no growth in an economy.
456. ferocity : क्रूरता: the state or quality of
445. resentment: नाराज़गी: bitter being ferocious.
indignation at having been
457. Flounder: struggle mentally; show or feel
treated unfairly.
great confusion.
446. comply:पालन ​करना:: to obey an
458. Expedite: शीघ्र: to accelerate the process
order, rule, or request.
or progress of ; speed up.
447. Triggering: (of an event, circumstance,
459. Surety: प्रतिभ:ू a person who takes
etc.) causing a particular action,
responsibility for another's performance
process, or situation to happen.
of an undertaking, for example their
448. Backlash: a strong negative reaction by appearing in court or paying a debt.
a large number of people, especially to a
460. Clutch: to take or try to take hold of
social or political development.
something tightly.
449. Exodus: a going out; a departure or
461. Insolvency: दिवालियापन: a state of
emigration, usually of a large number of
financial distress in which a person or
business is unable to pay their debts.
450. rival: प्रतिद्वंद्वी: a person or thing
462. Affluent: धनी: having an abundance of

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goods or riches extent than appears the case.

463. Invoke: आह्वान: to petition for help or 474. Concurs: सहमत होना: be of the
support. same opinion; agree.

464. Contingency: आकस्मिकता: a future event 475. Arbitrary: मनमाना: based on

or circumstance which is possible but random choice or personal whim,
cannot be predicted with certainty. rather than any reason or system.

465. Alleviating: उन्मल

ू न: make (suffering, 476. Go to any lengths: To do
deficiency, or a problem) less severe. whatever is necessary (to
accomplish or attain something),
466. Surplus: अतिरिक्त: more than what is no matter how extreme.
needed or used; excess.
477. Vague: अस्पष्ट: not clearly stated,
467. Tarnish: कलंकति करना: damage or harm described, or explained
done to something.
478. Ramp up: increase the level or amount of
468. Disparage: उपेक्षा करना: regard or something sharply.
represent as being of little worth.
479. foot off the pedal: to make less effort and
469. forged : जाली: copied start to relax.
fraudulently; fake.
480. cessation : समापन: the fact or process of
470. Not have a leg to stand on: to be ending or being brought to an end.
in a situation in which you cannot
prove something 481. miasma : रोगकर दषि
ू त वाष्प: an
oppressive or unpleasant
471. Cataloguing:सच ू ीबद्ध: make a atmosphere which surrounds or
systematic list of (items of the emanates from something.
same type).
482. Steep: having a sharp inclination.
472. Baffling: impossible to
understand; perplexing. 483. Inexplicably: बेवजह: unable to be
explained or understood
473. deceptively : in a way or to an
extent that gives a misleading 484. Affluent: धनी: having an
impression; to a lesser or greater abundance of goods or riches

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485. Pervade: to spread through all strong desire and determination to

parts of something succeed.

486. Shunning: त्यागते: to avoid or 496. Fall short : To fail to attain a certain
refuse to accept someone or standard; to be insufficient.
497. Vagueness: अस्पष्टता: lack of certainty or
487. Burgeoning: तेजी से बढ़ते: distinctness.
beginning to grow or increase
rapidly; flourishing. 498. Intimation: सच
ू ना: an indication or
488. Tailoring: to make or prepare
something following particular 499. Pitfall: ख़तरा: a hidden or
instructions unsuspected danger or difficulty.

489. Deployment: to use something or 500. fall foul of: come into conflict
someone, especially in an with.
effective way.
501. Gravely: गंभीरता से: seriously
490. sheer : निरा: used for
502. Incite: उत्तेजित: to encourage
emphasizing an amount or
someone to do or feel something
degree; extremely steep
unpleasant or violent
491. Prudent: विवेकी: acting with or
503. struck down: to decide that a law
showing care and thought for the
or rule is illegal and should be
492. Draw up: prepare a plan,
504. Imminent: about to happen.
agreement, or other document in
detail. 505. Curb: नियंत्रण: a check or restraint
on something.
493. Vetted: make a careful and critical
examination of (something). 506. Lacuna: कमी: an unfilled space; a
494. Curtail : घटाना: reduce in extent or
quantity; impose a restriction on. 507. Enthused:उत्साहित: express eager
enjoyment, interest, or approval
495. bitious: महत्त्वाकांक्षी: having or showing a

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regarding something. bitterness

508. Shelved: to not take action on 520. Scrambling: to move or climb

something until a later time; delay quickly but with difficulty,

509. Grim: विकट: very serious or gloomy. 521. Insipid: फीका: lacking in qualities
that interest, stimulate, or
510. walking on the razor’s edge: To the point challenge : dull,
of doing something risky or dangerous.
522. Vociferously: चीखते हुए: in a loud
511. Staggering: चौंका दे ने वाला: deeply
and forceful manner.
shocking; astonishing.
523. Schisms: a split or division
512. Pessimistic: निराशावादी: tending to see
between strongly opposed
the worst aspect of things or believe that
sections or parties, caused by
the worst will happen.
differences in opinion or belief.
513. Upended: समाप्त कर दे ना: To stand, set, or
524. edifice : भवन: a large, imposing
turn on one end:
514. Wiggle: लचीलापन:. to (cause to) move up
and down and/or from side to side with 525. Parley: a conference between
small, quick movements opposing sides in a dispute,
especially a discussion of terms
515. Cognisant: understanding or realizing for an armistice.
526. flak : strong criticism.
516. Truncating: छोटा: shorten the
duration or extent of.

517. Sweating the small stuff: worry

about trivial things
June 2021
518. Grappling: जझ ू : engage in a close
fight or struggle without
527. Contention: विवाद: heated disagreement.
weapons; wrestle.
528. Traceability: पता लगाने की क्षमता: the
519. Acrimony: रूखापन: anger and ability to find or follow something

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529. Hyperbole: अतिशयोक्ति: exaggerated about someone.

statements or claims not meant to be
taken literally. 539. Entrenched: to firmly establish
something, especially an idea or a
530. Encroach: अतिक्रमण करना: to take problem, so that it cannot be changed.
control or possession of
something in a gradual way and 540. Bureaucracy: नौकरशाही: a system of
often without being noticed government in which most of the
important decisions are taken by state
531. Avenue: मार्ग: a way of officials rather than by elected
approaching a problem or making representatives.
progress towards something.
541. Sterilisations:जीवाण-ु नाशन: the process
532. Probe: जांच: a thorough of making something completely clean
investigation into a crime or other and free from bacteria.
542. Tumbled: गिरावट: to fall quickly and
533. Obligation: कर्तव्य: a course of without control
action that someone is required
to take 543. Stagnation: स्थिरता: a prolonged period
of little or no growth in an economy.
534. Diffidence: संशय: the quality or
state of being unassertive or 544. Unabated: अक्षीण: without any reduction
bashful in intensity or strength.

535. Elicit: प्रकाश में लाना: to draw or 545. Roll-out: officially launch or introduce a
bring out or forth; educe; evoke new product or service.

536. Aggrieved: पीड़ित: unhappy, hurt, 546. On-the-ground: in a place where real,
and angry because of unfair practical work is done.
547. Ominous: (अमंगल): giving the
537. Abandoning: त्याग दे ना: give up worrying impression that
completely (a practice or a course of something bad is going to
action). happen; threateningly
538. Reviled: गाली: to criticize someone
strongly, or say unpleasant things to or 548. prognosticate: (भविष्य बतलाना):

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foretell or prophesy (a future event). feeling unwilling and unable to do

549. stricken: (त्रस्त): seriously affected by
an undesirable condition or 559. Plight: दर्दु शा: a dangerous, difficult, or
unpleasant feeling. otherwise unfortunate situation.

550. malaise: (अस्वस्थता): a general 560. Interminable: अनंत: endless or apparently

feeling of discomfort, illness, or endless (often used hyperbolically).
unease whose exact cause is
difficult to identify. 561. trickle down : (of wealth) gradually
benefit the poorest as a result of the
551. tweaking: (फेरबदल): twist or pull increasing wealth of the richest
(something) sharply.
562. Genome: the haploid set of
552. swathes:( चौड़ी पट्टी): a broad strip or chromosomes in a gamete or
area of something. microorganism.

553. ostensible: (ख़याली): stated or 563. hobble : बंधन: walk in an awkward way,
appearing to be true, but not typically because of pain from an injury.
necessarily so.
564. Deeming: to form or have an opinion;
554. vaunt: (शेखी मारना): praised or judge; think
boasted about, especially in an
excessive way. 565. Imprudent: ढीठ: unwise, by failing to
consider the likely results of your
555. cajole : (मीठी बातों से मिला लेना): actions.
persuade (someone) to do
something by sustained coaxing or 566. prickly : complicated and difficult to deal
flattery. with

556. purge: (शद्

ु ध करना): rid (someone or 567. Tussle: संघर्ष: a vigorous struggle or
something) of an unwanted quality, scuffle, typically in order to obtain or
condition, or feeling. achieve something.

557. traumatic : घाव: deeply disturbing 568. Whopping: भारी: extremely large also
or distressing. extraordinary, incredible.

558. Lethargy: सस्

ु ती: having little energy; 569. Punitively: दं डात्मक रूप से:
inflicting, involving, or aiming at

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punishment. negative feeling) worse.

570. Discriminatory: भेदभावपर्ण

ू : making 579. Moot: विवादास्पद: subject to
or showing an unfair or debate, dispute, or uncertainty.
prejudicial distinction between
different categories of people or 580. Disparity:असमानता: a great
things, especially on the grounds difference.
of race, age, or sex.
581. glaring : having a fixed look of hostility,
571. limping : लंगड़ा: the action of fierceness, or anger.
walking with difficulty, typically
582. Endeavour: प्रयास: try hard to do or
because of a damaged or stiff leg
achieve something.
or foot.
583. Punitively: दं डात्मक रूप से: inflicting,
572. retaliating : बदला लेने: make an
involving, or aiming at punishment.
attack in return for a similar
attack. 584. worse-off : in a less advantageous
position; less fortunate or prosperous.
573. Skirmishes: झड़पों: an episode of
irregular or unpremeditated 585. tinkering : फेरबदल: attempt to repair or
fighting, especially between small improve something in a casual or
or outlying parts of armies or desultory way.
586. Fragile: नाज़क
ु : easily destroyed or
574. Heft: वज़न: weight, heaviness. threatened.
575. Venture: a risky or daring journey 587. Pull out: withdraw from an
or undertaking. undertaking.
576. Fragile: नाज़क
ु : easily destroyed or 588. cumulative : संचयी: increasing by
threatened. successive additions.
577. Pull out: withdraw from an 589. Reiterated: दोहराया:to state or do
undertaking. over again or repeatedly
sometimes with wearying effect.
578. Exacerbate: ख़राब करना: make (a
problem, bad situation, or 590. Fragile: नाज़क
ु : (of an object)

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easily broken or damaged. 601. hall of fame: the class or

category of those who have
591. Pessimism: निराशावाद: a negative excelled in a particular activity or
mental attitude in which an field.
undesirable outcome is
anticipated from a given 602. tap into: To access some large,
situation. abundant, or powerful resource.

