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What is the

tourism industry?
Tourism is big business The product: NSW
Tourism is one of the most exciting and progressive NSW has beauty and diversity, offering a wide
industries in Australia. Part of the visitor economy, range of experiences for international and
tourism is also big business and it impacts on domestic visitors. The State has a lot to sell, from
almost every other industry. Total tourism the exciting major events, international conventions,
consumption was worth more than $92 billion in big city buzz of Sydney, with its great restaurants,
2008–09 and tourism directly contributed $32.8 shopping and beautiful harbour, to the local
billion to Australia’s GDP in that period. flavours and wide open spaces of regional NSW.
NSW offers beach holidays; hiking in mountain
Tourism is now one of the largest industries in landscapes; Outback journeys; soul-enriching
Australia, accounting for 486,200 jobs. The encounters in World Heritage national parks; drive
country’s tourism industry has a larger output than: holidays through lush farm regions; inspiring
∙∙ agriculture, forestry and fishing; conference locations; and visits to quirky towns and
∙∙ communication services; country cosmopolitan centres. Along the way,
∙∙ and electricity, gas and water supply. visitors encounter fine food and wine trails, lively
festivals, Aboriginal culture, breathtaking
In 2008–09, tourism (direct and indirect) contributed landscapes and all kinds of people.
$28.7 billion to the NSW economy. Tourism directly
employs 4.7% of the NSW workforce, or 160,300 Tourism products in NSW come in many shapes
people. In NSW, tourism is larger than: and sizes. Accommodation ranges from five-star
∙∙ agriculture, forestry and fishing; hotels to boutique bed and breakfasts to trendy
∙∙ mining; backpacker resorts. There are iconic attractions,
∙∙ communication services; such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour
∙∙ personal and other services; Bridge; adventure activities, such as quad biking,
∙∙ electricity, gas and water supply; sea kayaking, rainforest tours, dive or surf schools;
∙∙ and cultural and recreational services. and cultural and wildlife centres, such as museums
and galleries, wineries, aquariums, wildlife
Source: Tourism Satellite Accounts 2008–09, NSW, Sustainable reserves – and lots, lots more.
Tourism Cooperative Research Centre.

With all that is on offer, one of the main challenges

Tourism is everyone’s business facing tourism operators is to develop and package
Everyone gains from properly managed tourism. tourism products in a way that meets consumer
Tourism can be especially important in regional needs, enabling the creation of a viable business.
areas because it diversifies the area’s economic NSW is a premier tourism and events destination
base and expands the employment market. and this status depends on the creativity and
success of the tourism operators, event organisers
In its broadest sense, the tourism industry is the and destination managers within it.
total of all businesses that directly provide goods or
services to facilitate business, pleasure and leisure
activities away from the home environment.

Handy Hint
Actively seek customer
feedback. Feedback tells
you what you do well and
what could be done better.
Use this information to build
and improve your business.

Tourism is everyone’s business

Visitors spend dollars on… and the industry pays for… which benefits everybody

• Petrol • Administrative expenses • Accountants • Marketers

• Advertising & promotion • Architects • Manufacturers
• Bakers • Marine dealers
Overseas • Transport • Capital assets & replacements
• Banks • Mechanics
• Commissions • Builders • Newsagents
• Entertainment • Entertainment • Bus & car hirers • Nightclubs
• Food & beverage • Chambers of Commerce • Petrol stations
• Chemists • Pilots
• Events • Gas & electricity • Crafts people • Plumbers
Interstate • Legal & professional services • Cultural groups • Postal workers
• Accommodation • Merchandise • Electricians • Printers & designers
• Engineers • Restaurants & cafes
• Petrol
• Entertainers • Real estate agents
• Shopping • Rates & charges • Farmers • Retailers
• Rent • Film developers • Shopping centres
• Meals • Repairs & maintenance • Gift shops • Travel agents
• Interpreters • Truckies
• Transport
• Laundries • Waiters
• Others • Wages • Market gardeners • Wineries

Tourism businesses such as hotels, airlines and tour operators represent only a small proportion of the people employed in the
tourism industry or who benefit from it. As the tourist dollars trickle down they spread throughout the community and the
economy in often surprising ways.

