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Many people realize their fears and even want to fight them for good, but not everyone manages to
fight the fear. We can even count approximately how many people fought their fears and complexes,
and what is important they do it systematically. It means that it is not enough to fight only one fear
(people have dozens and even hundreds of different fears), to reach happiness, freedom and success
you need to learn to fight fear when it begins to appear. About 2-3% of the Earth population is the world
of successful people, who consider themselves happy, because they managed to fight their fears, that is
why they have such results that differ from those, who are enslaved and oppressed by fears.

Overcoming of each next fear gives you another opportunity to get some valuable prize. If you manage
to fight the fear to express your feelings – you get a happy personal life, you fight the fear of public
speaking and you get the career of boss and success of a leader and so on.

Different fears should be fought in different ways. Sometimes it is enough to understand, to find the
initial cause of your fear and it disappears and never returns. However, very often it is not enough. In
most cases you need to use special techniques. Sometimes it happens that fear disappears only when
you face it directly, and only after several repetitions of what you are afraid of, your fear goes away

For example, jump in the water from water tower. The most difficult thing is to find courage to jump for
the first time, you need the most will to do it, the second and the third times are much easier, but still
you need will, and only after several dozens of jumps you do not feel fear any more, and jumps bring
you only pleasure. Pleasure, joy, happiness are deserved reward for fear fighting. The same is about
public performance or public speaking. For the first time your knees shiver, you can not breathe, you
sweat a lot, but some time later a person begins to get satisfaction from this process, and he starts liking

Of course, there are individual features how to fight different kinds of fear. But here are some examples.

. If you do not have your own experience, you can study experience of other people, how they manage
to overcome something for the first time, what they feel, how they do their first step, what emotions
they have and so on. Ask everyone you know, read comment on the Internet, read books. It will help to
reduce fear on 90%, because it is ignorance that increases the emotions of fear.

. If you are afraid of some certain consequences, for example, to be ashamed being on the stage for the
first time, imagine the situation in your consciousness with different consequences. Also humor helps a
lot! Imagine the worst result of the situation you can get (for example, people throw tomatoes at you),
accept it and laugh in your mind with everyone. In most cases fear will disappear but not completely,
there will leave some its part, the rest of the fear will disappear in the real situation and it will be
expressed in form of worry that you will easily overcome.

Discussion questions
1. What are/were your biggest fears? How do you cope with them?
2. What happens to you physically and emotionally when fear takes hold of you / overcomes you?
3. How would you help/advice someone to get over their fear?
4. What was the most frightening experience you have had?
5. What are some things which many people are afraid of? Why are they afraid of them?

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