592. Anchored: to make something or 603. Wipe out: eliminate something

someone stay in one position by completely.
fastening him, her, or it firmly
604. Envisages: परिकल्पना करना: to
593. Bolstering: सहारा: to support or imagine or expect something in
improve something or make it the future, especially something
stronger good

594. Conundrum: पहे ली: a confusing 605. Propitious : अनकु ू ल: likely to

and difficult problem or question. result in success, or showing
signs of success/.
595. to drop the ball : make a mistake;
mishandle things. 606. Premised: आधार:an idea or theory
on which a statement or action is
596. bumped up: to move (something based.
or someone) to a higher level,
position, rank, etc. 607. Bounteous: विपल ु : generously
given or giving; bountiful.
597. Pull out: withdraw from an
undertaking. 608. spats: a short argument, usually
about something that is not
598. Bridging: to make the difference important
or division between two things
smaller or less severe. 609. Procure:परिश्रम से प्राप्त करना: to
obtain (something) by particular
599. Nudge: to move slowly and care and effort
almost reach a higher point or
level 610. Purview: परिधि: the scope of the
influence or concerns of
600. Laudable: प्रशंसनीय: admirable

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something. presentation, typically concealing

the true nature of something.
611. throws up: abandon or give up
something, especially one's job. 622. Benign: सौम्य: gentle and kindly.

612. Arbitrary:मनमाना: based on 623. Juvenile: किशोर: for or relating to

random choice or personal whim, young people.
rather than any reason or system.
624. Well-off: wealthy.
613. Vicinity: आस-पास: the quality or
state of being near 625. enforcement : प्रवर्तन: the act of
compelling observance of or
614. Autonomy: स्वराज्य: defined as the compliance with a law, rule, or
ability of the person to make his obligation.
or her own decisions.
626. Lax: ढीला: not sufficiently strict,
615. truculent : लड़ाकू: eager or quick to severe, or careful.
argue or fight; aggressively
defiant. 627. Unscrupulous: बेशरम: having or
showing no moral principles; not
616. Meandering: moving slowly in no honest or fair.
particular direction or with no
clear purpose 628. Heeded: ध्यान लगाना: pay attention
to; take notice of.
617. Roll out: officially launch or
introduce a new product or 629. dip into: Withdraw something in
service. small amounts, usually money,

618. Innate: जन्मजात: inborn; natural. 630. iron out wrinkles : to fix the small
problems in something
619. Generosity: उदारता: the quality of
being kind and generous. 631. xenophobic : having or showing a
dislike of or prejudice against
620. Milieu: the physical or social people from other countries.
setting in which something
occurs or develops. 632. Excruciating: कष्टदायी: causing great
pain or anguish.
621. Guise: भेष: an external form,
appearance, or manner of 633. Interspersed:बिखेरना: Interspersed is

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defined as scattered among other things. 645. Hawk-eyed: watching carefully; vigilant.

634. Unabashedly: खल
ु ेआम: without 646. at bay: forced to face or confront one's
embarrassment or shame. attackers or pursuers; cornered.

635. Insatiable: लालची: incapable of being 647. Emancipation: मक्ति

ु : liberation.
648. Decrepit: परु ाना: worn out or ruined
636. Gushing: (of speech or writing) effusive because of age or neglect.
or exaggeratedly enthusiastic.
649. Exhortation: प्रबोधन: to incite by
637. Souvenir: a thing that is kept as a argument or advice
reminder of a person, place, or event.
650. Deluge: बाढ़: a very large amount
638. Camouflaging: hide or disguise the of rain or water
presence of (a person, animal, or object)
by means of camouflage. 651. Rehabilitation: पनु र्वास: The
process of helping a person who
639. Burlesque: कारटून: An absurd or has suffered an illness or injury
comically exaggerated imitation of restore lost skills and so regain
something. maximum self-sufficiency.

640. Tyranny: cruel and oppressive 652. Conundrum: पहे ली: a problem or
government or rule. puzzle which is difficult or
impossible to solve
641. Impenetrable: impossible to pass
through or enter. 653. Squalid: मलिन: (of a place)
extremely dirty and unpleasant,
642. Onslaught: हमला: a fierce or destructive especially as a result of poverty
attack. or neglect.
643. Vigilantism: law enforcement undertaken 654. Imperative: अनिवार्य: of vital
without legal authority by a importance; crucial.
self-appointed group of people.
655. Salvage: उबार: to succeed in
644. chauvinism : exaggerated or aggressive achieving or saving something
patriotism. that is in a difficult situation

656. Hovels: a small squalid or simply

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constructed dwelling. argument or advice

657. Cudgel: गदा: a short, thick stick 668. Communiqué: शासकीय सच ू ना: an official
used as a weapon announcement or statement, especially
one made to the media.
658. Stagnating: विकसित न होना: to be
or become inactive. 669. Anachronistic: कालभ्रमित: the
action of attributing something to
659. Abiding: बाध्य होना: to remain a period to which it does not
stable or fixed in a state . belong.
660. Bleak: बेरंग: (of an area of land) 670. Bonhomie: खश ु मिज़ाजी: cheerful
lacking vegetation and exposed friendliness; geniality.
to the elements.
671. Elite: समाज का उत्कृष्ट भाग: a select
661. Rut: a habit or pattern of group that is superior in terms of
behaviour that has become dull ability or qualities to the rest of a
and unproductive but is hard to group or society.
672. convening : come or bring
662. discretionary : विवेकाधीन: available to together for a meeting or activity;
someone by choice, without having to assemble.
get permission or authority
673. Clampdown: शिकंजा कसना: a
663. Salvage: उबार: to succeed in achieving or concerted or harsh attempt to
saving something that is in a difficult suppress something.
674. Ally: a state formally cooperating
664. Accompanied: साथ: go somewhere with with another for a military or
(someone) as a companion or escort. other purpose.
665. Prognosis: रोग का निदान: the likely course 675. Palpable: स्पर्शनीय: capable of
of a medical condition. being touched or felt
666. Crematoriums: शवदाहगह ृ : a venue for the 676. Mantle: an important role or
cremation of the dead. responsibility that passes from
one person to another.
667. Exhortation: प्रबोधन: to incite by

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677. 10. Lucrative: लाभप्रद: producing a political issues.

great deal of profit.
689. Ratchet up: to increase/reduce
678. Obfuscated: समझ से परे : make something over a period of time
obscure, unclear, or
unintelligible. 690. Breached: उल्लंघन: to break a law,
promise, agreement, or relationship
679. Manoeuvre: a movement or set of
movements needing skill and care 691. Contiguous : मिला हुआ: being in actual
680. Tenable: लायक़: capable of being held,
maintained, or defended 692. Consternation: आतंक: a feeling of strong
annoyance and anger, usually because
681. Elbow room: adequate space to move or of something bad that you cannot
work in. change .
682. Curb:नियंत्रण to control the growth or 693. Turbulent: अशांत: characterized by
expression of something conflict, disorder, or confusion; not
stable or calm.
683. Dovish: tone of language used to
describe a situation and the associated 694. stringent : कड़ी से कड़ी: (of regulations,
implications for actions. requirements, or conditions) strict,
684. Soaring: increasing rapidly above the precise, and exacting.
usual level. 695. Rendered: to give something such as a
685. Muddled:अव्यवस्थित: an untidy or service, a personal opinion or
confused state: expression, or a performance of a song
or poem, etc. to people
686. rein in: to limit or control (someone or
something) 696. set off : begin a journey.

687. Steep: (of a slope, flight of stairs, or 697. Arbitration: a form of alternative dispute
angle) rising or falling sharply; almost resolution (ADR), is a way to resolve
perpendicular. disputes outside the judiciary courts.

688. Status-quo: the existing state of affairs, 698. Disruptive: causing or tending to cause
particularly with regard to social or disruption.

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699. Autonomous: स्वायत्तशासी: having the 710. Tabulating: सारणी: to count, record, or list
right or power of self-government. systematically.

700. Tremendously: भयोत्पादक: to a great or 711. Dispel: दरू हो जाना: to drive away or cause
tremendous extent to vanish by

701. Curtail: घटाना: to make less by or as if by 712. Amassed: जमा कर रखे: gather together or
cutting off or away some part accumulate (a large amount or number
of material or things) over a period of
702. Relevance: the quality or state of being time.
closely connected or appropriate.
713. Pessimistic: निराशावादी: the tendency to
703. Interoperability: refers to the basic ability see the bad side of things or to expect
of different computerized products or the worst in any situation
systems to readily connect and
exchange information with one another, 714. stifling : दमघोंटू: suffocating.
in either implementation or access,
without restriction. 715. Pragmatic: व्यावहारिक: dealing with things
sensibly and realistically in a way that is
704. Intubation: a procedure that's used when based on practical rather than theoretical
you can't breathe on your own. considerations.

705. Foster: encourage the development of 716. Hostility: शत्रत

ु ा: hostile behaviour;
(something, especially something unfriendliness or opposition.
717. Cleric: परु ोहित: a priest or religious leader,
706. Fragmentation: the process or state of especially a Christian or Muslim one.
breaking or being broken into fragments.
718. Tussle: संघर्ष: a vigorous struggle or
707. Encompassing: शामिल: surround and scuffle, typically in order to obtain or
have or hold within. achieve something.

708. Inklink: a slight suggestion or indication; 719. Clout: प्रभाव: influence or power,
hint; intimation: especially in politics or business.

709. Waned: कम होना: to decrease in size, 720. Rigged: manipulated or controlled by

extent, or degree deceptive or dishonest

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721. Vets: make a careful and critical very confused or worried.

examination of (something).
733. Spell out: say or explain
722. Repression: दमन: the action of subduing something very clearly and
someone or something by force. simply.

723. Tactical: सामरिक: relating to or 734. Ameliorative: उन्नति करनेवाला: to

constituting actions carefully planned to make or become better, more
gain a specific military end. bearable, or more satisfactory.

