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How to clean and preserve paperback books

“Thou shalt regulate temperature and humidity where books are stored.” High degrees of both temperature
and humidity accelerate deterioration in all books. Paperbacks are likely to suffer first, and worse as time
passes, because of their often highly susceptible physical components. A general rule: if the average human is
comfortable for a prolonged period in a particular space, most books will likely live there safely.
“Thou shalt shield books from sunlight.” Ultraviolet rays, especially when there is prolonged daily exposure
to direct sunlight (and even some kinds of artificial lighting), are as bad for books as they are for book lovers.
If you apply sunscreen to your person, you can provide some comparable protection to your books and
reduce, if not eliminate, the hazards: close window coverings, arrange hangings to cover shelves (these can be
anything from an interior decorator’s extravaganza to some spare curtain fabric you can’t decide what to do
with), or if possible display books where direct sun isn’t a problem, in closed cabinets or on the wall that
never gets the sun. Books are not just sources of learning, but individuals to be learned about.
“Thou shalt spare books from extremely dry and excessively humid conditions.” Some books, especially
older paperbacks, can simply dry out and fall apart; no fun when you grab that copy of something you’re
longing to consult. Humidity, with its cohorts heat and fungi, promotes mold and its dangers to books and
people. Immediately isolate any mold-afflicted book, sealing it in plastic.
“Thou shalt shelve books in an upright position.” Books’ spines are comparable to ours, and how many of us
benefit from the habit of good posture: stand up straight! If paperbacks blogged, they’d probably rail against
being stowed wherever they can be stuffed, at any angle, packed too tight, piled one atop another like
pancake stacks.
“Thou shalt provide delicate paperbacks with extra protections.” Lovely artwork or extremely fragile covers,
rarity, or recognition of an old favorite should prompt you to slip that volume into an archival-quality
transparent bag, cover, or sleeve for added protection from ultraviolet, dirt, pests, and many other hazards.
“Thou shalt keep them clean!” A paperback deserves
periodic dusting and, as its condition warrants, additional
cleaning as much as any other book, about which we have
written in previous columns. A paperback’s structure,
however, calls for an extra-light touch. Too much effort for a
mere paperback? Not if it’s a permanent member of your
family of books. The cleaner the book, the longer you may be
able to enjoy it.
“Thou shalt learn about acidification.” To maintain those especially treasured paperbacks, learn about the
deacidification sprays, alkaline liner paper and interleaving sheets sold by book supply vendors.
“Thou shalt attend to books that smell bad.” A range of impurities, some present in acidic book paper and
others in the environment, contribute to that musty book smell. An easy fix for most such sufferers employs a
solid room air freshener enclosed with books, preferably standing securely with pages fanned, in a clean, dry
container; add time and patience, and you should retrieve a sweeter-smelling companion.
“Thou shalt Google key words in this article to become a better owner to your books.” Books are not just
sources of learning, but individuals to be learned about.
“Thou shalt consider each book as a distinct entity.” Some paperbacks, indeed all reading matter, may be
best kept and remembered as Charles Lamb advised in a letter to Coleridge: “A book reads better which is our
own, and has been so long known to us that we know the topography of its blots and dog-ears, and can trace
the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins or over a pipe…”
Daniel Bosch Ibáñez for Nista School of Languages
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