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My Stewardship to America

by Betsy Shea

What are Stewardships and What are Mine?

My definition of a stewardship is a gift that you faithfully treat well and preserve. Your
stewardships are any thing you take care of, like your body, your family, your house and your fravorite
pet gerbil. Another thing that you take care of (or should start taking care of) is America.

Is it Hard to Have Stewardships?

They are not all hard, but they are always worth it. Some of the stewardships you have for
yourself are to bruth your own teeth, get yourself dressed and get a good night's sleep. They are not the
same stewardships that you have over your family. You don't brush your Dad's teeth for him, that's not
what a stewarship over your family is, nor do you have to brush America's teeth. There are also
privileges to fulilling your stewardships, when you take good care of your body by getting a good nights
sleep, you are more alert and focus better in the morning as a result.

Why do I Have Stewardships to America?

Because there are several benefits that you recive for living in America. Such as freedom of
religion, freedom of speech, and education. Another reason why is that because what ever you send out
you recive. when you send peace and cheerfulness out and into the world, even to one person, that's
the feelings that you will recive. It's the same with groups, when you send an emotion out into a group,
some people might not care and still feel the same, but eventually the attitude of everyone in the group
will mesh into one.

What Can I do for America?

Find what you are good at and do it. There are several things that people are good at. That is
thier personal mission. Here is eight of the common ones: feed the hungery, clothe the naked , liberate
the captives, educate the ignorant, spread prosperity, heal the sick, spread beauty, and heal families.
These aren't the only one's in existance, and it is quite plausible that you have other ones that are
specific and unique to you and very few others. You don't have to do it word-for-word. For example, If
what speaks to your mind is to feed the hungery, you could do it precisely and work in a soup kitchen, or
you could donate dry foods to refugees. when I was a litte girl my mom would go to a lady's house for a
class on how to sew, she was teaching the ignorant and helping clothe the naked.

What Do I Think MY Stewardship to America is?

I think my responsibility is to teach the ignorant. I don't know how to do that yet, but I am
blessed with a spirit that is not afraid of crowds. I can't do many things but when everybody can do a
little, not only can that make an impact, but that little from everyone can go a long way.

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