724. Pertaining: संबधि

ं त: to belong as a part, 735. ex gratia : (of payment) given as a
member, accessory, or product favour or from a sense of moral
obligation rather than because of
725. Ballot: मतदान: a system of voting any legal requirement.
secretly and in writing on a particular
issue. 736. Fend: to take care of and provide
for yourself without depending on
726. Daunting: कठिन: seeming difficult to deal anyone else.
with in prospect
737. Deploy: to use something or
727. Averred: औसत: state or assert to be the someone, especially in an
case. effective way.
728. Externalising: बाहरी करना: give 738. hit the hardest: be very badly
external existence or form to. affected by something.
729. Unprecedented: अभतू पर्व
ू : never 739. Mooted:विचार करना: raise (a
done or known before. question or topic) for discussion;
suggest (an idea or possibility).
730. Asserting: जोर दे कर कहा: to state or
declare positively and often 740. Sweeping: व्यापक: extending or
forcefully or aggressively performed in a long, continuous curve.
731. put to use: To apply or utilize 741. Ostensibly: प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर: as appears or is
someone or something to suit a stated to be true, though not necessarily
particular need or purpose. so; apparently.
732. tying oneself in knots : become 742. Discernible: नमद
ू ार: able to be discerned;

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perceptible. area in an untidy or irregular way.

743. Ambiguity: अस्पष्टता: the quality of being 754. Pragmatic: व्यावहारिक: dealing with things
open to more than one interpretation; sensibly and realistically in a way that is
inexactness. based on practical rather than theoretical
744. Indulging: allow oneself to enjoy the
pleasure of. 755. Revive: पन
ु र्जीवित: to return to
consciousness or life
745. hark back: mention or remember
something from the past. 756. Embattled: (of a place or people)
involved in or prepared for war,
746. Hitherto: अब तक: until now or until the especially because surrounded by
point in time under discussion. enemy forces.
747. Probing: जांच: inquiring closely into 757. Overtures: पहल: an initiative toward
something; searching. agreement or action
748. to dig in one’s heels: resist stubbornly; 758. cracked down: Act more forcefully to
refuse to give in. regulate, repress, or restrain.
749. Rhetoric: वक्रपटुता: the art of effective or 759. Rhetoric: वक्रपटुता: the art of effective or
persuasive speaking or writing, persuasive speaking or writing,
especially the exploitation of figures of especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional speech and other compositional
techniques. techniques.
750. Muzzle: prevent (a person or group) from 760. Muzzle: prevent (a person or group) from
expressing their opinions freely. expressing their opinions freely.
751. Bottlenecks: बाधाओं: A bottleneck is a 761. Bottlenecks: बाधाओं: A bottleneck is a
situation that stops a process or activity situation that stops a process or activity
from progressing. from progressing.
752. Bellistic: extremely and usually suddenly 762. Bellistic: extremely and usually suddenly
excited, upset, or angry. excited, upset, or angry.
753. Sprawling: spreading out over a large 763. Sprawling: spreading out over a large

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area in an untidy or irregular way. 774. Vigilance: जागरूकता: the action or state of
keeping careful watch for possible
764. Pragmatic: व्यावहारिक: dealing with things danger or difficulties.
sensibly and realistically in a way that is
based on practical rather than theoretical 775. déjà vu: a feeling of having already
considerations. experienced the present situation.
765. Revive: पन
ु र्जीवित: to return to 776. Modicum: अल्पांश: a small quantity of a
consciousness or life particular thing, especially something
desirable or valuable.
766. Embattled: (of a place or people)
involved in or prepared for war, 777. Avert: टालना: turn away (one's eyes or
especially because surrounded by thoughts).
enemy forces.
778. drop the ball: make a mistake; mishandle
767. Overtures: पहल: an initiative toward things.
agreement or action
779. Belie: झठु लाना: (of an appearance) fail to
768. cracked down: Act more forcefully to give a true impression of (something).
regulate, repress, or restrain.
780. Bugbear: डरावना: a cause of obsessive
769. Debilitating: दर्ब
ु ल: (of a disease or fear, anxiety, or irritation.
condition) making someone very weak
and infirm. 781. Halos: प्रभामंडल a disc or ring of light
around the head of an angel, saint​, etc,
770. Surge: महोर्मि: a sudden powerful forward as in painting or sculpture
or upward movement, especially by a
crowd or by a natural force such as the 782. enthralling : दिलचस्प: capturing and
tide. holding one's attention; fascinating.

771. Strapped: तंगी: short of money. 783. subdued lacking in vitality, intensity, or
772. Anguish: पीड़ा: severe mental or physical
pain or suffering. 784. Imperious: arrogant and domineering.

773. Morphed: बदला गया: to change the form 785. Astute:चतरु : having or showing an ability
or character of ;transform. to accurately assess situations or people

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and turn this to one's advantage. legislator) on an issue.

786. Stand-out: persist in opposition or 798. Ferocity: क्रूरता: the state or quality of
support of something. being ferocious.

787. Hang heavy : (of time) pass slowly. 799. propensity : झकु ाव: an inclination or
natural tendency to behave in a
788. Shore up: to support (something) or particular way.
keep (something) from falling by placing
something under or against it . 800. vehement : लवलीन: showing strong
feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
789. Devastating: भयानक: highly destructive
or damaging. 801. strident : presenting a point of view,
especially a controversial one, in an
790. Trifecta: a run of three wins or grand excessively forceful way.
802. Detractors: विरोधियों: a person who
791. Steep: (of a price or demand) not disparages someone or something.
reasonable; excessive.
803. Sedition: राज - द्रोह: conduct or speech
792. roll out: officially launch or introduce a inciting people to rebel against the
new product or service. authority of a state or monarch.
793. Sporadic: यत्र-तत्र: occurring at irregular 804. Disaffection: असंतोष: the quality of no
intervals or only in a few places; longer supporting or being satisfied with
scattered or isolated. a system, organization, or idea
794. Unprecedented: अभत
ू पर्व
ू : never done or 805. Anticipatory: अग्रिम: happening,
known before. performed, or felt in anticipation of
795. foreseeable : निकट: able to be foreseen
or predicted. 806. Imputations: आरोप: an attribution, as of
fault or crime; accusation.
796. far from over : means there is still much
more to be done or resolved before 807. Malice: द्वेष: the desire to harm
something is completed. someone; ill will.
797. Lobbying: पक्ष जट
ु ाव: seek to influence (a 808. Ferocity: क्रूरता: the state or quality of

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being ferocious.

809. Unanticipated: अप्रत्याशित: not expected

or predicted. July 2021
810. Redundant: not or no longer needed or
useful; superfluous.
819. Devastating: भयानक: highly
811. Radar: a person's capacity for intuitive destructive or damaging.
perception; a special sensitivity for
factors, trends, etc. 820. Abysmal: मात्र: : immeasurably
low or wretched
812. Autonomous: स्वायत्तशासी: independent
and having the power to make decisions 821. Trifecta: a run of three wins or
for yourself grand events.

813. patronised : treat in a way that is 822. trickle down: (of wealth) gradually
apparently kind or helpful but that benefit the poorest as a result of
betrays a feeling of superiority. the increasing wealth of the
814. Consensus: आम सहमति: a general
agreement. 823. Stirring: an initial sign of activity,
movement, or emotion
815. Invasive: tending to spread very quickly
and undesirably or harmfully. 824. Belt-tightening: a reduction in
spending : changes that are made
816. Stringent: कड़ी से कड़ी: (of regulations, in order to save money.
requirements, or conditions) strict,
precise, and exacting. 825. Paediatric: Paediatrics is the area
of medicine that is concerned
817. Patronage: संरक्षण: the power to control with the treatment of children's
appointments to office or the right to illnesses.
826. Padding: गद्दी: soft material such
818. Proliferation: प्रसार: rapid increase in the as foam or cloth used to pad or
number or amount of something. stuff something.

827. Steep: (of a price or demand) not

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reasonable; excessive. physical or mental distress or

828. roll out: officially launch or introduce a
new product or service. 839. set off: begin a journey.

829. Kin: one's family and relations 840. Curtail: घटाना: reduce in extent or
quantity; impose a restriction on.
830. Ex gratia: (of payment) given as a favour
or from a sense of moral obligation 841. Inoculation: टीका: the action of
rather than because of any legal inoculating or of being inoculated;
requirement. vaccination.

831. Untenable: अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय:(especially 842. jeopardy : ख़तरा: danger of loss, harm, or
of a position or view) not able to be failure.
maintained or defended against attack or
objection. 843. Deprivation: हानि: The absence, loss, or
withholding of something needed.
832. Reap: receive (something, especially
something beneficial) as a consequence 844. Starkly: परस्पर विरोधी: in a way that is
of one's own or another's actions. severe or harsh in appearance or outline.

833. Rejuvenation: कायाकल्प: the action or 845. Inculcate: मन में बैठाना: instil (an idea,
process of giving new energy or vigour attitude, or habit) by persistent
to something. instruction.

834. Enact: अभिनय करना: put into practice (an 846. in the dark: in a state of ignorance.
idea or suggestion).
847. Vivid: producing powerful feelings or
835. Belt-tightening: a reduction in spending strong, clear images in the mind.
: changes that are made in order to save
848. Manoeuvre: a movement or series of
moves requiring skill and care.
836. trickle down: (of wealth) gradually
849. notched up: to win something, or to
benefit the poorest as a result of the
achieve something.
increasing wealth of the richest.
850. Noteworthy: ध्यान दे ने योग्य: worth
837. pull up: (of a vehicle) come to a halt.
paying attention to; interesting or
838. Miseries: दख
ु : a state or feeling of great

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significant. 861. Indictments: a formal charge or

accusation of a serious crime.
851. Surge: महोर्मि: a sudden powerful
forward or upward movement, 862. Plutocrat: a person whose power
especially by a crowd or by a derives from their wealth.
natural force such as the tide.
863. Audacious: showing a
852. anomalous : नियमविरूद्ध: willingness to take surprisingly
deviating from what is standard, bold risks
normal, or expected.
864. Larceny: theft of personal
853. Protracted: लंबा: to prolong in property.
time or space : continue.
865. Subpoena: a writ ordering a
854. Quadrupled: चार गनु ा: to make person to attend a court.
four times as great or as many
866. Disaffection: असंतोष: the quality
855. Propelling:बढ़ाने योग्य: to drive, or of no longer supporting or being
cause to move, forward or satisfied with a system,
onward organization, or idea

856. Enthused: उत्साहित: express eager 867. Anticipatory: अग्रिम: happening,

enjoyment, interest, or approval performed, or felt in anticipation
regarding something. of something.