The tourism system

Before developing a tourism product, it is useful to understand how the tourism system operates. The diagram shows the
components involved.

the Tourism system

People who may
go on holidays

Travel Experience
Research, development, evaluation
The experience that people have
and consumer communication to
travelling to their destination
raise awareness and generate sales.

Holiday Experience
The experience that people
have at their destination

The consumer The holiday experience
The consumer is the most important part of the When consumers decide to take a particular type of
tourism system because the consumer is the holiday, they have expectations of the experience
reason tourism products and services exist. they will have. This could relate to the quality of
Everyone working in tourism must ensure that accommodation, service and food, or the range and
the consumer is considered first and foremost cost of activities available, variety of shopping, cafe
in all business and planning decisions. and restaurant opening hours. Their satisfaction
will be based on how well the holiday met their
Consumers spend their money and leisure time initial expectations or exceeded them.
in many different ways. If they choose to spend
their money on a holiday, they generally begin Marketing a business
by setting a budget, deciding on the period of Marketing refers to the multi-faceted process
travel and considering the types of activities that any successful business perpetually works
they would like to do while away. Then they through. It includes activities such as researching
select a destination, decide how they will travel the market, consumers and products; developing
there and make reservations accordingly, the business and products; developing the skills of
through a travel agent, wholesaler, over the personnel; and promoting, advertising or working
internet or directly with a tourism operator. with the media to raise awareness of the product to
generate sales.
The travel experience
The travel experience relates to how the consumer Marketing is often described as consisting of
travels to the destination and the experiences they four elements, known as the four Ps: product,
have along the way. Travel choices include air, car, place, price and promotion. Product refers to the
boat, coach, train, motorbike, hiking or a physical attributes of the product, branding and
combination of the above. The mode of travel packaging. Place is about distribution – the
affects the type of consumer experience, for agencies, channels and institutions used to give
example, flying to a destination is a very different consumers easy access to purchase the product.
experience to driving. Price must meet both the needs of consumers and
the needs of the provider. Promotion is the means
When transport options, links and support services by which consumers are made aware of
are limited or below standard, the destination often destinations, products or services, to help them
suffers. Many issues affect the quality of the travel choose their holiday. Promotion can involve a range
experience, including the variety of attractions, of media, including internet, websites, print
facilities and accommodation available en route; (magazines, newspapers, brochures, direct-mail),
the road quality and signage; and the frequency of television and radio.
transport services.

Handy Hint
Want to know more? Talk to
your tourism manager, your
RTO, your industry association
or Destination NSW. Look at
books and articles on tourism,
and check out available TAFE
and university courses.

Consumer decision-making Motivation: If the consumer is aware of a

The diagram depicts the process consumers work destination, product or service and has a positive
through when deciding to take a holiday. It is feeling about it, they are more likely to be motivated
important to understand this process because it to visit.
influences all stages of the tourism system model,
especially marketing and promotion. Planning/decision: Promotional information helps
consumers decide how they will travel to their
Consumer needs: Going on a holiday provides destination and what they’ll do once they get there.
opportunities for people to take time out from their
normal life, whether it be for a restful break in Satisfaction: When a product delivers what has
scenic surrounds or to engage in extreme sports in been promoted, the consumer is likely to feel
rough terrain, whether the traveller is on their own, satisfied and remember a quality holiday
with a partner or friends, or in a large group. experience, and the tourism provider will feel
satisfied too.
Awareness: Consumers may or may not recognise
their need for a holiday. Promotions about a holiday Word of mouth: Consumers share memories of
destination, product or service can motivate their holiday experiences with friends, family and
consumers to recognise they need a holiday as well colleagues. Word of mouth raises awareness about
as raise awareness among potential consumers of the destination, product(s) and service(s) with
the choices available. potential consumers.

consumer decision making Consumer Needs

Word of Mouth ± Awareness ±

Satisfaction ± Motivation/Interest ±


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