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Direction(1-5):Below are some statements, given in a random order. When these statements are
sequenced properly, they’ll form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. There are various
questions based on each of the statements. Read it carefully and answer the questions that

A. ts 92% efficacy rate puts it close behind vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and 19 countries have
already authorised its use.

B. A recent article in The New Yorker describes how the scientists went about making Russia’s
Sputnik V vaccine under their own steam.

C. But, the spectacular success of all of these vaccines can blind us to the fact that vaccine
development is still a gamble.

D. After a few days of the trial, a Bloomberg report described Sputnik as “arguably Russia’s biggest
scientific breakthrough since the Soviet era.”

E. They even injected themselves with it first to find out if their vaccine was safe and effective.

F. And with new coronavirus mutations making vaccines less effective, no vaccine maker can rest on
yesterday’s laurels.

G. Pharma giant Merck, for instance, has shelved its vaccine plans after poor results.

Q1. Choose an alternative phrase for the phrase ‘went about making’ in statement (b).

(A) A. dealt with making

(B) commenced making

(C) planned on making

(D) struggled making

(E) None of the above options

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Q2. What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘under their own steam’ in statement (b)?

(A) without the help of anyone else

(B) with so much risk involved

(C) following their own research

(D) with their utmost determination

(E) None of the above options

Q3. What does the author mean by saying ‘vaccine development is still a gamble.’ in statement (c)?

I. vaccine making is still a money-making business.

II. vaccine making is still a venture.

III. vaccine making still involves a great amount of risk.

(A) Only III

(B) Both I and II

(C) Only II

(D) Both II and III

(E) None of I, II and III

Q4. What’s the actual meaning of the phrase ‘rest on yesterday’s laurels’ in statement (f)?

I. be so satisfied with what yesterday has already done.

II. rely on yesterday’s idea and not make any further progress.

III. rely on yesterday’s achievements or accolades to remain relevant or successful.

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(A) Only III

(B) Both I and II

(C) Only II

(D) Both I and III

(E) All I, II and III

Q5. Choose an appropriate phrasal verb for the word ‘shelved’ as used in statement (g).

(A) held up

(B) held over

(C) laid over

(D) put off

(E) All of the above options


1. B

Solution: commenced making

go about / commence - to begin.

2. A

Solution: without the help of anyone else

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800  

Drona PDF 104

under one’s own steam - If you do something under your own steam, you do it without help from

3. D

Solution: Both II and III

gamble / venture - a risky undertaking.

Statement II and III are stating the same thing in different ways.

4. D

Solution: Both I and III

The actual idiom is -

rest on one’s laurels - to be satisfied with distinction won by past achievements and cease to strive
for further achievements.

Statement II is talking about idea.

5. E

Solution: All of the above options

shelve - to postpone or to assign to a later time.

All the above phrasal verbs mean ‘to postpone’.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800  

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