857. Drag one’s feet: walk slowly and 868. Imputations: आरोप: an attribution,
wearily or with difficulty. as of fault or crime; accusation.

858. Exacerbate: ख़राब करना: make (a 869. Graves: used as an allusive term
problem, bad situation, or for death
negative feeling) worse.
870. Half-hearted: अधरू े मन से: lacking heart,
859. Emoluments: a salary, fee, or spirit, or interest
profit from employment or office.
871. Squalid: (of a place) extremely dirty and
860. vehement : लवलीन: showing unpleasant, especially as a result of
strong feeling; forceful, poverty or neglect.
passionate, or intense.
872. to get to the bottom of the matter:

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to find out the true reason for or decrease in vigour or extent; become
cause of (something) weaker.

873. Federal: having or relating to a 883. in the wake of : following (someone or

system of government in which something), especially as a
several states form a unity but consequence.
remain independent in internal
affairs. 884. Evasion: टालना: the act of intentionally
avoiding doing something that you have
874. Genocide: नरसंहार: the deliberate a duty or responsibility to do
killing of a large number of
people from a particular nation or 885. Reckoned: गणना किए गए: establish by
ethnic group with the aim of calculation.
destroying that nation or group.
886. Critiqued: आलोचना: evaluate (a theory or
875. Reconciliation: सल ु ह: the practice) in a detailed and analytical way.
restoration of friendly relations
887. Adjunct: सहायक: a thing added to
876. Indigenous: स्वदे शी: originating or something else as a supplementary
occurring naturally in a particular rather than an essential part.
place; native.
888. Deprivation: हानि: the disadvantage that
877. grievances : शिकायतो: a real or results from losing something.
imagined cause for complaint,
889. Hastily: जल्दी से: with excessive speed or
especially unfair treatment.
urgency; hurriedly.
878. Spurious: जाली: not being what it
890. Spur: प्रेरणा: a thing that prompts or
purports to be; false or fake.
encourages someone; an incentive.
879. Mop-up: a concluding action or
891. Plausible: प्रशंसनीय: (of an argument or
statement) seeming reasonable or
880. Sans: without. probable.

881. Yawning: (of an opening or space) very 892. Viable: व्यवहार्य: capable of working
large and wide. successfully; feasible.

882. Waning: घट: (of a state or feeling) 893. Blip: an unexpected, minor, and typically
temporary deviation from a general

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trend. 907. Inoculate: टीका लगाना: vaccinate.

894. Shaken up: Greatly startled, shocked, or 908. Onus: भार: something that is one's duty
upset. or responsibility.

895. Tepid: showing little enthusiasm. 909. spruce up: to make (someone or
something) look cleaner, neater, or more
896. brewing : शराब बनाना: the activity or attractive
business of producing beer.
910. deep freeze : A condition of
897. Resurgence: पन ु रुत्थान: an increase or being held in temporary
revival after a period of little activity, suspension or inactivity.
popularity, or occurrence.
911. paved the way : to make it easier
898. Ramp up: increase the level or amount of for (something to happen or
something sharply. someone to do something)
899. in lieu: instead. 912. status quo: the current situation
900. Ramp up: increase the level or amount of 913. De-escalation: reduction of the
something sharply. intensity of a conflict or
potentially violent situation.
901. dip in: To fall temporarily or quickly to a
lower level or degree. 914. Booming: फलफूल: having a period
of great prosperity or rapid
902. Slackening: कम करना: slowdown
economic growth.
903. Procurement: खरीद: the act of obtaining
915. Cloaked: hide, cover, or disguise
goods or services
904. Dispensed: distribute or provide (a
916. dragging his feet : (of a person or
service or information) to a number of
organization) be deliberately slow
or reluctant to act.
905. Chaotic: अस्तव्यस्त: in a state of complete
917. To dog someone: To judge or
confusion and disorder.
criticize someone for something.
906. Ferocity: क्रूरता: the state or quality of
918. Propelled: चालित: drive or push
being ferocious.

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something forwards. 928. strike down: मार डालना: make

someone die or become very ill;
919. Egg on: to encourage someone hit someone and make them fall
to do something, esp. something down; officially end law.
unwise or bad
929. Proclivity:झकु ाव: a tendency to
920. Steadily: तेजी से: in a regular and choose or do something
even manner. regularly; an inclination or
predisposition towards a
921. Surge: a sudden powerful
particular thing.
forward or upward movement,
especially by a crowd or by a 930. Adherence: attachment or
natural force such as the tide. commitment to a person, cause,
or belief.
922. Rampant: अनियंत्रित: happening a
lot or becoming worse, usually in 931. Pernicious: हानिकारक: having a
a way that is out of control harmful effect, especially in a
gradual or subtle way.
923. Dissenting: असहमति: holding or
expressing opinions that are at 932. Stamp out: suppress or put an
variance with those commonly or end to something by taking
officially held. decisive action.
924. Gratifying: संतोषजनक: giving 933. Tortuous: कपटपर्ण
ू : full of twists
pleasure or satisfaction. and turns; not straight or direct
925. Pernicious: हानिकारक: having a 934. Gear up: prepare or equip oneself
harmful effect, especially in a for something; get ready.
gradual or subtle way.
935. Rehabilitation: पन
ु र्वास: the action
926. Provocative: उत्तेजक: tending or of restoring something that has
serving to provoke; inciting, been damaged to its former
stimulating or vexing. condition.
927. Quelling: शमन: to stop 936. Meandered: to wander aimlessly
something, especially by using on a winding roundabout course.
937. Vociferous: मख
ु र: expressing or

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characterized by vehement 948. Abatement: कमी: a situation in

opinions; loud and forceful. which a rate, price, etc. goes
down, or goes up more slowly
938. Envisage: परिकल्पना करना: to than before
imagine or expect something in
the future, especially something 949. hard pressed: having a lot of
good. difficulties doing something,
especially because there is not
939. Impetus: the force or energy with enough time or money
which a body moves.
950. Subservient: अधीन: prepared to
940. to the fore: in or to a conspicuous obey others unquestioningly.
or leading position.
951. Breached: उल्लंघन: break or fail to
941. lay down : put something down. observe (a law, agreement, or
code of conduct).
942. Prodding: उकसाने: to push
something or someone with your 952. Trample: रौंदे : to step heavily on
finger or with a pointed object something or someone, causing
damage or injury
943. Perturbed:व्याकुल: feeling anxiety
or concern; unsettled. 953. Intrusion: अतिक्रमण: something
that interrupts peaceful or private
944. suo motu: relating to an action
taken by a court of its own
accord, without any request by 954. Voyeurism: the practice of
the parties involved. obtaining sexual gratification by
looking at sexual objects or acts,
945. Paramount: ऊंचे दर्जे का: more
especially secretively.
important than anything else;
supreme. 955. Dislodge: हटाना: remove from a
position of power or authority.
946. Reiterate: दोहराना: to say
something again, once or several 956. disingenuous : कपटी: not candid
times. or sincere, typically by
pretending that one knows less
947. heeding : ध्यान दे ना: pay attention
about something than one really
to; take notice of.

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does. having no definite form

957. turpitude : अधमता: depraved or 967. Deluge: बाढ़: an overflowing of

wicked behaviour or character. the land by water.

958. Sabotage: तोड़-फोड़: deliberately 968. Inundation: सैलाब: an

destroy, damage, or obstruct overwhelming abundance of
(something), especially for people or things.
political or military advantage.
969. Jeopardy: ख़तरा: danger of loss,
959. Plead: निवेदन करना: make an harm, or failure.
emotional appeal.
970. Staggering: चौंका दे ने वाला:
960. Antithetical: विरोधात्मक: directly shocking because of being
opposed or contrasted; mutually extremely large
971. catastrophic : आपत्तिजनक:
961. Plead: निवेदन करना: make an involving or causing sudden
emotional appeal. great damage or suffering.

962. Antithetical: विरोधात्मक: directly 972. buoyant : प्रसन्नचित्त: cheerful and

opposed or contrasted; mutually optimistic.
973. delineated : चित्रित: describe or
963. Impediments: स्र्कावट: a hindrance portray (something) precisely.
or obstruction in doing
something. 974. Beset: (of a problem or difficulty)
trouble (someone or something)
964. Perennial: चिरस्थायी: lasting or persistently.
existing for a long or apparently
infinite time; enduring or 975. Superseded: अधिक्रमित: take the
continually recurring place of (a person or thing
previously in authority or use);
965. Encroached: अतिक्रमण: to enter supplant.
by gradual steps or by stealth
into the possessions or rights 976. Muster: collect or assemble (a
number or amount).
966. Amorphously: अनाकार रूप से:
977. Ratification: अनस
ु मर्थन: the action

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of signing or giving formal change the original agreed terms.

consent to a treaty, contract, or
agreement, making it officially 987. Ally: combine or unite a resource
valid. or commodity with (another) for
mutual benefit.
978. contingent : आकस्मिक: subject to
chance. 988. back to square one: back to
where one started, with no
979. Evasion: टालना: the action of progress having been made.
evading something.
989. under the umbrella: to be part of
980. quasi-federal : Quasi-federalism a larger organization or involved
means an intermediate form of in the work done by it.
state between a unitary state and
a federation. 990. Expedite: शीघ्र: make (an action or
process) happen sooner or be
981. Inception: आरं भ: the accomplished more quickly.
establishment or starting point of
an institution or activity. 991. Usher: show or guide (someone)
982. Implications: आशय: the
conclusion that can be drawn 992. Facilitation: सहूलियत: the action of
from something although it is not facilitating something.
explicitly stated.
993. Torrential: मस
ू लधार: (of rain) falling
983. Conduit: पाइपलाइन: a channel for rapidly and in copious quantities.
conveying water or other fluid
994. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to happen;
984. Drop the ball: make a mistake; unavoidable.
mishandle things.
995. Amended: संशोधन: make minor changes
985. Repercussions: an unintended to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in
consequence of an event or order to make it fairer or more accurate
action, especially an unwelcome
996. Thriving: संपन्न: to gain in wealth or
986. Renegotiate: negotiate
997. Spooked: डरावना: frighten; unnerve.
(something) again in order to

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998. Roll-out: to make a new product, suffering.

service, or system available for the first
time 1008. Onslaught: हमला: a fierce or destructive
999. Ambiguity:अनिश्चितता: the quality of
being open to more than one 1009. chunk : a substantial amount of
interpretation; inexactness. something

