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Legal Techniques and Logic

Topics were given online through the “Messenger” application. Miss Phea
Esteves was in charge of ensuring that every student in the class received
the message. The topics for them to study are:

April 25, 2020

Practical lessons to be used in the conduct of cross-examination
Skills needed for cross-examination
How to discredit the witness and prejudice he adverse party’s case
How to highlight the “cracks” in the testimony of an adverse witness
How to bolster your own client’s case thrugh the testimony of the witness
for the opposing side

May 2, 2020
How to prepare for cross examination
How can you conduct an effective cross-examination?
How to handle objections to your cross-exmination questions
How to test the competence of the witness
How to handle the cross-examination of an expert witness

May 9, 2020
What is the purpose of objections?
Why must objections be timely and specific?
The common grounds for objections

May 16, 2020

Sample notes/trial brief prepared by the defense counsel for the trial
Study “OJ TRIAL; F Lee Bailey VS Mark Fuhrman” video footage from

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