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TOPIC: History and Timeline of the Radio

● Nikolai Tesla, the first demonstrator of the wireless radio device in 1893
● Guglielmo Marconi, the father and inventor of the radio
● Reginald, Fessenden, first voice heard via radio in December 1906


TOPIC: Pros & Cons


1: the lack of visualization

2.poor audience attentiveness


● Smaller local market has less privilege to have modern technologies, considering
the fact that it is truly fast and high tech. Hence there’s a radio that costs low and is
perfectly accountable to bring with.
● Consists of a wide wide range of stations that is leading to bigger scope of


UNDOUBTEDLY ACCOUNTABLE tuckling about social issues, age group,
education, politics and may be more that is timely and relevant..

TOPIC: How does this medium work?

By modulating the radio signal, information is sent over space from a transmitter to
a receiver. This is a method of transmitting data from one location to another without the
need of cables. Radio is used for transferring data in coded form in addition to providing
sound and television signals.
There are two elements to every radio set-up: The transmitter encodes a message
(which might be the sound of someone's voice, visuals for a TV set, data for a radio
modem, or anything else) onto a sine wave and sends it out through radio waves. The
receiver picks up the radio waves and uses the sine wave to decipher the message.
Antennas are used by both the transmitter and the receiver to emit and catch the radio
But why would I need this? Radio plays an important function in our society in
terms of disseminating information, teaching and enlightening people, increasing national
integration, and fostering national identity. Radios, according to Saxena, are considerably
more powerful and have a bigger influence than other media because of their reach. So
what’re you waiting for? Locate your nearest store now, and purchase the pony portable
radio 900

TOPIC: Effects on Society, Policies, behavior & Culture

Radio is an effective tool of Media that has a strong effect on the thoughts and
behaviors of people and it plays an important role in the process of setting minds of
people towards an issue both in positive or negative.

FM Broadcasting is a very effective, important and advanced instrument due to the

locality, closeness, quickness, easy access, easy operating, cheap and large scale reach.
Radio stations play a critical role in modern society and form part of the critical
communication channels that are used to consume information. Looking back to
evolution, communication is one of the key ingredients that fueled our development.
Through critical thinking, and exchange of information, we built societies, improved our
standards of living, and even now as we speak, communication is facilitating the next


● Don't interrupt if you hear other people talking. Wait until their conversation is
finished unless it is an emergency.
● Do not respond if you aren't sure the call is for you. Wait until you hear your call
sign to respond.
● Never transmit sensitive, confidential, financial or military information.
Unless you are certain your conversations are secured with the proper level of
encryption for the level of sensitivity.
● Perform radio checks to ensure your radio is in good working condition.
● Ensure the battery is charged and the power is on.
● Keep the volume high enough to be able to hear calls.
● Regularly make radio checks to make sure everything is working and that you are
still in range to receive signals.
● Memorize call signs and locations of persons and radio stations you communicate
with regularly.
● In radio communication, you are not called by your name. Everybody has their
own unique call sign.
● Think before you speak.
● Decide what you are going to say and to whom it is meant for.
● Make your conversations as concise, precise, and clear as possible.
● Avoid long and complicated sentences. If your message is long, divide it into
separate shorter messages.
● Do not use abbreviations unless they are well understood by your group.


Radio grew in popularity as a means of communication and entertainment. During

the 1920s and 1950s, plenty of radio shows were broadcast, mainly the reason why
gathering around the radio during the night was a frequent form of entertainment back
then. People could tune in to listen to the news, sports broadcasts, comedy programs,
dramas, live music, and political addresses regardless of where they lived or what class
they belonged to. People used radio to get away from the cares of their daily lives, and
they then thought that the world got much tinier in place, as they realized that all people
were, in some way, interconnected to one another.


Many people across the globe lived in what they described as a chiefly closed
social system until the twentieth century. This highly means that they were relatively
isolated and rarely interacted with the outside world. As a result, information was passed
around the community by people who had no way of knowing if what they were hearing
was real or not. Due to the introduction of radio, eventually, this has changed.
Radio became a central source of news, information, and entertainment in the first part of
the twentieth century. People for the first time heard music and culture from people who
were different from them, heard new stories and radio teleplay, and bonded with their
country over news bulletins during times of war. Radio, in its broadest sense, shattered
barriers and opened up huge new realms of challenge and education.

Due to the Great Depression, radios were even more popular in the late 1920s and
early 1930s. The radio, unlike most other forms of entertainment, provided free
entertainment in the comfort of everyone's home. Radio became a major source of
information and had the ability to sway people's beliefs in ways never seen before.
People could learn about what was going on in the world just after it happened,
which was considerably faster than waiting for an article to appear in the newspaper. The
birth of religious broadcasting coincided with the invention of the radio.
According to Benjamin Armstrong, the former president of the National Religious
Broadcasters, radio and other electronic media are the "new Pentecost" that "directly
delivers religious belief to the homes and hearts of individual listeners and viewers."

While radios turned commonplace in most homes during the 1920s and 1930s,
radio also began to gain vogue in the area of education. According to Lindgren (2004),
multiple people have felt that radio had the power to bring the world to the classroom and
that radio programs could be presented as if they were texts of the air.
There were regular broadcasts designed for schools by the end of 1926. Lessons,
recitations, and music were popular, but other broadcasts such as activity sessions were
also gradually striving their way to popularity. Students could then follow along with
these broadcasts, which gave them directions on how to do projects.
Radio made it possible to reach a much wider audience with information. Radio
became prominent as an educational medium, and numerous studies, particularly in the
field of distance education, demonstrated its usefulness. Students were able to see a
broader spectrum of the world around them thanks to the use of radios in the classroom.
They were exposed to a broader range of perspectives and had greater access to
information. While educational broadcasts began as simple listening exercises, they
evolved into an interactive experience in which students interacted with the knowledge in
several ways.

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