1000. Anonymity: lack of outstanding, 1010. Faltering: हीनता: losing strength or

individual, or unusual features; momentum.
1011. Mop-up: completion of an operation or
1001. Cryptocurrency: a digital or virtual action.
currency that is secured by
1012. tide over: help someone through a
cryptography, which makes it nearly
difficult period, especially with financial
impossible to counterfeit or
1013. Skirmishes: झड़पों: an episode of irregular
1002. Extremities: the furthest point or limit of
or unpremeditated fighting
1014. Dormant: निष्क्रिय: temporarily inactive or
1003. Fragility: भंगरु ता: the quality of
being easily broken or damaged.
1015. De-escalate: reduce the intensity of (a
1004. Vigil: जलस
ू : A period of keeping conflict or potentially violent situation).
awake during the time usually
spent asleep, especially to keep 1016. Conflagration: आग: an extensive fire
watch or pray. which destroys a great deal of land or
1005. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to
happen; unavoidable. 1017. Tamp down: to reduce the amount, level,
size, or importance of something.
1006. Harness: control and make use of
(natural resources), especially to 1018. Prevailed: प्रबल: prove more
produce energy. powerful or superior.
1007. Catastrophic: आपत्तिजनक: involving or 1019. status quo: the existing state of
causing sudden great damage or affairs, especially regarding

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social or political issues. 1030. Resurgent: पन ु स्र्त्थानशील : increasing or

reviving after a period of little activity
1020. snowballed into: To develop
quickly and progressively into 1031. Incongruous: inappropriate
something bigger, more complex,
more difficult, more dangerous, 1032. Adrenaline: a hormone
1033. Disconcerting : चिंताजनक : Causing one
1021. Condone: माफ करना: accept to feel unsettled.
(behaviour that is considered
1034. Siege : घेराबंदी : A military operation in
morally wrong or offensive).
which enemy forces surround a town or
1022. Knotty: विकट: extremely difficult building.
or complex.
1035. Trajectory : प्रक्षेपवक्र : The path followed
by a projectile flying

1036. Inoculation : टीकाकरण : The action of

August 2021 inoculating

1037. Curtail : घटाना : Reduce in extent or

1023. Anguish: पीड़ा : physical pain
1038. Stringent : कठोर : Strict conditions
1024. Feverish: बख़
ु ारवाला : Nervous
1039. Hovers : मंडराना : Fly round
1025. Impetus: प्रेरणा : Encouragement
1040. Concomitant : सहगामी : Naturally
1026. Immense: अत्यधिक : especially in scale accompanying

1027. Shimmering: झिलमिलाता : slightly 1041. Prompted : के लिए प्रेरित किया : Bring about
wavering light.
1042. Rein : लगाम : Narrow strap attached at
1028. Keenness: इच्छा : the quality of being one end to a horse's bit
1043. Incongruous: बेमेल: not in harmony or
1029. Contumacious: अवज्ञाकारी : wilfully keeping with the surroundings or other
disobedient to authority. aspects of something.

1044. Circumscription: सीमा: restriction of

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something within limits. that is so fast as to almost be out

of control.
1045. Detrimental : हानिकारक: tending to cause
harm. 1055. Benign:सौम्य: gentle and kindly.

1046. On the face of it: without knowing all of 1056. Regime: प्रशासन: a government,
the relevant facts; apparently. especially an authoritarian one.

1047. ushered : शरु

ु आत: cause or mark the start 1057. pencil in: arrange for something
of something new. to happen later.

1048. Harbouring: shelter or hide (a criminal or 1058. Predominantly: मख्

ु य रूप से:
wanted person). mainly; for the most part.

1049. Betrayals: छल से: the action of 1059. Claustrophobic: (of a person)

betraying one's country, a group, having an extreme or irrational
or a person; treachery. fear of confined places.

1050. Prejudice: पक्षपात: an unfair and 1060. Penury: दरिद्रता: the state of being
unreasonable opinion or feeling very poor; extreme poverty.

1051. Scrutiny: जांच: critical observation 1061. Sin: an immoral act considered to
or examination. be a transgression against divine
1052. Envisage: परिकल्पना करना:
contemplate or conceive of as a 1062. contention : विवाद : heated
possibility or a desirable future disagreement.
1063. Tortuous: कपटपर्ण
ू : marked by
1053. paternalism : पितत्ृ ववाद: the policy devious or indirect tactics
or practice on the part of people
in authority of restricting the 1064. Gambling: जआु : play games of
freedom and responsibilities of chance for money; bet.
those subordinate to or otherwise
1065. Bureaucracy: नौकरशाही: a system
dependent on them in their
of government in which most of
supposed interest.
the important decisions are taken
1054. Barrel: drive or move in a way by state officials rather than by

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elected representatives. weighed down.

1066. sold off: 1076. Tryst:भें ट: an appointed meeting

or meeting place.
1067. Vigorously:ज़ोरों के साथ: in a way
that involves physical strength, 1077. Tantalisingly: in a way that
effort, or energy; strenuously. makes you feel excited and hope
that you might get or do
1068. Dithering: be indecisive. something especially when this
does not in fact happen
1069. Retrospective:पर्व
ू प्रभावी: looking
back on or dealing with past 1078. Contingent: subject to chance.
events or situations.
1079. status quo : the existing state of
1070. sore point : an issue about which affairs, especially regarding
someone feels distressed or social or political issues.
annoyed and which it is therefore
advisable to avoid raising with 1080. Zest:उत्तेजकता: great enthusiasm
them. and energy.

1071. repo rate: refers to the rate at 1081. Cognisant: having knowledge or
which commercial banks borrow awareness.
money by selling their securities
to the Central bank of our 1082. Pent-up: (of emotions, energy,
country. etc.) unable to be expressed or
1072. Pencil in: to put (someone or
something that may be changed 1083. Rein in: to limit or control
later) on a schedule, list, etc. (someone or something)

1073. Cap: provide a fitting climax or 1084. to bite the bullet : decide to do
conclusion to. something difficult or unpleasant
that one has been putting off or
1074. Hurled:फेंके: throw or impel hesitating over.
(someone or something) with
great force. 1085. Catastrophe: तबाही: an event
causing great and usually sudden
1075. laden : लदा हुआ: heavily loaded or damage or suffering; a disaster.

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1086. Unmitigated: absolute; 1096. Strident: तेज़: (of a sound) loud

unqualified. and harsh; grating.

1087. Permafrost: a permanently frozen 1097. veered : मड़

ु गई: change direction
layer on or under Earth's surface. suddenly.

1088. Steeper: बढ़ाकर कहा हुआ: (of a price 1098. Barbs: a remark that is funny but
or demand) not reasonable; unkind
1099. dissonance : मतभेद: lack of
1089. Corpus: a collection of written agreement or harmony between
texts, especially the entire works people or things.
of a particular author or a body of
writing on a particular subject. 1100. adroit : निपण
ु : clever or skilful.

1090. Reconcile: make (one account) 1101. Ratification: अनसु मर्थन: the act of
consistent with another, ratifying; confirmation; sanction.
especially by allowing for
1102. Legitimate: वैध: accepted by the
transactions begun but not yet
law as rightful
1103. Rejuvenation: कायाकल्प: the action
1091. At par: At the price that
or process of giving new energy
something is worth; at face value.
or vigour to something.
1092. Stark: निरा: complete; sheer.
1104. Buoyant: cheerful and optimistic.
1093. Mitigation: the action of reducing
1105. Protocols: the official procedure
the severity, seriousness, or
or system of rules governing
painfulness of something.
affairs of state or diplomatic
1094. window of opportunity: a short, occasions.
often fleeting time period during
1106. Consensus: आम सहमति: a general
which a rare and desired action
can be taken.
1107. golden mean : the desirable
1095. At the heart of : to be the most
middle between two extremes,
important part of something.
one of excess and the other of

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deficiency. person or place) from having or

using something.
1108. in the wake of : following
(someone or something), 1119. Walk out: depart or leave
especially as a consequence. suddenly or angrily.

1109. Back on: to not do what one said 1120. Unambiguous: स्पष्ट: not open to
one would definitely do. more than one interpretation.

1110. resumption : पनु रारं भ: the action of 1121. Ingrained: दीर्घस्थायी: (of a habit,
beginning something again after belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or
a pause or interruption. established; difficult to change.

1111. Decentralised: विकेन्द्रीकृत: transfer 1122. Buoyant: प्रसन्नचित्त: cheerful and

(control of an activity or optimistic.
organization) to several local
offices or authorities rather than 1123. stepped up: to increase,
one single one. augment, or advance especially
by one or more steps step up
1112. lacuna : कमी: an unfilled space; a production.
1124. Pull back: retreat from an area.
1113. leave behind: to fail or forget to
bring someone or something 1125. Alluding: ओर इशारा करते: suggest
along. or call attention to indirectly; hint
1114. setback : नाकामयाबी: a reversal or
check in progress. 1126. commingled : मिश्रित: mix; blend.

1115. Keen: उत्सक

ु : having or showing 1127. geosynchronous : भ-ू तल् ु यकालिक:
eagerness or enthusiasm. refers to the satellite's orbital
period which enables it to be with
1116. Pact: समझौता: a formal agreement the rotation of the Earth
between individuals or parties.
1128. Conquest: the subjugation and
1117. Agile: चस्
ु त: able to move quickly assumption of control of a place
and easily. or people by military force.

1118. depriving : वंचित: prevent (a

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1129. Veer: change direction suddenly. 1140. Bid: offer (a certain price) for something,
especially at an auction.
1130. Salvage: apprehend and execute
(a suspected criminal) without 1141. Verge: कगार: an edge or border.
1142. Afoot: in preparation or progress;
1131. Disruption: disturbance or happening or beginning to happen.
problems which interrupt an
event, activity, or process. 1143. Briefest: छोटा: of short duration;
not lasting for long.
1132. cryogenic : relating to or
involving the branch of physics 1144. Regime: प्रशासन: a government,
that deals with the production especially an authoritarian one.
and effects of very low
1145. Crumbled: टूट: to break into small
1133. Propensity: झकु ाव: an inclination 1146. Assessination: हत्या: the murder
or natural tendency to behave in
of someone famous or important
a particular way.
1147. Barbaric: असभ्य: savagely cruel.
1134. Enshroud: ओढ़ना: envelop
completely and hide from view. 1148. Shore up: to make something
stronger by supporting it
1135. owes in no small : to a great
degree 1149. Tad: to a small extent; somewhat.
1136. Ward off: prevent someone or 1150. Devoid: रहित: entirely lacking or
something from harming or free from.
affecting one.
1151. Break neck: dangerously or
1137. Endeavour: प्रयास: try hard to do extremely fast.
or achieve something.
1152. At no point : something will never
1138. Anomaly: something that deviates from happen.
what is standard, normal, or expected.
1153. Roll back: reverse the progress or
1139. Ebb: (of an emotion or quality) gradually reduce the power or importance of
decrease. something.

