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Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183

The first high-resolution gravimetric geoid for Argentina: GAR

V. Corchete a,∗ , M.C. Pacino b
a Higher Polytechnic School, University of Almeria, 04120 Almeria, Spain
b Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingenierı́a y Agrimensura, University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina
Received 27 June 2006; received in revised form 22 January 2007; accepted 31 January 2007

This paper describes the new geoid model for Argentina. As only very few geoid solutions are published for South America, any
new geoid model could be considered very important. As expected the obtained geoid solution have better accuracy and reliability,
than the global EIGEN-GL04C model, which was derived recently with the most advanced techniques and the best database available
up to 2006. The computation method was the Stokes integral in convolution form, which is proved as an efficient tool to reach
the expected objective. The terrain corrections have been computed from a digital terrain model based on the SRTM (Shuttler
Radar Topography Mission) 90M database. These corrections were used to obtain the residual anomalies from the gridded gravity
anomalies. The indirect effect has been also taken into account. The new geoid model is obtained on a regular 1.5 × 1.5 grid in the
GRS80 reference system, covering Argentina and the surrounding area, from −56◦ to −21◦ of latitude and from −75◦ to −53◦ of
longitude. This gravimetric geoid and the EIGEN-GL04C model are compared to geoid undulations derived at 393 GPS/levelling
points, located at the study area. As it is expected, the new geoid shows a better fit at the 393 validation points than the global geoid
model. The new gravimetric geoid solution could be very important for engineering purposes to provide an improved reference
surface may be used in connection with GPS measurements and altimetric observations, as well as for geophysical purposes.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gravity; Geoid; FFT; GPS/levelling; Argentina; South America

1. Introduction et al. (2006) have shown, the global geoid models can
fail in regions with high mountains, where a gravimet-
Due to the lack of reliable gravity data there are ric geoid based on local data can be more reliable. Our
only few studies discussing and treating the detailed target was to compute an improved gravimetric covering
geoid over Argentina and the surrounding area. However, Argentina. This new geoid solution completely covers
the new gravity satellite missions provide new global Argentina, extends from −56◦ to −21◦ of latitude and
solutions that allow modelling the long and medium from −75◦ to −53◦ of longitude (extended to 35◦ × 22◦ ).
wavelengths of the Earth’s gravity field. Such models as The new geoid model is available in the GRS80 refer-
the EIGEN-GL04C solution represents a major advance ence system, on a 1401 × 881 regular grid with a mesh
in the geodesy, as they are incorporating the best quality size of 1.5 × 1.5 . This solution will be a first step in the
data available for the whole Earth. However as Corchete computation of a gravimetric geoid for the South Ameri-
can continent, if more gravity data were available. At the
computation we used the Stokes integral in convolution
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +34 950 015477. form (Haagmans et al., 1993). The required terrain cor-
E-mail address: (V. Corchete). rections were also applied to obtain the residual gravity

0031-9201/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
178 V. Corchete, M.C. Pacino / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183

anomalies. The corresponding indirect effect was also amount of gravity measurements. Most of this infor-
taken into account (Schwarz et al., 1990; Sideris, 1990). mation has been added to the database, after a careful
The estimated Geoid of ARgentina (GAR), was com- verification process.
pared to the EIGEN-GL04C geoid model to demostrate The whole dataset consists of 312,490 points of
the improvement in precision and reliability. free-air gravity anomalies (164,125 points in land and
148,365 points at the sea). This dataset has been checked
2. Data set to delete the repeated points letting 231,808 points.
All the data have been converted into the GRS80 ref-
In order to get an accurate and detailed gravimetric erence system, where the atmospheric correction has
geoid solution complete data sets of: (1) free-air gravity been applied (Wichiencharoen, 1982; Kuroishi, 1995).
anomalies; (2) a geopotential model; (3) a high precision In Fig. 1a the final gravity data distribution for the study
DTM; (4) GPS/levelling data for geoid testing are nec- area (231,808 points) is shown.
essary. The detailed description of data sets used for the
computation of the GAR geoid is given below. 2.2. Geopotential model

