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Date: 25/08/2021 (Wednesday)

Strategies to excel in verbal ability

Rules for parajumbles:
1. Chronological Order
Example: Ram was born, he went to school, he got married, and he had children
2. General to Specific- talks general about some topic and then picks specific thing from
3. Look for Danglers- extreme options (odd one out)
4. Look for combos- find pairs like AB, AC, DB etc.
5. No Word-to-Word Matching- don’t do word to word matching, check context/reference
of word
6. Last sentence could be introduction for new idea or it could be conclusive.
Example: I like greenery, I have 4 plants, these are oxygen releasing plants, snack plant is my
favourite it doesn’t require water (last sentence is too specific, can be odd one out)
7. Cause and Effect Connect Links
Example: After Covid pandemic, CATKing became a pan India coaching
8. Look for pronouns- he/she etc. should be linked with another Para
9. Look for signal words- Moreover, But, although
10. Introduce the hero or subject
11. Look for answer through option- (Not valid for CAT)
Tip: apply the DICC approach: D: dangler, I: introduction, C: combos, C: conclusion.

Warm up question 1:
1) You might call it poetic, if it weren't so painful.
2) Donald Trump won the White House largely on a campaign of shutting America's borders
to pretty much everyone other than people of European descent. "Why are we having all
these people from shithole countries come here?"
3) He once asked, about Haitians, Salvadorans and Africans.
4) We should have more people from places like Norway.

Andheri| Borivali| Powai| Thane| Charni Road| Mira Road| Online 8999118999 Email:

A) 2341
B) 1234
C) 2431
D) 1243
Solution: 1 is a very general sentence. 2 and 3 are a combo as 2 talks about shithole people
and 3 mentions those people. 4 follows 3 as it mentions which people are desirable. Hence
the correct order will be 1234. Hence option B is the correct answer.
Tip: If the above question was for odd one out the answer would be 1.

Warm up question 2:
1) Our creaking health care system, the ruthlessness of our economy, our Swiss-cheese
safety net, and political polarization that poisons effective action but excels at whipping up
nonsensical culture wars
2) I am not one of those lefties who believe that Trump bears all of the blame for our flawed
response to the virus
3) The totality of our failure is precisely why we should look to the outside for success yet
Trump has used the virus as an excuse to accelerate his restrictions on immigration
4) The breakdown here was so total that it lays bare larger and more persistent ailments
A) 4132
B) 2341
C) 3412
D) 2413
Solution: 4 and 1 are a mandatory pair where 4 talks about the aliments mentioned in 1. 2 is
the introduction where he mentions that the author does not blame Trump. 3 is the
conclusion where the author concludes the whole passage by mentioning the flawed
response. Hence the correct order is 2413. Hence option D is the correct answer.

Warm up question 3:
1) Alternately enticing the democratic island with economic incentives.
2) While bluntly warning that any move toward formal independence would be answered
with military force.
3) Now, the incentives are gone and the warnings seem more ominous following Mr. Xi's
swift move to strengthen China's grip on Hong Kong, a semiautonomous territory that only
last year he held out as a model for Taiwan's future.

Andheri| Borivali| Powai| Thane| Charni Road| Mira Road| Online 8999118999 Email:

4) China's leader, Xi Jinping, has long tried to convince Taiwan that unification was a
historical inevitability.
A) 4123
B) 4213
C) 3412
D) 4312
Solution: 4 is the introduction where the full name of the main subject, the Chinese leader,
was mentioned. 1 follows 4 as it tries to show the incentives of the alternative. 2 follows 1 as
it then gives a warning and finally 3 concludes that the warnings now have become more
dangerous. Hence the correct answer is 4123.

Actual CAT 2015 Question:

A. The object of government is not to change men form rational beings into beast or
B. In other words to strengthen his natural right to exist and work without injury to himself
or others.
C. The ultimate aim of government is not to rule or control by fear, not to demand
obedience, but conversely to free every man from fear that he may live in all possible
D. It should enable them to develop their minds and bodies in security and to employ their
reason unshackled.
Solution: C is the introduction where it introduces the ultimate aim of the government. A
follows c as it adds more clarity to the idea. B mentions what the government is actually
trying. D follows B as it continues to explains the main objective. Hence the correct
sequence is CABD.

No. of questions solved: 4

1. Dashboard- CATKing eBooks – Booster books LOD 1 – Parajumbles
2. Dashboard- Revision video lessons – Concept builders – Verbal Ability
3. Dashboard- Revision video lessons – LOD 2 Videos - Verbal Ability

Andheri| Borivali| Powai| Thane| Charni Road| Mira Road| Online 8999118999 Email:

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