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1154. Indelible: अमिट: (of ink or a pen) making continues for a long or apparently
marks that cannot be removed. infinite time; permanently.

1155. Cleaving: split or sever 1166. Spell out: explain something in

(something), especially along a detail.
natural line or grain.
1167. Ballooning: to quickly increase in
1156. Marred: impair the quality or size, weight, or importance
appearance of; spoil.
1168. Encapsulated: समझाया: express
1157. Unleashed: cause (a strong or the essential features of
violent force) to be released or (something) succinctly.
become unrestrained.
1169. Pragmatism: व्यवहारवाद: a way of
1158. Pitted: having a hollow or dealing with problems or
indentation on the surface. situations that focuses on
practical approaches and
1159. Perils: ख़तरे : serious and solutions
immediate danger.
1170. Discordant: बेताल: disagreeing or
1160. carve out: take something from a incongruous.
larger whole, especially with
effort or difficulty. 1171. Feeble: कमज़ोर: lacking physical
strength, especially as a result of
1161. Traumatic: घाव: deeply disturbing age or illness.
or distressing.
1172. Haulage: the act or process of hauling.
1162. Prowess: कौशल: skill or expertise
in a particular activity or field. 1173. Scourge: विपत्ति: a person or thing that
causes great trouble or suffering
1163. Commemorated: स्मरणोत्सव: recall
and show respect for (someone 1174. Lofty: बल
ु द
ं : of high rank or admirable
or something). quality

1164. set aside: save or keep 1175. Incineration: भस्मीकरण: the destruction
something, typically money or of something, especially waste material,
time, for a particular purpose. by burning.

1165. Perennially: निरं तर: in a way that 1176. Segregation: पथ

ृ क्करण: to keep one thing

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separate from another should be ignored

1177. Patchy: विचित्र: existing or happening in 1188. Elicit: प्रकाश में लाना: evoke or draw out (a
small, isolated areas. reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.

1178. treading on eggshells: to be very careful 1189. vehemently : जोरदार: in a forceful,

not to offend or upset someone passionate, or intense manner; with
great feeling.
1179. Asserting: जोर दे कर कहा: state a fact or
belief confidently and forcefully. 1190. Extrinsic: बाहरी: not part of the essential
nature of someone or something;
1180. Coherence: अनक ु ू ल होना: the quality of coming or operating from outside.
forming a unified whole.
1191. Hovering: मँडरा: remain in one place in
1181. set aside: save or keep something, the air.
typically money or time, for a particular
purpose. 1192. Eased: ढील: make (something unpleasant
or intense) less serious or severe.
1182. bemoan : रोना: express discontent or
sorrow over (something). 1193. Spike up: to rise or increase sharply

1183. Haste: जल्दी: excessive speed or urgency 1194. inched up: To ascend or advance along
of movement or action; hurry. something by small degrees or steps

1184. Ambiguities: अस्पष्टता: the quality of 1195. jurisprudence : न्यायशास्र: the

being open to more than one philosophy of law.
interpretation; inexactness.
1196. Orthodoxy: authorized or
1185. lacunae : खामियों: an unfilled space; a generally accepted theory,
gap. doctrine, or practice

1186. Stray: भटका हुआ: move away aimlessly 1197. Sheer: निरा: nothing other than;
from a group or from the right course or unmitigated (used for emphasis).
1198. Audacity: धष्ृ टता: a willingness to
1187. Fathom: understand (a difficult problem take bold risks.
or an enigmatic person) after much
thought.struck down: (of a court) to 1199. Backlash: a strong negative
decide that a law or rule is illegal and reaction by a large number of

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people, especially to a social or evoke or imagine

political development.
1211. Booming: making a loud deep soun
1200. Eschewing: to avoid habitually
especially on moral or practical 1212. Fork out: pay money for something,
grounds especially reluctantly.

1201. Punitive: दं डात्मक: inflicting or 1213. Dither : be indecisive

intended as punishment.
1214. Put a cap on: To establish a clear upper
1202. communiqué : an official limit for something.
announcement or statement,
1215. On the cusp of: at the point when
especially one made to the
something is about to change to
something else
1203. Naught: nothing.
1216. Dashed: thrust with sudden violence
1204. Brazenly: in a bold and
1217. Sanguine: आशावादी: optimistic or
shameless way.
positive, especially in an apparently
1205. Elucidate: make (something) bad or difficult situation.
clear; explain.
1218. Upbeat: full of hope, happiness, and
1206. hold out hope : To maintain hope good feelings
that something will happen or be
1219. Tame: changed from the wild or
the case, especially when it does
savage state; domesticated
not seem likely.
1220. Belying: to show to be false;
1207. Unhinder: without anyone or anything
making it difficult for you to do
something or for something to happen 1221. Buttress: a source of defence or
1208. Reconcile: restore friendly relations
between. 1222. Pivoting: to turn or twist
1209. rev up: to become more active 1223. Pent-up: (of emotions, energy, etc.)
unable to be expressed or released.
1210. Conjure up: to present to the mind;
1224. Elide: छिपाना: to leave out of

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consideration : omit 1236. infringing : उल्लंघन करने वाली: actively

break the terms of (a law, agreement,
1225. a long haul :लंबी दौड़: a long distance (in etc.).
reference to the transport of goods or
passengers). 1237. Infructuous: pointless or unnecessary.

1226. Abide: पालन ​करना: accept or act in 1238. Stymied: बाधा ड़ालना: prevent or hinder
accordance with (a rule, decision, or the progress of.
1239. Bleak: बेरंग: (of an area of land) lacking
1227. writ petition : आज्ञापत्र: an order by a vegetation and exposed to the
higher court to a lower court or courts, elements.
directing them to do something or stop
them from doing something. 1240. Full-blown: fully developed.

1228. laid down : to give up : surrender. 1241. Deal off: the last hand in which one
intends to participate.
1229. Strenuous: ज़ोरदार: requiring or using
great effort or exertion. 1242. at the helm: in charge or in leader's
1230. Perpetuate: यादगार बनाना: make
(something) continue indefinitely. 1243. Pare down: decrease gradually or bit
by bit.
1231. Exhortations: प्रोत्साहन: an address or
communication emphatically urging 1244. Curb: नियंत्रण: a check or restraint on
someone to do something. something.

1232. walk out: depart or leave suddenly or 1245. Conjecture: अनमु ान: an opinion or
angrily. conclusion formed on the basis of
incomplete information.
1233. Dubious: संदिग्ध: hesitating or
doubting. 1246. Heralded: be a sign that
(something) is about to happen.
1234. Deceit: छल: the act of causing
someone to accept as true or valid 1247. Arsenal: a collection of weapons
what is false or invalid and military equipment.

1235. Allurement: प्रलोभन: fascination; charm. 1248. Interim: अन्तरिम: the intervening

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time. delegation of power to a lower level,

especially by central government to local
1249. susceptible hosts : a member of a or regional administration.
population who is at risk of
becoming infected by a disease. 1260. Coalition: संघ: a temporary alliance for
combined action, especially of political
1250. best bet: safest or most reliable parties forming a government.
course of action : surest means
to a desired end 1261. Merely: केवल: just; only.

1251. Obliterate: to remove from 1262. Regime: शासन: a government, especially

recognition or memory. an authoritarian one.

1252. Assessed: evaluate or estimate 1263. come to naught : be ruined or foiled.

the nature, ability, or quality of.
1264. pull up: unexpectedly stop what you are
1253. devolution: दे दे ना: the transfer or doing
delegation of power to a lower
level, especially by central 1265. Intrusive: दखल: causing disruption or
government to local or regional annoyance through being unwelcome or
administration. uninvited.

1254. Evacuate:हटा दे ना : remove 1266. Contours:रूपरे खा: mould into a specific

(someone) from a place of danger shape, especially one designed to fit into
to a safer place. something else.

1255. Fructify: फलवान होना: make (something) 1267. Deployment:तैनाती: the movement of
fruitful or productive. troops or equipment to a place or
position for military action.
1256. contingencies :आकस्मिक व्यय: a future
event or circumstance which is possible 1268. Dissent:मतभेद: the holding or
but cannot be predicted with certainty. expression of opinions at variance with
those commonly or officially held.
1257. deeply rooted:
1269. Arbitrary:मनमाना: based on random
1258. Assessed: evaluate or estimate the choice or personal whim, rather than any
nature, ability, or quality of. reason or system.

1259. devolution: दे दे ना: the transfer or 1270. explicitly : स्पष्ट रूप से: in a clear and

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detailed manner, leaving no room for 1283. touted : attempt to sell (something),
confusion or doubt. typically by a direct or persistent
1271. prying : excessively interested in a
person's private affairs; too inquisitive. 1284. Mop up: a concluding action or phase.

1272. firmed up: to become more definite, or to 1285. strike down: kill or seriously incapacitate
make something more definite. someone.

1273. Stagnant: showing no activity; dull and 1286. Jurisprudence: the theory or philosophy
sluggish. of law.

1274. Mugshots: a photograph of a person's 1287. assertion : a confident and forceful

face made for an official purpose, statement of fact or belief.
especially police records.
1288. contrary to law: unlawful or is in
1275. drive up : to make prices, costs etc rise violation of a legal regulation or a legal
quickly: statute.

1276. Stem: originate in or be caused by. 1289. Calibrated: carefully assessed,

set, or adjusted.
1277. lays bare: to reveal or uncover private
information or feelings 1290. Credentialed: having
qualifications or documentation
1278. Affluents: धनी: (especially of a group or indicating one's suitability for
area) having a great deal of money; something.
1291. Spike in: to increase greatly in a
1279. nuance : अति सक्ष्
ू म अंतर:a subtle short period of time.
difference in or shade of meaning,
expression, or sound. 1292. Empirical:अनभु वजन्य: based on,
concerned with, or verifiable by
1280. grave error: A really, really bad mistake. observation or experience rather
than theory or pure logic.
1281. Mull: think about (a fact, proposal, or
request) deeply and at length. 1293. Envisaged: परिकल्पित: contemplate or
conceive of as a possibility or a
1282. Well off: wealthy.
desirable future event.