2.1. Land and marine gravity data bank The EIGEN-GL04C model (Förste et al., 2006)
is an upgrade of the EIGEN-CG03C model (Förste
This data are provided by the National Geophysical et al., 2005). This model is a combination of the
Data Center (NGDC), the Bureau Gravimetrique Inter- GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)
national (BGI) and the Gravity databank of Argentina. and LAGEOS (LAser GEOdynamics Satellite) mission
NGDC contributed a data set consisting of 109,145 solution adding a 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ gravimetry and altimetry
points (23,945 terrestrial and 85,200 sea-gravity points), surface data. The surface data are identical to EIGEN-
the BGI data set in the study area has 78,447 points CG03C set except of the geoid undulations over the
(15,282 terrestrial and 63,165 sea-gravity points) and the oceans. The EIGEN-GL04C geopotential model repre-
Argentina database provides 1248,98 terrestrial points. sents a major advance in the modelling of the Earth’s
The accuracy of the BGI and NGDC data ranges from gravity and geoid. Therefore this geopotential model
0.1 to 0.2 mgal. must be considered for the computation of the long wave
The Argentina database is formed of data points contribution to the geoid and the gravity anomaly, when
acquired from different sources. Gravity surveys have we wish to obtain a high-precision geoid in the study
been carried out in Argentina over the last century area.
by Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM), national and
international academic institutions and oil and mining 2.3. Digital terrain model (DTM)
companies. In 2002 IGM finished the tasks related to the
measurements of the national levelling network, coin- Any gravimetric geoid computation based on the
cident with the first order national gravity network. It Stokes’s integral must use anomalies that have been
consists of 370 levelling lines with 16,320 benchmarks, reduced to the geoid, usually by means of the Helmert’s
and 225 network nodes. Almost each benchmark in the second method of condensation (Heiskanen and Moritz,
network have geocentric coordinates. Their accuracy 1967). This involves the computation of the terrain cor-
however varies from a few centimeters for the most rection and the indirect effect on the geoid, which are
recent ones determined by GPS, up to some meters in computed from a DTM. A DTM is also necessary to
the case of those coming from topographic maps, a usual compute the RTM reduction for the point anomalies in
procedure in older days. Most of the gravity values in order to obtain smooth gravity anomalies, which are
the network were originally referred to the old Potsdam more easily gridded. At the present study a gridded
datum but today they have been converted to IGSN71 topography with a mesh size of 3 × 3 (approximately
through the application of a shift of −14.93 mgal to 90 m × 90 m) from SRTM 90M was applied. The Shut-
the measured values. This conversion formula has been tle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data
tested on more than 800 points that have been mea- is the most complete high-resolution digital topographic
surements on both systems and give a mean difference database of Earth. Unfortunately, bathymetry with the
of 0.2 mgal. Apart from the measuring methodology same resolution as the topography is not available. This is
and instrumentation, the overall accuracy for the grav- a problem that causes lost of precision in the RTM marine
ity measurements is better than 0.5 mgal. At the same correction, because it introduces errors in the smoothing
time, academic and research institutions performed large of the gravity anomalies (Corchete et al., 2005). To min-
V. Corchete, M.C. Pacino / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183 179

Fig. 1. (a) Geographical distribution of the gravity data over the study area (231,808 free-air gravity anomalies). (b) Geographical distribution of
the 393 GPS/levelling points used as control data set (triangles).

imize this problem the data window was selected so to estimated accuracy of the geoidal heights after transfor-
include marine data as minor as possible. Thus, the study mations is about 3–7 cm.
area was fitted to the coastline of South America as much
as possible (Fig. 1b). The bathymetry data has been grid-
3. Methodology and processing
ded from the bathymetry data available from ETOPO2
onto a grid with the same 3 × 3 mesh size as the SRTM
In this study, the computation method described in
90M grid. The gridding has been done using the Krig-
detail by Corchete et al. (2005) for the calculation of
ing method with the same software package as for the
a gravimetric geoid was followed. Here only a brief
interpolation of the gravity data. Finally, the bathymetry
review of the principal concepts of this methodology is
grid was added to the gridded topography from SRTM
90M, supplied a new elevation model for the whole study
region with a 3 × 3 spacing.
3.1. Gravity data gridding
2.4. GPS/levelling points used as a control data set
Since the gravity data set consists of point data
A total of 393 GPS/levelling points, shown in Fig. 1b, anomalies distributed randomly, an interpolation pro-
were used for the evaluation and validation of the gravi- cess should be applied to obtain a regular data grid.
metric geoid. The validation data set was created by the Before the interpolation, it is very suitable to remove
staff of the IGM and several cadastral agencies. The the short-wavelength effects that appear in the grav-
levelling network of Argentina was originally referred ity anomaly field, associated to the short-wavelength
to the mean sea level by the tide gauge located at Mar topography. This correction, called RTM correction
del Plata city. In this sense, the orthometric height must (Forsberg and Tscherning, 1997), should be applied
be considered as referred to the mean sea level. How- to obtain a smooth gravity anomaly field, more suit-
ever, no geopotential corrections were applied to the able for gridding. Usually, this correction is applied
levelling measurements (Perdomo et al., 1999). GPS together with a long-wavelength correction obtained
data were measured by several institutions and referred from a global geopotential model as EIGEN-GL04C.
to different geodetic frame. For this study, all the data Thus, a set of point anomalies completely smoothed
was re-aligned to ITRF94. This adjustment introduced relative to EIGEN-GL04C and easy to grid could be
very small corrections to the original coordinates. The obtained.
180 V. Corchete, M.C. Pacino / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183

