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Q: Are you happy right now? What do you do when you are not so happy?

How can you

change your mood?
A: -Off course I’m happy. I have family who loves and always support me whatever I do,
and, I have brother and sister that I can help in Garuda House. So, yap I’m happy
- What I do when I’m not so happy, usually I play video games, watching Netflix, and
playing piano. And don’t forget Food. You can never go wrong with food. Beside, that, don’t
let sorrow, sadness, and anger control yourself. Just stay positive! And everything is gonna
be okay.
Q: What is your biggest dream. When there are no limits. Anything is possible. What would
you do? Who are you then?
A: -Back in the day, when I was a child. I wish I could be a superhero. And I think is every
boys dream. they are brave, tough and strong and they’re always helping people who need it.
You know I wanna be that person who have the integrity, do the right thing even when no
one watching. I wanna be that person that person who kindness for others. It’s not easy to do
that, you must have strong heart, because kindness takes great strength. That mindset is
helping me when I grew up. So, one time when my mother decided to start running the
Garuda House, she asked me the permission, Kevin is it okay if you live with the girls who
need a help and then you have to share with them. For a boy who still at 7, is not easy right?
to live with “strangers” especially you have to share what you have. But my mom always told
me to never stop helping each other. And then , i said yes to my mom. Now I’m part of
Garuda House, and I’m still helping my brother and sister in Garuda house to reach their
dream. Now indirectly I become a superhero with my own version.
Q: What is the first step you can make today towards this dream?
A: The first step you can makes is don’t stop believe in your dream. If you want to reach your
dream, be the best version of you. Stop compare yourself to anyone else. Because everyone
has their own journey right?. Just do your best!
Q: Do you believe you can be, do or have anything you want?
A: Yes I do! Walt Disney once said, if you can dream it, you can do it. All you dreams can
come true, if we have courage to pursue them. Everyone has a talent. Everyone has
something they are good at. Find your talent and do your best.
Q: Do you think you can change your life when you have the right mindset?
A: I think it will work if you have the right mindset. One thing for sure if you wanna have a
hapy life is, don’t forget to be grateful and give thanks for everything that happens to you.
Learn from your mistake to achieving something bigger and better than your current

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