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1294. Emphasised: बल दिया: give special 1305. efflux of time: The expiration of a
importance or value to (something) in lease term resulting from the
speaking or writing. passage of time rather than from
a specific action or event.
1295. Downturn: मोड़: a decline in economic,
business, or other activity. 1306. Bulwark: something that protects
you from dangerous or
1296. Crowd out: to push, move, or force unpleasant situations
(something or someone) out of a place
or situation by filling its space. 1307. Impasse: a predicament affording
no obvious escape.
1297. Bidding: बोली लगाना: the offering of
particular prices for something, 1308. raison D’être: the most important
especially at an auction. reason or purpose for someone
or something's existence.
1298. Languishing: सस्
ु त: failing to make
progress or be successful. 1309. Sidestep: avoid (someone or
something) by stepping
1299. Devise: (योजना) बनाना: plan or invent (a sideways.
complex procedure, system, or
mechanism) by careful thought. 1310. Annexure: अनब ु ध
ं : a supplement
or appendix to a written
1300. Deflated: having suddenly lost document.
confidence or optimism.
1311. Leverage: लाभ : to use something
1301. Nitty-gritty: the most important aspects that you already have in order to
or practical details of a subject or achieve something new or better
1312. Unanimously: सर्वसम्मति से:
1302. to the nines: to a great or elaborate formed with or indicating
extent. unanimity
1303. Augur: (of an event or circumstance) 1313. chaired : act as chairperson of or
portend a good or bad outcome. preside over (an organization,
meeting, or public event).
1304. Collegium: a society of amateur
musicians, especially one attached to a 1314. Predicated: प्रतिपादित: affirm,
German or US university.

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declare on players' salaries.

1315. Heinous: अतिदष्ु ट: (of a person or 1324. piling up: to increase in amount.
wrongful act, especially a crime)
utterly odious or wicked. 1325. Evaded: बचना: escape or avoid
(someone or something),
1316. Juvenile: किशोर: for or relating to especially by guile or trickery.
young people.
1326. assailants : आक्रमण करनेवाला: a
1317. Stringent: कड़ी से कड़ी: (of person who physically attacks
regulations, requirements, or another.
conditions) strict, precise, and
exacting. 1327. came into effect: come into force;
start to apply.
1318. Ensued: लाग:ू happen or occur
afterwards or as a result. 1328. Equitable:न्यायसंगत: fair and
1319. flip-flop : a sudden and complete
change of plans or opinion 1329. record high: the highest amount
or level that something has ever
1320. Rob: लटू ना: take property reached
unlawfully from (a person or
place) by force or threat of force. 1330. Scepticism:संदेहवाद: a sceptical
attitude; doubt as to the truth of
1321. Entrenched: आरोपित: (of an something.
attitude, habit, or belief) firmly
established and difficult or 1331. set aside: save or keep
unlikely to change; ingrained. something, typically money or
time, for a particular purpose.
1322. lacuna in the penal code:
recognises only the female as the 1332. inequity : अन्याय: lack of fairness
victim and not a person or justice.
belonging to other genders.
1333. Notwithstanding: in spite of.
1323. Pay cap: an agreement or rule
1334. Fitch: the fur of a polecat
that places a limit on the amount
of money that a team can spend 1335. Drag down: to force (someone)

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into a bad situation or condition 1346. Sweep back: To push, brush, or clear
something back and away (from
1336. Pare: trim (something) by cutting something) very lightly and quickly with or
away its outer edges. as with one's hand.
1337. on the back of: because of or on 1347. blown chance: To ruin, mishandle, or fail
the strength of (something). to capitalize on an opportunity.
1338. Come off: meet or find someone 1348. crashed out : to lose a game with the
or something by chance. result that you have to stop playing in a
1339. Off peak: taking place at a time
when demand is less. 1349. roaring back: to become very successful
or active again
1340. Tepid: showing little enthusiasm.
1350. show one’s mettle: To show that one has
endurance and strength of character, or
the necessary skills, abilities, or traits to
succeed in something.
September 2021 1351. Off peak: taking place at a time when
demand is less.

1352. Close out: to complete something by

1341. Beckons: make a gesture with the hand, doing the last thing that is needed or
arm, or head to encourage or instruct possible
someone to approach or follow.
1353. Petulant: (of a person or their manner)
1342. Recuperate: recover from illness or childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
1354. shore up: to make something stronger by
1343. drawn level: to become equal to someone supporting it
in a competition
1355. Gutted: निराश: bitterly disappointed or
1344. Meadows: a piece of grassland, especially upset.
one used for hay.
1356. Traction: the action of drawing or pulling
1345. Tepid: showing little enthusiasm. something over a surface, especially a

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road or track. 1370. Mutate: change in form or nature.

1357. Fleeting : क्षणभंगरु : lasting for a very short 1371. Condemning: निंदा: express complete
time. disapproval of; censure.

1358. borne out: confirm, proven 1372. Urging: आग्रह: the action of urging
someone to do something.
1359. Come off: meet or find someone or
something by chance. 1373. Regime: शासन: a government, especially
an authoritarian one.
1360. albeit : though.
1374. Evacuations: परित्याग: the action of
1361. Tenuous: तच्
ु छ: very weak or slight. evacuating a person or a place.
1362. lingering : lasting for a long time or slow 1375. Punitive: दं डात्मक: inflicting or intended as
to end. punishment.
1363. Dampen: make less strong or intense. 1376. embark on: to start something new or
1364. Off peak: taking place at a time when
demand is less. 1377. Blip: an unexpected, minor, and typically
temporary deviation from a general trend.
1365. Discernible: नमद
ू ार: able to be discerned;
perceptible. 1378. Tandem: having two things arranged one
in front of the other.
1366. Inoculate: टीका लगाना: treat with a vaccine
to produce immunity against a disease; 1379. Stuttered: to speak or say something,
vaccinate. especially the first part of a word, with
1367. Paradox: विरोधाभास: a seemingly absurd or
contradictory statement or proposition 1380. fell below: To decrease lower than a
which when investigated may prove to be certain point or number.
well founded or true.
1381. Stumbled:ठोकर खाई: trip or momentarily
1368. Breakthrough: a sudden, dramatic, and lose one's balance; almost fall.
important discovery or development.
1382. Ease out : gradually exclude someone
1369. Rely: depend on with full trust or from a post, especially by devious or

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subtle manoeuvres. forcibly removed (from some place).

1383. Strive: to try very hard to do something or 1397. saddles : burden (someone) with an
to make something happen, especially for onerous responsibility or task.
a long time or against difficulties
1398. sacrificed at the altar of : To abandon
1384. chips are down: in a difficult situation something in exchange for something else
(which is stated after "of").
1385. choppy : being roughened : chapped
1399. Effervescent: vivacious and enthusiastic.
1386. Mounted: to increase rapidly in amount
1400. Contingent: subject to chance.
1387. Stiff: not easily bent or changed in shape;
rigid. 1401. Mind-boggling: overwhelming; startling.

1388. boots on the ground: ground troops who 1402. Innate: inborn; natural.
are on active service in a military
operation. 1403. Scepticism: a sceptical attitude; doubt as
to the truth of something.
1389. Botched:(of a task) carried out badly or
carelessly. 1404. Splendour: magnificent and splendid
appearance; grandeur.
1390. Sans: without.
1405. draw a blank: elicit no successful
1391. turn someone’s head: make someone response; fail.
1406. Be the toast of something: to be very
1392. Inexorable:निष्ठुर: impossible to stop or popular in a particular place or group.
1407. Speculation: the forming of a theory or
1393. Mettle: a person's ability to cope well with conjecture without firm evidence.
difficulties; spirit and resilience.
1408. Faction: a small organized dissenting
1394. Fortnight: a period of two weeks. group within a larger one, especially in
1395. On the heels: Following close behind or
soon after someone or something. 1409. Hold-out: resist or survive in difficult
1396. Turf: To be ejected, evicted, or otherwise
1410. Saddles: burden (someone) with an

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onerous responsibility or task. from one person or organism to another

by close contact.
1411. Contingent: subject to chance.
1424. Saddles: burden (someone) with an
1412. Tussle: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, onerous responsibility or task.
typically in order to obtain or achieve
something. 1425. Discourse: written or spoken
communication or debate.
1413. Consolidate: make (something) physically
stronger or more solid. 1426. Fatality: an occurrence of death by
accident, in war, or from disease.
1414. Regime: a government, especially an
authoritarian one. 1427. Illusive: deceptive, misleading

1415. Amenable: open and responsive to 1428. best bet: safest or most reliable course of
suggestion; easily persuaded or action
1429. Consensus: आम सहमति: a general
1416. Jockeying: struggle by every available agreement.
means to gain or achieve something.
1430. Negligent: लापरवाह: not being careful or
1417. Scepticism: a sceptical attitude; doubt as giving enough attention to people or
to the truth of something. things that are your responsibility

1418. smooth over the cracks: To conceal or 1431. Venturing: जोखिम उठाना: undertake a risky
attempt to conceal a problem so that a or daring journey or course of action.
situation seems better than it really is.
1432. Alacrity:तत्परता: brisk and cheerful
1419. Coaxed: gently and persistently persuade readiness.
(someone) to do something.
1433. Cohort: जत्था: a group of people with a
1420. Barely: only just; almost not. shared characteristic.

1421. Fanned: To stir (something) up by 1434. Mere: मात्र: used to emphasize how small or
insignificant someone or something is.
1422. Exotic: originating in or characteristic of a
distant foreign country. 1435. Caveated: a warning to consider
something before taking any more action,
1423. Contagion: the communication of disease or a statement that limits a more general

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statement 1447. Surpass: पार: exceed; be greater than.

1436. Jeopardise: ख़तरे में डालना: put (someone or 1448. Devolution: हस्तांतरण: the transfer or
something) into a situation in which there delegation of power to a lower level,
is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. especially by central government to local
or regional administration.
1437. Crippling: गंभीर: causing a person to
become unable to walk or move properly. 1449. Assessed: मल्ू यांकन: evaluate or estimate
the nature, ability, or quality of.
1438. Bio-bubble: an invisible shield that is used
to host sporting events during the ongoing 1450. Dish out: dispense something in a casual
COVID-19 pandemic. or indiscriminate way.

1439. Stemmed: (of a plant) having a supporting 1451. Lucrative: लाभप्रद:producing a great deal of
stalk of a specified length or kind. profit.