These smooth anomalies are determined by the well- 3.2. Geoid computation
known relationship
The GAR geoid has been computed by the classical
pts pts pts
gred = gfree − 2πkρ(h − href )pts + cpts − gGM remove-restore technique.
Following this method, the geoid model is obtained
by the sum of three terms
where the superscript pts denotes each point randomly N = N1 + N2 + N3 (3)
distributed over the study area, gfree is the free-air
gravity anomaly, k the Newton’s gravitational constant, where N1 is the long-wave field contribution, N2 is the
ρ the density of the topography (2.67 g/cm3 ) for the contribution of the indirect effect (obtained from the ele-
RTM correction on land or the density of the topog- vations model) and N3 is the short-wave contribution
raphy minus seawater density (2.67–1.03 = 1.64 g/cm3 ) obtained from the gravity anomalies over the study area
for marine RTM, h is the elevation, h denotes the ele- reduced to the geoid (following the Helmert’s second
vation of the reference surface (this reference surface method of condensation).
is obtained by applying of a 2D low-pass filter with a The first term N1 , the global field contribution to the
resolution of 60 , to the elevations field), c is the ter- geoid undulation, can be computed from a spherical har-
rain correction computed for land and marine points, and monic expansion by Heiskanen and Moritz (1967) and
gGM is the gravity anomaly computed from the geopo- Corchete et al. (2005). Fig. 2a shows the results obtained
tential model EIGEN-GL04C. In Eq. (1), c is computed by application of such spherical harmonic expansion,
by means of a classical integration formula as described to the grid points of the study area. The second term
by Torge (1989). For this computation, it has been con- N2 , the indirect effect of Helmert’s second method of
sidered a density for the topographic masses of 2.67 condensation reduction on the geoid, consists of two
and 1.03 g/cm3 for seawater. Terrain correction has been terms in planar approximation (Sideris, 1990). This pla-
computed to a radius of 0.75◦ (83 km approximately) nar approximation can be easily written in convolution
from the point considered. form (Schwarz et al., 1990) and computed by a FFT pro-
After this smoothing procedure, some erroneous val- cedure, obtaining the result showed in Fig. 2b. The third
ues could be detected. These erroneous values are term N3 , the contribution of the residual gravity, can be
associated to bad gravity data points. To avoid the inclu- obtained by means of the Stokes integral (Heiskanen and
sion of these bad data in the computation process, the Moritz, 1967) written in convolution form by using 1D
gravity anomalies given by (1) greater than 75 mgal were FFT (Haagmans et al., 1993). The result of this integra-
removed. Thus, 4224 points from the total data set (con- tion procedure is shown in Fig. 2c.
sisting of 231,808 points) were removed, letting 227,584 Thus, the gravimetric geoid solution GAR is reached
points for the interpolation in a regular grid. This regular by the sum of all previously described terms according to
grid has been obtained by using of Kriging-based rou- (3). This geoid with a mesh size of 1.5 × 1.5 (extended
tines which are a part of OriginLab software package (© 35◦ × 22◦ over the study area), is shown in Fig. 2d. The
1991–2003 OriginLab Corporation). The gridded data important indirect effect appears clearly in some con-
are distributed over the study area from −56◦ to −21◦ of tours plotted in Fig. 2d, being the contour lines rugged
latitude and from −75◦ to −53◦ of longitude (extended in areas with high mountains (in the area of the Andes
to 35◦ × 22◦ ), in a 1401 × 881 regular grid with a mesh Mountains). This new model and a simple FORTRAN
size of 1.5 × 1.5 and 1,234,281 points. program for PC can be obtained from the internet address
Finally, RTM must be restored in the gridded anoma- english.htm. The computer
lies to obtain the true free-air anomalies relative to program allows the computation of the geoid height
EIGEN-GL04C. This RTM effect can be restored by (using this geoid model) in any point over the study area
shown in Fig. 2d.
grid grid
gfree = gred + 2πkρ(h − href )grid − cgrid (2)
3.3. Geoid validation
where the superscript grid denotes each point of the
regular grid considered (1401 × 881 = 1,234,281 points), The differences between the geoid heights predicted
gfree is the free-air gravity anomaly, gred is the gravity for the geoids shown in Fig. 2a and d, and the geoid
anomaly reduced by (1) and gridded. It should be noted heights corresponding to the 393 validation points
that 2πkρ(h − href ) and c are computed in the same way (shown in Fig. 1b), have been computed. The statistics
above described, but now over a regular grid of points. of these differences is shown in Table 1. The new geoid
V. Corchete, M.C. Pacino / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183 181