1440. Inexorably: निष्ठुर: impossible to stop or 1452. Riveting: having the power to fix the
prevent. attention

1441. Cognisant: having knowledge or 1453. Hastily: जल्दी से: with excessive speed or
awareness. urgency; hurriedly.

1442. Bolster: आधार: support or strengthen. 1454. on the road : traveling to different places

1443. Hinge: काज: a movable joint or mechanism 1455. Breached: उल्लंघन: to break a law, promise,
on which a door, gate, or lid swings as it agreement, or relationship
opens and closes or which connects
linked objects. 1456. at its own pace: To do something at the
ideal speed for oneself, regardless of how
1444. Spurred:प्रेरित: to encourage an activity or quickly other people are doing it.
development or make it happen faster.
1457. Leapt: जोर से उछले: jump or spring a long
1445. Leery: cautious or wary due to realistic way, to a great height, or with great force.
1458. Frantic: distraught with fear, anxiety, or
1446. On the face of it: without knowing all of the other emotion.
relevant facts; apparently.
1459. in limbo: in a forgotten or ignored place,

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1460. Rancour:विद्वेष: bitterness or decrease.

resentfulness, especially when long
standing. 1474. inched up: To ascend or advance along
something by small degrees or steps.
1461. Perilous: जोखिम: full of danger or risk.
1475. Manoeuvring: पैंतरे बाज़ी: move skilfully or
1462. veer : change direction suddenly. carefully.

1463. Contentious: विवादास्पद: causing or likely to 1476. Irrefutable: अखंडनीय: impossible to deny or
cause an argument; controversial. disprove.

1464. Oasis: a fertile spot in a desert, where 1477. Conundrum: पहे ली: a confusing and
water is found. difficult problem or question.

1465. Desertified: the process of becoming 1478. Retrofitting: add (a component or

desert accessory) to something that did not have
it when manufactured.
1466. Unfathomable: अपरिमेय: incapable of
being fully explored or understood. 1479. Benign: सौम्य: gentle and kindly.

1467. hit out: criticize someone or something in 1480. escalating : बढ़ते: increasing rapidly.
forceful terms,
1481. Commit themselves to: To agree to
1468. Backpedalling: reverse one's previous something.
action or opinion.
1482. pact : समझौता: a formal agreement
1469. Throw up: abandon or give up something, between individuals or parties.
especially one's job.
1483. Forbearance: सहनशीलता: patient
1470. Ramp up: increase the level or amount of self-control; restraint and tolerance.
something sharply.
1484. Pent-up: (of emotions, energy, etc.) unable
1471. Applauded: सराहना: show strong approval to be expressed or released.
of (a person or action); praise.
1485. Transient: क्षणिक: lasting only for a short
1472. Trifle: a matter or object of little value or time; impermanent.
1486. At first flush: The beginning or early
1473. Ebbed: (of an emotion or quality) gradually stages of something.

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1487. drop one’s guard: abandon one's habitual stated.

defensive or protective stance.
1500. Venture: a risky or daring journey or
1488. Albeit: though. undertaking.

1489. Nudge up : Touch or push (something) 1501. Bruising: चोट: an injury appearing as an
gently or gradually. area of discoloured skin on the body,
caused by a blow or impact rupturing
1490. Sanguine: आशावादी: optimistic or positive, underlying blood vessels.
especially in an apparently bad or difficult
situation. 1502. Woes: संकट: great sorrow or distress (often
used hyperbolically).
1491. ratchet up: ​to increase, or make
something increase, repeatedly and by 1503. into the red: into debt or an unprofitable
small amounts. financial condition

1492. Tranche: a portion of something, 1504. Deep-pocketed: used to refer to the

especially money. possession of abundant financial
1493. bites the bullet : decide to do something
difficult or unpleasant that one has been 1505. Skirt: attempt to ignore; avoid dealing
putting off or hesitating over. with.

1494. Anonymity: गम
ु नामी: the condition of being 1506. Plunge: डुबकी: jump or dive quickly and
anonymous. energetically.

1495. Unappealing: अनाकर्षक: not inviting or 1507. Incurring: become subject to (something
attractive. unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of
one's own behaviour or actions.
1496. lacklustre : मंद: lacking in vitality, force, or
conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. 1508. Commensurate:अनरू ु प: corresponding in
size or degree; in proportion.
1497. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to happen;
unavoidable. 1509. Nudge: prod (someone) gently with one's
elbow in order to attract attention.
1498. Verily: सच में : truly; certainly.
1510. Shots: a critical or hostile remark.
1499. Tacit: understood or implied without being
1511. Boasted:डींग मारना: talk with excessive

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pride and self-satisfaction about one's or quality).

achievements, possessions, or abilities.
1524. Owing: (of money) yet to be paid.
1512. Downswing: a downward trend or
decrease, as of business or a nation's 1525. Prudent: विवेकी: acting with or showing
birth rate. care and thought for the future.

1513. Swathe: a broad strip or area of 1526. Colossal: extremely large or great.
1527. Excruciatingly:पीड़ा: to an intensely painful
1514. Catastrophic: आपत्तिजनक: involving or degree.
causing sudden great damage or
1528. Crux: जड़: the decisive or most important
point at issue.
1515. Discernible: नमद
ू ार: able to be discerned; 1529. Gambit: an act or remark that is calculated
to gain an advantage, especially at the
1516. Scepticism: संदेहवाद: a sceptical attitude; outset of a situation.
doubt as to the truth of something.
1530. take a jab: to criticize
1517. Wash over: (of a feeling) affect someone
1531. Dithering: be indecisive.
1532. Culmination: the end point or final stage
1518. Thriving: संपन्न: prosperous and growing;
of something
1533. Ramp up: increase the level or amount of
1519. Scrutinise: छानबीन: examine or inspect
something sharply.
closely and thoroughly.
1534. Halting: slow and hesitant, especially
1520. Done and dusted: to successfully
through lack of confidence; faltering.
complete something.
1535. Surge: a sudden powerful forward or
1521. Lulls: calm or send to sleep, typically with
upward movement, especially by a crowd
soothing sounds or movements.
or by a natural force such as the tide.
1522. Aplenty: in abundance.
1536. kicked off : to start an event or activity,
1523. Imbue: inspire or permeate with (a feeling especially in a particular way

1537. Counterproductive: उल्टा: having the

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opposite of the desired effect. something, especially when the reality is

1538. Prevails: तस: prove more powerful or
superior. 1550. Remit: छोड़ना: cancel or refrain from
exacting or inflicting (a debt or
1539. Transmissible: (of a disease or trait) able punishment).
to be passed on from one person or
organism to another. 1551. Cess: उपकर: a tax or levy.

1540. booster : an action or substance that 1552. Levied: उगाहना: impose (a tax, fee, or fine).
makes something stronger or more
effective 1553. Envisaged: परिकल्पित: contemplate or
conceive of as a possibility or a desirable
1541. Commendable: सराहनीय: deserving praise. future event.

1542. Leeway: छूट: the amount of freedom to 1554. misplaced hopes: confident feelings about
move or act that is available. something that might not be true: false
1543. On hold: waiting to be connected while
making a phone call. 1555. fall off : a decrease in something.

1544. Deliberations: long and careful 1556. empathetic : सहानभ

ु ति
ू : showing an ability
consideration or discussion. to understand and share the feelings of
1545. Regime: शासन: a government, especially
an authoritarian one. 1557. Juncture: अवसर: a particular point in
events or time.
1546. Pace: गति: move or develop (something) at
a particular rate or speed. 1558. Propelled: drive or push something
1547. Plaguing: नाक में दम: तंग करना: cause
continual trouble or distress to. 1559. Proliferation: तीव्र वद्
ृ धि: rapid increase in
the number or amount of something.
1548. Eclectic: उदार: deriving ideas, style, or
taste from a broad and diverse range of 1560. Lucrative: लाभप्रद: producing a great deal
sources. of profit.

1549. Semblance: दिखावा: the outward 1561. Betrayal: विश्वासघात: the act of betraying
appearance or apparent form of

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someone or something. readiness.

1562. Retrenchment: the reduction of costs or 1575. Catastrophic: involving or causing sudden
spending in response to economic great damage or suffering.
1576. tractable : (of a situation or problem) easy
1563. Flank: to be at the side of someone or to deal with.
1577. Nadir:पतन: the lowest or most
1564. Relegating: assign an inferior rank or unsuccessful point in a situation.
position to.
1578. Abate: (of something unpleasant or
1565. set off : begin a journey. severe) become less intense or
1566. Out of woods: Out of difficulties, danger or
trouble 1579. Flicker: make small, quick movements.

1567. Tone deaf: unable to hear difference 1580. Propensity: झकु ाव: an inclination or
between musical notes natural tendency to behave in a particular
1568. Resilient: (of a person or animal) able to
withstand or recover quickly from difficult 1581. Back in the game: once again active or
conditions. able to succeed in something.

1569. Virtuous: धार्मिक: having or showing high 1582. Aftermath: the consequences or
moral standards. after-effects of a significant unpleasant
1570. Assuage: make (an unpleasant feeling)
less intense. 1583. Revive: पन
ु र्जीवित: restore to life or
1571. Onslaught: a fierce or destructive attack.
1584. breakthrough : a sudden, dramatic, and
1572. Albeit: though. important discovery or development.
1573. Complacent: showing smug or uncritical 1585. Turmoil: उथल - पथ
ु ल: a state of great
satisfaction with oneself or one's disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
1586. Contended: संतष्ु ट: feeling or expressing
1574. Alacrity: तत्परता: brisk and cheerful

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happiness or satisfaction. something.

1587. take up: start doing something regularly; 1599. Inevitable: अपरिहार्य: certain to happen;
use space or time; accept an offer etc unavoidable.

1588. come up: (of an issue, situation, or 1600. Alacrity: तत्परता: brisk and cheerful
problem) occur or present itself, especially readiness.
1601. Deploying: परिनियोजित: bring into effective
1589. on the heels of: following closely after. action.

1590. Unmanned: not having or not needing 1602. Laden: heavily loaded or weighed down.
people to operate or work correctl
1603. heat up : situation: become more exciting,
1591. Apex: the highest point or most dangerous, or serious.
successful part of something
1604. Signalling: संकेतन: convey information or
1592. coercion : दबाव: the practice of instructions by means of a gesture, action,
persuading someone to do something by or sound.
using force or threats.
1605. gusting : तेज़: (of the wind) blow in gusts.
1593. Bid: offer (a certain price) for something,
especially at an auction. 1606. intimidating : डराना: having a frightening,
overawing, or threatening effect.
1594. Eludes: (of an achievement or something
desired) fail to be attained by (someone).

1595. Raged: नाराजगी जताई: feel or express

violent uncontrollable anger.

1596. High water: the highest peak in value that

an investment fund or account has

1597. Propensity: an inclination or natural

tendency to behave in a particular way.

1598. Inflict: दण्ड: cause (something unpleasant

or painful) to be suffered by someone or

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