Fig. 2. (a) The EIGEN-GL04C geoid model computed for the study area. The contour interval is 5.0 m. (b) The indirect effect on the geoid (plotted
positive). Values above 4 m are shown with black colour (the grey scale is non-linear). (c) Residual geoid undulation. (d) The Geoid of ARgentina
(GAR) obtained as a sum of the terms given by formula (3). The contour interval is 5.0 m.

Fig. 3. (a) Error map obtained for the model EIGEN-GL04C. (b) Error map obtained for the gravimetric geoid GAR. The contour interval is 0.05 m
for both maps.
182 V. Corchete, M.C. Pacino / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (2007) 177–183

Table 1 better accuracy than any previous geoid solutions in the

Statistics of the differences between the geoid heights predicted by the South American continent. This new model will allow
geoids shown in Fig. 2a and d, and the geoid heights corresponding to
the 393 validation points (shown in Fig. 1b)
orthometric height determination with GPS in the moun-
tains and remote areas, where levelling has many logistic
Differences Mean (m) S.D. (m) problems. Furthermore, this new model can be interest-
GAR-N −0.009 0.207 ing for geophysical purposes as well, because it may
EIGEN-N −0.257 0.291 provide a constraint for density distribution and thermal
N = geoid height obtained by GPS/levelling, EIGEN = EIGEN-GL04C state of the lithosphere.
GAR shows an improvement in precision and reliability,
The authors are grateful to the National Geophysi-
fitting the geoidal heights determined for the 393 valida-
cal Data Center (NGDC) and the Bureau Gravimetrique
tion points, better than the global geoid. The differences
International (BGI) for providing the gravity data used
between the geoid heights predicted by the EIGEN-
in this study. David Dater, Dan Metzger and Allen
GL04C and GAR models (for the 393 validation points)
Hittelman (U.S. Department of Commerce, National
and the observed values obtained by GPS/levelling, have
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) have com-
been interpolated to make the error maps shown in Fig. 3.
piled the NGDC gravity data set. NGDC and the United
These error maps show the improvement in precision
States Geological Survey (USGS) have supplied the
attained by the GAR model respect to the global model,
elevation data required to compute the necessary ter-
in the major part of the study area. Nevertheless, the trend
rain corrections, through the databases: ETOPO2 and
to increase the error of the GAR model (Fig. 3b), in the
SRTM 90M (available by FTP internet protocol). The
areas with more scarcity of gravity data (Fig. 1a), clearly
authors are also grateful to GETECH, University of
indicates that more gravity measurements are necessary
Leeds (U.K.), Instituto Geográfico Militar de Argentina
in these areas to get a geoid with a similar high precision
and several cadastral agencies; for providing the gravity
for the whole study area.
data and the GPS/levelling data used for validation of
the geoid obtained. The authors wish to thank Dr. Alexis
4. Conclusions Cede for help in the translation of the manuscript. The
Dirección General de Investigación, MCT, Spain, Project
The computation methods based on the FFT analysis, BTE2003-00974 (financed with FEDER funds) and The
have allowed the calculation of a new gravimetric geoid Agencia Nacional de Promoción Cientı́fica y Técnica
for Argentina and the surrounding area, which is a major de Argentina (PICT 7.15163); supported this research
advance in the modelling of the geoid in South America. partially.
The gravimetric geoid determination has been carried
out by means of the Stokes integral in convolution form. References
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